#[ wardrobe ] – itachi.
hokkoshi · 1 year
✧. tag dump: uchiha itachi
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mixelation · 3 months
is sasoi invited to toris wedding. does he do her hair. do japanese weddings have best men/maids of honor and if so who gets deidara. does orochimaru show up
i know very little about japanese weddings, but google indicates they don't typically have bridal parties. but if they DID deidara would be in tori's party bc itachi has a huge family and tori has ummm deidara and her imaginary civilian friend. one of he articles i speed read did say there's a role for parents, which tori would ask minakushi for awwww cute (kushina cries the whole ceremony)
sasori is definitely invited but im not sure if he'd be interested in attending. i think it could go other way-- i don't think he'd like big events but he might like the pretty formal wear and a pretty venue. his attendance might be entirely contingent on tori's planned wardrobe. instead of a normal RSVP he's like "itachi would look good in a wedding kimono but idk about you. what is your reception uchikake like" and if i got through with the kazekage plan, tori DOES have to report this is his answer to konoha leadership.
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animeomegas · 10 months
I'm going crazy thinking about which sexy outfits/costumes would suit our favourite boys the best. Here are my conclusions:
Suggestive, but not explicit.
Shouto Todoroki seems like he would suit literally everything, how is he so pretty??
Itachi would be the sexiest nurse to ever exist, no contest.
Baxter was born to play a hot subby professor and I'm so upset that I will never get to see that irl.
My pretty boy Neji needs to play a vampire that gets outclassed and seduced by a human alpha.
Seven as an entire wardrobe of costumes, but I would especially love to see him in a sexy wedding dress, oh yes...
And speaking of sexy wedding dresses, Hayate would look so good and be so embarrassed at the same time.
Also, Levi would kill a sexy maid with a very, very short skirt.
That's all for now~
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adhdnojutsu · 5 months
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Wardrobe tests for Itachi, Sasuke and Shisui
Yes, Itachi in dolphin shorts is my kryptonite because imagine just sliding your hand or whatever else up those flappy slits and-
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moumouton4 · 1 year
Yn avoiding Itachi's touch and his reaction please?!?
Imagine His Reaction To You Avoiding His Touch || Itachi Uchiha x gen!reader
A/n : Hiiii dear anon 🤩 I hope it's what you wanted. I went in this direction as I said I only took nsfw fic anonymously so yeah I hope it's good
Warnings : angst, mention of sex, a bit of fluff
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Words count : 580
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You and Itachi always had a fulfilling sex life
If you had time, you could go 7 times in one week during your vacations. His record, well, he took you 5 times in the same day yes he had plenty of energy to spare
He was naturally surprised one day when he made it clear in his own way that he needed you, but you gently pushed him away
However, he didn't say that you rightly had your reasons for not wanting to do it, your period, or that you didn't feel well or just didn't want to, which he deeply respected
Anyways he took care of himself knowing that your and his sex drive are practically the same and that you'd have plenty of time to find each other
But the next time you also said no
He gave you time to come back to him, thinking that maybe you were waiting to create a lack before taking the plunge, but nothing happened
He began to worry when one day he wrapped an arm around your waist to pull you closer to him, and you swiftly pulled away
More and more he noticed that you were less inclined to kiss him in public too
At night you stopped spooning, pretending you were feeling to hot
And then during the day you stopped sitting on his lap, preferring to sit next to him
He was worried that one day he'd wake up and you wouldn't be next to him anymore
He worried so much that even his sex drive dropped
He asked himself a lot of questions :
What was the trigger ? Did you know something he didn't ? Did you have problems with yourself that you didn't want to share ? Or were you afraid to approach him for some reason ? Or was it because of someone else ? Or something else? Was he being threatened ? or were you ?
