#@other noragami fans; hello! I love this manga and would love to tell about it!
chase-the-ladybug · 4 years
For @fast-moon, happy holidays! It’s your one and only lovely secret santa here for the @noragamisecretsantas event! Here I am on Christmas day to proudly present: your 🕺🙌gift! The prompt I was given for your present was also wonderfully full of potential, perfect opportunities for some fluff AND angst aha… with that, I hope you enjoy reading this. At the very least, I certainly enjoyed writing it x
It only took once for him to want to use his ability again. Then again. Then again. He felt he had to test and see if it really was true, the power he’d discovered. Even still, he couldn’t quite believe what a difference it had made, what it can make right now, what it could make in the future.  There was so much potential to what differences he could make.
He could do so much good.
Hagusa had never had much presence while he was alive. That tends to happen when you come from a poor, abusive, broken family; people tend to ignore realities they can’t handle. And yet, with his newfound ability as father’s shinki, he discovered an astounding ability: he could influence people’s actions.
That first encounter at that restaurant is almost like a dream. That poor little kid was getting so much verbal smack from his dad for some pathetic excuse. He was arguing with his son over the change he carried, and that it was not enough for him to drink himself into an even steeper drunken mess. He was already pissed as it was, and the surrounding servers and patrons could only judge and watch as they struggled to intervene.
God, it reminded him so much of his memories of when he was alive, he wanted to puke. But somehow, the room’s atmosphere suddenly changed, like a switch flicked on in the minds of all the bystanders. The waitresses snapped down on him, the customers all defended the poor boy; before he knew it, the drunkard was thoroughly sobered by the audience he’d acquired, with the kid looked after by the rest. They had wanted to do so from the beginning, really: they just didn’t have the courage.
Hagusa, he had discovered, could give the people courage to act. And he just did so for the sake of a poor bullied kid. If he had an ability like this, there was no way assholes like his dad could get away with the way they acted. He could oust every abuser out there, track down exactly where he’s hiding, and finally confront him for the wrongs he committed.
He had to keep going.
The next opportunity he found was outside a convenience store. There was a high school girl who was wearing the uniform belonging to the establishment, being harassed by an apparently frequent customer. He kept insisting on walking her home, much to her adamance that she was fine. Anyone could tell he was not a trusted acquaintance of hers in any sense. Hagusa could feel the unease of passer-bys, latched onto them, and cast them into play.
Next thing you know a co-worker took a moment to step outside of the shop and ward him off. Another bystander, a woman who was passing by, offered to share her cab so she’d get home safely without a chance of him catching up to her. There was a nearby group of other schoolgirls too; they suggested commuting together anyways, since they recognised her from the same bus stop and finish their club activities at a similar time to her work commute.
Another opportunity occurred in a similar time frame: a working-class man was being extorted by his landlord for money. You could tell it was a common occurrence by the way he struggled to turn her away. Even still, the landlord started making a racquet, as entitled as a baby, it seemed. All the neighbours were getting increasingly frustrated, but mostly, just feeling bad for the neighbour. He wasn’t exactly made of money, none of them were in that apartment block.
The empathy was distinct among the neighbours, so it was easy to get a hold of their feelings, and with those he spurred them to do something about it. The residents all headed to the door of the victim, where the landlord had been looming, and pushed him down the hall. One of the people next door threatened to call the police, another claiming to have recorded his previous excursions to extort money unjustly. He was gone in less 5 minutes. The residents all discussed investing in a recording camera to put around the complex, so they’d have a defence if he were to continue coming back.
It carried on throughout the night. For every misdemeanour that he could find, Hagusa could always find at least one other person who wanted to help, to act. And often even, it wasn’t just one person, but many nearby who had wanted to help. The volume of people with the desire to help was simply a marvel!
To be honest, he wishes he could share this discovery with Yato and Hiyori. Knowing them, they’d be so proud of his discovered power, born of the desire to help people. But he shut down the thought. Hiyori wouldn’t approve of it coming from the means of Father, someone who apparently is the enemy of all. It was something he had heeded, cautiously, but also doubted. Afterall, would someone so bad really allow him to inflict this much good? And Yato... He would only be a distraction along his path right now. In this situation, he just can’t see them at this point. Even if he does miss them a whole lot. Father is the only one he can rely on to realise his path now.
Upon seeing these abilities, Father had given him encouragement; he was somewhat expectant towards his newfound power. And still as supportive as ever towards helping him find his dad, it seems. But he doesn’t oversee the entire extent of it, either he’s too busy or it just seems to bore him so. Hagusa almost couldn’t understand why- these continuous acts of good was reaching a phenomenal scale, and yet they never ceased to amaze him every single time. There’s nothing, to him, that was unremarkable about saving people, even if it was occurring so often by his help.
