#pls i spent a lot of time writing this and taking screenshots
localplaguenurse · 1 year
I SEE YOU AS A LOCAL DOTTOLONE EXPERT, SO I MUST ASK YOU A FEW QUESTIONS i have dottolone brainrot and want to start writing fics for them. send help!! 1) What do you think Dottore smells like? and his demeanour? this is what I've got for him so far: "Il Dottore was a man of many specificalities. Sterile lab rooms, the scent of rubbing alcohol – from hours spent scrubbing blood from pale skin – and pressed white coats, starched and blinding. And despite this clean and composed exterior, something dark and ugly writhed underneath his skin, clawing its way to the surface at a moment’s notice whenever he stepped into the testing rooms." 2) What relationship dynamic do you think Dottore and Pantalone have? these were my thoughts - pls i dont even know - : "He had always felt terribly out of place. Misunderstood. Psychotic – Pantalone’s words, not his. Too great and too mighty for this world to contain. But somehow, amidst this flurry of thought, the Regrator had managed to temper his nature.
He was docile. More humane. If that was even possible." I hope you enjoyed my crumbs </3 SINCERELY, a romance writer who hasn't written dark dark romance in a long time shshsjsjsj
Local Plague Nurse? No no no, Local Dottolone Expert. Anyways~
1. That’s actually spot on for how I imagine Dottore smelling. I think I mentioned it in that one cologne ask I got from Ivy that both Dottore and Pantalone smell clean but in different ways. Pantalone smells well groomed, he smells of exotic soaps and expensive colognes. Dottore smells sterile, basically how you’ve described with that strong rubbing alcohol smell. I think how I described it was that Dottore smells like he’s cleaned up a crime scene but Pantalone smells like he’s covering one up.
2. I like many different flavours of Dottolone because Dottore’s eccentric nature and the different takes on Pantalone (because we barely know anything Hoyo) leaves a lot of creative liberty. There’s not exactly a right or wrong way to look at it. I enjoy like the trash gremlin/respected noble dynamic, or I guess like Jessica and Roger Rabbit (from the movie not the book). You have this ethereal beautiful figure and then there’s their goofy ass husband and they love each other very much. I think Pantalone finds Dottore’s antics very amusing (“he makes me laugh”) or at least until he’s the one funding the dumb shit he might be doing. Divorced and remarried is also funny especially if they’ve never been married to each other.
Your take is also a flavour I enjoy where Dottore is only soft when it comes to Pantalone, and Pantalone is only like fake sweet until he catches feelings and starts letting himself be vulnerable. Honestly anything can fit them.
I really enjoy @/nabakisan’s Dottolone art, because it’s both cute and their dynamics are so goofy and fun, but there’s also some depth to it depending on whichever comic you’re looking at. They also sometimes use screenshots from the game to explain their thought process/headcanons. Really, my best advice is look through some Dottolone artists/writers and see what dynamic calls to you the most.
I wish you all the best!
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queenangst · 7 years
how to have a good Fandom Experience
a short guide by me !!! ★
there’s a lot of discourse going down... uh... everywhere, so i’d just like to share a couple resources that might be of use.
this is a post... inspired by the vld fandom but should be used in every fandom! police ur own content, y’all
i want to remind everyone that what u see on the internet can be controlled by u!! no biggie! if u dont wanna see stuff, u don’t have to see that stuff! u don’t gotta go around on anon picking fights or spreading hate. that’s fun for no one.
on tumblr u can blacklist tags (which means posts that contain those tags don’t show up on ur dash), and u can also use that handy-dandy block. 
tumblr savior (google chrome extension) for blacklisting tags
washboard (mobile devices) for blacklisting tags
this only applies to ur browser tho and not the app! here’s a step by step on how to use it, and it can also get tags from ur tumblr savior
common tags for discourse
“[fandom] discourse”
for voltron specifically many blogs will tag “age discourse”
reminder: if u follow a blog, u can ask them to tag something for u !!! if u like their content but u dont like to see a specific ship, ask to tag!!
many users will be happy to tag their posts for u. if they say no, then why are u !! still following them !!
how to block users 
the really cool thing about ao3 as a reading site is that most works are tagged! if there’s a ship/author u don’t want to read, you can blacklist them, similar to tumblr.
ao3rdr (google chrome extension)
an example on blacklisting tags:
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you can also sorta “blacklist” authors by putting their user in the tag* (credit to @stuffoverthechocolate for showing me.) i’m blocking myself as an example:
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*not an official feature
other notes: 
my dear friend tea (over at @sadrien/@grohver) wrote an incredible response to an ask over on her blog about discourse and how to keep ur experience on tumblr a good one. you can read it here!
she makes another good point to bring up: be careful when ur tagging ur hate! 
aka: if i make a post talking about how much i dislike/hate/critize x character or xy ship, putting “anti x” or “anti xy” will still let it show up in the tags for x or xy. 
instead, replace a letter with something else, so those who do like the ship won’t see ur post. be nice!! u can say what u want, but there’s no need for another user to read ur crit/hate if they’re in the tags just enjoying a character/ship they like.
example: i’m not fond of the popular ship Manon/Dorian from Throne of Glass. when i make posts or answer asks about my opinions on them, i typically tag with anti m@norian, replacing the a with an @ symbol.
that way, people who do ship them don’t have to see my posts! easy peasy! 
popular replacements: 
@ for a
1 or / for i and l
0 for o 
remember to follow blogs that produce content that u enjoy !! make some cool friends, not enemies. if u get mad or riled up bc of something u see, close ur electronic device and get up and take a walk !! don’t go on anon and send hate. don’t call up ur friends to gang up and bully someone who has different opinions than u.
here is a cute list of things u can do instead of (pardon me) being an asshole or for those moments when u forget these characters aren’t real. they’re fictional ok, take a chill pill, go do some self care!!!
remember fandom and shipping should be fun !!! if ur not having fun maybe u need to take a step back and think about how u can 
if anyone has any resources or other things they’d like to add, u can send me an ask and i’ll add it to this list! the more, the better
that’s all. thanks for reading !! now go out and have a good Fandom Experience 
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nbrook29 · 4 years
11 goofy kiss pls<33
4, 7 for Sobbe omg👀💫👀💫 your talent kgnfjfnlfkf ...
Can you do 15 or 20? Or both for sobbe
Sooo this isn't really on the list of prompts but maybe you could write something about Robbe being totally obsessed with Sander's pouty bottom lip - whenever he sees it he has to pounce on it and kisses/bites/touches/pulls on it. Sander is either turned into a wreck or he teasingly indulges Robbe's obsession 
Hi! :)
based on But do you REALLY want the K?
Goofy kiss + Eyelid kiss + Distract kiss + Shut up kiss + Asker’s Choice
In hindsight, Robbe should have seen it coming.
When his school announced that they had received funding to organize free 6-month workshops for their students and local college students after hours, it got his interest right away. Especially when it turned out that the offered courses focused on more niche subjects.
Robbe has always felt some inexplicable fascination with Scandi culture, Norwegian in particular. In fact, ever since he discovered the multiverse theory he’s been half-convinced there must be a Norwegian version of him existing somewhere out there, which would explain this unusual interest of his. 
So when he was scanning the list of available courses and his eyes caught Norwegian 101, his heart beat a little faster and he giddily signed up right away.
And then Sander signed up too, claiming that a) if there’s a Norwegian version of Robbe there must be a Norwegian version of Sander too, thank you very much, so it is his duty to learn a little bit of his alter ego’s language, and b) it’s going to be a perfect opportunity for them to make up for the fact that they didn’t experience being in high school together. He’s always all pouty when he talks about it, mourning all those lost opportunities of them making out against a window sill in biology classroom or having secret meetings in the bathroom during class and demands compensation in the form of extra long makeout sessions in Robbe’s bed. 
Robbe doesn’t exactly mind, neither the joint classes nor kissing the pout away, which always effectively shuts him up. Quite the contrary actually. Ever since Sander texted him a screenshot of the participants list with DRIESEN SANDER under D, he’s been all hyped up at the prospect of the two of them studying together. 
His friends don’t exactly understand why he’s willing to spend his free time in their school building but at least Yasmina shows interest in the workshops as well, signing up for a few, Norwegian included.
He and Sander are the first ones to arrive to the Monday session, and when Sander notices that the classroom is still empty he wiggles his eyebrows grinning at Robbe cheekily, spins him around in a swift move and pins him to the window sill, his hands going around his thighs to make him sit down on it. 
“Is this everything you dreamed about and more?” Robbe chuckles at the delighted look on Sander’s face, legs snaking around his waist to hold him tighter.
“Yes, I got you right where I want you,” he replies smugly and doesn’t wait another second before pressing a tiny kiss to his lips, then another one, and another, until Robbe makes a soft noise of protest making Sander finally give in and kiss him properly, dipping his tongue past his lips in no time. Robbe lets one of his hands slip down, making his path down his back over the black denim jacket, stopping barely above Sander’s belt, and then without second-guessing himself goes down even lower to give his butt a firm squeeze, because it’s just so... deliciously squeezable.
They only break apart when they hear someone clearing their throat and when Robbe catches the sight of Yasmina regarding them with amusement, he quickly disentangles himself from Sander, wiping at his mouth with poorly hidden embarrassment. Sander is unfazed, as always, turning around with a swagger and shooting Yasmina one of his most charming smiles. She’s not a sucker for it though, contrary to Robbe, so she just fondly rolls her eyes shaking her head at their antics.
The classroom starts to fill in quickly after and before they realize the only empty seats left are placed in the back. Only Yasmina manages to snatch herself one closer to the front. Sander graciously allows Robbe to take the only unoccupied spot in the sixth row and he himself marches over to row eight.
The first hour and a half flies by and Robbe is having more fun than he anticipated. The teacher, Vilde, is young, she’s quirky in that positive way and her approach to the subject differs from what Robbe is used to during his regular classes. 
He takes notes diligently and tries to participate as much as possible but he struggles with pronunciation when asked for reading a few words out loud. When Vilde asks Sander to read them, he does it with flying colors, the jerk, and the girl is so impressed that she calls him a natural, praising his perfect pronunciation of “engelsk” and “kjole” while smiling a bit too much and too wide at him. In Robbe’s humble opinion. 
Once she goes back to writing on the board, he turns around to see Sander giving him a shit-eating grin so he does the only right thing in this situation and sticks his tongue out at him.
They are two hours in when Robbe gets hit in the ear with a small paper ball which then lands perfectly in the middle of his notebook. He throws a glance at the obvious suspect but Sander seems to be deep into copying the grammar rules from the board to his MacBook. 
His elegant handwriting gives him away though.
Du er digg 🖤
Vilde mentioned that last word just five minutes ago, more as a fun fact than anything else but of course Sander caught and remembered it.
He’s fighting against the beaming smile that threatens to take over his face because he doesn’t want to look like a lunatic to everybody around. Sander isn’t bothered by things like that though so when Robbe looks at him again he’s resting his chin on his hand, staring at him unabashedly with a grin of his own as he notices the flush on Robbe’s cheeks.  
He tells him as quietly as he can to quit distracting him to which Sander raises his arms in surrender and with a feigned-serious expression busies himself with the given exercise. If Robbe then tucks the note into the back of his notebook no one needs to know.
Not even a full five minutes pass when another paper ball lands on his desk. Robbe heaves a long-suffering sigh and raises his eyes to the heavens because yes, now he has to deal with a rebel of a boyfriend.
When he straightens out the note, he snorts.
Do you like me? 
Circle YES or NO
Seems like Sander is having lots of fun acting out this high school romance fantasy. 
He decides to indulge him and reaches for a red ink pen to circle YES. Then, he adds a bunch of crooked hearts (because he’s not the artist in this relationship) on a whim. Once he makes sure Vilde isn’t looking in their direction, he throws the note back to Sander, but not without catching the disapproving look from Yasmina who rolls her eyes so hard Robbe is surprised they aren’t stuck. He just shrugs at her without remorse. 
Sander opens the paper ball as delighted as a child opening their Christmas gift and when he sees the answer he pretends to swoon in his chair, blowing him a long kiss from above his notes.
