#[ and can show affection with words and deeds and can feel for other people ]
vxctorx · 8 months
[ is it really too much to ask for someone to write the granada/book version of sherlock holmes? ]
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anantaru · 6 months
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— ꒰ synopsis ꒱ — ex! boyfriend lyney headcanons
— ꒰ warnings ꒱ — [ex]plicit, fem! reader, a lil possessive lyney, friends with benefits, rough, experienced lyney
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ex boyfriend lyney moves in a way that you cannot possibly get an eyeful of, no hint of what he's planning, no inkling of why he did it— his precise yet persistent methods to win you over again aren't for one to notice, in fact, he doesn't lose his frame of mind during the entire process of your break-up, his aura and certain outbursts are ultimately swallowed down by him so you cannot see them.
the man was keeping his emotions in check in an almost frightening fashion that in recollection, it scares you. one might even go as far and assume that it was for the sake of you, or himself, to suppress his negative feelings in order to make the environment easier for the both of you.
ex boyfriend lyney remains silent for a good while after your break-up, he doesn't reach out to you often but it's because he believes you will take time to get used to being without him again. on the contrary, it gave him the perfect gateway of carefully planning each step out— not unexpectedly, of course, it's important to note that he wouldn't force you to stay with him because he deeply cares about your happiness.
you really want to break up? well, if that's what your heart desires, lyney wouldn't want to stand in your way— instead, he'd make it his most important task to remain friends with you, in order to win you over once more. what most people told you is that “once a book is finished, you cannot reread and take parts out of it, just because you didn't like it or want to change the narrative” it's over, ancient history, printed out on paper.
almost comical, ex boyfriend lyney thinks— after all, he was a magician and utterly skilled in his craft. he could pull it off, right?
before you know it, he will demonstrate the love he harbors for you in a blink of an eye, that passion that was too dark for dim eyes to discover currently— yet one day, he promises you, that he'll draw a veil over all deeds passed and walk you through a new beginning.
ex boyfriend lyney cannot imagine a life without you, it is out of the question because he sees you as family, a part of him, he wants and needs to protect you even after your break up. such strong amibition of shielding his significant other (or now ex), specifically wanting to protect them might stem from him being a big brother and always looking after his siblings.
in the act of love, no other individual could make him feel like you did— it's as if magic pulled at his heartstrings when he sees you, or when you smile at you.
his chest pumps with affection when you're here. he's so eager to show you again, wanting to reproduce memories of the past, back when love was him and you.
ex boyfriend lyney supports you, always, and he does it flawlessly when he fuels your needs, his smoldering gaze always here to help and burning into your body, sending shivers down your spine. there was a problem you faced? do not be scared, because ironically enough, lyney always seems to be there for you, at the right time, the right place and with the right words hand in hand to say.
ex boyfriend lyney will always be there when you need him, and in conjuction, he'll be the answer to all of your hardships, as if he somehow knew why they were happening in the first place. you can count on him always, no? with one voice and the beat of his heart, he's there to look after you while inching closer, giving your cheek a good squeeze before calling your stressed-out expression cute.
ex boyfriend lyney can immediately notice how different you were a couple weeks well into the break-up, but he also likes how you're still getting shy when his attention is solely fixated on you again, like your previous defenses have never drawn life in the first place— it's a pain, a taxing one at that when you realize that you still like him, despite the fact that you promised yourself to detach from any further interactions you and lyney could have in the future, yet proceeding to go against your better judgement.
but after a while, ex boyfriend lyney and you couldn't resist the temptations anymore as you're first agreeing to be friends with benefits for a while— only until one of you finds a serious match again, or another person that was able to outshine any of you, when in reality none of you had even considered dating again.
needless to say, it felt good, like every small movement of him was ten times stronger when he presses himself into you, when he rubs warmly over the throbbing spots only he knew were to find, "you're always so pretty.." he drawls out as your stomach flips at his drunken thoughts becoming real words, angelic tones you could hear.
ex boyfriend lyney makes you take every long breath a lot more meaningful, you felt as if you were breathing in the fumes of a volcano as it captured you in a smoldering haze— taking into account how the bedroom was slowly developing into something humid, heavy, and hot.
ex boyfriend lyney lets you succumb to it fully, and there was so much pressure on your cunt that your back was arching up into his body, your figure held by two hands slipped underneath, the almost agony-like sensation of fullness bristling on your sex as lyney moves and explores further into the realm of your beautiful body.
ex boyfriend lyney knows all of your kinks, or the certain spots you liked being stimulated, the very places you only hoped he'd do whenever he's got you split in half. you definitely notice his self assurance too, it's a bit stronger than last time— how he cannot possibly hold back a ravishing smirk when you're this easy to please.
there's no confusion in his face either, nor was he unfocused, only a dark lust was painted behind his eyes.
ex boyfriend lyney pulls one hand from your hip to your cheek before slanting your head down in order for you to witness the mess he's made in between your thighs.
your hips were pressing up off of the mattress in order to taste more of him, the lustful hankering mounting in your veins as your mouth turns dry as desert bones when your moans increase in length. a just released greed develops from your desperate yearning, it expands in your stomach and multiplies the more lyney pleasured you, the faster he flicks his length over your walls and smears his pre in waves on your wet sex.
"lyney..." you drawl out in an angelic tone that immediately made his heart flutter, "I n-need more," you say, smirking, your hand slowly wafting to your breasts before you're squeezing one of them, twinging at your nipple next. this was on purpose— because you knew how much he liked it whenever you put on a show for him.
so you continue, without a hurry, going with the flow and moving gently between the valley of your breasts until sliding past your lower stomach that was currently feeling full to the brim. yet your hand doesn't stop yet, only halting right above your clit when decent on it.
"I can't... you're so, fuck," his voice cracks, a moan sliding up through his throat. he's done for, you got him now.
ex boyfriend lyney shakes from the warm greeting of your walls sucking him tight, salivating at the sight of your poor pussy squelching clamorously. the magician missed you so much that he didn't want to conceal the burly emotions of his mind from you anymore— in truth, lyney was pathetic, truly without shame.
he shamelessly whimpers into your mouth before lapping at your bottom lip, biting it, sucking and toying with your tongue. he's whining, on the verge of crying due to pleasure, his eyes closed and hips rutting into your heat as the tips of his ears slowly turn pink.
ex boyfriend lyney moans out your name when you lock your legs around his hips, the rough squeezes of your pussy tightening as your body began to ready itself, the pleasure of your climax coming through you in a formidable wave of bliss as the both of you came at the same time, feeling like all the relief in the world settled in your stomach as your arousal glazes all over his shaft.
ex boyfriend lyney lets out a deep, muffled groan as you shake underneath his body. he collapses shortly after on top of you— yet it's all too much for you to keep up with. possible regrets? well, probably, but you're way too dizzy and fucked out of your mind to even force yourself to think about it.
what's there to know for you was that ex boyfriend lyney still loves you more than anything— and if being in this kind of "special relationship" was the best possible outcome for now, so be it.
on the grounds that sooner or later, he will get you back again.
