#[ it's crazy how much cleaning and tidying you can do once you start xD ]
despairforme · 11 months
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He'd like to play some kinda sport again.
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rawcherrycake · 7 months
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Right, let's do this one more time...
TMNT: Eden
My own TMNT fan iteration! I had lots of fun designing these guys and i'll admit one big inspo was @kaysdenofchaos Teenage Meddling Mutant Turtles! (i absolutely adore your boys i would kill and die for them,,)
I've tried different styles and dynamics, but so far this is my absolute favorite!
Alright, now let's properly introduce the Eden!turtles
The eldest at 19 years old
Mutant Bog Turtle
Energetic, playful, creative, a bit reckless, literally runs on spite, the most emotionally open, supportive, has incredibly high pain-tolerance, and don't even get me STARTED on his ability to hold his drinks
He was once told he was a boring goodie-two-shoes so he spent the rest of the day swearing like a sailor to prove a point, that's how spiteful he is
Has the most creative insults ever
His brothers know his spitefulness so if he ever forgets about his own well being his brothers are like "Bet you can't sleep 8 good hours" and he'll go "BET" AND DO IT
Not the smartest but has good intentions
Can go on hours ranting about the most random shit
Eats anything and everything, his stomach is probably made out of titanium
A great cook! Though don't ask for any surprise dishes, he can get... creative
An insomniac, his mask hides the eyebags pretty well
Probably has some kind of PTSD, but he doesn't like talking about it
CANNOT stand the smell of metal, it grosses him out
Unironically watches Super Nanny religiously
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A couple months younger than Mikey (so they joke they're twins)
Mutant Giant Softshell
Mikey doesn't aprove his younger twin being taller than him >:(
Sort of a jack-of-all-trades, mostly because he's very determined to learn as much as possible and learn how to do it properly
Which leads on him getting incredibly frustrated if he can't grasp something
Can't cook for shit
The responsible one
Very clean... Mostly. If he's tired (which is most of the time) he'll go into "to hell with it" mode and walk around the lair full of motor oil and mud (which then Raph has to clean up xD)
Tries to act cool and collected but he's just too big of a nerd
Terribly near-sighted
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16 years old
Mutant common snapping turtle
LOVES crazy make-ups and drag races but would never admit it
Surprisingly tidy and responsible
Plays the drums! He'd love to play electric guitar but having three fingers makes it incredibly hard
Great with animals
Homophobic gay (he'll accept himself soon enough xD)
Brash and reckless, anger issues (what a surprise), has severe RBF syndrome, even when he's calm and content he looks like he wants to murder someone
Near-sighted (doesn't wear glasses or contacts, which worsens his RBF)
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The family's baby at 8 years old
Mutant Musk Turtle
Very quiet but not shy at all, curious, calm, collected, obedient
Has no trouble talking but prefers signs
Loves fashion, knitting and sewing!
Doesn't like being alone or being in the dark
Is always eager to learn from his brothers, to the point where he can throw his well-being aside to try and impress them
Easily influenced, Raph loves playing pranks with him
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(Might change/add stuff later!)
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xmagicxshopx · 5 years
Moon Monsters - Chapter 9
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Genre: Fantasy Adventure, Romance, Comedy Rating: M Warnings: smut, unprotected sex (stay safe!!), knotting, mild language Pairing: Jungkook x reader, Jimin x oc, Taehyung x oc Notes: werewolf!bts au. Not idol!bts. Same goes for GOT7. Single quote marks ‘ ‘ are for thoughts and double “ “ are for talking. Additional Notes: Major crap happens in this chapter, gang. Be prepared. XD
Tagging: @och-ako @jiminnies-baby @justbangtanandjams @lizardsocial @breadcaaat @wordsturnintostories @jennierubyjane0116
Summary: You’re the CEO’s new personal assistant. But there’s something strange about him and the company you work for.
🌕 ~ ☽ ~ ☾ ~ 🐺 🐺 🐺 🐺 🐺 🐺 🐺 ~ ☽ ~ ☾ 🌕
You had to admit, waking up and not feeling like death itself was really really nice. There was no hard of breathing or body aches. It was nice......but it confused you greatly. People don’t just magically get over something like what you had overnight. You were practically on your death bed less than 24 hours ago and now you’re waking up in bed feeling amazing. Made no sense at all.
At the time, yesterday, you didn’t really question it. You were just so overjoyed to have your boyfriend back that it was all you could think about. But now that you’ve had time to get some good sleep and rest up, your mind is more clear and you’re starting to question things.
None of it made sense. Now that you were thinking about it, you’d have to ask Jungkook why he was licking you just yesterday evening. He had mentioned something about needing to be cleaned......Yeah. There were lots of questions and absolutely no answers. You let out a sigh as you stared at the wall of your boyfriend’s bedroom.
And then it hit you.
“Shi---- Work! I have to go to work!”
“Yah yah. Pipe it down, woman. Get over here.”
Suddenly, you were tugged down from your sitting up position to where you were now being spooned. Spooned by your very handsome and extremely warm boyfriend. Dang. He was like a space heater. Whining softly, you tried to wiggle out of his hold as you spoke up in a tone to match your soft sounds of complaint,
“Kookieeee. I have to get ready for work. I’m already late! Namjoon is g----”
“Namjoonie hyung already knows you’re not coming in today because you’re sick. You’re still recovering from your illness.”
When you were finally allowed to move, you rolled over onto your other side and naturally gave him a look of complete and utter confusion. He grinned from his laying position in bed next to you and added in further explanation,
“I called hours ago and told him you were still feeling unwell. He knows it’s a lie but because he’s the coolest boss ever, he’s granting us the day together.”
Well......It wasn’t a lie. You guys really did have an amazing boss. Namjoon was a great man and you were eternally grateful that he was your man in charge. Still feeling a little stunned, you blinked at your boyfriend as your head rested on the pillow. Humming in thought while you mulled everything over in your head, you eventually spoke up and said softly,
“Well.......If he’s okay with it.”
“He’s absolutely okay with it. And Jimin hyung has already taken care of your time sheet for you too. All is good, babe. You can relax now.”
Grinning even wider with a mischievous glint in his dark doe eyes, he pulled you back into his chest where you playfully whined in his face. Only halfheartedly wiggling this time around, you spoke up in a whining tone once more,
“Yaaaah. You’re too warm. I’m gonna get all sweaty and gross.”
“That’s just when we take a shower together.”
“Pffft. In your dreams, pal. Besides. I need to clean and tidy up the apartment. I really let it go this week with being sick and all.”
‘This is it, kid. She’s going to start nesting. She feels it. She feels that need to clean the den and prepare it for pups. Our pups.’
Jungkook had to bite back a groan of arousal as his member twitched ever so slightly. The mere idea of you preparing the apartment and nesting. Dear god you would look adorable all round and plump full of his pups. Who was he to deny your natural instincts? Smiling more warmly and hoping you hadn’t felt his arousal, he nodded and spoke casually while running his fingers through your bedhead,
“Very well, beautiful. Do what you need to do. But just know this is our day. Our weekend starts now. We have the next three days together. No work, no stupid people, no distance. Just us. Right here in our cozy apartment.”
“Our cozy apartment will be even better once I clean it. But I know you ended up cutting your vacation short because I got sick. So please don’t feel the need to stick around or anything. If there’s something you’d like to go out and do or----”
The rest of your sentence became muffled and quickly silenced when you suddenly felt a pair of soft lips molding against your own. You could feel the way he was kissing you that it was with purpose. Despite your guys’ morning breath, you eagerly kissed him back; mewling against his lips. Your hands found his chest and you gently clawed at the skin there; normally looking for a t-shirt to fist.
“Mmm. Babe. I gotta get up and clean. The place is so messy.”
You were surprised when he actually listened and pulled away from your lips completely. Staring into each other’s eyes, you almost felt a little intimidated by him. His stare was so intense but you couldn’t figure out what was going through his mind. Eventually he spoke up as he said softly,
“Just know that you did nothing wrong, okay? It was stupid of me to think I could go on this vacation and not miss you like crazy. But don’t worry, love. It’s not going to happen again. Next time, you’re coming with me. I promise you that. Right here with you is where I want to be.”
A sly smirk suddenly formed on his face while rolling the two of you over till he was now caging you in under his body. His nose gently nuzzling your own as he spoke an octave lower,
“Why else do you think I’m trying to keep you here in this bed.....my bed.....all to myself? Hmm?”
Dear god Jeon Jungkook was going to be the death of you. He was. You suddenly felt really really warm and the bulk of that heat was pooling to your core at a rapid speed. Embarrassingly enough, your walls clenched around nothing as your mind went wild; laying there underneath your fine piece of boyfriend. Wow. Wow wow.
Meanwhile, Jeon Jungkook was suffering. You smelled so good and the slick you were producing did not go by unnoticed as his canine nose was extremely sensitive. Even more now that he was going through heat. Oh yes. He was suffering. That arousal from earlier was growing and he couldn’t stop his erection at this point. He was beyond self control. Well mostly. Otherwise he would have started devouring you seconds ago.
“Can we just-----Have a little bit of fun first? Before you go all nesting and stuff.”
“Ne-Nesting??? It’s not nesting! I’m just----I’m just cleaning. There’s a difference.”
The male flashed you one of his signature bunny smiles as he watched you get all flustered once more. You were so cute all pouting and blushing like that. It was amazing how you still hadn’t caught on. Well.....that probably just meant you didn’t believe in such things as werewolves and magic. He couldn’t blame you, really.
You couldn’t help it. When you hear the word nesting, it makes you think of......kids. Was that what your boyfriend thought of too when he said it? Was he thinking about kids.....already??? Nah It had to be the slip of the tongue. Had to be. It was probably just the first word that came to his mind.....Right???
Gulping more audibly than you meant to, you stared up at him and noticed he was eyeing you up and down. Practically undressing you with his eyes. Eventually locking your gaze with his, it was then that he finally spoke up.
“We don’t have to do this if it makes you uncomfortable. I know we just became an official couple and all. I don’t want to move too fast for you. The last th----”
“I want it.”
You only gave a short few seconds pause before adding,
“I want this. And I want you.”
Silence filled the bedroom as the two of you stared into each other’s wide eyes. Both of you were just as shocked by your words with his doe eyes searching your face for something. Perhaps it was a trace of doubt or maybe he thought you were feeling pressured into saying such things. Not wanting there to be any such doubt, you quickly explained.
“I want to be with you in every way. Jungkook, I spent days looking the other way and trying to avoid these feelings that confused me for so long. I wasted a lot of precious time and I don’t want to lose another second.”
Your words touched him in all the right ways. His heat may be controlling most of his actions and words, but his heart was swelling with happiness. You wanted him. You wanted to be with him just as much as he wanted to be with you. Smiling a small, and perhaps sly smile, he replied softly with confidence,
“And you don’t have to. Not anymore.”
The next thing you knew, there was a clashing of lips, tongue, and teeth. His eagerness nearly took your breath away as his tongue shoved it’s way into your mouth to meet your own in a playful battle of dominance. Of course with him having caught you off guard, it was easy to overpower you and take control of the kiss. Not that you minded.
This was it. This was happening. Jungkook could feel his control slipping as his wolf practically begged to be let out. Mate. Mate mate mate mate mate. That was the only thing on the poor boy’s mind right now. Not exactly how he imagined having his first time with you.
Gosh your skin was so soft and your smell was intoxicating. Even more so with how drunk he was with heat. He could smell the slick you were producing and dear god he was going to lose it. If this was how you smelled, image how you’d taste. His mouth watered just thinking about it.
His lips traveled from your own, down to your jawline and further south to your neck. Oh how he wanted to mark you and make you his officially. In human respects, you were very official. But from a wolf’s point of view, you were still a free agent to any other canine. Something that made Jungkook’s hair stand on end and making him extremely territorial.
