#< there u go blacklist that if you dont want to see. uh. this
nintendont2502 · 2 years
:33 < 11 WW42 Ju2T R-3M11ND-3D 0F T)(112 2)(11TFuCK-3RY 8Y S0M-30N-3 0N R-3DD11T 4ND N0WW 11M G011NG TWW0 M4K-3 11T -3VV-3RY0N-3 )(-3R-32 PR0BL-3M
:33 < 11 KN0WW T)(112 112 T)(-3 K11ND 0F )(11G)( Qu4L11TY C0NT-3NT -3VV-3RY0N-3 F0LL0WW2 M-3 F0R 4NYWW4Y
:33 < Y0uR-3 WW-3LC0M-3
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inkdemon-whore · 3 years
when you get this you have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) ♡
Btw i dont care if youre proship
bro my phone yeeted the fuck outta my response, anyway uuuuhhhhh
i've been engaging in more media lately, can actually sorta kinda cook, i've been actually doing at least some stuff with some ocs which is great i never use my lil guys, i've been doing some introspection, and uh.... idk, breathing is nice?
i don't really have fav followers, let alone 10, plus i wouldn't be surprised if some of my "faves" are some ppl who left or where just, the most engaged with my content
i appreciate you tho owo uwu
anyway, i know this isn't really in your ask, but it feels sorta relevant, to me at least. i've kinda been thinking about, like, platforming, i guess? and how audiences see creators, and really just, how i go about making content. not super in depth, but like, worrying if my art style is too soft and squishy for me to get into darker/taboo topics, or if i'm some how pulling in the wrong crowd. i don't know any of you, i can take a guess, but at the end of the day, i'll never know why any of you people like my content, or what you're "here for". because i can only ever hope it's for me, and not just the stuff i make, which is probably a bad mindset to have as a creator on the internet, especially tumblr dot fuck off. not gonna bore ya with this shit, i'm still meditating on it, rollin it around in my head, yada yada, so yeah
uuuuhhhhhh there's gonna be some stuff posted in like, march, i think? end of feb sorta? i don't remember, it's scheduled bruno x mirabel art i did not too long ago, so again, to anyone who doesn't wanna see that stuff, blacklist the tag "tw ship"
imma also take the time here to say, yeah, no, i haven't really been doing the whole "break" thing i said i would, it's kinda hard not to sneak in here when i can just type in the password, so, imma key smash a new password, and try to not worry about this place for a bit
if i get like a call out post or somethin when i'm gone........................... idk, i'm not sure if i'd wanna hear about it, i've had quite a few, and though i know i can defend myself and whatnot, i'm getting really close to "why even bother" territory.
if ya want anything from me, fiction doesn't equal reality, but it can be a representation of reality, and sometimes reality is fucking gross and uncomfortable, and art can be a safe place/way to explore those ideas without.... idk, sleeping with my uncle? like, don't, don't sleep with you're uncle, like, i shouldn't have to hold your hand and say that, i expect you people to be intelligent enough to know the difference between non-existent characters and real people, but also like, if that kinda content/relationship triggers you or makes you uncomfortable, then yeah you have every right to unfollow, or even block me.
anyway, that's my final think thunks here, maybe they're a mess, i don't know, i don't care, i've been looming over this blog for too long already about this, and i should probably leave, so, mmmmmmmlater, maybe in like....................................................................... fuck it, i'm not putting a time frame on it, just know this is officially a hiatus until it's not
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tomiyeee · 5 years
finished the story quests for bl3 (but barely any of the side missions yet) and i got...Opinions(tm)
(sorry if this doesn’t cut on mobile! also if you want to hide spoilers i’m tagging all my bl3 posts as “bl3 spoilers” so ny’all can blacklist it)
in no particular order:
i honestly wanted to give gearbox some slack and try my best to like this game bc i know people had probably unfairly high expectations for this game given all the build up, but they really just kept letting me down in everything but the graphics
said this before but overall, the characters are all Quite lackluster
^^ tyreen and troy included. adding the word "bitch" to every sentence does not automatically make it funnier
that being said, i super love their backstory + relationship with typhon/nekofeyo-whatever
the character designs are equally boring. moxxi was the only one who got a real improvement imo. lilith and maya are okay. rhys...i dont think i have to explain. lia...i dislike her hair; the black felt like it balanced out her design better and the white streak was interesting and cool but full white just looks bad tbh. zer0 feels less sleek and more bulky which doesnt fit him much. tina lost her pretty color palette and cute outfit. where are all the bright pretty color palettes in general???? there are other colors besides brown and black???? use them?????
