lunaetis · 3 months
▸▸ [ @apocryphis ( geshu lin ) || changli one-liner call ]
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─「长离」─  " you're going to burn yourself out one day. " was it a warning ? or perhaps inevitable fate. human body is fragile, resonator or not. and to watch one purposely subjecting himself to the state of OVERCLOCKING, treading the line so easy to slip with a single misstep. it was more than a warning, it was an expression of emotion. concern ? an emotion that one such as herself should not harbor. neutral, she must be and yet —
                " you're not invincible, general. too many cracks, and even one as formidable as you will break. "
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immobiliter · 6 months
@apocryphis sent: it is still early in the morning, when a courier delivers a letter to furina's apartment. she might recognise the thick, rich paper it was written on, typical of palais mermonia's correspondance, but it seems to lack the official seal usually indicating official and important business. should she open it, she would find the following letter, written in a controlled, elegant handwriting she, for the past four hundred years, most certainly knows all too well.
"dear miss furina,
it has come to my attention that inazuman merchants have recently set up a traditional sweets and confectionary shop in the quartier lyonnais. on the occasion of the inazuma celebration of white day, they have produced a limited set of delicacies available only on the day. knowing your affection for such specialties, i took the liberty to secure a few samples. if it pleases you, it would be my pleasure to enjoy a cup of tea with you at the palais, whenever convenient. naturally, i would understand if you would rather maintain your distance - in which case, i shall have the samples delivered to your apartment, for you to enjoy at your leisure.
i do hope you have been well, and that your new life has been treating you kindly.
sincerely yours,
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       The knock at the door was odd enough; she may no longer have been the recluse that she had been during her first few days of living here, but Furina was still not accustomed to visitors, particularly this early in the morning. Blearily pulling on a jacket and smoothing her hair out as best she could, even stranger still was the presence of a courier in her doorway, handing over an envelope that, when opened, showed a glimpse of paper that could only belong to one place in all of Fontaine.
       Never had Furina received a letter in person before: popular as she was, post addressed to her had always been delivered directly to her office at the Palais Mermonia, sorted into official correspondence and the usual sack of letters and gifts from regular Fontainians, and a part of her daily routine would be to allocate time to go through both ( she would, of course, always prioritise letters from the people ). It was almost jarring to see the familiar letterhead again and, as she sat down on her chaise lounge to read, a sinking feeling crept into her stomach at the prospect of this being something official. Something serious. Something to knock her off her careful tightrope walk between living in Fontaine, yet no longer belonging to it.
       And then she saw the handwriting, and a comforting sense of calm overtook her. Furina even managed a small smile as she read.
       The next challenge, after she'd read and re-read it a few times, was to craft a reply, and such a daunting task certainly took her the rest of the day — and a number of discarded attempts, the first, too much like her old, flamboyant self; the second, too stiff, and so on — before she was content to send off her written response.
Dear Neuvillette,
It is incredibly thoughtful of you to think of me and I hope it did not inconvenience you to acquire these samples on my behalf. I have always wondered what Inazuman sweet treats taste like and Chiori's recollections from her childhood often piqued my curiosity to one day travel there myself. Perhaps this will whet my appetite for a future trip now that I have been given my freedom and must decide what to do with it.
I hope you understand my hesitation in visiting the Palais again so soon, however, if it is not too much trouble and does not conflict too heavily with your busy schedule, I would gladly extend an invitation to tea at my apartment instead. Clorinde has helped me unpack my belongings and Navia has made suggestions as to how I might personalise my new living space, and I should like to get a second opinion on her lengthy list of recommendations. I never had the opportunity to tell you this to your face, but I always valued your counsel and perspective.
Yours truly,
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2.1 Discussion + General Thoughts
Of course, as I've stated, I'm going to be focusing moreso on Ratio for this review. I have a lot of scattered thoughts, so I'm going to do my best to put them in order here.
Future Willow: this shit long as fuck oops. Ventium and Starry this one is for you
It broke my HEART seeing them interact in Dewlight Pavilion, only for Sunday to barrel in and quite literally violate Aventurine's mind like that. my god. I couldn't stop looking at the change in Ratio's body language, going from turning away with his arms crossed to standing at attention, facing the both of them, glaring at Sunday. He was worried. He was so worried.
