#[ oc ] celine herondale
x-ceirios-x · 8 months
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Name: Aric Camilo Ashfair
Birthplace: Manhattan, New York, United States
Places Lived: New York, Idris 
Current Residence: Idris (unless traveling, which is frequent)
Birthday: November 28, 1969
Age: 37
Species: ascended mundane, shadowhunter
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Height: 5’11”
Clothing Style: Generally professional. He doesn’t wear suits on a regular basis, but he’s usually wearing dress pants/a button down shirts and looks well put together. 
Face Claim: Diego Barrueco
Mother: Lisandra Darrius
Sibling(s): none
Closest Friends: Jeremy Lovelace 
Romantic Interest: Mollie Ashfair
Aric is quiet. He’s not social frequently and tends to keep his head buried in work, not bothering people frequently. He works in mostly legal things, dealing with paperwork and stopping in through various institutes around the world. He’s not someone that stays in one place for very long, but his home base is in Idris. He’s closed off to the world around him and tends to focus on work, and unfortunately, only on work. Friends of his have tried to help him come out of his shell over the years, but to little avail. 
Likes: rock music, old Spanish hits his mom used to play, painting, travel
Dislikes: reading, being stationary for too long 
Hobbies: various forms of art, usually painting, but it doesn’t happen very often anymore 
Shadowhunter Information
Familial Symbol: none (new family name, never got a symbol) 
Institute Base: Alicante, Idris
Weapon: sickle
Fighting Style: melee
Favored runes: angelic power, clarity, knowledge, remembrance
Parabatai: Jeremy Lovelace
Food: pica pollo
Color: green
Season: spring
Scent: general floral scents
Music: old spanish rock
Time of day: daytime
Movie: the breakfast club
Aric grew up in a poor area in Washington Heights with his mother, Lisandra. Growing up, he was mostly a loner kid that struggled in school, and didn’t see a very bright future for himself despite his mother’s best efforts. They argued quite a bit, but despite everything, Aric still deeply cares for his mother. 
Part of his trouble making friends at a young age was he tended to daydream. He insisted that he saw little fairies in the park and mermaids in the water, and his mother always thought he was playing pretend. When he was about fourteen, a shadowhunter introduced themselves to him and began to explain the shadow world, and eventually the academy. He decided that it was his best chance to get out of the city that he had minimal attachment to and make something good for his life. The shadowhunter helped him convince his mother to send him to the “boarding school” halfway across the world. 
He joined the academy, but his ideas about school didn’t change. He struggled to understand all these things that, until now, he didn’t believe were really true. The class loads were heavy and he was a scrawny, short, fourteen year old that couldn’t hold his own against the other kids. He’d been into plenty of fights at school, but it usually ended up with him on the floor with a broken nose. It was, eventually, skills he had to learn to survive. In his anger, he ended up lashing out at people, frequently cutting class, even sometimes getting in trouble for graffitiing walls in a less-used wing of the school. He was close to expulsion when one of his teachers, Rhys Rosehart, took a bit of pity on him and convinced everyone to give him another chance. This second chance came in the form of his classmate and now tutor, Mollie Penhallow. 
The two spent a lot of time together in the coming months—originally, it was about helping him catch up in classes, but her generally good nature and patience rubbed off on him. He started to open up more and, after some time, the two became friends. Along with this, she brought him into her friend group, including Jeremy Lovelace, his roommate, and Céline Montclaire. The four became a close-knit group in their time together in school. 
Aric ascended when he was seventeen, surviving the process with much training and anxiety. Around this time, he and Mollie started dating and he and Jeremy had their parabatai ceremony, just before the cutoff of him turning eighteen. The group was strong and close-knit in their time at school. However, the Circle was getting stronger and despite Mollie’s best efforts, Céline ended up joining Valentine’s forces. The other three had no interest in it. They stopped talking to her completely just before she and Stephen married. 
A few years after school, he and Mollie got married and soon had a child—Rowan (at birth, known as Alice), then another, Jensen, four years later. The children grew up in Penhallow Manor in the early years, visiting Beijing and France frequently to see their aunts, uncles and cousins out there. They built a treehouse in the woods behind the house and Aric spent time painting it, having the kids help by putting baby-hand-sized handprints on the walls and connecting them with vines and leaves, like the handprints were flowers. 
The bliss didn’t last long, unfortunately. Aric and Mollie left the kids with a friend so he could babysit and left for a mission. There was high demon activity in Cairo so they volunteered to help. Demons swarmed and Mollie lost her life. Without his wife and best friend (who’d become a Silent Brother years prior), Aric struggled. He couldn’t adequately take care of the children so sent them to a now-friend, Maryse Lightwood. They’d never gotten along in school, but they worked together on occasion and he knew they’d be well taken care of. The kids lived in New York with her, originally for two weeks, then a few months, then a year—every time the kids reached out, something else work related was going on. He did his best at the time, but after two years, neither wanted to come back to Idris. He buried further into work and began working as an envoy for the Clave, going to whichever Institutes needed assistance with whatever their issue was. When Maryse was in Idris, she’d contact him so he could see Jensen (who tagged along with them), but Rowan had no interest in talking to him. 
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
jace + taking care of baby son alone for the first time please!!
Thank you, I love writing dad Jace
This is long but worth it
"well buddy it's just me and you, mommy took your sisters to the store," Jace said to his 6 month old son. And he smiled at Jace, that sweet innocent smile that babies and kids have, the smile of them not yet knowing the hardships of life, Jace and Clary swore they would give their kids the best life they could and they would make it easier for them.
And one of Jace's favorite thing about being a dad is his kids smile at him with the smile of knowing exactly who he is, He's dada
Jace read many books about pregnancy when Clary was pregnant with their first baby and he knew Clary would get super emotional but so did he.
He let his son grap his finger and swing it around like babies do, it's funny how at one point in your life all you want is constant fighting and being a hero and then after all that all you wanted was a family and once you have that family there really isn't anything more important.
Clary and the kids were Jace's world now and they are a world he would protect and love until dies.
"you know I love you right bud," Jace said. Stephen squealed and blew raspberries at Jace "I'll take that as a yes," Jace said with the loving and gentle smile he had for the ones he loved, he kissed his son on the cheek
Jace stuck his tongue out at him, and Stephen giggled, Jace started laughing as well, this is why being a parent made him feel so fulfilled, those laughs your kids gave you when you were being silly
The way they trusted you and loved you without a second thought and in return you give them love and take care of them and make sure they know their trust is safe with you, Jace wouldn't be anything less to his kids, he would always make sure they knew he loved and supported them no matter what, and that they can always trust him.
"listen chickpea, you need to stop being so cute and getting bigger, I want to snuggle you forever," Jace told his son while tearing up cause Stephen was already six months and he doesn't know how it's already been six months since he came into the world and they added another precious light to their life.
When Jace and Clary found out they were having another kid they were both overjoyed, Jace got Clary to agree to a big family, after they had their first kid and Celine started getting bigger, Clary came to Jace with tears saying 'she's getting so big it's not fair' at first Jace thought Clary was hurting and his instincts were to take her into his arms but then he found why and he started crying 'i know it seems like yesterday she was a newborn'
And then they met Eleanora who's parents had been killed on a mission and they took her in, Jace and Clary made sure she knew that she was just as much their daughter as Celine was, Jace having an adopted family himself didn't hesitate taking her in, and then a year later Clary found out she was pregnant with their son
And now Jace was here married with the most amazing and beautiful wife he could ever ask for, who is also the best mom ever in his opinion, and with 3 amazing kids who he will give all the love he can to, he had to admit he was nervous, he knew how to be a dad to girls but not a son yet, sure Max and Rafe are boys but that's different, their his nephews, Jace now had a son and he knew he will teach him to be a good man, he will teach his children to be better then he has been and make sure that they know how proud he is of them no matter what.
Jace decided to take Stephen to the greenhouse, "see chickpea, all these plants are beautiful, they all have a purpose and they all are different," Jace was telling his son as he bent down by a Basil plant "see this you use to cook with to give good flavor, one day dada will make you something with it," Jace said beamingly.
"one day I will teach you how to do all kinds of things, but for now you need to stay little," Jace said as he tickled his son, and was given that adorable baby laugh in return.
"you know, you really are precious, and I swear I will be the best dada I can be to you and your sisters, mommy will too, she's great you know, she also loves to the moon and would do anything for you, and she is the strongest person I know," Jace told his son
"oh, and then there's your uncle Alec, he is amazing and he's making the world a better place for the babies like you, he is the truest person I know and he loves you very much, Alec is a very important person to me and he doesn't get enough recognition, but I know you will look up to him just like I do," he said with a fond smile "also if anyone ever hurts you, your aunt Izzy will fight them, she loves you so much as well and she is one of the most amazing women you will ever meet, tho I suppose I am biased, but most of all Izzy will protect you no matter what," Jace said as sat down with his son in his arms and looked him in the eyes, they were Clary's green eyes.
"and your uncle Magnus will teach you how to put eyeliner on some day, and I want you to know that no one else can show you how to do it better, he'll also give you glitter and you will probably make a mess but you'll have a lot of fun doing that, you get that from me, I like to cause trouble," he said teasingly "and your uncle Simon will get you into all kinds of Mundane movies and comic books and I have no idea what they are about, but I'll listen when you come to tell me about them," he said with a smile
"and then there's grandma Maryse, she is another amazing woman, your surrounded by amazing women, she'll sing to you and play with you and spoil you, she'll read to you and make sure you feel safe, she is my mom and she tried her best to make me feel safe, so I know she will for you too," he said as he was starting to tear up.
