#wc: 384
lgcjisoo · 10 months
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why was he going back to sports-related things? he figured it'd be nice to return to the root of where his channel started from. trying different physical activities. and here he was, attempting a dance class with a professional dance studio. he should be good at this, considering how many months he did the gruelling trainee schedule with everyone else. but that's also the reason why he floundered off - because he was rubbish at it, at least, in his mind. does jisoo regret leaving and veering off into becoming a model? no. was his mind in the right place at the time? not really. but it all did turn out for the best, which jisoo is thankful for.
also he's going into the category class that he feels is suitable. "hey everyone! today i'm going to participate at the 1million dance studio's learner's class. apparently they're having a session with one of legacy group's songs today. what is it? well.. that'll be a surprise until we start."
and the class is quite crowded, but enough space for small groups to form which they would be doing performances with later at the end after everyone got comfortable with the choreography.
the main instructor who has created a base choreography, has made it to have the vibes of the original group's choreo, but they were not replicating it. mostly similar movements, but not identical. jisoo's eyes followed, along with the camera, on the instructor as they first introduced themselves and explained what they would be doing today. she gave a demonstration with two other ladies from her crew, and the song played loudly in the entire studio. jisoo turns with a stage whisper to the camera, smiling. "that's right, we're dancing to fabula-sunbaenim's impurities today!"
"how do you think i'll do? i'll get some snippets of the progress and the final but i don't want to disrupt the class too much so the episode might be a bit shorter, or if they allow me, feature some of the other students. wish me luck! thank goodness this is a learner's class." jisoo moves from the camera with a wave, and focuses on the class fully, ensuring that he will not look gangly, and a mess of limbs with the rest of his temporary group at the end.
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lgcminkyu · 1 year
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In Banana Division, Minkyu's character is a 24-year-old office worker named Kim Junhwan. Junhwan was born in 1999 and had a difficult childhood due to his broken family. He grew up with a single mother who worked hard to raise him and his younger brother, Junkyu, after their father left when he was only two. He had a difficult childhood where he struggled with self-esteem and often felt like an outsider. 
His schoolmates were unkind to him, and his mother, wanting to protect him from the harsh realities of the world, often sugarcoated the truth. Junhwan's past has shaped him into the person he is today, with a guarded demeanour and a surprisingly cheerful disposition. He graduated from college with a degree in communications and has been an integral part of the office for over a year. 
Personality-wise, Junhwan is an extroverted person who loves to meet new people and socialise with those around him. He also goes out of his way to make plans for the group he's currently in and tries to be the leader even though, as everyone in his office knows, he's not. Junhwan is said to be one of the friendliest people in the office and is strangely optimistic when given any circumstance, even when it's a bad outcome, or he's meant to be stressed over something. Somehow everything's just more fun when Junhwan is around. 
Junhwan has a deep sense of loyalty towards his friends and would go to great lengths to support them in times of need. He loves to explore the city's nightlife scene, socialise with friends at bars, always dresses to impress, and enjoys a good game of soccer to distract himself from the daily life in the office.
It's believed that he has an insatiable thirst for novelty and excitement, which drives him to constantly seek out new challenges and adventures. Some speculate that this drive is so strong that he even finds ways to inject excitement into everyday tasks, such as pranking his colleagues or sneaking around the office like a spy. He has the quirk of creating a new catchphrase every week, and he enjoys congratulating his boss by giving them a high-five whenever they do something impressive. 
Additionally, he tends to imitate people's voices, especially when he wants to get under their skin.
