#[ oc ] jamie herondale
parkerslatte · 11 months
Dalliance | Prologue
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Matthew Fairchild x Fem!OC
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: none.
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Delilah Lightwood typically was a social girl, at any gathering or social event she always tried to present herself in a welcoming manner. Since she was only a young child, she wanted people to like her. Of course in comparison to her siblings, Anna, bold, suave and approachable and Christopher, inventive, intelligent and sweet, Delilah felt ordinary. 
Even when she sat with her friends, she didn’t feel a part of the group. Her brother stood next to her. Despite her being a year older, he towered over her, while Thomas stood the same height as Delilah. The two conversed as Delilah stood there listening silently. It was clear that they were trying to include her in their conversation but Delilah wasn’t fully concentrated, she was more fussed with the book in her hands, nervously fiddling with the pages.
The book in Delilah’s hands was one she rarely left the comfort of her house without. The cover was old and battered but it held beauty within it. Each page was decorated with a work of art, varying from pencil drawings to watercolour paintings and everything in between that the pages could withstand. 
“Isn’t this a bore?” Delilah lifted her head at the new voice entering the conversation. 
Matthew Fairchild. 
The blonde boy wasn’t someone who Delilah was particularly close to. In any group conversation, Matthew’s attention was mostly diverted to Christopher or Thomas and he only offered Delilah a comment or two directed toward her. Delilah knew that the Fairchild boy was not particularly fond of her. 
“Everybody here looks like a dolt. I am already in frightful agony, contemplating my wasted youth. Don’t speak to me, or I shall break down and sob uncontrollably.” Matthew was always one for theatrics.
“There, there,” said Christopher, patting Matthew’s shoulder. “What are you upset about again?”
“Your face, Lightwood.” said Matthew, and elbowed him. 
Christopher and Thomas both laughed while Delilah just offered a small smile. Matthew hadn’t looked in her direction since he had arrived and she felt awkward. She guessed that he didn’t even realise she was standing there.
“Er.” A voice interrupted the quiet laughter, “Hello.”
The group turned to the source of the voice. James Herondale stood there with what appeared to be a smile on his face, although Delilah couldn’t tell as it looked as if he were in pain. James Herondale. Delilah and Christopher’s cousin. Delilah offered him a smile. It seemed to make him relax a little.
“Jamie Herondale, right?” Matthew drawled.
James bristled. “I prefer James.”
“I’d prefer to be in a school devoted to art, beauty, and culture rather than in a ghastly stone shack in the middle of nowhere filled with louts who aspire to be nothing more than whacking demons with great big swords,” said Matthew. “Yet here we are.”
Matthew’s eyes drifted to the left for a brief second to look in Delilah’s direction. She seemed to be a million miles away, the expression she wore on her face was much like Christopher's everyday expression. It was rare to see it on Delilah who always seemed extra focused on her surroundings. It was something Matthew had admired about the Lightwood girl. His eyes focused back on James before Delilah could sense him looking in her direction.
Despite Delilah inclining to agree with everything Matthew had said, she remained silent. Of course she knew since she was a child that her path was written in stone, that she was destined to be a shadowhunter. And Delilah accepted that. Although as she grew, she knew that she didn’t want that to be her entire life. She needed to do something else. 
Delilah had been so wrapped up in her own mind that she had failed to notice a new voice in the conversation until her brother spoke up.
“Hello, sir.”
Delilah focused her eyes on Ragnor Fell who stood just behind Matthew. 
“Are you Christopher Lightwood?” Ragnor asked, somewhat menacingly.
Christopher’s wandering attention became focused on a tree. “Hm? I think so.”
Delilah could tell that her brother's behaviour that she loved so much seemed to have an effect on Ragnor. He looked like he could barely conceal the anger that was bubbling beneath his green skin.
“Are you not certain, Mr. Lightwood? Did you perhaps have an unfortunate encounter when you were an infant?”
“Hm?” said Christopher.
Ragnor’s voice rose. “Was that encounter between your infant head and a floor.”
Delilah’s mouth dropped open in surprise at Ragnor’s comment. Anger bubbled up inside of her at the comment directed towards her brother. Delilah always wanted people to like her but when it came to protecting her family, she didn’t care who she offended in the process.
“Listen here you pathetic green–”
“Sir.” Matthew spoke up, cutting Delilah off before he flashed his smile. 
The Smile. That damned smile. Whenever Matthew flashed that smile, it was as if everyone around him dropped down to do his bidding. With that smile, he could get whatever he wanted. No matter how much Delilah wanted to resist it she still found herself drawn to his smile. His smile was a work of art. 
“Sir, you will have to forgive Christopher. He’s a trifle absentminded, but he is definitely Christopher. It would be very difficult to mistake Christopher for anyone else. I vouch for him, and he can’t deny it.”
Ragnor unbent a tiny bit. “Are you Matthew Fairchild?”
Matthew’s smile became more playful. “I could deny it if I liked. I could deny anything if I liked. But my name certainly is Matthew. It has been for years.”
“He’s quoting Oscar Wilde, sir.” James spoke up.
Matthew looked surprised. “Are you a devotee of Oscar Wilde?”
“He’s a good writer,” James said coldly. “There are a lot of good writers. I read rather a lot.”
Delilah was surprised at James’s tone. Most people who spoke to Matthew always clung onto his every word. There were times where Delilah would even listen to him talk, some of his insights into things were incredibly interesting to her. But James was different, he didn’t give Matthew the satisfaction.
“Gentlemen,” Ragnor Fell cut in, “If you could tear yourselves away from your fascinating literary conversation for a moment and listen to one of the instructors in the establishment where you have supposedly come to learn? I have a letter here about Christopher Lightwood and the unfortunate incident that caused the Clave so much concern.”
“Yes, that was a very unfortunate accident,” said Matthew.
“And that was not the word I used, Mr. Fairchild, as I am sure you are aware. The letter says that you have volunteered to take full responsibility for Mr. Lightwood, and that you solemnly promise to keep any and all potential explosives out of his reach for the duration of his time at the Academy.”
“Explosives?” James muttered to Delilah.
“My brother has a large…fascination for science. It can end rather catastrophically.”  Delilah answered with a small laugh.
“Do not worry,” Matthew said. “I mean, certainly, worry that we are trapped in an arid warrior culture with no appreciation for the truly important things in life. But do not worry about things exploding, because I will not permit anything to explode.”
“That was all you needed to say,” Ragnor Fell told him. “And you could have said it in far fewer words.” He walked away.
“He was green!” Thomas whispered in astonishment. 
“Really.” said Matthew, very dry.
“Oh really?” said Christopher brightly. “I didn’t notice.”
“I rather liked the unique hue of our teacher. It reminded me of the green carnations that Oscar Wilde’s followers wear to imitate him. He had one of the actors in, um, a play of his wear a green carnation onstage.”
“The shade of green made me violently ill,” Delilah commented, “Green is normally my favourite colour but an emerald green or the colour of the grass in summer.”
Matthew looked in her direction and carefully considered her comment. Green seemed to be her favourite colour as the dress she was currently sporting was a pale green that went perfect with the brown shade of her hair, just a little darker than Christopher’s. It fell in perfect waves around her shoulders and down her back. 
The Fairchild boy opened his mouth to respond to Delilah’s comment, ready to defend the shade of his teacher before James cut in.
“It was Lady Windermere’s Fan,”  
“Sorry?” Matthew questions, his eyes quickly moving from Delilah to James.
“The Oscar Wilde play,” said James, his voice void of emotion. “It was Lady Windermere’s Fan. ”
Matthew flashed his smile that James, surprisingly, seemed unaffected by, “Yes.” said Matthew. “Of course. Jamie, I can see that as a fellow admirer of Oscar Wilde–”
“Uh,” said a voice to James’s left. “You new boys have barely been here five minutes, and all you can find to talk about is some mundane who got sent to prison for indecency?”
“And girl.” Delilah muttered although her cut in seemed to go unnoticed by everyone. Everyone except Christopher at least, who placed a hand on her shoulder offering a small indication that he knew that she was there. Delilah offered her brother a smile.
“So you know Oscar Wilde too, Alastair?” Matthew asked.
“I know of many mundane criminals,” Alastair said, “I read the mundane newspapers to find hints of demonic activity. I certainly don’t bother reading plays.”
Matthew laughed in his face, “Naturally. What use do sad, unimaginative little people have for plays?” he asked. “Or paintings, or dancing, or anything that makes life interesting. I am so glad to be at this dank little school where they will try to squeeze down my mind until it is almost as narrow as yours.”
The group looked fearful as Matthew simply patted Alastair on the arm. “Run along now,” said Matthew. “Jamie and I were talking.”
Alastair laughed, though there was no humour behind it, “I was only trying to give you young ones a little guidance about the way we do things in the Academy. If you’re too stupid to take heed, that is not my fault. At least you have a tongue in your head, unlike this one.”
Alastair turned to face James to which James looked surprised. Delilah was shocked as well, James hadn’t done anything to provoke Alastair at all, all he had done during the interaction between him and Matthew was stand there. 
“Yes, you, the one with the peculiar eyes,” Alastair snapped. “What are you gawping at?”
