#;;💨.harmoni answers
sovaghoul · 8 months
For my Ghesties, some of this will sound familiar. But one of the reasons I connect with Ghost so strongly is because of this.
Wiccans call upon the powers of the Elements in ritual and other Magickal work. Across the board, the four classical Western Elements are included, those being Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, usually placed in the North, East, South, and West, respectively (though Mike Nichols at Witches Sabbats makes an interesting argument for Air in the North). The Elements as a group are sometimes called the Quarters, as the space between each is one quarter of the ritual space. Other terms can include "the Corners" or simply "Directions."
Each Element has many common associations, although some may differ between individual, Coven, and Tradition.
⛰️ Earth - North - Physical, material, financial, and also sometimes spiritual concerns. Tarot Suit of Pentacles. Represented in ritual by salt and the pentacle. Associated with Winter, transitions, and a pause in activity. Often assigned the color green. Magickally tied to land animals (generally mammals), herbs, and stones/crystals.
💨 Air - East - Mental, intellectual, communication, and travel concerns. Tarot Suit of Swords (usually). Represented in ritual by incense and the athame. Associated with Spring, beginnings, and birth. Often assigned the color yellow. Magickally tied to incense, birds, and feathers.
🔥 Fire - South - Passionate, ambitious, dynamic, and at times lustful concerns. Tarot Suit of Wands (usually). Represented in ritual by candles and the wand. Associated with Summer, action, and life. Often assigned the color red. Magickally tied to lizards and other reptiles, candles, and other flame sources.
🌊 Water - West - Emotional and spiritual concerns. Tarot Suit of Cups. Represented in ritual by water, the cup and the cauldron. Associated with Autumn, endings, and death. Often assigned the color blue. Magickally tied to marine life, water in any form it can take, and bodies of water in Nature.
Some of the time, a fifth Element is included:
🔮 Spirit - Center - Sometimes also called Akasha or the Æther. Any spiritual and Otherworldly concerns. Sometimes associated with the Major Arcana in Tarot. Can be expressed by the adage from Hermes Trismegistus, "As Above so Below, As Without so Within, As the Universe so the Soul."
The most common color association for Spirit is purple, but I personally prefer silver. It is said by some that Spirit is the combination and perfect balance and harmony of all the other Elements. If that is so, then what are all colors mixed together? Well, first we must decide if we’re talking about light, or pigment. If light, then the answer is white. If pigment, it is black. This is yet another duality, and as discussed before, Wicca is non-dualistic. So, if we combine black and white, the result is grey, or perhaps silver. This makes more sense to me than purple, which is red and blue, and while it can be said to be a blend of masculine and feminine energies, to me it then excludes the other colors in the spectrum, not to mention the other dualities (light/dark, life/death, etc.) that the Divine encompasses, and additionally reinforces the gender binary and heteronormativity.
In ritual, the Elements are each called in turn to watch over and lend strength to the workings that will be performed (it should be noted that the most common places to begin calling the Elements are North and East, and there are compelling reasons for both). Often, physical representations of the Elements are present on the altar or at the edges of the ritual space in the appropriate direction. It is also very important to directly dismiss or banish the Elements at the end of ritual. A phrase sometimes used is, “Stay if you will, go if you must,” but that can invite distaster; imagine the unchecked power of Fire hanging about!
There is a bit more to discuss in relation to the Elements, but as that relates more directly to Tools and Ritual, I am saving it for those posts.
Next post: Roles
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balancedearthylioness · 11 months
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09|22|23 ( late post)
A representation of personal growth, self-discovery, and transformation. It reflects the universal human experience of facing challeng, overcoming obstacles, and evolving as individuals. By understanding and embracing this narrative pattern, we can gain insights into our own lives and journeys, finding inspiration and empowerment in the hero within ourselves. *Out of 10 cards to pull, I pulled two oracle and 8 tarot.
