#[ ugh. i wish i could organize my thoughts and talk about the 'versions' of rather-- layers of kafka herself. ]
araneitela · 9 months
Me: Talks about the significance and intimacy (not automatically romantic, folks, but also there's an inherent romanticism) of hands, and touch and who you let into that space of comfort. Pinterest: Did you say hands? Here, we've adjusted your home feed you so that you. cannot. possibly. escape. them. you're. welcome. Me: I just wanted— what did I want, again?
... Did I end up rambling about anything but hands in my tags? Yes. Welcome to me, this is what you sign up for. Not my portrayal, not my writing, my tag rambles.
#[ ooc. ] don't try to make it logical or edit your soul according to the fashion. rather; follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.#[ i literally don't remember what i went on here for. ]#[ i thought it was an icon but it was not. ]#[ instead i'm now thinking of the importance of her gloves. ]#[ and how they're a barrier between her and humanity. or everything inherently human; more so. ]#[ they're an aesthetic. yes. of course-- but it's more than that. in characters made by hoyo? everything always has 5 more layers. ]#[ at the very least. ]#[ ugh. i wish i could organize my thoughts and talk about the 'versions' of rather-- layers of kafka herself. ]#[ without it being 24 paragraphs long. ]#[ it's just gotten so complicated because you see her presenting herself in such way for so long. ]#[ voice. attitude. indifference. playfulness. and all of those remain except they falter more when she's around two individuals. ]#[ i can't even include sw and elio in this yet. because while kafka seemed to lean a little towards her more normal voice... ]#[ in the pier point dialogue with sw; it was only sometimes. it was so inconsistent. ]#[ same with sam. granted there's only one exchange between them so far. ]#[ but i digress-- then i get her story quest and in it she softens not even a little. but decently enough. ]#[ is /that/ the pretense? no you don't fake that. you don't fake how she says '...you're not leaving?' that delivery is vocal perfection. ]#[ but /that/ plays so well into all these other very human elements that she has. ]#[ i swear-- part of me truly believes she's already /on/ the path of 'learning' to feel a semblance of what fear is. or better yet... ]#[ what it /stems/ from. ]#[ because we say 'she has no concept of fear' but what does that MEAN. does that mean across the board? ]#[ concern stems from fear. you need /care/ and investment to feel fear. she /shows/ concern actively. she risks a lot to-- ]#[ be concerned about blade. and yes; she lacks the fear of them getting caught. but she's concerned for him. ]#[ and she's also practical and analytical; she knows if they get caught-- blade worsens. ]#[ and while it also endangers the 'future' a bit; she harps on blade. she also confides in the MC about her concern. ]#[ i just. ]#[ this is so much more complicated than i thought it'd be. ]#[ and also this whole concept of what humans fall into when they lack fear. how they become metaphorical 'demons'... ]#[ that pursue pleasure and thrill. but she became a /hunter/ of them. and yet she shows a lesser shade of it herself. ]#[ i just. think she's so inherently and stupidly interesting. HI GUYS. HANDS. i totally went on a tangent. ]#[ ... not about hands. ]
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immortal soul:black survival characters as john mulaney
dunno how i didn’t think of that before but
Adela: Hmm, we’re not so different, you and I. You have your law practice, and me, I have all these fuckin’ markers.
Adriana: Well here goes nothing. You ever seen a ghost?
Alex: A lot of people think that you like bulls, and if you just buh- They assume it! When you search your name, the third thing to come up is like “John Mulaney bull?”
Arda: Or if it’s one of those true or false questions, you should be able to add a third option which is “who’s to say?”.
Aya: “So you saw what happened and you did nothing?” “Yeah, ‘cause I was sitting over on the bench.” “Let me ask you this. In Nazi Germany....”
Barbara:It’s just dads, singing so loud, thinking that’ll somehow get their kids to sing.
Bernice: Let’s change the subject! Why are we even talking about Penelope, or whatever her name was? I didn’t kill her! Whoever did kill her only did it to protect her from this world!
Bianca: Remember the Psalms? They’re not songs, ‘cause they don’t rhyme and they’re not good. They’re perfectly named.
Camilo:He’s played for stadiums of 20000 people cheering to him like he’s a god, for fifty years. That must change you as a person. If you do that for fifty years you’re never again going to be like “Uhmmm, does anyone have a laptop charger I could borrow...?”
Cathy:That guy will get up there and sing into the microphone. He’s not a singer, ‘cause he’s not good at it, but he tries.
Chiara: Now I was raised Catholic. I don’t know if you can tell that from the everything about me.
Chloe: Every room she walked into, she’d be like, “So this could be an office. (shakes shoulders) Or maybe a nursery.”
Daniel: I think he was just doing that dad thing of like, “This is a weird topic and I want to talk about a book I read about World War II”. But the way it came off was that he definitely killed that little girl!
Echion:Sometimes babies will point at me, and I don’t care for that shit at all.
Eleven:Famous people are weird as shit. They’re all weird, your suspicions are correct.
Eva:Marty McFly is a 17-year-old student, whose best friend is a disgraced nuclear physicist. And, I shit you not, they never explain how they became friends. They never explain it. Not even in a lazy way like, “Hey, remember when we met in that science building?”. They don’t even do that.
