#<- just in case since it's Luofu arc
spark-circuit · 5 months
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trailblazer copes with too much considering they're the walking equivalent of a shaken up cosmic soda can
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princesschimchim1325 · 4 months
Would anyone be down with an au with dark and possessive! Dan Feng and Yingxing(or Blade, in this case) with sacrificial bride! Reader?
Like, it's an au wherein the xianzhou ships are just different kingdoms, and Dan Feng is the emperor of the luofu and Yingxing (who has now become Blade here) is his ex(?)husband bc Dan Feng turned him immortal. Baiheng lives bc I said so, Jingliu is still the sword champion and Jing yuan is the new general. Reader is from one of the other ships (kingdom in this case) and basically she's cursed and they threw her at Dan Feng when they heard he was single again to both get rid of her and be their spy (it doesn't work bc she immediately told her new husband about it bc she is wants to get rid of them too).
Dan Feng and Blade!Yingxing's relationship is... strained but bc Blade is one of his generals, they still work together (and sometimes have sex) but Bladie is either ignoring him or insulting him. They have been seperated for many decades by the time reader arrives.
Dan Feng and reader don't fall in love immediately but they have lukewarm relationship at the start. But they get closer with their little acts of service towards one another and sparring sessions that often leaves Dan Feng hot and wanting (horny). Then they get even closer when they tell stories from their childhoods that often leads to laughter filling Dan Feng's office.
Blade and reader have a.... complicated relationship at first. Reader knows that Dan Feng had a husband before her but doesn't know it's Blade. Blade knew she was the new wife and tried to ignore her but they just somehow always run to one another. Reader always trying to heal him and to get him to rest and Bladie trying to avoid her. But not even Bladie can resist the cursed allure~ of reader-chan.
What I mean is, they sparred once (1) and he's been horny since lmao. XingYue being battle sexuals, we've been knew. They also have a heart to heart moment of reader calming his mara ('Jean grey x Logan" ahh moment) ('only she can calm the monster inside me' ahh moment)
Cursed! Reader is a lot like Nakime from Kny, her hair covering her eyes (maybe she has heterochromia?) and playing an instrument (the pipa). Very quiet and reserved but when she talks, is very sassy and has a sharp tongue.
Slow burn but not really, love triangle but in a poly way (as it should be), angst, maybe comedy? I got a lot of inspiration from Mulan and KnY's hashira training arc ngl. Of course, the fic includes smut.
Let me hear your thoughts on this. Those that wanna get tagged in this potential fic, please say so in the comments.
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chiyoso · 1 year
CYNOSURE'S ASCENDANCE: “DISMANTLE” — jing yuan slowburn.
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syp. you, a "normal" citizen of the xianzhou luofu, sneaking around every night, fending off scums and criminals. catching the attention of the seat of the divine foresight, accumulating unwanted speculations of your mysterious, "supposed" dangerous identity in the luofu.
following content. reader backstory · timeline takes place before ambrosial arbor arc · female reader · reader has battle lust tendencies · masturbation · mentions of blood · mentions of alchohol · emotional abuse · attempt of physical abuse · parental trauma · dead dove: do not eat.
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You hear the sounds of your own grunts, your erratic puffs in the air every night. Your muscles are so sore, your hands tremble wielding your weapon, thrusting it repeatedly, swiftly, attacking the nightly breeze. You feel weak, you're absolutely drenched in your own sweat, dampening your white tank top as it cascades down your refined, formiddable physique.
You've been dedicating yourself to the crafts of weaponry, as well as wielding it since you were a child. Almost every single day, whenever you can until the nighttime, but, nearing your 18th birthday, of course, what most parents would do, they would kick you out of their home, leaving you to fend for yourself.
You had no prior issues about leaving your household, why? Your parents are sick of not having a "normal" kid. It's laughable because it's true, ever since you were just puny, tiny and cute, your toddler self picked up a wooden stick randomly, just normal toddler things—until the part where you accidentally wacked a fellow toddler on their noggin.
Normal toddler things. Of course, you did apologize... You mouthed the words towards the toddler, and the annoyed teacher, and yet...
Your cute, dainty eyes were sparkling, shimmering like you just discovered the bestest thing ever in the whole existence, like when babies discover ice cream for the first time. But alas, you were a toddler that time, everytime you tried something related to fighting, you would always get scolded, automatically labelled as a troublemaker, the bad child. Maybe it's just a phase, they thought, they hoped. Wrong, it continued throughout your childhood, but since then you've properly tried practicing, begging for your parents to hire an instructor, but ONLY if you did well in your academics, in which case you did because you were so desperate, such a weird child you are. They couldn't stop you because you were doing great in school, you had no choice, you wanted to continue being trained.
