#@geo; everywhere
arty-cakes · 11 months
am i just blorbo brainpilled to hell or does zote technically haunt the narrative if you leave him to die because of the glaring 'neglect' achievement you earn and how the pale beings did the same things to ghost and the vessels and therefore ghost can never be the same once it consciously decides to do that
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snoopy-nerdio · 4 months
I have absolutely no goshdarn idea to why I woke up and went "hey, yeah! I SHOULD make everything circles!"
Would say I regretted it if it didn't LOOK SO GOOD
Also most of my time has been spent watching all 210 episodes of ninjago (I'm on s1 ep 17 dragons rising now if anyone is wondering)
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I just wanna say you don't have to like the ship but pls don't attack me for loving the gay and his silly little goblin man
(Yes, this was made on my four year old phone on ibispaint with my finger, the app crashed on me atleast 10 times)
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batwynn · 1 year
Hello. So I have a genuine, honest question as someone who isn't an artist. I saw you made a post about AI art floating around Tumblr lately. How does one differentiate between AI-created art vs. ACTUAL art? Some things have been easier to notice than others (ie: YouTube videos and like, moodboards and the opening to Secret Invasions) but for art specifically, are there any key things to look out for that make it obvious it's AI generated? I do not support AI in any fashion but in this day and age I do find it increasingly more difficult to tell the difference between something that was created by AI vs. created by an actual person.
Hi anon! So, heads up this might be a bit long of a post but I wanted to point out some things that I don't see frequently mentioned in other posts about A.I stuff.
First things first: Look at their other 'art' pieces. If they have a generally consistent style, a consistent type of work (Realism vs ink art for example), characters you see more than once and from different angles, character sheets, etc. You're going to notice if someone suddenly switches from little ink doodles to fully colored and realistically rendered 'art'. Now, this doesn't mean everyone switching styles or mediums is A.I, but it means to take a closer look if you notice something vastly different than their usual stuff. More A.I. clues below!
For things to look for, there's a lot of different clues but generally you're going to notice a certain new car shine to everything. Everything will be a little too clean, even if the style they are ripping off is sketchy. Sketches will have crosshatching that doesn't really make sense or random lines in a place that an artist probably would not put there. That being said, here's some examples where that isn't as noticeable:
Here you've got your usual body/anatomy problems. (Plus some elements I'll talk about later as well. This one's got it all!)
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Glitchy foot, glitchy hands. glitchy eyes. Strange proportions for legs that don't exactly fit a stylization, but more of an glitch. Now, of course an artist can draw 'glitchy' things like this either by accident or intentionally, but you really only see these types of things in A.I vs actual art of a similar style. Realism artists are generally not adding extra fingers or varying sized fingers, they're not rendering the foot to only have too many toes, missing toes, and the foot also... sort of part shoe. Unless art artist is otherwise intentionally including these elements, it's generally a clear cut example of A.I stuff. (For example: Different body types and disabilities exist, and there are people with different shaped hands, shorter/longer fingers etc. But you will also usually find some kind of info with the post about the person/character that will tell you about them that can clue you in on if it's A.I vs real art.) If the artists are drawing in a style with 'exaggerated' anatomy, you can almost always see that as a persistent and intentional STYLE in their art. If they aren't, this is something you'll really notice in A.I vs realism. It can be especially true with people who fully render realistic art because it's not in line with the style, and the relevant elements of rendering art this way. Artists who do realistic rendering at this level generally know their anatomy very well, and are going for realism in all elements of the art. Some stuff like the exaggerated long legs in women are kind of everywhere, but the hands, the foot, the lopsided winky eyes (I don't know how to describe it) are not things a professional artist rendering realistic art would generally do. It's just not in line with the style, or the ability/skill that the artist has worked on. (Again, unless completely intentionally and in line with the person/character.)
For 'real' life items like the tables below, you've really just got to ask yourself: Is this physically possible? Do all the elements make sense and actually work together in a real way?
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Sometime it's hard to know if you don't have any experience with, for example, acrylic and wood table making. But there are things that just don't work in real life, and there are things that maybe someone can do, but even in the provided examples it just doesn't make sense to do. For example, the little 'tree' hanging from the bottom of the left table. Would that be possible? Probably. Would someone do that? Probably not. If you're really stumped, sometimes just looking up videos of people making that type of thing can give you a better idea of what actually works together, how it's made, etc.
Here's something that really helps when you're really struggling and zooming in for every detail: TANGENTS
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Ok, so tangents in art are when you're drawing a thing, like hair, and it's lining up with a different object to the point where the visual line continues from one part of art to another and it looks really unrealistic/weird. Most artists figure out how to avoid this on their own just from noticing it and feeling uncomfortable with how it looks, while others learn via the internet etc. It can happen in anyone's art at any skill level, but the amount that it happens in A.I stuff is HUGE. It's almost every single image, and you can really notice it in places where something overlaps like hair or, from the above image with the money: there's two bills that just kind of bleed together. From the same image, you can also see how her hair bleeds into the wrinkles of her jacket in an unnatural way. Comparatively, you can see in the Hela art I did below that there are overlapping elements like the hair and the ribbons behind it that do not mesh or bleed together.
Something else to look at: Symmetrical elements that don't work right. So, this is kind of getting harder to see depending on what they're generating as a subject matter and the style they are using. As always, there is a disclaimer for this. Art does not always have perfect symmetrical elements in it.
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For example: in the real world, this dude's coat would have more clean symmetrical elements. As it is a sketchy doodle, they're there but they're not 100% symmetrical. With a LOT of A.I stuff, you'll notice that something meant to be mirrored on the other side of the clothing, room design, etc. is actually completly wonky/incorrect or not even there at all.
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For example, in this A.I we have missmatching elements on both sides. Not only in things that could be designed to be asymmetrical, but also things that 100% should be mirrored. The left side under the buckle on the shoulder has a diamond shape. The right has a weird spikey thing. The little leaf pattern on the gold lapel area appears to be just blobs on the right side. The left shoulder area has a button and additional little detail under the buckle area. It is not there on the right side. And, again, some of this can be intentional with real art. Her arm bands could be intentionally different, for example. But elements that clearly should be reflected on the other side and are very clearly not are generally a good clue that it's A.I. A few last moment things to look out for:
Styles that are recognizable someone else's whole thing. Example: The monstrosity that someone just generated that is supposedly Calvin and Hobbs. It's pretty easy to tell because it looks like shit right now, but generally if someone is ripping off a distinct style of someone famous, it's probably A.I or at least worth double checking.
Did they suddenly start doing ______? This could be anything, backgrounds, drawing horses, full color, etc. But if they're suddenly, overnight just BOOM they're 'drawing' in a whole other style, it's suddenly really rendered, and/or there's no 'growing pains'/work shown that they've started working on drawing the thing they never drew before... It's time to take a closer look. Last but not least, look for the language they use around the stuff they're putting out. A.I people are often... a certain type. They use a lot of that NFT bro lingo that can tip you off. The tags might be all over the place for styles, or tagging certain famous artist's styles, etc. They also can be a bit more blatant in the tags and just outright tag A.I or NFTs somewhere in there. And, in the end, if you really can't tell and you really love the thing and want to share it: Ask an artist. Or just don't share it.
Thanks for reading, and I hope this is helpful in some way!
