#[ planning to do most of the harbingers eventually! ]
allfearstofallto · 6 months
How easy it would be to escape them
Yandere! Genshin Men x Fem! Reader
Ft: Diluc, Childe, Scaramouche
TW: Yandere Themes, Stalking, Mentions of Punishment
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Diluc - Difficulty Level: Very Easy
Do you think he doesn't regret what he's done? That he doesn't stay up all night, fighting internally with what he thinks he should do with you? Taking you was a spur of the moment thing, something that happened without a lot of thought put behind it. He just knew he needed you close. He needed you to be near. He needed you with him.
Because of this you're already able to push him around a fair bit. He gives you almost everything you want except for freedom, pure red eyes practically begging for your forgiveness.
He won't let you go if you just ask, he's not that lenient after all, but if he were to wake up one morning and you were not there, he'd go through so many emotions at one time. The manor would be searched from top to bottom, every nook and cranny searched for you. When you're not found a part of him feels calm, it feels satisfied. He stole you without your permission, so he's happy that you're finally free like you wanted. But there's also a tragic, gripping pain in his chest. You're gone, and he knows that he has no right to ask for you back. If you manage to leave Diluc, you'll probably never see him again.
Childe - Difficulty Level: Medium
His playfulness is simultaneously a ploy and his actual personality, such is the nature of him. He's so easy going most days, so funny and kind that part of you forgets that he's forced you into this. Until he has one of those bad days and you see the true strength and fury of a harbinger.
Even before you were stolen by Childe, you found him rather strange. Maybe it was the lack of light in his eyes, or how he casually talked about fighting and killing like it was nothing. Those should've been red flags, signals to stop talking to him, but his charm was laid on thick and suddenly you were stuck in his home in Snezhnaya.
Do you think you escaped because of your wit or because he let you? You'd never truly know the answer, but you thought it strange that you were able to leave his house without a single maid alerting him, without a single guard chasing you.
That sigh of relief you breathe when you're finally home may be the last one you get. Suddenly you feel so afraid constantly. You chalk it up to paranoia, but you can't stop looking over your shoulder. And then you start seeing traces of him. Fatui foot soldiers and letters with that familiar wax seal on them.
When you eventually see him, smiling at you casually like nothing is wrong, your heart practically shatters. You find yourself asking again, did you truly get away or did he let you? He always mentioned loving the chase.
Scaramouche - Difficulty Level: Very Hard
Good luck getting him to even trust you enough to let you roam the gardens without him. His home is a maze of eyes and watchful gazes, the only person you can rely on is yourself. There isn't really much you can do to get away from him, the house is guarded like a prison and Scaramouche himself is a tough man to get along with.
He loves you, he knows he does, that's what that painful feeling in his chest is, but he can't bring himself to even give you a taste of freedom. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. Because of that you often spend time sitting next to windows, longingly looking outside at the world you're convinced you'll never see again. Not without him breathing over your shoulder.
Let yourself get away if you dare, you'd better hope your plan is air tight. Scaramouche won't fall for the same tricks twice. Fool him once, shame on him, but fool him twice and you'll learn how truly kind he was being to you before. Hope and pray to whichever Archon you worship that when you get away, he won't find you. But getting away is just the beginning. Staying out of his reach is the hardest. His home isn't the only place where he has eyes everywhere.
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thewertsearch · 4 months
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ERIDAN: fight him ERIDAN: are you fuckin nuts ERIDAN: i slaughtered enough angels to knoww my limits and wwhere i stand against the lord of all angels they prophecized
If angels really do ‘usher in the end’, then the Lord Of All Angels would likely usher in a particularly dramatic ending.
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Sounds like Perfect Jack to me. He literally has feathery wings, and he’s the harbinger of this session’s ultimate demise.
As a First Guardian, if he turned his attention to ending a game of Sburb, he wouldn’t just erase your save – he’d likely break your console. Maybe he's not just the harbinger, but the mechanism of the troll session's ultimate end - the reason it eventually turns to static.
ERIDAN: of course im not gonna fight him i stand no chance in hell against that guy ERIDAN: im goin to join him […] ERIDAN: and youre gonna join me in joinin him too fef come on lets go
Fine, I’ll bite. Eridan, what the fuck are you doing?
ERIDAN: as the prince of hope im uniquely qualified to recognize wwhen all hope is lost ERIDAN: and im tellin you there is no hope not evven a little bit ERIDAN: only thing left to do is servve him and hope he spares us
And, Mr Ampora, would you care to show the class your evidence that Jack 'spares' people?
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I think, at this point, it's safe to say that Eridan's snapped.
The trolls have been stuck inside a rock for hours, hiding from an invincible threat that they don't really understand. They're all aware that they could die at any moment, and are surely living off adrenaline and cortisol at this point. Most of them can't even sleep, because the Furthest Ring just makes their headaches worse.
These kids have been pushed to breaking point. Vriska has already lost it, and now Eridan's following suit. He wants an end to this, especially even if it means betraying his stinky lowblood allies.
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And this is not going to end well for him.
Frankly, I don’t even think he's going to make it off the meteor. He's made the mistake of trying to recruit Feferi – somehow he’s actually deluded enough to think she’d join him – and now that he's revealed his plan, he’s going to be up against the entire meteor, or at least the trolls savvy enough to realize he’s dooming them all.
I have a lot of questions about his Hope wand, but one thing’s for sure – it can’t beat everyone. At best, he'll be imprisoned, because Karkat wouldn't want him killed, but if he throws hands with, say, Vriska, he's going to be reduced to a purple smear on the wall.
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daylightdabbles · 8 months
Winter Mornings
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It's the time of year when snow covers the ground, and the icy winds leaves your face stinging. How do your loves act during the darkest and coziest season?
Featuring: Thoma, Tartaglia, Kaedehara Kazuha, and Kaveh
Thoma, The Protector From Afar
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Winter in Inazuma tends to be rather mild. It doesn't reach the same freezing temperatures as Mondstadt and, while it does snow, often is easy to manage overall. It is the first winter you and Thoma are spending in your new home.
It isn't uncommon to go to sleep with Thoma in your arms and wake up with him gone. It's just the nature of his work, it requires him to be at the Kamisato Estate before the sun was. He would do his best to not disturb you as he got ready for the day ahead. On his way out, he would set up the kettle and leave a teabag in a cup, just to make it easier for you to get your morning drink.
He's gone most of the day, but you can occasionally run into him as he does errands for the Kamisato Clan. A chance meeting by the food vender during your lunchbreak becomes and invitation for you to accompany him as he gathers the items on his list. Thoma makes sure to get you a small treat before heading back to work, wishing you a good rest of the day at work.
By the time he comes back, Thoma's boots are caked in snow and his face rosy from the cold. He took some additional time before coming in to make sure the sidewalk in front of your home was shoveled and salted. He is tired, but seeing your face again puts the pep back in his step.
He helps prepare dinner with you, chopping up vegetables as you two chat, catching up with eachother. You find the feather light touch of his hands on your hips and his chin on your shoulder while you stir the pot, him listening intently as you talk about what you did that day. He doesn't get to spend much time with you during the day, so evenings hold a special place in his heart.
Thoma's body is warm, both naturally and because of the pyro vision on his belt. The two of you wind down as you sit on the couch doing your various hobbies. Thoma loves physical affection, so often times he's leans against you as he knits, simply enjoying your company.
Bedtime comes all too soon for his liking, but it's better than when you weren't living together. Now, he gets to go to sleep cuddling you every night. There is no more sneaking around the Kamisato Estate to spend the night with you or cold nights where sleep evaded him. Your nights are now just the feeling of his arms around you and your shared warmth ensuring a comfortable rest after a long day's work.
Tartaglia, The 11th of The Fatui Harbingers
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He's begged, damn near pleaded, that you come to Snezhnaya for the winter holidays. He has been with you for a while, and he wants more than to spend time with both his family and you. The mental image of you opening presents alongside his siblings makes his heart swell. Plied with honeyed words and the promises of him warming you up personally (which earned him flushed cheeks and a halfhearted scolding for saying that in public), you agree to go to Snezhnaya in the middle of winter.
The first thing he does when you two arrive in Morepesok was introduce you to his family. Teucer is practically glued to your side as Anton asks you a dozen questions about what it's like where you are from. Tartaglia's mother welcomes you with open arms, telling you all about how excited she is to meet the person her son wrote so much about. It's a lovely time and Tartaglia enjoys every second of it.
Tartaglia eventually says goodbye to his family and, hand tightly holding yours, walks you to the cabin he rented for the duration of his visit. It is already filled with goods, everything needed to make your favorite meals and to keep you both entertained during the evening.
He has planned out several activities for you to do together. He shows you how to ice fish one afternoon with Tonia. Another evening is occupied with dinner at his family's house. Morning, however, start the same. Wrapped up in thick, soft blankets, the two of you have a slow morning, enjoying the breakfast he made. He finds you so cute when you are all bundled up.
The Holiday Market in Morepesok market is a wonderful sight. Lights are stringed up around the town and people hawk their wares. Tartaglia leads you through the market, arm wrapped around you as you both delight over the festivities. He buys you anything he sees your eyes linger on, finding satisfaction in how much you like the hand pies an older woman sells.
He's a perfect gentleman throughout all of this, chatting with people he grew up with, showing you where he went to school or the shop where he got his first fishing pole from. There is the wisp of nostalgia in his words, eager to share every part of his childhood with you.
Eventually, the cold starts to get to you well before the dancing starts, so Tartaglia goes to get you a cup of something warm while you wait by a torch. You were looking around the street when you made eye contact with an older man across the street. He looks like your love but battered by a hard life. His heavy gaze lingers on you, carrying a sense of pity that left you more unsettled than it should. It lasts just for a moment before he turns around, walking away.
Later, when once more dining with Tartaglia's family, you see the strange man again. This time, its him when he's younger, smiling in his wedding picture. Tartaglia's mother apologizes for her husband again, saying a fisherman's work is never done.
Kaedehara Kazuha, The Scarlet Leaves Pursuing Wild Waves
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As a traveler, the experience of winter is something that varies wildly for Kazuha. Captain Beidou's ship will brave any storm and any ice float. With an experienced hand at the wheel, the Alcor continues its watch over the seas even as the rest of the world hides away from the ice.
You joined the Alcor's crew during this journey to Mondstadt's harbor.
Either with you deciding to travel with him full time, or if this is a rare occasion that you can accompany him on the Alcor, mornings with Kazuha were slow. Despite his penchant for waking up with the sun, Kazuha still makes sure you wake up with a kiss on your lips and a soft-spoken greeting.
Even though he woke up before you, winter inspired him to keep an ear out for when you were getting closer to waking up. A few minutes before you finally open your eyes, Kazuha sneaks back into your shared hammock in the crew quarters. You wake up with his chin on the crown of your head and his steady heartbeat, almost as if he was always there.
His smile is endearing as he coaxes you out of bed. The ship is already busy by the time you wake up. The deck is cleaned, and the crew is making themselves busy, checking to see if the ship has any minor damage from stray hunks of ice or the daily tasks to keep the Alcor running. With ease, Kazuha helps you get breakfast and talking about what he was doing while you were asleep.