ending of pre-sequel: “you will need all the vault hunters you can get” me: “ooh does that mean all the vh’s from previous games are back? i can’t wait to see everyone meet each other! :D” bl3: only nine of them come back, 3 of them die, the rest are involved in maybe one mission at most
boss fights. super. boring. and tedious. i mean this could be partly because i was playing on ps4 which made it extra not fun but if the only reason the fight is difficult is because they have a lot of health...it's not fun or challenging. i want fights like handsome jack with interesting mechanics. i want fights like angel with emotional impact. i want fights like the pre-sequel final boss that i forgot the name of with variation that isnt just "now they have an attack that shines bright lights in ur eyes, covers the whole arena, and can knock you down in one hit im looking at you traunt and killavolt". tyreens fight was the only one that i somewhat enjoyed because of this. all the others were just like "ughhhh again?"
im really enjoying melee amara playstyle. taking out badass enemies in four hits is my jam. this is just my fallout 4 playthrough all over again babey heck yea
typhon just wanted to be a good dad!!! he called tyreen starlight which is adorable!!! he did the best he could and tyreen hated him for it!!! i don’t blame either of them for that tbh, it makes sense from both their perspectives. tyreen definitely should have been more understanding, but she’s a dick so :/ (not saying this is a writing flaw, just a character flaw)
hammerlock needs higher standards in men but i really appreciate the undeniably in-your-face "fuck you" to all gamer dudes
i really. hate. how little the player character seems to matter in the story. in pre-sequel the vh's all had unique dialogue AND npcs would respond, sometimes even with character-specific lines. even when it was the same across vh's, it still felt like the npcs were interacting and speaking directly to them. the player character felt like a character of their own, rather than just a vessel for the player to do quests and kill enemies with or an errand runner for the important characters. i thought that was the direction they were going in with bl3 too but this just feels like bl2 only worse. there’s a separation again between you and the story and it feels like you’re just watching things happen. now ur not just a silent protagonist, but instead your a speaking protagonist who gets completely ignored. whats the point of including unique dialogue if it's not even acknowledged beyond an "uh-huh, moving on"?
sometimes the logic just feels kinda dumb. the twins killed/disabled maya and lilith in a heartbeat, they can literally disintegrate the most powerful beings in the universe, but the vault hunters? absolutely not. they must fight them for 40 minutes and then die.
after the fight with troy, no one even touched tyreen. there's no way they could have thought "yup she's definitely dead, no need to shoot her in the head or anything just to make sure. we didn't do anything to even hurt her, we just assumed." turns out she's 100% alive and gets up to start the apocalypse. who'da thunk! i know they wanted the end to seem more dramatic but it just seems stupid that they could have stopped tyreen like 5 missions earlier had they even the slightest bit of common sense.
lilith was one of the biggest threats to tyreen and troy's whole plan. of course they should leave her alive and simply steal her powers. let's kill the monk siren instead.
