#oc deep dive
the-golden-comet · 3 months
✨OC Deep Dive Tag 👑✨
Original Tag for Peter here, requested by @theprissythumbelina to do one for Prince Benjamin, so here it is. Thank you @saturnine-saturneight and @ominous-feychild for also tagging me! 🏴‍☠️✨
Phobias: Hemophobia (has medical condition: vasovagal syncope—faint trigger to blood)
Other fears: Whales, Sharks, gigantic sea creatures/sea monsters
Pet peeves: Overconfidence, arrogance
3 items you can find in his bedroom: Same as Peter’s
First thing he notices in a person: How they carry themselves (he’s a royal brat)
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is his pain tolerance? With 10 as the highest, Like a 6-ish. It’s only higher on account of him being a ginger (they have higher pain tolerance—no seriously. Watch the Mythbusters episode on it)
Does he go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? Flight mode first, then faint.
Does he come from a big family/are they a family person? Benjamin is an only child, born to Duke Matthias, and hates his father. Before the Golden Phoenix Gang, he wasn’t very family oriented.
What animal represents him best? A canary
What is a smell that he dislikes? Fish fry
Has he broken any bones? Yes.
How would a stranger likely describe him? Oh, is that Prince Benjamin? Such a gorgeous lad. Beautiful green eyes, such poise. He must be so fortunate to be born into lots of wealth.
Is he a night owl or a morning bird? Morning bird (and bird in general)
What is a flavor he hates and a flavor he loves? Hates the taste of blood, loves the taste of bananas.
Does he have any hobbies? Dancing, mainly. Sometimes writing.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How does he react to surprises? Either faints from the surprise, is genuinely happy, or bristles and gets pissed. Depends on his mood that day.
Does he like to wear jewelry? No, and certainly not any cursed artifacts
Does he have neat or messy handwriting? Very very neat. Immaculate, even.
What are the two emotions he feels the most? Pissed off, and terrified
Does he have a favorite fabric? Royal purple silk
What kind of accent does he have? British (voice headcanon below. Hey @justabigoldnerd I heard you liked Hetalia :) )
Leaving this one +open again! I’m super happy to have gotten a request for Benjamin! Thank you again!! 💛✨
✨👇Tag list for writing tidbits below. DM me if you’d like on the writing list👇✨
Tag List for writing tidbits (lmk if you want + or -)
@autism-purgatory , @jev-urisk , @talesofsorrowandofruin , @sunglasses-in-the-bentley , @wyked-ao3 , @glasshouses-and-stones , @alinacapellabooks , @gioiaalbanoart , @fortunatetragedy , @deanwax , @dyrewrites , @honeybewrites , @drchenquill , @paeliae-occasionally , @lychhiker-writes , @thatuselesshuman , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @katenewmanwrites , @zackprincebooks , @fantasy-things-and-such , @finickyfelix , @billybatsonmylove , @madi-konrad , @houseplantblank , @far-cry-from-finality , @froggy-pposto , @fractured-shield , @avaseofpeonies , @topazadine , @thecoolerlucky , @theaistired , @willtheweaver , @rivenantiqnerd @somethingclevermahogony , @noxxytocin , @leahnardo-da-veggie , @addicted2coke-theothercoke , @illarian-rambling , @mysticstarlightduck
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ominous-feychild · 2 months
Thanks for the tag, @the-letterbox-archives! This looks really fun!
Otherwise it would get added to my ever-building "answer this tag eventually" list... 😭
I'm going to answer these for: Sun and Shadow: Freya and Crow The Arcane Rifts: Gene and Tazin Rising From the Ashes: Sammy and Kieva
Warning: long post!
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What uncommon/common fear do they have?
After the start of Sun and Shadow? A fear of the ocean, easily.
However, she's also afraid of being vulnerable, being lost, feeling alone, and not being able to trust her own senses.
Abandonment and failure.
It'd be easier listing the fears he doesn't have...
He's afraid of: the forest, being lost, not being able to trust his own senses, being deceived, anything anywhere near the uncanny valley, being/feeling trapped, saying the wrong thing (aka social anxiety literally always), authority figures, angry people, not angry people, people--
Okay, I'll stop now. I think you get it.
Is and has almost always been haunted by the fear of being abandoned. It's his greatest fear, and he constantly pushes people away or abandons them first, before they can do it to him.
Besides that, he's afraid of responsibility and ghosts (which are provably real in-universe... and he's met plenty).
Fear of losing control. Is a major control freak social manipulator who panics (internally) the moment he feels like he's lost control of a situation. Is also terrified of being/feeling trapped and being "physically constricted" (read: shackles, handcuffs, and the sort).
Terrified of feeling trapped--both physically and situationally. Particularly hates small spaces and constricting clothing. Afraid of abandonment, failure, and disappointing the people he cares about.
Instead of angsting about his fears (besides the claustro- and cleithrophobia), he uses them as a motivation to do better.
Do they have any pet peeves?
Rich people. I'm only slightly kidding. She hates fake people and nobility/the wealthy elite have always been fake in her experience. She also hates small talk, people not taking her seriously, asking her about her family, and people calling her by her full name, "Freya", instead of Frey. ... whoops.
A curse they've brought upon themself--people not taking them seriously when they want people to, haha. It's a backfiring from their acting silly to get people to underestimate them.
Similarly, people getting distracted in conversations. Their job would be SO much easier if people didn't deviate from subjects Crow wanted them on. (Though, the distractedness also makes it easier for them to happen onto subjects Crow wants to investigate, so...)
People assuming he's dumb, or asking him how he figured things out when they're super obvious? Like, c'mon. Also he's sensitive to a lot of sounds and gets annoyed by repetitive noises.
People asking him questions, hilariously enough. (Makes for a horrible and yet perfect combination with Gene...)
Similarly, hates people asking about his background, family, and nationality. Also hates repetitive noises!
Discrimination, people obsessing about/over his magic, the "elite" class in general, the shallowness of society, and people assuming things about him. He grew up on the streets and faced a lot of discrimination focused on his apparent poverty and age--though it's especially worse because he looks even younger than he is. Despite his distaste for it, he's learned to use it to his advantage.
I was only slightly kidding--he's incredibly asocial, hates people trying to bother him, and mostly minds to himself. However, has a particular distaste for people asking prying questions--and especially those about his biological family.
Also, fake people, fake compliments, and people interrupting him in the middle of him doing other things (aka, literally always)--and, fuck, I've made HIM autistic, too???
(Not saying those things make him autistic. However, seeing him in my mind, as a fellow autistic... I've done it again.)
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Books, tea, and various kinds of writing utensils.
Newspapers, hidden knives, and even-better hidden art collages from newspaper and magazine cutouts!
An endless amount of books, writing utensils, Mislav and papers. Blank, filled with drawings, filled with writing--papers of all kinds!
Anything and everything fun and/or "different" for him to set on fire. Also, knives/daggers, his Svarog masks, and each of Gene's old Volos masks--up until the last version, which is still in Gene's possession.
You're assuming he has a bedroom? /hj
More seriously, haha--although he grew up on the streets, he does have a few possessions that he's kept with him at all times. One is a damaged and rusty photo locket. The other is an expensive-looking dagger and sheath given to him by someone in his past. He's never sold either, regardless of the struggles he's gone through.
After getting a bedroom upon joining the knight's college, it's perpetually full of endless potted plants, books about medical subjects (primarily composed of photos or doodles he's added to help him understand the contents), and the aforementioned dagger... though it's hidden very well.
Several sketchbooks, some filled out and others blank or half-filled out; a VERY well-hidden collection of notes from his adoptive dad, Caron, addressed to him when Kieva was younger and he's kept for all these years; and tons of hidden weapons.
Don't worry!--he got that habit from his dad, Caron. As the saying goes--a man who sleeps with a knife under his pillow is a fool every night but one. (Except there's way more than just a knife under his pillow.)
What do they notice first in a person?
How they're dressed, almost tied with how they hold themselves.
How the person holds themself. Then, their face. They are very good at memorizing faces.
Spoilers! 😁 In other words... their magical energy. But that's not very helpful here, is it? Haha, so beyond that, I'd say how they're dressed.
Their skin tone. (Because he expects white people to be immediately / especially racist toward him. Glavnran ain't a great place for a Jhandan kid to grow up.)
Their emotional state. He's always prepared to maneuver around a difficult social situation, and needs to be ready to manipulate someone into reacting more positively to him if necessary.
Simultaneously notices their face and posture. He's good at memorizing faces--partially because of how much he draws them--and uses their posture to gauge a lot of things, as taught to by his dad. You can use someone's posture to help figure out: confidence level, if they're experienced in a fight, their social class (nobility often exaggerates certain behaviors), and many other things.
(He also goes out of his way to look at their hands. One's hands can tell of their profession.)
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? (I'm doing this assuming 5 is "average")
Emotional? 7. Physical? 3.
Physically? 9. Emotionally? 9.
Depends how you define "pain tolerance"--if it's "doesn't notice it" or "is able to ignore it".
If it's "doesn't notice": Physically, 5. Emotionally, 8. (But later books see "emotionally" drop wayyyy down to 3)
"Is able to ignore": Physically, 10. Emotionally? 9.
Physically? 6. Emotionally? 2.
Depends on a lot of factors. He's able to magically shut off his ability to feel physical pain, for one (though he only realizes/learns to do so on command to later in the series)! Otherwise, he's similar to Gene in having a variable "feels it" vs "is able to ignore it anyways" level of "tolerance".
If it's "doesn't notice": Physically, 6. Emotionally, 7.
If it's "is able to ignore it/doesn't show any signs of feeling it": Physically, 8. Emotionally, 9 or 10 depending on the emotion and situation.
Another case of "can ignore what he can feel".
Threshold until he feels it? Physically, 7. Emotionally? 8.
Threshold until he can't ignore it anymore? Physically, 10 (aka, only the worst pains imaginable). Emotionally? 10. (Aka mental breakdown territory.)
(Kieva is very bad at noticing his own emotions until he gets overwhelmed by them. His stress builds to very high levels before he actually notices them and can account for them. He's alexithymic and has to use therapeutic methods to figure out what he's feeling before he gets overwhelmed and snaps.)
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? (I'm also including freeze and fawn)
Fight!!! She's an incredibly angry person (that thinks she doesn't have anger issues, lmao), and goes on the aggressive very easily. However, it's usually verbal. She doesn't have any experience in actual fights.
Technically freeze, technically flight, but actually fight. They'll either turn into or hide in their own shadow with their magic to orient themselves to the situation before acting if surprised with combat. Their "freezing/flight" is only a defensive measure to gather more information before proceeding.
However, they're also a fantastic actor and tend to be playing a persona. While their reflex is defensive/fight, they can and will fake having a different "reflex" under pressure.