“I–” said James. “I–”
“What’s your name?”
“H-Herondale,” James stammered out.
“By the angel, his eyes are awful,” said the boy to Alastair’s right.
Alastair laughed again, though this time it was at James’s expense. “Yellow. Just like a goat’s.”
Delilah’s mouth hung open in shock.
“I don’t–” James tried to speak.
“Don’t try to speak. You and your friends could perhaps cease obsessing about mundanes and try to think about little matters like saving lives and upholding the Law while you’re here, all right?”
Alastair and his friends strolled off, laughing amongst themselves. Although as they passed people, they would simply whisper the insulting name they had called James just a moment prior. This caused more laughter amongst the others surrounding the small group. 
Matthew laughed. “Well. What an–”
“Thanks so much for dragging me into that.” James snapped before he turned on his heel and walked away as quickly as possible while everyone turned and stared at him.
Delilah watched him walk away as fast as he could. Her eyebrows furrowed in concern. Delilah fumbled with the book in her hands before shoving it in her bag and began to walk away from Christopher, Thomas and Matthew and follow James. However she failed to notice the book falling out of her bag and onto the floor in her pursuit of her cousin.
Delilah spent ages looking for her cousin. She hadn’t let up her search since she left the others. It had been a few years since Delilah had seen her cousin but she remembered that they were quite close growing up, more so than James and Christopher were as her brother would rather be amongst chemicals and other sciencey things that Delilah didn’t fully understand.
When Delilah eventually found James, she had stumbled across him– quite literally. She walked down a staircase, she wasn’t fully paying attention as she neared the bottom as her foot caught a bag and she fell down the last couple of stairs landing at the bottom. Delilah let out a small groan as she raised to her feet.
“Are you okay?” James asked, closing the book in his hands.
“I’m fine, I’m fine.” said Delilah, spinning around to face James. 
James nodded before a silence fell upon them. Delilah sensed that James wanted to be alone but she wasn’t going to allow that. She could tell that he wanted someone deep down to talk to. Delilah moved James’s bag from beside him and sat down next to him on the step. James watched her movements carefully. 
“I think your eyes are unique.” Delilah spoke up.
“Unique is just another word for different,” James grumbled.
“Different isn’t necessarily a bad thing,” said Delilah. “If anything your eyes make you more mysterious. You’ve seen Christopher’s eyes, they are different as well.
“This difference between him and I is that the colour of his eyes are appealing whereas mine are…goat-like according to everyone in the Academy,” James looked defeated as he stared down at the book on his lap.
“Your eyes are appealing too!” Delilah scolded, she hit him lightly on the arm. “And do not call your eyes goat-like because that is far from the truth. Don’t listen to whatever Alastair says because he just wants to assert power, do not let him James.”
“All I wanted to do was make friends and look where that got me.” James said sadly.
“You have made friends.” Delilah said. “You also already had friends before you even tried to make friends. Christopher and I may be your cousins but we are also your friends. Christopher might not seem present when you speak to him a lot of the time but he is listening and he does care.” 
“Thomas is a sweetheart,” Delilah continued when James didn’t speak. “You do have friends here, James. You can sit with us if you wish.”
“Not if Matthew is there.”
Delilah sighed, “Matthew is…interesting. I don’t think he likes me very much.”
James’s eyebrows furrowed. During his interaction with Matthew, he had noticed the blonde sneaking glances at Delilah. James wasn’t sure if those glances were intentional or a subconscious movement. But from those glances alone, James thought that the two were close friends. James decided to not voice these thoughts to his cousin.
“He isn’t bad though,” Delilah continued. “He can just be a little over the top at times.”
“I can tell,” James said.
The two fell into a silence but it wasn’t uncomfortable. For the first time since arriving at the academy, James was completely at ease. 
Once Delilah got back to her dorm that evening, her roommate, Esme, was already fast asleep. This sent a wash of relief over Delilah as she was not in the mood for any more social interaction. Slipping off her dress and quickly changing into her nightgown, Delilah climbed under the covers of her bed. The Lightwood girl reached over the side of the bed and grabbed her small shoulder bag she had been carrying around all day. She flipped it open and gasped.
Her book was gone. 
Delilah rummaged through the bag some more but found nothing that resembled the small book she held so dear to her heart. She let the bag fall to the floor as she thought of places where she could have dropped it. It could have been anywhere. She had done laps of the Academy looking for James. 
Delilah felt tears prick her eyes. That book contained her work for the past two years, the book itself was a gift from her parents, the paper inside was of the highest quality. She felt stupid for crying but she couldn’t stop once the first tear fell. Delilah was a shadowhunter, she shouldn’t be crying over a small lost book. 
The following morning, Delilah was one of the first to emerge for breakfast. Before classes started she wanted to do a quick lap of the academy to see if her book was anywhere. Her bag was too light without it. Delilah found herself at a small table, her only goal for the morning was to eat her breakfast quickly and find her book before anyone else woke.
There were other souls awake when Delilah emerged that morning. Each had sat at different tables far apart from each other, yet they were conversing from across the hall. Delilah wasn’t sure why they didn’t just sit at a table together. 
Once Delilah had finished her breakfast, three people sat down at her table. Looking up from her plate, she was greeted with her brother, Thomas and Matthew. The former two offered her a smile while Matthew just looked at her, his expression was unreadable. Delilah smiled at the two before she stood from her seat as they sat down. 
“Where are you going?” Thomas asked.
“Oh, um, I’m just going to take a walk around the Academy before classes start.” Delilah lied. She didn’t want to admit that she was going to search the Academy high and low in search of a small book that held no significance to anyone but her. 
“We can come with you, if you wish,” Thomas offered. “I’d like to see more of the Academy.”
“No!” Delilah exclaimed. “No that is quite alright, thank you though Thomas.”
Before the boys could question her more, she was already walking away. She had made it a good distance away from the table and into the corridor she had disappeared into first in the pursuit of James. Delilah slowed her pace as she retraced her steps. 
“Delilah!” Matthew exclaimed, hurrying into the corridor. 
Delilah furrowed her brows and turned to face the blonde, confusion written across her features. Matthew came to a stop in front of her before he pulled something out of his waistcoat. Her book.
Delilah gasped, taking it out of Matthew’s hands. 
“I am most certainly sure that is why you abandoned us just now,” Matthew observed. “In search of this?”
“Yes!” Delilah exclaimed. “Where did you find it?”
“It must have fallen out of your bag yesterday. I hadn’t noticed it until long after you left.” Matthew explained. 
The smile on Delilah’s face was one full of childlike glee. “I thought I lost it.”
“You looked positively miserable at breakfast.” 
Delila didn’t know what inclined her to hug Matthew but she found herself doing so. She  nearly knocked him off his feet with the force in which she hugged him. Matthew was startled before he gently hugged her back. His hands gently touched her back. Once he touched her back, Delilah quickly pulled away.
“I’m truly sorry for that, Matthew,” said Delilah. “I’m just so–thank you.”
Matthew waved off her thanks, “It was the least I could do. You are very talented, Delilah.”
Delilah’s eyes widened, “You looked in it?”
“I’m afraid I did. Although it wasn’t my fault. When the book fell it was open, once I saw one I had to look at more. You capture such beautiful moments in your art. The use of colour really brings your painting alive.”
Delilah blushed, “Thank you, Matthew. Though I do have to admit that I have never let anyone see those paintings before now. Not even Christopher.”
Matthew gasped dramatically, his hand on his chest. “I’m honoured to be the first to witness these ground-breaking pieces of art. You could give all of those famous mundane artists a run for their money.”
Delilah blushed again. Nobody had ever complimented her art much except her family. But they were obliged to as they were her family and they would never say a bad word about her art even if it was completely terrible. The compliments coming from Matthew had a completely different meaning. He could have easily dismissed her art as average, yet he had given her some of the highest compliments.
“Can I ask you a question, Matthew?” Delilah inquired.
“If you are going to ask me to model for you, I will agree to it in a heartbeat. This hair deserves to be captured in art for eternity.”
Delilah laughed, “No not that. But I was wondering why you are being so nice to me.”
The smile dropped from Matthew’s face. “Why wouldn’t I be nice to you?”
“I just–” Delilah found herself fiddling with the pages of her book nervously. “I was just under the impression you didn’t like me.” 
“What on earth gave you that impression?” Matthew questioned.
“Um, I’m not sure,” Delilah suddenly felt shy. “You just never spoke to me directly when Thomas or Christopher were around. You made an effort with everyone else around you, yet you disregarded me.”
“I apologise that you thought that,” Matthew spoke sincerely. “But I have a confession too.”
“And what is that?”
“I too, was under the impression that you disliked me.” Matthew laughed.
Delilah didn’t know what to say, but somehow she found herself smiling and laughing over the ridiculous situation. Matthew laughed along with her. 
“I think some reintroductions are in order,” Matthew said, holding out his hand. “I am Matthew Fairchild.”
Delilah smiled, “I’m Delilah Lightwood. Pleased to meet you, Matthew.”