“I’m gonna fill you up so good, pet. Gonna fill you with my pups.”
Oh shit.
Yeah. Control was definitely hanging by a thread. The young man froze as he had his nose pressed into your neck; caging you in under his body. Fear was an emotion that was new to Jungkook, honestly. There was very little in life that actually scared him. But right now, in this moment as he towered over you, he was literally scared stiff.
“Aigoo. I didn’t realize you were into role play, Kookie. So if we’re talking pups, does that make me your bitch?”
Oh dear lord. That went straight to his cock. You were too busy grinning up at him to notice the twitch in his length. Okay so the moment was extremely bittersweet for him. He didn’t blow his cover but also you thought he was just into role playing. Gosh if only you knew the truth. He was so close to just outing himself right then and there.
“Damn right, you are. You’re my bitch who I’m going to breed. You’ll look so beautiful all swollen and plump. These breasts full of milk for our offspring.”
It was amazing how natural those words came to him. Perhaps Jungkook himself was no longer a pup. He was a young man who was going to start a beautiful family with you. You, his beautiful she-wolf. He wondered what color of fur you’d have when he goes to turn you. Of course that was under the impression the two of you made it that far.
His words must have turned you on just as much as they did him because he could smell a fresh batch of slick dripping between your thighs. Now it was his turn to grin down at you as you blushed a pretty shade of pink. Not wanting to let this opportunity pass, the dominating side of him came out as he asked teasingly,
“You like that idea, pet? You want to have my pups? You want me to breed you?”
“Yes. Yes, please. I want to have your babies. All of them.”
You weren’t going to lie, you had already had plenty of daydreams about carrying his children. You wanted a family and you wanted it with Jungkook. But of course the rational side of you knew that it was way too early to be seriously considering children. Hence why you were on birth control. Not to mention you two weren’t even engaged yet. You just started your relationship but for some reason you were just so......sure. You were sure about Jungkook. Did that make sense?
“Then all my babies you shall have, my love.”
He wanted to take you right then and there. Just flip you over and start plowing you from behind. But he knew you’d need to be prepped first. Despite the fact that you were literally dripping all over the bed sheets. Besides......He wanted a taste before he had his way with you.
“But first, I need to get you ready.”
“Baaabe.....I’m dripping. I’m ready. Don’t make me wait!”
Gosh you were so cute when you whined like that. All needy and begging for him. Grinning with a mischievous glint in his eyes, he slowly crawled down your body till he was right where he wanted to be; between your legs with his face mere centimeters from your dripping core.
“But first----This has got to go.”
You watched with building anticipation as he carefully tugged off your matching panties from your babydoll nightie set. The cool air of the bedroom hit your core and you immediately clenched around nothing; causing slick to ooze down between your folds. This definitely didn’t go by unnoticed as a loud groan filled the room.
“God, babe. I bet you taste delicious. Forgive me. I can’t wait any longer.”
It was a bit surreal to realize you were about to do the dirty with your coworker. But something told you it would be even more odd when it came time for you both to go back to work. What would happen to your working relationship? Would things be different? Would you be able to keep things professional? All those thoughts left you when you suddenly felt a hot, wet muscle swipe up your folds.
“Eyes on me, my pretty pet.”
The predatory look in his eyes had your walls clenching around nothing once more. Ugh. You just wanted him in you.....now. But you did as he ordered and watched him as he once again leaned in and swiped his tongue up between your folds; catching all your slick that had collected over the last several minutes. Upon tasting you, you watched him shut his eyes and a long, drugged out moan filled the bedroom.
“You taste amazing. Better than I could have imagined. I’m going to devour you, babe.”
Meanwhile, you were quickly turning into a heaving mess. It was hard to watch him when your chest kept rising and falling like that. Propping yourself up on your elbows, you looked down at the scene between your legs and spoke between heavy breaths,
“Yes. Please. Ruin me, baby. I want it so bad.”
That was when you watched him grip the back of your knees so that he could swing your legs over his shoulders; your heels gently digging into his bare back. Spreading your thighs further apart, it allowed him more room for his next attack. You subconsciously licked your dry lips as your eyes never left him; watching his every move like a hawk which he loved.
Not wanting to send your body into some kind of state of shock, he eased forward and gave a tentative lick up your folds. Once he was sure you’d be good, he gained more confidence and dove right in. It was like he was a man starving. Which, in a way, wasn’t far from the truth. He had gone all week of his heat without any relief. Well now it was time.
“Oh god. You taste so good. I could eat you out for hours and still want more.”
Meanwhile, you were a hot mess. Your body shivered and your thighs shook as he continued to taste you. Your hips would buck whenever his tongue brushed up against your sensitive clit. No longer able to hold yourself up, you fell back against the sheets with your head cradled by pillows. It wasn’t till he suddenly added two fingers that you started moaning uncontrollably.
Using the two fingers in a scissoring motion, he helped stretch you out while still pleasuring the both of you. He wasn’t kidding when he said he could sit here and taste you for hours and hours. You were so tight too; it had to have been awhile since you last had any kind of real relief. Not that he was judging. It just meant you’d be extra tight for him which he loved.
Your breathing had long become labored. It had been so long since you last had sex that honestly you had almost forgotten how wonderful it could feel. So naturally it didn’t take long for your first orgasm to build. That time was only growing shorter when he started pumping those two digits and curved them at just the right angle to find your spot. That spot. The one where you saw stars constantly exploding in your vision and jolts of pleasure ran up and down your spine.
“Kook----I’m not gonna last----Ah god!”
But he never responded. At least not vocally. No. Jungkook simply picked up the pace as he started sucking on your clit harder and nearly ramming his fingers into you; adding a third finger to boot. The squelching sounds his fingers made were embarrassing to your ears and made you cover your face with both arms. But to him it sounded sexy as hell because it meant he was doing a good job.
He could feel your walls starting to clench uncontrollably around his fingers and that only egged him on to finish you off. To tip you over the edge so that you could fall into a state of pure bliss. He wanted to make his mate feel just as amazing as she made him feel. And that was when he heard you screaming his name.
“Jungkook! I’m cumming!”
Again, the young man remained silent as he worked his lover over; milking you for all you were worth. He loved the feeling of your body shaking under his fingertips while your walls tried to suck his three digits in even further like your life depended on it. He could only imagine what you’d do when it was his cock making you feel this good.
Meanwhile, you were in a state of pure euphoria. Your vision having gone white when your orgasm hit you like a semi truck. The thing about Jungkook, he knew how to help you ride out your orgasm rather than just suddenly stopping once you hit your peak of pleasure. He seemed like a real natural so you wondered if he had done this before.
Truth be told, Jungkook was a virgin but one would never know it. He had plenty of opportunities to relieve himself with other packs’ females during his heats, but he had always insisted on his first time being with his mate. For a young one, he was quite traditional and old fashioned. Something that his pack leader Namjoon was fond of.
Like a good mate, the young man was diligent in cleaning you up. He knew you’d be a bit sore so he slowly licked at your swollen lips and did his very best to soothe you after coming down from your first high. He could hear your breathing heavy but trying to even out and your heart was trying to get back to a normal rate.
“Wow. That was amazing, Kook. I didn’t even know orgasms could feel like that.”
Okay. Now that took him by surprise. Suddenly stopping, his head popped up between your legs and honestly the sight was kind of comical. The look of complete surprise and confusion on his face was priceless. Blinking his doe eyes, he asked hesitantly,
Your face had already been pretty flushed from the warm up round, but now you were blushing for an entirely different reason. Trying to not shy away from the eye contact, you swallowed dryly and said timidly,
“Yeah.....My past partners.....They um.....Well let’s just say they were all take and very little give.”
To your great surprise, you heard a growl. A growl. It sounded so.....menacing. You felt your body turn a bit cold and you looked to see the expression on your boyfriend’s face. He looked absolutely furious. It actually made you quite nervous.
‘Ease, kid. You’re scaring her. I know it’s infuriating but just remember, she’s ours now and no one else’s. We’re the ones taking care of her now. Just relax. Breathe.’
Taking deep breaths to help calm himself down, Jungkook shut his eyes tight but only for a moment. Finding his inner peace as best he could given the circumstances, he finally locked eyes with you once more and spoke softly.
“That’s horrible. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Whether it be sex or making love, it should still be an intimate act where both partners feel good at the end, not just one.”
Wow. You were in shock. You had no idea that Jungkook felt that way. In fact, you were impressed that he distinguished a difference between what was considered having a simple, clean and cut good time and what was considered something deeper with more meaning to it. And with that in mind you finally said with a soft voice,
“Make love to me, Jungkook.....Please......I want it.......I want you. All of you.”
It was like something in him had snapped. There you were, there you lay. His mate in all her half naked glory. The love that swirled in both of your eyes was intense and neither one of you wanted to break the connection. Licking his lips and trying not to let the beast within out, Jungkook said just as softly,
“Then roll over for me, pet. And I’ll give you every inch of me and all my love along with it.”
You wasted absolutely no time in following his request. Although you did take a moment to rid yourself of the last article of clothing you had on. Your body was slick with sweat and any kind of clothing was now considered more than uncomfortable. With you now laying on your stomach, you heard a low groan along with sounds of fabric rubbing against skin come from behind you.
“Have you always had such a nice ass or have I just now started paying attention?”
The snort that left you was accompanied by a wide smile and a look of great amusement on your face. Turning your head to try and glance over at him from behind you as best you could, you ended up propping yourself up on your elbows and replied casually,
“I personally felt that my ass has always been nice. But who’s to say, you know?”
“Well I say it’s absolutely amazing. And it’s all mine.”
A small yelp of surprise mixed with pain filled the room when you suddenly felt a large hand make contact with your left cheek. The urge to rub the sore spot on your bum was strong but your lover beat you to it. That same large and warm hand started to rub the spot soothingly.
“Feels amazing too. But enough of that. It’s time, pet. Time for me to fill you with all my pups.”
You instantly became tense but in all the best ways. Anticipation. There you were with your perky bum up in the air and ready for him. You could feel your arousal trying to run down your inner thighs. The sight your boyfriend had......you could only imagine the look on his face but you never looked back to find out. To try and entice him, you wiggled your bum a bit.
However, all that got you was another slap to the butt cheeks. Granted it wasn’t as hard but the surprise of it still caused a squeak to leave your lips. Looking back over your shoulder, you could see Jungkook staring down at you with dark eyes. It was like he was possessed by his lust. Kind of sexy, really. You watched him make a hand motion for you to face forward again and so you did.
That was when he really took you by surprise.
Perhaps you were a little biased, but it felt like his member was made for you. The stretch was, dare you say, delicious. He had just the right girth and his length reached the deepest part of you that no other man had ever managed before. Wow. Like really wow.
Despite his lust, he was a true gentleman and stayed still while fully sheathed inside you; your walls already trying to suffocate him. Dear god you felt amazing. He couldn’t wait to mate with you and finally make you his. Granted he had already imprinted on you but still. It was then that your shaky voice drew him out of his thoughts.
“Yo-Y-You can mm-mo-oove now, K-Kook.”
Still being gentle, the young male let out a shaky breath of his own as he slowly eased himself out till only his tip remained and carefully slid forward once more. He knew he was slightly larger than normal males and it had been awhile for you so he wanted to take it easy on you......this time.
After awhile, your moans intermingled with his own as you felt the pain from the stretch slowly turning into a deep seeded pleasure. No longer distracted by said pain, you were slowly becoming more aware of everything else. Like the way his fingers dug into your hips; controlling your movements as he needed. You became increasingly aware of just how big he really was and it made your mouth water.
“God, Kook, you feel so good. Faster. Please.”
“You want it faster? You like it rough, my pretty pet? You want my bruises to remind you of who you belong to? Hmm?”
