#😴 ;; idle.
callilouv · 2 years
i shld finish my theme
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(hi thank you for being understanding about my question and being cool with doing this!) can I ask for headcanons for somethin like movie night with the 501st? Gender neutral reader is fine
Of course babes. 🩷 We can do movie night any night with the 501st!
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Warnings and Information: There’s nothing to do in the barracks tonight, and it’s been a long time since anyone’s seen a good movie. So, throw in like fifteen packets of popcorn in the microwave (one at a time, Hardcase) to get this popcorn poppin’, because the 501st + one good friend is having a movie night! (Once mostly everyone agrees on what to watch, of course…) Blankets, pillows, snacks, and cozy Clone cuddle-piles galore~ Who’s falling asleep first? 😴 2nd person POV with an undescribed reader who has a gender neutral nickname. Bullet point format. We’ll use a little Mando’a, as a treat. Fluff and good feelings all around. Everyone’s happy. Everyone’s safe. 💙
Word count: 1,652
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The previews
There’s no paperwork to do, there’s no assignment they need to ship out for in the morning, and they’ve gone ahead and tidied up the bed racks for good measure. They could play some Sabbac to kill the time, but they’ve either lost or misplaced more than half the deck, and they don’t feel like the lights and thumping bass of the local drinking hole tonight. (It’s just not quite the same as 79’s…) Nobody really has the energy to do much of anything, but given their purpose and training as soldiers, they don’t often have nights like this where they simply do… nothing. Being idle leaves a gnawing feeling of discomfort for many in the 501st, so they’re trying to come up with a plan.
“Uh-oh. Hardcase has his thinking face on.” someone mumbles, growing slightly uneasy. 
“I got it. I’m gonna call someone.” Hardcase declares, punching in one of his favorite contacts on the comlink. This makes the ARC troopers slightly nervous. “Not the Captain, I hope-” Fives chimes in warningly. “With any luck he’s just gone to the mess.”
Hardcase shakes his head, grinning broadly before he punches ENTER on the device. “Nah, I’m not calling the Captain right now, I’m callin’ Ember!”
You’re a favorite of the 501st. At least, that’s your theory. 
And through one series of events after the other, you've become well acquainted with them and their antics.
Why else would you possibly need to be commed in the middle of a meal? “Don’t answer that.” Captain Rex advises you. You both barely started eating. It’s not an emergency tone. It can wait. But… maybe you should see who it is, first? “Umm… Hardcase is calling me.” you reply. That means one of two likely scenarios.
Boredom, or trouble.
Specifically future trouble.
(Or he’s in trouble.)
You’re at least going to see how urgently you need to scarf down your meal so the Captain has time to enjoy his for once in three blue moons. “Hello? What's going on Hardcase?” 
“Hey little flame, you wanna do something tonight? We’re bored!”
“Define bored…” You’re gonna regret asking that, you’re sure. “And who’s “we” exactly, Hardcase? How many others are listening?” The jumbled cacophony of names and voices tells you it’s mostly Torrent Company, which you pretty much expected. “... hi Echo and Fives… hello Dogma … hey there Tup, I’m doing okay, thanks… yup, just trying to eat a little dinner, Kix…” 
So why exactly did he call you, you ask Hardcase, exchanging wary glances with the cobalt captain. What's going on? "Do you know where we can find a lot of popcorn for a movie night? You and the Captain are invited too of course, little flame!"
Grab your snacks…
The bunkroom has been torn apart by the time you and Captain Rex make your way in from the mess hall, and it smells better than you imagined for military sleeping quarters. Lots of beds are missing mattresses, bedding, and pillows. Except for Dogma's. His is untouched, saved for a slight rumple in the sheets. "Boys, we're here! … Where'd all the stuff go?" You step further into the room, and find all the missing mattresses laid side-by-side on the floor near one end of the room, where everyone's either currently wrangling with the holo-projector, or taking down a few posters from the wall to clear the space that will serve as your "screen". Tup spots the pair of you first. "Oh, good. Captain and Ember are here!" 