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dhampiravidi · 5 months
magical school OC - Jace
Full Name: Jonathan Christopher "Jace" Herondale
Sex/Gender: Cis Male (Man - he/him)
Species: Half-(fire) Faerie, Half-Human (European American)
Age: 20 (born Jan. 18)
Class Level: Junior
Appearance (FC: Jamie Campbell Bower)
Jace is a 5'11" (1.8 m) young man. He has his father's handsome facial features & his mother's curling golden blond hair. His eyes were brown until his dealings with Victor, which turned them an eerie golden color. Though he has lighter skin, it's tanned from frequent work in the sun. His body is somewhat lean, yet toned. There's a few fading scars across his shoulders & torso, some of which are covered by tattoos of birds. He prefers to wear close-fitting, simple things that can easily fit under his armor for quick changes--like t-shirts, henleys, jeans, cargo pants, etc.
Those who do not know Jace well, especially those meeting him for the first time, often believe him to be arrogant, uncaring & generally rude. This is probably because he's about solving problems quickly by taking action rather than standing around & talking. Also, he doesn't talk to many people outside his family & small friend group unless they introduce him to others. He's not introverted; he doesn't put much effort into making friends. Those who know him know that Jace tries to hide his sadness behind snide remarks. These are different from the witty comments he usually makes. He's very loyal to those he loves, throwing himself into danger or even lying to them if he thinks it would keep them safe. He is always ready to play hero, partly because he feels like a weapon. Still, there's mischief, romance & passion in him if you manage to find it. He frequently dances between light & dark magic, unable to consciously choose one or the other.
He was stolen from his biological parents when he was a baby, to be raised by a man named Victor Meridian until he turned 10. Victor claimed to be his father, giving him food & a place to live, but he often cruelly tested the boy. Long story short, Jace was trained to fight monsters from a young age & he lived in isolation for a relatively long time. Victor also used experimental magic on him, which mostly just resulted in pain. Unbeknownst to him, he'd gain a connection to the god Apollo, but all that seemed to happen was that his brown eyes turned golden. Then, Victor faked his death, leaving enough clues for Jace to find his way back to his parents & their monster-slaying community. When he got older, he learned that those people used to be part of a radical cult led by Victor, one that sought to worship the gods, exterminate the faerie & do new magical experiments to enslave the monsters they'd usually hunt. While Jace continues to try & enjoy life among his people, he's constantly wondering when Victor will pop up again. He is rooming with his friend Alex, one of the Lexington twins (he's close with both) & he's gone on a few dates with the earth witch Christina by the 5th week of school. It's his first year in the school--he's just been moved up because of his age & skill.
advanced hunting - he's better at physical fighting than casting spells (in fact, he has a problem doing the latter)
weapon summoning - Jace's sword comes out of him, as it's a part of his soul; when he's disarmed, he can "call" it back to him
slight enhancement - he tends to be stronger & faster than other hunters in his class, but it's not on an incredibly noticeable level
playing the piano - it makes him feel weirdly "close" to Victor, though he won't admit it. He has a favorite book of music.
reading poetry - he can recite a couple of Shakespeare & Wilde's poems; he's often reading in the mornings
sometimes he hears Apollo's voice in his head, advising him on strategy, whether in a fight, class, or conversation. Jace writes it off as him having a weird conscience.
he's mostly adjusted to being around others, but he still counts the number of exits & possible weapons whenever he enters a room.
he has a lot of nightmares, which he wakes up from crying quietly.
before entering the school, he flirted with many people without having long-term relationships.
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
Part 2 of the Clace kids edits
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(I'll be doing more and some of Sizzy and Malec kids as well)
Tagging @khaleesiofalicante and @my-archerboy and @chibi-tsukiko
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Two Halves of One Soul – Part 2  Shadowhunters (Jace / OC siblings)
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Shadowhunter AU (Starting from 2B)
Pairings – Clary/Jace, Jace / OC (siblings), Jonathan, Sebastian / OC
Summary - Jamie just found out she has a son, she doesn’t know what to think or feel, but there is one thing she knows and that to be able to move forward she first got to get her memories back.
Warning – Swearing
Author Note - this story is a little different from the show storyline, I’m changing a few things, it’s going to be mixes of the show and the books, so I hope you enjoy it. I want to thank you for your likes, comments and re-blogs they mean the world to me and help me keep writing.
  Story Summary & Preview, Part 1, Part 2 Preview
Chapter 2 – What the Hell?
(Back at Magnus Apartment)
Jamie’s head was spinning, this was way too much information for one day. She didn’t know where to start, or how she will be able to unravel this mess, which Valentine has unleashed. She put William in his cot, in Magnus spare room, it was kind of him to allow them to stay there till they figure out what going on. Jamie took one less look at her sleeping child before closing their door and making her way to the rest of the group in the living room.
“How is he?” Magnus asked as he saw her, she let out a sigh and rubs her eyes. “Better than expected, fast asleep with no worries in the world.” He offers her a sympathetic smile, knowing this wasn’t what she was expecting and know the inner turmoil she must be feeling.
“I know I’m new to the Shadow world but why can’t you take him to the Institute with you?” Simon asked still confused why they came here, what was the big deal with Jamie having a baby even if she was only 18, it not uncommon even in the mundane world.
“No.” Jamie stated, looking around at everyone, “The only people who can know he exists right now is in this room, you can’t tell anyone, till I can get my memories back and make sense of it all.”
Everyone nodded expect Clary and Simon, who still didn’t understand why, the baby had to be a secret, surely her grandmother would be pleased there was another Herondale.
“If that what you want Jamie, I’ll support you, but you got to explain to us well really Simon and I, why this is such a big deal and why we have to hide it?”
Jamie looked at Clary for a moment, remembering her and Simon was still new to the rules of the Shadow world and how Jamie broke one of the most significant laws in the book.
She let out a sigh “It a big deal because Jonathan and I are parabatai.” Still confused Simon asked, “Ok, so what?” Against her better judgement she laughs, she genuinely liked Simon, he seems so sweet and innocent.
“Little Vampire, I sure you’ve heard there no great bond than that between parabatai, but we have one simple rule to follow before we link ourselves to someone in that way. We must never fall in love, and if we do, we must never act upon those feeling because it’s against the law and the consequences could be dire.”
Clary let out a gasp “Oh my god.”
Jamie smirks at their reaction “Yes so you can see now why I can’t tell my grandmother the Inquisitor just yet about the sleeping boy in the next room that belongs to me and my missing parabatai.” She laughs and adds sarcastically, “Because the law is hard, but it’s the law.”
It was quiet for a moment letting this whole situation genuinely sink in, after a five minutes Jace spoke: “So what now?”
Jamie let out a huff, threw her head back on the couch and closed her eyes. “I don’t know, this is so messed up, and I’ve been given way too much information at once, I don’t know where to start.” Opening her eyes, sitting up to stare at them looking for answers, they couldn’t give her.
“I mean in a day I went from an only child to a twin, I found out not only is my parabatai Jonathan Morgenstern but we fell in love and had a child.”
“What makes you think, you were in love with him?” Clary asked.
Jamie shook her head, “I wouldn’t have broken a rule that serious for a one night stand Frey but what does that say about who I was or am. If apparently according to everyone else I fell in love with a monster.”
She puts her face in her hands, fighting back the tears, Magnus comes to sit next to her pulling her head to his shoulder, rubbing her arm comfortingly. He felt helpless, and he hated it if he could make this better for her even in a little way he would.
“It doesn’t make you anything little one, we can’t control who we fall in love with if only life was that simple.”
Jamie let out a scoff, “You’re right Magnus, but it doesn’t change the fact I let my feeling get the better of me, and now I’m paying the consequences. It’s like Valentine once told me, to love is to destroy and that to be loved is to be the one destroyed.”
It was Jace turn to scoff “It seems we were taught the same lesson on love.” Jamie looked up and smiled “Yeah and at the looks of it, we both ignored it.” The room went silent again feeling a little awkward knowing what she meant and who she was talking about.
“We’re getting off topic, what are you going to do Jamie, we will keep it a secret, but we all know one person who won’t and use it to get what he wants.” Alec states. Jamie nod and stands up “You’re right, that why he sent me there, and we know what he wants, I’ll try and convince my grandmother, but she’s going to suspicious.”
“We’ll help in any way, we can J.” Isabella comes up and rubs her arm, Jamie smile, reach and squeeze her hand before taking it and walk over to look out the window thinking. Simon knew now was the best time, but there is a question that had been bugging him since they went into that creepy house.
“I know now not the right time, but is no one else wondering why Valentine took your baby off you in the first place?”
The group nods but Jamie doesn’t look away from the window, Clary adds “I know you know him better Jamie, but I don’t think it was to protect you, we've already realised Valentine doesn’t do anything that doesn’t benefit him or his big plan for the shadow world.”
Jamie thought about what she had said, Clary wasn’t wrong no matter how much, Valentine claims to love her, and he only cared about himself. Then she realised something that made her blood run cold. “The angel blood.” The group look at each other confused, Magnus ask “What do you mean, little one?”
