#[ like idk imagine getting to lay in all her big fluffy tails btw... like she wraps people in her giant tail now but....MANY tails huh ??
enavant · 1 year
sometimes i think i could give isu a gumiho verse n be very powerful about it idk
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taetae-tea · 7 years
The One (Part II)
Part I <- Part II –> Part III
Genre: Hybrid!Taehyung, Fluff, Angst, slight smut 
Paring: TaehyungXreader
Word-count: 5K
Warnings: Abuse, unjust, anxiety, forcing, animalistic feelings, panic-attacks, teasing, chasing, indication of mating, dominance
Summary: You’ve never liked the idea of hybrids, since it’s straight up abuse from a owner to a hybrid, they aren’t treated like humans. But what happens when your boss gave you a hybrid as a gift?
A/N: y’all, we’re on 1100 followers?? Where are you people coming from? Well, welcome to the family anyways lol xD. btw, should I add smut the next part? Or is it rushed idk. 
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‘If you talk back to me, you will be punished. If you refuse to give me what I want, you will be punished. So watch what you do little kitten.’ The woman whispered into the hybrid’s ear, hissing every word out while she has a tight grip onto his jaw. He closes his eyes, scared till death that she will maybe hurt him if he accidentally makes a sound. He doesn’t know why she suddenly became so edgy, he hadn’t done anything out of the ordinary. He hadn’t broken anything in the house, he hadn’t complained. Nothing, literally nothing. But still, she was mad at him.
’Say it.’
‘Yes m’am.’ He says with a shaky voice. He now could feel the tears coming up and this time, he isn’t able to hold back. He just wants to cry, even in his little room for that matter. He doesn’t want to be close to her, but does he have a choice? No, not at all. If he doesn’t obey her, she will eventually send him back to the factory, where he got created. From there, they would give him therapy, everything to change him and to send him to another person.
‘Good kitten. now, go and lay on the bed and open your legs as far as you can manage. I will get the whip, because you need to be punished.’
You wake up to the annoying and familiar tune denoting through your room, making you awoke in an instant. You let out a groan, turning to your side to turn off the alarm clock on your little night-stand. You rested your hand on your head for a little second as you look at the time, noticing it’s already 10 am in the morning. There is no stress though, since it’s the time of the holidays. You’re free for at least 2 weeks.
Your plans were to take some rest these 2 weeks, but things have changed and that was only when yesterday evening your boss gave you a little ‘gift’. Your headache began to grow by thinking of the whole situation again. Though yesterday has been just fine with your little guest, you still don’t want to keep him. It’s the best for you. And you’re not only looking at your own feelings, but also at your life-style. A hybrid doesn’t fit into a ‘I get up at 8 and arrive home at 9’ kind of life-style. A hybrid needs care and attention in its life and sadly, you can’t give it to him.
You get up from your bed, head spinning a bit to the fact that you had just woken up. As you walk into the living room, you see Taehyung sitting straight on the couch, just looking out of the window. It looks rather odd. It’s as if he hasn’t done anything else than sitting there, in his pajamas while looking outside. Though, he looks fucking beautiful like this, even in the morning, but you still can’t stop worrying about his odd behavior.
You walk closer to him, making him turn his head as a smile suddenly blasted along his face. He still has that beautiful smile from yesterday, which you really adore about him. His whole face in general is a piece of art, not even one flaw that you could find upon it.
‘You’re an early bird, Taehyung, why don’t we make some breakfast for you?’ You ask, curiously waiting for his response. Though you don’t really know what he’d like to eat, you thought that he might also like pancakes, like you do, so that would be perfect for breakfast. It’s just, you’re so curious of his reaction some times, since he has been living in quite a sad environment, so what would he be comfortable and uncomfortable with?
‘Yea, I’d like that very much maste-… ___, I meant.’ He corrected himself vastly and you just smile at him, hoping that he would get used to the new kind of living vastly. Like you’ve already told him, you’re someone who sees everyone as equals and he needs to understand that term, ‘equal’, because he hasn’t been one ever in his life.
‘Do you want pancakes? If you don’t like it, I can get you something else.’
Taehyung’s smile only grew wider as he furiously nods his head, like he is getting some treat. It makes you smile in response, but deep down it still got you mad. You know you’re gonna kill some bitches if this was his first normal meal in his life.
A few minutes past and you had gotten ready 4 pancakes, 2 per person in this house. You’d had to convince him to sit on a chair, because he didn’t felt like he had as much right as you to sit on one. You had the urge to slap that nonsense out of his head. You can’t imagine someone has this kind of self-perspective. You came to a conclusion that he must’ve been brainwashed when younger, there isn’t any other option.