“Sander, I think you should be paying attention.” Vilde’s reproach pulls Robbe from gazing at his boyfriend like a love-struck puppy and he immediately shoots him a cheeky grin because it’s just really satisfying to watch him being scolded by a teacher.  
“Yes, yes, you’re right,” Sander clears his throat as he straightens on his chair before he glances at his laptop and adds with a smirk, “Or, rather, Du har rett, Vilde.”
Then he winks at her and his confident demeanor clearly succeeds to appease her because she starts to wax lyrical about his oh so amazing pronunciation again.
Ugh. What a show off.
Though, Robbe has to admit that it sounds kinda hot when he speaks Norwegian but it’s not like he’s going to go and tell him that. Instead, he reaches for his phone to shoot him a quick text.
R: You’re such a teacher’s pet oh my god
R: Also stop flirting with her, she’s seconds away from swooning 
S: Are we jealous?
R: Yes, very, I’m worried you’re gonna run away to norway with her and have viking children together 🤭
S: 😘
There is no bell signaling the end of the class but at 17:15 Vilde thanks them for today’s lesson and everybody starts to pack and gradually leave. Robbe is shoving his stuff into his backpack when he feels fingers in his hair pulling his head back without real force to angle it better. Then, Sander places a big loud smooch on his lips making him giggle and swipe at him lightly.
“You’re such a dork.”
He reaches to put the strands hanging over his forehead back in their place, scratching at his scalp a little and when Sander leans into the touch, closing his eyes with a pleased purr, he stands on his tiptoes and presses a tiny kiss to his left eyelid, which earns him one of Sander’s sweetest smiles. 
Once his bag is packed, they leave the classroom with their index fingers entwined, swaying their hands a little as they walk. “So, did you like that class?” 
Sander nods. “Yeah, it was cool. You?”
“You know, I thought those three hours are gonna be a bitch but it was actually pretty fucking nice.”
Sander pushes his tongue in his cheek, wiggling his eyebrows at him. “And did you like my notes?”
Robbe pretends to scrunch up his face, trying not to laugh at Sander’s offended huff. “Hey! Well, okay then, if you’re like that I’m not gonna send you any next time.”
He juts out his bottom lip and honestly, it’s Robbe’s kryptonite, and he’s long made peace with a fact that he’s weirdly obsessed with it; it’s just so plush and enticing and he has spent hours upon hours kissing and biting it, the fact that it made Sander go weak in the knees for him an additional bonus.
So Robbe uses it against him to distract him from pouting, and this time it’s him who pushes Sander against the wall close to the school exit. He pulls their bodies together, delighted at the surprised hitch in Sander’s breath when he sticks out his tongue to drag it along his bottom lip, pulling it with his teeth to nip it a little, to then soothe the sting with his tongue again. He can feel his ministrations are starting to work and with each second Sander is turning into a pile of goo in his arms. 
A voice in the back of his head tells him the school corridor is probably not the best place for this so he eventually pulls back and drags him away from the wall to the school yard. Sander follows him but not without half-hearted protests that stop only when Robbe kisses him hard to shut him up in the middle of the school yard.
“Come on, there’s a bed in my room with our names on it and my mom works until 20 tonight.”
“Is there a shower with our names on it too?”
“If you’re good,” Robbe pretends to think about it, “then I guess that can be arranged.”
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pumpkinpaix · 5 years
老师好!Thank you for writing! i found you through your MDZS story and i really adore your insightful writings about the show. In my opinion, i even think the show is better than the novel in their presentation of WX relationship ~ ! it feels more natural and less pandering. Another essay suggestion for you if you want to write --- In the show, who do you think fell in love first in WX? When were the "turning points" when they realized?
sldjfslikl first of all anon, it’s WILD that anyone would address me as 老师 and i’m simultaneously flattered and gobsmacked. (i’m really really really not qualified to be called 老师 friend—thank you, like, a lot?? but yeah, i gotta say i’m not that cool) thank you for reading my fic and liking it and apparently my one meta enough to come talk to me!! also, SORRY this took approximately a million years i’ve been working on it on/off for like. two weeks. (@the other anon who also requested meta—pls forgive me im really doing my best apparently these take a lot out of me)
confession: I wrote a WHOLE ADDITIONAL essay in response to your opinion about show vs. novel that i ultimately decided to cut because it flies a little too close to the discourse sun and you didn’t ask for that hahaha. if it turns out you are interested in it, feel free to hmu and i can post it (though i’ll probably try to keep it out of the tags for my own mental health’s sake im not cut out for this lmao)
that all being said, who do I think fell in love first? it was definitely lan wangji, and it was right here:
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[id: screenshot of lan wangji watching wei wuxian making a wish to “protect the weak and curb the strong, with a clear conscience for all my life” from episode 7 of the untamed drama. wei wuxian’s eyes are closed, his hands clasped. lan wangji looks on with a surprised tenderness. /end id]
I think it’s safe to say that he already finds wei wuxian attractive/intriguing (see: his reaction to wei wuxian drawing his portrait, tying the lan ribbon around their wrists, the PEAK gay panic in his voice when wei wuxian trips and falls on top of him), but this is the first moment he’s really moved by him. up until this point, wei wuxian has been teasing, immature, A Nuisance™, too clever for his own good, troublemaker energy personified etc but he hasn’t ever revealed his deeper moral values in front of lan wangji—and he does it like this, without pretension, without irony. He doesn’t spend his wish on something frivolous or material: he wishes to be able to do good for all his life, to be righteous, to be kind. it’s the wish he makes for both of them. “the promise we made together all those years ago,” as he says, half a lifetime later.
like just. imagine, for a moment, being lan wangji, whose whole world is being constantly challenged and needled by this unfairly attractive, chaotic bastard and then he just comes out of left field with this. I think this is where lan wangji first recognizes himself in wei wuxian—that at their core, they share their most important values.
look what i’m saying is this is where I fell in love with wei wuxian.
(sidenote: I really think a lot of the tragedy of mdzs/the untamed is stems from this moment. wei wuxian fails, over and over and over, even when his wish never changes, even when all he ever wanted was to do good without fear.)
i had to think for a really long time to try and decide which moments i wanted to talk about on wei wuxian’s part, because i don’t think he’s nearly as easy to pinpoint. lan wangji falls in love like a lightning strike, but wei wuxian’s love is something that grows so slowly, i don’t think he realizes what it is until pretty late in the game.
so let’s begin with this moment on phoenix mountain:
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[id: screenshot of lan wangji and wei wuxian facing each other on phoenix mountain from episode 25 of the untamed drama. lan wangji is waiting expectantly for an answer, having just asked, “what am i to you?”, hand behind his back. wei wuxian is holding his flute, expression complicated and uncertain. /end id]
this is the first time i think wei wuxian is asked directly to label his feelings about lan wangji, and he says, “i once thought of you as a lifelong, intimate friend.” and when lan wangji presses, “and now?”, he doesn’t respond.
two episodes later, when wei wuxian is taking the wen refugees out of their prison camp and lan wangji appears before him, I think he has some kind of answer to lan wangji’s question:
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[id: screenshot from episode 27 of the untamed drama. wei wuxian holds out chenqing before him in challenge to lan wangji, who is offscreen. he is smiling, just slightly, resigned and fond and terribly sad. /end id]
“if there really must be a battle between me and them, then I would rather fight to the death with you. if i must die, then at least i would like to die by hanguang-jun’s hand. it wouldn’t be an injustice.”
if that isn’t some kind of confession, I don’t really know what is.
but it’s too late—he’s now a defector in the eyes of the four sects. lan wangji lets him go and wei wuxian rides away. the remainder of his first life, that’s how things stand. even through everything with a’yuan, the final massacre at the nightless city—even though there’s something really meaningful there between them, it’s all tinged with a sense of impossibility, you know? there’s no outcome where they can resolve it happily. wei wuxian has gone too far down that single-plank bridge.
the first moment i think wei wuxian has to confront the unresolved and unsaid things between him and lan wangji comes when lan wangji gets drunk that one night and tells him, “i have regret.”
“what regret?”
“that at the nightless city, I did not stand beside you.”
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[id: screenshot of wei wuxian looking at lan wangji (offscreen) with tears in his eyes as the full realization of what lan wangji just drunkenly confessed hits him from episode 36 of the untamed drama. /end id]
“so all this time, you’ve been searching for me?”
earlier i said can you imagine being lan wangji for a sec, and i’m gonna say it again except god. can you. IMAGINE being wei wuxian in this moment. finding out that this person that you maybe suspected you had deeper feelings for but never acted on has spent the entire sixteen years of your death searching for you, regretting that he didn’t stand with you before you died? a regret that he’s been carrying in secret, alone, for sixteen years?? that’s A Lot to unpack.
however, I don’t think wei wuxian really, fully understands and accepts how he feels and how lan wangji feels in return, how far they’re both willing to go until episode 42, at the confrontation at jinlingtai.
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[id: two screenshots from episode 42 of the untamed drama, right after lan wangji takes a stand beside wei wuxian against the four sects. image 1 is lan wangji smiling at wei wuxian: he is gentle and sure. image 2 is wei wuxian smiling back at him, eyes red-rimmed and wet. /end id]
even though lan wangji has been walking with him since dafan shan, he’s been doing it with a plausible deniability. and here, when wei wuxian is trying to give him an out, lan wangji puts everything he has on the line so that he can clearly stand with wei wuxian, without dissembling, without hesitation. “the feeling of of walking on a single-plank bridge into the dark truly is no worse.”
lan wangji is finished with regrets.
“it’s just funny, that’s all,” wei wuxian says, “back when the whole world flattered me with praise, you were the only one who would scold me. but now that everyone is calling for my death, all hating and condemning me, you’re nevertheless the only one standing by my side.”
i think after that, for all the remaining episodes, there’s an unspoken commitment between the two of them that underpins the rest of their interactions, which I think I can say without reservation that I like more than how it played out in the novel. EDIT 16 APR 2020: I changed my mind a while ago, ahaha. Turns out, I don’t prefer CQL over MDZS. I love them both so much. ;A; there’s something really profound about it, the trust in their unlabelled relationship. it really feels like the inexorable culmination of two adults in their mid-thirties coming together after falling in love for almost twenty years. there’s a maturity to it that isn’t present in the way the novel does the confession (which does have its own disaster energy™ charm) that I think highlights the fact that they love each other, not just because they admire each other, not just because they’re attracted to one another, but because they understand each other—because when they look at each other, they also see themselves.
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mcwriting · 4 years
Starstruck (7)
I’m back again and so quickly! Ha! I’m getting soooo close to finishing this but now I’m distracted writing my other series lol. 
While writing this I thought a lot about how much Tom actually curses vs. how little I put in andddd it’s pretty disproportional. I mostly just don’t speak like that so it carries over into my writing, but whatever. I’ll stick with it.
Anyways pls enjoy
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Fandom: Tom Holland
Ship: Tom x reader
Setting: Mostly LA, a little bit of South Korea in this one, but it doesn’t really talk about it
Word Count: 2146
Warnings: Mild language as per usual
Rating: K+
You tore apart your room looking for your favorite swimsuit, an olive green bikini top that accentuated your chest and a pair of black high cut bottoms that lengthened your legs nicely. 
It had been a few days since you went and stayed with b/f/n and she now wanted to go to the beach with you. You hadn’t gone out much since due to the paparazzi, who still hung around your house sometimes.
The suit was nowhere to be found, every drawer and cabinet searched high and low. 
And then you spotted something in the corner of your eye.
A beach bag slumped over the chair by your desk.
Could it be? 
You stepped carefully towards it, dreading opening up the bag and the subsequent memories attached to it. The hurt of what Tom did was still fresh, but better than before.
Neither of you had had contact since his final message to you, which was something you weren’t sure if you were happy, sad, or mad about. 
You’d thought about what Caroline had said in the past few nights, losing sleep over her words.
There’s no way I’ve caught feelings for the guy, right?
I mean, sure. He’s handsome, nice accent, great muscles, smells good, dancer, good sense of humor. The list could go on, I guess. 
Oh wait. Shit. 
