#;resume life as a normal 80s teen (time)
abouttiime · 2 years
“Canonical” verses
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In May of 1986, Marty’s mind was on graduating high school and stopping the bank from selling off Doc’s things, but when the DeLorean (WASN’T IT DESTROYED BY THAT TRAIN?) shows up, Marty must go back in time to rescue his best friend from gangsters in 1931. Things don’t go according to plan…
(This verse’s timeline also includes a vague period of time after the events of the game.)
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Pre- and post-time travel respectively. The latter takes place after Marty returns to 1985 until the events of the game.
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What if he hadn't gone to 1955? Basically, a number of what-if scenarios, placing a Marty McFly brand new to time travel in various situations his poor, confused self can barely handle.
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Set in 1955, any film.
stranded in 1955 - an au for that shitty scenario in which marty doesn’t make it, you know, back to the future
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Movie-verse future (teen Marty and adult Marty)
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Set within the timeline of events in the third film.
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Seamus McFly, Marty’s great-great-grandfather. Had a brother named Martin. Marty is named after them. Marty met Seamus, his wife Maggie, and their son William when he traveled to 1885 to rescue the Doc. Seamus warned him about letting others provoke him into fights, as that was what killed his brother. 
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Clarabelle “Clara” Clayton Brown - verse info tba
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Set within the timeline of events that took place in the summer and fall of 1931 in Hill Valley. While returning to 1986 from 1931, Doc disappears from existence and Marty is stranded in a terrifying alternate timeline of his hometown.
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Verse is set within the events and timeline of the comics.
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Marty circa 2015 (not movie verse. no hoverboards, flying cars, etc.) or just generally Marty in the future. His personal future, whether that be in 2015 or not.
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Marty Jr & Marlene verse - more info tba
0 notes
burgundybmw · 2 years
Waking Up In Vegas
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Hopper!Reader
Word Count: 3,863
Warnings: Drunkness.
Summary: After the death of her father, Y/N Hopper is left to pick up the pieces of her life. She was always the star daughter, perfect grades, never got into trouble, never had a sip of alcohol. She decides life is too short, and takes some of the money her dad left to go have a wild weekend in Las Vegas. Steve being the mother hen he is, decides she shouldn't go alone. Since Scoops Ahoy is in the dust, and job hunting hasn't been going so well, he tags along. Y/N soon realizes there's a reason she listened to her dad's rules all her life, when she wakes up hungover, covered in glitter, and wearing Steve's class ring.
Author's Note: So I found out Jamie Campbell Bower listened to Katy Perry to prepare for his role for Vecna (it was totally Dark Horse), so I took a break from 80s music to put on her discography. Waking Up In Vegas is one of my faves, and that lead to the creation of this. Hope you enjoy it! Takes place after the fall of Starcourt Mall and before Steve and Robin begin working at Family Video.
If you were to ask anyone in Hawkins how they would describe Y/N Hopper, there would be a common theme amongst the citizens. Y/N was responsible, intelligent, dependable, respectful, overall a good girl. She was beloved by her dad and the rest of the Hawkins police department, a model daughter any father would want. She maintained this reputation throughout her life. She didn't go to parties, she didn't sneak out at night, drink or do drugs, she never felt the need. She didn't want to make her dad's life more difficult after Sarah died, and then after mom left. He tried his best, and Y/N knew that. So she tried her best too, but now her dad was dead, and her best didn't seem worth it anymore.
She got the idea after walking past the travel agency in Hawkins. A massive poster filled with depictions of flashing lights and money falling from the sky.
Test Your Luck in Las Vegas! It said. Y/N stared at that poster for a long time. She remembered how much she missed out in her teens, parties, booze, and boys. She was turning 19 in a few months, and she had nothing to show for it. Nothing normal anyway. That's when she decided to go to the bank, cash out some of her inheritance, and book a flight to Vegas.
She could feel the adrenaline rush in her veins, she had never done anything like this before. Every decision she made was calculated, sure, she measured the risks for everything. This was sudden, spontaneous, exciting. The first time she felt thrilled in weeks. She knew her dad would be disappointed in her, but in the moment she didn't think of him. She couldn't, not without crumbling. Y/N needed this, to get away. Get away from Hawkins and all of its mess. Just for a bit, then she'd think about the future. She'd go to college like she planned, and resume her good girl lifestyle. One weekend wouldn't kill her.
Y/N went to the bank, took out $5,000 in cash, and made her way back to the travel agency. The agent, a nice blonde woman named Heidi, took care of everything. She had a first class flight first thing Saturday morning, a beautiful hotel room on the strip with a king sized bed, and a return flight home Monday afternoon. It was all set, and Y/N was in high spirits. That was until she walked straight into Steve Harrington as she left the office's front door.
"Y/N? Hey, uh, how are you holding up?" Steve asked. They had a bizarre friendship, her and Steve. It all started when she went out looking for her father on Halloween night. He had promised to be home at 5 to spend time with her and Eleven, and he was nowhere to be found. Who she found instead was Steve Harrington, nursing a heartbreak after Nancy told him their relationship was quote "bullshit." Y/N couldn't stand the sad puppy dog look on his face, and he did come through the year prior when they all went against the demogorgon.
So she took pity on him, and took him home and made him an ice cream sundae. It's what her dad used to do with her and Sarah when they were sad. He would make dessert for dinner, whatever they had on hand, but sundae's were always her favorite. That night she stayed over and they talked about anything and everything, Nancy, school, the future. It was nice, and they maintained that friendship for the past year and a half. Whenever things got too much they'd call each up, and make dessert for dinner. Before she realized it, she had started to fall for him. Y/N thought about what it would be like, to be with Steve. Strong dependable Steve. He never let her down when she needed him, but she broke that tradition when her dad died. Now all she gave him was radio silence for the past month. He called her often, but she never answered. This was the first time she spoke to him after it happened.
"I'm holding up alright... What about you?" She hated the cordial pleasantries, like they were strangers, but the guilt for ignoring him was weighing on her shoulders now.
"I'm good, the bruises on my face are finally gone. It's nice not to wake up looking like raw hamburger." That got a laugh out of her, and just like that the weight was gone. Steve didn't seem upset with her for ignoring him. Things seemed okay.
"Well that's good to hear. It would be a tragedy if your face maintained hamburger status forever, pretty boy." Steve looked a bit bashful then, his hair bouncing around has he chuckled at her comment. Then he noticed where she was standing, or rather where she was leaving from.
"Are you going on vacation or something?" He asked.
"Um, yea sort of. I'm leaving Saturday morning for Vegas." Steve looked like his eyes were about to pop out of his skull. It would have been a shock to anyone, Y/N Hopper taking a solo trip to Sin City.
"Are you going alone?" Steve had his hands on his hips, he was using the same voice he used on the kids when they were up to mischief.
"Yea. I was planning on it. Why?" She didn't understand why he was acting this way. Like she was out of her mind, maybe she was, but she wasn't a little girl anymore. She could make decisions and mistakes for herself.
"Why? Because it's dangerous Y/N! You know the mob used to bury bodies out there! Who knows if they're still at it! You can't go alone, no way!" Steve said with exasperation.
"Well I am. I'll be back on Monday, and it will all be fine. The decision is already made Steve. So I'll see you later." She could hear Steve's protests as she got into her car and drove away, but she didn't care. She had to go home and pack her bags, and not worry about Steve and his melodrama.
