#<33 :thumbsup"
trainingdummyrabbit · 4 months
ayin. i'm curious
one question in and im already having to pull up the cutscene dialogue. god. ok listen this is the most bullyable man in the whole entire world and he makes it so easy, but also I Do Fucking Love This Guy. i need to study him so bad its unreal.
im always a sucker for characters introduced as a "yeah theyre totally a player stand-in dont worry about it ^_^" and then they kick you in the fucking shins halfway through. and he is no exception. i am Notoriously endeared by characters with any amount of weird identity fuckery going on and Jesus Fucking Christ Dude.
the way that he is so solidly rooted in the core of everything that goes down in lobcorp, and yet how certain bits of his attitude and Personality are Wholly lost. how most of what we know of him is through secondhand accounts and recollections, and yet he refuses to let on anything about himself in his own memory of things. his perception revolves entirely around the people around him to a very, Very stark degree. im not sure if its just a side effect of the genre and execution of this story in particular or if im just making shit up, but.
hes not a loud character. something about that in tangent with how he completely splinters himself over and over in conjunction with the things that happened to them, its all very compelling. the way he tackles problems with this sort of analytical distance, unaware of or perhaps intentionally separating his own mess from what he feels he has to do-- while at the same time having it be so inextricably intertwined with Everything. he feels like the type of character to desperately want to simply point a direction and shoot, yet he gets in his own way time and time again, simultaneously on accident And on purpose. avoidant of And conscious of.
ill be real im just kind of spitballing the vague Idea of him in hopes of reaching something concrete. he's so intent on the straightforward "any means necessary," yet he sabotages himself every step of the way. its fascinating. such a strange form of self-destruction.
i wonder how he really feels about everything. how he felt, and then, what exactly it is that changed in him after the SoL project "completion". what exactly did he come to terms with through the course of ruina? was it something new he hadn't the room to process until then, or was it simply an understanding that he'd had for longer than that, that he'd simply never had the mind to voice it?
and then! the way he feels about the rest of the team-- how little he seems to speak of any particular bond between himself and them, and yet (iirc) he has photos of them all up in his office. how much of him is means to an end, and how much is compartmentalization of what he might actually feel? which does he want to be true?
does that cohere? he's such a messy tangle of things that never get spoken-- on purpose and otherwise-- that it makes him so difficult to Actually Read, and yet... and yet! what im saying is that benjamin saw something in him, and that is something worth studying-- not because of doubt, but because of a desire to truly Understand. something about the metaphor between Sun and Shadow, seeing things in the gaps burned between photos. fascinating specimen. i need to put him into a blender.
also hes one of the few characters capable of making me lose it just by seeing his basic png which has to count for something i guess
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sapnap themed graphics set!
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solargeist · 2 years
HAPPY 7-DAYS-TIL-CHRISTMAS GHOSTLY!! from australia - 💛💛
HAPpy christmas
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jimmyclueless · 1 year
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couldn't quite decide on one</3
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heuldoch7b · 3 months
Horus in a pinstripe suit right MEOW!!!!!!!!!!!
🪐 anon
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woohoo first time drawing hawrus :33 i hope this is ok :thumbsup:
i want his fucking cufflinks so bad
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cnnmairoll · 1 year
hello! i'm the anon that requested for the the moles' beloved miss hehe - just wanted to say that IT WAS ADORABLE AF <3 loved the domestic and homey feeling of the whole fic <33 read your other works and WOHHH I LOVE YOU AS I WRITER <3
if i may, may i request a hurt-comfort for dan heng and luka (separate hehe) ? like, they notice that their s.o, the reader, has become more distant towards them and their shared friend group (the express crew for dan heng, and maybe wildfire for luka). they check on the reader but they just get "i'm okay" as a response. one day, though, they get a letter from the reader, thinking it's the usual love letter that they give, but it's actually a letter of the reader expressing their feelings of being left out, not being enough, and all - kinda like "i know you guys accept me, but i find it hard to accept myself." happy ending ofc hehe
i'm so sorry that the prompt was so long whahsha have a great day/night, as always! <33
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A Letter of Words I Can't Convey
Character(s) : Luka, Dan Heng Genre : Comfort, Fluff a/n : glad u liked the fic anon :thumbsup: here ya go
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Luka had noticed the change in you for weeks now. It wasn't like you to withdraw from the wildfire, your close-knit group of friends that included Luka himself. At first, he thought it was just a phase, a rough patch, but as days turned into weeks, he grew increasingly worried. You had become distant, your smiles less frequent, and your laughter absent from their gatherings.