Hardcase is grateful that you found some popcorn for movie night, and that you could come join in for the fun. "There ya are, burc'ya! Just in time to start deciding on a movie!" He offers to get a jump on getting all the popcorn bags popped too, with the promise it's not going to be like last time. Trying to pop more than one bag resulted in a small fire, last time, evidently. 
Jesse and Kix are scouring over the descent film selection together, sorting them by type or genre. Action. Horror. Family-oriented. There's- how'd this kids movie end up in here? Eh, no thanks on the war films, we see enough of that. "What about a comedy?" you suggest, rifling through the stack to see what your pickings are there. There's a couple you do and don't recognize, and some that are tied to fond memories from before the war. "This is a good one, I think most of you guys will like it. I used to watch this a lot whenever I needed a good laugh, or some cheering up." 
Everyone agrees to give it a shot at least if that's what you recommend. In any case, it'll be difficult to get everyone to agree on one holo, and more than half of men squeezed around you on this giant raft of mattresses, blankets and pillows will probably fall asleep partway through it anyhow. 
… and enjoy the show!
"C'mon Dogma, come join us!" you urge with a friendly smile, seeing him return to his neatly-made bunk. "There's plenty of room, I'm sure." Tup and Hardcase, slightly sprawled next to you on your left, would need to move a bit to make it happen. Echo and Fives are sitting nearest the projector, their shoulders brushing against one another with every little movement. Jesse has positioned himself nearest the Captain, who is also beside you on your right. "It's okay if you don't, either. Nobody's gonna force you." you add pointedly, just as you feel someone start to pull his legs under him to go drag his brother into the tangle of limbs and bedding. Maybe he's more comfortable on his bunk. Or perhaps he's not interested in a film right now.
The lights are dimmed, the snacks are passed around, and the film begins. 
You only make it fifteen minutes into the film before there's a casualty: Kix, diligent man that he is to make sure all his brothers are taken care of, falls asleep behind you. "Psst! Kix, can you pass me the- oh nevermind. Ember, could you grab the candy under his arm before it melts?" You carefully wiggle it free and pass it up to Jesse before tucking a loose blanket kicking around over Kix. Generally, once Kix is out, he's out, so the group doesn't have to worry about waking him for a while. 
Hardcase stays surprisingly still through most of the movie so long as he keeps his hands mostly occupied in some capacity, or has one of his brothers leaning on him in some way. He's a very tactile person, so it's no surprise that he's slowly migrating around the raft of mattresses as each of his brothers either allow Hardcase to fiddle around with stuff he finds in their pockets, or just hold him close in a brotherly embrace for a bit if he's getting too disruptive. (He eventually settles down around the midpoint of the movie, and is one of the few who stays awake through the whole thing.)
Tup pays attention to most of the comedy film, occasionally conversing in whispers with Fives and Echo about their opinions on the jokes until Echo nods off for a bit, and the hushed conversation continues back up again when he wakes up before movie's end. It's Jesse who's not paying much attention to the film, but he's not too disruptive. Jesse almost makes it to the end of the movie before he falls asleep in the middle of scrolling through something on a datapad that's made its way into the nest of pillows and blankets and limbs, his head resting on Captain Rex's knee. 
Dogma does eventually join everyone on the floor. You suspect he was starting to feel a little left out, or maybe he changed his mind about the offer you made earlier, growing bored of whatever he'd been reading on his datapad, or deciding he'd give the movie a try. He tentatively makes his way over, and asks if he can still sit by you. "Of course, Dogma. Here, I saved some popcorn for you!" You give him the rest of the bowl you'd set aside for him, unable to get up and give it to him yourself since you've got multiple people surrounding you. (You didn't want Dogma to miss out on the snacks just because he wasn't initially watching the movie with everyone.) "Thanks for saving me some, Ember." Captain Rex reaches behind you and gives Dogma a warm pat on the shoulder. "Glad you joined us, brother." There's an unspoken finally in his words, but he's just glad to see that Dogma didn't end up isolating himself for long. 
