#>like hes literally drowned by the blood of innocents while a single butterfly is like an omen constrated by him
angstyaches · 3 years
hi hi hi so i was reading your fic where felix and elliot are feeding on an animal again and there’s some Hot Vampire Kissing Tm and i was wondering... since it was kinda teensy a little bit (very) hot .... could we have some more vampy- fangy bloody kissing with them please? i know it isn’t emeto or whump related but i figured i could always ask and you can obviously say no if you don’t wanna write it. Thanks!🍄
I honestly can’t tell if this is hot or not but I hope it’s at least nice.
CW: vampire resisting blood, hunger, burps, kissing and more implied spiciness.
Early-Days Felix and Elliott 
Felix didn’t bother sitting down to meals lately. Meaning he didn’t sit down, and he didn’t have meals. Instead, he stood at the kitchen counter and consumed whatever quick snack he managed to rustle up, wanting to dull his sudden cravings before they could set in too deeply.
This is what he was doing at 6am, as the sun cut the white kitchen tiles into slices. He was having toast, because toast felt like a good morning food, and raspberry jam because the visual of something red and sticky entering his mouth was just appealing, it hit upon something in his brain that was begging to be hit upon, but as he chewed it, the illusion gave way, and the jam just tasted like jam.
“There you are.”
Felix looked across the countertop as he chewed, feeling a flicker of affection at the sight of Elliott wandering into the kitchen. His hair was loose and dishevelled, not in its usual ponytail or half-bun. He’d come downstairs in just his boxers and a pinstriped shirt that he hadn’t bothered to button up, clearly not expecting Nancy or Ryan to be up and about yet. And Felix just couldn’t help but gaze at how each inch of fabric sat on Elliott’s body, rustling against his skin with every movement he made.
“Are you alright?” Elliott asked, opening the fridge and carefully selecting a glass bottle from the shelf in the door. Felix swallowed and looked away, unable to bear the sight of the bottle or its contents.
“Yes, I’m okay.”
Elliott glanced over at him, eyeing the toast in his hand, before pouring himself a mugful of the bottle’s contents. It sloshed from glass container to ceramic, and Felix heard every.
He swallowed again, though there was nothing in his mouth but saliva.
“You got hungry again?” Elliott asked, returning the bottle to the fridge door. His surprise was likely due to the fact that they’d both had a large dinner the night before, consisting of fish and chips and lemon cheesecake.
Felix turned his slice of toast over in his hand, feeling grateful for how it had sat nicely in his stomach so far, but also hating it for not being what he really needed. Hating it for its inability to stop the feeling of his teeth being wrenched from deep in his gums.
“Yeah,” he admitted. A half-lie. Dinner hadn’t truly sated him, so technically he was still hungry.
He could see that Elliott was biting the inside of his own lip, and he had a feeling he knew what was going to come next. Elliott’s fingers delicately laid the mug on the countertop, grip lingering on the rim as though poised to move it closer to Felix.
“Felix, I think you should consider –”
“No,” Felix whimpered, backing up.
Elliott’s eyes narrowed. “I wish you would consider drinking a little.”
Felix lifted his food to take a bite, mainly to obscure the shy grin that spread across his face at hearing the concern in Elliott’s voice. It had been two months since Felix had first entered the townhouse and become an official member of the Aldridge clan, and it had been six weeks and two days since he and Elliott had started sharing a bed and kissing and doing the things that often followed kissing. Six weeks in which Felix felt he should have gotten over these silly little moments of incoherent infatuation, and yet he felt as giddy and nervous around Elliott as ever.
Especially when the older man expressed worry over him.
“Please?” Elliott’s voice was low.
Felix placed the remainder of his toast on the plate and licked his lips. “I… I can’t. The idea of it is still rather… repulsive.” Heat shot out to the tips of his ears. “No, no offence…”
“No, I understand what you’re saying.” Elliott pursed his lips, eyes trained on the mug. “The psychological adjustments can be as challenging as the physical ones, if not more challenging.”