Except, you would hear their arguing almost every night once you're done with your training with the instructor, the two unhappy lovers arguing about you, wasting money for your supposed "stupid" passions, oh yeah they were real shitty, but you truly didn't care, you were only focusing on yourself and what made you happy, passionate, you felt alive, you felt like combat was the most exciting thing for you. This all continued to your teenhood, and it only worsened from there on out, they got more verbal with you, yelling, screaming at your face, calling you unlovable, hard to love, you grew more aware of their negativity, their... emotional abuse as you know it.
Unfortunately, you are started to care about it, only a tiny bit though, nevertheless... You knew something was wrong with you, you really did, you grew more aware of your... inability to express heavy emotions normally, ah but for the exception of fighting of course. You did develope... a certain feeling within you, as you escape from your household occasionally to wander the streets around Central Starskiff Haven late at night, secretly fighting thugs, criminals that haven't even been catched yet, occasionally some mara-strucked cloud knights when you venture deeper within secluded areas, basically any bad individual that tries to shit on you. It's hilarious actually, the trained cloud knights of the Xianzhou Luofu, would most of the time be welcomed in the doorsteps of their training grounds with tied up, mouth taped, beaten up criminals that they've been trying to apprehend.
What is most interesting is that, during your battles against foes, you would develop and feel something, something unfathomable within you, more especially if they were a skilled fighter criminal, though you would come out the fight triumphant of course, as well as feeling absolutely warm for some reason after. After a night's worth of dealing with mighty opponents, you would soon make your way towards your household again, your pretty face beaten up, your refined physique bruised as the moon hovers over the world. You wouldn't be greeted though, you would come home to the smell of alchohol, the blank, dull eyes from your mother — staring into the beyond, cleaning her lover's trash, and his remains. It was a really depressing sight, but you didn't care, at least that's what you tell yourself, your heart aches within, but what can you do about it? You were becoming more aware, aware of your struggles in physical and emotional aspects, but you knew what made you happy.
And that's what mattered right? Your happiness.
Once the midnight struck on the supposed happy day, your parents didn't even wait for it to be sunrise when they've decided to wake you and tried kicking you out. You were furious, so devastatingly furious and heartbroken, showing big emotion the first time since you were a child.
Unfortunately, the first emotion you heavily expressed was anger towards them, and because of that rage that you expressed so greatly showed in your expression and tone... Your father, threw his bottle towards you, smashing and shattering on impact towards your concussed head as pieces of glass fall down from you, leaving you completely speechless by his actions as the sight of your blood blinds you, dripping down from your scalp to your heartbroken expression. Your mother flinched, trembling afterwards, yet she couldn't — or rather, unable to do anything but blankly stare at her husband's outrage and the sight of your bloodied face. Everything of your being was filled with pain, your head, seething with pain, your heart, shattering as you lowered your watery gaze to the shards of his bottle.
A sharp, deafening silence followed for a few, tense minutes as you could processed your emotions the first time, dealing with it internally as your eyes glisten with tears, feeling a lump welling in your throat.
It was sudden, your glossy eyes dart to your father's quickly incoming hand as he tries to attempt to hit you in his crazed, babbling and drunken state, but that's where your childhood eccentricness shines, saving you from his attempt, hastily bringing your swift hand to his wrist, stopping his motions in his tracks. You glared at him, tears cascading down your face, mixing with the blood from your head wound, as you gripped your father's wrist, it was clear, you were stronger than him, seeing him wince in pain from your hold on him before you.
"Wh-Who the FUCK do you think you are t—" Your father's haunting tone, being absorbed into your ears gets cut off as you flick his wrist to the side before shoving him against the wall, resulting in a loud noise from the impact. Shit, you were strong, you didn't even exert a heavy amount of force — at least that's what you thought, as there was an obvious small crevice behind his back, a tiny crack when he came in heavy contact to the stone. You stare in disbelief as adrenaline wells up within your nerves, your hands starting to tremble.
"I-...I'm- I'm sor—" Your breath hitched as your voice trembled along with your whole being, trying to muster up the voice to speak, but your voice box fails you. You look to your trembling mother, her dull eyes continuing to witness the situation before blankly going up to your unconscious, reposed father, robotically and blankly comforting him.
