#ty for the ask nonnie!
cookie-crumblr · 3 months
Would they be angry if their darling would be going to therapy? Even if it's something that might seem dumb?
i think like a few of my oc’s would have some feelings about it …. 🙈
would be upset/distressed/angered by it:
Issac, Zachriel, Ivar, Sheila(if you don’t chose her), Enix(might come around to it), Llyr, Orion, and Winter
Would support or be indifferent to it:
Ezra, Ace, Dev.In, Alastair, Lucy, the rest of the bunny harem, if i missed any OC’s they probably go here XD
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Top 5 songs!
Top 5 anything ask game
1. Linkin Park – What I've Done
“so let mercy come and wash away what I've done.” very nostalgic. all their songs are all equally good but this one is number one in my heart!
2. OTMGirls – Aggressive Girl
I’ve always loved the OTM girls both sub and dub. it’s so catchy 👍
3. A-Ha: Take on Me
hmm amazing vibes, cool song, nostalgic!
4. Glass Animals- Heat Waves
listened to this on radio and I liked the song immediately. it undeniably slaps.
5. Imogen Heap- Hide And Seek
this song is so calming and sad. came for the MmMM what you say, stayed for the whole song.
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greensaplinggrace · 1 year
🔥 Aleksander's mommy issues and if that plays a role in his relationships
I will say until I die that aleksander's relationships with others are defined by his relationship with immortality and thus with his mother - who not only taught him everything about it, but who has also been the only consistent presence in his life for over four hundred years. this is the woman that developed an emotionally codependent and incestuous relationship with him as well as groomed him into the type of man she would wish to have a partnership with, which further defines the ways he views himself, the world, other people, and his connections to them.
all of this correlates to his many relationships, but especially his romantic one with alina. he mirrors his traumas with his mother and therefore with eternity in his dynamic with her. he is simultaneously the perpetrator and the victim. where he spent hundreds of years forgiving his mother for her abuse of him because the alternative is eternal loneliness, he expects of alina the same level of forgiveness for his actions based on that same latent despair - because he was taught at a fundamental age that a dichotomy exists in the universe, and the only way to find anything good at all - safety or happiness or connection - is to center all needs around the threat of inevitable punishment. not punishment in any physical sense, but punishment at a transcendental level.
the reason baghra did this was to groom him. the reason any parent does this (and it is especially prevalent with religion and cults) is to control their children and guide them toward the ideal path (which is always the path they themselves are on).
like most abusive relationships, baghra relies on cult tactics to develop a dynamic with her son that erodes all boundaries and erases any attempt at creating them further down the line - effectively taking ownership of his personhood and growth. she redefines his emotional associations to link them all to herself, and she even takes possession of his body in a variety of ways, until she has molded the perfect partner. one who shares all of her values and so will never leave her side - and who is entirely and completely isolated through both a lack of consistently stable connections and the lack of ability to create them.
baghra has always, after all, had her control threatened most by two things when it comes to her son: his idealism - which drives his moral compass away from her - and his desire for other connections. which means that to truly have him as a partner, she must take control of these narratives herself. so, she must destroy his ability to connect, and she must mold his morals to fit alongside her own. meaning constant and consistent contact with him and every part of his life.
similarly, we see even this reflected in aleksander's dynamic with alina. aleksander attempts to relate to her in the only way he knows how: by exerting control and by guiding her down the path he is on - by claiming to know what is best for her. in the exact same way baghra has continually tried to repossess him throughout the years by leading him down the 'best path for him' - one that she defines as redemption through inaction. one that she knows could allow her to control him again through reestablishing his existential relationship with punishment, loss, loneliness, and fear.
she seeks to do this because she needs him walking beside her again, easily pliable. because while time has furthered him from her, she is at least still in his life holding some of the reins, but nothing has threatened her grasp on her son as much as another prospective partner. one that won't harm him the way she has and one that could easily reveal exactly how much of himself he has lost to his mother in her claims about living eternally. one that could prove to be a real, stable relationship for him - unraveling all of the threads she so carefully wound.
like baghra did with him, aleksander fosters a codependent relationship with alina, because he was taught that such a relationship is the only way to survive immortality (and that this is how relationships work at all). he desires alina to be his immortal companion, in the same way his mother desired him, because he longs - probably without realizing - for a relationship that is not defined by constant abuse. but he has none of the resources to break free of the cycle of abuse, because he cannot even conceptualize that the things baghra taught him are abusive.