As much as Felix appreciated Elliott’s sympathy, it didn’t do much to ease his discomfort. Just because someone else had once felt similarly to how he was feeling now, it didn’t reassure him that he would one day move past it and live like a normal person. A normal vampire, he thought to himself, wondering if he was even allowed to call himself a person anymore.
“You know that it comes from a willing donor, right?” Elliott was referring to the mug’s contents, which Felix was trying hard not to gaze upon. “You’ll probably meet her soon, and hopefully that will ease some of your anxiety.”
Felix gave a heavy shrug. He hoped the same thing, but he also feared that putting a face to the blank, human-shaped blood dispenser in his mind would make the task of consuming all the more difficult. After all, he’d never had any desire to put a name and a face to the cow just before biting into a burger…
“I’m feeling a slight sting myself, and there’s no point in wasting good blood,” Elliott said, his voice becoming deeper and more distant as it did when he was about to feed. “Would it bother you if I drank this?”
Felix shook his head briskly, snatching up the last of his toast. There were three bites’ worth left, but he shoved it all into his mouth at once. The sound of Elliott’s lips sipping on the blood rang loudly through his skull, entering his ears like the incessant humming of a broken street lamp. His own chewing did little to drown it out.
The sipping turned into gulping, and Felix’s eyes widened at the way Elliott tilted his head back under the mug. His free hand gripped the edge of the countertop, as though he might fall over from the force of drinking. Felix’s ears continued to zone in on the sounds of drinking, consuming, guzzling, and he was sure he could hear the liquid being pulled into Elliott’s throat along with tiny pockets of air, the muscles inside his digestive system greedy and eager to get it down as quickly as possible.
Felix had never known it was possible to literally go slack-jawed while watching something, but right then, he couldn’t have closed his mouth if someone had offered to pay him.
“Mm,” Elliott mumbled, gasping softly as he put the mug down, empty, on the countertop again. Hs mouth was smeared in red, a single droplet drawing a line down his stubbled chin.
There was a low rumble in the older vampire’s chest, which Felix only heard because the thirst had heightened his senses, and then a long gurgle as his stomach struggled to settle such a large amount of blood; drinking from a container wasn’t the same as feeding from an animal, so Elliott should probably have drunk it more slowly.
Felix felt his own stomach rumble as though in response to Elliott's, but for the opposite reason; it was making far-too-quick work of the toast and lamenting the lack of what his body truly needed. He still couldn’t manage to close his mouth, despite the saliva gathering around his teeth and wetting his lips.
Elliott frowned and placed a hand on his belly – bare between the unclosed buttons of his shirt – and let out a short, tight belch. “Excuse me.”
“No? You won’t excuse me?”
Felix shook his head. He couldn’t stop looking at the red stains on Elliott’s lips and the drip on his chin, which he hadn’t thought to lick or brush away yet. The sudden fullness must have been dulling his instincts; Felix could almost see the bliss in his yellow eyes as warmth flashed through them.
His fingers and lips trembled as he reached for Elliott’s face.
Elliott wore a blank expression as Felix’s thumb dragged up through his beard and over the dip in the corner of his mouth. The thumb came away red and glistening, and Elliott grinned, revealing fangs that were slightly distended from feeding.
“What?” Felix mumbled innocently, as his own thumb entered his mouth.
His lips and tongue began pulling at the liquid, relishing the metallic sweetness. His stomach tightened in anticipation while his head seemed to fill up with butterflies. As he slid his thumb from his mouth, he felt his own fangs reaching down, relieving a little of the pressure in his gums.
“I can’t put my finger on it, Felix,” Elliott whispered, leaning in a little closer, so that Felix could smell even more of the luscious liquid on his breath, “but somehow, you’ve never looked so gorgeous.”