"and now we talk about Max and Rafe, your cousins, Max is gonna get you into trouble and Rafe will get you both out of it, and you all will have many stories to tell and you'll be close and always have each other's backs, and they love you so much as well."
"and there's Tessa and Jem they are beautiful people who are so kind and loving you wonder if they are real, you know if you ever need them they'll come with hesitation, and they love you, then we have Kit and Mina, Kit will always make sure you have cookies and Mina will play with you and give you bandages if you need one," he said and saw that Stephen was staring at him like he was listening "and there's aunt Emma, she's gonna spoil you along with your sisters, she calls you and your sisters super angel babies, and she will smoother you in kisses so you better watch out, but she is kind and badass and you'll love her."
"and aunt Lily will say she'll eat you cause your so cute but she won't really I promise, aunt Lily is another amazing woman, and she is a savage, trust me she'll teach you things, and there's aunt Maia, I was not so nice to her when we first met but I grew on her and I apologised, and she loves you, she says she doesn't know how I made such cute babies, but i have to admit your mama had a big part in that," he said with a laugh.
"oh and there's Aline and Helen, they'll love you as well, Aline is another badass and amazing woman and Helen is fierce and kind, Aline will also show you how to throw a good lunch but don't tell mama I told you that, and Helen will make your oatmeal with love," Jace said with fondness.
"and there's Mark and Cristina, they are in charge of the Downworlder-Shadowhunter alliance,and Mark will make you weird sandwiches but he makes them with love, and he'll give you strawberries, and Cristina will sing you to sleep with spanish lullabies, your surrounded by so many people who love you, and you'll grow up to know these amazing people," he said emotionally.
"ah, there's my boys," Clary said as she walked up to them. "What's dada telling you chickpea?" She said as she picked their son up and kissed his temple
"I was telling him he is surrounded by good people who will love him," he said
"yes, so many, sometimes I wonder if you'll even know what to do with it all," Clary said with a grateful and loving smile.
"dada! dada!," Called Cece and Nora, Jace saw them running up to him and they tackle hugged him.
"hey my girls," he said as he took them both in his arms and they told him about their visit to the store and Clary took Stephen to go feed him, cause he was now hungry.
Fatherhood was an adventure and it's a adventure he hoped to be on forever, "alright girls let's go get dinner ready while mama takes care of baby chickpea," he said to them.
And they went and made dinner and Jace would never know what he did to deserve this love he now had but he knew he would forever be grateful and make sure he gives as much love back.
Tagging @khaleesiofalicante cause I know you'll be emotions with me
This got long but I couldn't help myself and I wanted to write about them as a family nas wellz hopefully you enjoy anon and hopefully this isn't too bad 🧡💛🧡💛
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runesandfaes · 7 years
The Twin
So, hey guys. A while ago, I wrote a oneshot on The Shadowhunter Chronicles around the time Jace was born. I kind of played with the TMI and TID characters and meshed them into this story when Jace had a twin sister and was sent to the LA Institute. None of it is canon, so please forgive me for the lack of accuracy and site changes. Sorry if some parts are a bit corny, this was my first fic ever so it might not be that good. I just decided it would be fun to post it years later, lol. Let’s see how this goes. There is no proper plot to this. Enjoy!
-Obviously, contains spoilers for The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices-
Link on Ao3
Smoke bellowed everywhere. The world was ashen, destruction everywhere he looked. He coughed as he progressed forward, the image before him hazy and opaque. The room was charred, blackened to the core. As Valentine approached the center of the room, he was met with a sight of a young woman on the floor. She was beautiful and lithe, but her abdomen was swollen. On both her sides lay her arm, the wrists slit open, creating a scarlet pool of blood surrounding her. Ah, what sorrow did to a vulnerable soul. “To love is to destroy”, he remembered. Because quite recently, he was betrayed by love-his Jocelyn, his love, his wife had stood against him. To worsen the blow, like a blade straight through his heart, she had stood with his former parabatai, Lucien Graymark-now tainted with Downworld blood. Valentine looked down at the woman sprawled before him and greedily lowered his gaze at her tummy. His price, his retribution. The angel lay concealed under there and it was his gift, his son to train and make his ally. The demon was too stark; too brutal-he would never obey him. But the angel, yes, the angel….he would win him glory, be his successor. Without a word, he brought out the knife to slit her abdomen and was suddenly awestruck-he did not expect this. He delivered not one, but two babies. They let out their first cry and opened their eyes to look up. Valentine was immediately startled. They looked nothing like each other or their parents. Well the boy did, just a little. But not the baby girl. He had just delivered no identical twins-even at such an early stage that was quite visible. The angel’s ichor….did it mean they both had it? Would the boy be strong enough? What about the girl? No. She would be a taint to his scheme, there would be no way to conceal her. Anyway, his wife had already proven that women did not always bend to your will, and this baby, you could tell from the moment she opened her eyes that she was nothing short of extraordinary. With one last glance, or so he thought, at the girl, Valentine Morgenstern brought the baby boy up and cradled him in his lap. The boy was all gold. He had inherited his father’s golden hair but not the eyes. No, the eyes he couldn’t trace. They were a brilliant shade of gold as if filled with Heaven’s fire itself. For the first and the last time, he scooped up the other child. She too, looked nothing like her creators. With hair as dark as obsidian, her eyes were silver, gleaming like the moon in a night sky. He looked at the siblings thoughtfully and remembered the myth about the twin Gods of Olympus-Artemis and Apollo. These children reminded him of the Sun and the Moon, of day and night, as if together, they were whole. Valentine was taken aback. He almost felt remorse for tearing them away from one another. This moment, however, did not last long as ice returned to his veins. He let the girl down and took the boy with him. For a second he contemplated ending the baby girl’s life right there. She struck him strongly as a threat but as he glanced at the baby boy, he started crying. He could not do it. The baby girl started wailing with him as if a part of her soul was being torn away. He felt pity, something he didn’t think he was capable of anymore. With that thought, he walked out, cradling the baby boy, whispering in his ear, “Jonathan Christopher Herondale….Morgenstern.” - Zachariah walked the streets of Alicante. “Jem Carstairs” thought. He could swear he was forgetting his own name nowadays. His parchment colored robes strode and swept on the green grass as he felt a profound sadness in his heart. The war…it was a tragedy, yes, but not why he was so fallen. He placed his hand over his heart-the parabatai rune. The war had killed the last of the Herondales. This weighed heavily on him. He had always watched out for the Herondales-after all, it ran in their blood to run into trouble all the time, though they emerged with grace. They were unique that way and close to his heart. He could feel a wistful smile on his lips thinking back to the 1870s, an era that changed his life forever. Even as a Silent Brother, he was different. He could feel emotions much more strongly. Sometimes that was brutal, but it was the only way he felt humane and he had to endure, for HER, wherever she was. As Jem edged closer to the hill, the Herondale Manor came into view. Sorrow filled him. It was ruined. Their legacy…gone. He could not bear that thought. So, he descended towards the manor and was suddenly astonished by a sound. The cry of a baby? Certainly not possible, was it? He hurried his pace and his eyes widened at the sight. Celine Herondale lay there lifeless, her wrists slit in a sphere of blood and her abdomen sliced open. But that was not what startled him, though it did cause him profound hurt. No, it was a little girl who lay beside her mother, wailing at the top of her lungs. Jem snatched a piece of clothing and approached the infant. Who could be cruel enough to deliver a child and leave her without nurture like this? The growing cruelty of the world never ceased to disgust him. When Jem picked up the new-born, she opened her eyes and he let out a gasp. Familiarity struck him like lightning. This girl looked nothing like Celine of Stephen, no-though everything about her screamed Herondale.- the cheekbones, her regal look and playful, teasing aura. That was the slight familiarity but it was not what had surprised Jem. In a single glance, Jem loved that child for she represented the only two people in the world he had ever loved so deeply and still did. For some unknown reason, his thought waded back to James Herondale, his namesake, with brilliant golden eyes and not inheriting it from his parents. This baby was a beautiful and painful reminder of his past life. She bore Will’s raven black hair, ruffled and unruly just like his. Will, his parabatai, now long gone but always rested in his heart for they were one. He felt the emptiness crawl back in his him and he shifted his gaze to her eyes. Grey. Silver, actually, like the glistening moon. They had the ferocity of a warrior and the tenderness of an angel. She looked formidable and strong. They were her eyes- Tessa’s, the only woman he ever gave his heart to and from where she was descended… Jem wasn’t a firm believer in fate but this was miraculous. This baby looked perfectly like a Herondale and had parts of Tessa and Will in her. He, for the first time in ages, welled up and kissed the top of the baby’s forehead. She would be so, so loved. He’d make sure of it. He remembered the Carstairs who lived in Los Angeles and thought about how wonderful they were. She would be his family. With a note which he tucked in her blanket, he started for the doorstep of the Carstairs. “The Carstairs owe the Herondales”, the note said. He smiled slightly and strode off.
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Jace Herondale
The Best Shadow Hunter of His Generation
Origin: Cassandra Clare's "The Mortal Instruments" Series
Age: Defaults to 18+, But 16 As of the events of "The Mortal Instruments" Series
Orientation: Heterosexual unless proven otherwise. In particular, Clary-Romantic.
Crossover, OC, & AU Friendly
Jace has had a turbulent, and at times, confusing life. First he was Jonathon Wayland, son of Michael Wayland. When he was ten, his father died, and he was shipped off to the Lightwoods at the New York Institute, who became his new family. They continued his training as a Shadow Hunter-a Secret Protector of Mankind against Demons and other evil creatures. He was a natural at all of it, and by the time he reached sixteen, he preened like a peacock.