Emma:My dad was so weird, I’d love to meet him someday.
Fiora:I didn’t mean to make it sound like we don’t want children. We don’t, but I didn’t mean to make it sound like that.
Hart: I love to play venues where if the guy that built the venue could see me on the stage, he would be a little bit bummed about it.
Hyejin: “All right, Petunia, wish me luck.” “(french chainsmoker voice) You will die on August 7th, 2037.” “(shrugs) That’s pretty good.”
Hyunwoo:No one cared about my opinion when I was a little kid. No one cared what I thought. Sometimes, people would say “What do you think you’re doing?”. But that just meant “stop”.
Isol: In high school people were like, “What are your top three colleges?” I was like “top three colleges? I thought I’d be dead in a trunk with my hand hanging out of the taillight by now.”
Jackie: He could look at a child and guess the price of their coffin.
If you left your baby with your mother tonight, you’re not gonna race home and check the nanny cam. But if you left your baby with Gary Busey....!
Jan:My wife and I walk around New York city, pushing Petunia the french bulldog in a stroller, and it’s a big stroller, and it has a big black hood. And people lean in to see the baby.
Jenny:Let’s say a kidnapper throws you in the back of a trunk. Don’t panic.
Johann: “Wait, so they forced you to go?” Yeah, I was five. I was forced to go everywhere. No kid is just going to church, like, riding by on his Huffy, like “Woah! What’s this place! Weird byzantine temple with green carpeting where everyone has bad breath and I wear clothes that I hate on one of my mornings of my two days off? Let’s do this!”
JP: “Okay, I think I see where you’re going here. They go back in time, and they stop the Kennedy assassination!” “Oooaaoh. That’s a really good idea. We didn’t even think of that.” “All right, well what do they do with the time machine?” “Well now I’m embarassed to say.”
Laura: My friends were all like, “Is he nice?” No! Or maybe he is, for his version of life! ‘Cause he has a very different life!
Lenox: You just showed up at 8 AM, and they were like, “Put down your stuff. Go to the gym.” And you’re like, “god, I guess they’re finally gonna kill us all, alright. This is younger than I thought I would be but we are pretty big assholes.”
Leon:I was like twelve years old and my dad walked up to me and he said, “Hello... (chuckes) Hello, I’m Chip Mulaney, I’m your father.” And then he said the following. “You know, Leonard Bernstein. Was one of the great composers and conductors of the 20th century, but sometimes he would be gay. And according to a biography I read of him, when he was holding back the gay part, he did some of his best work.”
Li Dailin: I asked my mom if she’d ever seen a ghost. That’s where we’re at conversation-wise in our relationship as a mother and son, because I’m 35 and I don’t have any children to talk about, and she doesn’t understand my career.
Luke: None of us really know our fathers. Anyway...
Magnus: She came in and she picked up the baby, and she was like “It’s okay, she’s just going through that phase where she says penis and vagina a lot”. Aren’t we all.
Mai: Why don’t you give me a candle for looking in the mirror? And a floppy hat, and I’ll tremble off to bed in my Victorian nightgown!
Nadine: Every time I go to the zoo I’m like “Hey, where’s the jaguar?”, and the zoo guy is like “oh, he must be in the inside part”. The inside part? Tell him we’re here.
Nathapon: You are gathered together as a school and you are told never to talk to an adult that you don’t know. And you are told this by an adult that you don’t know.
Nicky:That’s right- there was always assembly, and then, like, that second assembly to yell at you for how you behaved at the first assembly.
Rio:I”ll be at a wedding reception and someone’ll be like, “Heyy, you coming to the hotel bar after? We’re all gonna get drinks and keep the party going”, and I’m like “Nah nah nah sister, you’re not getting me to no secondary location!”
Rosalio: People walk around on the phone now like, “Hello hello? You still there- ugh, lost him”. And that’s it! No follow-through with that guy!
Rozzi:Yeah, he was not a “spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down” kind of guy. He was more like “brush your teeth. Now boom! Orange juice! That’s life.”
Shoichi: By the way, Detective J. J. Bittenbinder wore three-piece suits. He also wore a pocket watch. Two years in a row, he wore a cowboy hat. He also had a huge handlebar mustache. None of that matters, but it’s important to me that you know that.
Silvia: Children, rather than continuing to teach you how to read, we have cleared the entire day for this random guy!
Sissela: You should be able to write in, “I don’t know. I know you told me. But I have had a very long day. I am very small, and I have no money. So you can imagine the kind of stress that I am under.”
Sua: Some people give off a vibe of, like, right away they’re like “Do not fuck with me”. My vibe is more like “Hey, you could pour soup in my lap and I’ll probably apologize to you!”
William: There are those guys who, they buy the cow, and then on the side, total matador, but...
Xiukai: “And when one feels like a duck, one is happy!” Now that’s debatable.
Yuki: And I have friends I went to college with, and they’re like “oh, you should donate and be a good alumnus”. And they wear shirts that say ‘school’ and it’s like, look....
Zahir: She said, “Okay, I know I don’t get this shit because I wasn’t raised Catholic, and I’m fucking glad I wasn’t because it’s a fucked up organization”, I said “nonononoo, we all know that.”