After some arguing, he finally sat down, still feeling pretty uncomfortable about it. You know you shouldn’t have forced him to sit down already, but you just can’t bear to see him sitting on the ground, eating his food like a fucking pet. He is a human for heaven’s sake, he deserves to sit on a normal chair.
‘How does it taste?’ You ask, smiling as you see him furiously eating his food. He tries to speak through, but only ended up on almost choking himself. You giggle as you vastly got a glass of water for him and he quickly drank it as soon as you placed the glass down on the table. He coughed a few times before replying with ‘It’s very delicious, thanks ___.’ and a big smile noticeable. ‘I’m happy to hear that.’ You responded.
You ate the rest of your food quietly, your mind wandering as you kept questioning about Taehyung’s past. You don’t know if this is the right time to ask him anything, if it’s even allowed. You just want to understand him, why he reacts the way he does on certain things. Once you understand, you might be able to get easier around him.
He looks up questionable, replying with a quick ‘Yes, ___?’
‘What was your life like in the last house you had to stay in? Like, your last owner?’ You bite your lip as you gazed at him. He stopped eating and placed down his cutlery. He looks bothered, his tail suddenly sweeping around as he looks down at his lap. You cock your head to the side, analyzing every little movement he makes. His fluffy ears are twitching too and you begin to think that you maybe shouldn’t have asked him that question, he really looks uncomfortable.
‘I-It was different from you. Like… I had to take a lot of orders and stuff…’ You can hear the way his voice became shaky and soon realized that he was on verge of crying. Your eyes widen as you heart sank, immediately scolding yourself for asking such a question. You don’t know what to do and you panic slightly. You want to stand up and wrap your arms around him, but you also don’t want to get too attached to this creature. Like yesterday, when he hugged you, you had felt this weird urge to hold him too, to feel him close and you’re just scared for another reaction like that.
‘’I-If you talk back to me, you will be… punished. If you r-refuse to give me what I want, you will be p-punished. So watch what you do little kitten.’, those were her words…’ He had printed those rules into his head like he printed the alfabeth in his head. He had to remember them, he didn’t want to get punished. Punishments were so tiring and scary, most of the times he would cry or have a panic attack after the punishments. He couldn’t say he hated them, he can’t have a opinion in this world. Well, that’s what he has been thought.
It was once different though. First, he was like every other boy. A human. He had a joyful youth, he had lovely parents and lovely friends. It was only until his parents died in a crash and all the money vanished into thin air, that he had no bright future anymore. One day, a guy came up to him and talked him into a deal that would be life-changing. Like a madman, desperate for money, he agreed to the deal. Little did he know, that he would be transformed into a fucking cat.
Oh boy, he had resisted so much. To every owner he had to go, he just hissed and complained. His hate was so great towards the company, but at some point in his life, he just gave up. It had been 2 years already and he got so much therapy that he just let himself brainwash, knowing it’s probably the best option to take. He’d rather just not-know than to feel the pain of losing any identity of himself.
He suddenly feels a tear falling onto his lap and he immediately knew he fucked up. Caught up in his own feelings, he let himself fall on the ground and began to bow for you. 
‘Bow for me little kitten! Like the little asian slut that you are.’ those words never failed to run through his mind for a couple times a day
You gasp as he bows in front of you, whispering soft apologies for crying in front of you as he doesn’t dare to look up into your eyes. You just stiffened, shocked by the event that is occurring right now. Your head doesn’t seem to catch up, so confused to why he would literally bow to you in apologizing manners. It took you at least 10 seconds before you stood up in a rush, reaching the same level as he was on and grabbed his shoulders, pulling him up and looked for his eyes. His eyes are all buffed up and the tears kept falling down as small cries left his lips. You can literally see the pain, so much pain he had felt along the years, but hadn’t dared to show it.
You pulled him close against your body, arms around his torso as you let his head rest on your shoulder. After a while he also held your body, arms surrounding you and calming down slowly as he shoo-ed away the memories. You began to gently pet his hair and that really helped him, feeling the joyful strokes taking away his worries. You effect him in such a good way.
‘Don’t do that again Taehyung. Never apologize for showing your feelings towards another person. It’s a human thing, like you. You’re human and don’t forget that.’
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‘Well damn, why would he do that to you?’
You sigh in response, shrugging as you sip on your hot coco. You look outside through the window as strangers pas the cafe where you’re seated in. You and your friend, Iris, decided on a quick get-together after you’d told her what’s going on right now in your life. You just had to relieve some frustration and Iris is the perfect person for that task. After you’d lulled Taehyung into sleep and  he had cried for a long time, you’d gone to a nearby cafe and waited fro Iris to arrive.
