#; thaly recommends songs 2020
hartbeating · 4 years
Send me a ♫ and I’ll give you a song that reminds me of your muse.
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edxnian-a · 4 years
But for real, imagine if you would--how it must feel to be Raphael who has lost so much, who has left so much behind, who has so many regrets that there’s times they are all that his mind can grasp. How much does he wish he could change? How often has he hurt someone, wished he could take something back--wish he could go back in time to change things, swap places?
...if he only could...
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kychchc · 4 years
♫ + tseng
Tseng has always struck me as being austere, cold minimalism layered over deep waters that most cannot see into... but those that can are witness to undercurrents of emotion that surprises and startles in its strength. That’s the feeling this song gives me, and the guitar solo near the end of the song is just--it’s him, and I hope you agree.
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ochcko · 5 years
♫ !!!
Another easy one--because this just epitomizes the undercurrent that is Kirishima’s background, his feelings and how he spent so long doubting, so long feeling inadequate until he just couldn’t take it anymore. Those insecurities are his albatross and, in the name of getting rid of it? He’ll throw the first punch.
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edxnian-a · 4 years
♫ !!!!!
This song right here... at first listen, it sounds upbeat, happy even. If you listen to the lyrics, though, it’s ominous as fuck especially if you consider the line ‘The only thing I need is time to change your mind.’ To me, this is Frost at her threatening best, trying to reconcile how she felt like the shadow that was left behind by the Lin Kuei while deciding if the person she’s with lives or dies--or becomes something more, like herself. She’s almost trying to convince the other to do it willingly because ‘tonight is forever’. Eerie shit, and I love it.
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edxnian-a · 4 years
♫ and ♫ [ for Fujin and Cassie ! ]
Fujin first, and this one was a bit of a challenge because I’m not gonna lie--I was tempted to go ‘Wind of Change’ by Scorpions and be done with it--but then I remembered the existence of Ghost and had an ‘AHA!’ moment. Fujin comes across as being far more playful than Raiden, and I could see the rapscallion dancing with the breeze... and any disciples that happen to be nearby, if such things still exist. There’s a bittersweetness to it, though, since mortals are so short-lived in comparison. Still, though, those moments are to be enjoyed, savored--be bewitched by.
Cassie, on the other hand, was instant. This entire song is her from the first line about burning down Neverland to how they lied when they said that the good die young? Ohh yeah. Add the energetic beat and the in-your-face guitar solo and you cannot tell me that this song is her to an absolute T. Godspeed to all you’re after, Cassie. Godspeed to all you’re after.
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hartbeating · 4 years
...on the other hand, most of what I pick for Roche is upbeat, centered upon his love of speed and unwillingness to be tied down. Our RP involving LOVELESS, though, brought this song to mind in regards to him, and it hasn’t let me go since. The flowery language, the hunt for vengeance to let agony unwind--it’s just so Roche to me, and I hope you agree.
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hartbeating · 4 years
[Cloud] ♫
Most of what reminds me of Cloud is depressing music, so I gave myself the challenge of finding a song that wasn’t--and that brings me to this track. This song follows Cloud’s journey into being able to dream again and being the powerhouse he was meant to be--the powerhouse who ultimately saves the world.
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hartbeating · 4 years
@ask-reeve-tuesti asks ‘ ♫ (<3) ’
I think it’s a testament to how much I--and Scarlet, ahem--love Reeve that, even after all these years, I can still find new songs for my second favorite executive. Anyway, I’m thinking this particular track because if anyone has proven that they can emerge from the darkest night and find a bright day ahead, it’s Reeve. The poor man’s gone through a lot, and the fact that he becomes a leader for a hopeful future is reflected well here, I think.
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hartbeating · 4 years
@fabricatedsoldier asked ‘ ♫ ‘
This was another instant one, TBH. The feeling of isolation, of being trapped with the demons and doubts and fears like you’re in a car underwater with time to kill is... yeah, it’s a powerful Cloud moment for sure. How often is he trapped in his own mind? How often does he feel helpless? It’s just--it’s him.
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hartbeating · 4 years
@philosphcal asks ‘ ♫ ‘
If ever a song was written that fits Johnny and the potential I hope the canon gives him, it’s this one. So many people tell him he’s nothing special, that he should shut up and stay out of the way--but what drives him to continue is that he won’t give up on anyone, least of all himself. Even if no one else sees it, he is special, he is worthwhile... and as long as someone, anyone believes? He won’t stop for anything, even in some cases where he should.
...and just because, you get a bonus pick because if ever there was a song to define how Johnny feels about Tifa, it’s this one. I specifically went with this cover because it just--better conveys that feeling of longing.
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hartbeating · 4 years
Gimmie 1 for rin and one for seifer. missed u xoxo
Aw, missed u too Sayj--! ♥ But lessee here...
Rinoa first, and hers came to me when I remembered part of the chorus-- ‘it’s a small world ‘til it’s on your shoulders’. While she never really loses all of that carefree sort of feeling when she awakens to being a sorceress, what she goes through... it drastically changes her all the same, and the weight of her responsibility is a heavy burden to bear indeed.
And Seifer’s was dead fucking simple for me, TBH. In fact, the first time I heard this song, I immediately associated it with him. Seifer is one of my favorite villains out of all the Final Fantasy games--a fun fact I’m not sure you know!--and so he’s got a mini-playlist all his own in my head. This song goes on it because of the conviction of ‘because faith. is. mine.’ just slams into your head, right between the eyes as he watches you fall.
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edxnian-a · 4 years
🎵 for Iris 🎵 for Takeda
Iris first, and this one might seem a little too on the nose if you just look at the title? But the themes here--about being brave enough and strong enough to become the fire and rise above--very much fit Iris, especially when you take into account all that she has become. She became her own fucking hero, and she’s not about to forget it anytime soon... or let anyone else think otherwise, either. (Besides, Lzzy Hale is bae. Just--bae.)
And for Takeda, I had to go with this banger right here. To me, his character arc embodies the idea of how change is possible and anything is possible as long as you want it bad enough. He completely transforms his life, going from a timid boy to a badass member of the Shirai Ryu that faces every challenge head-on. I can also see him headbanging a little to himself as he trains to this song--he just feels like he’d be a Nothing More fan.
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hartbeating · 4 years
@hercbled asks ‘ ♫ ‘
Okay, so I think most of the Foo Fighters’ discography is Zack in one way or another--but this song right here is one of the best examples. Everyone having their chains to break, being born to resist or be abused... and of course the chorus because for a long time, it feels like Zack’s best is being forcibly taken from him. As the song progresses, though, he reclaims that ability to choose to give his best, and that pivotal point just screams Zack to me.
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hartbeating · 4 years
@inanisvitae asks ‘ ♫ ‘
This was instant--and I think it fits your post-Jenova Sephiroth in particular. From the melancholic tone to the yearning for change to the rest of the lyrics basically embodying what I think he is... I mean come on, the chorus ends with “I’m only the monster you made me.” HOW MORE PERFECT CAN IT GET?!
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hartbeating · 4 years
@fistsfromhell asks ‘ ♫ ‘
This one was instant. Zell is a firebrand, but he’s had to hold in a lot, hasn’t he? Had to swallow a lot of pain, a lot of wrong--a lot of trying to keep it all in until the day came where he couldn’t do it anymore, and so the first punch was thrown, and he hasn’t stopped swinging since.
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