Y/N had never been on a plane before. The first class cabin was nice and spacious, she had the window seat, and the seat beside her was empty as the last passengers walked in. She hoped it remained empty, the last thing she wanted was some stranger try to make boring conversation with her. She looked out the window, soon she will be out of Hawkins. Away from everything that was wrong with that town. Eleven was staying with Joyce and the Byers boys, she had told her sister about her trip and told her when to expect her back. Joyce wasn't as happy as El was about the news, her motherly instincts kicking in. She didn't try to stop her, Y/N was just as stubborn as her father, she just told her to call if her if she needed anything. Now she was here, on her way to Vegas.
She felt someone settle in the seat next to her, but didn't bother looking to see who it was. That was until she felt a tap on her shoulder. The girl turned her head to see what they wanted, only to find Steve Harrington sitting next to her.
"What the hell are you doing here Steve?" A hundred and one questions were running through her head. How did they let him on the plane? Was he trying to stop her? How did she know what flight she was on?
"I'm coming with you." He said quietly as he buckled his seatbelt.
"What? How? Why?" Y/N asked, confused and mildly annoyed.
"I told you you shouldn't go alone, it's dangerous Y/N. I took my dad's credit card and bought the seat next to yours, told the agent you were my girlfriend and that we were paying separately. It's nice to know the old Harrington charm still works."
Y/N was fuming. She didn't ask for a babysitter, she could do this on her own.
"You're getting a flight back to Indianapolis as soon as we land Steve. You had no right to follow me." She tried to keep her voice down, not wanting to alert the fellow passengers.
"Look I'm sorry Y/N, but this isn't like you. You're not the type to drop thousands of dollar on a whim for a trip to Vegas. I just wanted to make sure you're okay, ya know, after everything." Y/N took a deep breath. She shouldn't be surprised, Steve always got himself into trouble for others. The over protective shit head.
"Fine, but don't try to ruin my fun. For once in my goddamn life I want to do something exciting. Pretend I'm not the dead Chief of Police's daughter for a weekend. Alright? If you promise not to mother hen me I'll let you stay." Y/N huffed out. Steve flashed his megawatt smile and settled into his seat. This was going to be a long flight.
They landed in Las Vegas with no issue. The taxi ride to the hotel was tense, Y/N was giving Steve the silent treatment. He tried to break the awkwardness with a witty remark every once in awhile, but she didn't give him the satisfaction. After awhile he gave up.
They checked into the hotel in silence, and then Y/N realized another problem when they walked into the room. It was the lovers suite, the travel agent must have switched it when Steve said he was her boyfriend, the idiot. The heat rushed to her face when she looked around the room.
There was a heart shaped hot tub in the corner of the room, and on the other side was a large king sized bed with a mirror on the ceiling above it. A metal cart was placed in front of a velvet couch, a large bucket filled with champagne rested on top with boxes of chocolates next to it. There were rose petals scattered throughout the room, and everything was decorated in many different shades of red. At least the color would cover up the bloodstains when she killed Steve for this mess.
"Shit, I guess this is what Heidi meant when she gave us an upgrade." Steve said awkwardly, his face as red as the room they were staying in.
"You're taking the couch, and I'm taking a shower." Y/N placed her bags next to the bed and grabbed all of her toiletries. She wouldn't let this set back ruin her trip. Once she got into the bathroom, she turned the shower on as hot as it could go. As she felt the water cascade down her body she thought about what she would do for the rest of the day. One thing was for sure, she was going to open that bottle of champagne as soon as she could.
Y/N got dressed and ready in the bathroom, a black sequin dress hugging her frame. It was her mother's from the 60s, Dad called it her Nancy Sinatra dress. It was at the dry cleaners when she left, and she never came back to get it. So it was Y/N's now. It was the only thing that felt Vegas appropriate. Once her hair and makeup was done to her liking she finally walked out, Steve was sitting on the couch, dressed in a similar get up he wore on Halloween. She walked straight to the champagne bottle and popped it open, oblivious to the hungry stare Steve was giving her.
Steve had developed a crush on Y/N Hopper over the past year, and he finally admitted it to Robin when the Russians gave them that truth serum. That's when she told him that she used to have feelings for her as well, before developing her crush on Tammy Thompson. Steve had said that Tammy wasn't even in the same ballpark as Y/N, the poor girl sounded like a muppet and would totally get crushed in Nashville. That was how they became best friends, and that's when Steve started to allow himself to feel something for his other best friend. He didn't mean for it to happen, and he had no intention of telling her, not after Chief Hopper's death. Steve did allow himself to look at her though, the short black dress leaving just enough for his imagination to run wild. He caught himself when she turned around, two glasses of champagne in hand. She passed one to him before taking her seat next to him on the couch.
"I have decided that we are going to have fun this weekend. No talk of psychic monsters or dead dads. You and I are going to get drunk, dance, play with slot machines, and have a good time. I think we deserve it ya know?" Y/N raised her champagne glass in a toast, and Steve tapped his glass against hers.
"No complaints from me." They both drank their champagne in that cheesy hotel room, completely unaware of what would go down that evening.
Y/N felt a shooting pain in her skull when she regained consciousness. Her stomach was swirling with nausea and her eyes were sensitive to the light that was pouring into the room. She slowly opened her eyes to see the hotel room in complete disarray. Her mother's dress was thrown across the metal cart that was dangerously close to falling into the hot tub, which was still on and bubbling. She could see something floating in the water, and to Y/N's horror it was the bra she was wearing the previous day. The white lace cups bouncing against the walls of the red tub.
She looked down at her body, she was covered in glitter and was wearing a Hawkins basketball sweatshirt. It must have been Steve's. Thankfully she still had underwear on, but then she noticed that it wasn't the same pair she wore yesterday. She tried to remember what the hell happened the night before, but her memories were blurry. That's when she heard a snore beside her on the bed. It was Steve, shirtless and his hairy chest was on display. Y/N didn't have the courage to look below the covers to see if he was as bare below the waist as he was above.
He was still asleep, and Y/N took the opportunity to quietly get out of bed and clean up around the room. There was a mountain of cash in a duffle bag on the couch, and she had no idea if they had won it or robbed a bank. Steve's clothes were thrown about the room, and she carefully picked them up and put them back in his suitcase. She finally found her purse amongst the carnage, and she noticed the fake ID she brought was missing. Her car keys, real driver's license, and plane ticket home were thankfully still inside. There was at least one silver lining.
She tried her best to reorganize the room, but the hangover was getting worse. She needed an aspirin and water a soon as possible. When she went to go look for some she heard a groan from the other side of the room, Steve was finally awake.
"Jesus H. Christ my head hurts." Steve complained. He sat up and finally opened his eyes. He noticed Y/N first, she was bent over looking through her suitcase. She had no pants on, and was wearing his sweatshirt. He looked down at himself and noticed he was half naked. The only thing on his body was his gray Calvin Klein boxers and one sock on his foot. Steve shot his head up, deer in headlights look pointed at Y/N.
"What the hell happened last night?" Steve croaked out, voice sore.
"I have no idea Steve! I only remember bits and pieces." Y/N was pacing around the room, arms waving around. That's when Steve noticed something on Y/N's finger, and his stomach swooped when he realized what is was.
"Y/N... What's that on your hand?" He really hoped it wasn't what he thought it was. Y/N looked down at her finger, and finally noticed the piece of jewelry she wasn't wearing yesterday.