Kazuha, with his soft manner and warm touch, manages to convince you to join him in the crow's nest as he keeps an eye on the Horizen on Captain Beidou's request. When you get up there, you realize that his beloved wind is colder up here. You have once more been bamboozled into being his personal heater as he drags you close and sticks his hands up your shirt.
Despite him stealing your warmth, your time with Kazuha is relaxing. Up in the crow's nest, it's so easy to have intimate conversations with your love. From poetry to hobbies and even him trying to teach you to listen to the wind, you feel closer than ever to him.
There is so much teasing from the crew when you two finally come down. Kazuha just smiles, happy to have you here with him. Kazuha's home is the world and the open sea, but having his heart with him brings him a warm feeling that he cannot describe. The look on your face when you saw the northern lights for the first time is something he wrote many poems on in an effort to immortalize it.
Kaveh, The Empyrean Reflection
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Kaveh has never seen snow in his life before, so when you showed him you had rented a cabin in Northern Fontaine, he was very excited. Winter has always been a large inspiration to architectural design, with buildings in colder regions taking on unique design features to keep their inhabitants warm. However, when he got there, it was a completely different story.
Kaveh is another lover who would cling to you like you were the last ember left in the hearth. It doesn't matter if it's barely sbelow freezing or if the temperature is in the negatives, Kaveh will act like he'll get frostbite if he's not sharing your body heat.
He's rather active once he gets comfortable with the cold. Bundled up in various jackets, scarves and layers of clothing (some of which he definitely stole from you), he's ready to explore the wonders of winter.
The snow-covered trees, frozen water, and even your footprints in the snow are really inspiring to Kaveh. While he has studied architectural styles from colder nations, being out in a snowy winter allows him to contextualize them. You're treated to long explanations and theories he has about why certain styles were developed and how he could take inspiration from them in his next work.
Kaveh's favorite part about this trip is just how long you stay in bed. Back in Sumeru, he would have to beg and pled for you to stay in bed to keep cuddling him. With it so cold outside, he wakes up long after sunrise with you still snuggled in his arms.
With your head resting against his chest, shielding you from the cold, Kaveh feels so wanted and comfortable. Please press a kiss into his skin, his heart will overflow.
Kaveh loves simple domestic moments with you the most and winter gives him the perfect opportunity to snuggle with his muse and enjoy the serenity of a quiet winter morning. He misses the rainforest and the calm of the desert, but he can see the unique beauty of a winter day.
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ironmandeficiency · 1 year
stupid goose
pairing: fíli / hobbit!reader
word count: 2953
summary: a goose followed fili into erebor and refused to leave
a/n: this has taken over my brain
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no one knew where that damn demon bird came from. all anyone knew is that when fíli returned from the markets of dale one day, he was trailed by a goose. this goose demanded in very angry honks to be let into erebor right behind the golden prince, and despite every attempt made to shoo the thing outside, the goose remained.
it honked during council meetings, entertained some of the young pebbles that had returned to erebor with their families, and generally caused a disturbance everywhere it waddled. fíli took to naming his new pet trøbbel, and he grew to appreciate the feathered chaos harbinger.
thorin couldn’t stand the damn thing. it would flap and honk and nip at him at the most odd times, namely when he was scolding his nephews. the king under the mountain was halfway convinced that fíli trained it to behave so.
the days turned to weeks, weeks into months, and trøbbel stuck around through it all. he was a common companion, and a very proper one indeed. eventually he learned some semblance of patience; the standard amount of patience in geese was alarmingly similar to the patience of dwarves.
trøbbel definitely lived up to his name, so much so that when bilbo sent word that he was planning a springtime visit to the mountain in a few months’ time, multiple correspondents thought it fit to warn their burglar about the newest addition.
“dear bilbo,
the company is delighted to hear of your pending visit to the mountain! many things have changed for the better since uncle was crowned king (not his temper, unfortunately for us all). everyone is looking forward to seeing you again, though i do carry a warning with this letter.
you see, a few months ago i involuntarily acquired a wild goose as a companion. he made himself known to me after leaving dale one afternoon and rather violently refused to be parted from my side.
this goose is a mighty beast that honks and bites diplomats (dwalin never loved him more than when he nipped at thranduil upon first glance of the elf) and steals food from the plates of those not paying attention. i warn you because trøbbel is very suspicious of new people, and i don’t want you falling victim to his wiles if he finds that you don’t have snacks for him upon arrival.
see you soon,
prince fíli”
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bilbo was baffled. he was confuddled, stupefied even. how in yavanna’s green gardens fíli ended up with a goose was beyond his reckoning. the last time he heard of a goose forcing its way into someone’s life in this manner was being told the story of how his parents met when he was a wee fauntling.
it was a somewhat rare phenomenon among hobbits to be found by a goose in such a way. they were said to guide hobbits to their soulmates, the other half of their soul as created by lady yavanna. the goddess had to create an animal stubborn enough to aid her hobbit children in finding their soulmates, one that could easily navigate the hills and rivers of their lands, and the goose was her solution.
even though erebor was no west farthing, bilbo could imagine that any goose worth its tail feathers would find a way to survive in the lonely mountain. and, based on the letter he just read, one has.
taking into consideration the thing’s audacity, that bird of fíli’s is definitely a soulmate goose, and a right bugger at that.
the first thing he now had to do was inform fortinbras of this development. as thain and cousin, bilbo was sure that he could find some sound advice there.
now, if bilbo could figure out how to explain that fíli has a hobbit for a soulmate without putting thorin and balin into their deathbeds, that would be just peachy.
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“i cannot believe you, tansy!”
“yeah you better run, you wretched thing!”
tansy the goose had to be the biggest pain in the backside you’ve ever met, and that’s saying something considering the run-ins you’ve had with the bracegirdles.
she followed you to the markets, when you went on walks among the meadows and fields, and even snuck into the washroom to be there when you bathed. in your opinion, it was all a bit too much.
your tansy gave the wizard gandalf a run for his money when it came to disturbing the peace. on days you went to the market, she would follow you and honk all the way at passersby and intimidate them off the dirt path you were on.
she also picked up a very peculiar habit of trying to (and sometimes succeeding to) snag fine jewelry from the booths of dwarrow traveling through from the blue mountains. every time you would turn and see a shiny glint of silver or gold hanging from her beak, your heart would drop to your feet in fear. thus far, the merchants you’ve encountered were very understanding of your feathery thief and harbored no ill will against you as you returned their wares to the tune of an angry goose.
while those situations were mortifying and anxiety-inducing, you’ve reached the end of your rope today. tansy has committed a grievous sin by brutalizing your blackberry patch to the point of there being almost nothing left worth eating and you’ve had it up to your ears with her.
you chased her with a wooden spoon as you ranted about her foul deed and resolved to talk to someone about what to do about tansy the chaos goose. maybe the thain would have some advice?
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“uncle! we’ve got a reply from bilbo!” kíli waved the letter in the air excitedly as he barged into his uncle’s chambers.
fíli follows kíli in, rolling his eyes as he snatches the parchment from his brother’s hand. “no, i got a reply from bilbo.”
the golden prince makes no mention of the second page bilbo wrote to him with explicit instructions to keep it to himself. that morsel of information was for him and him alone - well, for him and trøbbel, of course.
“hurry up and read it!”
“i would if you’d stop flapping about like trøbbel!”
in response to being compared to kíli (or maybe just hearing his name), trøbbel honked indignantly.
“dearest fíli,
it pleases me greatly to know that erebor is flourishing under your uncle’s rule. i am most excited to see you all again, especially in the comforts of your home.
while i thank you for your warning, i have some news of my own to share. there will be a hobbitess accompanying me on my trip-“
thorin cut off his nephew, his bright mood upon receiving bilbo’s correspondence immediately clouding over. “he’s bringing a hobbit lass?” the king’s thoughts immediately sour with thoughts of his burglar introducing the company to a spouse wooed by his tales of adventure.
both brothers caught the sudden wave of melancholy that surged through their uncle. his feelings for bilbo were a poorly-kept secret among the company, but there were none who had the courage to call attention to it.
“you’re almost as bad as kee with interrupting me,” fíli chastised before clearing his throat to continue.
“-there will be a hobbitess accompanying me on my trip that shares in your feathered predicament. with the description you gave me of your trøbbel, i’d bet all of my fourteenth share that he’d get along swimmingly with her tansy. she’s a menace, that one.”
“see uncle, you can remove that frown! bilbo isn’t courting anyone back in the shire!” kíli interjected with a small smile and an elbow nudge, hoping to goad thorin back into a good mood.
fíli sighed the sigh of a long-suffering older brother. “this is exactly what i mean when i talk about you interrupting me, kee!”
“but he was sad!”
“and i’m annoyed!”
one word put the squabbling siblings back in line.
“sorry, uncle.”
“do continue, fíli.”
“i send this letter ahead of me from bree. i hope you receive it in proper time so you can prepare the mountain for the impending doom that will be brought upon by two geese occupying erebor.
if you note the bite marks in bottom right corner and the occasional blots of stray ink on the parchment, those are courtesy of tansy. she sends her well wishes along with mine.
your burglar,
bilbo baggins”
thorin looks at trøbbel where he’s squatted directly on top of thorin’s favorite bedpillow like the cruel beast he is. the smug bastard has a wicked gleam in his eye as if he knows he’ll soon have a partner in crime to terrorize the whole mountain alongside.
oh mahal, please watch over this mountain.
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erebor was teeming with anticipation, both for the arrival of the famed dragonriddler and for the next act of war from trøbbel. for nigh on three weeks, the royal bird has been eerily well-behaved. this was so out of character that fíli carried his companion to óin in the hopes the healer could figure out what malady had struck his friend.
there was nothing obvious to blame for the sudden silence of the royal bird, so the healer told fíli to watch over his bird and take as good care of him as possible.
he didn’t know much of anything about geese, so he simply opted to treat his companion like kíli when he was sick.
a cozy new bed was constructed, fíli monitored his food, and things seemed to be getting better. trøbbel slowly came back to his regular gremlin self, causing chaos that was mildly tamer than before.
at least the mountain didn’t get too comfortable without his shenanigans, because when bilbo arrived with his companion and their goose, all hell broke loose.
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“hmm,” bilbo hummed to himself as he observed tansy sitting demurely on her designated pillow. she’d been oddly calm today, as if she knew where her company was going.
when bilbo explained the significance of tansy’s appearance in your life, you were flabbergasted. the idea of true soulmates was a sweet one yet painfully unrealistic in your eyes, something you read in bedtime stories. but with both bilbo and thain fortinbras’s confirmation that you received a soulmate goose from yavanna, you couldn’t deny it any longer.
then bilbo claimed he knew your soulmate and had fought alongside him against trolls and goblins and orcs and a dragon. he told you that he was rather fond of the dwarves of erebor, and that they were rambunctious and honorable.
but when he spoke of king thorin, the uncle of your soulmate, something was decidedly different from how he spoke of the rest of the company he kept. you could see the way his body visibly relaxed, how his eyes were softer and the appearance of pink on the tips of his ears.
your friend clearly held something more than respect for the dwarf king.
one night around the campfire, you told tansy about your suspicions. for a hooligan goose, she was a rather good conversationalist.