Those thoughts flooded your mind as you dumped the contents of the bag onto the carpet, something landing with a heavy thud underneath the swimsuit you’d been searching for.
You peeled away the clothes and things to find a yellow glass bottle, Tom’s stupid unopened cologne now rested on the floor of your room. You stared at it for a few seconds, not knowing what to think.
You’d pretty much forgotten about it since the incident, pushed far from every other thought you’d had since that day.
A buzz suddenly sounded from your phone on the bed, revealing a text from b/f/n saying she was on her way. 
Not wanting to run late, you sat the bottle on the desk and ran to the bathroom to change before she arrived.
Photographers followed you and b/f/n at the beach, probably wanting to write a gossip piece about how you were “moving on.” Neither of you cared.
Instead, you both actively posed for the cameras for a little bit, laughing at the men’s persistence. Eventually, however, another of many celebrities in the area caught their eyes and they left, giving you much needed peace.
After a couple hours spent swimming, taking selfies, and tanning, the two of you gathered your things and headed for lunch at a nearby cafe. 
As you sat and ate under an umbrella, you found an article that had already been written containing photos from the beach earlier. It was titled “Moving on? Y/l/n spotted in spicy bikini with pal,” something that made you roll your eyes. 
“Wouldn’t it be funny if we reposted some of these pictures?” you joked to b/f/n. 
“Yes oh my gosh! That would be hilarious! Send me the article,” she agreed. 
You both screenshotted some pictures, picking your favorite to be the cover of your next Instagram post and intermixing some of the day’s selfies, too. Each of you hit post, tagging one another, and went back to your food.
The day had been long but perfect. 
B/f/n dropped you at your house late that afternoon, both of you tired from sitting in the sun most of the day. Since then, you’d spent the evening with your family and now prepared for bed.
You hadn’t checked your phone much since posting the photos, but you opened instagram to find that tons of Tom’s fangirls had liked and commented on your picture, most of them pretty supportive. 
Your caption had read “Apparently this is a spicy swimsuit and somehow it’s helping me move on from drama. Either way, today was a much needed beach day with my fav!” 
Other of your friends commented inside jokes, adding fire and pepper emojis, and called you spicy.
You spent a few minutes replying to comments when you decided to look at the likes. You searched “Holland” in the bar, wanting to see how many fans were liking it, but the first name caused your stomach to drop. 
There was a blue checkmark signifying it was him, too. 
There was no way he’d done it earlier, so you went back to the comments, where you found a new comment from only a minute before that read “OMG TOM LIKED!”
You were shocked to say the least. Was this some kind of a joke to him? Or was this his way of reaching out from a distance? Your thoughts became frequent and jumbled, and finally you decided to put up the phone and truly get ready for bed.
On the back of your desk chair was draped your favorite sleep shirt. As you went to grab it, the cologne bottle caught your eye once again.
You stared at it for a minute, then did something you’d probably regret later. 
You ripped off the plastic wrap off top and uncapped it. You took a heavy breath, and then spritzed the scent a few times over the sheets. 
It wafted up around you, filling your nose with the musky sweetness you were familiar with. 
After changing, you crawled into bed, the smell overcoming you, relaxing you. Surprisingly, butterflies filled your stomach as warm memories of yours and Tom’s night together came to mind once again. 
Ah shit. Caroline was right was the last thought to cross your mind as sleep overtook you.
Stan Twitter and Insta had blown up overnight as Tom’s fans speculated about him liking your post (and of course it just had to be one in a swimsuit). You tried not to think about it too much as you once again went to dance and tried to let off steam.
After class came and went, a parent came to let you know that once again there were dozens of people outside waiting for you with cameras and whatnot.
Your friends offered to help walk you to the car, but you were honestly angry. Enough was enough.
“I knew things would get crazy but this has gone on for too long. Celebrities might have to put up with this, but I don’t,” you spat, shouldering your dance bag and heading for the door. 
A few people tried to stop you but you just shrugged them off.
“Y/n, y/n!” the people began yelling, fighting to see who would get to your first. One woman beat out the rest and shoved a microphone in your face, the cameraman blocking your way.
“Tell us about your time with Tom Holland! We only want the truth!” she exclaimed with her feigned enthusiasm.
”You don’t want the truth, you want a story,” you began. Seeing the way people already looked uncomfortable with that statement, you continued.
“You take a good, normal person and turn him into your own little reality show. You build him up into a big celebrity just so you can tear him down in public.”
You were beginning to feel your face heat up and eyes threaten tears, but still you continued, looking out at the rest of the crowd.
“Just so you can sell magazines and TV shows? That’s really sick. And Tom Holland’s just one example. He’s talented and successful. He’s all the stuff lots of kids dream of having.”
Nothing you said had a hint of sarcasm or disdain, but rather it was a defendant tone. Now you took on an accusatory one directed at the reporters.
“But thanks to you, he’s had to give up some of the best things in life. Freedom. Privacy. Honesty. So congratulations, you’ve created a celebrity. But you have wrecked the human being inside. You should be ashamed of yourselves.”
You finished the tirade, a tear slipping onto your cheek as you remembered the night he spent at your house telling you about how he often missed normal life. There was a heavy pause but cameras continued to flash. The reporter turned to her cameraman.
“Did you get that?” she asked. He nodded, so she turned back to you.
“Y/n, y/n just one more question. In your opinion, who is Tom Holland really?”
You looked at her, taken aback. Your blood boiled.
“Who is he? I don’t know. The Tom Holland you’re all so obsessed with…” you took a moment to collect your thoughts. “I promise you I never met him. And I wouldn’t want to.”
With that, you pushed through the crowd and to your car, hoping they were satisfied.
On the other side of the world, Tom was becoming stir crazy. By the time Tom had awoken, videos and transcripts of your speech were already circulating the internet and he was overwhelmed and frankly angry. 
He was supposed to be getting ready for another press day, but how could he do interviews when everyone would just want to hound on him about you?
“Tom, we need to talk,” Harrison said sternly as Tom paced his hotel living room. Harry and Sam stood behind him in the entryway..
“Alright what on?” he asked as though nothing was wrong.
“Tom. Tell us what’s got you acting like this, saying what you did, and her making that speech through tears. You obviously liked that girl and something happened with her,” Harry stated.
Tom paused and turned to the group.
“What are you talking about? There was nothing going on between us.”
They all looked at each other and then Tom like he was an idiot.
“Look mate, you have no reason to lie to us. We always have your back and we’ll probably understand,” Sam added. The group took a few steps forward.
Tom was becoming more agitated and avoided eye contact with all of them. He crossed his arms tightly over his chest.
“First off, I’m not lying. And secondly, if I were, you all wouldn’t understand anyways because you aren’t me! None of you get what it’s like living my life and you never will!” Tom exclaimed, running his fingers through his hair in frustration.
The group was taken aback at Tom’s explosive statement and now Harrison was mad too.
“You know what, man? We came here to talk because we care about you. You’ve been a real dick the past few days and it’s getting old. All we wanted to do was help you out but instead you decided to go all movie star on us,” Harrison blurted. He turned to the twins, “Let’s go guys. He’s obviously beyond us.”
The three boys turned to walk out the door and Tom felt a weight drop in his stomach. Harry was just starting to open the door when Tom stopped them.
“Wait!” he paused and took a deep breath, “I’ll tell you all what’s really going on, but you have to let me tell the whole story first.”
They reluctantly turned back, eventually making themselves comfortable around the living room and letting Tom vent out the whole story, including how his management had made him cut ties with you.
“She was so honest and kind and I blew it. The more distant from her I can make myself, the better. I couldn’t let myself bring you in on this secret and feel bad too. She deserves to just hate me.”
The boys were all shocked and angered at what was going on.
“Tom, I love you, you’re my brother. But you are such a div! And I mean that in the most extreme manner possible,” said Harry.
“Yeah, come on mate. Just fire them! Why are you letting them control your life?” asked Sam. 
“You guys don’t get it! Singleness sells! I can’t jeopardize my career just because I found y/n to be the most beautiful and incredible and real person I’ve ever met. I mean, right?”
Harrison piped up at that.
“You really are more stupid than you look. Tom I’m gonna tell you straight. They’re living in some figmented reality where your relationship status determines whether or not you get hired. I mean, you’re Spider-Man for God’s sake. That has to count for something, right?”
Tom bounced his head back and forth in contemplation. 
“I mean I guess-” he started when Harrison cut him off again.
“You guess!” he stood up in disbelief. “You guess? Come on! Directors don’t care who the hell you’re dating if you’re giving them Oscar worthy performances and box office hits! And even then, who cares about your career when you’re putting your heart on the cutting board for it. Just go after the damn girl, Tom. And fire those assholes while you’re at it.”
A/N: Still can’t believe I got this out so quickly. Anyways, thanks for reading and as always, send me a message or ask if you wanna talk since I can’t respond to comments! (And keep an eye out for “the best revenge,” my new series)
TAG LIST: @marvel-lously, @jackiehollanderr, @one-big-fangirl, @dreamyvans, @lisannehus, @honeymoonpeter, @shootingstarsaretearsofheaven, @chenellearose, @photoshopart15, @parkeret, @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch, @racewife2004 
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riskeith · 4 years
awwww i’m here now darling so you better feel amazing <33333
ok miss i see the subtle flex you just pulled on me, just say your team is op and go... :pp jk!! no but yeah if you’re stronger than the goddamn bosses it usually goes easily. can’t say i’ve seen those days in a while tho rip
YOU ARE MY BABY!!!!!! you could do a doodle for me and i’ll literally cry abt it until i die. ooooh that seems good tho??? especially ningguang and beidou... the ladies are making a comeback 🥴 i agree with you actually!! i’d love for chongyun to come back (so you can get his c6 mostly) and for selfish reasons i want razor to come back to... bc boy scouts. i really want the boy scouts... hope it happens soon tho 🥺
speaking of boy scouts i just got him.... xingqiu.. i felt so bad bc i know how much you want him... :( but i didn’t get any xiangling so. i lost successfully shskdhsk. also I WISH they had cross-server co-op more than ever at this moment bc then we could do our chongyun + xingqiu dates... 🥺
cluna you’re literally so cool! you work through them? help couldn’t be me. i get super annoyed and if it’s not working i’ll just let it go and write something else instead shskdhdksk. for instance, i was working on this fic two months ago and i got really far into it when i hit a writers block. so, its just been collecting dusts for months now. a couple days ago i accidentally stumbled upon it and realize the potential it had so i might pick it up sksjdkd. i was literally prepared to just let it rot like so many other fics i write. so yeah idk sometimes i just give up because it’s easier even if it hurts me bc i spent so much time writing them sjshdkdj. yikes.
right?? and when you write a fic that takes place during the day you can get inspired by the atmosphere outside!! and yes!! i have to study outside i can’t get anything done at home. i used to be able to do that when i was younger but now it feels sooo impossible. especially with online school and stuff. either i go to a library, cafe or school. although most of these are closed now so i have to book a room somewhere to study. do you have a specific area at home where you write or can you just sit down anywhere and study?
for sure!! if i had the space i’d absolutely consider buying more books. right now i just have them scattered around everywhere (even some in my makeup drawer shdjdh). do you have a bookshelf? 🥺 that’s so pretty...! what are some of your other favorites btw? oh grade school is basically class 1 to 9... so from 6 years old to 15? girl no worries i know how difficult it is to understand all of that. when my friends used to explain their countries school systems before i’d just sit like owl eyes.
THE ALBEDO FANART!!!!! during his quest i took sooo many screenshots god he’s just perfect. he’s such a gentle and sweet boy ughhhhh.... he’s been gone for 2 days and i already miss him. and xiao and aether are just... yeah... i love how everyone ships aether with the boys yet i don’t think i’ve ever seen lumine shipping fanart? let’s just say gay rights and leave it at that.
