manjiroscum · 1 year
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Character/s: snow leopard hybrid!Rindou Haitani
Warnings: f!reader, mature language, explicit sexual themes, dark content, canon typical violence, blood, murder, dub-con, marking, mentions of mating, hybrid au, kidnapping, yandere!rindou, dom!rindou, sub!reader, cockdrunk reader, implied multiple rounds, dacryphilia, unprotected sex, breeding, blackmailing/threats, pet play, and use of pet names. Minors do not interact.
Note: commissioned by @httn 💜 thank you love for trusting me with this! i hope you like it 🫶
Synopsis: Only fools come out to play with a feral cat.
WC: 6.1k
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Crimson specks marred the freshly fallen snow akin to wine spilled all over a white linen cloth. The bullet wound on his thigh was slowing him down. Nevertheless, Rindou trudged up the small hill to reach the other side of the forest hoping he would escape his pursuers that were looking through his busted car for any signs of life. With his teeth gritted, the lost man was sure he might die today. After getting separated from Ran and the others, a car chase occurred as he fled from the warehouse when a bomb about to blow up the building was shouted out. In all his years of doing the same song and dance, one could say Rindou got used to the chaos that has intertwined into his life since the day he was born with the need to experience thrills.
But, fuck, he could never get used to getting shot or bleeding out. The first time hurt like a bitch and the second time it happened made him want to pass out. It was more irritating to face than shoot those who dare touch his tail. Now, Haitani Rindou was sure he will die. Whatever plan those bastards cooked up that would confirm his demise, he had to give them props because they might succeed. Car dead, his phone without any signal, the temperature dropping fast, and a forest that may span a thousand hectares was just the starter pack he needed to die in these woods.
Rindou can’t die here. It would just be pathetic. So pathetic that they might make jokes out of it. His death would only make people say he deserved it or it is the consequence of having an unpleasant lifestyle. And honestly, fuck them. He has to live. He has to get out of here and seek shelter before the frost bites his fingers, ears, and toes off. What would his enemies think? What would Bonten do? What would Ran do?
What should he do?
A million thoughts raced through his mind as his knees finally gave away. His eyes fluttered close for a moment, inhaling the cold air sharply that he was quite sure it could cut his nostrils like blades made out of ice. A trail of blood followed him from where he started all the way to the top of the hill. In contrast to the icy atmosphere around him, his lungs burned. During these times, delusions would enter his mind to distract him from the impending doom that was looming above his head. Death was now breathing down his neck as if they were old friends. Its voice called out to him through the chilly breeze that brushed past him and the strong trees that appeared like shadows of those whom he wronged and killed to survive. If he had to guess what hell looked like, this was possibly the closest description minus the flames. Why would such a cold environment bother him in such a way? This has never happened before. He could think of countless reasons why a hybrid such as he who was meant to thrive in such an environment was slowing down.
Ah, that’s right… He never had to be out much to do his dirty deeds. It was always his underlings. Pawns who would readily obey him for various goals. He and Ran, without fail, get away from taxing jobs. After all, meaningless fights never appeased their appetite for violence. Something always had to interest the brothers for them to act. Looking back on those memories of merely partying and finding someone to toy with, Rindou couldn’t help but exhale deeply. His lips were chapped due to the lack of moisture in the air.
If my life is flashing before my eyes, perhaps I am indeed dying…
And yet, amidst the snow and harsh winds, a merciful angel came into view. Rindou thought he was already a goner for his eyes to conjure such a beautiful sight. Vivid colors murked into a blur as his vision steadily failed him due to exhaustion finally catching up to him. However, the second that angel spoke, voice soothing despite the panicked tone evident in it, he realized this was reality.
“Sir? Oh my god, w-wait. I need to call an ambulance—”
“N…o.” It took all of his strength to move his lips and tongue. The woman before him met his dazed stare, shifting her attention between Rindou and something behind her. “No am…bulance…”
“W-what? Why? No, you need immediate attention…”
Haitani Rindou, one of the infamous criminals Bonten has in their arsenal and the fearsome younger brother of Ran was still vulnerable to things that exude innocence. Perhaps it was just in his nature to be drawn toward something he can never be and so he tried to push away the person who came out on a snowy night to help him. This earned him a surprised expression and more questions he couldn't answer. Rindou’s efforts were in vain as his eyelids finally shut, and the last of his energy left him unconscious in the hands of a stranger.
I’m sorry, Ran…
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There was a sea of trees you had to drive by to reach your parents’ house. The road was slippery due to the snow but you had to go after promising to drive carefully. After a hearty dinner and entertaining their inquiries about whether you will get married or not, you were set on heading back to your apartment. Tomorrow is Monday and you had to wake up early for your nine-to-five job at the cafe your cousin owned. Normally, your schedule ranged from mundane to the occasional unexpected events that usually revolved around your job or your parents. Yet they were never anything spontaneous or something that will make the hairs on the back of your hair stand until you had to rescue this man now sleeping on a makeshift bed in a veterinarian’s clinic.
Ignorance could sometimes save a person’s life. The second you saw the hanafuda tattoo on his neck, you knew the shit you were about to get into could get messy. Never had you ever thought of bringing an infamous person, let alone one of Bonten’s henchmen, into your home. The veterinarian you called for help swore his secrecy after he commended you for doing first aid, but commented that men like him shouldn’t be saved. Yet, your conscience wouldn’t let you sleep soundly at night if you left him there on a cold winter’s night to bleed to death or get feasted on by bears.
“Are you… his girlfriend or somethin’?”
“No, I’m not,” you responded while cleaning up the bloody clothing and gauze after Rindou’s wound was stitched up. “However, as a human being, I couldn’t just leave him there. I’m… not capable of such cruelty.” The man shifted his attention back to the dangerous person fast asleep and then squinted hard as if his patient was just pretending. Grunting, the veterinarian gathered the last of his tools into his bag and made his way to the door, but not before leaving you some sound advice.
“Be careful because this choice you made might just bite you back. I’ll be back as soon as possible when I find a doctor in the area. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure this secret doesn’t reach the authorities.”
Thinking back to what happened earlier, you were sure your blood ran cold at the sight of a broken car by the road. Initially, you thought the vehicle broke down and that the owner must be somewhere nearby since it would take around twenty minutes to get to the nearest town. Unless they had to hitch a ride because it was freezing and decided to leave the car. But the second you saw what seemed to be bullet holes in its body, uneasiness coated your nerves like thick molasses. The dread of finding a dead body doubled upon seeing blood on the snow, leading up to where you found the dying unknown man.
Damn it all. He wouldn’t harm someone who rescued him, right?
No, scratch that, this man wasn’t a stranger to you. You were the stranger—not him. Everybody who worked in Tokyo and heard the news was all aware of Bonten, the most dangerous gang in the country to date, enough to rival the yakuza. Those hanafuda tattoos they branded on their flesh bear the symbol of their loyalty to the man who founded the group, Sano Manjiro. The Haitani brothers were as famous all by themselves. It didn’t have to take you long to know everything they committed under the sun or the veil of night. Rumors of the brothers and Bonten always circulate on the internet. In short, they were individuals you had to avoid to live long.
Eyes glancing at your phone sitting by the couch, you debated whether to call the cops and turn him in. Maybe getting Rindou off your hands will be the first step to having your normal life back… Or will just cement the death sentence he shall bestow upon your unfortunate soul once he recovers.
“What the fuck am I supposed to do now?” you groaned into your hands. Sleep was out of the question. You had to monitor Haitani Rindou for two obvious reasons—one because he might wake up and two because he might silence you the second he does. Gruesome pictures of your death flashed on the television screen ran across your imaginative mind and honestly, you were scaring yourself. Clearly, you didn’t think this through. But, what’s done is done. There was no way you could throw him out now. “Let’s… just make sure he’s fine enough to walk out of here on his own. Y-yeah…”
Exhaling a defeated sigh, you sat down on the floor and stared at Rindou’s unconscious form. For a man as big and bad as him, you bet he would snore loudly. Yet, he looked almost like a corpse—unmoving and quite fragile. The biggest shirt you had at your disposal appeared tiny in his huge frame. The veterinarian even gave up on giving him something to wear on the lower part, muttering how he shouldn’t even be bothered to clothe the criminal. The thought of Rindou being naked down there was slightly distracting, making your eyes wander down from the hanafuda tattoo on his neck to the intricate design on his torso until you slapped your cheeks to make you stop eyeing the muscular hybrid.
What the—don’t do this to yourself. He is a criminal, for fuck’s sake!
Rolling your eyes, you grabbed your phone to check for any messages. There was only one from your mother, checking up on whether you arrived home. A humorless laugh escaped your lips as you lied to her. Besides, she will definitely panic if she knew you were looking after a criminal in a vet’s clinic. You hoped to distract your mind from spiraling into endless regret by watching adorable videos of dogs. A good turn deserves another… You just wished Haitani Rindou was a person who would reward good deeds.
The morning was rough on you. With a stretch or two, you cursed your aching back while you proceeded to order breakfast for three. Your cousin was kind enough to give you a day off after phoning in with a fake cold. The minute you finished offering him apologetic words after lying through your teeth, you then grabbed the takeout and sped off to the clinic Rindou was moved to. Caffeine and sweets were the things keeping you sane save for the veterinarian and a doctor, whom he roped into the situation, present in the room. Dr. Hinohara was silently observing Rindou’s body while giving a blood transfusion to the still-sleeping hybrid. Compared to last night, the younger Haitani looked slightly better. He still appeared like he crawled out of hell and survived, though.
“I guess we don’t have to bring this man to the hospital,” the doctor spoke after some time. “There doesn’t seem to be a bullet stuck to his thigh. He did lose a lot of blood. I’ll just make sure to monitor him in case he needs more blood transfusions and if there could be any infections on the wound. If he does turn for the worst, I will have to bring him to the hospital—”
You were quick to object, leaving your cup of coffee to stand up. “H-he told me he shouldn’t go to a hospital. I’ll pay you, Sir. I’ll make sure to pay you for treating him. J-just don’t bring him there. Please…”
Dr. Hinohara sighed at your statement, sharing a glance with the veterinarian. Just as you were ready to shoot down their suggestions of you putting an end to your good samaritan role, the doctor then nodded solemnly in resignation. Appeased, you backed away before sitting yourself down once again. Seeing that there wasn’t anything left for him to do, the veterinarian excused himself and left the establishment. A few minutes later, Dr. Hinohara did the same to attend to his outpatients. It wasn’t until lunchtime when he came back that you decided to head back home to catch some sleep after a long warm bath. To be in a room alone with Haitani Rindou, awake or not, was making you anxious. Your eyes were often fluttering close, trying to stay conscious and alert in the presence of an infamous gang member. To let your guard down would be serenading death.
“You can come back tomorrow afternoon,” Dr. Hinohara said with a gentle smile upon seeing you out. “I don’t think Mr. Haitani would wake up today anyways. Go home and get some rest. I’ll call you if anything changes about his current condition.”
“Thank you, Dr. Hinohara.”
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If you knew that the day you saved Haitani Rindou would be the last time you could ever experience a normal life, perhaps the future wouldn’t turn out like this—with you almost sticking to a corner whereas Rindou glared at your quivering form. Dr. Hinohara was nowhere to be found on the second floor and your mind concocted various scenarios at the sight of the trashed room. How could the man be up and ready to threaten you with his sharp claws when he was just barely conscious days ago? You even recall Dr. Hinohara remarking about Rindou being too weak to open his eyelids. So just how?
Irises sharp as his claws remained on you, hues of ultra violet hoping to unmask your intentions by staring right into your soul. Behind his predatory gaze were promises filled with violence and a whole world of pain if you so much as make a single move that he will deem a crime towards him.
Haitani Rindou was not a man to be trifled with.
“You… Didn’t I tell you not to bring me to a hospital?” he questioned in a demanding tone, taking a step closer to you which prompted your weak legs to fall back. This is the very thing you hoped to avoid. Maybe if you were given the foresight that Haitai Rindou would recuperate enough to stand today, you would have come prepared to negotiate. Negotiate with him not to kill you and to leave you alone because you did what he asked. However, he didn’t seem happy at the idea of recovering in a clinic, afraid his location would be alerted to the police. “What’s the matter? Suddenly can’t use that tongue of yours? From what I remember you weren’t mute—”
“This isn’t a hospital. Y-you’re in a clinic, can’t you see?”
The hand you used to gesture at the area shuddered upon seeing him move. Rindou was obviously confused as he surveyed the room, unsure whether to take your word or not. You couldn't blame him, though. Blood rolling down his thigh akin to raindrops on a glass window captured your attention, taking away the assertive statements off of your lips. Your fear for him was outweighed by your concern for his wound that might have reopened due to his carelessness.
Rindou was quick to create distance between you two. Your eagerness was mistaken as an act to lunge and subdue him which was something you couldn't do. He realized this the moment he winced in pain, hand applying pressure on his bleeding thigh. You clicked your tongue and hurriedly helped him back onto his bed. His hostility towards you disappeared with each pang of pain that erupted around his injury. Of course, he just had to be slowed down by this and for you, this was a blessing in disguise.
“Stay here, okay? I’ll go see if Dr. Hinohara has returned.”
Any deity above must have heard your silent prayer for the doctor announced himself inside Rindou’s room, eyes wide at the condition of his patient and the messy room. Minutes passed, and the hybrid was now waiting for the pain to subside once his wound was attended to. Lips in a tight line, you sat by the side, waiting for the doctor to say something—anything that will get rid of the awkward air that settled in the room. Instead of something positive, Dr. Hinohara approached you with a dejected expression that caused your heart to momentarily stop beating. His next words almost had you wishing you were sitting down due to the implications of it.
“I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t do this since I am a practitioner of medicine and should have empathy for my patients no matter who they are… But I can’t have Mr. Haitani stay here any longer. You must understand. My other patients have caught a whiff of his presence here and are too scared to come over. I-it’s bad for me.” Dr. Hinohara then added to soften the blow, “If he stays over at your place, I-I promise to visit and check on him from time to time. Although, I doubt I could do much since he’s close to full recovery.”
It was utter bullshit. There was no way his other patients knew about Rindou being treated in the clinic. Based on the days you visited the hybrid when he was still unconscious, everyone who visited the doctor didn’t display any signs of uneasiness. Yet, you couldn’t do anything to appeal for Rindou anymore since the doctor was more than eager to kick him out. For all you know, the hybrid trashing the room was his last straw.
