#<- twi fr
monpalace · 1 year
Athena: “Ahh this training area is dedicated to my dear friend Time who died tragically”
The Chain: looking between Time and Athena
Time: “Quit telling people I died”
Athena; “I can still hear his voice”
"is this because i said i'd rather percival babysit my future children than you?"
"his ghost just asked if it's because he prefers percival to you"
"it's really because he was keeping secrets with him before he died"
"???? he's trying to be a good husband and surprise you?????"
"he just said he prefers percival in every imaginable way"
"wild, can that sheikah slate of yours kill ghosts?"
"dunno. d'you wanna try?"
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justvoidsdumbstuff1 · 3 months
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Tired, asocial cold empress Twilight, and her Jester Pinkie<3
Ship idea belongs to Captainzigo
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atomicomium · 2 months
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tmasc twilight and pinkie 4 fun
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wayfayrr · 1 year
for some reason i've had another idea for a request LODGED in my damn brain ever since i wore my platforms the other week: [they are comfy to me, and the heel isn't very high, just the platform adds like- 4inches lol] someone who has tall ass shoes, and nobody notices until they take em off or something and suddenly they're shorter it sounds bad, cause why would someone be wearing platforms, but i swear i can run in em. [took some trial and error though....] also its just really goofy.
No because I'm just as stubborn with platforms the thing that gets you is stairs. I'm not entirely sure if I've mentioned it on here, but I'm a firm believer that Hylians are short. Time is seen as tall because as far as Hylians go? He is Twilight is seen as monsterously tall. Which mixes into your other ask as well - seeing as Time is fairly average height when compared to humans with Twi being tall even to humans (he grew up with humans so he adapted just a lil he's got a much higher milk tolerance sfvgf) but only Twi really knows this seeing as he grew up in ordon with humans and honestly? Means he has a reason to reach out to the reader in the first place, explaining most of the differences he noticed growing up between him and the rest of the villagers It's not the most but really at that point it's helpful to know anything. and it gets him closer to you which is what he really cares about honestly I write the chain as yandere's most of the time really, but this scenario where he's reader's best hope and they naturally get closer to him? I could see it happening really it's because he can't have a repeat of midna someone from another world stealing his heart and leaving him forever ha nope
As for platforms? that'll be fun to explain to them >:) this turned out a little bit more Twi centric than I meant for it to be but it was so fun to write and flowed so naturally !! <33 [masterlist]
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“[Name]? We’re about to have breakfast, you’ll probably want to come get some before we leave the inn. Time’s saying that we’re going to be walking a lot today”
“Hm? Yeah I’m coming wild.”
His eyes looked as if they were about to fall out of his head when I opened the door. Is there something off about my appearance? I’ve just woken up I guess so maybe I just look a bit dishevelled, but after travelling with them this long? Would that really be enough to set them off like this?
“You’re shorter! Are you alright? Twi said humans are way different compared to Hylians but I didn’t assume he meant you shrink sometimes! Come on we need to go show them to know if you’re gonna be okay.”
“Wait no wild I-”
There isn’t even time for me to argue my own point with how fast they’re pulling me over to the others, his strength is impressive even for hylians I’ve been told and that isn’t something I’ll argue with. But what is he on about me ‘shrinking’? I haven’t changed height at all… He’s never seen me without my platforms. That’d do it.
“Wild really I’m going to be fine. If you’ll just let me explai-”
“YOU CAN SHRINK? Why didn’t you tell us [name]?”
Now winds come over - great. I’ll have to count on Twi’s glare being enough to give me time to speak. 
“Wild what are you on about humans can’t - oh. You did shrink. How did that happen?”
Bingo. Now I can hopefully clear this mess up somewhat.
“I didn’t shrink. I’m just not wearing my platforms. They add to my height when I wear them, I didn’t realise this was the first time Wild’s seen me without them. Their worry was pretty cute though.”
“So you didn’t shrink..? Can I try them on?”
“Nah wind, not only are they my only pair of shoes but I think you’d break your neck if you tried to walk in them.”
He really does look kind of like a cat when he pouts, you’d assume he’s just had a lemon slice shoved in his mouth rather than being told no for his own safety. It’s nice to see that despite having to become a hero at such a young age he still acts his age.
“Then how do you wear them? You’ve been walking them for so long without issue?”
“They’re your only shoes?”
“Yeah they are Twi, there’s no issue either wild. They’re comfortable to wear and I’m used to them anyway”
Twi looks as if he’s gearing up for a lecture if the look on his face is anything to go by, the very same one that’s a warning for wild when he’s done something questionable. A short sigh, a shake of his head and it quickly softens up into some sort of lovestruck expression.
