#????????? ????????????? first of all i love gandalf second of all bilbo is a nervous wreck much like myself third of all thorin's rude
rucow · 2 years
anyone that ever said the book isn't as gay as the movies owes me an apology for the absolute whiplash i got upon reading the very first chapter of the hobbit, im.
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aroseandquill · 8 years
Adventures in Middle-earth pt. 7
Contents Page
Sorry I’ve been away for a while, I promise to have the rest of this up soon, I’ve had writers block the past few days. Enjoyyyy!
Word count: 2,002 Warnings: Action, feels, hurt. Synopsis: After stumbling into Middle-earth, you became part of Thorin’s company to reclaim Erebor, your feelings for the dwarf king grew and his in return.
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Thorin held onto your hand with all of his might, through every bump that the river took you, even being chased down by orcs, he still held your hand. It was nice even though his grip felt like he was tearing your skin. Although him gripping your hand was painful you also loved it. Hunted down by yet more orcs was just growing tiresome. You hated the look, the smell, everything about orcs. And yet they were always finding ways to hunt you down, it's like they had some unnatural super sense of smell or something in which they knew where the company would be and when. Luckily the elven rangers were cutting them off whilst trying to hunt you down too, which was convenient considering you could hardly defend yourselves being inside a barrel and travelling at whatever miles per hour down this extremely dangerous river. You had no weapons and therefore couldn't defend yourselves, which was why you were grateful of the elves hunting down the orcs. Climbing onto the riverside made you feel a little queasy, you body had just adjusted to the movement of the barrel and you felt as if you were still moving in it even when stood upright. When you climbed up to your feet, Thorin grabbed each shoulder of yours, "Are you hurt?" he looked desperate as he stared into your eyes, "Quickly!" "No- no, I am well." you stuttered, how did he still manage to make you a nervous wreck even in such times?
Sneaking into Laketown was a pain in the backside. You were a slightly clumsy person, therefore sneaking wasn't on your resume. You had to climb up through Bard's toilet. You felt relatively relieved to come across people of your own kind, it felt odd though to see people of a normal size other than Gandalf. Although, Gandalf was quite tall as were elves. But it felt quite nice to be among people of your own race. Bard's home was damp, it was small and compact and definitely not the type of place in which you'd like to hide a company of dwarves, a hobbit and a human. You didn't like the smell of Laketown, it was incredibly fishy and the smell of damp wood that was most probably rotting away filled the scent as well along with the cold sharp air, it didn't complement the other well.
After Thorin had held your hand so desperately, he could barely keep his eyes off of you, even when you caught him looking, he didn't stop. He just smiled politely, his eyes looked so calm as if everything would be okay. But something wasn't right in his eyes, you couldn't pin point it but it was like his eyes looked differently at everything ever since he had seen the mountain up so close. You were practically on Erebor's doorstep and you felt as if the Thorin you knew was beginning to disappear. You hated every second of it. You wanted to know why you felt this way, maybe it was just a gut feeling but usually they're right, aren't they?
When the Master of Laketown had accepted the company with open arms, you felt  little more comfortable taking rest here, you weren't in a cramped room anymore, you could actually move around with freedom. They filled your bellies with hot food and prepared you for reclaiming Erebor. Boarding the boat to go to Erebor, you saw Thorin push Kili away, Kili looked exceptionally upset but you didn't know why. Fili stood and protested to Thorin about staying, you were confused and you didn't think much of it until Thorin came to put his hand on your shoulder. No. Thorin was not about to leave you behind. "You cannot come." he spoke sternly, it sent shivers down your spine and the hairs on the back of your neck began to stand. You felt a deep sickness lay in the pit of your stomach, you didn't want the company to get to the mountain without you. "No, Thorin, I'm coming with you!" "No, you are not." his voice was abrupt but you didn't want to give into him, "Thorin, you can't do this!" you felt a hiccup in your voice as if you were about to sob uncontrollably, "You can't just leave me here!" "I can, I will, I am. It is too dangerous." he placed his hand on your cheek and looked into your eyes almost as if to apologise. You rushed into his body and wrapped your arms tightly around his torso allowing a sob to silently fall from your lips. He gently embraced you and you inhaled his scent before he got into the boat and sailed off for the mountain, you had never had to hold in a wave of tears before this moment but you felt like if you even opened your mouth a complete flood of emotion like gushing water.
