#[ kurt hummel | reply ]
lusthurts · 2 months
so i discovered this headcanon generator on tiktok and im a big fan of the results (yes i’ve included my ocs, why wouldn’t i???)
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sscrambledmeggss · 2 years
Obsessed with the Kurtbastian hc where Kurt texts in perfect grammar, and Sebastian texts like he’s just learned what an abbreviation is
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countrtnrs · 2 years
finally sitting down to get some replies done. how's everyone???
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cryscendo · 2 months
Hello Crys! 💫
How about: klaine + things you said when you thought i was asleep?
thank you so much for the request! both you and @bitbybitwrites sent me the same prompt so here it is for both of you <3
i went with something canon compliant and a bit angsty for this prompt. it discusses blaine’s thought regarding his relationship with kurt during the second half of season 5. i hope you like it !
Pairing: Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson
Rating: G
Word Count: 841
Prompt: 12 - things you said when you thought i was asleep
if you would like to send me a prompt, you can do so here!
fic can be read below the cut <3
Kurt got home late a lot these days.
He knew that Blaine had a hard time with it. He moved to New York largely to be closer to Kurt and now Kurt was too busy to really devote much time to him.
It wasn’t anybody’s fault. Kurt just had a heavy course load this semester, and paired with his Vogue internship and diner job, he hardly had a moment to himself, much less a moment to focus on Blaine. Many evenings were spent with Kurt coming home, deciding something simple for the two of them to eat, showering, and then passing out the moment his head hit the pillow.
Blaine tried to never complain about it, but Kurt could tell it bothered him.
Tonight was especially a let-down. Kurt came home from work and had discovered that their roommates would be out for the evening. Like, all their roommates. And normally, this was a fantastic thing seeing as they hardly found time to spend together with just the two of them. But just as luck would have it, Kurt was too exhausted to be able to take advantage of their personal time in any meaningful way.
“I’m sorry, Blaine, but I haven’t really had a moment to breathe in about twelve hours,” he explained apologetically, “I really just need some sleep.”
“Oh, yeah! Of course! I get it, yeah, get some rest, honey,” Blaine replied encouragingly, offering Kurt a chaste kiss of the cheek. He was trying to not let his disappointment show, and Kurt could appreciate that.
It wasn’t until that evening that Kurt really got to see the other end of Blaine’s thoughts.
He didn’t mean to listen in, not really. He really was prepared to pass out and be dead to the world until his alarm clock devastatingly went off the next morning.
But somewhere in between the haze between wakefulness and sleep, Blaine started to speak. Not to Kurt, or rather, not in a way that Kurt was ever supposed to hear it. He sat up in bed and sighed — Kurt felt the bed jostle even despite Blaine’s efforts to not disturb him.
“Sometimes I feel like you don’t really want me around,” Blaine muttered into the darkness, and yeah, Kurt was definitely not supposed to be hearing this. A warm hand ran through his hair gently, carding through in soft strokes. “Ever since I moved to New York, I dunno, I just feel like our relationship is… different somehow.”
Kurt should’ve done something. He should’ve alerted Blaine that he was awake, because these thoughts that Blaine was sharing were something personal and private.
Against his remarkably better judgment, Kurt didn’t move.
“I think a lot of it is probably my fault,” he confessed to who he believed to be no one. “I know you say that you forgive me, and I do believe you. But I feel like some part of you still holds it against me. Not that I blame you.” Kurt heard Blaine sniffle and wondered if he was crying. Then, the hand in his hair moved as Blaine grazed his thumb along Kurt’s cheek. It was a sweet, loving gesture, but it took a bit for Kurt to not react to it in a way that would reveal he was not actually asleep.
“I should probably tell you all these things when you’re actually awake, huh? I’m just scared, I guess. I don’t know if it’s obvious yet, but I’m not really that great at this whole relationship thing. I feel like when we first met, I always knew exactly what you needed. Now, I’m not so sure.” Blaine took a breath and finally pulled his hand away.
“I think… I think I just need you to need me,” Blaine eventually admitted, and even the way Blaine spoke felt weighted. “It’s selfish as hell, I know, but I liked feeling like you needed me. You were so scared and alone and needed someone to protect you and I loved being that person for you. But now you don’t, and… and I’m still trying to figure out how to be okay with that.”
Blaine’s voice broke and Kurt felt his chest constrict at the sound. “I love the man you are, but I can’t help but miss the boy you were. You’d probably be pissed if you heard me say that.” Blaine let out a soft laugh, but it was devoid of any real humor. “It’s so much easier to say these things when you’re asleep.”
After that, Blaine fell into silence. It felt like ages, but he eventually resettled into bed, pressing a kiss to Kurt’s temple before finally cuddling up next to him. Blaine was warm, but Kurt couldn’t help a chill that sat deep in his bones from everything he just heard — every word Blaine wanted to say to him but couldn’t find the strength to say it. With his arm wrapped protectively around Kurt’s waist, he murmured one final thing before drifting off to sleep.
“G’night, Kurt. I love you.”
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tyrantonutx · 7 months
Looking for RP Partner(s)!
Hey, hi, how's it goin'?
I'm Tyrant, 30+ s/they, and this is a Take Two attempt at finding like-minded folx, so if you happen to see a similar looking post floating around (unlikely but possible), I am in fact one and the same Tyrant, I'm just too damn impatient to wait on tumblr to fix my original blog.
I'm hoping to find some partner(s) interested in Discord RP, because I am in fact a tumblr Baby (despite the original blog being...several years old...) and the formatting on tumblr rp blogs makes me Nervous.
I've been roleplaying in various capacities on forums, discord, and chat (throwback to AOL Instant Messenger amirite?) for approximately two decades and some change. I tend to write in a casual cadence as one might suspect, and I like to adapt my replies to the thread (anywhere from several sentences to a few paragraphs is my norm). I generally prefer CANON x CANON ships, at least starting out, to get a feel for how we come at characterization and plot together before we dip into OC territory. I'm involved in a few fandoms that may in fact be wastelands but, hey, you miss every shot you don't take, so here I am!
What follows is a list of fandos, characters, and ships I'm ACTIVELY looking for, the things that make my brain buzz in all the good ways. I'm down for hearing out any plots you might have in your lovely beating hearts (or shriveled little black ones, no judgment here!) or working out plots together based on all the good things that come from two rambling fans throwing head canons and "OK BUT WHAT IF"s at each other til something sticks.
If any of these strike you as fun, or if you just think I'm gosh darn neat and wanna chat me up for the thrills, please like this post, message me here on tumblr, or send me a friend request on discord (@tyrantonut)! I'm shy af and terrible at reaching out first, thank you hereditary anxiety and Burnt Out Gifted Kid syndrome, so sometimes I need that lil nudge.
...right! The fandoms! (Please note that while I have listed characters for me vs. for you, I'm actually pretty flexible on these! I just think I write some sides better than others.)
The Boys (AU preferred)
Butchie -- Billy Butcher x Hughie Campbell
Stephen King's It (Muschietti AU preferred)
Reddie -- Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak
Stranger Things (Aged up AU preferred)
Byler -- Mike Wheeler x Will Byers
Harringrove -- Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington
Steddie -- Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Hannibal (NBC)
Hannigram -- Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham
Marvel Universe (Comics & Movieverse)
Spideypool -- Wade Wilson x Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)
Spiderprowl -- Aaron Davis x Peter B. Parker
Mysterio/Spiderman -- Quentin Beck x Peter Parker (Tom Holland, preferably aged up)
Starkmonger -- Tony Stark/Erik Killmonger
Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss Universe
Huskerdust -- Angel Dust x Husk (Overlord Husk AU has given me brain rot)
Chaggie -- Charlie Magne x Vaggie
RadioApple -- Alastor x Lucifer
Stolitz -- Blitzo x Stolas
Fizzarozzie -- Fizzarolli x Asmodeus
Puckurt -- Noah 'Puck' Puckerman x Kurt Hummel
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wowbright · 10 months
Fic: Communication
Fandom/pairing: Glee, Kurt/Blaine
Event: December Klaine Fanworks Challenge 2023
Words: ~1000 words                                
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: Elder Nixon games Blaine an opportunity to stay connected with Kurt.
