#< 33
a11sunday · 3 months
describe your muse’s smile. / ace
ace's smile always has a cheekiness / hint of mischief to it. he has that rascal charm even when he's being well mannered and polite. while he has that wide, brighter than the sun smile in his arsenal, the smile that is so similar to luffy's. or the troublemaker smirk that he and sabo mirrored off each other. there's something about his smile in particular that is charming in the way that you know if he asked you to get into trouble with him, you'd just have to say yes.
@danversiism , character hc questions.
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fllagellant · 7 months
( jigsaw voice ) let's play a game. elminster or tara? who would win a fist fight?
Ik Elminster is ripped and is like . A dude of folk lore However ,
I would put money on Tara . She would tear that man apart . Unzips jacket and revealed a “ I 🩷 TARA “ shirt underneath
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itoshi-s · 2 years
actually. show me ur absolute fav manga panels of your blorbos,,,, im curious ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎
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enjomo-arch · 1 year
(  unprompted  :  eustass  )    //    ♠   @killedarlings
He’s sneaking over… He’s stealing Ace’s hat… Kid grins triumphantly as he places it on his head.  “ You want it back?  Come get me. ”  Careful cowboy, this bull’s got horns. ( he wanted to come bother his favorite pyro hi )
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it  took  one  moment  of  ace's  inattention  for  his  precious  treasure,  his  hat  got  snatched  away  from  his  head.  maybe  he  wouldn't  have  even  felt  it  if  the  strings  on  which  a  wooden  pedant  coming  from  the  hometown  of  his  didn't  get  caught  on  his  nose,  pulling  uncomfortably  over  it  to  then  strands  of  messy,  raven  hair  fell  out  of  the  brim.  
ace  turned  his  head,  hazel  irises  searching  for  the  damned  thief  but  as  they'd  lie  on  kid's  figure  with  so  much  pride  having  it  on  top  of  his  head  ace  should  have  guessed  who  was  behind  it.  the  tease  pulling  on  him,  to  fight  back  but  the  more  he  looked  at  the  pirate's  visage  being  much  more  to  his  own  liking  while  wearing  the  hat,  ace  decided  to  grace  his  words  with  a  loud  laugh.  
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his  hands,  resting  over  his  hips  as  he  shook  his  head.  raven,  floppy  bangs  on  the  sides  swaying  with  the  movement.  ❝  nah,  can't  do.  ❞  ace  simply  answered.  his  voice  was  charming,  cunning  and  even  a  little  bit  alluring  in  his  own  desirability.  then  the  fire  fist  took  a  few  steps  forward.  pulling  on  his  own  hat's  strings  as  his  face  was  only  mere  inches  away  from  kid's  own.  that's  when  the  smug  finally  appeared  on  the  freckled  features.  ❝  y'look  good  like  this.  ❞
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anouri · 2 years
Hiiiii, just wanted to tell you l’éphémèrie (did I spell it right?) is one of the most beautiful fics ever written and I love it so much 😌
hi!! aww thank you so much, i'm so flattered 😭😭❤️❤️
and it's spelled l'éphémère, but tbh don't worry about misspelling the french deserve to be offended every once in a while so they can remember their place /j
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serethereal · 1 year
i have this disease called i will open your message and get distracted and forget to reply and then the notification will be gone so i will not have replied for ages and you will think i am ignoring you but. i am not. it’s incurable
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rotationalsymmetry · 3 months
Rent control is on the ballot for California voters this November.
I uh, get that tumblr isn't exactly sorted by geography, but this is a huge deal.
It's a huge deal even for people who don't expect to be personally affected by it -- rent control is a protection against the poorest people living in a city being forced out, and that's just bad for everyone. When you have a city where only medium well off to rich people live, you get their service employees coming in from a suburb an hour and a half away (blech) or else you get people stacked three to a room. Or people holding down a job or three while trying to earn enough to get off the street or, well, out of their parents' place or away from the abusive partner they can't afford to break up with. Point is, a lack of housing that people can just keep living in at the same price, means a lot of bad things for society, and we probably aren't going to socialize housing within the next ten years but maybe we can get rent control back.
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araneapeixes · 2 months
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how about that hot girl summer
(pose credit to this awesome piece!!)
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ineed-to-sleep · 9 months
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Collection of memes with mostly my tav/astarion to keep myself sane
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scorchedhearth · 11 months
characters who dig themselves out of their graves (whether literal or metaphorical) are at the top of the list. nothing beats a character who should have died but didn't and comes back to haunt their own life and the world around them, benevolent or violent it doesn't matter, it's enthralling either way
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a11sunday · 3 months
what calms your muse down after a bad day? : sanji
whether it's a good day or a bad day, sanji is letting all his emotion out in the kitchen. he wants to distract himself from whatever tumultuous thoughts are going through his head. on bad days, he's probably going to cook himself and the crew something comforting, something that brings back good memories, something he's made a million times that he knows he can do so perfectly that it's impossible to be disappointed by it. ( though, everything he makes is amazing. )
then afterwards, he spends some time in the crow's nest by himself with his cigarettes, watching the sea, and probably daydreaming about beautiful women.
i think that if he wants to talk about it though, he'll talk to nami. especially after whole cake, they have a whole new understanding of each other. ( and more specifically, with makenzi's nami in mind, he seeks out her company and while he may not talk about what's bothered him that day, or what's happened, he just wants to be near her and also embraced by her... lmao.)