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meadow-art · 10 months
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gogojetters · 6 months
Still criminal that I don’t own these btw
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only-mildly-evil · 2 years
i love everything everywhere all at once it's probably one of my favourite movies and watching it in a theatre was an amazing experience but it ALSO made the rock scenes incredibly frustrating to watch as a geology student because jobu says that they're in a universe where life never formed AND YET on the giant movie theatre screen i could see the rocks they become appear to be fossiliferous limestone. daniels please explain
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achingly-shy · 1 year
genuinely fuck high school i need to get out of here
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sashiavi · 3 months
HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT!!.....Big voy Zhongli...I MEAN-- THE Geo archon? Morax? Come on! He has to be a big boy, after all he shaped Liyue's mountains!!
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♡ Genshin Impact Big Boys ♡
You're so righttt omg BigBoy!Zhongli/Morax my king ♡ I'm writing this in his prime Morax era I hope that's okay mwah ♡
My fave genre of Zhongli cough I even have two fics about it cough ◇ ◇
Warnings : 18+ Smut | Morax!Zhongli | possessive | dumbification | dom/sub & master/pet | abuse of power dynamics | Size Difference | monster cock - knotting - belly buldge- breeding | God/Mortal | potential dubcon | the more I write the more warnings come up | 'cunny' as a descriptive word for afab anatomy |
→ᴰᵃʳᵏ ᶜᵒⁿᵗᵉⁿᵗ ᵂᵃʳⁿᶦⁿᵍ←
♡Be in charge of your own reading and look after yourself♡
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BigBoy!Morax who towers over many. Easily over twice the size of an ordinary mortal, effortlessly tall, thick, strong, with heavy muscles coursing with omnipotent power. Carving and shaping the mountains of Liyue, with the effort of a minimal wrist flick.
BigBoy!Morax who lazes on his throne, heavy robes draped off of his body, legs spread apart, cheek pressed into the palm of his hand. His body absolutely dominates over your own, dwarfing you while you rest in his lap. His other arm practically cups you, coddling, with you napping away, head agaisnt his chest, your own pretty peppery floral robes water-falling off of his throne.
BigBoy!Morax with the sheer power of a mighty Dragon, supreme, pre-eminent, forced to take extra care and precaution with you; His pretty little pet.
BigBoy!Morax with a hand easily over twice the size of your own. His thumb longer than your jaw, swiping over your cheek and ear. He practically engulfs your face when he cups the side of it, fingers cradling the back of your head, thumb gently dancing over your closed eyelid. The soft core lapis glow of his hands illuminates your pretty, soft features, allowing him to admire you for hours on end- chanting sweet praise and compliments over and over.
BigBoy!Morax who's hands absolutely shrink your stature. Curving over your waist, gripping your hips, fingers effortlessly wrapping themselves around for frame, tickling at the soft bumps of your spine.
BigBoy!Morax who eyes you from above when you walk by his side - On the rare occasion he allows you to walk, much rather opting to carry you everywhere you went - height barely grazing up to his waist, your hand wrapped around just a few of his fingers.
BigBoy!Morax with his even bigger bed, covered in waves of soft silks, the space around dazzling in pretty little things belonging to his hoard. Archons, the treasure-hoarding being marvels at the prettiest little thing in his collection, all splayed out just for him.
BigBoy!Morax with a thick, forked tongue, perfect for hot, spitty kisses, barely battling for control, relishing at how his pretty pet just submits to him. Archons, the feeling of your little tongue sliding over his own, suckling on him obediently.
BigBoy!Morax and his appetite. Eagerly licking and lapping, tongue fucking that sweet little spot inside your cunny, swallowing down all those sweet juices. His large mouth practically engulfs you, thick fangs pin pricking gently into your cunt, lips suckling on your achey clit. His massive hands wrap around your waist, pulling your pretty self into him, forcing his lips to smush, fangs to bite, tongue to curl over and over.
BigBoy!Morax with claws all too sharp to press into your prefect pussy, forced to tongue fuck you into your first orgasm, stretching you out for him.
BigBoy!Morax with a heavy, thick cock. Standing tall despite its size, holding its own, drooling agaisnt his stomach. It was almost otherworldly, ever so slightly unhuman, with ribs and ridges, a pointed tip and a thick, fat knot right on the base of his length. He's always marvelled at your silly reaction, the awe in your eyes, swallow of your throat, eyeing the dribbly tip of his pudgy cock with a look of unease. He laughs, almost purs, soft in his chest, hand on your cheek.
BigBoy!Morax who has to go slow. Just the tip, juuust the tip. Circling your sticky clit with his thumb, rough, slow rubs forcing your cunny to gush, wetting his cock, letting him slide in bit by bit.
BigBoy!Morax who bottoms out in your cunt, cock pressing into your tummy, bulging up into your guts, leaving the lovliest indent of his cock on your front. He cuddles you, coddling his pretty pet, hushing and soothing away all the tears and hiccups with kisses and licks to your face. Oh, you're so full, aren't you? It's not easy taking the cherishing gift of a God, pretty pet doing such a lovely job.
BigBoy!Morax absolutely relishes in the sweet squeeze of your cunny on his thick, bullying length. Hugging him tight, drooly, sticky pussy lips kissing agaisnt the knot on his base, poor pink little clit grinding on his pelvis.
BigBoy!Morax who is not at all afraid to manhandle your body, giant hands latching to your waist, fingers almost intertwining with themselves over your back. Up your hips go, only your very upper back and shoulders lay on the bed as Morax sinks you down on him, himself. You're forced to wrap those legs around him, barely managing to properly anchor yourself, obediently taking him in like a perfect, little, fuck doll.
BigBoy!Morax watches that fat bump in your gut press up over and over, his thick pudgy head soothing under your belly. He can't help but press a thumb into it, massaging over that spot, listening to those insolent little whines and begs your dumb little mortal brain spews at him.
BigBoy!Morax who was still a merciful God, spitting hot globs of spit on to your cunny, keeping it nice and wet for his cock, letting that knot slip in just for a moment. His other thumb comes down, down, down, rubbing large and slow circles into your clit, forcing out those little gushes and squirms.
BigBoy!Morax, gentle as he is, still managing to to fuck you silly. Long, rhythmic slides of his cock, hands guiding those pretty hips, lifting and pulling in delicious motions- Tip to knot, thick inches squelching in and out, filling up that pretty cunny, little Pet so full, pretty dolly servicing his weepy cock.
BigBoy!Morax who can only last so long with that tight gushy squeeze on his length. Poor Morax who looses himself a little. Prettiest cunt sucking him in so, so well? Can't just dangle that sweet, juicy forbidden fruit in front of him and expect him to not take a bite.
BigBoy!Morax who let's his hips fuck into his precious, darling Pet's cunt. Meeting those hips he forces into his own, thick and slippery knot edging, pressing, slipping- The God growls, capturing your lips with his, thick tongue swirling around your own, forcing you to suckle and nip into him.
BigBoy!Morax hums low when he finally slips that thick, swollen knot into your dumb little mortal cunny, fat tip squirting and oozing thick spurts of cum into your tummy. Oh, he needs to be deeper, nestle his breeder cock up in your gut, paint your cervix white with seed.