Notes: This is part of my Mormon!Klaine universe. It takes place after Out of Eden, which I am still in the process of posting to AO3. It’s among the likely possibilities for their future. This takes place after yesterday's post, Paper Boats. Elder Nixon is Warbler Trent. Warning for dysfunctional family dynamics.
* * *
On their way back from an appointment on the south end of town, Elder Nixon turned his bike into the parking lot of the Media Markt and came to a stop at the bike rack.
“What are we doing here?” Blaine asked. “You need a new battery?”
“Nope.” Elder Nixon swung off his bike and parked it into the rack in a single practiced move. “We're getting you a new phone.”
“I don't need a new phone. Mine’s working fine.”
“Not a mission phone. Your own phone. So you can call Elder Hummel.”
Blaine's mouth fell open of its own accord. “But... But... That's against the rules.”
“Regeln, schmegeln,” Elder Nixon replied, which translated roughly to rules, schmules—well, assuming that schmegeln wasn't a real German word, and Blaine didn't think it was. “Come on. Let's go. No dilly dallying. We still need to make our next appointment.”
Blaine followed his companion in a daze. He'd heard of missionaries sometimes keeping secret phones, but it had never occurred to Blaine to do that himself. Partly because it was against the rules—not that Blaine abided by every single rule, but this one seemed fairly harmless and maybe even good, because it kept missionaries focused on their companions for emotional support instead of the outside world. And partly because he was terrible at keeping secrets, as evidenced by him blubbering out the entire story of him and Kurt to Elder Nixon after they got back to the apartment from their proselytizing and paper-boat-making in the park.
As they approached the phone department, Blaine's heart filled with hope. He could talk to Kurt again. He could hear his voice. They could send text messages to each other—stupid, silly, mundane messages that said little on their own, but added up to a connection—a real connection across an ocean of distance.
Blaine tugged Elder Nixon’s sleeve. “I can't.”
“You need help paying for it?”
“No. It's not that. It's...” Don't expect anyone to coddle you, Blaine. You're already going to have it so easy. You're going to be in Germany, one of the richest nations in the world. The food will be great and your electricity will always be on and you'll have clean, running water and a bank card that your brother will keep adding money to even though I've told him not to. It will be nothing like my mission. You're not going to lose forty-two pounds just by accident because you're sick half the time and the other half, all you have to eat is gruel. When I was a missionary, we even had to buy our own name tag, and now they just give it to you. And we had to wait until we were 19, live on our own for a bit and prove we were mature before we could go. The prophet's decision to lower the age to 18 was inspired, of course, but it makes it all the more important that you go into the situation with no expectation of anyone taking care of you. You need to be responsible for yourself. You need to give absolute obedience to your leaders. If you keep your focus one-hundred percent on the mission and not on your own petty wants, it will still challenge you enough to make you into the man God intends you to be.
Blaine had made it so long without his father living inside his head. But with Kurt gone, he was back in there, telling Blaine how to live and what to think and how to feel, making Blaine fearfully aware of what a disappointment he was to his family.
“I need to tough it out,” Blaine said.
Elder Nixon looked skeptical. “Says who?”
“Not everyone. I'm not telling you to tough it out, and I'm pretty sure Elder Hummel would be delighted if you didn't tough it out, and I personally know at least a dozen missionaries with their own phones—”
“A dozen? You know that ‘a dozen’ literally means ‘twelve,’ right? It's not just another word for ‘a few.’”
“I know what ‘a dozen’ means, Elder Anderson.”
“Wait. Do you have a phone? I mean, your own one?”
“No. But I don't need one. You do. You're sad and you're heartbroken for no good reason, because the guy who you're heartbroken over is totally in love with you and wants to hear from you.”
“I write him,” Blaine said defensively.
“Look. This isn't like popping caffeine pills or getting addicted to chocolate-covered espresso beans. Those things are harmful. But talking with the people you love? That's a good thing. And if you need me to put it in terms of metrics, Elder Anderson, it's distracting you from the work. I think, if you could actually talk to Elder Hummel, it would make you a better missionary.”
“That makes no sense.”
“It makes perfect sense. Remind me, how many people did you two baptize together?”
“Well, it depends how you count—”
“How many?”
“Sounds like talking with Elder Hummel makes you a better missionary.”
Blaine knew it was true. He had been a better missionary when he'd been with Kurt. He'd been more loving and patient, and he’d truly been able to listen to people—not like lately, when he missed half the things people said to him because their words got all garbled up in his grief over Kurt and flashbacks to painful conversations with his father.
Elder Nixon patted Blaine’s shoulder. “I'm not going to force you to buy a phone today. But I want you to consider it—not just in your mind, but in your prayers, too. I'll pray about it with you every day if that's what you need.”
Prayer. Elder Nixon was right. That’s what Blaine needed. Prayer was the thing that brought clarity to things. It was the beam from a lighthouse cutting through the fog.
So, without waiting, Blaine closed his eyes right in the middle of Media Markt. He prayed silently to God about his grief and his fear and the memories that shouldn't be so upsetting because they were only words, and they weren't even words that his dad had meant hurtfully—they weren't angry or abusive or belittling or any of the things Blaine had learned in health class to tell a trusted adult about—but still they cut into him like knives, peeling back his defenses and leaving him raw and wounded and never able to heal.
Blaine remembered Jesus with the woman at the well and again with the adultress and again with the little children, and he heard—not in his ears, but deep inside where the Holy Ghost spoke to him—That's not the way I love. I love with open arms.
Blaine opened his eyes. “I should get a smartphone, right? The messaging would be cheaper that way.”
Elder Nixon smiled.
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switchhummel · 1 month
@honeysuckle-rosewood replied to your post: I can make chicken soup if that would help?
Oh, hello! I don't think we've met before. I'm Kurt Hummel, Switch. And I could never say no to chicken soup, specially at a moment like this, haha.
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colferpics · 3 months
Chris will be voice acting again! https://x.com/ModernAr1es/status/1807264185526452305
hi, thanks for sharing! I saw this tweet last night but intentionally chose not to publish it. after doing some research, I was unable to verify the information. the only place I can find any information about this series is on the show creator's social media. and while that may not be enough to disprove anything, there were some other posts that they made that made me question the validity of Chris being involved in this project.
there was another character introduction with a voice actor announcement that has since been deleted. the voice actor named in this deleted tweet, replied stating that they were not in fact voicing the character.
the show creator then replied back, telling the VA that they love their work, they were perfect for the job, and that this was just an opportunity. they also told the VA that decisions can wait a few years until the show is in production and they have a budget to discuss. (these replies are still available to see on the creator's twitter, even though the original tweet is now gone)
the poster advertising the show (on the creator's twitter) says it's a YouTube Original beginning September 1st, 2028. however, the creator also has a tiktok talking about the show that they tagged Netflix in, and used the #NetflixOriginals hashtag.
and finally, speaking of the creator's tiktok, there is another video - which has since been deleted, but Google search is still showing a cashed preview of - that has a caption that states that "Ryan's head canon voice is Kurt Hummel from Glee".
all of these points together makes me question whether or not Chris is actually tied to this project, or if the show's creator is just trying to get his attention because they want him to be tied to the project. either way, that is why I originally decided to hold off on posting the announcement until I could find other sources to verify it.
sorry for the confusion, and thanks for understanding!