“Yes! God, yes! Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes! Please!”
It was amazing how.....needy you were. Perhaps greedy was a more appropriate word. Yes. You were greedy for his cock.  Never before had anyone made you feel this good. Just then, you felt him picking up his pace and the moan you released was both loud and wanton. If it hadn’t been for both your hands being preoccupied gripping the bed sheets, you would have tried covering your mouth.
You were absolutely beautiful when you begged like that. If you kept behavior like this up, Jungkook wasn’t going to last long. Then again, who could blame the poor kid after the rough week he’s had? He’s waited all week for this and now the moment was finally here. The moment he would finally mate with his beautiful she-wolf and breed her like she was meant to be.
“That’s it, beautiful. Moan for me. Scream for me. Cum for me!”
You were definitely close. There was no doubt about it. With the way he was hitting you in all the right places; finding your g-spot like he had known where it was all along. That painful knot in your lower belly was tight but it was like there was something stopping you from tipping over the edge. Something was holding you back from falling into pure bliss.
Sensing just as much, your boyfriend knew exactly what you needed. Like a good mate, he released one of his bruising hands from your hips and nimble fingers were swift as they found their target. Your clit. Drawing figure eights over your sensitive bundle of nerves, he could only hope he would send you to Heaven and back.
Suddenly, your moans turned into screams as you started clawing at the sheets instead of merely tugging on them. It was amazing. You had turned practically wild with overwhelming pleasure and Jungkook’s inner wolf was here for it. He was here for all of it. His tail wagging like a happy pup.
‘She’s beautiful, kid. She’s taking us so well. Look at her! I bet her howls will be just as gorgeous as she is!’
But the poor boy wasn’t really listening. He was too busy chasing his own high. He was so close! Sweat practically poured down his toned body as he was finally about to relieve himself of his painful heat. Feeling you spasm around his length finally broke him and he let out a roar of pleasure as his thrusting grew sloppy and his fingers left your clit to grip your hip once more.
With one final thrust, Jungkook completely sheathed himself inside you and let his seed coat your walls and fill your womb. Wow. Wow wow. How he had managed to go so long without feeling this kind of euphoria was beyond him. This was way better than his past heats when he’d have to try and relieve the pain himself.
The two of you were basking in the after glow of bliss. You with your face and lower body long planted into the sheets; your body too exhausted to keep itself up on it’s own. Your ragged breathing muffled from the fabric. Jungkook held you firmly in place so that he could soak up this amazing feeling and accomplishment. He had finally mated with the woman he was fated with. All was good.
That is.......till another canine attribute of his decided to make itself known.
‘Oh shit.’
As you laid there trying to recover from the mind-blowing orgasm, you felt something......happening.....And it confused you greatly. Something painful was happening down where your bodies were still connected. Eyebrows knitting together in said confusion, your body instinctively tried to move away from whatever was causing it discomfort.
However, your boyfriend’s grip only grew tighter as he gently shushed you in what was meant to be a soothing fashion. Despite his attempt to try and distract you with peppered kisses to your back, the pain was growing worse. It felt like something was expanding and was trying to rip your vagina down the middle. In a strained voice, you spoke.
“K-Kook. Wh-What’s-----God what’s happening!? What’s going on!? Why does it suddenly hurt!?”
“Shhh. It’s okay, beautiful. It’ll be over soon. I promise. Let me move us so that we’re more comfortable.”
He had completely forgotten about his knot. So consumed by his heat that he never even thought about having to explain that part of his canine nature. Even the cover-up of role playing couldn’t explain that. Talk about a bittersweet moment.
Your soft whimpers of pain broke his heart as he laid the two of you on your sides; you basically becoming the little spoon and he the big spoon. You felt one of his hands on your lower stomach and couldn’t believe how.....full it felt. Was that from his cum?! You were all kinds of confused and mentally in a frenzy while he laid there behind you trying to soothe you in any way he could.
“Babe......I........I have a confession to make........”
“I swear, Kook. If you tell me this was all just for a chance to get in my pants and that you’re breaking up with me, I’m gonna throw hands! I’ll cut your balls off and make you eat them! I’ll----”
“I’m a werewolf.”
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Fifty-Four: Phone Rings ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Hyūga Hanabi, Haruno Sakura ] [ SasuHina, NaruSaku ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
The waiting is killing her.
All day she’s tried to do other things to distract herself. Cleaning house, doing laundry, washing up dishes, even yard work in the tiny little lawn out front. But still, the phone doesn’t ring.
Sitting at her computer, curled up in her chair, Hinata idly browses a few sites, not really paying them any mind. Just clicking, scrolling, reading, watching...all in one ear and out the other. When she catches herself rereading the same line of a random article for the tenth time, she sighs, gets up, and flops face-first onto her bed with a groan.
This is the worst…!
All she wants is one phone call. Just one to let her know what’s happened. Then she’ll finally be able to relax.
...the silence is deafening.
Then -
As soon as the jingle of her cell goes off, she launches from the bed, scrambling to get ahold of her mobile and hit the proper button. “H-hello?!”
Almost immediately, she takes a deep breath, wilting and letting it out as a shaking sigh. “There you are!”
“I’m sorry, it’s been a madhouse -”
“Are you all right?”
“I’m fine.”
“But the news said -”
“You should know better than to trust the news. I’m fine. Not a scratch on me.”
“Oh thank goodness…”
“Did you feel any of it there?”
“Just a very light tremor for a minute or two.”
“Yeah...it was crazy here. But I was actually on the ground, snagging breakfast from a local place. A few windows broke and things fell over, but no one there was majorly hurt.”
“Including you.”
“Including me. I’m fine. I will be home late, though - several airport runways are cracked and need to be repaired. Flights are going to be very slow.”
“Can...can you drive to another airport?”
“Well...yeah, I could. I’d have to buy another ticket.”
“That’d be f-fine.”
Sasuke breathes a light laugh into the phone. “I’ll be all right. And I’ll keep you updated. My phone was in my room, and it took a few hours before I could get my stuff. They wanted to be sure it was safe.”
“Don’t worry. Everything’s fine. I’m not hurt, and I’ll be home in a few days, max. If it looks like it’ll be a huge delay, I’ll find another airport. Okay?”
“I love you.”
In spite of herself, Hinata smiles softly. “...I love you, too. See you soon…”
“I’ll text you when something changes.”
“All right.”
For a long moment after the click of Sasuke’s phone, Hinata keeps hers held to her ear, staring at nothing as her mind goes oddly blank. In the wake of her panic, now calmed, she’s just...a bit empty.
...then she thinks to fix some lunch.
Her phone reminas glued to her side. From cooking to eating to doing the dishes. There’s a startle as it rings again, picking up when she sees Hanabi’s name. “Hello?”
“Hey! Heard anything yet?”
“Yes...he’s fine, just...stuck for now. Something about the r-runways being messed up, so...they can only let a few planes through at a time.”
“Oh man, that sucks...does he still have his hotel room?”
“I…I’m not sure. I know he was able to go get his things, but...he didn’t say.”
“Oh...well, I bet he’ll find someplace to stay. Then again, everyone else is gonna be thinking the same thing, huh?”
“Well, he’ll get home soon, then you can stop worrying!” A pause, Hinata not replying before her sister asks, “...hey, you want me to come over?”
“What? Oh...I don’t know if -”
“I know how you get when you’re like this. I don’t want you to just sit and mope alone in your house for the next few days! I bet Dad wouldn’t mind, and I can drive!”
“What about school?”
“Oh please, I can drive from your place there! It’s not that much farther.”
Nibbling her lip, Hinata can’t think of any other excuses. “Oh...all right.”
“Yay! Gimme like...half an hour and I’ll be there.”
“Okay...bye, Hanabi.”
Hanging up, Hinata considers her phone before managing a hint of a smile. In truth, her sister always knows when she’s in trouble. Issues with their father aside, the girls are best friends, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
With no tidying left to do before she gets there, Hinata just...sits and waits, reading a bit before hearing her sister’s car pull into the driveway.
“Hey! You okay?”
“I’m fine, Hanabi - really.”
“Well, either way, I’m gonna just hang here for a day or two, okay?”
Having brought a few days’ supplies, the younger Hyūga sister makes herself right at home. It’s hardly the first time she’s visited her sister and brother-in-law’s place.
“Wanna watch a movie?”
“Ooh, I’ll make popcorn! Got any soda?”
“Um...maybe?” Leaving Hanabi to rummage through the kitchen, Hinata browses through Netflix until her phone rings again.
“Oh my gosh, Hinata! I just got off work and heard what happened - have you heard from Sasuke?!”
“Yes, I have - he’s f-fine, but he’s stuck in the city until they fix the tarmacs.”
“Oh, shit...I didn’t even think about that...are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine. Hanabi is here with me, actually.”
“Well if you need anything, let me know! Naruto’s out of town too, but...he’s the other direction.”
“I will, Sakura - thank you. I’ll be all right.”
“I mean it now, Hinata! I know how you get about asking for help -”
“It’ll be all right, really!”
“Because I will march up there if I have to -!”
“I know you will.” Tone a bit weary at the rosette’s insistence, she manages to get her off the phone after a few more promises to call the moment something comes up. Sometimes Sakura feels less like a friend and more like an overprotective mother…
“Pick a movie yet?”
“Oh, no - not yet. Sakura called.”
“Yeah, your phone’s gonna be off the hook for a while, huh?”
“That’s all right, I don’t mind.” Accepting her bowl of popcorn, Hinata lets Hanabi take control of the remote, snuggling back into the couch with a sigh. Once a film starts (one she doesn’t happen to recognize), Hanabi in turn nestles up to her sister, quietly munching her snack.
She’s sure there’ll be more phone calls over the next few days. But at least she knows he’s all right...and he’ll be home soon.
Until then, she’ll just have to be patient.
...and try not to pace worried paths into the floor.
     ...this is really random but I spent all my free time today working on another entry for the ship event I'm hosting, and uh...I had very little time left over to do this ^^; I didn't even finish the other fic, ahaha...but! In the morning, lol      Anywho, this prompt was one of those ones that's like, "...uh, okay?" - it didn't really...spark anything, for lack of a better word. Some prompts I read and it's just like YES OKAY I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT TO WRITE. Others are kinda...creative duds xD But I did my best to make something of this with low inspiration and limited time ^^;      BUT for now I reallllly need to get to bed, so...that's all for tonight! Thanks for reading n_n
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calliecat93 · 6 years
I saw your latest ask meme and thought I’d ask you for the classic criteria. Grimmons perhappeth? Thanks!