You and Captain Rex, being firmly in the middle of the mattress pile, end up being the ones who become the human pillows of the group. It's nice to see all your friends having fun tonight, and be a part of enjoying a movie together. No stiff, uncomfortable armor; everyone's either in their fatigues or their blacks, and draped over and across their friends and brothers. Everyone is content and full of maybe a little too much popcorn and other snacks. You'll have a heck of a mess on your hands to clean up, either in the morning, or when everyone returns their respective mattresses to their bunks tonight, too.
Nights like this are how it should be. Everyone's happy and there are signs of trust everywhere you look. Brothers let their sleeping siblings rest on their shoulders, against their backs, their legs, or under their arms without complaint. There are sleepy smiles and shared blankets. Those who stayed awake until the end are now joking happily with one another and their Captain, and you too. 
And for a moment, in this night that will become a cherished memory no matter which way this war winds up, everyone you care about is safe. 
And what could be better than that?
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Don't have a fic taglist for the time being, but I'll likely start one soon if I can figure out how to make those forms some people have since I write a variety of stuff. For now, though, if you'd like to join a taglist for specific types of fics (for example: just TBB-centric or just TCW-centric (or both)) don't hesitate to ask. 🩷
[Masterlist] [Requests: OPEN]
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skruttet · 2 years
love sniff's idle animation of him nodding off 😴
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For sidon
-Than-Than (@water-pokemon-appreciator)
😴: It’s a nice, cool day in Lostlorn Forest. Vanilla and Sidon sit over the forest’s waterfall, teams splashing happily below and siblings talking on the lower level. The two don’t say much, but occasionally Vanilla snarls some idle remark at their nephew, who croaks back a retort. …It’s peaceful.
😨: It’s one of those dreams that you can’t wake from, but instead keeps restarting. Over and over. Each time, Vanilla wakes in a cold sweat, reassures himself he’s only dreaming, and enters another room, only to watch Sidon die in some new, unbearable way. Every time, Sidon cries for help at the very last moment. Every time, Vanilla is just out of reach.
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dalechevy32004 · 1 year
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Goodnight, everyone!🥱😴
Rest is not idle, is not wasteful. Sometimes rest is the most productive thing you can do for body and soul.🤗🤗🤗
May your sleep be deep & restful. Sweet dreams!💖💖💖 — feeling blessed.
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brutalscaled · 2 years
😴 - to fall asleep on your muse .
Misc Action Prompts || Accepting!
One could argue that at least it wasn't cold enough to be snowing, but it was still cold enough to make the rain freezing and miserable. When it's that cold, almost any company is welcome– especially if said company is a ten foot heat generator. 
So Croc didn't blame Byan when they sat down against the wall next to him, one rain-soaked shoulder leaned heavily against his arm. Idle conversation helped time pass for an hour or so, helped along by a drink or two (Byan had surprised him by digging a couple jars of moonshine out from under their bed). 
It was only when one of Croc's questions went unanswered for a bit too long that he looked down to see the teen fast asleep leaned against him. He shook his head and righted the bottle in danger of slipping out of their hand before leaning his head back himself and letting his eyes close. No better thing to do, he supposed; conversation could pick up again in the morning when (hopefully) the rain had stopped.
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gotilo · 1 month
From Boredom to Brainpower: How Gotilo Engages and Excites Your Mind
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Ever feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of boredom with nothing exciting to do? 😴 Say hello to Gotilo—the brain game that’s about to transform your downtime into a mental adventure! 🚀🧠 Let’s dive into how Gotilo turns idle moments into opportunities for cognitive growth and fun!
What’s Gotilo? 🤔
Gotilo is more than just a game—it’s your ultimate brain workout! Packed with a variety of puzzles and brain teasers, Gotilo is designed to keep your mind engaged and sharp. Whether you're a puzzle enthusiast or just looking for a fun way to challenge yourself, Gotilo has got you covered.
Why Gotilo is a Game-Changer:
✨ Engaging Challenges: Bored of endless scrolling and mindless apps? Gotilo’s puzzles are crafted to captivate your attention and provide a real mental workout. From tricky riddles to complex patterns, each challenge keeps you hooked and entertained.
🧠 Mental Stimulation: Tired of feeling sluggish? Gotilo’s brain exercises are designed to boost your memory, enhance concentration, and sharpen your logical thinking. It’s like giving your brain a daily workout that’s both effective and enjoyable!