"Steve, why am I wearing your class ring?" Y/N asked, voice stern. It reminded him of her dad. Steve tried to remember how his ring got on her finger, he vaguely remembered a small white room. Elvis was there, or a guy dressed up as him. There were flowers, and Y/N had a veil on her head...
"Holy shit, did we get hitched last night?" Steve yelled. He shot out of bed and nearly toppled over, he hadn't had a hangover this brutal since sophomore year. Y/N didn't pay attention to him as she stared at the ring on her finger. She remembered the little chapel now, a very drunk Steve struggling to put the ring on her finger. She remembered a flash going off, there was a photo.
Y/N started looking around the room, heart racing and hands shaking. She picked up her bags, the pillows on the bed, the empty bottles of champagne in the room. It was when she got to the duffle bag full of cash that she noticed a polaroid hanging out the side pocket, she carefully picked it up and what she saw made her jaw drop.
It was Steve, he had her mid dip, one hand holding her back and the other gripping the thigh she had wrapped around him. Y/N had her arms around his neck, bouquet in hand and a veil on her head. They were kissing, and a large banner above a fake Elvis said "Congratulations to the Bride and Groom!" and written on the bottom of the polaroid in neat cursive writing read "The Harringtons."
Y/N's blood ran cold. She married Steve last night. Steve Harrington was her husband. The memories were coming back to her. It was after Steve had won the jackpot from the slot machine, in all the excitement he had kissed her against the machine. She kissed him back. They were drunk and running on adrenaline, and decided it was a great idea to hit the strip with their winnings. Y/N had wanted to bring the duffle bag filled with the majority of their riches back to the hotel room, Steve had lost the hotel key and they had to trace their steps back. Instead of finding the key, they found The Little Vegas Chapel.
That's when he went on this monologue about having a happy family, with six kids and a wife where they traveled across the country. Steve wanted to be a dad, be involved with his kids unlike his parents. Y/N always wanted to be a good mom, one who would never abandon her daughter like her mother did. Y/N had said she wanted the same thing, a big family, backyard, and a husband who loved her. She couldn't remember what happened after that conversation, Steve had said something, they kissed again, and then they went inside The Little Vegas Chapel. Elvis had married them, and Y/N found the spare hotel key in her purse.
Y/N sat down on the couch and lifted her hand to show Steve the polaroid. He was finally dressed and slowly walked over to her. He took the photo from her hand, and immediately dropped on to the seat next to her.
"We're married..." Steve said, voice barely above a whisper.
"Looks like it." Y/N responded. He put the picture down on her lap and began pacing around the room, mumbling nonsense under his breath.
"Shit, shit, shit. I have to call Henderson." Steve said as he went to grab the hotel phone. Y/N immediately hung it up before he could press dial.
"Don't call Dustin!" Y/N yelled. The last thing she needed right now was for that big mouth to tell all of Hawkins about what happened.
"What do you mean don't call Dustin? He might be able to help us figure this out!" Steve was yelling now too. He was nauseous, dizzy, and apparently married. Robin was gonna give him so much shit when he got home.
"How is a 14 year old going to help? He's not a fucking divorce lawyer!" Y/N regretted her choice of words when she saw Steve's face fall.
"One, he's a very capable 14 year old. Two, Why are you immediately thinking about divorce? What, is the concept of being married to me so horrible?" Steve hated how insecure he sounded. His memories of last night were returning, and he remembered telling Y/N about his dreams for the future, that he loved her. She kissed him, but she didn't say it back. He remembered that now. She agreed to marry him, but she never said she loved him. He felt sick to his stomach, and it wasn't because of the hangover.
"Look, Steve. We're 18 years old, we're too young to be married. We did it while we were drunk, hell, you don't even like me like that." Y/N went to go sit on the bed again, she didn't want to be standing for this conversation. Steve sat down next to her, his head in his hands barely containing the shaking in his body. He remained silent, so Y/N took that as a sign to continue.
"Steve you are my best friend. You've become one of my favorite people in my life, Jesus, now that dad's gone you probably are my favorite person. I care about you so much, and the idea of marrying you... I know you would make an amazing husband. Your future wife will be the luckiest girl in the world, but when you thought about your future, with your six little nuggets traveling cross country, I'm almost positive it wasn't me you pictured by your side." Y/N tried not to cry. She knew she wasn't Steve's dream girl, it was Nancy Wheeler. Beautiful, smart, incredible Nancy. She was the love of Steve's life, not her. Y/N knew that, but it didn't make it hurt any less.
There were so many things Steve wanted to say. He wanted to tell her she was wrong, that she was the one he pictured as his wife, the mother of his children. Nancy never wanted things like that, she wanted to focus on her career, and Steve didn't judge her for that. Y/N was the one who tagged along with him on babysitting duty, she was such a natural with them. He wanted to tell her that he would be a good husband to her. That he would love her, be there for her in sickness and in health, in times of struggle and in times of joy. He didn't realize how badly he wanted it until he saw that chapel on the Las Vegas strip. He wanted it with her, but she was right. They were too young, he hadn't even gathered the nerve to ask her out on a date yet. They would figure this out, and maybe, one day, Y/N would want to marry him for real.
"So what do you want to do now?"
A/N: If you guys like this I'll make a part two!
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abouttiimeadjacent · 5 years
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        ❝ You know, my dad does some birdwatching-- well, claims to. I haven’t actually seen him... um-- I mean, he might have some books or something you could borrow. If you wanted to come over. ❞
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kaorimiyazonotl · 3 years
Life After 2020
Life as we know it evolved and changed in more ways than one, and that's normal. The word “normal” is a word that people use to describe the usual occurrences of our world. It’s our daily routine. That’s being human. People tend to say that “the world keeps evolving,” and so far it has been evolving very quickly. With each passing day of 2021, people were supposed to be finding ways to recover for the chaotic year of 2020, where everyone suffered greatly in one way or another. This year we’ve been on a tipsy road covered in cracks.
At first it was just another year of masks, social distancing, and online learning for teachers and students. March marked one year. Some people thought 2021 might be the year where everything slowed down and all our worries disappeared. The truth is people’s daily worries don’t go away that easily. We are not cruising through 2021 like we thought we would. Which made me question whether or not the world itself will go back to normal.
People have probably heard that “2020 was such a tough year.” Well, that’s the past, the present is now. According to every news article, television, and social media network 2020 is happening again. Only this time students and teachers haven’t gone back online. The world has been divided like a great battle against one another and it’s been going on for a year and a half. I understand that this is and continues to be a part of our world, but when will we stop wearing masks?
Over the summer I went to New Mexico and the word normal popped into my head. I remembered the days where life was at least decent and you could see a smile on someone’s face. But when August came around it was like 2020 all over again, back to wearing masks. A mask covers everything, from smiles to frowns. Nowadays the only way we can tell someone’s expression is by taking our masks off or looking into each others’ eyes.
In the beginning of 2021 things remained practically the same, stores were closing, dine in restaurants weren’t available still and the continuation to keep our masks on once you’ve entered a place were still intact. So nothing new was really happening except what the news was showing us. But progress was happening, just not not big enough to see but small enough to notice. Still as the saying goes “we’re in the same boat” or “you are not alone” everyone had to face the same thing that was happening. It’s very cliche to hear since people have used that saying before, nevertheless it’s true since everyone went through something just as similar.
We probably all were “in the same boat” last year, but everyone’s method of coping is different. People don’t suddenly recover, it’s a step-by-step process that takes a while. That’s just how things are. Still, the question remains: Will life go back to normal? Will we be able to handle the new changes in the world?