💚Mod Kiwi
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 2 months
Hi, so I've been looking for this Klaine fanfiction I read a while ago but I can't find it anywhere and I don't remember the actual name of it but when I was looking for it the Ao3 link came up with the begining of the description of the fic I've been looking for but when I pressed it it took me to Ao3 which is what I remember reading the fic on but I couldn't find it on there. Here's what the begining of the description says, " NEW NAME: was "KLAINE" (changed because that was pretty vague but still like it). Kurt and Blaine are living their dream in New York, but what happens..." And that's it.
I do remember some events if that helps!
I remember the fanfiction is about Kurt and blaine when they are older and married and they have 3 kids, 2 girls and 1 boy and I remember at some point in the story Blaine is in contact with his uncle but doesn't tell Kurt because he felt that Kurt would be disappointed or mad that Blaine was using his uncle for money and things and eventually Kurt catches on and thinks that Blaine is cheating on him and at some point they go on a trip with Tina and artie I think and Kurt doesn't want to talk to Blaine because he's upset with him for cheating on him but Blaine doesn't know that Kurt thinks he's cheating on him when really he's just in contact with his uncle and they fight in the bedroom but eventually it's figured out and they get over it. another part is when Kurt gets a job in another city or state or something like that and Blaine is upset cause Kurt has always been a workaholic in the past which left Blaine to take care of things around the house by himself but anyway, Blaine tells him to go and that they are on a break or something or that they're separated while Kurt is in a different place so he can do what he pleased and the last thing I remember was Kurt and blaine deciding they want another baby but as the baby is born I think it's Kurt who gets in a accident and is in a coma for a while and Blaine is depressed and their daughter Aria feels bad or something because she and Kurt were in the car when they got in the accident because he was picking her up from a boys house which she was not supposed to be at.
Hello -we got all your messages re this one. Please be aware we are not always here, so if you haven't had a reply, please be patient and we'll get to you!
I am not aware what this fic is, so am appealing to the fandom and someone may know it. We have our daddies!klaine tab, or on A03, there's 407 works under parents Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel. Or on fanfiction.net under family tag. Hopefully it can be found. ~Jen
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hevanderson · 6 months
six sentence sunday !! nobody tagged me, i just wanted to do it LOL but i've not seen anyone be tagged for this so im going to tag people for once :-3 this could be for sketches or writing so i'm tagging: @boltgunkiller @cryscendo @kurtsascot @unholy-fabray @porcelainvino and anyone else who wants to participate!!
this is . way more than six sentences, and is more like seven paragraph sunday ^^; but this is an excerpt from lis au ch2 :-D
Blaine looked in the corner, their corner. Empty. He smiled. A jukebox stood right by the booth he and Kurt always sat at. It hadn't worked for years, and he doubted Carole got it fixed, but it added to the atmosphere. Music still played, but he could spot speakers tucked sneakily where the ceiling met the walls. An Amy Whitehouse song was on. He slid into his seat. From where the booth was, the music was never too loud or too quiet. He thought they picked the best seats in the diner. He looked down at the table, the wood pattern so familiar he thought he could still trace it from memory. A small piece of graffiti was etched into the corner. It was hardly able to be seen, so much so that Blaine doubted Carole had even noticed, and she'd been working here for as long as he was alive. In the tiny handwriting of a twelve year old Kurt Hummel, Blaine read, 'K + B' and smiled. His head shot up when the sound of heels clicking started approaching him. Those heels were the same, too– black slip ones with an incline of only about an inch or two. They belonged to Carole Hudson. Sure enough, she was standing right by his table. Her hair was different now (it was dark brown when it used to be primarily blonde), and she looked older, but otherwise, she was just like she was five years prior. She was dressed in her work uniform, a light blue pencil skirt that was just a few shades off from the seats with a matching button-up and a white apron to complete the look. Her own personal touches to the outfit, black tights and a hair tie to pull her cropped hair back, were the same as always. She held a pot of coffee and a white mug in her hands. “Blaine,” she greeted warmly, “I haven't seen you in ages! It's nice to see you again.” She set down the mug in front of him. She poured the coffee into it. Hot steam rose into the air as it filled the cup, and the scent of freshly roasted coffee became stronger. “It's nice to see you, too, Miss Hudson,” he replied politely. Carole turned the coffee pot upright again, stopping the flow. She put one hand on her hip. “I told you when you were younger, and I'll tell you now, just Carole is fine,” she reminded. “You're grown up now, too, right?” He nodded. His hands wrapped around the mug. Warmth spread through him. “Legally, sure,” he said with a joking tone. “I'm eighteen.”
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rockitmans · 11 months
fic writer 20 questions - ask game
I was tagged by @bitbybitwrites, @special-bc-ur-part-of-it and @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion . Thank you my darlings 💖
tagging... probably a bunch of people that have already answered. @cerriddwenluna @heartsmadeofbooks @kurtsascot @backslashdelta
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. whats your ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Only Glee/Klaine at the moment but I teeter enternally on the edge of writing for Red, White and Royal Blue
4. top 5 fics by kudos
Spinning Out (306) Blaine Anderson vs. Valentine's Day (221) Smart With Math, Stupid With Love (215) No Take Backs (166) Witch Wanted (161)
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
Yes, although if I get distracted for even a second it will inevitably not happen. If things are out of sight they are out of mind 😅
I do like to reply because comments absolutely make my day so I wanna acknowledge that. Even if I'm just like "fanks 🤓", inside I'm screaming.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Witch Wanted has an ambiguous ending which can be read as angsty depending on how the reader interprets it. Personally I take the happy ending but either way the purpose of it is more about choosing to love each other through any challenge, however it ends up.
7. whats the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All the rest haha. I think Blaine Anderson vs Valentine's Day is the most straightforwardly light hearted fic. Smart With Math has the best progression. And No Take Backs is the most cathartic and hopeful.
8. do you get hate on fics?
No. I've had people disagree with some stuff like writing Kurt Hummel as a Slut in Spinning Out (he deserved a slut phase ok). Personally I always think the point of fiction is exploring other avenues for the characters but I don't mind if people disagree with that.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Yes and as to what kind... The kind where sex happens?? Not sure haha. I guess I tend to write bottom Blaine with slightly subby undertones but y'know I've also written possessive top!Blaine and wall sex and soft sex with a lot of ~feelings~ so I'll try anything really as long as it doesn't squick me.
I also tend towards writing sex in a way that I think fits the fanfic mold rather than how I feel it strictly exists in reality. I don't think there's anything wrong with that though. The mold is good.
10. do you write crossovers? whats the craziest one youve ever written?
Nah. I'm writing a Red, White, Royal Blue AU currently but it's not a crossover in the sense that characters from the book will appear. I don't currently have any plans to write one but maybe.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Don't think so
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No. I'm open to it but terrible at writing to a schedule so it would have to be a patient soul to put up with me. I've written to prompts and for art though which is a different kind of collaboration that I really enjoy.
14. fave all time ship?
Klaine but I had a pretty hefty Merthur era in my youth and they still have a special place in my heart.
15. wip you want to finish but doubt you will?
I kind of intend to finish all of them even if that's entirely unrealistic. Nothing is formally abandoned that I've written more than a few thousand words for because... sunk cost fallacy.
It's possible the fic I was writing for Back to School may fall by the way side. It was competing choir directors with a lot of dumb rivalry and banter which I do really enjoy but I'm struggling to structure the story.