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clericofthebalance · 4 years
Life Needs Things to Live, Chapter Three
Class was going to be less of a struggle for Percy today.  Percy settled into his seat in his MW Lit class, one of his final core classes until he could fully focus on what he needed to graduate.  This was the only class he absolutely had to take at the university, something he couldn’t sub with community college classes for a much cheaper rate.
Only one thing made this class tolerable given the 8 AM start time and boring material.  He glued his eyes to the door, sipping his thermos of coffee, waiting patiently.  Finally, she floated in.
Long dark hair captured in a braid, the most beautiful smile he had ever seen, warm eyes that brought flames and autumn and the forest to mind.  She had a sharp and wickedly clever look to her face, joy radiating off every movement and gesture, unique to her very bones.  He adored how she wore blue feathers woven in her hair, how piercings lined her ears, how she emphasized her expressive eyes with perfect eyeliner, how she always had a giant zoology book under her arm.  She was beautiful and clever and just shone in the depressing classroom.
Fuck, he was pathetic and weird.  He really needed to get over his crush and focus on his life, not idolize some poor woman like she was his manic pixie dream girl.  Ugh.
Percy focused on his book, thinking about the two applications he had handed off yesterday. One to Gilmore, to work the counter in his coffee shop, the other to Keyleth for the apartment.  Hopefully, good things would come of it.  They both hinted that he would be accepted.
Maybe Asum could come visit soon, see Beau again.  It would be nice to see his old friend and savior.  To have something to celebrate rather than to mourn.
“Alright, class, we’re going to do a project instead of a final paper.  You’ll be working in assigned pairs to create a presentation and paper on a modern version of any classic novel and how it compares to the source material.  Your initial proposal is due to me in one week.  I’ll call out your assigned pairs now.”
Percy grimaced, praying he’d get someone tolerable that would do their share.  He couldn’t handle working with a freshman who left everything to him again.  He would commit murder.
“Percival and Vex’Ahlia.”
Wait, what?  He stared at Professor Shura blankly and she pointed to the back.  At his crush. Oh, shit fuck.  He was going to humiliate himself.
Vex stared at her notes, blanking out.  She hated core classes.  This English class was her absolute last one and it was a misery.  She wished she was out at the zoo or in a lab.  She only wanted to read what she wanted to read. Not this shit.  She sighed.
“Um, excuse me?”
She started and looked up, flushing at the quizzical brow and brilliant eyes on her.  The guy standing over her was hot.  White hair in a messy undercut, heavy brows, a strong yet elegant jaw.  It was the eyes that got her, though, blue as a winter sky and shining with intelligence. Vex easily mustered her most charming, most flirty smile for such a pretty guy.
“Yes, Darling?  How can I help you?”
The questioning frown lifted into a slight smirk, cocky and charming and matching his posh accent, one full and pale eyebrow going up, “Well, we’re partners on our final project according to the professor.”
“Oh, you checked out, too? Apparently we have to do a presentation comparing a classic novel to a modern adaptation while analyzing universal themes,” he rolled his eyes.  His unfairly pretty blue eyes, “And we have to work in pairs.”
“Shit!  I have labs to do! I thought this would just be a paper I could bullshit.”
“I was hoping for that as well,” he dropped into the seat next to her, looking unfairly comfortable in his formal slacks, a neat button up, and a tailored vest in royal blue. No tie, but he did have a black turtleneck underneath.  A little odd for a college student and very high class goth, but whatever.  He was still hot as shit.
“Vex’ahlia, but you can call me Vex.”
He tilted his head, chuckling, her knees going weak as the earrings up his ears sparkled in the fluorescent light of the classroom, “Percival de Rolo, Percy.”
“A pleasure to meet you, Percy Dear.”
“An even greater pleasure to meet you, Miss Vex’Ahlia,” he leaned forward with a charming smile, “So, exchange work and class schedules?  Find a time that works?”
“Schedules? You are a fancy one.”
“I have to plan every minute or I would crumble under the load,” she laughed as he pulled out an honest-to-goodness planner, “Yes, it’s color coordinated.  I was not joking about my life.”
“Okay, okay,” she giggled, grinning, “I get it.  Your girlfriend must keep you busy.”
“Oh-I-Uh-No,” Percy’s pale skin flushed and she noticed some light scarring around his eyes.  It almost looked like droplets, light pink against the lovely red of his cheeks, “I don’t have a girlfriend.  I just work two jobs, a double major with a minor, and a lot of responsibilities.”
“No girlfriend? Really?”
“N-no.  Oh, my phone is ringing!”
She barely held in her laughter at the Star Wars theme coming out of his backpack.  Vex ran her eyes over his profile, appreciating the fine jaw and strong nose, the disheveled hair and two-day scruff, the delicate metallic glasses that gave him a distinguished look only emphasized by his elegant outfit.  An outfit she could tell had seen quite a bit of wear judging by the precisely stitched repairs and fabric fade.  His phone was also an older model, older even than her three generations behind smart phone. So, he was posh but maybe not rich. Just particular about his clothing.
Damn, but he was a fine specimen of a man, his voice soft and refined and lovely.  She wanted to pin him down and see how far that lovely blush went.