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bexstevie · 2 years
responding to take a chance! 
the new year starts with a massive L.
at first, he thought it might have been him hitting the ground too hard yesterday skating, maybe he broke something and he’s just now feeling it. but he can move, though it’s definitely difficult to, but not bone breaking unbearable. wuh oh.
his mom finds him sitting on the bathroom floor, too tired to keep standing, and rushes around for a thermometer. the look on his mom’s face after seeing the resulting temp makes him groan, because that’s never good. the idea is only solidified more when she ushers him into warm clothes and gets him into the car shortly after.
stevie would like to say he has a decent immune system; he gets sick a few times a year, maybe more if he’s being dumb about his health. but this? this is the flu. and it sucks! the doctor’s nice about it, and leaves his mom with an assortment of instructions, and she deals with the meds as he sits down and kicks his feet, blinking around tiredly.
two weeks? lame. he chalks it up to exaggeration though. he’ll be fine in no time. he doesn’t have to focus on school or any kind of work, thankfully; he gets a list of things he’s missed from friends in classes and his professors, watches movies until his eyes glaze over and he passes out. lets his mom dote on him and take advantage of her worrisome tendencies so he can be babied and coddled when he feels like he’s on the brink of dying.
one week passes, and it’s better, but he still feels kinda icky and feverish and gross, even if he’s itching to get back on his board and back to life. he needs to talk to someone that isn’t his mom or minkyu-- something that isn’t lying in his room feeling like a truck run him over. and he gets better, gradually. some days are good, same days are bad-- and when he’s finally given the clear by the second week, he has a mountain of work and projects to catch up on-- on top of his already achy body from post flu recovery. 
and in the midst of all, the lady with the business card gets pushed the back of his mind. 
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eunbinbe · 7 days
˙ ˖ ✧ — CHUSEOK 2024. aka how eunbin spends the car ride down to busan for the chuseok holiday.
chuseok always begins with a long car ride down to busan where her grandparents live. the shin's have a tradition of gathering, and everybody makes sure to take at least one day out of the long holiday to spend time with extended family.
of course, it's not easy, considering how big her whole extended family is. however, if they don't get together during chuseok, there's no telling when's the next time they can all see one another. it was just an unsaid rule that everybody had to gather. even if you planned a vacation, you had to make sure you spent at least one day with the family before going on said vacation.
the trip down takes a couple of hours, so her family always makes sure to leave in the middle of the night. a little risky, maybe, but it's the only time the roads are decently empty. of course, they can't avoid everybody who thinks the way they do, and so there's a bit of traffic, but it's better than leaving in the morning or middle of the day.
eunbin spends most of the car ride either catching up on her sleep or chatting away with her family. they try their best to stay awake for their father, who does most the driving, and then her older brother who takes over when it seems necessary.
her mother always makes sure to pack a few snacks. it's usually gimbap, but there are also chips and whatnot for everybody. they always stop by at least one rest stop, both so her father and brother can take a break and because they can't stay away from the food that comes with said rest stops.
during the trips down, eunbin can't help but think that she's lucky she doesn't get carsick because she can't imagine the hours spent on the road as someone who suffers from motion sickness. they usually have the radio going, but if they feel like turning on their own music, the family leaves it up to eunbin. she puts on a few playlists she finds on youtube that she thinks her whole family will enjoy.
while the trip is indeed long, she has quite a blast with her family on the way there, so it isn't as torturous as it may sound.
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lgcjiho · 10 months
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━━ lee jiho : lgcretreat individual introduction
an introduction seems kind of funny, but as one of the senior artists on the show, jiho feels like he has a lot to live up to. what facts about him does the audience already know and what can he use to surprise them? he has to think for a while, glad that he's not up first or anything so he has some time to brainstorm about what would be the best things to say.
once it's his turn, jiho bows politely to the camera and waves. "hello everyone, i'm lee jiho, leader of v&a's sub-unit agito and also the main dancer and lead vocal." okay, that was just the basic stuff, and he has to remember the other things that he had been reminded to say.
"i was a trainee since 2018, until 2021 where i had the honour of debuting in v&a," he says, smiling and he looks towards agito, feeling very proud of how much the subunit has grown since three years ago.
three random facts was where he was having a bit of trouble but he thinks he knows what he can say. "i'm not sure how many of you watched the first season of future dreams—it's been a long time, i know—but one thing about me that people are surprised by when they find out is that i love spicy food. i don't have any peppers to show off this time, but you'll just have to take my word for it." he feels like he should've checked to see if the episode of lgc girls japan versing agito while eating spicy food had been released yet before he had said this, but maybe people will just prove him right with clips eventually.
he'll check on twitter eventually.
