#<-i heard this is what people tag it as kust a heads up
doveyeellie · 3 years
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rikusqueenofhearts · 6 years
My Sweet Lullaby (Final Fantasy XV Parody Fanfiction)
Auther's note: Helo there this is me and I writing this fanfic because I love my Noctis and the boys please omg no bashing or I will have my bf and friend will bet u up. So enjoy this fanfik!
((In case ur taking this seriously, it's actually not a me as this kid writing this. This is actually me Eve writing a parody of how bad some fanfics can be. It's for @artistictranquility in which we make fun of bad fanfics 😂 it's for a con to see if there's any as bad as My Immortal. So... laugh on!! This is basically an anti My Immortal fic as we call it LOL tagging @neighborlyarson IF I HAVE TO READ THIS WORK SO DO YOU))
Hi my name is Melissa Tabitha Song and I have beautiful long rainbow hair with shiny silver eyes and very pale skin. i wear beautiful rainbow outfits and am very short. My parents are both gods but i came out a human girl but my parents left me on earth to have a better life even if I have magical abilities. A lot of people tell me I look beautiful even if I don't feel that way. I notice other girfs look at me glare me bc of my beauty. They kust jelos of me.
Vs Noctis had come from another world too and is like a mirror to Noct. They both r like brothers and often fight a lot. He does t like anyone but me. We had bcome close frienda and there is something mysterous about him. Something that makes me want to know more of him.
Gladuolus Amicitia is another good friend. He is a shield of the other Noct and is often a hot headed. Gladio and I are childhood friends and he was always protective of me. I find myself liking two guys. I can't like two guys! Oh no!
It was one day when Vs Noct and I were all alone when he went to talk to me. We were both walking under the moonlite and walking around. He said he wanted to speak to me. He looked at me and said. "Hey, Melissa. There's something I want to tell ypu."
"What is it you want to tell me?" I asked.
He looked at me in the eyes and said, "I love you!"
"You what...?"
"I love you so much. The first time I had ever laid eyes on you is when I fell in love with you. Do you love me?"
"Of course! I love you too!"
We both made out with each other and had the insides of our mouth make out with each other and took each other's clothes off. I had never been with anyone before. His touch was the best thing ever.
He put this thingy in my hole and we began fucking the daylights out of each other. We went on to fuck as he both shouted "I'm going to cum!!!"
After we spilled ourselves in each other, we heard someone yell, "what the hell are you doing fucking out here!?"
It was... Regis!
After we were caught, we were brought to the Citadel with both Regis and Clarus watching us. "What were you thinking fucking outside!?" Regis yelled at us.
"I'm so sorry," I said. "I love vs Noct your son and I want to be with him forever!"
"I love her!" vs Noct declared. "I want to be with her."
"How is my son going to feel since he loved you too?" Clarus asked.
"Gladio loves me?" You couldn't help but ask.
"He talks about you all the time," Clarus said. "And you're fucking the Prince."
"These two do love each other," Regis said. "You can't punish them for being in love."
"I guess," Clarus said. "Shall We let them go?"
"I assume so," Regis said.
When we were done, I saw Gladio yelling at Vs Noct as the two men began to fight over me. Both bad boys, fighting over me!? Oh my! Why do they love me so much!?
"Melissa!" Gladio says as he gets down on his knees and takes my hand. "I love you! Why are you with him!?"
"She's mine!" VS Noct shouted as he glared at Gladio. "You don't get to have her!"
"It's obvious that me and Melissa are meant to be together!" Gladio said.
"Omg! Stop fighting!" I shouted as I stomped my feet and threw my arms around. "Stop It! I don't like fighting!!!" I started to cry as I covered my face with my hands.
"Melissa, we're so sorry," Vs Noct said as he gave me a hug to comfort me.
"We're so sorry," Gladio said as he wrapped his arms around me too.
"You both can share me!" I said. "I'll be both of your girlfriends! We can be happy together!"
"If that's what you want, Melissa," Vs Noct had said.
"We can make it work," Gladio said.
I couldn't choose between these two anime looking boys! I loved them both! But all the sudden, the three of us saw 3 MORE Noctises. It was regular Noct and Omen Noct and older Noct! The three of them looked at me and proclaimed their love for me.
"Not you too!" VS Noct shouted.
"But I lov her!" Regular Noct shouted. "I came here to confess to her! We've been separated for so long that I want to be together with her!"
Omen Noct yelled about something, threatening to kill someone if he wasn't going to be with me. Older Noctis confessed his lov and even proposed to ME! ME!!! He gave me a ring to prove his love to me! All of the men began fighting over me again
"You can share me!" I shouted. "I love all of you! Let us all be together and be happy! I'm all yours!"
When we all came into an agreement with this, we noticed someone come over and said, "That's not true! She belongs to me! She's... my wife."
It was... Ardyn Izunia!
"I will never be yours!" I shouted as I backed away. "Stop trying to chase me!"