“Oh, shit,” he sighed, looking absolutely devastated at whatever the person on the line was saying, “Well, good thing I put in a few applications.  It’s fine, ma’am, you don’t have the time to keep the place open anymore.  I had a feeling this was coming.  Take care and keep me updated.  I’ll be just fine.  You know me.”
He hung up and rubbed his temples, pushing the glasses up, “Sorry about that.  Former job.”
“That’s fine.  Are you okay?”
“Oh, I’ll be fine. This doesn’t even make the top ten of worst things to happen to me,” Percy smiled, but still looked strained, “So, free days?”
“Wednesday after 3 and all weekend except for Saturday morning.  Me and my housemates are interviewing a potential new renter.”
“Oh?  I’m inter-wait, do you live with Kiki?  Keyleth?”
“Yeah, I do!  Are you her Percy?”  Vex lit up at the prospect of getting to spend more time with him and leaned over to look at the organized but packed schedule.  Shit, he wasn’t kidding, “That’s an insane coincidence. She’s told us all about you and Beau. I work at a café just down the street from the house, Laina’s.  We could study there or at the house.  And you could bring Beau and Pepper along.”
“Honestly, that would be great.  I actually just put in an application at Laina’s,” Percy smiled back, “I really appreciate the offer.  You sure you don’t mind?”
“Only if you don’t mind my dog.”
“Deal,” he offered his hand with a wink, beaming, “I-Thanks.”
“Not a problem, handsome,” he flushed to his ears, those spots standing out once more against the red, blushing at her new nickname for him, “So, we can meet up around 4 at Laina’s and I’ll see you Saturday?  I see you’re free from 4 to 7 tonight.”
“I’ll be the one with the black Zemian Shepherd and small child.”
“Sounds great,” she winked, gathering her things, “I’ll see you then.  I need to get to my next class.”
“B-bye,” Percy was frozen, flushed, and staring at her like she was the most gorgeous thing in the world. She strode off with a confident swing to her hips, head held high, and a triumphant grin.  A study date with a handsome man and his babies.  Hopefully, she and Beau would get along.  Kids usually liked her.  Then, she could hunt down that sexy shy bastard.
But first…
She dialed Vax as soon as she was outside the building, knowing his first class wasn’t until noon and he was off this morning, biting her lip.
“What’s up, Stubby?”
“Morning, shitbird.  I met the potential roomie today.  He’s apparently in my lit class and we got assigned a project together.”
“You sound entirely too chipper for this early.”
“Well, he’s absolutely gorgeous and looks like a good guy.  He got fired while we were talking and didn’t even react.  Was just as pleasant as before the call.  I liked him,” Vax made a disbelieving snort, “Really! He color-coordinates his schedule. It’s absolutely adorable.”
“Are you thinking with your head?”
“Yes!  I promise, you’ll like him.  His phone is older than mine and he has definitely patched his clothes a few times.”
“Fine.  I’ll go a bit easier on him.”
“On that note, I’ll be studying at Laina’s tonight.  With him. While you’re working.  I’ll get Grog to walk me home.”
“Wait, what?”
She hung up with a smug smirk.  That would drive him crazy all day.
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Here are my notes/comments I made while playing through KH3. The thoughts that went through my head.
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Tuesday, Jan 29th. 5:00 pm.
-Finally home and ready to play. Colored lights on, fluffy pants on, favorite blanket nearby, cats fed, pizza in oven, cold water in fridge, juice smoothie drink standing by. Waiting on my pizza to finish so I can eat dinner while listening to the title screen music. Have not put game on yet. (Just so happened to get my Marluxia keychain the other day too! Got my game today.)
-Here we goooooOOOOOO.
-OATH ORCHESTRAL IS SO PRETTY. Also expected recap. I bet there will be a lot of flashbacks in the game (update: not at all).
-Cable town seems a precarious place to live- also a pain to get around. Pretty. there’s a LOT of islands. (Update: homeworld of Keyblade wielders? Or base)
-Eraqus playing dumb?  Messing with Xehanort? Or is he actually just like that and doesn’t know.
-Queue intro. Music feels off slightly but that could just be because I saw the trailer one first. Also new Marluxia content, gonna need a gif of that little clip jumping over the scythe.
-Darkside, of course. Nostalgia reasons. Would have been more interesting if they changed up the fight with him, I think. He’s always been a pretty lame fight.
-Cutscenes feel much more natural (first reaction). Also Donald getting shit on, always fun. (Update: the amount of shitting on each other in this game is unreal)
-Hercules’ new voice… Is it new? IDK, but I find it unnerving.
-The Instagram loading screens are weird? Not a big deal.
-Maleficent’s much needed glow up.
-The graphics are odd because some things look super good and then some things look kinda weird sometimes. IDK I just started. Generally very pretty.
-SORA, DONALD, GOOFY. Is this going to be a thing again? (Update: yes, it is)
-Guess Phil isn’t going to talk at all? Sort of weird (Update: speaking of NOT SPEAKING. Aeleus and Dilan. Not a single peep. Wow.)
-Xigbar’s voice is changing into Xehanort’s now. Someone help him.
-Holy shit an NPC. WTF was that scene??? I think that’s all that needs to be said here. Just, what? How did that even work? No idea where the girl was/how far? Didn’t see any fire? Too slow? Yeeted into the universe. Little girl saved???