“i think bilbo loves that king of his, tansy.”
“exactly! that’s what i was thinking!”
tansy honks back in response. living among hobbits, she seemed to pick up on some social etiquettes and right now, it was as if you were pleasantly chatting over afternoon tea.
you pondered what to do about this new development. bilbo was always seen as a bachelor, someone unattainable by shire standards. but just maybe, by the grace of yavanna, he’ll find his love in the heart of a king.
“say tansy,” a soft honk of acknowledgement came from your goose, “when you’re done leading me to my soulmate, can you help bilbo find his?”
in years to come, you will swear by the fact tansy nodded at you that evening by the fire.
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“they’re here!”
“our burglar has returned!”
in the distance, they could see bilbo making his way towards the front entrance of erebor and unbridled joy swept through the company. how they’ve all missed their burglar in his absence from the mountain.
bard was walking alongside bilbo, who had dismounted from his pony when he entered dale and was guiding him along by the reins. at bilbo’s other side was another hobbit, presumably the lass he mentioned in his letter, and waddling with pride beside them was a goose wearing a red ribbon tied into a neat bow.
fíli made a break for the front gates as soon as the horn announcing bilbo’s arrival echoed through the crisp air. he genuinely missed bilbo and was plenty excited to meet the goose (and the hobbitess) described in his letters.
trøbbel dutifully followed behind his dwarf, waddling just fast enough to keep pace. at first. but in the distance, the royal goose of erebor heard a honk that resonated so deeply in him that he couldn’t dawdle with fíli, he had to go immediately.
his orange webbed feet pitter-pattered on the stone floors with the intensity of oliphaunts and the speed of rhosgobel rabbits, honking all the way. members of the company hollered after the speeding goose but trøbbel paid them no heed, far too focused on his destination.
“oi! trøbbel you mangy beast, get back here!”
“you ain’t beatin’ us to our burglar!”
the dwarves stood no chance at catching him, only following behind him like goslings in a rather lopsided row. apparently, trøbbel was going to beat them.
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tansy was going to turn you grey long before your time if she had anything to say about it.
that wild beast of a bird strutted into dale with the attitude of the most pretentious hobbits in the west farthing, catching all sorts of strange looks from the big folk who never beheld such a human-acting animal. she honked and nodded to the growing crowd in greeting. you sighed at her antics but carried on, watching as bilbo’s entire countenance changed the closer he got to his dwarrow.
watching the entrance to the dwarven kingdom grow ever closer, you felt strangely lighter, almost as if you were coming home.
before you knew it, there was a stampede of dwarrow emerging from the front gates headed straight towards you and bilbo, led by a goose. logic told you that they were his friends from the journey, that they missed him more than you could imagine missing anyone.
but then tansy let out a screeching honk unlike anything you’ve ever heard in all your days. she immediately bolted for the feathered line leader, not even the slightest bit worried about being trampled by the pounding feet of dwarrow.
“tansy! tansy! oh you reckless fiend, you’re lucky i didn’t cook you on the way here!”
chasing after her was a terrible idea. instead, you elected to watch from beside your pony and hope for the best.
recalling bilbo’s stories, you could point out a few of his companions. bombur with his braided beard that weaves into itself, nori with the star points atop his head, thorin with his raven-colored hair…
the king of erebor was running like a hooligan towards bilbo at full speed, a wide smile on his face that bilbo led you to believe was a nigh impossible feat.
you nudge your friend with a smile, wondering why his feet weren’t going a mile a minute to reunite with his dwarf. “go to him,” you whispered. this seemed to spur him into action, bilbo making a mad dash for his king.
when thorin caught bilbo in a leaping embrace, their laughter was infectious. even tansy was honking joyously with them, echoed by another bit of loud honking you couldn’t place.
looking over, your tansy was nuzzling with the ereborian goose. they were waddling around each other inquisitively at first, then plopped down to the side of the path to watch the joyous reunion of king and burglar.
within moments, you realized what this meant: your soulmate was on his way. oh green gardens, you weren’t ready!
meeting your prince soulmate now, after a ragged journey across middle earth while covered in yavanna-knows-what, had your nerves vibrating with tension. your hands were clammy, eyes flitting around to spot him based on bilbo’s descriptions.
“trøbbel! oi you bugger, how dare you run ahead!”
you heard one voice clearly through the thicket of joyous bustling, and the entire world came to a screeching halt.
your soulmate wore a smile that could have blinded you, and his laughter put you in a tailspin. in the golden light of morning, his hair shone like the wheat fields you grew up playing in.
you had to be closer to him without another moment’s delay.
without your permission, your feet began to carry you into the growing crowd of dwarrow towards fíli. part of you wanted to dig your heels into the dirt because you didn’t know what to say to him! how did one even begin to introduce themselves to the person that the gods made to be their other half?
turns out you didn’t have to answer that question on your own.
in the time he spent on the road with bilbo, fíli learned quite a few pieces of important information about hobbits. they valued their food and their gardens, and placed great importance on flowers and their meanings. so when presented with his hobbit soulmate, he knew exactly how to make a good first impression.
presenting you a few sprigs of purple lilacs, he approached his one with a charming smile. “i imagine you’re starving from the trip here, love. would you like me to fetch you a warm meal straight from the royal kitchens?”
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sometimesraven · 3 months
how Empire of Death failed to mimic the scale of Infinity War, and what I would do differently
I'm just ranting here bc I had the thoughts and realised they were gonna go on too long for the tags of a reblog.
So I've already mentioned that the sand of death should have been the cliffhanger. The Sutekh reveal was cool and metal af, but imagine if it had gone on juuust a little longer and the credit theme rolls in just as Kate turns to dust. Imagine how much harder that would hit!
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We would sit with that final image for a whole week, letting the shock and excitement build, even if we know they'd never kill both Kate and Rose and this would all be reset, the shock of the scene would still be impactful because we have time for it to truly sink in and hit us fully.
But I think the real reason Infinity War's ending hit harder than this is because we had real stakes. Thanos had been an imposing presence through the whole movie, killing or overpowering beloved and powerful characters we'd grown to see as untouchable.
Those stakes started at the literal beginning of the episode. Loki, a beloved character, is killed. The Hulk, who had literally JUST gone toe to toe with a god, is thrown aside like a toy.
The stakes remained through the story, when Gamorrah is killed, then continue all the way to the end when Vision is sacrificed only for that sacrifice to mean nothing.
Then the snap happens, some of the most beloved characters die in a slow, carefully crafted series of scenes with phenomenal acting.
And then the movie ends. We're left to sit with that for however long it takes for the finale, and even if we know most of the characters will be back it hurts because that emotion and tension and buildup comes to that horrible conclusion and leaves us to sit with it.
I'm not saying Sutekh should have killed anyone to raise the stakes. I'm saying that there was absolutely zero build-up to him within TLoRS itself, and therefore we as viewers don't truly know the stakes. The "He Who Waits" stuff was good to show us "hey, all these other gods are peanuts compared to this one", but that's about all we got.
And it's frustrating because not only has Doctor Who done this kind of high-stakes villain reveal and cliffhanger before in a much more effective way, but also IT WAS RUSSEL WHO DID IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME.
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I firmly believe the finale should have been in three parts, not two.
I don't know if this is strictly Russel's fault or if Disney's restrictions were partly to blame, but let's look at how the Series 3 (2007) finale did what the Season 1 (2024) finale tried and failed to do.
Part One
Utopia plays out much like The Legend of Ruby Sunday does: they're exploring something self-contained but eventually related to the plot (end of the universe vs ruby's mother), they meet an enigmatic stranger who will later turn out to be the villain/part of the villain (Yana vs Triad), and the episode ends with the cliffhanger of them realising there's actually a Big Bad from the past that nobody was expecting (The Master vs Sutekh).
I think in the case of a 3 part episode I would have TLoRS end with Sutekh being revealed in a way that doesn't have him at his full power yet. I'm not sure exactly how I'd execute that but it would have the same impact w. Harbinger and Susan, only without Sutekh's full manifestation at the end; maybe he appears on the screens or in that smoky form around the TARDIS. Hell, maybe he would fully manifest but just be unable to dust the universe yet. I'd maybe even have him kill Kate and Unit there but not the world, to establish how powerful this guy is. I'd maybe have Ruby be with Mel instead of the Doctor, so that she's away from this initial death wave.
Part Two
The Sound of Drums then spends time establishing who the Master is for new viewers, and the kind of relationship he has with the Doctor. The stakes slowly build, any potential help is removed, and the Doctor's final plan is foiled, leaving him captured and powerless as the Master initiates the apocalypse.
Perhaps if instead of being with Susan, the Doctor tries to take back control of the TARDIS and ends up trapped with Sutekh controlling her?
Maybe they figure out how since Wild Blue Yonder, the TARDIS has specifically been taking them to places that would empower Sutekh with more death and chaos, rather than just where the Doctor needs to be -- the Maestro, Finetime, even Boom... all that death and chaos empowering Sutekh to finally take his god-form due to the invocation of superstition making his myth reality.
Maybe at this point it would show that the deaths in Unit were just the beginning -- that through those deaths Sutekh was able to reach back to the entire family line of each member he killed: Donna + family, even Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart had been killed before his time. This would establish in the Doctor some guilt that actually makes sense -- he didn't have to turn to Unit for help with Susan and Ruby's mother, but he did, and he didn't notice something was wrong with the TARDIS even though he'd been aware of her odd behaviour of late. He unwittingly brought Sutekh to UNIT and caused their deaths, sending that final ripple of chaos and death that allows Sutekh to take his final form. And now that he's gained enough power, he can coerce the TARDIS in giving her memory to him; of everywhere she's ever landed, past present and future.
The Doctor is forced to watch from the posessed TARDIS as first the Earth, then the Universe, is slowly destroyed, believing everything to be dead, including Ruby and Mel.
Part Three
In Last of the Time Lords, we focus on the Doctor's companions gathering hope and saving the world while the Doctor is helpless.
Unbeknownst to the Doctor, Ruby and Mel have made it back to UNIT. Maybe one of them remember how vivid the TARDIS seemed in the memory room and, in a last-ditch attempt to escape, try to enter it -- discovering the Memory TARDIS within.
This is why I have Ruby and Mel still reach the Memory TARDIS. Much like the companions do on their own in the Tales of the TARDIS clips I've seen, they realise this is a TARDIS made of memories and wonder if they can use that somehow. Ruby realises, as it begins to snow and the screens inside the ship turn on, that her strange memory power is keeping the TARDIS functional, and it shows them through the screens how to fly it.
Mel suggests this all seems to connect back to Ruby somehow, and the memory TARDIS responds positively. They start to go back through Ruby's memories in summary, trying to figure out what they're missing, and realise as her memories flick through on the screen -- one of them is unfamiliar. The Roger Ap Gwilliam realisation happens as normal, they go to find the medical record of Ruby's mum, Mel is fighting posession and decides to take HERSELF out of the room to "keep watch", knowing she won't be able to fight off Sutekh for long. Just as Ruby is about to find the name, she glances back at a noise behind her -- only to see Mel approaching her.