BEFORE I CLICKED ON THE LINK I HAD A FEELING IT WOULD BE THAT POST.... literally us!!!! don’t make one in america no worries!! idk why my acc was set to that lmao. i’ll make one in asia tonight and just hustle for a few weeks until i reach co-op (i think it was ar 15?) plus i really want aether so i’m kind of not so stressed about it tbh? god i’m actually so exciiiiiteeeeed...... 😭 you gotta promise you’ll help me with domains and bosses tho you’re gonna be at a much higher rank than me while i’ll just be a little nooby girl. 😭
thank you so much for the encouragement!!! ♥️
today i didn’t keep you waiting too long, hehe. i missed you too much. but you’re porobably asleep now though :( oh well, can’t wait to hear from you my love <333
hiya!! i’m still up bc i miscalculated the length of a fic chdjcnskjd and thought to check if you’d sent anything before i went to sleep!! made me v excited to see there was not only 1 but 2 asks from you hehe (also it’s 2am rn so apologies for any incoherence!!)
AHAHAH fjskdjskdn genuinely tho,,, i’m really happy with my team rn LOL. and noooo you’ll get there someday!! before your world level increases and you’re stuck being many levels below the bosses again fhdjdjkd it’s a cycle 😩
NFKSKDLAKS i wish i could manage even a doodle… drawing hair is literally my worst nightmare (along with drawing anything else tbh) and all the genshin charas have such complex layered hair ugh it’s like they don’t want me to even try. yass beiguang (idk if that’s their ship name) actual queens 👑. razor!!!! what a good boye. i love his idle animation so much, pls he deserves everything 🥺🥺 and you deserve to get the boy scouts!!! can’t wait for that day to come <33
AHHH!!!! no don’t feel bad i’m so happy for you omg… live out all my xingqiu-having dreams for me please 😩😩😩😩 our xingyun dates!!!! some day it’ll be a reality <333
DHJAJSHS nooooo fuck writer’s block 😤😤😤 but i hope you’re able to finish that fic now!! (vaguely, if you prefer) what’s it about? also i have plenty of fics/ideas just rotting too, but that’s usually bc i get caught up in a new idea which i like more ? i think? lmao so yeah i definitely do give up on my fics too omg wait do you have those fics where you’re like omg this concept is god tier i’m so big brained and then you write out a scene and then it’s like … wtf do i do with this now? HAHAHAH like my attention span is slowly too short to write any long af fics, i can’t stay dedicated or interested enough for that but a lot of the ideas i have have the potential to be those 300k 40 chapter slow burn etc etc so there are so many docs in my drive that are just. works with like 2-3 written scenes and an entirely fleshed out plan but i know i’ll never actually end up writing it bc of aforementioned factors lolllll. that’s another reason why i think about just releasing all my wips some day! so people can see all the ideas im unable to execute jfjsndns. do you [like] writing super long fics like that? i admire your tenacity if you do ahah
agreeeeeed <3 and oh i see!! i always feel like people who don’t study at home are so studious fjskdksk it gives off that kinda vibe for me 🤪 and i have a study! so i usually do most of my work there. sometimes tho when i get bored and if i’m not watching a lecture i’ll sit on my couch or on the floor and change things up a bit lolol
djxkkakdks omg don’t let your makeup ruin the books.. or is the makeup more important djskskks. i do have a bookshelf!! it has like… 6 levels? and it’s all full 😳😳 other faves are defs the hunger games (catching fire >>>>>>>>) and you know the others like percy jackson, divergent, the mortal instruments. oh and the maze runner!!!!!!! the prequel (? sequel???) is probably one of the recent books i’ve actually read, even tho that was like back in 2017 lmao. i liked the john green stuff too.. just a lot of the like. basic ones LMAO. hbu??
6-15??? damn that’s an interesting range djsksk i guess the closest for us would be primary school which covers ages 6-12!
albedo is legit SO prettt and for what. his hair, his eyes, his soft spoken manner. ugh 😩😩😩 and taking a bunch of screenshots is a big mood!! ooo i’ve seen some lumine ones but yeah def not a lot ! (i know there’s discourse surrounding that lmao) but yes gay rights 😤 wait that reminds me i saw the cutest razor pic the other day and saved it i’ll show you when i’m in a more awake state to attach the image fjdjnd
!!!!!! ours minds… actually connected 🧠
okay that sounds good!!! and yeah wtf why does co-op unlock so like late lol let us play together NOW 😤 and good luck with starting again!! and have fun with aether hehe we’ll be able to have both ours meet 🤪🤪 AND YES I PROMISE!!!! i’ll carry you until we’re both the same AR and we can suffer fighting bosses together <3 you can just sit back and watch me do all the work 🤪 i’m super excited too!!! 🤩🤩🤩 and thank you for doing thisss even tho i know you said you don’t mind but still!! 💗💘💝💕💓💗💞
no problem!!! i believe in you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
eagerly (but patiently) anticipating your response~ xo!
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imaginefeawakening · 5 years
hello heyo hiya
ack sorry guys, setting up three blogs at once, the spicy one, the normal one, and the spoiler one, the normal one is just about ready to go, forgive my test post uh i’m not wildin i swear. spoiler one won’t be pass protected, i’ll be using screenshots and private post links (I’m assuming private posts can be shared as long as you link it, right? If i’m wrong i’ll have to pass protect the blog), havent been slacking all day i swear, i just havent touched tumblr html in 5evr
May I present to you, https://imaginefethreehouses.tumblr.com/
“why don’t u use a different type of name this time” because imagine is a happy word and we all need some happiness in our lives right
still needs work but good enough, i’ll probably start doing fills next week, cause i’ll be binging a lot since i start classes in a couple of weeks, i’ll take breaks tho cause ive been leading a rly major fe project i’ll mention soon, but those of u on twitter may be able to guess what it is since it’s been making the rounds quite decently
--I do have rules for pre timeskip age stuff that you guys can guess what it is, however, I’ve provided alternatives! it’s detailed in rules but no student x teacher stuff, i’ll just make student ocs or teacher ocs (that you can insert your own ocs, or whatever you please) in. or you can ask for student!byleth and i’ll try my best! even if a student is 18 i don’t want to do it..if they’re older than that...i’ll think about it. it would still be super soft stuff only from byleth’s point of view, tho again, i’m fine with one sided feelings from students
 no student spice tho, but teacher spice is ok, they can frick on/under/next to the desks in secret or whatever (but if u wanna get super duper spicy, tummywindow is the blog to go to wink wonk wink) 
--the rules r extremely confusing i admit 100% especially cause my vision is blurring rn, so just. clarify w me. its basically whatever i do here, just over there, with more details. i am a nice person pls dont be afraid, I DO joke around tho pls dont take offense walkfamf (not offensive humor just. i’ll dunk on u guys lovingly, with love, with care)
spicy blog is over at tummywindow and spoil blog is called--actually the phrase might be muted by u guys but it’s linked on the desc of the main feth blog,
--you can send asks to the other blogs, html just won’t be pretty yet cause i spent all of my time today on that one and im about to crash in bed since its 4am. i don’t have rules page done yet for spicy blog but yeah i only write f/f, f/m, or gender neutral (which is a bit harder but i think...definitely possible for shorter stories, i’m trying to pick up new spice vocab. i am not v good at spicy stuff in general anyway but i like to feed ppl, i thrive off praise,) same rules apply in regards to student content.
--also i made a mistake, im doing blue lions, black eagles, golden deer, black eagles. 
--i dont really care if i get spoiled in the spoiled blog asks cause i uhhhhhhh am too curious for my own good and may have been dabbling here and there, if its endgame ill be a bit sad LOL and be shocked you finished so fast, but i’ll be careful to just directly check asks for blogs instead of using my inbox for everything, i’ll be posting what i finish there when i finish tho, if anyone is still worried.
oh i’ve seen all timeskip portraits, and certain classes so, i don’t mind anything about that on the spoiler blog. 
just keep calling me sev, i cant take any more mod names, who am i, 
im not posting this on the fates blog cause i dont wanna get chased with a bat ahahaha--
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cheswirls · 5 years
tether notes 3/3
attached links
reference maps
pt 4 drawings
pkmn team graphics for 5 char
big bang art one / two
[this is very loose and only goes chronologically, so some points may happen years apart from each other]
caesar, under the family, begins research on creating an artificial arceus
the river from law’s village becomes polluted, and lami gets sick
everyone in law’s village dies. he travels to alola
corazon, the ula’ula kahuna, gets wind of caesar’s experiments
law joins the family in alola
law meets corazon, and shortly after embarks on an island challenge
after getting a special material on poni island, law meets with corazon, who tells him he was planning to turn the family over to the international police
corazon dies, and law escapes the family with one type:null
law ends up in the kalos region
luffy meets shanks, and learns about aura
luffy leaves for the sinnoh region to train with shanks for the first time
ace and sabo set off on a journey through the kanto region
luffy is given his second pokemon, a buizel, by shanks, to help cope with the loss of his brothers
sabo and ace return to travel kanto once more
sabo’s accident occurs; he’s hospitalized, but convinces ace to continue traveling
ace dies in an accident; sabo takes striker, his charizard, and leaves the sevii islands
luffy starts his journey looking for sabo
a band of pokemon poachers begins to grow more prominent in sinnoh; it’s led by caesar, who escaped capture at alola all those years ago
dragon’s group arrives in the sinnoh region
marguerite, a close confident with the sinnoh champion, goes missing
shanks sends luffy a letter; law boards a boat for sinnoh from kalos
the sinnoh champion, boa hancock, contacts shanks about marguerite
dragon arrives at snowpoint and meets with kokoro
aisa goes missing
tama goes missing and, catching word of this, shanks heads to tsuru from his meeting point with luffy
anana goes missing
luffy arrives in the sinnoh region
chimney goes missing, and shanks sets off to go look for all the missing girls
luffy migrates to jubilife, thinking it was veilstone; law arrives in the sinnoh region
shanks is captured and loses contact with boa hancock
dragon separates from his group, going off on his own
law and luffy meet in jubilife
the battle zone’s real-life location is a formerly-japanese-but-now-russian island called sakhalin. the lower half, specifically. the other island on the map where the pokemon league sits is based off a chain of japanese-owned islands that i can’t remember the name of and am too busy to look up right now. sakhalin is pretty barren, pretty remote, and pretty unpopulated. it’s also colder than hokkaido, being further north, but bc the pokemon-equivalent has an active volcano, the climate balances out.
i spent more time researching sakhalin on google earth than i did actually writing the entire travel part of part 4. like, an absurd amount of time. more than i needed to. but the result is a good portrayal, and an accurate, effortless one. here’s some geography stuff.
1. the squatty plants on sinnoh’s route 225 are probably stone pines. i say probably, bc i still came away unsure, but this was my best conclusion. i cross-referenced sakhalin flora with what i was seeing on google earth, paired with what was most common since these trees are everywhere in the battle zone. specifically they’re japanese stone pines, so more of a squatty bush than an actual tree. (also called dwarf siberian pines, or the genus name of the dwarf version, pinus pumila) in pokemon verse, i chose aguav berries as the pine’s fruit since the seeds grow in pink bundles, like an aguav plant in-game. also, an unripe pinecone is greet, so there’s that too. 
2. southern sakhalin, that i can remember, doesn’t actually have black-sand beaches. there’s one in platinum off the base of stark mountain, but since that’s aniva bay area of sakhalin, it doesn’t match up great. the only thing similar is in northeastern sakhalin, off the sea of okhotsk, where dark mud will collect on the coast and turn the beach dark. i wrote it off as a game mechanic, saying ‘it’s from the ash from the volcano’, or something like that, and then referenced beaches in iceland that are actual black-sand beaches and really pretty. 
3. aniva bay is southern sakhalin, essentially. it’s a fork, and in the middle is where the black sand beach is in platinum. in actuality, aniva bay is not that big. there’s a lighthouse off one fork, not tall or anything impressive, but it’s there. at one point i wanted law and luffy to sail in (i saw sail, i mean like surf on a pokemon okay) past the lighthouse, and go through the bay, and stop on the black sand beach. this was before i knew most anything about part four, though, and soon the idea was scrapped as i deviated towards the cargo ship taking them to fight area. also, aniva bay isn’t deep enough for whales to flop around in, and i realize since i called it a bay in tether that that should also hold true, but i did say it was a wailmer so let’s jus forget that inaccuracy and say its okay bc the whale is tiny.