Exhaling a heavy sigh, you turned the stove off and poured the hot soup into two bowls. The Bonten executive sat on the living room couch, watching a daytime show. He was unbothered by the small space of your apartment, thankfully. Rindou barely fussed upon arriving, probably because he did not have any other choice. Even with his infamous reputation, throwing him out was inhumane.
You wanted to help him, but it has been years since you took care of someone sick or injured. Plus, your mother’s temperament was far different from Rindou's.
“You okay with miso soup?”
Rindou merely grunted in response, avoiding your gaze while he took his bowl from you. Fighting the urge to roll your eyes at his moodiness, you took the seat across from him prior to drinking the soup you made. For the hybrid to keep sulking like this, you figured it was because his wound hasn't fully healed, and limped every time he walked. Men like Rindou hated weakness. To display his vulnerability to you like this must be torture to the mighty snow leopard hybrid—someone who isn't used to being on the other side of the spectrum.
Yet, he never dismissed your acts of assistance. No matter how much you teased him in an attempt to lighten the mood or receive his narrowed gaze, Haitani Rindou never made a move to hurt you during his stay here. Or at least that is what he's trying to do—to lure you into a sense of comfort before he strikes like an apex predator. Nevertheless, you continued to meet his needs.
“You okay?” you asked him when his spoon fell to the floor. Your legs were up and running to get a towel once you saw what happened. He dropped his spoonful of miso soup on his bandages because his limpid eyes couldn’t be torn from the show he claimed was too boring. “Mr. Haitani, you shouldn't pay attention elsewhere while eating.”
“Can’t help it,” he answered with a scoff. A ghost of a laugh slipped past your mouth at the thought of him acting almost like he was a big cat distracted by the pretty colors that led to this situation. Shaking your head, you wiped off the droplets of miso soup from his thigh. After you tossed the towel to the side, you stood up straight and placed your hands on your thighs. Rindou’s tail went stiff at your stare which was accompanied by a smile. “What?”
“Are you… enjoying the show? I thought you found it boring?” The giggle that followed your inquiry did not go unnoticed by the hybrid. The tips of his ears turning red were proof of that. Hearing no reply, you continued to tease him. Your hands are busy fixing up the couch before taking your bowl once more. “I mean, it’s alright to admit you like these soap operas. My mom enjoys them too, you know. Well, not enough to be—”
“I wasn't distracted,” he huffed and averted his gaze at your silly smile. “I was just… surprised.” Rindou never elaborated further on whatever stunned him. You merely shrugged and slurped your soup, content with sitting next to him on a Thursday morning. This has been your life lately—taking care of breakfast and Rindou in the morning, going to work afterward, and then coming back during lunchtime. Despite the reasons you came up with, your cousin never questioned you as to why you requested to come in later than your usual hour. He did, however, tasked you to stay until closing time. A small price to pay. After all, this isn't going to be the norm forever. Rindou will have to go back home and disappear from your life as soon as his wound heal.
Somehow, the reality had sorrow creeping up your heart. Rindou staying in the apartment and seeing him every day made you think he has always been there. His sulky expression softens up whenever his guard is down. He wasn't even aware the corner of his lips was curling up once. The way he dismisses you the second he realized he was showing happiness was cute in its own way. You were used to stifling your laughter at his displeased face that did not match well with his tail swishing side to side. His silhouette blended into your little space, making himself at home. And unbeknownst to you, Rindou felt the same way.
“Don’t act like such a big baby. It’s good for you!” You pushed the plate of rice with natto on top. His irked expression eased down while he took his chopsticks. The smell of the fermented soybeans did not sit well with his nose as he ate to appease you. Yet, he willingly ate, especially with you grinning in front of him. “There you go. That wasn't so hard, was it? Can’t believe a gangster like you dislikes natto.”
Innocent things like you were bad for his health. You were poison to his system—having him think of stuff he never gave a second thought on. Rindou lost count of how many ideas of him whisking you away where no one else can see you crossed his mind. Everything about you exuded a normal and peaceful life—a luxury for him who couldn’t afford it anymore. He should’ve turned you away and let himself die that night because now he didn’t want to leave. His wound was almost closed up and he didn’t have to limp around or ask for your help whenever he bathed. Rindou has grown far too fond of you to merely go back and forget about your kindness. For your sake, he held himself back and enjoyed you doting on him despite the numerous teasing you’ve thrown his way. Pretty but lethal flowers were only meant to be admired from a safe distance. Preferring to keep his claws hidden and the space between you wide, Haitani Rindou liked it this way.
Until he didn’t—until he got greedy.
Dr. Hinohara just had to burst the bubble Rindou protectively held with a single statement that the hybrid was free to go. You couldn’t describe the emotion that swirled within you, ignorant to the deathly stare Rindou gave the doctor. Dr. Hinohara swallowed thickly at the heat of his gaze, slowly taking a step back in case the hybrid decided to kill him on the spot. The younger Haitani wished he could turn back time and stop the old bastard from revealing his secret. Despite sabotaging the stitches for so long to keep it from healing too fast, Rindou’s game was up. And yet, not all of his cards were played.
His trump card has yet to fall onto the table.
Ran came over to your apartment the second Rindou rang him up after a month of no contact. The reunion happened under the stillness of the night where not a soul could be found on the streets. The chloroform his older brother brought was put to use to make sure you wouldn't scream or do any trouble as he placed you in Ran’s car. Rindou then discarded the baton hidden at the back of the trunk, already cleaned off of Dr. Hinohara’s blood, into the nearest waste bin before letting Ran drive down the road heading south.
The moment you woke up from what you thought was a terrible nightmare, you were chained to a bedpost in an unfamiliar room in someone else’s bed. The collar on your neck was a bit tight and the chain attached to it wasn't long enough for you to reach the door. A little bell was hanging on the collar and it jingled with every movement you made. You thanked your lucky stars that you were still fully clothed but that feeling of relief waned away too fast. Your head pounded while your eyes frantically searched for signs of where you are. Rindou entered the room with a tray of food. His eyes slightly went wide at the discovery of you greeting the conscious world then his lips broke out into a grin.
“I see you’re awake.”
“R-Rindou? W-what… Where am I? What’s going on?”
Your inquiries fell from your mouth like the teardrops on your cheeks at the realization. Rindou hushed you multiple times while he set your meal down on the nightstand but you never took heed, fearing for your life. It wasn't until he took out his phone to show you a picture of your parent’s house that your tongue felt like it was made out of metal. Your hands balled up into fists at the image.
“Don’t hurt them. P-please…”
“Looks like you're smart enough to guess what I’m implying here, huh?” Rindou chuckles at your horrified tear stricken face. “I guess calling you a big baby right now won’t be satisfying.” Hand underneath his chin, the hybrid let out a contented sigh. “I knew I was right. Other girls I’ve met before weren't as intelligent as you. Saves me from explaining what will happen to your family if you try to escape.”
“What do you want from me?” you demanded, nerves and voice shaky. His irises shone brighter than amethysts as he observed you on his bed. After a month of nursing him back to health, Rindou was intent on returning the favor—just without outside interference, of course. There was no way your parents would allow him to date you and to see you with a faceless nobody would be the icing on top of his cake meant to insult him. He can't have that. “Rindou, what do you want? I-I’ll do anything! Just please leave me and my parents alone. If you want an apology for all those days I’ve teased you or said something wrong, I’m w-will to do so!”
“Nothin’ much, angel. I’ve passed the need for anything.” He then pulled you up by the collar of your shirt. Leaning down to whisper into your ear, Rindou’s lips curled up. “I’ve already got you.” The second he spoke those words, a shiver ran down your spine. Not giving you any time to collect your thoughts or to wipe the tears from your cheeks, the Bonten executive took a step back and gestured at your clothes. “Strip.”
Hands trembling, you did as he said. More tears exited from your glossy eyes which Rindou couldn't wait to lick away. As soon as you got rid of your pajamas, you covered your exposed stomach and breasts until he clicked his tongue. You winced at the sound of it.
“All of it, angel.”
You heaved a deep breath. Your panties slid down your legs agonizingly slow. The rest of your body burned in shame under his piercing gaze. It was as if Rindou would be struck by lightning if he dared to look away from your gorgeous form. You steeled yourself once he took away your clothes.
“Go and eat your meal. I’ll be back.”
Rindou shut the door behind him. You couldn't stop crying even while you ate the meal he prepared. It was hard to know where you were as the window was bolted shut and barely let natural light in. Your heart beats wildly inside your chest whereas you stiffened at the sight of him returning. His violet irises landed on the empty plate before nodding approvingly.
“Good. I’m going to give you a drink now.” He took off the chain from the bedpost and pulled it for you to follow him. But not before commanding you to do it on all fours. His sharp canines peeked out when he smiled at your obedience. The fear strumming its chaotic cords to have you obeying the hybrid. “That’s it, angel. Make sure not to bump into anything on the way to the kitchen.”
Even with Rindou as your sole audience, your soul was close to dying out of shame. Your pussy folds were out in the open, clit throbbing uncontrollably for the wrong reasons as you followed him from behind. It didn't take you long to figure out this was Rindou’s house—or his temporary home. You were too busy making sure you were keeping up with his huge steps and not falling behind to scan your surroundings. The hybrid then paused and turned to you. His hand gestured to a bowl made for a pet sitting on the floor. It was filled up with what seemed to be milk.
“Go on. Drink it all up, angel.”
Cheeks burning, you hesitated for a second. It was when he walked behind you that the panic kicked in again and you unwillingly bent down. Your tongue was stuck out, ready to lick up the milk to appease Rindou, deaf to the sound of unzipping. The palm of his hand was cold against your cunt, causing you to yelp. His free hand was quick to keep your head from turning around to see him.
What the fuck is happening?
“You’re not the only one who’s thirsty… Shit, you’re wet?” He was more amused than disgusted at his findings. This was fucked up. There was no way you were turned on despite what occurred. Maybe you were sick in the head all this time and Rindou’s actions just brought this to light? You would never know as your mind started to grow hazy due to the pleasure of him rubbing his palm across your slit. You were no virgin but it has been a long time since you’ve done it. Perhaps that was the reason why?
Why does it feel like that’s a lie?
Retracting his claws, he plunged two of his fingers into your warm pussy that parted easily for him. Front teeth digging into your lower lip, you kept back the moan bubbling up your throat while Rindou rubbed his fingers against your tight walls. Slick coated his hand which made it easier for him to feel around your gummy walls. His pleased groans were too much for your ears, his hard length brushing on your ass. His tail swished around before curling around your leg. Your hands keeping you upright were trembling as the onslaught of bliss was increasing, gaze glossy.
“Fuck, this pussy is so tight… Are you going to let me fuck you, angel? Huh? Does my pet deserve this dick?” he questioned with mirth in his tone. Another finger was added, widening your hole. You couldn’t help the whine leaving your lips, eyes shut as you fought back more from coming out. Rindou held you by the waist when your legs gave out, cooing into your ear. The hybrid brought up his hand coated with your juices, inhaling it then tasted your slick. “It’s that good? I’ve waited so long. Held back and let you have your way. You’ll let me have you, mhm? Been good, angel. The least you can do is return the favor…” A silent gasp was what Rindou earned when he tapped the head of his cock against your pussy folds, rubbing his length on the damp flesh. Slowly, he entered you.
“A-are you gonna—ah!” You were sure he was going to tear you apart. It stung as the girth of his cock stroked your tight muscles, molding its shape there. Rindou took a few seconds to get accustomed to the way your pussy enveloped his dick, hissing under his breath at how heavenly you felt. And now that he has finally held you, Haitani Rindou was damn sure he has found his mate. Now, he will make sure to keep you by his side whether you want to or now. He’ll just have to give you something that will make you reluctant to leave… Or fuck you so hard you wouldn’t be able to walk out of this place without him. Maybe getting you pregnant will be the solution to this problem. “Ah, fuck… S’ big. R-rindou!”
“Angel, wanna give you cubs. You’d want that, huh? You want to be mine?”
His thrusts were hard and rough, causing you to moan and squirm. Lust rendered you blind as you took and took what Rindou gave. Time was no longer relevant at this point. All you could remember as he continued to fuck you like a savage beast during the mating season was the way his claws dug into your skin, marking you as his. The place’s layout slowly etched itself into your mind as he made it his mission to fuck you in every area with the endeavor of filling up your womb until all you could feel was his cum running down your thighs. Your breasts and nipples hurt after going through the abuse done by his mouth. Hickeys littered your torso and the skin of your neck. Clit and folds puffy, you couldn’t tell how many times you have squirted. Rindou always patted your head each time before tugging your nipples in a teasing way. The collar still wrapped around your neck jingled along with your breasts, soaked with your sweat and tears.
“R-Rindou! I-I can’t—”
“Yes, you can, angel. You can take more.”
He never gave you a break or a minute to rest and catch your breath. The moment he finished inside you, his balls emptied another load, replacing the cum he spurted into your cunt that dribbled out. Mind all in a mush, you sobbed at the overstimulation. Finally, the hybrid set you down on the couch, panting above you. A puddle of your essence and Rindou’s cum sat around your ass. The furniture wasn’t the only unfortunate victim of its owner’s quest to impregnate you and claim you. Mouth wide open, your eyes were fluttering shut due to exhaustion. Yet even as you stared at Rindou with those tired eyes, he held his cock glazed with both of your fluids right in front of your face in expectancy. The tip was red and super sensitive after hitting your cervix countless times while he fucked your brains out.
“Don’t tap out on me, angel,” he mumbled. Mustering up all your leftover strength, you sat up and licked on the reddish tip, earning a pleased groan. His hand reached forward to brush away the strands of hair from your face then carded his fingers through them. “Good girl. Always remember this, okay? Good kittens should clean up after playing. Good kittens shouldn’t make a mess.”
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dhjdb · 10 months
uhm so i found this old Clexa post in my drafts and apparently i wanted to post this on the first anniversary of Lexa’s death and…. i feel it is my moral obligation to share my professional analysis with the internet i hope u enjoy.
So in july last year Eliza went to DDCON and at one of her panels someone asked her if she knew the exact moment Clarke fell in love with Lexa. She never really figured it out, but she did say it was after Lexa left her at Mount Weather. She also said "it was before she vowed to her", now I am not sure if she means before Clarke bowed to Lexa or before Lexa bowed to Clarke so imma asume it was before both vowed to each other.
If you want to watch the video where Eliza talks about this here is the link: https://youtu.be/Nok42wk9Vc8
Okay so now we know Clarke fell in love, or realised she was in love, with Lexa in between the moment Lexa abandoned her and the moment they vowed to each other. That leaves us with a span of about 3 months in which Clarke is mainly rocking her pink hair, killing off leopards and having one night stands with Naya and Lexa is probably up in her room full of candles plotting on how to get Clarke back in her life without making it too obvious she is hopelessly in love with her.