everything baghra taught him, he repeats to alina. every lesson about immortality, he repeats to alina. the possessiveness which defines his relationship with his mother - the ways she controls his interactions with others and isolates him completely - this he mirrors also with alina. because the only framework he possesses for a long-lasting connection is his relationship with his mother, and he is so starved for real connection that he craves it.
he craves it because baghra made him crave it. because she starved him of affection and made him reliant upon her as his sole provider for it. then she destroyed any other source he might find. she did this because she wanted to ensure he would always come back to her and forgive her. additionally, they are in the position of being entirely unique, which only further provides another tool for abuse. it is so so easy to neatly isolate someone when they are already othered completely and have no reliable means of long-term connection but you. it is so so easy to starve someone and lead them to believe they are gorging themselves when there is no other source of sustenance.
but then comes alina. who is also immortal. and who is quite capable of not only walking down aleksander's path, but having aleksander walk down hers. and alina will give aleksander the sustenance he needs. alina will give a long-lasting relationship with real happiness and affection and touch and love. alina will make him realize that the ways he tries to fulfill his cravings - the ways baghra taught him - are wrong.
which brings the situation to the plot.
alina's moral conflict is falsely dichotomized into two things:
a) kill the 'monster' and believe the true social issues that caused it can be solved through inaction.
or b) give in to the latent 'evil' that comes with being grisha, reveling in power, greed, and selfishness.
baghra as the author's mouthpiece supports the former, which means alina's 'enlightenment' must eventually follow this path - for the true moral message to be conveyed. and this path leads her away from the darkling. thus, it is inevitable within such a narrative that she would have to do so.
however, contextually, baghra's actions when putting alina on this path are those of an abuser losing control of their victim. while she operates within a narrative role, she acts in a way that is easily identifiable. the very specific way in which baghra confronts aleksander's relationships with others in both the books and the show (especially his relationship with alina) is that of someone who wishes to remove outside influences from the perfectly tailored environment of their victim. if alina begins to trust aleksander and start a relationship with him, then this environment will be disrupted - possibly destroyed - and he will be removed from baghra's influence forever. baghra, as an eternally lonely person, cannot let this happen.
but she has a new way of living, now. one that her son rejects, because he is finally trying to become his own person and create his own path. so, she molds alina into exactly what she is and ties alina to her completely, effectively ruining her son's chances for any connection outside of her ever again. not only that, but she severs any future attempts at connection between them by taking control of the narrative about aleksander. meaning alina will defer to baghra about him, about morals, about what paths to walk and what actions to take. she will defer to her about anything that leads in aleksander's direction, because she must 1) do so for narrative purposes (and baghra is first and foremost the narrative compass) and 2) reject all associations with his character completely.
so aleksander is now trapped in an abusive cycle with both women, and the options are either alina, who is not only his abuser’s mouthpiece, but someone who has been cut off from any attempt at a connection with him completely. or his mother, who is in many ways relying on alina's treatment of him to drive him back into her arms.
aleksander, who cannot conceivably understand why he longs for another partner, must focus on alina. but as someone who was brutally stripped of any ability to connect healthily, he can only communicate with her one way - through possession, control, fear, and manipulation. and because she now erects the same barriers baghra does and walks the same path as her- well. the pattern of abuse continues.
so yeah. I think he mimics his relationship with baghra in his other relationships. he attempts to connect in the only ways he knows how, and when he tries to move outside of the box and connect in his own way, baghra intervenes. he is a centuries old abuse victim that will literally never gain the resources or outside connections required to develop healthy relationships. and sab is lauded as a narrative on the side of abuse survivors. lmfao.
send me a 🔥 for an unpopular opinion (x)
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miyamoratsumuu · 2 months
your moots as tropes?
you unleashed the yappinator nonnie 🤙🏼 HIHI OK HERE WE GO!!