16. what are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, humour and smut. At least comfort in writing those things - it's hard to judge the quality of your own work objectively.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Exposition, capturing any emotion other than pure stupidity, and getting the guy from one place to another.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
Wouldn't do it personally, I would probably indicate a character was speaking another language within the prose rather than writing it out. But to be fair the only other language I speak is BSL which does not translate well to text 😝
I don't mind reading it as long as there's translation somewhere because your boy is lazy and doesn't wanna look stuff up
19. first fandom you wrote for?
If we're talking unpublished, it was a Jack/Ianto Torchwood fic. I think Jack was the first canonical queer man I encountered in media but I could be forgetting someone.
20. fave fic youve written?
Spinning Out is my baby and I the urge to write a sequel grows daily. I love the boys' dynamic in that fic.
But from a pure reread perspective it's probably Blaine Anderson Vs Valentine's Day. It's just light hearted silly fun and still makes me smile.
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Chapter 13
Chap 1 Chap 2 Chap 3 Chap 4 Chap 5 Chap 6 Chap 7 Chap 8 Chap 9 Chap 10 Chap 11 Chap 12 on Ao3
Day 13: KAINGGW = gawking
Kurt leaves New York. Just for a couple weeks; just to get his head on straight. He pulls out the emergency credit card and runs home to his dad like a kicked puppy. He’s fallen victim to his bruised ego again and Burt Hummel can always give him a swift kick in the ass if it’s needed. Kurt’s not sure if it is, but he definitely needs his dad to hug him. Burt’s good at that, too.
So he goes home. He sleeps. He eats his stepmother’s middle-American comfort food. He sulks and pines and when he finally can’t force himself to stay angry anymore, he tells his father everything. 
“What I don’t get,” Burt Hummel says after a long time of looking at Kurt, “is why it bothers you so much that he bought your stuff. I mean the guy likes art, right? He was there at a gallery opening. And he likes you, so why not? Why’s that got you so upset?”
“Dad. It’s so… condescending. Like, ‘my boyfriend is an artist so I’m gonna support him by buying everything he makes with all this money I have lying around.’ I want my work to sell because it’s good or valuable or it speaks to someone. Not because my boyfriend felt this patronizing need to finance my career.”
Burt looks confused. “Do you think that’s what he’s doing?”
“I don’t know,” Kurt almost whines. “It just doesn’t sit well with me. He doesn’t have to think about money. I think maybe he thought he was being nice . But, look Dad, now I have to worry about my job, too. And I thought I could maybe make it without the restaurant, you know? Because my work was actually selling. So I could work at the gallery and make art and not have to wait tables anymore. But he… he took that. He took my confidence in myself and my work.”
“Way I see it, he’d be pretty upset that you’re thinking of it that way. Sounds like the guy actually cares about you, Kurt.”
“That’s just it,” Kurt says petulantly. “Does he? Or am I just a pet project or something? He can buy me a few fancy dinners and keep buying my work and I just roll over?”
“Anyone that thinks you’d roll over for them has another think coming,” Burt laughs. “Did he really seem like that was what he was after? Some grateful little puppy following him around?”
“I don’t know, Dad,” Kurt says. “And I’m not gonna spend my time and energy second-guessing his motivations.”
“Seems like you wouldn’t have to if you woulda let the guy get a word in edgewise, Kurt,” Burt says frankly.
Kurt has enough self awareness to blush. But then he digs his heels in. “I’m not comfortable with it,” he says. “So regardless of how he justifies it, it – he – we are not gonna work.”
“Okay, kid,” Burt says thoughtfully. “You know I got your back. Always. But maybe think about why he shook your confidence so easy. Is that really a him problem?”
Kurt doesn’t really want to think about what his Dad is getting at, so he just says “Thanks, Dad. I love you,” and gets up from the table.
By the time he’s back in New York, Kurt has resigned himself to moving on with his life, his job, his art. If only the universe will cooperate.
And it seems like maybe it might.
He wakes up to a New York September morning, cool now until the sun has a chance to warm the concrete. Then it will feel like summer. Elliott’s in the kitchen singing at the top of his lungs and stirring scrambled eggs when Kurt makes his usual beeline for the coffee pot.
“What’s got you so sunny this morning?” he asks his roommate’s back as he sips his coffee.
“Well,” Elliott says chirpily, “You’re home, for one. Good trip?”
“It was,” Kurt replies. “I needed it.”
“Excellent.” Elliott grins. “I’m glad. And two, the gallery’s safe.”
Kurt chokes a little on his coffee, gawking at his friend. “What? How ?”
“The building sold,” Elliott tells him. “But it sold to a holding company that’s very pro-arts I guess. They’d like to make an arts center out of it – they’re hoping to attract only arts-related businesses. So we stay.” Elliott’s grin is wide as he shrugs his shoulders. “That’s what Jerome told me. All I know is that instead of writing rent checks to Jerome, I’m writing them to Harmony Real Estate starting October first.”
“Elliott!” Kurt shrieks. “That’s fantastic!” He flings himself into his best friend’s arms.
Things are definitely looking up.
It’s a little stunning how quickly things fall into place after that. The building itself is quickly christened ‘ArtsHub,’ and renovations of various units are underway. They already have a wine bar in residence next door, which is a perfect fit for the clientele the gallery wants to attract. Other units are in various stages of being transformed into a tiny independent film theater, a music store that will also offer instrument lessons, and a dance studio. There’s a persistent rumor that it’s Rachel Berry’s private dance coach who’s moving her studio into the second floor space. It’s sort of a big deal and doing wonders for public interest in the space.
Because of the constant construction work, the new owners have graciously offered a small discount on the gallery’s rent for a few months, so Elliott can pay Kurt and himself without worrying. Chandler wishes them luck and gratefully bows out, so Kurt does days and Elliott does evenings and Kurt starts putting away money to buy into the business one of these days.
Their living situation is still up in the air. Kurt thinks that Elliott will eventually move in with Sebastian. They’re in love and it only makes sense. But they’re going slowly and carefully and they’re both okay with that. Kurt’s impressed with Sebastian’s boyfriend persona. He never would have imagined he’d see Sebastian so smitten with anything. But he’s clearly head over heels for Elliott and Elliott just seems so relaxed and quietly happy. Kurt can’t begrudge them anything, despite the fact that his own love life is once again circling the bowl.
He has a lot of time sitting in a quiet art gallery to think about Blaine and about what his dad said to him back in August. He thinks about his own self confidence and gondolas in Central Park and he’s still confused and angry but he misses Blaine if he’s honest with himself. He misses him a lot. Especially one Wednesday when a familiar delivery woman strolls into the gallery with a dozen red roses and says directly to Kurt, “Delivery for … Elliott Gilbert?”
Kurt doesn’t look up. “Mmm-hmm,” he says and points to the corner of the desk. She puts the roses down gently and then stands there until Kurt stops what he’s doing and looks up at her expectantly. “Yes?” he says. But she just looks disappointed and glances from the roses back to Kurt before she leaves the gallery shaking her head.
And Blaine… Kurt has to give Blaine points for respecting his wishes, because it’s as if the man never existed. He doesn’t call or text. He sends no flowers or gifts. He doesn’t show up at the gallery despite the fact that he’s a collector of art and has a legitimate reason to be there. He doesn’t try to win Kurt back with expensive displays. He just disappears into Kurt’s memories and that’s the end of it. Blaine, ever the gentleman, has taken no for an answer and simply vanished. 
Kurt’s sad.