Clary Fray saw him when she shouldn't have been able to. That was the first moment he had a notion she wasn't just mundane. When a misadventure brought them together, Jace fell in love with her, hard and fast.
And then his father wasn't dead. Nor was his father Michael Wayland. His father was the infamous Nephilim Terrorist, Valentine Morgenstern. He had returned, with every intention to continue his schemes.
Oh, and one other thing. Valentine was Clary's father, too.
That definitely put a roadblock in their relationship. Perhaps not as firm of a block as it should have-they'd been in mutual unspoken love before that revelation. Jace's devil may care behavior increased, not that it had ever lacked. He was desperate not to think about it, how the first time he'd fallen in genuine love with someone, it was the one girl in the world he shouldn't.
Valentine waged the Mortal War upon the Shadow Hunters, and Jace faced him, prepared to die if he must. And then, he was told the one thing that would stubbornly make him fight to survive. 
He didn't share a drop of blood with Valentine. The man had raised him for some years, yes, but he was not his biological father. He was truly Jace Herondale, son of Stephen and Celine Herondale.
Then, Jace died. It didn't stick, thanks to Clary, and some angelic intervention. He'd live on to have many more adventures, but at least his crisis of identity was over.
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missbrunettebarbie · 3 years
And I'm going to throw in my own oc's names for the ask, Cecily, Laurence, Mariya and Vladimir :)
Cecily - 8/10. I much prefer Celia to Cecily or Celine, but I still like the other two. Cecily Herondale is probably the only other Cecily I know, other than yours and she made me associate the character with the 'plucky younger sister' trope.
Laurence - 6/10. I like all laurel related names, and I prefer this spelling to Lawrence, but it's not a fave. I think with guy names, I am more of a traditionalist and go with the uber-popular ones.
Mariya - 7/10. I never heard it before. Google tells me it means "one who is pure" and I like it, but for some reason the spelling hurts my eyes :DD
Vladimir - 4/10. Sadly, this is a common name in my country. Or was, anyway. Now most people name their kids simply Vlad. Vladimir has a very grandfather-y image to it, one that influences me too.
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“Your Mother Loved You, Evangeline.”
A/N: Alright people! Its definitely has been a hot minute, and I will be the first one to admit to that. Couple of things had been going on. My father recently pass away at the very end of march and I’ve dealing with severe depression and anxiety. My doctor, however, find meds that work for me and I have felt significantly better. I think I ready to dive back into my writing again. Lol, anyways this can be considered a one-shot but really it’s a small piece of the whole. This will be a Multi part story. though I don’t know how me parts yet.
SUMMARY: Eve confiding in her shadow-mate, Alec Lightwood, about her insecurities and doubts concerning her mother(Celine)’s true feelings towards her; Jocelyn and Imogen erase said doubts, and afterwards Eve finds that a new and more deep true love has begun to blossom for her biological mother.
Warning(s): Major Sadness in the beginning and middle, Possible trigger; so read at your own risk, Major fluff and love in the 3rd and final part of the story, Alec being a real cheeseball for his mate, Alec is his own warning.
BETTER MORE DETAILED SUMMARY WHEN I RELEASE OC’S BIO/DESCRIPTION!!! This Multi-Part story will be about The City of Bones Movie(2013) Alec lightwood/OC(Evangeline Josephine Herondale-Fray) and will later on in the story be known as Evangeline Josephine Herondale-Lightwood. Eve is one of the two Herondale Children who were both thought lost and worst but mostly likely dead. Raised from the time she was 2 to 18 years old by her Godmother, Jocelyn Fray, Eve Fray is a girl who knows her true identify as a Herondale but has been warned since she was little that revealing her identify could lead to her death and the death of everyone she loves. The only other person who has any inkling of who she truly is, is her Shadow-mate Alec Lightwood. With the new discovery of her shadow-mate; the stakes have risen to impossible heights, and she’ll do anything to save him from the dangerous path she’s been given no choice to run on. AU!The Mortal Instruments where every Shadowhunter is born with their shadow-mates name placed on their bodies.
DISCLAIMER: I ABSOLUTELY ADORE MALEC! I am in no way homophobic! I am actually apart of the LGBTQ myself! This is just one of the many stories from my imagination that I have decided to share with everyone, that also have a passion for reading and writing. Also, I mean come on! Both versions of Alec Lightwood are fucking hot! Don’t say you haven’t thought of him like that at least one time! anyways, ENJOY!
Word Count: 2670
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Eve clung to Alec's shirt like a child while crying. Alec had moved them to their shared bedroom where he knew Eve would feel less vulnerable. Alec knew if there was one thing his mate hated most; it was the feeling of vulnerability. She continued to cry and cling to him as they laid on the king sized bed, and every wail released into the air by his inconsolable mate, was like pythons wrapping themselves around Alec's heart. Each one physically hurt him as Alec couldn't bare to see his mate in such distress. He tightened his muscular arms around her protectively as she calmed herself enough to speak.
"Why did she give me away to Jocelyn like that, I mean did she finally decide she didn't want me?" Eve hiccupped into Alec's, broad leather covered, chest. "Did she not love me enough or at all for that matter?"
Eve felt pained yet relieved as soon as she said it. Almost like a giant burden, bigger than she originally thought, was lifted off her chest. Alec buried his face in her golden mane while pulling her even closer, if that was possible at all. A sudden, familiar feminine, voice startled both the young adults.
"She loved you so much she had to let you go. No matter how much it pained her, and believe me it pained her, greatly." Jocelyn spoke, gently. "If it wasn't the circle member's blade that killed her first; then it was without a doubt her broken heart, from losing her beloved Evangeline, that killed her."
Eve began to sit up while wiping away her tears and Alec followed suit in sitting up while rubbing her back, comfortingly. She noticed, her grandmother, Imogen by Jocelyn's side, wearing a tender sympathic expression. Eve threw a sad confused look towards them both, "What do you mean, Joc?"
Jocelyn sighed, softly, while looking at the floor, "May we come in?", she spoke, as she looked back up. Alec and Eve both nodded their consent before both women entered the room, slowly, and Jocelyn took a seat on the left end of the bed while Imogen to the right. Imogen laid her hand on Eve's lower leg and stroked it comfortingly while Jocelyn proceeded to tell her what exactly happened.
"The night Valentine planned to attack Herondale Manor," She began, while Alec and Eve listened intently. "I accidentally overheard him talking to Blackthorn and Pangborn an hour or so beforehand about his plans and when exactly he planned to head towards Herondale Manor. He planned to raid the house for information, kill Celine, and kidnap you and your unborn brother." She stopped short, and made a small indistinctive noise while cocking her head to the side and slightly shaking it. As if she was uncomfortable with her thoughts.
Jocelyn looked slightly sick as she spoke the next sentence, "He planned to kill your mother and cut your baby brother from her womb, and said that you if were more trouble than you were worth than he would kill you and make do with only your brother use." Alec and Eve couldn't stop the loud gasps and looks of horror and shock that crossed their faces while Jocelyn nodded in agreement. Alec instinctively pulled Eve closer at the thought of any danger to his mate; past, present, or future. Everyone looked at Imogen as she made a inaudible strangled noise in the back of her throat and pushed her shoulders down and back. All while wearing a pained expression. Jocelyn looked more intently to Imogen, who still looked in pain, but never the less waved her hand for Jocelyn to continue.
Jocelyn turned back to Eve and looked her in the eyes. "Both of you, brace yourself, because the story will only because more horrifying and grievous." Both young adults nodded and Jocelyn continued, "Valentine had already sent a few circle members to Herondale manor to hold Celine and you captive until Valentine got there. I realized that if I left right then than I could beat Valentine to Herondale Manor and possibly save all three of you before more circle members arrived. So I rushed to the Manor and when I got there I saw that the members Valentine sent ahead were already there. all of them were dead, except two as the thought didn't occur to them that even if Celine was 8 months pregnant there might still be a fight." Eve smiled slightly at that before Jocelyn continued on; "One of them had accidentally stabbed her and she was losing blood fast. too fast. I don't know where the other two had run off too. Most likely afraid of the repercussions by Valentine for the mistake they made. I found her in your destroyed nursery laying on the floor right next to your crib." Both Eve and Jocelyn eyes were tearing up and Eve's hand tightened on Alec's without realizing. While Alec and Imogen could do nothing, looking between the two women before them, sadly.
Jocelyn cleared her throat; "I found her laying right next to your crib and you...you were crying. Screaming bloody murder, are better yet more bitter words to describe your cries. Crying and screaming so hard you had crocodile tears pouring down your cheeks and your face was a shade of bright red I'd never seen before. They say first love's heartbreak is the worst heartbreak. Those people don't know what they're talking about. Not for one second." Jocelyn lets out a short quiet sob as silent tears roll down everyone's faces. "Nothing breaks your heart like hearing a babe wail and scream for their dying mother, and if that sight wasn't enough to knock all the air out of my lungs. Then, the sight of her bloody hand reached through the bars of your crib to hold your tiny hand while singing your favorite lullaby, was enough to do so." Eve shut her eyes as tears rapidly slid down her face, and her body violently shook. 
"Your mother was minutes or less away from dying and the only thing she cared about was making your pain and crying stop. Once I reached her side she looked up at me and begged me to take you and Clary, who I was still pregnant with at the time, and runaway to safety. So Valentine could never use either of you for his own personal ambitions. It was her dying wish that, as your godmother, I did everything in my power to keep you; alongside Clary, completely safe from Valentine." Jocelyn, who was still crying, looked Eve in the eyes.