BigBoy!Morax eggs his lovely pet on, those hands pulling your hips into his still, now grinding that juicy abused clit on his lower tummy. He feels that pretty cunny squeeze, hears those cries and moans, feels them vibrating agaisnt his tongue. He thrusts as much as he can with that locked knot in your pussy, clicking wetly with the hot pressure of him all stuck in you. His heavy balls continue to squeeze, bursting hot ropes of heavy, thick seed into you over and over. Slow and drawn out, his orgasm could last for minutes on end.
BigBoy!Morax who finally, finally gets that sweet cunt to squirt, making a mess all over his lap, gushing and pulsing, letting that buldge press in, impossibly deeper. Another hot weep of cum, milked out by that heavenly squeeze of you wrapped around him.
BigBoy!Morax laying peppery kisses over your face and neck, maneuvering your smaller-than-his frame around, hushing your sweet mewls when your poor body quivers. Poor, poor overstimulated little you, body reacting to the slighted of touches.
BigBoy!Morax who has you laid on his chest and tummy, thick cock stuck in your cunt, nestled and still drooling. His massive hands soothe over your thighs, massage into your back, pat your hair and caress your teary face. Awh, sweet girl. His lovliest, prettiest little doll. It's alright, your God is here, he'll soothe those aches and kiss away the pain. In the meantime, take a little rest, right on his chest, nice and comfy. Poor little mortal, always so tired. Keep him nice and warm now. Just like that.
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I may have gotten carried away.. but I hope you enjoyed regardless ♡
A Small Risa Message: You are loved, you are appreciated and you are allowed to enjoy this kind of fiction ♡
Property Of; SashiAvi
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dragon-ascent · 2 months
Rex Lapis cherishes every single thing you do for him. Time and again he's made it clear he doesn't want the difference in status between you and him to define what you both have together.
So, he likes wearing his Pookie bracelet everywhere he goes. It's a cheap little thing, made from beads and threads you can get at any little craft store. The beads in question aren't even all the same size - they're misshapen little abominations that kind of prick the skin a bit when at an angle...and the lettering isn't consistent either, embossed in random fonts and capitalisation. But you made it for him with love and that's what matters.
The Geo Lord would be outlining infrastructural developments to his adepti, and their eyes would be drawn to the silly bracelet on his wrist rather than the elaborate diagrams he's tracing his fingers over. Why plastic beads? they'd wonder, scornful, why not gold or jade like the Prime of Adepti truly deserves?
Maybe one of them would open their mouth to voice their concern about the quality, only to be silenced by a pointed look from Rex Lapis himself. He wouldn't let anyone dare comment on his beloved's handiwork.
The fugly little bracelet doesn't come off in battle either. He's adamant about having it on at all times and is meticulous with protecting it, to the point many a foe have wondered if the bracelet has some magical properties and that's why this god is so guarded with it.
Of course, their attempts at nabbing the shitty thing go in vain, a thrum of fury coursing through the god as he defends his wrist with as much vigor as though he were defending the entirety of Liyue. His defensiveness over his bracelet had further stoked the rumors that the accessory really was a magical thing, but, well - nobody got hold of it to confirm. Rex made sure of it.
Millennia later, Zhongli wears the Pookie bracelet just under his glove. Should anyone catch a glimpse of that garbage on his prim and proper self, he'll smile and tell them it was made by someone important to him.
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weird-addiction · 6 months
“You’re all Demons. I rule you all.”
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Summary: The Archons are not the most powerful, nor is Celestia.
Pairing: Genshin Archons x Male!Reader
Warnings: Slight SAGAU creator themes, manipulative reader, unhealthy power dynamics, controlling reader, Furnia slander
The creator is not one to be looked down upon. Yet, over the thousands of years, everyone and even the archons have forgotten them. No shrines, offerings or worshippers have been founded.
Well, they should know that the creator does not take lightly to what they have done. They have eyes everywhere, and knows everything that is going on.
“Pathetic pathetic pathetic! Such a bore!”, they said. His voice ran through the ears of the archons and the heavens themselves. “I give them stories, backgrounds, and such titles to use for a better Teyvat. And yet, they are so boring to not even use them! Ugh! Execution would have been better!”
His insults came one after the other, and the gods heard them all. “This throne is not for them. It is mine and mine alone.” Every word was heard the archons, well, almost every word. The creator chose what they can and can’t hear.
“Perhaps I should pay them a visit.”
And that is how they came to Mondstadt. Home of freedom and wine, ‘ruled’ by the Barbatos. But when he stepped into the city, he could tell the god has been slacking off. No rules, no disciplines, and no official government. Just a military force that can be called a military force.
He went to the acting Grandmaster Jean, who was stunned to see such a being. “Tell me, where is Barbatos. I wish to speak with him.”
“Y-you mean Venti? He’s probably at the Angel’s Share.”
To the tavern he went and indeed the bard sat, almost drunk out of his mind as he round after round.
“Venti is it?” The stern voice came. The bard was quickly shocked to his core to the same voice. “Mind if we have a word?”
Outside behind the tavern, Venti was on his knees. Practically begging for forgiveness. “Please! I’m sorry! I promise to-”
“To what? I barely see any shrines of me. Why should they worship you when you have abandoned your responsibilities? Should I send you back to the hells with you?” His voice stood with no room for negotiations or retaliations.
“No! Please! I’ll do better!” The bard begged. Tears were threatening to spill.
“Don’t forget from where you came from. You can change forms, you can’t change your eyes.” With a snap of his fingers, Venti’s eyes begin to burn. Black surrounded his pupils as he shut them in agony.
“That’s better. Your true colors are better.”
Venti bowed his head as he could do nothing but except the truths. The truth of his own freedom has been revealed for all to see.
“I have others to see to. Perhaps I should take a round trip to see all of them. See you my dear Zephyr.”
His next stop was Liyue, what a great city built on the coast. He had heard that their god was dead.
“What a load of bullshit. Trying to escape responsibilities to? Too fucking bad.”
Up on a mountain is where he found the retired geo archon. Or rather, Morax.
“Nice view no? Now I know why you liked building mountains so much.” Zhongli turned around to see the unfamiliar, his face said it all.
“Who are you? How do you know my identity?”
“Aw. Little pup. Looks like your leash needs a tightening.” He made a gesture which was pulling an invisible chain, which made Zhongli fall towards him.
“You…it’s you. Why are you here?” The archon’s eyes widen to the realization.
“I’m disappointed in you. No shrines, no worship, nothing in my name. Do I need to send you back to the hells? I would be glad to do so. The others are always asking ‘Where’s Morax?’ ‘Oh I wish I can play with Morax again. Where is he?’ Do you remember?”
A wide smile took his face as he saw the other’s face drop. He did indeed remember.
Zhongli fell to his knees remembering the years of torment. In his youth, he didn’t listen. “Please. Don’t. I beg of you.”
He tched. “Oh Morax. Don’t beg. It’s not a good look on you. I suppose you are retired after all, but you do have quite the influence no? Why not put that to use? Remember the contract you signed with me?”
Of course he remembers. It was the first contract he ever made. But he was one who signed it. To this day, the contract was kept under lock and key. “Yes…” Was all he said.
“Good. You can hide your identity, but you can’t hide your chains.” A snap of his fingers, shackles appeared on the archon’s wrists and ankles. Heavy like lead they were. Binding him down to earth, to his contract.
“Reminds me of old days! What joy! Say hi to the adepti for me! I’m sure they missed me oh so much!”
He then disappeared and left Zhongli there with chains for all to see. Bound to unspoken of words.