"But you are mine," Ardyn said. "We are both having magical backstories. I am both the Prince of Lucis and chancellor of Niflheim! I am also immortal! We can both be back together!"
"She doesn't want you!" Noct shouted.
"Lets fight!" Gladio shouted. "Whoever wins gets to have her!"
"Omg I hope you guys win!" I shouted.
After a long and brutal battle, Gladio had ended up dying. I started sobbing my eyes out as he was gone. But the four Noctises had won and defeated Ardyn. Killing him.
"Omg, thank you!" I shouted as I hugged each of the Nocts. "But Gladio lost his life!"
"He died for you," Noct said as he gave me a hug. "He loved you so much. We love you so much. Let's all get married in Gladio's honor!"
"That sounds like a good idea!" Older Noct shouted.
I had married all the versions of Noctises and it was the best wedding of my life. But during our wedding, Lunafreya and Stella had both crashed the party. They were evil witches who wanted the four Noctsis for themselves! They came to kill me! Why does everyone hate me!?
My parents had secretly been there, unleashing my godly powers. I rose up to my power and used my power killed Lunafreya and Stella. The evil witches habe been defeated! We all rejoced at this!! The wedding had gone on now that they were dead!
When the day was over, the five of us went to the bedroom, all of them professed their love to me and they all took turns with me. They each took my holes with their thingy and placed it in my you know what. Omg it felt so good!! They each fucked the daylights out of me with each shouting "I'm going to cum!!"
I came all over each of them. They were each very kinky and good at bed. I rode them like crazy and we all had a wild night together. I sucked off their pee pee and licked all over them. They each stuck their tongues on me and made me cum so much. When it was all over, we cuddled against each other and professed their love to me. We would habe a happy life together! I couldn't believe all those Noctises loved me so much!
Auther's note: OMG I hope you enjoyed and all you haters better stop flaming me.
((This made me want to bleach my eyes and slam my head against the concrete. WHY DID YOU MAKE ME DO THIS OLIVES 😂))
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missisleen · 6 years
The Spirit of Nirn CH3 P02
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Some music to go along with the reading :)
When her feet were bathed in cool water and Marthe crossed the small stream that flows along wet rocks and lush grass, she could hear low voices from afar. It's been a while that she has visited the capital of Falkreath Hold, so there was no wondering that she can't remember all the names she once heard. The only name which comes to her mind was Runil. As far as Marthe know, he took care of the large and legendary cemetery Falkreath was famous for. Within the low voices, she heard, there was something more to hear. Brushwood was breaking loud as a rumbling thunder. Step by step the noise comes closer and eerie sounds curse everything in its path, that was able to fly and much faster than the hunter itself. The last thing Marthe heard was a sad and hungry growl just a few steps behind her. « "How often I've told you it's not the best idea to play tag with a Luna Moth and a Torchbug, Rumper? By the way, I will never understand how a little bear cub like you can be as loud as a running mammoth herd. And now come out. I could use your help." » If anyone could have a look at the little bear cub she was talking to, they would be surprised. Covered with nothing but dirt, mud, leaves, and branches there were no questions left what he has done the passing moments. « "Oh! Now, look at you, my little friend." » As soon as Rumper left the bush he was hiding himself in, Marthe turned around and start laughing. He was such a goof sometimes and currently, the little bear was looking like one. « "I'm sorry my little friend. I should not laugh." » It was a serious apology towards her little friend and another growl let her know that he had accepted it. After Rumper passed the stream and Marthe start telling what she has planned for the eve, the little bear lay down next to her feet and starts listening. While she was explaining what had happened a few hours ago, it seems that her talking was really a great bedtime story. He falls asleep right after the first two sentences. « "Now what do you say? Will you help me find this person in Falkreath, Rumper? ... Rumper? ... RUMP...!" » By gods, that hasn't happened now. He did not sleep while she tries to explain everything to him. Well, that wasn't the help she could need. She shook her head again and bowed down to him to scratch him softly behind his ears. There was always a way to get his attention and maybe she should think about his personal wishes for a moment. The little cub was an orphan she once found in the woods around Whiterun. After playing tag and hide-and-seek with him, he decides to follow her when she needs to leave the area back to the Ancient Woods. He's told her what happened to his mother (and the hunter who brings down his mother) and how jealous he's too all flying insects, butterflies, and birds. Yes. He greatest wish was to fly. Not that Marthe could help him with this wish, but she accepted his company on her trails and since this day nothing could separate these two. « "I will make you fly into this cold and very refreshing water if you don't wake up within the next minute, Rumper! And I will tell all the butterflies that you want to eat them and not only play with them." » Not even Marthe was able to imagine how quick a little sleeping bear cub could wake up. « "And I will get you something to eat. What about a sweet roll and a salmon?" » Now she got his full attention. He was so hungry he could have a whole mammoth at the moment. And again she explains everything important to the little bear, sparing the unnecessary parts to keep his attention. The plan was simple, it's implementation unclear. Something has to happen, though she owes him a sweet roll and a salmon and has no intention to go fishing this night. She would enter Falkreath over