By the end of September, everything seems settled. Elliott’s been at Sebastian's a lot because apparently Sebastian has an old friend who’s going through something, so Elliott goes over to feed him and support him while Sebastian, in turn, spends his energy supporting his friend. Kurt and Elliott don’t see each other much anyway because they work opposite shifts, but now they only see each other in the gallery and it’s hard to celebrate their business success alone. And they’re clearly becoming successful.
Kurt takes to staying late at Muse so he can socialize with his best friend before they change shifts. He doesn’t have anywhere to go in the evenings anyway, so he spends time in the studio working on various pieces or sitting next to Elliott at the desk while they talk, or cleaning the front windows till they sparkle. It’s better than the empty apartment that’s waiting for him.
He’s at the studio one Thursday evening, rubbing Dutch Wax Cloth with yellow clay, happy with the resulting patina, and imagining the finished piece, when he hears Elliott’s voice, urgent and low, speaking with someone out in the gallery. He can’t hear anything but Elliott’s tone, which is definitely serious. Kurt rinses the wet clay from his fingers and walks out into the gallery drying his hands with a towel. He’s surprised to see Wesley Jiang standing next to the desk in clipped conversation with Elliott. That’s … odd.
“Wes?” Kurt says hesitantly, and almost feels bad when Wes’s head shoots up as if he’s been shocked. Kurt notices Elliott’s jaw tighten minutely in his peripheral vision.
“Oh, hi, Kurt,” Wes says politely. “How are you?”
“I’m well, thank you,” Kurt replies, “and you?”
“Oh, fine, fine,” Wes answers quickly. The two of them look at each other awkwardly for a moment. Kurt swallows his pride.
“Um, how’s Blaine?” he asks, trying to sound both chipper and nonchalant. He’s not sure he manages.
“Oh.” Wes’s laugh sounds a little too forced. “I, ah, I wouldn’t know. He’s in LA staying with his brother. Looks like he might move out there permanently.” 
“Really?” Kurt is stunned. He’d never in a million years picture Blaine in LA. He just seems so … utterly New York. “That’s surprising,” is what he says to Wes.
Wes’s brow furrows and he looks at Kurt for a moment as if he can’t possibly understand him before he turns back to Elliott, who looks almost panicked. “Anyway, Elliott, that’s the plan. I’ll get all the details to you as soon as I can.” He glances back toward Kurt. “Nice to see you again Kurt,” he says. And he strides briskly from the gallery.
Kurt stands there in stunned silence for a moment, feeling distinctly uncomfortable, before he turns slowly to Elliott.
“What the heck was that all about?” he asks.
“Just business,” Elliott replies without looking at Kurt, his jaw still tight and his eyes fixed on the laptop screen in front of him.
“Is he buying something?” Kurt asks, and Elliott shakes his head.
“What business, then?” Kurt says and Elliott still won’t look at him, acting for all the world like whatever he’s doing on the laptop is vitally interesting and important.
Kurt’s eyes narrow as he looks at his friend. “What business, Elliott?” he snaps.
And Elliott lifts his head, looking exactly like the proverbial deer in the headlights, and stares at Kurt for a second.
“I’m not supposed to tell you,” he says. “You’re not supposed to know.”
Kurt crosses his arms across his chest and raises an eyebrow.
“Fine,” Elliot snipes, “but I’ll deny it, you understand? I didn’t tell you. I never said a thing.”
“Oh my god, Elliott.” Kurt’s lost all semblance of patience. “What ?”
Elliott sighs like he’s relieving himself of a heavy burden.
“Harmony Real Estate? Our landlord? Is Wes. And Blaine.”
Kurt feels like he’s been slapped.
When Kurt wants to drink, he’ll have wine or a vodka cocktail. If Kurt’s drinking tequila it’s because he wants to be fucked up . 
Which, thankfully, Elliott knows.
Because Kurt’s a bit of a mess.
The gallery’s closed and the two of them are sitting on their couch. It’s after midnight and Kurt has been doing tequila shots for the past two hours. Elliott’s brought him two glasses of water and finally hidden the tequila bottle when Kurt got up to stumble to the bathroom.
He flings himself back onto the couch and looks stupidly at Elliott. “Where’s my drink?” he says.
Elliott just points at the water glass. “Right there,” he says. Luckily, Kurt’s not a belligerent drunk. He looks bemusedly at the water and takes a sip.
“Okay. So. Elliott,” he enunciates.
“Yes, Kurt.” Elliott is a very patient man.
“Lemme see if I understand this.”
“Kurt, honey,” Elliott chuckles, “I don't think you’d understand your own name right now.”
“No, Elliott, lissen.” Kurt blinks at him a few times and Elliott, wisely, listens.
“You are telling me,” Kurt says slowly, “that Blaine heard the gallery was–” he sighs as if words are too hard “–in trouble. So he bought it. The building, I mean. He bought the building. Because Sebastian told him to. Because Sebastian – that name is very hard to say, Elliott.”
“It’s really not, honey,” Elliott says. “Drink your water.”
“No, wait, lissen,” Kurt says again after a sip of water. “Because Sebastian knows Blaine and they’re friends and Sebastian said to buy it and Blaine just bought it? But he said ‘don’t tell Kurt’ so nobody told me and you all just lied? Is that what you’re telling me?”
“Not quite what I said,” Elliott replies, “But close enough for now.”
“But why?” Kurt wails.
“I think,” Elliott says carefully, “because he wanted you to be happy and okay. And he could make that happen. So he did.”
Kurt bursts into tears.
“Elliott,” he sobs, “why would he do that? Why? I was so mean to him, Elliott. And now he’s leaving and I’ll probably never see him again. And he – I –”
“Kurt,” Elliott says kindly, “finish your water. You need sleep. We can talk about this tomorrow.”
So Kurt drinks and Elliott helps him to the bathroom again. He feeds him three Advil and helps him take his jeans off when he trips and puts a bucket next to Kurt’s bed, just in case. 
He’s still sniffling when Elliott closes his door.
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daydadahlias · 5 months
i want to hear the glee thoughts and feelings
ok ur so gonna regret u asked this
So, I watched glee way back when in middle school (before I knew what a lot of the words they said meant <3 I remember watching the first time episode and having no fucking idea what was going on <3) and I really loved it!! who doesn't love a jam yknow?? and, obviously, i attached myself to Blaine very quickly because his voice is just my favorite and he puts out nothing but bangers. this last week, I've gone back and rewatched seasons 2 and 3 (because that was peak Blaine Anderson) and - because I'm the world's most needlessly passionate person - I'm getting a little fucking worked up about it !!
It will never fail to bewilder me how much of a literal SHIT HEAD Kurt Hummel was. Like, I know that we as audience members are supposed to align ourselves with him because he's an OG character and he's a queer kid just trying to be himself or whatever, but frankly it doesn't pay that much to "just be yourself" when yourself SUCKS! kurt fucking SUCKS dude. He is so whiney and so selfish and blatantly rude. and he is a shitty ass boyfriend to Blaine!
this is also rooted in my absolute maniacal frustration that Blaine never gets to be a character of his own. His character is always (throughout the entirety of the show) written within the context of Kurt and Klaine. It's very much Ken and Barbie-esque with the whole "Ken only has a good day when Barbie looks at him." Like we never get to know anything about Blaine's personal life except for ?? a throwaway line that his dad (who we never meet) is homophobic? and also that he was gay bashed when he was 15. And, just to bitch about that, it will never not piss me off to insane lengths that Kurt wanted to go to prom so he made Blaine go with him even though Blaine was blatantly triggered by it. The literal dialogue exchange in the episode (S2E20) is Blaine detailing this very traumatic experience and saying "this is just a bit of a sore spot for me" and Kurt replies "this is perfect." LIKE WHAT?? WHATTTT?? what do you mean it's PERFECT?? your boyfriend is clearly uncomfortable and triggered by this!! do not make this man go to prom with you!! And then, in that same episode, Kurt very blatantly outs Blaine's secret trauma to his family without any fucking care whatsoever for what Blaine actually went through (which is crazy considering Kurt was bullied too and should have some goddamn sympathy for the situation??). and look at my boy!! he's CLEARLY UNCOMFORTABLE!! does Kurt give a fuck?? no he does not! and he literally never apologizes for this!!