I am on it! Okay so this has... 40+ questions on it? Ho boy... well RIP my fingertips. But for you dear Anon, I will endure it!
how did they first kiss? Gosh, ugh... so this is going off my headcanons about if Grimmons was always canon and happening all along. So during Blood Gulch, they’re both bored, Sarge is driving them cray, Donut isn’t doing them any favors, and I absolutely believe that Grif has had a crush on Simmons since basic. I believe that at some point... lets say during the in-between time of the first two seasons, Grif finds out about Simmons being a virgin and mocks him relentlessly as you would expect. Eventually, Simmons gets genuinely pissed and snaps at him, also in part due to going as crazy form boredom/his own crush that he’s ignoring. So Grif... well... offers to fix that problem. At first Simmons thinks that Grif’s finally lost it and refuses, but Grif kinda talks him into it and the more that Simmons contemplates it, the harder it is for him to ignore the urge. They don’t really have ‘sex’ the first time since Simmons is... well, Simmons so Grif at most probably gave him a handjob or something as a preview of what’s to come. But it did end with Simmons giving into it and kissing Grif, to both of their shocks. Simmons frantically pulled back, but Grif encouraged him to continue and they both ended up liking it and would continue in private as they explored this new relationship. So yeah, they’re first kiss was in a heat of passion, but a kiss nonetheless... and WOW did I go on with that answer XD
who flirts more? Grif. Easily. I’m not even sure if Simmons realy understands the concept of flirting, but he tries. He’s just... not good at it. Grif though? He has no problems.
how did the relationship start? Okay so I explained my theory about the ‘friends with benefits’ thing int he first ask, so lets talk about how it became an actual relationship. The friend with benefits thing would be something that keeps going until the transfer out of Blood Gulch. By the time that they got to Rats Nest, Grif had realized that he was in love with Simmons, but Simmons was still unsure. Mainly he realized that he was falling for Grif, but due to his own insecurities was terrified of making the commitment. He felt bad for dragging Grif along into something that Simmons feels that he can’t keep so sometime before they’re about to be executed he broke it off. Grif was unhappy because he knew by then that Simmons felt the same, but refused to accept it. Simmons came close to admitting it when they’re about to be executed, but Grif derailed it since he was still pissed and didn’t want to hear it t death’s door. This would continue during Recollection and I can see them having a moment or two of weakness during Valhalla, like Simmons using Holo-Grif to satisfy his needs/they to make himself confess, but all it does is make the strain worst. So how does it get fixed? Well they start to do better after escaping Wash and the Meta with Grif agreeing to give Simmons time, but he can only wait for so long. What finally gets Simmons to accept his feelings is when Grif almost falls off the cliff. During whatever they were doing before Carolina showed up, and probably during it too, Simmons came to terms with how he felt, got Grif alone, took the initiative without Grif needing to provoke him to for the first time, kissed him, and finally confessed his feelings. Grif found it nerdy and cheesy as Hell... but dear Lord did he give into it. From there, there were still issues as with any relationship, but they’ve been in love ever since.
how did they start living together? do they move? how do they choose the place? They both got shipped to Blood Gulch. They didn’t get a choice in it. As for how the move went, I assume that they had little time to get whatever they had together. Simmons got his stuff all nice and organized and loaded it onto the Pelican... and Grif just threw all of his stuff haphazardly into it. So during the whole trip Simmons had to clean it up, cursing at Grif at every moment, while Grif napped during the entire trip.
do they have roommates? Sarge, Donut, Lopez, and sometimes the Blues and Carolina depending on if they get separate bases or not. They all drive each other crazy, but it does make being intimate difficult when neither Donut or Tucker will quit prying about it.
do they get married (or equivalent)? I want to believe that when they do eventually have a moment on Earth to do so, they will get married. For now, they’re unofficially married. I think maybe they’ve talked about the idea and Grif suggesting they go tot he Vegas Quadrant and just do it there before anyone can find out.
do they have kids? No. If Geoff is to be believed, thy will when science is possible but I don’t take that seriously, especially since he said that a decade ago. If they did though, I’d be all for it!
do they have pets? No. I headcanon that Grif had a cat back home because Sister found one and she made him let her keep it. They have a love-hate relationship since it kept taking his food. Before going to basic, Sister left it with an old woman who lives int he same apartment building and it is being well taken care of still.
do they act different in public and at home? Not really. At most, they act less like a couple in public because Simmons isn’t comfortable with the relationship being out int he open still. But that’s about it, otherwise they act the same no matter who they’re around.
big spoon/little spoon? In the beginning Grif is the big spoon and Simmons is the little spoon. Once Simmons is more okay with the entire thing? It just depends.
sleeping habits? Simmons only sleeps when he absolutely has to and is very strict about getting at least eight hours of sleep at night. But he will shrink that if he has a load of work to do... which is often, so Grif will normally ‘trap him’ (i.e. lays on him) to make him nap with him. As for Grif, he’ll sleep whenever and can sleep anywhere. I do think that he doesn’t like to sleep alone, especially after S15, and can’t without some kind of background noise due to the isolation. But otherwise, he can and will sleep anywhere whenever.
favorite non-sexual activity? Standing and talking
favorite sexual activity? Umm... I’m not sure. Probably casual, lazy sex where they’re in no rush and just do whatever.
how often do they have sex? Whenever they have the open opportunity... so probably like every other day.
what habits of the other drives them crazy? For Simmons it’s Grif’s messy habits like never picking up after himself, for Grif it’s Simmons constant nagging bout those habits.
how often do they fight? All the time
most trivial thing they fight over? Probably over nerd stuff like who was the best Doctor Who or something.
who uses all the hot water? Grif. He doens’t shower much, but when he does... yeah...
who does most of the cleaning? Simmons
what do they watch on tv and do they fight for the remote? Probably stuff like Star Wars or really bad sci-fi films. Yes, and Grif more often than not wins.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working? Simmons, after they try to do it themselves and make it worst.
who answers the phone? Whoever is closest to it
who steals the blankets? Grif
who remembers things? Simmons, at least when it comes to military stuff. For date stuff, Grif’s more likely to remember since Simmons is a workaholic and gets so caught up that he forgets.
who does the groceries? They both do and Simmons has to make Grif quit throwing unhealthy stuff int he cart.
who cooks normally? Simmons, even though Grif is the better at it, but that requires work
who leaves their stuff lying everywhere? GRIF
what kind of stuff can be found around their place? Everything...
what do their cupboards or shelves look like? Simmons mostly keeps them all nice and organized... though some of them look a little hap-hazard if Grif just threw stuff up in there.
what does their closet(s) look like? Like a normal closet, although they don’t really have many outfits. It’s mainly their armor and maybe a small amount of causal stuff. Simmons side is all ncie and tidy and Grif’s... well, isn’t.
what do they do when they’re away from each other? Be upset that they’re away from each other. Aside form that, what they normally do.
do they have nicknames or pet names for each other? Kissass and fatass
how do they refer to the other in public? how do other people refer to the other? (i.e. “my partner”, “ask your father”, "dad and papa", "how’s your wife?“, etc) Probably as my asshole teammate’ at first, and eventually shift to ‘my asshole boyfriend’
who is more likely to pay for dinner? Whoever has the checkbook that day
how often do they go on dates? Not too often since there’s nowhere to really go, although Grif considers watching TV a date.
typical date night? out or at home? At home
do they celebrate birthdays, valentine’s day, anniversaries? Not that much. Like they ackowledge them and maybe so something int he evening, but otherwise they don’t... well until Donut drags them into doing it.
what would they get each other for gifts? Oh God... IDK. Grif would probably gt Simmons somehtign he considered nerdy and Simmosn would... IDK, get him a year supply or Oreo’s or something.
how do they spend christmas and new year’s (or equivalent family gatherings)? Dealing with their insane teammates XD
who cusses more? They’re both pretty potty mouthed XD Grif’s more likely to not restrain himself though.
what would they do if the other one was hurt? Rush over to them and do whatever is possible to keep them safe until medical help arrives.
what are little gestures they do for each other? Simmons will often leave Grif food or leave him lunch after Grif complains about it to make him feel better. Grif can normally tell when Simmons is particularly stressed and will do something like actually clean the bed (and maybe a small part of their room, he has his limits) to take some of that off for him along with forcing him to nap with him.
do they know how the other takes their coffee/tea? Yes
do they feel they see each other enough, or do they have activities that take too much of their time? They see each other all the time, so yeah they feel like they see each other plenty. Maybe too much. Although whenever they’re seaperted for so much as a couple of hours, it feels fr too long.
do they friend/follow each other on facebook/tumblr/livejournal/skype/etc? Yes. Grif likes to shitpost at Simmons’ expense XD
morning routine? Simmons often gets up n the early morning, tries to make Grif wake up but give sup after a few minutes. He goes about getting ready and once he’s fully stripped into his armor, he literally kicks Grif out of bed and makes Grif get up. Grif protests by just lying ont he floor until Simmons agrees to make him food. There’s a lot of bantering and morning kisses until Sarge makes them show up for the morning meeting, where Grif goes right back to sleep. On some occasions, Simmons will instead kiss Grif awake and the end up making out until they hear Sarge yelling for them, at which point Simmons makes Grif get into his armor and they go about their day.
how do they make up after a fight? They ignore each other for a few hours and someone like Tucker gets annoyed and tell them to just kiss and make up already. The two eventually can’t take nor seeing the other and they don’t really apologize, but acknowledge that it happened and then move on. That being said, by the end they kiss each other for a long time as a non-verbal apology. No one sees them for the rest of the day, so they know that all is right with the world again.
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Even numbers :}
2: is your room messy or clean?
It’s kind of a mix?? Like I leave my clothes folded on top of the drawers rather than putting them away bc the drawers stick and it’s just easier access. The messiest thing about my room is that I’m a human magpie who likes collecting shiny/interesting things so I have a lot of stones and bits of metal or ceramic and some nuts and bolts lying around pffft. XD But mostly I keep things kinda tidy.
4: do you like your name? why?
6: describe your personality in 3 words or less
uUUUuuHHHHHh well-meaning, stubborn, energetic! :D
8: what kind of car do you drive? color?
I currently drive my parents’ car. It’s dark grey… not gonna say what model. XD
10: how would you describe your style?
Like, clothes wise? Either very simple n plain or outrageously colourful n quirky. Depends on the day. XD
12: what size bed do you have?
14: if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
Oof honestly just back home (in Victoria.) A part of me also wants to try out a big city?? I’ve always lived in the country and tbh I kind of hate big cities because they seem to be filled with rude busy people but I wanna live there just to have something different and so I’ll know for sure and to say I did, y’know? (lmao a friend and I joke that we’re gonna move to NYC together one day, so she can keep my li’l naive country boi ass from getting chewed up and spat out by New Yorkers. I appreciate it. X’D )
16: favorite makeup brand(s)
No idea. I’ve only worn makeup twice, and those times were when my Mum begged me for a solid year until I finally caved and let her do it… grumpily. X’D
18: favorite tv show?
S E N S E 8
20: how tall are you?
5′4. :)
22: do you go to the gym? 
Nope, not enough money. I used to work out a lot at home and I got p ripped but because of my eating disorder I had to stop. Still haven’t started up again yet. :(
24: how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
21 bucks. :D
26: how many pillows do you sleep with?
2. One under my head and one to cuddle (shut up, I kNow. XD )
28: how many friends do you have?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯  too lazy to count, however many people I interact with online. I don’t have any irl friends… god that sounds pathetic. XD
30: whats your favorite candle scent?
Absolutely no idea, we never have any. That’s actually something I wanna change when I get my own place. I like candles. They calm me.
32: 3 favorite girl names
God I am so shitty with names. My characters either name themselves or they don’t get names. X’D UUUUUUUUHHHHH, Amber, Ida, Carmen??? idk???
34: favorite actress?
Emma Thompson is an actual fucking legend and I would go to battle for her.
36: favorite movie?
How to Train Your Dragon or Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse! :D (If it has to be live action: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. :P )
38: money or brains? 
40: how many times have you been to the hospital?
For myself, personally? Lots when I was a baby bc I had chronic ear infections and would literally just scream 24/7 and never sleep, I was in so much pain (poor tiny Matt. :(((( ) Once because I had a really bad migraine around age 13 that literally would not go away and had me throwing up every other minute and in such bad pain I wanted to literally die. And once recently when I felt super sick for months and months and finally went only to find there was nothing wrong with me?? turned out it was my gluten intolerance but dear god I had never felt that sick.
42: do you take any medications daily?
Just my asthma preventer (and I forget to take that a lot and end up not being able to breathe as well as I should, bc I’m the World’s Biggest Dumbass :)) XD )
44: what is your biggest fear? 
Physically: Not being able to breathe. Emotionally: The people I love ending up hating me just because I’m me. There’s a lot of irony to unpack there but I’m just gonna set the whole suitcase on fire. :)
46: whats your go to hair style?
Shaving the whole damn thing off.
48: who is your role model? 