It depends on when/where in the books and in his life, haha.
Early books? Freeze or fawn depending on the situation. If it's something dangerous or more than one person, freeze. If it's a single person, fawn.
In the middle of the series? Fawn 7 times out of 10. Fight the other three.
Late in the series? Fight.
FIGHTTTTTTTTTTT!!! (both verbally and physically, though he tends to more adapt a threatening posture or imply he's ready to get violent rather than immediately getting violent. Not that he hates violence, though--he just doesn't like getting hurt.)
Before the beginning of Rising From the Ashes, his reactions are tied between flight and fawn, depending on the situation. He's used to running away from his problems to the point that Caron--the head of the knight's college--silently notices it and pegs him as a flight risk. However, he also very commonly fawns over people who would otherwise be his enemies.
As the story progresses, Sammy's reaction shifts to tied between fight and fawn. He'll still pretend to be on his enemies' side, but is a lot more prepared to fight instead of run away.
Defensive fight/freeze. He'll jump into action to defend himself and/or others, but he's not the aggressive type except for when he's angry (and oh, boy, when he's angry...)
While he's usually defensive, he'll switch to hyper-offense (minus potentially protecting others in danger) when he's decided on a course of action. He will single-mindedly work toward his goal, his own well-being be damned.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
I mean, technically the closest thing she had to a family was a magical zombie version of her dad...
More seriously, though--technically a small family. It was just her and her dad for her growing up. He was next to never around, though.
Tiny family. It was just them, their dad, and {SPOILER}. Their dad was next to never around because of his work and not wanting to tie Crow into it. Looks like it happened anyway, ey? 😏😉
He doesn't remember his family besides the fact that "Abi" existed and was probably his brother. During his short time in the orphanage, there was a lot of them. Then it was just him and Tazin (who he saw like a brother). Then it was the khonitva. Then it was the yuertel. The closest thing he can really remember adjacent to "family" is Tazin.
He wishes he had positive experiences with "family". Instead, he had none and a toxic friend.
Oh, buddy, would he hate this question. He comes from a small family, but was kicked out (and then later refused to return when they were willing to take him back). Because of this, he grew up either living with gangs (the khonitva/yuertel) or with it just being him and Gene. He thinks he hates "family", but it's only because he desperately wishes his was better.
This answer is a spoiler, haha! However, he is not a family person.
The only family he can remember is his adoptive one: his adoptive dad, Caron, and brother, Varik. He cares more about them than he cares about himself. Conveniently, the feeling is mutual between the three of them. (It wouldn't even be a question. They'd all sacrifice themselves for each other in less than a heartbeat. Something tells me this family is just a lil fucked-up/self-sacrificing.)
What animal represents them best?
Gryphon!!! Either that, or a feral kitten, haha.
I know this might be hard to believe... but Crow is best represented by a crow. Otherwise, a falcon, haha.
Deer. Easily.
Salamander! For probably obvious reasons if you have the context, haha. A simple explanation for those without the context? He's a fire mage. (But there's a lot more to it than just that, so.)
A possum!!! No debate about it, haha, and I'm sure I don't have to explain why.
A bull and/or buffalo. For their individual associations with bravery, fierceness, stubbornness, sacrifice, and survival. Also, because they all have horns!
What is a smell that they dislike?
City stink. If you know, you know.
Blood. Except, they also love the smell. They're mixed up about how they should feel about that.
Mustiness. Also the smell of various things burning. Midway through the story, the smell of cigarette smoke.
Sweat and herbs. It's even worse that burning herbs just makes the smells stronger.
Blood and chemicals.
Any strong smell. Especially hates the smell of chemicals and smoke.
Have they broken any bones?
When she was very young, yes. She doesn't remember it, though. Except for in her nightmares.
Depends on if you mean theirs or other people's!
Yes! A lot, actually.
Yes, a few times.
Yes, while practicing parkour. Conveniently, he has healing magic. Besides that? No.
His own, or other peoples'?
His own, or other peoples'? x3
Yes. x6 (Whoops. Traumatic action-fantasy am I right?)
How would a stranger likely describe them?
"Yeah, that woman with the messy red hair and anger issues?--HOW DO YOU KNOW ANOTHER ONE!?--okay, no, she was looked like she wanted to be anywhere else?--Seriously?--okay, fine, she was wearing a ring on a necklace?--YEAH, that one!"
"Remember that guy wearing that long cloak as though it hid their giant wings and tail?"
"You know that creepy guy who's always staring? Like, barely talks, just watches everyone all the time? He's got a cane and just acts weird in general?"
"That angry Jhandan kid?" (or, alternatively:) "That Jhandan guy, either looks ready to pick a fight at a moment's notice or does his absolute best to piss everyone else off with while 'joking' around? Yeah, the overly-touchy guy--that one."
It would depend on who/what/when/where/why/how he met the person, considering how much he's almost always playing up one act or another! Here's one possible way of over a thousand:
"I think he was a Cirranian kid? About ye tall, really timid--OH! His eyes were two different colors, one blue and the other dark brown! He had curly hair and had a dirty, oversized jacket on?"
"Yeah, Kieran Caron's son? No--that's the other one, I think. Kieva's the one who's super pale, like he's never even been outside, and looks dead inside half the time?--what do you mean Varik's like that, too??? Okay, fine, silvery hair and eyes? YEAH! That guy!"
Are they a night owl or an early bird?
Early bird, haha. She loves the smell of the morning dew and just never preferred the night. Not even as an angsty teen!
Night owl (almost literally). They dislike the day, haha.
Night owl who's often forced to wake up early, haha. He's a sad, sleepy birdie who has to function on way too little sleep half the time.
Night owl, but his sleep schedule ends up even worse as an adult. It goes from "night owl" into "whenever I damn want/am not doing something else".
Really depends, his sleep schedule's all over the place. Most often, he's an early bird. He likes being awake when others aren't regardless.
You have to sleep in order to be a night owl or early bird, and Kieva doesn't sleep.
Okay, that was only kinda a joke--he has a hard time sleeping due to nightmares that he can't really remember. Usually, he just naps whenever he's able to. Otherwise, technically an early bird. He always wakes up early to stay on top of classes and his personal projects.
What is a flavour they hate and a flavour they love?
Loves spicy food! Hates most vegetables (like a child), but eats them anyway--like an adult!
Uhhhhh... so they're lowkey a vampire half the time so... both cases? Blood! 😁
Gene hates, hates, HATES sweet food and it's absolutely hilarious! He has the absolute opposite of a sweet tooth! On the other hand, he loves meat and most kinds of savory foods. Meat was rare for him growing up, and he really appreciates being able to eat it whenever he wants as an adult.
Both loves and hates Jhandan (Fantasy!Indian) food. His Jhandan parent would cook it when he was young, and uh--yeah. Mixed feelings about that whole mess. Same thing applies to spicy food--the only "spicy" food he had was cooked by the same parent, and while he loves spicy food, it reminds him of them.
For things he just straight-up dislikes, Tazin also isn't a fan of sweet food in general, haha. There's a few he does like, but they're few and far between.
Love: food. Hate: nothing. Literally can't afford to be picky.
Later on, when he is able to be picky, he strongly dislikes spicy food and likes "spiced" (aka spices, not spicy) and savory foods. Anything super flavorful!... except for fish. Hates fish. (Yes, white fish have plainer flavors. He hates those, too.)
Loves basically anything his dad cooks, but prefers salty and umami tastes. Hates bitter stuff, but is basically obsessed with coffee (like the rest of his family tbf).
Do they have any hobbies?
Yes! She loves reading and has a hobby of translating books from a foreign-to-that-world language into her own! She does so utilizing books in the library and has lowkey become a language scholar, haha. (She'll just never admit it.)
They secretly like drawing and creating collages out of things cut out of newspapers and magazines. They have not admitted this fact to a single person in their life, and won't for a long time.
Two! Reading non-fiction books (aka just learning in general, haha) and drawing! He loves drawing, though does it a lot less than reading. Drawing hasn't really helped him (besides with the maps he used to draw for the yuertel), while his obsessive need to always be learning has.
Not really? He likes reading stories, primarily folklore, stories about the gods, and fiction, but he doesn't allow himself to do it often because he's embarrassed to like them. Similarly, he likes to sing, but next to never does so because he's insecure about it.
I like to say that, if Tazin grew up in our world, he would've absolutely been a huge fan of rock and tried starting a band in high school. (He would've put enough time into it that he'd even be good at the guitar. Except... he's not in our world.)
No, he never had the time, money, or mental energy for hobbies. The closest thing he has to one is "people-watching", but he did it more out of necessity than because he enjoyed it.
If he could have one, I think he'd most enjoy creating textiles and listening to music.
Yes! Drawing, easily. Prefers life-drawing and drawing people in general. Sometimes enjoys people-watching, but only if he can tolerate their personalities (or otherwise, if they aren't speaking). Even before he started attending the knight's college, he had a minor hobby of invading active classes to watch the lessons, teachers, and students. It made it much easier for him to pick up fighting when he officially started, and it's helped him have a heightened magical awareness.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Apprehension and shock. She wouldn't have told anyone her birthday and wouldn't have expected anyone to celebrate it on top of that. She'd be half-expecting things to go wrong and not know how to deal with it all, but would probably ultimately enjoy it.
Cry. They didn't expect anyone to know/care besides their dad. Their dad celebrates with them, but it's always been disappointing (not that they'd admit that though). They'd absolutely love it, though. Just... cry. A lot.
Panic. Hates surprises, hates social gatherings, hates having people expect things from him (ie: appreciate the party/their efforts), and hates that he'll be "the bad guy" for not appreciating the party.
Besides, he doesn't have a "real" birthday (he didn't know the day and was given a "fake" one to be celebrated during his time in the orphanage) and even though he and Tazin privately celebrated the day they met in its place, it was just that--privately. They would have a quiet celebration with food, a few gifts exchanged between them, and just acting normal otherwise.
Rage. Wouldn't have shared his birthday with anyone, not even Gene (though Gene would've figured it out anyway because of Reasons). Similarly, definitely not a fan of surprises. Likes receiving gifts, but otherwise? Fuck off (his words, not mine--).
(Assuming friends threw it for him--) Confusion and would break down crying. Hasn't really had a birthday party for a long time, doesn't know how to react to it, and certainly didn't tell anyone when his birthday was because he doesn't even know. (So, y'know, whoever threw the party would've had to make one up for him.) Wouldn't know how to take people celebrating his existence--or him in general--and would be overwhelmed by the positive attention directed toward him.
So, yeah. Would cry a LOT. And only might hide it.