I guess, from his standpoint, Hagusa could understand what it meant. To be helped. In a way, he has been helped by the people around him since he became a shinki, and that’s something he’ll always be grateful for. But, he also started to think about his time before that.
He doesn’t remember a lot from his past yet, but from what he does remember- he was generally neglected. He could’ve come across any kinds of people in his day-to-day life: neighbours; store clerks; teachers; anybody really. If he somehow had this power when he was alive, maybe he could’ve gotten the help he needed. He would’ve been ok. He would’ve been free from his dad, and possibly able to reconnect with his sister. And he definitely wouldn’t’ve winded up where he is now-
He started to shake off his train of thought, which was beginning to wind down an impossible fantasy. That’s all it was: a fantasy. He was dead, he always would be.
The present is what was more important. Closure is something he can achieve, and these abilities help him with that. He could find his dad among all the abusers, the wrongdoers and perpetrators, all the people being confronted for their misdeeds. There is no chance he can’t be found, considering the violation that he had committed. Even if it is a past discrepancy, Hagusa knows that there is no chance he wouldn’t act just as vile as always. He must do, he was sure of it.
He can’t even tempt the idea that he’s not. If he’s dead, there’s no way he can get answers. If he’s changed, if he’s become someone capable of good… that means he can’t be found. And worse, he always was capable of being good. And that is a reality Hagusa truly cannot face. That would only be a reality of despair.
He can’t think about it.
Not in the slightest.
Not at all.
He senses a new encounter, ready to be turned around into a better outcome. He follows it. He doesn’t look back.
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thisgirlsays22 · 6 years
Ereri Creator Interview: The-Silver-Field
Hello friends! Thank you all for your support with this project. If you’d like to complete the interview, you can do so here: https://goo.gl/forms/lUpTjm0NFeYYzXGy1. The form will remain open indefinitely.
The response to this was more than I could have hoped for, so please be patient as I get to your interview! I aim to post 2-3 per week.
You can enjoy past creator interviews here. (Since I post these over time,  sometimes projects are complete by the time I post the interview.)
Silver ( @the-silver-field ) is a writer who has been in the fandom for 4-5 years. On what inspires her to create, Silver writes, “Most of the time, it's music. I'll be listening to the radio, or character playlists on Spotify, and little snippets of something will pop into mind. On more rare occasions, I'll be watching a movie and I'll find myself wondering how certain pairings or characters would react to the situations portrayed by the film. After joining Tumblr, I also find that fan art seems to get my own creative juices pumping, especially when I'm feeling particularly low, or hit a road block in my writing. Seeing other artists create does my heart well.” 
Read on for more!
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Please link us to your content so we can send you some love!
How long have you been in the fandom for?
Around four or five years! It was around the time that the anime made it to the US. My cousins introduced me to anime, which led me right to our dearest Attack on Titan!
Why did you start shipping Ereri? 
It didn't take long for me to start shipping the pair. I love that they put this blind faith and trust in each other, holding each other's lives in their hands. I love how Eren seems to pine after Levi, wanting to impress him and make him proud. I like to think that Levi, though he hides it behind this emotionless facade, is rather fond of the boy, and that he gets little flutters in his chest every time he and Eren interact in any way. Oh and the way Eren looks at his Captain? The way Levi takes care of his brat? It gives me heart palpitations. Not to mention the age gap and height difference is absolutely adorable. 
Thematically speaking, what kind of content do you most enjoy making?
I really enjoy any theme to write, though I am a sucker for hurt/comfort. Whether it's canonverse, or an AU, I like how tragedies can bring people together.
What is the work you're proudest of and why?
I am most proud of my work Every Last One. I started writing it just after the finale of season one, and only finished the first chapter late last year. (I was a bit scared to post it.) It's canonverse, but doesn't follow along with the manga since it's...well, a little outdated.
What inspires you to create?
Most of the time, it's music. I'll be listening to the radio, or character playlists on Spotify, and little snippets of something will pop into mind. On more rare occasions, I'll be watching a movie and I'll find myself wondering how certain pairings or characters would react to the situations portrayed by the film. After joining Tumblr, I also find that fan art seems to get my own creative juices pumping, especially when I'm feeling particularly low, or hit a road block in my writing. Seeing other artists create does my heart well.
Is there any work you'd like to share that inspires you?
