#[ banana division character ]
lgcxminji · 1 year
banana division character
meet yoo haewon. her name might mean graceful, however she is anything but.
haewon is an intern currently completing her bachelor’s degree in business from ehwa women’s university. born and raised in seoul, she isn’t well known as the ‘academic’ type amongst her friends and family, but still tries her best in whatever situation she is given. she is very sociable and enjoys talking to anyone and everyone, though in many cases she seems to forget the basic understanding of time and place, lacking a filter which often leads to some awkward moments in the office.
in her (short) tenure at the company, she has managed to make mistakes even in the simplest of tasks; from forgetting to stop the coffee pot from overflowing, to jamming the printers by placing the paper in the wrong slot, to even accidentally creating a presentation and pitch for a product idea that had been scrapped days prior, wasting multiple days of time for her assigned team.
it would be one thing if haewon knew she doesn’t exactly fit into this type of business sphere; however, she really doesn’t notice. she is a strong believer of “mistakes make you stronger,” but seems to have misinterpreted the saying to mean “making mistakes all the time is not a problem at all.” it has left her to not really react at all to stress and pressure, because to her, all mistakes can be forgiven and therefore she has no reason to be worried about them. due to her ditziness and overall incompetency, she isn’t really given much to do around the office anymore; she just sits at her small desk drawing in her notebook most days.
much of this lack of competency is mostly due to a lack of interest- she never was interested in going into business in the first place. the only reason she’s in this degree path is because of her father. her ultimate dream is to study fashion design. she never repeats an outfit if she can help it, and is constantly dressing to the nines every time she steps foot in the office. however her father greatly disapproves of this dream and is expecting to pass down the family’s computer manufacturing business to her instead.
there is one thing she is good for; she always has an opinion about something. when her co-workers want an honest opinion about a new design, a product idea, or even just what font to use on their powerpoint, they know to go to haewon. she even often finds herself sharing tidbits of relationship and life advice, even if she is the happy-go-lucky young intern who can barely read a bar graph. and although her opinions aren’t always exactly what the asker wants to hear, she has still become an asset good enough to keep around for a bit, but maybe just until the end of the semester.
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2309analysis · 9 months
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Want my profile where I share Kitana content? https://www.instagram.com/bladedroyality?igsh=YzVkODRmOTdmMw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr
OUTFIT — Kitana wears a semi-full gear outfit with two shoulder-blades on the edges. The two primary colors consist of Blue & Black. Which collapses into irony between the two symbols of the colors — but they balance each other out. Blue seemingly seems to be more of the prominent part of her outfit, with large highlights of black.
Blue symbolizes “serenity, stability, inspiration, and wisdom.” All things that Kitana is deeply known for, if not the most iconic for. To me, in Mortal Kombat 11 she vastly represents strength, inspiration, stability, and wisdom. She does everything for outworlders, and if that isn’t enough, she even blinds her ‘father.’ To further represent her intentions, she calls off the civil war between outworld and the rebels. Symbolic to how she rather have peace and stability than conflict and chaos. The blue is the symbol of her undying spirit for her country, and it represents her intentions for the people. Realizing that conquest and war is not the answer, she chooses to be rational and open-minded. She’s wise for making the call for Baraka, understanding she wants peace rather than conflict. There is no point in fighting for Shao just to cause more and more division between Outworld.
Her blue bandana represents how calm and collected she is. She knows that acting out of reason and being impulsive isn’t going to get her anywhere, let alone convince anyone to fight with her. It is canon that Sheeva holds high regards to her opinions, and will listen to her out of anyone. Kinda symbolizing that she’s one of few people who can get through to most anyone. She’s reasonable, and compassionate, something a lot of leaders should have. Her compassion for the safety and well-being of her people inspires others around her to fight for her cause, if not to protect. Her wisdom and courage stabilizes people’s spirits, she is their upbringing; she is their hope. Notice how happy people are when she announces herself as Kahn? How celebrated the moment is? The sheer happiness on everyone’s face when she is called ‘Kahn.’ Like a fire relighting in the dark; hope has returned.
Black symbolizes elegance, wealth, restraint, and power. Again, things that Kitana are deeply if not most iconically related to. Her elegance is a strict sense from her royal life; her outfits contrast beauty and strength. Her skills with the fan and her flexibility represents her elegant style of Kombat. (It feels right in this statement) It expresses her abilities throughout Kombat more than her character in reason. The black is more prominent through fights, whilst blue is prominent through reason. Why she provided by a blue banana on top of her head rather than a black or patterned one. Both colors represent a different way that her character shines throughout in the game. She is a powerful character both status and skill. She isn’t to be underestimated, but doesn’t let her royalty and privilege define her too. She’s a person who holds much power, and can basically do anything within her imagination, but she acts out of reason and wisdom. Still contrasting between the power and elegance of her status.
I’m sure many people would love to be her or in her shoes. To make decisions, and command armies larger than the average army. She basically has almost everything at her feet, but she never acts out of her morality. She’s honorable, decret when needed. She doesn’t ever act out of line, nor try to tarnish her relationships with other power leaders. Regardless of her reputation among other races / classes. She doesn’t not act other than her own, through experience rather than say. Her open-mindedness keeps her from creating false scenarios or opinions on others. The restraint she holds through herself represents the flexibility of her thoughts and actions. Most of her emotions are similar to serenity, untroubled, peaceful, calm. It holds the balance of reason and rationality with her emotional state. Stressful, but noble. She understands her place, and won’t overstep her authority nor boundaries. She holds everyone she works with in high regard, and thanks them immensely for their help. Without her allies, her becoming ‘Kahn,’ would not be possible.
WEAPONS — Fans are her primary weapon, alongside a staff gifted to her by Jade. Through training she uses the staff, but through Mortal Kombat, she used fans and wind magic. Wind can mean a few things, freedom, and inner peace. Both things that are clearly seen and known through Kitana. Her upbringing in easily picking up fans resonates with her longing to be freed from Shao’s grasp. Using her metal fans to blind him is like taking a huge weight off of a bird, she can be free. She doesn’t have anything else weighing her down.
Fan’s symbolize “prosperity, gradually spreading and flourishing, wealth and royalty.” She does flourish through Kombat, and is an amazing fighter. So it would only make sense to associate self-healing or flourishing throughout a tough time. Something that Kitana has done over and over again, mind-control, conquest, death of both parents’, and unconsented experimentation. Everything that has made Kitana who she is in Mortal Kombat 11 came from those experiences, her undying passion for the greater good. How she portrays herself, the way she can and will cut off any kind of ‘unnecessary relationships.’ She is swift and courageous, like anyone, she is somebody who is proud and willing to help out anyone in need. Through her becoming Kahn, she no longer is shackled by the chains that held her back. Which was Shao Kahn, her ‘father.’ She is flourishing through the longed for and deserved freedom. She now protects her people, and can finally take matters into her own hands. Regardless of how stressful it will be.
Her prosperous life collides with her hardships. The way she portrayed herself throughout the games deeply contrasts with the reality of her life. Royalty, yes, but not heaven. Kitana realizes this, and doesn’t take it to her advantage, actually, she does the exact opposite. She doesn’t take anything for granted, and appreciates any and every help that she gets. She delivers the same efforts, while helping out her allies like that have helped her. Indicating that she would rather show her support & appreciation rather than thank it. Her skills exceed most others' expectations, causing others to usually underestimate her. Making things easier for her to impress rather than praise. It's not like she feeds off of praise, she doesn’t care if she gets it or not. It doesn’t affect her. She’s steadfast, and has nailed down her beliefs and values. She will not change that for anyone. Still giving people the freedom and power to choose, she only asks for them to follow her. She doesn’t ask much out of anything, making her a fair and honest ruler.