Doesn't like surprises, wouldn't show it. Would just--
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Considering his adoption and the way it initially happened--let's just say it wasn't traditional in any sort of way--his actual birthday is unknown. Instead the family celebrates the day of his official adoption. Regardless, those celebrations are obviously known of in advance. Kieva would not accept a party being thrust upon him, haha.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
She grew up always wearing a magical amulet her dad gave her that helped her with an unknown illness. When she loses it early into the book, she puts an otherwise-enchanted ring on a necklace to cope with the loss of the feeling of wearing something at her neck. Besides that, she's not a jewelry person, haha.
They don't like jewelry, but wear it. They have two earrings that absorb the magic of their curse--allowing them to appear human and removing its antimagic effects--and quite often wear various other kinds of jewelry while posing as one identity or another.
No, absolutely not. He'd hate the sensory input. He's just fine with no jewelry, having his hair tied back, and fidgeting with his cane--thank you very much.
As a kid, wouldn't have. As an adult, likes basic "jewelry" that's just metal rather than stuff with actual jewels.
Not at all. However, keeps a half-destroyed photo locket in his pocket at all times. But that's different, y'know?
Alternates between loving and hating jewelry. Sometimes enjoys wearing it for something to fidget with. Other times, hates the sensation and will take it off (potentially aggressively if he realized after already getting overwhelmed). Rarely wears it because of the "risk" associated with it.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Neat! She's filled out a lot of paperwork in her time and has actually dabbled in sketching stuff, but isn't the greatest artist.
Halfway between! Very messy handwriting, but it's always legible.
Depends on how fast he's writing and if he intends on having anyone else read it. It's incredibly messy to the point of illegibility if he's writing quickly, and especially more so if it's just for himself. However, he's capable of writing very neatly if he's planning on having others read it--it just takes him a lot longer to write.
Messy, messy, messy! Doesn't write often, haha. But is capable of making it neater if he must.
(Also, would probably go out of his way to make his handwriting messier if someone forced him to write stuff down for them--)
Even worse than Tazin's. Messy af, everything is horribly misspelled. He's dyslexic and barely learned how to read even beyond that. Hates even attempting to read, much less write, so his time in the knight's college is the first time he really gets into it since he was really young.
Either incredibly neat or messy. Sometimes doesn't have the patience to bother making things legible, but needs to write stuff down--and so scribbles doctor handwriting style. Otherwise, goes out of his way to make his handwriting neater. It's an ego thing.
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Frustration and exhaustion. She doesn't sleep well--though she doesn't remember her dreams anymore--and has anger issues.
Annoyance and amusement. They don't
Exhaustion and sadness. He doesn't get the greatest sleep--whether it's because of nightmares or a terrible sleep schedule--and he's constantly experiencing and/or witnessing things that are unfair. It's not like he's never happy, though--he just constantly carries that sense of tragedy.
Anger and amusement. He has SEVERE anger issues, but considers himself a jokester. Unfortunately, a lot of his "humor" is at the detriment of others, especially as he gets older.
Resignation and caution. Is constantly on-guard for people who could potentially pose a threat to him--regardless of how--and is used to people treating him poorly. His feeding into it by pretending to be young and clueless has always been a way to cope with it and run with its few advantages.
Who knows what he's running from? Me. Obviously I know. But-- But he's constantly prepared to run away from a situation where he's in danger... or people are close to figuring out things he doesn't want them to.
Stubbornness and indifference, with exhaustion being a close third. Mostly floats through life, following a strict schedule with the school's classes. Finds the strict schedule convenient, because it allows him to plan things ahead of time and then stop having to think as he follows through with what he decided. However, is still an incredibly stubborn person--he wants to make his dad proud by becoming a powerful mage, fighter, and knight. That, and he genuinely wants to make the world a better place! And maybe, one day, to find out where he's actually from.
Only problem is, he just wants to sleep half the time!
Do they have a favourite fabric? (This is assuming I know the fabrics...)
Does yarn count? Knitted stuff of all kinds and textures! She's made a lot of her own clothes. She's very self-sufficient.
Anything their feathers don't get caught on. So, mostly smoother textures.
Anything and everything soft. He loves soft things and stimming with them.
Slippery stuff. Aka, stuff that's harder for people to grip. Tazin explicitly wears skintight clothing and has Gene cut his hair down to his scalp so people can't easily grab him. Besides that, doesn't care.
Anything soft. Has a particular fondness for the texture of "was formerly rough due to being made from poor-quality materials, but has softened from age and use" stuff. Granted, that's also the texture of his hole-y jacket.
He's indifferent. As long as it's not itchy!
What kind of accent do they have?
Irish! She's from a fantasy country with lots of early Norse and Celtic influence.
Belgian! They were born and raised in Lynsmouth, which has a lot of misc influences from Western Europe, but it's primarily Netherlands and France!
Polish. Who knows where he was from before ending up in Glavnran (Fantasy!Slavic), but after spending most of his life there, his accent has changed and adjusted to sound much more Glavni than whatever it was before.
Kyrgyz. He's mixed, Glavni and Jhandan (Fantasy!Indian), and was raised primarily by his Jhandan parent before ending up on the streets. Fittingly, his accent is from a country between Russia and India, haha.
Spanish. Not Mexican, Spanish. Like from Spain. Who knows where his family is from, but he looks Cirranian (Fantasy!CentralAmerica) and has spent as much of his life as he can remember in Kihroin (the country RFtA takes place in).
Algerian. Like Sammy, he's grown up in Kihroin, which has North African inspiration! (Which is another reason I want to wait to publish anything on it, I want to do an insane amount of more research first, haha.)
(I literally pulled up a video with people speaking English with various accents just to answer this question. Somehow, my imagined languages for them aligned really well with the regions/accents they should have!? I say "somehow", as though I haven't actually done an immense amount of research on languages and listened to them in order to say my made-up words "correctly", haha...)
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Me, before starting this: "this should be relatively easy!"
Me, getting to the accent question: "wait, actually, what would Crow sound like? And omg, Sammy? Considering their backgrounds--"
Me: *spends half an hour debating the accents of each of the characters*
Me, a day after starting this and coming back to see ^^^^ that: "goddamn, I thought this would be easy?"
PSA: doing this for one character is fine. Doing it for six--two of which you're not as certain with--is less fine!
Tagging (gently!): @honeybewrites @yourpenpaldee @paeliae-occasionally @mysticstarlightduck @illarian-rambling
@darkandstormydolls @the-golden-comet @ath3alin @wyked-ao3 @mk-writes-stuff
@huewrite + open tags!
Divider from @saradika!
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jev-urisk · 3 months
OC Deep Dive Tag ✨
@the-golden-comet may be a pirate-wrangler, but I'm the one who keeps stealing their tag games. 🏴‍☠️
Oh y'all know I'm starting with Kazimier from 🌐7 Circles🌐
I am however adding a cut bc some of this is pretty spoiler-y. 🙊
Phobias: Hemophobia (his own blood, specifically), medical needles. People whose lust tastes of sadism.
Other fears: IVs, feeling not in control, being drugged, being poisoned, getting cut/stabbed, healthy fear of death. Fear of falling in love.
Pet peeves: Naivety, 'baby-talking', clingy people, sometimes even having sex is a peeve.
3 items in their bedroom: Something to lounge on like a chaise, garish clothing, a lot of rope.
First thing they notice in a person: The sound of their voice/how they pronounce things, the way their face moves as they talk.
Scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?: Hmmm...4.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? Freeze, followed by fight, flight, fawn (fakely), or fuck.
Do they have a big family/are they a family person?: Does being in a gang at age 10 count as being adopted into a family? Could be a family person if he let himself care about people like that.
What animal represents them? A cat. So particular, weirdly hyperfocused sometimes, likes toying with vermin, can't tell if he'll roll with you giving him attention or try to claw you.
What is a smell they dislike? Cleaning solution
Broken any bones? Maybe, he's almost 300 so it would be a miracle if he hadn't yet.
How would a stranger describe them? Each stranger would describe a completely different person. Kazimier is a shapeshifter. If a stranger somehow saw his 'neutral' form, they'd say he looks fuckin' weird. Horns, green hair, mis-matched eyes of red and green, strange red markings on his cheeks, fangs, black claws, dressed like an 80s rockstar and has this crooked smirk on his face... the fuck?
Night owl or a morning bird? Night? The place he comes from, Du'Preve, barely has a day and night, it's always pretty dark.
A flavor they hate and a flavor they love? Hates sadism, loves desperation. (Kaz is an incubus, and you can discern those feelings from the taste of their lust)
Any hobbies? Sewing (very helpful for a shapeshifter), games like chess, billiards, darts, clue- anything that keeps his mind engaged. Also enjoys doing other people's makeup/make-overs but does this very rarely and is a dictator during the process.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? He's already thinking about how much he's going to make everyone suffer. Flip a coin as to whether he shuts it down immediately or plays along up until people get hurt. There is one (1) spontaneous asexual vampire gal who could get away with doing this.
Do they like to wear jewelry? Yeah, and he owns a lot of it.
Neat or messy handwriting? Neater than you'd expect, large unabashed spacing and snarky loops.
The two emotions they feel the most? Fear and curiosity.
Favorite fabric? Hahhahahahaa.. yeah it's cashmere.
What kind of accent do they have? New York-ish, like Baccano. The quality of his voice is not unlike Todd Haberkorn's normal speaking voice, brassy, abrasive, animated, wry and snarkish.
Taggames list: @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes @fortunatetragedy @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting +Open Tag! (No pressure tho!)
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illarian-rambling · 2 months
Thanks for the tag @mysticstarlightduck!
OC Deep Dive 🦾🎀
Let's do a two for one with Astra and Mashal :)
What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Hm, that's a tough one. Astra doesn't scare easily when it comes to physical things. I'd say failure is a big fear of hers, or letting down the people she loves.
It's bugs. Ignoring all the existential stuff, Mashal is terrified of bugs. Spiders especially, but anything that crawls makes him uncomfortable. The other big one is losing his humanity.
Do they have any pet peeves?
People who talk down to her will set Astra off like a firecracker. She's had more than enough of that in her time. People who are willing ignorant also piss her off, especially if that ignorance hurts others.
As a former army brat, Mashal does get a little tetchy around messy spaces. He won't get on people about it, but he will clean up unprompted. He also can't stand bullies or anyone who hurts people for their own gain.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
A full chemistry set, lots of scrap fabric, and way too many fancy pillows.
He doesn't sleep, so he doesn't have a bedroom, but if he did, it would have a sketchbook, some candles he can stare at while meditating, and a few practice swords hung on the wall.
What do they notice first in a person?
Their clothes, I'd say. Astra can tell a lot about a person by what they wear and how they care for their garments. Also, their sense of fashion can be telling.
