#[ i won't ramble here but to the curious the ocs i have now are literally just ]
kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
OC Deep Dive
Thanks to @illarian-rambling here, @mysticstarlightduck here, and @the-golden-comet here!
Rules: answer the questions about an OC!
I'll do Lexi, Maddie, Ash, and Gwen!
What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Lexi - has haphephobia, the fear of touch; other fears include abandonment and being taken advantage of
Maddie - hates feeling trapped, metaphorically and literally
Ash - hates the idea of flying, also doesn't like being physically confined or trapped
Gwen - terrified of the idea of evil or finality of death
Do they have any pet peeves?
Lexi - not being listened to or trusted
Maddie - people who don't follow through with what they promised
Ash - when someone tries to control her life
Gwen - if someone is disrespectful or ignores her plans
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Alright, I won't be sarcastic with this one and say "bed, pillow, blanket"
Lexi - colorful floral decor/stickers, framed pictures, nature themed calendar
Maddie - unopened LEGO sets she's slowly going through, an extra table shoved against her desk, and sci-fi posters around the room
Ash - (shares room with sister, this is her side) puzzles underneath the bed, box of rings on her nightstand, small shelf with some favorite books
Gwen - shelves with books all around the room, beanbags and pillows in a corner for reading, mini drum set
What do they notice first in a person?
Lexi - height Maddie - age Ash - outfit or psychic vibe Gwen - also age
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Since this is tolerance I assume 10/10 means all the tolerance and 1/10 is no tolerance
Lexi - 4/10 - she can tolerate it long enough to let people know she's okay but she's probably crying
Maddie - 9/10 - she shakes off a terrible injury like it's nithing
Ash - 10/10 - what pain???
Gwen - 6/10 - pretty normal about it but slightly above average caused she's been hurt on runs and hikes many times in the span of doing it with her family all the time
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Lexi - fight if someone is in danger, otherwise flight
Maddie - fight
Ash - fight
Gwen - flight but she may have to fight to get there
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Lexi - it's just her, her parents, and Maddie! She's a big family person and considers friends extended family, and she has many
Maddie - see above for family size; the only friend she considers to be her family is Kelsey; she loves her family, but she doesn't seem as much of a Family Person if that makes sense?
Ash - big step family; she lives with her mom, sister, dad, stepmother, and half-brother from her mom's second marriage; her stepmother Mary has a huge family, and Mary is now pregnant; again, loves her family, but there are a lot of people who want a foothold in her life
Gwen - big family and loves it; she has a younger sister and two brothers, and her mom is expecting another baby!
What animal represents them best?
Lexi - golden retriever
Maddie - tiger
Ash - monkey
Gwen - tabby cat
What is a smell that they dislike?
Lexi - gasoline
Maddie - broccoli
Ash - cinnamon
Gwen - vinegar
Have they broken any bones?
Lexi - no
Maddie - yes
Ash - yes
Gwen - yes
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Lexi - very bubbly and talkative, almost rambly, and a bit high-strung
Maddie - weirdly blunt for a child her age
Ash - too curious and has a strange vibe where it's like she knows too much about me
Gwen - quiet, soft spoken, and seems kind
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Lexi - morning bird
Maddie - night owl
Ash - night owl
Gwen - morning bird but stays up too late reading sometimes
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Lexi - hates olives, loves strawberry
Maddie - hates flavorless stuff like lettuce, loves pistachios
Ash - hates honey and other too-sweet stuff, loves weird combos of flavor like ketchup and vanilla
Gwen - hates the taste of seafood, loves coffee and tea
Do they have any hobbies?
Lexi - gardening, biking
Maddie - Legos, robotics
Ash - robotics, puzzles, board games
Gwen - reading, journaling, drumming, going down a research rabbit hole
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Lexi - it depends; if it aligns with her plans, oh my God surprises are the best thing ever!!!! But if it's not she's gonna be stressed. Surprise birthday party? She'd sense it coming a mile away and would be fine with it. It's her birthday! It's time for a surprise party!
Maddie - would rather be the one surprising; surprise birthday party is something she'd have mixed feelings on because she'd rather do what she wants
Ash - same as Maddie, honestly, since she hates having people control her life, even if it is well meaning
Gwen - eh, she's not huge on surprises, either. If people are planning a birthday party for her, of course she'd be happy! It's the thought that counts if she doesn't like it, though depending on how well they know her, she may like it and adapt.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Lexi - I imagine her with piercings she got when she was five and a simple necklace
Maddie - nope
Ash - fingers covered in rings
Gwen - just one necklace is fine
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Lexi - neat
Maddie - messy
Ash - messy
Gwen - neat
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
This is hard because they're complicated. This is what I get from Part One.
Lexi - excitement and anxiety
Maddie - impatience and ambition
Ash - curiosity and anticipation
Gwen - compassion and
Do they have a favorite fabric?
I'm awful with fabrics!!!
Lexi - cotton?
Maddie - denim
Ash - flannel
Gwen - whatever cable knit sweaters are made out of
What kind of accent do they have?