You can't bear the sight of this anymore, you truly can't. Everything hurts, you were experiencing such heavy emotions for the first time, your breathing is ragged and not for the same reasons you were experiencing in your fights earlier.
And at that point on, your body in fight or flight mode, your instincts moving you towards to your belongings, trying to find suitable bags for travel, for your incoming inevitable departure from your parents. Once you were done packing, you heard your father gain consciousness again, grumbling quietly as he holds his head, and at that point your legs hastily brought you outside your household, you didn't know where you were going so late at night, your head is throbbing with pain caused by your father's alchohol bottle just moments ago, your vision blurred with tears as you continue your way towards.. somewhere, anywhere.
Drained of your mental energy, you were moving along the pavement in a daze, in denial of what had just occured, your legs eventually bring you towards starskiff jetty. You desperately needed to get away from your parents after what had just happened, especially during your damn birthday.
You were letting the turmoil and heavy emotions get to you as you didn't know how to deal with these feelings, it hurts, it fucking hurts. Your legs want to give in and slump over, but you need to keep moving, it took awhile but a starskiff finally showed up, it was an hour after midnight, there aren't many starskiffs around so late at night, maybe this was just moment of luck blessing you. You hop in, nestling yourself onto seat.
“To... To the Exalting Sanctum please...” You spoke out faintly towards the owner of the starskiff, before tilting your body over your legs, elbows on your lap as you start to quietly sob, your driver ignoring the sadness you're emitting with a guilty frown upon his face.
None of the individuals spoke as the starskiff made its way towards the destination that was spoken quietly. Your mind hopelessly wanders, already tired, continues to exhaust you in pursuit of your remaining energy as you continue to overthink about your childhood.
They're right, you were far from normal, you were absolutely more eccentric than others, at least that's what you thought, and unexpressive towards anything else except for the art of combat. You played with sticks more than toys, you repelled other kids from playing with you as you were too rough with them, but you didn't care at the time and continued to do so. It consumed you, your very well being, you could feel yourself addicted to the thrill of fighting, a hidden battle lust arising within you as you continued to grow of age, including your skills in battle.
These wretched thoughts didn't help you find peace in this moment of ache however.
“Hello?—Ah, we've arrived..." Your driver's voice snaps you out in your deep overthinking, you give the starskiff owner a faint smile before leaving the vehicle and standing there for a few long moments, your whole mental being weakened. You also had no idea where to go, the only places you visited were your school and the food vendors that sell the fruity Berrypheasants Skewers in Central Starskiff Haven that you grew up on. Besides your slight nostalgic reminiscing, you decide to look for an inn within the marbled floors of the Exalting Sanctum, realizing you have to spend your savings for it, yet you had no choice.
You were saving up for a real weapon, you wanted to wield a real weapon, but of course this inconvenience happens. Sighing, you finally stumble upon an inn, met with a grumpy middle aged man as the receptionist, spending a little bit of your savings before settling in, you didn't care about anything but rest at the moment and rest you did, dropping your belongings before finding the bedding, resting your exhausted mind and body to the depths of your comfortable bed.
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It had been several years since that dreadful day, you got used to this new life of yours, cutting off complete contact from your parents, although you do wonder in a little worry about your mother, but those thoughts soon diminish as you remembered some memories of her emotionally abusing you during your childhood.
That didn't matter anymore though.
All thoughts begin to replace with an intense flurry of thoughts about your techniques during certain actions, you were thrusting your newly elegant spear with precision and haste, within the space of your traditional apartment complex instead of the dreadful inn, your ragged breath mixes with the air as sweat flies off from your refined muscles as you do your daily routine in the morning for a good while.
You felt good, you started to heal from that traumatic experiencing during your midnight birthday, everything was... okay. You hated the fact that you went through such a thing in your birthday, resulting in yourself to practice controlling your heavy emotions, the negative sides of your emotions.
You were alone. You had no one but your beloved spear, and that's okay, you told yourself, convinced yourself, that it's okay. You were genuinely happy with your spear, even with a deep sense of longing within your heart, you were.
And that little “hobby” years ago? It remained in your routine, up until your adulthood, you were more formiddable every battle that took place, each victory costed nothing but their crimes be brought to light. You continued to fight against these unlawful citizens, denizens of the abundance, behemoths that raged within the Xianzhou, all with an unrestrained passion.
The thrill of battle, the blood you spew when fighting against a skilled criminal, the struggle you go through when dealing with multiple mara-struck soldiers at the same time taking them all on like it was the war against Yaoshi and his accursed creations again, but there you reigned beautifully, come out triumphant in a scorched red as golden leaves scatter against the air from the remnants of your opposer.