i know they didn't include this to give all players a fair experience instead of favoring sirens, but it kinda sucks playing a siren character and it's just completely ignored outside of ur action skill. tyreen and troy are sapping siren powers left and right, but they choose to leave you with yours. when you enter the eridian place with typhon tannis starts glowing because it has "something to do with sirens". what about the one standing right next to her? this applies to bl2 as well...jack i would willingly charge ur vault key for u pls why do u take lilith instead :'(
oh yeah speaking of tannis! i LOVE that she got angels powers. for some reason it just makes me really happy. maybe it's bc i think it's sweet that part of angel survived. maybe it's because it makes for cool fanart. maybe it's just cool. idk. also like that we got a solid explanation of what angel's powers were (influence over technology). i always thought her having control over it in bl2 might've been cuz it was hyperion tech and she had access to it same as she had access to the satellite from bl1. it wasn't super clear since it seemed like she could also materialize things like the ammo during her fight.
that also reminds me: all the dramatic reveals in this game felt kinda badly done.
the very first one with zer0/katagawa. like the whole time i was walking around looking for him i was trying to think why he might've turned/something must have happened to him or rhys. everyone was saying it was undeniably zer0. i finally meet him and take one look at his bright ass maliwan armor and its like. really. you couldnt have made it anymore obvious that thats not zer0. and then his helmet gets knocked off and surprise! it's not him. i totally didnt already figure that out with one glance 10 seconds ago. (maybe even earlier when you got glimpses of him around the building but i always missed it cuz i was looking at the fish tanks n shit)
also the tannis reveal. she was speaking to me in the same way that only known siren characters could. weird unexplained things were happening and seemed to be related to tannis. i wonder if she's a siren? surprise! she's a siren.
tyreen and troy knew about the great vault through some unknown means. typhon was talking about having a son and a daughter who he told stories about the great vault. typhon calls tyreen his daughter a while later and lilith acts surprised like honey ur a little slow, i figured that out several lines ago.
basically i'm not saying they were so obvious that i knew from the beginning of the game; i only figured them out a little before they were outright stated. but it was enough that it kinda ruined the effect and the characters acting surprised only when it was blatantly spelled out for them just made it annoying.
i feel like most of this is pretty negative, but i don’t mean that i hate the game and was miserable playing it. it was honestly okay...like i said i wanted to like it, but gearbox hates me specifically and killed/ruined all my faves just to spite me sooo...*waves hand back and forth in a sort of “ehhh” gesture*. i think my opinion on bl games from most to least fav would be: tftbl, bltps, bl2, bl3, and bl1. so it’s not the worst, but deeefinitely not one of my faves. i mean jack’s not in it (or if he is he doesn’t have a big role) so it’s already at a huge disadvantage. the ending was ok, it was all dramatic n stuff and it kinda makes sense i guess, but it was just about as okay as the rest of the game really. i don’t hate it but it’s not great either yknow?
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queenangst · 7 years
how to have a good Fandom Experience
a short guide by me !!! ★
there’s a lot of discourse going down... uh... everywhere, so i’d just like to share a couple resources that might be of use.
this is a post... inspired by the vld fandom but should be used in every fandom! police ur own content, y’all
i want to remind everyone that what u see on the internet can be controlled by u!! no biggie! if u dont wanna see stuff, u don’t have to see that stuff! u don’t gotta go around on anon picking fights or spreading hate. that’s fun for no one.
on tumblr u can blacklist tags (which means posts that contain those tags don’t show up on ur dash), and u can also use that handy-dandy block. 
tumblr savior (google chrome extension) for blacklisting tags
washboard (mobile devices) for blacklisting tags
this only applies to ur browser tho and not the app! here’s a step by step on how to use it, and it can also get tags from ur tumblr savior
common tags for discourse
“[fandom] discourse”
for voltron specifically many blogs will tag “age discourse”
reminder: if u follow a blog, u can ask them to tag something for u !!! if u like their content but u dont like to see a specific ship, ask to tag!!
many users will be happy to tag their posts for u. if they say no, then why are u !! still following them !!
how to block users 
the really cool thing about ao3 as a reading site is that most works are tagged! if there’s a ship/author u don’t want to read, you can blacklist them, similar to tumblr.