All four are from the surrounding Houston area. Texan accents are present, but not as prominent as they'd be if they weren't in a suburban area. It's worth noting that it's possible they may have picked up some of the varying Alii accents from their parents, although Gwen's mother actually is of Mexican descent and it not from Alium.
Other Lexi: OC in three, OC in fifteen, interview, Picrew, two truths and a lie, bag, facts, origins, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, bingo, unusual associations
Other Maddie: OC in three, OC in fifteen, interview, Picrew, two truths and a lie, bag, facts, origins, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, bingo
Other Ash: OC in three, interview, picrew, bag, facts, two truths and a lie, origins, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, bingo
Other Gwen: OC in three, OC in fifteen, interview, Picrew, two truths and a lie, bag, facts, origins, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, kiss
Tagging @dyrewrites @sarahlizziewrites @winterandwords @writeouswriter @writernopal
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
Black questions under the cut!
What uncommon/common fear do they have? Do they have any pet peeves? What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? What do they notice first in a person? On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?What animal represents them best? What is a smell that they dislike? Have they broken any bones? How would a stranger likely describe them? Are they a night owl or a morning bird? What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? Do they have any hobbies? Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? Do they like to wear jewelry?Do they have neat or messy handwriting? What are the two emotions they feel the most? Do they have a favorite fabric?What kind of accent do they have?
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charcoalstardust · 2 years
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okay just spent hours doing nothing but drawing elbelion so uh here he is in my attempt to draw his armor (and not drawing torment in the damn slightest so it looks like shit)
still haven't drawn the helmet which is a problem but i'll get there eventually
gonna be honest used this here to get a grasp on posing bc uuhhhh i don't have the mental energy to spent hours focusing on that
for the text on the drawing w/ extra additons (warning: biiig text wall. i ramble. i do not shut up.)
also now that i look at this i drew torment on the wrong side of his body.
(here's a link to his toyhou.se page if you're curious)
Elbelion Bluepool (also called Elb by friends & family and Elbe by Bryn)
The Last Dragonborn
— Commonly known as The Steel Soldier on account on having Peladius' enchanted armor. He usually wears the helmet when he's not in a hold save for the rare occasion he takes it off outside of a hold.
— Basically blind due to reading two Elder Scrolls (albeit very spaced out) as there's a period of time that passes before Dawnguard events start. I stole his plot armor
— Herma-Mora's (unwilling) Champion & the unwitting instrument of Mehrunes Dagon. Considering the Skaal & Bosmer both say Herma-Mora, Elb's gathered that Hermaeus Mora & the Woodland Man are similar enough if not literally the same entity. Also after dealing with Mora during Discerning the Transmundane and Dragonborn, he shoved the black books in a chest and hid said chest hoping the books would just vanish from there eventually. All of these events thoroughly messed him up
— For whatever reason, people love using him for their nefarious plots. This has contributed to his current attitude .owards strangers outside of the holds. Some argonian tried to turn him into a blood sacrifice and he felt a little used by the Blades (not to mention Arch-Curate Vyrthur, Mora, and the Mythic Dawn) so it's not like he can be blamed exactly.
— Socially awkward—bad at persuasion. Got through Season Unending with the most anxiety an elf will ever have. He also got snappy at both sides of the war.
— Somehow VERY intimidating despite being a Bosmer. He's tiny compared to most people. (based off the fact I regularly fail persuasion checks but pass intimidation checks with flying colors. it's really funny imagery)
extra things not on there:
In order of what events happen, he goes through the main quest, the mini quest involving Ironbind Barrow, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, a bunch of Solstheim questlines, and then The Cause.
(points to the entire Bosmer race) Sharp canines and strong jaws—for eating meat or biting a hole in your enemies' arms
Has Auriel's Shield
Had a cheatnut horse named Glade for a while up until he went to the Soul Cairn where he gets the conjuration spell for Arvak. Then he lets the guild use Glade. Occasionally summons the Daedric Horse by accident.
(Saying now that I imagine followers hopping on the back of whatever mount you're on. They deserve to be able to do that.)
Does the first two alone, then from Dawnguard to before The Cause he's with Serana. Then they talk about if she ever considered curing her vampirism and by the end of the conversation she decides to go through with it. During that Elb gets a letter and he decides well it shouldn't be that bad so he won't need the extra help right? and because cringe culture is dead Bryn decides to go with because something seems off and they eventually learn that it's that bad
Had about one friend for the longest time—an Argonian who was also crossing the border around the same time. That argonian is the Dark Brotherhood Listener, Zane (@noah-moth-cursed-chaos' oc) and that was about it before he wandered into Riften and got wrapped up in the Thieves Guild.
Only time he became a Thane was just because he helped the Jarl of Falkreath, Siddgeir. It just kind of happened and then slipped his mind.
Due to how active he is with traveling (and the high respect he gets) it's very easy for him to sneak a job or two for the Thieves Guild. Not something he expected to find himself doing but uuhh he met Brynjolf and that just sealed his fate /j
Public Thalmor Enemy #1. They hate him so much. /hj Like—both Elenwen and Ancarion have had encounters with him and he is, again, fairly intimidating for a little guy.