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©2024 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify, claim as your own
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autolenaphilia · 8 months
Some thoughts on The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
I found out about The Coffin of Andy and Leyley from an ”antiship” blog that I was on solely to block, because these people are always violent callout culture transmisogynists. Them getting very upset about this game having incest in it piqued my interest. The art looked interesting, and if these people hate it, it can’t be all bad.
(Case in point about the transmisogyny, from my understanding some people tried to dox the pseudonymous and secretive developer of this game, Nemlei. And the motivation was to prove the doxxer’s suspicion that Nemlei is a trans woman, because “only a trans woman could create such degeneracy.”)
Sure enough, TCOAAL is actually a nuanced and well-written psychological dark comedy /horror game. This is going to be more of a preliminary analysis than a review so full spoilers beyond this point. It’s by necessity preliminary since the game isn’t finished yet. My review is: go buy it if you are a fellow sicko who enjoys interesting stories about cannibalism and incest and like visual novels.
TCOAAL uses a trick from more transgressive forms of horror fiction, where the protagonists are not the heroes, but the villains, and the story is from their perspective. Andrew and Ashley Graves are murderers who kill people, sacrifice their souls to demons and cannibalize their bodies. They would be the villains of a more conventional horror story, their crimes investigated and thwarted by some heroic detective perhaps. But in this type of story, you are denied the comfort of heroes, or even innocent victims as you watch the protagonists twisted psychology lead them to commit terrible deeds.
The tone of the story mostly isn’t really horror, but very dark comedy, kinda Jhonen Vasquez-ish. The horrors are portrayed with a gleeful flippant tone, and cute appealing art. The tone mirrors how especially Ashley feels about her crimes. The game’s tone gets serious sometimes, going for straight horror occasionally, acknowledging how heartbreaking yet insane the Graves situation is, but there is a deep vein of the blackest humor.
Andrew and Ashley
Andy and Leyley themselves have this co-dependent toxic abusive sibling dynamic. Ashley is emotionally abusive, extremely possessive and manipulative towards Andrew. But her beloved Andy is the only person she actually cares about, and the rest she is able to kill with gleeful abandon in her heart.
Yet Andrew is not purely a victim. I’m going to talk at length about him, because the gap between how he describes himself and what the game shows is fascinating. I’m not the first to point this out. And it even extends to the game’s promotional material, like this official art on the game’s steam page is actually subverted by the game itself.
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His character is not "doormat extraordinaire" who just "exists", the words "very not good, in fact very bad" apply to him too.
He is a victim, and loves to point at times how exploited, manipulated and abused he is by Ashley and he’s of course right. But he also uses that as an excuse for the horrific violence he commits, that he is just a doormat has been manipulated and corrupted by Ashley. “I was just being manipulated by Ashley to do it” is his variation on the old Nuremberg defense for his crimes. He has no sense of personal responsibility, no understanding that even if someone else tells you to do it, you are still responsible for your actions.
And the game itself proves that “it’s all Ashley” is not really true. A lot of the violence and murder are definitely on Andrew’s own initiative. He is violent towards Ashley too, the abuse is reciprocal. And he like Ashley doesn’t care much about other people. He gets distraught about killing people, but if you follow his dialogue, he is mostly freaked out about the consequences for himself. He is dependent on Ashley as someone who he can lay all the responsibility and blame for his own actions for. And of course, there is genuine affection there, because things are complex. He was parentified to take care of Ashley as a child and still has the drive to be her caretaker and protector.
It’s a fascinating pair of characters, and an interesting dynamic to observe.
“Der Mensch lebt nur von Missetat allein”
And the game’s writing is smart enough to have them not be an individualized evil, that came out of nowhere. Andrew and Ashley are the products of a neglectful and cold parents. Their mother made Andrew the favorite, but basically in order to parentize him to take care of his younger sister. And their dad can’t even remember the names of his kids. Not that the cycle of abuse starts with the parents, the mother had Andrew and Ashley when she was 15 and 17 respectively. But that doesn’t excuse how they ultimately, sell their kids’s lives for money to an organ harvesting scheme. This scheme is strongly implied to be part of an hilariously over-the-top soda company, toxisoda (it’s implied their soda is literally made from humans, so the company is doing the same thing that Ashley and Andy does, but on an industrial scale).
This is the situation that pushes Andy and Ashley to become evil murder-cannibals horror movie villains they become. They are deliberately being starved to death, and decide human meat is preferable to that. And the point here is obvious. To quote Brecht, “Erst kommt das Fressen, dann kommt die Moral” or in english translation “Food is the first thing. Morals follow on.” Andy and Ashley are bad people who kill and eat other people, but they are the product of an evil society. A family system where children are property of their parents to be abused and sold. And ultimately a capitalist system which kills people to feed others, a societal and systematic version of what Andew’s and Ashley does. They literally become cannibals to escape becoming literally or essentially cannibalized themselves by the capitalist system. Capitalism is a system which works on prey and predator dynamics, and they just fought to became predator instead of prey. To further quote the same song by Brecht, in capitalism, “Der Mensch lebt nur von Missetat allein” or in english “mankind is kept alive by bestial acts.” And in that broader view, Andrew and Ashley’s small-scale evil is dwarfed by the system they are born into.
It’s with all this context the game’s treatment of incest must be understood. It’s a horror game, about two siblings with a fucked-up abusive relationship. Of course there is incest, it’s far from being the worst thing these two do. The game only gets more explicit about incest in one optional ending, but it’s there explicitly and subtextually from the very start. Ashley jokes about it repeatedly, it’s there in the possessive jealousy Ashley feels for any of Andrew’s girlfriends, it’s implied in the casual physical intimacy of the siblings. Like it’s very obvious that their fucked-up but close relationship can lead there right from the beginning of episode 1. It’s a very natural conclusion to their dynamic. And the characters know it, Ashley definitely knows it, and their own mother accuses them of it. Andrew denies his mother’s accusation of fucking Ashley, and he’s probably not lying at that moment, but his relationship with Ashley leading there make perfect sense and he is not just capable of admitting that. Anyone who claims to have played this game and then claims be shocked that there is an optional incestous ending can’t have been paying much attention. This is the incest cannibalism game.
The Graves siblings are heading towards committing more murder as long as they stay alive, and incest is a minor sin for them. And probably not even the unhealthiest way for their relationship to develop. It definitely won’t fix them, but I doubt it will make things much worse.
And condemning the game morally is just absurd. This is a horror game, and you are outraged about the incest and not the murder-cannibalism? The Graves siblings relationship is not portrayed as healthy and the incest is part of that.
In fact the game portrays this double-standard in the actual story. It’s the possibility of her kids committing incest that finally makes Mamma Graves admit she is “the worst mother ever”, and not the whole selling the lives of her kids for money thing.
Sure, there is a fair argument to make that the incest is romanticized and fetishized. Ashley and Andrew are certainly drawn as attractive, and even the abusive elements can be part of the fetish. But the thing is, Ashley and Andrew are not real people, it’s fiction, it’s not real incest, so if people get off to it, I have no reason to see it as a problem.