First off; there is no such thing as normal, it is just a word used to describe something plain or to describe a person who dresses or acts like everybody else. I’m asking if life will go back to the way it used to be. There are possibilities to anything, about the way we think, might know, and what we’re searching for. So, we might not even know the whole truth to this question.
According to health experts say that for normalcy to return “. . .the country needs to reach herd immunity...The more people are vaccinated, the less likely the virus will spread.” ( What will the end of the COVID pandemic look like? - WHYY). So that could be our saving grace, if that ends up happening. But what if there are people who don’t want to get vaccinated? What will experts say then? People have their own beliefs and some will do what they think is right.
But other people say differently, that the “normal life” isn’t back yet, and it doesn’t appear “normal will be coming back fully this fall,” says writer Jim Geraghty (Is 'Normal' COVID-19 Life for Americans Going to Return by 2022?). Well, it depends on the people and where they stand.
I know that where I stand I have my own beliefs and opinions. I still have much to learn, however, I should at least have the capability of knowing right from wrong. That’s the meaning of existence, people think they know right from wrong based on what they believe in. As teenager’s we think we might know, but we’re still learning. Our parents may tell us what our beliefs are but we choose where we stand between certain beliefs. We also know that because we want freedom we can’t just do as we please.
In the real world, we have tons of responsibilities. If there are teens who are easily influenced, it’s going to be tough for them. Life itself is like taking a big test, it’s to see if young adults are capable of being independent, responsible, and capable of working well with others. From the article What will the end of the COVID pandemic look like? - WHYY, Gretchen Chapman, a psychology professor at Carnegie Mellon University, thinks that “it’s the responsibility of health experts to guide people about which activities are safe and which aren’t as more and more people are vaccinated.” What exactly do people think that belief or theory will lead to? Why follow sheep when we can be the shepherd?
Throughout school, we were taught to “be a leader, not a follower.” But not everyone is perfect so how do we know? From our perspective of things, we can only tell by what our beliefs are and how strong they are. But health experts also say that “It’s not certain what percentage of the population needs to be vaccinated...But many medical experts estimate that it’s 70% to 80%.” ( What will the end of the COVID pandemic look like? - WHYY) It is uncertain that maybe by fall things should go smoothly if we follow what they think is true.
If things go upwards then by 2022 things “should be normal, or at least whatever qualifies as normal post-pandemic...The virus will still exist, but one possibility is that it will be less likely to make people severely ill and that it will [be] like the flu..but the virus wouldn’t rage out of control again,” Writer Joe Pinsker put in the articleThe Most Likely Timeline for Life to Return to Normal - The Atlantic
So as of next year, there is a hypothetical theory that “normalcy” to the world won’t be showing up until next year? And will the virus be contained this time? Well, this is just a simple theory. As I have said things change all around us, what if it’ll take multiple years to recover? How will we know if what they say isn’t true at all? There are so many unknown questions that everyone has and we don’t even have the answers to most of those questions.
Students at my school have their own beliefs about whether or not the world will go back to normal. Most students had the same answer but everyone I interviewed had a strong opinion on the question asked. Some students said, “look at the facts,” “Once everyone is [or gets] vaccinated things should be okay.” But my most favorite would be from a student who had pointed out that “Once you progress there is no going back.” In my honest opinion it is true, life keeps going forward, yesterday was the past, today is the present and tomorrow is the future.
Every student compared how the world was and what it could or could not turn out to be by relating it to history. It “repeats itself..things that have stopped for a while they always have a way to resume back to normal. Like when the black plague happened [or] when the Spanish flu [happened]..it never went away [but] it took so long for life to go back to normal.”
Particularly speaking, there is a possibility that it may take years or more for life to return to normal. Normalcy does take a while to recover, it may take more than just months and like people always say “life isn't easy.” But those are students who referred life back to history and stated that it took years for them to handle the situation.
Students who said yes to the world returning to normal, most of them all replied the same. “People will get vaccinated,” “We should be vaccinated,” “the more people get vaccinated” or “Because we already have a vaccine.” They think that being vaccinated will turn things around, that’s what they hope for, they believe if people get the vaccine we should go back to normal. But you can’t force people to do what you think is right. That’s not how the world works, we are all entitled to our own opinion.
A student whose a junior, had said “I think covid, being here won't change anything even if people do get vaccinated.” That might be true some students said that covid will be around for a long time now and it’s not going to go away, not that easily. “We barely go back down and go back up.” If the roller coaster continues there’s no telling if what the students have said is true. It may take years to get back on track. Normalcy is just a word used to describe anything, but there is no such thing as normal, to begin with. I think that there is a fifty-fifty percent chance that there will be major changes in the future. There are a ton of possibilities to anything and everything.
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chonkyspacekitten · 5 years
No reblog please
Idk i just wanna update on my life at the moment. Its been a while. I dont really like to talk about my relationship in public forums online and i also wanna give my mutuals an explantion for my splotchy texts cause i have like 80 something messages on here rn. Ive just been so busy and emotionally drained. Sorry if i message you after like a month, start a convo but then just trail off, then respond to that response 3 months later and trail off again-
sorry sometimes yall just miss my social window yall gotta be quicker😅😅😅
Kidding kidding, but once its closed, its closed until further notice. im sorry and im trying i cherish yall a lot, my mutuals and people i still text on here. But god texting has gotten so hard the past year idk why...
My regular texting sucks too so yall arent missing much btw but happy to obliged, it if anyones interest lol, along with my messenger im on FB a lot.
But anyways. My life for the past year.
Me and my girl are in the closet, everyone knows we are dating, besides her dad and town. He doesnt know and wow it feels like we're really getting away with something LMAO
We are long distance but we kinda do this back and forth thing whenever we can. Usually every 2-3 months. Like we'll stay at each other's houses for like weeks, and its become my 2nd home, and their parents love me, my dad loves her.
We are currently trying for jobs. We both have mental illness obvi, so its hard. Really really hard. But we are trying. We're saving up to move in together. Our situation isnt ideal rn we, dont really expect to even think about moving for about a year or 2, for multitude of reasons. It just isnt realistic.
I'm also trying for disability. Doing odd jobs like mowing the lawn...really relaxing.
Am In between saying fuck it and just getting a job RIGHT now or just waiting. I first applied for social security december of last year. Denied twice. Wish me luck, i may even have to get a lawyer.
Apparently you can have a job while on disability so long as you don't make too much money...and i want a job man, but with the way my mental state is...it would do me good to actually leave the house and try to get more human interaction besides just grocery shopping myself and going to the thrift shops by myself lol or the occasional movie outing with my gf
I now have a resume. And wanna work at the gas station, library and/or Dollar tree near me. All of which im pretty comfy at. Wish me luck.
My mental health recovery...this has been a year of breakthroughs man im really making strides
Im discovering more and more traumas. Learning how to deal with shit. Its been hell for my depression but ive been growing and evolving and becoming more in tune with myself and my emotions and shit
Me and my partner are doing okay. We are okay and healthy. They have a therapist too now!
We are doing so good. We are able to be so vulnerable with each other. We talk for hours until we figure out a miscommunication. She holds me like a baby, she just squeezes the pain out of me , ive never had anyone try to understand me the way Amy does. And i give the same back. I cant keep my eyes and hands to myself. I have to look away when i stare at her for more than 2 seconds, i just cant
My heart feels with so much joy that it scares me and it feels like im gonna burst
Ive never felt this way before, about anyone
My ex? Whos a guy? And any other person ive had interest in?