@lounaticcc what ifff childhood sweethearts!!!! those cute little pairs of kids promising to marry each other when they're older and sharing a ring pop AAAAAGH I could def see that with louise!!! just the innocence and genuineness of that trope reminds me so much of her<3
@daetko 100% childhood friends to lovers type!! I always thought of this trope as something so genuine and wholesome 🙇🏻‍♀️ talia's always super duper sweet and genuine, idk she just fits the vibe!! 🫶🏻
@rueclfer HEAR ME OUT!!!! what if bodyguard trope if that's even a thing BC LIKE every time I think of rue I instantly think of touya 😸 so if not villain, then 100% hired bodyguard/protector!!!! (protective touya ehem) OR OR ROCKSTAR ROMANCE AAAAGH I could think of so many tropes for rue actually, and most of them I don't even have a proper reason for??? they just fit like that 😋
@rinne-mio don't be mad at me, but what if playing hard to get trope 🥰🥰 I could see rin as the type to refuse affection when face to face with a suitor or what but the moment they turn their back on her she's squealing like crazy LMAOAHAHA sorry rin I mean this in the best way possible tho ily 🫶🏻 "lambingin mo naman ako" vibes sheesh I could go on and on about this one actually
@whenanafallsinlove secret relationship mayhaps?? ana seems like such a genuine lover to me and I actually don't think she'll be the type to keep a relationship a complete secret 🙏🏼 BUT you know those lowkey relationships where people would only know they're dating bc they asked the supposed couple? yep!! I could see ana in that hihi
@seumyo hear me out when I say roommates to lovers 🤲🏻🤲🏻 ESPECIALLY SINCE LIKE I saw your few latest posts about moving into your new place, and I think it fits??? I haven't actually talked to eumy much to the point that I'm more than sure with what trope to give her but I have a feeling that she's not the type to easily fall, but when given a certain amount of time to know someone I think maybe it'll work???
@sweetheartsaku say it with me HIGHSCHOOL SWEETHEARTS HIGHSCHOOL SWEETHEARTS!!!! saku's the type of lover that despite only being in highschool just might give it her all AND I'M SO SORRY IF I'M WRONG ABOUT THIS 😞😞 ALSO ALSO LIKE!! I could back up this claim with her most recent instagram story and idk!!! I just feel like saku's the type to softlaunch a highschool lover like how the layout of your latest ig story was 🙏🏼🙏🏼
@angeliicheartt I'm not too sure about this one but I think academic rivals to lovers??? OR ATLEAST LIKE rivals in one hobby to lovers 😽 elle would absolutely not give up on something she loves so easily just bc someone else came along and might be better than her at it so what if that leads to yk yk tk
@lunatiqez fake dating mayyybeee?? not completely sure about this one too, BUT HEAR ME OUT!!!! I could totally see liv in those typical plots where there's a situation where she needs to "fake date" someone to save one of their reputations or something, then eventually they fall in love ALL THAT!!! but with this one, both of them actually know they're starting to fall for each other but decide to do nothing about it!!!! bc like I said, everything they did was all just for the act of saving a public reputation
@kovu-bunnbunn I think I could see kovu in "touch my lover and see what happens" IDEK IF THAT'S A TROPE BUT STILL!!! feel like kovu would be one of those protective lovers but not in a bad way!! and I feel like their lover would do the same for them too 🤝🏻
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I know u said u didn’t know if it was a prequel to A Gilded Cage but j think it would be hilarious if it was if only because Batman is searching for us and interrogating our coworkers and its just
Coworkers:”yeah they disappeared like a week ago”
Batman:”and u mean to tell me your coworker was telling you signs that they believed they were being stalked?”
Batman:”and you ignored them”
Batman: …
Pleeease this is so funny, nonnie!! Batman is already having the worst week, and your coworkers are just not being helpful. They really ignored every warning sign.
Bruce Wayne is going to fund an awareness campaign a week later that definitely doesn't have anything to do with your case or your negligent coworkers. (It does)
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domirine · 8 months
hi I realized today that I’m slowly morphing into ur pol design complete with mullet and jean jacket
GOOD JOB (or sorry for you since idk how you feel about it)
your next mission is to rock double denim and fishnets
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thelonelyshore-if · 13 days
Id like to help Ravi at the funeral home... itd be cute I think
The idea of MC helping the ROs at their job is super cute, I agree!! I'm not sure if it's something I'll be able to implement in the game itself, though they could potential make fun bonus scenes...
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phatcatphergus · 8 months
2:35:45 for Tubbo. I went to check if the others, or at least the eggs, noticed and you can hear the damage he’s taking in the background but it’s easy to miss. Foolish and Sunny were telling Bagi and Em about the Gem, Fit and Ramon had literally walked away, and Phil was talking with Chay and Tallulah. I’m not even sure he expected them to notice, he kind of scoped out the area first and no one was looking at him and he stopped at about half health. 