4. stark mountain was a challenge i spent. so long. so so long. trying to find the  mountain range it was based off of. pokemon wikipedia was no help, bc sakhalin is huge. if i was gonna do anything for the pokemon community, i’d wanna go and edit articles to include real-life landmarks that in-game ones were based on. i think the closest thing i found to a once-volcano was more into the northern half of sakhalin, so after spending too much time looking into it, i jus wrote based on screenshots of stark mountain, and on my own intuition. also, yea, i used video game logic the closer they got to the volcano. please don’t depict characters holding cloth over their mouths to protect from sulfur ash if youre going for accuracy, bc thats not going to help. 
5. the survival area and the ainu village. i wrote a little about the ainu in part one, while exploring law’s village. my main amount of research went into the ainu’s of sakhalin, though. it’s all sorta the same culture, since they all got kicked out migrated to hokkaido anyway, but there are a few differences. the sheer rock cliff is part of a sakhalin photoset i referenced, so it does exist, somewhere. yes, there are bears in sakhalin, perhaps even more than hokkaido, since it’s less-human-populated. but, again, also colder. i realize survival area is a settlement in platinum, but also.. its really small? and kinda nothing, tbh. so i transformed it into an ainu village, since it’s so outta the way of the other two areas down on each fork of the bay, and it’s closer to the volcano, where the fire goddess resides.
the ainu are the indigenous population of japan. i mentioned before, if you’ve read fma or one of arakawa’s spreads, you’ve probably heard of them. in fma, they’re the race that the ishvalans are based off of. nowadays, they reside in hokkaido, and a while ago they used to reside in lower sakhalin. i couldn’t figure up a creative name for tether for them and i was in so much of a time crunch that in the end i didnt bother, sue me. researching the ainu was most definitely one of the more time-consuming tasks. i spent a long time reading. i watched, after a good recommendation, all two seasons of golden kamuy (an excellent portrayal of hokkaido!ainu, btw, jus not exactly what i was going for) and all one season of sirius the jaegar, where i got the most help from. marking maps and writing the outline (and making myself remember why i dont ever outline. ever.) were definitely time-consuming, but ainu research was by far the most hours i spent on a task for tether (besides like, writing it.) 
i still don’t feel like i did enough research, so the cultural things i did include i tried to keep vague to keep from portraying wrong. the bear ceremonies, the signs of summer through salmon (finneon) hunting and huki harvesting, the bear cub raising, the ripping of clothing in a funeral procession, and the kamuy (ainu gods) are all real things and part of ainu culture. woman tattoo their lips, yes. the patterns of the clothing are distinctive (also warm, bc they’ve always been This Far North, and tether!law is a bastardization of forgotten ainu culture pls dont look at his sleeveless top next to his wooden earrings i beg you) there are lots of things i could go into, but im jus gonna leave it vague again and say if you’re super interested, go find an article or watch golden kamuy. 
there wasn’t a lot of pokemon depicted in the wilds of the battle zone, and for reason. at this point i really wanted to keep true to sakhalin, so i stuck with the fauna native there, and the pokemon native to sinnoh, and if i didn’t include any pokemon that actually appear in the battle zone in platinum? oops. my house my rules. anyway so horses, dogs, wolves, bears. rapidash, eevee, luxray line, ursaring line.. that covers it, right? oh, and fearow. okay, so i did include one pokemon from platinum’s battle zone. also wailmer, there was a wailmer. 
why did you include baroque works into dragon’s group?
so. i wrote tether while the vivre cards were coming out. specifically, right before i was supposed to have started writing part 4, the alabasta pack came out, and i was so taken with goldenweek’s real name that i re-read little garden and stuck her into the story. bentham was.. k, no lie, in my mind he’s like a pseudo-rev member? i jus associate hm so heavily with ivankov, and i read a fic once where he was iva’s student and since then i’ve jus always had to include him in rev stuff so that’s why he’s here. plus i love him. good enough, right? and those two are the only ones, so it’s not entirely baroque works. i don’t rly consider bentham bw anymore, like i said, he’s kinda a pseudo-rev. and i jus rly liked marianne’s name. also her, now. tether!marianne is cool. 85% of the story’s sass.
april 9th is both caesar and marguerite’s birthday. i think in the beginning i was searching for characters that share birthdays for a plot point, and when i settled on caesar i settled on marguerite eventually for this reason just so i could make the whole ‘it’s not his bday its mine!!’ joke. and then i formed the whole story on it being late march-early april and based the weather off that.
law’s sixth pokemon. see, i told you revealing it was strategic! you all were expecting null, right? and then out pops silvally. well, it’s been so many years, so it’s natural they would’ve figured out love and trust and such and breaking the mask and evolving. still! aaaa, that felt so good to write. 
there’s more of a metaphor with silvally, even more with umbreon, that i was going for. something along the lines of a captured being being granted escape, bonding with someone, coming back to get due vengeance with the old captor, showing how much more they had become. with umbreon, it was more thing-i-protected-grew-into-something-that-now-protects-me aka her helping law through his nightmares, being a generally supportive and kind pokemon like someone law knew wink wink. also literally protect, with the whole casear thing.
okay mind control time. i reread pt 4 real quick before writing the notes, and im still not completely satisfied with how shanks broke free. i tried to hard to research good mind control depictions but i was more interested in figuring out how the mind control ended rather than the state of being, and there weren’t many promising results other than the victim dying, which wasn’t helpful. i knew i didn’t want it to be the whole i-love-you-so-snap-out-of-it thing, thats so cheesy and kinda ridiculous tbh. i think luffy confronting shanks’ inner self directly and convincing him to step out is nice, but if you pay attention closer to the scenes and how they match up, you might notice something that aids this.
so, it wasn’t just luffy. i know a lot goes on in latter half of pt 4, and all the scenes are disjointed. law and umbreon and silvally defeat gengar before shanks awakes properly. it was luffy, yes, that convinced him everything was going to be okay, and to not falter. but since gengar was knocked unconscious, the control over shanks was already waning to begin with. it was more like, he was already fine, and out of the cycle, but the trauma kept him from realizing it until luffy came. does that help? so basically, it wasn’t luffy talking alone, it was defeating gengar, like luffy had thought of previously. and then it was helping shanks thorugh it, because you don’t just bounce back from that. thats why i wrote shanks Like That in the remaining scenes.
while not in the best conditions as lab 3, labs 1 and 2 were fully-operational and secure facilities, so if you were questioning why sabo and law (mortally injured, mind you -two stab wounds, ow) would just leave the people and pokemon next to a burning lab, it’s because it was secure and the fire contained. the base was inside a volcano, guys, there’s no way the rooms werent airtight to prevent an accident. imagine being That Guy that fucked something up and led to the active volcano erupting. of course they took precautions. also, sabo had been working in the base for a bit, so if he thought the people were gonna catch fire, he wouldn’t have left them.
koala having aromatisse was purely for plot purposes, for it’s hidden ability. i needed a psychic type, and if i haven’t mentioned, dragon’s group are based in kalos, so it had to be from there. it fits though, maybe, right? anywa, yea, that’s why sabo has a delphox and salamence after he fucks off for two years, because he was in kalos. (this is what i’m referring to, if you haven’t clicked on any of those links.)
Law takes Luffy’s hand and leads them backwards, until they’re out of sight again
and, finally, my favorite moment of tether, when lawlu graduates from arms to wrists to finally holding hands. /cries so proud
k but what’s with that ending?
fun fact time i always knew how i wanted to end tether. from the moment of its conception, even before i finished writing part 1 (before i started, really, back when i was gathering material) i knew it ended with dragon in front of the statue of giratina. insert obligatory sequel joke here marianne mentions, before the trio ventures into the base, that her group’s leader wouldn’t appreciate having to halt his own agenda to help them with taking out the hunters. giratina was this agenda. 
originally, before i started on pt 2, i thought abt law/lu taking a different route. i wanted them to go north, up through eterna forest and to eterna city, and examine the statue of dialga. then go east from there, still taking them through coronet, but then through celestic town and seeing the cave painting of the lake guardians. i also really wanted them to go to lake valor, since it was the only lake they could conceivably go to on their way to veilstone. i thought about switching pastoria for snowpoint and encountering sabo at lake acuity. none of this worked out, but it was all supposed to reference back into dragon and giratina and sinnoh lore. instead i turned it fully into a travel fic and then a rescue op, at the end. it’s still interesting to think how the story could’ve changed, had they gone up to eterna before crossing through coronet. 
in all honesty i wanted to end the story on a surprise note. almost like a goosebumps ending, where everything is resolved and then at the very end there’s a quick scene that leaves you grasping for more, leaves you questioning. (also like certain op chapters leaving you with zero answers and more questions than you started with, fuck you, oda) it wasn’t until i was almost done with part 4 that i started to kinda miss tether, even tho i wasnt done yet but my outline had been done for a bit so i kinda was? and then i remembered back in november when i created concepts for ace and sabo before i even wrote that one scene in mt coronet, and i remembered thinking so much about their story, and their travels, and sabo’s accident. and then, not long after i finished with part 4, i had a startling idea, and i had a first line of a maybe sequel, and i started to put a little more thought into it.
if you’re looking for confirmation, this isn’t it. this is saying i have an idea i’d like to explore. maybe. tether took a lot of work, and a lot of time. it definitely doesn’t have as much feedback as i would like it to, for me to invest in a full-fledged sequel. if i start this, if i ever do, it’ll definitely be more lax, and a chapter-by-chapter sort of thing. i guess it just comes down to how many people are actually interested in it.
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nikatyler · 6 years
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Oh hey, long time no replies. And these are the first ones of this year. I have a hard time replying now. It’s not like I don’t have time - I’m doing okay, actually. I mean, I wouldn’t complain if there was less homework, but still. Free time exists. It’s just that I can’t bring myself to replying to either comments or messages...I replied to asks quite quickly though, which is something unusual for me. Usually that’s where I’m slowest. I don’t know, is this another weird anxiety thing? Like I know I can reply, but I just...don’t?
Anyway...let’s get that done now I guess. There’s a lot of these, apologies if something got lost. Maybe it’s my fault, maybe it’s not, all I know is that sometimes my activity feed doesn’t show me everything.
unstablesims replied to your photoset “Vlad the fashion icon strikes again.”
he's rocking that goth TM look lmao
I mean yeah.
unstablesims replied to your photoset “This brings back memories. Maybe he’s not evil, he just wants some...”
he's vv nice to his friends..... the problem is becoming his friend ��
I was going to reply with “if this ain’t me” but...actually once I get comfortable around people, irl especially, I’m awful to them D: (I can quite easily turn into the sarcastic asshole friend and no one believes me until I unleash it lmao) But anyway yeah I kinda can see Vlad to be that way, now that you mention it
justkeeponsimming replied to your photo “End of the Year Tag 2 This time I was tagged by @justkeeponsimming....”
Ronnieeee!!! Your sims are SO gorgeous! Love love love this!
Aaaaah thank you so much! ♥
dandylion240 replied to your photo “I tweeted this last night but I want to share it here as well because...”
When Ross and Caleb finally got together. I'm still hoping Caleb changes his mind and turns Ross.
If I had replied to this a week earlier, I could’ve used my favourite eye emoji. Oh well. Yeah, it’s good he changed his mind, isn’t it? :D I couldn’t stand the idea of separating them.
jackssims replied to your photo “I tweeted this last night but I want to share it here as well because...”
The birth of Miracle! Caleb, Ross, and Sunset! The high school story and when Miracle and Adam got together as well!
ghkjahfljhk lately (I mean for the past few months) I’ve been really disliking Miracle and Adam’s storyline but for some reason when people mention it, they always say they liked it, so I guess I didn’t do that bad of a job? 
Same with the good old Zoey storyline. Everyone who has ever talked to me about it said they liked it and thought it was interesting, but I’m over here like “gjkfjgfjhg don’t mention that mess to me ever again”.
melien replied to your photoset “Sunset spent the New Year’s Eve by playing sims. This is very...”
I feel personally attacked
It’s fine, we’ve all been there :D
I think I played sims too this year. Well, first we played some board games with my parents, then there was midnight, I cried, went to see the fireworks (while finishing a bottle of wine but I swear I wasn’t drunk)...oooh and then I watched a stream and edited my sims screenshots! Okay so I didn’t actually play but I edited the pics and like...these are still fun new year’s eve plans, am I right?
melien replied to your photoset “Dawn came over and the two spent hours talking about space.”