‘I have no fucking idea, he things I’m that desperate or something.’ you sigh again, looking back at Iris. She shakes her head in disbelieve, also getting tired of this bullshit. She has the same opinion on the whole ‘hybrid’ thing, finding it also above what can be approved into this world and hearing all the stories you’ve already told about Taehyung, she only gets more irritated.
‘I swear, I’m this close to sue those mother fuckers, along with your weird ass boss.’
You agree with her. When Taehung finally got back to sleep, you began thinking about what he had said. That people really would hurt him like that, demanding things on such a cruel way. So fucked up.
‘I will be going back now, before Taehyung wakes again.’
‘Aren’t you planning on keeping him? He seems way happier in your house than anywhere else.’ She asks, standing up as you do the same. You bite your lower lip, thinking about what she asked. You know he is happy with you, it’s not a secret for you. His eyes has been twinkling the moment you give him affection and it looks like he hasn’t felt such love in years now. But what you also know, there is something different between the both of you. Something that wants you to be closer to him as well and you’re kinda scared of it. Maybe it’s the same kind of attraction all those other owners felt and made them do horrible things to Taehyung. You don’t want him to experience that with you.
‘I better can not. But I’ll try to get him out of this fucked system for sure.’ You say with a nod, planning on keeping your words. You’ve already thought of different alternatives, like bringing him to a shelter, a place where brainwashed hybrids like him can get treatment and have a happy home. You know a place like that exists, you just have to find it. It must be deeply hidden for society, since Hy-tech probably doesn’t want their own creations to be taken away. But, how long it will even take, you will get him save for sure.
‘Sounds like a plan.’ Iris smiles and pays the bill, making your frown. You want to protest, not liking that she is paying for you, but she hushes you. ‘You will pay the next time, don’t worry. You already have too much shit on your head anyways.’. You chuckle as you give her a quick hug before the both of you go your own way.
Iris really is a good friend, she always stays beside you and helps you on these hard days where you’re just lost. It’s also nice that she has the same mind-set as you, like a true friend.
When you arrive at home, the house is again silent and Taehyung is nowhere to be seen yet. You walk up to his room to check on him and as you walk inside, you see the sleeping body of the hybrid. You smile, happy that he’s able to get some rest. He must’ve been awake for a long time, maybe he hasn’t even been able to sleep at all last night. You don’t yet know what he’s been going through, you could only peek through a little hole to understand him, but it was enough for you to know that you have to be careful with him. He is broken, though he doesn’t let you know it.
You look on your watch, seeing that it’s only 1 pm and you still have a whole day ahead. Maybe you could get Taehyung out a little, taking him along your day. You were planning on grocery shopping anyways. Maybe he even wants to have some input in your choice of diner tonight. But for now, you let him sleep, the little trip can wait for a few hours.
You close his door again and walked to your couch to turn on the television, putting on some netflix series you haven’t been able to keep up with, since your job takes a lot of time. Though your job isn’t somewhat important, it still requires a lot of effort in your day, being a secretary at the company. The company itself is pretty big, having a base in many different countries, but having the headquarters at Korea. You are doing work for a department leader, keeping up with his schedule and all that stuff around it. It’s not interesting at all, it tires you out pretty much to be honest, but it pays the bills.
4 hours had past and you’re all caught up in the series that you’ve been watching for the past time. It was not until Taehyung walked into the room, rubbing his eyes and having a small pout, that you got out of your intoxication. He looks dinky like this, pouting and his eyes all puffed up. You gave him a small smile as you stand up yourself, looking at the clock to see it’s already 5 pm.
‘We’re going grocery shopping, well, if you want to come of course.’
He cocks his head to the side before slowly nodding, having to start up his system first since he just woke up. You chuckle as you walk up to him, petting his head for a second as he immediately leans in, a purr leaving his body as his eyes closed. Then you decided that he really loves to be pet. It’s not something to be shocked about, since he is still a cat, well, a lion.
His tail held onto your leg and his body came closer as if you’re some magnet. His arms were quick to get around your waist and to pull you close against his chest, sniffing your scent at your neck as he held you close. You’re somewhat startled by his affection towards you al of a sudden and you could feel some kind of feeling creeping up your body as well, making you dizzy. You want to hold him so close to you as if some animalistic feeling came up into you.
‘___, you smell so nice. My perfect mate…’ He cooed and you almost let out a moan by his words, but was quickly to take a step back with widened eyes. Fuck, what is he doing to you? You’re never someone to be effected by words or actions. How is he able to get you feeling so… different?