-Jumping around when you get hit with fire is annoying.
-Fighting those Titans was a shirt storm. It was soooo janky for me. (update: the combat in this game is incredibly aerial based)
-“May your hear-- ?” Unsure if game bugged or not. (Update: I get it now. Thanks, epilogue.)
-So Axel DOES get an outfit, wonder if we’ll ever see him wear it. (Update: AT THE VERY END
-Phone call. Is it my boy IENZO??? Oh, nope. D: WAIT, there he is.- -MOODY AELEUS??? What does he have against Roxas? Just because he left the Organization? Yeah, like Axel. Stop the bias against the other Org members.
-GODDAMMIT they did it again with the title card.
-Seifer and gang left for a “hero’s journey”.
-IENZO SPYING? IENZO CHUCKLE. Ienzo didn’t know= that makes sense. He’s so…happy (Update: he really is chipper in this game) -KIDNAPPED EVEN? -Just get Even to make him a body. -I too could go for some hot wings, little girl -Talking about Sora. I figured, but I hoped.
-Darn you Axel for being attractive -DILAN
-What a lovely world; everyone’s having a nice time… It sure would be a shame, if someone….ruined it.
-Mar you creep. PINK EYES?
-FAVOR? Oh. :I Balance, eh? Do you believe that Mar? Also would rather forget? Himself, or does he mean Sora?
-Marluxia does indeed dislike nicknames.
-Is Marluxia really out to protect the light/Rapunzel for balance? If it were anyone else it’d be easy to write off. (Update. Like Larx for this story it’s just about making sure they have the PoH backups)
-Time for Mar to be an ass. Lol. Sounded like he wasn’t even trying.  He likes it when they run. Also I guess Mar tied Flynn up in this version? -HE’S SO PRETTY -SLEEP BOY! Also…Mar? New power? Lol. How handy, wish I could do that to myself. (Also the comment about him being good at sleeping or something? Guess he knows that from DDD? When they were all there at the end. Or upon learning he was in a pod for a year.)
-The bosses thus far have been huge and really annoying to hit/air battles.
-On Marluxia, still looks like they’re just using him for Nort fodder at this point. Even though it still makes no sense at all.
-And I’m sure that’s all I’m gonna get this game for Marluxia.
-ALSO,  Reapers baby. CALLED IT.
-Get Even to make one! Well Goofy’s right, Ienzo might be able to do it. OH MY GOD I CALLED IT. Good job Riku for being smart.
-*Sidenote: If you haven’t seen Tangled some things might seem disconnected to you as a player. (Update: this goes for most of the Disney worlds actually.)
-Final Fantasy??!?!?! LOL Riku and Noctis fusion
-WTF. Shot by YMX into Square Enix? Oh nope, Gigas.
-OOO Woody burn. No one loves you Xehanort.
-Should have been ,“There’s a snake in my boot”
-ANOTHER Woody burn.
-I feel like Young Xehanort learned something they already knew???
-OH YEP. Need Even. I wonder if Aeleus and Dilan will talk in this game (Update: nope)
-OOOO Evil meeting. Everyone yell so you can hear each other. DAMN IT VEXEN, you mad science man. At least it’s a believable reason for Vexen. Unlike Marluxia, which is total bullshit
-Gummi flying takes forever.
FROZEN. Ready to see my girl Larxene
-This is literally the my friends are my power game with the way the combat is set up (Update: Very Aerial and AOE oriented gameplay)
-Also enemies have a lot of HP
-Lol. Oh yeah, memory loss. They filled her in.
- Using the electricity to move the blocks and trap them… I can be like, ok I’ll buy that. But this is a complex-ass labyrinth
Along with Marluxia’s sleep thing and now this,… Headcanon that it’s due to Xehanort influence possibly?
-Larxene Nobodies! They look like ninjas. YEP. Just checked. Called Ninjas.
-Giant Larxene knife symbols on wall. Classy.
-Did Larxene just show Elsa up with that labyrinth btw?
-LET IT GO. LET IT GO. “I don’t know what I just saw”. lol
-What is with all this Larx ice using? I dun like it >.<
-Again boss is up so high the fight is really floaty and crazy
-What girl??? Who??? Namine? Kairi? Streli? Not Larxene . Must be Kairi. (Update: STILL DON’T KNOW THE GIRL. Future game plot point)
-Oh god, not Pooh Bear. Please be optional.
-Ienzo has an Instagram.
-Alright Vani where you at?
-LMAO Sully just grabs him and throws him in a door xD That is a GOLDEN moment
-Ienzo’s gonna be the one who saves Xion Roxas and Ventus. Nice.
-This is “shit on each other the game” isn’t it?
-Oooo evil meeting.  MY PALS. Marluxia is WOKE as fuck., he’s like nah he just wants our empty husk bodies as vessels.  Larxene ain’t having it, yep, that’s what I thought. You? Canon ‘Marly’ Omg Benched, I believe it. REBEL GROUP. REBEL GROUP.  (Update: I chanted this in my head a lot)
WHAT??? Another purpose? Luxord in.  TELL US THE PURPOSE? All four of them? Wow. Demyx and Luxord in Union X confirmed. :/ Not a fan of this. Too many keyblades.