Inazuma was a nation he kept hearing bad things about. What had the archon done to be hated so much? At least the borders were open now, seems that forever can’t be forever.
“Oh Ei. The eternity you wanted was the gluttony of control you wished you had right?”
Locked away in her palace, in the heart of the city, Ei sat with her eyes closed.
“Beezlebub. How nice it is to see you again? Did you miss me?”
Ei was startled and her hand went to her polearm, ready to attack where the voice came from. “How did you come in here? Who let you in?”
“After all these years, you are still the same. Eternity truly doesn’t change you does it? Your gluttony will never be satisfied will it? What would your sister say?” The words came flowing out one after the other, he did not even have to think as he spoke. He knew exactly what to say.
“You-!” Ei pounced forward, the tip of her weapon stopping at his throat. One wrong move and he would be harmed, but he knew she wouldn’t, her arm was shaking after all.
“You close your borders, take the people’s visions. Were you so afraid of change that you wanted an illusion control that you never had. Pathetic.” Ei begin to tremble as she heard such words, but there was nothing she can do. He was her superior after all, this would be a death sentence if she tried to fight him.
“No worshippers of me, no shrines, not even a fucking thank you to me for giving you these islands.” A laugh left his lips as he thought of it.
“You can hide away in your plain, but you can’t hide from the true reality outside your door.” A snap of his fingers, Makoto’s body dropped in front of her. Her eternity in the open for all to see.
A smirk overtook his features. “Remember, she’s in my hands. You are more than welcome to join her, but…I don’t think I will. Your eternity will be spent in the same gluttony of control, until you are swallowed whole.”
The archon fell to her knees, just like all the others. “Please. Wait..I’m sorry..”
“Aw. Don’t beg. You all look so pathetic while doing it. I made you all better than this. But here you all are, no backbone to be seen. Which, I can see why.” Makoto’s body disappeared as Ei was starting to shed tears.
Moving to crouch down to her level, his lips next to her ear. “Once you die, you will be in the same eternity you wanted. You will know what it is like to be forever unchanging.”
Getting back to the mainland across an entire ocean was not fun. Even when he was stepping through the air, it still took a long time. Next nation was Sumeru. Nahida was the one archon he liked, she always knew what was going on.
Not to mention, she was a victim herself. But the real reason was that she had kept the shrines the former archon had built in his name, and the people still worshipped him to this day.
“I have expected you.” Came the small voice, her back was turned as she showed no hostility or fear to the one that walked towards her.
“Buer.” However, his respect her Nahida only went so far. Her chains were just a bit less…drastic.
“Seems like your people have finally changed their minds. Still chained to the evermore knowledge I see.” He stated, a laugh was held back.
"It is something I have much time for. I do not mind if the chains are the ones that I like." Nahida responsed.
"Then I wish you good luck. You are only 500 years old after all, you have all the time in Teyvat for this." Waving over his shoulder as he left the sanctum which the younger archon stayed in.
The next nation is one he has known to hate, or rather, hate the heavenly principles for. For as long as he had seen, the dragons and vishaps were the natives that they had decided to usurp for power. And Fountaine was one of these, 500 years of a fake god and authority taking the throne. While the true ruler was cast aside.
He sat one foot into the Nation and he already hears the annoying voice of the 'archon', really wish she could really shut up already. "Oh! So you are here after all! Welcome! I, welcome you to my beautiful nation!"
He did not say anything, but rather he stared up at her and gave her a glare; even from that distance she could see it and knew he was not here for a friendly visit. "I will see you in your office Furina."
When he got there, he was greeted with someone else. The Hydro Dragon, the rightful ruler of these lands. "Neuvillette."
"Your Grace." He bowed, still addressing him the same way just all the those years ago. And most likely, the only one left that still does so. Furina then came into the office, a look of fear in her eyes.
"Furina, how...unpleasant to see you." Hearing the words, she looked more dejected than she already did.
"Please. If you're going to say it then just say it."
"Fine." He sat down on one of the fancy armchairs that sat around the room.
"Just because you are forced to play a role for 500 years does not mean you get sympathy from me, should have thought of that before your archon usurped him." Making a hand gesture towards Neuvillette.
"You're sad that you had to play a role you did not want against your will? You know what we call that? The real world. Wake the fuck up if you think the world owes you anything just because of that. Have you even taken a look around you at the people for this many years? Their lives are filled with doing things they don't want, and it's a different thing every time. You do one same thing and you think can get sympathy? Maybe from Neuvillette sure, but not me. And when you finally die and fade out from this world and nobody remembers you, you will appear in my halls begging for my attention. I will not spare a single thing for you." A stone cold expression sat on his features.
The room was tense, Furina was on the verge of tears. Neuvillette held a worried face as he wanted to comfort her, but from one hand gesture from his creator, he stayed his feet and did not move.
"An arch duke of hell? Please. You can barely get out of heaven. You want to fall into infernal blaze so bad that you need to fool a crime to get casted out? Pathetic." He spat.
He stood up and walked out the door, Neuvillette followed after him.
"What is it?" His tone was eager as he had somewhere else to be.
"Your Grace, please rethink of it. Lady Furina is in pain, after 500 years, she is bound to have some sort problems with it all." He pleaded.
"Aw~, bound to the chains of justice like she is. I did not create you this way."
"..." Neuvillette was at a lost for words.
"Fine. She can keep her role and not appear in my halls after her timely death, that's for her immortal side of things. But once she is one more mortal, she will still die, and I will know to give her a quick death." A smile took over, like he was saying this was the better action.
"W-what? How is that-"
"Unless you want her to die right now? I can make that happen."
"No, Your Grace."
"Good. She would make such a pretty corpse."
Silence took the space between the two of them, a sea of mist and fog was slowly putting distance between them.
"Everyone on this side of the world are demons. I rule you all."
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Helllooo to one of the most amazing writer I know. I was wondering if you could write some hcs on everyone .Them going to the beach and how they would act :D
Seaswept Sands (All x MC/Reader - Beach HCs)
P A P S I C U M. >:}
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Seaswept: seaswept (not comparable) Located on the sea quotations.
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This motherfucker hates the beach with a vehemence. He also hates sunscreen, but will still apply it to remain sexily pale.
It’s canon that Sol dislikes the ocean, so the only reason he’d be even remotely close to the beach is because of you.
He probably doesn’t even like sand. He’d rather simply just walk around the beach area. 
If you’re more of a beach lover, he’ll be reluctant to join you in the sand, and beg you to not make him go into the water.
Will wear all black and tie his hair up into a messy bun.
If you’re more of a rock investigator (irl me needs a medal for that tbh), he’s gonna avoid rock pools, mostly due to the fact he resents crabs.
Anything that can crawl on him gives him an ick (except if it’s you).
Probably will just find a cafe and order coffees for both of you, especially if you’re gonna swim. You’ll need something to help warm you up, after all.
Most likely just going to serve as a photographer, totally will not use said photos to jack off to you later so he can paint you later <3.
Will be tempted to murder the seagulls. Probably will wring at least one if it tries harassing him tbh- (you won’t find out dw).
Will supervise the bags and all of your belongings.
Also will drive you there and back. Will also prep the car with tons of towels so A. the car won’t get wet (only you’re allowed to be teehee) and B. so you’re not gonna freeze to death.
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Hyugo would probably wear shark fins on his sides just to fuck with people.