‘M-Mate?’ You stutter, genuinely questioning what he meant by that. He himself has to go back down to earth to understand what he just said and he gasped in response. He seems to be lost for words, looking around to avoid eye-contact. He is confused too. He would never say such a thing, not to his owner, not to anyone. But if he has to be completely honest, he does feels some really strong attraction when he comes closer to you and he doesn’t know if it’s just him or a real cause.
’Sorry, I just felt… I don’t know how to explain…’ He tries to find his words, but nothing can get up to him. You let out a breath, letting go of the tension within you and decide on just ignoring what had happened. If it was something that’s really important, it will come eventually. You’ve just met yesterday, so rushing anything out of the ordinary isn’t needed, also talking about the fact that he won’t be staying long at this house. This only made you realize that you have to be quick on finding that shelter, because you’re already close to keep this son of a bitch.
‘Just, put on some clothes.’ You say, gesturing to his room and he just nodded, knowing that this subject better be avoided for now. You both know it, you know something is up. For him, it isn’t really something to worry about, since it’s almost as clear as water, but he simply wants to avoid mating with his own owner. You on the other hand doesn’t understand it fully, you’re a human and you don’t have anything so called ‘animalistic’ in you blood. Well, maybe somewhere deep within you, you know what’s going on. But to you it doesn’t really make any sense right now.
Only 30 minutes later, the both of you were calmly walking back from the grocery store. The store is only 300 meters away from your little house, so walking there has never been a problem. The both of you haven’t spoken a word to each other since that one moment at the apartment. Apart from the little questions as ‘would you like to eat this’, nothing has been said. It’s not an uncomfortable silence thought, you’re just walking beside each other, enjoying the fresh air.
‘I’m sorry.’ Taehyung suddenly spoke. You huff, finding it somewhat ironic that he apologizes for something like this. He has nothing to feel sorry for, he doesn’t do anything intentional. He probably still feels very affected by the littlest of skinship between the both of you and you’re not blaming him for that, never.
‘Don’t be, it’s not your fault.’ You say, smiling at him as you try to comfort him. ‘You were just very effected by my touch, nothing else.’
‘No, it’s not like that ___.’ He says quietly, but with a stern tone. You frown as you wait for him to continue, but he doesn’t say anything else. You bite your lip, now curious to his response. You know there is something, you simply don’t get it. He knows that too, since you’re a human being, you can’t feel certain things. Or maybe you do, but you can’t place it as well as an animal can. It’s logical.
‘Then what is it like?’
It was silent for a few seconds. Taehyung is deciding on wether to tell you or to not tell you. He really goddamn wants to though, he wants to be with you as soon as possible, ever since he realized what has been going on. It’s like that in his world, once he knows you’re his mate, he will chase after you like you’re a pray. But he also knows that he can’t do that with his own owner, you are his leader, not his mate. It goes against the rules of his nature, but how can he ignore something this obvious?
‘Do you really want to know?’ He asks carefully, glancing up into your awaiting eyes. You nod and you’re not lying at all, what is there that you can’t seem to see? You know it must be something with the whole ‘mate’ thing. But what does that include? You don’t really know anything for that matter, you’re not really good informed about hybrids in general, what their animalistic features are including.
‘So, what I’ve been feeling and probably you too… Is what we call ‘finding your mate’.’ He tries to explain, making you more confused. ‘What is a mate?’ You ask. He hesitates again, maybe he shouldn’t tell you, maybe you aren’t ready for the truth. What if you don’t even want him? He knows that he can’t stay away from his mate, but humans surely can if they just ignore their intuition. It’s simple for humans, really.
‘It’s someone who you’re destined to be with. When you touch, you’d feel electrician go through your veins and you would feel very affected by each other. It’s what I feel with you and you also with me.’
‘Why do I feel it? I’m human…’ You’re confused. You once had read somewhere that animals have like a ‘mate’ or something, but you’ve never heard that it’s also with humans. Not human-to-human at least.
‘It must be because I feel it so strong, that it effects your body.’ He now turns back to look in front of him, but you just kept your gaze on his, startled and shocked. If it’s true what he is saying, then you are destined to be with a hybrid. That can’t be, you can’t be partnered up with a half-human-half-animal person. That can’t be…
‘Ah, we’re home.’ Taehyung declares, bringing you back to earth. You fish your keys out of your pocket an opened the door, letting in the hybrid first before you step inside, still having deep thoughts over the whole situation. You don’t know what to think nor do at that moment. What if Taehyung’s right? What if you’re destined to be with each other? Do you have to take him into your house? That’s just impossible, thinking back to your life-style and the amount of money you get. Yes, you earn enough money to spend on yourself, but two people?