“Darlin’ It isn’t that that I’m worried ‘bout. It’s not a good idea to only be travelling with a single pair, what if they get damaged or lost? I’ve got a spare set that should fit you, you can have them.”
“You don’t have to go that for me twi, I’m sure theres somewhere here I could just buy a pair.”
“It really ain’t an issue. It’ll save you breaking in a new pair so it’s for the best really.”
There’s more to what he’s saying I can feel it, but I can’t bring it up around the others like this so answers will have to wait. 
“You don’t wanna eat while you’re, only wearing a pair of socks you? Let’s go and get them for you quickly.”
His hand is so much softer than Wild’s and his touch is more tender and is that? Oh, he’s blushing, there really is something more to this isn’t there; does he like me or something? The walk to his room in the inn isn’t long, shorter than the one to my own. 
“Give me a second darlin’ and I’ll get you them.”
 “Of course, I’m not gonna get mad at you for taking too long to get me a gift. Seriously though, thanks for this link.”
If I thought he was red before he’s downright glowing now, his face from the tips of his ears to the lowest part of his neck that I can see have gone crimson red. Matching how his rummaging through his bag has gotten ever so more frantic, his patience for finding the said boots for me gone like ashes in the wind. Then before I know it a pair of leather boots are being thrust into my arms by someone who can only really be described as a blushy mess at the moment. It’s cute. He’s cute.
“They’re wonderful thank you again Twi, really.”
“You can ah - You can call me link when we’re alone together like this darlin’.”
“If you want me to then link. I’ll just put these on then we can go join the others, hopefully, they’ve saved us some food.”
These are so soft, are they lined with something? They have to be right? It feels like some kind of fur, they should be nice to walk in so I can save my platforms some wear. It makes a lot of sense to try to keep my belongings from home safe, just to have some memories to look back on. 
“Hey link, mind me asking what they’re lined with?”
“Wolf fur darlin’”
“Is it your fur?”
How is it possible he’s gotten even more red? Answers my question though. Why would he give me something lined with his own fur?
“I - That doesn’t bother you does it?”
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somer-writes · 9 months
I have crawled out of my mole whole to humbly ask you
but what type of southern accent do you think Twilight has? 🤔
hello thank you for coming out of your mole hole, have a treat :3
uuuuh well so im like Midwest Supreme so my interp for his accent comes from like podunk midwest backwater nowhere XD we're talking towns built around grain elevators where theres more cows than people and you can get snowed in for days if you dont live on a snow route
but usually the Default Southern accent i write for OCs is either like Appalachia or gater rasslin loosianna XD
depends on if i want cowboy or chewing tobacco yknow
i think twi just bc of the goats and pumpkins is probably somewhere in the wyoming or northern colorado range of That Peach in Levis cowboy. like modern twi wears a duck coat and chews on toothpicks and has a stetson hat. or when hes doing ranch work hes wearing coveralls but has the sleeves tied around his waist and a carhartt shirt underneath. and you know his carhartts are just destroyed and patched over and over in the ass. he gives fresh goat milk to the farm cats and the dogs follow him *everywhere*. hes riding draft horses recreationally. epona might be a perchie
imo a lot of people write a Tennessee twi but mostly like knoxville. maybe arkansas? not quite In the Swamp south for a lot of them but more like Mountain South. but not mountain enough to be the kind that sets bear traps for cops yknow. just mountain enough to have anarchist leanings.
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they start to look better every update
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stinkypeanutbutter · 3 months
*scribble scribble*
Scribbling , scribbling , not really scribbling but at the same time he was . Aiden was back in the living room drawing , drawing and drawing . What was he drawing ? He wasn’t sure really , but it was a person . Looked familiar . He knew the person , but he didn’t like the drawing , he felt it didn’t capture them at all , didn’t fit them , didn’t truly get how . . Wonderful they were . It was weird .
. . An odd sense of Deja Vu floated somewhere in his mind , only thing missing here were his parents stuck on constant business calls and . —
Crayons . Crayons ? Yeah sure , I have a pack in an old drawer somewhere . —
Aiden got up from where he was sitting and walked upstairs to his room , unconsciously ignoring the calls of someone coming from his kitchen . Kitchen ? His dad ? No wait he wasn’t here , he was on a business trip , again . He was kinda hungry . Aiden went back to his door , about to open it back up for a snack when —
What was he doing ? He was in his room for something . Oh right , crayons ! How silly ! Aiden searched a while , eventually finding an old , slightly worn out pack in the bottom drawer near his bed . He picked it up and stared at its broken packaging for a few seconds before getting back up , and making his way to the living room . -
Aiden got back to the table , but another person was waiting for him . Well , more so just staring at the paper he scribbled on with a weird fixated gaze .
