#[ oc ] alaxa herondale
beclynn-herondale · 4 years
Chapter 6 - the Company of the Carstairs Family
( the world and characters except my OCs belong to Cassandra Clare)
Mina was getting ready for the day ahead, her family was coming to visit and she was overjoyed. She missed her younger siblings and big brother and her mom and dad of course. It had almost been a year since she came to live at the New York Institute and she was settling in okay. When she arrived her room was a plain white but she painted it a lavender Purple and Had Tessy paint lavender flowers on the walls as well, Mina loved it, her bed was a queen sized four corner bed with grey sheets and purple comforter. She had four pillows with purple pillows cases. She had pictures of her family hung up on the walls and special family outings they had, her mom and dad have always told her she's loved adventure since she was a baby. She also had a nice collection of blades, swords and knives in cases at one end of her bedroom. She had her violin on the fireplace and a guitar in a corner. Her floor was wood tile, her bathroom was painted a light blue. She was thinking about what her family will think when they see her making herself at home, here in New York Institute-
"Mina the Beautiful!." Said her Parabatai Charlie, coming into her bedroom. "You know if you keep up those nicknames people will start to think we're more then Parabatai." Mina told her Parabatai with a teasing tone. "Don't worry I am totally platonically gay for you." Said Charlie with a amused tone in her voice. "So what brings you to my bedroom?" Mina asked Charlie with a smile on her face. "Well I wanted to bring you downstairs to your family, cause they're here my dear." Said Charlie. "They are!?" Mina replied back. And then she was out of her bedroom, down the stairs with Charlie behind her like she always was.
When Mina made it to the main room in the Institute her parents and siblings were there talking to her Clary and Jace Fairchild-herondale. "Mom! Dad!" Mina called, they looked up at her and Mina ran to them and hugged them both "I missed you all." She said. "We missed you more Mina mine." Said her father. "My baby girl." Said her mom. And then her big brother Kit hugged her so tight she couldn't breathe "kit...i... can't...breathe." "oh sorry Mina I just missed you." Said Kit. "I missed you too, but if you crush my wind pipes then I wouldn't be able to talk to you." She said teasingly. "Hahaha". Said Kit. Then her younger siblings the twins both gave her hugs "missed you big sis." Said her younger brother Jonah. "The house has been weird without you and Kit has been here so the boys are taking over." Said Cecy her younger sister with a playful voice. "Well I suppose we'll have to gain up and teach a lesson while you're all here won't we?" Said Mina. "Yes!" Said Cecy. After that everyone burst out laughing. And Mina felt at home even more.
"Well". Said her Aunt Clary, "lunch is ready in the dining room, so how about we eat and talk." "That sounds like a great idea." Said her mother Tessa. And then they were eating Tessy herondale and her sister Cecy were sitting by each talking about blades and training, Mina noticed Jonah was watching tessy and grinned, he was always watching her these days when he saw her and Mina couldn't help but smile, her baby brother had a crush. Charlie was next to Mina and eating her food. "Charlie" Mina whispered. "What?" Charlie whispered back. "I think we should take our younger siblings out for a walk around New York later." Whispered Mina. "Okay sounds like a great Idea, but why are we whispering?" "Because I felt like it you goof." "Ohh my Parabatai and her beautiful weirdness." Said Charlie." And they both giggled.
"Knock knock." Said a voice in the doorway of the dining room and Mina knew who it was, Max Lightwood-Bane, her boyfriend. "Max!" Said Charlie and she got up and hugged her cousin. "Charlie how have you been my dear cousin?." "I have been amazing, and you my loving cousin?" "I have been great." Said Max. "You two." Mina said. "There she is my beautiful girlfriend." Said Max, it made Mina blush, he could always do that.
After lunch they all went to the training room in the Institute, including Max and they trained the younger kids and they themselves trained. They had plans to go out for dinner so Mina supposed they could go for a walk through the park after dinner.
After several hours of training, and teaching the kids to balance properly, Charlie was heading to get ready for going out to dinner, she loved having family meals with her family, and tonight the Carstairs were here to. She decided to throw on some nice Jean's and a fancy tank top, with some boots, she pulled her into a high ponytail, she insisted her necklace, it was a pendant with a heron and wings on it, it was to honor both her Herondale and Fairchild heritage, she was proud of both, her family fine also had it but this was a birthday present from Mina and she loved it.