The fact that most of the people ive been into have all acted "feminine", been fellow genderqueer, but AMAB at the time, and 2 have both come out as trans girls at some point...shouldve been a sign lmao. But nope, "i like guys...i like girls but cant imagine myself being romantically involved with a girl, only sexual . Guys more so emotionally i guess. *has literally never imagined actively living with a man before, getting married. Didnt even want to meet my first bf irl. But looked at boobs and was that 12 year old with a lesbian porn and hentai tiddie addiction*....yes im straight :)"
Actually coming to the realization that i can have a wife...wow that shook me. Id never considered. Or thought realistic. i was "normal", what compulsory heterosexuality wanted me to believe.
Im still struggling coming to terms in my sexuality. Been in straight up denial since i was early teens but ive known i was different since 8. Im growing in this area too, im trying. We both are actually.
1 year, 7 months ❤
We are both genderqueer demisexual sapphics/wlw❤❤
To all my sapphics in the closet with partners, i wish to you my luck and blessings
We are allowed to be happy, no one can change us
We are allowed to have happy endings, and we can whether the straights like it or not.
Tl;dr: doin really good, hard year of growth but making strides in my sexuality, relationship, goals and ambitions. Pretty grand.
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liliannorman · 4 years
Puberty may reboot the brain and behaviors
A preschooler slips stickers under some of the colored cups on a lazy Susan tray, then gives the tray a whirl. When the spinning stops, the child must find the hidden stickers. Most kids remember where they are. But a few have to check every single cup.
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A spin-the-pots task uses colored cups and hidden stickers to test working memory. This type of memory can be impaired in children who experience early hardship.N.H. Brito et al/Frontiers in Psychology 2014
This game tests working memory — the brain’s system for storing and retrieving recent information. It’s among a set of mental skills known as executive function. These skills develop poorly in young kids who face trauma, such as physical abuse or neglect. From then on, throughout life, the body’s systems tend to respond differently, observes Megan Gunnar. She’s a child psychologist at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.
A childhood filled with hardship, negligence or abuse can skew the system that regulates how the body responds to stress. Problems in this stress response set kids on a path toward behavior struggles. As they grow up, these kids also face an elevated risk for depression, diabetes and a host of other health problems.
Explainer: What is puberty?
But that difficult future may not be set in stone. Stress responses can return to normal during puberty, Gunnar and others have shown. This raises the prospect that some impacts of early trauma can be erased.
The new research is prompting a rethink of puberty. It’s not just a time of acne, armpit hair and other uncomfortable body changes. Puberty also may be a window of opportunity. It could be when kids who got a difficult start get a chance to reset how their bodies respond to stress.
Surprised by stress
When the brain perceives a threat — an angry family member, a stressful exam, a high-stakes competition — levels of a hormone shoot up. Called adrenaline (Ah-DREN-uh-lin), this chemical sets off what is known as the “fight-or-flight” reaction. Breathing and heart rate soar. Palms get sweaty. Sight and other senses sharpen. Soon the brain releases chemical messengers. They go to the kidneys. This stimulates the nearby adrenal glands to release another hormone. It’s called cortisol.
Explainer: What is a hormone?
Cortisol moves sugars into the blood for quick energy. It slows digestion and immune responses. It also slows growth and other processes considered nonessential in a fight-or-flight situation.
When the threat passes, adrenaline and cortisol levels fall. The heart’s rate slows. Other systems resume business as usual. The stress response turns off.
By the time Gunnar started work on her PhD in the 1970s, researchers had mapped out the key actors in this process. These signals form the HPA axis. Those letters stand for the three hormone systems that work together here: hypothalamic (Hy-poh-thah-LAM-ik), pituitary (Pih-TOO-ih-tair-ee) and adrenal (Ah-DREE-nul). Gunnar set out to study how the HPA axis influences the brain and behavior in people.
A bit of stress may help young people build resilience
Studies in rodents and monkeys had shown that adversity early in life throws the HPA axis off-kilter. These types of studies weren’t easy. To measure cortisol, scientists had to collect blood or urine. Then methods were developed for measuring cortisol from samples of saliva. That was a lot simpler to get.
In the mid-1980s, Gunnar studied this neuroendocrine system in newborns. She showed that having a secure parent relationship regulates the system. It helps babies deal with stressful situations, such as getting vaccines. “You can go to the doctor as a baby and get a big shot in one leg and the other leg and you’re crying your head off … but [the HPA axis] doesn’t kick off,” notes Gunnar. But if babies get separated from their parents for even a few minutes, “their HPA axis shoots up like a rocket.”
Setting off this system once in a while isn’t harmful. It’s what helps us learn to cope with stress. But what if that sense of safety is disrupted for far longer?
To find out, Gunnar and a research team ventured to eastern Romania in Europe during the mid-1990s. For decades, thousands of Romanian children had grown up in orphanages. Conditions there often were crowded and grim. “You walk into these wards, and all of a sudden you’re mobbed by kids saying ‘mama, mama, mama’ — and reaching their arms up to get held,” recalls Gunnar. She had two school-aged sons at the time. “It was awful. I just wanted to bring them all home.”
Teen-time shift
Before puberty, adopted children, who grew up with early-life trauma (gray curve), had blunted stress responses relative to kids living with biological parents (blue curve). By the time puberty ended, the adopted children showed normal cortisol patterns before, during and after a stressful task. Saliva was collected 20 minutes and 5 minutes before the task. It was then collected 5, 20, 40, 60 and 80 minutes after the task. The researchers converted the data to a logarithmic scale, which shows negative numbers. The actual cortisol levels are between 0 and 1 micro-grams per deciliter.
Cortisol stress in adopted and nonadopted children
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T. Tibbitts
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T. Tibbitts
What she did bring back to Minnesota, along with that searing memory, was a set of small vials. Each held a sample of saliva from one of the 2- and 3-year-old orphans. Cortisol is the end product of the neuroendocrine cascade. So measuring the children’s cortisol offered a window into the stress effects of their parental deprivation.
Analyses like these are tricky. Whether a kid faces poverty or neglect, “the way you start out in life tends to continue,” Gunnar says. A report published last November by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention points to those long-term consequences. People who experienced childhood trauma are more likely to smoke or drink heavily, it found. These people are more likely to drop out of high school. They also develop heart disease and a host of other chronic conditions at higher rates.
This doesn’t mean that having a completely smooth life is good. Growing research suggests that some adversity — such as dealing with a bad grade or a challenging friendship — can help a child build resilience. And there may be a sweet spot for how much hardship brings this benefit without becoming overwhelming (see sidebar).
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School, homework and tests can all be stressful for kids. But some children endure far more traumatic experiences. New research is showing how puberty can help reset the body.eclipse_images/E+/Getty Images
Adoptee struggles
Early-life hardship clearly takes a toll. To study these effects, Gunnar needed children who had felt deprivation in infancy, then moved into healthy, supportive homes. Such children, she reasoned, would be the ideal human analog for all of the animal studies on early adversity. It dawned on her that such a group exists. They are adopted children who spent part of their early life at an orphanage.
Gunnar shared her idea with members of the adoption unit at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This group provides services to improve the health and well-being of Americans. With their support and funding, she surveyed parents who between 1990 and 1995 had adopted children from other countries. She also invited Minnesota families with adopted children to join a university registry and to take part in her research.