I love their outfits! Totally would wear something like this
I like Sunset’s style especially. Well, sometimes she wears clothes I wouldn’t, but for most of the time, it’s just comfy fun stuff I wish I had. Especially considering my dark phase is over and colours are slowly coming back to my closet :D
melien replied to your post “I have some random sims I could share. Anyone interested?”
Ohhhh... on one hand I'd always want sims from you but on the other hand I fear I won't do them justice because idk where to use them rn. Dilemma
pls ask
I’m always down for creating sims for mutuals and friends (I just never talk about it), so just let me know when you want one. Also, I’m sure you would do them justice. I’m really not afraid you would fail there. You know I love everything you do, so... :D
melien replied to your photoset “This guy ♥”
Ending 2018 on a high note
The best note possible
simtress replied to your photoset “Caleb: Isn’t it sad that there are so many ways a vampire can live a...”
i love the name caleb...♥
Me too! I’ve liked it since the first time I had seen it in an English textbook years ago.
dandylion240  replied to your photoset “Oh god please tell me I didn’t accidentally have risky woohoo on or...”
It'd be fun to see what their kid would look like.
I agree and I’m surprised I’ve never played with their genetics. smh ron
cafeheart replied to your photo
okay he's hot but this also makes me uncomfy for some reason asfdlkjaj put him back
jackssims replied to your photo
I agree he’s got a hot vibe going, but this just feels wrong tbajfnakcn
It is kinda weird, I’ll admit that (but “reimagining” him was fun). It’s like...taking away Caleb Vatore’s weird emo hair. I admit I’ve done that once but it was just to mock myself anyway. I wouldn’t do it “for real”. Emo hair must stay. Yes it’s dumb, but also, it’s iconic. we stan dumb hair
I’d say this is something similar. I don’t want to say anything about Ross is iconic, but...you get my point, right?
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Okay, I don’t like this. I have a theory.” Caleb: “I know what...”
The funny thing here is, when I was writing this dialogue, I had no idea what was going to happen later.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Caleb: “I don’t…I don’t ever want this to end.” Ross: “You’re the only...”
Way to dodge that, Caleb
Oh yeah. He’s good at that
unstablesims replied to your photoset “Sunset: I know I said I’d work out today but I really don’t want to…oh...”
An everyday one
alfalfalegacy replied to your photo “Sim Download: Cara Meadows she/her, bisexual Another one. I imagine...”
ahh she's cute! might have to nab her for my private save ;)
Yay, I’m so happy to hear that! :D
jackssims replied to your photoset “Everything about this picture is a big mood. You may tag yourself now.”
Tbh I’m both Caleb and Sunset
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Valentine: “Relationships and love aren’t really for me, but attending...”
Ironically her name is ValentineXD
Yup. Exactly. I bet it must be annoying for a person who couldn’t care less about getting into a relationship.
myopiccc replied to your photoset “Sunset wasn’t born to follow the crowd.”
Seriously!?!? I would never know THEY can use an umbrellas clever way! LOL
Lol they sometimes open it inside. Doesn’t seem clever to me :D But yeah, I didn’t expect them to sit down like this.
solarmoodlet replied to your photo “Sim Download: Enric Noel he/him, gay Sometimes a miracle happens and I...”
hes so cute. added him to my save. Tyvm!
Ahhh thank youuu!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “Simblr 2019 Goals”
I join you with the last point�� I kinda defeated social anxiety irl but the online anxiety stays. And they say shy people can communicate better online!
melien replied to your post “Simblr 2019 Goals”
I third the online anxiety, glad to know I'm not alone
I wish I could say I defeated it irl as well...things got better (mainly because I just had to get used to it and grow a thicker skin) but I’m still an anxious trainwreck 99 % of the time :D It’s the same online. 
Also, instead of actually starting a conversation with people, I’m always like “oh you know, if you feel like talking to me, just send me a message, I don’t bite” but the problem is I know there’s a lot of us like that here and I’m not the only one with this fear of communication so maybe I should be the one to find the courage once
Wow that didn’t make sense but I think that only proves my point that I’m an anxious trainwreck :D
penelope-and-wonders replied to your photoset “You can put the umbrellas away, guys.”
What fun would that be? ��
Oh right, I can’t have a normal wedding :D It’s a universal rule that I should finally accept. Something would be wrong if everything went right for once.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “Sim Download: Leigh Smith she/her, pansexual A long long time ago I...”
Omg, I looove her! ❤️❤️
Thank youuu ♥
green-productivitea replied to your photoset “Sunset: “What can I say? Freaking finally. Took you long enough to...”
The fact that she call him dad :O
Yep, she did. I love the relationship these two have.
yamekamerainbows27 replied to your photoset “Sunset: “You’re the woman that said she didn’t want a child, and you...”
Damn Sunset! You tell her girl ��
melien replied to your photoset “Sunset: “You’re the woman that said she didn’t want a child, and you...”
Go Sunset!
That’s what she deserves
sparkiemonkey replied to your photoset “I mean, Sunset was right. Dawn is adorable.”
she is totally adorable
Up until now I was always saying that this legacy has some Good Genes, now with Dawn it will be more like Cute Genes.
unstablesims replied to your photoset “Marcella: “What are you two doing?” Sunset: “Watching the clouds!...”
let them be dorks in peace!! lmao
Exactly!! No reasons to judge
cafeheart replied to your photoset “I would lie if I said I saw this coming.”
yknow if someone didnt have context for your legacy this kinda looks like caleb is murdering ross asdkfbbd
omg you’re right and I hate that you are right
vampcatsims replied to your photoset “Ross: “We’ve taken many risks already and now I’m taking another one,...”
noooo he's going to leave him at the altar god this is going to hurt so much
omg wow this is where scrolling down and reading new ones before old ones causes reaction mistakes cuz omg this is for realsies isn't it?
kyveria replied to your photoset “Ross: “We’ve taken many risks already and now I’m taking another one,...”
@vampcatsims don’t worry, ross has already had someone leave him at the altar so Caleb is going to stay ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Haha yeah, they’re going to be fine. I think. Can’t promise anything.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Caleb: “I…how can I say no to this? Yes, Ross. Yes, I will.” Ross:...”
Good! I was scared he was going to say no for a second ����
Imagine if he left him and I’d introduce a new spouse now. Or bring back Jordan. Or Marika.
Omg imagine I’d bring her back and she’d get her “happy little family” she claims she wishes for now.
myopiccc replied to your post “ - fave types of movies?”
Such a tense era! I'm a historic nerd too:)
Yeah, I love it! I mean, I don’t actually love it, there were some bad things happening, no freedom of speech and such, but for me, it’s an interesting era to learn about. I also think it’s important to know about these times because in a way, they’re still so similar to where we are now, we really should look back at them and try to not make the same mistakes...sadly, when I look at the situation in my country...sometimes it feels like people forget. Not just people like me who didn’t experience it and have only learned about it in History classes...feels like even people who have been there forget and it’s sad and frustrating and I wish I could do something about it. Okay rant over.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Caleb: “Tell me honestly. Did you expect me to change my mind with...”
Nice! But I swear if this somehow backfires and Ross ends up dying...
dandylion240 replied to your photoset “This doesn’t even need a caption.”
Ross you better not have died!!
jackssims replied to your photoset “This doesn’t even need a caption.”
ajkfaglafkghlahgfk I didn’t realize this would seem like he’s dying I’m sorry for causing panic fjaklflk
I just thought it was funny he set himself on fire and Caleb is over there like “nooo I agreed to marry this freak I have made a grave mistake”
princessdejamars replied to your photoset “Ummmm”
oh no not again
Yes. Yes again. And yeah, I could’ve left without saving. I didn’t. I was shocked when it happened and once I realized he’s pregnant again...you should’ve heard my hysterical laughter. Something is wrong with me and I don’t like it.
cafeheart replied to your photoset “Dawn: “Not a chance.”
sunset looks scared shitless asdkfjdbdb
"fhlakhfalklahkjjkij she’s kissing me I wasn’t prepared for this what do I do jgljfkjhlaafkgl”
jackssims replied to your photoset “Caleb: Nothing happened…I’m fine…I’m just gonna give this dog a bath...”
That's totally not going to lead to more problems later, Caleb, if anything *did* happen (/sarcasm)
Yup. It’s totally okay to do that.
jackssims replied to your photoset “oh shit”
Oh fuck
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “oh shit”
this is wild haha
Basically my reaction
jackssims replied to your photoset “Stella: “Dad, you’re home alone?” Caleb: “I think so.” Stella: “Aw,...”
jlkfdzsjlkfadg She's pregnant, he's pregnant, truly amazing
That’s a twist I truly didn’t expect at the end of this generation. Not that I’m complaining
jackssims replied to your photoset “Stella: “Anything else?” Caleb: “What? Is there supposed to be...”
jackssims replied to your photoset “Caleb: “And that’s not all…” Ross: “Huh?” Caleb: “Nothing. Forget it.”
See Ross and Caleb were made for each other because they both have a hard time learning from their mistakes lol
dandylion240 replied to your post “I WAS HOPING HE WAS PREGNANT WITH HIS FIANCE'S BABY NOT GETTING...”
There's a way to bend the rules. Since Ross will become a vampire. He and Caleb have forever to have a child together. So once Sunset takes over as heir I say anything goes for Ross after that �� but that's just me lol
Ooh, technically that could work! I didn’t even think about that. Good point. I don’t think they’ll have children together but I really do like this idea.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Is there anything you would like to tell me?” Caleb: “I was...”
Good! Caleb got the courage to tell Ross
I mean he didn’t really have another option at this point
jackssims replied to your photoset “Caleb: “You’re not going to leave me now, are you?” Ross: “I’m...”
Wholesome Ross (he’s really come full circle tbh)
I kept saying he would get better and no one believed me. There you have it guys, he’s a changed person. Character development! :D
simtress replied to your photo “™¥ ♥”
*eeps! she's too cute1
ikr, I miss her ;-;
melien replied to your photoset “Stella: I can’t believe it’s actually raining on my wedding day. We...”
It's a free riiiiide when you've already paid
Is this a reference I am supposed to get
Because I’m dumb and don’t get it lmao
melien replied to your photoset “Sunset: “Say cheese hair!”
So don't ask how I remember it because I'm probably too invested lol but your theme with red hair/blonde(yellow) hair in gen 3 of every legacy? It continues
Omg I didn’t even realize! Sebastian and Lynn started it obviously, then in my Raven Legacy it was a little “easter egg” but this time, it’s a coincidence (a nice coincidence). I guess I just can’t have too many redheads!
melien replied to your photoset “oh shit”
The ultimate plot twist
The plot twist I normally would’ve welcomed but this time, I actually felt sorry for him. He didn’t deserve it the first time (aka the time I was petty and did it on purpose) and he didn’t deserve it this time either. But still. Aliens. I can’t just quit the game without saving when it has to do something with them, can I?
Maybe babies for them perhaps?
Y’all really want them to have kids huh
melien replied to your photoset “Nooooo Rocket :( He’s old now!”
Can Caleb also turn Rocket? Vampire doggo would be fun
Man I’d love if that was possible (even though...I just imagined him biting the poor dog and that’s kinda weird). Buuuut...there’s something else that I did and it’s almost as good.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “Sim Download: Minako Ito she/her, lesbian Traits: Good, Loner,...”
All of the Sims you put for download are so pretty! I'm grabbing them all!
Thank you so much ;-;
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “i was enchanted to meet you”
Aaahh nostalgia!
I knoooow ;-; I love them and I miss them and I want to play with them again
I mean I could, first I’d just have to finish the high school story and that’s...highly unlikely lol
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “oh shit”
Aliens are in love with him that's true
New otp: Caleb/Aliens. Oh that's weird
They have a weird thing for Calebs
If you guys know a Caleb irl protect them
If you are a Caleb, well...I’m sorry
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Rocket: Hey I’m old, just thought you should know…oh nevermind what...”