A lot of the banter between Ratio and Aventurine up until that point definitely did seem, to me, exaggerated. Yes yes, I perhaps have the shipping lens on, but! No doubt they knew they were being watched, and up until that point had to play up their mutual dislike for Sunday to be convinced that they weren't working together. And yet, all the same, they clearly have a very natural flow to their banter, like they've worked together before, like they know each other well, despite what they let other people assume.
The nightingale bickering was amazing
"Perhaps I should offer you the chance to join the Genius Society?" "Really? I thought you'd given up on that already." "I was being sarcastic." the fact that Aventurine knows of this when Ratio himself has never actually spoken of that desire publicly, nor the letdown he had....
"Thanks, Doc! :D" why don't you just kill me why couldn't they have stayed there
"Who's to say I won't sell you out?" he was fucking CHEEKY here because that was literally the plan. RATIO. God DAMMIT
When we get that flashback to Ratio's private conversation with Sunday, I can't help but think about how much he did not actually lie. He did not once lie, nor did he try to convince Sunday that the jade cornerstone was aventurine. He let Sunday believe that himself -- this only reinforces my initial stance that he's not a liar, but just omits the truth when needed. I was really happy to see that.
Sunday attempting to bribe him with information on the Stellaron was disgusting, flat out. My Ratio was not at all tempted by that, rather he was insulted, because in that moment Sunday had equated him to the greedy, brainless members of the Guild and the amoral (and immoral) Genius Society, who he has a deep vendetta against... Ratio, in my interpretation, has morals, has limits, and he flat out tells Sunday that he knows his place and "wouldn't forsake more vital matters for the sake of petty pride." He meant this, and he stood by this. Nothing that Sunday tempted him with would have won him over, and the insinuation that he could was deeply angering to Ratio. It, too, is also a misunderstanding of the person Ratio is, someone who seeks not knowledge above all else, but to spread common sense. Wisdom. Knowledge and wisdom are not the same.
His disgust at Sunday only intensified at the branding from Sunday (why did Acheron call it a Harmony brand why did she call it a brand. like I know why and it is a mental brand but what the fuck. why. he's already been branded ONCE) and that entire.. trial, you could say. While he was already aware of at least some of Aventurine's past, all of that was just cruel. It sickened him to just have to stand there and watch.
Now, to talk about the conversation afterwards, and then go back to their interaction in 2.0 with new eyes... I cannot stop thinking about how Ratio kept breaking character out of concern for Aventurine, going so far as to even prompt Aventurine to remind him of his betrayal, despite that all evidently being an act on both of their ends (I'm very happy Ratio's acting was maintained from 1.6), reminding him to stay in character because they're being watched, but Ratio asks him if he's okay, insists that Aventurine tells him if he can't hold on any longer, gives him that scroll and then promptly... leaves. And I think about how Screwllum comments that he is more like a medical doctor than a scholar, I think about his love of life, I think about "even a life marked by failure is a life worth living," and I think about him repeatedly asking Aventurine what his plan is, and I can't help but feel how upset Ratio was throughout that whole thing, how he was trying to -- not stop Aventurine, but circumvent his decisions, try to think of a more favorable outcome, one with a greater chance of survival... I think about how he probably knows, very very deeply, how much Aventurine wants to die, because he has learned his history, he knows his habits, he witnessed Sunday's cruelty towards him, and every bone in his body stands against it but he respects Aventurine enough to not force his hand. He trusts Aventurine -- that thing that was brought so prominently into question between them just in 2.0 -- to make his own decisions and come out the other side, enough to follow his planless plan, enough to hold Aventurine's life in his hands and then let him go.
And then thinking back to 2.0, with how antsy he was, and Aventurine questioning why he looked so unhappy, and I realize now that he was already upset because -- no doubt he knew Aventurine had already smashed the stone as a contingency, so it's possible his anger at the bags being confiscated were at least in part an act, but his unhappiness was not. And perhaps through this lens his "Sigonian thrall" comment can be seen in a different light, not intentionally cruel but literal, in the midst of his distress. He knew from the get go that there was an impossibly small likelihood of Aventurine's survival through this mission, so he spoke out of turn. And I think back to how Ratio just up and walked away twice, and I wonder if that's because he's just too upset, and they both have jobs to do that he cannot falter in so he had to step away to recenter.