"i got a late growth spurt so my profile says i'm 173 but i'm 176 now," he adds, grinning and he knows haru will tease him for this after but he doesn't care, considering he's too used to it at this point.
"and lastly, i've picked up painting as a hobby. i might share some art soon but for now, don't have your expectations too high," he jokes towards the camera, doing a peace sign before he heads back to his spot to let the next person do their introduction.
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 2 months
fem boxer!plus size reader, wc: 384.
a/n: so, i did in fact resurrect myself so i could write this because i have been fucking obsessed with boxer/fighter!au's recently and i couldn't get spencer with a boxing partner (though they aren't dating in this fic because friends to lovers ofc!) i hope you guys like it!!
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Spencer hears the murmurs before he actually sees you.
He understands that you probably appear crazy strolling into a government building looking the way you do, but he had asked you to visit him during his lunch break, so the staring was partially his fault.
You approach his desk with a busted lip and a black eye - as well as the sickening yellow bruise on your soft cheek - a toothpick nestled between your teeth, adorning an all-gray jumpsuit that was too big for your body and a duffel bag slung across your chest, the strap digging into the material. Clasped in your right hand was the takeout he had asked you to grab beforehand.
Spencer had said your name with a small smile, grabbing a rolling chair from an empty desk and settling it right next to his. 
“Hey,” He said softly as you sat down with a pained grunt and a slight wince. “Hi.” Spencer was used to your curtness, taking the bag out of your hand so he could get the eating situation set up.
“Sorry I couldn’t make it to your match yesterday.” He said with a pout, handing you the plastic covered fork. You wave him off, “It’s fine. The bitch got me good.” That made him smile. “Did you win?” His question caused a smirk to tug at the edge of your lips, “Of course I did.”
He pursed his lips, nodding to himself. “Good.”
“My offer still stands about training you, Spence.” You say before taking a bite of your food, and he notices how slow you’re chewing. “It would be beneficial for you to have that extra strength. If you just let me talk to my coach I’m sure I’d be able to get you in for free.” He shakes his head.
“I know, and I appreciate the offer, but with my job I don’t think I’d be able to commit to you, you know? Plus, I really don’t need any added stress… no offense!” You smile a bit. “It’s cool, I get it. As long as you know it’s there, I’m cool.”
“Good… plus I would pay anyway.”
“Do you want me to whoop your ass?”
That pulls a hearty laugh out of him, the man completely oblivious to the attention that he had garnered.
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revasserium · 6 days
Hey, Rain, happy birthday!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
For your 30 under 30[0] drabble event, I'd like to request Love and Deepspace Zayne x reader! Like, we all know how much of a sweets lover Zayne is, so let's say there's a pastries/sweets exhibit happening in Linkon and he's gonna be in heaven lmao. Banter, Zayne's signature snark™️, and MC recording everything because Zayne is so cute haha god, he's so charming 😭
rain's b-day event!
sugar rush
zayne; fluff
“C’mon, look at the camera!”
Zayne sighs, adjusting his glasses with a finger before glancing towards you.
“Ridiculous,” he remarks as you laugh, shoving a tiny camera in his face before swinging the shot wide to capture the large exhibition hall.
“Don’t be mean — you promised you’d help me build my vlog channel!” you say, aiming the camera the giant banner of the annual Linkon Fantastic Flavors Convention.
“I said I didn’t think it was a terrible idea,” Zayn concedes.
“Same thing,” you say, looping an arm through his, “plus, everyone knows you love sweets.”
“Oh really.”
“Yeah, really! Your sweet-tooth is famous online.” You grin cheekily as he narrows his eyes, color slowly seeping into his cheeks as he stares at you for a moment longer before sighing.
“Let me guess,” he says, shaking you off as the pair of you wander towards the dessert aisle, “you made a post.”