Okay the thing about Tubbo is that he is genuinely so subtle with his rp that you wouldn’t even know looking at it. Like you could say he’s just glitching out bc he’s on the Chocobo and the blocks aren’t high enough, but he already went under once and the second time he purposely stayed there.
He makes me ill, I’m physically sick because no one would know. No one would know unless he told them
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seijorhi · 7 months
Rhiiii inexorable has been on my mind for so long. Arguably the best Iwa fic I have ever read. Please please get us some Iwa crumbs. I need to know more about iwa and reader 🥹🥹🥹
@iwaasfairy pls stop sending me anon asks about inexorable it's starting to get embarrassing <33 i'm kidding, i'm kidding
it probably goes without saying, but iwa is not the kind of guy to half ass things. he recognises that you probably weren't aware of the gravity in you knocking on his door for help (and maybe you might've thought twice about it if you had) but for him, that simple act solidified months of watching. waiting. you knocked, and you can't take it back.
he's killed for you. can't take that back, either.
you're his girl. not for a night, not for the next few months. his, that's it. full stop, end of fucking story. and he wasn't joking when he told you to stay – you're not going back to your apartment. hell, if it were up to iwa, you wouldn't be leaving his bed at all.
s'fine, he'll ease you into it. maybe.
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rebouks · 2 years
hi! do you have any tips for making good quality screenshots in ts4?
Hi! Let's see what I can come up with..
LIGHTING/GRAPHICS MODS Easy to use/install, lighting mods can change the look of your game drastically with little effort! I use a few:
graphicsrules override
I use this camera mod too, much less drifty...
Softerhaze makes some bomb ass lighting mods too.. I just switched from twinkle toes to sunblind and I am in LOVE - gamechanger lemme tell you.. so pretty! LOOKIT!!
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RESHADE I'm still using g-shade at the moment but after recent events, I'll probably end up switching back again when I can be arsed. The effects you can achieve with reshade presets are amazing tbh.. and it's real fun to mess around with and create your own! Tho lots of people have made awesome ones if that's a bit much for you. If your PC can't handle it all too well you can always just switch it off until it's time to take screenies as well.
COMPOSITION Kinda hard to explain but basically, composition is what's in your frame and how you line it all up. I'd recommend reading some photography guides to get the gist of the concept.. but honestly, the more you mess around the more you'll get the hang of it. I've always loved photography and sims screenies really aren't so different. If you use reshade there's even some templates for thirds/the golden ratio etc you can slap on top for practice. Personally I don't use 'em cos I prefer my own judgement (that sounds rlly obnoxious but we're rolling with it). I found a template to show you what I mean! (ngl I was stoked that the first screenie I thought of for being a good eg. almost perfectly fit into this golden ratio shit LOL) but let's keep in mind how long I scooted around to get a good shot of this.. pretty sure I deleted about 10 other failed shots of this but shhhh, it's trial and error!
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ANGLES/FOCUS The way you take a shot and how you angle it can change the whole feel of the image. For example.. in this image I tilted down and bit and filled over two thirds of the shot with the man, he's a big character and quite an intimidating guy so I think it helps get the idea across without pointing it out (at least I think so but idk I could also be talking outta my ass)
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Similarly in these two shots below.. the first with the guy on the left gives the feel that he's in control here. The "camera" is tilted above him slightly and he's all up in your face, making the woman look much smaller in comparison. BUT! If you flip around to the second image, tilt down a bit and switch the focus to her, it makes him look more insignificant and less in control. I hope this makes sense??
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EDITING/PHOTOSHOP ACTIONS ETC Personally I don't use photoshop actions but there's plenty out there to do the work for you! I think Intramoon? maybe.. has made a few but idk, you guys feel free to jump in with any suggestions! You can also smooth, fix stuff, change the mood/lighting, all sorts.. my advice on this is patchy at best tbh cos I just faff around until I see what I like lmao.. which leads me on tooooooo...
FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT Lol.. but seriously! I don't know what I'm doing. I've never taken any classes or read up on much, I always just jump in and see what happens. Fuck around with reshade, fuck around with camera mods, fuck around with composition/focus, fuck around with photoshop or gimp or w/e.. just mess about for a while and have fun! I promise you'll get better.