So many unanswered questions battled in his mind
He thought it was him at first, so he started taking more showers and wearing more perfume, he changed his workout routine, he was even ready to cut his hair and change his wardrobe if it would bring you back to him
But ultimately he decided not to oppress you with it, trusting you nonetheless
But he couldn't deny the ache in his heart every time you avoided his touch and he wanted you close to him, even to read a book or look at the sky
Not being able to touch you hurt him a lot, but he respected that because he loves you
Another of his reactions was to compensate for his touch by doing things for you, like baking cakes and making meals. Itachi even surprised himself by being very talkative in your presence, hoping at least to touch your mind with his words
If he got a chuckle out of you, he won everything
He hadn't decided to let you down, he was sure that all hope wasn't lost because he loved you and he was sure that deep down you loved him just as much
Why you avoided his touch, he still didn't know, but in any case he was counting on you to tell him if it got really serious
Though he knows that to have managed to get you off his hook must have been pretty convincing
Write in the comment what it may be... spoiler alert I don't know myself
A/n : I hope you guys liked it ! 🥡🥠 Again my requests are open 🧁🍫
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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Character: none, i left this blank so you could insert your comfort character :) I used male pronouns for the character but none were used for the reader
Warnings: the shirt is said to be oversized but a size is not mentioned/ boys being able to wear a shirt too big for reader, size of reader is not mentioned (I try to keep my fics as reader friendly as possible!!)
the song is just somethin for you to listen to if you so please😌 kindly accept it as an apology for not being able to come up with a title for this drabble thingy🥹
I had a random thought of Washio wearing my oversized JJK comfort shirt and wrote this AHHAHAHHA
You could feel your cheeks hurting with how wide you were smiling. You feel your heart start to pound and your knees get weak the longer you stare at the sight in front of you.
Standing in your kitchen, hair messy and expression that of a man who just slept one of the best sleeps he’s ever had in his life, was your husband.
Your husband who was holding the coffee mug your sister had gotten him for his birthday, wearing the flannel pajama pants your grandmother got him for Christmas (and by some miracle fit him).
But by far your favorite part of his wardrobe this Saturday morning was the oversized anime t-shirt you had bought when you were a teenager.
The shirt you bought when you were just learning to express yourself.
The shirt you wore longer than socially acceptable and longed for when it was in the wash.
The shirt you sought for whenever you had bad days, as if it possessed some magical ability to make all your problems just a little bit better.
The shirt you had gushed to him about when unpacking your shared belongings into your first home (like he hadn’t seen you in it a bajillion times).
And now that shirt, by far your favorite and of great sentimental value, was being worn by the man you had chosen to spend the rest of your life with.
The man who pulled you from dark places and held onto you through rough patches, who anchored you to this world even when the going got so tough you started to wonder if you could handle it. 
And there he was, yawning as he sipped his morning coffee and basked in the sunlight in your decade old, worn out anime shirt. “Good morning,” His raspy greeting was met with a chuckle as you made your way across the cold floors and into his waiting embrace.
You snaked your arms around his torso and softly dug your face into his neck. Your hands grasped onto the soft, well-known and comforting material as your lips placed gentle kisses on his neck.
You heard the clink of the ceramic mug as he set it down on the counter, and felt the warmth of his hands as they locked around your shoulders. His own kisses placed on the side of your head as the two of you soaked in the sunlight shining through the windows and the love radiating off of one another.
You whispered his name, he hummed for you to continue, you smiled against his neck and moved to hold him just a little tighter as you tried not to get too emotional.
Your favorite person and your favorite shirt, who would’ve thought the shirt you dreamed in, hoped in, hurt in would ever be worn by the person who wiped your tears and held your hand through all of life's greatest and hardest moments.
Another shaky inhale before you softly laughed against his neck, “I like your shirt.”
WASHIO, Kawanishi, Ennoshita, KUROO, Hawks, Todoroki, Fuegoleon, JULIUS, Nacht, Kakashi, Ibiki, ITACHI, Aki, TOMIOKA, Rengoku, Geto, MEGUMI
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beatriceportinari · 5 months
Izuna outfits ranked
white coffin outfit : 10/10. WITH the blindfold ? iconic
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child soldier : he looks sooo sweet and cute. the only time he wears an armor ! 9/10 one point deduction for child endangerment
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cinched waist battlecoat : perfect outfit to cough blood in ! ! ! ! ! 10000/10
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itachi flashback : shout out to itachi for imagining a whole little wardrobe. I will never say it enough we need to recognise itachi's sense of needless drama. the cape? the double contrapposto belts? the vintage ant bindle fannypacks for training? it would be worth a million points but alas it is also combined with the ponytail. 0/10
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Just an eye in a pouch: YEAH YOU FUCKING KNOW IT 5 STARS. THAT'S MY BOY.