Parents noticed early on that often their adopted kids had behavioral problems. They brought the children to the university lab for problem-solving and sorting tests. These included that lazy Susan task and the famous marshmallow test of delayed gratification. (In the marshmallow test, experimenters offer young children either one small reward right away, such as a marshmallow, or two small rewards if the kids wait 15 minutes. Follow-up research suggested that preschoolers who held out for the larger reward had healthier behaviors and years later showed better success in school.) In such tests, adopted kids struggled with attention and self-regulation. 
Much to the researchers’ surprise, the kids also had unusually low cortisol levels. In the face of sustained hardship, cortisol levels usually skyrocket. But high cortisol is bad for the body. It can raise a person’s risk for various conditions, including heart disease and diabetes. So a weak stress response could be “nature’s way of preserving the brain and body,” Gunnar now speculates.
She continued studying the Minnesota adoptees as they grew older. Preschoolers with low cortisol often entered kindergarten with attention problems. They might also show problem behaviors, such as physical aggression and cheating. Their blunted stress responses persisted, too. They lasted even after the kids had spent an average of seven to eight years in a caring adopted family.
That was disheartening, says Russell Romeo. He works at Barnard College of Columbia University in New York City as a psychobiologist. “We’d always thought that maybe if these individuals get out of the adverse situations, they could start recalibrating their stress reactivity.”
But earlier work that Romeo had done in the mid-2000s gave Gunnar reason to think she just needed to study the children longer.
High time for change
Romeo had been studying rats. He wanted to see if stress affects the brains of adolescents and adults differently. In one set of experiments, he stressed the animals by trapping them inside a wire-mesh container for 30 minutes. Some rats were adults. Others were young and had not yet undergone the rat version of puberty. Romeo measured levels of the rat’s version of cortisol. He recorded levels before, during and after their confinement. The stress spiked hormone levels in both age groups similarly. But levels in the young rats took far longer to get back to normal.
Then Romeo observed how the animals reacted to repeated periods of stress. The rats endured the 30-minute restraint each day for seven days. Now the stress pattern changed. On the first day, stress hormones surged higher in young rats than in adults. But at the end of the seven days, rats near puberty returned to their initial levels more quickly. The responses were being shaped more powerfully when those stressors occurred around puberty rather than later in life. This suggests that puberty may offer a greater potential for change.
Explainer: What is anxiety?
Other researchers studied what happens when adolescent rats move into “enriched” environments. These were larger cages with more toys and cage-mates. It was the rodent equivalent of a human’s nice home and family. A nicer environment could reset to normal the stress responses that had been thrown out of whack by early-life trauma, these studies showed.
Those findings heartened Gunnar. “Maybe I should be looking at puberty,” she thought. It could be a time to recalibrate.
So her team invited 280 children into the lab to complete two stressful tasks. All were 7- to 14-year-olds. They included 122 children adopted from institutions. Another 158 kids had not been adopted but came from families of similar backgrounds.
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Giving a speech in front of the class can be a stressful experience. Scientists even use this type of activity to study how children respond to stress.Comstock/Stockbyte/Getty Images
For the first test, each of the children prepared a 5-minute speech introducing themselves to a new class of students. They gave the speech facing a video camera and a mirror. Their speech would be rated by judges, they were told. Some kids spoke with confidence. Others looked nervous. “We did have one who burst into tears,” Gunnar says. But “we don’t torture them. If we think they’re too nervous, we help them quit.”
After the speech, participants spent five minutes on a verbal subtraction task. The difficulty was adjusted by age. Seven- and 8-year-olds began with the number 397 and counted down by 3s. Kids 11 and older started with 758 and subtracted by 7s.
Before and after these tasks, researchers collected saliva from each child to measure cortisol levels. The researchers also noted at what stage of puberty each child was in —from 1 to 5. Stage 1 meant no noticeable body changes. At stage 5, a child had completely matured physically.
Among kids in early puberty (stage 1 and 2), adopted kids had lower cortisol levels than did children living with their biological parents. This confirmed Gunnar’s previous research on Romanian orphans and international adoptees living in the United States. Trauma showed an effect on those kids.
In the late-puberty group (stages 3 to 5), however, cortisol patterns looked similar for adopted and non-adopted kids. The adopted kids appeared to have gotten over the impacts of their earlier trauma.
Rather than just comparing across groups, Gunnar and her colleagues wanted to confirm that a normalizing of the HPA axis had occurred in each of the kids. So they brought these children back for the same tests one and two years later (for a total of three yearly sessions).
Closer to normal
During a stressful activity (giving a speech, for example), saliva cortisol levels rose temporarily and returned to normal in those children who lived with their biological parents. Children who were adopted after starting life in an orphanage (an early-life trauma), had blunted cortisol responses during stages 1 to 2 of puberty. But at the tail end of puberty, stages 4 and 5, adopted children’s stress responses normalized.
Stages of puberty and cortisol stress reaction
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T. Tibbitts  
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T. Tibbitts; Source: M.R. Gunnar et al/PNAS 2019
The body recalibrates its response to stressors during puberty, they found.
Says Romeo, this may mean the teen brain responds better to interventions that didn’t work during childhood.
Gunnar’s team detailed its findings November 26, 2019 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Matthew Duggan is a therapist in Long Beach, Calif. He finds the new results encouraging. They could apply, he thinks, to a range of children who have trouble managing their emotions and connecting with others because caretakers abused or ignored them at a young age.
There may be “a window, you know, a decade from now, where things might be able to change,” Duggan says. “And we have some data here to suggest that at a biological level, that is a possibility. For me, that’s really hopeful to see.”
How might puberty combine with better caregiving and support to reshape the body’s response to stress? One speculation stems from the fact that brain regions controlling how we react to stress are among ones that continue to mature during adolescence. So there might be some brain flexibility that “lends itself to changes uniquely during this time,” Romeo says.
Mental health and resilience emerge from an ever-changing mix of genes and life experiences. Some of these set the body awry early on. But research by Gunnar and others shows that adolescence could potentially erase some of the damage. And future work could reveal more of the underlying biology behind such a reboot.
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Puberty may reboot the brain and behaviors published first on https://triviaqaweb.tumblr.com/
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We don’t believe what’s on TV -Chapter 3
Chapter 2 / Chapter 4 
Series Masterlist
Resume: I had an ordinary life, or that’s what I wanted to believe. I lost myself in the TV series that I listened to forget the normal boring life. What I didn’t know, however, was that my life would change completely overnight.
Finding myself in 2013 at Beacon Hills County.
This will be a Stiles x Reader but only further in the story
Tags: @kwien-cee @saoirsewhittle @standalls @anonimereader06​ @shantayok​ @thiscuriouslymiss @dashofsunshineblog
In this chapter: Finding an explanation. Help. A solution. Understanding.
I had regained consciousness for several minutes already, but I didn’t dare move or open my eyes. I was afraid of what I was going to see when I woke up, afraid I was still trapped in this unreal reality. What a lapse, an unreal reality. I could hear the beep of the heart monitor, the people moving around, and I felt the same antiseptic smell that poked my nose. I was back in that damn hospital bed, with slight chances of being back in my world. I felt the previous panic coming down. I panicked, okay, but panicking like that wouldn’t bring me anything good or going to help me understand.
Taking advantage of the tranquility I had, pretending to be still asleep, I began to think. I passed all the seasons of the show in my head, one at a time, trying to find an answer, a possibility. The nemeton? It had the power to attract supernatural beings … but I wasn’t one, so I ripped off that possibility. The ghostriders? They roamed the worlds by riding horses and lightning … but I was sure no lightning or smoke had struck me before I found myself in this forest. There were several elements that didn’t work and I couldn’t figure out how I could have found myself in this world. And a major element that didn’t work was the presence of Allison Argent, who was supposed to be dead since season 3B.