I keep thinking about how Ratio couldn't look Aventurine in the eyes in Sunday's conference room, and while that was certainly an act, one must wonder -- a doctor, escorting a companion to his doom. Walking him to his execution, rather than saving him. Closing that door, rather than opening a path. I really think he couldn't meet Aventurine's eyes in that moment. There was nothing he could do. Who wouldn't be upset about that, especially someone as compassionate as Ratio? So... he gives him a parting gift. That scroll, with the answer to the Watchmaker's riddle, and a simple plea: Continue living.
It's here that I'd like to state that I prefer the original version to the English translation for my interpretation, because the translation isn't wrong but it does lack some of the profundity of the original. "Do stay alive" feels... impersonal. The way I read the English was that Ratio is asking him to survive this matter, but in the original, what he says is a request for Aventurine to live from now into the future, not just for this matter. He knows it's ultimately a choice that Aventurine will have to make alone, and he can only hope that Aventurine chooses to live... I think it's especially painful knowing that he was very well considering walking into death until Acheron reminds him of what's in his pocket, that there's someone waiting for his return. But you know what they say: if you love someone, let them go.
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gemkun · 5 months
oooooh okay so looking at some of your muses, i feel like luocha could be a fun one with your spin on it - cool, classy man with 1837 secrets, probably a very complicated history and questionable past, and the freedom you'd have to dig your claws into all these complexities and tricky traits that leave so much room for interpretation and yours already hits the bestest spot (thinking about zhongli too for instance).
... also seeing characters like dazai i think you'd write a fabulous aventurine -
↬ send me a canon character you believe i could write
me write an akira ishida character ? unheard of. no but i did eye him at one stage , however , i feel like i'm not the best at writing morally ambiguous characters. especially when it comes to capturing his dialogue. you have so much faith in me , ventium. he is quite similar to zhongli in terms of his intricacies , and they definitely both possess a certain analogous level in demeanour and mannerisms , so i can see that connection for sure. he would be a new type of muse which is always fun to try out , but we have to wait until he's out of jing yuan's basement.
i gasped so loud. like how could you suggest aventurine ? the menace. i do agree he's fairly alike to dazai in terms of how they carry themselves and approach situations. plus their dialogue is equally as provoking and they like to tease and infuriate their partners that they work with ( chuuya and ratio ). there's also the outlook on life they share and the risks they take. oh , they both are experts at sleight of hand and i could totally see aventurine skilled in lockpicking too. to an extent their backstories share similarities with aventurine in the ipc and dazai in the port mafia , but we've never seen dazai's past prior to the mafia. but there's so many amazing aventurines out there that i think i'm content to take the role of the learned doctor.
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monogatcri · 1 year
Anonymous submitted:
I’m just reading your threads with Morax (your Niwa is so so good) and I’m just giggling at the idea of Niwa eventually meeting Zhongli again with the latter as the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor consultant in the modern day: rambling about cultural arts and osmanthus wine, and financially broke as fuck simply because he didn’t think to set aside any retirement funds so he resorts to mooching off of others, especially Childe. You know what, I’ll just say it outright: Zhongli looks like he could be a sugar daddy, but he’s actually a sugar baby. Just waiting for Niwa’s reaction when he finds out about this. (I also want him to meet Qiqi and Yaoyao~) Can’t believe I forgot to add that I want Niwa to meet Yaoyao because she’s also Dendro and would totally help him how to use his element: offense, defense, healing, or maybe he can go to Kirara and try a shield if he wants. (As for what I said about Zhongli, I say it because I love the man…but my god, someone teach him how to manage finances. Niwa, please help him.)
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I'm wheezing at your submit name "just a gray slime" is killing me.