“ Taylor ? “
Taylor looked up in response to her name , a slight smile coming across her face when she saw him . “ Aiden ! Did you draw this ? “ “ . . Oh yeah , I was just doodling a little . “
That’s right , his friends were here ! He had to admit to being taken aback a little . He was usually private with any drawing he made . He couldn’t remember why , he just didn’t like showing them , not anymore .
“ Holy sprinkles , you’re good ! “
“ What ? “
“ It’s really pretty ! I didn’t know you drew so well . “ “ — I did it a lot with Ben when we were traveling , small challenges and what not ! “
A compliment . He hasn’t realized how much he liked hearing those words about something he was told was meaningless to do .
Is this of Ashlyn ? “
Ashlyn . Ash . That’s who it was . He didn’t see it before , why didn’t he ? He just did it subconsciously after all , let his hand guide him in what he thought were mindless scribbles but even without trying to use his mind , Ashlyn manages to take space in it . How silly !
” We could totally work together with arts n crafts if you want ! Basically I fold old metal together and create little sculptures to sell ,so it would be fun if you wanted to try and paint them and — “
Taylor talked , and talked . It was nice , she was pretty excited about it all . Aiden felt jealous , but he couldn’t explain why . Jealous on how much freedom she had with it ? Either way it confused but enlightened him all at the same time . Was that a bad thing ? . . She talked about ideas , opportunities , some art fair , all the silly things , and spoke of inviting ben as well . He liked that idea , all of them . He’ll manage to show all his friends this . . “ hidden talent “ of his some day , but right now he’s enjoying this moment . It was simple , and nice , a step at a time . Sometimes that was the best .
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crazyhour420 · 11 months
An idea
Time smells like black coffee and the woods (and trama-)
Twilight smells like mud, pumpkins, and the rain (and wet dog-)
Wind smells like the sea and soup :)
Wild totaly smells like the earth, sweat, and malice......and fish-
Four would smell like fire and new book smell (idk why the books but shhhh)
Hyrule would smell like sugar water and baked bread more specifically like cake :D
Legend would smell like rust.....ok im joking. It's more like the ocean, the woods, and dryed rock at the same time
Sky would smell like mist, wet birds, and vanilla
And wars? Ladys perfume, lavander, and coconut oil (for his hair-)
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gaylactic-fire · 2 years
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monpalace · 1 year
NEW IDEA DROPPED (Back on my pining Time shizzz)
Imagine, reader minding their own business and talking with a bartender, they weren’t doing much really— just buying a few drinks (alcoholic and non) for a few of the boys. Speaking of the boys, mosy sat at a table while others mingled in and out of the bar. The chatter was idle between the heroes, some light banter thrown across the table, but all falls on deaf ears as Time watches you from afar.
He’s not sure why but ever since that late night talk about “types” and “past lovers” he hasn’t been too keen on letting you out of his sights. Its not like he’s forcing you by his side, or following you everywhere— goddess forbid! You’re a grown adult and are well able to take care of yourself, but damn it this ball in his gut just wont go away.
Apparently his quick glances were as subtle as he had hoped because the next thing he knows a unfamiliar hand rests on his shoulder. The table goes quiet and the old man is quick to look to the source of the hand, his own hand hovering over the dagger at his side.
To his left was a older man— older than Time himself —grey hairs and wrinkled face turned into a snarky grin. His unbalanced stance, dilated pupil and awful stench where all the Time needed to know the man was overly drunk.
“Pretty aren’t they?” The drunk slurred his words and clumsy nodding his head you your direction. That ball in his gut only grew.
From the cover of his eye, Time noticed a handful of the boys at the table shift in their seats uncomfortably. Lovely. The hero of Time turned to the drunk, cold eyes meeting unfocused ones.
“Are you in need of something? Or just looking for someone to bother” His words are sharp but voice did not raise. Was that last bit necessary? No. Did he care at the moment? Not at all.
The drunk laughed, mouth hung open as his belly bounced with every forced breath. Some of the boys from across the bar watched, yet you were still unaware it seemed. “Simply wondering if ya knew if they were single~” His eyes fixated on you, racking his disgusting eyes up and down your form. “Can resist a chance with a beauty like that.”