After that she headed downstairs and saw that Mina had changed into a beautiful light blue strappy dress, it fit her well, Charlie thought, "The Beautiful Mina," Charlie Said, "oh my lovely Parabatai, you look beautiful!" Mina told her, "not as beautiful, as you," Charlie told Her, Max came into the room, wearing a nice shirt and a nice pair of Jean's, "someone's looking handsome," Mina said. "And someone else is looking so beautiful, it could make a gentleman lose his mind," Max replied to her, Mina blushed and it made Charlie miss Mari, she was on a mission in LA and wouldn't be back for a few more weeks. Charlie pushed the thought out of her mind, tonight was going to be a fun night and she wanted to make sure she didn't bring anyone's mood down.
Mina was excited and nervous, to show her family around New York and have them visit the New York Institute, they decided since they were such a big group to go to a Chinese restaurant that Uncle Jace and Aunt Clary often would get, and said is the best Chinese food around, and it was really good, Mina loved getting it. After everyone had ordered they decided to get it to go and eat at a park, which Mina loved, it was like a picnic and she loved picnics, after they all ate the adults talked and the kids ran around the park, Clary and Jace grateful that Lexy was getting energy out, she had a lot of energy and was a very busy toddler and Mina couldn't blame Jace and Clary for wanting a night where putting her to bed was easy.
Mina looked over at Max who was talking to Charlie, they were talking about fighting demons like they often do, "Max, Charlie, do you two still want to take the kids on a walk around the park?" Mina asked them, "yes!" They both answered at the same time and they ask the adults, who said yes and took the kids for a walk. It was actually easy considering how many there were, though they had never been bad kids, Mina's sister Cecy was looking around and taking in the sights of the New York park, Mina loved that her siblings were enjoying themselves, she turned to her brother Kit and Asked "how's Ty?", "he's great!, he is currently studying all kinds of things, Plants, Languages, Science's and many more things, he is helping with learning more about Mundane medicine and I am so proud of him," Kit answered, "you're so in love," Mina teased him, "my dear little sister you will understand one day, I hope," he told her, "I think I do a little already," she replied, "that's great to hear," Kit told her.
"Shall we head back now," Charlie said, with Lexy in her arms almost asleep, Uncle Jace and Aunt Clary will be happy for that, "yes, let's head back, the kids look tired," Mina said, they went back to where the adults were and made their way back to the Institute.
When they got back Jace and Clary took Lexy to bed, the other kids heading to their rooms to get ready for bed as well, Mina told Max goodnight, "I'll see you soon my beautiful Mina," Max told her and kissed her forehead, he went out the front door of the Institute and headed back to his parents apartment in Brooklyn, she loved him there was no doubt about that. "Well," said Charlie, "I guess we better head to bed to," "yeah I suppose so, I have a feeling tomorrow will be busy again," Mina replied to her Parabatai, "yeah me too, hey Mina I was wondering can I um.... could I maybe sleep in your room tonight?, like let's have a sleepover kind of thing but in your room?" "Of course, you can Charlie," Mina told her Parabatai, she saw the look her Parabatai's eyes which said please I don't want to be alone tonight, she must be having nightmares about her late sister again and Mina wished she could take the pain away from her Parabatai, but there were some things you can't do. "K, I'll put on my PJ's and you can put yours on to and then I'll be in your room in about ten or fifteen minutes," Charlie told her and raced up the stairs, "okay dear, I'll go get ready for bed, and bring A Tale of two Cities with you so we can read before we fall asleep," Mina called to her Parabatai before she was completely to her bedroom, "will do," Charlie answered back.
And Mina was off to her bedroom, she put on shorts and a tank top, brushed her teeth, washed her face, and got under the covers, awaiting her Parabatai, who came in at that moment, he PJ's were shorts and tank top too, she got into the bed with Mina and handed her the book and they read, after an hour of reading they both were to exhausted to read anymore and fell asleep.
( hopefully you enjoy this, thanks! to everyone who has been supporting me with my fic, I hope to get another chapter out soon)
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
Next gen of Shadowhunters and Downworlders.
( the world and Jace, Clary, Mina belong to Cassandra Clare.)
Chapter - 5 And now the Journey Begins.
New York Institute, 2030.