I don’t really have one?? I guess my parents?? But I don’t really wanna be exactly like them either? I think it’s unwise to put anyone on a pedestal bc nobody’s perfect.
50: what was the last text you sent?
Screaming to a friend about how cute her OC is. XD
52: what is your dream car?
Literally could not care less so long as it gets me where I’m going and it’s neon yellow. X’D
54: do you go to college? 
Nope, dropped out of highschool early lmao.
56: would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? 
Rural I guess?? But that’s only because I’ve always lived rural and don’t know any different. it’s quiet, I like quiet.
58: do you have freckles? 
Yep! I don’t have them in big patches tho? I just have like, some random single ones scattered all over my body?? XD
60: how many pictures do you have on your phone? 
Don’t have a phone and dear GOD I don’t even wanna know how many pictures I have on my laptop. Answer: too many. XD
62: do you still watch cartoons? 
64: Favorite dipping sauce? 
idk I don’t really dip things in sauce? Maybe just tomato sauce?
66: have you ever won a spelling bee?
Yes, actually!! Woooo go bb Matt!! :D
68: can you draw? 
Stick figures? Yes. XD
70:what was the last concert you saw?
Never been to one.
72: Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
Only ever been to Starbucks so I can’t really compare. 
74: what is your crush’s first and last initial?
Tumblr media
76: what color looks best on you? 
I think blue does. 💙
78: do you sleep with your door open or closed?
Open. Sleeping with it closed freaks me out, idk why. 😅
80: what is your biggest pet peeve? 
Being condescended to. :///
82: favorite ice cream flavor? 
Mint choc chip! Or rainbow! XD
84: chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? 
86: what is your phone background?
Laptop background is currently THIS incredibly amazing beautiful accurate drawing Oli did of my OC Ben!!! :’D
88: do you like it when people play with your hair?
Y E S. I used to hate it when it was rlly long but now it’s heaven. ^-^ Unless I’m in one of my ‘being touched makes my skin crawl’ kind of moods.
90: do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?
Just whenever I have my shower, occasionally during the day if I’m sweaty or whatever. Sometimes if my insomnia kicked me in the ass I splash my face n neck with cold water to wake up in the morning.
92: have you ever been drunk? 
Nope, and I really don’t want to be. The idea of being out of control of myself, even just a little bit, is terrifying to me. No thanks. I also just generally do not like alcohol, idk why. 
94: favorite lyrics right now
My all-time favourite lyrics come from Twenty One Pilots’ song ‘The Judge’ (even though I don’t actually like the song itself I love the lyrics):“When the leader of the bad guys sangSomething soft and soaked in painI heard the echo from his secret hideawayHe must’ve forgot to close his doorAs he cranked out those dismal chordsAnd his four walls declared him insane”
96: day or night? 
98: favorite month? 
Ironically, considering my character March is a giant dickwad, it’s March. XD The weather is just starting to turn cool after the grueling summer and it’s also my birth month! :D
100: who was the last person you cried in front of?
My Dad. Yikes.
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weightofmyshield · 7 years
( ✗ )
I’m putting this into our main verse where Steve asked for Loki to use the scepter and then even after the connection to the gem was severed they were still connected.
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Until the end of time!!!! 
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - It wasn’t an easy start, they have a history. But the mind gem connected them long after their connection to the scepter was broken. 
How was their first kiss? - World shattering, at least for Steve; even with the mind gem’s influence. It wasn’t his first kiss, but the events afterward were. 
Who proposed? - Steve did, on Christmas Eve.
Who is the best man/men? - Bucky or Nat would be Steve’s best man/woman.
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Given his inexplicable jealousy, Steve does NOT want it to be Fandral.
Who did the most planning? - Steve secretly enjoyed the artistry of it, but he left most of the choices up to Loki.
Who stressed the most? - Steve probably stressed the most, worrying and striving to live up to someone worthy of Loki. 
How fancy was the ceremony? - Steve wouldn’t want something extremely flashy, but he would also want to celebrate his love with Loki. Something traditional and elegant, but not loud enough that it would drown out what was important: his relationship with Loki.Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Steve wouldn’t want Fandral there (Again, stupid jealousy) and Loki wouldn’t want Thor, so in the end the compromise and both of them attend the wedding. Steve makes it sure everyone knows that if Odin shows up he’ll be getting a shield bash to the face (regardless of the repercussions). 
Who is on top? - They don’t have set roles. It depends on their mood, Loki’s form, what they want in the moment… Steve loves it all!
Who is the one to instigate things? - At the beginning, with the influence of the mind gem, Steve does. When he is ‘himself” again, they’re both timid. It isn’t until Steve is more confident in terms of his ability and Loki’s feelings that he insticates more often. Now in a stable relationship, it’s a flip of the coin.
How healthy is their sex life? - I would say it is very healthy. They are considerate of one another and their needs.Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Sex is about expressing their feelings for one another, for Steve it is about Loki, about how he can make Loki feel. Sex is a new adventure for Steve, but it is one he’s highly curious about traveling. And lets face it… it is Loki! The Trickster in and of himself is a kinky little minx.Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - I mean, one is a magical Asir the other is a Super Soldier. they both have amazing endurance! To put it simply, it can last a REALLY long time! x3
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - For Steve, sex is about his partner’s pleasure. If Loki has more orgasms than him, that doesn’t much matter. That being said, Loki is attentive, and has a wicket talent for driving Steve to the brink.
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - Steve is an utter cuddle bug!!!No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - Loki has had a rough history with how his children have been treated. Steve would love to have as many children as Loki wants, but he also isn’t willing to risk his husband’s health both physically and mentally. 
How many children will they adopt? - Even though they aren’t Earth born, Steve would be honored to adopt Loki’s own children. If Loki doesn’t want to give birth to children, Steve wouldn’t mind adopting either. But again, it would depend on if Loki would be comfortable with that.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - I feel like both of them would be equaly atentive to their babies needs.
Who is the stricter parent? - Probably Steve. xD
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Probably Loki, but Steve would pay attention to it too.
Who is the more loved parent? - I feel like each kid would have their favorite, but they’d probably prefer Loki because he would dote on them so much.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - Both of them would!
Who cried the most at graduation? - I think both of them would be really emotional. 
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Steve because he’d end up having to pull his Captain America strings xD
Who does the most cooking? - Probably Loki. Steve isn’t BAD in the kitchen, he can do the basics… but anything fancy? He’d burn it to death probably.
Who is the pickiest in their food choice? - Steve grew up in the depression, he’ll value the meal in front of him regardless of if he likes it or not. So, Loki would probably be the more picky of the two. Plus he’s an adorable diva so ;P
Who does the grocery shopping? - I feel like neither of them would go shopping… Loki would magically stock their kitchen – reality, Steve would probably go out with Loki’s shopping list.
How often do they bake desserts? - Steve has a massive sweet tooth, and regardless of if they bake it or not Steve makes sure to always have a stash of sugary sweets in the house.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Steve is a meat lover, at least cooked meat – he had enough of raw liver when he was a scrawny nothing. Loki is about decadence and what flavors best suit him in the moment.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Steve goes out of his way to surprise Loki even with small things.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Steve enjoys taking Loki out for a nice evening on the town. Not to mention the places Loki likes has really good food.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? - Probably Steve.
Who cleans the room? - Given his history with the military, Steve is neat and tidy and prefers to clean. So he often does.
Who is really against chores? - Probably the kids, if they have any. But between the two of them, Loki is more likely to be against them since Steve enjoys cleaning.
Who cleans up after the pets? - Steve. Coyle was his dog from the beginning, he is Steve’s responsiblity.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Again, probably their kids if there are any. But between Steve & Loki, it would be Loki.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Depends on the guests. :D Steve’s guests it is Loki who worries, if they are Loki’s friends Steve stresses.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Steve xD
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Steve learned to tkae quick showers in the army. It is just a habbit he’s kept even now (unless he has an excuse to stay longer ;p ) So, Loki would probably take long beautiful bubble baths.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Steve, but sometimes he talks Loki into going with him.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - For Chritsmas? Steve goes crazy. It’s the one time of year he insists they do something. He doesn’t go too crazy, a tree and stockings for each of them (including Coyle).
What are their goals for the relationship? - I think they’re meeting their goals. Steve wants to spend the rest of his life with Loki – however long that will be. They’re engaged, they’re planning their future. 
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - If Steve doesn’t have a mission, if he’s in their home and sleeping with Loki Steve could sleep al day. 
