#[ // gently cradles promnis
tenebriism · 5 months
slam dunks prom into your inbox for that ship meme
Send Me a Ship and I'll Tell You . . . [ ACCEPTING ] ;;
Who is more likely to hurt the other?
Not on purpose, mind you, but Ignis would absolutely hurt Prompto more. Ignis is similar to Gladio, in that he's the blunt 'reminder of reality,' which can, oftentimes, come across as uncaring and harsh. He wouldn't MEAN to hurt Prompto, but there are a lot of times he may unintentionally shoot down that sunshiny demeanor and cast a cloud over it, and there would be many more occasions where he would have to put Noctis first and, to some extent, neglect Prompto. It's a lot of the reason why Ignis is so hesitant to get into a relationship; Noctis comes first, no matter what, and in past romantic pursuits, this HAS raised several issues.
Who is emotionally stronger?
Ignis. You have to be as advisor to the future king. In fact, Ignis struggles to show emotion, in general, because he's been taught, in a way, that weakness and vulnerability impose upon his ability to do his job.
Who is physically stronger?
Ignis. Prompto is definitely strong in his own right, but Ignis was trained since he was a little kid to prepare him for his role as the heir apparent's advisor. There aren't many who can trump him in a fight,
Who is more likely to break a bone? 
Prompto, haha. Dude is, without a doubt, more accident prone than Ignis.
Who knows best what to say to upset the other? 
I think this is where Prompto would shine. Ignis approaches most situations with logic, whereas Prompto feels with his heart more than his head. Logic is great in some situations, but not all; sometimes, someone may just need a hug, or the right words to pick themselves back up and press on, and Prompto has always been the 'optimistic sunshine' of the group.
Who is most likely to apologize first after an argument? 
I'd say both! Neither of them wants to do wrong, and they're mature enough to realize when they have.
Who treats who’s wounds more often? 
Ignis treats Prompto's wounds. He's the healer of the group for a reason.
Who is in constant need of comfort? 
Prompto. Ignis doesn't seek it; he was trained to handle matters on his own without seeking comfort but Prompto (especially after THAT PART OF THE GAME) needs more validation.
Who gets more jealous? 
Prompto. He's shown to have more doubts than Ignis, and worries about his place in both their group and the world itself, so I can see those uncertainties rearing their ugly head in certain moments.
Who’s most likely to walk out on the other? 
I dunno, this one is tough. I think Ignis would probably up and leave first? I feel like Prompto would be the one who would fight for their relationship more, and Ignis would just deem it easier to call it quits if Prompto is the unhappy one.
Who will propose? 
I could see either of them doing it! Or... WANTING to do it, but I think Prompto would seize the opportunity before Ignis.
Who has the most difficult parents?
Canon wise, Prompto, the poor guy. :/ Even outside of the LITTLE we got in regards to Ignis' family, Verstael was... UGH. If we're talkin' my personal backstory for Ignis, then Prompto still takes the crown, but Ignis does become somewhat of a decent contender.
Who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? 
100% Prompto. He's definitely going to end up being the more affectionate one between the two of them, even after they've been together for years and years and years. Ignis just tends to be more private and reserved, especially in public, but as he gets more comfortable with the relationship, he'll return Prompto's affections more and more frequently, and initiate it more, too.
Who hogs the blankets? 
Prompto, haha. Ignis is the most orderly, unmoving sleeper in the world. He'd let it happen, too.
Who gets more sad? 
Prompto. Ignis definitely gets sad, but he swallows it down like it's soup and puts on a stone mask. Prompto feels a lot more than Ignis does.
Who is better at cheering the other up? 
Prompto. Mr. Ball of Sunshine right there~
Who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?
Oh my gosh, 100% Prompto. If Ignis EVER did something like that, the world itself would end.
Who is more streetwise?
Prompto, just from experience alone. Ignis was raised in a very strict, culturally limited bubble, so his 'street smarts' are a bit... lacking.
Who is more wise?
Ignis! Has to be. Ya don't get to be the Advisor of the Heir Apparent without being INSANELY wise.
Who’s the shyest? 
Prompto. Ignis isn't 'shy,' he's just a bit... socially awkward.
Who boasts about the other more? 
Prompto. He seems like the type to put Ignis on an unnecessary pedestal.
Who sits on whose lap? 
Prompto is the lap sitter, and Ignis welcomes it. :)
@madeimpact ;;
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bgn846 · 4 years
Worthy Chapter 9: Sacrifices FFXV A/B/O Promnis
<Previous Chapter 8
Following his nose, Ignis was able to detect which direction Prompto had gone inside the palace.  “I can’t believe this is working,” he muttered, mostly to himself.
Ardyn chose to comment, anyway. “Does he smell pleasant at least?”
“I’m not answering that.”
“Hmm, means he does. That’s good, at least.”
Ignis chose to ignore the reply as he continued to track Prompto’s progress.  They had descended a pair of steps and were weaving through a maze of underground rooms.    The omega’s scent was slowly changing. It was becoming increasingly distressed in nature. The situation was less than ideal, so Ignis could understand Prompto’s mental state.    
“Oh dear,” Arydn whispered from behind.
“I can’t smell your sweet prince, but I can smell a very angry alpha nearby.”