Aaaaa???? Thank you so much, really!! He has such limited information and a lot of what I write about him is based on my own interpretations of what I see (it's definitely not the same for everyone, tbh, but that's okay)! I just really fell in love with him and he kind of took over my brain as I developed him! Even my other blogs suffer a bit with how much I think about him. ; o ; I always thank those who are willing to help me develop him most, though! Without them, I would be stagnating and, quite honestly, with just thoughts with no outlet to put them into! I could have made him and then just sat here with nowhere to go, so I really appreciate everyone who took the time out of their day to give me this chance to move him and make him more three-dimensional than a simple npc from the game! I'd say Saint, Avalon, Velvet, Ventium, and Spence did a ton of work with helping me through this and their blogs are honestly the ones you should check out and praise! Honestly, Niwa is the type of person who is understanding to an extent. If someone falls upon hard times, then he'll take it in stride that they would need time to pick themselves up again ; everyone has this happen, but if they're simply using others or refusing to push toward a better future, then he's likely to reprimand them after a time (of course, this would be after any and all attempts to guide them toward their own income/financial stability fails). Money is hard, but you must be willing to try -- that's all he wants: someone to TRY (they could fail but if they try, then he's content and would keep assisting).
also he would love to meet a plethora of people! qiqi and yaoyao are both very sweet and kind kids! they're remind him of his time raising kabukimono. of course, his vision receiving hasn't happened yet so he would likely just enjoy the company as standard procedure is applicable! so long as a person isn't malicious, he's content.
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steam-junk · 3 years
strange and unusual
bill cipher x gn.reader
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Y/N. A white fox kemono just as chaotic as a certain yellow triangle we all know. Though their chaotic nature started as childish mischief, their love for the unusual became overwhelmingly dangerous. They were judged by society for their "strange" diet and "strange" behaviors. So they left. They happened upon a cave writing of a one-eyed triangle, warnings upon warnings written over and around it. Despite the warnings, they read the incantation below the triangle. Their life became one of entertaining disarray, of the best kind of confusion, of lively mayhem, a total madhouse! All due to one being, an immortal, or seemingly immortal, golden, three-sided collection of pure energy.
Written in First-Person
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"Odd," I said, "yes, odd is one way to put it. I don't think I've been here before. And my compass."
I looked at said compass, which was pointing in a certain direction I knew damn well wasn't North, "Yeah, that's not right, is it? Hm.." To double-check my claim, I turned my head to the sun. The glare in my eyes made me squint for a brief moment, putting my hand over my face to block the sun's attempted assault. After adjusting, I confirmed the direction my compass was trying to lead me to was indeed, not North. Instead, the red piece of junk was pointed to the setting sun.
"Weird.. neat! Wonder what it's gonna lead me to.." I spoke, my words becoming slower and more questioning near the end, "I should follow it!"
I was following the compass, as I said I would, until a little creature came up to me. It was tiny, with a pointy red hat. They had strange yellow eyes with slits for pupils. "Whoah, what are you!?" I said in awe. Despite the beings tiny size, they ceased to run from me like most critters would.
They spoke back, in an eccentric voice, "I'm a d- gnome! Mhm! I'm a- waitamiagnomeoramiadwarf.. Gnome! Yeah. Wow, I haven't actually walked in a while."
"You okay buddy, you seem a little.. uh.." I broke my sentence off quickly, not wanting to be rude.
"I'm a magical fairytale creature! You should follow me," they proposed.
I didn't care about the 'magical fairytale' part, but I was still interested, so I simply replied with, "I should."
I followed them through the woods they had led me into with no question. It's not that I'm stupid. I knew the risks and that they weren't trustable, but I was bored and craving something new. Something I hadn't seen before. They were that for me, just another source of entertainment I'd lose the next day out of boredom.
Those were my thoughts as I continued to walk through the woods. We came upon a cave. Suddenly, the small gnome's eyes changed to a white color, and they scurried off making strange noises. They must have left so soon because they knew what I would do anyway.
Walking into the cave, I turned my head in every direction. The place was covered in multitudes of drawings, some more frantic than others. At the end of the tunnel was just a wall. A wall with a doodle larger than any of the others.
The wall art was of a triangle. A common shape really. The only difference between this and the usual polygon was this triangle's eye, as well as the arms, brick pattern, and top hat. It had what looked like a summoning circle behind it. Warnings and caution messages were written over and around the painting. "Do not summon.. I won't let a stupid dead cave guy tell me what to do!"
I read over the incantation written beneath the triangle. After deciding I was ready, I spoke the incantation, "Triangulum, entangulum. Veneforis dominus ventium. Veneforis venetisarium!"
My world turned gray.
