#<- i have a Stuff tag now ! and its in toki pona too
epicdogymoment · 1 month
toki pona cover of that's paradise (aka airboarder), translation by me
ma pona a! mi en sina li kama kulupu tenpo ni la mi pilin olin
ma pona a! mi sona ala e nasin tawa sina o, kama! suno olin
mi kama lon ni tan pimeja suli la mi en sina li lon ni nasin suli
o tawa!
nasin pi mi tu, a, ona li suno lili mi tawa kepeken nasin wile mi taso
kalama olin, sina kute e ni tenpo la mi awen lukin e sina
kin la sina awen pilin pona
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whimsy-of-the-stars · 4 months
whimsy-of-the-stars: a writeblr re-re-intro!
hey guys, it’s been a minute! I’m whimsy-of-the-stars, and since my main projects have kinda shifted around, I thought it would be a good time to update my intro! ngl it’s a pretty inopportune time to do a re-intro, since I’m close to the end of one draft and planning two more… it’s just overdue!
some info about me:
I’m gonna start college in the fall majoring in English with a concentration in Creative Writing! :D
learning languages is a passion of mine! I’m focusing on Spanish right now but I’ve dabbled in both Esperanto and Toki Pona (yeah I’m a nerd!)
I’m a video essay enjoyer and possibly maker, eventually
fiction podcasts and actual plays slap???
I have “I want to do too many things” disease and want to try making stories in many different mediums!
ttrpgs are really cool but I have yet to play them with other people! does that stop me from trying to make games… no
elements I like to write: Found family! Chosen ones (+ the subversion of)! Big Emotion™️! Organized crime (idk why it doesn’t leave me alone)! Gay people, of course!
genres I like to write (YA and middle grade): high fantasy, low fantasy, different -punk stuff, sci fi maybe, superheroes, fairy-tale esque, romance, coming of age
I also write poetry! You can find it in this tag: whimsy of the poetry
ALSO, I did DraftDash in January 2024, which was fun but I did end up petering out halfway thru. Follow my journey in the tag draftdash!
ok, now onto wips!
I am in a weird stage with a lot of my wips, but a re-intro was overdue so I decided to do it anyway!
wips I am currently writing:
apocalypse story!
status: first draft, 24k (almost done with part 1)
the basics: mg/ya apocalyptic + queer ?coming of age? story and its sequel, except they’re both short so they’re melded into one two-part book! it’s told thru diary entries with lots of extra ephemera glued in! part 1 of 2 is ALMOST done but I’m not inspired to finish it rn! ! I’m not gonna continue with part 2 right after, though, since I still need to plan it!
summary: stressed-out eighth/grader Allison goes to her old hideout in the forest to decompress, but one thing leads to another and she can’t find her way back home. the forest is seemingly ever-expanding, ever-changing, and even when she finds her friends who’ve come to rescue her, they still have to face the actual, real life botanical apocalypse that’s becoming more and more of an issue for the outside world. can they find their way home alive and well? and if they do get home, what will their home city even look like?
extras: fun fact I started this in April 2023 for camp nano and it has taken me this long to write the next 10k words! Also the main character is a bit of a self-insert, but of the person I was in lockdown in 2020!
um. That’s it for wips I’m currently writing rn lol
wips I am “revitalizing”:
(aka taking old drafts/concepts and turning them nice and new!)
Both of these have existed in different-ish iterations for years, however I am currently in the weird process of developing both of these into all-new things from an existing groundwork! Neither of them currently have “statuses” because it’s hard to explain where exactly I am right now!
heist story!
the basics: ya fantasy heist novel (maybe eventually a trilogy?) set in a faerie world that rapidly advanced not too long ago into a dieselpunk/decopunk society rife with corruption and crime!
summary: Logical and inquisitive teen Calliope is relatively normal. Her offbeat parents, however, have raised her in a house full of strange curios and old tomes of faery stories. But only when she starts to exhibit unwieldy shadow magic, and her parents invite a prim woman she’s never met before into their home do things really start to get strange. The woman whisks Calliope away through one of the aforementioned curios to a noir hubworld where ancient faerie bloodlines and newfangled magitech collide. Why? To take part in a high-stakes heist with a surprising trio of other teens who want nothing more than to take down the crime boss who runs their town.
extras: this one’s a weird one imo. it’s one of the oldest wips that I am still working on, tho this one had a break of about 3 years!!! also I originally wrote it in hot pink comic sans XD
new superhero story!
(I am also revitalizing this one, but it’s in a way less put-together state! not much to say yet lol!) (also it’s not very new I just call it that)
it’s a ya superhero thing that features teenage (often queer) antiheroes trying to balance their heroic + civilian identities!
featuring: the shittiest entertainment/hero management company you’ve ever seen, shared trauma, gray morality, two different rock bands, and heroes that are at once government agents, influencers, and corporate concoctions!
considering making a “help me name my characters” post because i desperately have to name/rename like 3/4 of all of these characters!!!
more ideas I have bouncing around:
(lightning round!)
old ya romance wip i need to revitalize about two teens enter a competition to make a demo album and end up falling in love in the process (also they’re lesbians XD)
offbeat, ya supernatural + historical fantasy about a girl university student who is buried alive, and upon getting rescued, starts to transform into a strange underworld creature. also features a cute gravedigger :D
a musical about standardized testing (yeah lol) that’s goofy and queer and explores how seniors + juniors are so freaking stressed out all the time lol
that’s all folks! :D
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