He’s got extremely white teeth and (I headcanon) a very creepy grin for when he’s murdering intimidating people. So he’d 110% just very slowly emerge from the depths of the water (Pennywise-style) and scare off all the little kids in the vicinity.
His hair is everywhere around his face, and when he’s underwater it looks like a blue halo. One that you yank on when he’s unaware (and above water for fucks’ sake) to try and get him to yelp. (he may or may not accidentally moan but that’s a whole other story). Don’t worry he bites your ankle underwater in revenge.
He probably doesn’t care at all about what swimmers he wears, hell even Baby Shark merch will work for him. He will proudly display it as well. (balls of steel much??)
This guy hooves ice cream like it’s his last day alive. Maybe even iced coffee. He must consume sugar or he will implode.
Is gonna splash you. You both are gonna have water fights the entire time you’re there, until both of you are sopping wet and dripping with ocean water (and fish piss).
Mans will probably ask you to get piggybacked in the water, which tbf you attempt to, then he drags you both underwater.
Will forget to take photos. You’re gonna have to be responsible for that I’m afraid.
Will drive y’all there and back, blaring J-Pop on the radio and grinning maniacally. Be concerned.
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This girl is going to be strutting into any beach, or any public place, looking the most glamorous of all.
Will wear a two-piece pink skort and bikini set 110%, will wear a translucent blouse over the top.
This girl will judge everyone else’s bikinis and swimmers more than actually doing something.
Although she isn’t opposed to going in the water, unless it’s cold – I headcanon Brittney hates the cold – you better not get her hair sopping wet, she will murder you and dump your body in a rock pool. <3
Will buy ice cream, she doesn’t seem the type to like salty foods tbh.
Will stalk up to you and ask what you want then vanishes.
She’s got herself a tanning bed btw.
Will read fashion magazines, maybe even do her beach aesthetic makeup. After all, she’s gotta be the hottest chick there. not that she isn’t already
Will eventually stick to building things out of sand, then getting annoyed and breaking them.
Is also going to shower before you, making sure she’s extremely clean before going to the car.
She drives btw.
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Jess is the type to build sandcastles. I will fucking smite anyone who says otherwise.
If you both went to the beach, she’d be unwilling to enter the water, mostly due to the fact she def can't swim for shit, and also doesn't want her glasses to get wet (she hates goggles). Wears swimmers underneath a fucking oversized translucent blouse or something.
Would be the type to just plan ahead what exactly she’ll require to make the greatest sandcastle ever, and if that plan fails, she will be extremely sad for the next 2 hours.
Will be one of those people to bury their best friend/partner under the sand. Will put a lot of effort into making your mermaid tail look majestic.
You both will be eating ice cream under an umbrella, taking turns to take selfies (mostly you, she’d be very shy about having her face, she worries whether she’ll look dumb or not)
You both are gonna just watch over the belongings, and take turns showering at the beach so that (Jess’s) car is clean by the time you both get ready to leave.
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You’d have had to win about 2000 bets with Geo to get him anywhere near a beach.
Would wear extremely dark gear, you’d not see any part of his body except his very wonderful head.
Will evade sand like it's the Black Plague.
Oh, just a warning, Geo is part fish.
He swims way too far for any sane human being. Hell, he doesn’t even swim, he just glides through the water. Deadpan. On his back. His hair is in a swimming cap btw, he’s not fucking risking damaging it. Also an avid sunscreen user, this man does not want to fucking tan, ew.
Will not eat anything there. He’s got standards. You’ll have to wine and dine him to get him to even sit down amongst all the other citizens of the city. Will reluctantly get you coffee though. He’ll probably only drink coffee if he craves it.
Will contemplate becoming a serial birdkiller; he hates birds. Their squawking makes him want to tear his eardrums out.
Will be extremely happy to walk along rocks, even boardwalking is better than actually being on the beach.
Will take aesthetic photos of the beach, especially if it's during the sunset. May or may not sneakily take some of you to store in his private stash.
Will also drive you both. He is never going to not drive, unless something drastic happens, like his arms getting cut off.
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Crowe will have his hair down and is going to wear a stupidly wide-brimmed sun hat.
Is very careful about applying sunscreen, will check the UV rating multiple times.
Is going to watch over your shit and take really beautiful beach photos, will probably read a book silently under an umbrella. You mistook him for a woman one too many times.
Would make sure you don’t go too deep in the water, makes sure you swim between the flags as well.
Literally a walking, talking safety manual.
It’s okay you can shut him up later, with ball gags and a blindfold. <33
Will probs wear a Hawaiian shirt ngl (someone draw that). He’s a lot more relaxed at the beach. Will also be eating fancy af ice cream while lovingly watching you from afar. <3
Would be happy to search rock pools with you as well, in fact, any walking would do him well. He seems the type to love nature a lot.
Is going to be responsible for wrapping you in towels and ensuring you’re comfortable and your temperature is stable.
Will be the one to drive you both home. He can’t have you doing all the work, now can he?
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Deryl will be fucking everywhere; this man loves the beach almost as much as he loves you.
Is going to buy as much food as humanly possible. You will have to remind him he cannot eat like a horse then expect to exercise, his stomach won’t be able to tolerate it. Will be disappointed after.
Tries to talk to the seagulls.
Will throw you into the ocean. Lovingly, of course.
Is also the type to get competitive with a bunch of teens over who can dig the deepest hole in the sand.
Will be looking for crabs, starts squealing from joy if he does see one.
Is probs gonna run across the sand with you (he wins every race you two have) shirtless. He’s gonna take ab pics.
You will not have a single normal looking photo with him, I'm sorry.
Although he does get you both a fuckton of food, so you’re not complaining.
You will have to drive both of your asses home though, he’s too excited to drive carefully enough.
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chastiefoul · 2 years
seeing you cry for the first time
characters: xiao, zhongli, scara, cyno, alhaitham, kaeya.
tags: fluff and comfort
a/n: idk why writing this makes me sad, like sad sad | also if you notice that it gets noticeably shorter as you go on, no you don't!!
Xiao is everywhere but also nowhere. It’s pretty hard for him to keep you at arms-length when he’s always up and about doing his duty to protect a nation—not that you couldn’t handle yourself, he’s just worried. Although no matter what, he always succeeded in finding you with the biggest smile on your face, greeting him when he returns. So when one day the Wangshuu Inn felt a little quiet, he spots you with your hands on the railing, little whimpers filled the silence.
Is that animal noises? He thought while approaching you when he saw your shoulders shook lightly. “Hey,” he spoke, scaring you out of your skin. You thought he wouldn’t be there that day, you’d just wanted to feel the night breeze until this wave of sadness and exhaustion gushes over you. It felt comfortable there, like Xiao was with you, and to think he’s actually there.
“Xiao!” You claimed, without turning your back unsure that you could keep it together at the sight of his face. Xiao who’s been expecting to be greeted by that smile of yours, teleported right beside you in a flash. You quickly wiped your tears and offered him a little smile. “You’ve been crying,” he said, unconfident on his own tone. As if confirming the event that’s clearly just unfolding right before his eyes.
He timidly hold your hand. “Why?” He peered, worriedly. “Oh it’s nothing, I’m just tired,” the same smile was on your face, yet it strangely made the yaksha’s chest ache. For you who’s always smiling so happily, isn’t it fine once a while to be sad?