She just barely manages to grab the still-processing screen and escape, but now she's all alone and the screen has nothing to connect to. She never got her mother's name, but the records are still on there waiting to be processed. She realises Sutekh needs the records that are here, and that if Mel reaches her and gets the memory screen from her, she might get her mother's name and give it to him. She realises her only choice is to destroy the only records of her mother she has and accept she may never find her birth mother.
We have a tender moment of her with her face buried in her knees, crying amid the dust, she's all alone and she doesn't understand anything and she was so close but everything is ruined, it's like she's cursed -- she remembers her friends questioning her bad luck, wonders if maybe it was her all along and never the goblins. She wonders if the Doctor is alive, mourns that she can't turn to him, curses him for never finding out who her mum was sooner so they could avoid all of this, begs him to come back so he can tell her what to do because she has no idea who she is without someone to guide her.
Then remembers Carla. Maybe a flashback to something Carla said to her when she was younger; some motivational line about how she's not alone, she never has been; she's got a family even if it's not the one she expected. It doesn't matter where she comes from. It doesn't matter who her birth parents are. She has a real family to save, and that includes The Doctor. She pushes to her feet, still holding the screen, and returns to the memory TARDIS alone.
Meanwhile, the Doctor is being taunted by Sutekh. His only home; his safe place has been turned into a trap of torment and even as he tries desperately to gain some kind of control over her, Sutekh recites the losses and deaths the Doctor has caused. While he shows on the TARDIS screens all the places the sands of death have touched so far, he brings up Gallifrey, and the Flux, how Sutekh prides himself on being a god of Death but honestly he could never dream up something as destructive as the Doctor.
Just as the Doctor is about to give up, he sees Ruby, defiantly approaching Sutekh in the remains of UNIT's headquarters. His eyes gleam as he looks up to the bright red glow of his posessed ship's console, relief painted all over his face.
"I'm nothing like you," he says, even as he watches Ruby intensely; as worried as he is excited, "You exist to bring death and destruction and decay to this universe, but that's not me. Death and loss have followed me a long, long way but if there's one thing I have that you don't, it's hope."
Outside, Ruby is shouting and brandishing the memory screen. "Oi! You great big god of nothing! Is this what you want?"
She smashes it. Tough, she says. Sutekh roars and tears stream down her face. She's visibly terrified, but she stands tall.
"I was so confused," she tells him, "I kept thinking: why me? What's this got to do with me? But I think-.. I-I think I know why you're so interested in my mum. I think I know why I'm still alive."
She delivers a speech about what she's seen and learned from the Doctor: what survives of us is love. She realises that Sutekh is so interested in her mum because the one thing she feels deep in her gut is that her birth mother loves her, and the one thing he can't understand is love surviving despite grief. Ruby loves her mother despite never knowing her, Ruby loves her adopted family, Ruby loves the Doctor, and love is survival and love is life.
It starts to snow as she remembers everything she possibly can; every little gesture from people she loved and lost, every story she made up about her mum, every time Carla has been there for her, every time her friends have ditched parties to come stay with her overnight because she's staying in a hotel somewhere and she's scared to be alone. Sutekh roars and is clearly weakening but it's not quite enough, and the Doctor finally manages to break free of the TARDIS as Sutekh's hold on her weakens. He reaches for Ruby, cradles her in his arms as she runs to him, kisses her on the head and tells her how brave she is and how proud he is, then pulls her to the TARDIS console.
The ship immediately takes off, trying to shake off Sutekh while Sutekh tries to shake Ruby and the Doctor out of her. They're careening through the vortex, TARDIS doors stuck wide open, and the Doctor quickly slips a Mavity glove onto Ruby's hand, yanks off a panel of the TARDIS, and presses her hand to the psychic membrane underneath. He tells her to hold on for dear life and remember everything. The TARDIS amplifies her memories, feeds that love and life straight into Sutekh, and the Doctor gives one last speech about how humanity survives over and over despite their mortality, how human love is life, how Ruby is life. As Sutekh begins to break apart, we see people start to return from the dust.
As the story comes to a close, the Doctor apologises to Ruby. He suggests that maybe they could go forward and find that DNA result again, but Ruby declines. She says it's not fair to use something that was taken from her mum against her will as a tool to find her. She accepts that she might never find out who her birth mum is, but that's okay -- because she's realised her real family have been with her all along. The abandonment will never leave her, but after losing the whole world the only thing she wants right now is to see Carla again.
They part ways with Ruby cautioning the Doctor that maybe he should go find Susan some day. She must be feeling pretty abandoned too. And the episode ends basically the same way, only with Ruby making peace not knowing who her mum is -- meaning the mystery is left open for now in a more satisfying way.
I dunno. This got away from me a lil. I just think there's so many places this story could have been taken and it missed the mark in so many ways.
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fatuismooches · 8 months
i think there was an ask about father dottore but maybe i hallucinated it i dont know but now i want to talk about it
anyway one of my favorite genres of father dottore is him with an adopted child, especially if his intent is just to have an assistant who's dependent on him. Mainly because he would constantly be telling himself that he shouldn't get attached, reminding the child not to call him "father" or "dad" but rather "doctor". But he ends up getting attached anyway when he sees said child gets super excited seeing something they worked hard on work out as planned. He realizes it and goes "well shit."
I also think the interactions between him and the other Harbingers would be, Really funny.
"There seems to be some mortal instincts that haven't yet abandoned me."
"You got attached."
"You know absolutely nothing about me, shut your mouth immediately."
I don't think he would realize it right away though, maybe he would get upset at the child growing up, trying to show they can do things on their own, like getting breakfast for themselves, he suddenly feels, Really Upset because hes like, "do they not need me anymore?" but then the child can't do a mundane task without his help and he's just mentally, "stupid brat can't even tie their shoes, I'll be fine." I feel like it would only be when he stops correcting the child when they call him "dad" or whatever is when he knows he really got attached.
I feel like, even if he's still reprimanding himself to not feel sympathy or love for the child, he'd keep them away from the more... biological experiments. I feel like probably one of the if not the most intelligent person in genshin impact would acknowledge the type of developmental impact that could have on a 6 year old or something, but he's totally not attached wdym
- 🎈 anon
(x) Il Dottore considers himself someone who's exceptional at predicting things, always many steps ahead, but this is one thing he could have never seen for himself in the future. A child dropped on his doorstep by his fellow Harbinger, adoption papers somehow already signed by that damn banker. The thing staring up at him with wide, curious eyes and also playing with the long glowing thing that hangs from his clothes. Well, this certainly wasn't what he had in store for the year.
In the beginning, he's rather exasperated because what does he do with this child. He barely takes care of himself much less a kid. When the kid starts doing strange kid things how does he deal with that. The child is probably a wee bit scared of him at first (the intimidating stare with his neck craned down doesn't help) but you eventually encourage the bb to try spending time with their "father." When he starts seeing the child peeking through the crack in the door he ignores them at first, but the gasps and awes at all the "cool things" he does, make him leave the door open wider and wider, every day.
And then instead of the doorway, the child is watching from a chair. And then next to him. And then in his arms. And then trying the same things (safely) with their tiny hands. Even you could not have predicted him getting so attached. Pantalone and Bina 100% make fun of him for that, Dottore despises it and it's even worse when they come around and the child is insistent on clinging to him while the two look on in amusement. He doesn't like admitting how he's grown a "small" soft spot for the child, but as the years go by and the fact the child still lives in the lab, it's really obvious.
There have been times when you have walked in on him and the child bonding (although he vehemently denies it). Dottore accidentally fell asleep with the child who's cuddled into his chest, and you just smile before pulling the blankets over and joining them. And he wakes up to his "family." He despises how much this feeling affects him... but he... likes it.
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Genshin Impact Kami Scaramouche Alternate Universe
Or GIKSAU for short A short world building post of what it would look like if The Balladeer won
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Right so let's talk about Scaramouche. As much as we adore him being Wanderer I feel as though we brush past his godhood far too quickly, I am here to correct that error with an AU.
What if he won? What would he do?
This blog will basically be my interpretation on what could happen, however there are plenty of other timelines that I may briefly mention.
He wouldn't enjoy endless power for long, the Tsaritsa still wants the Archon's Gnosis for whatever reason, and I highly doubt she'd just let him have it. His grace period lasts for a few days at most. He will be in a constant state of anxiety when the Fatui inevitably make their move to take his Gnosis back. On the surface, the Fatui have total control over Sumeru, but underneath that mist of deception is a tense stand-off between Scaramouche and an army. Both sides awaiting for the other's first move.
A fight between Harbingers will come eventually.
Scaramouche needs to plan carefully. Dottore made him, and he can take him apart just as easily.
As much as Scaramouche would adore waging war against the Electro Archon, he must focus on the war currently knocking down his door.
Dwelling on that could take years off of my lifespan so let's move onto something ever so slightly less tense.
As intense as the Fatui can be, it's expected that the people are affected too. Sumeru, known for its colourful culture has taken a bleak turn. The colours are darker, the air crackles with something suffocating, and it's already beginning to become dystopian. Even the forests have gotten darker.
The only "safe" place is the desert. Plenty of people have fled to Aaru Village to escape the wrath of the Fatui. Rations are slimmer, entitlement is at an all time high, and the village is overpopulating.
So many still held out hope for Lesser Lord Kusanali, but that hope was swiftly stomped out during her public execution.
The Sages cannot even celebrate their victory. After discovering their plans to manipulate Scaramouche, the god decided to make an example out of Azar. Not one of the Sages will step a foot out of line now.
The culture would not change overnight, but Inazuman inspired themes would begin popping up in everyday fashion, architecture and cuisine. The mixture of two separate cultures aren't always smooth, but Scaramouche's underlings find a way to make it work.
The city would expand, aristocrats from Snezhnaya finding their new vacation home, or some moving permanently. The higher class would take over the city in no time, and the remaining Sumeru residents must adapt if they wish to stay. Dori has certainly been having a lovely time engaging with more people with her acquired tastes.
The arts have not completely died, but it is more or less preserved for the higher class. Scaramouche could care less, this is more of the doing of the people, it's considered a great honour if he shows up for a performance. Zubayr Theatre has been completely renovated, it's one of the only places without an Inazuman touch to it. Nilou fought tooth and nail to keep it that way.
Nilou is still praised for her stunning performances, but it's always spoken in a condescending manner. Very similar to how obnoxious tourists speak to the residents. The theatre seats are always full, the only reason being so that the aristocrats can claim to be cultured. Poor Nilou being used as an object for someone to brag about. Her passion for dancing has nearly been drained from her, the only time she's happy is when she's dancing with the children of Aaru village.
Don't think I've forgotten about Haypasia. In honour of her being Scaramouche's first follower, she has been appointed as the High Priestess of Sumeru. Her sermons are passionately insane, speaking of sacrificing their mind to their god, purging their own human emotions. Only the extremists seem to appear to the temple regularly.