She turns to look at them, “He fed our mother angel blood, that why Jace's eyes glow gold, why he stronger and faster than any other Shadowhunter because he is more Angel then mundane. Where with me it unlocked the Downworld blood in my genes from our great, great grandfather, it’s why my eyes grow red, and I can turn into a shadow.”
“Which is still awesome by the way.” Simon interrupted, Jamie smiled at him but carries on. “According to Luke and Jocelyn unknown to them he gave her demon blood when she was pregnant with Jonathan, so he was more demon than human.”
Everyone was looking at her processing what she was saying, still confused at what she was getting out. She rolls her eyes and says “If my blood is mostly Angel and Jonathan is mostly Demon what does that make William?”
The realisation hit the group hard, they had mixed faces of horror and shocked. Jamie nods, “He was going to use my son as a new experiment, not one he planned but took full advantage of and he could because I had no memory of being pregnant and Jonathan is god know where.”
“I didn’t think he could get any more despicable, but he proves me wrong,” Magnus said in disgust, Alec reach out and grabs his hand as to comfort him. Jace goes to do the same for Jamie, but Simon beat him to it “Hey he safe now and too young to remember anything, we won’t let anyone hurt him.”
Jace felt a ping of jealousy at how easy Simon could talk to her and make her feel safe. It was his job as her brother to comfort her, but he reminds himself this is still new to them both and Jamie was more closed off than him. Simon was such a bright person he broke through her wall easier than anyone before. Jace wasn’t like that he was guarded for a good reason, but Jace knew he couldn’t be like that with Jamie it would just put more distance between them. If he wanted some form of relationship with her, he had to give in a little, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt a little seeing her smile kindly at Simon.
“Thank you Little Vampire, I know, that why I trust you with this secret but now not the time to stand around being depressed.” She walks past him, grabs her jacket and puts it on.
“Where are you going, little one?” Magnus asked raising an eyebrow at her. She turns and gives him a smirk “I’m going to speak to my grandmother to get the most hated and feared men in the Shadow world off death row.”
(10 minutes later)
Jamie was nervous her grandmother wasn’t an idiot, she will know something wasn’t right about her asking a favour to help Valentine, but Jamie had a plan that would upset her grandmother but could help convince her to at least talk to the Clave.
“You got a plan?” Alec asked as they walked into the institute, Jamie nods, Isabelle raise an eyebrow. “Care to share?” Jamie smiled at her “It not going to be nice but I’m going to play on her emotions.”
She turns to see her grandmother walking to Alec office, turning to the rest of the group and smiles “Wish me luck.” Turning and walking away, she mutters to herself “I’m going to need it.”
(In Alec office)
Jamie walked in and saw her grandmother look over one of the many files, the clave has sent her. Taking a deep breath, Jamie knocks on the door to get her attention. Imogine looks up and smiles, Jamie feels a ping of guilt about what she about to do but her son safety comes first.
“Can we talk Inquisitor?”
Imogine let out a sigh, knowing this wasn’t a social call, she knew it was coming when she saw Jamie talking to Valentine, that men have a power over her granddaughter that made her blood boil.
“I knew this was coming.” Nodding and walking round to sit in Alec chair, motioning for Jamie to sit in the one in front of her. “Come in, shut the door and sit down, let talk Jamie.”  
Jamie nods listening to her grandmother, shutting the door and moving over to sit in front of her. They sat in silence for a moment, watching each other, weighing up how this conversation is going to go. Jamie knew she was on a time limit, so she decided to bite the bullet and start.
“Let not beat around the bush, you know what I’m going to ask you, grandmother, I want you to talk to the Clave and get Valentine off death roll so to say.”
Imogine nod, she knew what Jamie was going to ask, but it doesn’t make it any easier.
“He doesn’t deserve your mercy, Jamie, he kidnapped you from your mother…”
“The mother who killed herself while she was still pregnant with us because our father had died?” Jamie interrupted angrily, Imogine closes her eyes and take a deep breath Jamie made no secret how much she didn’t like her mother, for what she did. Moreover, she was told from a young age her mother was weak, and she never wanted to be like that.
Imogine carries on “Yes I understand that, but he used you and your ability to his own end.”
“And that different from what the Clave does now, how?”
“We not trying to destroy the shadow or mundane world.” Imogine resorted back, Jamie let out a scoff “No just trying to control it.”
Imogine raises her hand, this conversation was getting out of hand, and they need to get back on track. “Ok, give me one good reason to talk to the Clave to show that men any leniency.”
Jamie just looked at her grandmother. “I don’t want him to die, he the only parent I’ve known, you may not like it, but he did raise me. He was my only companion for 16 years, I won’t forgive him for what he’s done, but I don’t want him to die. Strip him of his runes, throw him in a dungeon for the rest of his life, I don’t care but please don’t kill him.”
Imogine looks at her for a moment, debating she wanted Valentine dead for what he did to her family, but she fears if she doesn’t at least try, her granddaughter will never forgive her.
“I will talk to the Clave, but I can’t promise anything Jamie.”
Jamie let out the breath she hadn’t realised she was holding and smiles at her grandmother “Thank you, that’s all I’m asking for grandmother.” Imogine nods and they both stand up, she comes round the table and pulls Jamie into a hug, she is stiff for a moment before she slowly leans into it. After a few minutes, Imogine pulls away, looks at Jamie and place a hand on her face, giving her a sad smile.
“You may not believe me, but I do love you, Jamie, you’re my granddaughter, you and Jace are the last part of Stephan I have, I would do anything for you I just wished you had more faith in me.”
Jamie pulls away, Imogine sigh and drops her hand pretending Jamie reaction didn’t upset a little. She has gotten to know her granddaughter a bit better in the last two years, she doesn’t show emotions well and keeps everyone at arm’s length especially adults. From what she’s had been told, Valentine kept Jamie on her own away from the world unless he needed her power for his mission. So all she knew from the age of ten was torture, death and destruction which made Imogine blood boil.
“I know you do grandmother, I’m going to the training room as I need to blow some steam off.”  
Imogine nods and Jamie walks out of the room feeling guiltier, her grandmother was trying so hard, but it was tough when you're not use to being loved.
(20 minutes later)
Jamie was laying on the training room floor, out of breath from beating the crap out of the punching bag, which was also lying beside her. Maybe she went a little too far but she was past pissed about the last few hours, Jamie had her eyes closed when she felt someone come up to stand next to her. After a few minutes, she finally caves and opens her eyes to see the new guy Sebastian smiling down at her.
“I’m sure it deserved It.” nodding to the punishing bag, Jamie turns to looks at it, shrugs and turn back to smile at him, “It was either that or someone face, and I’m trying not to draw too much attention to myself at the moment.”
He nods understandingly and comes to lay down next to her, she turns and raises an eyebrow at him. “You seem like you need someone to talk to and I’m a brilliant listener.”
She turns away and closes her eyes, “I don’t know new guy, where to start my adopted father stole my child, took my memories and did god knows what to my parabatai and I keep thinking the most horrible thought.”
Sebastian turn to her, confused “Which is?”
“Did Jonathan know about William, is that why he hasn’t come to find us yet, he doesn’t care for us?”
His outburst scared her a little, it was her turn to look at him confused, he coughs and regains his composure. “I mean if I were him even if I didn’t know about William I wouldn’t stop till I got back to you. Jamie, you seem like a girl any guy would give their life to be with.”
Jamie looks away blushing, what the hell, she doesn’t know this guy but his word made her heart skip a beat. She coughs, stands up quickly and walks over to the staffs refusing to look at him. He smiles knowing his word affected her, he stands up and walks over to her, leaning over her to pick one of the staffs up.
“I’m told you’re one of the best fighters in this institutes, mind showing me what you can do?”
She laughs pick one up and turning to smile at him, “Sure if you think you can keep up, it not in my nature to go easy on people.”
He smirks back and throws the first move, which Jamie block without hesitation. They were at it for 10 minutes, she had to admit she was impressed he matched her every step without breaking a sweat. Till Sebastian grabs her staff and pulling her into his chest, their faces inches apart and wrapping an arm around her waist.
Jamie was shocked at first, but she covered it up fast and just stared into his blue eyes, both refusing to back down or moving away.
“I got to say Herondale you’re truly a talented warrior, this is the best training session I’ve had in years.”
Jamie smiles at his comment, this boy was indeed a charmer, she’ll give him that but she’s not like other girl’s, he would have to try harder to impress her.
“Well I feel the same, no one can keep up with me other than Jace.”
Sebastian smiles but there was something behind his eyes, she couldn’t quite put her finger on but it was going in seconds, leaning forward, so their lips were almost touching, he says. “Lucky me.”
Before she can resort back, they hear a cough coming from the side of them, and they pull away fast. Turning to see who had interrupted them, Isabella was smiling at both of them, one eyebrow raised. Sebastian turn back to Jamie and give her a little bow “Well I hope we can do this again Jamie?” walking off before she could answer.
She watches him go before turning back to Isabella smiling at her, Jamie just shrugs turn to put the staff back on the stand. “We were just sparing, Izzy don’t overthink it.”
“Right, so you almost kiss every person you spar with because you’ve never done it with me?”