Each step, each battle, each glory, heavy with fatigue, but you would always stay in the field, your veins cold, throbbing, your mind reeling with a multitude of thoughts, scenarios as to what you have done better, a use of a technique, a flex of a specific muscle, every battle was experience.
Sure, you bathed in pain, all bruised, scathed in occassions, but it would only mean there was more room to grow, that's all you thought about instead of the death that looms with every grasp of your spear.
Growth accompanied you in tremendous amounts, and so did that eccentric side of yours.
You were more than aware of that impending battle lust that resided when wounds find their way onto your flesh, injuries a skilled opponent that would inflict onto you when they can, making you tremble with this unwelcomed, unnecessary arousal.
Something's wrong with you, your parents are always right, but this... can't be aided any longer.
It wasn't just "loving" the thrill of battle anymore, you were burning with pain and that immensely warm feeling after a defeating by someone who you deemed impressive, too impressive.
You were weak with lust and fatigue, staggering towards a dark, secluded area with a slightly open red gate, you didn't know where you were, but it was silent, secluded, tight.
Enough privacy to get this unnecessary pleasure you were experiencing right now.
“God dammit,” You gasped, coming into contact with your spear's body, grinding your lubricated, intimate area. The blood trickles down under your chest, the stinging of the wounds stimulating your senses, clouding all rationality as you start to focus on that warmth between your legs.
If fighting that strong, Cloud Knight earlier led you to this pleasure that rendered you mindless, who knows what heights your senses will bring once you fight someone stronger.
You want to fight someone stronger.
The renowned legend comes into your mind, the Reignbow Arbiter of the Luofu. You've caught historical tales, whispers from the locals of that immortal Arbitrator General, the first time you saw him was when he was on his way to his office with urgency, he came back from somewhere, your ears catching a glimpse of noise in the quiet cold of night while you hid somewhere to hide yourself, traces of voices were vague, but you heard 'astral'. Something about the stars.
Clouds, white, flufy locks with a red ribbon, broad shoulders that were incomparable to the ones you've fought, your thoughts formulating his build, his physique, what veins were visible, where his muscles were honed, trained, was he formiddable in endurance? A body so well formed should have such impenetrable defense, or did he focus on his body for looks? No, that's illogical, he's fought a millennium worth of wars, he was eternally bound to the ways of bloodshed.
You need to fight him, that Reignbow Arbiter.
“Hmh—Please,” That was more than enough to stimulate you, internally assessing his battle prowess, his skill, clashing against yours, you're sure you would be bested in a heartbeat, showered wounds from his experience, from your lack of experience, both of your weaponry against each other, which lover would reign supreme.
You have to fight him in this lifetime.
Gossip wasn't plenty in your area of where you lived, you haven't even seen his face, only bits of his appearance from behind or from the descriptions of the locals of Aurum Alley.
Vague, but the information regarding to his legendary feats were enough to make you a mess.
“But General I—” Your ears perk up, your body jolting instinctively, now covering your mouth in a hurry as you hear a voice talking with another.
“Must you find difficulty in my simple orders? We will wait for our stellar guests to assist us, I regret to say this, but this is a situation outside the Luofu's expertise, it's about time this matter had cease to accumulate and articulate. It's been years, and, the residents of the Xianzhou is starting to notice something amiss.” Your clit twitched against your spear, using his voice to stimulate your arousal from your most recent fight. You didn't know what they were talking about but fuck, does he sounds heavenly.
“B-But General Jing Yuan, even if this individual-”
”If?” The General scorns, two fingers in between his vision, a mental headache from the unnecessary topic they were conversing in.
“This... mysterious individual has managed to bring us one high figure diciples of the Sanctus Medicus group, do you understand? This brings shame to our abilities—my soldiers abilities, compared to the, tch, to this unknown individual.”
You've also heard rumors, fleeting, short gossips about the Arbiter General. Many have said he was aloof, carefree, even lazy... This proves that people just love to talk, don't they? What he was demonstrating right was sheer authority, decisiveness, and even with anger bubbling within him, he was nothing but calm, commanding, calculative—but that was most natural to a man of his status, his nature, and that was nothing more than but overwhelmingly attractive in your eyes.
Wondering more about how he holds himself in such pressure, such expectations, how can one man force his authority over others without a shred of guilt, or... that's what you assume, anyways.