Then I remembered the pain that I felt in my heart when I saw her. It was probably due to the shock to see her alive.
Seriously … why me, why now, why here? How do I wake up from this dream? How do I find my reality? As I couldn’t wake up from this dream, there were two possibilities left, madness and … I didn’t even wanted to think about the last possibility. The one that I was in the world of my favorite TV show, with my favorite characters.
Including some hyperactive teen with pale skin and moles that took 80% of my cell phone picture space. That same boy that often populated the world of my dreams.
My phone! There had to be proofs of my life, pictures of me and my friends, my family!
And especially pictures of the show, which I would have to explain… I absolutely had to get back my phone.
I had to wake up one day. So slowly, I opened my eyes and immediately felt my heart beat in my throat. I had to calm down, to be strong, to understand.
However, what I saw didn’t help me calm down.
My wrist that wasn’t wounded was tied with thick, solid straps to the bed-rails. They really didn’t want me to leave.
“I’m sorry, we didn’t have a choice …”
I recognized the voice without raising my head. It was Sheriff Stilinski, who this time hadn’t taken a chance and had decided to stay until I woke up.
“You could have seriously hurt yourself, you know.”
I decided not to answer him right away. I shouldn’t talk too much, I preferred to wait and see what happens next. Staying silent throughout his interrogation if the need was.
The sheriff stood up and got closer to my bed. I kept my head down and my mouth closed.
“I’d like to understand what happened to you, young girl. I only want to help you, and for now your parents must be very worried. Can you give us their number?”
For a moment I almost opened my mouth to tell him. Tell him everything. After all, it was Stiles’ father, and he knew about the supernatural. Perhaps he would understand me. But I didn’t. I kept my mouth shut because I knew that even if he called my number, no one would answer. Because in this world, I don't exist.
Seeing my silence, the sheriff sighed.
“Can you tell me your name?”
I thought for a moment before answering. I could tell him that.
“Y/n…” I mumbled in a hoarse voice before scraping my throat. My mouth was very dry.
“Well, it’s a start,” he added, and then noted it on a piece of paper. “And you’re from here, Y/n?” He asked then.
I hesitated again. If I told him, would he understand? Should I take that risk?
At the same moment the door opened, causing me to lift my head from the void I was staring at. It was Melissa, who came in to whisper something to the sheriff, something I heard.
“Eichen House says that no patient of her age has escaped recently.”
At the name Eichen house, my whole body tensed. That cursed place. The place where Stiles had gone in season 3B. The place where Lydia’s grandmother had been killed, the place where Lydia had been locked up in Season 5, and where a crazy doctor had made holes in her head.
“But they are ready to take her if it is necessary.”
My breath stopped and I began to panic. There was no way that I’ll go there, there was no way! My eyes filled with water and I pulled on my bonds looking at the two adults with horrified wide-eyed.
“Not there …” I mumbled, which made them both raise their heads.
“Then you need to tell me everything,” the sheriff continued, now having a pressure on me to make me talk. I stared at them, trapped. I had to tell them everything, hoping that they would believe me and not send me to the psychiatric facility. I took a deep breath, and opened my mouth to speak.
“I come from another …”
The pain paralyzed me in the middle of my sentence. The same pain. Piercing my heart, radiating through my chest, cutting my breath and emptying my head of all thought. The pain was intolerable. The monitor next to me began to make strange noises and lights flashed. I heard Melissa shouting something, rushing towards me, all in a mist of pain. It was intolerable; I would rather die than experience this pain.
A stifled cry echoed in my ears and I took some time to realize it was coming from me.
Then, as suddenly as the pain had appeared, it disappeared. The beep stabilized at the same time that other doctors came running into my room. For my part, I slowly picked up my breath, my mouth open in search of air. Slowly, I started feeling better and waved to them that everything was fine, but I saw in everyone eyes that they didn’t believe me.
“I … I’m okay …”
Melissa put her hand on my head to take my temperature and immediately removed it by giving instructions to the other doctors.
“We need to lower her temperature …”
But I wasn’t listening to their conversation. The same pain. It was the same pain I felt when I saw Allison. The same suffering. And just before I felt it, I had said something. Something that had happened in the series. And the other time it was about the place I came from, my world. There were no correlation between these information… a truth? Like what I just tried to say?
So every time I try to tell the truth, a pain pierced my chest to stop me? Why? I thought about that possibility, lost in my thoughts.
Something that didn’t exist, something that hadn’t happened yet… Something I’m not supposed to know…?
Allison’s death…
I finally understood.
“What year…”
Melissa let go of my bag of solute, and the sheriff came up to me, worried.
I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and open them again. I stared at the two adults as I repeated my question.
“What year is it?”
The two looked at each other before turning towards me, their eyes softened, filled with pity. For them, I was crazy, they found me in the middle of the night near the forest, wounded, I just had what looked like a strange cardiac arrest and then asked them which year we were in.
I jumped and stopped breathing.
“What …?” I croaked, wide-eyed.
“We’re in 2013,” Melissa repeated, putting a refreshing towel on my burning forehead.
Everything was clear. Allison’s presence.
She wasn’t dead yet. And I wasn’t supposed to know she was going to die.
“Everything’s fine?” The sheriff asked, waiting for me to feel better before continuing with his questions. “I can come back later for questions if you don’t feel well…”
“No,” I cut him, eyes still lost in the void. “I… ”
He approached me again, and I lifted my head to meet his gaze. I could only do one thing.
“I don’t remember anything,” I said.
I had to act as if I knew nothing. Forget my life before. I no longer existed, after all. He wrote my confidence on his paper before looking at me sadly.
“Really nothing?” He asked.
“Only my name,” I answered, fixing my tied wrist. I didn’t like to lie, but if telling the truth was hurting me, I had to deal with it.
“Okay … then according to the procedure, we’re going to make calls everywhere for missing children. In the meantime, you’ll be placed in foster care…”
He didn’t finish his sentence and took Melissa further to talk to her. It’s crazy how people think that just because they whisper, you can’t hear them.
“She seems disturbed, it might be better to call Eichen House,” he whispered.
“You saw her expression when we talked about it, she looked scared …” Melissa replied.
I shuddered as I heard the name of the cursed establishment again. I was frightened by the idea of going there, and also by everything that was going on. It was too much for me, I only wanted to go home. How fun was it to be in my favorite show if it means spending my life in foster care, or worse, in Eichen House?
A sudden idea appeared in my head. It was risky, I was going to have to say something I wasn’t supposed to know, and I knew that the pain was going to hit me again. But I knew he would believe me and that he would help me.
“Scott …” I mumbled waiting for the pain, but nothing happened.
Melissa turned to me, intrigued to hear her son’s name coming out of an amnesic girl’s mouth. But I knew that Mrs. McCall knew the truth about the supernatural since season 2, and that the year 2013 was in the middle of season 3a or 3b. So I could count on her and especially on her son to help me.
“What did you say?”
Taken with a sudden courage and relief that I could pronounce his name, I repeat it more loudly and clearly.
“I need to talk to Scott McCall.”
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In the next chapter: Finally, I meet one of the main characters of the show! So why am I so stressed out about it? Probably because I asked to talk to him and I don’t even know what to say? Or how I’ll react in front of him?