I think as an artist, Mashal picks up on unique features first. A crooked jaw, especially beautiful eyes, an unusual expression - anything that makes someone stand out. Consequently, he's also just good at remembering faces in general.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
A six, but she thinks it's a nine. She also carries the fantasy equivalent of those berserker mushrooms at all times, so if she's hurt, she'll do drugs about it and keep going.
He has no sense of pain as a robot, but if he's ever returned to his human form, it's gonna be a rude awakening the first time he stubs his toe on something.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? (I'm also including freeze and fawn)
It kinda depends. If her friends are with her, she'll tend towards fight. If she's alone though, she often freezes up.
Fight, all the way. In moments of stress, Mashal's brain will all but shut off as he starts swinging.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Astra's family is just her and her two moms, but she loves them dearly. Every cent she makes goes towards paying off their debtor contracts, and she writes them frequently.
Mashal doesn't remember his family. He assumes his parents are alive and he's pretty sure he has an older brother, but anything more than that is a mystery. He hopes to find them someday once he's human again.
What animal represents them best?
I'm tempted to go with a black cat solely because she's a witch, but I feel like she's more high energy than that. In that case, maybe some sort of monkey? Clever, curious, loud, and a little vicious.
A horse, I think. Some sort of retired warhorse that likes to run and nuzzle your hair, but will kick if you get too close.
What is a smell that they dislike?
Formaldehyde. It gives her headaches.
He has no sense of smell :(
Have they broken any bones?
Yup. She broke her arm at the end of book one and has broken a few fingers in the past when she wasn't careful enough with her tinkering.
He has no bones :(
(Mashal doesn't remember, but as a boy, he did fracture his skull when he fell down a flight of stairs. He also broke the same ankle twice during sparring. His squad did tease him for this.)
How would a stranger likely describe them?
"Oh gods, what an outfit she had! I don't think I've ever seen that many colors on one garment, and she must've sewn half the ribbons from here to Yewbury into the lining. The embroidery was fantastic. It was loud enough you hardly noticed the woman wearing it. She was pretty short, I think. I wanna say she was mixed Skolander and Shuari, given the dark curls and blue eyes. Her skin was kind of an amber brown, but she had these pale splotches under her eyes and mouth. Vitiligo, I think? Her makeup was also quite loud, but somehow matched the outfit. There was just a lot going on there, in general."
"Damn, I don't think I've ever seen a robot in these parts. The fucker was huge, had to be close to seven feet tall. Kinda scary looking, to be honest, with those glowing white eyes. But, I don't know, he seemed nice. His face didn't seem like it moved much, but he looked like he was smiling. He was wearing very heavy clothing with a bandana over his head. The only bronze uncovered was his face and hands. I would've thought he was sick in the head wearing such heavy clothes in this heat, except, well, I guess a robot wouldn't care about that."
Are they a night owl or an early bird?
Very much a night owl, verging on actual insomnia. Getting up before 11 is a herculean trial.
He doesn't sleep, but if he did, he'd be an early bird. Man is ready for bed at 9:30 sharp.
What is a flavour they hate and a flavour they love?
Astra hates the taste of rice. As a kid, that was basically all she had to eat in the summers and she would frequently come down with pellagra because she was so malnourished. A flavor she loves is barbecue. She's from the fantasy south, so I think this one is self-explanatory.
He has no sense of taste, but from vibes alone, he knows he definitely has a sweet tooth.
Do they have any hobbies?
Really, she's good with any type of fiber art, but Astra loves to embroider. All her clothes sport little bits of embroidery. I'm also going to say magic because she loves it even though it's her job.
Mashal enjoys art, usually with a pencil, but he branches out into paint sometimes. He also likes to read. Any genre is fine, so long as it's fiction and not too dark. I feel like he'd love anime if it existed on Illaros for some reason.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
She'd definitely jump, then complain about why it had to be a secret because she already knew what she wanted to do for her birthday. Even so, she would be very appreciative of the effort.
Mashal has no idea when his birthday is, so it'd be a double surprise for him if someone popped out and declared that today's the day. After making sure they're not just fucking with him, he'd get quite teary (not actually, but the vibe is there), thank them profusely, and spend the rest of the night being told to sit down and quit trying to take care of things, this is your party, damnit!
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Yes. Astra always has some earrings on and frequently wears rings and bracelets. Most of this is costume jewelry.
Gold jewelry is very important in Sulu'Okan culture, so he definitely would, he just can't afford any right now.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Surprisingly neat. She writes in full, founding father cursive.
Surprisingly messy. He tends towards chicken scratch.
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Indignation and the desire to help.
Protectiveness and fury.
Do they have a favourite fabric?
Astra could rank every fabric ever on a numbered scale, but I think her all-time favorite is satin.
He honestly has no opinion on this, so he'd probably just say satin also. My man doesn't know burlap from chiffon, give him a break.
What kind of accent do they have?
Lol, read any of her dialog and it's obvious. Astra has a strong southern accent, more similar to a Georgia drawl than some Texas twang.
Honestly, Mashal is my one character that I feel has no accent (aka same accent as me), so I guess upper south. He does speak very softly, though, and has a bit of a stutter at times. His voice also tends to go static when he yells.
I'll tag @willtheweaver @theink-stainedfolk @kaylinalexanderbooks @nczaversnick @watermeezer and anyone else who wants to play :)
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happy-lemon · 4 months
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
A set of 20 questions to get to know your OC!
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What uncommon/common fear do they have?
She's afraid of turkeys because she was chased by a flock of wild turkeys near her grandparents' house when she was a little girl.
Do they have any pet peeves?
People who continue to sing the wrong lyrics to a song when they know the correct ones.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Her journal, at least four pairs of slippers, and a bottle of prescription antidepressants
What do they notice first in a person?
How they treat other people.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
She's pretty good with pain. Probably around a 7 or 8.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Surprisingly, fight. She seems like a marshmallow, but she's really not.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
She has two brothers and two sisters. She's the youngest.
What animal represents them best?
A chicken, because they seem fragile but are descended from t-rex.
What is a smell that they dislike?
Have they broken any bones?
She broke her arm when she jumped out of the treehouse when she was five.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Pretty, but she's more than a pretty face. She's got a strong sense of adventure, a kind heart, and low tolerance for bullshit.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
She's an early riser.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
She doesn't like maple-flavored things, but she loves cilantro.
Do they have any hobbies?
reading, hiking, fishing, and camping
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
She'd be so touched that her friends went to the effort and she'd be happy to see everyone.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
She wears a smart watch and a pair of star earrings. Aside from that, she's not big into jewelry.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
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What are two emotions they feel the most?
wonder and sadness
Do they have a favorite fabric?
What kind of accent do they have?
I don't really know. She's from San Sequoia so maybe kind of a Northern California accent?
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theosconfessions · 5 months
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i was tagged by the lovely @nitrozem and @bloomingkyras
oc deep dive with finnie whitmore
What uncommon/common fear do they have? rollercoasters. he LOVES going to theme parks but this one time dusty put him on his first rollercoaster and he swears he almost broke his neck [he didnt hes just embellishing for drama purposes]
Do they have any pet peeves? liars. just a simple liars. hes big on the honesty front. even if it hurts him hed prefer that over something trying to spare any feelings.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? his ps5, his personal pc, and his kitty.
What do they notice first in a person? hes a little vain at first so the first thing he notices about a person is that ass. hes an ass kinda dude BUT afterwards..he has all sorts of red flags kicking up everywhere so hed probably do a quick sweep of the in the clear check list.starting with wedding rings .
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? 9. he gets knocked in the head by flying footballs from his hs kids. gym isnt for the weak.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? hes a mix of both. hes reserved but he'll say whats on his mind and then just poof.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? he comes from a small family with an older brother and a little sister. really only is close to his mum. as far as being a family person hed never say no to a shopping trips with his mum and they try to make it a monthly thing.its harder on them since he moved a little further away.
What animal represents them best? red panda honestly.
What is a smell that they dislike? theos cologne.
Have they broken any bones? hes broken his arm/ ankle and most recently his nose.
How would a stranger likely describe them? id think they would describe him as a little bit shy of a dude. maybe he can come off stand offish because of that.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird? morning bird! hes my little old young man.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? He hates that lavender shit.he can be a little bit of an old man but save the lavender flavour for when he loses more of his taste buds.. but loves anything mint :3
Do they have any hobbies? ghost hunting :) ;)
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? immediate sweat. nothing more but immediate sweat and then trying to act like hes supposed to .
Do they like to wear jewelry? he always wears a rolex dusty got him one xmas.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting? neat :)
What are two emotions they feel the most? lonely and confused
Do they have a favorite fabric? spandex.
What kind of accent do they have?the most louisiana drawl youve ever heard
i am tagging @budgie2budgie @duusheen @gloomymoood @awkwardwhims @riverofjazzsims @invisiblequeen @havenroyals @simvanie and @sirianasims for this and anyone else who wants to do it bc id literally sit here and tag you alllllll
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mysticstarlightduck · 3 months
OC Deep Dive Tag!
I'm going to do a writing sprint in a bit, but I want to make one more tag game before I do so, so here we go! I saw this tag rolling around on Tumblr and found it really cool!
Let's get to know our boys Kye Thalax, Quince Warren, Jack Tithus and Jordan Raith a bit more (:
What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Kye -
PHOBIAS: Athazagoraphobia (intense or irrational fear of being forgotten, or of forgetting someone or something) + mild Haphephobia (the fear of being touched)
OTHER FEARS: His (abusive) mother, being helpless, unable to control a situation, or becoming unremarkable. Forgetting his Dad is also one of his main worries/fears, or being unable to avenge him. Kye is also, as much as he'd like to pretend otherwise/would hate to admit it, afraid of his creepy former boss.
Quince -
PHOBIAS: Aviophobia (fear of planes, or flying in general)
OTHER FEARS: Being captured by the Spectre Academy and sent to their training facility (thus being forced to enter the government's superhero Agency). Letting down his loved ones. Quince is also afraid of his own powers, which he despises because of how gory they are.
Jack -
PHOBIAS: Insectophobia (fear of insects)
OTHER FEARS: Not being able to keep his sister and his crew out of harm's way or otherwise 'failing' them in any way. Being mutated or forcibly changed by the Director's experiments. Jack is also, deep down, terrified of dying
Jordan -
PHOBIAS: Unknown phobias
OTHER FEARS: He is terrified of his own past and does not trust his own mind, mostly due to the horrifying training trials he and his cousin endured while in the Spectre Academy. Due to his past Jordan is also generally afraid of medical facilities and treatment. He also fears being unable to find his cousin, who supposedly went MIA.
Do they have any pet peeves?