You hum, pointing your camera first at this and then at that, distracted by the hundreds of vendors displaying their delicate sugar-spun wares.
“I might’ve… made one or two posts.”
“Or five or ten,” Zayne amends, even as he pauses at booth behind which a pretty girl is offering passersby samples of chocolate eclairs.
“Please, take your pick!” she insists, motioning to the wide array.
You point the camera towards the eclairs before panning up to Zayne’s face, his expression one of utmost concentration. The moment he notices you filming though, he reaches out to snatch at the camera — the shot goes wide, and there’s the distinct sounds of a tussle.
A moment later, the shot refocuses itself onto your face, a smear of cream at the edge of your lips as Zayne’s voice says from somewhere behind the shot —
“So, how does it taste?”
You lick at your lips, flushing as you glare up at the camera, “Would’ve tasted better if you didn’t shove it down my throat!”
“Really? Let me have a taste.”
Your muffled mfph! of surprise barely registers before Zayne pulls back, licking his lips as the camera stabilizes, this time aimed back at his face. He casts you one last amused look before turning back towards the vast aisle —
“Still not as sweet as you.”
final wc: 384 || be part of my taglist!
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chrissdollie · 5 months
♡. ౨ৎ chris sturniolo drabbles ♡.。.:
*oldest posts are at the top/newest posts are on the bottom
[100-500 words] take care - wc: 498 summary: tending to chris' wounds after a fight first date - wc: 475 summary: title - chris is just too cute you're all annoying - wc: 333 summary: clip from wednesday's (1/31) video unreal - wc: 440 summary: chris feels so unreal, you take it in as he lays next to you spit in my mouth! (vday special) - wc: 216 summary: playing 'try not to laugh at vday pickup lines with water in your mouth' boop 💋 - wc: 390 summary: chris loves betty boop so you decide to dress up as her as a little treat photography field - wc: 353 summary: making out with chris in a plains field lol giggly night - wc: 118 summary: chris makes you laugh in the middle of the night and he attempts to stifle your giggles but ultimately fails lol planning your future - wc: 292 summary: title skater!bf chris - wc: 290 summary: hanging out in an indoor parking lot how u met the triplets - wc: 210 summary: title (ft when u started liking chris) ur mad at him >:c (not really) - wc: 280 summary: you try to be mad at chris bcs u never are lol learning how to braid ur hair - wc: 161 summary: title and showing off ab it pussy - wc: 113 summary: nick and matt betting on your guys' relationship honey - wc: 349 summary: you get your wisdom teeth taken out and forget that chris is your boyfriend when he calls you 'honey' burgers - wc: 117 summary: chris makes delicious burgers thats all lol soda?... - wc: 303 summary: shrek's three babies the triplets come into your room where you're taking a nap, asking if you wanna do the soda challenge for today's video-- you dont even drink soda... feeding the ducks - wc: 306 summary: chris sturniolo is a stressed man, but he doesn't feel so when he watches you feed the duckies. kissing the tears away - wc: 112 summary: chris loving his little crybaby by kissing her tears all gone (and licking one) honeymoon (NSFW) - wc: 384 summary: honeymoon sex w/ chris hehe no more! (NSFW) - wc: 402 summary: chris accidentally overstimulating you happy father's day - wc: 489 summary: you and chris have wanted a baby for so long ! you decide that it's time to have one when you don't take your birth control. happy father's day daddy. roleplay (sub!chris) - wc: 124 summary: chris feeds into his desire of roleplaying as your "personal assistant" a cozy night with little!reader and cg!chris - wc: 306 summary: no plot, just reader and chris watching winnie the pooh C: clingy!chris being a sweetheart - wc: 152 summary: him watching u shower + taking care of u
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gunilslaugh · 7 days
Kwak Jiseok Summary: Jiseok can’t deny the fact that you look happier. Unfortunately it’s not with him. (non-idol au) WC:384 Warning:none
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Jiseok freezes in his spot as he sees you arm in arm with him. It hurts him to see you with someone else, yet he also can’t look away. His eyes fixed on your beautiful smile as he watches through the glass window of the cafe. He can hear your joyous laugh haunting his ears.