Ugh I want more plot Dx Gotta do Pirates.
*So it does seem like the four of them don’t want to be in the Org? But again they aren’t doing anything about it so???
So the reason they let them back (Mar and Lar even though traitors) is because they want their ancient keyblade powers. (Update: This is never mentioned again. Like, why does it matter to Xehanort? Did Xehanort pull them out of time? More questions)
- Vexen and Lux. Oooo Vexen not obeying. Luxooooord. REBEL GROUP. REBEL GROUP. -Pausing air fight to feed cats. Not enjoying this flying oof. Thank goodness it isn’t all shooting -Who needs air? -Wow nice ship and sails Luxord -Whatever you want eh Luxord? -Gonna honor the rules Lux? Did he lose on purpose? -Hope eh? -LOL No Parley. OOF breath on his face, into the ocean. Luxord just got burned. First Vanitas now Luxord - Dramatic walk scene?  Awwww
-GDI Axel change your clothes -Was thinking this at the first scene but GDI I know people are going to ship these two
-Here comes darkqua? -A tale of two Ansems. Feeling Namine guilt? -Hayner bout to get FUCKED. WHAT GIRL? -WHAT THE FUCK? Nobodies? Who doing this??? -FUCK it’s Vexen. Good Vexen? What? :o Is he lying??? FUCK CLIFFHANGER. I appreciate all the diff character interactions in this game though. Does Vexen secretly have a heart of gold and is in on the REBEL GROUP?
- Data Riku or Repliku? Going with Repliku. But the enemy is very codedesque. Also Data Riku is just Data, no body. Could also be timetravel bs - Replica confirmed. Not sure if it’s the same ”Repliku” - Hoping actual Repliku will come back. Riku did mention his other me after all
-Darkqua music was great
-Aaand she’s gone. Again. OR NOT
-Finally these two: Vexen and Demyx. DUNCE. LMAO their fighting. REBEL VEXEN. What’s in it for you, Demyx??? UHHH Not becoming Xehanort. (Demyx continues to be a douche character). Marluxia? Maybe. DEMYX TIME. Oh my god. Was that intentional??? LMAO Demyx is so ‘useless’ no one expects him to do anything. Nice FAMILY REUNION
VEXEN YOU LEGEND. I always liked him. Now it’s up to you Marluxia >:Y I think Vexen may have been talking about Ansem the Wise. Also may not still completely trust him because it says he went back willingly. Unless he changed his mind when learning about Ansem the Wise. (Update: Nope, Vexen really is a legend. I love him).
CASTLE OBLIVION -Vani fight, nice. Great music -HE UP. Go visit your old friend Mar.
-Ventus gets to meet both Axel and Marluxia as adults. How odd.
-Sudden Saix. So casual. WHAT GIRL? WHAT GIRL???? Is it Strelitzia? Skuld? New character? (Update: Again, future plot point.)
-Repliku with Riku.? YEP. DOPE. Save Namine? (Update: Yep. To protect Namine).
-Enter Terranort. Shock for Ven to see. -Axel got fucked. -SHIT AN F5. - Everyone died. The end -STARS???? More pieces???? WAHHHT PAST? Union X Club??? Streli?! D’x
The Final World :O
-Chirithy is great.
-Vexen gonna save the day with a replica? And Demyx  lol. They both got benched. What a team up. (Update: And we never heard from them again. They literally just dipped from the Org and none of the Norts did anything. (Update: No idea what happened to Demyx. He dropped off the replica and was outie).
-DÉJÀ VU. Oof.
-EPHEMERA! THE KEEEEEYS. All the dead people
-UNION LEADERS KEYS. Also all the others, but I believe I saw five? What I’m saying is those four-five Starlights= Dandelion Union Leaders.
-Is Vexen with the coat guys up there??? -Also Demyx??? -Do they have a PLAN??? (Update: Nope, they literally just dipped).
-Thank you, Luxord awww.  Such a cool guy…(Update: Sora still has the Wild Card)
AWww Larx. Heart tank? NO THANKS.  Along for the ride- With?? (Marluxia?)
*MEMORIES BACK???? Real laugh. A smile. He DID forget. Always about “purpose for being with Mar”. How did I predict that? (Update: Marluxia amnesia confirmed? Also why the heck didn’t /he/ rebel. Makes no sense. I blame Nomura. He also gave no reason for why he was following Xehanort. Again, it’s pretty BS. NO EXPLANATION.)
Riku down. Very interested in what Xigbar will have to say… Repliku repossession! NOOOO. Repliku stay! Roxas, of course.
He just wanted that keyblade bro. What?????? Why the backwards drama D: (Update: Nope. Xigbar just playing the role, or should I say Luxu).
Fucking Axel. That smart mouth.
Saix would have let him die; also I knew it was Xion from trailers.
:O XION. He knew.
And Roxas is in. The music has been SO GOOD.
Vexen  Zexion Ansem Demyx. LUL GET FUCKED Xemnas.
Vanitas sounds higher pitched in this game.
GUARDIAN??? This is weird.
I don’t believe in perma dead Kairi.
WHEN’S THE BOX? ALSO Luxord’s Wild Card!
*Btw guess Vexen and Demyx just left so the other Norts replaced them instead of doing anything about it
Awww, Saix. Or rather, Isa.