 "I pulled you from the crib and put you in your mother's arms one last time, and you stopped crying long enough for your mother to say her last words to you. Her last words were; ‘I love you and your brother more than anything in the world. You are the reason I haven't flung myself from one of the demon towers by now. Out of all the hard moments I've lived through in my life; the hardest moment would without a doubt be, the moment I realized I could do nothing to stop the fact that the angel has given me no say or choice in leaving you all alone in the world. My Evangeline, you and your brother are the only things I’ve ever done right in this world. I love you...Goodbye, my Evangeline.’ A few Moments later she died with you in her arms. I knew the exact moment she died because it was she same moment you began to scream again. I knew I had to stay quite a few steps ahead of Valentine, so I took you from Celine's arms and said my farewells. The farther I got away from your mother the harder and louder you began to wail, if that was even possible." Finally, Jocelyn voice broke on the last sentence. Eve turned into Alec and buried her face in his chest, balling her eyes out. The only thing muffling her harsh cries being his chest as he held her close and buried his face in her seemingly endless locks.
"Your mother loved you, Evangeline. You were enough for her. You were wanted, more than anything else in the world, by your Mother. It wasn't the circle, the academy, her friends, or your father that kept her going as long as she did. It was you and when your baby brother was conceived. It was you and him who kept her going. Nothing and no one else. Just you and him." Jocelyn smiled through her tears at Eve. "Never again doubt your mother's love, want, or need for you. That's one of the few things in your life you will never have to question under any circumstances.
She finally pulled away from Alec's chest and looked at Jocelyn and Imogen. Eve's cheeks, nose, and eyes were bright red, but somehow she still managed to appear angelic in beauty. "Thank you Jocelyn, and Thank you Grandmother. I know it doesn't look like it but I do feel better now that my previous doubts are now a thing of the past." Eve pulled away from Alec to hug both of them, spending a few moments longer in her grandmother's warm embrace. She pulled away and immediately moved back into Alec arms. Jocelyn and Imogen moved to leave the room, but before Imogen closed the door she turned3 to Eve and spoke; "OH, and if you want to hear some more stories about you and your mother or you and I that are more uplifting; come see me. I’ll always be happy to tell you a story.
"Grandmother, how many stories can you have? I was two and a half when I left." Eve laughed, and playfully rolled her eyes. Imogen looked at Eve in mild disbelief of her question, mouth ajar and her right poised and defined eyebrow arched.
"Your joking, aren't you? Little angel, you may have only been in this world two and a half, but believe me when I say you are your father's daughter. Combine that with the bull headed trait you got from your mother, and that's a recipe for some good stories about you and mischief managed escapades." Imogen nodded her head once, firmly, and Alec sniggered before replying to Imogen.
"I think I'll be coming to your office more often to hear some of those stories, Inquisitor."
Imogen smiled at him, "Please, your my little angel's shadow mate and will soon enough be married to her with my great grandchildren on the way, call me Imogen. I insist." Alec looked surprised and at a loss of words for a moment before he cleared his throat and gave a soft smile.
"You honor me. Thank you, Imogen." Imogen smiled in return and pivoted on the heels of her feet before closing the door and making her way down the hall.
Eve sat in a daze for a moment before getting off the bed and crossing the room to her vanity. She sat down in the vanity chair, and looked in the mirror with her eyes unfocused. Her mother truly did love and want her. Her mother’s last words would forever be burned into her mind. That one sentence, though. 'My Evangeline, you and your brother were the only things I ever did right in this world.' My Evangeline. My Evangeline. My Evangeline. That's what her mother called her. Her Evangeline. Eve could only imagine how sweet the words would sound and the way the words would fall from her mother's lips. 
Her mother is probably the only person she would ever one hundred percent be okay with calling her by her full first name. It's not that she doesn't like her name. She actually finds it quite beautiful, but when she was little all the kids would tease her for having such a old fashioned, and uncommon for the area they lived in, name. Well, Eve would pick having the name Evangeline Josephine any day over being the 10th Tyler or Jake of her grade level. At least, Eve would know when the teacher was addressing her and not some half-wit on the other side of the room in the middle of picking their nose with a green crayon.
she used to hate when people would call her by her full first name. However, now the one thing she's desires most in the world at the moment is to hear her mother say those two words. My Evangeline. Her Evangeline. Eve still stuck in her daydream sighed, deeply. She soon enough came back to reality, and her line of vision focused once more. She focused on her reflection in the vanity mirror and took in her current state.
She gently touch the puffy area around her nose and golden eyes before running her hands through her ample amount of long loose curls, and dropping them on the vanity table that seemed to be overflowing with make up and hair care products. Eve heard movement behind her and looked up in the mirror to see Alec making his way over to her. He came right up behind her, and tenderly grabbed her shoulders. He massaged said shoulders while speaking;
"I seriously don't know how you so effortlessly do it, but you grow more beautiful, sexy, and strong everyday. My beautiful strong sexy mate." His full lips, lovingly kissed the crown of her head. Thank goodness her cheeks were already red that way she didn't have to show her blush. However, even if her blush didn't give her away the almost bashful look on her face and the slight duck of her head while casting her eyes to the side did the trick. She normally would flirt back with Alec but in her state with the puffy red eyes and nose and all the vulnerability she's felt for the pass few days, who wouldn't have a shy response to such a bold flirtatious comment.
Alec didn't have to flirt with her especially now that they completed the mate ceremony and placed the forever binding mating runes on each other, but it still felt good to know he enjoyed flirting with her because he found her beautiful and sexy. Nothing feels as good as knowing your true shadow-mate still finds you as beautiful and sexy as the first time he met you and is willing to put in the extra effort. Eve played off the shy moment by turning around in the chair, and kneeled in the seat while, ever so lightly, brushing her fingers up his strong arms to wrap her arms around his strong and broad shoulders. Alec wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed her body flush against his.
"Why, I didn't know I had such a cheeseball for a mate." Eve giggled. Alec smiled, sweetly and laughed,
"You thought that was cheesy? Well then, allow me to sweep you off your feet, future Mrs. Lightwood." Eve, playfully, 'oohhh' at challenge with interest. Alec picked her up and rested her legs around his waist.
"You are the most gorgeous." Eve gasped, "The most adorably cute." Eve gasped, again. " The most insanely intelligent." she gasped, loudly, once more. "the most Desirably sexy." she let out a pleased noise. "Strong independent woman any man with half a brain could ask for." Eve gasped the loudest out of all the ones she gave before replying, "oh, I love it when you talk dirty to me, baby!" 
Alec threw his head back as he laughed before speaking; "Yeaaahhh." He drawls out, in a sexy voice, "And your all mine." he growled out possessively before 'attacking' her neck. Eve gave a content 'mmhmm' in agreement as he laid them both on the bed and proceed to snuggle one another. 
The past few days for Eve may have been hard, but it was all worth in the end. Moments like these were what made it worth it. Moments with her Alec Lightwood.
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killing-the-cuckoo · 7 years
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The Shadowhunter Chronicles - An OC Index
The Montclaire family
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ichoreal-a · 7 years
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                    HOW WE FALL: A SHADOWHUNTERS AU 
In 1992, there was the Uprising: the initiative between the Circle on the Downworlders during the signing of the ninth accords. Through their alliance with demons, Valentine Morgenstern and his radical followers not only led one of the largest massacres in Clave  history, they also stole and overthrew the Clave themselves. And their actions caused a great stirring in Heaven. Their angel, Raziel, annoyed with her children, came down to correct and save them from themselves. And so, unknowingly, the two weapons of Heaven and Hell were forged within Jace Herondale, raised by Raziel in a hidden form as asked by Celine, and Seraphina Morgenstern, the daughter of Valentine himself alongside her brother.
As for Valentine’s wife, Jocelyn, she believed her family was dead after Valentine burned the Fairchild Manor down in his rage after finding out she had conspired against him and stolen the Mortal Cup. And for all loyal members of the Clave and their Downworlder allies, they took to London where Raziel managed to hide them both from the Circle and the Shadow World, where a secret joined world was created for their protection, training, and guidance.
But that doesn’t stop the two factions of Raziel’s creation from overlapping. The mundane world still needs to be protected. The factions bump into each other in silence, they know not of each other’s existance, nor do they know of the very presence of their angel on Earth. And when lines began to cross, hate turns to love, and now — the fall comes for the very things we have to fight for.
Can the Shadow World be saved and can Order be restored? Or will the Circle find the surviving Shadowhunters and destroy them as well?
tag all triggering content, just in case.
all canon & oc characters are welcome, no duplicates unless discussed between muns.
all characters in any series arc of the mortal instruments fandom are welcomed. 
you can also have as many of your characters involved as you want.
muses may be from any fandom or even fandomless, as long as they have some way to be inserted in this verse.
the attack on the downworlders by the circle occurs AFTER clary’s birth. so seraphina = clary. if you are playing a clary fray, you may choose which name she goes by.
make an effort to interact with all verse members! Discuss plots and associations if you wish beforehand. also, follow everyone in the group.
do not godmode other characters, stir up hate, or be rude ooc. you will be removed from the group.
ic drama is beautiful, ooc is not.
let me know if you’re going to be inactive for a period of time.
once accepted, tag OOC interations under the tag: ( gv. hwf. ) & IC interactions, like open starters, under the tag gv. how we fall. 