Kye - People who are abusive to their partners or children. He also despises people who think they're for some reason allowed to be pointlessly cruel to people who have nothing to do with them.
Quince - Manipulative media and governments who keep shady secrets from the populace under the guise that "it is for the greater good".
Jack - People who mistreat others who are less powerful than them. He also hates corruption and hates people trying to control or otherwise force him to obey arbitrary rules.
Jordan - Illegal experiments are being conducted on living beings by scientists who think they can do whatever they want to others just because they have the power to.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Kye - specialized poison kit, his father's bracelet, a holographic tablet for hacker purposes
Quince - a 'Magmatorch' superhero poster, crochet materials, a packet of (animal) blood of emergencies (fuels his powers)
Jack - bottle of hot chocolate, speaker for music, a fluffy pillow
Jordan - switchblade, a journal with the list of names of all the Agents who were responsible for his and his cousin's 'training', headphones
What do they notice first in a person?
Kye - How much of a threat that person is/things he can use to his advantage to manipulate them to his advantage. He also notices if those people work for his 'mother' (if they do, he kills them with poison)
Quince - Body language, can read people pretty well. Because of his powers, he can also sense people's heart rate and can tell pretty accurately whether a person is lying or otherwise hiding something.
Jack - If a person is friendly or not, or if that person has good or bad intentions towards him and his friends. He is also incredibly good at telling what someone wants, so he can know to proceed.
Jordan - How easy a person would be to knock out or if they would be an easy mark (in tense situations or combat contexts). He is also pretty good at noticing whether or not someone is following him and why.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Kye -
Emotional Pain - 8/10 (Pretty good, unless something directly triggers him - by reminding him of his father's untimely death or his mother's abusive behavior. If that happens he usually lashes out pretty badly and isolates himself afterwards.)
Physical Pain - 10/10 (His species has a naturally high resistance to pain, and due to him embarking on a vengeful assassin way of life, he has become even more immune to pain. It takes a lot for him to be like "Oh shit, this really does hurt like hell", and if that happens it probably will be something life-threatening)
Quince -
Emotional Pain - 4/10 (He is pretty sensitive - like, he takes things very personally and notices even small details about what someone is truly thinking about him. He doesn't really let it show but small things can pretty much ruin his day. He also doesn't deal well with the bloody aftermath of using his powers on others.)
Physical Pain - 15/10 (Quince has some level of Regeneration, so he heals very rapidly and injuries are almost never really a nuisance to him unless caused by someone who can actively undermine his powers. He also generally feels little pain, though he acknowledges pain it doesn't affect him badly - he can break his arm in two places and carry on like nothing happened)
Jack -
Emotional Pain - 8?/10 (Jack has trained himself to be perfect at hiding how he truly feels and always maintaining a happy, optimistic, protective personality to his friends. This means that while he may outwardly act like all is fine and even seem his usual happy-go-lucky self while struggling with a brutal storm of torment underneath. This can cause him to be pretty self-destructive and not realize that he too deserves support and help)
Physical Pain - 6/10 (Typically he has an average to small pain tolerance and hates being in pain to the point of being terrified of it, but due to his natural need to be strong for his crew/team and pretend that everything is fine, Jack can actually endure quite a lot of actual pain while pretending that all is okay, though he usually then breaks down later when alone. When it comes to Jack, it's more a question of willpower than actual pain tolerance)
Jordan -
Emotional Pain - 10/10 (Has seen a lot of shit in his life and become pretty numb/unflappable because of it. It takes something world-ending to make him have anything close to a breakdown).
Physical Pain - 3/10 (Hates being in pain with a burning passion and will do anything to avoid it, to the point of panicking or doing things on impulse that actually make things worse later on.)
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Kye - Fight. Becomes aggressive when provoked and will either lash out verbally, physically or get some kind of revenge at the person stressing him out later.
Quince - Flight/Freeze. Hates conflict and will try to calm things down before they get to a boiling point. If things become too chaotic he will either run away from the situation or shut down for an undetermined amount of time.
Jack - Fight or Fawn. Depending on the situation: In regular situations of stress, like normal, daily frustrations, Jack's main reaction is to meet the problem head-on or confront whoever is stressing him. If the situation is extreme or someone more powerful can hurt people he cares about (like when he and his crew were captured by the Junction), Jack instead immediately shifts to a Fawning reaction - he will do anything the person requires of him to avoid collateral damage and keep his loved ones safe.
Jordan - Fight or Freeze. If he is in a good state of mind, he'll try to fight through the situation. If he is stressed or panicked he likely will attempt to fight and end up freezing instead.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Kye -
Small family - his mother was a powerful and violent Khosmonian warlord who wanted to destroy the Junction and would do anything to amplify her status. She married his father for political reasons and proceeded to abuse both her husband and son (physically and verbally) before Kye's father ran away from her with him in tow (and ended up killed for it when they were found).
Deep down he is a family kind of guy but due to trauma, he doesn't actually know if he wants to build a family or not. He is very loyal to those he knows he can trust but that is a very rare thing.
Quince -
Small family - his parents were rich business owners who died in a private jet crash. Quince and his younger sister, Emily, were then raised by their uncle, Sean, who was better known as Magmatorch, the most powerful superhero on Team Nemesis and the nation's sweetheart. Their uncle was a doting guardian to Quince and his sister, despite being a bit cocky and drawn to fame. Sean was 'disposed of' by the Spectre Agency after threatening to expose their corruption schemes.
Quince is very family-oriented, especially when it comes to protecting his sister, and he also adored their uncle.
Jack -
Medium sized family - Jack and his sister Cassiopeia were born in the moon of Cethea III and raised by their parents - a pilot (their mother) and an aspiring engineer (their father) - when they were kids. Their parents ended up killed after getting involved with rebel efforts against the Junction, and Jack and his sister ended up on the streets. Later, Jack and Cassie met an alien boy named Deimos Soll who became their best friend and whom they adopted as their brother, though he has become estranged from them now as adults.
To Jack, family is everything. Not only his sister and their adoptive brother, but he also considers his team/crew as his extended family, and would do anything to keep them safe from harm, even if it means putting himself in harm's way.
Jordan -
Very small family - Jordan was basically abandoned by his parents, who were distant from him pretty much since day one, and left to the 'care' of the Spectre Academy - as his parents wanted him to become a superhero at all costs. (His parents are very much still alive). Jordan found out that his older cousin, Chase, was also in the Academy, and the boys became the only family each other really had in the hell that the Academy was to its apprentices.
Jordan is fiercely loyal to Chase, and vice-versa. After Chase mysteriously went MIA during a mission for the superhero Agency, Jordan fled with classified information to try and find him.
What animal represents them best?
Kye - Viper
Quince - Sparrows
Jack - Orange Cat & Golden Retriever (both lol)
Jordan - Black Cat
What is a smell that they dislike?
Kye - The smell of wild roses (his mother's perfume smelled just like that)
Quince - Blood (tragically ironic since his power is literally blood-related)
Jack - Antiseptic and that general "laboratory" smell
Jordan - Unwashed clothes/sweat
Have they broken any bones?
Kye - Yes, many times. Is unfazed by it.
Quince - So far once, fell from a swing as a kid and broke his arm.
Jack - Yes, a couple of times, either in fights, accidents, or while being experimented on by the Junction.
Jordan - Not sure/doesn't remember.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Kye - Shady/mysterious. The kind of person that looks like trouble or like they're involved with something deadly. Strangers would also consider him mysterious.
Quince - Dangerous. While people used to adore him while his uncle was the nation's sweetheart, after the family fell in the government's bad graces and was deemed Public Enemy Number 1, Quince was accused of being an unstable kid with a monstrous power.
Jack - Friendly and incredibly optimistic. Jack generally has an outgoing, happy-go-lucky vibe, both with his friends and with strangers, thus he is generally viewed as a fun, kind, happy and optimistic guy to be around - and people are right, because he is (though there's much more underneath)
Jordan - Aloof. Jordan is very quiet, reserved and usually has that "resting bitch face" when not talking to someone directly. People mostly assume he's just an extremely introverted or shy teen when he's actually just conditioned to be emotionless.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Kye - Night owl
Quince - Morning Bird
Jack - Both (wakes up early, sleeps late)
Jordan - Night owl
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Kye -
Flavor he loves: Dishes (well prepared) with fish, especially fried fish sticks and fish stews. He also loves bacon.
Flavor he hates: Candy
Quince -
Flavor he loves: Medium rare or simply rare meat. And beef jerky and PIZZA!!!
Flavor he hates: Salads of any kind, hates the taste, the texture, and the fact that it is cold.
Jack -
Flavor he loves: Chocolate, nuggets and tuna sandwiches
Flavor he hates: Tasteless food, especially oatmeal
Jordan -
Flavor he loves: Strawberry milkshakes and chocolate-chip cookies
Flavor he hates: Too much condiments in food
Do they have any hobbies?
Kye - embroidering, knife throwing, creating new poisons/studying space botany (toxic plants)
Quince - watching movies, listening to music, eating pizza
Jack - playing video games with his siblings, training his thievery skills, making DIY jewelry (occasionally)
Jordan - reading gothic books & watching late 90s/early 2000s teen horror movies, practicing his powers, riding around on his motorcycle
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Kye - Probably would initially think someone is trying to kill him and react like "Who goes there?! I have poisons!!!!!" and then realize its something harmless and not know what to do next lol. He isn't used to parties and really hasn't had one in a long while, so, deep down, despite his grumpy self, he would actually appreciate it.
Quince - Would probably be initially shy but then shake it off and join the party. He is actually pretty used to parties and social events because when his uncle was a famous superhero they went to a lot of galas and other fancy parties. Quince probably prefers a smaller, more intimate event, like going to a good restaurant or watching a movie, because his social battery dies down really fast.
Jack - He would be like a golden retriever in a dog park filled with toys - like he would be the HAPPIEST dude. His self-esteem is shite and he usually does everything to make others happy, so he always gets super surprised that his loved ones do the same for him and always take the time to make things for him too (not that he doubts them, no, he's just the "oh, you didn't need to" kind of guy while inwardly crying of happiness).
Jordan - "This is nice! Now what am I supposed to do? Because I know nothing about how things like this work and I'm anxious."
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Kye - Not many, just his Dad's bracelet.
Quince - No, doesn't care about it and actually gets bored by it when he has to wear jewelry.
Jack - Some small, coal-black hoop earrings/ear piercings, a few plastic bracelets, and occasionally rings. He also always wears the DIY trinket necklace his sister made for him and she has the other half.