So when Lexa finally figured out a plan to get Clarke into her hometown, Clarke is furious at first and you can see she still feels the betrayal very strong. Example: she spit in Lexa's face (which Lexa probably found to be the best moment of her life up untill then).
Clarke is (as Lexa later says) trying to put the blame on Lexa and trying to tell herself that Lexa was the cause of her psychopathic resque of her friends to make it easier to deal with it all.
When Lexa confronts Clarke and asks her to join the coalition an bow before her, Clarke is obviously angry but also startled. Yet you can still see Clarke is sending Lexa the Hate™ look.
I honestly think Clarke either wasn't completely in love with Lexa here yet or she was pushing those feelings far down and ignoring them. I mean, look at her, she almost got that psycho thing going on in her eyes.
So when Roan confronts Clarke about these feelings of revenge he says he saw in her face the moment he pulled of that blindfold, Clarke takes this as a confirmation that it was indeed Lexa's fault she killed 300 people and went all pink and crazy, and so goes along with his proposal to kill her.
So when Clarke is waiting for Lexa in her room, first we see a shot of her sitting on the edge of her bed while she looks doubtingly at the knife in her hands.
Then Lexa walks in and we clearly see Clarke trying to pull herself together.
When Lexa calls out Clarke's name (God knows she loves to do so) and steps in Clarkes direction, Clarke turns around and pushes the knife against Lexa's throat.
In those first seconds that the knife is against Lexa's throat, Clarke immediatly falters. We see her staring at Lexa, avoiding eyecontact, pushing the knife harder against Lexa's throat and staring at Lexa again.
In this shot (i think i meant to put gifs here but i can’t be bothered y’all know the scene) you can clearly see she had a war going on in her mind. In her eyes you can see all those feelins she was trying to run away from: the hurt, the regret, the guilt, the betrayal, the hate, but most importantly, we can clearly see Lexa is important to Clarke.
Then when Clarke finally locks eye contact with Lexa, Clarke hopes for Lexa to resist or become angry because that would make it easier.
But instead Lexa, the hopelessly in love dork that she is, looks at Clarke as if Clarke just saved Lexa. As if Clarke was the most beautiful thing alive. As if Clarke was the most innocent devil and the most dangerous angel.
So instead of fighting Clarke, Lexa looks at her in a way no one ever has and says, "I'm sorry." and I'm not sure but it looks like she is also fighting back tears.
The next shot, is Clarke with tears in her eyes, shaking her head and pushing Lexa away.
In the shot right before she drops the knife, you can clearly see all that desparation in her face.
She now knows she is in Love with Lexa and she realises now that maybe she didn't want to kill Lexa for betraying her, but she wanted to kill Lexa for betrayig her own feelings and not loving Clarke at the moment Clarke needed it the most. She wasnt angry about the fact Lexa left her at Mount Weather, she was angry about the fact that Lexa was able to make the decision to leave Clarke at Mount Weather when she knew Lexa was already in love with her. She was angry Lexa was able to make a decision with her head and not her heart, when Clarke knows she will never be able to do that herself.
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aller-geez · 10 months
Get to know: Remington Connors
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29 // He/Him // Bisexual 🏳️‍🌈 // Shifter (Grey Wolf)
Full name: Remington Connors
Nickname: Remi / Rem
Date Of Birth: April 27th, 1994
Big Three: Taurus 🌞 Scorpio 🌝 Virgo ↗️
(under construction!!!! @thekinkyleopard owns Levi 🖤)
Physical Appearance —
Age: 29
Eye Color: Glowing “Toxic” Green
Hair Color: Jet Black
Weight: 165 pounds
Height: 6’4
Race: Shifter (Grey Wolf); 50% Russian, 50% Inuit
Distinguishing Marks or Characteristics: Usually seen with a scowl on his face, or otherwise looking generally unapproachable. Has his bottom lip pierced four times, his bridge pierced, and 38 mm red tunnels in each ear. Has a cursive ‘L’ tattooed on his left hand, on the webbing between his thumb and index finger.
Personality —
Greatest Strength: Loyalty. Remi will go to the ends of the earth to make the people he actually does care about, safe and happy.
Greatest Weakness: Temper. Remi is a hot-head with a large ego that tends to get in his way.
Soft Spot: Levi. That man has the wolf wrapped around his finger, and Remi will protect him at all costs.
Mannerisms: Remi hates almost everyone and everything, and is usually a grump.. unless he’s alone with Levi. Then he can actually open up to be his charming, charismatic true self. He doesn’t care if he hurts peoples feelings, and will always be extremely blunt and honest. He’s also a bit clumsy, although with Levi, he’s able to laugh things off more easily.
Miscellaneous Trivia —
As a young child, allowed an ancient wolf spirit to fuse with his soul in order to save his younger sister, Meeko, and himself from a fire, thus giving him extreme physical strength, and an “Auto Pilot” form (see here), in exchange for the continuous flow of life energy to be distributed to the spirit. Should something happen to cease the flow of life energy, the spirit would die, and so would Remi. However, his life span would be infinite, as long as he could keep himself and therefore, the spirit, alive.
Because of the spirit constantly draining his life energy, Remi’s immune system is trashed. He gets sick OFTEN, and the viruses/bacteria tend to replicate rapidly when faced with the spirit’s own energy within him. Viruses/Bacteria passed from the wolf, to anyone else tend to be more severe since mutating inside Remi’s body.
Been struggling with substance addiction issues since 9 years old, eventually settling on heroin until his own stupidity leads to his mate, Levi’s OD, and both of their concurrent rehab stays.
Due to the stress and grief of losing his mate, (or so he thought..) caused him to go blind, and his normally bright eyes that glow a florescent green color were cloudy, milky green, producing an opaque white light. Once finding out Levi had recovered from his OD, after a week began to gradually regain his vision over the next few days. After completely regaining his eyesight, any bright sunlight or even strong LED lights cause him to temporarily go blind again, until he’s away from the light. (Sometimes chooses to use sunglasses.. other times he’s stubborn.)
His family has a specific genetic mutation that has evolved a defensive mechanism in which causes large amounts of blood to flow from their nose and mouth (as if to trick foes to think they’re already dead) whenever their body is experiencing extreme emotions. (i.e. Rage, Love, Lust, Fear, etc.) The blood is stored in extra cavities in their stomach and does not cause actual blood loss.
Sneeze Content —
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Cats/Leopards? (Hasn’t ever been around just cats to know if they effect him the same as his mate, Levi’s, shift.
Strong, pungent smells as he has a very sensitive canine-like nose.
How severe are they?
Very tickly and itchy, leaving him hitching and producing a bunch of false starts. Eyes water instantly, will often produce desperate, long fits that can cause lasting symptoms for the rest of the day until he can take an antihistamine. Levi has a mischievous way of using this to his advantage and teasing the normally put-together, in-control Remi. Not very messy.
Do they get sick often?
Extremely often, catching something new every one to two months and proceeding to spread it around the group. (Please see trivia for info if you haven’t!)
How bad is it usually?
The usually strong, stoic wolf is reduced to a pathetic ball of used tissues and snuffles under the blankets. Can get a little whiney while Levi is taking care of him, although he won’t allow himself to be vulnerable enough for anyone other than Levi to see him in such a weakened state.
Do they stifle?
If he’s in public, he will always try that route first, although very seldom is he completely successful, producing half stifles that tend to only make the problem worse and more persistent. If only around Levi or by himself, he won’t try to stifle at all.
How loud are their sneezes?
Rather average, with some being more loud than others. Tends to be a little louder when sick. He tries to make them as quiet as possible in public.
What do they sneeze into?
Remi has a bad habit of often forgetting to cover his sneezes, or just generally does a bad job, spraying whatever happens to be in the line of fire.
How often do they sneeze?
When sick, he is constantly trapped in an extended fit, and if he’s not, tends to have a crumpled up tissue pressed to his face trying to control the buzzing in his very full sinuses. In an average day, however, he hardly sneezes at all.
How many times do they sneeze in a fit?
2-3 at a time is average, although his fits tend to be drawn out, resulting in quite a few more.
Do they have build-ups or are they sudden?
He has soft build ups, although usually not anything extremely dramatic, just gentle hitchy breaths.
Do they sneeze in public?
Not if he can help it. If he has no other option, he will attempt to go somewhere no one will see/hear him, or stifle to the best of his ability (which isn’t great..)
Some examples of their sneezes?
— hd’ISCHhh!!
hehh— hEh’TXSSHhh’ih!
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Backstory —
⤹ Full backstory found here
Aavi Form Explained:
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(More to come..)
Reference Sheet —
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Shift —
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Astonishing  Beauty of  Darjeeling: The Queen of the Hills
Darjeeling, situated in the Eastern Himalayas, is a destination that evokes images of serene mornings, verdant tea plantations, and breathtaking views of the highest peaks on Earth. Known as the "Queen of the Hills," this delightful town in West Bengal, India, presents a captivating fusion of picturesque landscapes, colonial allure, and vibrant cultural heritage. Whether you possess an affinity for nature, a penchant for history, or a thirst for adventure, Darjeeling promises to captivate your senses. Join Shubhay Tours and experience the charm of Darjeeling.
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Sun Kissed Goa Escape
The Attraction of Darjeeling Tea
The global tea industry receives a significant contribution from Darjeeling in the form of Darjeeling tea, renowned as the "Champagne of Teas." It is famous for its exceptional taste and fragrance. The tea gardens, spread across the rolling landscape, yield a diverse range of teas, varying from delicate and floral to strong and earthy. The special quality of Darjeeling tea stems from its distinctive terroir, which encompasses a specific blend of climate, soil, and altitude, resulting in its characteristic muscatel flavor.
A visit to a tea estate is a must-do activity when in Darjeeling. Glenburn Tea Estate, Happy Valley Tea Estate, and Makaibari Tea Estate are some of the renowned plantations that organize guided tours. Tourists can observe the complete tea-making process, from leaf plucking to final packaging, and have a tea-tasting experience.
Bangalore Coorg Tour Package
Majestic views and scenic beauty
The view of Darjeeling is comparable to a canvas that would inspire any painter. Located at a height of 2,042 meters (6,700 ft), the town offers awe-inspiring vistas of the snow-capped Himalayan peaks, with the magnificent Kanchenjunga standing out as the third-highest mountain in the world. Observing the sunrise over Kanchenjunga is a mesmerizing display that lures visitors to Tiger Hill, a viewing spot located 11 kilometers from the town.
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The captivating appeal of Darjeeling extends beyond its stunning landscapes. Its lush forests and gardens present a peaceful sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Don't miss the opportunity to explore the Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park, where you can encounter rare Himalayan fauna like the red panda and snow leopard. Additionally, the nearby Himalayan Mountaineering Institute offers a fascinating insight into the world of mountaineering.
Exhilarating Goa Tour 4 Days 3 Nights
The Toy Train: A Trip Back in Time
Taking a ride on the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, or the Toy Train, is essential for a complete experience of a trip to Darjeeling. This UNESCO World Heritage Site offers a delightful journey via picturesque landscapes and attractive settlements. The narrow-gauge railway, established in 1881, links New Jalpaiguri to Darjeeling, spanning approximately 88 kilometers.
The Toy Train carries passengers through stunning scenery at a relaxed pace, making stops at significant stations like Ghum, India's highest railway station, located at an impressive altitude of 2,258 meters. Moreover, the Batasia Loop, a curved track near Ghum, presents a sweeping view of Darjeeling town and the majestic mountains in the vicinity, making it a preferred location for photography aficionados.
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Himachal Pradesh 4N5D Packages
Cultural Mélange
Darjeeling's cultural landscape is as rich as its natural one. Many ethnic groups, including Bengalis, Tibetans, Lepchas, and Gorkhas, have contributed to the town's distinctive tapestry of customs, celebrations, and culinary traditions. The local marketplaces, where Tibetan woolens, Nepali handicrafts, and Bengali delicacies are for sale alongside each other, are a fascinating illustration of cultural diversity.
The Gorkha people eagerly celebrate Dashain, a major Hindu festival in Darjeeling. Another notable festival is Losar, the Tibetan New Year, which occurs with lavish feasts and traditional entertainment.
Architectural Charm
Darjeeling's architectural heritage stands as a testament to its colonial past. In the 19th century, the British established Darjeeling as a hill station, and their influence was visible in the town's buildings and infrastructure. An example of Gothic architecture is St. Andrew's Church, erected in 1843. The Darjeeling Planters' Club offers a glimpse into the colonial lifestyle with its wooden interiors and nostalgic charm.
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Kerala Tour Package For 6 Nights 7 Days
The Raj Bhavan, the official residence of the Governor, and the Windamere Hotel, which was initially a boarding house for British tea planters, are two other significant colonial-era buildings. These structures, situated amidst verdant hills and azure skies, contribute to the picturesque allure of Darjeeling.
Adventure Awaits
Darjeeling provides numerous opportunities for adventure seekers. Those who enjoy trekking can embark on the Singalila Ridge trek, which provides breathtaking views of the Everest and Kanchenjunga peaks. This trek takes you through Singalila National Park, where you can encounter a diverse range of plant and animal species, such as the elusive red panda.
Another popular sport is river rafting on the Teesta River, which offers an exhilarating adventure through the rapids while taking in the beautiful scenery. Darjeeling draws additional adventurers who want to do rock climbing, mountain biking, and paragliding.
Gujrat Package 4D 3N
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Culinary Delights
A vacation to Darjeeling is incomplete unless you try the native cuisine. The diverse ethnic background influences the wonderful flavor combination of local cuisine. Noodle soup (thukpa) and traditional Nepali fried bread (sel roti) are must-try dishes.
Glenary's, a historic bakery and café, makes amazing pastries and bread, while Keventer's, a popular English breakfast spot, brings a taste of colonial life. Intriguing street cuisines include spicy noodle dishes, pakoras, and chaat.
Darjeeling is not just a place to visit; it is a transformative encounter that creates a lasting memory in the hearts of all who venture there. Offering peaceful tea estates, awe-inspiring mountain vistas, a rich cultural tapestry, and thrilling pathways to discover, Darjeeling provides a unique medley of experiences that cater to every traveler's preferences. The mist-covered hills and fragrant tea envelop Darjeeling, and its enchanting allure has the power to captivate anyone who experiences its charm, making it the Queen of the Hills.