🎉 Fun and Rewards: Who said mental workouts can’t be fun? Every time you solve a puzzle and advance through levels, you get a rewarding sense of accomplishment. The game’s design includes gamified elements that make every achievement exciting and motivating.
How to Get Started with Gotilo:
Ready to jump in? Here’s how you can start playing Gotilo:
For Android Users: Visit our website https://gotiloapp.com/, click on the Play Store icon, download the APK file, and follow the installation instructions. It’s quick and easy to get started!
For iOS Users: Open the App Store, search for “Gotilo,” and download the app directly to your device. Get ready for endless fun!
Why You’ll Love Playing Gotilo:
Playing Gotilo isn’t just about killing time. It’s about challenging your brain, improving your cognitive skills, and having a great time while doing it. Plus, Gotilo tracks your progress, so you can see how your brainpower grows over time. It’s a fun way to stay mentally active and engaged!
So, if you’re looking for a way to turn those dull moments into opportunities for mental stimulation and fun, Gotilo is your answer. Join the Gotilo community today and start transforming boredom into brainpower!
Catch you in the game! 🚀🧠
#Gotilo #BrainGame #MentalWorkout #PuzzleFun #DownloadNow #LevelUp #StaySharp
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redemptioninterlude · 4 months
😴 //rue
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love languages meme ( accepting ) + @sunxsin // ling send 😴 to fall asleep on my muse
so like. after the two of them split a joint with the girl from costume, they're stumbling into a whole corn maze. "i never thought these were real..." her voice lost in a daze, a grin SPREAD WIDE on her face. it's kind of like. super cool, isn't it? amazing... how even in a place like east highland which rue vowed lacked in every inch of it any sense of culture, they never did things like this. maybe there's still like, so many things to discover about the world. why's that a kinda cool discovery to make on a late afternoon such as this one?
and it's also like, SUPER COOL that ling's here.
they talk about how they finally work together. it isn't just like, passing and idle talk, they get to extend their odd red carpet friendship to something that immortalizes itself on screen. they've hung out in LA, and sometimes it's great, sometimes it's just FUNNY. but it's always a good time, isn't it? even if sometimes she isn't sure of what she's feeling, especially in those back then moments with malcolm. a lot of things change since then. a lot of shit's really just the same.
they GET LOST for a little while...
and rue can't say how long it's been. but the world out there seems to be doing fine without them, as they're both coming down, no longer giggly but... maybe tired of picking pieces of hay out of each other's hair. ling announces that he just CANNOT walk anymore, and rue's like, fine, let's not then, as she produces another joint and takes a seat. her jeans don't care for burkettsville's autumn snappy weather, as rue goes fumbling for a lighter that she plays with, long after the joint's lit. they share it in a passive quiet, before she feels that sudden weight of ling's head at her shoulder.
rue's frozen. because, like, what do you do, what do you do when someone who you think is like, REALLY FUCKING COOL suddenly touches you out of nowhere, and it's also, consciously, one of the first times they've ever both been single, but. it's. a lot, isn't it? and he's got his whole reputation... she needs to calm the fuck down already.
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"you tired?" she needs to get the fuck over these nerves already. it's just ling. and ling's looking exhausted right now, and isn't he cute like this? his eyes closed as he slumped against her shoulder, mumbling something that she can't quite make out, but like, it's fine. rue grins... leaning back as she finishes off what's left of the joint for herself, chewing delicately along her bottom lip, gaze flickering back to him. he really is just like... THE NICEST GUY. she doesn't wanna lose that. she's just, like, caught up in a daydream or something. she just wants to think about it a little... but nah. it's not worth what happens if they lose their friendship. head tilting back to look up at the darkening sky, thinking she'll give it, like, 15 minutes before she helps them get the fuck out of here already.