Jordan - Some goth/emo jewelry, occasionally. Is still getting the hang of how jewelry works but is very excited to try it out.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Kye - Neat
Jack - Messy (because he is impatient) but perfectly readable
Quince - Something in between
Jordan - Painfully neat, feels like something out of a computer
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Kye - Anger, Grief
Quince - Anxiety, Happiness
Jack - Love, Protectiveness
Jordan - Struggles with trying to no longer be numb, so he loves whenever he feels any emotion, even "negative" ones.
Do they have a favorite fabric?
Kye - Black linen or cotton, as well as kevlar.
Jack - Cotton, flannel, and leather.
Quince - Probably not.
Jordan - Anything that isn't scratchy.
What kind of accent do they have?
Kye - His accent is "perfectly" neutral, as in he trained himself so well in languages that he speaks their galactic Common with almost no accent whatsoever (I'm not sure how to even describe it lol). When he is angry or feeling strong emotions his original accent from Khylet slips into his words (a Khylet accent is smooth, but also as a slight... clicking to it in a way?).
Quince - The city he was born in is pretty inspired by IRL Detroit so I would say he has his setting's equivalent to a Detroit accent.
Jack - 'Junction' accent. Grew up speaking the Junction's galactic common as a kid and his accent sometimes tends to be the variation of common spoken in the moon he was born in, Cethea III.
Jordan - I don't think I know how to answer this question about him and honestly, I don't think he would know that either lol
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@the-golden-comet, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
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busy-baker · 8 days
Thank you for tagging me @kalmiaphlox 💚
I’m gonna do this one for Juniper and give Tav a break for once.
What common/uncommon fear do they have?
Juniper has a huge fear of ships. She’s an adept swimmer. Her mother made sure her and her brother knew how to swim, but she doesn’t like the idea of being dragged under water if a ship sinks.
Do they have any pet peeves?
Can anything her brother does count? She doesn’t like loud chewing because her sense of hearing is heightened.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Her lyre, books, the dagger her Astarion gave to her
What do they notice first in a person?
How they speak. Are they quiet, outspoken, easy to manipulate
On a scale from 1-10, how high is their pain tolerance?
An 8. She can take a beating but she’s tap out eventually. At least when both eyes are swelled shut.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Depends. Physical pressure, fight. She’s ready to brawl. Emotional pressure, flight. She’s running for the hills.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Juniper has one brother. She loves her family but isn’t looking to have any children of her own.
What animal represents them best?
A fox. Small, cunning, quick.
What is a smell they dislike?
Fake cinnamon scent. It’s too strong for her nose.
Have they broken any bones?
Somehow, by the grace of the gods, she hasn’t.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Outgoing, bouncy
Are they a night owl, or morning bird?
Night owl
What’s a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Hate: Anise
Love: Anything buttery or maple, covered in sugar
Do they have any hobbies?
Writing music, reading
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprise?
Juniper would panic at first but she would ease into it after awhile.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Yes, many earrings and necklaces
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
In between. It’s legible but she’s not becoming a scribe any time soon.
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Angst and giddiness. Her mood changes often
Do they have a favourite fabric?
Silk and her father provides it in many articles of clothing
What kind of accent do they have?
Whatever accent it is the Karlach has, that’s it. Not formal, just a kid raised in the Gate. A good in between of Astarion’s noble accent and her mother’s rough Scottish
Tagging: @davenswitcher @galeorderbride @ladyduellist @maladaptive-menace @roguishcat @wilteddreamsofbaldursgate
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kalmiaphlox · 8 days
OC Deep Dive
thank you for the tag @teamdilf!
I'm so excited for this because now I really get to flesh out my newest OC, Hircine Zau'viir!
tagging @pinkberrytea, @roguishcat, @khywren, @busy-baker and @preciouslittlebhaalbae if you would like to answer any of these :)
What common/uncommon fear do they have?
Hircine's more 'normal' fear is of losing her family. She relies on them heavily as they are all she really knows since outside of the mines they run and their estate, she's never been far from them. A more uncommon fear? While she is morbidly interested in eldritch lore and the far realms, she is deathly afraid of ever actually encountering anything from those realms.
Do they have any pet peeves?
She hates when others don't speak their mind. It irritates her that someone might hold back from what they want, but she would also never push someone to do more than they are comfortable with. Its a never-ending cycle.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
A folding fan, earrings in the shape of bastard swords and a few blankets to wear around her shoulders,
What do they notice first in a person?
Their posture. Do they stand tall and proud, or are they someone that shrinks in on themselves when being spoken too?
On a scale from 1-10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Like a 2 or 3. Hircine is a noble lady who hasn't experienced much 'hardship' in her life. She doesn't like to receive or give physical pain.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Fight. She has small dog syndrome and has no issue telling someone what's what - up until the first blow is thrown of course. Hircine doesn't like to get hurt and will give up quickly if things get physical.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Hircine is one of five, and along with their parents, they are all very close. She has no interest in having a large family herself though, seems like a lot of work.
What animal represents them best?
An irritable, tired cat. She want's to do whatever she wants to do and not be interrupted by other people.
What is a smell they dislike?
The stagnant air of the mines. She scents all her fans so she has something to enjoy throughout the day.
Have they broken any bones?
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Cold and disinterested.
Are they a night owl, or morning bird?
Night owl on account of being a sun-sensitive drow, but she is a very light sleeper and tends to rise early.
What’s a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Loves: Berries and chocolates Hates: Mushrooms
Do they have any hobbies?
Researching eldritch artifacts that are recovered in the mines her family owns. Also dancing/swords dancing. As eilistraeans, its a very common hobby for them but she's well versed in all kinds of dances.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprise?
She's always gracious, and very thankful to whoever went through the effort to throw her a party (normally her father or youngest brother). Hircine doesn't really care to be the center of attention though.
Do they like to wear jewellery?
Hircine wears earrings and occasionally when dancing will wear bangles. Hates necklaces.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Neat script. Other people normally have to read her handwriting for business contracts so she is conscious of how she writes.
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Primary emotion: Burnt out / exhausted Secondary: Excitement at learning more about the far realms when she has free time
Do they have a favourite fabric?
Silk, she's a lady of luxury after all.
What kind of accent do they have?
Whatever Mia Farrow and Voice 8 from BG3 sounds like mixed together. Vaguely british?
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OC Deep Dive
Thanks to @mysticstarlightduck here, @illarian-rambling here,
Rules: answer the following questions for your OCs!
I've already done Lexi, Maddie, Ash, and Gwen for this! Let's do another batch of characters!
It was a mistake doing six characters this time, but the time I realized it was getting too long, I didn't want to individually cut two of them. So this is what we got: a very long post. So it's below the cut.
What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Noelle - She doesn't like her privacy being violated. She wants to keep her things to herself. She also doesn't like crowds.
Rose - She fears that she'll be trapped forever and never accomplish anything.
Kelsey - Accidentally harming her loved ones, specifically her younger cousins
Robbie - He does worry about losing relationships or being lonely, and not being strong enough to protect those he cares about
Akash - Similar to Robbie, but specifically being abandoned or left out
Hye-Jin - she listens to true crime podcasts sometimes so she sometimes becomes a little paranoid that someone's going to break into her house
Do they have any pet peeves?
Noelle - meandering, not getting to the point, excessive brainstorming, illogical thinking, inconsistency
Rose - whenever someone says something a little rude or inconsiderate, especially if they imply she has done something wrong
Kelsey - whenever she's being forced to do something that she doesn't want to do, especially if they're mean about it (if they asked politely she'd probably have done it!)
Robbie - he doesn't like it when people make assumptions about him that aren't true, or make similar assumptions about others that aren't true. Also whenever someone makes a noise during a test
Akash - someone being disrespectful, specifically being interrupted
Hye-Jin - she really likes being acknowledged for her hard work, so if she works her butt off at something, she at least expects a half-hearted "thanks".
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Refraining from sarcasm.... Ahhhh
Noelle - folded laundry, neat small shelf of books, and a desk where she works on her homework
Rose - sketches of outfits she's drawn taped all over the wall, a dresser with a bunch of stickers on it, and an art table where she keeps her supplies
Kelsey - crochet supplies and some projects she's made for herself, a bunch of books on top of her dresser she can read to her cousins, and an oval mirror on the wall
Robbie - probably a basket of clean laundry he hasn't folded/put away yet, a desk where he keeps his laptop that totally isn't disorganized (he knows where things are!!) and a bookshelf with novels and manga
Akash - a mirror that has stickers along the sides, a small bookshelf of favorite books, and a couple sports posters
Hye-Jin - her pet lizard Luna, many shelves and bulletin boards of all the medals and ribbons and other prizes in the same vein, and a very newly organized desk with a lamp
What do they notice first in a person?
Noelle - general demeanor
Rose - what they're wearing
Kelsey - what mood they're in
Robbie - whatever vibe they give off
Akash - figure/outfit
Hye-Jin - height/how pretty they are
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Noelle - 8/10
Rose - 5/10
Kelsey - 4/10
Robbie - 8/10 (only due to powers)
Akash - 7/10
Hye-Jin - 10/10
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Noelle - freeze
Rose - fight
Kelsey - flight
Robbie - fight
Akash - freeze
Hye-Jin - flight
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Noelle - no, it's just her and her mom, but she's definitely a family person
Rose - no to both
Kelsey - yes, she lives in a house with four adults and several young cousins, and she is a family person especially for her cousins
Robbie - not really, it's only one sibling and his parents (+Akash) but he is a family person
Akash - if you count the Staffords he has a decent sized family, and he is a family person
Hye-Jin - she also has one brother and her parents, but she's definitely not super close or anything
What animal represents them best?
Noelle - probably an owl
Rose - butterfly
Kelsey - black cat
Robbie - golden retriever
Akash - I feel like a wolf
Hye-Jin - axolotl
What is a smell that they dislike?
Noelle - lavender
Rose - car fresheners
Kelsey - that rusty old metal smell
Robbie - most perfumes/cologne
Akash - y'know how your pee smells after you have asparagus?
Hye-Jin - cinnamon
Have they broken any bones?
Noelle - no
Rose - yes
Kelsey - yes
Robbie - yes
Akash - no
Hye-Jin - no
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Let's pretend it's a peer from school.
Noelle - “Damn, that girl is tall. I'm a little confused on her name, I've seen her respond to Noelle and Carissa. She really stands out, man, but only due to her height, y'know? Like she's kinda plain looking right? And she seems a little distant I guess.”
Rose - “That girl is always drawing something. I see her talking pretty often though. Like she's reserved but not that shy. I think she's really pretty and has a cool sense of style. I wonder what goes on in her head.”
Kelsey - “Who? Ohhhh, that girl. I don't know anything about her. Like, at all. She's always so quiet and doesn't talk to anyone except that girl Maddie. I think she just wants to blend into the background, but that dorky aesthetic makes her stand out. She pulls it off, though. But I can't tell you anything else.”