Charlie was walking down the hall to the kitchen in the Institute, her Mama and Papa were home today and when they were they had a family breakfast together whenever they can. Their family breakfasts are usually filled with laughter and goofiness and these times are some of her most precious memories, and Mina was here to. In fact she moved into the New York Institute a couple months ago to be Closer to Charlie.
Mina and Charlie were Parabatai and before they became Parabatai they were very close. Charlie holds her Parabatai with great affection and love, she's Charlie's best friend, she's like another big Sister, she knows Charlie well and understands her, she supports Charlie when she needs it. Oh wait- Charlie thought I am talking in Third person again, well hello old friend. She thought to herself.
She walked into the kitchen and saw her mom flipping pancakes and her dad sitting at the table with her younger siblings and was being silly with Alaxa and she was laughing, it made Charlie smile she loved her parents so much, they were always supportive of her and her siblings no matter what. When she came out as bisexual they accepted her and acted like it was her saying she her age and they loved her and her siblings so much and make it a happy and loving home for them. She looked around the table and saw her little brother Stephen the second third oldest out of them he was reading like he always was when he wasn't training or playing with their younger siblings, Amira was the oldest technically, she was adopted into the family when charlie was 3 and Stephen was 1 and a half, and she's been their big sister ever since, she is half faerie and half shadowhunter and beautiful but some still think she is unfit not only because of her faerie blood but because her parents were law breakers, Charlie thought they were idiot's Amira has given so much to the Clave and they should appreciate her for it.
She looked over at her younger sister Tessa she was born after Stephen and looked almost exactly like their dad if he was a female, she was reading about old swords and that didn't surprise Charlie she was like their dad to obsessed with swords. Not that Charlie had room to talk she was to. She then looked over at the first pair of twins as she walked over to the table and sat down, as she did her dad said good morning sunshine, how are you today?. I am good papa thanks! Jamie looking up from whatever it was she was doing said Good morning!! Big sis. Jamie was Will's twin they were born two years after Tessa was and they looked like her late twin Ella did, Black hair that was unruly, pale skin, they had their mama's freckles though. Jamie had orange gold eyes, while Will had green like their mama's and hers as well. They were beautiful and would grow up to be good looking people. All her siblings would. Then there was the other pair of twins, Matthew and Celine, Matthew was ignoring everyone like he usually did, paying attention to his book about bugs while eating a pancake, Celine was watching their dad and Alaxa play. Alaxa was saying something about how she loved dad this much And that It was more then him, and their dad said that's not possible because he's bigger so his love for her equals more and Charlie couldn't help but laugh at that.
And Edmund was joining in and saying what if me and Lexy both combined our love for you papa and then we would have more and her dad said nope I love you both more. Her mom came over with a plate of pancakes and said me and your dad love you all more because you all are precious and our babies so there now finish eating ok! And Charlie was Min Min awake when you got up?. Yes, she was showering last I checked said Charlie.
Mina was coming into the kitchen as she heard her name and looked up and Said I am right here Aunt Clary, Clary looked up and gave her her warm motherly smile that made whoever saw it want to smile as well and Mina did. Good morning! Min Min said Clary, I made pancakes help yourself to as many as you want there's plenty she said as she was taking her apron off. Good morning Mina. Said her uncle Jace. How are you?. I am good thank you! Said Mina.
Charlie jumped on Mina and gave her a hug and said the beautiful Mina has arrived at last we are all saved! Everyone started laughing and Mina said my silly Parabatai you. Charlie was also supporting Mina and her Charlie. Some thought they were a couple because they showed their love for each so easily but they weren't they just weren't afraid to show how much they love each, Charlie's girlfriend Mari didn't appreciate it though and would say no that fine piece of Herondale ass is my girlfriend you fool. And Mina and Charlie would always laugh at how protective and loving Mari was to Charlie. Mari was the daughter of Mark Rosales-Blackthorn and Cristina Rosales-Blackthron, they ran the shadowhunter/downworlder alliance.
Her and Charlie sat down and both ate breakfast then headed to the training room with Stephen and Tessa, while Will and Jamie headed to go research Science and Medical information, and the younger ones went off with their parents to do stuff. Mina missed her family after moving to new York but she loved being with her Parabatai. And her Parabatai's siblings were like siblings to Mina as well.
(Okay this is short I know and hopefully the next chapter will be longer. I apologize I have writers block and I am thinking through how to word the story so please be patient, 🧡🧡)
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