ACCESSORIES — Kitana is usually seen wearing a mask in Kombat and two fake pearl earrings, white, and small around her earlobes. Her mask is very prominent in blue with black outlines. Classifying her status as royal, but still associating herself through Kombat. Through her fierce determination and vows towards her people, she is truly their hope. As a Royal she still upholds a promise of mannerism, she will still know. Like going back to the old house of your childhood — her mannerisms is something she can rely on for certain occasions. Helping keep the circumstance professional and logical.
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andie-cake · 5 months
HELLO lately I've been looking into getting into Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and I wanted to know what games you'd recommend. Specifically games for the Nintendo Switch and 3DS. I know you like PMD and you're a generally cool person, so I figured you'd be the perfect person to ask!
indi!!!! yes, you've come to the right place, and i will do my best!!
okay, so first of all i'd like to say that all but a very select few pre-3ds pmd games are on ds, so you should be able to play those if you so desire. but i'll only go into those if you ask.
but anyway, there's two 3ds pmd games, and one switch pmd. gates to infinity and super mystery dungeon on 3ds, and rescue team dx on switch. the 3d era of pmd tends to be a bit controversial among fans, but i personally do not hate any of them. i have problems with some of them, but i generally enjoy all 3 of the post-ds era games. putting these under a cut bc man this post got long.
gates to infinity is famously known as one of, if not the easiest game in the series. it overhauls or removes a few staple pmd features, like removing the hunger mechanic barring a few post-game dungeons i think, replacing iq skills with team skills, removing the traditional personality quiz at the beginning of the game that decides which pokémon you play as (on top of having a very limited starter mon pool, only 5), and only letting you take one mission at a time. there are some other gameplay changes that makes gates divisive, but those are the big ones that come to mind. i'm a weirdo who for the most part doesn't mind these changes, but i can see why they'd be off-putting to some. i personally find gates to be very relaxing to play!
but, imo, it might be tied with explorers of sky for my favorite story and cast of characters in the series. even if you don't end up vibing with the gameplay that much, it is absolutely worth playing for the story. also, the 3ds games have the best music imo, and in gates it'll hit you as soon as the first dungeon. ragged mountain my beloved. overall, i can give gates a cautious recommendation as your first pmd. it's a pretty easy game (tho it's not without challenge, there's a handful of dungeons that give me some shit later in the game) with a great story, but whether or not you enjoy the gameplay is fully up to you.
super mystery dungeon is, without a doubt, the hardest game in the series. i'll say right now that it's hard enough for me to not recommend it as your first pmd. one thing i didn't mention is that gates introduced the move leveling system, which means that your moves will gain experience the more you use them and they'll gain more power, pp, and accuracy as they level. in super, i swear the move accuracy was lowered compared to gates, so a word of advice? make smart use of items. this is the game that introduced the wand items, and they are basically mandatory for Not Dying. also, you get less experience from defeating enemies and because of the way this game's mission system works (which is prolly better explained by the game itself than i could do), you're not allowed to stop and level-grind before taking on the next story mission like in other pmds. in most pmd games, your level will be around the late 30's-early-to-mid 40's by the end of the main story. both times i've beaten super, i was around level 25. you'll need items.
super has a lot of stuff i like! move accuracy aside, i think the gameplay has been polished up a bit from gates, i like most of the characters (except vice principal watchog, who can go suck a lemon), and the music is once again god tier. also, it brings back the personality quiz at the beginning of the game, with the added bonus of letting you decline what the quiz assigns you and pick your player mon yourself without having to soft-reset the game. but it also does a lot of stuff that drives me absolutely bananas. i have quite a few gripes with this game's story, chief among them being the pacing. without spoiling anything, this game's plot takes forever to get going, and early on there are several occasions where you'll get out of a cutscene, walk like three steps, and then get thrown right into another cutscene. it can be a little irritating. i wouldn't say i hate the story overall, but i don't love it as much as gates' story. like i said, i don't recommend super as your first pmd. it's a good game, but it is tough. maybe play through a few other pmds before tackling this one.
rescue team dx is a switch remake of the original pmd games (red rescue team and blue rescue team), and if gates isn't the easiest in the series, it'd be this one. og rescue team, i think, is probably the second most difficult in the series behind super. rtdx is a bit more beginner friendly, and gameplay-wise, it is probably my favorite of the 3ds games. it polishes up what worked in gates and super, brings back/streamlines the more traditional mission style from og rescue team and explorers, and pairs it up with a spiffy new art style inspired by the promotional illustrations from og rescue team (some folks don't dig rtdx's graphics, but i think they're incredibly charming). also, just like og rescue team, rtdx only goes up to gen 3 in terms of mon availability, but mons who've gained evolutions since then can still evolve into their post gen 3 evos. so like, tangela can evolve into tangrowth, magneton can evolve into magnezone, and eevee can evolve into leafeon, glaceon, and sylveon. also the riolu line is there. (this game was released in 2020 tho, so no dudunsparce or farigiraf)
rtdx only really has two major weak points imo. one, the story is maintained from og rescue team with almost no changes, and rescue team's story is very much a "and then this happened" kinda plot, y'know? it's not egregiously bad, it's just an underwhelming plot with very few stand-out characters. second, the game has some minor frame-rate issues and a few notable bugs (main one that springs to mind is that if you change leaders a lot in the game's longer dungeons like buried relic or silver trench, the game will crash, but the game has a super generous autosave feature that kinda makes this a non-issue). overall, i think out of the 3d era of pmd, rtdx is the one i'd most recommend for a beginner! there's a free demo on the switch eshop that you can test out the game with, and i believe you can transfer your progress from the demo to the full game if you wanna keep the team you used in the demo! also, a few tips from someone whose beaten rtdx a few times!
first time the game lets you go to pokémon square, go south to the makuhita dojo and play through the "tricks of the trade" tutorials. it'll help you get more accustomed to the controls and mechanics, and you get some handy items!
you 100% don't have to follow this one, but be forewarned that all but the main story dungeons and bosses tend to be a bit tough for the grass type starter options. they come packing egg moves that help circumvent this a bit (chikorita in particular starts off with ancient power and can learn light screen later on, which is a godsend for the final boss), so it's not as bad as it was in og rescue team. buuuut unless you wanna give yourself an extra challenge, i wouldn't recommend starting off with a grass type on your first playthrough.