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rockybloo · 1 year
Thinking of writing a fanfic crossover where Jack and Nana end up in Decking city after a magical accident (Still fleshing out the details of how said accident worked).
If comfortable answering:
I'm curious about how you think Nana and Jack would react to such a such a big change in a new place like that, in a general sense. Especially if there's a bigger issue bringing them here and they realize they have to solve it to go home.
Thank you, and lovely day either way ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡
A fanfic of Jack and Nana would make me screech because they are the most ship ever for me and I'd be overjoyed. 😭💚❤️ The concept of anyone considering taking time out of their day and writing a fic about my OCs in general makes me happy.
and WOW my brain waves are powerful because I was literally thinking of an old Beanstalked plot point that basically dealt with the idea of how the main team get yeeted from Lore to Earth and have to figure out how to get back and how to tie it to Glitter and Guilt for a funny little crossover arc.
I won't go into detail about the ACTUAL events that cause it to potentially happen (bc I dunno if I'll do it...I mean I probably will but as a separate oneshot from the main storylines of both stories) BUT I can def answer how Jack and Nana would respond to a similar situation.
This will be a long one so buckle in
First thing to know is that Lore and Earth are two separate planets in the same solar system. Both are waaay closer than either think.
Lore occupants know about Earth, specifically they know it as "The World without Magic/Happy Endings/Fairy Tales/etc." It's kinda of mythicized.
Earth has no idea Lore is a thing because Lore has magic rings (kinda like Saturn's but cooler I dare say) that spin around it and make it invisible.
Bloopers are a glitch in reality in Lore where things from Earth often pop up there. Often old or lost objects.
Jack works part time for Baba, who tends to have a whole bunch of bloopers in his shop, which means he has very mild knowledge of Earth. Not a whole lot but if he winded up there-he would know "Oh! This is Earth!" and he'd be able to point out some stuff and name it. So he would know a car when he sees one-it's just a matter of actually being aware of how one works.
Hazel and Kettle have a TON of bloopers they hoard in their bedroom which serves as the attic for the inn Miss Castor is the keeper of. Specifically, they have the super fun bloopers like retro game consoles and comic books. Chances are, they even have some Sweetheart merch but are under the belief that she is merely fictional character.
So Jack is vaguely aware of Sweetheart. SPECIFICALLY as "The pink hero my little siblings thinks is cool".
Merch of villains is a whole lot more locked down with most being illegal save for what is made for the Decking City Park of Heroes AKA the Disney World/Universal Studios of Decking City entirely focusing on it's homegrown hero culture.
So Bitterbat is def not someone Jack is aware of.
When it comes to Nana, she doesn't really dabble much in bloopers or even learning about Earth. Unless it's from Jack's ramblings or mini adventures, she tends to limit herself to Lore and its shenanigans. She spent most her life living in a forest and is just now branching out to learn more about Briar Patch and Lore as a whole thanks to Jack making her realize "Oh hey the outside world is kinda fun".
She's taking baby steps and Earth is a very big jump she ain't trynna make yet.
So when it comes to them getting yeeted to Earth, SPECIFICALLY Decking City, Nana is def more reliant on Jack when it comes to knowledge. Where ever he is going, she is gonna be right there, hugging onto one of his arms for dear life because neither wants to lose the other.
Decking City is very interesting with how it's the least mundane setting for Jack and Nana to wind up in, which works perfectly because they come from a fantasy world. They will ironically feel a lot more comfortable when they see a giant monster attacking or some hero versus villain battle going on than dealing with crossing the street with a buncha traffic or even walking through a grocery store aka over stimulant central.
The biggest problem would be adapting to their temporary stay. Decking City is loud and busy and both would be overwhelmed quite easily from just the sights and sounds alone. A city is vastly more imposing than a kingdom when it comes to its buildings and even then, Jack and Nana spend most their time in Briar Patch which is a small humble town.
Nana would have the worse time because her keen Lupine hearing means every car honk, screech of tires, Kaiju alert siren, civilian yelling at another civilian, would lead to the biggest headache.
Protecting the other and making sure they're safe is their main priority. They care deeply about each other and seeing the constant look of discomfort on Nana's face and how nervous she is is enough to break Jack's heart. And the second anyone so much as breathes in the slightest bit of irritation at Jack seeming to not know where or what he's doing, under the belief he's a tourist, would lead to Nana snarling with her full set of chompers on display.
That's enough to cause anyone in the proximity to steer clear of them...or at least treat Jack very nicely because it's very obvious the two are traveling together.
ULTIMATELY, both would want some safe place so they can gather their thoughts, which are currently being scrambled by the city sights and sounds, calm down and figure out what they need to do to get back home.
Whatever they need to do, they are def willing to accomplish because they are used to being in some slice of hell situations. They've always figured their way out of them. Back on Lore, the gang adventures a bunch and have encountered a lot. Some of which I cannot share for spoilers but just know they are no strangers to dealing with the unknown.
It's just a big matter of figuring out exactly what unknown they are dealing with this time.
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aueua · 4 years
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more mindless oc stuff, nothing to worry about
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