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belit0 · 10 months
Hi i would like to request of the uchihas reaction of sarada's time skip outfit pls. Also, i love ur fanfics💓
Thank you so much!! I love feedback, it keeps me going and motivates me for writing, I truly appreciate it💕🤗
The Uchiha, to me, are highly conservative (except Izuna), so their personal opinions are somewhat reiterative with lesser degrees of severity.
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- Literally what the fuck, again. Why do they allow women, a girl at least, to dress like that? Indra reiterates, and still maintains, that having such a brat as part of his bloodline is disgusting, even more so after seeing her obtain the fucking mangekyou sharingan in such a stupid way.
- Lots of skin, she's just a kid u guys... Similar to the previous man, he doesn't agree at all with having... so much in plain sight. What happened to the ancient robes of the clan?! Besides, her short hair makes him despair, since when did the Uchiha cease to maintain their beautiful long manes and opted for the boastfulness of cutting it?
- Slaaaay. Highly supportive of rebelliousness and lack of limits, he believes the bolder you are, the funnier your life will be. Izuna is that irresponsible uncle who makes you smoke for the first time, or drink your first glass of alcohol and get drunk, so his opinion doesn't count for much. He supports chaos, in all its shapes and forms.
- Protect the... child? It's definitely a revealing outfit, impractical for fighting at the very least, and it looks quite uncomfortable. He likes the jacket, and the short hair, but if the clothes were a little longer, he'd be more at ease. It's a 50/50 between liking and indignation, with no clear inclination.
- Not so slay. Shisui is already anticipating how many kids he'll have to scare before they leave his niece alone, and he's not enjoying it at all. I mean, yeah, freaking kids out is cool, but not if it's to keep them from hitting on his little Sarada. He'll probably force her to wear long pants and zip her jacket up to her neck.
- If she's happy, he's happy. Personally and like all the other Uchiha, he doesn't really approve of her wardrobe choices, but the times have changed and nowadays kids can choose how to dress and how to look. If she is pleased with her outfit, great. He'd approve a little more length at the base, at least down to the knees, but that's about it.
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greatideas-badwriter · 4 months
SasuSaku: Sacrificed To The Banished Prince Ch. 9
Sakura did her best to appear unbothered while following her temporary handmaid, a scary woman named Konan, downstairs toward the dining hall for breakfast. 
Ino had packed her new dresses for this trip, but they weren’t in the room when the pinkette awoke. She asked Konan about it, but all she said was that the king had selected a wardrobe for her to use during the stay. Just like the dress Sakura hadn’t liked while trying on clothes for the royal family’s tailor, the back was low on every single one. She politely requested a shawl or something to cover her bare skin but was refused. Konan at least heeded her request to leave her hair loose down her back so it wouldn’t be noticeable. 
‘This maid didn’t say or do anything to hurt me, but I feel really uncomfortable around her for some reason.’ 
“Ah, you look beautiful, Niece! I knew a lady of the Haruno family would compliment any dress wonderfully,” the king kissed Sakura’s hand before gesturing for her to sit beside Sasuke at the large dining table. 
She felt her face warm. Awkwardly, she crossed the room, sparing her fiance a glance when he rose to pull out the chair for her. He still seemed upset, but not as much as he had during the past week. 
Breakfast was served, but the pinkette found it hard to eat when it felt like her every move was being scrutinized. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears as she tried to ignore the discomfort and failed. 
The king was overly friendly with her from the moment they met. It wasn’t that she was ungrateful to him for being so welcoming; it was just that she wasn’t used to such behavior. She didn’t know how to react and feared she’d accidentally say or do the wrong thing and insult him. The last thing she wanted to do was misrepresent her family and Sasuke. 
‘I don’t belong in a place like this. I’m an illegitimate daughter, of all things! Does the king know? Will he cancel the wedding if he finds out?’ 