@pareidolah , character hc questions.
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fllagellant · 8 months
💤💘🤔 for whoever you want... :3
MWAH … long bc I think I will do all 6 for u :3
💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits?
Lucian is the heaviest sleeper of the group, and ends up sleeping in often . NEEDS his beauty sleep or he will throw a fit . Does sleep rather still at least
Omen and Zerxes are the second heaviest , but Omen rests very little so it’ s more his body just finally giving in while Zerxes sleeps deep and sleeps little . His internal clock always gets him up at the same time . Omen wakes up with a start most nights , and usually after a bout of sleepwalking .
Seoras and Giilvas sleep lightish . Giilvas is used to having to walk up suddenly and to react quickly , but he can be lulled into a deeper rest if he feels comfortable . He also moves a lot and does mumble in his sleep . Seoras is just a light sleeper by nature … used to having to wake up to something happening outside or waking up because of his nightmares … he tries to force a deeper sleep , but it doesn’ t really work …
Danior . Well ! He can lay there like he is asleep , if that helps …
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
Zerxes answered here !
Omen has that fanatical drive for his oath , all aspects and teaching of the Ancient Ones are what he chases after the most . As long as he can still embody it , then not all is lost .. nothing else matter only Oath
Would it be cheating for Giilvas to say Wyll … Giilvas can’ t exactly name anything that is super important , even if he knows what he wants to do and what things he wants to help or stop , but Wyll is both a) real and b) helped him grow into something better , the same way he’ s helped him ..
Seoras considers cooperation and , at least , mutual trust the most important thing . You can’ t get anything done without cooperation and you can’ t cooperate if you don’ t trust the other to do what they need to do . As long as those two things are upheld , then anything can be done .
Danior … hm . He tries to not really have any strong ideas in case it conflicts with whatever The Being has planned for him or anything it may want , but he does strive for ideals of peace and to stop repeats of history . If he can , he’ ll find a way to stop a repeat of Netheril , or the ruin of a home . He believes in peace and he will kill for it
Lucian holds the friends who first taught him to play the flute and the belief he can have a free future the closest … the friends helped him find a talent that has helped him through life and gave him a feeling of being Someone . And the belief that he can get out of his pact to be able to be himself fully again … yeah . Keeps him going
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
Giilvas answered here !
Zerxes touches the skin around his eye a lot , usually testing how sensitive it is . He also checks/picks at his nails during conversation . If he’ s standing around for whatever reason , he uses his tail to draw/trace lines into the floor , or just to touch things behind him . Ofc he rereads the book of rites he keeps on him a lot to pass the time , and he clicks his tongue a lot
Omen uses Drow Handsign , even when he knows no one understands , to help him formulate his thoughts better . He picks a lot at his skin , so he needs to wear layers + gloves to prevent it . Also the chronic chewing on lips and fingertips . He messes with his hair a lot , twirling it and whatnot . Very slow talker
Danior speaks very little , and will make his response short and sweet . He cracks his knuckles a lot , it’ s a self soothing thing . He touches , picks at his teeth a lot , usually his canines , and grinds his teeth . Lips and insides of his cheeks are always bitten . Practices parrying and striking with his sword a lot , or the motions at least
Seoras picks at the callouses on his hands a lot . He whistles and hums a lot during chores or on walks . Stutters semi frequently . Prefers to travel at the back of the party rather than the front . Likes to pick and name flowers , and will explain what they can be used for if anyone is listening . Bites his tongue when nervous
Lucian clears his throat a lot , and has a habit of crossing his legs when sitting or standing . Tail regularly used when gesturing or to get someone’ s attention . Frequent um & ah user , but never falls back on them while preforming . Snaps fingers when thinking or looking for something . Bites thumbnail when stressed . Also retraces tattoos / fiddles with piercings when standing around
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theminotaursmanual · 3 months
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by Laerte Coutinho
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pebblume · 25 days
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pots n picks week day 7: free day
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nyenyel · 1 month
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[Image description: a comic of Mabel from Gravity Falls. She looks sad at first, saying: "Whenever my crushes like me back it feels wrong."
Perking up, she says: "I guess I'm losing feelings! Time to choose a new crush!"
She looks through binoculars, and continues: "Which boy should I have a crush on? I want an epic summer romance!"
In the last panel, she's in front of the aromantic flag. She's staring blankly, saying: "What. What do you mean that's not how crushes work. What is comp-het?" End ID.]
I propose: Mabel is aromantic she just has comphet
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knightrope · 3 months
Difficult thing, to be scrutinized so long. richie!
they don't discuss their past too often. it hurts too much to say some of the words out loud. but, in some way, it's nice to know that someone will understand all your lives lived and all things lost in between, in such a true and genuine way. he's come across other immortals , and he'd say a large percentage of the handful have not been pleasant company.
" yeah ... must've been a shitty time for you. " is pretty much all he can offer. right now, at least. he's not having the best day either. " let me fix you somethin' to drink. want a water ? a shot of whiskey ? tea ? what's your poison? "
@mournlamb , meme.
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