Soon a new face will arrive some time after, when Scaramouche has asserted his dominance over the nation. You will witness first hand of the unspoken truths of the city.
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anonbinaryweirdo · 11 months
"hopeful promises" childe x reader
(angst, hurt/no comfort.) major character death, one mention that captain guy, a bit rushed
gn reader, unspecified pronouns or descriptions for reader. this was in my drafts for two months. enjoy :}
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you can recall every other time you were able to make it to the docks upon his arrival.
from the time you went to bed the night before, to the time you push past crowds of dozens just to reach his embrace, your heart exhilarated just at the thought of seeing his face once more--no matter how long the separation lasted.
and you knew that he, too, was always beyond ecstatic to spot you in the crowds of many. it didn't ever matter how many people in the crowd had similar traits as yourself or wore the similar clothes as you, as he would always make a beeline to you the moment he's off his ship. there could be a thousand identical to you around you both, but he'll always know where you are, amidst the crowd.
and so you waited today, waited for that familiar freckled face to disembark the large boat and become one of the many on land again. eventually, the sun started to set, and no more ships entered the harbor. disappointed, you went back to your home.
you checked the date again, and the last letter he sent you impending his return, which swore that today was the day.
but, alas, you knew of his job. you knew what you signed up for.
so you kept going back to wait, day after next, for him to come back to you.
today marks day eleven of stepping out onto that bridge, and the sun was already out of the sky, descending behind the hills over by the shielded horizon. you sigh, and drag yourself back home.
as you were about to stick the key into its keyhole, out of the corner of your eye, you spot a sealed envelope resting on the chair you two had planned to throw out. he had bought it for you a long while back, but recently decided to throw it out as he had planned to get you another one as, he says, "royalty only deserves the best reserved spot to rest their weary legs," he couldn't have you sitting on something uncomfortable.
you smile and grab the envelope, readjusting it so you can properly hold the key between the middle joint of your index finger and the pad of your thumb, pushing it into the knob and twisting it before making your way inside.
you kick off your shoes, and immediately work on unsealing the envelope, pulling out the paper hidden inside, for your eyes only.
to your surprise, it wasnt from him or his family. rather—from another harbinger—the one he would always tell you about.
your heart skipped a beat, but not in the way it usually woul whenever he had something to do with it. you didn't realize you were holding a breath, your eyes scanning down the words that read;
"to [name]; Ajax's partner,"
you didn't have to read far to have your heart stop beating in your ribcage, feelin like all beats were skipped entirely, as you read;
"we're sorry for your loss. but we are afraid that Tartaglia won't be making it home today, or any time coming forward. as you may know, the eleventh was always up for a challenge, always willing to push past his limits to proclaim victory against even the strongest of foes.
however, that wasn't the case this time — for he had lost his head in battle, and his corpse was frostbitten; hardly recognizable.
this was a battle that not even her highest, the tsaritsa's most loyal soldier could win. im sorry.
all regards,
Il C."
that was—
... you simply couldn't believe it.
but even as you tried to fight reality, every teardrop that fell onto the trembling paper, which was now crumbling with wetness, brought you back again.
there was a reason as to why his eyes got more dull than present whenever he promised you—pinkie promised you that he'd be home. there was a reason he looked guilty everytime he promised his return would be set in stone, and you both knew that reason all too well.
and yet, you still couldn't believe it. how could you?
there was also a reason as to why he left that same, nearly torn up scarf with you, everytime he departed from home. he told you, "keep it. if there comes a day where I don't return to your arms, you'll still have something of me you can hold, even then."
maybe you could have taken this better if only he hadn't promised he'd be back.
no, no, that's not the case. it's not like.. it's not like he lied.
that's exactly what he did.
he left you with hope every day, and each day that hope would turn to be true—each day except today, where you falsest of hopes were being forced to endure.
"baby," he would say, turning to you with a smile on his face—one that never seemed to reach his eyes. "im heading out now."
and you would respond, "for how long?"
"a couple of weeks." he heaved a sigh, already dreading being out of your reach for longer than an hour. "but it's alright.. I'll be back. it's nothing I can't handle."
you nodded, "I know." yet, there was a falter in your gaze that only he seemed to catch, reaching for your cheek to cup it as he pressed your foreheads together. "do you have my scarf?"
you nod again. "it's under your pillow." he laughed—and it would be the last you'd hear it.
"good.." he stared down at you, those blue eyes swirling with contemplation, before being replaced with the faintest of guilt as he holds up his pinkie.
you hesitate—just like all the other times—but link your own with his.
and always, he starts off—always, for—unbeknownst to you—he deliberately makes sure that the last line is yours to recite. everytime, without fail.
“you make a pinky promise, you keep it all your life."
"you break a pinkie promise, I throw you on the ice."
"the cold will kill the pinkie that once betrayed your friend.." he trailed off, and he can feel the pit in his stomach grow as he awaits your finish to the lullaby.
and now, that pit in your stomach was twice as big, now that you were thinking back on everything. oh, how you regret making such promises with him. ones that, even you knew would fail to be upheld one day.
yet, you foolishly finished; "and the frost will freeze your tongue off, so you never lie again.”
how true it turned to be.
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stephadoo · 3 months
Okay, I’ve been seeing some speculation about this as we’ve gone through the season and I just wanted to put it all together before the finale kicks off.
Spoilers ahead! A lot of it is speculation but there are a few things that are actual spoilers.
The Doctor mentioned the Pantheon (of Discord), of which the Trickster is the only named character that we knew of until Maestro.
As someone pointed out elsewhere, when Ruby is in her trance, she’s humming a song before it switches to the Christmas song. It’s the same as the Trickster’s theme:
Video: https://x.com/reyhickmanmusic/status/1791284401952768212?s=43&t=m10ek-WTV5K8_EK4owpIpA
There was meant to be a storyline in SJA where it was revealed that Sky was actually the Trickster’s daughter, but it never played out because of the show getting canceled. The ‘Thirteenth Floor’ storyline was reworked for another TV show that RTD created, so it’s not impossible that he may have reused some of those elements with Ruby’s background. 
The scene in ‘The Devil’s Chord’ is obviously paralleled to the one in ‘Pyramids on Mars’ with something happening in the past causing ripples out to the future, showing a destroyed London. This is also the M.O. of the Trickster, seen most obviously in ‘The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith.’
In fact, the concept of alternative timelines has been a running theme throughout this season. 
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In Tales of the TARDIS, we get  the scenes with Clyde and Jo, where the Verron puzzle box is brought up; the very thing that can be used to protect someone from the Trickster. And there was an interview that said:
“Showrunner Russell T Davies has hinted that there is more going on with the Tales of the TARDIS spin-off. Speaking in a recent interview to SFX Magazine, Davies said: “There are bigger plans behind this that we can’t talk about yet. Eventually, [Tales of the TARDIS] will begin to make more sense as the series next year unfolds, you will see. But it’s really a lovely thing to do for the 60th.””
In some of the trailers, there’s a very quick glimpse of the Doctor standing in the Memory TARDIS, with Mel and Ruby behind him. 
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Harbinger = Graske?
Next season - Harbinger spotted on a sign at a movie theater
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The scene above with the harbinger sign is coincidentally being filmed on Penarth Pier in the Vale of Glamorgan, Wales, which is where part of the episode 'Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?' was filmed, specifically the pier scene where Andrea falls and the Trickster shows up for the first time.
I don’t know if this is enough to prove that the Trickster is coming back, but it’s all very interesting. It could be next season as well, depending on how things pan out in the finale
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ But I Still Love You ゚☾. ࿐
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summary: your relationship was all you could have wished for but what if it turned out it was just a little more?
pairing: scaramouche x gn!reader
prompts: 8. "you're a monster", 19. "i can't do this anymore", 23. "what's wrong with me?"
warnings: [heavy angst] murder, somewhat graphic depiction of violence, emotional abuse+ manipulation, toxic relationship, gaslighting, mentions of suicide, yandere (?) themes, you know i normally love scara but he’s a totally messed up asshole in this, i do not condone this type of behaviour; do not engage with this fic if any of these could potentially jeopardise your health!!
a/n: i can happily announce that this is my first collab fic ever and i’m very excited!! i just had to join after reading the prompts in @versadies’s “farewell, love” collab, my brain was running wild with ideas and settled on the darkest one, don’t ask what possessed me that day; thank you to @mari-on-dragonspine and @yaesnovels for reading this ahead of time and boosting my confidence about it, couldn’t have done it without you; now… soft scara stans, look away, this is not your man
happy halloween🍁
genshin impact masterlist
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It was a dream come true.
Every time you’d meet him, the butterflies in your stomach would create a whirlwind of emotion and your heart would soar higher than any bird ever could. That fact that he’d chosen you out of everyone still didn't feel real to you.
Always bright-smiling and elated to see you, he had your heart wrapped around his finger but you didn't mind, you'd gladly given it to him. Taking you out for dinner, escorting you home from work, planning weekend trips with your interests in mind…
He was perfect.
But he was also the Balladeer, who could make anyone dance to his tune. Your friends were wary of his flawless performance from the start. Something that seemed too good to be true was usually just that; a short-lived dream at best, an intricately woven tapestry of lies and illusions at worst. But you ignored all their warnings as your rose-coloured glasses blended every possible red flag with the bouquet of dendrobiums he had gifted you on your date.
As time passed, you saw your friends less and less and eventually they stopped reaching out to you; there were no more letters in your mailbox, you didn't run into them on your trips to the market and their excited knocks on the door faded away into memories. Besides your colleagues at work, you spent most of your time with Scaramouche, whose role in your life was growing more significantly with each passing day.
From helping you with everyday chores to helping you secure better business deals with his position as the Sixth Fatui Harbinger to even going so far as lending you money or straight-up buying whatever you needed or wanted, you were starting to wonder how you managed to navigate life before he waltzed into yours.
Then, Scaramouche asked you if you wanted to move in with him. Considering how evolved he already was and how often you saw each other, you thought living together would make everything easier. Besides, waking up next to him and coming home to him every evening did sound rather enticing, so you agreed.
Relocating all your belongings from where you had grown up to the far side of Inazuma was quite the challenge but of course, Scaramouche came to your rescue, lending a hand in sorting through your stuff and leaving behind what you didn't need anymore.
It was hard to find a new job. Every interview you attended ended up in you being turned down without a specific reason given, even though you more than met the required qualifications. After continuously being rejected you couldn't take it anymore as the venomous fangs of failure sank their teeth into you. Luckily, Scaramouche was there to catch you when you broke down.
“Shh, it's okay, little dove. Why don't you rest for a while and let me take care of you? Can't you see how all this stress is weighing you down? Let me handle everything while you recover, I promise I'll cover whatever you need, so don’t worry. Take all the time you need and then you can start looking again.” As he pressed his cold lips against your temple, you couldn’t help the shiver that ran down your spine. Somewhere in the back of your mind, the notion of Death marking its next victim had taken root while he securely held you in his arms, letting your falling tears stain the shirt clutched in between your hands. “You’re doing so well for me, I'm very proud of you, my love.”