Sakura’s spine straightened as she snapped out of her anxious stupor. A warm hand had landed atop hers on her lap. She looked at Sasuke in surprise, and he squeezed, a reassuring glint ever so subtly warming his gaze. If she hadn’t been searching for it, she would’ve missed it and assumed he was only glaring again. 
She nervously returned the squeeze, a grateful smile pulling at the corner of her mouth. Sasuke released her hand when the king suddenly spoke, breaking the silence of the room, “You two must be excited about your engagement party this evening.” 
Sasuke nodded with a frown, his voice serious and cold, “Thank you for organizing this for us, Uncle. You have our gratitude.”  
Even though she was unstudied in most things pertaining to human interaction due to her lack of experience with the outside world, Sakura could tell Sasuke was tense and cautious in regard to the king and maybe the first prince, too. She mentally noted to follow in his footsteps so as to not cause problems. 
“Of course, Nephew! I’ve waited years for your letter confirming a match had been made with one of the marriage candidates I selected,” Madara’s dark eyes flickered onto Sakura, his smile widening when her face turned a pretty shade of pink, “I must say your appearances are as different as day and night but somehow still suit one another. Wouldn’t you agree, Itachi?” 
The first prince nodded politely, “Yes. They’re a very handsome couple, Uncle. You’ve outdone yourself.” 
After breakfast, Sasuke attempted to get Sakura alone so they could speak about the man with yellow eyes, but the king stopped them before they could exit the dining room. “Sasuke, your brother will take you to prepare for this evening. Leave the princess in my hands. I’ll take good care of her in your absence.” 
Sakura’s eyes widened when Sasuke took her hands and regarded her with a frown, “My Lord….” 
He glanced at his family members before turning so his back faced them. Her warm face became hot when he uncharacteristically leaned in to press a chaste kiss to her cheek, whispering into her ear while there, “Be cautious. I’ll come to you as soon as I can.” When he pulled back and searched her face, she nodded, awestruck. He gave her hands one last squeeze before following his elder brother out of the room, leaving her with the king. 
King Madara offered Sakura his arm, “Shall we take a stroll?” 
She bowed before accepting it. It was difficult to keep her body from nervously trembling, so he surely noticed, but he said nothing. The pair walked in silence for a while before they exited the building and entered a massive, intricate, and beautiful garden. 
Sakura was suddenly struck with a sense of deja vu. She glanced around, trying desperately to figure out why it felt as though this wasn’t her first time seeing it. 
“Would you like to sit and rest for a moment?” 
Sakura nodded, allowing the king to guide her to a nearby bench, where they sat side-by-side. Her gaze landed on a row of rose bushes across the walkway, where dark blue flowers bloomed. Her brow furrowed as she continued to fail in jogging her memory. 
“Is there something on your mind?” 
The woman jumped slightly, having forgotten Konoha’s ruler was at her side. She blushed, glancing his way before nodding and averting her eyes back to the roses, “I feel as though I’ve seen beautiful blue roses like these somewhere before, but I’m having trouble recalling where.” 
When the king didn’t respond, Sakura looked at him again, only to have her blood run cold when he was staring intently at her face, “Your Highness?” 
Just like that, his serious expression returned to the friendly one from before, and he tilted his head, “You know, I was just thinking it’s rare to meet someone with naturally pink hair. It suits you quite well.” 
She blushed, lowering her gaze bashfully, “You’re too kind.” 
“Your siblings all have red hair, if I correctly recall?” 
“Yes, that is true.” ‘He seems very interested in my physical appearance. I think it’d be rude to ask the reason why.’ 
“I see,” King Madara searched her face calmly, “And is this your first time visiting the palace? I know Baron Haruno has attended dozens of banquets and balls.” 
Sakura’s pulse quickened. She hesitated because if she confirmed that she’d never been here, he might realize there was a reason why and investigate her upbringing. Above all else, she was terrified he’d annul the engagement with Sasuke upon realizing she was an illegitimate child. So, she lied, “I was a very sick child, so I wasn’t able to accompany Father to many parties while growing up.” 
He nodded, “Ah, I understand now. I was concerned my mind was failing because I’d surely not forget a beauty such as yours.” He got to his feet and offered his arm again, “Let us continue our stroll. The maids will soon come for you to prepare for the party this evening.” 