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gif credit (love this set and creator btw)
This is after they're dating and there are MANY more instances when they're dating that Kurt blatantly bulldozed over Blaine's boundaries with reckless fucking abandon. And any single time they ever get into an argument, Blaine has to be the one to apologize to KURT? like even when Kurt is the one who cheats on him in Season 3?? Blaine has to apologize to him for being insecure?? Or in Season 5 when Blaine is experiencing a lot of insecurity (which was also a crazy arc considering how attractive his actor, Darren, is?? and I always loathe when shows add unnecessary fatphobia plotlines for literal skinny characters but that's a different tangent) and he told Kurt and Kurt's response was quite literally "I'm not going to apologize for being better than you." Like that's a fucking insane thing to say to your boyfriend who is standing in your kitchen crying, saying he's scared you're "going to wake up one day and realize [you] don't love him anymore" (S5E16). AND THEN?? IN AN EVEN MORE INSANE TURN OF EVENTS?? literally a handful of episodes later that's EXACTLY what happens!! Just out of the blue, Kurt decides he doesn't love Blaine anymore and breaks up with him?? Which was an absurd plotline?? (as most plotlines from season 4 and on are).
I'm also just going to add that Ryan Murphy does not know Blaine Anderson like I do, clearly, because there is nothing at all in his character that insinuates he'd be a cheater especially considering his ENTIRE PERSONALITY REVOLVES AROUND KURT. which is some fucking lazy ass writing, I'm just gonna say.
Also, further defending Blaine and calling Kurt out for being a SHITHEAD! there's that whole episode "Blame it on the Alchohol" where Blaine and Kurt go over to Rachel's house for a party and Blaine gets literally blackout drunk and kisses Rachel during a spin the bottle game. Immediately, the fact that Kurt gets so upset over them kissing says a lot about how self-involved and psychotically jealous he is (considering he and Blaine were NOT together at this point and Blaine had literally actively said he did not want to be in a relationship with Kurt).
And then this will also always bother me?? Blaine was blackout?? So Kurt drove him home?? and let Blaine sleep in his bed??? with him??? which, based on the way Kurt was acting and how possessive he always was over Blaine, this was Weird. Like if you can drive your drunk friend somewhere, why aren't you driving them back to their OWN home?? especially when Blaine wakes up in the episode (looking very cute, I will say) and his immediate reaction is "Where am I?" Like that's fucked up???? And then, later, in the same episode, Blaine says he thinks he might be bi and Kurt goes off his fucking ROCKER. and is so blatantly biphobic !! and it's gross !! and the only reason he is is because he wants Blaine to himself even though Blaine literally said he wasn't interested!!!
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including gifs of drunk!blaine bc he's cute <3
And to talk down to your supposed best friend?? And act like you know him better than he knows himself?? yeah it was fucked up and biphobia is never cute. and, also, all Kurt ever did was pretty much blatantly pressure Blaine into dating him?? Like he was constantly all over him and then, the second they got together, the writers were like "ok and now blaine's only personality trait is loving Kurt." Which never made any sense to me considering that Kurt is constantly talking down to him? He constantly (multiple times in multiple episodes) complains about how talented Blaine is. Which is just not something you fucking do to someone you supposedly love and respect??
Before they were even dating, Kurt complained to Blaine that he "always has solos" and "right now, it feels like we're Blaine and the pips" and also a very underhanded comment about how "I know we're all supposed to be do-whopping behind Blaine while he sings every Katy Perry song" (S2E16). All of these things are just blatantly belittling? Also, tea time, but Kurt's ass was not fucking talented enough to be making bold ass claims about how he should be singing lead vocals.
Once they're dating, Blaine and Kurt both try out for the musical. When Kurt finds out that Blaine is trying for the lead, he immediately becomes standoffish and Blaine clearly panics, making a comment about how seniors should get the leads, not juniors. And Kurt goes "yeah that's usually how it works!" So then Blaine completely fucking forfeits the part! He auditions for a side role so that Kurt can get it and Kurt won't see him as a "threat" but then, because Blaine is so fucking good (and better than Kurt cough cough), he gets cast and Kurt is fucking pissed about it !!! (S3E02).
Once they are dating, Kurt literally cheats on Blaine, then claims that it's "okay" because it's "just texting" and, when Blaine says he's hurt, Kurt calls him crazy?? (S3E17) He never once apologizes to Blaine for what he did, only saying "I'm sorry if this upsets you but it's okay" which is not a fucking apology!! And Blaine ends up being the one apologizing to Kurt at the end of the episode, saying that he's insecure!! But Kurt does about fuck all to actually care for him!! And, during that scene, he says "Do you know how many times I've had to sit on a stool and watch you perform?" Like how fucking shitty is that to say to someone you love? Literally All Kurt does the entire series is make Blaine feel bad about how good he is??
there's a lot of other moments where Kurt is really just blatantly fucking mean to Blaine but I'm going to stop there because this is getting <3 really long <3 and I'm going to take a deep breath.
Blaine literally transferred schools to be with Kurt because Kurt pressured him into it?? Like there were literally scenes where Kurt was like "you should change schools" and Blaine went "aww no I don't wanna :(" and then Kurt continued to pressure him into it?? it's not something he ever should have even proposed in the first place?? But then when Blaine actually did transfer - and made it blatantly clear to Kurt that he did it for him - all of a sudden Kurt was like "aw noo u shouldn't have done this for lil ol mee!" (S3E01). Which was some BULLSHIT! but i am gonna include a gif of new kid blaine because look at this fucking cutie !!!
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gif credit (i luv u klainegifs)
ok so, after Kurt pressures Blaine into going to his school and all of Kurt's friends are blatantly fucking mEAN to Blaine (despite him being the most talented member of the club cough cough), there's the scene where they all go to prom. Now this one.... oh this one makes me mad. And this makes me mad because it's just clearly rooted in the outright racism of Glee. And here's the reasons I'm mad:
Darren Criss (Blaine's actor) is Asian-American but Glee pretends like Blaine Anderson is a white character.
A fun fact for you about Glee is that Darren Criss auditioned for Glee's first season with his natural hair (big, fluffy, curly, beautiful) and he did not get a part. However, he auditioned again for the second season with his hair short and gelled back and he did get the part. Notice anything fucking weird about that???? he was just as fucking talented with the curly hair !!
Glee gels Blaine's hair so fucking much in later seasons that he literally develops helmet head. Look at the difference between season 2 and season 6:
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4. There was one episode (a different prom episode in season 3) where they did release the curls. and they pretended like my boy was UGLY!?! LOOK AT HIM
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he's literally precious. But also, the producers of Glee went out of their way to try and make his curls look bad?? like they purposefully tried to give him bad hair?? and make fun of his natural curls?? and this was kurt's actual fucking reaction to seeing his boyfriend's natural hair for the first time:
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he says "oh my dear god" in horror. like kurt literally go fuck yourself. Everyone is so fucking mean to Blaine when he ungels his hair!! and it's because they're RACIST!!!! name one curly-haired character in Glee. I'll wait.