Who plays the most pranks? - Uh, Loki…. God of Mischief and all ;P
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all ships :)
send me a ship and i’ll break them down
all da ships part 1 ((:
How did they they meet?: the two met back when they were really young probably when lolita was in third grade so her brother and zab where in a grader a little high and then go back years together kind of like family. he watched her blossom into a beautiful young lady lolWho developed romantic feelings first?: they both in a way developed them at the same time but lolita has had a crush on zabdiel since she was younger but it faded away once she realized there really wasn’t a shot but once interest was there again they got together. i’m gonna say both because they are crazy for each other!!Who is their biggest “shipper?”: besIDES ME AND JAZ xD i would say lolita’s friends that she’s told her close ones and they are always trying to know whats going on with them.When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?: their first kiss was well … when they were about to do the nasty but not the full nasty but eating out but still. that was their first time kissing and it was under the circumstances that it had to be secret and they couldn’t tell anyone especially her brother.Who confessed their feelings first?: oh gosh so saying they liked each other was zabdiel first. then saying they loved you first was zabdiEL again!! when her brother catches them in the middle of doing it and they are about to fight but then he is trying to explain to him that he actually really loves lolitA ((:What was their first official date?: their first official date that was not a hook up or anything like that was them going out to dinner in a restaurant that they would be caught by her brothers friends or people they new and got to actually be like a couple not a secret.How do they feel about double dates/group dates?: lolita and zabdiel don’t mind them at all but they wouldn’t do it all the time. they’re prefer being with each other but it is always fun to have couple friends to do things with once and awhile even if it’s just another pair or more than that!What do they do in their down time?: on there down time together i can see them well…. sexing that’s all they ever do… but they also nap together usually along with staying in watching movies all day laying on top of each other and just relaxing.What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?: as an official couple, meeting zabdiel’s mother went really well and they all got along even though lolita was nervous just cause it’s his mother and she wants her to like him and she didn’t want to seem to young for him though she also met his sister and they bonded she likes alma lots lol. zabdiel meeting her parents… was a bit more tough. after they were exposed about doing it together her dad and mom were little unsure about zabdiel since they knew him for so long and he is secretly screwing their daughter making it awkward but after awhile they love him and are happy shes happy and they’re both happy.What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?: their first fight was over lolita being at a party where his friends randomly showed up with her not really knowing they were coming or friends with zab until he texted her and they got into a fight over the phone. it got heated really quick talking about them flirting with other people and jealousy but they got over it by talking it out once they were together then sex cause they need to remember who they belong too..Which one is more easily made jealous?: ooo it’s a hard one but not. zabdiel is a jealous one and is shown a lot when lolita talks about a boy or is with some but then again lolita can be v jealous not liking when girls are being overly friendly to him but in the end they are only heart eyes for each other (:What is their favourite thing to get to eat?: their favorite thing to eat is most likely strawberries get packs cause they both eat them and they also eat chocolate covered strawberries but those are usually on romantic nights / important dates cause sexy time afterwards xD and i can see them kind of always eating fruit and with tajin cause YUM.Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?: lolita is so needy for zabdiel to hold her or touch her anywhere so she would be the cuddly one but he also sometimes will pull her into his arms and she’ll stay cause she loves it. their favorite cuddling positions has to be lolita in his arms with arms wrapped around him torso and his around her shoulder but they cuddle in all potions.Are they hand holders?: they are hand holders! they hold hands even if they aren’t out together just staying home they will hold each others hand and when they are out (official open couple) they hold each others hands and cute afHow long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?: lol how long they waited? counting how long they knew each other it was years… but how long they realized they wanted too not that long.. official sleeping together and not playing around / messing around i would say about two weeks still not long lol. and they had to be in secret as they were their first kiss.Who tops?: zabdiel tops like all the time not even lying but their are the times lolita tops and wants to ride him especially if it’s lazy sex or public sex she does lol sometimes morning sex Who does the shopping and the cooking?: once they live together lolita would be the one who shops for the groceries or has zabdiel go with her usually all the time or when she forgets something she’ll ask him to pick it up. and they both cook together they are that cooking couple who has probably done it in the kitchen oopSWhich one is more organized and prone to tidiness?: they both are they don’t like messy shit lol like when their place is messy or their clothes / stuff is on the ground they need to clean it up but then again they are also lazy to do these things when they really need toWho proposes?: aaHH ZABDIEL DOESDo they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?: oh no they have seperate ones but they worth wouldn’t want nay strippers at each others they would rather have the other strip for them then pre sex before wedding night sexWho is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?: the best man would probably be her brother or someone really close to zabdiel along with groomsmen people close to zabdiel maybe even javier cause he’s probably way included in that family LOL but for lolita it would be her close friend to be here maid of honor and then bridesmaids some friends but also alma cause shes marring into that family she wants her to be up there with her !!Big Ceremony or Small?: oh pls they will have a big ceremony and a wedding to remember together ah these babies im CRYINGDo they have a honeymoon? If so, where?: so for their honeymoon they would most likely go somewhere like hawaii, mexico, puerto rico, or even greece !!Do they have children? How many?: lol YES they have kids!!! LOL HOW MANY LIKE A THOUSAND TBH they are so smutty we don’t really know but i can see them having fix: boy, girl, boy, girl, then possibly having a sixth more or even more oh gosh
How did they they meet?: they met at a bar when javier was out with the guys and then things started from there! Who developed romantic feelings first?: oh gosh it was alma !!! she got them feels first for javi even though he’s liked her as much as she’s liked him but he was married so he just avoided them and tried to ignore them when she confessed them to him deaDWho is their biggest “shipper?”: there biggest shipper… that’s a hard one since they are both in secret and not really involving anyone. i would say me and jaz !!!! LOL ok but alma herself wanting them to work ad just be together she is the shippy and the shipper in one totally !When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?: their first kiss was that night at the bar when they started making out after a big of flirtation and tension building it and it was under the circumstances that javier wasn’t married just that night until this SPIRALED OUT INTO HAPPENING CONSTANTLYWho confessed their feelings first?: alMA! she confessed them to him even though he knew she was in liking with him but tried to get her not to but she couldn’t stop and it ruined it for awhile because they stopped talking but finally get back together !What was their first official date?: their official date would be javier taking her out to the most expensive place to eat and getting her whatever she wanted after at the jewelry wanting to spoil his official guy now that he’s not married anymore and stops being a dick to herHow do they feel about double dates/group dates?: javier isn’t a fan of it if it’s not with people he really knows but alma is into it so she can show off how good they are of a couple and hot of a couple they are!! like of course he would take her to double dates with his boss / partners but thats how far he’d go besides going on double dates with zabdiel and lolita at times !What do they do in their down time?: for down time javier really does nothing. he doesn’t want to work or do a thing just relax so thats mainly what they do or get something done that they havent before but wanted too and as well as sex cause they started off that way tooWhat was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?: official it will all go well between both parents adoring the other and it will be cute cause javier would try his hardest since he hasn’t met parents of a gf in years since he’s been married so he using some of the methods when he did see his wifes and being respectful and caring to mama valentina and also being nice meeting zabdielWhat was their first fight over and how did they get past it?: their first fight was over javier having to spend more time with alma because she wanted too but he couldn’t because he had work and a wife to go see and it just caused a bit of drama but then he managed to work something in between to see her and stay with her for awhile without suspicion!Which one is more easily made jealous?: javier does and it’s so quick i don’t know how alma deals with it but she sure does and WELL thats for sure but i can see her getting jealous but not being so out there with it like javier is…What is their favourite thing to get to eat?: their favorite thing to eat is probably expensive food lol i don’t even know how to answer this with a certain food because javi has so much money from his company that he always eats good food that is a lot and when he buys that she’ll be into that and that’s mainly what they’d eat
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?: alma is the cuddly one in this relationship !! and their favorite positions in cuddling has to be when javier holds her with one arm but at night when hes sleeping or it’s cold hold her with two ((:Are they hand holders?: they are hand holders once they are together officially going out but i see javier being more of hand on her waist type not really holding hands as much as they do that but they still hold each others handsHow long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?: the first time they slept together was that day at the bar where they also shared their first kiss and it was still under the circumstances that javier was not going to be married just that one night but then it ended up going on until his marriage failed because the cheating got the best of him ooPSWho tops?: most of the time javier tops but he loves it when alma gets dominant and wants to do her own thing he is like yes baby plsWho does the shopping and the cooking?: alma would do all the shopping and since its like an unlimited card with him then she would be anything she wanted not having to worry and she would be the one to cook. javier can cook but he does not like to do it though thats the thingWhich one is more organized and prone to tidiness?: javier is and his work is always clean and organized as well as his housing Who proposes?: JAVIER DOES MY BABY. right after the baby is born because of what happens and it’ll be a cute one for her im cryingDo they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?: they would have separate ones and i see both saying no strippers but then both their parties surprise them with one anyways so then they both cant get mad as long as no cheating of any kind happenedWho is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?: best man would be a dear friend to him or maybe even his son because thats his world and then groomsmen he would have family, zabdiel of course the brother to his bride, pharaoh & sebastian they know each other ofc the rich douches lol and alma would have friends family and perhaps lolita there too (:Big Ceremony or Small?: a big one hello javier won’t hesitate to whatever alma wants Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where? : they would go somewhere very fancy and elegant and where ever alma really wants to go even if it may not be fancy he just wants to be with her.Do they have children? How many?: ONE….. after the first time he would say thats it because he already has a son and then a maybe but years later i can see a baby number two from them be expected but three children in the end for javier !! two boys then the last one would be a girl !
How did they they meet?: met through mutual friends at a party and have known each other for awhile now.Who developed romantic feelings first?: in all honesty, it would have been angelina first. but then at the same time so did erick but he was slightly after her but angelina did start having those feelings for him the more they spend time / opened up along with slept togetherWho is their biggest “shipper?”: their biggest shipper in all of this is jaz & i LOL because they are both private many don’t know how they are together so they don’t see them as couples but i can visualize erick as a rooter for them in the end xDWhen did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?: they shared their first kiss that party as well after getting to know each other and doing the flirting how they are now but much more less of a fighty couple Who confessed their feelings first?:  angeLINA DOES HAH. she does and she is scared shitless when she does cause they both never pictured each other being together cause they both said it would never happen and when she does feel those feelings is scary to tell him but she does and then erick confesses back how he feels and love making and ‘ i need yous ‘ ‘ you’re mine’ ‘ i love yous’What was their first official date?: first official date would be something very high school ish such as the cute movie dates but maybe at a drive in on the big screen and they are in the car cuddling watching the movie eating snacks until the kissing begins and they be those type of people not watching the whole movie and end up doing it in the carHow do they feel about double dates/group dates?:  group / double dates are nice for them to meet other couple friends but i feel like they both arent so into it lol. like erick would be like do we have too? i’d rather take you out or stay in and fuck and then ang would be like true that is better but they also gotta have more friends even though they are the closest to each otherWhat do they do in their down time?: during their down time angelina likes to draw art or continue or art she hasn’t finished even drawing erick as her muse taking a pic of him then drawing it out or when he’s a sleep she’ll draw him and show him and also go visit the little girls grave together to leave their respects rsdtfyguhWhat was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?: it went a good session! her parents are chill but edgy because they often fight but seeing her bringing someone to them would be an interest and question erick but then in the end like him and then angelina acting her best for his parents / guardians just being herself though still wanting to be nice so she could leave a good impressionWhat was their first fight over and how did they get past it?: they fight a lot but they are always little fights so they get over them quickly. their fight was about spending time together and the difference from helping and changing because erick was saying he didn’t want to be changed by ang but she was truly trying to help him like he asked her but they got over it after a couple hours of cooling down then spending the night cuddling.Which one is more easily made jealous?: both of them do its on the same level when someone flirts with them or his getting handsy / personal but they have gotten over it and not really acknowledge anyone else but each other together which is a good thing for a relationshipWhat is their favourite thing to get to eat?: their favorite thing to eat is pizza lol i can see that is their go too when they feel lazy, need some late night food, home movie night, etc.. it’ll be pizza and tho ang might get sick of it it’s just like their thing getting pizza together after sex allt hat jazzWho’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?: awww erick is the cuddly one!! which is totally cute to ang she loves that he likes to cuddle and their favorite position is where ang is holding erick that is their usual but she also enjoy when he plays on top of her and he holds her underneath him ♥Are they hand holders?: they are hand holders, not so much but they are holding hands. it’s more for reassurance for the other giving them a squeeze or a kiss on the hand but also meaning full of you’re mine when they are out or making love they often hold their hands when they do that How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?: they waited not so long maybe a couple hours or a day before finding themselves lost in sheets and it was under the circumstances that they would do it once or twice but end up doing it multiple times and then it being more by getting to know more about each otherWho tops?: lol 70% angelina tops on erick cause she likes it and doesn’t mind and she calls him lazy xD but then the other 30% he does top and she likes it when he does too and it’s just more passionate when he does go on top and more playful when ang is one top  Who does the shopping and the cooking?: lol this is all angelina she does this goes shopping for them and then cooks for them but then after awhile she is like i am tired you are going to cook and shows him some things then if shes too busy she’ll send him a list of what he needs to get at the store and it’s cute cause he just listens and is like fine i’ll get the crap
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?: ang LMAO she is like picking up his shit always or cleaning the kitchen she is so good to him but erick does help out and does laundry and makes the bed they are a good time and balance each other ok they NEED each otherWho proposes?: aW ERICK DOES RIGHT BEFORE HER WATER BREAKSDo they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?: they would have a separate one and have drinks with their friends and just talk about future and how it will be just excited for the next chapter!Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?: all the friends and fam will be there for them in those scenarios just very supportive and ofc their new born will be their to watch ang & erick (: Big Ceremony or Small?: they would have a small one even tho a big one could be affordable but they want it private and with the believe they care for and want to share their moment of being a married couple. ang mainly just wants erick to be their ofc, the baby, family and couple friends from other sides. Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where? : the honeymoon would take place a few days after because of the baby being born so their wedding night will be spent in a hotel then later they would go on their honeymoon in paris together with the baby watched by her parents as they spend alone time together.Do they have children? How many?: so they would have baby number one which is born the day erick proposes to ang. then when the baby is around one / two they would probably end up having another and i can see them just having girls as both and erick the total man cause all his babies are females
How did they they meet?: they knew each other from awhile back leading to high school but not until the ending of high school so they knew each other pretty well and then after high school they became better friends than they were and now that they’re adults they get together and hang out !Who developed romantic feelings first?: liliana omfggg shes so cute and asher loves her so much like he felt the feelings but didn’t know exactly what those feelings were?? cause he is from a broken home and she will teach him HOW TO LOVEWho is their biggest “shipper?”: their biggest shipper is.. MEEE i love them omfg but i would say like it is liliana and rooting for them and asher is too but she would be the total shipper of their relationship cause she is just that sweet and can i say that i love her ? cause i do..When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?: their first kiss was when they got together to cuddle cause liliana wanted to cuddle and then you know things get caught up in the moment and he looked down at her and she then looked up at him and boom he leaned down to kiss her !! and it was under the circumstance this would lead to more than just friends which *SPOILER ALERT* did.. (:Who confessed their feelings first?: liliana !! even though it was over text asher felt the love and new thats how he felt automatically not just saying it because she said but because he honestly felt it and it wasn’t a scared moment for him it was an actual romantic moment and then when he went back to his place where she was and then they probably told each other they loved each other tons and he took care of her because she had food poisoning :(What was their first official date?: their official date would be going to the beach !! but it would be like a sunset thing were they swim together or mess around but then asher would bring blankets and food so they can eat good food then spend the night on the beach in each others arms because the beach is cold asf but then they have each other so they feel warm and soft kisses ugh so cute How do they feel about double dates/group dates?: i see liliana loving the idea ! she would be like ash lets do it and then ash would be like okay and just awk if he doesn’t know the people but he’d do anything for liliana honestly that’s his bae but he likes just being on dates with her so he gives her all the attention and group dates are preferred from him rather than the idea of double dates cause then they could fade away from the people and just be together What do they do in their down time?: on their down time liliana does her journals because she is a journalist and writes about her adventures or things going on around and then asher plans with his boys aka his gang what they are going to do next and then go hang out with lil and spend time maybe reading what she writes and cuddles they are so cuddly what even What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?: so there was no meeting with his parents because in a way he doesn’t have any cause his dad walked out and his mother is a crackhead so he left and doesn’t have a real family besides his boys in the gang and they all like liliana but i can see them teasing her just because she is a virgin. and with him meeting her parents things actually went well ! like he was polite like he usually is with liliana and wants to prove to them that he is good for her but then makes up something for a job because neither liliana or her parents will know that he is involved with a gang dtfyguhiWhat was their first fight over and how did they get past it?: their first fight would most likely be why asher has a gone in the house and then it would escalate saying it is to protect them just in case an intruder comes in because everyone is sneaky and for protection and then how they get pass it is for them would be him giving it to one of his boys pretending to throw it away or hiding it in a better position and saying he got rid of it or telling her it will be okay and then he does end up keeping it omf i wanna see this Which one is more easily made jealous?: asher does since this is a girl he’s ever loved and when other guys try something he gets upset and is ready to pounce and wants liliana to be with him and his boys probably try to get at her and he will end up fighting with them and angst drama between all of the yesWhat is their favourite thing to get to eat?: their favorite food to eat is probably burgers or even sea food? cause they live near a beach so their is seafood around and it’s a mixture depends on the two feels he’ll tell her he wants to eat this but if shes not feeling it they’ll go where she wants to eat or he’ll also buy her want she wants to eat!Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?: liliana is the cuddly one !! but then she turns asher into a cuddly bear so that happens…. but in between the two it is her and their favorite position is obvie asher holding is baby in his arms thats how he always want to cuddle with her all the timeAre they hand holders?: yes hand holder all that PDA!!!!!!!!!!!! 