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rakkuntoast · 7 months
yes to everything you said and more. like man, the disrespect the female eggs always receive is baffling. Can this fandom pls be less misogynistic. one man turns out to be shitty, and they immediately take away tallulah's cognition? like why do they take this situation as an opportunity to try and shove luzu and willy as parental figures to her, with zero consideration to the fact that she has her own emotions and thoughts? idk, it just seems like it's only ever the female presenting eggs that have to deal with this bs, and i wish i could just block all the secret misogynists. also sorry if this is a bit much, i just know ur a phil main, will prob understand just how often the fem eggs (ESPECIALLY tallulah, like sometimes it feels like they just want anyone but phil to be her dad lol) get treated this way. tyy for listening :3
ANON THIS. even if I'm a phil main I dabble a lot in other circles so I kinda get some from everywhere. but god yeah the misogyny with female eggs has been such an issue since the damn first weeks, it def got worse when pomme arrived and she just kept getting called Tallulah 2.0 :(
I have an issue with people instantly assigning luzu n willy as her dad's as a "replacement" cuz idk it does feel like people are just disregarding her character arc and emotions just to justify a headcanon (I've been guilty of this before and I recognize it)
I remember seeing a clip of luzu where he read a chat message saying "please adopt Tallulah, she's lonely" which ??? we get enough with people erasing Missa as her father and diminishing Phil as her father, but saying she's alone is a whole ass different thing
idk why people keep thinking Tallulah is just a token people can just pass around ownership and still perceive her as the same egg 10 months ago like idk, it's so weird to me. she has two dads and they are recognized as her dads in canon, end of the discussion
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littleplantfreak · 2 months
whose em and why are we making room
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Em is a sweetheart friend of mine who’s at fault for me always talking about going in the hammock with ume and i insist on dragging her ass into it despite hammocks not fitting three people usually
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which-star · 3 months
Maybe you've already seen it, but just in case! I love this Silk fanart??🤩
oh I haven't, nonny, thanks for sharing!! This is so cute omg I love it <333
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greensaplinggrace · 1 year
🔥for Genya Safin? 👀
anytime anybody attributes genya's decision to remain in the grand palace entirely to the darkling, they do her character a major disservice. they erase her depth, her traumas, her agency, and some of the key, defining points of her personality, her relationship with choice, and her driving motivation. not only that, but in large part, when people "excuse" genya from this decision, they are couching their reasoning in terms of perfect victimhood and female infantilization. I have never seen an analysis of this scene pushing all of the blame onto the darkling that did not in some way shame imperfect victimhood and moral ambiguity in women.
we lose a lot of good character analysis when we refuse to engage with women's choices as their own. people like to strip them of consequences or agency in order to blame others for their actions, because to admit women are capable of being imperfect victims or people with darkness in them or people that make bad choices or unreasonable decisions - like any person would - is to engage in a level of nuance that fandom rejects. you flatten these characters into perverse caricatures and you fetishize their victimhood without accounting for the reality of such trauma, and in doing so you brush aside the ugliness of the situation and you scrape out everything that makes the victim a person and you replace it with a doll you can easily defend.
genya made a choice. it was not the darkling's choice, it was her own. what happened in this situation was a very fascinating intersection of character motivations and personalities in a situation that highlighted their greatest traits. it is baffling to me that people like to flatten this scene when it is by far the most interesting one out there - imo anything between aleksander and genya is interesting because they are so similar, but I digress.
you have two very practical and goal focused characters in the same room together. you have the darkling give a young girl an ultimatum - strike one: this is a mark against him. he should not be giving children of this age any ultimatums when they are too young to be making such decisions. but he is a general and they are his soldiers and he is a character whose motivational focus is idealistic at the rejection of the individual. he is a) practical, and b) opportunistic - so this scene is a fascinating look into these aspects of his character.
then you've got the darkling engaging with genya. he is relating to her and he is sympathizing with her. people love to mark this as either full manipulation or complete non-manipulative empathy. but realistically, it would be both. it is very likely the darkling understands what genya is going through and is very sympathetic to it. it is very likely the darkling would not push her further to remain in the grand palace if she chose otherwise. but he is practical, and he has certain goals, and he respects genya's strength of character. he is also one of the only characters fully aware of the political climate, and one of the only politically savvy characters on the side of the grisha.
genya remaining in the grand palace is the best decision, in his mind. to remove her would put the grisha on the backfoot. to remove her would put the grisha at a disadvantage in the political climate, and it would instead give the king leverage over them. she is also useful to him, because he is an opportunist, and this is the most reasonable option to him, because he is practical. so he doesn't just remove her from the situation, he gives her a choice.