🌙 Tarot Deck: DC Comics 🦸🏽‍♂️
🔮 Oracle Deck: Believe in your own magic
**🃏 Cards Pulled 🃏**
Dear Self,
I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and self, where prioritizing my own well-being became my guiding principle. 🌟 This adventure called me to walk my own path, even if it meant standing alone. 💪 I'm embracing this journey of self-love and reflection, making myself a priority. 🌸💕
Along this path, I received supernatural aid in the form of the 4 of Swords. ⚔️✨ It granted me the gift of resting and reflecting, allowing me to gain clarity and rejuvenation. 🧘‍♀️ Jupiter's influence expanded my personal growth, helping me find balance and harmony in my relationships and identity. 🌈
As I crossed the threshold, the Ace of Pentacles presented itself, offering new beginnings and fortune in my material world. 🌱💰 It encouraged me to transform my relationship with my home and finances, inviting stability and abundance into my life. 💫
On this journey, I discovered allies in the form of the 3 of Pentacles. 🤝🌟 This card reminded me of the power of teamwork and collaboration. I learned to seek guidance from others, understanding that their wisdom and support would help me overcome any challenges I faced. I embraced the idea of lifelong learning. 📚✨
Approaching the innermost cave, I embodied the energy of the Queen of Swords. 👑💨 She taught me the importance of logic, clear communication, and independence. I learned to embrace my inner strength and wisdom, navigating my journey with grace and assertiveness. 💪✨
In this moment of self-reflection, I realize that the ordeal I face is symbolized by the Queen of Cups. 🌊👑 She appears as a reminder to connect with my emotions and intuition, diving deep into the depths of my inner world. Through her guidance, I learn to nurture my emotional well-being, finding balance between my heart and mind. 💕✨
To overcome this ordeal, the Oracle card reveals the message of "Self-Care". It emphasizes the importance of taking care of myself holistically - physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. 🌿💖 This card encourages me to prioritize self-care practices such as mindfulness, meditation, journaling, and engaging in activities that bring me joy. By nurturing myself, I can restore my energy and find the strength to face any challenges that come my way. ✨🌻
Shadow work also plays a significant role in my journey towards self-discovery and healing. The Shadow card reminds me to explore the hidden aspects of myself, the parts that I may have repressed or denied. By shining a light on these shadows, I can integrate and transform them, leading to personal growth and enlightenment. 🔦💫
Note to Self: dear Self, that the messages from the tarot and oracle cards are not meant to predict your future or give definitive answers. They serve as tools for self-reflection and insight, guiding you on your path towards self-improvement and empowerment. You possess the power to shape your own destiny through your choices and actions. ✨✨
As you continue your journey of self-love and exploration, embrace the lessons and wisdom provided by the cards. They are here to support you, encourage you, and remind you of your inner strength. Trust yourself and follow your intuition, for you hold the key to unlock the infinite possibilities that lie within you. 🗝️💫
Take care, 𝓔𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓱𝔂𝓛𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓼, and may your journey be filled with love, growth, and self-discovery. 🌹💖
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pinkmirth · 3 years
(Feel free to delete if this ask if it makes ya uncomfortable) Top 5-10 yakuza characters you would fuck. Readyyy go!! Feel free to explain your choices and why if you want but you don't got to.