One evening, after practice at the underground boxing ring, Luka decided he couldn't ignore it any longer. He approached you cautiously, his robotic right arm glinting in the dim light of the gym. You were leaning against the wall, seemingly lost in thought. He cleared his throat, trying to hide his concern.
"Hey there," Luka began, his voice gentle. "You've been… different lately. Is everything okay?"
You glanced up at him, and for a moment, it seemed like you would open up. But instead, you managed a weak smile and replied, "I'm okay, Luka, really. Just going through some stuff, you know?"
He didn't want to push you, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to it. Luka nodded and patted your shoulder. "Alright, if you ever need to talk, you know where to find me, right?"
You nodded, and that was the end of the conversation. Luka walked away, his heart heavy with worry, but he trusted you to reach out when you were ready.
Days turned into weeks, and your distance only seemed to grow. Luka missed your laughter, your warmth, and your presence in their group. He found himself lying awake at night, wondering what had changed between you two.
Then, one day, he received a letter. At first, he thought it was one of your usual love letters. You had a habit of slipping little notes and sweet messages into his jacket pocket. But as he unfolded the paper, his heart sank. It wasn't a love letter; it was a heartfelt confession of your feelings.
I hope you're doing well. I know I've been distant lately, and I'm sorry for that. I want you to know that it's not because of anything you've done. It's me. I've been feeling like I don't belong, like I'm not enough for the wildfire. I know you all accept me, but I find it hard to accept myself. I've been struggling with these thoughts, and it's been tearing me apart.
I hope you can understand. I just needed to get this off my chest.
- [Your Name]
Reading your words, Luka's heart ached. He realized that he had been so focused on trying to make you open up that he had missed how much pain you were in. Without wasting another moment, he set out to find you.
It wasn't easy, but after asking around, he discovered you were at your favorite quiet spot in the park. He spotted you sitting alone on a bench, staring off into the distance. Luka took a deep breath, feeling a mix of emotions - concern, determination, and love.
Approaching you, he said softly, "Hey there, I got your letter."
You looked up in surprise, and there was a flicker of vulnerability in your eyes before you looked away. "Oh, I didn't expect you to find me so quickly."
Luka sat down beside you and gently turned your face to meet his gaze. "You're not alone in this, you know. We all care about you, and I care about you. Your feelings matter."
Tears welled up in your eyes, and you finally let them fall. "I just… I feel like such a burden, Luka."
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. "You're not a burden. You're a part of our wildfire family, and we stick together through thick and thin. And I'm here for you, no matter what."
You clung to him, your shoulders shaking with sobs. Luka held you close, offering you a safe haven to release all the pent-up emotions you had been carrying. As the tears subsided, he whispered soothing words of comfort and reassurance.
"We all have our struggles, and it's okay to ask for help," Luka said softly. "You don't have to go through this alone. We're here to support you, and we'll get through this together."
In that moment, you felt a weight lift off your shoulders, and a glimmer of hope flickered within you. Luka's unwavering support and understanding gave you the strength to face your inner demons. You knew it wouldn't be easy, but with him by your side and the wildfire behind you, you had a fighting chance.
As the sun began to set, you and Luka remained on that bench, talking and sharing your deepest fears and insecurities. It was the first step toward healing, and together, you would overcome the darkness that had threatened to engulf you. In Luka's embrace, you found solace and the reassurance that you were, indeed, enough.