This is somehow sad=((
Yeah. I love this little dog so much :(
16 notes · View notes
gundampilot · 6 years
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Inspired by @dialup2002 to post some more old stuff. :) This is a desktop screenshot I posted on my DevART account January 2005. Kicking it with Windows XP, but I loved/preferred the classic style that I was accustom to (95-98-ME). I made the wallpaper used, but I’m having trouble finding a copy of it. I’ll prob try to remake it in non-1024x768 resolution lmao. Not sure if this is from 2005. It might have been from 2004, but I hadn’t posted it yet. I did that a lot. Some fun notes about some of the software icons pictured (lots of info):
Firefox - THE FIRST BROWSER TO DO TABS OMG. I was a huge advocate for Firefox, especially in its initial releases. They were doing things on the internet nobody had really seen up to that point, and made it popular! Since I had so many issues (as most people do) with Internet Explorer, I was shopping around for a new browser at the time of this shot. Google Chrome didn’t exist yet. (Can you imagine??)
IE - As stated above, I disliked IE. It was kept for various reasons, however. Such as testing website layouts, since the mass-majority of people used it and things looked different in browsers when you were coding.
Opera - While giving Firefox a try, I also managed to snag a very, very early copy of Opera. I’ve always been the type of person that loved to try out new stuff as early as possible, and this was a very special piece of software that I wanted to give a go. The reason that it was special? You had to send away for a CD for it. That’s right, kids. They snail-mail’ed me a CD because it was considered “commercial software.” I paid to get that browser lmfao. I was super super hyped later in 2005, because it became “freeware” and I was able to more-easily push my friends to try it out. The devs were (and still are) seriously awesome. This is why I still use Opera as my main browser today! Ya’ll should try it if you aren’t already! You can even use your most-beloved Chrome extensions on it. :)
Soulseek & WinMX - Holy crap, you guys! lmao Is anyone here old enough to remember these programs?? XD This was basically where most people went after Napster bit the dust. This was when we were all scrambling, trying to find a new P2P sharing program. This was right in-between the eMule/Donkey phase and before the Limewire/KaZaA fiascos where people’s computers were being overloaded with viruses from companies trying to stop pirating. Ahh, the wild, wild west... Days were so exciting when you spent hours downloading something that could potentially ruin your computer lmao
WS_FTP - Still one of my favorite FTP programs for Windows! Works like a charm! These days I use Transmit 5 for Mac, but this was my first program ever for file transfer protocol. It’s basically a tool for uploading files to my website’s server, because back when I first registered it, there was no web uploader for that kinda stuff. Now I stick with that because it’s easier and I’m used to it lol
Veo Digital Studio - Used to use this for my webcam back before webcams were built into laptops, and before they were common enough to have amazing freeware available for them.  (Also this is hilarious.) The quality was horrible, but I was hella excited to take pictures and share them with friends and on my blog at the time. From what I remember, there was something I used after this that was some type of South Korean selca software. Haduri? Something like that. It was really cute and even let you do little animations. :) 
Animation Shop - Okay. So... from what I remember, this might have been owned by the people that made Paint Shop Pro? I think it was Corel. I honestly don’t remember where I got this from, but this is what I used to use to make animated gifs (because Photoshop just....didn’t for some reason? I had to use PSP at some point, I remember that. I just don’t remember why lmao. It might have been my copy didn’t allow it, or my computer was just too shit to run it good enough, or just stopped working because....Windows). 
Adobe Photoshop 5.0 - I originally got this rip from a friend of mine, whose dad got a CD from his company that he worked at. It was an official/real license, which was really awesome! I think this was the first version of Photoshop I ever owned (!!), which is pretty amazing to think about about! I had that CD copy for a few years. I initially was gifted a copy of the CD around 2001-2002 or so. I know for a fact I had newer versions (7.0 was legend before CS suite came around), so I’m not sure why I was using this one at this point lmao. My guess is, like mentioned above, something happened with my computer and I didn’t want to format it and reinstall everything lol or because it was the fastest version I had installed to boot up and do a quick photo edit.
Adobe Photoshop 7.0 - I do remember this took a long time to start up. I can only imagine this was like a bad pirated copy or something, or was so bloated with new stuff in it, and that’s why I kept 5.0 for a quick boot. I know I used this majority of the time, though. Most of my backups for brushes and fonts are from backups that include 7.0 as a zip. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  My computer wasn’t the most powerful at the time, despite what I pushed it to do, so this is prob why.  But hell yeah! Photoshop represent! lol I still use it today, and its still one of the first things I install on a fresh OS install. Enjoying CC 2017 these days.
Nero Start Smart - I was so excited to make mix CDs and share them! Back in the day before you had stuff like playlists that were sharable on YouTube/Spotify, etc, you had this to share music. Or play in your car. Or CD walkman. Nero was a software you could burn your CD-Rs and make your own laser-etched album art! I begged for years to get a CD burner lmao. Back when casette tapes were still around enough that my parents were like “but why???” lmao. They were not common back in the day like they became over time, just, like, included on your computer. Back then you had to buy one and install it into your computer tower yourself! I got mine I believe.....in 2001? It was the year after the Playstation 2 was released. The first one I got was just a very standard burner. Did a very specific type of CD burning at a low (slow af) speed. It was $700 lmfao. Let that sink in for a minute because my parents didn’t let me forget about it for the next four years lmfao. I saved up birthday and Christmas money and went halves on it. Then I upgraded to the one that this one was! c: Which did the laser etching, and DVD burning! (And you better believe I was burning DVDs of stuff I was downloading online lmfao this was the golden age of the internet where everything was just available everywhere as long as you had the patience to download that shit, because it took forever to download)
Volume Control - My dad and I messed with the wires on all of these random computer speakers and stereo speakers that we had collected over the years and hotwired our own version of a 5.0 surround sound in the room, which was mounted to the ceiling corners and above the computer station. It was lit. I needed Volume Control easily accessible because sometimes the speakers needed redirecting, or I needed to turn the beats down because my mother was tired of my fifth time playing the Gundam Wing OSTs and Miyavi. (It was metal, okay???)
Windows Media Player - I did not use this to listen to media. Let me reiterate that. I did not use it to listen to media on. lol this was specifically used to rip tracks from CDs that friends lent me, because it was the easiest software I was able to use to change the KBPs for quality control and the ID3 tags so I could save it and organize it for use in Winamp and know wtf I was listening to lol. Nobody used WMP for listening to music.... xD 
Winamp - The best music player. Period. Still. Nothing beats it. Pls, pls, Nullsoft! Come back and make a native version for MacOS. :’((((  I would buy it! Doesn’t even have to have new features or look different. Classic look, pls pls! 
Media Player Classic - Do people still use it??? This player was amazing! Paired with k-lite codec pack, it played everything. It was like VLC before VLC. And it looked good. Clean. Small. Could be installed anywhere which was nice. And the codec packs just made everything look and run fantastic! 
Recycle Bin - .... Trash XD 
Magnifier - This was for my dad because he had bad eyes and couldn’t remember CTRL +/-/0 to increase the text on pages that he wanted to read.
My Documents - Where I saved all the stuff I downloaded. Not the real My Docs. Just a folder that I named as such, with a custom icon. I don’t know why I wanted it there lol. I think to just have a uniform square on my desktop haha
Journal - I renamed this. I forget the original name of the client, but it was the official client of LJ. It was basically a program that let you write up posts for Livejournal and you could format things, draft them, etc, and post without uploading to your journal/blog. I liked it because sometimes I couldn’t post right away, and it made making drafts a lot easier for me to go back and edit. It also let you edit past posts, which was really convenient instead of looking for it on the web version one post at a time.
AIM+ - I loved AOL Instant Messenger, but over time the ads became too much. I invested a lot of time in 3rd party clients. I was constantly switching between AIM+, Adium, DeadAIM, Pigeon, Trillion, etc. Depended on what I wanted to do that day. Want to clone a SN? Want to skin the colors of the chats? Need transparency? Want to customize your lists? Want to log into more than one msg system at once? They all had their strengths. This was my msg service of choice. Back in the day you were either on this, MSN, or Yahoo!. Some people rocked ICQ and there were a few others, but these were the most common from who I knew/hung out with. I miss those days. <3 
You can see WinMX running in the taskbar lmfao so I was prob downloading something at the time of snagging this quick shot. I also had DevART open (prob because I was gonna share this on there). I really wish I had more programs open at the time of this! XD It’s wild to look back at some of the software changes over the years!
Anyway, that’s one of my oldest screenshots that I can find that I’m able to share right now. :) I’m going to be posting a remake of that wallpaper that I did later today for those of you that want that, too.
If you read this far, thank you!! Hope you had fun reading about old stuff! 
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astropxel · 7 years
10 questions tag
rules: always post the rules, answer the questions given to you, then write 10 questions of your own, and tag some friends!
I was tagged by @angelisims & @justsimsen, thank you loves!! 
answers below the cut as it’s a lot of text! sorry it’s taken me a little while to get around to anwering!
Angela’s Questions                                                               
1. Which artist were you obsessed with when you were a kid?
um I’m really not much of an art person I’m an astrophysics student lol so I would have to say as a child it was probably the illustrators of my fav books?? idk
2. Which artist are you obsessed with now?
now I’m into a few of artists on instagram, adamtots, cassandracalin & dami_lee, they’re all fun little relatable comics
3. Who is the most important person to you?
the most important person to me is my boyfriend (dan) of five years yes cheesy and bleh I know he’s my rock and he makes me laugh like a maniac every day because he’s such a goof
4. If you could play an instrument, which one would it be?
I can’t play a single instrument rip me I used to take singing lessons as a child, but I think I would have to say piano? its very versatile
5. If you could live in a movie, a TV series or a book, in which one would you like to live and why?
I would have to say the Star Trek universe bc I am fully obsessed with space if you didn’t guess from the degree course and also there’s so much wonderful inclusion and unity in star trek, they believe in peace and loving everyone which is fab
6. Name three things that you love about your favourite sim.
my fav sim is Alex Houston - the founder of my legacy - and I love her bc she’s a giant space nerd like me, she’s super dedicated and driven with her life, and she dresses way cooler than me lol
7. Can you name one random thing that you always carry with you whenever you go somewhere?
um this is silly but I always have one of dan’s guitar picks with me, it goes into my exams with me and everything, I guess it’s a good luck charm?? idk
8. Do you have a favourite word?
I've never actually thought about it so I guess not?
9. What do you do when it’s raining outside?
I live in the UK so it rains constantly so mostly I have to just get on with my plans for the day, but if I’m not busy and it’s more like a storm, it’s nice to sit in with blankets and my dog and watch a movie, or play board games 
10. Name one thing that made you happy today. If you can’t then go grab a piece of chocolate, lie down on your bed, eyes closed and listen to your favourite song. I’m not kidding, do it please.
the sun is shining outside today, that always makes me happy :)
Justine’s Questions
1. what’s your current fav song? and why?
my current fav is Feels bc its so summery 
2. who’s your best friend?
can I say dog or my bf?? I met my two best friends at university, one lives 4 hours away from me and the other 6+ hours :( but I’ll see them again when I go back to uni in October!
3. if you could have a superpower, what would it be?
probably to be super speedy bc then I would have more time to sleep lol
4. do you remember the first sim you made in the sims 4? what was her/his name?
I do actually! the first sim I made in sims 4 was my simself! obv her name was jen
5. do you read? if so, what's your fav book?
I do read, my fav book is Ready Player One, I've read it about 30 times and I'm so not ready to be disappointed by the film next year
6. do you believe in love at first sight?
I think first sight is a bit of a stretch?? I knew the first day I spent with my bf that we clicked, but love and lust/chemistry are two v v different things
7. what's the fav food of your current fav sim?
Alex’s fav food is 100% scrambled eggs & bacon for breakfast, and grilled cheese or BLTs for lunch and dinner
8. what's your fav supernatural creature?
probably werewolves bc I think wolves are awesome and also bc teen wolf
9. when was the last time you played the sims 4?
the last time was tuesday night I think? I took about 60 screenshots for my legacy as I needed a big queue to cover working this weekend and going to london for bday celebrations next week. I’m gonna have hella sims withdrawal next weekend when I get back!