He used to be the one to make you laugh like that, or maybe he didn’t. Maybe there wasn’t that sparkle that was currently in your eyes as you leaned into your new partner for more support while still laughing at whatever it was he said. Maybe the corners of your mouth didn’t curve up quite as far when you smiled while you were with him. 
Don’t get Jiseok wrong, he's glad that you're happy. He always wanted you to be nothing but happy. However, seeing you be happier with someone who is not him, twisted the knife in his already aching heart. It was such contradicting feelings. He wanted nothing, but the best for you, yet the fact that he wasn’t what was best for you devastated him in ways he didn’t know that he could be devastated. 
Jiseok feels like all that he can do is watch you be happier. With a small smile on his face for your genuine happiness, but also with heartbroken eyes since he wasn’t your genuine happiness. He knew that one day you would fall for someone new and his friends told him that would too one day. Jiseok really doubts that though. Maybe you were able to move on and become happier, but Jiseok doesn’t think that he’ll ever be happier. Jiseok thinks that his happiness is you. No one else could make him feel as happy as you did, let alone happier. 
So he’ll watch you be happier. He’ll watch you laugh a little harder, smile a little brighter, hold your new partner a little closer. Sure he’ll sometimes let himself slip and imagine that he was still together with you. He’ll watch you be happier while he waits for you. Cause if the guy that makes you happier breaks your heart. He will certainly go running to pick up the pieces. He will go running back to you with the promise of making you the happiest you’ve ever been.
taglist: @purplelady85 @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver @mxlly143 @seungseung-minmin
comment or message me to be added!
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sunsharkx · 3 months
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kiri x gn reader • wc: 384 ; drabble
for my beloved @capybaraohara
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The scent of hair bleach and tangy dye wafts through your small apartment bathroom. You and Kirishima sit in comfortable silence as you apply the 'rock n' roll red' colored goop to each strand of hair.
The two of you are enjoying quiet time together—a rare phenomenon indeed these days. Kirishima was a busy man. Being a top pro hero was no joke. It meant hours of hard work and little time for play. You missed him so much.
Moments like this, you cherish with your whole mind, soul, and body. Gently, you massage his scalp causing Kiri to let out a reedy groan. His massive shoulders sag as you gently part another section of hair. If you peer into the mirror, you can see a dopey grin plastered across his face as you continue to part and paint carefully.
The folk music playing softly in the kitchen and down the hall mixed with the cold rain that pitted-patters on the bathroom window. You let out a contented sigh. It was perfect. Just you, him—inside, safe, and warm.
Just then, you feel his calloused hand tug on your shirt sleeves. His touch sends a shiver down your spine. "Hm?" You raise a brow, glancing down at him. A wave of warmth and affection washes over you as you meet Kirishima's gaze. At that moment, surrounded by the scent of hair bleach and the sound of rain, you feel an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude for having him by your side. It's during these cherished moments of quiet intimacy that you realize how lucky you are to share your life with someone who brings you so much joy and peace. You're beyond lucky.
He grins, spinning around only for his broad arms to wrap around you. His embrace is strong yet gentle, enveloping you in a comforting warmth that seeps into your bones. As his muscular arms encircle you, you can feel the steady beat of his heart against your chest, a rhythmic reminder of his unwavering love and support. Your hands fly up to avoid staining his skin and clothes. He chuckles before he leans up, kissing you.
The sensation of his lips on yours makes you moan. He parts to breathe, “I love moments like this with you.” You breathe in. "Me too."
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lady-lostmind · 7 months
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Love is: Being late to work because you can’t ever say goodbye in a reasonable amount of time.
a @steddielovemonth prompt Thank you @oh-stars for betaing this!
WC: 384 | CW: Smut | Rating: E
ao3 link or under the cut.