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gr8gollygrace · 6 months
As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner - Notes + Thoughts
Main Themes: death + grief, classism, individual agency, religion
Images + Symbolism: bananas, buzzards, cows/horses/steer, eggs, rain/water - change, "queer" in reference to Darl's behavior/demeanor
Dewey Dell: "I had saved enough so that the flour and the sugar and the stove wood would not be costing anything." (pg. 7)
"'But those rich town ladies can change their minds. Poor folks cant."(pg. 7)
Dewey Dell experiences the class divide starkly after painstakingly saving for the ingredients for a cake - which she cannot sell because the customer, "change[d] their minds" which is privileged
Darl: " Without looking back the horse kicks at him, slamming a single hoof into the wall with a pistol-like report. Jewel kicks him in the stomach"(pg. 13)
Darl works his horse like he is worked, especially by Anse who believes he should own what his children own - violence seems to somehow communicate respect, maybe the respect of handling physical responsibilities
"I have never seen a sweat stain on his shirt. He was sick once from working in the sun when he was twenty-two years old, and he tells people that if he ever sweats we will die."(pg. 17)
Dewey Dell: "We are country people, not as good as town people."(pg. 60)
Anse: "It's because there is a reward for us above, where they cant take their autos and such. Every man will be equal there and it will be taken from them that have and give them that have not by the Lord."(pg. 110)
"But now I can get them teeth. That will be a comfort."(pg. 111)
Darl: "When Jewel comes up he has the saw."(pg. 162)
Darl and others go to retrieve Cash's tools from the water - risking their lives for material goods, those goods are worth significant money, and without them, it would be difficult to make money - the family seems reliant on Cash to produce income through carpentry
Cash: "Kind of hangdog and proud too, with [Anse's] teeth and all, even if he wouldn't look at us. 'Meet Mrs Bundren,' he says."(pg. 261)
the main characters of the story are all aware of the class division to some degree
Dewey Dell: "If it is His will that some folks has different ideas of honesty from other folks, it is not my place to question His decree"(pg. 8)
Cora: ". . . coming sometimes when I shouldn't have, neglecting my own family and duties so that somebody would be with her in her last moments and she would not have to face the Great Unknown without one familiar face to give her courage."(pg. 22)
"I have tried to live right in the sight of God and man, for the honor and comfort of my Christian husband and the love and respect of my Christian children. So that when I lay me down . . . I will be surrounded by loving faces, carrying the farewell kiss of each of my loved ones into my reward."(pg. 23)
reminds me of the play EVERYMAN, wanted to take with him family and friendship, but neither would come with, but the symbol for Love did go with in the end
Tull: "The Lord giveth"(pg. 30)
'The lord giveth, and the lord taketh(but please lord don't take it all at once"
Anse: "When He aims for something to be always a-moving, He makes it long ways, like a road or a horse or a wagon, but when He aims for something to stay put, He makes it up-and-down ways, like a tree or a man."(pg. 36)
Tull: "Then [Cora] begun to sing again, working at the washtub, with that singing look in her face like she had done give up folks and all their foolishness and had done went on ahead of them, marching up the sky, singing."(pg. 153)
Addie: "[Cora] prayed for me because she believed I was blind to sin, wanting me to kneel and pray too, because people to whom sin is just a matter of words, to them salvation is just words too."(pg. 176)
Cora seems to be practicing Christianity in preparation for death, almost waiting for the exalting that comes with being at peace with your loved ones and lord, however, she seems to ignore the strife and trials that come with living
Death + grief:
Peabody: "The nihilists say that it is the end; the fundamentalists, the beginning; when in reality it is no more than a single tenant or family moving out of a tenement or a town"(pg. 44)
death as change, not the end, just difference
Vardaman: "my mother is a fish"(pg. 84)
right before Addie passes, Vardaman catches a fish and guts it - this is the way he can contextualize his mother's death, which allows her to live on in certain ways
Darl: "Life was created in the valleys. It blew up onto the hills on the old terrors, the old lusts, the old despairs. That's why you must walk up the hills so you can ride down."(pg. 227)
Addie: "I could just remember how my father used to say that the reason for living was to get ready to stay dead a long time."(pg. 169)
Vardaman: "an is different from my is."(pg. 56)
"He was there and he seen it, and with both of us it will be and then it will not be."(pg. 67)
Addie: "And when I knew that I had Cash, I knew that living was terrible and that this was the answer to it. That was when I learned that words are no good; that words don't ever fit even what they are trying to say at."(pg. 171)
Ars Poetica
Cash: "It's like there was a fellow in every man that's done a-past the sanity or the insanity, that watches the sane and the insane doings of that man with the same horror and the same astonishment."(pg. 238)
Tull: "Only it kind of lived. One part of you knowed it was just water, the same thing that had been running under this same bridge for a long time, yet when them logs would come up spewing up outen it, you were not surprised, like they was a part of water, of the waiting and the threat."(pg. 138)
Would love to hear other thoughts on this novel!
Faulkner, William. As I Lay Dying. Vintage Books, 1900.
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themosleyreview · 8 months
The Mosley Review: Argylle
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In the world of the spy action genre, very few have successfully planted their flag and changed up the formula while still having fun with it. Director Matthew Vaughn showed that he had a unique style and vision for genre with the Kingsman franchise. He showed that he will still have the plot twists, the larger than life villains and fun action sequences but a signature visual flare that is unmistakable. Well he's done that yet again, but this time its a problematic balance. I love when the idea of books coming to life is toyed with in reality and this film has so much fun with that concept. From the opening scene to the end of the second act, I was adoring how much fun I was having with the twist and turns, the action sequences and sometimes off beat charm of the comedy. Where it lost me is when the film breaks its own rules of realism and brings everything that was in the fantastical world into the real. I can absolutely pinpoint where the film falls apart and ceases to be a fun surreal spy action comedy and becomes a implosive parody of itself. I'm all about a storyteller's creative vision being realized, but sometimes being told no is a good thing.
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Henry Cavill was perfectly charming and witty as the fictional live action version of the titular book character. He has that perfect level suave and I absolutely wish the entire film stayed in his world as this film once again proves he would be a great James Bond. Dua Lipa was good for the time she was on screen as the Bond girl equivalent LaGrange. John Cena was good as well as his Argylle's partner Wyatt. He was an excellent Q to his Bond. Bryce Dallas Howard was great as the author of the titular character's story, Elly Conway. The journey she goes through as the world she created and predicted starts attacking her in real life was fun and filled with great comedic timing. I loved the psychological toll it was taking on her as she would diss-associate by having Argylle as her coping mechanism. A deeper meaning comes into the play later for her and I liked that fun take. Sam Rockwell will always and forever be the most fun and enjoyable presence on screen and as Aidan, he excels at that again. He makes the character a great and nonchalant action hero that I was rooting for the entire way and loved his emotional connection to a certain character. The chemistry between him and Elly was fun and made for a good rom com. Samuel L. Jackson was just hanging out and having fun as the hacker Alfred Solomon. Catherine O'Hara is always a joy on screen and as Elly's mom, Ruth, she was a blast. Bryan Cranston was awesome as the The Division director Ritter and he gets to have some truly sinister moments in the film that stand out above the rest.
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The score by Lorne Balfe was excellent and nails the mix of disco and early 70's style of Bond. The visual effects range from outstanding to purposefully campy and that is where the film lost me. I get for certain characters, the visual flare of the hallway shootout is sort of a romantic and colorful celebration in their heads and I liked that, but that’s where the hijinks should've stopped. What follows after the hallway shootout is a sequence that tells you that if "X" catches on fire from a single bullet, everyone is dead. The film ignores this rule and goes absolutely bananas by having a certain character do something without a doubt kills everyone including themselves with an instant spark from 2 weapons they use. I'm trying to be spoiler free as I can, but it was so stupid and it ruins the film. Expecting your audience to believe we're grounded again after betraying them 10 seconds ago, was insulting. The film would've saved face and 10 minutes if that sequences was cut completely and stayed within the tone of the film. Director Matthew Vaughn has his signature style all over this film and he truly gets the fun of the spy action genre, but like I said before, someone should've told to stop with his usual antics and focus on the main plot. You had everything right, but he just went too far. Let me know what you thought of the film or my review in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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idislikethissite · 2 years
An Interpretation and Review of Chonny’s Charming Chaos Compendium: an album of Tally Hall Cover/Remix/Mashups
Going by the name of Chonny Jash on youtube, he creates a stylistically unique form of “cover” (in addition to original songs, not included in this album) in which the original is covered, remixed and mashed up with tunes from other songs as well as adding entirely original lines; this allows for commenting on songs such as “Banana Man” and “Welcome to Tally Hall” within themselves, reframing ones like “Spring and a Storm” while maintaining the original tone, and expressing an epic psychospiritual story of self discovery, queerness and neurodivergence over the course of 18 songs. Content warning: suicide mention under the cut.