The antiship blogger was actually especially angery about this official art from a devlog and honestly after playing the game, it kinda sums up my feelings about the incest controversy:
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okay rant because I need to hhhhh I'm so tired of people misinterpreting mu qing. no he is not a heartless monster nor is he a tsundere baby. he's a complex character and people need to stop dumbing him down to either good/bad mu qing values logic before anything. he thinks everything through too much and only considers feelings after, which makes him come off as unempathetic and uncaring. that's his main flaw. he cannot deal with any emotions and hides behind an indifferent/arrogant mask despite it being far from his actual self. his avoidance with vulnerability is understandable considering just how much he had to watch himself during his teenhood and probably even childhood he's hypervigilant and gets defensive the second he feels any form of attack coming towards him. for example, him freaking out over the red coral pearl going missing during the xianle era - which, again, is understandable since that would've ruined his reputation completely. he's also terrible with showing affection and care and that's another reason why he always come off as so mean and rude mu qing is also deeply insecure; he suddenly turned his attention to hong'er after xie lian praised his skill with a saber and he found reasons to kick him out fast (I'll get onto this later). he jumps any time he's handed a broom and he's also pretty easily envious. he doesn't usually go far beyond petty words and punches - like xie lian said, he's spiteful enough to spit in someone's cup, not poison it his flaws are well thought-out and make a lot of sense for his character. you can trace his behavior patterns back to his past; for example, his hypervigilance and arrogant mask comes the fact that everyone always expected the worst of him. the second he was even suspected to be in the wrong everyone turned on him without a doubt, so he grew wary of what he did and what he said. and for the arrogant mask, he couldn't prove otherwise at all - who would listen? no one. so he just gave up and got used to it mu qing has his flaws but he also has his qualities; he's a kind person beneath everything, shockingly enough. he handed poor children cherries after he was beaten up for picking them, he brought feng xin and xie lian rice and medicine after he left, he helped jian lan give birth, he disguised himself to help xie lian and he took a whole cursed shackle for refusing to hurt him. he can only show affection through actions and it's still uncomfortable for his deeds to be recognized since he's already so used to the selfish, cold and indifferent tag everyone slapped on him so he never expects any gratitude or anything in return at all also controversial take but hua cheng was wrong to hold a grudge against mu qing and feng xin. first of all, the feng xin grudge was entirely unnecessary (for mu qing it's a lot more understandable) but that's for another rant. second of all, while it is, again, understandable from hua cheng's POV, from an outside perspective it's just.. wrong. hua cheng will go towards extreme lengths to anyone who even mildly hurts off xie lian, and that's one of his flaws as a character. I love hua cheng deeply and that's part of what makes him beautifully complex. he's overprotective after seeing his beloved hurt so many times by so many people while he couldn't do much about it. he views xie lian through rose-colored lenses and I doubt he'll let go of the way he sees mu qing any time soon considering just how heavy of a grudge he held and how complicated their friendship/relationship in general is. they don't get along and until they formally talk things out, give them 200 years to warm up to each other they'd still probably stab each other if left unattended
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Love Languages
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Aegon: His love language is physical touch. He shows his love to those close to him through physical contact, which is a big part of who he is. When he is in love with someone, he likes to be close to you, to touch and hold you, and to express his affection for you through hugs, kisses, or just being close. He feels most loved when he is physically close to someone, and touch, to him, is the ultimate form of connection.
Aemond: His love language is Acts of Service, and he appreciates it when his partner goes out of your way to show him that he is important to you. He feels most loved when you take care of practical tasks such as running errands, doing household chores, or picking up food for him when he's busy. He also appreciates when you show him your appreciation through words, gifts, and quality time together.
Jacaerys: His love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation. He seeks physical intimacy to know that he is cared for and desired, and words of affirmation to reaffirm his value in the eyes of his beloved. But perhaps the most important thing in a relationship for him is quality time, where he can spend time one-on-one with his partner and really get to know each other on a deep level.
Lucerys: His love language is words of affirmation. He appreciates it when someone takes the time to tell him how you feel and what you think about him, as well as giving him compliments and expressing admiration. He likes it when people show that you appreciate and value him.
Rhaenyra: Her love language is physical touch. She loves to cuddle, hug, and kiss her loved ones and show her affection through touch. She enjoys spending quality time with those who matter to her, as well as making you feel seen and appreciated. She's a very passionate person and she loves to express it through touch.
Daemon: His love language is violence. He is not big on flowers or compliments. He does best in situations that require a strong hand and a swift blade. He is always on his guard, and he tends to lash out in anger when he feels threatened. He does, however, have an affinity for animals, and he does appreciate kind gestures from them.
Alicent: Her love language is a combination of physical touch and acts of service. She enjoys receiving hugs, kisses, and other physical forms of affection from her partner. When it comes to offering affection, she often does so through acts of service such as doing chores or tasks for you. She believes that showing someone you care about them through action is a key component of any healthy relationship.
Helena: Her love language is physical touch. She enjoys cuddling and being close to her loved ones. She finds it comforting and soothing to hold you in her arms and give you little kisses on your forehead or cheeks. It helps her express her feelings towards you and convey what you mean to her. It also helps to ease her stress and makes her feel safe and loved.
Harwin: His love language is acts of service. He appreciates it when his partner takes time out of your day to do small favors or complete tasks that benefit both of you. He also values receiving gifts, as they are thoughtful tokens that show him that someone was thinking of him and going out of your way to do something special for him.
Cregan: His love language is acts of service since he's not much for flowery words or romantic gestures. He shows his love through his actions - he does what he can in order to protect and honor you, both in word and in deed. But he's not above a good compliment from time to time. He can also appreciate the art of a good burn or a cutting remark.
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miss0atae · 2 months
The anti-hero romance in Meet You at the Blossom (ep 5 & 6):
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The romance finally started to kick in, in Meet You at the Blossom. At first, it was mostly Xiao Bao who was trying to court Huai En. It was love at first sight for the young man. Of course, it didn't start under favorable auspices because Xiao Bao was convinced Huai En was a woman. After learning the truth, he kept flirting with Huai En (because he is my precious little bisexual fool). They both shared the same bed several times and Huai En seems to have accepted Xiao Bao's feelings to be true. It wasn't easy for him, as the only love he witnessed was the doomed romance of his parents which wasn't exactly the healthiest comparison he could have. Since the death of his mother, his father has became obsessed with revenge. The way he is talking about her has only gave Huai En the impression that love is a dangerous poison. I've seen many people jokes about how Huai En dick's game is really powerful because Xiao Bao seems to always have trouble waking up the next day(s). However, I believe Xiao Bao's power is also really impressive because he found the way of charming someone who was unwilling to fall in love with anyone (for good reasons). Huai En is a very possessive lover and his obsession for Xiao Bao could be comparable with his father's romance with his mother. Could we say the apple does not fall far from the tree?!