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?: omfg they waited probably months before they slept together and it was okay with asher he wants her to feel comfortable in losing it to him and when they do he takes care of her and is actually love making then fucking which is a bonus cause thts how in love he is with the girl ! the circumstances where in her control when she was ready to do the nasty with him so she felt good about it and flufWho tops?: asher tops like all the time ! he doesnt mind it at all but i see liliana being more curious and like i wanna ride you and he is like sure so they both do it at times but asher is the one to do it moreWho does the shopping and the cooking?: liliana his wifey and doing all that but asher does know how to cook slightly.. but he would be better at shopping and lil will cook and will help her because he doesnt want her to do all the work but this would happen more when they live together not with the guys cause then they’d have to cook so much moreWhich one is more organized and prone to tidiness?: liliana ! like asher is messy and the boys are so i can see each cleaning up especially with asher not the boys much but she is so wife and he loves her i’m crying jaZZZ xrdtcfyvgubhnjklmWho proposes?: ASHER WILL PURPOSE TO LILIANA AND IT WAS BE AMAZING GOING BACK TO THEIR FIRST DATE AND DOING IT THEIR TELLING HER THIS IS WHERE HE FIRST FELL IN LOVE WITH HER AND WANTS TO SPEND HIS LIFE WITH HER Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?: i can see it going both ways?? like they could do both and just have a nice party for the couple but then the boys after hours will be like ash lets go and take him drinking and celebrating by surfing then liliana having a girls night sleep over or something just domestic Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?: asher’s best man would end up being one of the boys he’s closest with even tho the others would be pissed but then the groomsmen would be the rest of them for sure and liliana chooses who she is close with and wants cause he wants to make sure it is perfect for herBig Ceremony or Small?: it would be a smallish wedding but not too small but only for the people like who they really want their not wanting to make it a huge thing but still have everything liliana would want since it’s her day of getting married and she also has a preggo belly !! XDDo they have a honeymoon? If so, where?: their honeymoon i see it being in italia because that is lilianas nationality and spend time over there together just living a great time but it would be months after the baby is born because she is like six months by their wedding and can’t fly so it would have to wait but he would make sure they still have a honeymoon together cause that is a part she should remember as well besides the wedding and the baby but how they celebrated just them two !  Do they have children? How many?: so liliana is pregnant by the time it’s their wedding far along and i can see it be a boy?? it would be SO CUTE OMFG and then after awhile they have another little baby but it would be a baby girl and as he is scared shitless cause he feels like he’ll mess up raising a girl cause a boy is easier but then they do just fine ok!
How did they they meet?: they met on the set of this movie where they both were the lead roles and had a million scenes together but they did not even like each other through the filming of the movie lmaoo and they turned so much famous because it was SUCH a hitWho developed romantic feelings first?: i say jacob because he was coming onto her first even when the movie was over so that is a start of developing feelings in a way but then brenda caught them soon right after as they talked more and got to actually know each other not believe the rumors of the magazines or anything like that! Who is their biggest “shipper?”: LMAO ALL THE FANS THEY BOTH HAVE ! like all their fans want them to get together after the movie comes out but really they have already been together for that long and they are happy and the fans die when they see them and it’s like we’ve been together zrxdtcfyvubinjo MIND BLOWNWhen did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?: okay first kiss they shared was during their filming process for the movie roles they both booked and it was under the circumstances that they had to kiss cause it was in the script and if they didn’t they would be fired lol but for their first official kiss that wasn’t be a mandatory act was going to be months after like about three when they met up because they missed each other and to do exactly that kiss and more that was their first official kiss and the circumstances behind that one was that it had to be in secret from their workers, paparazzi, etc!Who confessed their feelings first?: confession of feelings first i feel would be both?? like at that same time because they are both romantics i’m dyING and are just cute as fuck but it’ll be those traditional when they know the time is right and it’s both the time for them they will confess how they really feel after spending to long witch each other getting to know the real brenda walsh and the real jacob anderson once and for all not just what people might think they areWhat was their first official date?: consideration they’d be dating in secret for a long while probably until they are caught or reveal it so their official date would be a hotel room date but a romantic one with the fancy food, candles, the whole shabam! or it would be at one of their places possibly jacobs and that same thing happens and it’s just romantic between them even though they can’t just go to a restaurant or go to an amusement something couples do that is out but they make fun and things romantic on the limitation given to themHow do they feel about double dates/group dates?: they wouldn’t be opposed to it at all ! they probably are okay with it but it would be rare to do those types of things because all the papas around and following them it would happen once in awhile and they would probably do it a lot with julian and mariana cause they are goo friends cause julian was their director and then mariana and him are together and go out connecTIONSWhat do they do in their down time?: on their down time brenda usually is acting or improving but besides that she is with jacob and they are looking at other options for work and which roles they should take just helping each other out when they need it and when they can since busy schedules on filming movies / tv shows so in a way they’re still productive but much easier with each otherWhat was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?: as an official couple jacob would take the cake and her parents would love him and probably starcrush on him especially her mom like you were so good in that movie and the one you just did with brenda phenomenal ! and the dad would question him but know he’s a good guy despite everything he’s heard or read and even her brother would be like wow my sister is actually dating someone cool ha! and then for brenda she would i think also pass with good graces nervous as hell but once meeting them and seeing how cool they are then getting along great making fun of jacob and how he is and then probably be those moments like “let’s look at baby pictures!” and die over how adorable jacob is and her kissing him like you were so cute what happened?.. that’s right you got sexy. I CRYWhat was their first fight over and how did they get past it?: their first fight besides all the ones they had on set which weren’t really fights i am not really sure. they don’t seem like the ones to fight at all because they are like similar with being happy and goofy so the two wouldn’t fight but they would fight at the part where they are pregnant and brenda finally tells him that she isn’t made to have kids and he would be upset because that is something dangerous if she can’t have any and if they should go through it still or not !Which one is more easily made jealous?: oh gosh they are both so sweet much they also both are bad at being jealous szxrdctfvygbuhnj brenda is bad she is like savage being jealous toward other girls possibly even at jacob if she feels that same vibe from him but jacob also is that same way protective so sweet but also tough guy comes out !What is their favourite thing to get to eat?: their favorite thing to get to eat would probably be either chinese or pizza? since thats what they have had together before sharing their relationship but they do get sick of it but once they are out and are able to go to restaurants they would miss their pizza in’s / chinese food in and thats what they go forWho’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?: to an extent they both are but jacob takes the bait!! he is the cuddly one and a big teddy bear brenda could lay on forever to be fucking honesT. and their favorite positions in cuddling is brenda probably laying on him and his arms around her small body like he is her bed and she sleeps on him constantly Are they hand holders?: for awhile they are not…. in private they would but not so much but once the media knows about them and they are comfortable they hold hands together How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?: they waited awhile before sleeping officially together about almost four months then they got into it and couldn’t stop xD they were sexting for like the last half of the month before actually doing it but it was under the circumstances that it was in secret between them the whole relationship whatever label they started with then moving to it being officialWho tops?: jacob is the topper mainly because brenda enjoys when he is wink wink but she also does as well they are both versatile in how they have sex enjoying in each other losing themselves in the moment and see who just happens to be on top Who does the shopping and the cooking?: lol they don’t really need too cause they are famous so they have other people do it for them but after awhile you wanna just do it yourself so once in a blue moon they go grocery shopping for food and then they cook actually together they both are v good and make food for each other when they can !Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?: brenda she is like a cleaning lady but also can get messy herself but after awhile she is like no i can’t live like this i need to clean it and she doesn’t mind cleaning for jacob and she most likely does the washing and such but thats when they can cause they have other people to do so and it’s not like they make messy’s usuallyWho proposes?: aHH JACOB WHAT A CUTIE I LOVE HIM SMDo they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?: they would do it together! i see those parties together in a fun way and then thanking everyone for helping them through this and just having a good time also making sure either doesn’t get wasted before the wedding so they aren’t hurting the next dayWho is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?: so brenda has her best friend donna to be her maid of honor along with her friends including  mariana cause besties during this and then jacob has his pals who are regular people, family, even a celeb he’s’ close too and julian his sweetness (:Big Ceremony or Small?: they would have a big / medium wedding! of course it being so amazing but filled with family, friends, and close workers they know and it just being magically a big day to remember and having a wedding planner help out so brenda isn’t stressing so much on how everything should be and jacob like it’s okay calm down it’s going to be perfect and it does turn out that waYDo they have a honeymoon? If so, where?: on their honeymoon would be in paris or england a cliche place but it will still be especially and  over there they will also travel to other places not just stay their but those places are brenda’s favorite she went to school for college in london and traveled to paris once but romantic city and they are romantics just fits !Do they have children? How many?: HA the gag is that brenda can’t have kids but in the end they end up with threE LOL. the first kid happens to go by smoothly but premature, and it’ll be a boy. then the second one is risky but they make it and a girl and surprise they have another third one because brenda told jacob not to get a vasectomy cause they might want another kid and so he doesnt and that last kid pops up! which is probably again risky and have doctors help them cause her body shouldn’t be going through that but they make it with three!!!