The album is split into three sections: Calamity, Cacophony, & Concord. Concord includes songs themed around tally hall itself or with a theme independent of the rest of the album, including Welcome to Tally Hall and Banana Man. Calamity acts to set the stage, with the lines in Time Machine which encourage the listener to loop the album and turn it over in their head to consider many interpretations.
So look, god look at what you’ve done now to me; locked into eternity, I’ll be back here one day, so they say.
Rumors have that I will write a different song, trying to get it right all afternoon.
Dream is the only other song in Calamity, setting the opening tune to Cacophony with an appropriate cacophony in itself.
Cacophony is the above-mentioned saga of self-exploration, and in contrast to the eventual gravity it begins with a remix of Mucka Blucka, which was originally entirely composed of chicken noises; the lyrics draw from both other Tally Hall songs and original lyrics (replete with chicken puns in , referencing themes to come: the division of the self into heart, mind & soul with conflict and unity between each (a theme rooted in Christian philosophy as far back as Augustine), the cyclicality of Cacophony, stagnation & change, and freedom & imprisonment.
Through Cacophony, there are three central character, each with distinctive voices. Named Heart, Mind and Soul with a directness to match a medieval morality play, they each snap and prod each other as conflicts flare. Ruler of Everything is a case where Heart and Mind can be seen; Heart takes the role of Juno in the original song, while Mind acts as what had been a personification of time; throughout Cacophony Mind also exhibits traits of a vindictive figure who lashes out with a position of carceral authority. This aspect of Mind is established here, with new lines following "Juno was mad/he knew he'd been had/so he shot at the sun with a gun/shot at his wily one, only friend":
Listen to this he shot and he missed. So Juno got what he deserved imprisonment was all that he earned. So let's stop on in and see if he learned a god damn thing.
The Tally Hall song "The Mind Electric" serves as the base for three new forms: The Heart Acoustic is the first, expressing the character of Heart—a spirited being prone to swooping experiences of vicissitudinous emotion, disparaging Mind while illustrating what Heart strives for:
Choose to sit safely out of the sun away from rays so blinding to the eye. Singing songs someone's already sung averting gaze from beautiful light. But as complacency settles, anxieties will rise and part this soul as Jekyll parted Hyde. Now I'm one half of a hollow man's lies the love, the hate, the emotional side.
While the heart strives to reach for the "light", the source of its inspiration, the full self lies in stagnation; wanting to act, but not doing it. This expresses very clearly the sensation of executive dysfunction as I've experienced it myself, being aware of potential, of oneself not acting toward it, and the infuriating awareness of not knowing why.
"I know that I'm weak. I know that I'm vile. But sometimes that's what's needed to survive." That's what I'll say to rationalize. "I'm needed if we're to stay alive." And yet, here I lie with black sunken eyes. My Mind's consigned our sighs to a leaden void. The Soul remains tempered. I remain plied. Condemned 'til we are both all but destroyed.
The Heart here recognizes the coping mechanisms of self-preservation as an attempt to justify its own presence in the self. But at the same time it is aware of the continued inaction of the self, and recognizes that its presence is not enough to pull the self from that inaction as well as that while passive, the total self is condemned by the Mind.
But I know that one plus one can't equal two if happiness is both our truths. Our total sum must equal one if we're to find that golden hue. So spiraling down entropically, I beg of thee have mercy on me. I am just a boy, you see. I plead of thee, have sympathy for me. See how it hurts when the sound begins to ring. And you feel it start to rot and you beg for it to stop But you've already dug your lot in the ground.
The Heart sees itself and the Mind, recognizing the conflict between them and the hostility and believing them to be inevitable; overcome with fatalism and sliding into a role of victimization, it blames Mind for the situation and sees death as an inevitable conclusion.
See how the Mind tricks the Soul into being something sickly, dead and cold. as you feel it start to tire and fester so, so slowly. Up until the point where it will finally die, just in time to see what could have been. Do what you want, you automaton freak. No I can no longer bring myself to care. This hollowed out vessel's beginning to creak so take control, let's see how you fare.
Heart's fatalism has bled into apathy, and control is handed off to Mind with a dare to do what Heart believes impossible: to find, or create, a reason not to kill the self.
The song following The Heart Acoustic is Spring and a Storm, establishing the views of Mind.
One time I tried to sing about... I don't know, but it was nothing fucking new. Yet another platitude. Yet another platitude. "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, bla-blah blah" is all they heard. Oh, you thought they were listening? No, don't be absurd.
The Mind defines itself beginning with a deep awareness of its unoriginality; everything to say, in the self for Mind or out of it for the self as a whole, has already been said. Nobody cares, and so it's both ridiculous and pointless to try to say anything at all.
I'm sure you really sang your Heart out or I'm sure that's how it seemed. But you and I both know so well now that looks can be deceiving. 'Cos "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, bla-blah blah" is so overdone. For a man cloaked in daylight, you sure hate the sun. When the tears stream down one day, obfuscated by the rain can you truly say with a straight face that you tried your best?
Heart is seen by Mind as pointless; spouting meaningless words while hiding in self pity, the inaction of the self as "not trying". This calls again to executive dysfunction and the ease with which someone blames themselves in the simultaneous desire to do something and awareness of their inaction.
As Mind pauses, Heart (denoted in parentheses) takes the opportunity to snap pointedly at him:
(Mr. Mind?) Yeah? (What do you see behind those dead, leaden eyes?)
Instead of returning the insult, Mind expresses his view of the self:
A Soul, so deep, and dark, and eternally cold. And an oath, formed from us both, that it would stay whole. But I think if I left it to you you'd fall under its weight and kill it too. But I won't let you ruin what we could still be. We have so much left to sing such a plain and simple thing. Yet your silence lines this pit in which we have lain. All this rage, despair, and shame that's been caged, ensnared and flamed form this atom bomb of songs refused to be played. So if you insist on crying while our host is slowly dying then I'll cut you loose and spare this noose the dead weight.
The self, as seen by Mind, is ultimately a thing of potential; potential restrained by the indecisive, self-pitying presence of Heart. Recognizing that Heart is part of the self, Mind still is expressly willing to try to separate the two of them to spare the self from wasting its potential—even if this is still by killing the self, at least it isn't wasted passively. But Mind still remembers a mutual oath between itself and heart, to continue living. Mind, ironically, is defined by this contradiction: pushing the self to keep living while threatening an end to it in death.
From here, The Mind Electric begins with an extended roast of Heart by Mind.
I could go on, but let's leave it there. Resident Heart is feeble and frail. A scourge to purge; due diligence is all Silent, sad outbursts, inaudible wails dictate he never does as he's told. Fathers of fathers, brothers of sons, deterred from being what they know what they can. All because heart refuses to run. This creature hardly resembles a man. My logic is the absolute. His pity parties simply harm these chances at an apt repute: esteemed regard in place of mockery.
Mind leans into Heart's coping mechanism of self-pity, using it as a means to infantilize and dehumanize Heart. Heart is blamed for the way those external to the self see them, for their inaction, and for not taking decisive action to end it all. Mind also reinforces itself as an authority through judicial wording. The relations of father and son also echo the root of the heart/mind dichotomy as being based in Christian philosophy, where it's used to reflect and define the trinity with the individual psyche.