Ignis’ mind immediately went to the new team member Nyx had mentioned earlier, “We’d better hurry.”   An alarm sounded nearby, and Ignis turned to Ardyn. “We didn’t set that off did we?” he asked with wide eyes.
“It’s only sounding in the main part of the building; I don’t think it has anything to do with us.”  
Continuing on, a decrepit metal door leading even further down soon appeared before them.  “Oh, this is interesting.” Ardyn offered.
They had barely begun the trek into the darkness when a loud boom reached their ears.  Not wasting another second, Ignis began running towards the sound. The feeling of dread beginning to overtake his mind was nearly paralyzing.  When a loud voice reached his ears, he stumbled to an abrupt stop. Carefully turning his phone light off, he motioned for Ardyn to follow.
The loud noise he’d heard a minute earlier had been a gunshot.  He knew this with certainty. Lady Saeva was standing a mere twenty feet from him brandishing said smoking firearm.  It was a powerful looking one that happened to be pointed directly at Prompto’s head. Ardyn’s firm grip on his arm kept Ignis from running to Prompto.  The fair-haired prince was wobbling in place, and a growing red stain was spreading on his shirt.    
Thinking fast, Ignis worked through the possible scenarios of how to save his omega.  Saeva was currently prattling on about treason without a care as to what was behind her.  However, as Ignis edged closer, Prompto looked directly at him. He’d since fallen down, and the cry of agony he’d made was heart-wrenching.   Freezing in place, Ignis waited to see what the blond would do. The younger man blinked slowly and seemed to be trying to push himself up.
Time was indeed running out.  Looking to Arydn, he gave a slight nod of his head, signaling the start of their ambush.
Ignis took a deep breath and summoned his dagger.  Without pause he hurled it at Saeva’s gun. The dagger knocked the weapon away from Prompto’s head.  Before Saeva was able to correct her aim, Ardyn was standing directly in front of her. Having warped between Saeva and Prompto, he immediately grabbed her wrist and twisted it up.  The pressure he was using caused Saeva to yell and drop the gun.
“Who the hell are you?” she wailed.
“I do believe we’ve met before, Lady Saeva,” Ardyn coolly replied despite Saeva’s hysterics over the situation.
“No!” she screamed, “No, no, no!!”
Ignis watched in horror as she grabbed her own dagger from a hidden pocket in her jacket.  The sound it made when she stabbed Ardyn in the chest was unnerving. What happened next was even more bizarre.
Ardyn actually laughed, but the look on his face didn’t match the action, “Oh, I’ve been gravely wounded by the lady,” he whined dramatically. “Whatever shall I do.”  Saeva tried to pull away from him, but Ardyn’s grip still held fast. Turning slightly, Ardyn pulled Saeva and himself towards the edge of the landing.
The scream Saeva let loose when Ardyn tipped them both over was painful to listen to.  Rushing forward to check the damage, Ignis saw that Ardyn had warped safely to the bottom.  Saeva seemed intact and was still screaming. She took off running into the labyrinth of corridors as Ardyn calmly followed.
Turning his full attention to Prompto, Ignis assessed the wound.  It was still bleeding, and Prompto wasn’t able to focus his eyes very well.  Nyx was suddenly beside him and checking the prince’s pulse. The young omega reached out an arm at the touch and kept trying to look at Ignis.  
Retrieving an elixir from the armiger, Ignis quickly broke the seal and handed it off to Nyx.  Gently pulling Prompto away from the wall, Ignis cradled him against his chest. “The elixir.” He motioned with his hand.
The sounds of Soliamare’s sobs echoed throughout the space as Ignis urged Prompto to drink.  Nyx had resituated to check the bullet wound and sighed in relief when it had closed, “The bullet went clean through but he’s lost a lot of blood, Ignis. Do you think he’ll be okay?” Nyx asked.
“We need to get back home so he can be properly treated.  Can you get us across to the other side?”
Nyx nodded and then furrowed his brow. “Did you mean separately or together?”
Oh dear, that was an issue.  Ignis really didn’t want to let go of Prompto, but he also knew that his mother wanted nothing more than to hug her son.  “Take the prince first,” he sighed.
“Igs – whas goi’n on?” Prompto asked a moment later.  He’d been silent during the whole encounter so far.
“You’re safe, Prompto. Nyx was about to take you to your mother.”
At the mention of his mom, Prompto tried to sit up but failed and slumped back in Ignis’ arms.  “Don’t go,” he begged, “Please don’t leave me.”
“I’m not leaving you, Prompto. Nyx can’t warp us both at the same time.  Do you understand?”  
The blond didn’t acknowledge his statement but started crying instead.  Thinking fast, Ignis turned and called out to the queen. “Majesty, if you would be so kind as to comfort your son.”
She obeyed and called out to Prompto. It appeared to work as he craned his neck to look. “Mum?”
“Dearest, please don’t fret. The nice glaive is going to carry you to me, and then he’ll bring Mr. Scientia next.”
Prompto nodded faintly and looked back to Ignis. “Please don’t leave me,” he tried again.
“Never. Now let Nyx help you to your mother.  I’ll follow in a moment.” Ignis reluctantly let go of the young omega, closing his eyes to shield them from the burst of blue magic as Nyx took the blond and was gone again.  Soliamare’s voice rang out she accepted her son and began showering him in motherly kisses.