Fuck, you have to get a taste of his skill, his abilities, you want to meet his unrivaled gaze, you want to perform a clash with him, you have to, you need to, for your own growth, a chance to grow as a spear handler, to have new techniques thrown at you with intentions of cutting of your life—it didn't matter.
It was for your growth. It was either a life of physical prowess, or the uneventful ending of death.
The Cloud General continued to talk to the Cloud Knight infront of the headquarters, and you're over here on the side of the grandiose building, rubbing your clit against your spear more frantically as he talks.
You love the sound of his voice so much, the syllables escaping his mouth rings within your ears, memorizing intensely of the pleasant sounds that reverberate inside your eardrums. You were close, your hips were desperate in movement, continuing to breathe heavily, your whimpering muffled against your other hand, even biting against the fabric of your wrist cannot stop the slightly audible panting from you, fuck you want to fight him, you want him to lay wounds that benefit your skill, your movemen, you w—
“Say, do you hear that?“
Shit, you almost cussed out under your bated breath, frantic irises dart around, your instincts helping you visualize your escape route while the two men look around the source of the noises you've been making.
“Hear what General? It's late into the night...?”
Oh, but Jing Yuan's sense of hearing was greater than the average individual, he knew what those noises were but he wasn't sure as to why the very person engaging in that activity would do such a thing near his headquarters, but it would soon then make sense for him as he looks over to an unrecognizable tight alley way near his office. His eyebrow raised, golden eyes shining with curiousity and amusement as his legs begin to take him over towards the noise.
Towards the area where you reside.
Shit shit shit, you only have a few seconds until you're caught, you hastily look around in a panic, you were still very much in heat, but the literal General was coming and you were their culprit, even if they didn't know, why would a random person engage in such activities with a lengthy spear—near his office. His deduction skills, leading you to your demise as you continue to panic internally, before looking up to the roofs.
“General Jing Yuan?” The last thing you hear before launching yourself up to the roofs using the garbage dumpsters definitely making noise, but you would rather do this than get caught.
“Mm.” The startled Cloud General paused, looking at the empty alley way, he found nothing before hearing a shift against the air, a cloth
There was movement, somewhere.
Narrowed eyes travel up, now widened as he takes witness a part of the elegant, crystal, bladed tip of your spear, it was definitely not a Cloud Knight's spear, nor one of his creaations.
Speechless from the spectacle, his mind starts to wander about, shaking his head before returning to the confused soldier.
“...Send a word to the Astral Express requesting their presence first thing when the sun rises. Dismissed.” The General commands firmly, his Cloud Knight saluting automatically before making his way towards the Realm-Keeping Commission.
Jing Yuan is left alone infront his office, gazing at the nightly sky, showered with golden leaves from the Ambrosial Arbor's influences. The man was disarrayed. He started to question himself, he wasn't that tired right? Hallucinating and hearing voices of a woman's pleasured noises. It rings through his sensitive ears, starting to question his lack of sleep and exhaustion.
He wasn't tired, but the thoughts running through his head were tiring so you could say he's going to tire out soon, mentally anyways.
There was a new presence in this grand hexafleet.
The Stellaron Hunters weren't this clumsy with whatever they were situated with, but even then, you had little time to react to the General, your reflexes and agile movement proved you were skilled, and the fact that you escaped his grasp, his sights, swiftly moving into hiding? Your intentions were unknown to him, and that was enough to be a potential threat to the Xianzhou.
To the Arbiter General anyways.
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Jing yuan is so tragic and he has so many death flags and he's going through so much physically and mentally but like he still finds a way to be gentle. Look I just love him so much and I also love my angst. He's like the ideal character to me and I actually don't mind what hyv does to him.
Firstly because if they kill him off in the near future then that means he can finally let go of all the sins and duties he feels obligated to shoulder. It'd just be so tragic if he's the first of the hcq to like permanently go because he's their pillar, the last one standing, the last one left. If he dies then there'd be nothing left of the old days.