“I’ll listen if you want to talk,” he said, a bit awkwardly if you may add. At his clumsy kindness you could not help but chuckle. “Thank you, Xiao.”
As warm and gentle as the sunshine. Perhaps that’s a phrase he will use if people asked him what kind of person are you, as we all knew, the former geo archon has a knack for exaggeration. One peaceful night as he made his way to his usual route of his daily walk, he spotted a familiar figure on the docks looking far ahead into the view of the moon.
He felt himself smiling at the sight of you. Ah, what a funny thought. When did such childish feelings had harbored so liberally in my chest?
Yet, he stopped his step abruptly when he saw you wiped your eyes with the back of your hands. The leisure steps he’s taken quickly turns into a hasty one in approaching you. “Dear?” He cautiosly called. It was obvious that you didn’t really want people to know what you’re doing. There was a solid minute of silence with your back still facing him. You hoped to god—though it’s futile since the ‘god’’s standing right behind you—that he didn’t have an idea that you’ve been crying and he’s just calling out to you because he saw you here. “Zhongli? What brings you here?”
He sighed at the response, seeing that you rather chose to hide your feelings before him. “It’s rather uncouth to not see the other party face when speaking, no?” He said, although he made no effort whatsoever to force you to face him. You turned your back unwillingly, wishing that the dimness of the moonlight hid your expression. You glanced at him, eyes still wet from tears. Zhongli would have to be stupid if he did not realize you’ve been crying.
He took of one his glove, the tip of his finger wiped the tears residue on your bottom lashes. He saw your bottom lips quiver and he felt a scratch on his heart. “Do you want to talk about it?” He asked gently, bringing you into a warm embrace. “Maybe later.” You hugged him back, closing your eyes at the comfort. “Of course, anything for you.” He said, consoling. And as the nightfall continued, Zhongli just stayed with you, kissing your temple and the top of your head as a constant reassurance.
Contrary of the nice breeze as you’re sitting on a peaceful field at the outskirt of Sumeru, your feelings that evening were in disarray. You lied down, letting the tears fall freely as you cover your eyes with the back of your arm. You bit your lips, preventing any further sob coming out from out of your mouth. You heard a gentle rustle beside you, guessing it was some small harmless animal was your best guest. Then you went to uncover your face, you saw a familiar face sitting beside you.
“Cyno?” You sat up immediately, recalling if you promised to meet him that day. He said nothing for a while then brought your head to his lap. “Cry it out if it makes you feel better. I’ll be here.” His gentle smile washes over your worry, you cried once again but somehow the slight smile on your face refused to leave your side. He did not say anything else after that, he didn’t need to. You know he’s there, as he comb your hair back occasionally, probably telling you to take as much time as you need.
He can be pretty out of touch with people’s emotions, however seeing your crying face somehow put a horrible itch on the inside of his chest. He brought you to his arms, “Why are you making such an ugly expression?” Contrary to the harsh words, his hold was the gentlest as it’s ever been, his right hand led your head to lean on his shoulder. “Just don’t get snot on my clothes.” He added, as if to distract you from the kind gesture he just did. “I.. already did,” you sobbed softly. “Damn it,” he cursed, although it’s obvious that was an empty bark, since he kept patting your back slowly like consoling a child. Like something he managed learn from someone, once.
He really wasn’t sure what to do, but one thing for sure that he was willing to do anything to stop anything that makes you cry like this. He kissed the tears away gently, hovering a second longer before pulling away, “Who?” He asked curtly, though you understood what he meant. You shook your head, “No one,” another tear escaped, Alhaitham cupped your cheek with his palm, his thumb wiped the under of your eye. “Then what?” He continued. You nuzzled into the touch of his palm, putting your own hand atop of his. “It’s nothing too, just stay with me for a while,” you said. He calmed down, hearing the urgence of your voice. His heart throbbed, at the thought of not being able to do anything as you cried the sadness away. Truly, he hoped to never experience it again.
“What’s hurting?” He said gently, while rubbing a soothing gesture on your back. “I don’t know,” you manage to answer. “Seems like my lover has had quite the rough day,” he kissed the crown of your head, continuing to say sweet words to cheer you up throughout. “It’s okay, it’s okay.” He kept repeating in whispers, he didn’t leave your side even for a second.
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cloudshuffle · 7 months
an arrow, a spark. yan!childe
index / next / beta reader @malewifeharem
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When they assign you to a new division in the Fatui, you think nothing much of it. People were always being moved around in the organisation, people disappeared under mysterious circumstances, new recruits were popping up out of nowhere.
What was strange, however, was whose division you were assigned to. Fatui Harbinger Tartaglia, all the way in Liyue, no less - or Ajax, as you knew him better.
“I'll be sorry to see you go,” Signora says from behind you.
You jump, nearly dropping the stack of papers in your hands. She stands in the doorway, imposing as always, yet the air she gives off implies she's left off a “darling” at the end of her sentence.
Madame Signora's always been fond of you for reasons you've never known, though that often meant being stuck in dull, dull meetings and organising her paperwork for her.
You salute her, then laugh nervously. In the midst of your packing, your office looks like a hurricane hit it, stacks of books and papers scattered everywhere. Not the best look to put forward to your boss.
“So, Liyue.” She takes a step, placing her right inside the threshold of your office. Behind her, her new bodyguard slash secretary shifts his weight from foot to foot. “Quite a ways from home, yes?”
“It is.” The land of the Geo Archon, Morax, but most importantly his creation of mora. A warm place by far, considering Snezhnaya's standards, but its trade sector was coldly competitive.
“How do you feel about it?”
How did you feel? The question catches you by surprise, much like her appearance in your office. Never before had you been asked your personal opinion on anything before, least of all by a harbinger.
It’s just work.
“It’s a great opportunity to expand my horizons and learn about another culture, ma’am.”
She chuckles elegantly. “A textbook answer. Good. It’d be useful if you kept those same wits around Tartaglia.”
You blink, a cloud of dust distracting you briefly from what she’d just said. “...Tartaglia, ma’am?”
“Oh, yes.” Her red lips curve into a wry smile. “He requested for you specifically. He’s been pestering me, in fact, to let him have you.”
You remain silent, unsure of how to respond.
“But look at me, holding you up. I do hope you have fun while in Liyue - it can be quite the interesting place, after all.”
You don’t quite know what all the fuss about Tartaglia is about till lunch, when you venture into the mess hall with Nadia.
She doesn't even wait for the two of you to sit down before broaching the topic. “Did you know the eleventh is back is Snezhnaya?”
“He is?” You stab at your potatoes with your fork, eyeing her cheekily. “And I don't suppose you're in the market for a partner at the same time, are you?”
“Oh, not a harbinger.” She laughs. “That’s way too high profile for me.”
You eye the raised platform at the front of the hall where a long table’s been set. It’s more for show than anything else, seeing as how the harbingers have never once found themselves privy to dining with you common soldiers. There are twelve high-backed, intricately carved mahogany chairs, and one in the middle, larger than the rest, gilded with gold and complete with red velvet cushions. The Tsaritsa’s. Yet another reminder of who you all served.
Nadia's chatter washes over you like a soothing wave. You're grateful to have a friend when you go abroad, if only for distractions like this if nothing else.
She wants to marry and settle down already - a noble sentiment for a young Snezhnayan lady. You think any man would be lucky to have her.
For yourself, you're not so sure.
“Ooh!” She nudges you. “Don't look, but Vlad's over there. Isn't he cute?”