I never liked Kurt but him reacting so cruelly to blaine's natural hair (and then Blaine never ungelling his hair again) is one of my biggest problems with him.
in conclusion, I will never fucking forgive the way that Glee treated Blaine. My beautiful baby boy and his bowties deserved better.
the end.
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cryscendo · 2 months
Hi, how about an abrupt,  heated kiss during the middle of a fight for Klaine?
i bet you didn’t think i would ever respond to this!! well i will say that i kinda ran away with this plot a bit. does it fit the prompt? only vaguely. BUT it’s another thrilling installment to my angel/demon au with a bit more lore thrown in. dedicating it to you as well as @porcelainvino for their various art pieces for this au <3 hope you love it and sorry for the wait!!
Paring: Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson
Word Count: 2030
Rating: T
AU: Angel/Demon AU
fic can be read under the cut <3
There were a lot of things that turned out to be just as unpleasant about falling, not including the actual falling part.
For one, he was weaker than he used to be. He did suspect that would happen, but it still hurt his ego a bit. He used to have so much power that he often didn’t even know what all to do with it. Not that he really could do much with it anyway; the big men upstairs never allowed much fun to be had. More time was spent existing as a militant entity than was spent actually basking in the alleged splendor that was heaven.
If given the option between going back to that or experiencing the pain of falling all over again, Kurt would choose to fall every damn day.
Besides, angels don’t get to play with humans like they’re Barbie dolls. And that’s way more fun.
The man before him, unsuspecting and ignorant, saw Kurt at a bar and thought he’d be an easy target. Kurt knew he perfectly looked the part of a young man getting his first drink at a bar as a twenty-one year old. Aging was such an earthly concept and Kurt was not burdened with it. But to an older man, the illusion of wide-eyed innocence was all too compelling.
Kurt claimed he ‘knew a spot’, which was just as cliché as it sounded, but it was effective nonetheless. Apparently intelligence didn’t always come with age.
It wasn’t long after he got the man to the abandoned storage facility that he knew something was terribly, terribly wrong. Not soon enough, though, for Kurt had already made quick work of knocking the man out and handcuffing him to a chair. When he came to once more, it was in a fit of panic.
“Look, I didn’t sign up for this kind of crazy! So just let me go, okay?” The man pleaded with Kurt and it was charming if nothing else. Kurt leaned over him, one knee braced against the chair in a way that could be seen as provocative in any other circumstance.
“What, am I too old for you?” Kurt asked in a mocking whine. “I swear, I’m only twenty, maybe thirty centuries old!”
“Whatever game you’re playing here, kid, I’m not interested so just let me-”
“Let him go, Kurt,” a voice spoke up behind him. Kurt grinned as he straightened up. Of course he would show up. It was impossible for him to stay away. He made a bit of a show of turning around to face the new arrival — his favorite little angel.
He turned towards the voice, maintaining his flirty tone. “Just can’t stay away from me, can you?”
“You could say that,” Blaine replied and that’s when Kurt saw it — the glint of a blade held discreetly in his palm. He recognized the weapon, as it was a piece from Heaven’s arsenal. See, a regular knife couldn’t kill Kurt.
But that one could.
Kurt’s grin dropped as he backed away from the man strapped to the chair, and subsequently also away from Blaine. “What do you think you’re doing with that?”
“You attract too much attention to yourself.”
“Well, I can’t help but pull focus,” Kurt responded in a rather clipped manner. The man in the chair began to panic even more upon being approached by Blaine.
“Listen, man,” the guy began quickly, “you don’t need to kill him or anything! Just let me go and I’ll be on my way!”
Blaine’s eyes flickered down to the stranger, eerily calm. “You don’t need to see this,” he said simply and before the man could even begin to reply, Blaine rested his palm to his forehead, immediately knocking him out. Putting a human to sleep rather than killing them; that was so painfully just like Blaine to do.
“Why do you have that thing?” Kurt interrogated the second that the man was unconscious.
Blaine turned the knife a bit in his hand as if observing it. “Come on, Kurt, you know exactly what this is.”
Kurt maintained a semi-safe distance. “Why do you need that thing to kill me? You’ve never needed that for a demon before.” It was true. Blaine could take down a demon easily. It made them cruelly unmatched. Blaine had never threatened to kill him before, but it would be undoubtedly easy for him to do so should he want to. For Blaine, a demon is an easy target. He was an easy target.
Kurt’s grin returned. “You can’t kill me, can you?” He asked coyly.
Blaine remained serious, but Kurt could see a crack in his expression letting on that he was nervous. Kurt seemed to always have that effect on him. “Not at my rank, no,” he said simply, but Kurt knew what he meant. He wasn’t strong enough to take out Kurt. An ordinary demon, he’d have no problem. But as luck would have it, Kurt wasn’t an ordinary demon.
Kurt took a risk. He moved a few steps towards Blaine and the weapon he possessed. “You’re not going to kill me.”
“I could.”
A few more steps. “But you won’t.”
“I might.”
“But you won’t.” Kurt was directly in front of him now. He knew it was a dangerous game, but he had a point to prove. “Because if you were going to, you would’ve done it already. So tell me angel, was this a direct order from one of your bossmen, or are you just simply that obsessed with me?”
“Don’t push your luck, Kurt,” Blaine spoke, gravely serious.
“Or what?” Kurt challenged. He could feel Blaine’s steady breaths from just how close they were. Blaine’s gaze met his evenly. “If you’re going to kill me, then do it. I’m wide open.” Kurt tilted his head a fraction, his eyes alight with the rush that comes with toying with Blaine. His tone shifted into something devilishly flirtatious as he spoke again. “So, y’know, take me, I’m yours and all that.”
It was then that Blaine sprung into action. With quick work, he managed to securely grip onto the collar of Kurt’s shirt, using his strength over the other to force Kurt backwards. There was a time where Kurt may have been stronger than him. But Kurt gave all that up, and he still refused to regret it.
That didn’t mean he loved Blaine constantly using that fact against him.
Blaine got him against a wall with one particularly rough push. Kurt felt the brittle wall crack slightly behind him. Fuck, Blaine was strong.
Blaine was strong.
Once Blaine has Kurt pinned defenseless against the wall, he brings the blade down. Kurt doesn’t know whether it was thanks to adrenaline, or his own sense of speed in the face of self-preservation, but he reached up and circled his fingers around Blaine’s wrist before he could manage to connect the weapon.
The blade stilled, suspended in the air between them. Kurt imagined the scene was almost picturesque in a way — him pressed between Blaine’s firm body and the unforgiving wall, his long fingers locked around Blaine’s wrist. Angel and demon. Lovers. Enemies.
Blaine really was going to kill him.
Their shared breathing revealed the exhaustion that their overexertion had caused. Kurt knew, given his current position, he was fully at Blaine’s mercy. The mercy of an angel who just tried to kill him.
That gave Kurt little other choice. Slowly, he tugged at Blaine’s wrist until the blade was sitting just above his throat. He leveled Blaine with a steely look, deathly serious. “Well, go ahead, angel. Do what you gotta do.”
“I don’t want to kill you, Kurt,” Blaine clarified, but didn’t pull the blade away.
“Could’ve fooled me,” he bit out before he could even think to check his tone. This was, in large part, his own doing. He opened the door for Blaine to corner him, he really had no right to be upset about it actually occurring. Even in his current position, Kurt couldn’t refrain from looking down his nose at Blaine, hoping to properly demonstrate his distaste from his present circumstances. “I’m guessing you got assigned a job from one of the big men upstairs?”
“You’re lucky that it’s me and not someone else.”