I can't claim that I enjoy this, covering for a tortured boy that's slowly tired of all his toys. His wiles and woes ring like white noise. And I know that it's hard to see my rhyme behind the entropy, but if he'd just once humor me, he'd see we need to live life logically. See how the Heart plays profound (See how he lies) But the depth is insincere a pathetic, thin veneer.
Mind continues condemning Heart, blaming it for the self's state of inaction and arguing for Mind's own necessity as a part of the self.
The Mind Electric is punctured with a new tone though, and the Soul Eclectic begins—establishing Soul, a third figure, claiming authority over both Heart and Mind. Heart is represented in parentheses here, and Mind in brackets.
Yo. Call me the Soul or call me my name. Oh, label me whatever you would like. Call me your host or call me insane if that will help you stay in line. (He's a damn madman) [He's a depressed fool] (Is that the one you truly want to be?) [Abandon him and we could be free.] Warring all night, abhorrent and trite. You seem to forget you answer to me. Fathers of fathers, I know that I'm vile. Let's see how long it takes to murder me. Neither is wrong, yet neither is right. Condemn him to the infirmary. You must be so arrogant to think that either of you can control the Soul so wholly, when to be the whole you can't hold solely.
Soul is frenetic, unleashed—exactly what should fit what both Heart and Mind have seemed to idealize. But seeing him, they recoil; Soul is ravenous for power, for action, for control, for freedom all at once and is exactly what Heart & Mind see as an obstacle to each of their aims. Soul, for his part, holds just as much disdain for them: he dares them to kill him, high on the sensation of his freedom and believing it unstoppable. Soul's challenge is the direct opposite of Heart's earlier challenge to Mind.
Scattering sparks of thought energy deliver me and carry me away. Here in my kingdom I am your lord I order you to cower and præy. 'Cos I'm not nearly kind enough to leave you parasites inside me Stumbling loosely down this path in hopes the other's struck by lightning.
Soul continues to establish his authority, legitimizing the claim to power by trying to set the self as his kingdom. There could be a potential double meaning here in lightning; Mind and Heart could be just as eager for each other to be struck with inspiration as they would be for them to be struck from existence.
([I. Am. Me.]) See how the serfs work the ground. ([See how they fall]) And they give it all they've got. And they give it all they've got. And they give it all they've got 'til they're down. ([HA HA HA HA HA HA])
For a moment, united against Soul, Heart & Mind are united; the source of that unity distracts them from noticing it at the same time though, and they soon split again:
(See how he laughs at you) [Seethe as he snarls at you] (He will never understand) [Watch him struggle just to stand] (A cold and bitter stance) [The weaker half of man] (What a calculated, degradated hand) [Watch him beg and bargain, time and time again.] See how they fight all day. The other half just won't hear what's had to say. It's just the game they play here in this labyrinth maze. Screams with no sense for why. One more day and one more night One more black and one more white One more chance is all you've left to turn the tides. Tridential regicide I won't hesitate to kill my Heart and Mind. I will abdicate these deviants sat inside. I'll take you down in tandem when this rope is tied.
Split again, Heart and Mind squabble by attributing traits of Soul to each other while Soul makes an ultimatum: One more day and One more night to live and find or create a reason to, or Soul in his decisive fashion will follow through on what Mind could only threaten with.
What follows is The Bidding; Mind's lines in brackets [], Heart's in parentheses (), and Soul in curly brackets {}. After Heart and Mind continue arguing while Soul's deadline approaches, a shift comes with Heart & Mind overlapping:
[You claim to relish entropy but I see] (Stuck, deteriorating helplessly, endlessly) [The order which you beg to hold you down to the ground] (The 'Ruler' of our Soul, left never crowned, forever bound.) ([Your [silence] (violence) deafens more than any sound]) {Oh my god. Holy shit. We were there, that was it. Did you see, harmony, if only temporarily? The halves I reviled An attempt to concile. One more time, go again. No, this can't be the end. It was mean. It was vile. Like a freak. Like a child. But for once, Heart and Mind had finally combined. I believe. I concede. You can finally enweave. If not for you or for him then please do it for me. 'Cos I don't know how much more I can take. This creeping, seeping, sickly, sweeping, heinous [heartache] (headache.) So please, won't you just attempt to be free. 'Cos I think I can finally be me.
Heart & Mind's moment of unity against Soul, and awareness of it, come with the realization that the structure of authority needs to be overturned to exist in unity; the Soul can't act without reason and emotion, and neither of them can exist while subjugated by Soul.
Two Wuv follows, solidifying the unity of the self:
Brothers, friends and family, I hope you understand that the person you see is a dark, divided man, but the fact is that is just who I am, and I can't keep selling this facade when I know that it's a scam. Father, Saint and Mary, I hope you understand, but your sermons are fucked, and it's time to take a stand 'cos I'm sick of hearing fears and demands. Can you tell me the point in preaching if I'm already damned?
The self has reconciled the parts, and accepted the unity; telling friends and family members about it, and about the euphoria found in that truth.
That unity isn't tolerated by the spiritual authority, and a part of the realization of the self is to recognize that that unity and continued existence stands despite the wrongful preaching of those spiritual authorities. The self has heard their sermons plenty, but has overcome them through realization of their own psychospiritual unity; their existence itself disproves the claims made in the preaching, and the only thing these spiritual authorities could want is to kill the united self either through forcing the appearance of conformity, or making them kill themselves literally and directly.
To anyone who knows me, I'm sure I sound absurd, but I'm an egoistic queer under any definition of the word, but I think, for the first time in my life that these oddities that bonded me aren't worth the fucking strife. So call me sick or crazy if that's what you'd prefer, but that rotten melody is one I've already heard and you can stick that shit where it can't be harmonized. I refuse to be the person that my parents eulogize.
The self is triumphant: existence continues, with a new sense of pride in unity, their own identity found and forged in defiance of the external disparagement.
Altogether, Chonny has threaded these songs into something entirely new: a saga of self in multitude, the currents of neurodivergence, queerness and spirituality coming together in a surging portrait of internal & external dialogue. The songs not mentioned all have just as many layers to look into, and these have only been chosen for being particularly relevant to the narrative of Cacophony.
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hyunsoolgc · 1 year
◎ PAGE 007
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ㅡ BANANA DIVISION / character creation
Choi Jihoon is a 20 year old, fresh-faced intern who is overly enthusiastic about his job. As a part of the pursuit of his marketing major degree, he has decided to join the internship program. Originally, he is from a small town and decided to move to Seoul for university for a taste of the big city life. However, he has still maintained his small town charm and outlook. He goes about life at his own pace, striving to stop by to smell the flowers and greet everyone along the way.
He is clumsy and he can always be seen either running into things, spilling coffee, or dropping papers. However, he has a go-getter attitude and is determined to do well no matter what. Perhaps his optimistic nature can be a tad annoying to others working in the office. He can often be heard muttering an enthusiastic 'fighting!!' to any coworker who appears to be down in the dumps or seemingly overwhelmed by a project. When he is undergoing stress, he will do it to himself in the mirror but when it becomes too much he can be found performing Tai Chi to calm his mind. In the heat of the moment, however, he stumbles over his words and laughs nervously.
He is interested in graphic design and drawing, as his father ( allegedly of whom has been quite a lot of things including a firefighter, nurse, and fisherman ) used to be a talented manhwa artist. Unfortunately for Jihoon, his excitement does not reflect his skill whatsoever. He is determined to get his idea of a cute cartoon monkey mascot named Soong through to corporate by the end of his internship.
