#<---jusst in case
aftrskool · 2 years
WOW........its so uncommon for me to be so brim full of anger and fear...lulu cheng meservey and every single person that enabled the drone advertisement campaign above new york city does not deserve a days rest until they learn to live as human beings & respect life and the world around them or until they die.......i believe if i saw even for a few moments an advertisement in the sky i would drop my bags and shrug off my coat in the winter night and i would scream i would yell and scream so loudly i do not care how public or populated my surroundings are i would scream until my lungs gave up and tears started streaming and i had no voice left inside of me at all and i would do this every time that i would see it even if it meant every single evening...my heart is full of hot tears and i feelso enraged but so defeated,and i feel so much sorrow for the photo of all of the little birdies overflowing from two cupped hands that died migrating across new york city on an october evening this year because of the light pollution,and the way their wings seem so tight against their little bodies,and knowing the candy crush sky ad was directly obstructing a migratory path for birds this time of year it just oh my heart....this manmade terror is so beyond the comprehension of all the little lives that were lost and all of the little lives that had to move on from the deceased ones as nature entails and so so so so so violent against the natural world and the value of the privilege of living.capitalism and the monstrosities it has created are all disgusting sores on this planet sucking the lifeblood out of every living thing leaving the earth devoid of hope as the world becomes nothing more than a collection of exploitable resources leaving the exploited lives exhausted and sick and injured forever from the labour and objectification and degradation capitalism defines them by.please let there be a sweet bird song and a sun in the sky.............. if i have no environment no night sky or blackberries or bird nests i have nothing i am nothing at all
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pokemonranch · 11 months
Hey, so my daughter made a new friend at the playground. And, well...
[A photo of a young girl holding hands with a Banette]
Should I be worried?
The answer is... Complicated. Have you thrown any old toys recently, or has your child lost a favorite doll? Banettes usually focus their hatred towards the person that they felt abandoned by, so if you haven't done anything to create one and he's not acting aggresive, it should be fine. I still would reccomend keeping an eye on them for the time being and not letting them both interact or go out alone until you're 100% sure you're in the clear. They are vengeful, but some of them can be smart enough to hide it for a long time, so just keep that in mind.
But! Ghost types also receive a lot of unfounded fears, and if the Banette really seems friendly and harmless, they probably are! Besides anger, they tend to feel alone and seek out kids that remind them of their old owners, so maybe it was just hanging around in a trash can when she found it and really bonded together. The best you can do is to keep a close eye on them and use your instinct to know if something is wrong.
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losnordiquitos · 9 months
make hws sweden and finland fat
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foster-the-moths · 1 year
you seem cool as well! i like your art a lot
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loboto-bear · 10 months
*kneeling at a shrine to you* please my lord, may i have some fozzer headcanons, any of them (not specific for anything jusst whatever comes to mind)
Sure :)))
Let’s go! Quick fire Fozzer hcs:
For starters, in case you haven’t gathered already, I hc Fozzer as being from the equivalent of troll Russia, because of his namesake and way of speaking
This is also why I draw him so fuzzy, as he’s essentially a type of troll built for the cold (there are plenty of fuzzy bugs too)
I also hc him to be very tall
I’ve always headcanonned his lusus to be a mix between a bear and a moth. This is both an aesthetic choice, and a choice linked to his name origin
I think he’s very smart and well educated, he may even have a degree, but people often think he’s dumb because of his appearance
Similarly, he’s quite well read- he probably collects books too
He has a lot of mediocre talents, such as drawing, writing, singing, and sewing
I took the ‘practicing orthodox decompositionist’ bullet point from his troll call seriously and believe he had a religious upbringing (I mean, he does call the Reader a Judas), hence why I made his ancestor a priest
I also think his hive looks like a beaten up chapel
I have a very specific hc that he used to have sharp fangs, but they got snapped off
I don’t think he’s as kind as he lets on. His route suggests he’s actually pretty self-serving
He can see and hear ghosts, he just refuses to acknowledge them. I also think he has slight psychic control over metal
He’s a Page of Heart
I think his passion for burying bodies comes from a place of superstition and spirituality
He’s a tea guy and rarely touches coffee
He can play the accordion (or troll equivalent)
He’s good with children
He has an interest in ballet, though he’s too big and clumsy to do it himself
He has a serious sweet tooth
He’s very emotional (I personally see him as Autistic)
Those are all the ones I can think of right now, but keep checking back, as I might add more.
Also, if you want to see my hcs and characterisation in action, please feel free to check out my fics Warmer Hues and Lost and Found (even though the latter in unfinished).
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spearxwind · 2 years
There is also this gif of the gold dnd dragon in flight. I think its very interesting but not sure how well it would work
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Oh I have seen this gif before!! I think this gif is super cool, i think this setup would work brilliantly in water, but probably not in the air (barring anatomical stuff, this is fantasy after all) to generate lift the arms/wings would need to fold inwards in the upstroke, otherwise theyd be undoing the lift in the downstroke they just did, so they wouldnt climb in height.
If you see birds (and bats) flapping, they will flap down with their wings fully extended, but when they pull them up they'll hold them close to the body to minimize how much downward movement they generate so that overall they are going upwards to fight gravity. This is (or used to be) a fairly common mistake animating wings
You could make the case that this guy is jusst swimming through the air though!! the same way lung dragons do, and they just have some cool ass wings to show off
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minijenn · 1 day
What do you think would be Pearl's reaction upon seeing that demons (Bill in this case) are indeed real and not just some dumb legend humans came up with?