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After watching all the episode from 1 to 6, I would say that Huai En could be considered an anti-hero. The figure of the anti-hero is quite compelling as it challenges the traditional view of heroism and love. This type of character has moral ambiguities and when you find them in romance genre you can witness a more nuanced vision of love. Love isn't only a path to happiness when an anti-hero is involved, but it can be a journey of the darker aspects of love and human nature. It can also offer a possibility of redemption or transformation for the anti-hero as he tries to navigate the twists and turns of his love. Huai En was raised to be the armed wing of his father's revenge for the sake of his mother. He has known nothing else until he met Xiao Bao. Huai En is perceived by others as “cold as ice” and someone who “fights desperately and like a desperado he wants his opponents dead” (ep 5). He is also not talking much and doesn't smile that much. Huai En has no time to lose and only one mission to accomplish. He was beaten and treated poorly by his father making him feel like he can't escape his grasp. He can be perceived cruel and scheming. However, Huai En isn't only this person. He also has a softer side that he usually only shows to Xiao Bao.
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In an anti-hero romance, the love interest serves as a counterbalance of the anti-hero’s actions. The good nature and affability of Xiao Bao has an effect on Huai En. Even if Huai En can remains sarcastic when he is with his lover, we can also see him smile more and be affectionate. It’s why I think we can say Huai En is an anti-hero: he is a man whose actions could be considered bad, but who ultimately possesses a core of goodness to redeem himself through words and actions. Even if this core is mostly for Xiao Bao. Usually the love interest in this type of romance represents a symbol of change for the anti-hero. It doesn’t mean they will make them “good” or “hero” but they will induces new change in their life. Xiao Bao’s love for him made Huai En changed his plans. Even if his father ordered the death of Xiao Bao’s family, Huai En decided to act to avoid this fate for his lover. His uncle’s henchman even confirmed that Huai En has done many bad deeds for his father and never disobeyed him before. Huai En’s enemies decide to use Xiao Bao as a bait to defeat him because they noticed how their relationship has affected his actions. The hero and anti-hero navigates in a world that isn’t just black and white and their love story with goes from conflict, growth, and love.
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I also want to add some nuances. It may seem like I'm saying Huai En will become this good person through the power of healing love, but that's not exactly this. I can't deny that Huai En is also using some coercive control on Xiao Bao.
Before saying anything else, I want to say, I don't know anything about psychology and I may make mistakes in this post when using some terms. So take all of this with a grain of salt.
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Huai En didn't hesitate to use a little bit of guilt trip, especially after the incident at the brothel. Let's not forget about the emotional blackmail to obtain the forgiveness of Xiao Bao if he ever does something bad too. He knows full well that he is going to need it later because Xiao Bao doesn't know every information. I would also say that the very tight hug could be considered a form of love bombing. The intimate embrace is also a way of showing what he wants to obtain from Xiao Bao. I'm not denying that Huai En has feelings for Xiao Bao, but they are tinged with a dose of unhealthy possessiveness.
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I’m sure Huai En and Xiao Bao will be able to navigate their romance after a long series of ups and downs. I consider them endgame and I will have fun watching them trying to find their happy ending. It’s always interesting to get a love story with a real anti-hero almost villain who gets to be with the hero. It’s also fun to watch moral ambiguity in characters as it is reflective of the nature of most humans.
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ladyzirkonia · 1 year
Until your song is written.
I must shamelessly take this opportunity to thank you all. Yesterday I reached 100 followers and I can't believe that there are so many people who enjoy reading my stuff. I would like to take this opportunity to open my question and request box. Don't be shy to send me questions or ideas you want to discuss, whether it is Dinbo stuff or something about Mandalorian culture.
This is the way.
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The scene starts with a completely shattered Bo-Katan. You can tell that she has to pull herself together not to burst into tears. Her confession about the night of a thousand tears and the memory of it seem to torment her. She hears Din approaching and tries to compose herself by briefly closing her eyes.
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I think Din apologizing to Bo is one of the most beautiful things in this scene. He admits once again in this season that he was wrong. Din Djarin knows no false pride and has no problem admitting mistakes. And he admits what's been said about her being selfish and uncaring isn't true. It seems to have touched him that Bo-Katan gave up the darksaber for her people, gave up the claim to the regency.
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Din steps up to her after she repeatedly blames herself for everything. He tries to build her up, not downplay what she did or what happened, just making sure that he wants to help her. He says: ''WE will rebuild it.'' A foreshadowing that you both should bring the future for Mandalore?
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She doubts herself, still. She has made so many mistakes, mistakes that are unforgivable, that she cannot undo. How is she supposed to be the one to hold her people together in all the animosity?
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Din repeatedly makes it clear that this weapon means nothing to him and his people. I think it's really ironic that so many have a problem with Din giving up the darksaber. He just doesn't care. It's just a story, a legend that doesn't matter until people believe it. And he also makes it clear what really matters to him, he basically tells us what it means to him to be a good Mandalorian.
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When Din mentions the term honor, she seems to sigh slightly and raises her head. She's heard those words from him too many times. For a short break it seems that his words are bothering Bo-Katan. Honor... This is the way. It seems to be a constantly repeating mantra.
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Din appreciates Bo-Katan's loyalty and character. These things that have been most important to him since we saw him first time in season 1. And Bo seems to appreciate his words as you can see a very faint smile on her lips. It's good to hear such words after years of being reminded of her failure by others.
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That's why I serve you Lady Kryce. After this words I really think Din Djarin's love language is act's of service as he showed many times to different people who he cared for. He is not a man of many or fancy words, but of deeds. So what's a better way to show his affection than to offer his services to her. She doesn't have to go through this alone, he wants to stand by her side.
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Bo-Katan turns her head to him after his words. It's obvious that she wanted to hide her feelings before and remained with her back to him. Now she shows him her face for the first time in this conversation. Din Djarin has managed to amaze her time and time again, and her expression softens because of his words to her.
Din gives her hope. Your story is not over yet. Her song is not yet written. The Mandalorian's main musical theme sounds in the backround. He begins to weave his fate irreversibly into hers.
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I know some people have wrote, more or less jokingly, that this could be Din Djarins wedding vow. But it's not that exaggerated and ridiculous. We must not forget that the Mandalorians are based on a clan system of warriors. If Mandalorians are one thing, it's very pragmatic. Marriage is consummated between the two partners alone and in any place. Just before or after a fight, the couple doesn't even have to be in the same place. The marriage can even be consummated via voice or text messages. (if you are interested in this kind of topic, please tell me!!)
Honor and loyalty means everything to Din. He would not lightly pledge his life to someone. It means exactly what you suspected, he stands by her side until death.
Screenshots are mine. Gifs made by the wondeful @itberice. Please go and leave a follow and some love there!
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inbarfink · 1 year
One thing about ‘Fionna and Cake’ the Show’s view of trauma and recovery is that it loves to emphasize the idea that a step forwards is a step forwards no matter how flawed it is.
Simon’s decision to embark on the Crown Quest is definitely the most obvious example. It was a terrible move that speaks both to Simon’s inability to see value in his old life outside of noble self-sacrifice and a deep streak of basically-suicidal self-destructiveness. Fionna is only really starting to fathom just how truly a terrible bad no good idea it is, and Simon has yet to really admit it at all.
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But compared to where he was just moment before he made that decision, literally resigned to drinking himself away and waiting for death at the hands of the Scarab even though that will also doom all of Fionnaworld - self destructing so hard he was taking an entire universe down with him - that was still technically a Step Forwards.