They began walking again, but Sakura felt less comfortable than before. 
“So, what are your thoughts on my nephew?” 
“He is a respectable and generous man, Your Highness. He has treated me well.” 
“Pardon me if the topic is unwelcome, but can you explain the nature of your relationship? Seeing The Curse roam free last night without trying to harm anyone was quite a shock.” 
‘Ah, so he wants details on what’s happened between the three of us,’ Sakura took her time gathering her thoughts, ‘Sasuke told me to be cautious. He wouldn’t have done that if there was nothing to worry about, so I think I shouldn’t tell the king everything.’ 
“There isn’t much I can say. Any agreements The Curse and Lord Sasuke have are between them. I feel it’s too personal a matter, so I haven’t asked the prince for more information.” 
King Madara didn’t let her completely get away with such a vague response, “You must at least be aware of the condition to rid my nephew of that demon.” 
“...Yes. I am aware of my fate.”
“And you’re accepting of things as they are?” 
Sakura paused, swallowing nervously before nodding, “Lord Sasuke vowed to try finding alternative ways to break the curse, but if that fails, I’ll not resent him.” She tried to answer in a way that she thought would please Konoha’s ruler, “To die so that a member of the royal family can be healed and thrive would be an honor.” 
The king chuckled, sighing afterward, “You are a unique young woman, Niece. I’m grateful it’s you who is his fiance. I’ll leave him in your capable hands.” 
Soon, Konan and a handful of other maids retrieved Sakura and took her back to the bedroom upstairs to begin the long and tedious preparations needed to get her ready for the engagement party.  
By the time they were finished, Sakura hardly recognized herself in the mirror. The dress, which she had no hand in choosing, clung to her humble curves. It was blood red, made of velvet, floor length, and had off-shoulders with a sweetheart neckline. This would be the most form-fitting outfit the pinkette had ever worn, which only proved to make her more nervous. 
Her long hair was in romantic curls with some of it pinned back, only to be accented with a thin tiara. No matter how much she protested, Konan and the other ladies insisted she wore it due to her impending title change from lady to princess. Diamond earrings and a necklace were also provided. Sakura’s makeup was flawless and professional. 
A knock came at the bedroom door, causing the panicking woman to gasp and turn in time to see Sasuke open it. His dark eyes subtly widened when they met hers, and she suddenly felt insecure and self-conscious. They met one another halfway, where she whispered unsteadily, her overwhelmed state clear as day to her fiance, “I-I don’t know if I can do this.” 
Sasuke looked beyond stunning. He wore a black tuxedo with a bowtie that matched her dress. His usually unruly hair was combed back and out of his face. 
He offered his arm with an unfamiliar expression on his face, “If you can tame The Curse, you can face the public.” 
She fanned herself to prevent the tears from overflowing as they left the room and began heading for the ballroom downstairs, “What if I say the wrong thing? I don’t want to embarrass you or your family, Lord Sasuke.” 
The pair stopped near the guards manning the double-door entryway of the ballroom, and the prince faced her fully. Like earlier in the day, he pulled her hands into his and met her gaze straight on. For a moment, it was quiet, and she stared with wide eyes while trembling nervously. 
“I’m relying on you to help break my curse, so rely on me when you’re feeling unsure.” 
‘My God, he really is a prince,’ Sakura’s mouth opened slightly as she took in the man’s gentle reassurance and handsome appearance. There was something so noble about his demeanor this evening. ‘Could it be the party and the clothing getting to me? I can’t stop staring at his face.’ 
Sasuke squeezed her hands and spoke again, this time leaning in slightly to pull her attention from her hectic thoughts, “I’ll take the lead tonight. Simply follow my example.” 
Slowly, Sakura nodded. Her heartbeat slowed enough that she could take a deep breath. The prince fixed her with one last look over before gesturing to the guards so they’d open the doors. 
“Now, introducing Prince Sasuke and his new fiance, Lady Sakura Haruno.” 
Applause met their ears as they stepped into the crowded room. It was so bright and lively that it took a moment for Sakura’s eyes and ears to adjust. Without missing a beat, Sasuke guided her hand into the crook of his arm and stepped forward, guiding her along. 