“Oh yeah, I sure feel lucky.” Kurt’s fingers twitched around Blaine’s wrist as he continued to hold the blade close to Kurt’s throat. But hasn’t pressed in yet, and Kurt cannot fathom why. He has the perfect opportunity. Kurt is basically giving him a free pass, so why isn’t he going for it? “Well?”
Blaine’s grip on the weapon slacked just a bit. “Nothing is ever easy with you.”
“So why don’t you take care of the problem?”
Blaine said nothing, did nothing. He only stood and continued to watch Kurt in silence, and Kurt could practically see the flurry of thoughts swirl around in Blaine’s head. Kurt almost felt bad for the guy; he knew that he didn’t make Blaine’s job simple, and admittedly, does very little to combat that fact.
Eventually, though, Blaine shakes his head. “You’re right. I won’t do it.”
The sound of the metal blade clattering to the ground reverberated discordantly off the walls of the warehouse.
Kurt took no time to ponder Blaine’s decision to spare him. Instead, he kicked the weapon away from the two of them and then, in quick succession, flipped their two positions. Blaine didn’t put up any fight with being pushed up against the wall himself. He could break free if he really wanted to. He chose not to.
“Do you still love me, Blaine?” Kurt asked, not ready for the words to fall from his mouth before they did.
“Are demons even capable of love?”
Kurt wasn’t sure. Maybe demons who never experienced love aren’t. Love is formed from soul, grace, and humanity, of which demons have none.
But Kurt wasn’t always a demon, and he still didn’t really fit the mold of one. Fallen angels are different from regular demons. They still possess morality, at least to some extent. It was just like Kurt to never really fit in anywhere.
“Do you? Still love me?”
Honey colored eyes gazed at Kurt with something akin to sympathy, which would burn his blood if it weren’t for the fact that he so desperately needed a response.
Blaine nodded.
Kurt kissed him. He didn’t even hesitate. With Blaine pinned up against the wall, it was easy for him to leverage a searing, bruising kiss against soft lips. Blaine always tasted the same, like coffee, — such an earthly pleasure that he achieved no benefit from and only chose to indulge for its luxury — and something else a touch more divine. Kurt couldn’t quite pinpoint it, but it tasted vaguely familiar from the holy kingdom that he was no longer welcome to.
Kurt pulled away with a sigh. Blaine panted quietly, a faintly pink blush forming under tanned skin. Kurt was right about one thing, Blaine was an angel — in every sense of the word.
“I don’t suppose I can convince you to disappear for your own safety?” Blaine eventually asked.
Kurt smiled. “Not a chance in hell.”
Blaine nodded in understanding, as if he already anticipated Kurt’s response. “You always were stubborn to a fault.”
Blaine wasn’t wrong. And as much as he would love to stand here with Blaine forever, it wasn’t wise to hang around angels for too long — even if the angel in question was Blaine.
He finally stepped away from Blaine, allowing the man some space. Kurt glanced over to the man tied to the chair. He had forgotten that guy was here. He was simply a means to an end, afterall.
“You may want to wipe that guy’s mind, angel. Or else he’s going to be a real problem when he wakes up.”
Kurt headed towards the exit of the building, but not before Blaine called out to him. “Suddenly not so keen on sticking around?”
Kurt grinned, if not mostly to himself. “Oh, don’t worry, you’ll find me again. And who knows? Maybe you’ll actually have it in you to kill me next time.”
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andersonsmythe · 1 month
—by andersonsmythe
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandom: Glee (TV 2009) Relationship: Hunter Clarington/Sebastian Smythe Summary: There was nothing more tragic than falling in love with a straight boy.
It’s embarrassing and pathetic and Sebastian should’ve never let it get to this point—he always, always calculates the risk and measures it against the rewards—he never let himself get too close. He knows how to navigate his emotions to not let his dumb and stupid heart get hurt.
He’s had flings, he’s been casual, and he’s never gone in too deep to where he couldn’t find his way out. 
But now, he’s drowning, and it’s all because of one fucking Hunter Clarington. 
Sure, there are worse things in life, but honestly? 
There was nothing more tragic than falling in love with a straight boy.
Read more below or on AO3
Part 1
Sebastian throws his bag onto the floor, toeing off his shoes at the entrance as he lets out a distressed sigh. He can hear the soft murmurs of the television in the living room with unmistakable giggles, gasps, and moans that he’s all too well accustomed to. The smell of bubblegum fills his nose, the scent almost sickening, and he feels like throwing up. 
Fucking Hummel and his stupid candles. 
“I’m home,” he calls out warningly, making no effort to stagger his appearance as he catches Blaine and Kurt on the couch—Kurt towering over Blaine with his ass hanging out and scratch marks all over his back. 
They both look at him like a deer in headlights, and Sebastian finds it a tad bit amusing as they grab the couch throw to cover themselves up. This wasn’t the first time he’s caught them in the act, and every single time, he finds it hilarious that their cheapest thrill is fucking in the living room, but tonight, he could only muster a small chuckle. 
“S-Sebastian!” Blaine shrieks, “Give us a second!” 
“I can’t walk through my own home?” Sebastian deadpans, traversing through the living room that was dimly lit by the television and into the kitchen to fetch himself a beer.
He can hear the frantic rustling of clothes being hastily put on, the squelching noise of rubber snapping with a pop. Kurt is soon behind him, fully dressed, his hair tousled, as he disposes of the used condom. 
Sebastian looks at him with a grimace before rolling his eyes. Kurt can only give him a sheepish look in return.
“You’re home early,” Blaine says as Sebastian re-enters the living room, forgoing the couch in favour of the armchair. He lounges on it sideways, his legs hanging over the arm as he focuses on the television.
Kurt re-enters too, turning on the freestanding lamp before cuddling up to Blaine who is dressed in the throw. Hopefully, not naked underneath. Yeah, Blaine was cute, but his bare ass on the couch? No thanks.
“It’s only seven,” Sebastian replies, taking a sip of his beer. 
“It’s Thursday,” Blaine says, and Sebastian knows what Blaine is talking about—he’s never home on Thursdays, at least, not at this hour, because on Fridays, he only has an afternoon class, so he could stay out and late and sleep through the morning.
But not today. Sebastian wasn’t feeling up for it. He probably never will be anymore. 
When Sebastian doesn’t reply, Blaine tries again, “Is everything okay?” he asks, worry in his tone. 
Sebastian sighs. He wants to be annoyed, he wants to lash out, but it’s an innocent enough question, and he can’t deal with Blaine threatening to leave again. “I’m good,” he settles on, making no effort to mask the clear melancholia in his voice. “Who puts on Friends when fucking?” he comments in an attempt to offload the attention, the laugh track ringing through the apartment. 
Blaine looks at Kurt with a frown, pursing his lips in concern. Sebastian can feel the tension on their side of the living room like they want to press on and get to the bottom of why Sebastian’s home early with a bad attitude, but hesitation keeps them from doing so; perks of being somewhat considerate. 
Hopefully, they stay hesitant. 
He’s not in the mood to talk, especially not about this, and especially not to them. If it’s not pity sex, he doesn’t want their pity at all. 
Because it’s just plain embarrassing. 
It’s embarrassing and pathetic and Sebastian should’ve never let it get to this point—he always, always calculates the risk and measures it against the rewards—he never let himself get too close. He knows how to navigate his emotions to not let his dumb and stupid heart get hurt.
He’s had flings, he’s been casual, and he’s never gone in too deep to where he couldn’t find his way out. 
But now, he’s drowning, and it’s all because of one fucking Hunter Clarington. 
Sure, there are worse things in life, but honestly? 
There was nothing more tragic than falling in love with a straight boy.
Read more on AO3
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