Against her wishes, you turn your head. He looks like any regular Snezhnayan man to you, blonde and with an angular face that could’ve been carved from the frozen earth itself. “Well, I guess. He looks kind.”
“And he's coming to Liyue too!” Nadia stage whispers.
“Exciting.” You raise an eyebrow.
You excuse yourself from your meal after a while, leaving the mess hall alone. Nadia's conversation was entertaining but exhausting, provided one could keep up with her endless stream of news and gossip from various sources.
But it's from this river of information that you sift out a tiny gold nugget: that Harbinger Tartaglia would be in the archery fields if he weren't busy preparing for his return to Liyue with his new crew.
Perhaps it's curiosity, or pure boredom that drives you outside into the cold.
The walk is familiar, ice crunching under your boots. It was admittedly difficult to walk on snow and ice - if you were anything but Snezhnayan, born and raised.
Your fingertips tingle with the phantom itch to hold a bow. It'd been a while…
You follow the path, rounding the building to a frozen field. A number of wooden targets and straw dummies are lined up, some in varying states of disrepair. A small hangover, an incline, really, provides minimal coverage against the wind like a very tiny rock against a great river.
As expected, there’s no one there. You feel a small sense of relief at having missed that chance encounter.
The new recruits train elsewhere. It’s a place only for those who want to exercise the muscles you rarely get to use, being cooped up in front of a desk all day.
You take up position at the edge of the field, summoning your bow and fixing three arrows to it.
They arc in a graceful, shining line, each landing perfectly in the middle of its respective target board.
You affix another arrow to the shelf, taking a deep breath. The world narrows to the point of your arrow and the fletching on the arrow you landed.
Dimly, you’re aware of the shuffling of feet behind you, quickly hushed. Probably just another of your fellow soldiers who wanted to get out of the noise of the mess hall. You pay them no mind.
You release the arrow, reload, release, reload. Three arrows land in rapid succession, splitting each of the previous arrows neatly down the shaft.
You exhale, and your senses return to you. The cold embraces you again, and you shake the tension out of your shoulders, putting your bow away. You can almost feel its sigh, already impatient for the next occasion it could perform.
Slow clapping. “An impressive show, soldier.”
You spin on your heel.
Tartaglia stands at the top of the incline, flanked by two bodyguards. As if he needed them within the walls of the Fatui stronghold, the youngest of all the harbingers, who single-handedly dug his fingers into the fabric of Liyue to get the Tsaritsa a foothold.
It’s been quite a while since you last saw him, you realise. He looks a little sharper, a little leaner, his gaze perhaps a little more complex, as if he were thinking of the future while simultaneously discerning all your secrets. The hydro vision on his belt winks at you in the cold light.
Standing on the incline, he looks like a conqueror, surveying his land. It's a good look for a harbinger to have.
“My lord.” You salute him smartly, tamping down your embarrassment at noticing them late. “My apologies for taking up your time.”
“Oh, no need for all that, padruga.” He comes down the slope, the bodyguards following a respectful distance behind. “It's always a delight to watch you in action.”
What had Madame Signora said? “He requested for you specifically”?
Ajax- no, Tartaglia, is a good head taller than you, maybe more. As he approaches, you have to incline your head to meet the unfamiliar gleam in his blue eyes. Whatever could he want from you?
“You've been well, I trust?” He summons his bow, and you take the cue to move a step backward, leaving him room to shoot.
“Well enough, may the Tsaritsa continue to watch over me.”
To your surprise, he snorts a laugh, loosing his arrow. It strikes deep into the wood, igniting a spark as it scrapes against yours. “A devotary? Some things certainly have changed around here.”
One of the bodyguards shifts his feet. You glance back at him, then at Tartaglia. “Is a harbinger not also subservient to her majesty?”
He chuckles. “Of course he is. I’m just… surprised.” Another arrow, another target. “You never struck me as the type to believe.”
You remain silent as the last arrow hits its mark. All just to the right of your own arrows, pressed so close they seem on the verge of falling off.
“Excellent marksmanship, my lord.” The impersonal compliment comes easily to your lips. You clasp your hands behind your back.
A gentle breeze begins to blow (the kind that might have killed a man in lesser clothing), unsettling his already unruly ginger hair. The bodyguards adjust their stances, as if roused by the cold wind.
“Certainly.” He grins, a self-assured smile, unhidden by a mask. You’re grateful for yours in that regard - no need to hide your emotions or expressions too well when all Fatui are shrouded in uniform secrecy. “Nothing but the best to serve her majesty.”
Somewhere deep within the halls, a bell begins to toll.
You snap to a salute. “Thank you for your time, my lord,” you say, as if he hadn’t been the one to seek you out for conversation first. “I must be taking my leave now.”
padruga: friend (female) according to google
— word count: 1598. thank you for reading!
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fandoms: Genshin impact AU!: imposter creator
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imagine that... "kill them!", "this filthy sinner cannot be forgiven!", "how dare u impersonate our grace!" yells of hatred sparked from the mortals of teyvat. why did this happen to you. you were innocent, a mere player that loved genshin. You were shaking on your knees, bound to a damn statue that was similar to you, you had read hundreds of these imposter stories au type. laughed at some, angry at some, but in the true reality you were scared of this possibility to happen. When you first woke up in teyvat you just wanted to adventure and find out the true nature of your fav game, but alas that is what every imposter chasing begins... you ran from all of the different nations each and every minute u get the chance... but unfortunately for you. you have finally been captured by the damn anemo archon. A pair of shoes were Infront of you. the Geo archon... rex lapis stand Infront of you, he had the face of disgust. Ei the electro archon was besides him aswell as the anemo archon Barbatos. they were giving a speech on what will happen to you.. you were... gonna die. No... NO! you weren't gonna die! not yet! you still have a future, a goal, a dream! u cant die not now.. no no no no!! tears swell in your eyes, you cant... but you are now absolutely weak. You are just a mere mortal in the end of the day. "as the punishment by stealing our graces face you shall be beheaded!" venti announced loudly making the mortals and adepti cheer in excitement. didn't you fucking steal your friends face because u were to weak to protect them? and being fucking beheaded! you don't wanna be len kagamin every wednesday!
The shogun stood behind you, her Musou no Hitotachi ready to strike you down. "what are your final words imposter.." fuck fuck, you were really gonna die by dumbasses. you knew u were the creator really, but u didn't know how to control ur powers as u never had time to even relax and find out. but you knew... your child. teyvat was always by your side... they.. were always by your side!
You laughed startling everyone, they were silent as u continue to laugh louder and louder, "y-you" The shogun was shaking with rage how dare you laugh in this damn situation, are u... mocking the creator? tch. As the shogun striked down you shouted. "I WILL NEVER FORGIVE U ALL, I MAY BE FORGOTTEN AND FORGET, BUT NO MATTER WHAT MY CHILD WILL TAKE REVENGE FOR ME! MARK MY-" sliced. splat. thud. golden and starry blood splattered everywhere, to the statue, near some citizens and adepti, the two archons and most especially... the shogun.
Silence. your head rolled infront of the two archons, the archons had a shocked and terrified expression. "a..." screams arised from everyone, they just killed their creator! the archons were stuck in their place... then chaos.