                                                                                                 Next Chapter->   
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
Scott Galloway: Coronavirus pandemic is improving college
Scott Galloway is a successful author, well-known tech-industry expert, and the professor of marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Company
The following is his current blog post, republished with consent. It originally worked on his blog site, “ No Grace/ No Malice.”
Galloway describes how the COVID-19 pandemic will cause major modifications to college– like universities becoming more included with big tech companies.
” MIT/Google might provide a two-year degree in STEM,” Galloway states, “at $100,000 in tuition (a bargain), yielding $5 billion a year” for a two-year program.
Go to Company Insider’s homepage for more stories
After COVID-19, nothing will be the very same.
Scott Galloway.
Thanks To Scott Galloway.
The concern itself is telling.
We have actually been spending a load of time believing about where the puck is headed so that, similar to hockey, a lot of white people can make more cash. My first observation:
Courtesy of Scott Galloway.
Let’s talk about higher education and make some predictions.
Courtesy of Scott Galloway.
Yes, you likely understand there’s now more student loan than charge card debt. However did you understand the cost of a book has taken off 812% in the last 30 years (not worth it)? It ends up duopolies not just result in a damage to the commonwealth and teen depression, however set you back $85275 for “Biostatistical Genes and Genetic Public Health.”
Courtesy of Scott Galloway.
Thanks To Scott Galloway.
This fall, I’m set up to teach MKTG-GB.2365(Brand Name Technique) in KMC 2-60 Tuesday nights at 6-9pm. It’s not going to happen. The room would normally be filled with 170 complete- and part-time MBAs seeking to gather the skills to construct financial security for themselves and their households, and improve the world. Primarily the previous. A space full of 170 NYT customers, sitting elbow to elbow, spells one thing– reoccurrence. While Liberty University will likely invite kids back to campus, I speculate we, and anybody else that does not have their head up their a–, will not.
Note: I have no insider info and haven’t discussed this with any NYU administrator.
So, how things will accelerate:
We’ll see a culling amongst universities. Simply as retail closures are speeding up from 9,500 shops in 2019 to more than 15,000 in 2020, we’re going to see dozens, perhaps hundreds, of universities not resume. In academic community, we have actually been preying on the hopes and prayers of the middle class, using parents the opportunity to inspect an instinctive box, offering their kids a much better life, by sending them to college. We likewise motivated them to obtain against their 401( k) s and take out home loans to finance our shape-shifting from public servants to high-end brand names. No more.
I’m great, maybe even terrific, at what I do. On Zoom people are going to discover I was never ever worth $100,000 per class– what kids pay to hear me rant about the 4
172 kids x $7,000 tuition/ 12 classes = $100,000 per class session
My stay of execution will be that I teach at one of the 15 top 10 universities, which brings us to our next forecast:
Courtesy of Scott Galloway.
For the first time, we’ll see a continual drop in applications at four-year universities.
Education start-ups will attract inexpensive capital and seize the opportunity the pandemic has sped up.
Thanks To Scott Galloway.
Why won’t MasterClass be a disruptor long-term? Administrators at the top 10 universities who have the abilities to become item managers will see their comp boost.
Courtesy of Scott Galloway.
The second-greatest accretion of stakeholder worth in business, behind Amazon’s entry into health care, will be huge (and some small) tech companies partnering with a world class university to offer 80%of a traditional four-year degree for 50%of the rate. This is the gangster cocktail of the fastest-growing analog consumer brands in history (Southwest Airlines, Old Navy, and so on).
University brand names are the premier luxury brands globally, built over centuries, with margins and the illusion of shortage that renders Hermès repulsive.
We’ll smooth out the curve of knowing– more older students, fewer more youthful.
Like most industries interfered with by software, tremendous worth will accrue to millions of customers by means of deflation.
Big tech’s upcoming march into higher ed will bring more finding out to more human beings, and erode our humankind.
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from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/scott-galloway-coronavirus-pandemic-is-improving-college/
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abouttiimeadjacent · 5 years
@deathfied said: ‘ hey! HEYYYY!  ’             
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      ❝ Ah, hey? ❞ He doesn't know who that is, the girl calling to him, but decides to just go with it for the moment. Could be a time thing, could be something else, and he wasn't about to make the situation weird before it needed to be. ❝ Sorry, do I know you? ❞
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abouttiimeadjacent · 5 years
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      ❝ Listen, I’m tired and-- and things have been weird lately so if you’re joking you gotta just tell me because I can’t-- I can’t tell. ❞
open to mutuals !
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abouttiimeadjacent · 5 years
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      ❝ I need you to cover for me. An hour-- tops. I just need to run over to Doc's lab. ❞
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abouttiimeadjacent · 6 years
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He'd spent weeks flitting through time -- had seen versions of himself and his loved ones as they could have been, his own history destroyed and remade. But the DeLorean was in pieces on the railroad tracks, and the mirror universe of yuppy contentment he'd found himself in wasn't just a transient bit of strangeness. This was his life, now. These people were his family. The siblings and parents he'd known since childhood had vanished, erased by decisions he hadn't even realized he'd been making. The George and Loraine McFly that had raised him existed only in his mind -- the ghosts of people that hadn't died, so much as evaporated. [x]
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abouttiimeadjacent · 6 years
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      ❝ I mean, you know, there was a-- convention? Clint Eastwood fans. At the lake. Where I was. All weekend. ❞ Which he realized sounded unbelievable when he insisted on it like that. And of course, he was lying. It didn't help that he was still just getting used to this altered timeline. Could Linda see through him as well as she could before? Was he wasting his time?
      ❝ Anyway, where would I even get a DeLorean? ❞
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abouttiimeadjacent · 5 years
“canonical” verses
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In May of 1986, Marty’s mind was on graduating high school and stopping the bank from selling off Doc’s things, but when the DeLorean (WASN’T IT DESTROYED BY THAT TRAIN?) shows up, Marty must go back in time to rescue his best friend from gangsters in 1931. Things don’t go according to plan…
(This verse’s timeline also includes a vague period of time after the events of the game.)
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Pre- and post-time travel respectively. The latter takes place after Marty returns to 1985 until the events of the game.
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What if he hadn't gone to 1955? Basically, a number of what-if scenarios, placing a Marty McFly brand new to time travel in various situations his poor, confused self can barely handle.
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Set in 1955, any film.
stranded in 1955 - an au for that shitty scenario in which marty doesn’t make it, you know, back to the future
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Movie-verse future (teen Marty and adult Marty)
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Set within the timeline of events in the third film.
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Seamus McFly, Marty’s great-great-grandfather. Had a brother named Martin. Marty is named after them. Marty met Seamus, his wife Maggie, and their son William when he traveled to 1885 to rescue the Doc. Seamus warned him about letting others provoke him into fights, as that was what killed his brother. 
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Clarabelle “Clara” Clayton Brown - verse info tba
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Set within the timeline of events that took place in the summer and fall of 1931 in Hill Valley. While returning to 1986 from 1931, Doc disappears from existence and Marty is stranded in a terrifying alternate timeline of his hometown.
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Verse is set within the events and timeline of the comics.
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Marty circa 2015 (not movie verse. no hoverboards, flying cars, etc.) or just generally Marty in the future. His personal future, whether that be in 2015 or not.
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Marty Jr & Marlene verse - more info tba
            KIM POSSIBLE AU VERSES          //          MISC VERSES
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abouttiimeadjacent · 7 years
ooc: tag dump!! (part iii)
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