It got Simon to take Fionna and Cake’s feelings into consideration and actually engage with them as Real People and not just another example of the universe kicking him when he’s down
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And it kept him motivated enough to keep moving forwards and really helped him rediscover his capacity to feel happiness 
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And that’s how he and Fionna really made friends and developed a bond
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And that is what saved Simon from the Magic Crown and his own self-destructiveness in ‘Jerry’, at least temporarily.
Him opening up to Fionna and allowing her to know him beyond just a Pathetic Old Weirdo Who Doesn't Even Have Magic Anymore is what allowed her to so quickly understand why letting Simon turn himself into Ice King is actually such a terrible thing.
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And Fionna’s hesitation to give Simon the Crown and the chance she’s given to him to relive his happiest memories stopped - or at least delayed the most self-destructive part of Simon’s plan. 
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And I feel it’s pretty probable Fionna’s words and actions and the friendship they forged and the positive experiences the adventure has given him will have an effect on Simon’s decisions in the future.
However toxic and flawed Simon’s first step was, it still mattered to his overall recovery.
And you can say similar things about Fionna’s progress as a hero.
Most notably her blunder with the Obvious Trap in “The Star”. 
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Was it a Bad Terrible No Good Idea? Yes, absolutely. Both for Fionna’s psyche in specific and also for Literally Everyone in Vampireworld actually
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But it was a Step Forward in the very very bumpy road of Fionna towards true heroism. Her earnest desire to truly help people and make the world around her just a little bit better and questioning authority - after blindly following the Winter King’s flattery in a quest to Defeat All the Baddies made her hurt so many people… 
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It shows how much her experiences affected her and mattered to her how much she’s trying to learn from her mistakes. Taking responsibilities for her actions, dealing with the consequences. Even as the people around her are, however well-intentionally, trying to tell her to pay it no mind at all 
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Fionna still understands that it is important to her to care about everything that happened and to try and do better. And she did really try to do better. 
And after that little blinder went up in flames, she started trying to do better by being more careful. And that also wasn't perfect because she became kinda overly-careful and overprotective and put a huge wedge between her and Cake
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But it's still an important step in Fionna learning to process the consequences of her actions. And because Fionna is now so much more invested in thinking things through and not wanting anyone to get hurt - that is also a big reason why she hesitated to give Simon the Extinctworld Crown. And it's probably going to lead to other good deeds in the future.
And that… doesn’t negate All the Terrible Things that happened as a result of her decisions - but it still mattered as a step forwards for her character as well. 
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thehothcast · 9 months
cassian andor general romance hcs
word count: 994
warnings: none, just a miniscule reference to sex
message from the authors: first post on the account! love that for us. we both (okay just me, fine - grace) went a little feral writing these, enjoy the show! (i was moral support for grace and additional idea giver, hope u love! - rosa)
ok so! i think cass is very easily scared off when it comes to this kind of thing: love. he’s skittish when he’s unsure, and although romantic dalliances aren’t new to him, approaching a situation where he’s not privy to if you reciprocate or even if you ever could, is new to him. he’s always been the one in control of the dynamic, or at the very least an equal, with both participants on the same page (or thereabouts, see him and bix i suppose.)
the man seems a lil avoidant, like he’s just wary of people in general so i'm not so sure how well he’d respond to hearing from a third party that you had a crush on him, whether that be a close friend of yours or an unfamiliar group of fellow rebels. he’d immediately feel like expectations were being pushed onto him and people were anticipating him to react in a certain way. he doesn’t like that, it feels like someone's yanked open the curtains that were obscuring him from the bright light of perception? so even though he returns your feelings for sure, he’s not going to react well to that kind of direct address/situation and would most likely pull away from you in an attempt to take back the control he feels he’s lost.
in the end i think if one of you were to make a move to further the relationship, it would have to be him because he doesn’t like feeling caught off guard or put on the spot. even then, he’s definitely not confessing the true extent of his fondness for you (even though it totally consumes him, this is a man that feels deeply, just look at those eyes babe). 
cassian is someone who expresses their love through actions and deeds, not so much words, at least not immediately, that’s a little too vulnerable for him at the moment.
let's be honest, his version of getting the message across to you is patting you on the shoulder and telling you “that’s really good” as he oversees your group’s blaster training. like the affection is there and you totally get free passes where others don’t, but overall there’s really nothing concrete to suggest he thinks of you as anything other than a friendly comrade, which is probably how he likes it for now.
again, addressing it head on either by yourself or having another person plant the notion into his mind is not the way to go about this. he’s like a stray animal, you see him from across the street and desperately want to pull him close and love up on him, but even the most careful approach will have him skirting away from you in a flash after one wrong move.
honestly the only way to go about this i think is to just let him do his own thing, find a quiet and subtle way let him know you’re open and will be waiting with open arms, and he’ll come to you eventually. i’d say he’d come to you in his own time, and I wouldn't be lying but let's be honest, that first really meaningful look (see elevator scene in rogue one 😩) and pleading of your name is going to come in a moment of high-stakes and danger. what can I say, there's nothing like a life threatening situation in which either one or both of your lives are in jeopardy and desperation and stress infect every decision made, to provoke a momentary lapse in resolve and allow some painfully concealed concern and devotion to seep out of one's every orifice <3.
then there’s the subject of his name. obviously he introduces himself as cassian (unless he’s undercover but that’s a whole other can of worms, you’d get there in the end), so you’ve not really any reason to suspect otherwise until you pose an innocent question about the origins of his name, which leads him to hesitantly surrender his birth name to you. this is only something he’d ever consider doing if he truly, deeply trusted you and felt ready to open up even just a little bit. again, it’s all in his own time, there’s no pushing cassian. psst, don’t be afraid of using his real name, he’ll answer to it…just pick the right moments iykyk
when on missions, clashes tend to happen. cassian believes he knows best (and maybe he does. he probably does lets be fr we’re dumbos), so you’ll every now and again notice him speaking for you or making decisions on your behalf. obviously as an independent entity, this will most likely get on your nerves so it’s an issue that’ll have to be addressed in a sit down session with him. he honestly doesn’t mean it in a controlling way, he probably sees it as him relieving you of any unnecessary burdens, so you’ll have to make it clear to him you’d appreciate it if he lets you stand on your own 2 feet and would, well… for a lack of a better phrase, ‘just butt out’. at the end of the day, you’d rather be equals, partners in crime, not so much some micromanaged talent. come on, it’s understandable cass.
just for funsies... he’s probably unbuttoned his shirt a little more than necessary at least once. just to see if you’d respond to it. he’d seen the style begin to take off amongst the more cocksure pilots (that’s what he tried to tell himself. it was really just fueled by a shy desire to have you look at him like that, like the rebel full of swagger that he knows he isn't). it lasted a grand total of 12 hours before he caught a glimpse of his reflection and cringed a little bit, vanity be damned. the next time you saw him, his shirt was buttoned back up all the way again and he will never acknowledge the fact ever again. 