Izzy comes up next to her, turning Jamie to look at her. She gives her a blank look, Izzy ignores it and grabs hold of her hand “Jamie, if anyone deserves some happiness, it’s you. You’ve been through so much, Sebastian is handsome, clever and a brilliant Shadowhunters, why not have a little fun with him?”
Jamie let out a sigh and tilt her head at her, “Izzy usually I would agree with you, and I’m not going to lie, I’m attracted to him, and I can’t explain it but I feel drawn to him however right now my focus is on protecting my son, his safety is my number one priority.”
Izzy nods and smiles Jamie was always so mature, “I understand, but please keep your mind open, thing happens sometimes that’s not part of our plans.” Jamie nods agreeing, next minute her phone buzz, she let goes of Izzy's hand and pick it, her eyes widen at the text Magnus has just sent.
Come back to the apartment, It’s something to do with William, and you need to see it, ASAP.
Part 3 (Coming soon)
Tag list - @lukeevansandjdmobession   , @superhalsteads , @rileyblues @heir2chaos , @uh-stray-lee-ah , @pollyyates24
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melodicwitchlight · 3 years
also been watching dumbledore x grindelwald fan edits again, and...i now want jamie campbell bower as a fc for someone. i don’t know yet lol. i love him so much. also okay he is the perfect jace herondale always. but i can’t write him i think, or can i? :O or maybe an oc.
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theblackfamilysheep · 7 years
⊱asks for muns with a multimuse or more than one muse⊰ 
15. can you sort your muses from youngest to oldest? (This is across multiple blogs)
Ben Florian (Disney’s Descendants)
Max Dennison (Hocus Pocus)
Emma Vanity (Harry Potter)
Allison Argent (Teen Wolf)
Isabelle Lightwood (Shadowhunters/TMI)
Aiko Miura (Fandomless Witch OC)
Andrew Clark (The Breakfast Club)
Jace Herondale (Shadowhunters/TMI)
Sirius Black (Harry Potter)
PJ Halliwell (Charmed)
Jack Mercer (Four Brothers)
Dante Patel (Secret Circle OC)
Luke Castellan (PJO Series)
Hayden Ramirez (Fandomless Incubus OC)
Echo Grady (Jurassic World)
Chaol Westfall (Throne of Glass)
Jamie Walsh (Fandomless Psychic OC)
Chloe Sullivan (Smallville)
Scott Summers (X Men)
Rick Flag (Suicide Squad)
Nathan Drake (Uncharted)
Sam Drake (Uncharted)
Siobhan O’Donoghue (Fandomless Reaper OC)
Elara (Fandomless Selkie OC)
Rhiannon (Fandomless Faerie OC)
Adam Harpe (Fandomless Wizard OC)
Serendipity (Rise of the Guardians OC)
Barbas (Charmed)
Cadence (Fandomless Fallen Angel OC)
Alexia (Fandomless Hellhound OC)
Artemis (Dark Hunter/Greek Mythology)
Wow i have too many muses jfc (some of these are only by request though) and some much more active than others.
16. which muse is most willing to fight another muse?
Alright, now that I have a nice list of all my muses…. Sirius Black, Jace Herondale, Dante Patel, Luke Castellan, Hayden Ramirez, Echo Grady, Alexia
17. do your muses get along with each other?
For the most part, some of them are similar enough that I prefer to keep them apart just in case. But I do mostly keep them pretty separate. 
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cluelessrebel1988 · 7 years
A video I made of all the canon characters and OCs currently in @theconvergenceroleplay. The song is “Marching On” by OneRepublic
The Characters are as follows: 
Naomi (Amanda Tapping)
Jenna Winters (Odette Annable)
Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki)
Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles)
Charlie Bradbury (Felicia Day)
Kevin Tran (Osric Chau)
Jo Harvelle (Alona Tal)
Ruby (Katie Cassidy)
Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino)
Eileen Leahy (Shoshannah Stern)
Crowley (Mark Sheppard)
Castiel (Misha Collins)
Max Banes (Kendrick Sampson)
Andrew "Drew" Haraldson (Grant Gustin)
Harry Potter
Taylor Weasley (Melissa Benoist)
Dominique Weasley (Indiana Evans)
DJ Lake (Seán William McLoughlin)
Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint)
Fred Weasley (James Phelps)
Alexandra Summers (Idia Eisley)
Lily Potter II (Holland Roden)
Ginny Weasley (Bonnie Wright)
James Potter II (Dylan O'Brien)
Lucy Weasley (Saxon Sharbino)
Molly Weasley II (Zena Grey)
Jacob Kowalski (Dan Fogler)
Colin Creevey (Hugh Mitchell)
Victoire Weasley (Amber Heard)
Tom Riddle (Frank Dillane)
Logan Mills (Munro Chambers)
Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton)
Seamus Finnigan (Devon Murray)
Shona "Nani" Duncan (Zooey Deschanel)
Hermione Granger (Emma Watson)
Teddy Lupin (Luke Newberry)
Dean Thomas (Alfie Enoch)
Miles Thomas (Ryan Potter)
Lysander Scamander (Colin Ford)
Lee Jordan (Luke Youngblood)
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge)
Natasha Romanov (Scarlett Johansson)
Darcy Lewis (Kat Dennings)
Angie Martinelli (Lyndsy Fonseca
Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell)
Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie)
Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow)
Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr)
Booker Harmon (Michael B. Jordan)
Steve Rogers (Chris Evans)
Peter Parker (Tom Holland)
Aldrich Killian (Guy Pearce)
Elektra Natchios (Elodie Yung)
Mantis (Pom Klementieff)
Leslie Shade (Kylie Furneaux)
Peter Quill (Chris Pratt)
Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan)
Nebula (Karen Gillan)
Leo Fitz (Iain de Caestecker)
Daisy "Skye" Johnson (Quake) (Chloe Bennet)
Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen)
Pietro Maximoff (Aaron Taylor-Johnson)
Mycroft Holmes (Mark Gatiss)
John Watson (Martin Freeman)
Sherlock Holmes (Benedict Cumberbatch)
Molly Hooper (Louise Brealey)
Anthea (Lisa McAllister)
Mary Watson (Amanda Abbington)
Irene Adler (Lara Pulver)
Greg Lestrade (Rupert Graves)
Eurus Holmes (Siân Brooke)
Doctor Who
Rose Tyler (Billie Piper)
Jack Harkness (John Barrowman)
Jayda Osmi (Nicole Bonifacio)
Jacob Robens-Osmi (Tristan Wilds)
Sky Smith (Sinead Michael)
Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman)
Percy Jackson
Hylla Ramirez-Arellano (Eiza Gonzalez)
Annabeth Chase (AnnaSophia Robb)
Hazel Levesque (Amandla Stenberg)
Frank Zhang (Booboo Stewart)
Kaiser Jäger (Max Riemalt)
Leo Valdez (Jake T. Austin)
Nico di Angelo (Jakub Gierszal)
Rachel Elizabeth Dare (Luca Hollestelle)
Will Solace (Burkely Duffield)
Zoë Nightshade (Anjli Mohindra)
Jackie Long (Melissa Benoist)
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano (Victoria Justice)
Clarisse La Rue (Leven Rambin)
Percy Jackson (Logan Lerman)
The Vampire Diaries
Elijah Mikaelson (Daniel Gillies)
Katherine Pierce (Nina Dobrev)
Davina Claire (Danielle Campbell)
Damon Salvatore (Ian Somahalder)
Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley)
Lexi Branson (Arielle Kebbel)
Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev)
Caroline Forbes (Candice King)
April Young (Grace Phipps)
Rebekah Mikaelson (Claire Holt)
Indiana 'Indie' Davis (Lily Collins)
Jeremy Gilbert (Steven R McQueen)
Bonnie Bennett (Kat Graham)
Vicki Donovan (Kayla Ewell)
Tyler Lockwood (Micheal Trevino)
The Hunger Games
Primrose Everdeen (Willow Shields)
Clove (Isabelle Fuhrman)
Madge Undersee (Abigail Breslin)
Finnick Odair (Sam Clafin)
Dexterous LaFevers (Colin Ford)
Glimmer (Leven Rambin)
Christopher 'Kit' Odair (Douglas Booth)
Johanna Mason (Jena Malone)
Shilo Mellark (Alex Pettyfer)
Annie Cresta (Stef Dawson)
Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence)
Thresh (Dayo Okeniyi)
Willow Mellark (Emily Rudd)
Morgana Pendragon (Katie McGrath)
Gwaine (Eoin Macken)
Percival (Tom Hopper)
Lancelot (Santiago Cabrera)
Hunith (Caroline Faber)
Balinor (John Lynch)
Mordred (Alexander Vlahos)
Merlin (Colin Morgan)
Freya (Laura Donnelly)
Rielle (Indiana Evans)
Kara (Alexandra Dowling)
Sir Leon (Rupert Young)
Once Upon a Time
Peter Pan (Robbie Kay)
Graham Humbert (Jamie Dornan)
Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison)
Grace (Alyssa Skovbye)
Helena (Tristan Mays)
Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla)
Felix (Parker Croft)
Elsa (Georgina Haig)
Zelena (Rebecca Mader)
Aurora (Sarah Bolger)
Anna (Elizabeth Lail)
Killian Jones (Colin O'Donoghue)
Anastasia (The Red Queen) (Emma Rigby)
Fiona (The Black Fairy) (Jamie Murray)
Christina Kravitz (Zoe Kravitz)
Eric Coulter (Jai Courtney)
Tris Prior (Shailene Woodley)
Will (Ben Lloyd-Hughes)