Teyvat began to shake , the ground cracks and thunder struck on the place where u died. the statue of you glowed and came to life, gripping and taking the archons and throwing them all over the place, all elemental regisvine grew in the borders, monsters, hilichurls, abyss mages has began to run rampage and killing people.
all the dead Archons has arised and is taken to battle. Guizhong, the 4 yakshas, nameless bard... and all the dead characters has risen to torment and fight to avange your death.. their dear creator.. screams of terror, cries of sorrow and yelling of apologies, it was just pure chaos.
but.. in the spot on where you were killed, the statue of you was embracing two children.. a boy and a girl, they were sobbing as the statue of you began to crumble and turn to dust... "parent.... dont go..." you children sobbed, they embraced eachother as the chaos continued, you were sleeping in your bed. a dream? u were having a nightmare (name) but it is ok.. so dream away to not worry no more.
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a/n: im still new to genshin and the imposter creator au, so sorry if some dont make sense
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yuesya · 2 months
The barrier breaks.
It’s too soon. The thought flashes across her mind like lightning. Swift and sudden, without any time to dwell on it; for there is an overwhelming surge of sheer destruction wreaking havoc everywhere –with her standing in the very epicenter of it.
Balor stumbles, as her barrier falls. As it breaks. Far too soon, releasing all the mindless rage and malevolent energies of the god she’d just killed into the world around her. A veritable flood of darkness, with roiling shadows that twist themselves into bestial forms. Simulacrums of the thralls that the Mistress of Dreams had commanded in life, that turn on her and lunge forward viciously.
Exhaustion tugs at her limbs, from both the high expenditure of energy and the backlash from her barrier being forcibly broken. The two factors only serve to compound the lethargy and numbness in her body. It’s been so long since she’d been drained like this, but Balor knows that this is not the time to be showing any weakness. Not now, and not ever–
Her powers have yet to recover–
She cleaves the shadow-beast in front of her in two; but there are claws aimed at her back and three more beasts plunging down from above–
Something crashes into her, bodily knocking her aside. Briefly, the breath is knocked from her lungs.
Balor looks up, only to see a wind spirit crouched above her like a protective guard. The avian spirit’s chest heaves visibly, clearly from its own exhaustion, but sharp gold eyes remain locked on the shadowy enemies circling them. These beasts born from the Mistress of Dreams’ lingering malice are focused on Balor –and yet this wind spirit does not move to escape.
He’s bleeding. Blood drips down from open wounds, and the heat and miasma of it scorch her skin.
Wordlessly, Balor pushes herself upright from the ground. The wind spirit obligingly moves to crouch at her side instead, lowering its head in a deferential bow.
… She shelves aside the question for now. For all that the wind spirit had formerly been one of the Mistress of Dreams’ thralls, it no longer appeared to be actively hostile, and there were currently far more pressing matters for her to deal with.
Eyeing the prowling shadow-beasts for a moment, Balor takes stock of her surroundings –so many dead humans; so many corpses– and then turns to look up towards the skies instead.
Almost as if on cue, a massive tremor shakes the air. Golden swirls of Geo energy surround the half-dragon entity clashing against a five-headed Hydro serpent, each head hissing with laughter. The half-dragon’s Geo spire is blocked by a twisting pillar of water; shattered pieces of stone go flying everywhere, followed by a deluge of water spilling down from the heavens.
No wonder her barrier broke.
Still, she’s not exactly pleased that apparently two gods decided it was a good idea to start a fight right above her barrier before she’s had a chance to tidy everything up properly. Decarabian had impressed upon her the potential dangers that could occur when a god was slain in combat, so this was…
Balor clicks her tongue.
She lets go of her sword, allowing it to dissipate in a shower of brilliant sparks. A new weapon materializes in her hands instead, a curved bow. Accented with gold and traced with an almost feather-like pattern upon its head, white and indigo hues entwined in harmony. Unlike her sword that is only a simple weapon of mortal steel, the bow radiates power, and even just holding it is enough cause for Anemo energy to begin gathering around her.
As it should.
Balor pulls back the bowstring. A glowing green arrow of pure Anemo condenses beneath her fingertips in the empty space where an arrow should be, and the wind picks up in her surroundings.
She calmly points Decarabian’s bow towards the two gods battling high above, and loosens the arrow; a thousand howling winds instantly fill the skies.
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hiraya-rawr · 1 year
"in another life, i would've really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you"
synopsis !! all the opportunities he didn't take! forbidden love, status differences, different life goals, missed chances
characters !! zhongli, thoma
note !! please please read thoma's part I really like it for some reason- also everything everywhere all at once was amazing, i loved every second of it and it was just so beautiful! i also love all the cultural references aaaah
+ + +
"Live a human life with me," You had once suggested to Rex Lapis, lounging on a floating island and watching the construction of what would eventually be known as Liyue Harbor.
He turns to you, confused look on his face, "A human life? Honestly, your ideas only develop in oddity over time."
You laugh, shrugging as the wind chimes along with you. Did Barbatos find it amusing as well?
"I'm being serious, Morax! The war is over, peace is settling, any issues can be handled by the humans and we can always guide them from a distance." You smile, "Live a human life with me. We can open a teahouse by the outskirts, we can visit the harbor on weekends, we can age ourselves and spend a human's lifetime together!"
He sighs, turning away, "I'll amuse you and visit you in my human form, but I have responsibilities I wish to take as their archon. You can play human without me."
"Aww, Morax-"
He rolls his eyes, amused, "Human lives are so fickle and short. Should you ever get tired of living their ways, you're welcome to join me in the skies again."
"Hmp. You might just regret not trying with me." You tease, and you—
Were right. He did regret it, because there was no time left for him to try with you. You were gone, eroded like the old immortals, withered in a grave like a human. The immortality of gods like you and him was never physical after all, and your body decayed too soon.
"So, finally decided to join the bandwagon, huh?" Venti grins at the geo archon, sipping from his drink of what's presumably wine. The teahouse is half full, a known heritage site for anyone who knows the history of good Liyuen tea.
"It's an interesting idea." Zhongli simply replies.
"And how are you finding the human life, my dear friend?"
"Strangely. . . I had expected it to be a sociable endeavor," He smiles, strained, "but it could also feel quite lonely."
Doing laundry and taxes with Thoma was impossible in the first place. Not when you were destined to marry someone of the same status; a political engagement which tied you down since the day you turned of age.
For you, this was an unbearable tragedy. The denial of being with someone you love.
For Thoma, this was as simple as nature's course. Of course you would marry a noble! He's simply a commoner, a mere house worker with the favor of his boss. It wouldn't make sense for you to marry him.
And perhaps that's why it infuriated you; how dare he think so little of himself?
"I just don't understand why you're not mad about this! I'm about to be married and you— you won't say anything about that?" You once yelled, frustration built to its peak at his nonchalance.
"(Name)," Thoma says softly, concerned.
"No, don't you start!" You cut off swiftly, "You'll only talk about how you're a commoner and I'm a noble and I'm sick of that! I'm sick of all of it!"
"I just don't know what you want me to say–"
"Say you love me! Ask me to run away!" The words are desperate on your tongue. "Archons, Thoma, I wish you could be more selfish. I'd give it all up for you." You sob, collapsing onto the wooden floor as your legs give out. He immediately kneels in front of you, ready to embrace.
In quiet whispers, he cups your face, brushing tears away with his thumb, "You know I can't ask that of you."
You sniffle, "I know, I know." and "I just wanted you to try."
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