Despite his jovial personality, he is surprisingly susceptible to becoming a purveyor of gossip, listening intently to what others say about each other or their gripes about their job. He has quite a bit of random snippets of information that he keeps to himself but he has the propensity to reveal them rather easily and he has a difficult time controlling his voice's volume when surprised. Of course, he always means well.
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lgcmanager · 1 year
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 1 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: Cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
all of the actors expect their quarterly meetings to be with AECHA in the same meeting room, but this time it’s different because in front of all of them are their managers — KIM DONGSUN, SEO HEEJUNG, BYUN MIDO, and HAN YOOHWA.
“i guess this might come as a surprise news for some of you, but AECHA is currently taking maternity leave since she will be having her second child soon.” DONGSUN begins the meeting, thinking that this might be the first change of many for lgc agency.
next was HEEJUNG as she tells them the rules and information regarding housing, “in the past terms, we’ve allowed everyone who has joined legacy agency the option to stay in dorms or find their own place. however, due to the incident that happened a few months ago and how our bosses have been telling us to be ever so more watchful towards all of you, we’ve changed our rules. similar to last term, every person who joins the subsidiary will stay in the dorms for one term. if you have been under probation before, then that will last two terms — one for the term where you were under probation and another to follow every new person that joins us.”
“for the ones that have gone through one term in this path without any warnings, punishments, or scandals during that time, they will be given the option to live offsite. those of you confirmed to stay will be able to move into your new dorms starting from today. otherwise, for those of you who have chosen to stay in your own place, you will need to pack up and leave your current dorms starting from today as well. and just like AECHA has said in the past, just because you aren’t under our watch 24/7 anymore does not mean that you can go crazy. if we hear of any inappropriate behavior, you will be immediately brought back to the dorms.” DONGSUN looks at each one of the actors, making sure that they know and are aware of the new dorm changes.
HEEJUNG stated, “sns is important for exposure for our actors. however, it’s not absolutely imperative, so the rules haven’t changed. you’ll be permitted a PUBLIC INDIVIDUAL INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT after meeting certain conditions. first, you must have completed a full trimester in this path and second, you must have at least 6 posts on the legacy entertainment account already. this just gives us comfort that you know what is or isn’t appropriate. for those of you who are eligible for an account, the information will be provided to you shortly. again, as with the dorms, this privilege can be taken away if you decide to do some funny business.”
“now we’re almost done with the basics, but there’s one legal matter that we have to cover right now.” HEEJUNG turns to look at YOOHWA and MIDO, who is giving the contracts to some of the actors. “please read and review through the new terms and conditions. once you are done, sign and return the contract to me or DONGSUN as soon as possible. it doesn’t have to be done right now, but the sooner the better because your modeling career will be starting soon and we want to make sure this is done in a seamless manner.”
( this is just an ic note, there is no need to submit this ooc )
for the ones that have joined the path, they will be eligible to participate in OPEN EVENT 6, where they can post content for the fansites! more information about this can be found over HERE.
“we’re happy to announce that all of the ones who have auditioned have passed. the committee was rather impressed with many of your auditions and characters that they have chosen to incorporate into their sitcom, which is now officially called ‘martine corporation’. for many of our actors, this is different from the typical dramas we’ve done in the past because this is a longer project — 24 episodes long. while each episode is shorter than many dramas, that means that this show airs frequently. it’s why on AUGUST 4, all of you will be attending the first script reading and start filming on AUGUST 14. this will last until NOVEMBER.” DONGSUN continues to explain more details about the show and everything the actors are expected to do in preparation for it.
more details about this can be found in the MARTINE CORPORATION 001 post!
HEEJUNG introduces another opportunity that may interest HAEMIN in particular, “for you, since the rest of the team will be busy with MARTINE CORPORATION, we found an acting casting call that you might be interested in.”
for this gig, YOO HAEMIN will be given a chance to audition for a small acting gig. nothing much is disclosed to them before the day of the audition, but when they arrive there, they will be told to introduce themselves by a casting director and a hypothetical scenario to react to.
HYPOTHETICAL SCENARIO: you are a university student and as you were about to head to your first class for the day, you see that there’s an envelope placed on top of your desk. you’re certain that you didn’t put the envelope there, but for whatever reason you open the envelope ( it’s up to you how that happened ) and you find out that inside was an anonymous love letter addressed to you. what do you do with the love letter and the mysterious sender?
around the 10 minute mark, the casting director will tell them to stop and to please look forward to the results.
for this requirement, since the deadline will be earlier than usual, you would need to write a 300+ word solo about the audition ( it must include the hypothetical scenario portion ) to get +6 ACTING, +3 NOTORIETY ! please tag this solo as lgc:castingcall014. when you’re done, please submit the point form below to the lgcpoints blog before AUGUST 5, 2023 11:59PM EST:
“and we can’t leave BYUNGHO out,” DONGSUN teases as he smiles at the actor. “based on what i’ve heard from one of the managers, it looks like some of the idol groups have received some surprising news and i was informed that you would be needed for something else…something along the lines of LGC BOYS?” he chuckles, excited to share what he had gathered. “since LGC SPRING BOYS’ leader is busy with another project, it looks like the co-leaders have to step up. i hope you’re not tired of being one of the co-leaders of LGC BOYS, because you have a project to work on.”
more details about this can be found in the LGC BOYS post!
for people in the ACTING path, you will also be participating in WRITING CHALLENGE 002 ( and the MARTINE CORPORATION writing requirements if you are a part of the show as well ). for the ACTORS, this will work similarly to how the trainees have done it in the first reiteration of the WRITING CHALLENGE in that they will be receiving skill points depending on their activity. the success of MARTINE CORPORATION will be determined based on the show’s writing requirements and not the WRITING CHALLENGE. all of the pertinent information for this can be found in the WRITING CHALLENGE 002 post.
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lgcjinhyuk · 1 year
… .. banana division creation
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… [ buffering ]
Instantly he transforms from Kim Jinhyuk to Lee Minseo, the overachieving, clumsy intern who was the most recent higher of the bunch. The character is quite different from who he is personally, so in a way, he is challenging himself to be out of the box. Although it’s different from the rookies, he played in Bulletin Inquiry, for this character not only wants to do the best but is more of an oblivious muse. 
Despite graduating in the top university, SNU at the ripe age of twenty. Minseo is a happy go lucky and push over, a tsunde in true form. Clumsy in the most oblivious way, he is only trying his best. He idolizes the boss and supervisor, despite following their instructions he always seems to get the awful results. 
Others tend to find him cold and unapproachable. But in reality, he is just a lost man-child trying to fit into his workplace. He often gets flustered and instead of seeking help, he tries all sorts of shenanigans to make it work in his favor. For instances, there is this running joke that he would climb over the back of the building when they all got locked out, only to have half his shirt ripped off. Instead of being upset, he was overjoyed by the prospect of actually helping out and getting everyone in, for a whole day they called him ‘Shirtless Hero’. Sometimes they still do, and he takes that all in with pride. It's honestly one of the proudest moments in his short time in his beloved workplace. 
Despite his humbling persona, Minseo came from a prominent family and was raised abroad. In fact, he could speak at least four different languages, English, Korean, Japanese and French. It comes to a total shock in the office when he starts conversing in other languages for the first time with one of their multi-national clients, earning him the title of the 'Silver Tongue Intern.' He doesn't really get it, but it does make him feel important and useful. 