Grasping the fact that you were unemployed and solely relying on your boyfriend’s, admittedly generous, income took a while. Up until now, you’d always stood on your own two feet, a philosophy your parents had instilled into you from a young age and something you had prided yourself on. 
At first, it was hard facing yourself in the mirror, too ashamed of yourself and too afraid your mind would zero in on your every flaw to tear your confidence down even further. But whenever your eyes averted from your figure, two hands would wrap around your middle from behind, Scaramouche’s face appearing next to yours to whisper sweet words into your ear, saving you from shattering completely.
And frankly, your income couldn’t compare to his anyway, so you working would only be worth a drop in the bucket, if at all. 
To keep yourself busy with all your new free time gained, you started working around the house, doing chores just to pass the time and distract you from your feelings of uselessness.
One of your greatest joys was going grocery shopping at the local market. With no new coworkers to speak of, it had been increasingly difficult finding a connection to the people. With the title of being a Harbinger’s partner, they were wary and kept their distance, a precautionary measure you couldn’t fault them for.
As you stopped by more often, however, their behaviour changed. The elderly lady selling vegetables started sharing recipes with you, the young pair from the flower shop were waving you over to catch up and the guy from the herb stand handed you free samples to try around with.
Finally, for the first time since moving here, you felt like you could become part of the community, so naturally you told Scara about it. What you didn’t notice was how his smile strained the more excited you grew. 
"How long has this been going on for?” Even he couldn’t hide the venom lacing  his words. “Remember, you have to tell me. Not telling me is just as bad as lying.”
“Wait, Scara, you aren’t upset with me, right? I just wanted to help out, you know.“
“Am I upset? Why? Should I be?“ The hairs in the back of your neck rose and your skin tingled as if someone had shot a bolt of electricity through you. It was like the ground around you broke away at his tone and you knew you had to tread carefully if you wanted to make it out of this safely.
“No, don’t be.“ You gingerly extend your arm as if not to scare a cautious animal and cupped his cheek. “I love you like I’ve never loved anyone else, you know that right?“
Leaning into your touch and trapping your hand under his own, his purple eyes zeroed in on you. “So you knew after all?“
You froze. “What?“ It was barely more than an exhale as your gut seemed to plummet. His grip on you tightened as you started squirming.
“Oh come on, you’re smarter than this. You knew I‘d get jealous and you told me anyway. Or maybe that is why you told me in the first place?“ Apparently your appalled face gave away how impossible the thought was to you because he merely sighed deeply before dropping your arm and turning to leave. “Whatever. It’s not like I care anyway.“
The silence he left behind that day left you stunned, weighing down on your chest and pressing the air out of your lungs only to be shattered by the sound of a plate smashing against the wall a few rooms over. Yet, despite flinching and despite the acidic sting in your eyes, the tears wouldn't fall.
In the wake of that incident, you desperately scrambled to make it up to him. There was no need to go to the market for groceries anymore, instead you found a basket with produce in the kitchen with no trace of the Fatui Agent who brought it. So, you devoted your time to cooking homemade meals and cleaning the house. Only to have your heart broken when Scaramouche picked at his plate with disinterest or had someone clear the decorations you had put up in careful consideration.
But he still loved you, he always reminded you. From showering you in expensive fabrics and jewellery to treating you to fancy dinners in high-class restaurants to sweet words of praise dripping from his lips like honey, making it hard for you to taste anything but their saccharine flavour. Of course he still loved you when he responded to your gratitude with “I would do anything to make you happy. I just want you to do the same for me.”
Maybe you were the one who wasn’t showing their affection enough. Otherwise, why would you feel this sharp stab of guilt piercing your heart whenever you refused him? How could you stay unmoved when his glassy violet eyes drooped as he mumbled “I guess you just don’t love me enough after all.”
And when you brought up an issue you wanted to discuss with him, his cold “I could just leave, you know” didn’t mean he actually would, he still loved you after all. Surely, he just had a bad day at work and needed some space. Your theory was cemented when Scaramouche sat you down one evening, expression unreadable as he took hold of your hands.
“Listen, little dove, something at work happened that I need you to know about. I’m telling you this for your own safety, okay?” You silently nodded at his genuinely concerned voice. Normally, he never told you anything about his work and completely shut you out if you asked about it, so you figured it must be pretty serious. “You understand that my job is dangerous, right? That shouldn't be news to you. And while I’m always very cautious to keep any kind of information about my personal life away from the Fatui, it seems that recently some of that information trickled down to our enemies through a mole.”
You didn't need to voice it, the anxiety sparked within you at his words apparent in your expression and Scaramouche gave your hands a reassuring squeeze as he continued with a softened tone.
“I'm sure you already figured out what kind of information has been leaked if I need to tell you. Yes, the enemy knows the location of this estate. It's unclear, however, if they know about you.” At that you couldn't help but clench your fingers into fists; enemies of the Fatui weren't to be taken lightly. “Don’t worry, I already made sure that traitor got what he deserved. Despite all of that, he wouldn't talk about the reason for giving up this particular intel, the working theory being that someone is after my life. Personally, I don't think you are their target; all the same…”
Pulling out a silver dagger, he handed the razor sharp weapon to you. Its handle felt like an icicle against the warmth of your palm and the weight of it seemed to sink into your gut rather than your arm. Certainly he wasn't asking you to…
“I want you to have this. If the situation calls for it, you need to be prepared to use it.”
“Scara, what is it that you want from me? I’m not like you, I can't just…” Lost for words, your currently empty hand was waving through the air trying to grasp the meaning of all of this. 
Your lover reached forward and clasped his hands tightly around your shoulders, his stern gaze glued to your shaky one. “Your life or my life might depend on this, (Y/N), do you understand? If you really cared about me, you'd do what I'm asking.”
For the first time in a long time, you cried. Bitter tears seeping out of the corners of your eyes before starting to fall faster and faster and broken hiccups echoed around the room. The knife clattered noisily onto the floorboards as Scaramouche pulled you into his arms as you clutched onto his robes, gasping for air. 
“Shh, shh, I understand, little dove. It's scary,” he soothed. “But you have to see my side of things too. If something happened to you, what would I do? You’re the most precious thing in the whole world to me, I can't lose you, ever. I promise you, we’ll be together forever, so don’t cry.”
You didn’t sleep well that night. Or any of the following for that matter. It was even worse when Scaramouche had to stay out on Fatui business, leaving you all alone in the estate. Even the agents you knew where stationed somewhere in the vicinity didn’t help quell your fears.
Had this really become your life? Waking up in cold sweat, thinking you heard a noise? Flinching at the curtains blowing in the night’s breeze? The dagger didn’t pacify your worries either. Instead, the wretched blade seemed to follow you into your dreams, cutting through the pleasantries to reveal subconscious terrors slumbering under your quiet surface.
It was one of those nights where you were startled awake by your own hammering heart and the sweat rolling off your temple, the other half the bed cold and empty. Just as you slid your legs from under the blanket in hopes that a glass of water would help you calm down, you heard a thud. 
You wanted to play it off as your mind playing tricks on you, like every other night; that it was just the blood thumping through your ears that made you hear things. But then it was there again. 
There was someone else in the house with you.
It couldn’t be the Fatui nor Scaramouche. They were better trained than this, stealthier than to make a sound twice. In the moonlit room, you groped for the cool metal under your pillow, shaky fingers wrapping around the handle. There was no way you could win against an enemy who’d go after a Harbinger in one-to-one combat, much less if you were outnumbered, so you hid in the shadows of your room.
The creaking of the floorboard grew closer and you tried to stifle your ragged breathing. Even when you wrapped both hands around the hilt, they were still trembling as you recalled what Scaramouche had drummed into your head… “Go for the throat”
You didn't dare inhale or exhale as the door slowly slid open and a shadowy figure stepped into the room. The person was wearing a straw kasa shielding most of their head from your view but, from what you could make out, it was a young man. 
There was no time to think. In the few seconds he took to advance to the middle of the room, you lunged forward, driven mad by fear alone. Just before the sharp blade made contact with his skin, the man whirled around, startled by the noise. And then, merely a fraction later, the dagger was lodged to the hilt in his throat. 
When he tried to speak, nothing but a gruesome gurgling sound left his mouth. From the proximity, you could finally see under the hat, just to meet familiar eyes. You staggered back, mortified. It was as if someone had punched out all the air from your lungs as realisation struck you.
How didn't you recognise him? You had seen him so often. If you had just taken a second longer to properly look at him, he wouldn't…
The person burbling unintelligible noises sounding too similar to the letters of your name was certainly not an enemy of the Fatui. No, he was a simple herb farmer, selling his products on the local market. And you…
…just killed an innocent man.
The dull thud of the knife hitting the floor barely registered as your knees gave out and you sacked downwards. Two cold hands wrapped under your arms and stopped you from joining the blood-slicked blade. You didn’t put up any resistance as you were pulled against an all too familiar chest, your body limp like a puppet with its strings cut as he lowered both of you to the ground slowly.
“Look at you. You’re a monster,” he cooed and you could feel his grin curl against the top of your  head as he placed a frosty kiss there. “You just murdered an unarmed farmer, just like that. But it’s okay. I still love you.”
“No, I– I didn’t… I cant–” Guilt crushed your chest and wrangled your airways. You might as well have been the one with the slit vocal chords, judging by the lack of sound coming from you.
“Mhh, but you did, little dove.” Scaramouche’s soft hands were caressing the side of your face as he softly spoke to you. It took a few caresses for you to realise that his fingers were sticky and you forced yourself to focus on the scene in front of you. There was a pool of dark liquid slowly expanding from where the man's neck would be, the metallic smell filling the room, making you nauseous. You saw the knife lying next to the slumped over body. As in trance, you reached for it, anything to make the pain go away…
But Scaramouche was faster in pinning your arms back to your side “None of that, don’t be dumb. It wouldn't remedy what you already did.” When you sagged back against him and he was sure you wouldn't try taking the knife again, he let go of your arm. “Did you know? He was here to ‘save you’, isn't that funny?”
“I know, right? It's ridiculous,” he chuckled. “Apparently, the townsfolk were concerned about you when you stopped showing up at the market, so they waited for an opportunity where I wouldn't be home, those fools. But you made nice work of this idiot without my help. You did so well for me, love.”
“You… you knew about this?” You couldn't prevent the way your voice cracked from lack of energy. “But… the enemies of the Fatui… and the information that was… you said that… I thought..”
“Hm? Oh, that? I told you, didn’t I? We took care of them a couple of days ago. I definitely told you, little dove; you were so relieved when you heard the news. You didn't forget, did you?”
Did he tell you? You couldn’t remember; surely you would, if he had told you something so important. The Fatui, however, were notorious for dealing with their problems quickly, so it was possible this had been resolved so swiftly. No, you'd definitely remember…
You were ripped out of your thoughts when something warm touched your bare foot. Violently jerking your leg towards yourself as vermillion smeared across the wooden floor. Suddenly, it wasn’t just your lungs caving into themselves but also your stomach being compressed into a fraction of its size. Flopping onto your side you pulled yourself up onto shaky arms and knees as acid burned your throat and your body tried to rid itself of nonexistent content. 