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It had been weeks since you'd last spent quality time with Dan Heng and the rest of the Astral Express crew. Something had shifted, something you couldn't quite put your finger on, and it left you feeling distant, isolated, and overwhelmed by a constant sense of inadequacy. Your once lively presence within the group had turned into an invisible shadow, always there but seldom noticed.
Dan Heng had noticed the change in your behavior, how you'd become distant from the Astral Express crew, including him. He had always respected your privacy and your need for space, but this was different. It was as if you were slowly retreating into your own world, leaving him feeling helpless and concerned.
One evening, as the crew gathered in the common area for their usual card game, Dan Heng noticed your absence once again. He sighed, unable to ignore the growing concern that gnawed at him. With a subtle glance toward the others, he excused himself and made his way to your cabin.
His knock on your door was soft, almost hesitant. He waited for a moment, and just as he was about to turn away, the door cracked open, revealing your face, tinged with surprise. You'd clearly not expected him.
"Dan Heng," you greeted, your voice a shadow of its former warmth.
"May I come in?" he asked, his blue eyes searching your face for answers.
You hesitated but then stepped aside, allowing him to enter your dimly lit cabin. It was a small, cozy space, filled with books and trinkets from your travels. He admired it briefly before focusing on you.
You looked down, avoiding his gaze. "What brings you here?"
Dan Heng took a deep breath, unsure of how to broach the subject. He knew he had to tread carefully. "I've noticed you've been distant lately. We all have. Is everything okay?"
You turned away, your fingers nervously fidgeting with a book on your shelf. "I'm okay. Really."
But he wasn't convinced. He knew there was something deeper bothering you. He couldn't bear to see you like this, shutting everyone out.
He couldn't stand the thought of you struggling alone, and yet, he understood that pushing you for answers wouldn't help. Instead, he decided to give you the time and space you seemed to need, hoping that you would come to him when you were ready.
Weeks passed, and every day felt like an eternity for Dan Heng. He missed the times when you were both alone, your conversations filled with laughter and affection. He yearned for those moments but was willing to wait for you to reach out.
Then, one day, it happened. A small envelope slid under his cabin door, catching his attention. He picked it up, expecting another one of the love letters you often left for him. But when he opened it, his heart sank as he read the words on the paper.
Dan Heng,
I hope this letter finds you well. I know that lately, I've been distant from the crew, and it's been hard for me to explain why. I've been struggling with some things, things I never thought I'd admit even to myself.
You see, despite all the love and acceptance I feel from all of you, I can't help but feel like I don't quite fit in, like I'm not good enough to be part of this incredible group. I know you guys accept me, but I find it incredibly difficult to accept myself.
I've been battling these feelings in silence, and I'm sorry for shutting you all out. It's not because I don't trust you or care about you—it's because I've been struggling to understand my own emotions.
I'm writing this letter because I needed you to know what's been going on inside my head, even if I'm not ready to talk about it in person just yet. I want you to know that I treasure the moments we've shared, and your presence means the world to me. But sometimes, I need to figure things out on my own, and I hope you can understand that.
Thank you for being patient with me, Dan Heng. You mean more to me than I can express in words.
- [Your Name]
Without a moment's hesitation, he left his cabin and made his way to yours. His knock on your door was gentle, a silent plea for you to open up to him. When you did, he saw the surprise in your eyes, but there was also a hint of relief, as if you had been waiting for him.
"Can I come in?" he asked softly, his voice filled with concern.
You nodded, stepping aside to let him enter. He took a seat on your bed, and you followed suit. There was a moment of silence, neither of you knowing where to begin.
"I got your letter," he finally said, his tone gentle and understanding. "I want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what. You don't have to go through this alone."
You met his gaze, your eyes reflecting a mix of emotions, from vulnerability to gratitude. "I… I didn't know how to talk about it," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
Dan Heng reached out and took your hand in his, offering you a reassuring squeeze. "You don't have to explain everything right now," he said. "But I want you to know that you are enough, just the way you are. We all care about you deeply, and I care about you deeply."