For just a brief moment, a moment which felt like an eternity, I couldn't see. It wasn't black. It wasn't white. It just wasn't anything.
Until it was.
"Hey, Two-Tails, good to see you. You did just as I thought you would! I was expecting to see you," I heard behind me in my gray world. I turned to see.. a yellow three-sided.. guy? Thing? I don't know.
I replied to him, surprised but not upset, this could be fun, "Two-Tails? I have a name-"
"Yeah, whatever, Harvey. Now, I-"
"Don't call me Harvey. I'm Y/N. Who are you?" I said, cutting him off just as he did me. I wasn't done speaking.
"I'm getting to that, let me talk," He said. I nodded my head, with a small hand gesture as if telling him to continue. "I'm Bill Cipher, the dream demon! I had you summon me because I've been keeping an eye on you for a while and decided you'd be helpful. You're kinda like me. Say, you don't belong here, do you?"
"I do belong here," I said, confused by the question.
"But do you? You are like me, chaotic and mischievous, am I correct? You could be here in this lousy town.." Bill put one hand up as he spoke, "or you could help me, and I could help you. We could be at the top, Two-Tails!" He put the other hand up at the "or."
"That does sound fun. Not that I trust you, but I've been bored here. You're right to say this is just a lousy town," I replied, agreeing with his statements, "So, how do we rule the world?"
He was going to trick me, I had a feeling. Something about the oh so subtle warnings in the cave gave me that feeling that he was going to be ruling the world by himself. I could plan around that.
"Listen, Double, I know my plan was to steal your body, give myself a physical form, and rule this dimension on my own," Bill began.
He dismissed me as he continued, "But you're interesting! You'll be fun to rule the world with, seriously. I think I'll keep you around. You've got a love for mischief and chaos, like me. I'm a god of chaos, you know."
Maybe he wasn't so bad.
So I agreed, "Fine, finefinefinefinefine. But HOW? Answer my question, Caesar."
"We'll need to make a deal," He said to me. That immediately put me off.
"No, nono no, no deals. No deals."
"Seems you still don't trust me. Here, have a raccoon heart. You seem hungry," Bill snapped and a heart appeared in front of me. I caught it before it could hit the ground.
"Wow- uh, that's dark.. Hey, how did you know I eat stuff like that anyway? Most people would never guess that about someone. I mean, it's weird," I said to him.
"No, it's normal. Dig in, you look malnourished."
I ate the heart. It's taste was something I missed greatly. I suppose even as a human, my fox-like personality and behaviors stick.
"Now, you still seem pretty hesitant to make a deal, so how about something simple. You let me stay in your mind and help out with a project of mine," Bill started, "and I will give you answers to any questions you ask that I know the answers to. You can call it off any time."
"Why? It's not to your advantage," I said.
Bill spoke again, "But it is. The only way I lose is if you call it off, and all I lose is that I gave you some info."
"Fine, it's a deal," I said. When I said that, his mood seemed to lighten. He came down to my level and held a hand out. I shook his hand, excited for something new.
And it was nothing again for an undeclared amount of time.
I opened my eyes to the cave I was in not long before that moment. At first, I thought it was a dream. That was until I realized I was feeling significantly more energized. "Was it..?"
"Nope, no dream, Two-Tails! You're stuck with me, now!" Bill spoke. I could see him, but it seemed nearby birds and rats were unaffected by his ear-piercing loudness.
"Yeah, whatever, Caesar. Just don't be a killjoy and I'll let you stay."
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lunaetis · 7 months
@apocryphis asked :
"you don't really trust me, do you?" sprawled over one of the luscious sofas in her no less luxurious room in the way over the top hotel reverie on penacony, aventurine casts a glance over to his travel companion, an inquisitive, uncharacteristically perplexed gimmer shining behind peculiar eyes. his fingers, that had been idly playing with a poker chip, stop, and the avgin turns his head to take a better look at yinyue as if doing so would allow him to solve whatever mystery he had decided shrouded her. no memories, golden eyes looking at the world like a newborn would, and ears that never miss a single lie or deception. aeons, she is intriguing. perhaps dangerously so. "you would be both daring and foolish if you did. one quality i admire, the other i am concerned about. so... which is it, rover?"