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It never fails that Eddie ends up with the early shift on Steve’s day off. That he has to get up at four in the morning when Steve has time to sleep in. And it never fails that Steve wakes up too, feeling Eddie try to sneak out of bed. Trying not to wake him up. To let him sleep. 
Eddie is running late. Again. But honestly, how is he supposed to get out of the house on time when Steve rolls over and clings to him, all sweet and cuddly, eyes heavy with sleep? How is he supposed to untangle himself from his warm limbs and leave him in bed alone? How is he supposed to resist when Steve shifts his hips and lets out a low moan that sets Eddie ablaze? 
Eddie tries to ignore the clock on his bedside table as he pushes another finger into Steve, making him whimper beneath him. He knows he shouldn’t drag this out. That he should already be in the shower. He’ll probably have to skip the shower now, actually. Won’t have time to do more than wipe his dick down with a washcloth and rush out the door. Especially if he doesn’t get moving. He should just get Steve off so he can see that satisfied look on his face before he leaves for the day. Know that he’ll fall back asleep feeling loved, even if Eddie has to leave him in an empty bed. That’s what he should do. But then Steve lets out a particularly amazing sound, and clenches tight around his fingers and looks at him with pleading eyes and–
Eddie yanks his pajama pants off with his free hand, still pumping his fingers into Steve with the other. He shifts higher on Steve’s body and leans down to press a sweet kiss to his lips before pulling his hand back and grabbing the lube he tossed to the side, grinning when Steve wiggles impatiently under him as he coats himself. 
His eyes flick to the clock, red numbers blazing bright in the dark room. 4:25am.Eddie sighs and shakes his head as he lines himself up. He huffs out a laugh as he pushes into Steve, leaning in close to his ear. “You’re gonna make me late again, sweetheart.”
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allgreekbitch · 4 months
@marauders-girls-ships-microfics may 15, together, wc: 384
They’re in Marlene’s flat, hidden between the tall buildings and shady alleyways of London, and Marlene can’t bring herself to look into Mary’s eyes. Not when this conversation has managed to extract emotions she’s been hiding for a long time, not when her own eyes are stained crimson and gathering tears.
Instead, she looks down at her shoes, and she can sense Mary sitting closely next to her. She says, “We can be together. I promise, we’ll be fine. We can figure it all out. Together.”
“Marlene…” Mary’s voice is barely above a whisper, scarcely audible. Maybe she only means to be heard by herself, Marlene, and whatever tortured soul observes them in their pain. “I can’t, I have to—”
“Do you love me?” Marlene interrupts her to ask. Because deep down, even though she knows this is reality and not a fairytale, she holds a bundle of hope.
“Don’t do that…” Mary shakes her head lightly.
“Do you?”
“You know I do,” she states, but it doesn’t mean she’ll follow her heart, Marlene knows that. And that’s what hurts the most. They could be together, they could spend a lifetime by each other’s side, they could be one of those happy couples Marlene sees on the street, holding hands, enjoying their life, but the universe wasn’t as kind to them. “I’m leaving tomorrow. I have to do this, I’m sorry.”
“We can run away,” Marlene proposes hopelessly. “You don’t have to do this.”
“I do.” Marlene feels a soft hand untangle some of her curls, lightly, almost hesitantly, and she almost pulls away. She can’t stand knowing that she won’t be able to feel that touch again in her life. The hand travels to her neck, to her jawline, it guides her to finally face Mary, and it hurts more than she could imagine.
Mary gently pushes some messy curls away from Marlene’s forehead, tucks them behind her ear. And all that to place an almost painful farewell kiss on her lips.
If Marlene could, if she had the strength to carry herself, she would have stopped her from walking out, from putting a forever end to a love that survived through years of friendship.
If she had the strength, she would have at least told her she loved her one last time.
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atimeofyourlife · 1 year
Whumptober day 8
rated:t | wc: 384 | prompt: Overcrowded ER | Outnumbered | “It’s all for nothing.”