10. which emoji do you use the often?
um probably a heart the most??  ❤️
thank you for all of these questions!! I really enjoyed answering them!
my questions are as follows:
what is your fav season and why?
what is your fav game apart from the sims franchise?
how did you discover simblr?
what was / is your favourite subject at school?
do you have any guilty pleasure hobbies?
do you have any pets? what pets would you like to have?
are you a morning person or a night owl?
if the city living festivals were real, which would you most like to go to?
what is your fav movie genre?
what expansion pack do you want the most for the sims 4?
phew! I’m done! that was a lot, congrats to you if you read all of this bc damn.
I’m tagging my favs @bookishsimmer, @sleepyplumbob, @kikacute, @gummysim & @mooon-sims. if I forgot anyone pls forgive me, and feel free to answer even if you weren't tagged! 
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exo-yeol · 6 years
Ask Game!
I was tagged by the beautiful @baekscrazylady cause she knows just how bored I truly am! Also! Fun fact! I was half way through this and my laptop crashed so that was fun!:))))))))))))))))))))
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed?
(2) Do You Have Freckles?
Nope! ...I do have one on each hand but I don’t think that counts! :P 
(3) Can You Whistle?
Yes! In and out! (oml that sounds so weird!)
(4) Last Song You Listened To.
Super Junior D&E - I Love It!
(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour?
(6) Relationship Status.
Sexy, Free and Single! I’m ready to bingo! ;P ....jk bout the bingo part!
(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now?
18° C
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky?
Yes! I was woken up at an ungodly hour by by little brother. Not. Fun.
(9) How Many Followers?
I have no clue! I never think of checking that for tumblr! But really not that many! 
(10) Zodiac Sign.
(11) What Is Your Eye Colour?
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily?
Oh god, too many! 
(13) Do You Sing In The Shower?
YES! What is that point in showering if you don’t make use of the amazing acoustics?? 
(14) What Books Are You Reading?
Uhhmm again, too many! The most recent one I read some of was Carrie Hope Fletcher’s The Other Side
(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14.
You Can Heal Your Life - Louise L. Hay “you are developing insight and understanding that will set you free.”
(16) Favourite Anime?
FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST!! Brotherhood or the original anime idagf! They are both SO GOOD! And the characters are my everything! I would die for them! Can I marry Ed? Can I marry Mustang? Can I be best friends with Winry?? Can I do alchemy pls? And the storyline is so interesting and complex and the characters are really well rounded and the back stories oomf I fucking love it soooo much! I’m gonna copy @baekscrazylady and put in a gif here because I miss looking at their faces! 
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AAAAH! How fucking COOL is Ed? I love them so much!
(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of?
Does myself count? Yesterday I cried in front of the mirror! But if it has to be another person then my mother! 
(18) Do You Collect Anything?
Teddies, Tamagotchis, Kpop albums/merch, books, EMOTIONAL WOUNDS! 
(19) What Did You Have For Lunch?
Chicken Caesar Salad Wrap!
(20) Do You Dance In The Car?
Uhm I guess? Its not something I get a chance to do often but if the opportunity presents itself then sure! But also I hate being a distraction to the driver so like keep it on the minimum peeps!
(21) Favourite Animal?
WOLVES AND FOXES AND CANINES IN GENERAL! My room and house in general is covered in some variation of canine! Including two living ones (soon to be three!) 
(22) Do You Watch The Olympics?
Yas! Track, Badminton, Trampolining and Diving are my faves!
(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed?
Lately somewhere between 11 and 12! 
(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now?
Yes! I’m wearing bright pink eyeshadow and bright pink lipstick!
(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean?
I don’t really have a preference cause I can’t really swim, but I like to mess around and play in both! 
(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog?
@baekscrazylady is always a winner for all your multifandom needs! Plus shes my bestie! But thats just a bonus :P 
(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water?
Bottled tastes nicer but I have no problems drinking from the tap! 
(28) What Makes You Happy?
I’m not sure any more! :/
(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now.
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I’m sleepy! I think I’m gonna finish this in the morning! 
Okay! I’m back after 7 hours of sleep! 
(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music?
(31) Dogs Or Cats?
Dogs! I’m not too fond of cats and I think my dogs would have a problem if I brought one home!
(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be?
(33) PlayStation Or Xbox.
PlayStation! I’ve spent a lifetime playing Crash Bandicoot on the PS1 and my loyalties run deep!
(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean?
The Ocean! I just feel like theres bound to be monsters in a lake!
(35) Do You Believe In Magic?
Of course! <3
(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing?
Yellow! But last night when I started this I was wearing a green vest!
(37) Can You Curl Your Tongue?
I surely can!
(38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It?
(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You?
Plenty! Teddies, books, a suitcase, kpop albums, my bedsheet is pink!
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now?
Well K-pop is an ongoing obsession! But recently something specific I’ve been OBSESSED with is Seungri’s 123! THIS IS THE BEST SONG! I have to listen to it everyday or I can’t function! Its soooo good! And the MV is really fun and theres cute lil bloopers at the end! I love it!! 
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Hehe! Look at him go!! 
(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly?
Yes! My brother actually attracts them! They land on him all the time! Its kinda cute kinda freaky!
(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People?
I think it depends on the person and the thing I’m being influenced about, but I’m quite a stubborn/headstrong person so I would say that I lean more towards no...but still a lil bit yes!
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams?
Uhm yes, a lot! 
(44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes?
I’m not scared of flying and I don’t mind it, but its not my favourite thing!
(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry.
The Green Mile, this movie broke me and now I actually cannot watch sad movies...also two days ago I cried at The Breakup so woo go me for being a mess!
(46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds?
Sunflower seeds! I could eat a whole bag!
(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be?
EXO! In all their OT9 glory!!! I need this to happen so that I can die happy! ...I would say BTS as well since they’re my ults too but I ALREADY HAVE TICKETS TO SEE THEM!!!! AAAAAAHHHH!!!! MY ARMY HEART IS DYING! 
(48) Are You A Picky Eater?
Not really! I have a list of stuff I don’t eat but I’ll eat it if its put in front of me cause I have to set a good example for my little brothers!
(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper?
I sleep like a corpse.
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning?
Nope! I love it! My whole family are those freaks who’ll stupidly run to the window or outside and be like “waaaahhh!”
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write?
Yes! I do both everyday! 
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud?
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents?
Wrap presents! Bitch I’m a PRO! 
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up?
Hyuna - Run & Run (MY QUEEN!)
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather)
Autumn months wise, but we’re still getting Summer weather!
(56) What Are You Craving Right Now?
More sleep!
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed.
Nah...not arsed, but the post I last saw was a gifset of Mark and JB being stoopid!
(58) What Is Your Gender?
(59) Coffee Or Tea?
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About?
No! Its the Summer holidays! 
(61) What Is Your Sexuality?
Mainly straight, but aren’t we all a little gay? I’m about 70/30! Or maybe even 60/40!
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning?
Most days, but my bed is really annoying to make and takes a good ten mins so sometimes I don’t do it till like 5 o’clock in the day when I want to sit on it!
(63) Favourite Pokemon?
Eevee! Ninetails! All water Pokemon! Pikachu! Togapee! 
(64) Favourite Social Media?
I don’t know! I get bored of them quickly and hop around! RN I’d say instagram maybe?
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories?
I love watching them!
(66) Do You Get Homesick?
Yep! I think everyone does a little or at times! But I’ve never been like actual homesick where you get sick and everything!
(67) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now?
Tea-tree shampoo and a conditioner thats specifically for curly hair but I can’t remember the name! 
(68) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free?
Motel! I know that they’re haunted and I’m gonna be stabbed in the shower but listen, I am not sleeping in a fricking car, ESPECIALLY not on my own!!
(69) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life?
Yes, unfortunately! ,,,jk about the unfortunately...or am I? :P 
(70)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters?
I’m going to see the Teen Titans Movie! CAN’T WAIT!! I watched the show all the time when I was a kid! Also I really want to see Wreck-It Ralph 2 and so many others!
(71) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now?
I don’t have a favourite quote atm! Sorry!
(72) What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest?
People? Find? Specific? Eye? Colours? Sexy?
(73) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set?
YEs and YEs! I would be that kid swinging far too high and then jumping off! Me and my friend used to challenge each other to do specific poses and stuff while we were jumping off or when we’d land!
(74) What Was The Last Thing You Ate?
A chicken goujon!
(75) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone?
I have one rhythm game, and a few language games!  
(76) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not?
I don’t think so because I’m not that confident in my CPR giving skills so I’d probably ask someone else to help! But if worst comes to worst then I probably would!
(77) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight?
Today? No! In my life? Yes!
(78) Stalked Someone On A Social Network?
All the time!
(79) Do You Like Meeting New People?
(80) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them.
Every now and then! But I just woke up so I haven’t put any on today!
(81) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed?
Closed! But if I’m sharing with my brothers then I can sleep with them open! 
(82) What Are Three Things You Did Today?
I peed, I reset my password on a website and I’ve listened to Seungri’s 123!
(83) What Do You Wear To Bed?
Big tshirts or night dresses! And in the Winter I wear matching pjs!
(84) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now.
Like including makeup? Or just skincare? I use too much makeup to list! And for skincare everything I use has some sort of coconut oil in it!
(85) Are You A Day Or Night Person?
(86) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc.
(87) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened.
Hmmmmmmmmm which to choose! I recently had a dream about 2 weeks ago where I was in a bar and Chanyeol and Sehun were having a dance off while I was singing karaoke and I kept getting angry at them for distracting me! And Seungcheol, who was my boyfriend in this particular dream universe, was chasing his manager around with a pair of false eyelashes trying to put them on him!  
(88) Favourite Soda Drink?
Mainstream: Nothing better than an ice cold coke! Don’t @ me! 
Hippie dippy: Elderflower!
(89) What Sounds Are Your Favourite?
Rain, my Gran calling my name, chuckling, little children/babies laughing, my Grandpa singing, Chanyeol singing, waves ( i always fall asleep to waves!), idk so many others its too early and my brain is mush rn!
(90) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats
I wear both quite equally!
(91) How Do You Look Right Now?
I just woke up and I have mascara under my eyes, honestly I think I still look asleep!
(92) Name Something That Relaxes You.
Washing my face! I feel so calm and pampered! Its the simple things :P
(93) What Tattoo Do You Want?
TOO MANY!!! I want a Golden Snitch, and a fairy and a flower and so many! I can’t wait to start getting tattooed!
(94) Favourite YouTuber?
Rn Shane Dawson is my number one, but I do love Jenna Marbles, Dan and Phil, Safiya Nygaard, Grav3yardgirl, Jamie Jo and then a hand full of beauty gurus that I semi-keep up with!
(95) Do you smoke?
No. Its really gross and reminds me of my Dad. No thank you.
(96) How tall are you?
5′ 2″!! Or maybe 5′ 3″! I’m 160cm! 
(97) What career did you want as a child
A singer! I still lowkey do! But thats a very squashed dream at this point! I also wanted to be an actress! Honestly I just wanted to make people happy and entertain them! And when I was a child I was always the center of attention because my mam had me when she was waaay young and no one else her age had a child so I guess from an early age I’ve just loved watching people laugh or be happy because of me! Thats probably why I’m attracted to film and have a YouTube channel cause I want people to have fun while enjoying the things that I create or am a part of! I hope this doesn’t sound conceited oml! 
(98) Do you care about your weight?
Yes! But I don’t know what I weigh tho cause my mam doesn’t believe in weighing scales, and shes right! But I am conscious of my weight! ...most times I’m self conscious of it lol! 
(99) Ever kissed a stranger?
Yes! Many a time! 
(100) Favorite season?
I don’t think I have a favourite season! Now that I’m older I can appreciate each season as it comes and I have certain things that I love about each! Rn I can’t wait to start wearing cute sweaters and boots again, but at the end of Spring I was dying for shorts and vests! 
Woo! I’m finished! Now I’m going back to sleep for a quick nap! And then off to the cinema! YAY! 
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