Applications should be sent HERE.
ooc name/timezone. name/age/fc. side/reason why they are on that side.
roslyn (raziel) herondale | caity lotz | shadowhunters |@ichoreal
reserved for @griefwrecked​
aurora thorne | stephanie scott | shadowhunters | @truthblooded
jace herondale | dom sherwood | shadowhunters | @catchesun ​
seraphina morgenstern/clary fray | kat mcnamara | the circle | @warstopper
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lcklstr-blog1 · 7 years
ahkmenrah  (  night  at  the  museum  ) sirius black  (  harry  potter  ) jason blossom  (  archie  comics  ) gilbert blythe  (  anne  of  green  gables  ) jackie burkhart  (  that  70s  show  ) joyce byers  (  stranger  things  ) cassiel  (  angel  oc  ) chris chambers  (  the  body  /  stand  by  me  ) clover  (  totally  spies  ) chase collins  (  the  covenant  ) david  (  the  lost  boys  ) lestat de lioncourt  (  anne  rice’s  vampire  chronicles  ) bobby drake  (  the  uncanny  xmen  ) dustfinger  (  inkheart  trilogy  ) kimi finster  (  rugrats:  all  grown  up!  ) basil hallward  (  the  picture  of  dorian  gray  ) celine herondale  (  the  shadowhunter  chronicles  ) barbara holland  (  stranger  things  ) james howlett  (  logan  ) sally jackson  (  percy  jackson  &  the  olympians  ) bo lacey  (  pjo  demigod  oc  ) remus lupin  (  harry  potter  ) lady macbeth  (  macbeth  )* scipio massimo  (  the  thief  lord  ) diana meade  (  the  secret  circle  ) ace merrill  (  the  body  /  stand  by  me  /  needful  things  ) adam milligan  (  supernatural  ) shadow moon  (  american  gods  ) nergal jr  (  the  grim  adventures  of  billy  &  mandy  ) kyle o'shea  (  the  host  ) ned the piemaker  (  pushing  daisies  ) donald pierce  (  logan  ) louisa ryder  (  amazonian  warrior  oc  ) adam shelley  (  frankenstein’s  monster  reimagined  ) olive snook  (  pushing  daisies  ) london tipton  (  the  suite  life  of  zack  &  cody  ) melody valentine  (  archie comics  ) charlie weasley  (  harry  potter  ) dallas winston  (  the  outsiders  )
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
It was Jace's birthday today and he was staying in bed, just closing his eyes for a few more minutes, Clary was snuggled up against him like she always did, and he didn't want to get up yet
But at that moment a little Celery jumped on him
"Dada, it's your birthday," she said
"I know," he said as he grabbed her and tickled her
Clary started walking up and smiled at them sleepily,
“Good morning two of my loves,” Clary said
She then got up and kissed Jace good morning
“Ash is cooking breakfast,” Cece said
“he is?” said Clary
“Yup,” she said. “He told me to come get you.”
It was these mornings that meant the most to them
They went down stairs to find Ash cooking and enjoying himself, baby Steph was in his highchair and Nora their second eldest, they always included Ash cause he was their kid as well, Nora had one foot on a chair and the other on the table and had a wooden sword in hand “I am the great goddess warrior,” she said
Clary and Jace laughed
“Yes you are little warrior,” Jace said as he picked his daughter up so that she didn't fall and hurt herself
Baby Steph had a look of disgust on his face at whatever he was eating, it was apparently carrots Jace guessed
He went over to his son, and said “I know you don't like them and you usually have mangoes for breakfast but characters have vitamins you need buddy.”
His son only stared at him, Jace sighed
“Alright I'll do the plane,” he said
And Clary looked at him amusingly
After he got their chickpea to eat his carrots, he gave him mangoes which he was much more satisfied with.
Ash had made Pancakes and eggs and had fruit as well as breakfast sausage, Clary helped the girls get some and Ash wished Jace a happy birthday and hugged him.
He went over and gave Clary a kiss on the head and said good morning to her, he was a good boy, no matter what people may say about him
The girls were eating and so was Clary, although she looked kinda sick
“Clarbear are you alright?” he asked her
“Yes, I'll be right back,” she said
He was worried now, Ash was looking at him
"I can watch the kids if you want to check on Aunt Clary,” Ash said
He gave Ash a smile and said "Thank you, Ash.”
He followed Clary to their bedroom, she was in the bathroom sick and he had an idea what might be up
“Clary, my love, are you ok?” he asked
“Yeah, I was wanting to wait until later to tell you but,” she said, As she walked over to him and took his hand and placed it on her lower abdomen, “I am pregnant again.”
Jace took a minute to let it sink in and then he was hugging her and kissing her and said “This is great Clary!”
“I am glad,” she said and hugged him back
“This is the best birthday present,” he whispered in her ear
“I am excited to have another one running around,” Clary said
And they went back to the kitchen and said that Clary had just had a moment of sickness, they would tell everyone but not yet, for one the kids would start running around and they need to eat and for two Clary hadn't seen Catarina yet to see if everything is alright and they always Waited cause the first trimester is scary.
But if all goes well they'll have another little one running around, Jace will now pick another nickname
And he just enjoyed the company of his family that is slowly growing, they went for a walk after breakfast.
Last one for now
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
Part 1 of the edits for Clace's children
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Tagging @khaleesiofalicante and @my-archerboy cause I think you'll both like this
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
Family time
"okay hold your head still Celery," Jace said to his daughter.
"dada why is it taking so long?" Celine asked
"braids take a minutes sweetheart," he told her.
"I wanna play tag dada," she said
"we will once I put your hair up, it's windy outside and I don't want you getting your tangled, it would hurt to get them out," he said, it was a painful thing a parent had to do, getting the tangleds out of their hair, especially since she had very curly hair. And besides Jace had become master at putting hair in braids and ponytails after having two daughters and he would even put Clary's hair up for her when she wanted him to.
"okay all done," he said
"yay!" Cece said.
"okay let's get you a hat and coat," he said
"race you to the door dada," she said as she ran down the hall out of her room to the door
"hey wait up you little Celery," he called after his daughter.
She kept Jace and Clary on their feet, she had a lot of energy, it seemed like this little one never ran out of it, but he wouldn't have it any other way and besides he gets a workout every day, and she is always happy and always smiles at him, she was his little Celery and she was already growing up so much, it made Jace cry a little when he thought of her becoming a teenager cause she would be almost all grown up.
Then he had to remind himself she was 2, her big sister Nora was 6, and the Baby Stephen was going on two months and he started thinking about how his other two kids are growing up too, Clary would catch him thinking it and would say 'they're gonna grow up but they still are little and besides even once they are all grown up we'll always be mama and dada.' and he thought to himself he is the emotional parent who cries at everything their kids do and so is Clary, he hopes these kids aren't embarrassed by crying parents when they are older.
He got to the front door and grabbed Celine's hat and coat off the coat rack, and put them on her
"okay we're all set," he said
"k let's goooooooooo," she said as she ran out the door and he threw his coat on and chased after her, he caught up to her and picked her up
"got you, you silly celery," said as he kissed her on the cheeks and forehead a bunch.
"no," she said jokingly as she giggled
They went to the park and played tag as well as hide and seek, she loved playing things that involved a lot of physical activity, Jace didn't mind he was the same way, always had to be active and he figured if she stays this way, he'll have a buddy to stay active with him.
After several hours at the park they headed home and Clary was back with Nora and Stephen, Jace started making dinner while Clary fed Stephen and put him down for a nap, and she was getting stuff ready to give the kids a bath after dinner, just like they were a team running the Institute or when they were in patrols, they were also a team in parenting and their marriage, it's something they did best, always be on a team.
And Jace was the better cook, just don't tell Clary that, Clary was good at baking tho, especially the decorating part, and she was great at being a mom, he was always so proud of her, she was incredible and he loved her more every day and the smile she gave him every morning when they woke up together made him fall more every time.
"alright girls, here's your dinner," he said as he sat their plates down, he was letting the food cool, he didn't want them to burn their tongues, and he sat down a plate for Clary and himself.
And they had their dinner as a family, after dinner they got the girls bathed and read to them, and Jace played some piano for them, they went right to sleep, Stephen woke up so they were up for a couple more hours after that and then put him back to sleep, they showered and both went to bed as well, they were tired parents but wouldn't want it any other way and tomorrow the family was coming over so they needed rest, Clary and Jace snuggled up together and fell asleep very fast.
@khaleesiofalicante I wanted some more Dad Jace so here
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
The Fairchild-Herondale family part 1
"hey Cece, what are ya doing," Stephen asked.
"reading, why ya asking?," Celine replied
"okay let's stop that," he said.
"are Mom and Dad not back still?" She asked
"nope, and Will has forbidden me from his little lab, my own brother forbade me," said Stephen dramatically.
"ah yes the rejection if younger siblings, come little brother, sit by me and I will give you wise advice," she said teasingly to her brother.
He snorted and said, " you wise?"
She thought about throwing a book at him but decided not to, it would hurt the book and instead threw the pillow she was sitting on at him.
"oof," he said
"are you two fighting again?" Their older sister Nora asked while coming into the library.
"no," they both said at the same time.
Nora gave them a suspicious look, Nora was half Faerie and half Shadowhunter, she had beautiful brown hair and pretty brown eyes, she was tall as well, her parents both died in the last war, after the cold peace was lifted they could finally have a kid together, her mother was a Shadowhunter and her father was one of the Seelie, Mom and Dad took her in when they heard a child had been orphaned, they were both worried that because she was half Faerie some Shadowhunters may not accept her, but mom and dad have raised her as their own and never made her feel as if she isn't their daughter, but they also keep her connected to her faerie heritage as well, something Celine has admired about her parents.
"Dad texted me, they'll be gone until late, so I gotta cook dinner and need your help, so come on my little siblings, we must cook," said Nora
"Where's Alex?" asked Celine
"taking a nap," said Nora as all three of them made their way to the kitchen.