Fox Marvel
Kassandra Dare (Nicola Peltz)
Amily Jacobs (Elle Fanning)
Daisy Oliviera (Tori Kelly)
Jubilation Lee 'Jubilee' (Lana Condor)
Scott Summers (Tye Sheridan)
Charles Xavier (James McAvoy)
Chase Maelstrom (Asa Butterfield)
Sean Cassidy (Caleb Landry Jones)
Ajax (Francis) (Ed Skrein)
Alex Summers (Lucas Till)
Ellie Phimister (Brianna Hildebrand)
Jasper (Lindsey Morgan)
Hope Cooper (Zendaya)
Anise Lovett (Adelaide Kane)
Peter Maximoff (Evan Peters)
Brooklyn Winters (Crystal Reed)
Laura Kinney (Dafne Keen)
Jean Grey (Sophie Turner)
Star Trek
Khan Noonien Singh (Benedict Cumberbatch)
James T Kirk (Chris Pine)
The Maze Runner
Thomas (Dylan O'Brien)
Minho (Ki Hong Lee)
Elizabeth (Maia Mitchell)
Newt (Thomas Brodie-Sangsta)
Harriet (Nathalie Emmanuel)
Sonya (Katherine McNamara)
DC Cinematic and Television Universes
Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist)
Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes)
Thea Queen (Willa Holland)
Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards)
Hunter Zoloman (Teddy Sears)
Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell)
Melanie Silver (Saoirse Ronan)
Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie)
The Joker (Jared Leto)
Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanaugh)
Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker)
Jesse Quick (Violett Beane)
Alex Danvers (Chyler Leigh)
Chato Santana (El Diablo) (Jay Hernandez)
Patty Spivot (Shantel VanSanten)
Floyd Lawton (Deadshot) (Will Smith)
Clark Kent (Superman) (Henry Cavill)
Ray Palmer (A.T.O.M) (Brandon Routh)
Adrian Chase (Simon Morrison) (Josh Segarra)
Sara Lance (Caity Lotz)
Barry Allen (Grant Gustin)
Dinah Drake (Juliana Harkavy)
William Clayton (Jack Moore)
Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) (Gal Gadot)
Mon-El (Mike Matthews) (Chris Wood)
Winslow Schott Jr. (Jeremy Jordan)
Zoe Lawton (Shailyn Pierre-Dixon)
Jae-Yoon Hyunsik (Park Chanyeol)
Iris West (Candice Patton)
Dante Ramon (Nicholas Gonzalez)
Star Wars
Bennal Derek (Bradley Cooper)
Han Solo (Harrison Ford)
Aeli Serit (Shailene Woodley)
Kylo Ren (Adam Driver)
Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn)
Armitage Hux (Domhnall Gleeson)
Alter'Li Fond (Holland Roden)
Callen Derek (Kellen Lutz)
Barriss Offee (Nalini Krishan)
Padmé Amidala (Natalie Portman)
Rey (Daisy Ridley)
Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher)
Lord of the Rings
Tauriel (Evangeline Lilly)
Legolas Greenleaf (Orlando Bloom)
Thranduil Greenleaf (Lee Pace)
Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman)
Gimli (John Rhys-Davies)
Raviel (Rachel McAdams)
The Mortal Instruments and Shadowhunters
Max Lightwood - TMI (Jack Fulton)
Cecily Herondale - TMI (Alexandra Daddario)
Shane Burciaga (Adam Lambert)
Magnus Bane - SH (Harry Shum Jr.)
Louis Adams (Dylan O'Brien)
Amelia Lockhart (Madison McLaughlin)
Clarissa 'Clary' Fray - TMI (Katherine Mcnamara)
Alec Lightwood - SH (Matthew Daddario)
Kayden Jacques - SH (Victoria Justice)
Jace Lightwood - TMI (Jamie Campbell Bower)
Maia Roberts - TMI (Meagan Tandy)
Disney Live-Action
Belle (Emma Watson)
Evie (Sofia Carson)
Rapunzel (Mackenzie Mauzy)
Little Red Riding Hood (Lila Crawford)
Sharpay Evans (Ashley Tisdale)
Mal (Dove Cameron)
Jay (Booboo Stewart)
Ben (Mitchell Hope)
Giselle (Amy Adams)
Henry Turner (Brenton Thwaites)
Carlos De Vil (Cameron Boyce)
Jane (Dakota Fanning)
Carlisle Cullen (Peter Facinelli)
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Who are all of your muses? (I'm on mobile if that matters)
Canon muses are 
Gideon Gold, Roland Hood, Brennan Jones,  Gretel, and Neal Nolan from OUAT
Ginny Gothel, Mal, Mad Maddy from Descendants
Call Barton, Lewis Barton, Henry Pym Jr, James Rogers, Torunn Thorsdottir from Marvel
Cissie King-Jones and Zatanna Zatara from DC
Bianca DiAngelo from PJATO
Adam Milligan, Azrael, Brady Tyson, Eve, Gadreel, Henry Winchester, Lillith, Michael, Ramiel, The Empty, Samandriel and Thaddeus from SPN
Thackery and Emily Binx from Hocus Pocus
Theodore Nott from Harry Potter
Cecily Herondale from TID
Max Lightwood from TMI/Shadowhunters
Luisa Rivera from COCO
Jeff, Virgil and Gordon Tracy from Thunderbirds
Jamie, Charlie and Peter from Lost Boy/Peter Pan
OC muses are 
Curly, Slightly, Tootles from OUAT
Robert Barton, Savannah Richards, Brant Rogers, Jade Rogers, Henri Torunndottir from Marvel Zatara Constantine from DC
Gerald Drew and Stefan Wilson (my friend’s OCs)
Jasmine Grace-Elano, Nate Elano and Liana Nebel from PJATO (Liana’s page is not working atm)
Adam, Abigail Rayne, Cecilia Moreno, Laura and Seth from SPN
Silvia Black, Atlas and Carina Malfoy from Harry Potter
All the links are attached to the names. I hope this helped!
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
The Fairchild-Herondale family part 1
"hey Cece, what are ya doing," Stephen asked.
"reading, why ya asking?," Celine replied
"okay let's stop that," he said.
"are Mom and Dad not back still?" She asked
"nope, and Will has forbidden me from his little lab, my own brother forbade me," said Stephen dramatically.
"ah yes the rejection if younger siblings, come little brother, sit by me and I will give you wise advice," she said teasingly to her brother.
He snorted and said, " you wise?"
She thought about throwing a book at him but decided not to, it would hurt the book and instead threw the pillow she was sitting on at him.
"oof," he said
"are you two fighting again?" Their older sister Nora asked while coming into the library.
"no," they both said at the same time.
Nora gave them a suspicious look, Nora was half Faerie and half Shadowhunter, she had beautiful brown hair and pretty brown eyes, she was tall as well, her parents both died in the last war, after the cold peace was lifted they could finally have a kid together, her mother was a Shadowhunter and her father was one of the Seelie, Mom and Dad took her in when they heard a child had been orphaned, they were both worried that because she was half Faerie some Shadowhunters may not accept her, but mom and dad have raised her as their own and never made her feel as if she isn't their daughter, but they also keep her connected to her faerie heritage as well, something Celine has admired about her parents.
"Dad texted me, they'll be gone until late, so I gotta cook dinner and need your help, so come on my little siblings, we must cook," said Nora
"Where's Alex?" asked Celine
"taking a nap," said Nora as all three of them made their way to the kitchen.
Will and Tess were sitting at the table reading and being stuck together like they always have been since birth
"there's the brother who rejected me," said Steph jokingly
"I rejected you because you were playing with my stuff and I don't appreciate you playing with it, my things aren't toys, Steph. No matter if you think so or not," Will replied, with that strange matureness for a 13 year old to have.
Stephen just looked at him dramatically, he was such a drama queen
"I mean you can always watch him when he's doing experiments, Steph," said Tess, sweet as always.
"see Tess doesn't reject me," Stephen said
And Nora let out a long and annoyed sigh
"hey losers," Lottie said as she walked after she appeared to have been training, Lottie took her Shadowhunter training very serious and so did Celine, but Lottie always seemed to be more serious about it, Mom and Dad always said there will probably not be a big war ever again hopefully but Lottie didn't seem as convinced of that.
"Lottie, don't call us losers," said Nora, always the second mom
"I mean affectionately," she said with that angel smile of hers
"so when are Mom and Dad gonna be back?" Lottie asked.
"not till late, we'll probably all be asleep," Nora answered.
"they have been gone all the time lately," Lottie said
They all missed their parents when they had to be away for long, they were a very close family and it was hard to be apart, more so for Lottie, she and Dad always hung out, she was their fathers mini me, and Celine was a daddy's girl so it was hard for her too, it was something her and Lottie would stay up late talking about when their parents were gone and she would climb in bed with Celine, how their Dad always took the time for them and was patient and spent as much time as he could with them, their mom did too and they loved their parents for it.