The waiting was the hard part.  Max and Eddie had been taken straight in for treatment, as they were the worst hurt. Everyone else with a minor injury, as least as far as the nurses could tell, were having to wait until a doctor was free.
Steve watched as more people poured in, the victims of the earthquake caused by Vecna. Some walking wounded, some injured being carried in by loved ones, some that looked like they were already dead. Proof that it had all been for nothing. That Max had sacrificed herself for nothing. That they'd all gotten beaten and battered for nothing.
As the ER got more and more crowded, Steve knew that they were getting pushed further and further down the list in priority. Sure, if he'd been honest about his injuries, he'd probably be in by now. But it didn't feel important, he'd managed without treatment for over a day, waiting a bit longer didn't feel like much.
Even more people came in, and there weren't enough seats. Steve looked at their group, trying to decide how to take up less seats. Lucas, Dustin, and Erica sharing two seats between the three of them. Robin and Nancy in a seat each, either side of the kids. Steve made the choice to stand, offering his seat to a woman who was obviously struggling to stay upright.
Steve paced in the tiny space, only able to take a few steps in each direction before reaching someone else that was having to stand or someone choosing to sit on the floor. It was the only thing to take his mind off what had caused the hospital to become so crowded, practically overrun. He was starting to feel a little woozy, maybe from blood loss, maybe from exhaustion, maybe from having not eaten since before he went into the lake, maybe from lack of oxygen having been strangled twice. He still didn't mention it, believing that other people needed the help more.
It felt like half of Hawkins had crammed itself into the ER, and it was putting Steve even more on edge. There was barely room to breathe, let alone move. And of course, it was then that his injuries finally caught up to him, leaving him unconscious before he hit the floor.
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jjungkookislife · 2 years
Fetish For Blood: Faint of Heart
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pairing: vampire!jungkook x witch!reader
genre: supernatural au, established relationship, vampire au [18+]
summary: Jungkook faints when you cut your palm for a spell requiring your blood.
wc: 384
warnings: uh reader cuts her palm for blood (she's doing potions), jungkook faints, um a lil' bit of a breeding kink, implied smut and some dirty talk
a/n: original here
date: October 5, 2022
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Jungkook was the perfect mate. Yeah, I said it. He was your mate. You weren't going to hyper-focus on the fact. In fact, your thoughts should have been on your potion that brewed and bubbled in the enormous cauldron.
"Whatcha doin'?" Jungkook asks as he tries to peer over your shoulder.
"Nothing," you answer as you stir your potion.
"Hmm, I call bull, but okay." Jungkook shrugs but continues to try to see what you're stirring.
You ignore him, used to his curiosity, but when you try to explain, he either doesn't follow or stares at your chest.
It's not until you cut your palm. your blood mixing into the potion that he's running to you. You're unphased, used to spells calling for your blood to bind. While Jungkook looks faint until he does faint.
You catch him before he meets the floor and sigh. He was ever the dramatic.
When he comes to, you pat his cheek.
"You fainted... straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention, you didn't have to go to such extremes."
"Shush. You know what your blood does to me." he huffs and you giggle.
"It wasn't that much blood."
"It was enough," Jungkook protests. "What kinds of spell was that, anyway?"
"A preliminary spell," you answer.
"For what?" Jungkook raises a brow. He normally
"Uh... this and that," you answer inconspicuously.
"This and that?" he asks with a curious look.
"Well, vampire babies tend to drain their mother regardless of their immortality, so I was trying to prep my body just in case..."
"Just in case I breed you?" Jungkook smirks.
"What? What did I say?" Jungkook asks, flabbergasted.
"You can't just say that!"
"Say what? That I want to bend you over and fuck you full of my seed?" Jungkook licks his lips as he looks at your thighs.
"I've waited so long for this," Jungkook smirks as his hands cup your face, kissing you deeply.
"Oh, have you?" you ask as he presses you against a wall, his large hands cupping your face.
"Of course I have, baby. Don't you know you're the only one I want to spend my life with? You're the only one I'd even consider carrying my babies."
"Hush, baby. Let me take care of you."