Nyx was back in a flash and appeared slightly flushed. “Are you alright?” Ignis asked.
The soldier nodded and smiled. “Warping on my own is one thing, but taking people is a little draining.”
The sound of footsteps pounding down the secret corridor caught the advisors attention. “We must go,” he urged.  Nyx wasn’t ready for another warp yet and soon enough a dark figure came into view.
“Hold it right there!” the voice bellowed.
“Drautos?!” Nyx exclaimed. “What are you doing here?”
Ignis didn’t have the lax attitude Nyx did regarding the captain, and he drew his weapons from the armiger to defend himself.  
“Ignis, did she get you too?!” Drautos asked with worry as he stepped onto the landing.
Realizing a little too late that he must have been covered in Prompto’s blood, Ignis lowered his weapons slightly.  “It’s not mine. Saeva tried to kill Prompto,” he answered.
“Shit!  That fucking bitch is deadly,” Drautos fumed. “You can put the daggers away. I’m not the enemy.”
“Why are you here, sir?” Ignis asked, still wary of the man standing before him despite his affirmation of innocence.  
“Saving Alban from certain death!” Drautos huffed, “That crazy lady stabbed him in the back. I had to use a phoenix down to save his life, since she’d aimed for his heart!”  
“Who told you about Saeva?” Ignis pushed again, still not satisfied with the answers he was getting.
“Alban! Who else? He’s been telling me for a whole week that he thought she was plotting against him.  I didn’t think she’d go after Prince Prompto as well.” Drautos paused and looked across the collapsed walkway.  Grimacing, he looked back to Ignis. “Where is she?”
Ignis opened his mouth to answer, but a distant scream of terror filled the silence instead. “I believe Ardyn is handling the situation.”  
“Oh,” he muttered with a surprised look. “Nyx, warp me down there so I can go arrest her when Ardyn’s done.”
Nyx went to protest but Drautos put a hand on his shoulder and snapped his fingers to tell him to hurry up.  Clearly, he didn’t care that Nyx was tired. Another bright flash of light and Nyx had safely deposited the captain on the ground.
“Do you need a moment?” Ignis asked when Nyx was back and breathing heavily.
He shook his head and grabbed Ignis.  Nyx’s warp was very different from Ardyn’s.  The magic was inherently the same, but the power behind them was vastly unequal.   Ardyn made the act seem effortless, whereas Nyx was now panting from exhaustion on the ground.  
The woman Ignis had seen earlier sprang into action as she rushed to Nyx’s side and helped him up.  “Nyxie, be careful with yourself,” she scolded, “We still have to make it to the airfield.”
“What did you just call me?” Nyx huffed in disbelief. “Nyxie??  Six! Ignis, save me. She’s an alpha, and she’s trying to get me,” the glaive whined.
“I can see that,” he supplied while kneeling beside Soliamare.  She was still tightly holding onto her son. “Prompto, are you pain?” Ignis asked.  The blond shook his head and reached out to grab Ignis’ sleeve.
“Don’t go,” he pleaded.
“I’m not leaving without you.  I will need to carry you to the dropship, though. Are you alright with that?” The last thing he wanted to do was upset the poor omega any more.
Prompto nodded and reached out again for Ignis.  This action surprised him, since they still didn’t know each other very well.  The queen even raised an eyebrow, and for a moment she hugged her son closer.
“Mum, it’s alright. We can trust Ignis,” he offered weakly.
“What do I need to do?” she asked with a determined look.  She clearly wanted to believe her boy.
Aranea left Nyx leaning up against a wall and came over to help.  She and Soliamare were able to hold Prompto in a standing position as Ignis kneeled down.  Since the prince was still conscious, he opted to carry him piggy back style. A fireman’s hold might be too disorienting for the omega.
After a few minutes, Prompto was situated, and they took off toward the airfield.  Aranea hosted Nyx’s arm over her shoulder and led the way out into the darkness. The area was devoid of life, since it was now nearly four in the morning.  The ten minute walk to the dropship was tiring. Prompto was lightweight, but carrying another human for any timeframe was exhausting.
“What about your friend?” Soliamare asked once they’d made it to the tarmac.
“I’ll call him if he doesn’t get here soon.”
“Aren’t you concerned? He was stabbed by Lady Saeva.”
Ignis laughed nervously. “He’s got potions and magic to heal his wounds. He’ll be fine.”
Nyx spoke up this time, “It looked like she got him in the heart. You sure he can handle that on his own?”
Grunting from the effort of climbing the ramp to the dropship, Ignis replied, “Trust me he’s fine.  He’ll be here soon.”
Ignis never liked fielding questions about Ardyn. The man had his secrets.  
“What took you all so long?” an amused voice asked once they’d cleared the cargo bay area.
“Hey!  How’d you get here before us?” Nyx asked perplexed. “We saw you run off with a stab wound!”
Ardyn tsked and waved his hand. “I walk and heal fast.”
“Did Drautos find you?” Ignis asked as he headed for a long bench seat to deposit Prompto.
“Oh yes, we had a nice chat. He’s an interesting fellow.”
Interrupting again, Nyx steered Aranea over to sit nearby. “What did you end up doing to her?”
“Saeva,” Nyx responded dryly.