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dasrupesh · 2 months
The existence of the tree is because of the grip of it's roots beneath the earth surface.Deeper the roots, more stronger tree.Deeper the roots, higher and taller the tree.Roots makes tree grounded firmly.Tallest trees have the deepest roots.The higher you are, your roots are stronger and deeper.That's why you reach such heights with towering success because of strong deep roots.The successful man has firm and grounded roots.Acheiving success is not so easy.Success needs struggles, toils, sweats and smartness with smart strategy.You want to reach maximum height of success you endeavour in certain field.Trees want to grow to maximum heights but not all tree grows taller.There are smaller and shorter trees also.There are big and small trees.Not all gets towering success.There is hierarchy in the pattern of achievements.Some are highly successful, some are less successful and some are failures.This happens because of inequality of mind capabilities.No two mind is equal though basic constitution is same.That's why no two life is equal in it's capabilities.No two trees are equal.No two trees have same depth of roots and heights. Stronger the roots, stronger the tree.Stronger the foundation of bedrocks, stronger and taller the building.Stronger the mind, stronger the life.Higher the intelligence, higher the achievements.But, there are exceptions in every spectrum of field and life.There are unsuccessful people and losers despite of exceptional intelligence and talent because of lack of strategy, smartness and hardship.Without hardship, struggle and strategy, you can't achieve the desired goal despite of your high intelligence, talent and superb skills.There are achievers and there are losers.Different person have different roots because this is diverse world.The upbringings and growth of persons are different.The soil is the most important factor for the tree to grow.If the land is barren and the soil is not fertile, the tree can't grow.Fertile soil is necessary for the seed to germinate and sprout out.Water and sunlight is needed for photosynthesis.There is not only one factor responsible for the growth of the tree to reach it's heights, depths and in density.Grass is not the tree.It's small plant.Everything has it's designation in nature.Everybody has a class and place in the hierarchy of societal structure.Grass can't grow like the tree and tree is not meant to be like grass.Grass is grass and tree is tree. Rose can't be the dandelion and dandelion can't be the rose.Lion can't be leopard and leopard can't be panther.This is the hierarchy and inequalness of the nature.This very hierarchy leads to inequality and different capabilities because of different inbuilt encoded instincts and genes.Evrerything is coded differently in vast programmed nature though everything is composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms and five basic elements.Genetic code is different in different entities.There is hierarchy and differentness in nature.That's why life is diverse and different from each other.The source is same but manifestations are different.The roots are different of different persons though human started from one point in history.In the course of time, evolution took it's different course.There are black, white, dravidian, aryan and mongolian races of humanity though human is same blood and same soul.Blood of one race is not different from other race.Blood is same colour.Only the blood groups are different.Skin, eye colour and looks are different because of genetic mutations.From one pair of male and female human to such a diverse humans, it is definetely a diverse evolution in the long span of time.Life migrated throughout the world from Africa.The root of all humans is one but humans are diverse.This is mystery that how different races of human originated from one root.The roots of life is same to all humans.It's strange but it's true.The origin is one.The root is one.
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thxnews · 8 months
Canada-Ukraine Partnership: Standing Strong Together
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  Minister Trudeau and President Zelenskyy Meeting In a momentous display of unwavering support and solidarity, Canada welcomed President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine. The visit marked a significant milestone in Canada's commitment to stand by Ukraine as it confronts the ongoing crisis posed by Russia's aggression. The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada said, “Canada will stand with Ukraine with whatever it takes, for as long as it takes. As Ukrainians continue to fight for their freedom and their democracy, our support will be unequivocal until they are victorious. Slava Ukraini!”   A Multifaceted Discussion Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Zelenskyy engaged in a comprehensive bilateral meeting addressing a spectrum of Ukraine's critical needs. These encompassed military, financial, development, humanitarian, and long-term strategic aspects. Emphasizing their nations' strong partnership, the leaders explored shared security commitments, the path to rebuilding Ukraine, and the deep-rooted common values that unite their countries.  
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UA TDF practicing anti-aircraft defence. Photo by Territorial Defence Forces of Ukraine. Wikimedia.  
A Renewed Commitment to Ukraine
Multi-Year Support Unveiled Canada unveiled a transformative shift in its approach by providing multi-year assistance to ensure Ukraine's enduring success. Prime Minister Trudeau announced a significant infusion of support, spanning military aid, economic development, peace and security initiatives, and robust investments in Ukraine's future. Furthermore, the two leaders signed agreements to bolster their economic ties, solidifying their commitment. Strengthening Ukraine's Defense In a move to reinforce Ukraine's military capabilities, Prime Minister Trudeau announced: - $650 Million Investment A substantial investment of $650 million over three years will supply Ukraine with 50 armored vehicles, including specialized medical evacuation vehicles, manufactured by Canadian workers in London, Ontario. - Enhanced Military Support Additional allocations from the $500 million military assistance package unveiled in June 2023 include: - $76 million was designated for 35 high-resolution drone cameras and ongoing support. - $30 million was dedicated to the Leopard 2 Maintenance and Service Centre in Poland. - Support for the Joint Coalition on F-16 Training to bolster the training of Ukrainian pilots. - A comprehensive package of NATO-standard small arms ammunition. - $33 million to support a United Kingdom-led partnership delivering critical air defense equipment, including air defense missiles, to safeguard Ukraine against missile and drone attacks.   Economic Resilience To fortify Ukraine's economic stability in the face of Russia's unjustifiable invasion, Canada will provide substantial macroeconomic support in 2024. Additionally, Prime Minister Trudeau and President Zelenskyy ratified the modernized Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA). This agreement not only fosters long-term security and economic development in Ukraine but also ensures favorable market access terms for Canadian businesses, creating employment opportunities in both nations.   Diplomatic Pressure on Russia In a concerted effort to maintain pressure on the Russian regime and those complicit in its aggression, Prime Minister Trudeau announced: - New sanctions targeting 63 Russian individuals and entities involved in illegal activities, including the transfer and custody of Ukrainian children, as well as the dissemination of disinformation and propaganda. - Collaboration with Ukraine and international partners to establish a working group of eminent persons, tasked with providing advice on the seizure and forfeiture of Russian assets, including central bank assets.  
Promoting Peace and Security
Investment in Stabilization To bolster peace, security, and stabilization in Ukraine, Prime Minister Trudeau unveiled an additional $8.3 million in support, comprising: - $4.3 million was allocated to strengthen nuclear security measures at the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone. - Over $1.7 million in new funding for the Canadian NGO eQualitie, enhancing Ukraine's cyber resilience against cyberattacks. - Approximately $2 million in fresh funding for the Canadian NGO Parliamentary Centre, providing technical assistance to the Ukrainian Parliament. - Approximately $250,000 is dedicated to the Ukrainian NGO Building Ukraine Together (BUR), supporting community-level youth engagement and recovery initiatives.   Development Initiatives In alignment with Ukraine's priority needs, Prime Minister Trudeau pledged an additional $34 million for four multi-year development initiatives, focusing on: - Mental health support. - Assistance to small-scale farmers and the restoration of agricultural livelihoods. - Rehabilitation and reconstruction of local infrastructure. - Technical assistance for inclusive recovery.  
Canada's Unwavering Commitment
Today's announcements bring Canada's total committed support to over $9.5 billion in multifaceted assistance to Ukraine since the beginning of 2022. This commitment is further underscored by Prime Minister Trudeau's decision to renew and expand Operation REASSURANCE, part of NATO's defense and deterrence measures in Eastern Europe.  
Facts About the Visit
Event Key Points Bilateral Meeting - The Prime Minister, accompanied by top ministers, held an extended bilateral meeting with President Zelenskyy. Presidential Visit - President Zelenskyy visited Canada and addressed Parliament to express gratitude for support. - He also engaged in business activities in Toronto. First Lady's Engagements - The First Lady of Ukraine visited institutions supporting veterans and their families in Ottawa. - Joined by Canadian ministers. Sanctions Announcement - Canada announced additional sanctions, adding to a series of sanctions since Russia's invasion in 2022. - Over 2,700 individuals and entities have been sanctioned. Military Assistance to Ukraine - Canada has committed over $2.4 billion in military assistance since February 2022, including today's $650 million announcement. - Various military equipment and support have been provided. Operation UNIFIER - Operation UNIFIER, Canada's mission to train and support Ukraine's Armed Forces, has been extended until March 2026. - It has trained over 38,000 Ukrainian military and security personnel. Trade Between Canada and Ukraine - In 2022, Canada's merchandise exports to Ukraine reached $150.2 million, with imports totaling $271.2 million, a 19% increase. - Trade relations are robust. Development Assistance to Ukraine - Canada has committed over $171.7 million in development assistance since January 2022, with a significant portion announced in Budget 2023. - Supports key Ukrainian priorities. Support for Ukrainian Refugees - Canada has welcomed over 175,000 Ukrainian refugees and their families since Russia's invasion. - Offers safe housing and support services.  
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Canadians hold a Remembrance Day ceremony in Ukraine. Photo by U.S. Army Europe. Flickr.  
The Call for Peace
Canada stands firm in demanding the immediate, complete, and unconditional withdrawal of Russian troops. It aligns itself with Ukraine's pursuit of a just and sustainable peace based on the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the 10 Point Peace Formula. This peace settlement must be grounded in international law, respecting the UN Charter and preserving Ukraine's territorial integrity. Canada vehemently condemns Russia's war of aggression on multiple fronts, pledging unwavering support through bilateral and international avenues. Canada remains steadfast in its commitment to stand by Ukraine and its people as they safeguard their freedoms, independence, and democracy.   Sources: THX News & The Canadian Government. Read the full article
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animala2z · 1 year
Bengal Cat Size, Adoption, Personality, Price & Kitten Special Food
The Bengal cat is a domesticated cat breed created from the hybrid of domestic cats, specifically the spotted Egyptian Mau, with the Asian leopard cat. The name of the breed comes from the taxonomic name of the leopard cat.
Bengals have a wild appearance; Their golden shimmer comes from their leopard cat lineage, and their coats may show spots, rosettes, arrowheads, or marbling. They are an energetic breed that requires a lot of exercise and play.
They are athletes: agile and graceful with a strong, muscular body, in the form of a cat that looks as if they are in the woods.
Despite their wild appearance, Bengal cats are actually quite affectionate to their human families. That said, they also have high energy and a fun, playful side. They want to be active and need a home that matches their energy.
If you can meet the Bengal’s exercise needs, you will have a smart, loving cat that can keep you on your toes.
It is important to remember that cats of any breed can suffer from health problems throughout their lives. A good pet insurance plan can help prepare you to give your cat the care it needs at any age.
Vital Stats:
Life Span: 10 to 16 yearsLength: 17 to 22 inches tall not includingOrigin: USAWeight: 8 to 17 pounds
With its distinctive spotted coat and large size, the Bengal looks like a wild cat, but although one of its ancestors is a small, wild Asian leopard cat (leopard print cat breed), it is a domestic cat.
Bengals take their name from Felis bengalensis, the scientific name for the Asian leopard cat. They were created through a cross between an Asian Leopard Cat which could be purchased at pet stores in the 1950s and 1960s.
Jean Mill, a breeder in California, was the first to create such a cross, but not because he wanted to create a new breed.
Bengal Cat Image
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She had acquired a leopard cat and allowed her to live with a black tom cat so that she would not be left alone. To her surprise, since she did not think the two species would mate, kittens resulted, and Mill kept a single female. Taking her back to her father produced spotted and solid kittens.
Around the same time, Dr. Willard Centerwall was crossing Asian leopard cats with domestic cats at Loyola University. Leopard cats were resistant to the feline leukemia virus, so researchers were interested to find out whether this trait could be passed on to the hybrid offspring.
Various breeders showed interest in developing the cats as a breed. Mill was one of them. Changes in her life had caused her to give up having a cat, but she was ready to start all over again. She had obtained some hybrids of Dr. Centerwall and searched for suitable males to breed them.
One was an orange domestic shorthair found all over India, and the other was a brown-spotted tabby obtained from a shelter.
Bengals are known to be the same as domestic cats today, and any Bengals purchased must be at least four generations removed from any ancestors with wild bloodlines.
The first cat association to recognize the Bengal was The International Cat Association, which granted experimental status to the breed in 1983, followed by full recognition in 1991.
The Bengal is also recognized by the American Cat Fanciers Association, the Canadian Cat Association, and United Felines. organization.
Bengal cats are so in demand that a British woman paid more than $50,000 for her Bengal cat in 1990, dubbing them the “Rolls Royce” of feline companions.
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firstginger · 3 years
This is really less a question about Daemonism and more about Jungian archetypes. Can a person be between archetypes? For instance, I find myself pretty equally drawn to both the sage and the ruler.
yes absolutely, or to be two archetypes! for real people not buried in a literary narrative, it's definitely more likely to span multiple archetypes. for form finding specifically, i think it's most accurate to look at your top two or three archetypes to then start determining what symbolic forms are a fit. the sage and the ruler together, for example, form a very strong image. the snow leopard (which was a sage example) would have to belong to an individual who also relates to the ruler.
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laraehrlich-blog · 5 years
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Original content owned & copyrighted by Green Global Travel.
Lanky, awkward, affectionate, and endearing… you’d be hard pressed to find someone who’s not intrigued by Giraffes. These evolutionary marvels, which get their name from the Arabic word Zarafa (“one who walks swiftly”), are statuesque wonders of elegant beauty.
Native to their numbers are declining fast due to poaching and habitat loss, with the Giraffe population in Africa dropping by 40%. They’re also preyed upon by added to the IUCN’s Endangered Species List, with several subspecies currently listed as critically endangered. So here’s a look at 50 fascinating facts about Giraffes, including the most common subspecies, their diets, and what’s being done to save them.
READ MORE: Animals in Kenya (A Guide to 40 Species)
Basic Giraffe Facts
Giraffe Neck & Body Facts
Giraffe Mating & Gestation
Giraffe Diet
Masai Giraffe
Reticulated Giraffe
Rothschild’s Giraffe
Why are Giraffes Endangered?
Giraffe Conservation
Fun Giraffe Facts
Giraffe in Nairobi National Park, Kenya
1. Though once believed to be a single species, four distinct Giraffe species are now recognized: the Southern Giraffe, Masai Giraffe, Reticulated Giraffe, and Northern Giraffe. They’re classified based on their color, patterns, and geographical regions they inhabit. There are also several subspecies, including the Angolan Giraffe, Nubian Giraffe, West African Giraffe, Rothschild Giraffe, and Kordofan Giraffe.