its cemetery to avoid an encounter with one of the holds guards. There were a lot of ways to get unnoticed into this city and she definitely knows a lot of them. The guards often appeared very harshly against strangers, so this detour should at least be a conclusion to the smallest problem of all. Rumper would wait for her return behind the woven fence of the cemetery to get his reward and first-hand news if Marthe found the person she was looking for. * * * * * « "You need to leave! Now!" » A harsh and very unkind voice yelled when young Marthe climbs through a hole in the fence. Her gaze wandered around until she found the man who was talking; no who was yelling at her and the first thing that came to her mind was Frosty the Snowman. Reflections of Moonlight sparkled on his bare head. He stands nearly six and a half feet tall and was muscular as a sabre cat. Did he break this hole into the fence? The proportions would fit. « "You're not supposed to be here. Leave now or I'll call the guards." » When she had passed the fence and set her feet on the cemetery ground, the large man came closer and she remembered his face. Sometimes, but not very often, she has seen him carrying another tombstone on the cemetery. But his name? No chance at all to remember that one. Marthe wouldn't be Marthe if she let her thoughts pass without asking. « "Did you break this hole into the fence? No offense, but the proportions... your head...everything would fit and I'm just curious." » Kust stares at the small lass that dares to set foot on the cemetery and can't believe what she was asking. The picture she imagined in this moment was a very funny one, at least for her. Kust with one of the tombstones, placing it wherever Runil wants it to be placed. A bit more right. No, not that far. Just a bit young lad. Now left, two or three steps. You're close, lad. What in Oblivion... He heard and see his young helper stumble and fall. With him the tombstone. Right through the fence. I've told you to remove all the small rocks from the ground. ALL rocks. Get that tombstone back in one piece but before you do that, get that bare head of yours out of the fence. It's somewhat odd among men, to crawl down on your knees like prey.  Yes, in her imagination it was his head that causes this hole in the fence, but she would never... with a second look at him the angelic looking lass smiled. « "I won't tell that anybody. I swear..." » Kust didn't get it. He yelled at her and threaten her with the guards and she comes closer and smiled, talking things he doesn't understand. What should she say to this Nord? That she was looking for someone she did not know who he was? Of whom she didn't know what he looked like? Of whom she didn't even know exactly where to look for him? Or was she to tell him there was someone waiting for his sweet roll and a salmon, who was far less welcome in the city than she was? She looked silently in the eyes of the Nord and made him make his own picture of her. A picture that certainly did not correspond to the truth, but to which she herself could not change anything. She did not come here for no reason and would certainly not disappear without the puzzle. « "Well, don't look at me like that. Do I look like a thief or murderer? I'm looking for someone who can help me and I've come to know that I can find helpful people in this beautiful city. You don't seem to belong to it." » The longer Marthe was looking at the middle-aged man, the more certain she was that he wasn't the man she was looking for. « "I'll tell the guards to keep an eye on you, and now you're going to leave this cemetery. Maybe you'll find someone at the inn who believes you're gibberish." » Kust let the young woman just stand and hoped she was reasonable enough to follow his words. When Kust finally went away, Marthe shook her head, shrugged her shoulders, then set off on her own. It was really time to get down from this cemetery because, among the dead, she would surely find no one able to save a life. And so the young woman moved through the streets of the small town, which was at the same time the capital of the hold and whose reputation had been quite severe in the past few years. She looked at the few remaining shops, looked around into gardens, and wrinkled her nose as she passed the longhouse of the Jarl. Marthe had already had this dubious pleasure when she once observed him on a hunting party. The young Jarl was an absolute mistake in her eyes. Arrogant, stupid, and extravagant, he always had his own advantage in view and not the needs of his people. So it took an hour and a half to reach the Dead Man's Drink. At least she stood near the steps to the Inn and watched a real giant talking to Narri about the still pending delivery of Black-Briar-Mead. As a regular guest of the house, he now waited for over a week on the belated delivery and had probably been more thirsty than good for him. Because of the darkness, she could not really see much of him, but the silhouette was impressive and the two-handed sword, which he carried on his back as if it were nothing, was certainly as big as Marthe herself. He muttered into his beard before he simply left the innkeeper's pretty employee and finally entered the Inn. After a day without great excitement or other important things to do, the thirst was all the worse, because you were thinking all the time that boredom was the greatest enemy of an experienced warrior and that at least time was beaten with a jug of mead. Not that he was drinking much. Oh no, don't mistake him with one of the drunken beggars who roam Skyrim roads at night. Marthe waited for the moment when Narri followed him back into the Inn before she decided that at least one attempt would be worth asking directly at the Inn for someone who could handle this task. This, however, was a little delayed, for Kust had kept his word, and informed the guards. On one of their rounds through the city, they had discovered the dainty person and tried to get her involved in a conversation to find out who she was. In any case, she was not known to any of them.
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