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dreamingsnowflake2013 · 10 months
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Throughout her second chance at life, Xue Ning gets to realise how much she misunderstood other people and did them wrong, most of all, Xie Wei. The moment she finally realises he has never wanted to kill her in both lives is truly when the whole circle becomes complete. Moreover, she has always considered herself to be a terrible person, who has only ever hurt people, and her sole purpose of her second life has been to remedy her past mistakes, but Xie Wei shows her that not only has she judged him unfairly, but also herself. He is the living proof of her goodness, that a single good, unselfish deed can echo and make ripples across time and space.
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Xue Ning doubted she could positively impact someone else's life, but she had, in both lives. She shook Xie Wei and turned his life upside down, so when he once told her that you reap what you sow, he really meant his debt to her, but as always, she took his words as criticism, because she always suffered from guilt and inferiority complex and expected others to blame her and criticize her, since she had been conditioned that way first and later truly deserved them with her deplorable actions.
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Moreover, he always used harsh words and threats to cover his true feelings and protect himself, which didn't help the matter either.
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The man she once thought to be her most feared enemy turned out to be her greatest ally, protector and debtor, who imprinted himself on her back then, because she was the only one to ever save him, without owing him any loyalty, when even his own aunt and father would rather sacrifice him and kill him to protect themselves and their power.
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The experience that someone, anyone at all, would finally protect him, whether 4 years ago or now - from the bandits, the cold, Lord Pingnan, the lynxes, the whole world, even from himself - is heart-palpilating.
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It affected him so deeply that he had dedicated his life in both universes to repaying her, something that even trumps his obsession with revenge, and whether it's with his life or hand, doesn't matter to him.
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It finally dawns on Xue Ning that everything she believed and assumed about Xie Wei has been so terribly wrong. She suspected him of killing her, when he was the only one who has been protecting her all along in the pits of vipers into which she threw herself and the hole she dug for herself. What makes it even more heart-wrenching is that not even his continuous disappointments with her in the first life could erase Xie Wei's feelings for her.
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ᰋ  ׅ࣪   ꒰  tarot x zodiac signs ♡︎ a tarot reader predicting what each zodiac should expect before june ends  ꒱  
sun, moon and ascendant or significant signs on your birthchart is worked for this reading.
aries - seven of pentacles.
you can anticipate working on a project primarily for your own benefit, whether it's at work or in your relationships with others. you should take advantage of this opportunity to advance or work on your skills. also, pay attention to every little thing that happens to you this month because it might tell you what you're manifesting for. if you're applying for a job, they might be about to call you back. i do see this person getting a new job or starting a business on their own this month. your hard work might get you something in return.
taurus - ten of swords.
this month, you might feel really worn out. you might also discover that a someone's you've really trusted for a very long time is stabbing you in the back or talking trash about you. there is also a bad chance that someone will look down on you this month, but whatever the reason, you might end up feeling extremely worn out before the month is over. you were second-guessing yourself a great and bad deals during the current month. self-hatred is a possibility.
gemini - three of wands.
you might come to some brand-new realizations, such as continuing an old self-improvement project, making new progress toward your own self-improvement, or getting over toxic relationships and habits. this month is about moving on from the past and taking a new pathway. while, if you are manifesting someone or something. i do see that it has already manifested with this card, and your manifestation is successful - you are about to see the result.
cancer - seven of swords.
just a word of caution: don't be decisive. additionally, an air sign might attempt to influence you for their own personal advantage because, from what i can tell, you might have a positive public image, and they don't really like that at all. you have cunning adversaries all around you. this month, a lot of people have been spying on you, even on social media. (if you have a sizable and big following platforms, of course.)
leo - the chariot.
you may desire to travel or atleast have a vacation before this month ends. however, you want to focus on your goals whether it's career or study's. you will gain some attention. confidence and self-discipline is likely to workout higher. a possible rival is about to pop up.
virgo - justice.
all of our deeds have consequences whether they're good or bad - karma always kicks in. you are about to get something of what you've done but this more likely in a positive one. it's for the better. the (darkest) truth will finally come up to show themselves up. it will have an affect on you somehow and for the people around you. a new life lessons is a heading for you. be responsible for giving an opinion.
libra - five of wands.
an exciting challenge is heading up for you - this is about working on a team. if so, it's time fore you to show your real skills. it's your time to shine. you are about to get an opportunity to grow from this challenge. if you are an athlete you maybe about to get on a friendly competition - probably a martial arts. if you aren't, avoid playing gambling because you might get lost of control.
scorpio - seven of cups.
the heaven and universe will give you a lot of positive options. whether which one you are going to choose for, in the end it still gonna makes you happy. as well, pay attention to your dreams that seems vivid they're giving hints for you. messy life is about to happen most likely schedules. you will be busy and tired for this month to the point you wanted to escape the reality and just sleep and relax all day.
sagittarius - the sun.
you maybe dreaming a lot of your childhood lately this is because you maybe missed something or someone from your childhood that makes you happy. it can be grandparents, an old house or childhood friendships. you were dreaming an unknown person from your dreams this can be a soulmate. luck will surround you this month - just stay positive. someone's baby or a baby from a womb (family member or yourself) is happy to see and meet you sooner. you will get recognize because of your talents don't think that they're worthless and kitsch.
capricorn - three of pentacles.
you will meet someone whom you think is well-known person. you will be inspired to them to learn more about your skills and knowledge. it's about following your dreams. you will confess or someone's else might confess their feelings for you. if you are asking about job, you will get hired and will be under training or a promotion. your hardwork is gonna be recognize and rewarded.
aquarius - queen of wands.
you spent most of your days with nature currently and for the rest of the month. your mother or a mother figure will play important part for you this month. they can be a new friend and friendly person but somehow get jealous over someone and something this is because of their dominant ego but they're willing to stay on side always.
pisces - death.
a new beginning is about to start, you maybe sees a lot of angel numbers which is define and telling you a new start is about to come. you will cut-offs old habits that will bring a life changing ways for you. a blessings in disguise may happen. a bitter trials is exactly lying beneath of a probable gift.
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kfanopinions · 2 years
Taeyong as a Boyfriend NSFW (Astrology Based)
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okay so with this one i will be looking at his moon, venus, and mars. it appears he revealed his birthtime/one is available so i will be working off of that which means house placements as well. ahhhh bubu is so cute in this screenshot >///&lt;
Leo Moon 6th House || Venus Gemini 4th House || Mars Virgo 7th House
creative and imaginative
drama king/overly dramatic
inner child
sharing everything! literally wants to share everything with his partner. going on fun dates, the pleasures of life, excitement everything!