Tears welled up in your eyes, and this time, you didn't hold them back. You let them fall, letting go of the pent-up emotions that had been tormenting you for so long. Dan Heng pulled you into a warm embrace, holding you close as you cried.
As the tears subsided, you found comfort in his presence, in the fact that he hadn't pushed you for answers but had simply been there for you when you needed him the most. He may not have all the solutions, but he had his unwavering support and affection to offer, and that was enough to start healing the wounds that had been plaguing your heart.
In the quiet of your cabin, beneath the soft glow of the astral stars outside your window, Dan Heng and you began a journey of rediscovery and healing. He continued to listen, to be there for you, and to assure you that you were valued and loved just as you were.
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pickastitch · 7 months
Hi i just read your blog title. Tell me more about afterlife gem <- assuming al is afterlife 🫶
i could kiss you rn thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about afterlife gem
i started watching gem through her al series so i definitely have a huge bias towards this series
the way she uses modded is incredible, and is what really got me hooked was the way she used the modded pumpkins as gradients for the roofing. that was just so mind-blowing to me that i had to start maining her. gem's afterlife has one of the best most cohesive narratives in mcrp; it's simple yet compelling
the way she was a villager and fwip was an illusioner (ough roseblings), and the way she tried warning other people if the village was a danger to them it's so dgsjs. AND THEN her dying in the village also makes me violently ill with her saying she failed to protect the village and her whole arc over the series, trying to become the hero of the village
now for robot gem; it's so fascinating to watch people in minecraft do aspects that they aren't as familiar with. you could argue that this shows up with gem building with modded blocks, gem working with redstone, and building in a different style with the oil rig. also the little 'beep boop' are constantly playing in my mind
alright i prob won't go over every single origin but i can't NOT mention how adorable the end moths are and also the way cat!shelby immediately reacts with violence
and omg fox!gem my beloved <33 she's just a silly little guy who can turn invisible and loves to people watch. plus the hound and the fox bit with katherine is so cute with my favorite base in this series. It's just so cozy
i also get my favorite gem skin from this series, thornling!gem
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it just looks so so nice with the green and red together it's <333
i'm so ill over s1 e!gem illusioner!gem (indirectly) going to dragon!gem dragon. the whole story of gem being the hero of the village as a villager and her constantly trying to prove to herself that she is deserving of that title is so so good. then her triggering a raid to try and finally prove it even dying to protect the village. then coming in as a dragon and finishing the raid and finally getting the hero of village achievement
ough and the way she dies the exact same way in the same location on her last origin as her first origin. more people should go watch it :thumbsup:
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What're the mods favorite Homestuck characters
milo - davesprite and hal :thumbsup: also aradia. weird girl win
jade - take a wild guess :P (also roxy, kanaya, and aradia)
sal - rose and karkat and also kanaya!!! Also feferi!!
marcy - aradia rose kanaya terezi :33
oliver - vriska!!! and kanaya and rose
vriskel - vriska and jade my beloveds
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uraniumnm333 · 1 year
heads up i'm writing this while listening to a fuck ton of teto covers so :thumbsup: also want to forward this with Minori !! Is so !!! I love her !!! but also yeah
anyways even though I'm not The Biggest MMJ Fan Of All Time I do want to talk about Minori because not even knowing much of MMJ main story she's ??? so interesting to me ??? like just the way she is also i think she's supposed to reflect idol culture a bit ??
because first of all. minori DOES NOT give up. like ever. girl just keeps going !! and that's so good for her !! but also sometimes you need to Stop. and she gets this determination from her idols !! who are literally also her bandmates !!
and that's all well and good but as per my previous statement, minori is headstrong about her goals and by extension her thoughts and feelings !!! and this can show in so many ways like she compares herself to a bunch of fully trained idols like erm... you are just starting man !! but she doesn't know that because all she knows is that she's not as good and she needs to be good to impress them !! which brings me to my next point
looking up to people is great. but like. minori my darling my sweet sunshine little minnow... these people are your FRIENDS not your superiors. she idolized the shit out of haruka and even in the wiki in haruka's relationship page it's mentioned !!