ao3rdr (google chrome extension)
an example on blacklisting tags:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
you can also sorta “blacklist” authors by putting their user in the tag* (credit to @stuffoverthechocolate for showing me.) i’m blocking myself as an example:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
*not an official feature
other notes: 
my dear friend tea (over at @sadrien/@grohver) wrote an incredible response to an ask over on her blog about discourse and how to keep ur experience on tumblr a good one. you can read it here!
she makes another good point to bring up: be careful when ur tagging ur hate! 
aka: if i make a post talking about how much i dislike/hate/critize x character or xy ship, putting “anti x” or “anti xy” will still let it show up in the tags for x or xy. 
instead, replace a letter with something else, so those who do like the ship won’t see ur post. be nice!! u can say what u want, but there’s no need for another user to read ur crit/hate if they’re in the tags just enjoying a character/ship they like.
example: i’m not fond of the popular ship Manon/Dorian from Throne of Glass. when i make posts or answer asks about my opinions on them, i typically tag with anti m@norian, replacing the a with an @ symbol.
that way, people who do ship them don’t have to see my posts! easy peasy! 
popular replacements: 
@ for a
1 or / for i and l
0 for o 
remember to follow blogs that produce content that u enjoy !! make some cool friends, not enemies. if u get mad or riled up bc of something u see, close ur electronic device and get up and take a walk !! don’t go on anon and send hate. don’t call up ur friends to gang up and bully someone who has different opinions than u.
here is a cute list of things u can do instead of (pardon me) being an asshole or for those moments when u forget these characters aren’t real. they’re fictional ok, take a chill pill, go do some self care!!!
remember fandom and shipping should be fun !!! if ur not having fun maybe u need to take a step back and think about how u can 
if anyone has any resources or other things they’d like to add, u can send me an ask and i’ll add it to this list! the more, the better
that’s all. thanks for reading !! now go out and have a good Fandom Experience 
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palpatinewave · 7 years
As we approach the first 100 days of Trump’s presidency, I feel...
depressed. i mean duh. It’s a fucking disaster. More in the readmore because it is lonngggg
I don’t wanna get into all my feelings, I’ve spent a lot of time discussing it in class, though of course the element i cant get into there is the kin thing for uh obvious reasons
at the very least Im grateful he wasnt able to do more damage than he already did?? Like his administration is just so?? incredibly?? ineffective?? it’s unbelievable. there are a lot of things that have happened that have lined up with my memories and a lot of things that dont and i think a key difference is that in whatever timeline i was in, the republicans, trump/myself included were a lot more competent, frankly. But in a BAD way.
That is NOT at all to diminish what’s happened so far because it has been fucked and he’s already ruining all sorts of shit. As a trans person especially lessening of protection for trans students made me sick, although I’m no longer in high school. I could list every other terrible thing trump has done and it would take ten years and most people reading this would agree with me that its fucked.
Key differences I can think of right now, for my own records:
--Flynn was never fired. YES there was major colluding with Russia
--By this point (I’m gonna say maybe two weeks ago??) North Korea was already EXPLICITLY threatening WAR on the U.S. based mainly on remarks I/Trump made about Kim Jong Un, though I believe they stalled due to lacking the ability to actually do any damage. I do not have clear memories of everything that happened or how things escalated though I have been trying to focus on that more because YEAH it;s kinda relevant rn 
--There is some kind of major scandal relating to Ivanka that results in something rlly bad.. I know this is super vague and I know there have already been scandals but I mean something way worse that actually threatens National Security. I can’t recall it rn so this is the best I got.
DISCLAIMER: to the people who will inevitably tell me to kill myself or call me a troll, though I know it’s a lost cause and u probably will anyway: I do not support Trump, I stand 100% against him but I can’t help my kintype so I’m going to talk about it on my own personal blog. If it makes you uncomfortable then FEEL FREE to block me, I do not want to trigger or upset people, but if you have anything to say on this topic/are interested and respectful you can feel free to comment or message me
OR if you follow me and you don’t want to see stuff like this then you can blacklist “trumpkin,” “factkin,” or “trump,” bc the majority of my posts are not even trump related
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