In the end, Felix didn’t know who kissed who first, but what he did know was that Elliott tasted better than any ice cream or strawberry or tuna roll he’d ever eaten. A couple of times, he was worried that he’d sliced his own tongue on a fang – Elliott’s? His own? It was impossible to tell – but even that didn’t slow him down in his search for every last dreg that Elliott hadn’t managed to swallow.
Meanwhile, Elliott’s grip on Felix’s waist tightened, their hips eventually digging into one another’s, Elliott’s back being pressed up against the edge of the countertop. Eventually, their lips parted, thanks to Elliott pulling his head back.
Felix’s eyes fluttered open, lips still bobbing as though they didn’t understand that the kiss had ended. Elliott was pressing a hand to his mouth, frowning as he let out another belch.
“I’m so sorry,” he grumbled, as though annoyed by his own body. “I just drank and you’re pressing quite hard on my stomach...”
Felix tried to shimmy back a little, though he was swiftly drawn back in by Elliott’s arms. Elliott’s eyes scanned Felix’s face, another grin tugging at his mouth.
“What?” Felix asked breathlessly.
“You’ve got, uh… Sorry, that’s my fault.” Elliott lifted a thumb to the corner of Felix’s mouth, dragging it across his lip.
“Am I messy?” Felix’s voice was a little distorted from having his lip tugged at. He batted his eyelashes at the delicious look in Elliott’s eyes.
“You’re positively radiant.” Hands slid around Felix’s neck, cupping his head and drawing him in for one last chaste kiss. “Why don’t I get you a little something to drink, and then we can head back to bed for a bit?”
Felix caught a fingernail between his teeth as Elliott and his lips moved away from him, towards the fridge again. He could feel a full-on blush starting, surprised that his body found enough red blood cells to pull off such a feat.
“Okay, darling.” 
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demonsofhunting · 5 years
"A Sweet Embarassment" ( Dean Winchester x male!reader )
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Request from @winchesterzforever​ :
"I just need a really intimate Drabble with dean winchester, male reader aswell, I miss seeing male readers for Dean I haven’t seen one on a while, is if you’re taking requests that would be nice 😊😊"
Warnings: very light angst, fluffy fluff, implied smut
Words: About 900
A/N: Hey! Thanks again for sending in a request, I feel very honored. <3 Well, about this one...since I'm not writing smut ( I would mess up, trust me XD ) this is all I could do for you. I hope that's okay as well. <3 Creating this was pretty fun, and I kinda got carried away while writing, so it turned out as a little longer than I expected. XD
( If anyone wants to send in drabble requests ( character x reader or destiel ), feel free to do so! <3 )
Anyway, hope you'll like it! Enjoy! <3
"Y/N! Get down!" Dean's voice pushes you back into reality, saving you from drowning in your own thoughts and getting stabbed, additionally. You throw yourself onto the ground, quickly. And you are just right in time, gladly. The spear, that Sam just threw at the monster, is flying above your head, sinking into the thick, smelling flesh of the creature. Oh, fuck. I didn't even know that it was behind me. Jeez, I'm a terrible hunter. Blood spills all over your body, sticky and disgusting. You swallow, carefully, making a face. How embarrassing. "Ew. That's gross," you moan, trying to get up again. Dean chuckles, helping you to your feet. "Awww, look at him, Sammy. Isn't he cute when he's grumpy?" he scoffs, playfully. "Sure, Dean," Sam mutters, "That was the last one of these creatures. I think, we're done here. Can we go now, please? Or..." "No, it's fine. Let's go," you cough, shooting Dean an angry look, while trying to hide your blushing. The elder Winchester just blinks with his long lashes, making an innocent pout. You shiver internally, wishing that the other hunter knew how you feel about him. Sure, he's always pretty flirty with you, but this doesn't mean anything. This guy flirts with literally anybody on a daily basis... On the one hand, you want him to stop, too afraid that he will notice your feelings for him, but...in the other hand, there's nothing hotter than him talking to you like that. Wow. This hopeless love already fucked me up, didn't it?