Throughout all of it, Scaramouche lovingly ran his hand up and down the length of your spine, cooing at you to soothe your nerves, all the while praising you for doing so well. When you stopped throwing up for the moment, he gently lifted you up and brought you to the bathroom and helped you wash up. Frankly, he did most of the work, whereas you merely stood there, watching your reflection in the mirror. 
This was the baseline behaviour for the next few weeks as you processed what you had done. Naturally, by the time you exited the bathroom that night, there was no body or crimson trace left of what had transpired there. Nobody would know, except you, Scaramouche and the Fatui agents under his command. Although, the guilt and shame within you remained, most possibly until the day you died. He was right, you were a monster.
But underneath all the easily-accepted self-loathing, another sensation reared its ugly head. Denial spilled into the numbness and slowly warped into scepticism. And it culminated the morning you looked at yourself in the mirror. What had your life become? When did it all go wrong? 
Quietly, meant for nobody but the reflection on the polished surface but with the force to shake you awake, you mumbled a long overdue question: “What's wrong with me?”
However as you turned the situation over and over in your mind, there was only one answer. It was him, it all started with him. Your life was good before him. You weren't the problem here; you weren't the monster in this house. And there was only one solution to your problems.
“I can't do this anymore.”
“What?!” It was pure fury, the way he sliced the air with that single word. “You’re kidding, right? Well, it's not funny, so cut the crap, (Y/n).”
“I’m not. We’re done, Scaramouche.” It took every ounce of willpower for your voice to remain composed and unwavering. But you had made your decision and you wouldn't let him charm you into your downfall again. “I'm leaving. Don't follow me.”
“Have you completely lost your mind? You killed a person, remember? You should be grateful I’m willing to stick by your side; who else would love a freak like you? And that’s given the chance you’re even allowed to walk free.” The sneer was contorting his face into an ugly grimace and in the back of your head you wondered if those were the true colours you were just too blind to see all of this time. “You do realise, my position is the only thing keeping you from prison and poverty and homelessness. You need me. You owe me.”
“I don’t owe you anything for ruining my life,“ you spat, thoroughly done with him manipulating the narrative. It felt good to finally stand your ground and argue with your own agency in mind, no matter how terrifying it might be. Turning on your heel you marched straight to the front door, belongings in hand. Before you could make it there, however, a hand wrapped tightly around your wrist, spinning you around forcibly.
“You don't want to do this, little dove, trust me. You don’t know what I'll do if you dare leave me,” he gritted out. “I told you, we will be together forever.”
Merely raising an eyebrow as you held his stare you noted, “What you do no longer concerns me.” And so, you took the first steps to your regained freedom.
It had taken months of gentle caring to nurture the wilted shell in your chest back into a living sapling, hopefully strong enough to fill the empty void where your heart had been carved out.
It had taken years of genuine reassurance for your friends, who readily took you in again, to finally be fully let back into your life as you slowly broke down the high walls you had erected to keep the tiny sprout safe. 
Finally, the lively breeze that had carried you from adventure to adventure before had returned to ruffle your rusty wings once more and you were ready to rejoin the path you used to walk on.
So when you were waiting for your friend to pick you up and you excitedly answered the knock on your door, the dreaded amethyst staring back at you made you stagger back, the bouquet of crimson dendrobiums tearing open scars you thought had healed.
“Hello, little dove. You seem surprised to see me.” Every nerve in your body was screaming at you to run, far far away, put as much distance between you and the person you had once called your lover. But the weight in your stomach was dragging you down and you could only stare with wide eyes as you were once again pulled under and into your own demise.
“I came back for you. I promised I would.”
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tag list: @mccnstruck @silentmoths @teyvattales @ainescribe
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bumblebeerror · 1 year
I need to be a little insane about Philza “Angel of Death” Minecraft and Kristin “Goddess of Death” MissTrixtin because like I need you to see my vision
If you see Phil as a harbinger of Death you’re like. You’re so so close. You’re so close
The relationship between Kristin and Phil (as RP characters) is a reflection of Life and Death.
Kristin when it comes to Minecraft RP is an entity that is there but in most ways unreachable. She can be communicated with, but she cannot be Present in the World (most of the time). Death is also a state of being wherein the living can speak to the dead, but the dead can’t return, can’t interact with us.
Phil is Life. Phil is growing plants and animals, he’s planning and nurturing and blunt and protective. He’s interested primarily in keeping alive the people he cares for, keeping himself alive. He survives, and he strives to help others do the same. He knows things must die eventually, he says as much during Sam’s dsmp finale, but he’s not out here to hasten the deaths of players he cares about. Especially when it comes to Qsmp but on dsmp too, Phil isn’t worried so much about the state that people are in at the end of an ordeal, as long as they’re alive.
Because you can’t therapy or gapple away Death. She is powerful and eternal and inevitable, the sparkling of stars in the void, an endless drop out of the world. And Phil is dogged, stubborn, and persistent, a dandelion growing in the sidewalk crack. Life is clinging by a thread, and it refuses to let go. It’s a stone thrown in the ocean whose ripples spread endlessly. It’s messy and silly and wild.
And, of course, Life sends Death many gifts.
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firegirl888101 · 8 months
i don’t remember if i ever sent something like this but i got an idea (kind of a self indulgent request…)
(set in the insatiable madness series) reader with younger siblings? that y’know… survive? i don’t think i could handle them dying. having to be their main caretakers now that the parents are gone. whew, poor meow meow reader, having to take care of their siblings AND 11 harbingers. esp if said siblings are really young…
maybe they stayed at home during the massacre at the mc donalds and that’s why they haven’t died, and then reader told them to hide in their room before letting the harbingers in so they wouldn’t find out (eventually they are mentioned by reader and are somewhat pestered by childe to meet them…)
I think I'll also answer a frequent question I get along with this so thanks for requesting it!
I've been frequently asked what happened to the children at the fast food chain when the harbingers were killing everyone who wasn't Y/N. (I purposefully didn't write/mention children being at the scene for this very reason 😭)
But, thinking about it after so many people questioning it, I'll address it with some extra information that didn't make it into the chapter/view.
(maybe it did, I can't remember. Either way - the information I'm about to spill is canon to the story...)
It was a Friday afternoon, children were only just coming out of school meaning not many children/teens were at the scene. But, for the children that were in there, let's just say a certain 'Father' familiar with children convinced the other Harbingers to let them run away.
As for 'The Father' letting them run away, there's a point they brought forward to save the children's lives.
"Let us not shed unnecessary blood in the company of innocent children. They will have close to no information regarding the one we are looking for, therefore, we should spare their lives."
So, yeah. To the question!:
'Reader with siblings in the Insatiable Madness series'
Originally I was going to make Y/N have a sibling or two. But, as I was planning I realised a couple problems with that.
Most readers will most likely not have siblings. (I don't for an example). When it comes to Y/N's, I like to have them as blank as possible for readers to fill in either themselves or their OC's.
The whole point of the series is to emphasise how alone Y/N is. They are pressured to not say anything, yet somehow introduce and care for their kidnapper's. If Y/N were to have siblings, yes, they would have more pressure, but they would be able to talk to someone about their situation and not worry about them being killed.
That's way too many characters for me to remember and attempt to write. Whilst I'm up to the challenge, there's still some characters the reader's haven't met yet. 😉
In a hypothetical sense though, I can see the siblings being a strength and also a weakness for Y/N.
On one hand, they are a source of comfort and a genuine sign of normality for the reader. The siblings actually care for their sibling and respect them for taking care of them whilst their mum and dad are 'away'. I think that younger siblings would still be at school so they wouldn't know what happened, if Y/N had older siblings... I guess they'd have to give the reigns to Y/N as they're the only one who knows who the Harbingers are.
I can see the siblings as an option for distraction in case Y/N needs to do something that cannot be seen, such as an attempt to escape to call for help. I can also see them as a venting mechanism, and a second opinion towards their plans if they're old enough. They also most likely keep the reader sane during this whole experience and becomes a symbol of hope to them. The siblings also a reason to be defensive against the harbingers, a reason to not give in to them due to being powerless...
One the other hand, the harbingers can use Y/N's siblings to... make them agree and do things they wouldn't normally want to do. They would be in a lot of danger - and could actually be killed if the reader doesn't obey. If the siblings are young, they most likely won't be harmed. But they will definitely be if Y/N hesitates or acts too cocky towards them in any conversation or act... I feel the harbingers would also threaten the siblings behind Y/N's back, causing them to behave strangely and not talk to Y/N, maybe try to convince them not to do something that the harbingers will get angry at.
Buuuuut, if the siblings are young, perhaps some of the more paternal/maternal harbingers whom are affectionate and used to children can gain their trust. Gaining the trust of Y/N's siblings could get them in good favours with them soooo, if they're yandere or looking to emotionally manipulate them - that's their best way to their heart.
Oh yeah, and I think I've mentioned this throughout all of the paragraphs... If Y/N had siblings, they'd be their biggest and most obvious weakness.
There's definitely more to write here, but I've had this ask in my drafts for a couple weeks unfinished now and I want to focus on new asks which include some story involved <3
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silverwritesthings · 2 years
Hi Silver 👉👈 Uhm, how are you doing? Staying hydrated?
C-can I maybe ask for a Yandere!Scaramouche or Dottore(either or is fine, don't feel pressured to do both)? With a sweet and soft fem!reader?
I hope you're having a good day!
Hello there! I'm doing very well other than some headaches trying to make the title image for this piece. The program I use is kinda old and several of the brush packs I used to use didn't transfer to my laptop correctly. Anyways, enjoy this piece I've decided to call "Heart Beloved" Warnings: Yandere!Dottore, Yandere!Scaramouche. Manipulation, lying, pet names (Darling, Sakura, Doll, Sweetheart)
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Il Dottore, The Second Harbinger
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This was all just part of his plan. He adored you, and how could he not? Your soft curves and sweet little smile whenever you asked him for something. He wanted to make sure you never looked at someone else like that. Il Dottore, or as you knew him, Zandik. He knew things would become much more difficult if you knew exactly how high ranking in the fatui he was. So to you, he was Zandik. A former scholar of the Akademia, now turned Fatui scientist. He kept you far from the laboratories and far from the palace. All to make sure none of the other harbingers caught wind of your very existence.  “My precious little doll~” He called you. Rarely by your name. It was always something affectionate. Doll, sweetheart, darling. He never raised his voice, or his hand in your direction. Not on purpose, that is. He remembered the one time he had raised his voice at you. How you cowered under his scarlet gaze. He swore that you would never have to do such a thing ever again. How poorly had you been treated by those who had called you their lover? Not that it mattered, he had eliminated them long before they’d have the chance to ever speak to you again. You knew of his clones. In fact, when he was away at his laboratory he kept one or two at your home to protect you. Even his clones had restrictions on what they could and could not do. “Even copies of myself cannot protect you in the ways that I can, my love. Teyvat is a dangerous place, and I couldn’t forgive myself if I was to ever lose you.”