Robbie - “That Robbie guy is super popular. Never had a class with him, but he seems nice. My friends say he's super smart. He's also always hanging out with Akash, so he's obviously nice.”
Akash - “Oh, yeah, that kid. He seems cool. He always has a smile on and is chatting with Robbie. I heard him call his chair Ariel so he's probably super feminine or something.”
Hye-Jin - “You mean Reptile Girl? Oh yeah she's a little weird. She makes straight A's and everyone knows she'll be valedictorian. She's also in a lot of school functions. She is certainly something. She always has her headphones on. I've never seen her talk to someone.”
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Noelle - morning
Rose - night
Kelsey - morning
Robbie - night
Akash - morning
Hye-Jin - morning
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Noelle - as a foodie she refuses to say she hates or loves any flavor because they all taste different depending on how much of it you use in a dish and what you combine it with
Rose - hates pineapple, loves pasta
Kelsey - hates avocado, loves cheese
Robbie - hates pickles, loves peanut butter
Akash - hates asparagus, loves berries
Hye-Jin - hates coffee, loves tea
Do they have any hobbies?
Noelle - cooking
Rose - art, specifically fashion design
Kelsey - crochet
Robbie - depends on what his hyperfixation is; robotics, reading, watching TV, acting
Akash - singing, reading, sketching
Hye-Jin - music, puzzles
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Noelle - even if she can appreciate the effort she hates surprises
Rose - indifferent to surprises, but I think she'd cry if she found out someone planned a surprise birthday party for her
Kelsey - eh, not the biggest fan of surprises, but if it was a low-key party she'd be deeply appreciative
Robbie - LOVES SURPRISES! He'd be so freaking happy to learn he has a surprise birthday party!!!
Akash - also loves surprises, just not as excitable as Robbie about it; a surprise birthday party would be dope but he'd see it coming
Hye-Jin - does not enjoy surprises, even less than Kelsey, but she'd be nice about it; she'd probably just be sad that the person who threw the party doesn't know her well enough to know she wouldn't like that, but would try to keep a bright face
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Noelle - just earrings
Rose - yes!!! She loves jewelery, she just doesn't own as much as she wants; usually goes with a chocker and earrings
Kelsey - yep!! When she's older she may dare to get more piercings
Robbie - is absolutely a bracelets kinda guy
Akash - yes, since I'm counting watches
Hye-Jin - yep! Necklace, earrings, and a couple bracelets
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Noelle - neat
Rose - slightly messy, very loopy
Kelsey - not as neat as she wants but not messy
Robbie - messy
Akash - neat
Hye-Jin - neat and loopy
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Noelle - apprehension and confliction
Rose - hope and longing
Kelsey - compassion and worry
Robbie - protectiveness and excitement
Akash - gratitude and guilt
Hye-Jin - enthusiasm and love
Not sure if these are feelings more than emotions but oh well
Do they have a favorite fabric?
Noelle - idk cotton? Polyester? Viscose? She doesn't care
Rose - she has to pick a favorite??? All??? What garment???
Kelsey - polyester
Robbie - cotton or polyester or denim
Akash - viscose and cotton
Hye-Jin - chiffon
Idk I just picked mainly what I see them wearing
What kind of accent do they have?
I'll provide where they grew up and also their parents or other languages they know that could influence their way of pronouncing certain phonemes. Hopefully that gives an idea. Most of their parents are Alii (weird exceptions, don't make me explain) but I'll give the accent closest to what their accents would sound like.
Noelle - from suburban Houston area but also only with her mom, who has what to our ears sounds like an English accent
Rose - also from suburban Houston area, is bilingual and speaks Spanish (Mexican dialect) at home
Kelsey - from suburban Houston area and parents are also from there
Robbie - from suburban Dallas-Fort Worth area, parents have what is close to English and German accents, bilingual as he does know "Alii German"
Akash - from suburban Dallas-Fort Worth area, bilingual and speaks Hindi with his mom
Hye-Jin - from suburban Houston area, she's bilingual as her parents are "Alii Korean" and speak that language
Damn, that was a lot. Sorry bout that
✨Noelle intro✨
✨Rose intro✨
✨Kelsey intro✨
Other Robbie: OC in three, OC in fifteen, Picrew, outfit, two truths and a lie, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, fun facts
Other Akash: OC in three, OC in fifteen, interview, Picrew, two truths and a lie, kiss, outfit, fun facts, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, questionnaire three
Other Hye-Jin: OC in three, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, bingo, origin, fun facts, outfit
I'll tag @tabswrites @novel-nook-blog @authorcoledipalo @theeccentricraven @willtheweaver
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
Blank questions:
What uncommon/common fear do they have? Do they have any pet peeves? What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? What do they notice first in a person? On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?What animal represents them best? What is a smell that they dislike? Have they broken any bones? How would a stranger likely describe them? Are they a night owl or a morning bird? What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? Do they have any hobbies? Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? Do they like to wear jewelry?Do they have neat or messy handwriting? What are the two emotions they feel the most? Do they have a favorite fabric?What kind of accent do they have?
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anyablackwood · 14 days
OC Deep Dive Tag
Thanks for the tag, @mysticstarlightduck! Going with Seraphina from Asteria Heights!
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Playlist (tbh I don't really do these. So I'm kinda just listing whatever comes to mind lmao):
The Vampire Masquerade by Peter Gundry
The Weirdos Waltz by Peter Gundry
Waltz of Memories by Pierre-Alexandre Monin
Rich Girl by Gwen Stefani
Fabulous from High School Musical 2
Summary of Vibes:
If Sharpay Evans was a greedy, old-money nightmare wrapped in an immortal 12-year-old's body
But also if she was dressed like a Victorian porcelain doll
Resident information broker and deal-maker. Anything you want, and anything you want to know, all available for a price.
A witch AND a vampire. Because the rich keep winning apparently
The center of several urban legends both in and outside of her community
biggest debate in town: Is She Actually Twelve, Or is it Just Vampirism (being half makes the aging rate wonky)
second-biggest debate: How the Fuck Does She Know These Things
honestly, I'd give her and her family more flak for being so wealthy... but imagine being part of a race that can live for centuries and still being unable to build some savings? Like just walk into the sun at that point?
It's "self-made wealth" when you tricked the IRS into thinking you were 6 different descendants of yourself the past few decades as you continue to make investments and trade deals and buy out your competitors... allegedly
CEO of creepy ass smiles and the Customer Service Voice
Gently Tagging: @macabremoons, @talesofsorrowandofruin, @maiemorrae, and anyone else who wants in!
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the-golden-comet · 3 months
✨🏴‍☠️OC Deep Dive Tag🏴‍☠️✨
Thank you for tagging me here, @mysticstarlightduck ! I’m gonna lightning round for Peter from Peter Hart
Phobias: None known
Other fears: Losing Benjamin and crew members/found family
Pet peeves: Smokers/Any smoking
3 items you can find in his bedroom: sword, rum, Benjamin storage chest
What does he notice first in a person? How much wealth they’re carrying
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is his pain tolerance? With 10 being the highest pain tolerance: 9.5
Does he go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? Fight mode, usually with a flintlock if available, or his scimitar.
Does he come from a big family/are they a family person? Peter is an only child to his biological parents, but his found family is his crew, who he inherited after Captain Johnathan Hart’s death. His gang is his everything, and he loves his large crew of dads (and Benjamin) very much.
What animal represents him best? A hart :)
What is a smell that he dislikes? Cigar/carcinogen smoke
Has he broken any bones? He’s dislocated his shoulder several times, but other than that no.
How would a stranger likely describe him? “Peter the Golden”….that notorious pirate with the golden hair? The one that robs ports and is wanted in more provinces that I can count on my fingers and toes? Would do anything to accumulate wealth and fortune, even if that means holding people at ransom? That guy?
Is he a night owl or a morning bird? More of a morning bird, but he has taken helm rotations at night when needed.
What is a flavor he hates and a flavor he loves? Hates the taste of blood, loves the taste of Benjamin rum.
Does he have any hobbies? Shooting contests, knife throwing at a target, singing sea shanties, dancing, fishing, frequenting taverns, sparring, free-climbing up cliffs.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How does he react to surprises? Bad idea. Peter has a gun and a happy trigger finger. If you’re lucky to not get shot, he’d have you in a headlock until you can explain yourself/tell him that you mean no harm.
Does he like to wear jewelry? Yes! Peter wears rings on all his fingers. They also double as pairs of “brass knuckles”
Does he have neat or messy handwriting? Messy. Very messy.
What are the two emotions he feels the most? Confident glee, and insanely romantic love for Benjamin (and psychopathy as a not-so-hidden third state of being)
Does he have a favorite fabric? Whatever his father’s clothes are. So….cotton?
What kind of accent does he have? British (voice headcanon below)
Thank you for these deep dive questions! I’m going to leave this tag +open for anyone else who wishes to take the OC deep dive as well! ✨
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willtheweaver · 3 months
OC deep dive tag
TY for the open tag @the-golden-comet
Here is Fen:
Phobias: Very slight acrophobia
Other fears: Having his secret discovered, losing those close to him
Pet peeves: arrogance, slander, cockiness
3 items you can find in his bedroom: Music box, bed (obviously), pitcher of water
First thing he notices in a person: Body language
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is his pain tolerance? A solid 7
Does he go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? Yes, and if push comes to shove, it’s fight all the way.
Does he come from a big family/ are they a family person? No to the first one. His biological family are all dead. Only his adoptive father is still alive. Closest thing to a family are the group of friends he has made.
What animal represents them the best? A crow (literally, that’s what he is)
What is a smell he dislikes? Rotting flesh, sulphur and ammonia
Has he broken any bones? Yes
How would a stranger describe him? Very strange and peculiar looking. You see, Fen conceals himself before going out of doors. As long as no one gets too close or looks for too long, he can pass for a fox, albeit a very unusual looking one.
Is he a night owl or a morning bird? Morning bird
What is a flavor he hates, and a flavor he loves? Hates anything sulfurous or deeply fermented. Likes savory and sweet
Does he have any hobbies? Spear fishing, darts, whittling
Boom,surprise birthday party! How does he react to surprises? Either is happy, or triggers the fight response
Does he like to wear jewelry? No
Does he have neat or messy handwriting? It’s legible, not too fancy
What are the two emotions he feels the most? Determination and restlessness
Does he have a favorite fabric? Hemp cloth
What accent does he have? I’d imagine somewhere between a UP (Upper Peninsula) and Acadian.
Leaving this tag open for anyone interested! Enjoy!
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tabswrites · 27 days
OC Deep Dive Tag
Tagged by: @kaylinalexanderbooks here!
Tagging: @rachaellawrites @pandoras-comment-box @pheita @writingrosesonneptune @writernopal and an open tag! Blank questions are down below :)
Answering for Mara and Adrin this time!