Didn’t shed any tears, but the part that got me feeling the most was with Xehanort and Eraqus tuff at the end, surprisingly
*** WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO DEMYX? What did he even do to help besides delivering the replica LMAO??
WHY DIDN’T I GET TO SEE MY BOY IN THE ENDING? Maybe secret ending. ☹ (Update: Nah)
Oh yeah, Sora vanished btw.
*Xehanorts VA could have had a better performance.
-Wow. Xigbar really was the MoM? Union leaders alive?  OH, nvm he’s Luxu. Guess he picked up on MoM’s behavior and mannerisms. Also been through many bodies I see… No Ava.
UH OH. New game board. 7 evils. Five being leaders and Xig, 2 Unkowns. Please don’t put Mar through more of that, IE make him be in another Org/group.
They never opened the box, did they.
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caddy-crystal-queen · 7 years
Twin Hearts
So this is an idea I got today while watching some episodes of Once Upon A Time with Hyde in them. I couldn’t help but think to myself: Ya know...what if Maul had a sort of...discussion with himself, with the more positive or “light side” version of himself? How would that have gone down, and would it have ultimately changed his fate? Well...let’s see how this plays out...
Twin Hearts
“Ugh...my head” the former sith sat up from the surprisingly warm ground that had softened his supposed fall.  From where had he fallen? Maul could’t remember, and he blamed it on a head injury. His vision was blurry for a moment but as it cleared he saw something close by, practically before him. Fire, it was at first the soft glow of a flame dancing just a few feet from his face. Shaking his head, Maul was able to focus fully on his surroundings. It was night, as he was surrounded by both sand below him and stars above him glittering like what he had once imagined to be angel wings. Wait, he hadn’t thought about that in years. Not since-
“Oh! You’re finally awake I see” a voice familiar but strange said close by with an odd cheeriness. 
Maul immediately stood, reaching for a lightsaber that, oddly enough, wasn’t there. He started to panic, frantically looking around for it. 
“You don’t need it here. There’s nothing to harm you now” a cloaked figure remained seated close to the flames, “It’s been a long time since we talked, and...well, to be honest, I missed you”. 
The zabrak looked confused. “Who are you?” 
“You mean...you don’t recognize me”.  “I don’t trust cloaked figures...not even ones that even remotely sound like me”.  “Well, there’s a reason I sound like you” the figure removed the hood and Maul looked on in shock. 
It was himself. An identical twin, even down to the markings. He blinked in surprise, unsure of what to say. The doppelganger blinked and Maul saw one difference: The eyes. The twin’s eyes were a strange mix of blue and gray, a strange contradiction to the black and red that surrounded them. But there was something sweet and innocent in those eyes. There was so much good in them. 
“It’s because I am you, you silly goof”. “I don’t believe you”. “Really? Why not? Is it so hard to believe that I’m still here? I really did miss you-” “Oh save it...I have no reason to believe you are me...I’m far superior to you”. 
There was a pause from the twin’s end. “In some ways yes, but in others, well...let’s just say you’re on the shallow side of that pool”. 
Maul continued to scowl skeptically at the lighter twin. At this the other zabrak stood and slowly approached him. 
“If you need proof, I can show you I’m still here”. “And how would you-” 
He had no time to finish his question, as the doppelganger shoved his hands into the original’s chest and gripped the two hearts inside. For a moment, Maul was speechless. It didn’t hurt, but the hold of the twin’s hands left a strange warmth in his chest. For a single moment, as he gripped the hearts, the darkness faded and he didn’t feel like himself anymore. The twin pulled his hands out, taking his hearts with them. All Maul could do was blink in shock and surprise as he watched his hearts beat in the twin’s surprisingly gentle hands. 
The hearts themselves were dark. Not quite black, more like a very deep shade of violet. But down, deep in the very core of them, were each a soft light of pink which gently pulsed with their respective hearts beat. The blue eyed twin smiled softly, kindly. 
“See? I’m still here” his smile faded as he caressed the hearts with his fingertips, “You try so hard to get rid of me...yet I’m a part of you. I could crush these right now and kill us both, but I’m not like that. I’m not like you”. 
There was a strange fluttering in Maul’s chest as if he could feel the warm touches on the beating organs. He growled, his eyes daring. 
“Do it. End it. Put a stop to everything, you coward”.  “Coward? You speak of cowardice and yet YOU are the one who is afraid of your own light. You would rather see us die than let me out and let us flourish-”
Maul snarled at the other and shoved his hands into his chest as well to rip out the twin’s hearts as well. That same warmth he felt before overtook him as he gripped them and ripped them free from their fleshy prison. Now they stood, nothing between them but their beating hearts. The twin’s hearts were a strange mix of pink and white but in the centers were an inky blackness in each that also pulsed with each beat. 
“And there’s you in me” despite the strange situation the twin gave him a genuine smile. 
But in the twin’s hearts there were other more drastic differences. The light hearts had holes in them. Not too many but enough. Curious, Maul eyed the two in his hands. 
“Why are there holes here?” he dared to ask, his voice suddenly broken as though he were on the edge of tears. 