Wind, one of the boys who sat beside Time, was quick to sit up and slam his hands onto the wooden table, loudly proclaiming. “Their my parent!”
The drunk seems shocked for a moment, cause Wind to smirk and Time’s shoulders to relax. How foolish he was to think such a vile man would give up that easily.
A gurgling laugh bubbles up from the mans throat, spray spittle across the table. (Twilight and Hyrule are quick cover their food)
“Do you need a daddy?”
How DARE he—
Wind’s mouth hangs in shock, Twilight nearly cracks his mug with his grip, Hyrule cant help the gag that comes from his gut. And Time? Oh he’s furious
The loud screeching of wood on wood silences the bar. Time looms over this hunched, pathetic excuse of a man, both eyes open wide to star down at this…pig. Time wished to bust this pig’s skull open, slam him into the table until his face was full of splinters. He’d pluck his eyes and carve out his tongue. Let the body get eaten by his brethren.
Not one of his thoughts is shown on his face. His anger is calm and collected, he refused to put so much effort to a worthless low life. Time’s voice rolls like thunder, it pierces like daggers and stings like venom.
“No need for such an imbecilic question, he has no need for one,” the drunk stares up at Time, a slow realization builds behind his eyes. “For he, is mine. And They are mine.”
He doesn’t mean for the last bit to sound like a possessive growl, but the ball in his gut has risen to his chest, rolling around in his chest with every breath he takes. He needs to get it out.
The sound the man lets out might as well be a squeal as he backs away from the frightening hero. Slurred apologies falls from his mouth like a rushing water fall as he stumbles his way out of the quiet bar.
One in, two out. One in, two out. Time repeats, fixing his breathing and calming the violent wishes. Boths eyes now shut as he takes one last big breath before turning and looking back to the three boys. One word to describe their expressions? Utterly and entirely gobsmacked.
Oh, their not going to let him live this down for a while, arent they? His lips formed a tight line, his eyesbrows knitted together. But a quiet cough chases his attention.
Turning —half expecting an employee or boss of the bar telling them they have to leave— he sees you. Eyes wide, mouth silently agape but a twitch of a smile lingers at the corner of your mouth.
“I’m yours?” You spoke, eyes twinkling with something Time cant place.
Oh no..
completely unrelated why did this lowkey remind me of a unspoken rule or something where it's like "if someone puts something of theirs (glasses, hat, etc) on someone, it's an unspoken rule that they're claimed" or smth. idk time just looks like the type of person to do that
ANYWAYS TIME'S LITTLE POSSESSIVE GROWL, VIOLENT (valid) THOUGHTS, AND WHATNOT? he fr let out a few years worth of repressed emotions i refuse to accept otherwise
time just needs to get the papers, legally adopt wind, and put the reader down as the other parent beCAUSE BROTHER 😵‍💫😵‍💫
and reader's response to hearing all that?? why can all i hear/see is them doing druski's little "whadda you mean by that"
trippy im abt to write a drabble stop playin with me 😭🗿
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hero-of-the-wolf · 3 months
O, S, and X?
-Sky Floor
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
tbh I usually start with a line that comes to mind or just Vibes™️ and I'm finding that that's not really a good idea if I want long well fleshed out fics actually akshajagjahaja. When I wrote the Longest Battle with Jes, we created an outline together and it was so helpful. I need to sit down and make one for my other WIPs too....
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
I'm such a HUGE fan of hurt/comfort it's my absolute favorite thing (also hi 👋🏼 your whumptober fics are some of my very favorite fics of all time I reread them all the time)
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
..... listen— listen I love all my children equally— it's Hyrule. idek why man but Hyrule angst just hits so good it's so good man
@skyward-floored I hope it's okay to tag you here I just wanted you to see this since I know anon asks don't notify you
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twi-liight · 1 year
Man... Your writing is so good I'm crying. Everyone's dialogue? The comedic timing? The camp fighting over Tav? It's like every perfect trope wrapped up into one perfect fic. Can not stop babbling about how good this is real
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Stop being so nice to me. I can’t handle it. I’m different now.
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saltytwi · 2 years
i love how tangle is loud, clumsy, and kinda messy; but she is also compassionate, and has an amazing ability to give people comfort and reassurance, to not give up on them.
that's the main reason i love her.
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him: babe i'm coming over you better not be bitchy rarity when i get there
me asf:
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jyuanily · 1 year
im going thru it
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shyrule · 2 years
yeah i’m ace yeah i’m a wars simp we exist
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