The second option is hyv keeps him alive and honestly this just sounds more depressing because the chances of him getting mara struck are still high, he's so tired that I don't think he'll hang on much longer. Best case is he retires and lives on quietly but hoyoverse fate is not kind to him as shown in the main story. Honestly I love him but the sheer character development that could happen if he does die would be worth it. Like yes its tragic and that is literally one of the key points as to why they might do it because some of the benefits that hyv could get out of this are:
If they kill him off then that shows the stakes of Honkai star rail has compared to Genshin and where it'd be placed in terms of risk output when it comes to hoyoverse games. its a statement to players if they kill off a playable, very important, loved character that they are willing to follow through with the death flags they raised.
next is just how much it'd affect the plot, Jing Yuan has been a core part of the Xianzhou arc and he's basically, dare i say the character that connects all of this together. He's so important to the plot but he's also so detached? Jy is different from the rest of the HCQ because he's already 'moved' on despite the hurt. he's had the time to let go yet still smile fondly at what they had. If they off him then all of the HCQ will be affected, the astral express would lose a friend, the Luofu would lose their general. even then, that could start up the HCQ finally letting go, the astral express would be sad but learn that even those who seem unfazed and untouchable can still go, and the Luofu would get kickstarted into a new era.
then there's also the parallels, Yanqing to Jing yuan to Jingliu. HYV has blatantly shown the connection between and the parallels. Plus with all the Jing yuans death flags and the way hes been written as so so so tired and SAD. like it seems reasonable for a follow through especially since the build up these past few versions and how attached the fandom is to him.
ANYWAYS, i'm not saying he'll die and honestly I have no idea how hyv will approach Star rail in contrast to Impact and Genshin but i'm just saying they might and its higher than 18% they will.
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ceruleanvermillion · 1 year
AU Where Zhongli and Dan Heng are brothers
This is just a very messy brainstorm session. Also some star rail and genshin spoilers. there might be leaks? I dont really know but just in case, be warned.
It has to be an AU, since these two already have super complicated lore on their own lmao. Anyway the gist is that a long time ago these two are like super powerful immortals, but then they are separated because of *mysterious reasons*. Now, they can sense each other being alive, but like that's it. They don't know how the other is doing, or the state of one another. They're much older than they seem. There's also a backstory I'm building for their pre-canon brotherhood story and lore but that's a whole other can of worms. For another post, maybe.
Regardless. That is obviously not how the story should end. So, they'll have to meet. Some technicalities: It's hard to compare honkai and genshin power levels, because they're essentially different kinds of games. Fischl and Keqing got major power boosts in honkai in that one crossover event a while ago.
BUT. Meeting is possible. Thank you, Welt. Thank you, Sumeru lore drop about descenders. Lumine and Aether are Travelers, come on, it should be possible.
So. How should they meet? Should it be in Zhongli's Universe? Dan Heng's universe? Or a third part Universe? Well. One Interesting thing I have noticed, is their relationship with "Memory". Zhongli has really good, near-perfect memory. Dan Heng is running away from his past- he is implied to not remember most of his past memories.
So I established this: At the present moment, Zhongli remembers almost everything. Dan Heng does not. With this we can conclude that for the story to move, Zhongli must be the first to take action, despite the fact that Dan Heng is currently in a magic space train. So, most likely it will be in the world of Star Rail. New question: How does Zhongli arrive?
We're getting into speculative fanfic lore here. I'm better with Genshin Lore than I am with Honkai Lore, so don't hesitate to correct me if I make mistakes. I'll italicize it.
Zhongli is a deity. He is still divinity and a gnosis does not affect that, unlike how a herrscher no longer is a herrscher when the don't have the core. So if Welt can, theoretically Zhongli can too. We can interpret the gnosis as his last remaining tie to Teyvat- without it, now he can multiverse hop easier.
Side Note: At this point we don't know anything abt Zhongli's actual origins or what he's capable of.
So maybe he can open a vortex portal thing. Zhongli is really good with space magic- and him rescuing xiao also proves that he can do that for someone else. Venti can make vortexes and stuff. So maybe he enlists Venti's help. Venti is equally sus, so its only fair he gets a part lmao. So they do a lot of research- and when he's ready, he can finally jump.
Again, this is still tentative, but i do want to explore some possibilities.
Oh- but. There has to be a sort of event catalyst, right? Why? Why is this story unfolding this way? Why is it that one remembers and the other forgets?
The intention had always been for Zhongli to remember and for Dan Heng to forget but...there needs to be a midpoint. one can't do all the heavy lifting, it won't be a fun story if that's the case. So. Dan Heng's arc centers around him trying to remember- because he realizes these dreams that he has recently that are actually his memories are very different than the regular ones about Jing Yuan and Blade and the Luofu. Zhongli's arc centers around him trying to get to Dan Heng.
So. What is the goal of this story? What does it want to achieve?
Reuniting, that's the main main goal. This is the consistent point in the story- the plot is currently still tentatively being brainstormed, but changes aside-
They Have To Meet. These two must meet. preferably in an emotional way.