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their relationship !! is not easy !! because minori only sees her as better !! than herself !! and on minori's page
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and i'm like 90% minori doesn't even realized this monumental thing she's done !! like babes you made this girl. want to be an idol again. and you still don't see her as an equal ??? you saved her ??? even their trust rank is called "my idol"
and it kind of scares me that minori is so adamant that everyone is better than her !! she's going to work herself to the bone to try and achieve what everyone else has, and eventually determination isn't going to work anymore !!
it's similar to the idol industry and really just young girl's media in general !! you set impossible standards shown by people who have been raised since childhood to fill this specific role to try and show people who weren't child prodigies and whatnot that "you could have done this, but you're too lazy and therefore not as good" because that's what minori thinks !!
she sees baby haruka on TV who has probably been practicing since she was a toddler to smile and woo others, and thinks "why can't i do that ? I need to be better because she can do something i cannot" without knowing that it's because !! girl !!
I just can't get over minori. i want to see her realize that the people around her aren't always better than her and she doesn't have to feel inferior and that's so hard !! but she can use that determination and strong will and she !! can !! do !! it !!!
i want minori to see she's just as good as everyone else ans she doesn't have to prove anyone anything. also i think all the band leaders are so sad once you look into them and it's just :( anyways more more go minori !! go get em girl <33
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heirofnepeta · 2 years
New and improved Funky Pinned Post!!
Hey there! I'm Eowynn! I'm a Bi-Lesbian Trans girl who goes by She/It/They pronouns! Tranny fag girlie for the win 💥💥💥
I like Dr. Pepper!!!!! I'm highly addicted to it!!!!!!!
If you want you can also call me by a few other names! I go by Eowynn, Wynn, Amity, Vea, Dirk, Nepeta, Kyll, Click, or Noonoo! Any of those names are fine, and I enjoy using them :)
Don't send unwanted nsfw stuff. Weirdo.
I reblog things like way too many times if I like them so uh. don't follow if you don't wanna see that ig.
I am part of the LGBTQIA+ community, and if you have a problem with that, then go sulk about it in your room and try to figure out why people being themselves makes you so mad.
My Art blog is @heirofdirk and I'd love if you stopped by there and looked at it and maybe requested something ;33 <
Extra stuff that's not as important below cut!!
I am in a few fandoms, and have a few interests so I'll list those here!
Homestuck, Hollow Knight, Ultrakill, The Elder Scrolls, Pokémon, Warframe, Chainsaw Man, The Owl House, MegaMan, Minecraft, Borderlands, Fallout, Subnautica, Metal Gear, Team Fortress 2, and probably way more that I can't think of right now.
Hobbies: Making art, Gaming excessively, Scrolling through Tumblr excessively.
I have a Steam Account here, and my Discord is available through DMs if you wanna talk to me :33
Sideblogs Ill care to link:
@meowmeowhisshissmeow @colon-three @heirofdirk (again) @nepeta-knot (beware. There is horny shit there!!)
The rest of my sideblogs i got rid of since i dont use them often enough
Also what I mean up there by Bi-Lesbian is that I am bisexual but i have quite a heavy preference towards women. I still do like men tho.
Tags I Use: #Wynn answers #Asks #[url or nickname] <- my ask tags, might change in the future. #Wynns art <- my own art tag wowie! #tgirl horny swag <- occasional horny posts. thats it. thats all the tags i use for now
Sea dwellers and clowns are free to follow dw high blooded doods :thumbsup:
Kinlist: nepeta leijon, dirk strider, cats (just in general)
If I find I need to put anything else here, I will.
Have a nice day, fine reader! :)
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trainingdummyrabbit · 4 months
8, 10, 24, 32 for the oc asks meme :0?
:D hihi haiii, aye aye boss!!
8. Is there a certain song or playlist of songs you have that make you think of an OC/your story for them?
LONG INHALE . OKAAAAAY. ^_^ here i go !!