“Oh, snaky. What exactly is it you want to know?” Ardyn queried.
Ignis was too tired to save Nyx from the never ending spiral of confusion he was about to get smothered in.  Ardyn was never going to say what he’d done. Ignis knew he’d probably scared the shit out of her, which was enough in his book.  Drautos would take care of the rest. King Alban trusted his friend immensely in that regard.
Ignis wanted to question the woman fawning over Nyx, but he didn’t have the mindset.  He was focused on taking care of his omega. The urge to protect the young man before him was intense.  Crouching down in front of the prince, he searched for other injuries. Prompto was leaning against his mother and blinking slowly. “Are we home yet?” he asked.
Did Ignis hear that correctly? Did Prompto insinuate that being with Ignis was his new home?  Ignis had to check. He couldn’t base that assumption off his own desires. “We are leaving your home in Niflheim, Prompto.  We are traveling back to Lucis so you can start a new life.”
Prompto seemed distressed by that response and reached forward grabbing Ignis’ jacket.  He managed to pull himself up and was shaking. “Niflheim was never my home. I – I want to be with you.  Please?” he cried out.
“Of course, that was my hope.  I wish for you and your mother to be safe.”  Ignis paused and waited to see if Prompto would add anything more. “Would you like to lie down and rest?”
Nodding emphatically, Prompto continued to lean forward until he was hugging the advisor. “I need you near me,” he whispered.
Hugging the omega back, Ignis replied, “I feel the same way. Now, let’s get you better situated, shall we?”
The remainder of the trip back to Lucis was spent with Prompto cradled to his chest.  The omega’s feet were strewn out over his mother’s lap. She eventually dozed off with her head resting on Ignis’ shoulder.
Ardyn was still having far too much fun with Nyx.  Regis’ fake brother was currently curtailing his latest adventure in the citadel kitchens - none of which had anything to do with Saeva, but it didn’t stop Nyx from trying.  He was a rebel himself, so it was no wonder he couldn’t help but attempt to mess with Ardyn. Little did Nyx know, Ardyn had been playing that game far longer than the glaive could have ever guessed.    
With a moment of relative peace, Ignis turned his attentions towards the mystery woman. “May I ask your name?”
“Aranea Highwind,” she offered smoothly.
“I trust you will be on your best behavior when we arrive?” questioned Ignis.
“Cross my heart.  I have a new  beta , ya know.”
The influenced word caused Nyx to stop mid-conversation and groan. “I thought you’d stopped doing that.  Be careful. You might wake up Prompto.”
Aranea covered her mouth and winked at Ignis.  Poor Nyx was going to have his hands full with this alpha.  She was smitten with the man, despite his best efforts to shoo her away.    
A faint hint of dawn was peeking through the clouds when they landed in Lucis.  Ardyn was kind enough to rouse Soliamare. The queen looked worn out, but she seemed calm as Ardyn escorted her off the dropship.   Nyx had recouped some of his energy and didn’t need to lean on Aranea anymore. The alpha seemed slightly upset by that development but followed after him with a smile.
Gathering Prompto’s sleeping form in his arms, Ignis made his way to the car that was waiting outside. The blond was exhausted and didn’t stir when being jostled into the backseat.  The citadel was barely a fifteen minute drive from the airfield. They were in the home stretch and would all be resting soon.    
“He’s gonna get mad that we’re wait’n up for him,” Gladio supplied as they sat on the steps to the service entrance in the back of the citadel.
“Why? I’m safe.  We are still inside the citadel grounds.  You’re with me. What’s there for Specs to get mad about?”
“Plenty. You not getting your beauty rest, for starters.”
“Pfft, it’s fine. I’m up early for a change.”
Gladio opened his mouth to continue the argument but gave up. “Yeah, good point,” he offered instead.
“I see a car!” Noct exclaimed a second later. “I hope it’s them. Ignis’ text only said they’d landed.”
An official diplomatic limousine had pulled into the loading dock and came to a halt in front of them.  Ignis was always one step ahead. Gladio knew he’d ordered the limo so everyone could fit in the vehicle together.  He hoped his mission was successful; if his friend hadn’t succeeded in rescuing Prompto, then it would be heartbreaking.
Ardyn exited first. “Did you miss us?” he quipped.
“Did you get him?” Noct asked desperately in response.
“You’ll have to ask Ignis.”
Gladio could tell that was not the answer Noct wanted.  The prince scooted closer to the car in hopes of snagging a peek inside.  However, Nyx and a strange lady got out next. Nyx immediately shuffled over to Ardyn and tried to hide behind the man. The stranger followed and latched onto the glaive’s arm.
Gladio was about to ask what was going on when the queen of Niflheim stepped out.  She looked tired and had obviously been crying recently. That did not bode well. Noct rushed over and bowed slightly to her.  It was then that Gladio noticed the blood stains on her shirt. “Majesty! Are you injured?” Gladio asked as he stepped forward.
The queen gasped slightly from the sudden attention and backed away. Gladio cursed his aggressive advance and held his hands up to calm the woman.  She seemed to rethink her actions and nodded finally. “I am uninjured; it’s not my blood,” she admitted.
Not waiting another second, he ran to the door to check on the remaining occupants.  Noct nearly pushed him out of the way as they crowded around the car door. Thank the six, Ignis and Prompto were both there.