genya is also practical. she is highly competent and incredibly smart. she is vengeful, she is vicious, she is ruthless, she is prideful, and she is unbelievably caring. it is fucking baffling to me that people assume she's some wilting flower that was wholly manipulated into her situation and then simply sadly endured while she wished for a better life until she could be rescued by her savior when in reality she takes an active role in her story and is the fucking symbol of quiet, ruthless, karmic resistance and righteous fury.
the decision genya makes to stay is the crux of her character. it is her defining moment. everything you can glean about her character can be directly derived from this decision that she makes. and people will just take that away from her? you're joking. let's just say she didn't choose to side with alina as well while we're at it. those scars she got were random and not the direct consequence of her own choice. those scars she has aren't symbols of her resolve and her loneliness and her compassion and the strength she must have had to spare alina knowing what the darkling would do to her. they're just there I guess - all the darkling's fault. please. I'm fucking seething.
genya has reasons for deciding to stay in the grand palace. and she remains there because she has reasons. she has internal logic and depth of character. she has a driving motive that - surprise - puts her in danger! she suffers and she is traumatized and it is because the darkling gave her an ultimatum and it is because of grisha persecution and it is because of the king's corruption and the queen's inaction. but first and foremost it is because she chose to stay. because her character - her personality - dictates it. and she is not regretful.
like you all love to make her some weeping perfect victim when she's not. you love to say she'd fold in on herself waiting for rescue when she wouldn't. you love to say she'd walk away from her goals and her motives and her care for both the individual and the masses when everything about her says otherwise. you love to make her kinder than she is, softer than she is, less practical than she is - because she is too much like the darkling in too many ways and this is simply unacceptable in this fandom. none of these female characters have depth or gray morality to you. none of these female characters have complicated relationships with their trauma and their choices to you. it's literally all just the fault of one man. and I'm sick of it.
genya fucking looked the darkling in his eyes and forgave him for what he did to her. not because she cared about him, but because she cared about herself and her recovery. in a feat of monumental strength and incredible fortitude. literally all this fandom does when they talk about her is judge the darkling. as if she doesn't at all exist beyond him. how is that in any way liberating or providing understanding for survivors like her?
send me a 🔥 for an unpopular opinion (x)
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dunmesh · 3 months
chilchuck and his wife
haha nonnie they are so very dear to me 😭 after seeing what she maybe-probably looks like in the final daydream hour i became obsessed cuz once she had a face she finally became an actual character to me yknow? i mean we don't actually know her at all but still. i can'ttttt can't can't stop thinking abt the fact she's everything he knows about love and how he knows her probably since he can remember himself. they were childhood friends who became lovers and created a family of their own and they never knew any better. so naturally they grew up together, then grew apart, and despite her leaving him 4 years ago he can't move on, if only because he never got to hear "i don't love you anymore" from her own lips. but he believes that's probably true, and i'm sure as time went by he became more and more terrified of learning that she had moved on while he was stuck in the same place. so he doesn't bother to confirm what is the truth in his eyes, but he also can't admit he is holding on to this unknown because he loves her still. he is so frustrating; we know he's a good man and a good father, and he was a good husband at some point too. but it still got all messed up and he thinks there's only one person to really blame and it's the one who's better off risking his life and drinking himself to sleep instead of facing his issues.
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After reading gilded cage, I’d probably test the notepad to see how far they’ll go to give me what I want 😭. Ask for a whole boyfriend and then be creeped out if I actually get one like ?? I’d ask for a journal with a lock but what if he has the key too ??
You know what, nonnie, asking for a boyfriend on the notepad would be very, very bold.
I'm not saying he'd take the notepad away, or that you wouldn't even have a boyfriend ready and waiting on the couch for you the next morning. I'm just saying it's very brave to request that from the Arkham Knight.
You'd get your boyfriend, but there'd be unintended consequences to it down the line.
Now, a journal with the lock? Of course, you can have that! And no, nonnie, he doesn't have a copy of the key! He doesn't need one, after all. There's no lock he hasn't been able to pick in a matter of minutes. And that cheap, flimsy little piece of metal and plastic is going to do much if he's itching to know your thoughts on your new boyfriend.
He's only trying to make your new home more comfortable. He's doing you a favor by reading your inner most thoughts, by memorizing which meals you liked. By learning how you miss your favorite pair of headphones. By discovering you secretly find solace in the way his touch has become familiar against your skin as you fall asleep.
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