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lizziexmeow · 5 months
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zenlossq · 10 months
One more day till the nobody track by aespa and g idle releases 😴
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wndaswife · 1 year
don’t really like being spoken to only to waste idle time, not sure how stupid u think i am 😴😴😴😴
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kmp78 · 2 years
I personally don't think Leo is Jared bestie, I do think they are good friends over the years and obviously pair up on certain things or by agents. Sure if they are in the same place at same time and it's possible to have lunch or dinner. Like many in Hollywood.That’s exactly what it is. 💯And no offense to Americanos out there but that’s the stereotypical Yankee mannerism right there!They can call anyone their friend even if they’ve only met fleetingly one time and don’t even know the person’s last name! 🤷🏼‍♀️Over here we would never call anyone like that a friend! Barely even an acquaintance! 🤷🏼‍♀️It’s very closely linked to the American small talk culture (which is a fucking nightmare but let’s not even go there… 🤦🏼‍♀️).It’s just idle talk! Zero meaning or purpose!IT’S NOT REAL! 🤷🏼‍♀️
What does everyone have with this Leo... Can't we just put him in a drawer and never let him out again...🤨🙃
Apparently not! 🤷🏼‍♀️😴
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dexentries · 2 years
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   ❝ I should be allowed to cause mayhem. ❞
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inkdrop-flags · 3 years
Sloth themed names and pronouns!
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solplparty · 2 years
[꿀잠캠] 노는 것도 1등, 자는 것도 1등😴 고유 1등 (여자)아이들은 꿀잠중💤 | 돌들의 침묵 | (G)I-DLE ((여자)아이들) ‘TOMBOY’ https://youtu.be/pu-9bzecBIg [꿀잠캠] 노는 것도 1등, 자는 것도 1등😴 고유 1등 (여자)아이들은 꿀잠중💤 | 돌들의 침묵 | (G)I-DLE ((여자)아이들) ‘TOMBOY’ (ENG)예능감 NEVER DIE🔥 교관도 웃겨버리는 (여자)아이들 🎥 https://youtu.be/muttupBkGTg #돌들의침묵 #돌들의침묵_아이들 #돌들의침묵_여자아이들 #TheSilenceOfIDOL_IDLE #IDLE #GIDLE #아이들 #여자아이들 #미연 #민니 #소연 #우기 #슈화 #아이들_톰보이 #여자아이들_TOMBOY #톰보이 #TOMBOY #뮤플리 #MUPLY #KPOP #케이팝 #IDOL #아이돌 MUPLY 뮤플리
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sgybabar · 3 years
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@alratv ✨Optimism vs. Positive Thinking✨• @alratv • Excerpt from ‘Spiritual Detox: Cognitive Cleansing’ Sufi Course by Sufi Master @Younus_AlGohar.⁣
🌟 It takes a lot of experience in life 💓to become a realistic mind. When you do not have practical experience in life, you do not have the right ✅ approach or the right attitude towards life.
🌟 Some people become pessimistic for a number of reasons but the number one reason is that some kids 👶 are taught to fear. Too much fear is hammered into their brain and their self-confidence is destroyed. This is very important that you believe in your abilities. If you don't believe in your abilities, you will never ❌ be successful in life.
🌟 Some people who have a lot of backing and support 🎗 in life, in everything they do from their loved ones, they become optimistic. They take life very easy; they think everything is fine and okay.
’𝙈𝙮 𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙩𝙪𝙙𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜.’ - 𝙎𝙪𝙛𝙞 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙪𝘀 𝘼𝙡𝙂𝙤𝙝𝙖𝙧
🌟Basically, neither pessimism is good nor uncalculated optimism is good. Positive thinking 💭, a realistic approach, a calculated and rational approach towards life is what we need. If you are a sheer optimist and you are just dreaming 😴 and raising expectations but you are sitting idle and you think everything will come out fine, without you making any effort. This is not ❌ optimism, it is wishful thinking.
Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi said, ’𝘼𝙞𝙢 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙠𝙮. 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙣 𝙞𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙛𝙖𝙞𝙡, 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨.’
#alratv #goharshahi #younusalgohar #sufi #sufism #spiritual #spirituality #optimism #positivethinking #experience #cleansing #purification #life #pessimist #fear #selfconfidence #believe #abilities #successful #support #backing #optimistic #rational #approach #theheartmatters #thesoulmatters #effort #excerpt #september #2021
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