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take me back to eden + ascensionism sleeptoken.... yeahg rose+wolfe posting again. its pretty much just these snippets of each but . head in my fucking HANDS.
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also for them, snippet from grapes jamesmarriott. dont. worry about it. dont WORRY about it dontworry about it dont <33 dontworry. ONE DAY.
also bc its on my mind and i have t bring them up whenever i think abt them, there's nobody and your favorite color are inigo+lilli songs; skewed respectively. ifeel it in my soul ok. yuh, thumbsup ^_^
10. Do any of your OCs contain any symbolism in themselves/their story?
already answered !! id give another, but nobody really has any definitive Symbols necessarily, since theyre mostly just kinda.. Them. like there Could be some, but as of right now, nobody really has anything particularly interesting ^_^
32. What's been the most ambitious project you've made/are making surrounding your characters?
head in hands. girlies who r in animatic hell (<- The Me) I MIGHT. ONE DAY. OK. I MIGHT. um um though, as a kind of aside, i havent talked abt them literally At All, but i have been tossing around trying to (at least script) a lobcorp rpgmakergame, focused just after the end of lc. potion of Oops ! Your Facility Collapsed With You Inside It. Objective: Survive. i dont have anything i particularly want to say or express with it just yet, but i think about them every so oft... mayb one day.
24. Are there any preexisting characters that your OC gets compared to a lot?
oh hang on doing this one last bc i can make this really funny. nobodys done it other than me, but still, im in hell and im allowed to complain.
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(^ ive been looking for an excuse t put these somewhere for ages. ok.) its just . head in hands. so like i read wonderlab AFTER making these guys, is the thing, and then theres th rat god + luci thing which im Still not over.... .. heathcliff. oh and um, this too i guess
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imjustexistingtbh · 1 year
Hiiiiiiiiii Jupiter <33
What’s your favorite type of cow I forgor if I know
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i think if i saw either of these beauties irl i woudl autism explode and die :thumbsup:
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calopea · 1 year
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using this blog 2 post my crap art :thumbsup: (main blog is @thegardenofstims btw :33
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foulfaced · 3 years
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i want 2 work on my own stuff so badly but college is kicking me in the head </3 anyway i wanted 2 share this study on lighting n reflective surfaces i did for a drawing class :]
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logicroute · 2 years
yawmm yttd social media au <333
enjoy this mess, under cut ! CHECK OUT THE #rexs yttd au FOR MORE FUNNY INFO!!
Sara - COOKING CHANNEL SARA, vlogs time to time. collabs with joe, ramaru, and anzu(calls themself the ‘scuinky gang’, anzus idea) a good amount, sometimes with the others. Most active socials are insta, twitter, and tiktok (all @SAMURAIONNNA) Joe - fashion channel. Vlogs… a lot, does ‘my morning routine’ videos and all of that stuff, collabs with the scuinky gang a lot. Uses insta/tiktok a lot, (@DATAZUNA) also has a tumblr for OOTD photos! (same @ as insta). Sometimes make up videos !! not a lot tho Keiji - Only on insta, posts photos of his kids. his @ is something lame and boring like his name, shows up in the back of saras videos when hes babysitting, in short, L loser dad. Shin - Twitch streamer, HAS A VSTREAMER MODEL PROVE ME WRONG. Posts vods on youtube, on twitter, insta, and tumblr (rarely posts on tiktok, if he does its just shitposts) all under @beanieboy.. Inside joke with reko. FRIENDS WITH REKO. HE DOES MUSIC 4 HER BAND (MOSTLY LIKE, FUNY VITURAL DRUMS AND STUFF) Cute catboy model, swears like a sailor. Plays a lot of horror games, loves them. Bullied by his chat :( Reko - ofc, runs a youtube channel for her band, pretty popular!! Friends with shin, ofc, dating nao #naorekocanon. Posts the most on the bands socials (@ is samuraiba).but also has a personal stuff (under just yasureko) for outfits and makeup. posts tutorials 4 guitar, drums(bongos), u name it, its on the youtube channel PLUSPLUS music videos and live songs! Leader of the Slander Shin Club in his twitch stream chats. Also a mod in them! Alice - Co-owns the Samurai Yaiba socials, posts the more funny stuff out of him and reko. Personal socials are @ALAL, nickname from reko. A lot of behind the scene stuff, some outfits. Isn’t that active
Nao - ART TUTORIALS/SPEED PAINTS !!!!!!! SOMETIMES MISHIMA/REKO SHOWS UP!! Insta/twitter for comms and all of that fun stuff. Maybe, time to time, sewing videos. Vlogs about daily life, such as her buying new paints etc. Socials is @naopaints 
Kanna - PLANT CHANNEL WITH KUGIE !! shin shows up in the bgs/in the videos (forced to be there). Good vibes all around! On social @ is kanplants. Tuts on how 2 grow some types of plants, life hacks 4 plants. Just all abt plants !!!!