Will and Tess were sitting at the table reading and being stuck together like they always have been since birth
"there's the brother who rejected me," said Steph jokingly
"I rejected you because you were playing with my stuff and I don't appreciate you playing with it, my things aren't toys, Steph. No matter if you think so or not," Will replied, with that strange matureness for a 13 year old to have.
Stephen just looked at him dramatically, he was such a drama queen
"I mean you can always watch him when he's doing experiments, Steph," said Tess, sweet as always.
"see Tess doesn't reject me," Stephen said
And Nora let out a long and annoyed sigh
"hey losers," Lottie said as she walked after she appeared to have been training, Lottie took her Shadowhunter training very serious and so did Celine, but Lottie always seemed to be more serious about it, Mom and Dad always said there will probably not be a big war ever again hopefully but Lottie didn't seem as convinced of that.
"Lottie, don't call us losers," said Nora, always the second mom
"I mean affectionately," she said with that angel smile of hers
"so when are Mom and Dad gonna be back?" Lottie asked.
"not till late, we'll probably all be asleep," Nora answered.
"they have been gone all the time lately," Lottie said
They all missed their parents when they had to be away for long, they were a very close family and it was hard to be apart, more so for Lottie, she and Dad always hung out, she was their fathers mini me, and Celine was a daddy's girl so it was hard for her too, it was something her and Lottie would stay up late talking about when their parents were gone and she would climb in bed with Celine, how their Dad always took the time for them and was patient and spent as much time as he could with them, their mom did too and they loved their parents for it.
"I'm gonna go check on Alexis," Celine announced.
"okay, Lottie can help me now that she's done training," Nora said.
And Lottie sighed but helped their older sister without complaint.
As Celine was making her way to her baby sister's bedroom she couldn't help but remember when Stephen was first born the memories were blurry but she could still remember, she had been a big sister many times since then but still the first time finding out is always special, she wasn't jealous her parents had told her, she couldn't wait actually.
As she walked into her baby sister's bedroom she saw that she was lying awake just staring at the ceiling, Celine often wondered if she saw ghosts already
"hey there sunshine, what you looking at?"
Alexis replied with a baby laughter, funny story about Alex is she was a surprise baby, Celine couldn't help but find it funny, and she was happy that her parents had one more, she was older and could be extremely involved this time, their parents were always worried and if it weren't for Uncle Simon and Aunt Izzy living very close to the Institute, Mom and Dad would have taken Alex with them most likely.
She was almost a year old now and was at that stage where she was doing all kinds of things.
"now my sweet one, we must go face our siblings in the kitchen— wait where's Jamie!, I totally forgot about her, sorry Alex we gotta go find her," Celine said.
"Cece, did you you yell my name just now," Jamie asked as she walked into the nursery
"oh, there you are, what have you been doing?" Celine asked her little sister
"I was drawing, I told Nora that earlier," she said
"well everyone is down in the kitchen, you wanna come and help me feed Alex a snack?" She asked
"yeah," answered Jamie.
They both went down to the kitchen, Alex as usual was make all kinds of noises at everything and Celine couldn't help but laugh a couple of times.
When they made it to the kitchen, Steph was hugging Will and Will was trying to get free, Tess was looking at them both with a worried look, Nora and Lottie were cooking and arguing about what spice they should use, now this was what family dinner was usually like .
"well kiddo looks like we gotta go through a battle," Celine said amused
"why are they the way they are?" asked Jamie
"you picked that up from uncle Alec didn't you?" She asked
"Uncle Alec knows what he's talking about," said Jamie. and they both laughed cause of the truth.
And once dinner was done and they all ate and did their own thing for a bit, they got the little kids ready for bed and put them to bed, and the older kids did as well shortly after, and when they all woke up tomorrow their parents should be back, Celine could hardly wait.
I wasn't sure if I was gonna post this but you know what, I am not the best writer but I did enjoy writing this and for some reason I want to post it now.
Tagging @chibi-tsukiko and @khaleesiofalicante
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
Chapter 6 - the Company of the Carstairs Family
( the world and characters except my OCs belong to Cassandra Clare)
Mina was getting ready for the day ahead, her family was coming to visit and she was overjoyed. She missed her younger siblings and big brother and her mom and dad of course. It had almost been a year since she came to live at the New York Institute and she was settling in okay. When she arrived her room was a plain white but she painted it a lavender Purple and Had Tessy paint lavender flowers on the walls as well, Mina loved it, her bed was a queen sized four corner bed with grey sheets and purple comforter. She had four pillows with purple pillows cases. She had pictures of her family hung up on the walls and special family outings they had, her mom and dad have always told her she's loved adventure since she was a baby. She also had a nice collection of blades, swords and knives in cases at one end of her bedroom. She had her violin on the fireplace and a guitar in a corner. Her floor was wood tile, her bathroom was painted a light blue. She was thinking about what her family will think when they see her making herself at home, here in New York Institute-
"Mina the Beautiful!." Said her Parabatai Charlie, coming into her bedroom. "You know if you keep up those nicknames people will start to think we're more then Parabatai." Mina told her Parabatai with a teasing tone. "Don't worry I am totally platonically gay for you." Said Charlie with a amused tone in her voice. "So what brings you to my bedroom?" Mina asked Charlie with a smile on her face. "Well I wanted to bring you downstairs to your family, cause they're here my dear." Said Charlie. "They are!?" Mina replied back. And then she was out of her bedroom, down the stairs with Charlie behind her like she always was.
When Mina made it to the main room in the Institute her parents and siblings were there talking to her Clary and Jace Fairchild-herondale. "Mom! Dad!" Mina called, they looked up at her and Mina ran to them and hugged them both "I missed you all." She said. "We missed you more Mina mine." Said her father. "My baby girl." Said her mom. And then her big brother Kit hugged her so tight she couldn't breathe "kit...i... can't...breathe." "oh sorry Mina I just missed you." Said Kit. "I missed you too, but if you crush my wind pipes then I wouldn't be able to talk to you." She said teasingly. "Hahaha". Said Kit. Then her younger siblings the twins both gave her hugs "missed you big sis." Said her younger brother Jonah. "The house has been weird without you and Kit has been here so the boys are taking over." Said Cecy her younger sister with a playful voice. "Well I suppose we'll have to gain up and teach a lesson while you're all here won't we?" Said Mina. "Yes!" Said Cecy. After that everyone burst out laughing. And Mina felt at home even more.
"Well". Said her Aunt Clary, "lunch is ready in the dining room, so how about we eat and talk." "That sounds like a great idea." Said her mother Tessa. And then they were eating Tessy herondale and her sister Cecy were sitting by each talking about blades and training, Mina noticed Jonah was watching tessy and grinned, he was always watching her these days when he saw her and Mina couldn't help but smile, her baby brother had a crush. Charlie was next to Mina and eating her food. "Charlie" Mina whispered. "What?" Charlie whispered back. "I think we should take our younger siblings out for a walk around New York later." Whispered Mina. "Okay sounds like a great Idea, but why are we whispering?" "Because I felt like it you goof." "Ohh my Parabatai and her beautiful weirdness." Said Charlie." And they both giggled.
"Knock knock." Said a voice in the doorway of the dining room and Mina knew who it was, Max Lightwood-Bane, her boyfriend. "Max!" Said Charlie and she got up and hugged her cousin. "Charlie how have you been my dear cousin?." "I have been amazing, and you my loving cousin?" "I have been great." Said Max. "You two." Mina said. "There she is my beautiful girlfriend." Said Max, it made Mina blush, he could always do that.
After lunch they all went to the training room in the Institute, including Max and they trained the younger kids and they themselves trained. They had plans to go out for dinner so Mina supposed they could go for a walk through the park after dinner.
After several hours of training, and teaching the kids to balance properly, Charlie was heading to get ready for going out to dinner, she loved having family meals with her family, and tonight the Carstairs were here to. She decided to throw on some nice Jean's and a fancy tank top, with some boots, she pulled her into a high ponytail, she insisted her necklace, it was a pendant with a heron and wings on it, it was to honor both her Herondale and Fairchild heritage, she was proud of both, her family fine also had it but this was a birthday present from Mina and she loved it.
After that she headed downstairs and saw that Mina had changed into a beautiful light blue strappy dress, it fit her well, Charlie thought, "The Beautiful Mina," Charlie Said, "oh my lovely Parabatai, you look beautiful!" Mina told her, "not as beautiful, as you," Charlie told Her, Max came into the room, wearing a nice shirt and a nice pair of Jean's, "someone's looking handsome," Mina said. "And someone else is looking so beautiful, it could make a gentleman lose his mind," Max replied to her, Mina blushed and it made Charlie miss Mari, she was on a mission in LA and wouldn't be back for a few more weeks. Charlie pushed the thought out of her mind, tonight was going to be a fun night and she wanted to make sure she didn't bring anyone's mood down.
Mina was excited and nervous, to show her family around New York and have them visit the New York Institute, they decided since they were such a big group to go to a Chinese restaurant that Uncle Jace and Aunt Clary often would get, and said is the best Chinese food around, and it was really good, Mina loved getting it. After everyone had ordered they decided to get it to go and eat at a park, which Mina loved, it was like a picnic and she loved picnics, after they all ate the adults talked and the kids ran around the park, Clary and Jace grateful that Lexy was getting energy out, she had a lot of energy and was a very busy toddler and Mina couldn't blame Jace and Clary for wanting a night where putting her to bed was easy.