‘___… You should know that I won’t stop trying to get closer to you… It’s my nature to do so, so I’m sorry if it might make you uncomfortable.’ He is genuinely sorry for his behavior and he knows what’s about to come once he will really want to get closer to you, to feel you and kiss you and fuck you- no, not yet. You need to get eased into the idea of being together with him first. He can’t make you his when you yourself hasn’t made up your mind yet. Because once you will be his mate, thinks will furiously change. He would be able to smell you, know where you are, know what you feel. Being mated is something really affectional and intimate, something you’re really willing to do.
You again bite on your lip upon hearing his words. You nod your head slowly, trying to understand where he’s coming from. This morning he was still this cute and sad thing, wandering around your house. But now it feels as if you need to stay away as much as possible from him. You can’t grow feelings for this boy, though your body says differently, you need to get your head straight. 
‘I’ll make us diner now.’ You declare and he nods, letting you trespass. He clenched his jaw, already feeling the urge to grab you and hold you close to him, but he held himself strong. He walks behind you to the kitchen, wanting to see how you will be preparing his meal. Though he has been almost blind to see anything else but your smell and affection the last few hours, he still very much appreciate the effort you put in stay at your home. Like this morning, he was so caught up in his own shit, that he almost broke himself. It was you who saved him to keep him thinking straight and it was then that he knew that you were something more than just his owner. Only his real mate could comfort him with just a single touch.
The night went on slowly, feeling the constant tension between the both of you. It wasn’t a tension of awkwardness, it was a tension that was unexplainable for you, but knowingly for Taehyung. It’s like a process, finding your mate. First it’s confusion from both of the sides, trying to figure out why you feel so attracted. Then realization, what is mostly even more confusing. Then you’re going to open yourself up to your mate, sending out certain energy which will catch the significant other. It’s not something you do on purpose, it’s something that nature arranges.
Every single movements he takes, every single breath and noise, you are aware of it. It’s as if your senses are on its highest level. You’ve never been so aware of someone else and it’s so strange. He is just sitting on the couch next from you, doing nothing much but it still got you off guard when he moves only a little bit. Taehyung feels the same and he moves on purpose to get you on edge, making you to want him. He knows it’s sinful that he does that to you, his own owner, but you don’t know it’s on purpose, so nothing will go wrong right? By that, once he gets you in his arms, he will be the dominant one in the relationship. It’s how it goes in the animal world, the male is always leading.
You’ve been noticing something like that too, a weird type of feeling flowing through the air. He suddenly gives these leader-vibes, like he suddenly owns this room, though he hasn’t done anything differently.
‘Can I sit next to you like yesterday?’ Taehyung suddenly asked and you just nod without thinking, soon regretting your choice. Because, when he leans up against your body, head on your shoulder and softly purring under his breath, you almost couldn’t stop but to press your thighs close to each other. Your body is literally on fire, this much of an affection he has on you. fuck fuck fuck, ___, keep it together. What in god’s sake is wrong with you?
Suddenly, Taehyung shoots his head up from your shoulder and looks at you with widened eyes. His eyes travel down to your crotch for a split second, making you scared for his reaction. He knows it, he knows that your body is literally graving for his attention right now.
‘___, are you that horny? I have been trying to ignore the smell for a whole hour now, but you’re literally screaming for me aren’t you?’
His voice was very low and you couldn’t do anything but to nod silently, enchanted by his dominant behavior. He has you right where he has been wanting you, he only didn’t though that you would be getting worked up about it so fast. He wants to touch you so bad right now and his body is also graving you, but it’s still too fast. You’re a human, you will end up regretting sleeping with him and will throw him out. That is how humans are after al, throwing away their worries like it’s nothing.
He grabs your waist and pins you down onto the couch, his body between your legs as you see his ears twitch in nervousness, but eyes dark and lustful. His tail is around your leg affectively and his eyes roam over your body, hands rubbing your waist.
‘I’d love to fuck you all night, princess, but we can’t. Because you first need to make up that pretty little mind of yours before I mark you as my own mate.’ He says, hips making small movements against yours to still create a little friction. Your body twitches under his, a loud moan leaving your mouth as the tension breaks between you two.
‘Just wait a little, we’ll get there.’
He gets off with a smirk, leaving you in your state and got to his own room. He wants to get you flustered like that, to manipulate your thoughts. He is going to get you to be his own and nothing will stand in his way.
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