“Who’s injured?” Gladio asked quickly.  He didn’t want to waste any more time guessing.
“It’s Prompto, but I’ve used an elixir and hopefully now all he needs is rest,” Ignis answered while attempting to maneuver Prompto into his arms.
“Can I help?” Gladio questioned softly.  He knew Ignis wanted to take care of the omega, but it was clear he was struggling.
Ignis sighed in reply and leaned back on his haunches. “I can do this,” he huffed.
“I know ya can, but I want to help.  You’re better at getting all the other stuff set up.”
“What other stuff?”
“Where to sleep? What to wear? What to eat?” Gladio offered while counting things off on his hand, “I’m not good at coordinating all that, you are.”
Ignis looked away and took another deep breath.  The advisor was at war with himself.
Taking a risk, Gladio slowly bent down and started to crawl into the car.  Ignis turned back around and growled. There was a fire in his eyes, and Gladio’s heart ached for his friend. “Please, Iggy, let me help.”
His last attempt seemed to hit a nerve as Ignis finally relaxed his shoulders and nodded.  “Sorry,” he murmured.
“Nothing to be sorry about. Now, let’s get your omega resting comfortably, okay?”
Gladio carefully lifted the unconscious youth in his arms and they all headed inside.  Turning the first corner revealed an entire entourage of people waiting for them. Ignis plowed ahead toward them and didn’t stop walking.
“Marshal Leonis, may I introduce Aranea Highwind,” Ignis announced with a wave of his hand.  Turning slightly to face Aranea, the advisor continued, “I hope you won’t think me rude, but I had hoped you might wish to rest up before formal introductions are made.”
Aranea nodded in response and drug Nyx over to walk behind the marshal.  Cor extended his arm indicating for them to follow when a second corridor appeared.  
Even as they walked away Gladio could hear Aranea clear as day when she cooed, “Nyxie you didn’t tell me you knew Cor The Immortal.”
Despite the noise that resulted from the combination of snorting and choking, it wasn’t difficult to figure out who’d made which sound.  Nyx was still coughing in the distance as Ignis forged a path towards the royal guest quarters.  
Three other people remained glued to Ignis side as he quietly gave instructions.  Gladio guessed one must have been from the kitchens, as they were furiously scribbling down items and rushed off a moment later.   The other two looked like normal citadel employees. Ignis motioned for them to follow as they arrived to the suite.
Pushing the doors open, Ignis stepped aside and let the queen, whom Ardyn was escorting, in first.  Ignis tapped the shoulder of one of the employees and sent them over to speak with the queen. Gladio only saw them bow deeply and take out a notepad and measuring tape.  Ah, tailors. That would make sense. Neither Prompto nor his mother had any clothes with them. The remaining employee followed Ignis down the hall but stopped short of the bedroom door.
“Noctis, would you be a good sport and let the tailor measure you,” Ignis offered while holding the door open for Gladio to walk in with Prompto.
“What for?!” he sputtered.
“You are very similar in size to Prince Prompto.  I need to get a small wardrobe started for him, and your help would be most appreciated.”
Gladio laughed to himself. Nothing motivated Noct more than praise.   He could hear the prince agree eagerly as Ignis closed the door on them.
“We need to get him changed,” Ignis supplied as he walked over to the bed and retrieved a brand new pair of pajamas that had been laid out.
“I told you: you’re better at all the coordination.”
Ignis simply hummed in response and motioned for Gladio to place Prompto on the bed.  However, it was in this exact moment that Prince Prompto began to wake up.
Gladio could tell right away that Prompto didn’t know if he was safe or not.  His scent was heavy with fear, so the shield began producing calming pheromones to help.  Opting to hold him close, Gladio waited for Prompto to pry his eyes open. Ignis had caught a whiff of the scent and was standing next to him in a flash.
“Prompto?” Ignis tried softly. “We are in Lucis, safe inside the citadel.”
Finally the young omega opened his eyes.  He stared at Ignis for a good minute before he realized that the advisor wasn’t actually holding him.  Snapping his head up, Prompto stared at Gladio next. “You’re warm.” he whispered.
Unable to stop the grin from spreading across his features, Gladio beamed at Prompto. “That’s what Noct always says.”
Prompto looked surprised, but without missing a beat, he asked, “Are you his alpha?”
“I will be soon.” Gladio admitted, “but it’s a secret for now.”  
“I have one too!” Prompto breathed out in a rush. “I dunno if mine is a secret or not,” he finished with a confused look.  Turning back to Ignis, Prompto tried again. “Are you my secret alpha?”
Ignis looked so happy at what Prompto was babbling on about that it made Gladio smile even wider. “I believe I’m just your average alpha, Prompto.  There is nothing secret going on.”
Prompto gasped at the response. “You’re not average.  You saved me from snaky.”
“She shouldn’t have picked on my omega,” Ignis supplied coolly.
The blond in Gladio’s arms giggled at the comment and rested his head against his chest once more. “I’m tired.”
“I know, Prompto.  Gladio, won’t you set him on the bed, please.”
Gladio had to grab the prince by his shoulders to keep him upright once he’d relinquished his hold.  He was about to ask Ignis what was happening next when Noct came into the room.