"I'm gonna go check on Alexis," Celine announced.
"okay, Lottie can help me now that she's done training," Nora said.
And Lottie sighed but helped their older sister without complaint.
As Celine was making her way to her baby sister's bedroom she couldn't help but remember when Stephen was first born the memories were blurry but she could still remember, she had been a big sister many times since then but still the first time finding out is always special, she wasn't jealous her parents had told her, she couldn't wait actually.
As she walked into her baby sister's bedroom she saw that she was lying awake just staring at the ceiling, Celine often wondered if she saw ghosts already
"hey there sunshine, what you looking at?"
Alexis replied with a baby laughter, funny story about Alex is she was a surprise baby, Celine couldn't help but find it funny, and she was happy that her parents had one more, she was older and could be extremely involved this time, their parents were always worried and if it weren't for Uncle Simon and Aunt Izzy living very close to the Institute, Mom and Dad would have taken Alex with them most likely.
She was almost a year old now and was at that stage where she was doing all kinds of things.
"now my sweet one, we must go face our siblings in the kitchen— wait where's Jamie!, I totally forgot about her, sorry Alex we gotta go find her," Celine said.
"Cece, did you you yell my name just now," Jamie asked as she walked into the nursery
"oh, there you are, what have you been doing?" Celine asked her little sister
"I was drawing, I told Nora that earlier," she said
"well everyone is down in the kitchen, you wanna come and help me feed Alex a snack?" She asked
"yeah," answered Jamie.
They both went down to the kitchen, Alex as usual was make all kinds of noises at everything and Celine couldn't help but laugh a couple of times.
When they made it to the kitchen, Steph was hugging Will and Will was trying to get free, Tess was looking at them both with a worried look, Nora and Lottie were cooking and arguing about what spice they should use, now this was what family dinner was usually like .
"well kiddo looks like we gotta go through a battle," Celine said amused
"why are they the way they are?" asked Jamie
"you picked that up from uncle Alec didn't you?" She asked
"Uncle Alec knows what he's talking about," said Jamie. and they both laughed cause of the truth.
And once dinner was done and they all ate and did their own thing for a bit, they got the little kids ready for bed and put them to bed, and the older kids did as well shortly after, and when they all woke up tomorrow their parents should be back, Celine could hardly wait.
I wasn't sure if I was gonna post this but you know what, I am not the best writer but I did enjoy writing this and for some reason I want to post it now.
Tagging @chibi-tsukiko and @khaleesiofalicante
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
Chapter 6 - the Company of the Carstairs Family
( the world and characters except my OCs belong to Cassandra Clare)
Mina was getting ready for the day ahead, her family was coming to visit and she was overjoyed. She missed her younger siblings and big brother and her mom and dad of course. It had almost been a year since she came to live at the New York Institute and she was settling in okay. When she arrived her room was a plain white but she painted it a lavender Purple and Had Tessy paint lavender flowers on the walls as well, Mina loved it, her bed was a queen sized four corner bed with grey sheets and purple comforter. She had four pillows with purple pillows cases. She had pictures of her family hung up on the walls and special family outings they had, her mom and dad have always told her she's loved adventure since she was a baby. She also had a nice collection of blades, swords and knives in cases at one end of her bedroom. She had her violin on the fireplace and a guitar in a corner. Her floor was wood tile, her bathroom was painted a light blue. She was thinking about what her family will think when they see her making herself at home, here in New York Institute-
"Mina the Beautiful!." Said her Parabatai Charlie, coming into her bedroom. "You know if you keep up those nicknames people will start to think we're more then Parabatai." Mina told her Parabatai with a teasing tone. "Don't worry I am totally platonically gay for you." Said Charlie with a amused tone in her voice. "So what brings you to my bedroom?" Mina asked Charlie with a smile on her face. "Well I wanted to bring you downstairs to your family, cause they're here my dear." Said Charlie. "They are!?" Mina replied back. And then she was out of her bedroom, down the stairs with Charlie behind her like she always was.
When Mina made it to the main room in the Institute her parents and siblings were there talking to her Clary and Jace Fairchild-herondale. "Mom! Dad!" Mina called, they looked up at her and Mina ran to them and hugged them both "I missed you all." She said. "We missed you more Mina mine." Said her father. "My baby girl." Said her mom. And then her big brother Kit hugged her so tight she couldn't breathe "kit...i... can't...breathe." "oh sorry Mina I just missed you." Said Kit. "I missed you too, but if you crush my wind pipes then I wouldn't be able to talk to you." She said teasingly. "Hahaha". Said Kit. Then her younger siblings the twins both gave her hugs "missed you big sis." Said her younger brother Jonah. "The house has been weird without you and Kit has been here so the boys are taking over." Said Cecy her younger sister with a playful voice. "Well I suppose we'll have to gain up and teach a lesson while you're all here won't we?" Said Mina. "Yes!" Said Cecy. After that everyone burst out laughing. And Mina felt at home even more.
"Well". Said her Aunt Clary, "lunch is ready in the dining room, so how about we eat and talk." "That sounds like a great idea." Said her mother Tessa. And then they were eating Tessy herondale and her sister Cecy were sitting by each talking about blades and training, Mina noticed Jonah was watching tessy and grinned, he was always watching her these days when he saw her and Mina couldn't help but smile, her baby brother had a crush. Charlie was next to Mina and eating her food. "Charlie" Mina whispered. "What?" Charlie whispered back. "I think we should take our younger siblings out for a walk around New York later." Whispered Mina. "Okay sounds like a great Idea, but why are we whispering?" "Because I felt like it you goof." "Ohh my Parabatai and her beautiful weirdness." Said Charlie." And they both giggled.
"Knock knock." Said a voice in the doorway of the dining room and Mina knew who it was, Max Lightwood-Bane, her boyfriend. "Max!" Said Charlie and she got up and hugged her cousin. "Charlie how have you been my dear cousin?." "I have been amazing, and you my loving cousin?" "I have been great." Said Max. "You two." Mina said. "There she is my beautiful girlfriend." Said Max, it made Mina blush, he could always do that.
After lunch they all went to the training room in the Institute, including Max and they trained the younger kids and they themselves trained. They had plans to go out for dinner so Mina supposed they could go for a walk through the park after dinner.
After several hours of training, and teaching the kids to balance properly, Charlie was heading to get ready for going out to dinner, she loved having family meals with her family, and tonight the Carstairs were here to. She decided to throw on some nice Jean's and a fancy tank top, with some boots, she pulled her into a high ponytail, she insisted her necklace, it was a pendant with a heron and wings on it, it was to honor both her Herondale and Fairchild heritage, she was proud of both, her family fine also had it but this was a birthday present from Mina and she loved it.
After that she headed downstairs and saw that Mina had changed into a beautiful light blue strappy dress, it fit her well, Charlie thought, "The Beautiful Mina," Charlie Said, "oh my lovely Parabatai, you look beautiful!" Mina told her, "not as beautiful, as you," Charlie told Her, Max came into the room, wearing a nice shirt and a nice pair of Jean's, "someone's looking handsome," Mina said. "And someone else is looking so beautiful, it could make a gentleman lose his mind," Max replied to her, Mina blushed and it made Charlie miss Mari, she was on a mission in LA and wouldn't be back for a few more weeks. Charlie pushed the thought out of her mind, tonight was going to be a fun night and she wanted to make sure she didn't bring anyone's mood down.
Mina was excited and nervous, to show her family around New York and have them visit the New York Institute, they decided since they were such a big group to go to a Chinese restaurant that Uncle Jace and Aunt Clary often would get, and said is the best Chinese food around, and it was really good, Mina loved getting it. After everyone had ordered they decided to get it to go and eat at a park, which Mina loved, it was like a picnic and she loved picnics, after they all ate the adults talked and the kids ran around the park, Clary and Jace grateful that Lexy was getting energy out, she had a lot of energy and was a very busy toddler and Mina couldn't blame Jace and Clary for wanting a night where putting her to bed was easy.
Mina looked over at Max who was talking to Charlie, they were talking about fighting demons like they often do, "Max, Charlie, do you two still want to take the kids on a walk around the park?" Mina asked them, "yes!" They both answered at the same time and they ask the adults, who said yes and took the kids for a walk. It was actually easy considering how many there were, though they had never been bad kids, Mina's sister Cecy was looking around and taking in the sights of the New York park, Mina loved that her siblings were enjoying themselves, she turned to her brother Kit and Asked "how's Ty?", "he's great!, he is currently studying all kinds of things, Plants, Languages, Science's and many more things, he is helping with learning more about Mundane medicine and I am so proud of him," Kit answered, "you're so in love," Mina teased him, "my dear little sister you will understand one day, I hope," he told her, "I think I do a little already," she replied, "that's great to hear," Kit told her.
"Shall we head back now," Charlie said, with Lexy in her arms almost asleep, Uncle Jace and Aunt Clary will be happy for that, "yes, let's head back, the kids look tired," Mina said, they went back to where the adults were and made their way back to the Institute.