A bit of fanfic made-up lore details that I may want to include (as of now):
The world of Teyvat is an outlier universe. It is strange, it stands out, it remains in it's own little corner. Basically, Teyvat is just Really Really Weird. Partly inspired but how Genshin impact is kind of an outlier amongst the current Hoyoverse games. Like even Tears of Themis is set on earth.
The separation can be said to be because of Zhongli. Of course, the true events is far more complex, and me personally, I don't think it really is his fault- but Zhongli is the catalyst for this to happen. His brother doesn't blame him, and again, real events far more complex- but he blames himself, kind of. He does not regret it, but it also provides motivation for his character- and of course, the lore goes deep. Zhongli is objectively my favourite genshin character- and I have theorized many things about him.
The story is partly kind of loosely inspired by chinese drama love between fairy and devil. There is no intended romance to be included in the story, but certain themes I intend to include.
Honkai Star Rail spoilers/leaks(?) idk if this is actually a leak but Dan Heng has gone through several incarnations since the separation. Zhongli is Zhongli. Dan Heng and Zhongli are at their core magical and powerful, although at present, both are weaker than how they had been. However, maybe they can still access some of what they used to be able to do? idk
They're close brothers and they're wholesome and I love them (Not Tentative/Definitely Confirmed)
But yeah tldr so much of this brainstorm is still tentative and might be changed accordingly to what works best, but I did enjoy exploring several possibilities in the plot.
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shining-gem34 · 4 months
This is like a rough idea from rereading info about Cloudhymn magic and like, observation of Dan Heng (IL) and Bailu abilities. But have you ever think about when a Vidaydhara, child or adult, have first awakened their abilities to use Cloudhymn magic?
Visually, it might appear small and subtle like your hands (or body) glowing. Or nearby bodies of water- a teacup or a basin full of water ripples in response. The liquid might even float in the air too.
Or it could be grander in scale such as mist appearing out of nowhere and covering the entire area. Even mirages; illusions made from cloudhymn magic can appear.
But what about the esteemed High Elders, whose existence are the closest to Long?
The signs could vary between each succession, but in the case of Dan Feng...
When he first awakened his talents as a child, his tutors were in awe of his latent abilities and endless potential in cloudhymn magic. In their view, they witnessed visuals of lotus blooms and clouds circling around the hatchling. The salty sea scent potent in the air, mingling with lotus blossoms, and they swore they can hear a dragon roar in the background.
Imagine the power behind cloudhymn magic, capable of manipulating the senses enough to make a individual believe it is real. But also, in the future (and as seen in Dan Heng IL in-game combat), manifesting those illusions to be real enough to inflict damage on enemies.
But for Dan Feng at the time? What did he feel when he first unleashed his magic?
It felt as if the ancient sea welled up within the depths of his soul. From the top of his head to the tips of his feet, he is brimming with power that is beyond his comprehension. But he knows behind the furious storms of the sea, there is tranquility; the beauty of the waters when undisturbed.
That is, as long as Dan Feng remains controlled and discipline. To never lose himself in his anger, because to be controlled by anger is to bring destruction to himself and everything around him. :)
Of course, when it comes to conjuring visual illusions of Cloudhymn magic...
Dan Feng favorite is creating a scenery of cranes relaxing in the water. They're elegant, beautiful, and so very tranquil that it soothes his soul.
Dan Heng.
I imagine his powers were sealed since his birth and during his imprisonment. Just enough to prevent him from attempting anything rash like unleashing a torrent of magic, but not enough to hide his horns or pointed ears. Even after he was exiled, Dan Heng powers are kept tightly locked away.
Any residues of his magic are used to hide his Vidyadhara features and don the form of a regular short-lived humanoid. A form he admits to be most comfortable having.
During the Luofu arc, Dan Heng powers were forcibly unsealed via Blade stabbing him. Centuries of cloudhymn magic bursts forth in the form of a dragon coiling together around him. His human disguise forced to be undone revealing his Vidyadhara heritage.
In a sense, Dan Heng powers in cloudhymn magic awakened albeit in a very violent way.
Yet, Dan Heng believes he has truly awakened when he can finally manifest a mirage using cloudhymn magic.
A draconic maple tree sitting atop of a water surface, surrounded by mountains, and the maple leaves falling endlessly.
The visuals that surround him whenever he uses cloudhymn magic in battle? Yeah, Dan Heng doesn't count that...at first.