“Ah, perfect timing, Highness.  If you would be so kind as to help your friend into his jammies, I would be forever grateful.  Gladio and I will be waiting in the hallway.”
Prompto perked up at the comment and looked at Ignis, “You’ll be coming back right?”
“Yes, of course. I do wish to give you some privacy while you change, though.”
Gladio let go of Prompto, and he slumped forward slightly.  Noct sprang into action and took over. “Hey, buddy. You okay with me helping you change?  I can go get your mom, if you’d prefer.”
Prompto shook his head and hugged Noct instead.  “You’re my friend. I trust you.”
“Better hurry before he falls asleep in your arms.” Gladio laughed.
Standing up and grabbing Ignis’ wrist, they both went out into the hallway.  Hovering near the doorway proved amusing. The sounds of bubbling laughter and snorts could be heard clearly. “How can he still have enough energy to laugh like that?” Gladio questioned.
Ignis seemed to instantly sober at the comment, and he looked up at Gladio with worried eyes, “She shot him, Gladio. She intended to kill him just for being an omega.”
“He’s safe now. You did the right thing,” Gladio offered as he pulled his friend into a hug.   A small squeak drew their attention when they pulled apart.  
“I didn’t know alphas could tolerate each other enough to hug.” The queen stated in shock. “Alban and his brothers do nothing but fight and growl at one another.”
Ardyn had shown the queen the way there and was standing behind her a few feet. “I have a feeling some things may be changing after tonight’s events, Soliamare.”
“Oh, I suppose.” She shuddered briefly and looked at Ignis directly. “Thank you for saving my son.”
“Ardyn, did the dirty work, I’m afraid.  Do thank him and not me,” Ignis replied.
“Nonsense. You had enough intuition to know things were escalating.   Ardyn has already told me what he did to that horrible woman, and I am grateful to him for that.”
Gladio watched as Ignis gave Ardyn a look that was the silent version of ‘you did what?’  Arydn merely grinned in response and stayed silent.
Before anyone could say more, the door behind them opened and Noct stuck his head out. “He’s changed and wants to see everybody.”
“Your hair’s a little messed up there, princess,” Gladio chided as they followed him back in.
“Prompto kept making me fall over on the floor when I was helping him get his boots off.”
The fair haired prince giggled at the comment.  He was tucked into the bed with a large blanket covering him. “This is so warm.”  When he spotted his mother, he got excited. “Mum! The beds are really comfy. Not like back in Niflheim.”
Soliamare walked over and sat down on the other side of the bed, “Yes, it is very nice.  Dearest, why don’t you try and sleep. You need rest.”  
“M’kay,” Prompto murmured, “Can you and Ignis sit with me?” he asked with one final burst of energy.
The queen looked over to Ignis, and he nodded in agreement. “Of course, dear.  Anything to make you comfortable.”
“Oh! Um – Mr. Lucis Caelum, sir -- thanks for scaring the shit out of snaky for me.”  
Ardyn didn’t skip a beat and bowed to the Niflheimian prince. “Happy to be of service. Now, let us three take our leave so the young man can rest well.”
“I trust you will be going back to your room,” Ignis assumed as Noct walked past.
“Nah, we’re not leaving.  We’ll be in the living room. I want to hear Ardyn’s side of the story,” Noct exclaimed as he waved bye to his friend and ran out down the hall.
“Call us if you need anything,” Gladio added as he followed Ardyn out of the room.  He was so happy they’d successfully rescued Prompto and his mother. Now to hear what exactly had happened.  Ardyn was an excellent storyteller when he wanted to be. Gladio had a feeling they would get the full and accurate picture from Uncle Ardyn.
>Next Chapter 10
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lattdraws · 7 years
For the bingo thing, how about Promnis and "how does it feel?"
IT ONLY TOOK ME 10 YEARS!!! What a wonderful premise for these wonderful boys ;) thank you! 
Give me a FFXV pairing and a command: https://tropebingo.tumblr.com/post/170851996594/command-card
I Didn’t Ask - 810 words - nsfw - Promnis/”how does it feel”
Prompto brushed his hands through his hair and failed to remember when sentiment had overcome his reason. He did not mind, not now. He picked at the collar of the shirt, peeking around the doorway into the kitchen. Morning light from the large floor to ceiling windows filtered in, warm and bright, illuminating Ignis in a nearly ethereal haze where he was cooking. He must have sensed because he slowed his mixing, turning to him with a slight smile.
Ignis turned back to the task when Prompto pressed into his back and wrapped freckled arms around the slim waist. He wasted little time then, one hand slipping in the soft pajama pants while the other one traveled under his shirt. He chuckled when Ignis squirmed, the mixing spoon clattering to the counter.
“No, later,” Ignis murmured, tapping on the hand under his shirt. “I’m trying to make us breakfast-”
Prom did not ask and was not going to when this was one of his better ideas. He refused to let it go because, if he were honest, ideas like these came few and far between. Turning Ignis around, he brought their mouths together in a lightning kiss. It was an assault and he was quick to press his knee against Ignis’s crotch. He finally relented and stood on his toes to get a better look at Iggy’s flushed face. “Can you really say no?” Taking his silence as a good sign and falling to his knees, he nuzzled at the erection tenting the fabric there, fingers hooking into the waistband.