(1) Kiryu Kazuma’s at number one because I’m madly in love with him. He’s my favorite character in the entire series for a multitude of reasons (mainly his personality, he’s so empathetic and open minded!) Plus, he’s in his forties yet he still looks so hot? This man ages like fine wine. He looks intimidating in a very sexy way <3 oh and! he has man titties :)
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(2) Tachibana Tetsu!!! He’s kinda underrated since he was only in one game (Yakuza 0) but I absolutely adore him. He’s so formal and put together. He has this sense of confidence that makes me melt. plus think his beauty marks are just so pretty! AND HES RICH <3
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(3) Nishikiyama Akira! He’s my baby. I love him and would protect him from the big bad world if I could. I prefer Nishiki in Y0 (he’s so sweet ‘n loyal. such a pretty boy) But there’s somethin’ about Kiwami Nishiki that makes me quiver 😩 the slicked back hair was such a statement! And those little smirks he’d make throughout the game? I just moaned and fainted. Free me from the shackles of bad boy Nishiki </3
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(4) Goda Ryuji. Okay, I know hes an antagonist, but lemme explain. He’s attractive in a villainy way. Everytime this shitbag comes on screen, his deep voice makes me do fucking backflips. I’d definitely let him take me to bed, no questions asked (I’m ashamed 😭) plus, he’s got a good sense of moral judgement for a bad guy, and I wanna kiss him on the lips for it. I despised his sideburns at first, now I think he makes it work >:)
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(5) Han Joon-Gi (Y6: Song of Life Version). This man quite literally screams sexual appeal. He’d beg me to fuck him, ‘cause his libido’s insanely high. I love that alluring grin of his, and oh my god he’s such a slut— walking around with a jacket and no shirt inside? Please. Joon-Gi is the whore of Jingweon. He desperately wants me to slut him out.
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pinkmirth · 3 years
nsfw vid link!
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pinkmirth · 3 years
i don't know if you've heard of or play genshin ... but i did this like a month ago so enjoy 🤷🏾
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pinkmirth · 3 years
Now whyd you have my clit doing the Harlem shake at work with this one moni. Speak up😓
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HARLEM SHAKE!?!? MISSY PLEASE 😫 the concept of men in skirts is just so hot, it gives the wearer such a pretty and feminine appearance! and eren would look so fucking cute in a skirt, no doubt <3
link, if you wanna check it out!
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pinkmirth · 3 years
this is what we all sound like
toji’s the finest fucking deadbeat I’ve ever laid my eyes on 🙄 ik I’m insulting him, but if he were to tell me to do something, u know imma do it
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pinkmirth · 3 years
MONI how are you doing queen 😍😍😍😍
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JEAN PLEASBSHAAKX 😭🖐🏾 ALY, MY LOVE!!! IM DOIN’ SO MUCH BETTER NOW THAT YOU’VE DROPPED BY :) got me smiling at my phone and shit 💕
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pinkmirth · 3 years
You got off of your nsfw account ban :)
heyy nova! ❤️ yeah, I’m finally outta horny jail!!! 😭
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pinkmirth · 3 years
your themes without fail always look so damn expensive
grey I’m flattered 😫 ty! I’m gonna make a new theme sooner or later ;)
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pinkmirth · 3 years
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pinkmirth · 3 years
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pinkmirth · 3 years
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hi love <33 i hope u have a great day!!
hii bean 💕! thank you for dropping by, fren :)
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pinkmirth · 3 years
moni waittt is your boyfriend chinese?
im not sure just asking since you said hes teaching you mandarin
hii nonnie! yes, my bf is both chinese and black :)
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pinkmirth · 3 years
that biphobic anon ask to you came across my dash and 😤😤😤 I'm sorry you are experiencing this AND that they feel entitled to tell you about yourself !!! im sure you already know this but I want to affirm:
your bisexuality and what you choose is beautiful, yours, and not here for anyone to dissect.
I hope you have a great rest of your day and do something that brings a smile to your face 💕
please enjoy this pizza heart
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hi, love! thank you sm for your kind and supportive words! It’s crazy how people think that they can debate about who you are 😮💨 bisexuality will always be valid, despite what anyone says.
and ty for the pizza 😩!
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pinkmirth · 3 years
Can I just say how much I've seen you grow into your own writing style in the last few months since I found your blog??? like, it's so clear that you've gotten better and found your voice in your writing. It's v distinctively yours!!
nanami also has me in a chokehold rn like i'm deadass at work and just 👁👁 at the desks LMFAO
this is one of the sweetest feedbacks I’ve gotten abt my writing, and now I’m beginning to feel much more confident with my writing style!
btw, I’m so glad to know you liked my nanami fic :) it was my first jjk piece so hearing this is motivating me to write some more!
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