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
Okay so im back for a minute since i saw some stuff you had posted
1. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR IMBIBITOR LUNAE. IM SO GLAD HE ALSO CAME HOME FOR YOU. So about Bailu and the Vidyadhara in general, im going to try my best to generalise it and also not to accidently spoil anything so 1. They can reincarnate infinitely but at the cost of their own memories. So once they self reincarnate, they wont keep their old memories, although there are some exceptions for some vidyadhara but i wont elborate on that since that is something you’ll learn eventually. 2. They cannot have children, so if any vidyadhara dies, it is a big deal. 3. Yeah they are immortal in a way, they simply self reincarnate to continue their life albeit at the cost of their memories. 4. Bailu is an interesting case but im afraid if i talk more i might spoil you so just enjoy the story
Also about Luocha, well there isnt much information about him. All we know about him is that he seems to be blessed by Yaoshi and he looks eerily similar to a antagonist from Mihoyo’s other game, Honkai Impact 3rd. There is also one other piece of info i left out about him that we currently have but judging from where you are at the story, i dont wanna spoil it and want you to have the joy of witnessing it. The Xianzhou Luofu arc is honestly exposition arc for the overarching story of HSR so you will get much more lore about them (i think we will get to know more about the vidyadhara more in the future since there are still the other Xianzhou ships)
2. OMG the idea of an Ex fatui agent reader & wanderer would be an cute and excellent idea. Both of were victims of The Doctor and suffered immensely because of him. Even when they don’t seem like it, they have many similarities and with Nahida Therapy, i think both of them will eventually be their closest friend for each other because of their dark history with the doctor, they both understand each other because of that history. Also i cant help but imagine a very cute family with reader being the parent, Wanderer being a snarky older brother, while Collei is the baby of the family. They may be very traumatized but they will still kill anyone that hurts their little family :)
3. OOOOO PLATONIC HSR X READER THOUGHTS! Ok since im currently running a bit late rn, i will simply give one thought i have. Qingque and their workaholic older sibling, so we know Qingque is lazy as hell right? Why not give her an older sibling who is very strict and stern with her and would nag Qingque to stop being a slacker. I imagine this sibling to be an Amicassador for the Sky Faring Commision like Tingyun, so they would be out a lot, which let Qingque slack as much as possible but dw the reader had someone to keep an eye on her :)
That is all for now and i hope you have a good day/night!
- 🐱 Anon
i want to inject vidyadhara lore into my blood i am so fascinated by them....
I KNEW IT I KNEW THERE WERE DRAWBACKS that is so fascinating though and it makes so much sense because i imagine it being something like shedding an old shell. so much pain and angst potential there with that concept too. if the vidyadharas are aware of the fact that they will experience memory loss with new incarnations... hear me out: what if they had diaries and scrapbooks from previous incarnations because they knew they would forget and and RAAGRGEHGHWG i'm so (ab)normal about them sorry AND THEY CAN'T HAVE CHILDREN? that is so fascinating. i imagine by that you mean they can't pass on their vidyadhara lineage (or have children in general, but focusing on the idea that they can't pass down their lineage)... no wonder it would be a huge deal if/when one died then.
luocha could commit serious crimes and it would not change how i feel about him LMFAO bro is majestic? he gives off wine uncle vibes. comes around once a year and tells you things you aren't supposed to know and then leaves again to do god knows what. i am very much enjoying this arc. it's so... lore-heavy. and i love that. it is feeding my fanfic writer and oc creator brain.
AND YES YOU'RE SO RIGHT. [name] is collei's parent, in a way. the wanderer is simultaneously both [name]'s and collei's guard dog older brother... he is older than both of them, after all. all three of them are capable of committing serious crimes--the wanderer can and will commit a violent crime in defense of his little traumatized family, [name] can and will commit a violent crime in defense of their little traumatized family BUT would only do so if seriously needed, and collei could but won't.
OHHHHHHHH LAJSKWHAKSHJ QINGQUE WITH A WORKAHOLIC OLDER SIBLING....... HELP ME i love this dynamic. [name] always chiding her and bullying her (in the most affectionate way possible)... telling her she needs to work more. telling her to stop complaining about being "unreliable qingque" because she wouldn't be if she worked harder. but [name] also gives her credit and praise for when she does pull through! now hear me out--[name] who does not know how to relax. qingque having to actually teach them that there is more to life than work. BUT ALSO [NAME] SCOLDING THE HELL OUT OF HER IF AND WHEN THEY FIND OUT THAT SHE WAS SLACKING OFF IN THEIR ABSENCE AND JUST GOING "qingque." IN THE MOST EVIL SCARY TONE EVER WHEN THEY RETURN
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