2. The earliest known giraffid, the Palaeotragus, lived approximately 20 million years ago. This prehistoric species was tall, but did not have as long a neck as Giraffes do now. Living in areas of barren soil led them to reach for leaves in the trees. After countless generations of stretching, they evolved genetically into the Giraffe we know today.
3. Female Giraffes are known as cows, while males are called bulls and baby Giraffes are calves. They’re classified as a species of the Artiodactyla order, along with about 220 other mammals. These (including Cows, Deer, Okapi. The black and white, Zebra-like legs of the Okapi can be deceiving. But a closer look at its head shows a striking resemblance to the Giraffe’s long ears and face.
5. Giraffes live together in herds with an average of 10 to 15 individuals. This helps them survive against predators, taking turns feeding while others look out for danger. Though they’re generally mild-mannered, an adult Giraffe can shatter a Lion’s skull with one powerful kick. 
6. Hungry carnivores are not the only threatening creatures the Giraffe has to fear. In fact, the most dangerous ones are no larger than a seed. Tiny ticks feast on the Giraffe’s blood, leaving them weak and tired. Nematodes and flatworms can also be ingested through water, causing infections and skin disorders. Tanzania’s Ruaha National Park has observed 79% of its Giraffe population showing signs of infection.
7. Surviving in the harsh African READ MORE: Top 10 National Parks in Tanzania
Giraffe in Tarangire National Park, Tanzania
8. The neck is obviously the species’ most distinctive physical trait, measuring up to six feet long and weighing around 600 pounds. The length of the Giraffe neck gives the illusion of a complex anatomical structure underneath. But these towering creatures have only seven neck vertebrae (just like humans!), each of which is about 10 inches long and connected with ball-and-socket joints for flexibility. 
9. The Giraffe’s neck length requires huge, hot air balloon-like lungs, which are eight times the size of a human’s. However, they breathe at a much slower rate because of the “dead air” that gets caught in their long tracheas. So previous breaths are not fully released before the animal begins inhaling again.
10. The Giraffe is the tallest living mammal on Earth. Males grow to be about 18 feet tall. Females are slightly shorter than the males, but still reach a staggering height of 14 feet.
11. Giraffes have humongous hearts that weigh around 25 pounds, generating enough pressue to propel blood up through their long necks and into their brains. They also have special blood vessels that contain valves that help prevent the backtracking of blood from gravity. 
12. The two horns that stick out of the Giraffe head are not real horns, but ossicones– a form of thick cartilage covered in skin. Baby Giraffes are born with flat ossicones to avoid injury during birth, but they grow as they mature into adults. Males have thicker ossicones, which they use in mating-related battles.
13. Giraffes are fairly quiet beings: They do have a larynx (a.k.a. voice box), but rarely use it. If they become alarmed, a simple snort is often used to alert the herd of a possible threat. They’re also known to produce a mild humming sound during the night, perhaps to help locate other herd members in the dark.
14. Everything about the Giraffe is long, including its luscious eyelashes. This helps to keep dust out of their big eyes, which are the size of golf balls. They sit laterally on the Giraffe’s head, providing them with keen eyesight. They can’t see in full color, but they do see shades of red, orange, yellow-green, and violet.
15. Animals with hoofed feet, such as the Giraffe, are known as ungulates. Each foot has two even hooves. Each of an adult Giraffe’s feet are about 12 inches wide. These large hooves give them stability and prevent them from sinking into loose sand.
16. Sometimes known “stink bulls,” Giraffes carry a not-so-pleasant odor. Their fur releases natural repellents like indole and 3-methylindole (the same compounds found in feces) to ward off insects and parasites. Researchers believe this pungent odor tells potential mates that they’re free of parasites.
17. Giraffes have also been spotted using their grapple-like tongue to pick their noses.
READ MORE: Exploring Magical Tarangire National Park, Tanzania
Reticulated Giraffes in Meru National Park, Kenya
18. Male Giraffe necks are massive and powerful. To establish mating rights, bulls participate in a fighting ritual in which they swing their mighty necks like swords, delivering powerful blows by ramming their heads into each other’s bodies. Their heavy skulls are coated with calcium to shield their brains. Although it is very rare, there have been recorded deaths from these intense battles.
19. Female Giraffes mate with dominant males in hopes of passing on strong genes. They ovulate every two weeks, allowing for year-round Giraffe mating. Ovulating females release pheromones that attract males, who may sip her urine to confirm she’s ready to mate. The willing males will follow her to await her decision on who she wants to reproduce with.
20. Once successful Giraffe mating occurs, the the gestational period is approximately 15 months. The mother brings her a single baby into the world while standing up, causing the newborn to fall about six feet to the ground. The rough landing breaks the amniotic sac and umbilical cord, and encourages the baby Giraffe to start breathing.
21. Some Giraffes have been reported returning to the place where they were born to give birth.
22. Within an hour of birth, a baby Giraffe can get up and walk on its own. This is crucial so that it can quickly move with the herd in case a predator comes near. Even with its shaky, lanky legs, the newborn stands taller than most humans (about six feet) and weighs an average of 150 pounds.
23. Mothers are extremely protective of their young. They will form “nursery groups” with other females from the herd, taking turns watching over the extremely vulnerable baby Giraffes. Sadly, only about 20% of all Giraffes live to reach adulthood.
24. Although they’re not considered adults until age four, male calves will leave their mothers at around 15 months old and join all-male bachelor groups. They’ll contest for dominance while still coexisting peacefully. Once they’re ready for mating, dominant male Giraffes will visit a female herd. 
READ MORE: Meru National Park, Kenya (From Joy Adamson to Elsa’s Kopje)
Masai Giraffe in Kruger National Park, South Africa
25. Baby Giraffes are very dependent on their mothers for the first 4 to 6 months, relying on their milk for nutrients. After that, the mother will pull leaves off trees to feed to them until they’re tall enough to reach their own. An adult Giraffe will typically consume about 66 pounds of food per day.
26. Giraffes possess an 18-inch prehensile tongue that can grip objects, much like a ruminants. Much like bovines (including Cows, Buffalo, and the READ MORE: How to Get the Most For Your Kruger National Park Entrance Fee
Masai Giraffe in Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya
30. Also known as the Kilimanjaro Giraffe, the Masai or
32. Although Tanzania has recently increased its declared endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
READ MORE: Maasai Mara Conservancies (Community-Based Conservation in Kenya)
Reticulated Giraffes in Lewa Conservancy, Kenya
33. If you’ve been to any 34. The subspecies’ appearance is distinguished by their wide, reddish, polygonal spots, which are outlined with bright white lines.
35. Unfortunately, Reticulated Giraffe habitat is facing destruction, causing them to disappear in the wild. Their current population is around 15,780 (less than half what it was 30 years ago), causing them to be added to the IUCN Red List of endangered species in 2018.
36.) Two completely white Reticulated Giraffes were spotted at Kenya’s Ishaqbini Hirola Conservancy in 2017. The unusual mother-daughter duo have a genetic condition called leucism, which inhibits pigmentation in the skin cells. Only three of these incredibly rare white-skinned Giraffes have been reported in sightings by the READ MORE: Minnesota Zoo Conservation (How Zoos Help Endangered Species)
Rothschild’s Giraffe at Giraffe Centre in Nairobi, Kenya
37. The Rothschild’s Giraffe is named after famous British zoologist Walter Rothschild, who is best known for the collection now housed at the Natural History Museum at Tring. 
38. The subspecies is also known as the Baringo Giraffe (after the Lake Baringo area of northern Kenya) or the Ugandan Giraffe. All remaining in the wild inhabit protected areas in these two regions. It was once believed that the Rothschild’s Giraffe and the Nubian Giraffe were completely different subspecies, but recent research has discovered that the two are genetically identical.
39. It’s easy to tell the Rothschild’s Giraffe from other subspecies. Their coat looks a bit like the Masai Giraffe, but with sandy skin and less jagged, caramel-colored patches that give them a more yellowish coloring. They also have no markings on the lower leg, and are the only Giraffes born with five ossicones, with smaller bumps in the center of its forehead and behind each ear.
40.) Rothschild’s Giraffe rank among the most endangered subspecies of Giraffes, with approximately 1,399 individuals remaining in the wild. Nairobi’s Giraffe Centre, run by the African Fund for Endangered Wildlife, is a great place to see these endangered beauties up close. 
READ MORE: The Best Environmental Charities & Animal Charities to Donate To
Masai Giraffe in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
41. In what’s being called a “silent extinction,” Giraffe population numbers dropped from 155,000 in 1985 to 97,000 in 2015, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Habitat destruction is the leading reason Giraffes are endangered. Rapid expansion of human development and the effects of war continue to fracture the various subspecies’ home lands. 
42. Like most high-profile species of sub-saharan wildlife, Giraffes are also increasingly threatened by READ MORE: 15 Harmful Traditions & Cultural Practices Tourists Shouldn’t Support
Giraffe in Wild Rivers Nature Reserve in South Africa’s Greater Kruger Area
44. As recently as 2010, Giraffes were considered “Least Concern” in terms of conservation consideration by the IUCN. But by 2016 the entire species has been classified as Vulnerable, and may no longer exist in their historic habitat in Angola, Eritrea, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, and Senegal. 
Fortunately, the UN-backed Convention of Migratory Species selected Giraffes for special protection in 2017. Today there are numerous sanctuaries and national parks all around the African continent that are striving to provide them with a safe haven.
Here’s a brief list of the major Giraffe conservation NGOs working to protect the beloved species for future generations:
• African Fund for Endangered Wildlife– The NGO behind Nairobi’s Giraffe Centre has a huge focus on educating kids from local communities about the importance of wildlife conservation. Their sanctuary is also a leading light in breeding endangered Rothschild’s Giraffes and releasing them into the wild.
• African Wildlife Foundation– The AWF works to educates local communities on sustainable agricultural practices in hopes of limiting human-animal conflict, as well as leading acacia planting projects in areas where Giraffe habitat has been deforested.
• Giraffe Conservation Alliance– This nonprofit organization works to connect people and zoos around the world to Giraffe conservation projects in Africa in hopes of ensuring a sustainable future for all Giraffe subspecies.
• The Giraffe Conservation Foundation– The GCF is the only NGO in the world that concentrates solely on the conservation and management of Giraffe in the wild throughout the African continent. They’re currently involved in conservation initiatives in 15 different countries.
• The Wildlife Conservation Society – The WCS monitors Giraffe populations to control habitat loss and poaching, as well as collaborating with other wildlife conservation groups on joint efforts.
READ MORE: Top 15 Female Wildlife Conservationists & Animal Rights Activists
Giraffe Rainbow in Nairobi National Park, Kenya
45. Despite being herbivores, Giraffes oddly seem to enjoy chewing and sucking on bones (which is known as osteophag). They primarily pick on barren carcass remnants when their bodies are very low on nutrients. This supplies them with extra calcium and phosphorous in order to strengthen their bones, which is especially beneficial for males preparing for “necking” battles over mating rights.
46. Did you know that Giraffes are pollinators? They inadvertently collect pollen on their fur when rummaging through the trees. Much like bees
, they carry this pollen to other trees (especially acacias), allowing them to blossom. Other surprising pollinators include Bats, Rats, and even certain 50 Fascinating Facts About Giraffes appeared first on Green Global Travel.
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blog-sliverofjade · 4 years
Hearth Fires 9: Hunger
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Pairing: Remi Denier x OFC
Summary:  Lorel Maddox just wants to live as a human, run her bakery in peace, and forget. Unfortunately, the alpha of the local leopard pack has very different ideas.
Remi Denier doesn’t know what to make of the female Changeling who wants nothing to do with him or the RainFire pack. He does know that he has a driving need to protect her. Even if it’s from herself.
While they’re embroiled in a battle of wills, there’s a war brewing on the horizon. The outside threat could not only destroy everything they hold dear, but tear apart the fragile new bonds of the Trinity Accord, plunging the world into bloodshed to rival the Territorial Wars of centuries past.
Word count: 2131
Hearth Fires Masterlist
Beta read by the divine pandabearer
RainFire Leopards: Who doesn’t love a lone wolf leopard?  Now imagine an entire pack of them. What alpha is tough and crazy enough to herd these strong-willed roaming cats?  Meet Remi Denier.  Don’t let the lazy charm and Cajun drawl fool you or he’ll chew you up and spit you out. 
Unless that’s what you’re into.  We don’t judge.
-From the “Pack Cheat Guide” in the March 2082 issue of Wild Women magazine: “Skin Privileges, Style, and Primal Sophistication”
        A massive fist slammed into Remi’s side, forcing air from his left lung.  It wasn’t full force otherwise he’d be dealing with bruised ribs for a couple of days, but it wasn’t a love tap, either.  Anything less would have been an insult to his strength.
       Twisting, he brought his knee up and grabbed for Theo’s shoulders to bring him down into the strike.  His hands slipped off shoulders slippery with sweat as the sentinel stepped back. The other leopard’s chest heaved, nearly matching the pace of his own panting.  They’d been going at it long enough that they were both dripping.
       “Again,” snarled Remi. 
       He needed to burn off the tension that’d been riding him since Chloe called him.  Theo was big, taller than Remi, although not quite as widely built as the alpha. The sentinel used his quiet intelligence and surprising speed to lethal advantage, which meant he was the only one who could hold his own against the RainFire alpha for any length of time.
       The sentinel shook his head and reached for a towel draped over a low hanging branch.  Scrubbing it over his face, he left it to drape around his neck and scooped up two water bottles nestled in the coiled roots of the same tree.  Remi caught the one tossed his way; the bio-plas crunched in his grip and water spilled onto his hand.
       When he first met Lorel, he thought his cat wanted her as a potential packmate, but remained quiet so as not to spook her.  That was nothing new. The animal knew no skittish submissive could handle the full force of a strange alpha who’d been baptized in blood.
       Today, the smell of her fear tinged with a strange note had set his leopard into a hunting crouch, ready to rip out Shaw’s throat.  She didn’t smell quite right, not wrong, but not quite like the cat she was. It wasn’t until he was behind the wheel again that his cat told him what that element was: she was on the verge of losing her humanity.  
       The protectiveness most predatory dominant changelings felt was magnified in him, something he had to carefully mitigate; changelings needed freedom to grow and thrive.  When Jojo had reacted to Lorel, he’d carefully sifted through the sugar and spice layers of her scent and found nothing troubling.  