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lgcyein · 1 year
☽༓・    ››    BANANA DIVISION AUDITION  //  scenario
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     going to auditions gives her an equal sense of trepidation as well as excitement as she waits for her turn. there’s something thrilling about taking on a new challenge, getting a new script and reading lines that she would interpret, becoming a character that becomes associated with her. of course, there is the possibility of failure and not getting the role, but she prefers not to think about that when she’s going into the audition. at the very least, she would like to not jinx the good streak that she has going.
     she greets the staff and introduces herself and her character, enthusiastic for her idea and the role she created. usually she just takes whatever role is given to her, so it’s not every day that she gets to make something out of her own brain. it makes her feel more the part of the process.
     “why are we planting bananas...” she says as she squats down, pretending to dig at the ground to plant the seeds. “isn’t it enough that we have to do work but now we have to do manual labor too?” yein sighs, then looks up and stands quickly as if she sees a higher up passing by. “oh! hello! can’t wait for these bananas to grow!” her smile stays on her face as she pauses and waits for them to walk away, then she relaxes into a sigh.
     “oh what?” she says, leaning to one side as if listening for gossip. “the boss?” her mouth opens in an ‘o’ as she pretends to be eavesdropping, then shakes her head. “of course bosses are rich, what am i thinking? we shouldn’t be gossiping like this.” then goes back to her bananas, only to look over and lean in, then go back again.
     her face is one of concentration before she stands up suddenly, giving up her facade of working and going over to the imaginary coworkers. “excuse me! did you say he got his money because of his investments? because i heard that he’s been investing in cryptocurrency recently, but you really never know, right?”
     “but what’s the use of worrying about rich people? they’ll be rich no matter what.” yein sighs, as if jealous of his status ( which she is, even if this character isn’t real ). “anyways, i heard it’s crypto, but you didn’t hear that from me okay?”
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lgcminkyu · 1 year
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In Banana Division, Minkyu's character is a 24-year-old office worker named Kim Junhwan. Junhwan was born in 1999 and had a difficult childhood due to his broken family. He grew up with a single mother who worked hard to raise him and his younger brother, Junkyu, after their father left when he was only two. He had a difficult childhood where he struggled with self-esteem and often felt like an outsider. 
His schoolmates were unkind to him, and his mother, wanting to protect him from the harsh realities of the world, often sugarcoated the truth. Junhwan's past has shaped him into the person he is today, with a guarded demeanour and a surprisingly cheerful disposition. He graduated from college with a degree in communications and has been an integral part of the office for over a year. 
Personality-wise, Junhwan is an extroverted person who loves to meet new people and socialise with those around him. He also goes out of his way to make plans for the group he's currently in and tries to be the leader even though, as everyone in his office knows, he's not. Junhwan is said to be one of the friendliest people in the office and is strangely optimistic when given any circumstance, even when it's a bad outcome, or he's meant to be stressed over something. Somehow everything's just more fun when Junhwan is around. 
Junhwan has a deep sense of loyalty towards his friends and would go to great lengths to support them in times of need. He loves to explore the city's nightlife scene, socialise with friends at bars, always dresses to impress, and enjoys a good game of soccer to distract himself from the daily life in the office.
It's believed that he has an insatiable thirst for novelty and excitement, which drives him to constantly seek out new challenges and adventures. Some speculate that this drive is so strong that he even finds ways to inject excitement into everyday tasks, such as pranking his colleagues or sneaking around the office like a spy. He has the quirk of creating a new catchphrase every week, and he enjoys congratulating his boss by giving them a high-five whenever they do something impressive. 
Additionally, he tends to imitate people's voices, especially when he wants to get under their skin.
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lgcjiae · 1 year
banana division◞ ♡   — character scenario!
acting was something that jiae hadn’t anticipated she would pursue so shortly after her debut as an idol, and willingly, at that— nor had she expected to get the opportunity to audition for one of legacy’s new upcoming originals. she had written acting off her cards long ago, having grown up in the shadow of her actress mother and director father, both who had spent many years of jiae’s youth pressuring her to pursue their fields— namely acting and modelling, a la lim seonhwa. her feelings towards acting were beginning to change— no longer was jiae a child being corralled down a path chosen by her parents, now she was calling her own shots.
she introduces the panel to her character— kang bora, who was almost a caricature of herself— or at least a caricature of how she believed people must perceive her— a young woman from a wealthy family who has never worked a day in her life, and certainly never plans to. everything she has and ever will have has simply been handed to her. and while this is far from jiae’s reality, she had to admit— this new and upcoming series was supposedly a comedy, so she felt like she could certainly have a little bit of fun with this character.
jiae wasn’t entirely sure what she should expect for her audition. perhaps she would have to read lines, or maybe she would have to improvise something? they could ask jiae to stand on her head for all she knew. but jiae knew enough from her upbringing, having spent forever watching her mother prepare for audition after audition, for various roles on both television dramas and films. so it doesn’t at all surprise jiae when the panel hands her a random scenario, asking jiae to react to it as her proposed character, kang bora. her scenario for this audition is simple enough— bora is to approach and query as to why her co-worker thinks it’s okay to slack off. bora was certainly not going to be one to query. if anything, she was going to make one hell of a scene.
      — ♡ —
she storms across the center of the ‘stage’ before planting her hands firmly on her hips, glaring back at the panel. “look,” bora snaps dramatically. “i don’t know who you are. no, literally. i can’t even remember your name.” she adds, flipping her hair back over her shoulder as she scowls at the panel, pretending they collectively her lazy colleague. “but— between the two of us, uh you and me,” she says, gesturing between herself with a pointed figure and then them. “what makes you think that you should be the one doing whatever it is that you are doing? nothing, that is.” bora asks, dropping her weight onto one hip. she holds her pose momentarily, waiting for the colleague’s response, which she obviously wasn’t going to get out of the panel. 
“n-no reason?” bora retorts, raising her brows. she looks the panel up and down before giving them a dramatic eyeroll. “oh, okay. i see how it is.” bora says slowly, turning away from the panel, still maintaining the dramatic air that she envisioned for bora, who lives her life as though it’s a sitcom. “well if you’re like so insistent you do nothing,” she begins again, twirling a strand of hair around her finger, turning back around towards the panel. “then it’s only fair that i’m gonna do nothing too.” she concludes with a curt shrug. bora doesn’t say anything for a moment, as though she’s settling into the idea of actually doing nothing, much like her colleague. jiae as bora glances down at her very bare manicure, a very basic and boring baby pink, hardly fitting for a character like kang bora.
bora breaks her silence. raising a hand as she looks back towards the panel with a quirked brow. “but when our boss gets back— you are so done for.” she says slyly with a smirk. she envisions her colleague looking back at her nervously, panicked. bora purses her lips. “my silence can be brought.” she explains, folding her arms across her chest, taking another good look at the panel. “i accept cash, card and designer shoes. take your pick.” 
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kitkatpancakestack · 2 years
Oh, happy birthday!!! I'm sorry you had a bad day, but I hope you have something warm to drink now and can rest and relax. I have some feel-good fic recommendations for you. Tumblr won't let me check these links so I hope they all work!
World Ain't Ready, a Les Mis high school fake dating AU, honestly one of my favorite things ever written, like ever.
live from new york, an Untamed AU where the main characters from the show are all working on Saturday Night Live. It's so funny, and soulful, and romantic, and zany.
Stargazer, a Yuri on Ice AU (I'm sorry I'm like this I swear I read other things besides AUs) where it's basically exactly like the show only it's in space and Victor is a prince. This is such a brilliant, tremendous fic, and it feels loving and hopeful and expansive and kind of melancholy, too, and I reread it like once a month.