"Bilbo, I have made a mistake." Thorin spoke full of sadness, "What? What do you mean, Thorin?" said Bilbo, "If she were here, I would be able to protect her with my life, first hand. What if something happens to her at Laketown and I am not there to be at her defence?" the sadness still in his tone, "Thorin, she can handle herself. She learned from the best." Bilbo consoled with a genuine smile forming on his face, "You taught her everything she knows, she will be okay." there was a long silence as Thorin's eyes were dragged to the region of Laketown, "You love her, don't you?" Thorin still didn't take his eyes off of Laketown even as the boat sail further and further away. He did not reply to Bilbo but the silence between them made the answer clear as day.
It had been hours since the company had left for the mountain, you felt sick sitting on the brink of danger. What scared you most was not knowing how Thorin was, it was not being able to keep your eyes on him and making sure for definite that he would be alive and well despite he was a dwarf king and could manage himself, you still felt as if Thorin made a mistake leaving you here. There was a deep rumble and you felt everything around you begin to shake. You felt that deadly sickness grow in the pit of your stomach again, you felt like you had just eaten something dodgy and you were about to throw up, but your eyes were glued to the mountain. You could not take your eyes off of the mountain, no matter how hard you tried, Kili was screaming in pain as Tauriel chanted in ancient elvish in order to heal him, and yet you still stared at the mountain as if waiting for a sign. That's when you heard one of Bard's daughters scream and slam the door. Orcs. Not now. You didn't even have your bow or daggers. How were you expected to fight with no weaponry, damn elves, taking your weapons. You looked out the window to see a large company of orcs attacking from the roof of the houses, you were trying to deduce a plan in which to fight off the orcs but with no weaponry, the odds were not in your favour. You had no martial arts skills and frankly, fists against orc weapons was just a large factor that couldn't be missed out on. In the corner of the room sat the home made weapons Bard had offered you all before, you eyed them carefully before grabbing one with a spike at the head, this would made for a pretty standard dagger if you could wield it in a clever manner. The thoughts were racing through your mind of how you would use this piece of weaponry before the door was broken down by an exceptionally large orc, followed by a blond elf. He swung into the room with little effort, sliced across the neck of the orc and looked at the people in the room. He was one of the elves that took you back to Mirkwood, you weren't pleased to see him again and yet you still were relieved that the elf was here. Bard's daughters hid under the table as one orc after the other found their way into the building. Tauriel and the blond elf stuck their knives into many orc skulls, you used your spear-like dagger a few times to catch an orc on the tendon of their foot to make them fall, this was easy, the killing was left to the elves though.
You had no idea how long the elves had been fighting off the orcs until you looked around to see no more, you were dazed, had you just dreamed all of this? You clung onto the make-shift dagger in your hand, ripped it from the long stick it was attached to, you prefered to be up close and personal with your killings. It was also easier to hold that way.
You heard the rumble coming from the mountain again, silence fell over Laketown as everybody looked up to the mountain, you heard a woman whimper something about a prophecy but you didn't take it in. You saw something, something like a cloud of smoke rising from the mountain, you were confused but then you heard a giant blood curdling roar and you knew. Smaug had awakened.
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The dark shadow of the beast was approaching and you felt your cheeks boil up at the inevitability of your own death. You didn't even want to think of what could have happened to the company, if Smaug was alive and coming to Laketown, he must be.. you couldn't bear the thought. You had to be strong, you had to escape Laketown, Fili, Kili, Oin and Bofur were still with you, as were Bard's children. It may have been a stab in the dark but you felt as if there may be hope still at the end of all things. The fire was searing, you felt as if your skin was being melted from your bones. You had been to hot countries before from when you were at home but that was nothing compared to the agonising ache that stung your bare skin. Every time Smaug flew just feet above your head you saw your life flash before your eyes and yet you still only thought of one person, Thorin. Every time Smaug spoke, you thought of how you wouldn't accept his death, how he just can't be dead. You had all climbed into a fishing boat just outside Bard's home with his children, Kili, Fili, Bofur, Oin and Tauriel. You felt as if you were trying to escape death, you had been through many near-death experiences whilst being in Middle-earth, but this one was going to stick with you. You had no idea how you would even escape the wrath of the mighty Smaug.
Somehow you did manage to escape with your skin still attached, you were now cold but it was refreshing after almost being cooked alive, your skin was still sore from the kiss of the fire. Smaug was dead, thanks to Bard. You had narrowly escaped death another time and you still couldn't believe how you managed to do so. Now to turn to the mountain, Fili, Kili, Bofur and Oin were readying themselves to set sail to the mountain almost immediately, they barely had time to catch their breath. The mountain was now empty, meaning you could go in and look for Thorin and the rest of the company. As much as you wanted to go and look, your body felt heavy and it was like you didn't want to find out if they were alive or not. You felt reluctant but you couldn't stay there a minute longer without knowing. And so you sailed to the mountain with a heavy heart and hope, because that was all you had now.
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