       Had he been ignoring possible warning signs because he wanted to play with the feral kitten?  It was far too early to have allowed her that deeply into their territory, and he’d only conceded to the harebrained idea because he wanted to see if others in the pack reacted as favourably to her as he did.  But there was no going back now. If he couldn’t drag her back from the edge, then he’d have to take her out as a last resort. He wasn’t ready to give up on her.
       Unfortunately, being alpha meant that he had to put the pack’s needs above his own.
       “You need to do something about that touch hunger,” Theo said when he came up for air, screwing the top back on his empty bottle.
       “Don’t go there.”  Pure alpha poured into every word.
       “Your tension’s starting to affect the juvenile males.”
       “Feet pue tan!” he cursed and punched a tree trunk.  The rough bark split his knuckles and scented the air with blood.  His sexual hunger was a constant pulse underneath his skin; it had to be driving the younger males crazy.  When there were too many unmated dominants, that much unchanneled sexual energy tended to explode into violence that could tear a pack apart.
       The only problem was the only one he wanted to sate his touch hunger with was an ocelot who’d rather hiss and claw at him than permit him skin privileges of any kind.  Rather than being a deterrent, that was like catnip for predatory dominants.
       He didn’t know why he cared so much about one female.  She wasn’t pack, didn’t want to be, and was more trouble than she was worth.  She refused to behave like any sane submissive faced with a predatory alpha, and she challenged him in ways women rarely did.  She didn’t even recognize the favour he gave her by giving her protection, instead, she took it as a mortal insult like a female sentinel would!
       “That’s what you get for headhunting loners.”  Dropping out of a maple across the clearing, Elijah landed in a crouch before rising to his feet, shaking back his ridiculous mane of chocolate brown hair with a high, full undercut.
       “You’re improving, I only heard you five minutes ago instead of ten.”  Remi shook the painful numb tingling out of his hand. He was just yanking Elijah’s chain; no one made it to senior soldier without the ability to silently stalk their prey, no matter what form they were in.
       “You know, Theo, if you mated, it’d help keep the balance.”  Strong ties between men and women, either long-term relationships or those lucky enough to have mated, at the top of hierarchy stabilized the pack.,
       “We’re talking about your sex life, or lack thereof, not ours.  And, for the record, I am good on that front.” Elijah held up his hands, palms out.
       “My sex life is not up for discussion,” scowled Remi.
       A long low whistle.  The two sentinels shared a look.
       “That is one serious case of blue balls.”  Dark brows climbed up Elijah’s forehead to disappear under the shaggy hair that draped over his forehead.  Theo nodded in agreement.
       “Stop talking about my balls and go play with your own.”  Claws erupted from his fingertips. A severe overreaction for some teasing from packmates who were trying to keep him from going over the edge like he was right now.
       Taking a deep, calming breath, he took a minute to get himself back under control.  Theo and Elijah were very obviously not looking at each other, or him, for that matter.  If they had, he might well have interpreted it as a dominance challenge with the state he was currently in.
       Sometimes alphas did go bad.  Within the span of four years, his own father destroyed what was once a solid, healthy pack.  While very few of the sentinels could take Remi one on one, some of them were damn good snipers.
       Not even an alpha could dodge a bullet they couldn’t see.
       Lorel lay awake, staring at the ceiling, bone-weary and yet sleep eluded her.  Her skin prickled and burned like a terrible sunburn, which she’d had enough of to know the sensation well, but she hadn’t been out in the sun long enough to burn.  Her mind kept replaying the events of that afternoon on loop until her blood boiled and her fingertips tingled, the latter was one of the first signs of an involuntary shift.  
       The bedroom was larger than any of the ones in her various apartments had been, but the walls were too close, too confining.  Slipping on a floral satin robe, she padded to the living room to look out the picture window.
      Turning to pace back across the room, she paused facing the back door.  Through that door and thirty meters away, the treeline began. The mountains began about three miles into the forest.  She should be fine as long as she stayed to the lower elevations. Just because they claimed the whole county as part of their jurisdiction, their pack lands were further into the woods.
       The thought of remaining in the house one second longer had her wanting to climb the walls.  She felt caged as it was, her ocelot would go insane if trapped inside one second longer; it had spent enough years stuck inside the trappings of civilization.
       But she didn’t have to remain confined within four walls anymore.  There was an entire mountain to explore full of trees and rabbits and squirrels.  As long as she remained on this side of the mountain, she was fine.
       Shaking her head to dislodge the dangerous thought, she continued to pace.  Her cat yowled inside its cage, protesting the close environs.
       Living on her own at the edge of the woods, free to shift whenever she chose, was like being stuck in a free-fall with no idea when she was going to become a greasy smear on the pavement.  What if the rabbits and squirrels she could hunt weren’t enough to keep her ocelot happy? One day she might sink into the madness permanently, her rational side and everything that made her human disintegrating.
       In forums and magazines, other changelings talked about being in balance, never struggling for control.  She knew that wasn’t true for everyone. It wasn’t true for her. It wasn’t true for her father.
       And yet there was risk if they went long enough without shifting.  Changelings who needed water to shift and couldn’t get to it in time could die.  The last time she’d shifted was the week she’d moved to Bryson City two months ago.  The beast slashed at the inside of her mind, demanding freedom, trying to break through the human shell.  She’d learned to ignore the suffocating need to shift, but now she couldn’t breathe it was so strong. The blinding pain settled the issue for her.
       The robe glided to the floor in a whisper of sound, leaving her nude in the hallway.  She hated pajamas, she twisted and turned too much in her sleep until she woke tangled and choked in soft fabric.  The sense of confinement was something she’d had to put up with until she’d moved out on her own. Her aunt, a self-proclaimed part-time nudist, didn’t care as long as she “put a towel down” if she was running around in her birthday suit.
       Shivering in the chill night air, feet curling away from the damp floorboards of the porch, she shut the door behind her.
       After holding onto control for so long, letting go of it was harder than maintaining it.  The shift was supposed to be instantaneous, but it usually took her a minute and it didn’t happen all at once.
       It was like her senses exploded from the inundation of input that threatened to overwhelm.  The woman reached for control out of habit. The smell of blood, sharp and delicious, scented the air.  Dominance over her own body slipped through her fingers and she dissolved into a million particles of shattering light
       Changelings often spoke of the shift as ecstasy and agony, but for her it was mostly the latter.  
       She stretched, tail high, back bowed, and front paws flashing claws as she kneaded the grass then reached out to flex her claws on a tree, marking her home.  The human’s protests were buried under the instincts of the cat.
       Something tight and cramped unfurled in her chest, aching with sweet pain as it stretched for the first time in years.  Ecstatic clarity that made her want to bound through the trees. 
       Heart singing in her chest, she sucked in great lungfuls of air.  Woods flew by in a shadowed blur. Paws landing solidly, whiskers fluttering in the breeze.  Brain switched off as she ran.
       The close proximity of houses and the overwhelming plethora of scents that came from being inside the city limits was nothing new to the cat, only there was no stink that came with larger cities.  She’d always taken care to keep to her home before, but the wall of trees just beyond the yard called to her.
       The ground was springy with vegetable debris under her paws as she bounded through the trees.  Cold air swept through her nose and wind ghosted through her fur. The sound of prey scurrying through the underbrush drew her deeper into the woods.
       Muscles bunching and she pounced.  Fur and flesh parted under sharp teeth.  The worries of the woman no longer existed.  Only blood and feeding the dark hunger that gripped her mattered.
       Rodents, birds, lizards all fell under flashing claws and teeth.  The cat could eat no more, yet still it hunted, leaving a trail of small bodies in its wake.
       Eventually, the exhaustion weighing down her limbs overcame the need to kill.  Curling up nose to tail in a hollow underneath a fallen tree trunk, she settled in to sleep.
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canid-slashclaw · 4 years
The Outliers - A Guildwars Love Story
Chapter 4
Amalthia adjusted the acetylene/oxygen regulator of her welding torch as she attempted to fuse the final piece of her rifle scope together.  All of the components fit together perfectly except for the rear sighting post that stubbornly refused to seat properly. 
"Just about... there!"  
With the final spool of flux, she managed to solder together the last piece of her custom made handiwork.  But just as she was about to shut down her workstation, she heard some rustling downstairs followed by a couple of guttural voices.  
"Amalthia. Come down here now!"  Her father called from downstairs. Once she had shut down her welding station, her nostrils immediately picked up the strong stench of rotting flesh.  
Crap! I forgot to take out the refuse barrels last night.  They're probably all maggoty by now.
She opened the window to her upstairs room hoping the fresh air would dissipate the scent.  The room was already hot and stuffy due to her metallurgical hobby.  
If only this place had an actual work shed, she pondered as she slipped on a pair of grungy open-toed boots that somewhat accommodated her clawed digitigrade feet.
"Did you forget to take out the rubbish barrels, again? The entire cutting room smells like a mortuary."  Her father's voice carried to her upstairs room in his characteristic bellowing tone.  
Padding down the spiral staircase, she looked across the living den and noticed the presence of another individual who happened to be a charr like her. 
"Silly me. When I looked down I honestly thought the smell was coming from that woman other there.  Oh.  Hi mother.  I thought I recognized your odor," Amalthia said while glaring at the female charr that was standing near the service counter.  
Siri Blastfuse turned towards her smart-mouthed daughter giving only a slightly raised eyebrow as her slitted green eyes narrowed with contempt.  "So the little cub deigns to disrespectfully greet her generous mother in spite of having a serious hangover.  I am delighted that you had enough initiative within you to even make it out of bed, runt."
Amalthia rolled her eyes, pursed her lips then nodded with a half-cocked smile.  "Well, I just had to verify where such a foul odor was coming from.  At first I thought it was from the overripe meat in the cutting room, but then I saw your face and now I'm not so sure."
Ludrick growled with anger.  "That's enough out of you both.  Amalthia - your dam came here to let you know that she's been actively searching for warbands who may be willing to take you under their wing.  Siri - give her the details... not the snark."
"Amalthia.  My only surviving lush and shriveled-runt-of-a-lame-sire - I have some news that I thought might bring a ray of sunshine into your otherwise shameful existence," Siri said mockingly.  
"I heard the legions have set up an all-volunteer regiment of suicide bombers.  Were you the first to raise your paw when the call of duty was issued?"  Her daughter replied with a smirk. 
"That would make you too happy, now wouldn't it?  No runt.  I'm offering you a chance to make something of yourself.  I've taken valuable time out of my busy schedule to search out a warband who might be interested in taking your sorry, alcohol-laden carcass into their ranks."
"You are so sweet, mother.  You would almost have me believe that actual blood pumps through that heart of yours, instead of ice.   Tell me there's not a catch behind all of this."  Amalthia looked at her mother skeptically. 
Her mother cocked her head slightly. "No catch.  I'm just sick of hearing it through the rumor mill as to what a pathetic loser you turned out to be.  Your current miserable state is bad for your sire's reputation as well as my own."
"Do you mean to tell me that you actually care for someone else other than just yourself?  Father - she just may a spark of light in that otherwise inky black heart of hers," came Amalthia's sarcastic retort.
"If the two of you cannot speak to each other like civil adult charr then perhaps one of you should just leave.  Either way, Siri came to say what she needed and that's all fine by me." Ludrick s hobbled on his cane towards the dining room chair in the hopes that sitting for a bit would help take the pressure off his already throbbing foot. 
"Fine. I will haul those maggoty barrels to the back.  Just so long as I can put as much distance between me and that woman..." Amalthia huffed.
"This place reeks of piss, rotten carcasses and cow shit.  Come to think of it, I actually kind of regret pawning her off on you, Ludrick.  Had I known she would have turned out to be this sarcastic, drunk and lazy, I would have..."
"ENOUGH!"  The old charr's raged climaxed.  He then fixed his gaze upon his daughter then pointed towards the staircase leading to the basement butchery. Amalthia gave her parting snark before disappearing down the staircase.  "Very well, then.  I will have this place smelling like a basket of freshly cut roses in no time flat.  In the mean time, would you like me to scoop out a mound of fresh wiggly maggots for your take-out lunch, mother?  Word has it they really aid in digestion." 
Siri looked her former mate, crossed her beige clouded leopard spotted arms then shook her head.  "Where does that scrawny little sack of fur and bones get that mouth of hers from?  If it were up to me, I would have ripped the cub's tongue from her throat a long time ago. Why you allow her get away with so much is beyond my comprehension."
Ludrick pointed directly into her face.  "Look into any mirror and you'll find your answer, Siri.  She's the only lineage I have left. All of the other cubs I fathered are dead."
"Oh yes.  How could I forget?  You sired," Siri said as she began to count on her long, clawed hand, "just two litters?  Why didn't you continue to knock up more kittens after our relationship?  Were your loins just not up to the task or did something vital get lopped off?"
"Reasons, Siri.  Reasons..." Ludrick lowered his head choosing to ignore her personal insults.
Siri looked him squarely into his eyes.  "Look.  I honestly don't care if that runt lives or dies, so long as her actions do not in any way sully my reputation."
"There was a time when you did care for our cubs; including Amalthia and her twin sister even though she died shortly after birth."
"My capacity for caring died along with our other three.  You are too softhearted, Ludrick.  And that softness is going to eventually be the doom of our people.  You do know that, right?"
Ludrick looked at her then shook his head.  "No Siri. Compassion is not weakness; it's a strength."
"What in the hell have you been sipping on, you old fool?  You've obviously been hanging around humans too long.  Now you're sounding sappy as well as sentimental."
"Open that poisoned tongue of yours once more and I'll show you just how much of a charr I still am.  Now get out of my house, now! Otherwise I just might crack that skull of yours wide open with this cane!" Ludrick roared as he held his wooden crutch aloft.
"Ohh.  Now that's the big, old hairy beast I used to know and adore.  Keep talkin' like that and you and I may end up getting frisky and pop out a new litter together... just for old times sake of course, " Siri said with a devious grin as she slowly strode towards the front door.  
"Out.  NOW!" Ludrick's voice thundered with rage.
Within the span of fifteen minutes, Amalthia emerged from downstairs. 
"I assume that evil woman has left the building.  The air already smells less foul," she said while glancing around the dining area.
"She's gone... at least for the time being. Amalthia - I wish things were... oh, never mind."
"Oh my.  The effects of inebriation are beginning to wear off.  Talking like a teary-eyed human is a sure sign of this condition," Amalthia quipped. 
"Bah!  Please tell me you didn't finish that last liter of mead when you went downstairs."
"I would never be that cruel to you, sire.  There's just enough for each of us to have one pint.  I kept it in reserve for situations just such as this."
Amalthia helped her father down the flight of stairs as he hobbled trying to avoid putting undue pressure on his right foot.  Once they were in the cutting room, father and daughter split the remaining contents of the liter between them.