Decree Nisi, a Magnus Archives fic where, uh. I'm not sure how to explain. The fic summary says: "Elias and Peter are divorcing again. In trying to decide the division of their marital property, they need some witnesses to assist their respective cases. This is unfortunate for Jon and Martin, who would really rather be elsewhere." This is.so bananas, and it made me cackle like a witch.
And feel-good 911 fic I have enjoyed lately:
hoping it gets to you. Ali Martin is getting married and Buck doesn't want to go to the wedding alone, so Eddie volunteers to go as his date. This is as bright and rich and sweet as lemon merengue.
good pretender. Buck and Ravi start a friends with benefits arrangement, and Eddie loses his entire mind about it. This fic is so kind, and everyone's arc is just wonderful.
you color me in, you spell me out. Chimney makes a bet that Buck and Eddie can't go a week without talking to each other outside of work, and Eddie lasts approximately five seconds before he's climbing the walls. This fic is so so so lovely.
you might as well swim. Buck and Eddie sort of accidentally have sex one night while Chris is away at camp, and Buck is the most casual person you ever met about it. God, I love them, they're so dumb. God, they love each other so much.
Ooh, thank you V! These look so good, I will put them on the list. Thank you so so much! Ily!
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andyetnobananas · 2 years
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I posted 946 times in 2022
That's 908 more posts than 2021!
64 posts created (7%)
882 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 76 of my posts in 2022
#bananas art - 34 posts
#bananas talks - 14 posts
#friend art - 10 posts
#youtube - 9 posts
#bananas vids - 8 posts
#epithet erased - 7 posts
#jelloapocalypse - 6 posts
#parasomnia oct - 5 posts
#original character tournament - 3 posts
#dnd oc - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 86 characters
#feel like reblogging my animatics from this year. with new people coming in i'd really
My Top Posts in 2022:
NEW VIDEO: Flour Bag MURDERS - JelloApocalypse Animatic
@jelloapocalypse @bigmovingtarget @eternal-savvy-blog
151 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
Ok, so you know that whole "HBO Max killing off cartoons" thing that happened recently? So after some digging (and by that I mean watching this video from Shark3ozero) the situation is so much worse than that. Like... Monstrously worse.
In case you don't know, it's not just cartoons and their creators that have been f__ked over recently, but a WHOLE SWATH OF PoC CREATORS HAVE BEEN LAID OFF. Like, almost no non-whites left in executive positions.
Apparently, before the merger, Discovery has a more white, old, heteronormative demographic than HBO, and instead of trying to consolidate the 2 demographics, Discovery's CEO, David Zaslav, has been made into the CEO of both sides of the company, and is trying to turn one into the other. To this end, he has slashed the divisions overseeing kids, family and international content, and intends to create more content for "Middle America." So yes, they cut Infinity Train and Batgirl and others BECAUSE. THEY. ARE. DIVERSE. CONTENT. They are deliberately removing different cultures from their services because catering exclusively to white audiences is more profitable... According to them. I have serious doubts this is casting the net wider instead of narrower. (Also, another part of the shift is that they want to pivot back to cable content and away from streaming, which... Lol, good luck man. Warn-scover-CNBO might already be on a collision course, and fingers crossed that it is.)
HBO also owns CNN, and they have a new chairman in the shadow of the merger, Chris Licht. It's already canned one news show, 'Reliable Programming' a show frequently critiqued the republicans and fox news, and has warned that "more changes are coming soon."
Worst of all, John Malone, who is on WBD's board, and gave Zaslav his job in 2006, has explicitly said that he wants to CNN to have a "less liberal bias", and thinks that Fox News "makes actual journalism." Yes, Fox dominating a third of US cable news is not enough, he wants to make another 3rd of it propaganda programming.
Warn-scover-CNBO's market capitol were flushed down the tubes in light of all this horses__t, but in order to keep the a new propaganda apparatus of unfathomable scale from rising, it must stay down and never recover. Warn-scover-CNBO's changes scaring off huge droves of people is an objective good, and the complete collapse of the company is our only hope now.
Tl;dr: The death of Infinity Train and Uncle Grampa is the canary in the coal mine of a massive swath of pop culture and journalistic practice turning into a right-wing propaganda apparatus unlike anything seen before.
180 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
NEW VIDEO: Ike get TROLLED: JelloApocalypse Animatic
200 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
268 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Epithet Week Day 1: Prison of Plastic
333 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mtreebeardiles · 2 years
WIPs Meme
Tagged by @theoriginalladya -- many thanks!
The rules:
Rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.  Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
Tagging let's see... @illusivesoul @tiny-banana-time and uhhh @tankbredgrunt and anyone else who would like to participate! Only if ya'll want, of course!
Uhh hmm so I don't really have a "folder" per se, just a digital notebook of sorts that I set up as needed. Guess I can give the headers of main sections? Hmm, here's my set-up for the 22-23 year:
ME Trilogy (mostly arranged by focus character)
Everett Shepard
Shawn Shepard
Maxine Shepard
Dana Shepard
Nico Shepard
Biotics Division
ME: Andromeda
Cyberpunk 2077
Chasing Storms
Starting Fires
Bittersweet Symphonies
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hyunsoolgc · 1 year
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Hyunsoo did not waltz into the audition ㅡ more aptly, he crept in, silently peeking his head around the corner when his turn rolled around. Apprehension still flowed through his mind as he presented the idea for his character. The concept came together in a meticulous effort of his slumped over his desk, incessantly tapping his pen. He would make no comment on how long it took him to conceptualize the painfully common sounding name. What he did not expect after finishing his presentation he would be asked to give another.
His gaze travel to the side, his mind searching for the channel its creation, Choi Jihoon, happened to be on. The staff details the prompt rather succinctly: to act out a scenario in which he gives a presentation for a new packaging design but more than several things go wrong.
He asks himself what the more outgoing and quirky character would do in such a situation and determined the enthusiastic intern would not allow a moment to go to waste despite stumbling over his words and slipping out a few awkward chuckles. He is far more extroverted than Hyunsoo ever hoped to be. The sort of small role that still left an impact throughout the show via reference is what he aimed for. ( He still much preferred the prospect of more serious roles but lighthearted would have to do for now as a rookie actor. )
"Today, I'm presenting our idea for the packaging b-but... It looks like it's... not there." There is a newfound glimmer in his eyes and he is suddenly wearing a smile. It becomes forced and nervous as he pretends his boss is staring back at him just as nervously.
"Actually... This is the perfect chance to, instead, present to you an even better idea that could also end up going on the box! My dad said to never let an opportunity go to waste." The volume and speed of his voice increases the more excited he becomes. Hyunsoo ㅡ No, Jihoon is determined to sell the higher ups on his brilliant idea at all costs.
He clears his throat, making little time to procure something from his pocket and presenting it to the board room. It is meant to be a crude drawing of his character's own cartoon character.
"Meet Soong the monkey. As you can see, he has a red hoodie with a banana on the top of his head. Very cute, right? If the company has a recognizable character to sell, you can get a lot of people buying into the product. Royalties would still have to go to me, of course, ( 30/70 ) but think about the profit and marketability of this. Hats with bananas, shirts with bananas, a plushie version of Soong. Then a giant statue in the front of corpㅡ W-wait I'm not finished!"
Hyunsoo soon pretends to be escorted out by one of the employees, pushing back on someone pushing him. Once he reaches the door, he presses himself against it before turning back ㅡ now himself. He takes a bow to the director and quickly takes his leave before he overstays his welcome.
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