I mean in UF Pearl has known about Bill for centuries, for about as long as her and Rose were on Earth, so she wouldn't really be surprised from that standpoint as much as she'd think he's jusst some strange Earth thing, not realizing he isn't from Earth either.
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spindash · 2 years
embarrassing but i jusst need to talk ok.......... under the cut because iknow itll be long um im talking abot cancer and animal death and dog like. i dont knw. attacks. & other kindof awful things so no pressure to even look or read anything. loveyou forevr
My uncle isnt going to make it the next two years even with the two surgeries and chemo the brain tumor is too much and he just got the news the beginning of this month that hes not going to make it. we all kindof knew that woukd be the case even w his last surgery but nobody knew it would be so soon. hes literally like my best friend he has been ever since i was little and he means the world to me. he got diagnosed august of last year and its been like a fucking nightmare ever since. And on top of that i lost agnes like less than a fucking week aftwr i got the news about my uncle its literally been crushing and its hard for me to want to do anything at all and nobody even wants to TALK about it im just supposed to deal alone and my dad will not stop pressuring me to finish getting my degree and get a job and i know i should and i want to but its impossible to do anytbing at all im so exhausted like physically i can barely stay awake and i just feel so isolated. And then we've been taking care of my uncles dog for the last year obviously since he cant and shes never liked me too much but she tolerates me because Im a sucker and i love giving her little treats like peanut butter and any nibbles of what im eating aslong as its safe bht i dont know whats happened in the last few weeks she has completely flipped the switch and i genuinely cannot leave my room anymore without her baring her teeth at me and growling and lunging for me. shes gotten me really bad a couple times thats what that bruise was from and i have some nasty gashes and scars on my feet and legs like ive never bled that much it soaked thru my sock and all over the floor she completely scares the shit out of me i cant even be near her without bawling my eyes out anymore. my parents are like yeah yeah well we'll talk to your uncle soon about getting her some training but not now and dont mention it because youll upset him. Like i think hes going to be more upset that his dog is trying to fucking kill me or something than you asking if he would pay for her to go. somebwere i dont know anywhere. i dont want anything to happen to her like putting her down shes not a bad dog atall she just had such a hard time with different owners as a puppy. it makes me feel awful to say but i wish to fucking god she was anywhere but here not just cuz she scares me but Im scared for the cats too. shes surprisingly aloof towards them but i dont know. i thought she was fine with me too and now. Sprry this is all crazy personal and like batshit to post online if you read all of this um. sorry do you still like me etc i dont have any joke to wrap it up with literally every good thing in my life is crumbling around me and i cant do anything about it nor do i have to tools to deal with it emotionally and i want to blow my head off 👍
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pcrplevenom · 5 months
"you got anything for pains?"
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"Ah, I do actually! I alwayss have ssomethin' with me jusst in case, sso I come extra prepared in such occasion. Take a sseat, won't take long to find what I need for 'ya."
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bloodborneties · 10 months
"I wouldn't allow dem to attack anyone. Jusst because I give people a home doesn't mean it's lawless."
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Nail stops and turns around when the vampir calls himself a monster, his eyes almost glowing. "You're young and traumatized. You've never sseen a monster. Have you seen anyone be kind one moment, only to condemn anodder to suffer for arbitrary reasons? ...Have you watched millions slaughter children because dey were told dat dey weren't deserving to live?"
The questing beast's gaze seems to look deep into Lazarus, as if staring at his soul. "I've seen it over de millennia. It keeps happening. Now... tell me. Have you forced a nation to war, uncaring of how many die in your name as long as you stay rich? Did you make people believe a whole group of people weren't deserving of life? ...Have you killed countless people to de point you were numb and kept killing?"
"...Dat's how you become one of de scariest monsters."
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The shift in the air put him back on high alert, hand swiftly grasping the handle of his sword and bracing himself just in case he needed to draw it. When he is instead met with a barrage of questions and a cold stare he hesitates, though his pupils narrow.
"I was told that I was the son of a demon and that I was to slaughter hundreds, thousands-- all in the name of the cult that I was unfortunate enough to be born among. Yes those sound like horrid things, terrible and unforgivable, but just because I did not commit anything like them does not make me any less a monster!"
Lazarus released his sword and slammed his hand to his chest with fangs on full display. If he drew his own blood here and now, would this being be able to smell that which vampires could? Would doing that make them understand? It was almost tempting to try just to see, but his blood was precious.
"As a vampir I am simply a replacement for humans! You said so yourself! I am a monstrosity born of vampire greed and ambition!"
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buggymel · 4 years
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Happy bruno day 🤝
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mothmandibles · 3 years
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didn't really mind dying coz i did it for you. you've never been the kind to cry after something as small as this anyways, aren't you? xoxo
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heavysass · 2 years
anyway I really hoped the summer case would get here soon as it did last year (june i think?) bc of the sudden care for tf2 but god july is already ending and i fear another drop closer to fall than to summer
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callme-mys-tical · 2 years
soooo I wanted to make a normal doodle abt Reverie's love for the game 'Russian Roulette', but then I tried messing with the watercolor brushes and,,, well then this happened-
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... yeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-
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hearties-circus · 4 years
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Cup :]
It came out a little bit longer than Snapdragon but they're about the same height! Cup has more little feets to crawl about with
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aenreth · 4 years
Dialogues: [DS1] [DS2] [DS3] [Bloodborne] [All]
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