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back at the bunker, you go to your room without hesitation. Your face still feels like it's burning because of your embarrassment. Every single hunt, I'm the one who needs to be saved! I'm always the clumsy one who can't stay on their feet. In your anger you forget to close the door, that leads to the hallway, as you're starting to get rid of your filthy clothes. You're muttering curses to yourself, throwing your bloody flannel onto your bed, just to realise that you screwed up your sheets with this move. Fuck. "Oh...no," you moan, trying to make the mess disappear, quickly. "You need any help, honey?" a deep voice asks from the door frame, filled with amusement. You almost jump out of your skin, your heart skipping a beat. Dean! Oh - You turn around, stuttering something about the lines of: "N - no, I'm fine. I just..." You can't help but be aware of his gaze that lands on your bare chest. You shift, uncomfortably, crossing your arms with an unsteady gesture. You try to look as calm as possible, trying to read the other's facial expression. Dean just looks up and down on your body, raising an eyebrow, slowly. "What the hell are you're doing, Y/N?" he asks with a smirk, stepping closer. You try to avoid his gaze, looking down. "I - ", you begin, but get distracted by the feeling of his fingers touching your shoulder, gently. "Why so nervous?" Dean whispers near you ear, making you close your eyes while breathing in, deeply. "Dean..." "Hm...?" "Can you please stop doing that? I...I need to take a shower. I'm covered in blood, if you didn't notice yet," you mutter, weakly. Dean hesitates, searching your gaze. "And?" he asks, chuckling. "And...and when you're standing so close to me, you're getting all filthy..." you whispers with wide eyes, biting your bottom lip. Dean just smiles at you. It's a wide smile, his eyes filled with...what is that? Love?! No way! "Are you fucking kidding me?" he says, softly, "I'm trying to flirt with you since the moment we met, and you still don't get it?" You froze, feeling thousands of butterflies fluttering in his chest. "Oh," is all you manage to say. Then the other hunter's lips are meeting your, making you drown in the moment, completely. You always imagined how Dean might taste, but this...this is so much better than you ever imagined. Dean's hands are running through your hair, over your chest, making you feel dizzy. It feels like you're on fire. "Y/N," he hums, just to kiss you again. Obviously, he doesn't mind all the blood and dirt getting on his clothes...he just enjoys this moment with his whole heart. After a while, you pull away, breathing, heavily. He grabs your hand. "Wow," you whisper, smiling, widely, "And I always thought that you're just trying to fool me with your flirty comments." Dean frowns: "Seriously?" You chuckle, stroking his cheek with a gentle gesture: "I'm so sorry, honey. But now, I really need that shower. If you don't mind me disappearing for a couple of minutes, of course." Dean just cocks his head, thoughtfully. Then he holds your gaze, firmly. "Actually, I do mind," he says, making no attempt to let go of your hand. That causes you to form a thought in your head, that makes you blush. You blink at him, slowly, searching for his gaze. "Well...you are welcome to join me, if you want," you say, immediately regretting your words, biting your tongue Oh no, that's it. I messed up, I - Dean just cocks his head, licking his lips. He looks down on himself, his gaze lands on his filthy clothes. The he smiles. "Actually, that's a great idea. I really think that I could use a shower," he mutters, deeply. Your heart almost stops. "S - sure?" you whisper, shivering. "Absolutely," he answers, kissing you, gently.
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 Aaaand that's it! Thank you so much for reading, and if you would like to leave a comment or reblog this shit, I will love you forever! <3
( And again, guys, if this isn't your kind of thing, just ignore it. Love u! *hugs* )
Destiel/Forever Tags: @adoptdontshoppets @rebeloftheseas @trenchcoatsandfreckles @ablavalba @smodernlife @ignis-glaciesque @certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel @xsghn @helpmeluci @legendary-destiel @leahslovelylibrary
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