"Yanno.  I don't think there's a charr on the surface of Tyria who can match wits with my Amalthia," Ludrick said as he offered a toast. 
"To a life of loose lips and brooding loneliness."
In spite of her inebriated state, Amalthia raised her stein then clashed it against his partially empty mug. 
"I'll certainly drink to the first part, father."
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petri808 · 5 years
A Witches Heart
Bakudeku fluffy Witch/Familiar gift fic for my demon hubby @diabl0o  UwU
~ I wish I had more time and inspiration, but I hope you like it <3 ;)
For several hours something has been following him and it was getting on his nerves.  It wasn’t human, nor animal, most likely a magical creature of some sort, but what kind, and why was it following him?  “Who’s there?!”  The young wizard Izuku Midoriya calls out into the dense forest.  “I can sense your presence, so there is no point in hiding from me.”  Nothing stirs.  “Fine,” he sets his belongings down and takes a seat on a fallen log.  “I’ll just wait here.”
Whatever it was moved around, circling Midoriya but never came all the way out into the clearing.  This ‘thing’ was quiet, probably small, the wizard guessed, in order not to ruffle the leaves or brush.  In fact, it was starting to remind him of a specific type of animal. Within an hour the presence had finally stopped in front of him, but just out of view.  Oh well, when it was ready to come out it will.
Midoriya decides the day was growing late and began preparing a small campsite.  He gathers wood, kindling, grabs his flint, and starts a fire. Then he takes a kill he’d made that morning out of his rucksack, just a decent sized hare, skinning and cleaning it. The presence shifts, maybe curious as to what the wizard was doing.  That makes him grin, it was only a matter of time now.  
With the rabbit roasting over the fire, Midoriya sits back down, sipping from his waterskin flask, glancing but never staring directly at where the presence had settled.  “Are you hungry?” he talks out loud.  “I have a little to share, if you are.”  Still nothing stirs.  The offer was made, and it was up to it to make the next move. “In the morning I’ll be moving on again, my home is a few more day’s journey from here.”  It would have looked strange to be talking to air, but it was also kind of nice not to be completely alone.  These expeditions to gather supplies were necessary but very lonely without a companion. Older wizards often had vassals to do the hard work, but he was young and had yet to make his way in this world.
He tests the rabbit after 30 minutes and the flesh was firm with no more juices running from the meat.  It smelled great, a little charred at the edges, but nothing too burnt.  “Mmmm,” he holds the stick up near his nose, “sure you don’t want any?”  A slight rustle in the brush brings an uptick at the corners of Midoriya’s mouth.  He breaks a couple of legs off, which sends even more juicier scents into the air.  “Come on out, I won’t hurt ya.”
After a brief pause, the young wizard sees the bushes shake and slowly, a small canine walk’s out. Its nose is up, smelling the air, eyes look wary but curious.  Midoriya tosses a leg close to it.  “There ya go little fella,” he smiles at the animal.  While he eats the rest of the rabbit, he watches it sniffs the meat cautiously, taking a tentative bite, before it goes about devouring the leg.  “Wow,” Midoriya chuckles, “you must’a been hungry guy.”  It only takes a couple minutes before only a leg bone is left.  He tosses the second leg to the animal, but this time midway between them.  “Eat up.” Again, the creature walks over, sniffs, then gobbles up the meat.  In the meantime, Midoriya offers up one more leg and the innards to the animal while he finishes up his portion.    
“Ahh, that was good,” he pat’s his stomach and leans back against the tree trunk.  “Hopefully I keep finding easy prey like that and I won’t go hungry.”  
The dog didn’t immediately bolt back into the forest after the meal, instead sitting down a few feet away on the other side of the fire just watching the wizard.  It was hard to see the canine with only the flickering flames to illuminate it.  But what he could see was a yellow, blondish colored dog, with a medium length coat, pointy ears, and blood red eyes.  It was definitely on the smaller side, not much for a guard animal, but beggars can’t be choosers when it comes to a possible companion.  
Still, why was it giving off a magical presence, and what was such a small dog doing in the middle of a big forest anyways?  It was odd. Maybe it became lost from its original master?  Midoriya pondered such thoughts as he readied his bedroll.  “I’m going to get some sleep,” he tells the animal who hadn’t moved from its position.  “If you’re still here in the morning, you’re welcome to keep following me.”  The dog cocks it’s head as if were pondering its options.  Interesting that it seemed to understand him.  Well since it didn’t seem like the animal was any threat, with a few more pieces of wood added to the fire, Midoriya lies down and goes to sleep.
When he wakes up the next morning, the first thing he notices as soon as he opens his eyes, is that the dog had moved closer through the night and was just over an arms-length away to his side.  So, he sits up slowly not wanting to startle the animal.  “Good morning,” he smiles and yawns, “are you going to keep following me?”  Of course, the animal doesn’t respond, but simply stares.  “I should give you a name or something.”  Midoriya taps his chin, “how about fluffy?”  The animal lowers its ears and growls low.  He chuckles, “ok not fluffy, hmm, maybe Kuma?”  The dog tips his head.  Is it thinking again, Midoriya wonders?  After a few moments without being growled at, he assumes the name is acceptable.  It didn’t quite fit right for a small dog, but it was just a name after all.  “I’ll just call you Kuma for now.”
He packs up and heads off again through the forest.  If memory served him right, there will be a river about a half days journey ahead where he can refresh his water supply and maybe catch some fish for dinner.  Kuma simply follows behind a few feet, never coming close enough to where Midoriya could touch it, but by midday it was clear the animal had no intention of wandering off again.  Well, at least he had a companion now.  Sometimes he would talk out loud as they travelled, just so there was anything but the silence of the forest surrounding him.  Kuma was quiet, never really barked or made any noises, though Midoriya knew it was somehow understanding everything he was saying to it.  
Things went on like this for the next couple of days until they needed to cross another river.  Unlike the previous one, this river was wide and faster moving, but luckily, an old wooden bridge spanned it.  Midoriya tests the first couple of boards and it seemed sturdy enough, though the spaces between the slats were a bit wide.  He turns and reaches out to Kuma, “maybe I should carry you over this.”  Kuma growls and turns his nose, then bypasses Midoriya and begins to trot across on his own. So much for that idea, Midoriya just chuckles and follows behind.
Suddenly, as they reach the midway point, the board under Kuma cracks and gives way.  Midoriya watches in horror as the dog falls, howling till it hits the water and goes under.  “Kuma!”  The drop had only been the length of two tall men, but for a small animal it must have been much more terrifying.  The witch doesn’t hesitate, placing his belongings down and diving in after his companion.  
He searches desperately, paying close attention to each time the dog’s head broke the surface of the water. Midoriya calls out to it to fight. “I’ll save you Kuma!”  Swimming with the current, the witch dodges rocks and other debris.  He was losing track of how far it was carrying him, but it didn’t matter.  With every second he was gaining.  “Gotcha!” he manages to grab the dog’s scruff and pulls it back above the surface before it went under again.  He cradles it to his chest as they are swept a little further down river.  One problem solved, the next was getting out of there.  Midoriya scans and sees a fallen tree that is laying half way into the water. Perfect!  Timing it, he grabs hold of a branch.  The force of the water funneling around the tree was strong, but he manages to haul them both onto the trunk portion.
As soon as he crawls onto solid ground.  “That… was close…” Midoriya flops onto his back, panting from both exhaustion and the adrenaline rush.  It was only at that point that something peculiar registered on the witch.  This dog was a lot heavier than it looked, a lot heavier, as in three times what he though it should be.  “Are you okay,” he asks Kuma.  The dog had crawled off, shaken out it’s fur and sat right beside him.  It tips its head and nods.  Midoriya blinks, it nodded?!  Do dogs nod?!
The witch sits up, “I’m confused on what you are Kuma.  You give off magic, you understand what I’m saying, and your weight makes no sense for a small dog.  Where did you come from?  Did you get lost or run away from a master?  Are you here to get something out of me?  I don’t mind you tagging along, but it would be really nice to know what I’m dealing with.” Kuma rolls its eyes.  “Did you just…”
“You’re nicer than my last witch master, but sometimes you talk too much.”
Midoriya’s jaw drops and he stumbles to his feet.  “Y-You can talk!”
Before the witch can do anything more, Kuma shapeshifts into a wolf, a bear, a leopard, then finally into a human, albeit a naked one, while he just gawks the whole time.  As Midoriya covers his eyes, Kuma gives a bellowing laugh, “Such a pansy of a witch!  But a brave one.  For saving my life I will tell you what you ask.  My name is Bakugou Katsuki and I am a shapeshifter.”
“H-Here,” A blushing Midoriya shrugs off his coat and holds it up.  “Please cover up.”
Again, Katsuki laughs but obliges.  “I’m just gonna shapeshift again, it’s easier to travel as an animal.”  
“That’s fine.  I-I just, i-it’s…”
“I get it.  You can open your eyes now.”
When Midoriya peaks out, Katsuki had settled in a cross-legged position.  He breathes out a sigh of relief and opens his eyes.  The shapeshifter was very handsome in his human form, but this wasn’t the time to be gushing about such things.  Wait a minute!  “If you’re a shapeshifter, why didn’t you just change into, I don’t know, a fish or something to save yourself?!”  
“Because you jumped in after me!”  Katsuki crosses his arms, “I hadn’t planned on revealing myself yet, so yeah, if you hadn’t come after me, I would have done just that.”
“Oh.”  That made some sense.  “Hey, um, we should find our way back to the bridge before someone steals my things.” He stands up, ready to trek back along the river, when Katsuki places a hand on his shoulder.  
“Look, I just wanted to say thanks for what you did.  When I saw you, I had a feeling you wouldn’t be like a lot of the witches I’ve met and I was right, you still have a heart.”
“Um, thanks…. I think.”
“What I’m trying to say is, I’d like to be your Familiar if you’ll have me.”  
The young witch has never had a Familiar of his own before.  A wide, beaming smile blooms on his face.  He hugs the man, “I’d really like that!”
“Yeah, yeah.”  Katsuki rolls his eyes, and after a second pushes Midoriya off, “I ain’t really the touchy-feely type.”
Midoriya swore the shapeshifter was blushing too but doesn’t say anything.  “S-Sure, I understand.  So, shall we get moving?  If we hurry, we can get my stuff and make camp before dark.”
Katsuki nods and shape shifts into small dragon.  “Get on, this’ll be faster.”
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ravennest1342-blog · 6 years
BTS Witch/Shifter Au
Go read this post HERE before this or you will be extremely confused.
The Shifters
Park Jimin
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Personality— as the only living heir to the Tilken throne, he has a lot of responsibilities. His main one being that he has to end the war between his country and the witch country Frinya. He comes off as kind of quiet and a bit stuck up, when you meet him but he really only has his people’s best interest at heart. He is adored by his people, and is extremely kind to all of them and fair. (Unlike his father — the king)
Animal form— he takes the form of the royal animal, a snow leopard. He is the first prince in centuries to do so, his family all being different variations of mountain lions and the people whisper that he’s the reincarnation of the first King. His cat form like all shifters is really large bout the size of a pony.
Mate— the prince is already soul bound to a shifter from the Snow Desert where the Lok Tribe dwells by the name of Hoseok, now he will also be married to Yoongi.
Jung Hoseok
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Personality — he is the son of the lead guardsmen in the Lok Tribe (a tribe located in the barren wasteland in the Northmost territory of Tilken). The tribe trains cat shifters how to use their animal form to the best of their abilities and how to control their more violent urges. He met Jimin when the prince was ten and came to train in the snow desert like all the royals do. Two years later, when Jimin shifted and claimed Hoseok as his future mate, he was taken to the elves for a magic ritual and now possesses the ability to bare children but he’s only able to get pregnant in the span of one week surrounding the summer solstice. He’s very smart, athletic and strong. Super playful, he lightens up a room instantly and when Jimin left the tribe to return to the courts he didn’t hesitate to follow.
Animal Form— he takes the form of a cheetah, it’s about the same size as a small pony, he is known for his lethal speed and sharp reflexes.
Mate — he is mated to Jimin but can sense that their mating bond is not complete. He figures it out once they meet Yoongi.
Jimin is the one who’s POV you’ll be seeing from here! They are quite the duo in my book. I love Jihope. I also love Yoonminseok. ☺️
I’ll post Tae and Jungkook’s tomorrow as there’s is gonna be a bit more complicated due to their species. *sigh*
The Masterlist that this au will be on is HERE.
My other Masterlist is HERE.
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The Orangutang
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These majestic red-haired apes of Borneo and Sumatra in Southeast Asia are being killed at the rate of 25 per day.  Once where the forests they lived in is now becoming nothing more than a muddy wasteland due to the palm oil industry.  These apes grow between 1.2 to 1.5m tall and weigh as much as 100kg and can live between 30-40 years in the wild.  Their arm span can be as wide as 2m in some male apes.
Humans share 97% of the same DNA as Orangutans, in fact, they are one of our closest relatives.  The name “Orang hutan” means “human of the forest.”
Orangutans spend most of their time up in the trees where their strong arms and hook-shaped hands climb and swing through the trees.  Some of their natural predators include Leopards and other big cats. These apes eat in the day on fruit, leaves, nuts, bark and insects.  It has been known they eat bird eggs too.
Unlike other great apes, such as Chimps and Gorillas, Orangutans don't live in groups. A female will normally have one baby, sometimes two with her, while males tend to live on their own.
Loud howls and bellows can be heard for miles around as male Orangutans are very noisy.  These howls and bellows are to keep others out of an individuals territory.
It is sad that Orangutans today are on the endangered species list. The massive deforestation of their habitat is happening at an alarming rate for the palm oil industry.  We need to now save these wonderful great apes before we be seeing them in a few zoos, and books.
you can help by the adoption of an Orangutan at wwf.org.uk/adoption or simply don't buy products that use palm oil.  There are other organisations online that are helping to save the Orangutan. 
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kaajoo · 4 years
The World's Most Famous Valleys
10. Valley of the Ten Peaks (Canada)
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The Valley of the Ten Peaks is located in Banff National Park in the western province of Alberta. It is aptly named for the ten snow-capped mountains so magnificently reflected in the blue, mirrorlike surface of Moraine Lake. Measuring approximately 3,424 meters high, Deltaform Mountain is the tallest of the ten behemoths. What part of the valley floor is not filled with water is covered in dense forest that many critters call home. The Valley of the Ten Peaks is such an iconic representation of Canadian wilderness that it used to feature on the back of their twenty dollar bill.