When they got back Jace and Clary took Lexy to bed, the other kids heading to their rooms to get ready for bed as well, Mina told Max goodnight, "I'll see you soon my beautiful Mina," Max told her and kissed her forehead, he went out the front door of the Institute and headed back to his parents apartment in Brooklyn, she loved him there was no doubt about that. "Well," said Charlie, "I guess we better head to bed to," "yeah I suppose so, I have a feeling tomorrow will be busy again," Mina replied to her Parabatai, "yeah me too, hey Mina I was wondering can I um.... could I maybe sleep in your room tonight?, like let's have a sleepover kind of thing but in your room?" "Of course, you can Charlie," Mina told her Parabatai, she saw the look her Parabatai's eyes which said please I don't want to be alone tonight, she must be having nightmares about her late sister again and Mina wished she could take the pain away from her Parabatai, but there were some things you can't do. "K, I'll put on my PJ's and you can put yours on to and then I'll be in your room in about ten or fifteen minutes," Charlie told her and raced up the stairs, "okay dear, I'll go get ready for bed, and bring A Tale of two Cities with you so we can read before we fall asleep," Mina called to her Parabatai before she was completely to her bedroom, "will do," Charlie answered back.
And Mina was off to her bedroom, she put on shorts and a tank top, brushed her teeth, washed her face, and got under the covers, awaiting her Parabatai, who came in at that moment, he PJ's were shorts and tank top too, she got into the bed with Mina and handed her the book and they read, after an hour of reading they both were to exhausted to read anymore and fell asleep.
( hopefully you enjoy this, thanks! to everyone who has been supporting me with my fic, I hope to get another chapter out soon)
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
Next gen of Shadowhunters and Downworlders.
( the world and Jace, Clary, Mina belong to Cassandra Clare.)
Chapter - 5 And now the Journey Begins.
New York Institute, 2030.
Charlie was walking down the hall to the kitchen in the Institute, her Mama and Papa were home today and when they were they had a family breakfast together whenever they can. Their family breakfasts are usually filled with laughter and goofiness and these times are some of her most precious memories, and Mina was here to. In fact she moved into the New York Institute a couple months ago to be Closer to Charlie.
Mina and Charlie were Parabatai and before they became Parabatai they were very close. Charlie holds her Parabatai with great affection and love, she's Charlie's best friend, she's like another big Sister, she knows Charlie well and understands her, she supports Charlie when she needs it. Oh wait- Charlie thought I am talking in Third person again, well hello old friend. She thought to herself.
She walked into the kitchen and saw her mom flipping pancakes and her dad sitting at the table with her younger siblings and was being silly with Alaxa and she was laughing, it made Charlie smile she loved her parents so much, they were always supportive of her and her siblings no matter what. When she came out as bisexual they accepted her and acted like it was her saying she her age and they loved her and her siblings so much and make it a happy and loving home for them. She looked around the table and saw her little brother Stephen the second third oldest out of them he was reading like he always was when he wasn't training or playing with their younger siblings, Amira was the oldest technically, she was adopted into the family when charlie was 3 and Stephen was 1 and a half, and she's been their big sister ever since, she is half faerie and half shadowhunter and beautiful but some still think she is unfit not only because of her faerie blood but because her parents were law breakers, Charlie thought they were idiot's Amira has given so much to the Clave and they should appreciate her for it.
She looked over at her younger sister Tessa she was born after Stephen and looked almost exactly like their dad if he was a female, she was reading about old swords and that didn't surprise Charlie she was like their dad to obsessed with swords. Not that Charlie had room to talk she was to. She then looked over at the first pair of twins as she walked over to the table and sat down, as she did her dad said good morning sunshine, how are you today?. I am good papa thanks! Jamie looking up from whatever it was she was doing said Good morning!! Big sis. Jamie was Will's twin they were born two years after Tessa was and they looked like her late twin Ella did, Black hair that was unruly, pale skin, they had their mama's freckles though. Jamie had orange gold eyes, while Will had green like their mama's and hers as well. They were beautiful and would grow up to be good looking people. All her siblings would. Then there was the other pair of twins, Matthew and Celine, Matthew was ignoring everyone like he usually did, paying attention to his book about bugs while eating a pancake, Celine was watching their dad and Alaxa play. Alaxa was saying something about how she loved dad this much And that It was more then him, and their dad said that's not possible because he's bigger so his love for her equals more and Charlie couldn't help but laugh at that.
And Edmund was joining in and saying what if me and Lexy both combined our love for you papa and then we would have more and her dad said nope I love you both more. Her mom came over with a plate of pancakes and said me and your dad love you all more because you all are precious and our babies so there now finish eating ok! And Charlie was Min Min awake when you got up?. Yes, she was showering last I checked said Charlie.
Mina was coming into the kitchen as she heard her name and looked up and Said I am right here Aunt Clary, Clary looked up and gave her her warm motherly smile that made whoever saw it want to smile as well and Mina did. Good morning! Min Min said Clary, I made pancakes help yourself to as many as you want there's plenty she said as she was taking her apron off. Good morning Mina. Said her uncle Jace. How are you?. I am good thank you! Said Mina.
Charlie jumped on Mina and gave her a hug and said the beautiful Mina has arrived at last we are all saved! Everyone started laughing and Mina said my silly Parabatai you. Charlie was also supporting Mina and her Charlie. Some thought they were a couple because they showed their love for each so easily but they weren't they just weren't afraid to show how much they love each, Charlie's girlfriend Mari didn't appreciate it though and would say no that fine piece of Herondale ass is my girlfriend you fool. And Mina and Charlie would always laugh at how protective and loving Mari was to Charlie. Mari was the daughter of Mark Rosales-Blackthorn and Cristina Rosales-Blackthron, they ran the shadowhunter/downworlder alliance.
Her and Charlie sat down and both ate breakfast then headed to the training room with Stephen and Tessa, while Will and Jamie headed to go research Science and Medical information, and the younger ones went off with their parents to do stuff. Mina missed her family after moving to new York but she loved being with her Parabatai. And her Parabatai's siblings were like siblings to Mina as well.
(Okay this is short I know and hopefully the next chapter will be longer. I apologize I have writers block and I am thinking through how to word the story so please be patient, 🧡🧡)
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Two Halves of One Soul – Part 2 Preview (Jace / OC siblings)
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Shadowhunter AU (Starting from 2B)
Pairings – Clary/Jace, Jace / OC (siblings), Jonathan, Sebastian / OC
Chapter Summary -   Jamie has just found out she has a son, she doesn’t know what to think or feel, but there is one thing Jamie does knows and that to be able to move forward she's first got to get her memories back
Story Summary & Preview, Part 1
Chapter 2 – What the Hell?
(Back at Magnus Apartment)
Jamie’s head was spinning, this was way too much information for one day. She didn’t know where to start, or how she will be able to unravel this mess, which Valentine has unleashed. She put William in his cot, in Magnus spare room, it was nice of him to allow them to stay there till they figure out what going on. Jamie took one less look at her sleeping child before closing their door and making her way to the rest of the group in the living room.
“How is he?” Magnus asked as he saw her, she let out a sigh and rubs her eyes. “Better than expected, fast asleep with no worries in the world.” He offers her a sympathetic smile, knowing this wasn’t what she was expecting and know the inner turmoil she must be feeling.
“I know I’m new to the Shadow world but why can’t you take him to the Institute with you?” Simon asked still confused why they came here, what was the big deal with Jamie having a baby even if she was only 18, it not uncommon even in the mundane world.
“No.” Jamie stated, looking around at everyone, “The only people who can know he exists right now is in this room, you can’t tell anyone, till I can get my memories back and make sense of it all.”
Everyone nodded expect Clary and Simon, who still didn’t understand why, the baby had to be a secret, surely her grandmother would be pleased there was another Herondale.
“If that what you want Jamie, I’ll support you, but you got to explain to us, well really Simon and I, why this is such a big deal and why we have to hide it?”
Jamie looked at Clary for a moment, remembering her and Simon was still new to the rules of the Shadow world and how Jamie broke one of the most significant laws in the book.
She let out a sigh “It a big deal because Jonathan and I are parabatai.” Still confused Simon asked, “Ok, so what?” Against her better judgement she laughs, she genuinely liked Simon, he seems so sweet and innocent.
“Little Vampire, I’m sure you’ve heard there no great bond than that between parabatai, but we have one simple rule to follow before we link ourselves to someone in that way. We must never fall in love, and if we do, we must never act upon those feeling because it’s against the law and the consequences could be dire.”
Clary let out a gasp “Oh my god.”
Jamie smirks at their reaction “Yes so you can see now why I can’t tell my grandmother the Inquisitor just yet about the sleeping boy in the next room that belongs to me and my missing parabatai.” She laughs and adds sarcastically, “Because the law is hard, but it’s the law.”
It was quiet for a moment letting this whole situation genuinely sink in, after a five minutes Jace spoke: “So what now?”
Part 2
Tag List -  @lukeevansandjdmobession , @superhalsteads , @rileyblues , @heir2chaos , @uh-stray-lee-ah ,
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