The twin also looked saddened. “Because we’ve been hurting for so long over different things...Rather than confronting our pain and letting it out you’ve buried it and tried to get me to rot under your pain, your grief. OUR pain. OUR grief”. “What do you want from me?”  “All I ask is...” the lighter half sighed, “All I ask is that...that you love yourself. That you...love me”. 
Maul raised an eyebrow. “Me? Love you? The weaker one? Ha! Why should I?”. 
“Because you did once. When Savage was still with us...You felt something, didn’t you?” 
He went from being the taunter to the taunted like that. Maul stopped and looked at his saddened light twin. 
“You loved. For the very first time in our life you felt something from me. You let me flourish. Granted, not in all areas, but I was there. We were one for once”.  “And that time died with him”.  “But it didn’t have to. You could’ve just-”.  “He died because of you! Because you made me weak!”  “NO! I did no such thing!”  “Love is weakness!”  “Love is strength! He proved it! I proved it! You never felt stronger than when you were with him! Why?! Because you loved him! And for once, you had the strength and the capacity to LOVE ME! TO LOVE YOURSELF!” the tone he used wasn’t angry but passionate, “He died not because we were weak, but because we were careless. We were unprepared...we all were. All because you couldn’t let go of your rage, your hatred. He suffered because you wouldn’t let me out. He loved you...you never even told him you loved him but he knew in the very end-”  “Stop...” Maul growled through gritted teeth.  “And now it’s happened again. With that boy...that Ezra Bridger”.  “Enough...”  “I’ve seen what you’ve thought of...you’ve thought of embracing him, keeping him safe, teaching him without consuming his light, hoping to catch some of it yourself. You want him to be your hope, to be our brother. Even your hearts are so starved for love...It doesn’t have to be that way. Stop this foolish quest for vegeance. It will only lead to our demise”.  “And do what? Go where?”  “What do your hearts tell you?”. 
He wanted to go after him, deep down. He wanted to go back to Ezra and ask for forgiveness, but he knew it would be pointless. The boy would never, ever accept him. Not now, not ever. 
“I want to go back...” Maul collapsed before his other half, “I want to tell him I’m sorry but...but He’ll never forgive me. He hates me!” 
The twin knelt down and gently pushed the hearts back into his darker half’s chest. Knowing he was on the verge of tears, the light one put his arms around his darker one, gentle and warm. Maul felt them go back in, but something was changed about them. They were still heavy but he didn’t feel so cold anymore. Just a sadness overtook him. The gold eyes welled with tears and he broke down in the lighter half’s embrace. 
“He...he’ll never forgive me...he hates me! I would’ve...I would’ve loved him! With all my heart! I would’ve...I would’ve given everything if he would’ve just given me a chance!” Maul sobbed into the lighter half, “Take them...please...I don’t deserve to hold them”.  “I need you to put them back in. I can’t do it myself”.  “I...I don’t want to hurt you”. 
The lighter twin smiled gently, and the darker could see he had also shed his own tears. “It’s okay, I trust you”. 
Surprised by the doppelganger’s trust, Maul gently pushed the hearts back inside his chest. The light one smiled and gently caressed his tear stained cheek. 
“See? Trusting yourself isn’t so bad now is it?”.  “What if he doesn’t forgive us? What if he hates us?”  “Then we have said our peace. We are free. Let him live with the resentment. Let him live wonder why and what if. But we’ll be free to do as we wish”. 
Revenge was his first thought but a disapproving look from the lighter half told him that wasn’t the answer. No. Going after Kenobi was not the solution to the problem. Sidious had been the one to ruin his life, from the very beginning. Now that Maul thought about it, wouldn’t his Master had just betrayed him for a better apprentice in the end? What if that was the plan the entire time? Was his whole life, his very existence some kind of curse? 
“It doesn’t need to be. We can go beyond this. Be greater than what we are. We are all a part of a great and ever moving, ever changing plan. What exactly that plan is we never know. And our place in that plan is one we must decide for ourselves. It may not seem like much from the inside looking out but to others, outside looking in, we could do great things. Wonderful things...but we have to give ourselves a chance if nobody else will”. 
“What if...what if all I do is cause more pain? Or what if we get hurt again?”  “Then we keep trying. We learn from our mistakes and we try again. I believe in us...why can’t you?”  “What if I’m not worthy of love? From him or anyone else?”   “You don’t need to validate your existence through someone else to be happy. The love of another is good, but...that’s why I’m trying to get you to love me first. Because if you can’t love yourself, then...then you constantly rely on others. Everyone is and can be an island in a sense. But for the time being yes, the love of another is maybe what you need to start loving yourself-”.  “No...you’re right” Maul blinked and it actually felt like he was seeing for the first time, “I...I can’t believe I’ve been so blind, to you, Ezra...and I was blind to Savage too...Before I even try earning their forgiveness, their love...I need to love myself first...” 
The darker zabrak rose with his twin. He didn’t care how much it hurt, he needed this. Without saying anything else, Maul put his arms around the lighter half of himself, the four hearts beating together as the light embraced back. 
A gold-blue eye then flicked open. Maul knew his path. Now all there was left to do was follow it...
OMG! Feels man! I almost cried typing this. I really, really wanted to see a scene like this, and I’ve had an idea like this in my head for a little while. I think it turned out pretty good :) 
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