Mina looked over at Max who was talking to Charlie, they were talking about fighting demons like they often do, "Max, Charlie, do you two still want to take the kids on a walk around the park?" Mina asked them, "yes!" They both answered at the same time and they ask the adults, who said yes and took the kids for a walk. It was actually easy considering how many there were, though they had never been bad kids, Mina's sister Cecy was looking around and taking in the sights of the New York park, Mina loved that her siblings were enjoying themselves, she turned to her brother Kit and Asked "how's Ty?", "he's great!, he is currently studying all kinds of things, Plants, Languages, Science's and many more things, he is helping with learning more about Mundane medicine and I am so proud of him," Kit answered, "you're so in love," Mina teased him, "my dear little sister you will understand one day, I hope," he told her, "I think I do a little already," she replied, "that's great to hear," Kit told her.
"Shall we head back now," Charlie said, with Lexy in her arms almost asleep, Uncle Jace and Aunt Clary will be happy for that, "yes, let's head back, the kids look tired," Mina said, they went back to where the adults were and made their way back to the Institute.
When they got back Jace and Clary took Lexy to bed, the other kids heading to their rooms to get ready for bed as well, Mina told Max goodnight, "I'll see you soon my beautiful Mina," Max told her and kissed her forehead, he went out the front door of the Institute and headed back to his parents apartment in Brooklyn, she loved him there was no doubt about that. "Well," said Charlie, "I guess we better head to bed to," "yeah I suppose so, I have a feeling tomorrow will be busy again," Mina replied to her Parabatai, "yeah me too, hey Mina I was wondering can I um.... could I maybe sleep in your room tonight?, like let's have a sleepover kind of thing but in your room?" "Of course, you can Charlie," Mina told her Parabatai, she saw the look her Parabatai's eyes which said please I don't want to be alone tonight, she must be having nightmares about her late sister again and Mina wished she could take the pain away from her Parabatai, but there were some things you can't do. "K, I'll put on my PJ's and you can put yours on to and then I'll be in your room in about ten or fifteen minutes," Charlie told her and raced up the stairs, "okay dear, I'll go get ready for bed, and bring A Tale of two Cities with you so we can read before we fall asleep," Mina called to her Parabatai before she was completely to her bedroom, "will do," Charlie answered back.
And Mina was off to her bedroom, she put on shorts and a tank top, brushed her teeth, washed her face, and got under the covers, awaiting her Parabatai, who came in at that moment, he PJ's were shorts and tank top too, she got into the bed with Mina and handed her the book and they read, after an hour of reading they both were to exhausted to read anymore and fell asleep.
( hopefully you enjoy this, thanks! to everyone who has been supporting me with my fic, I hope to get another chapter out soon)
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
Next gen of Shadowhunters and Downworlders.
( the world and Jace, Clary, Mina belong to Cassandra Clare.)
Chapter - 5 And now the Journey Begins.
New York Institute, 2030.
Charlie was walking down the hall to the kitchen in the Institute, her Mama and Papa were home today and when they were they had a family breakfast together whenever they can. Their family breakfasts are usually filled with laughter and goofiness and these times are some of her most precious memories, and Mina was here to. In fact she moved into the New York Institute a couple months ago to be Closer to Charlie.
Mina and Charlie were Parabatai and before they became Parabatai they were very close. Charlie holds her Parabatai with great affection and love, she's Charlie's best friend, she's like another big Sister, she knows Charlie well and understands her, she supports Charlie when she needs it. Oh wait- Charlie thought I am talking in Third person again, well hello old friend. She thought to herself.
She walked into the kitchen and saw her mom flipping pancakes and her dad sitting at the table with her younger siblings and was being silly with Alaxa and she was laughing, it made Charlie smile she loved her parents so much, they were always supportive of her and her siblings no matter what. When she came out as bisexual they accepted her and acted like it was her saying she her age and they loved her and her siblings so much and make it a happy and loving home for them. She looked around the table and saw her little brother Stephen the second third oldest out of them he was reading like he always was when he wasn't training or playing with their younger siblings, Amira was the oldest technically, she was adopted into the family when charlie was 3 and Stephen was 1 and a half, and she's been their big sister ever since, she is half faerie and half shadowhunter and beautiful but some still think she is unfit not only because of her faerie blood but because her parents were law breakers, Charlie thought they were idiot's Amira has given so much to the Clave and they should appreciate her for it.
She looked over at her younger sister Tessa she was born after Stephen and looked almost exactly like their dad if he was a female, she was reading about old swords and that didn't surprise Charlie she was like their dad to obsessed with swords. Not that Charlie had room to talk she was to. She then looked over at the first pair of twins as she walked over to the table and sat down, as she did her dad said good morning sunshine, how are you today?. I am good papa thanks! Jamie looking up from whatever it was she was doing said Good morning!! Big sis. Jamie was Will's twin they were born two years after Tessa was and they looked like her late twin Ella did, Black hair that was unruly, pale skin, they had their mama's freckles though. Jamie had orange gold eyes, while Will had green like their mama's and hers as well. They were beautiful and would grow up to be good looking people. All her siblings would. Then there was the other pair of twins, Matthew and Celine, Matthew was ignoring everyone like he usually did, paying attention to his book about bugs while eating a pancake, Celine was watching their dad and Alaxa play. Alaxa was saying something about how she loved dad this much And that It was more then him, and their dad said that's not possible because he's bigger so his love for her equals more and Charlie couldn't help but laugh at that.
And Edmund was joining in and saying what if me and Lexy both combined our love for you papa and then we would have more and her dad said nope I love you both more. Her mom came over with a plate of pancakes and said me and your dad love you all more because you all are precious and our babies so there now finish eating ok! And Charlie was Min Min awake when you got up?. Yes, she was showering last I checked said Charlie.
Mina was coming into the kitchen as she heard her name and looked up and Said I am right here Aunt Clary, Clary looked up and gave her her warm motherly smile that made whoever saw it want to smile as well and Mina did. Good morning! Min Min said Clary, I made pancakes help yourself to as many as you want there's plenty she said as she was taking her apron off. Good morning Mina. Said her uncle Jace. How are you?. I am good thank you! Said Mina.
Charlie jumped on Mina and gave her a hug and said the beautiful Mina has arrived at last we are all saved! Everyone started laughing and Mina said my silly Parabatai you. Charlie was also supporting Mina and her Charlie. Some thought they were a couple because they showed their love for each so easily but they weren't they just weren't afraid to show how much they love each, Charlie's girlfriend Mari didn't appreciate it though and would say no that fine piece of Herondale ass is my girlfriend you fool. And Mina and Charlie would always laugh at how protective and loving Mari was to Charlie. Mari was the daughter of Mark Rosales-Blackthorn and Cristina Rosales-Blackthron, they ran the shadowhunter/downworlder alliance.
Her and Charlie sat down and both ate breakfast then headed to the training room with Stephen and Tessa, while Will and Jamie headed to go research Science and Medical information, and the younger ones went off with their parents to do stuff. Mina missed her family after moving to new York but she loved being with her Parabatai. And her Parabatai's siblings were like siblings to Mina as well.
(Okay this is short I know and hopefully the next chapter will be longer. I apologize I have writers block and I am thinking through how to word the story so please be patient, 🧡🧡)
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Evangeline Herondale Bio
A/N: I will being adding more information, wherever needed, to Evangeline’s Biography as the series progresses on through each chapter. I know that sometimes I prefer to imagine an OC in a story I'm reading in my own way based off the description of the OC’s characteristics given in the story. With that said, I will not cast a specific girl to be the face of Evangeline. That way all my lovely readers can imagine Evangeline’s Physical features exactly the way they want to; aside from the eyes, hair, and skin tone, of course. Whether she be made up completely from your imagination or cast as your favorite actress who holds the same features. Feel free to send messages on who you feel is perfect to play Evangeline. I got quite the adventure planned for this series, so buckle up, my brave Shadowhunters! I feel the actors I did cast, for all the other roles, are notoriously well known enough. However if you don’t know the actor and would like to know or have a question about the people I chose feel free to message me anytime and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible. -xoxoxo
Warning(s): Possible Spoilers for people who haven’t read the dark artifices yet. Evangeline Herondale and Alec Lightwood are their own warnings. Information overload. Non-certified Crash Course for New Series ahead.
Disclaimers: I claim nothing as my own except for my OC that I created to co-exist with the Shadowhunter Universe that belongs to Cassandra. Any and all rights and claims to every Shadowhunter Universe characters, places or objects in this series that also rightfully belong to her. All text from the movies and books belong to Cassandra. This is purely a fanfiction story created for enjoyment, with the help of said previously existing fandom. My only claim is to my OC, my plot changes, and my series title. 
Word Count: 1845
Sneak Peak in The series: “Your Mother Loved You, Evangeline.”