There are simply too many to name! I feel bad if I mention a few, because I know I've forgotten other's! I really should go through and make a detailed list...
What projects are you currently working on?
I'm currently working on a few WIPs, (Timeless (Ereri), Punk'd (JeanMarco), and the Ghostly series (Ereri)), while continuing to accept prompt requests, participating in monthly fandom prompt blogs, and opening commissions!
What is an area in your work which you're trying to improve on?
Every area. I'm still an amateur. I still have many things to learn as a writer. I never want to see myself as perfect in my art. As soon as I do that, I'll be closing myself off to constructive criticism, shutting out people who may try to me. There's always room for improvement!
What advice do you have for other creators?
Don't let your comment count tell you how good your works are. Just keep going. 
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Do you have any pets?
I have one dog, a german shepherd mix named Lucy, and a black cat named Kiki!
How do you relax?
I like to go outside for a walk and listen to music, or stay curled up in bed and watch youtube/hulu with some tea.
Tell us about your dream day
To just have one day where I'm off of work, and don't have to do anything. There are no errands to run, no coworkers calling in, just me and AO3.
What music are you into?
Pretty much anything, but right now I'm really into things like The Lumineers, Lord Huron, and Blind Pilot!
What are some of your favorite tv shows?
Oh gee. Well, obviously I'd have to say that Attack on Titan is by far my favorite, but close seconds would have to be My Hero Academia, Noragami, Doctor Who, Sherlock, What on Earth?, and Lost. There are A LOT more, but those are the only ones currently coming to mind!
What are some of your favorite films?
Pirates of the Carribean series, The Great Gatsby, Pride and Prejudice, Napoleon Dynamite, Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit series, Star Wars series, Phantom of the Opera, etc., etc.. There are really just too many to name! 
What are some of your favorite books?
Too many to think of! But to name a few, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, the Great Gatsby, Percy Jackson, and Jane Eyre!
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mewtonian-physics · 6 years
Hello!! A, T, and Y for the ask game?
Hello! :D 
Let’s see.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Let’s see! I can think of three ships that I absolutely love, from two different fandoms. I mean, I have more ships that I love than that, but these are the ones I’ll scream intensely over at the slightest provocation…
First of all, we have Death Note’s Matt/Mello, which I’m a shameless fan of and will scream about night and day if given the chance. Start off with a character generally characterized as a bit of an emotional wreck and then give him someone who can pretty much get characterized however anyone wants due to his lack of official characterization… the fandom doesn’t often disappoint me. Generally it ends up as a lovely little relationship with plenty of fluff, angst, and humor to go around.
…a lot of people can’t resist adding some smut in there which does put me off of the works in question but there’s enough safe ones that I am still quite happy.
And then there’s the ones where people decide that it’s got to be dysfunctional and even downright abusive. I… don’t really like those. But to each their own I guess. 
But you’re here for the BSD ships, am I right? ;)
BSD has the honor of having two of my absolute favorite ships right now!
Full disclosure: I’m very basic. I ship popular ships. I don’t ship ALL popular ships but the ones that I do ship are generally popular. That said… Soukoku! I love them! That’s just how it is!
I love the fact that they trust each other with their lives even though they’re at each others’ throats half the time. I love their dynamic and the back-and-forth they can have. I love everything about them, really. Whether it’s snarky or sweet, Soukoku works give me life. (Do you know that one where Chuuya’s walking on the ceiling because he’s stressed out? A comic got made of it. It’s amazing. Or there’s this wonderful little story that I read by this one absolutely brilliant author where Dazai loses his eyes– /hit)
Secondly, Ranpoe! They’re so CUTE. The popular dynamic, as far as I can tell, is Ranpo being his brilliant yet almost entirely non-functional, egotistical little gremlin self and Poe as a shrinking violet who also can’t function but for entirely different reasons… And I love it. It makes me so absurdly happy. I love how much Poe admires Ranpo and is willing to put up with his quirks. (Well, the way I see it, it’s Poe accepting and accommodating Ranpo’s autism. I’ll never let go of that headcanon. Never.) 
And I’m also of the firm belief that it’s at least halfway canon… I haven’t caught up on the manga but from what I’ve seen so far, Poe has a very strange idea of what a rivalry is like… 
Or maybe I’ve just had the shipping goggles on for so long that they’ve melted straight onto my face. That’s also a likely possibility.