listener will listen to all his partners ideas even if it doesn't seem like he's heard a thing
devoted to his partner will do anything to make his partner smile
devoted and supportive husband material
don't expect lots of hearts and flowers practical means of showing affection
in tuned with his emotions and wants to express them telling his partner or showing them through creative means
may not be the ideal boyfriend if his partner needs help leo moons are better with their own problems but not other peoples his 6th house placement actually loves being useful so this could be a "sometimes i will help you" other times "i'm nowhere to be found" lol
this came up again with his mars in the 7th house. the house of relationships sooo he may focus on himself more than others
adaptable boyfriend this is dependent on his partners own personality. however, this can backfire. if his partner has toxic behaviors he could end up being manipulative and instead of bringing up his partner he could end up crushing them
won't break up unless there is a good reason he wouldn't break up with his partner even if things start to get toxic. unless there is like i said a good reason he'll stick it out
hypochondriac this is more to get attention than anything else
sulky/pouty baby this is when something upsets him he may just stay in this until he gets bored or finds a solution or someone takes him out of it
may fall into negativity this is if he is super stressed out. the more things go as planned and aren't stressful the happier and energetic he is
freedom fighter he's an air sign. sorry air signs but you guys are some of the hardest people to COMMIT! and taeyong is a gemini in his venus (which talks about love...he maybe a little hard to pin down) plus with his pickier virgo mars...yep...good luck!
handy man type of guy
don't bother the man when he's working yeah...unless his partner wants to get a good talking to
competition may like competing with his partner, but he will need to learn to keep it light and airy
below the cut
if you are not 18+ stop here
this might be a little bland (sorry) but with his venus in gemini and mars in virgo it was a little hard to put the nsfw stuff into words
mental stimulation talking and or intelligence can turn him on
kissing loves kissing, french kissing, kissing during sex
oral pleasures this can go along with kissing or it can talk about being on the giving or receiving end of oral pleasures
good with his hands i want to emphasize GOOD WITH HIS HANDS also hand holding could be a thing before, during, or after the act
role-playing *cough* he legit talked about snow white cosplay *cough*
planning the deed this is coming from his mars in virgo. it's like routine with him. he wants to make sure things are in control. this may mean that he wants to make sure that no one or nothing will disturb him and his partner during the act
i will add here that with his gemini venus the intellectual side could be more of what he could want than the actual act (living in fantasy instead of reality)
performance wants to be good in bed and please his partner
pleasing this is in regards to his partner. he will want to know that his partner is feeling pleasure. their moans, gasps. hearing them beg for more - everything that lets him know that he is doing a good job (also this will totally boost the leo moon in him *wink*)
inequality where one person holds the power
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bwhitex · 8 months
The Allure of the Beautiful Villian: It’s Actually A Dance Morality
The charm of the good-looking bad guy. People love a good-looking bad guy in stories. They're interesting because they're not just mean – they're also nice to look at, which makes things confusing. Usually, heroes are good and villains are ugly, but these characters mix it up. They are both scary and attractive, and they grab our attention. Their good looks are like a trick, hiding their evil plans. They make us think about what's right and wrong because they're hard to hate. They show us how powerful charm can be, making us wonder about our own choices. They're like a treat you're not supposed to have – tempting and dangerous.
Good-Looking Bad Guys in Poems
In poems, these villains are even more special. Poems turn their mystery into words that feel like a dance. Reading about them is like being charmed by the villain themselves. The poems show off their two sides, pulling you in while also making you nervous. Poems help us feel how captivating these bad guys can be, almost like we're caught in their trap. The poems honor their influence, showing how they don't follow the usual rules. They dance through the poem, and we see all parts of their personality.
The Trouble with Liking Someone Bad
Good-looking bad guys make us wonder about what's right and what's wrong. They're so charming we sometimes forget they do bad things. We find ourselves in a tricky spot, feeling pulled in two directions. Even though we know they're wrong, their style makes us almost like them. These characters make us look at how we judge others, especially when they're attractive. They poke at our ideas about good and evil, making us think harder.
How Looks Affect Our Choices
Looks can really sway people's opinions. Good looks can make us think better of someone before they even speak. The good-looking bad guy uses this to their advantage, making their looks a weapon. But judging by looks is a mistake we often make. It's a sneaky dance, and we're the ones being led. The power of these villains comes from how we react to how they look. They remind us to be careful and to see beyond what's on the outside.
In the End
Beautiful = -laws/you
A beautful villain breaks rules for you. Good-looking villains, dont play hy your rules, sometimes societies rukea, but they win?
Good-looking villians are some of the most exciting characters in people’s stories. They show us parts of who we are fundamentally to– how we're drawn to the beauty of brwaking rules and winning but turned off by bad deeds. By losing. Their stories make us think about how charm works and why we should look deeper than looks. When we finish their stories, we're left wondering about our own morals. These villains are more than just bad guys; they teach us about being careful and knowing ourselves better. Their stories might end, but the conversations they start keep going. They leave a lasting impression, showing us the tricky play between bad and good.
“Between might ain’t right; rules are accountable to ethics; we secretly want the right rule breaker”
-Novio Con Blanco
The statement "Between might ain’t right; rules are accountable to ethics; we secretly want the right rule breaker" embodies the feeling perfectly; this pgraae graps a nuanced view of morality and governance. It suggests that power doesn't equate to moral righteousness. It emphasizes that rules must be measured against ethical standards, not just followed blindly. Furthermore, it reveals a paradox in our collective psyche: while we uphold the law, we also admire those who challenge it for a just cause, the “right” rule breaker who acts when ethics demand it, even if the rules do not.
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ladysternchen · 1 year
All of Arda Is Autistic- Túrin
Túrin tugged at the collar of his rough woollen tunic. The wind was icy and he knew that he should be grateful for the warm garment, aware that a long and wearisome journey lay before them that would offer little shelter and that before long, he would find his death without proper clothing. Yet still, the wool scratching his skin made him so uncomfortable it drowned out almost all other feelings and emotions.
“Let the tunic be, Túrin!”
His mother’s voice sounded stern.
“It itches! I wish I could have my old tunic back and my mantle!”
There was the sound of derisive laughter beside him, and turning, Túrin saw one of the men who helped gathering their sparse provisions looking at him in scorn.
“Oh, it is indeed well befitting that you shall set off to live among the elvenfolk, Master Túrin. Surly, their fine garments will suit you better than what we can provide. I can but imagine the hardship of having to wear what warms you. Freezing must be a little thing in comparison. Ah, what Lord Húrin would have had to say about this…”
“That will do!” 
Morwen’s tone was sharp now, and cold as ice. Túrin still tried to untangle what had been said to him. Clearly, he had been mocked, for by no means could anyone really think freezing preferable -though, that Túrin had to admit to himself, just now a childish part of his mind indeed would have preferred freezing to the itching. Why anyone would say such a thing or what Túrin had done to provoke such harsh words, however, he did not know.
His mother’s hand on his shoulder brought him out of his thoughts.
“I know it is uncomfortable, but you are no fool, nor a litte child. You know you need the warmth.”
She pressed him to her side as best she could with her rounded belly, something that surprised Túrin a little. Morwen was not one to show affections lightly, but nor was Túrin. It was for precisely that scarceness that those moments of closeness ever had a deep meaning, which made Túrin feel the weight of farewell all the more. A small part of him again wanted to beg Morwen that he should be allowed to remain with her, or else have her leave with them, but she had already explained to him why neither was an option, and he had found it logical, even if it still grieved him terribly. 
“What would father have said if he had heard? Would he have scolded me for speaking my mind without thinking again?” Túrin asked instead. He knew the question was unimportant, but still he could not leave without it being answered. Morwen gave him a rare smile at that.