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What's their uncommon/common fear?
Mara: She's afraid of being insignificant. She likes being of use and contributing to the world, even in small ways.
Adrin: Dude is terrified of horses. He doesn't understand why they're so big, and the thought of being stepped on accidentally stresses him out to no end. He's also not super comfortable around bears.
Do they have any pet peeves?
Mara: Chewing with your mouth open.
Adrin: Other people taking bites of his food.
What are three items you can find in their bedroom?
Mara: (Mara is homeless, so we're going to replace the word "bedroom" with "bag"). Blank parchment, a lump of charcoal and a waterskin.
Adrin: A square piece of reflective glass (not cool enough to call it a mirror), a jar of flaxseed oil for his hair and a gold armband. The armband is actually a Bajuband, taken as a trophy from the leader of the Forsaken and gifted to Adrin by his father.
What do they notice first in a person?
Mara: How they treat other people.
Adrin: Their eyes.
On a scale of 1-10, how is their pain tolerance?
Mara: 10/10
Adrin: 9/10
Do they go into fight or flight mode under pressure?
Mara: *cat hissing sounds*
Adrin: He's a fighter and a lover.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Mara: No, she was raised by two strangers, mostly in isolation. She finds family dynamics deeply uncomfortable to navigate.
Adrin: His family is small but they have plenty of love. He did want a large family one day, before I turned him into a...
What animal represents them best?
Mara: Owl, for obvious reasons. But also because she values wisdom and she's incredibly independent.
Adrin: Golden retriever. He's a little foolish and a lot cute, but he would tear a b*tch apart if provoked.
What is a smell that they dislike?
Mara: Rotting fruit, cinnamon
Adrin: Hay, carrots
Have they broken any bones?
Mara: She is missing a finger so...kind of?
Adrin: Oh, yes. His nose, three times. Two of his ribs, his arm, his jaw. A couple of fingers at one point.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Mara: Tall, scary. Rough voice that disarms you at first. Dangerous.
Adrin: Just a good lad. Handsome, fit, perfectly polite.
Night owl or morning bird?
Mara: Night owl...which will have to change for her, unfortunately.
Adrin: He's definitely a morning bird. Loves being up to watch the sun rise.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Mara: She looooves honey. And butter. Hates cinnamon and cloves.
Adrin: Hates blueberries and loves apples.
Do they have any hobbies?
Mara: Haggling for books
Adrin: He used to love climbing trees when he was younger
Boom, surprise birthday party!!! How do they react to surprises?
Mara: Obviously, Hettie would be throwing the party, so she would do her best to feign enthusiasm and give her plenty of gratitude. After everyone went home, she would take her aside and politely request a more intimate gathering next year.
Adrin: Any party for Adrin has to include his best buddy and Milvar is terrible at keeping secrets. He would have to pretend to be surprised despite hearing about it days before. He's not the biggest fan of surprises, but luckily with Milvar around, there aren't many.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Too bad, because they have to for plot reasons.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Mara: A little hard to read because of all the flourishes, but it is very neat. She was forced to perfect her handwriting in school.
Adrin: He avoids writing as much as he can-he's not great with a quill.
What are two emotions they feel the most?
Mara: Anger and sadness
Adrin: Anger and sadness
Do they have a favorite fabric?
Mara: Velvet
Adrin: He doesn't really care.
What kind of accent do they have?
So this is definitely something I need to pay attention to during my edits, because the consistency is off and I'm still learning the structure and vernacular. Also, Caledon is inspired by Scotland, Western England, France and British Columbia so there will be some deliberate inconsistencies. If that makes sense.
Mara: Conservative RP (P&P 2005 has great examples of RP for reference)
Adrin: Contemporary RP
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What uncommon/common fear do they have? Do they have any pet peeves? What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? What do they notice first in a person? On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? What animal represents them best? What is a smell that they dislike? Have they broken any bones? How would a stranger likely describe them? Are they a night owl or a morning bird? What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? Do they have any hobbies? Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? Do they like to wear jewelry? Do they have neat or messy handwriting? What are the two emotions they feel the most? Do they have a favorite fabric? What kind of accent do they have?
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illarian-rambling · 2 months
Thanks for the tags @ominous-feychild and @theink-stainedfolk!
OC Deep Dive 🎶
How's about we give Sepo some spotlight? My grumpy siren could always use some love <3
What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Sepo generally lives about two steps from full panic at all times. His years at the bottom of the Trench food chain gave him an acute fear of being hunted or having his friends taken from him. Aside from that, he's afraid of being damned to hell. In book 1, he walks a heretical line with the god he follows. In book 2 and 3, some things are revealed to him that don't help this fear whatsoever. My man has some religious trauma, suffice to say.
Do they have any pet peeves?
Many, in fact. Sepo doesn't like loud noises or bright lights on account of his acute siren senses. People with no manners piss him off. People who think they're superior to him piss him off. People who are too timid also piss him off. Generally, if he's upright and aware, something is pissing him off.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
A leviathan-tooth dagger, a very plush quilt, and a stack of books.
What do they notice first in a person?
How much of a threat they pose. Sepo's eye is trained for hidden weapons, suspicious scars, or signs of sorcery.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
10/10 for physical pain. He's been through the damn ringer and is used to fighting through injuries. As for emotional pain, 4/10. It's hard to hurt his feelings because he really only cares about three people, but hurt any of them, and he shuts down. Or blows up. Depends on what his god is willing to offer him.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? (or freeze and fawn)
Fight. It used to be freeze, but then he spent a decade in prison and learned that those who strike first are more likely to be the ones to walk away. This isn't great for non-threats, as he'll pull a knife for anything. Bird rustling in the bushes? Knife is out. Friend running up to hug you from behind? Knife is out.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
In terms of biological family, it was just Sepo and his older brother Saius for most of his childhood. His mother, Carmira, was a prostitute and his father was an unknown client of hers. When she died of a disease, Sepo and Saius were sent to study as priests of Lamsara Hedandros. Things were fine until they weren't. Years later, after losing his brother, Sepo ended up with a little found family to hold dear to him. Izjik is his oldest friend. She's his soulmate and his other half. Twenari is like a little sister to him. They're the most similar in temperament and enjoy quiet reading time together. Djek is also like a little brother to Sepo, albeit a rather irritating one. But deep down, he loves to argue with the younger man and does his best to make sure he stays on the straight and narrow.
What animal represents them best?
A killer whale, I'd say. A dangerous, vengeful animal, but one with a strong sense of family.
What is a smell that they dislike?
The scent of blood. It means something has gone wrong.
Have they broken any bones?
Oh, definitely. He was running around with a broken arm for all of book 3, broke a wingfin in the Trench once, and has fractured more ribs, fingers, and toes than can be counted.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
"You see that unsettling fellow over there? The tall, gaunt one with the long, wavy brown hair? I think he's a siren. Those eyes don't lie - as black as the starless night they are. And he has skin that looks like it's just been introduced to the sun a week ago. ...I don't like that look he has."
Are they a night owl or an early bird?
Very much a night owl. Sepo would rather eat glass than get up early.
What is a flavour they hate and a flavour they love?
Due to the fact that he's missing his tongue, Sepo has a limited sense of taste and relies much more on texture to differentiate between foods. His favorite texture is that of caviar or couscous. Anything small, grainy, and soft. His least favorite texture is bread or anything similarly spongey.
Do they have any hobbies?
Despite the painful memories it can bring, Sepo loves music. He loves listening to it, writing it, and playing the fiddle. He also enjoys reading, usually nonfiction, but he does enjoy a good mystery from time to time.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Immediately draws a knife. Once he notices it's his friends, he'll calm down a bit, but still probably snap at them for startling him. After that, he'd actually be quite touched by their care. Not that he'd ever deign to express such a thing, of course.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Only on special occasions. Sepo can't afford much in the way of fancy things, so he saves anything he has for days that deserve it. He prefers silver jewelry and usually goes with some sort of hair piece.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Incredibly neat. He only learned to write Janazi characters rather recently, so he still makes spelling mistakes, but his letters are impeccable.
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Terrified rage and protective love.
Do they have a favourite fabric?
Probably silk. He has expensive tastes at heart.
What kind of accent do they have?
In my brain, he's upper-crust British. Canonically though, he has a very thick Llanaodan accent when he's using his telepathy ring. It's very sing-songy and all the words flow together. The closest Earth equivalent would be one of the romance languages but more musical.
I'll tag @mk-writes-stuff @theprissythumbelina @witchy-shortcake @thecomfywriter and anyone else who wants to play :)
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rebelangelsims · 5 months
OC Deep Dive
Thank you for the tag @stargazer-sims
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Edith Rose Rollins
What uncommon/common fear do they have? Being Unloved, forgotten and vampires; after her ex Nathan it became one of her fears being forgotten and not being able to make a huge difference scares her then vampires well they are part of the reason why her mother died.
Do they have any pet peeves? People butting into conversations or interrupting someone mid sentence
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? BTS and BT21 Merch, a cherry blossom bonsai tree, her magazine covers
What do they notice first in a person? Eyes and their smile along with their body language
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? 8
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? Fight mode you do not wanna mess with mama bear Edith, most times she can shut you up with one look.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? Edith is an only child and at the time it was only her mother Selene and herself later Nari adopted her; Edith does want to have a big family one day.
What animal represents them best? Whale or maybe a cat and I don't know why.
What is a smell that they dislike? Lynx deodorant, most men drown themself in it (I hate that smell too and it's the strong one, gives me a headache when they put too much on)
Have they broken any bones? Yep broke her ankle when her foot went to the side while walking causing her to fall and break her ankle when she was a child
How would a stranger likely describe them? Enchanting
Are they a night owl or a morning bird? Edith is more of a night owl I mean she is a moon witch after all but if she needs to can wake up early
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? oyster sauce she doesn't like and she loves anything spicy
Do they have any hobbies? Edith loves to play piano and loves to cook/bake plus she likes learning Kpop dances
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? Most of the time she knows about but she'll act surprise and she loves it makes her feel loved
Do they like to wear jewelry? Yep most of the time it's earrings, her moon necklace and her engagement/wedding ring
Do they have neat or messy handwriting? It's funny but Edith's signature is like super neat and if she really focuses on her handwriting it's neat but if she's being quick it's messy.
What are two emotions they feel the most? Love and Confidence
Do they have a favorite fabric? cotton and faux mink (like that blankets)
What kind of accent do they have? Edith is Australian so she has an Australian accent but she's been living in Seoul for five years so she's got a mix of a Australian and Korean accent.
I'm tagging @midnightsquartz @stillgotme @cautiously0ptimistic @salemsimss @seyvia
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