unprompted. || always accepting
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─「银月」─  everything about this planet was throwing her off. the ROVER found herself being both intrigued and cautious about its atmosphere and setting to the point that it became difficult to discern between dreams and reality. that was the point of this world, wasn't it ? an escape. planet of festivities, it's called. she could tell from the very moment she set foot upon it that there were much more than to meet the eyes. the waves and sounds of this world was layer upon layer, stacking up so high and in so many frequency she couldn't exactly put her finger on it.
                in place of a large bed one would expect from a HOTEL was a bathtub, one that people here used to enter the land of dreams. how peculiar. as her partially gloved digits traced along the surface of the glowing water itself, her attention was then caught by his voice.
                eyes of gold immediately turned to land upon a now familiar figure sprawled casually upon the sofa. as amber optics took in the sight on him, his distinctive eyes were doing the same. it was only a matter of time before their eyes met, and they did. curiosity, was it ? that glimmer sparked within UNIQUE ORBS he possessed. yinyue stepped away from the tub, taking a few steps in his direction. there was a small pause as she tilted her head to the side, eyes never leaving his and —
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                " why wouldn't i ? " the question was uttered in almost the same manner as her calling out his lies when they first met. spoken as though it was fact, like it was the most obvious thing and she was genuinely perplexed as to why he would ask such a question. in a way, if anyone had heard her inquiry, they would be able to give her a WHOLE LIST of reasons why she should not place her trust in the man called aventurine. that there were many more reasons to not trust him than to do so.
                yet, there she was, with her bright golden hues looking at him and asking why not in the most innocent ( or was it naïve ? ) way possible.
                the expression on his face was unlike anything she had ever witnessed from him, and yinyue had seen a wide range of what he was capable of. but this wasn't any of those. he simply stared at her like she had just uttered the most absurd thing one could ever done to his face. a blink, as she could feel his waves beginning to shift. it wasn't a disturbance nor chaotic shift, but it was a shift. was it INTERNAL TURMOIL ? conflict ? that's probably the closest to it.
                from the exchanges she had seen earlier ever since their arrival to the hotel, it was clear that others did not. trust was the last thing one would give him, and probably the last thing he NEEDED from them, too. he knew that.
                just because others do not, was she supposed to not as well ?
                she approached him, standing near the sofa but her eyes never left his unique orbs. yinyue didn't think she had ever seen eyes like his before, and dare she say, she thought they were interesting. when she spoke the next words, her expression did not change, nor was she tearing her gaze away.
                " are you going to betray me ? "
                as soon as the words left her lips, she could sense another shift in his wavelength. nothing major. it was barely noticeable. however, there was a split second halt of his wave, something the usual resonator would've missed but yinyue did not. it was there, half a moment pause to a question he probably had thrown his way countless of times, and one she could imagine his reflex answer would be. yes. if needed.
                she shifted her weight, arms crossing over her chest. that split second PAUSE was all she needed. a genuine smile curved her lips.
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                " you hesitated. that's good enough for me. " for someone who could so easily tell another to USE HIM as they see fit, or how manipulations were things he's used to, both on the giving and receiving ends, that single moment of hesitation gave her the reason to trust him. she wondered if he knew he had just answered his own question. either way —
                the rover extended her hand towards him.
                " come on. you promised you'd show me the dreamscape, yes ? "
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lunaetis · 1 year
@maquiscursed asked :
an abrupt kiss that you melt into after a moment of hesitation . (for xiao and lumine, listen he probably hasn't kisses anyone in centuries or millenia or ever, he's doing his best okay)
↪     𝑲𝑰𝑺𝑺  ﹠ ᵀᴱᴸᴸ . || accepting
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─「荧」─  the OUTLANDER was the type to protect others at an expense of herself. it was something innate to her, something that had earned her the titles of hero many a time whether intentionally or unintentionally. that was probably also why she felt herself connecting to a certain yaksha even when they didn't exchange much words with one another initially. the way he pulled himself away from others was his own way of protecting them from the KARMIC DEBT plaguing his very soul. and, perhaps, that was also why he could see through what she was doing ever since she returned from SUMERU.