9. Yosemite Valley (United States)
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Stretching approximately 7.5 miles, Yosemite Valley is located in the Sierra Nevada mountain range of Central California. Formed by glaciers over thirty million years ago, it is most famous for its sheer granite cliffs. Rock climbers come from all over to challenge these monolithic beasts, particularly El Capitan which rises nearly a thousand meters above the ground. Blanketed in shadow, these rock formations turn blue at night. Less dangerous hiking trails offer casual tourists gorgeous panoramic views of lush forests and green meadows. The valley is also home to countless waterfalls, including Yosemite Falls, the highest waterfall in North America.
8. Kalalau Valley (United States)
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Kalalau Valley is located on the Hawaiian island of Kaua‘i. Surrounded by cliffs measuring more than 610 meters high, this natural hideaway is often referred to as Kaua‘i's Cathedral and is only accessible by foot, kayak, or helicopter. The sun and frequent rain have transformed this valley into a thriving paradise where flora grows along the steep cliffs and fauna live within the forests and surrounding hills. At the end of the trail cutting through the greenery, mangoes, passion fruit, and cherries grow next to a waterfall. Because of its designation as a state park, nobody is permitted to live in Kalalau Valley.  
7. Valle de la Luna (Chile)
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Valle de la Luna—or Valley of the Moon—is a part of the Atacama Desert in the South American country of Chile. The bleak landscape is composed of various rock formations carved by strong wind and sand. Numerous dry lakes and caverns dot the region. It is considered to be one of the driest places in the world, with some parts last receiving rain hundreds of years ago. Because of this, there is little wildlife to be found there. As its name implies, it is famous for resembling a barren moonscape. In fact, a prototype of the Mars rover was tested in the valley due to its unique lunar-like terrain.
6. Lauterbrunnen Valley (Switzerland)
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Located deep in the Swiss Alps, Lauterbrunnen Valley is one of the biggest nature conservation areas in Switzerland. Known for its 72 waterfalls, its very name means “many fountains.” The most famous is Staubbach Falls, which at 300 meters, is one of the highest free-falling waterfalls in Europe. Tourists can walk through wildflower meadows and clusters of trees in full view of snow-capped mountains, breathing in the fresh valley air. It is also a popular skiing region in the winter. The surrounding area is so picturesque that Lord of the Rings author J.R.R. Tolkien modeled the Elven kingdom of Rivendell after Lauterbrunnen Valley.
5. Valley of Flowers (India)
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The Valley of Flowers is a high-altitude Himalayan valley located in the state of Uttarakhand. Rising over 3,000 meters above sea level and stretching across 87.50 square kilometers of land, it is known as one of the most beautiful and peaceful places in India. Revered by both mountain climbers and botanists alike, the valley is blanketed with alpine wildflowers. From mid-July to September, hikers can wander among the bursts of purples, pinks, and blues. The region is also alive with incredible wildlife, from Asiatic bears to the Himalayan blue sheep. In 2002, the Valley of Flowers was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  
4. Barun Valley (Nepal)
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Barun Valley is located in the Himalayas in the Asian country of Nepal. It is situated at the base of Mount Makalu, the fifth-highest mountain in the world, and contains some of the world’s last untouched ecosystems. Among the forests, waterfalls, and wild orchids roam rare animals such as musk deer and the endangered snow leopard. It is such a mystical-looking paradise that it is known in Buddhist folklore as a place where no one ages. According to ancient religious literature, Barun Valley will be one of seven places left in the world where life can thrive in the wake of a global cataclysmic event.  
3. Jiuzhaigou Valley (China)
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The Jiuzhaigou Valley is a nature reserve and national park in the Sichuan Province of China. Spanning 720 square kilometers, it is a breathtaking region known for its many lakes and springs. A local legend tells the story of how the Goddess Semo dropped a mirror made of wind and clouds that shattered to create the countless lakes that dot the valley. The most impressive is Five Flower Lake, an ethereal paradise where ancient tree trunks swim among the cyan water. The region is also home to many endangered animals, including the giant panda and the Sichuan takin. Tourists can accompany guides on daily hikes or set up camp for a few days.  
2. Danum Valley (Borneo)
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The Danum Valley is a conservation area in Borneo, the largest island in Asia. Relatively undisturbed by human interference, this 438-square kilometer tract of land is mainly tropical rainforest, which grants it a misty, almost eerie quality. It is home to some of the world’s most astonishing creatures, such as pygmy elephants, East Sumatran rhinos, gibbons, and mousedeer. The valley offers tourists the opportunity to trek through the jungle or swim in its many rivers. With over 300 species of birds, it is also a fabulous spot for bird watching. Efforts have been made to nominate the valley as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
1. Valley of Geysers (Russia)
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The Valley of Geysers is located in the Russian Far East, approximately 25 miles from the Pacific Ocean. The basin itself stretches 3.7 miles and is considered one of the most important geographic discoveries of the twentieth century. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it is famous for containing the second-largest concentration of geysers in the world. These ninety or so geysers can be as hot as 480 degrees Fahrenheit. They are surrounded by lush green vegetation, but tourists are only permitted to visit the main geysers along the pre-marked safe paths. The valley is only accessible by helicopter.
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when-stars-go-dim · 7 years
seriously, how clueless can one be?
It's Vanderwood's birthday and yet he is completely unaware of it, even until the very end
ran: clueless eggplant is clueless T-T
for my clueless rp-partner, @the-rain-shall-fall @altairs-writings (please do check her out, her works are too heavenly, i crai), who completely forgotten it's her birthday today
wuv shuuuuuu ヾ( `>3)ω<*)
you have my first ever written fic, hubby *cue the cerb going hysterical because ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
It was a lazy afternoon.
Saeran sat on the floor, slouching against his boyfriend’s back while said boyfriend was painstakingly trying to fold the unending pile of laundry. The redhead was casually reading a book, giving a few sarcastic comments every now and then whilst accompanying Vanderwood – it was Saeran’s interpretation of helping the brunet to do chores.
Deeming the book was boring, with all the cheesy pick up lines and unwanted romantic and dramatic gestures, Saeran placed the book aside and sighed. “Vandy, can I have your phone? I’m lazy to grab mine.” Vanderwood was speechless but yet he complied with the young twin’s request, gently bumping Saeran’s forehead with the phone. “Are you going to watch another session of cat videos on Phasebook, runt? Don’t you have work to do?”
Saeran cared not about the latter reminder and happily cheered when Vanderwood handed him the phone. “Work? What’s that? Is it edible?” He replied cheekily, repositioning himself to rest his head onto Vanderwood’s lap. “Oi runt! How am I supposed to fold the laundry with you lying on my lap?” The brunet flicked the kid’s forehead, then sighed, knowing Saeran won’t budge until he’s bored again. Anyway, Vanderwood was almost done with folding the laundry. All he had to do was just to put them away. But that can wait, indulging a little with Saeran now was a pleasant idea as well. Vanderwood ruffled the mob of vibrant red hair, his fingers gently pushing away some of the stray strands on his forehead, looking at the young twin chuckling as his focus was on the cat videos.
“Found anything interesting?” Vanderwood asked, still ruffling his lover’s hair.
“Yeah, someone decided that it was fun to poke a cat’s paw, the cat retaliated and malfunctioned.” Saeran chuckled.
As the kid continued to scroll down the video playlist, a notification appeared. It was a message from Vmin, - Vanderwood’s colleague when they were still working for the agency - with the title ‘Happy Birthday, Mr. Leopard Prints’. Saeran blinked, astonished, his eyes darting from the message then back at his clueless boyfriend. 
‘It’s Vandy’s birthday? Why didn’t Vandy say anything? Has he forgotten about the fact that it’s his birthday today?’ Saeran furrowed his brows, but noticing how clueless Mr. Leopard Prints was. Nuff said, dense Mr. Leopard Prints had no idea at all. “Say Vandy? Are you done with the laundry?” Saeran place the phone down, his gaze meeting the brunet’s.
“Hm? Yeah, I’m done for now. I guess? Wait, are you done with watching the cat videos already? That was fast.” Vanderwood exclaimed, not a bit astonished at how short Saeran’s attention span was. Though he must say, he treasured moments like these when the Saeran is just beside him, keeping him company. There are also times he wished that it could last just a little longer.
Saeran sat up and offered his hand to help the agent up. “Shall we go for a date then? Is there any place where you would like to go?” Vanderwood was surprised. It was usually the runt who decides where to go, and he’ll tag along. But today it was different, and it did make him wonder why.
“Come on now, where would you like to go? Think~” Saeran pestered once more, dragging the brunet across the living room and towards the door.
“Hmm…” Vanderwood pondered for a moment, still unsure why the sudden enthusiasm the young twin was portraying. “Let’s go to the grocery store then, your brother did request for more of those vile drinks and that cheap flavoured potato chips. Besides, I will need to restock the fridge again.”
Saeran was speechless. He was so done with Vanderwood’s choice of ‘dating spots’. Then again, the both of them had never done a decent date since they were a thing to begin with. The redhead gave it a thought, quirking his lips. It indeed would be the perfect place to go and get some necessary stuff, like a cake to celebrate Vanderwood’s birthday.
“Fine, let’s go there then.” Saeran hastily threw a scarf around the brunet’s neck and storm out of the house. “Hold up, runt. Why are you in such a hurry?” Vanderwood laughed, not making the young one’s work any easy.
Said young one was taking big steps while dragging the old one who thought there was no need to rush, taking his own sweet time, waltzing down to the grocery store. Seeing how desperate the Saeran was, Vanderwood sighed and tugged against Saeran’s hand, causing the redhead to stumble a few steps back, Vanderwood’s arms opened and ready to catch him.
“Woah there, runt. Seriously you’re really hyped. Here, walk alongside with me.” Vanderwood offered his hand to the pouting prince, whose face was glowing red from all the huff and puff earlier. “Your cheeks are very red too.” The brunet chuckled, causing Saeran to screech in embarrassment, hiding his face behind the back of his hand. “Come along now, runt.” Vanderwood held onto Saeran’s hand tightly, humming a tune he had learnt from his dear red tomato. The both of them were now walking alongside each other, just the way Vanderwood had wanted from the start.
As they reached the store, Saeran just wanted to go to the dessert aisle, but Vanderwood had no intention of letting go the young twin’s hand yet, knowing that he’ll definitely run off to where the ice-creams were.
“I can walk on my own you know.” Saeran protested.
“Yeah, I know.” The brunet merely chuckled. “Hey, runt. Apples or Oranges?”
“Huh? ...Pears please.” Said runt replied silently under his tone.
Vanderwood chuckled at his reply. “So you like pears? Why not apples and oranges?”
“Because they’re sour. Just the sound of them will make me go ughh~~” Saeran instantly made the expression like how one will have when they ate something sour, poor Vanderwood tried his best to restrain his laughter, he did not want to risk his dear tomato pouting, though the urge to just tease had always been strong.
Just two more aisles and they would reach the dessert aisle where the cakes were.
“What about greens?” The agent’s eyes were scanning the aisle for possible greens both the picky tomatoes would eat.
“More like, what about reds” Saeran commented with a smirk, earning a kiss on his forehead from his lover. “Wh-what are you doing?? We’re in public, you dumbhead.” Ears bright red, Saeran tried to elbow Vanderwood but the brunet managed to dodge it, unfortunately.
“You were the one who started it first though.” Vanderwood laughed, once again standing beside the blushing tomato who was tugging against the ends of his sleeves.
Finally, they were at the dessert aisle!
And Vanderwood allowed Saeran to roam free down the aisle, but strange, Saeran wasn’t looking at the ice-creams but at the cakes?
Vanderwood did not give Saeran’s unusual actions much thought. He’ll still spoil the runt with whatever he chose from this aisle as a reward for accompanying him the whole time since they’ve reached the store.
“Have you made up your mind, runt?” Vanderwood finally walked up behind him, just because the redhead had not budged from the display counter for at least 20 minutes.
“Hm? Mhmm.. I’m conflicted with these many choices. Why not you choose one that you like?” Saeran beamed happily. Yes, that is a very good idea. “Please?”
The ‘please’ added extra effect, though Vanderwood wasn’t fond of very sweet desserts but if it’ll help the young twin make a decision, he didn’t mind adding his own input.
“How about this one then, Dark Chocolate Coffee Cake?” Vanderwood pointed at the one that appealed to him most, unsure how Saeran would react to his choice.
“Yes!! Let’s!! I had that flavour in mind too. Then again all the other cakes were so appealing.” Seeing the tomato happy with his choice, Vanderwood smiled as well.
Once they’ve checked out their items, it was already dark out. “Yikes, we’ve been inside there for that long? Hyung must be very hungry by now.” Saeran shivered as the chilly autumn wind blew, his breaths were white against the dark lit streets. “Weird? Seven usually would have called us to find out where are we.” Vanderwood quirked his lips, curious himself as to why the hacker had not bugged their little date.
Just then, they’ve both come to a realisation that…
Both Vanderwood and Saeran laughed. There was their answer. "I'm sorry, I swear it wasn't on purpose." Saeran sounded apologetic, ultimately it was still his fault that they had carelessly left their phones behind. Vanderwood leaned closer, balancing the paperbag of groceries in one hand so that he could he could hold onto Saeran's hand, then sliding them into his pocket. "We did came out in a rush, didn't we? Gosh, your hands are cold, should have brought our gloves with us too." The brunet smiled while his thumb constantly caressed the back of Saeran's chilled hand, in attempt to warm it up.
"Why were you so eager anyway?" Still unaware of Saeran's intentions, and out of curiousity, Vanderwood asked. "You were behaving oddly ever since you've took my phone to watch the cat videos. Did somehow one of them inspired you to do something, and if I may add, out of the ordinary a normal Saeran would act?"
Saeran was speechless. To be honest, he had hoped that the cake would at least provide the oblivious agent some sort of hint as to what day today was. “Do you seriously have no idea why?” Saeran asked worriedly, only to have Vanderwood shaking his head.
“Come closer then, and I’ll tell you.” The redhead smirked. Vanderwood wordlessly leaned closer, wondering what his dear lover was plotting and had to whisper ever so silently. It was kinda cute, so the agent complied nonetheless. Once Vanderwood was close enough, Saeran pecked a kiss on Vanderwood’s cheek.
“Happy birthday, Vandy!”
cue: sev’s whining noises because vanderan is nowhere to be found and they left the phones behind, and he’s hungry.
cue: more sev whining cuz he’s not allowed to step into the kitchen, tis an order from vandy.
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