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Scaramouche, The Sixth Harbinger
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“Sakura. What are you doing up this late?” You’d waited up for him again, even though he insisted time and time again that there was no need to. After all, he didn’t need sleep as often as humans did. And he adored coming home to your sleeping frame. You looked so peaceful. It could almost make him believe that you could never betray him. But anyone was capable of betrayal. From the smallest child to the eldest archon. Each of them had the capability. He hoped that his hand would not be forced against you. His sakura blossom. The sole human he trusted with his unbeating heart, the sole purpose he returned to Inazuma in the first place after stealing the gnosis. To take you away, somewhere safe. You were kept in a small village on the borders of Sumeru, far from the city where Scaramouche allowed Dottore to experiment and create his ideal frame. To turn him into a god. What would you say if you knew? You’d find out eventually. But only when you rose to rule by his side. With his predicted powers, he could finally have someone by his side for an eternity so dearly sought by the one he hated most. “Rest, my Sakura. One day, you and I will be free of our past. One day, I will rule with you by my side.”
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nimata-beroya · 8 months
Last season, I gave wild guesses as to what each episode would be about based on the title alone, so it's fitting I'm doing it again for the final season. So, let's see:
Let me starting saying that the first 3 episodes (and the whole season) are going to be EPIC!!! Counting that are 3 episodes in one day, it's going to be the equivalent of the pilot of over an hour and 10 minutes long, or more if you don't skip the end credits (and I'm sure everyone will do).
Episode 3×01 "Confined" will shows a loooooot of Mount Tantiss, Dr. Hemlock, Emerie and co., and how Crosshair and Omega are fairing, which it's not good for what they showed in the trailer 😭 Altho they might not be as explicit as what the heck Hemlock is doing. That comes later.
Episode 3×02 "Paths Unknown" This will be when the focus turns more on Hunter, Echo and Wrecker, that can't be very good either 💔 They'll show what TBB has been doing to find their siblings.
Episode 3×03 "Shadows of Tantiss" is when we'll get more insight to Hemlock experiments and all that stuff.
Episode 3×04 "A Different Approach" Here when TBB realizes that what they've been doing is taking them nowhere close to find Omega and Cross and decide to switch strategy. Maybe Rex and co. gets involved more.
Episode 3×05 "The Return" Asajj Ventress' episode?? Or maybe Cad Bane and Fennec Shand's return too? Either way, it's gonna be epic.
Episode 3×06 "Infiltration" & Episode 3×07 "Extraction" DEFINITELY Crosshair (and Omega ??) gets rescued!!!! My baby is coming home at last!! 😭
Episode 3×08 "Bad Territory" If 3×05 isn't with Ventress, then this is the one. I mean, after the (successful) extraction, the price on the TBB heads probably went up, calling up all bounty hunters available. The question is on which side Ventress will fall on. Because I'm guessing Fennec will still have her side deal with Nala SE, so she'll help them eventually, maybe? Bane, considering their history together, will try to kill them on sight. But Ventress, it makes me wonder, despite what the trailer shows.
Episode 3×09 "The Harbinger" I'm thinking that the new unknown?? clone will be the focus on this one.
Episode 3×10 "Identity Crisis" Hear me out. Theory time. Let's say that mystery clone turns out to be Tech (brainwashed and all that stuff) and start questioning what he's doing and who he is. But also, at the other side, the batch ends their questioning about who they are, especially Hunter who's the one who struggled the most. This is when they commit to fight till the end.
Episode 3×11 "Point of No Return" No idea what this is about but sounds like "Tipping point" which scares me a little.
Episode 3×12 "Juggernaut" The empire, Hemlock, any of the baddies will do something awful here, which will lead to...
Episode 3×13 "Into the Breach" Something big is happening here. What exactly? no idea, but Hemlock will be involved.
Episode 3×14 "Flash Strike" Clone counterattack that might not go as planned. And that's why they'll need for....
Episode 3×15 "The Cavalry Has Arrived" At least 1-hour long episode. And I'll be crying all the way through, of happiness or sadness? I'll have to wait and see.
Probably I'm way off in most of these. I'll find out on February 21, I guess.
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yourlocallyneysimp · 2 years
Genshin Impact x Yuzuha!Reader
Characters: Kazuha, Scaramouche, Childe, Alhaitham, Itto, Lyney, Aether
Others: Older brother= Taiju Younger brother= Hakkai
A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been preparing for my finals. <3
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He admires your fighting skills. Even though you don't fight as much as your brother he still thinks you're quite strong.
He did find things to be a little concerning when he noticed a few bruises or you would suddenly panic when you would forget to tell your older brother something. This would only make the alarms in his head go off even more after he sees your older brother for the first time. This would make him more clingy not wanting you to leave and him wanting you to sleep over at his house more often.
Kazuha will promise you that he would get you out of your abusive household and protect you.
He first took notice of you when he saw a bunch of delinquents trying to pick a fight with you and your younger brother, Hakkai. Even though you were quite short, you still somehow mangaed to kick them in the face. It surprised him a lot and eventually he went up to you with a fake persona introducing himself, but you knew that he was only acting. You do it all the time after all.
After you two would start dating, he would get annoyed that you would have to go home early and find it annoying that you would try to cancel a date on him last minute. It's not like you wanted to, you just couldn't.. He would eventually be concerned when he starts seeing cuts and bruises on your face.
After he met your brother, he would try to devise some plans to get rid of him immediately, but you both know that taking down your older brother wouldn't be so easy.
He probably met you through some connections he had with the gang Hakkai is in. As soon as Hakkai would introduce you to him, he literally won't leave your side. Ever.
Thats why he noticed the way your face would immediately change when your older brother Taiju gets mentiond. When he finds out you're being abused, he finds it evil and heartless that someone would treat their siblings that way. He would never hurt his younger siblings!
But don't worry Y/n! Childe isn't a harbinger for no reason, he would take care of him. Somehow....
Alhaitham isn't stupid and will pick up the obvious signs right away. He won't tell you, but he would know that you are being abused by someone and would try to convince you to stay longer during dates to keep your mind off things.
He promises himself that things won't stay the way they are at your household.
Itto most likely tried to pick a fight with your brother, but probably got his ass whooped immediately. He underestimated your brother because his and Taiju's heights were pretty close so he thought the fight would be equal.
It would take him a while to realize that Taiju is abusive towards you and your younger brother, so when he finds out, hes furious. He wants to pick a fight right away, but you convince him not too.
He would assy put for now, but that makes him even more determined to beat your brothers ass one day.
Lyney would actually save you from your abusive household and would give you a home to stay in, but not without some requirements of course! He would make you work at his circus and preform alongside him.
If you don't like it then too bad, anything is better than getting beat up by a family member, so you just deal with it. He also finds your stubborn personality to be quite amusing, but irritating at certain situations.
He loves you, but he just wishes that you would listen to him sometimes...
With Paimon's help, Aether would notice the small details about how you would silently panic whenever you would get a call or would be to conscious to stay out too late. He thought it was odd, but his concern for you only increased after he met your older brother.
The first meeting wasnt pleasant since he literally got jumped by him and punched. He didn't do anything to upset him, well at least he don't think he did, but that was just how your brother was. If he needs a new punching bag, he will find one. Aether just happened to be one of his next victims.
Those punches hurted like hell and he couldn't even imagine you having to go through that everyday. So gathering enough courage, Aether and Paimon made a promise to each other that they WILL save you.
Another A/N: I just watched season 2, ep 6 of Tokyo Revengers and all I can say is WTF- It became so brutal..😰
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shinra33459 · 1 year
Skyrim Argonian Husbandos x Human!Reader Headcanons
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Art Credit - ArtOfZaromi on DeviantArt
Writing for Argonians. I have mods that allow some of the base NPCs to be followers as well, so this also applies to them as well
You two first met when you rescued him from Darkwater Pass at the request of his friend and coworker, Sondas. Simple enough of a rescue all things considered. You then recruited him as a follower.
He was quick with a sword and deadly accurate with a bow, not many stood a chance. He had some experience in combat, most likely from some kind of military or mercenary experience.
Wherever he got his experience from, he did know how to communicate with humans better than the average Argonian. Instead of using intricate body language cues that only other Argonians would understand, he used human body language.
Instead of jumping straight into the war, you decided to join the Companions to sharpen both of your skills and bring glory to yourselves.
After becoming the Harbinger, you then dealt with the Dragon Crisis first and foremost; the Civil War was going to have to wait, no matter what Ulfric Stormcloak or General Tullius had to say.
After retrieving certain documents in the Thalmor Embassy showing Ulfric was a Thalmor asset in waiting, you joined the Imperial Legion together.
You ended the war and protected the security of the Empire. Your efforts extended to Harkon and his vampires, as well as Miraak. You married him after all of this and retired to a cabin in the woods, living off the land and hunting.
You found him working the docks in Windhelm for a meager pittance. He and the other Argonians were cold and hungry, making barely enough to have food in their bellies.
Despite you being a human, he held no ill-will towards you individually, unlike his friend Neetrenaza.
You were disgusted at what the Nords here put these poor Argonians through. Poor pay and living out of a small warehouse room. That wasn't fair, nor was it right.
You exchanged some rather fierce words with Torbjorn Shatter-Shield, their boss. The man knew that if he didn't listen to you, his head would be rolling on the floor of his home.
After the Argonians were getting paid better, he decided to tag along with you in your quests, supporting you however he could. However, he was still very much a newbie when it came to combat.
Both of you joined the Imperial Legion together. Seeing what the Nords were doing in Windhelm alone was enough to stir you into action.
The Civil War was long and bloody, with both of you getting injured at times. Once you two closed in on Windhelm, he left to go back to the city to ensure the safety of the Argonians at the docks.
After the war, you two got married, and took on the Dragon Crisis, the Vampires, and Miraak. After the fighting and adventures came to an end, you two got settled down and enjoyed a nice and quiet life.
You saw the shifty Argonian the minute you walked into Solitude, looking for some person to con into whatever he was planning to do. This close to the coast, he had to be a pirate of some sort.
He enlisted your services to put out the lighthouse fire at the Solitude Lighthouse, ensuring that the Icerunner would run aground. Simple enough of a job to do.
Your hunch about him turned out to be true, when you snuck into the Blackblood Marauders' base of operations and found that Jaree-Ra was going to use whoever put out the lighthouse as a patsy.
When returning to Solitude, you confronted him, and boy was he surprised that you found out. After that, you became an equal partner in that venture.
You were rather clever for a softskin, even more so than himself, and that was a trait he admired. Cunning and intelligence was what you and he needed to survive in your line of work.
Afterwards, you, Jaree, and Deeja joined the Thieves Guild after the Icerunner situation, with you eventually taking the helm of the Guild.
You chose to join the Empire in the Civil War, knowing that Maven Black-Briar would eventually be the Jarl; it was simply a choice of business, not one of morality.
You married Jaree-Ra after the war had come to an end. The Dragon Crisis, vampires, Miraak, and much more got dealt with. Afterwards, you bought a ship and took Jaree and Deeja as some of your crew as you now sailed the high seas as a pirate.
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