                the latest meeting with the boughkeeper unveiled a piece of the past unique to her twin brother. the words she heard, the SIGHT she witnessed, the gaze of the sinner and the voice ringing at the back of her mind invaded her dream at night. ABYSS PRINCE, chlothar alberich had called her. no, he ... wasn't calling her. he was calling her twin brother, but the words pierced at her still even now. it felt like she was dragged down to the abyss when she looked at the cracked mirror to see aether's face instead of her own.
                i'm not him. i'm lumine. i'm me. i'm me. i'm me ... i'm —
                " i'm okay ... i ... i'm okay ... " words that were uttered when NIGHT TERROR forcefully snapped her to reality, and she found her golden hues being filled with tears. lumine could feel her whole body shaking. no ... power of the abyss. she didn't want any of it to taint him. not him. not when she finally was able to CLEANSE that darkness of karmic debt from his soul. he should remain free, untainted. he should stay away ... she's okay, she's ...
                that was when she felt her lips being sealed by his own. it was abrupted, unplanned, a touch that felt both foreign and familiar all at the same time. the CELESTIAL could even feel hesitation in his movement, she could feel him pausing as if unsure, like it wasn't what he's used to at all, like ... he had never done this before. but ... his lips were warm. it was ... so, so warm.
                " ying. "
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                xiao ...
                the sound of her TRUE NAME was like a spell, it was like a wake up call that pulled her mind from the deepest, darkest abyss she was being dragged down by the ankle. it was an oath, a summon, a reminder. at that split second the sound of her true name being uttered upon his lips, any shadow of doubts she felt from the crawling nightmare was gone. it disappeared like it had never existed before, and it made crystal droplets fall from her quivering, melting liquid gold. they wouldn't stop.
                i'm not okay. the voice echoed in their now linked minds. there was no keeping any secret from her name holder, not when he invoked his right by uttering it. there was nothing keeping their thoughts separate, and the vigilant yaksha would start to feel and see the things she had witnessed. the journey down the memory lane of the abyss twin she almost mixed with her own past. and he would see, and hear the words she kept locked inside.
                the truth.
                i'm not okay. i'm not okay. i —
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                " i'm scared ... " of losing you, of losing myself.
                and ying felt his warmth coming around her, the tears that cascaded down her eyes wetting his cheeks now that the gap between them was gone once more. their lips met, the salty taste mixed with the tender kiss as this time, they both melted right into that lip-lock while both minds melted into one as well. his thoughts, her thoughts, they were becoming one. through the touch of his lips, the feel of his breath spilling against her own, the taste of his mouth and tongue, their hearts resonating with one another. he was reminding her who she was.
                she heard it, his voice, through their connected minds.
                you're not alone anymore, ying.
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immobiliter · 28 days
SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
so i have way too many muses on this blog to really categorise every pairing that i ship for them, but i will echo ventium's answer and say that my otps are what i currently ship with my rp partners. this is particularly the case for me because, while i love a good "canon" ship ( as in, the characters actually get to interact within their canon even if you have to read romantic or sexual context into them ), a lot of the ships i write are crossover ships between two muses who would never have cause or reason to interact within their canon. that means i rarely enter into them knowing that they will have a romantic endgame, so i have no real preconceived otps as it were. i also tend to be quite picky about ships more generally speaking, it can take a lot for a ship in a tv show or book or movie to actually grab me, and i think this is because romance in general doesn't really do much for me on a personal level lmao.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
i'm honestly up for most things, barring the obvious no-gos. although if the dynamic is more toxic in nature ( which, again, i'm not opposed to ), it does make me pickier when it comes to shipping. certain muses of mine are pretty incapable of developing romantic or sexual bonds ( or even friendships for that matter ) without a degree of toxicity or challenge involved and that therefore makes them lower priority/more selective in terms of who i would choose to ship them with.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
this is hard to answer in a general sense because it's very specific to the individual muse and ship ? as far as i am concerned, as long as it's not shipping a minor with an adult, and it is a ship that makes sense for the characters and can justify in that respect, age differences aren't a big deal. i have muses who are 18 who i would only ship with others of a similar age, i have muses who are in their 30s and may date those a lil older/younger than them, and i have muses who are hundreds of years old or immortal who fall for a human. context and the nature of the individual character is very important.