“Oh, doubtlessly he would have found many words… ”
“Yes…” Túrin blurted out. “… many words I could never comprehend! Either I say too much or too little. I don’t know how to stand being around so many new people, none of whom I will be able to understand. They say that the Elves use even more words to say even less!”
Morwen nodded gravely, and Túrin knew that she understood perfectly what worried him. Yet still, she smiled slightly.
“You may discover that it is among the Iathrim that you will find talking easier. It is said that the King himself is not a man -elf- of many words and that he values deeds over fair sayings. So you might still find an ally there. After all, we are kinsfolk through Beren, and he will receive you kindly.”
Túrin glanced up at his mother doubtfully, only to see the look in her eyes that said only too clearly: or else. And that, irrational though it was, gave him a lot of confidence.
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yanderelovlies · 1 year
Oh I would Gladly give you Head cannons on what Riley is like with their
Enjoy your content Vi
How does she treat DD
Riley would treat DD like she would any other friend. Give them plenty of attention, play with them, listen to then, mess around with them. Basically anything you'd do with a friend or best friend, Riley is pretty similar in giving affection to their love to how Jack treats MC.
The only difference is that Riley isn't praising them every step of the way, she's light hearted and playful no matter what, everything is a fun challenge that you have to get over like you do in any old game. She'd be the one to hype you up and encourage you, being the sunny and cheery disposition against lifes hardships.
How does Riley show affection
Where jack would gently get you to wake you up Riley would jump onto you and ruffle up her hair in a nuggy. If anything Riley shows her love through actions than she does with words. Her body language is very straightforward and never exactly shy....that is until someone asks her is she herself is in love with someone. Then she gets flustered, saying things like "Heh, do I love someone?? HaHa! Of course I do silly, I love all of my friends" she'll purposefully mislead people away from the topic of her feelings of romantic love, she can't even begin to figure out how to put how she feels into words.
How would Riley confess
Either by having a very intimate moment with DD or DD telling Riley they like her romantically. Like I said Riley isn't exactly one with words but is great at expressing through her actions and try to let them talk for her, kinda why she plays the drums and not any other instrument sense you're putting your whole body into the music and the more you feel the beat the more your body expresses a level of passion for the music.
How does Riley prefer Affection
Riley is fine with compliments or the basic "I love you" but it doesn't exactly cut it for her. There's a reason why she's physically affectionate, not only does she think it gets her point across easier than talking but she prefers physically affection towards herself. Things like hugs can relive so much tension, a gentle placement of the hand or even rubbing her makes into putty, and a kiss? Oh she is over the moon for you. Now you'd think the next step would be play time on the bed right? Yes but only one, Riley is extremely innocent. Doesn't matter if you've done the deed with her a large amount of times, everytime it's almost like the first but not in an annoying way. It's in a more cute way sort to speak, just her begin so flustered and over incombered with love and embarrassment she can barely keep still let alone stop making sounds.
How physically active is Riley?
Oh where do I begin with this. She is strong enough to life up five kids while they use her as a jungle gym and walk around with two kids on her legs. This clown is so fast you ain't catcher her unless there's something to slow her down, play red light green like and you'll lose in at least 7 turns or less. And how flexible she is, dude she can fold herself like origami and hide anywhere. All this also means she is very good at climbing too. She'll climb anything, tree's, buildings, play ground structures, people, the list can go one. All in all she is very physically active
Bottom? Top? Switch?
Riley is more or less a bottom switch, she can play any part in the bed but that's only after her being a bottom for the first part of the whole thing. She'll take charge if you want her to or if she has it in herself to do it, and if you want to run the show she'll gladly let you. All in all she'll do anything you wanna do and as long as you're happy she is happy, but dare hurt her and she'll stop the whole thing.
Any other questions/headcannons you want me to awnser I would be glad to give you, just ask away.
Kate I'm starting to think you should post headcanons on your blog. cause like 👀 I would like more content of Riley.
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karazatamediaofficial · 11 months
Thoughts Aloud: A ripple effect of persecution and execution
(The following article is semi-OOC, and is a reflection of thoughts on current world events regarding Palestine & Israel. See the “keep reading” section for links that can allow you to help stem the bleeding caused by this genocide.)
In the summer of 1920, 35 years after the erection of the Hakurei Barrier, a settlement in the Forest of Magic was attacked by a vicious combination of humans and youkai. Their target? The settlement’s satori population, which made up the entire population of said settlement. While only a few got killed on the initial attack, the rest were scattered and hunted down, and despite the efforts of some more benevolent humans and youkai, the signs that satori as a youkai species would be made nearly extinct at that moment were showing, with very little survivors escaping that horrifying day.
The worst part is, that was just the first of many “satori slayings” that occurred. This would permeate the rest of that year, as more satori blood was spilt with each passing moon. The Sages and other known influential individuals to Gensokyo would cover up much of this horrid genocide.
I personally had no hand in these incidents- in fact, I was someone who wanted to help my fellow youkai. I was young at the time, a human-reasonable age of 28, impressionable enough for the world and all its trappings to leave their mark on me. Looking back at it, many years later, I still found myself baffled. Not only do these erasures of youkai species happen here in Gensokyo, erasure of humans and animals in the Outside World has, as well. In both times in and out of war, nonetheless.
I always felt distant and out of reach of these kinds of incidents- ones that the Spell Card Rules didn’t affect -and yet, I felt a pang of worry and uncertainty. If these kinds of atrocities are allowed to occur, then what if it could happen to you and I, reader? What would happen if suddenly the world either turned away from, or on, us?
Just this past month we have felt the wrath of a foreign force attempt to erase this world that we all know and love- they wanted us gone. Crystals broke out of the grounds and nature and invaded our lives, as an eldritch deity wanted nothing more than to wipe us out for its twisted desires. And yet…it isn’t the only monster we have to fear, despite our bravery to fell such a foe.
Just because we’re youkai, that doesn’t mean we are monsters- monsters are defined by those who feel no remorse or repentance for committing evil acts. Human, or non-human, that doesn’t matter, so as long as you relish in performing malicious deeds without any consideration, before or after the fact. I only wish for the best for, and we here at Karazata Media would want to support as much possible to, the ones on the receiving end of the misery doled out by the monsters that walk our world- and the ones that ignore it.
And we hope you do your part in that support, too.
Erda Kaetago is the CEO of Karazata Media.
This piece was written as a cry for aid to the victims of Israel’s brutal attack and ethnic cleansing of the people of Palestine.
If you want to help Palestine, spread the word, and use these links, too.
Links to donate and more: https://twitter.com/nenewall/status/1718030603751239954 https://twitter.com/gepardslover/status/1718039572968567276 https://twitter.com/1CHIMIZU/status/1718046873821253877 https://twitter.com/_theblackbride/status/1716281641482555640 https://twitter.com/akikohastars/status/1718024783294496913
Links for Americans specifically - How to send letters to your senators and congressmen: https://twitter.com/NailaRa28028404/status/1717965529468526941 https://twitter.com/earthtorogers/status/1718275916416090311
Link that you must click daily: https://arab.org/click-to-help/palestine/
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