A Tale of Frayed Gold Series
Full Birth Name: Evangeline Josephine Herondale
Full Marriage Name: Evangeline Josephine Herondale-Lightwood
Born: January 8, 1989, Herondale Manor, Idris Age: 23(as of 2012) Kind: Shadowhunter
Alias: Eve Josie Fray Evangeline Josie Fray Evangeline Josephine Herondale-Fray Evangeline Josephine Lightwood
Nickname(s): Little Angel(by Imogen) Josie-Bear(by Marcus) My Evangeline(by Celine) Evie(by Alec, Clary, Max, and Izzy) Big Sis and Josie(by Jace) Residence: New York Institute in Manhattan, New York London Institute in London, England(Former) Brownstone in Park slope, New York City(Former) East Village, Manhattan, New York City(Former) Herondale Manor, Alicante, Idris(Former; Unless on business in Idris; in which case both her and Alec prefer to reside in the manor until they return to the New York Institute)
Spouse/Shadow-Mate: Alexander Gideon Lightwood
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Child(ren): TBA
****************************************************** Mother(s): Celine Montclaire-Herondale*(Biological)
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Jocelyn Fairchild(Adoptive)
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Father(s): Stephen Herondale*(Biological)
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Luke Graymark(father-figure) 
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Sibling(s): Jonathan Herondale(Younger Biological Brother)
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Clary Fray/Fairchild(Adoptive Younger Sister)
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***************************************************** Parabatai: Clary Fairchild
***************************************************** Family:  Herondale Family Lightwood Family Fairchild Family Montclaire Family(Disowned/unacknowledged by Eve)
*= Deceased
Maryse Trueblood-Lightwood(mother-in-law)  
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Robert Lightwood*(Father-in-Law) 
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Isabelle Lightwood(Sister-in-law)      
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Max Lightwood*(Brother-in-law)
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Jocelyn Fairchild(Adoptive Mother) Clary Fairchild(Adoptive Sister)
 Imogen Whitelaw-Herondale*(Paternal Grandmother)
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 Marcus Herondale*(Paternal Grandfather)
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 Owen Herondale*(Paternal Great Grandfather)  Lydia Kingsmill-Herondale*(Paternal Great Grandmother)  Cordelia Carstairs-Herondale*(Paternal Great-Great Grandmother)  James Herondale*(Paternal Great-Great Grandfather)  Lucie Herondale-Blackthorn*(Paternal Great-Great Aunt)  Will Herondale*(Paternal Great-Great-Great Grandfather)  Tessa Gray-Herondale(Paternal Great-Great-Great Grandmother)  Cecily Herondale-Lightwood*(Paternal Great-Great-Great Aunt)  Ella Herondale*(Paternal Great-Great-Great Aunt)  Edmund Herondale*(Distant Direct Ancestor)  Linette Owens-Herondale*(Distant Direct Ancestor)  William Herondale*(Distant Direct Ancestor)  Tobias Herondale*(Distant Ancestor)
Lisette Montclaire*(Maternal Grandmother)                                                    Jules Montclaire*(Maternal Grandfather)
******************************************************* Personality Traits: Evangeline is wise beyond her years, but still managed to keep a young and fun personality similar but not exactly like her younger brother's personality. She is naturally funny and sarcastic. She is kind to people she deems deserving of it, which happens to be quite a lot of people; Downworlders among said group. She carries a very warm and calming atmosphere around her. One of the many things that her family enjoys about her. She is highly intelligent and you can nearly always find her with her nose in a book, or writing more pages in the book she's working on. Now that she has her shadow mate she can't see life without Alec and vice-versa. While she can sit in the quiet with a good book for hours on end. she also has quite a competitive streak in her. She knows that many people can find that annoying in a person and tends to fight with herself on keeping her competitive side at bay. However, oh boy. When she found out Jace had a competitive streak to rival herself, and that he actually considered it fun and endearing in a person who could enjoyed good, fair, and friendly competition. She almost couldn't contain herself. Jokingly calling Jace her long lost twin and asked him where he wandered off too; both still unaware of Jace's true heritage. Eve also has an amazing amount of patience and therefore is very hard to truly upset her, but the angel help anyone and everyone who crosses Eve, directly, or crosses her by crosses someone she loves.
Evangeline is extremely loyal to her own. There is no such thing as anything other than 100% loyalty, to the ones she cares about, in her mind. Because of that fact about her, she is ruthlessly unforgiving to those she sees as traitors, Liars, thieves, and most of all cheaters of any kind. Eve loves the ones she cares for so fiercely, strongly, and whole-heartedly that she finds herself unsettled and perturbed; almost disgusted, by those who don't seem to cherish and define themselves by loyalty and honesty on some level, no matter how small or big. One example being when Robert cheated on Maryse. Eve showed him no mercy, and viciously came to her defense, followed closely by her mate Alec and brother Jace, whenever the two older Shadowhunters disagreed on any level. Eve would do nothing to hide her disdain for Robert even to his face. In Eve's mind, an attack to a family member might as well be a direct attack on her. 
Important Trivia: Evangeline was extremely close to her grandmother, Imogen, during her two years as a resident at the Herondale Manor. As soon as Evangeline was born Imogen loved her granddaughter as much as she loved her beloved Stephen; quite a few would say even more than Stephen. Imogen took care of Evangeline while Celine rested from the extremely hard labor she went through. Imogen was she first and only person to call her, little angel, derived from her first name. Imogen would also occasionally call her Josie-Bear when playfully teasing her. However, that was a rare occurrence as Imogen preferred little angel as she saw the name fit to describe the light that her little angel brought into her grandmother's world. After Imogen lost her shadow-mate and son she was devastated, but she managed to keep it together with the hopes that she would be with her granddaughter again. However, as soon as she received word that Evangeline was kidnapped, and likely dead after a raid in Herondale manor that left Celine and her unborn grandson dead. All the light left her and with the grief of losing her Evangeline turned her harshly bitter and hostile to the world around her. Imogen's once very warm aura died and was replaced with a shell of a woman who showed no mercy and kindness what so ever. In late 2007 she received word that a family of Shadowhunters that didn't belong to any institute showed up at the new York institute. One of which was the shadow mate of Alec Lightwood. However that's not what caught Imogen's interest. It was the fact that her last name was Fray but she was adopted and bared a striking resemblance to the Herondales and her first and middle name was Evangeline Josie. Imogen trying not to get her hopes up, after thinking her granddaughter dead for so long, decided to go to the new York institute and see for herself. There she identified Eve as her granddaughter based off the birthmark over her heart and blonde hair and gold eyes. Rare physical features supposedly only her granddaughter possessed; even though Jace held the same features, the only different being that the Herondale birthmark was on his shoulder and not over his heart. Imogen appeared to return to her old self instantly as her eyes welded up with tears and she gave Eve a watery smile while introducing herself as Evangeline's grandmother.
Evangeline was spoiled rotten by her grandfather, Marcus Herondale, who had always wanted a little girl. He was also the only one to ever call her Josie-bear and in response, after she was big enough to talk more, Eve would call her grandfather, papa bear.
Evangeline has a deep hatred for her mother's parents and the way they treated Celine. When Eve realized children would be the real outcome of her life now that she found her shadow- mate. She become nervous about motherhood. Concerned that she didn't know if she would be any good at it. Imogen and Jocelyn told Eve about how Celine's parents were towards her, and how different Celine was from them because of her childhood. Imogen spoke of how gentle Celine was with Eve. Always handling her like the most fragile precious treasure in the world. She always spoke so soft and gently to Eve, that in Imogen's mind, it seemed like Celine thought if she spoke to loud or to harsh that her beloved Evangeline might break and shatter. Imogen and Jocelyn told Eve not to worry so much, and pointed out the fact that because she was worrying so much proved that she wanted and would strive to be best mother for her children. 
Eve has always had a general love and great respect for her Biological mother, Celine, just because she was her mother by birth and title. However that love soon became very deep after hearing many stories from both Imogen and Jocelyn about how much Celine loved and cared for Evangeline before her abrupt and untimely death. However before Imogen or Jocelyn spoke in detail about Celine's relationship with her daughter; Eve deeply struggled with the small nagging doubts her mother ever truly wanted her or cared for her.
********************************************** Quotes spoken by Eve about the Montclaires: 
"Okay. Don't be like Mother's parents[Montclaires] under any circumstance goes without saying, but I'm gonna say it anyways. I'll just be like you two and Maryse. Did you guys happen to write personal survival guides during your time with raising kids. Cause I've always been on the opposite end up until this point." -Eve to Jocelyn and Imogen, on the do's and do not's of motherhood.
"They're NOT my family! Family doesn't do that to each other. Parents who claim to love their children do NOT do that to said children!" -Evangeline to The Clave, when questioned on her heritage and allegiance.
"I refuse to acknowledge they[Montclaires] were ever family at one point in time. Or at all for that matter." -Evangeline to The Clave, when questioned on her heritage and allegiance.
Quotes Spoken by Eve about her Enemies:
"Anyone who hurts my family, is no friend or ally of mine. They're my enemy." -Evangeline to Sebastian, delivering him a promising threaten when the two talked about Max's death and the Lightwoods grief over the youngest member's horrific death.
"I will hurt you for this. I'll kill you, one day, for what you have done! Not even the angel can save you. Your fate has been fixed." -Evangeline declares to Sebastian, infuriated over Max's death and the devastation it left her shadow-mate in.
"This is the beginning of the end. THEIR END, not ours." -Evie to Clary, in regard to their enemies and the end of The Dark War.
"I never lose, Jonathan. I hate losing. Failure is not a option for me. You should have learned that about me by now, Morgenstern." -Evangeline to Jonathan Morgenstern, on her Hatred for losing as she's seen, First hand, how costly it can be to lose. Especially if it's losing to Valentine and his followers.
Quotes Spoken by Eve about her mother, Celine:
"My mother LOVED me! I was WANTED and LOVED by my mother...and you[Valentine] took her away from me, along with my baby brother! Why did you do that?!" -Evangeline to Valentine, while desperately trying to understand why he would hurt her so deeply in such a way for no reason.
"You ripped my mother, my brother, and my world away from me...and because you took those things away; you also took my happiness away from me...and this is what you've done with it!" -Evangeline to Valentine, Outraged with Valentine, himself, and with his plans.
"I wonder anywhere from once everyday to infinity on what those two words would sound like falling from her[Celine] lips...My Evangeline." -Evie to Alec, about her mother's personal term of indearment for Eve.
Sneak Peak in The series: “Your Mother Loved You, Evangeline.”
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