Kai - small cooking channel, isnt all that active, mostly shows up on saras. No social media other than like, twitter 4 dming ppl. @ is KaiCooks. One viral video w/o a collab w/ Qtaro, ended badly. 
Mishima - Basic teacher videos, but art themed!! Those fun school cover songs but abt color wheel n stuff like that. @ is TeachMishi, only on tiktok and twitter. No idea how to use either. Sigh <33 my fav <33  Qtaro - Doesnt use social media that much, but when he does !! Its mostly highlights of baseball videos !! @ Is Qtall (dont ask why, he doesnt know either) Only uses twitter and insta. 
Gin doesnt have socials :thumbsup: maybe just a insta to post animal photos, user name is like @user548329 LMAO or @catstan75. sometimes helps sara w/ cooking videos!! dolls -
Ranmaru - Sad boy tiktoks. End post. @ is like marumaru(yes stolen :D). The rest of his friend group bullies him for his tiktoks. :(  Also has an insta to post photos. Thats pretty much it, sometimes photos of his snake cuz he 100% has a pet snake im right <33 prob posts those emo joker photos on insta 
Anzu - VIDEOS OF HER SHOWS !! :D!!!!! @ is clowngal, usually on tiktok and insta. Collabs w/ sara and joe the most, shows up in the comments of ranmarus tiktoks to ruin the vibe. Also the time to time cosplay video cuz i can see her cosplaying 
Mai - Baking Channel, end tweet. @ is bakeryofmai or some funny pun <33 On insta as well, posting those rlly cute photos of cupcakes. Collabs with kai and sara a good amount !!
Naomichi - boxing/self defense videos ! Doesnt post all that much, finds it dumb LMAO sometimes streams with shin, for horror games its him screaming the most out of the group. @ is uhhh prob just his name or smthing Hayasaka - …dumb videos abt how to work computers/genreal how 2 videos. Thats it @ is like LearnHowTo… the idiot dumb nerd <33 the funny <33 sometimes gin shows up in the background/in the video Hinako doesnt rlly use social media, on tumblr rlly LMAOO <33 reblogs fandom posts
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formerlyashkatom · 7 years
humour is a coping mechanism right
[1:43:25 PM] Ashkatom: oh also I spoke to the psych about antidepressants and the writing thing and he was like, yyyyeah you know what your choices are (in the nicest way possible)
[1:44:33 PM] Ashkatom: and given that I'm no longer really wanting to die I've opted for no antidepressant, but if you notice me start being super 'lol everything sure would be easier if I didn't exist' can you frown me into going back in for a tune-up?
[1:44:43 PM] Choco: nodnod
[1:44:50 PM] Choco: i will do my best to judgement
[1:45:06 PM] Ashkatom: thumbsup
[1:45:08 PM] Choco: 50% broke or no joke
[1:45:13 PM] Choco: or something
[1:45:18 PM] Ashkatom: snorks
[1:45:24 PM] Ashkatom: want to die? that won't fly!
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