The little whine that escaped Ignis and the hand running through his hair told Prompto that yes, this was an excellent idea. He tugged the pants down, hands quickly grasping a very firm ass. Without any fanfare, he took all of Ignis’s length in his mouth.
“Gods, Prompto!”
Pride swelled in his chest as he gagged just a bit, doing a little happy dance in his head when Ignis tightened his grip on his hair. The stunt proved to be a good distraction too, pulling out the small bottle from his shirt pocket. He kept working the shaft with unbridled enthusiasm, hollowing his cheeks when he felt Ignis’s grip slacken on his head. He pushed one lube-slicked finger past the velvety ring of muscle, watching Ignis’s reaction through his eyelashes.
Ignis was so pretty with cheeks flushed, the blush fading down below the collar of his shirt, hair sticking to his temples.
Prompto had to confess: he loved looking at him. Why he preferred having the man underneath him or in front of him, facing each other. Those green eyes would flutter, and his mouth would shape a soundless gasp, tongue peeking out between his perfect teeth. Just like now.
He drew away from Ignis’s cock with a muted pop, “How long can you stand for me?”
“As long as it takes.” Ignis voice was rough and low, breathing shallow.
Prompto licked his lips, “You sure about that?” He gently swirled his tongue around the head and added a second finger, going straight for the prostate. Ignis growled, letting go of Prompto’s hair and holding on for dear life to the counter, sharp corners digging into his palms.
“How does that feel?” He asked sweetly, voice light and playful, before taking him in again. Ignis only moaned, moving his hips in time with Prompto’s loving efforts.
Prompto looked up in time to watch Ignis come, beautiful and ethereal, even as liquid heat spilled into his mouth and down his chin. Kissing an old bruise on his thigh (when did he get that?), he stood up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and reaching out to steady Ignis.
After cleaning up and a few more moments of quiet assurances and soft touches, Ignis cradled Prompto’s face in his hands. He wished to repay the favor and opened his mouth to say as much when he noticed the dark circles under his eyes. Brushing his thumb over too sharp cheekbones, he pecked his forehead and said, “Prompto, go. Brush your teeth and I’ll continue breakfast.”
Prompto angled his shoulder just so, Iggy’s dress shirt slipping on one side. He bit his lip and widened his eyes. “Please, I just want to be with you. Food can wait.” If he had to kneel and beg, so be it. He knew Iggy liked that anyway.
But, he shook his head, narrowing his eyes. “Go,” he growled, voice edging on hardness and a tone Prompto absolutely loathed when used outside of their work. He grumbled and stormed off to the bathroom.
Ignis sighed, pushing his hair out of his eyes. For one second, he breathed in the dark, heady emotion that curled and squeezed around his heart. He supposed that could be love, but he wouldn’t know. Humming quietly, he resumed cooking.
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kayfiction · 8 years
Title: The Howling Wind (Chapter 1) Paring: Prompto Argentum/Ignis Scientia (Promnis) Summary: Set not long after Noctis's disappearance, Ignis is proving to himself he can function just fine on his own. He pushes his limits everyday, and he's learning to handle himself better with each hunt he takes on.
With a powerful and potentially deadly storm brewing on the horizon, Ardyn manipulates Prompto's insecurities and plants the idea in his head that Ignis will die in the storm, and there's nothing the gunslinger can do about it.
The Howling Wind Chapter 1
"I don't want to go anywhere with you." Prompto's voice didn't quite shake, but he took an involuntary step back as his eyes tracked the menacing figure in the shadows.
"But I believe you," came the playfully slow reply, a devious smirk crossing that face. "You do, or that blind ex-advisor friend of yours may die. You don't want that, do you?" Playful, and sinister. Ardyn couldn't help the broadening grin on his face as Prompto reacted exactly as he thought he would.
"I-Ignis!?" A bubble of panic burst in Prompto's chest, and his hands clenched. "What did you do?" The blond all but shouted in his quickly panicking haste.
That familiar, unpleasant chuckle followed his outburst, Ardyn lifted a finger. "Nothing at all." The yet hung in the air as an unvoiced threat. "Don't you think the weather is going to get rather nasty, though? Poor, blind Ignis, out on a hunt alone and caught in an awful storm."
Ardyn lead the blond along until stood on a low cliff that overlooked a once-familiar and often travelled field. Prompto all the while questioning the choice to follow, and yet feeling as if he had no choice. The sound of fighting could be heard carried on the rising wind.
"That's him out there, you know," Ardyn said conversationally. "Trying to prove his worth now that the once-chosen-king is gone."
"Ignis! Oh, man. I've gotta find him!" Prompto tried to ignore Ardyn and his poison, headed to the slope that would take him down into the field. Hands grasped him from behind, and for a horrible moment the tall frame of Ardyn's body pressed to the blond's back. Immediately Prompto started to hyperventilate, and he struggled against the hands clenched tightly around his wrists. Hair tickled his face, then the stubble of his chin as he pressed his face along Prompto's. "Let me go!"
He chuckled again, this time softer. The fear in Prompto squeezed a panicked whimper out of his throat. "What do you think you can do for him? You are nothing to them without the young prince to give you purpose." The chuckle colored his words, dancing down the young gunslinger’s spine as cold sweat.
"That's not true!" Prompto spat defiantly, but the flame of need to help Ignis was squelched dramatically under the weight of those words. The storm was blowing in rapidly around them, the winds cold and the smell of rain and ice on the wind.