How did they they meet?: the two met because dylan really tracked her down LOL but most likely at a big party where he “accidentally” bumped into her so then he can make his plan work and then it did but it backfired because he actually did have feelings for her and it’s a LONG oneWho developed romantic feelings first?: oh this was italia! that was dylan’s plan to make sure she developed feelings so then he can use her as a pon against her dad but then later one by mistake he develop those same feelings and was conflicted because she wouldn’t want to be with him after everything would happen so it was just drama and ANGSTWho is their biggest “shipper?”: their biggest shipper i know for sure is JAZ and so AM I! haahhaha no but i assume it would be dylan lol because after everything he is rooting for her to take him back so they can be together happy since they both have strong feelings for each other and after awhile they do and so THEY ARE HAPPY AGAINWhen did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?: their first kiss together was a little after they met because italia was probably playing hard to get and so was dylan so it took some time but then they managed to kiss each other a lot.. and it was under the circumstances they would be flirty and dylan doing this so she could fall in love with him for his plan serdtfyguhijoWho confessed their feelings first?: confessed their feelings was also italia and thats when dylan knew he had her but made a mistake BECAUSE HE FELT THE SAME WAY AND JUST ADMITTED BEFORE HE COULD THINK AND SAY SOMETHING ELSE SO THEY BOTH DID BUT HER TECHNICALLY FIRST What was their first official date?: their official date would be dylan taking her on a private jet to all these places around the world in a day and then taking her home like, did you have fun? and they drink champagne and he is getting her little gifts and just going to good places to eat / views to see he was making sure he got her to like him lolHow do they feel about double dates/group dates?: they do not mind it at all! they both would okay with it or hanging out with friends as they were a couple it’s fine to them. though i can see them both like ‘ ugh do we have to go ?’ because they don’t like one of the people or something and because they are possessive and only want to be with each other half of the time..What do they do in their down time?: on their down time they do anything lol both don’t need to work at all because they are like trust fund babies and have everything they want so they probably go to a different country or take trips to fun places like disneyland on a random day you don’t really know because the two have done almost everything together lolWhat was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?:  LOL well dylan’s dad is dead so they did not meet….. and then his mom is in hawaii so they haven’t met yet but when they do she will love italia and adore her and say that he needs to keep her and his mom is v hippy status. and dylan sadly didn’t not meet italias mom her’s is dead… and then her dad LMAOO lets just say it didn’t go so wel… ……………………… like they pretended to like each other but really hated each other but once they realized the truth then they actually are good together and are happy that the miscommunication is okay and their isn’t bad blood for who really killed his fatherWhat was their first fight over and how did they get past it?: their first fight would be after the kidnapping and italia is safe with the baby and then dylan purposing and then SHE SAYS NO TO HIM TF and he is like why i love you and they fight because she figured out his plan and is upset because he used her in their whole relationship and angst and fighting so they go a couple days without talking to each other but then they do get over it by talking it out and then she talks to her dad saying she should be with him and so then he purposes AGAIN Which one is more easily made jealous?: lol they both are without a doubt like they would tare whoever was trying to flirt with them or anything more they both give zero fucks to the max lmaoOOWhat is their favourite thing to get to eat?: lol why am i laughing at this but pasta! i feel that is their dish to have together or maybe spaghetti totally something they get and enjoy together even when they want some they’d take their jet really quick all the way over to italy or a place they like eat then come back like nothingWho’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?: italia is the cuddly one always wanting cuddles and now that dylan is a softie he is like okay fine and loving cuddling her and he likes sleeping with her on their sides pulling her close to his chest that is their fav position in cuddling they share so in other words spooning?? with him the big one and she the littleAre they hand holders?: they are hand holders mostly because italia indicates it but he doesn’t mind cause he likes holding her and having his arms over her because that is his girl and he more so puts his arm around her shoulder cause thats how he usually does it but they hold as a lot as wellHow long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?: their first time sleeping together was most likely a hook up and like i said a long while after they met so possibly two months in to whatever they had cause they were not dating just flirting and things certainly progressed after that! and it was under being out of pleasure of course but also dylan leading her on / using her what an aSS Who tops?: dylan tops ! i see him just going it all the time ngl but then he loves seeing italia on him like he dies with damn my girl is hot as shit Who does the shopping and the cooking?: you kidding italia does all that shopping and they both cook to an extent but they have someone make the food or they order food usually again they dont really need to be doing this stuff but after awhile you wanna do some of itWhich one is more organized and prone to tidiness?: italia! dylan used to be v messy before they got together lol and she probably cleaned that shit up and told him he needs to be cleaning cause she isn’t going to be with anyone messy and it makes me laugh cause he’d be like fucking diva but then doing what she says like a pupWho proposes?: dylan, TWICE OK TWO TIMESDo they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?: they do separate and have fun around but want it to be without strippers cause they both get jealous but then their friends both surprise them with strippers and you can’t do much and just enjoy it and are excited about getting married sm !Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?: the best man t his wedding would be brandon, aka brenda’s brother so then she would be their and so would jacob! and his groomsmen this other friends come high school who are still close to him and for italia he would have the special people she wants as the maid of honor as well as the bridesmaids !Big Ceremony or Small?: BIG HELLO. is these two… but they would have a big one the first time and when the incident happens of it getting shot up they redo their wedding and have TONS more security as well as the second one BIG AND BETTER than the last one topping all the weddingsDo they have a honeymoon? If so, where?: i wouldn’t really know lol they’ve both probably been almost everywhere so they’d go somewhere meaningful so dylan would find out where her mothers favorite place was and then take her there so italia could connect and just UGH he cares so much for herDo they have children? How many?: their first child would be a boy, and shes pregnant with by their first wedding but then when they redo their wedding the baby is born and v small then later on they have a little girl !!!!!! I DIE cause dylan will a girl xtcfyvgubhjnk
How did they they meet?: they met in high school aW and are besties for life honestly and probably met because they had biology together and they ended up sitting together for the whole school year and also had like english and lunch so they clicked instantly becoming bffs !!Who developed romantic feelings first?: oh this is something mutual but i still see this being julian and him crushing on her first and liking her and wanting to be with her and mariana also wanted to be like this but when they dated other people throughout high school she just figured they’d just be friends and nothing more so IF SOMEONE SAID THEY FELT SOMETHING THEY COULD HAVE BEEN TOGETHER FOR SO LONGWho is their biggest “shipper?”: their biggest shippers are most likely close friends especially in high school saying they should get together or they will end up being together in the future and they just laughed cause they both thought it wouldnt happen ever even though they both thought about it at times When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?: their first kiss together would be when she goes over to spend the night with him after being attacked cause shes scared and they lay together in his bed close and she would just lean in and kiss julian cause she feels close to him and is in need for reassurance and dfghj but it would be under the circumstances that it was a sweet kiss and it would probably change how they would be togetherWho confessed their feelings first?: JULIAN. he does and when he does mariana feels the same way but she is scared if she says it they will end up together which is great but they might break up and she can’t risk loosing him because he’s the only real friend in her life and she never wants to put that in jeopardy so mari wouldn’t say it back but she does feel the same way and when she does say it back to him later on she’ll apologize for not saying it when she should haveWhat was their first official date?: the official date they have would be them going out to one of their favorite places when they were younger they both haven’t been too or something they both talked about wanting to do but never did and it just being romantic like “i remembered you told me you wanted to go here / do this and i wanted you to finally experience it with me.” UGHHow do they feel about double dates/group dates?: they are totally fine with the group dates! mariana is social af and then julian is cute af so it would work! of course they will have more solo dates but couple / group dates work and they would be going with brenda & jacob walking out and then all the paps everywhere but also with other people the know like sofia & the boys ! (whichever one lol there is two!)What do they do in their down time?: on their down time mariana usually gets her billing and items she needs to be taken care of since she works a lot as well as shopping for necessities needed but then relaxing her body so it doesnt get over worked and then julian would be working on his projects he’s set aside wanting to try to finish them and also taking a good break with mariana and baby emma! What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?: both their parents love them already since they were bff’s and they probably would be happy they are dating and it isn’t someone they don’t like or are unsure of so they got a+’s What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?: they had many fights throughout the years but it isn’t a lot as you’d think maybe two or one in a year though currently it is about mariana working as a stripper because julian is against it he doesn’t like her doing so but thats how she makes good money and mariana wants to stay even though they are together but they work pass it by her agreeing she should leave so she does to make him happy Which one is more easily made jealous?: mariana! lol i think julian is to cute and such to get jealous but he does too! espcially when he visits her at the club and all the sleazy guys are saying these things to her but thats mainly because he’s protective but mariana gets jealous totally not wanting girls to think he’s single when shes not with him even though she knows he wouldn’t do anything to hurt herWhat is their favourite thing to get to eat?: their favorite thing to eat is most likely pasta! mariana loves pastas / breads so she is always down for that and their is always a variety never the same so julian has want he wants and they share and then emma has like mac and cheese or something small like spaghetti ! (:Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?: oh boy so so SO julian right here! even when they weren’t together he would cuddle with her and mariana is fine with it she doesn’t mind but when they get together she’ll live for his cuddles and find herself almost every night sleeping in his arms on in his shoulder when emma isnt in the bed because she is scared or just wants to sleep with them! i kind of like included the position in that sentence so there is that !Are they hand holders?: totally totally totally ! they hold hands every time they are out together and they also do a lot of holding on the waist with one hand around or both it just depends ya knowwwwHow long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?: LOL they waited YEARS to sleep together probably when the sexual tension arrives since he has seen mariana in underwear and she purposely watches him change cause he is hot af but then when she practices a private on him it’ll be the end and they both hook up for once and it’s good stuff (: and it was under the fact that fwb would establish soon after !Who tops?: so julian tops and mariana loves seeing him like that so thats a thumbs up from her always but mariana is also dominant as hell so she would be up there too a lot very 50/50 i would say from the two mari is a freaky chickWho does the shopping and the cooking?: julian ! he is used to already doing it because he has the baby and they go together but mariana goes with him when he needs help or when they are together she’ll go with emma just them two having girl time or all three like a family and he is a better cook than she is but mari is also wifey material cooking some good food for him and emma Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?: julian! especially when he had emma and she makes messes cause she is a baby he is always cleaning make sure his place is clean and all that ad mariana laughs totally cause he is adorable and then mariana cleans too but it’s not her thing Who proposes?: !!! juliAN !!! im dying cause best friends to lovers it is so adorable my bby will dieDo they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?: they have joint ones!! like a party for everyone to celebrate that goes on and then it ends early and then mariana strips for him DSFGHJK at night and you know what happens after that (: just their last night as an unmarried couple sexWho is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?: mariana’s maid or honor would be ava her close friend from the strip club and then bridesmaids or girls including sofia of course ! brenda, and mia ! and then julian has his best man he piks ofc and then also grooms men which include jacob at least in the mix of whoever he has! Big Ceremony or Small?: their wedding would be medium size ever though they both have good money from mariana’s stripping days and how julian gets big with the movie he directors that stars brenda & jacob they both agree on kind of small but mariana still wants it to be out their so they have to make it medium to fit both their needs on how they want everything to be !Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?:  they do have a honeymoon! and it would be like in combo mexico or i see in bora bora where their is a nice beach and view for them to spend the time togethe and they wouldn’t take emma cause it’s a private thing but they would eventually take her to a place for a vacation just not that one since it is for the newly weds (:Do they have children? How many?: they have emma and mariana counts her as her daughter once they are together because she was their since birth helping julian out but will die when emma calls her mom like OMG and then they have two more babies cause julian is a twin and at first they think it’s one but the doctor is like actually it is two babies! and it’ll be twin girls so they have three in total house full of girls byE
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