Are you selective when shipping?
yes, i am picky about what i ship and who i ship it with. there has to be chemistry not just between the two muses but between writers as well — we have to vibe well, plotting and talking behind the scenes cannot feel like a chore or like it's forced, and i'm also someone who will very rarely engage in that tumblr favoured pastime of yelling constantly in dms about ships. i like to get excited about ships and characters, i like to talk about them ( and talking about them usually does encourage me to write them ), but at my own pace. i have a lot of muses and therefore a lot of ships ( plus y'know i have a life outside of tumblr too, we all do ), so i like to know that my rp partner and i can take our time developing them, can talk in dms at our own pace with no pressure to write everything for them all the time, and that if neither of us reply to any threads or answer any memes for months at a time, we're both okay with it. i have shipping partners who i talk to most days, i have shipping partners who i send plotting walls to once every so often ( u know who u are lmao ), and i have shipping partners who i talk to about pretty much anything other than our actual ships that we write once in a blue moon lmaooo. but my point is it's all very chilled and laid back and that's how i approach everything when it comes to tumblr these days. if it takes 6+ months or 2+ years for two muses to kiss, that's all good with me! it makes the end result even more satisfying. i think for that reason, too, i prefer shipping partners who are willing to enter into that long-term commitment. if you are one of those people who will jump straight in with a ship and then move on within a few weeks to the next muse/ship, i don't think we'll mesh that well.
i will say though that usually once you pass that vibe check as a shipping partner, i am much more likely to immediately say yes if you suggest another ship to me lmao. if i know that i can ship one pairing with you, chances are i will ship all the things with you.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
anything that goes beyond the realms of foreplay/as soon as clothing starts to come off/when more intimate touching and kissing occurs, really. i honestly don't write smut all that often, but i will usually start to tag with a "nsfw ish" tag first to indicate that's where a thread is going before i tag something as nsfw.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
this varies depending on muse. i do have some characters that i have specific ships for ( though it's not something i tend to publicise on the dash ), while there are other characters that i don't even write for the purposes of shipping ( meaning that any shipping that occurs with them is either accidental or the result of extensive plotting or talking behind the scenes ).
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
yes, for the most part. i write many flirtatious characters who will shamelessly flirt with muses they come across but i never intend this to be an initiation of a ship ( and i'm sure others who write Those sorts of muses would agree ), so the best way is to simply ask me — especially if we've written them a little and you're getting that vibe. i will always endeavour to reach out to rp partners when i can feel a ship brewing or if i have an idea for one that i wish to pitch, and i encourage others to do that to me in return.
How often do you like to ship?
this is a hard question because it always depends what i'm in the mood for ? i enjoy ships, but they're not all i wish to write on tumblr dot com. i'm fortunate that with a multimuse full of all different flavours of muses, i can usually find something to satisfy that writing itch whenever it flares up lmao.
Are you multiship?
yes, in the sense that none of my active muses are really single-ship, and if i have caveats to shipping with them they're always noted on the muse's page. i don't like to limit myself to single-shipping unless the muse in question is a private one that i just write for one writing partner lmao. i also don't tend to ship with duplicates once i have found one that i click with — this is never something that i ask for anyone to reciprocate, it's just how my brain works.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
i'm really not ship obsessed at all lmao, hence why i consider myself pretty picky ( and the reason why i tend to have lots of different shippy dynamics ongoing is mainly because i ship multiple pairings with the same 6 or 7 people lmao ). you know what i am obsessed with though? platonic expressions of devotion. few things can truly hit me like a well developed friendship ( robin & steve from st ), or a platonic bond that transcends all attempts to define it ( neuvillette & furina ). i think tumblr sleeps on those sorts of dynamics soo much, and so when they do come along for me they end up being extra special.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
honestly this may be a cop-out answer, but all of the ships that i currently have ongoing. i love them all in their own way, they all contribute something to my portrayals and to my blog and writing style and i appreciate everyone who writes a ship with me of any kind, even the platonic and familial ones.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
talk to me! i tend to prefer that our characters have interacted at least a little first, but i'm also not opposed to a pitch of two characters who you think might work well together! communication is key :')
Tagged by: @apocryphis & @delusionaid ( thank you!! ) Tagging: i've seen this go around my dash and therefore don't know who has or hasn't done this yet, so if you see this you are tagged! do the thing! tag me!!!
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