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heisenbergshusband · 1 year
mixtapes and opening up
wc: 384 (theme: fluff!)
billy looked down at the small rectangular package in his hands. steve was sat on the opposite side of the couch, waiting for his boyfriend to tear apart the newspaper that concealed the object within. it was the last of a handful of presents he had given billy.
steve was nervous about this one, his eyes wide and watching. the rest of his gifts had been store bought; a pack of marlboro's, a bottle opener key chain with palm trees etched on it, and a cassette for the newest metallica album. but this present was homemade and heartfelt. it was clumsy and not perfect, he admits, since he had to ask dustin how to make one in the first place.
billy pulled at the sides of the paper, opening it up to reveal a cassette tape with "guilty pleasures" written across it in black ink. billy stared at it silently and steve bit his lip, waiting for a reaction.
"i made it for you," steve timidly explained. "it's a mix tape."
he hands billy an envelope, which has a piece of paper inside. in steve's loopy handwriting, it lists off a track of songs. billy scanned through it to see songs like "she bop" and "girls just want to have fun" by cyndi lauper, and "we belong" by pat benetar. his cheeks and ears flush a light shade of pink.
"these songs are girly," billy mumbled. "i don't... listen to these..."
steve let out a breath and placed his hand on billy's knee, careful about the words he'd choose to reassure the blond.
"they're ones i've heard you sing when you think i'm asleep, and ones from albums max said went missing," steve said.
"little shit," billy cursed under his breath.
he sighed in defeat. steve knew him too well, and billy saw this as proof. this track list showed him that steve knew all the parts of billy that he held tucked away in closed fists and behind locked doors.
"thanks, harrington," billy said.
steve hummed a reply, planting a kiss on billy's cheek. billy closed the distance between them, sitting thigh to thigh with his partner. he felt a hundred times lighter as he began listing off his favourite songs on the tape, and suggesting others to add to the next one.
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
Autumn Is Healing (Oct 25th)
Flufftober Day Twenty-Five--First Dance
drabble for steve rogers x super soldier!reader (see previous or series)
No warnings, just fluff and humor! WC 384
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This is an incredibly bad idea.
He should have said ‘no.’ He could still say ‘no’ but at what cost?
He thought—no, actually, he most certainly did not think—when he agreed to spar with you on a bet that you’d tap into that feral, wild thing that The Autumn Soldier was at first.
But you aren’t feral, and your eyes aren’t wild.
He could have pushed aside the history you two have now, could have rationalized that this is the same as any other training, but not like this.
Thank god Steve has been sparring with Natasha for a decade or he really wouldn’t last. Not with the way you prowl around him like a lioness…and Steve’s a hunk of frozen meat to gnaw on.
And there’s more, yeah, because your strut does that little circle thing with your hips, and he notices. Your arms swing about casually, and he notices. Your bare toes curl against the mat, and Steve notices. He just can’t tell if you’re doing that on purpose.
You lick your lips, and Steve gulps.
He has not made the correct life choice here, gang. He regrets a few things, one thing in particular being that same thing he always forgets: your serum is deceptive.
You’re faster, stronger, and more agile than you look; it’s like watching physics go out the window…and now Steve himself is gonna go right out that window if he’s not careful.
He thought the hard part would be to not hurt you. He thought he’d struggle to fight you because, ya know, he loves you and all that, but shit, sweetheart, he’s gonna struggle to stay upright at all.
There are no low blows, no taunting him with nice phrases or little quips about how well you know him, and honestly, that scares Steve half to death on its own. What the hell has he gotten himself into? Better question: Bucky’s gonna step in and save him this time, too, right?
“Ready,” Buck asks with a smug look that tells Steve he is by himself on this one. He winks at you and Steve on the mats, flanked by anyone and everyone in the building they could find, apparently.
You lower into a good footing. “Let’s dance, doll.”
And the whistle blows.
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banner and challenge details @flufftober
[Day Twenty-Four; Day Twenty-Six]
[Chronological Next Part]
[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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