One bonus point in favor of the ship is… look how well their names fit together! It makes me so happy! I adore it.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
As mentioned before… Edogawa Ranpo is autistic. Full stop. Is it projection? Yeah. Do I care? No. I don’t get enough canonically autistic characters and Ranpo just screams it at me. (Death Note’s L is another of my ‘this character is totally autistic and you can’t change my mind’ characters. The two of them have some similarities that I have fun with, but that’s neither here nor there.)
Dazai’s whole ‘happy fun silly mode’ is basically a giant coping mechanism. That’s also projection. I also don’t care.
In direct contrast to what some of the fandom seems to think, I don’t think that Odasaku could have ever had any sort of romantic feelings for Dazai. I think he would’ve been more likely to unofficially adopt him, if anything.
Evillious Chronicles’ Kiril Clockworker is not the cinnamon roll everyone seems to think. After all, he did have Hereditary Evil Raiser syndrome. At some point he must have done something.
I don’t think I have any others… not that come to mind anyway. 
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
I’m becoming more and more familiar with Mo Dao Zu Shi, haha. One of these days I’ll actually get in on it.
BSD was a secondhand fandom but now it is a firsthand fandom. Oops, but not oops.
SAO, Fate, Symphogear, Fairy Tail, and JJBA are also some things I know a lot more about than I otherwise would due to having friends into them. I don’t plan on getting into them myself as they’re not really my style, but I like that my friends feel comfortable enough around me to infodump! ^-^ They let me infodump back at them as well. Friends like that are the best kinds.
I also have been learning some about Noragami! I think I’ll get into that eventually, or at the very least I’ll try. Though I’ll have to be careful as it seems it has some content in it that won’t mix well with the whole trauma thing. That just means I have to be super cautious! 
Finally, I have a couple of friends who like Mystic Messenger a lot and as a result I know lots about that, but I probably won’t ever actually play it myself as I’m not really that into dating sims in general and the cult stuff kind of scares me away. Plus I want to have a normal sleep schedule and I hear that game is very bad for such things. :P
Thank you for sending this! ^-^ I hope the answer is satisfactory!
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briirens · 8 years
the noragami writers’ chat according to the creator
Okay, so you have probably seen other accounts summarize our lovely chat before. And if you’re curious to know who started the whole thing, it was me! And in the six months the chat has been up, I have seen so many personalities come together. Now, I will summarize each member how I see them everyday.
@kurisuumakise - Has a cookie jar we are not allowed to touch, writes angst that kills us all, is the English major student you go to for tutorial, says she’s the saving voice of the chat but really edges us on, will make a power point out of you, has the longest iTunes and manga list I have ever seen in my entire life, cannot call her unnie, and has four hour long art streams.
@yatorihell - (Fake Brit) Drunk aunt, also a grandma, loves Game of Thrones, models her fics after said show, eyebrows be on fleek, has a liver made of steel, will drop a class is she learns only the basics, writes angst when fluff is demanded, is the only person who would kill over ten people in a fic, have to spray with water daily, makes dark deals with pip, and will call you babe or nerd.
@paperypiper - (Munchkin, Smol, Pip, Pippo, Pipper, Pippin) Smol human being, loves cats, has a wicked art talent, can connect with you over any musical or book, or show, gets hella sassy, has actually dragged my ass more than once, is the one who looks into the camera, or screams no, makes. all. her. snaps. three. seconds. long, will stay up till five am but yell at you if you do as well, and has the cutest voice ever.
@eerna - VERY PRETTY AND CUTE, gets excited over smol and meaningful things, is cute when excited, DRAWS SO HELLA WELL LIKE GIVE ME YOUR TALENT, is the savior of the chat, the responsible sister who gives you health facts when you’re about to do wrong, writes really well too, is so created like pls, lives in a place we like to assume is not real, and is open to share new ideas.
@skyheaven1231 - Rose trauma, still can’t believe I have to put a trigger warning on that, literally will disappear for weeks but somehow summon the second her art and name are mentioned, has this v soothing accent, DREW A COVER FOR MY FIC AND THANK YOU, you could honestly tell her any idea you have and she will love it, is the older sister you can go to for anything, and is the sweetest person I know when not writing angst.
@skadventuretime - Hey mom, is legit the mom of the group, she is not in often, so we’re actually partying in her absence, but when she appears the whole chat acts like angels, has written character death before, we act like angels but she writes angst frequently, is the inspiration to us all, if she saw what we all did for a living... we would be grounded, and she’s a hard working grad school student.
@hiyoris-scarf - Writing senpai, likes to pretend that fanny packs are not fanny packs, has a habit of pulling apples outta nowhere, is high on alcohol life, sends videos of her cat, IS SO FUCKING PRETTY GOSH, went to Europe and came back a different person, is the definition of tumblr aesthetic, is extremely bad at lying over message, has had experiences in airplanes and writes smut for a living.