“Is it not? Well, then!” he called over the howl of the wind. “Better find him, quickly. Before it’s too late.” With that, Ardyn simply let go, shoving the blond off balance. Prompto teetered, arms waving, before another shove sent him over the side of the cliff.
Ardyn didn’t wait to see his descent, just hummed a light tune and turned his back on the cliff. He clutched his hat to his head in the rising winds, and walked away as if it would be of no consequence to him at all.
Prompto knew the cliff wasn’t that high, but the impact with the ground after his tumble down the jagged face made it feel like he had fallen much, much farther. Everything hurt, and his mind was a torrential mess of fear and poorly controlled panic. The physical pain didn’t matter as he scrambled to his feet and half-ran, half limped on a pained ankle blindly into the wind, following the sounds of the fighting. His light was cracked and flickering. It wouldn’t take long for the daemons to find him and his gun was in his hand by instinct alone.
“Ignis!” Prompto screamed as loudly as he could. The wind stole the sound as it came from him, and he feared whether anyone could have heard it. He kept on screaming Ignis’s name. He thought he could see the glow of magic, it wasn’t far. Fat, ice cold raindrops began to fall in rapid order, Prompto and the ground were soaked in seconds. What do you thing you can do for him? The words echoed in his head and clenched in his chest. “IGNIS?!”
He could clearly see the shape of a large daemon—clearly enough to take the shot and not fear hitting Ignis. He took aim, slowing his headlong run enough that he could take the shot. The gun’s blast was clear even over the wind’s howl. You are nothing to them without the young prince to give you purpose.
“Ignis?” It looked like Ignis was still fighting, but he looked exhausted, perhaps staggering under the disorienting rain. Prompto’s resolve hardened, he had to help the advisor.
“Prompto? What are you doing here?” He could barely hear Ignis’s voice over the wind and rain, then there was a crack of thunder, and lightning flashed blindingly. It was so disorienting he crashed into something and tumbled to the ground on top of it. By the way it struggled, it must have been a goblin or something. The dusty ground-turned-mud made it hard to scramble away, but hands grabbed his arm and pulled him away before the nasty daemon could do any damage to him.
“What are you doing here?” Ignis’s shocked and irritated tones cut across the sounds of the storm as he questioned Prompto again.
“I-I” Ignis threw himself back into the fighting as Prompto wiped mud and water from his face. What would he tell Ignis—Ardyn was being a sick asshole and started all this? He was getting the feeling he shouldn’t have come out here, but… “No, don’t think about,” he muttered to himself, and followed Ignis into the fray. The dust-turned-mud was difficult to traverse and made his ankle throb all the more; it was hard to see anything in the flashes of lightning and the deluge pouring down on them. They fought together just as they had not that long ago, working together and taking down the daemons with what felt like no effort at all. For those few moments, everything felt like normal, doing combat together with an easy rapport, as if Ignis had never lost his sight and they were just waiting for Gladiolus and Noctis to join the fray.
Then—the soft, sinister chuckle invaded Prompto’s mind again. He couldn’t seem to banish it from his mind. “Ignis! We should get out of here!” He shouted fretfully, they were fighting against the wind as much as the daemons. How much longer could this last? He didn’t hear Ignis’s reply, everything went wrong all at once, one of them slipped first, but they both tumbled to the ground—and the next moments he wouldn’t remember because it happened so fast. All he knew was his muscle memory and desperation, Prompto recovered first and lunged between Ignis and the falling blade of the giant daemon they had yet to defeat. He cried out once and collided with the ground with a sickening squelch of mud.
Ingis was still struggling to rise as the unmistakable sound cut across everything else in his mind. Prompto was down, and the daemon gave a grunt and was moving back to strike again at its next target. The blind advisor’s rage flared, confounded by why Prompto would blindly throw himself into such a fatal blow. Magic erupted as fire from the blades of his daggers. The brunet charged at the daemons with a sharp, angry shout and struck out at it. In spite of the rain, wind, and mud, fire shot explosively from the ground of the daemon’s feet. The assault took one more push, a last blaze of fiery magic from Ignis, and the daemon was done.
“Prompto?” Ingis had lost track of his location in the furious attack, moving carefully to find him. He stumbled as his foot met a leg, and he bent out of the wind, hands moving deftly over the prone form. Nothing missing, he was breathing, so far so good. Ignis cradled the blond’s head gently, noting the lack of response from his unconscious form. Damn all if this wasn’t a time he cursed his blind eyes, wanting the visual reassurance that Prompto was alive and not in a critical state.
Daemons would be upon them again soon, or else the storm turn deadly. He had taken measures, plans he’d made in case of emergencies, to get help. He would call on them now, to ensure Prompto’s safety and to get him medical attention immediately. Two buttons to press, and he had Cindy on the phone, she would arrive shortly with some of the local hunters.
In pelting rain and ripping wind, Ignis concentrated on signs of more daemons arriving. The low peels and sharp cracks of thunder made it much more difficult to discern, and there was still no sign of response from the blond beneath him. He had to lean close and listen for his breath, feel his heartbeat just to be sure.
Cindy’s arrival left him with a sense of relief, even if his concern for Prompto did not cease.
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