@moonemi - LITTLE SISTER, is honestly so BEAUTIFUL, the cutest person ever, is the definition of relationship goals, has a lotta knowledge in Korean dramas and music, has a v cute drawing style, cares so much about others, has the cutest British accent ever, how many times can I say cute in a sentence, cusses when v serious, is very aesthetic wth teach me, and is the first person I will visit outta the country.
@shadownightes - SASSY DAUGHTER, is the kindest person ever, drew a picture of my OC and I wanna lay down, will text during class, is there when you need her to be, honestly also lives in a place that is not real, draws the good stuff, is the biggest OC fan I have ever met in my entire life, is so precious, takes care of her mama, and knows what goods to send.
@dr-gothtastic - (Inku) Angst Queen, your local Kazubisha nerd, makes the best edits ever, can catch her playing video games for hours, will one day come to NYC with me, FELLOW KPOP FAN LIKE HELLO, tells the best stories in the whole universe, the person who has a nerd party that is fucking wild, has a beautiful laugh, literally is the cousin who knows how to party in the best ways, and will always give advice,
@bishoujohiyo - Your friendly neighborhood nurse, looks like an actress, wil fucking diagnose you if you mention you have cold, tells you all the things you should be eating... but you don’t have them, has the best typos in the world, will come up with the most unique insults, is the concerned mother for all of us youngions, knows how to calm someone down, and I would be hella sick without her. 
@wolfisyatotrash - RP buddy, took two months just to join the damn chat, is the voice of reason for most of our actions, awoo, is up at 12 am when she has school the next morning, is literally the most indecisive person in the chat, screams with me over random aus, literally is the manga page finder, finds everything before everyone else, says she can’t draw but can, and we just celebrated our one year anniversary for being friends.
@themusicalbookworm - (Geo, National Giographic) BEST SINGER EVER, is honestly the nicest person in the world, will meet up with me soon, writes the best and most angsty songs, can talk to you on just about anything, will write a song just for kicks in an au, gets my Florida problems, is also the mom of the group, comes up with the best ideas ever, and is like E V E R Y T H I N G.
@omnismith - Local kazubisha fan, swoons at many things, fact checks everything, looks up the meanings of Adachitoka detail, comes up the best headcanons and imagines for Noragami, also says some painful things about kazubisha, slowly became corrupted by the chat, judges the chat when she’s on, and is honestly the nicest person ever. 
@godinatracksuit - WIFEY, likes to go on walks, takes pictures of her dogs and nature, is very outdoors-y aesthetic, will literally send me a box of potatoes one day, judges the beaches in Florida, HAS THE BEST AND CUTEST AU EVER, can also sing like multi-talented, has to make us all coffee one day, first started out in the kazubisha chat and the moved over, and we have corrupted her.
@carrotcouple - My go to sleep alarm clock, is up when I go to bed, has to go through 1000 messages each morning, also looks up details about Noragami, is also a big KPOP fan, writes a fic that was translated into Chinese, likes to kinkshame me on the daily, kinkshames everyone on the daily tbh, inspired a new fic series of mine, and is a part of the Kdrama group.
@yes-campaign - WROTE ME THIS LONG ESSAY ON WHY I MATTERED AND HONESTLY SHE DESERVES A FUCKING GOLD STAR TYVM, sassy daughter, literally sasses everyone, you will probably think she is from England, can probably give you a detailed report on how to do something the simple way, is the youngest one in the group, and she acts nineteen.
@sunflower-yukine - My son, he was so innocent, now he is nothing except bees and shrek, sends me daily snaps and I am v thankful, is the only boy in the chat, likes to torture us all with memes, is the best friend nobody can control, knows how to get under everyone’s skin with memes, teams up with the meme team to attack us, and is honestly the funniest person to be around.
@rest-in-bees - Talks to me on the daily, has literally been taken over by memes, made a shrek cake, is the voice of reason when I am down in the dumps, loves listening about aus, I get to see her very soon, is so funny that it hurts, has a lot of childhood shows that she needs to watch, IS THE VOICE BEHIND THE RELATIONSHIP OF MY OC, and helps me out with Tinder.
@kiun & @blessedburial - NEWBIES, i have yet to really experience their full extent, caring children, also tell me to go to sleep or lay down, slowly are becoming corrupted from the chat, salty savages and I love them so much, still adjusting to Cat writing angst, and me killing characters, newest additions, and they fit in perfectly!
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