‘I have to keep my shoulders back and make sure not to trip,’ Sakura glanced at the tall man supporting her before blushing and lowering her gaze, ‘For him, I have to do everything perfectly.’ 
The couple was greeted by dozens of strangers in extravagant clothing, each doing little to hide the fact that they wished to be in the good graces of the royal family to benefit their own. 
When they made their way to the head of the room where the king and crowned prince were waiting, Madara lifted a hand to silence and still the area. Then, he spoke loudly enough that all could hear, “As the acting ruler of this land, I hereby offer this couple my blessing,” he gestured to them, “Nephew.” 
Sakura faced Sasuke because he suddenly turned her way, pulling away from her hold. She brought a shocked hand to her chest when he knelt down to one knee and offered her a beautiful diamond ring with sapphires accenting the massive gemstone. His dark eyes remained locked on hers the entire time, silently encouraging her not to lose confidence, “I’m declaring my intention to make you a part of my family, Lady Sakura. Will you accept this ring, therefore accepting my offer of marriage?” 
‘I had no idea this sort of thing would be happening tonight, especially in front of so many people!’ 
The image before her was like something out of a fairytale book, one she might’ve read to her youngest sibling before bed years ago. With her hand trembling, she allowed Sasuke to slide the ring onto her fourth finger, “I will.” 
Applause filled the air once more, and Sakura’s face warmed significantly as the second prince rose to his feet. He seemed mildly amused by her bashful reaction, the corner of his lips tugging as though he wanted to smirk or smile but was holding back. She looked at the gorgeous ring on her finger before placing a palm on her cheek in an attempt to cool it. 
Together, the couple approached the king and bowed. Madara grinned widely, gesturing for them to raise, “Let us spend the night making wonderful memories we can reminisce about for years to come!” He lifted his glass of champagne, “A toast! To the happy couple! May their love last a lifetime!” 
A butler quickly arrived to give Sakura and Sasuke glasses of their own, and then the room lifted their glasses in unison, cheers filling the air. Sakura timidly sipped the bitter drink, stealing a glance at the king, who winked happily. This was her first time attending a party of any kind. It was also her first time trying alcohol. 
‘I don’t care for this taste, but everyone else is drinking it, so I’ll just have to force it down. It’d be rude to complain when they prepared all of this for us.’ 
“We have to be the first to dance,” Sasuke muttered where only she could hear. 
She swallowed hard, “D-Dance? But we’ve never practiced.” 
Sasuke took her drink, handed both his and hers to the butler, and guided her to the center of the ballroom floor. The nearby orchestra began playing a slow waltz. Sakura searched Sasuke’s face with wide, terrified eyes but allowed him to manipulate her body to the necessary position. Her palm rested on his shoulder while he held her other hand in his. Then, as naturally as breathing, they were dancing. Their moves flowed like a calm river. 
‘He’s completely taking the lead, just like he said,’ Sakura thought, acutely aware of his body pressed against hers so she could feel how he’d like her to move. 
One by one, other couples joined them on the dance floor, and it became easier to breathe since everyone wasn’t simply standing around staring at them. Sakura whispered, her gaze wandering away from her fiance’s face because his beauty was overwhelming to behold unyieldingly for long periods of time without losing one’s composure, “You’re quite good at this, Lord Sasuke. You must’ve taken lessons as a child, correct?” 
“Yes,” the man said, “Though it’s been years since I’ve had any practice.” 
The pair experienced a brief hiccup in their dance when Sakura misstepped, accidentally stepping on his toe. She blushed, lowering her face, “I’m so sorry. I would’ve studied if I’d known we were expected to dance.” 
“No one is expecting you to be perfect,” Sasuke said. 
A moment of silence passed before Sakura blurted out something that’d been on her mind for days, “May I ask a question?” 
“Of course.” Sasuke twirled his fiance before pulling her back into the previous stance, dark eyes studying her every move. 
The pinkette felt warm and antsy but managed to get the words out, “Have I done something to upset you? We were getting along well, I feel, until a few days ago.” 
The prince’s neutral expression fell into a frown, “What?” 
‘I shouldn’t have said anything. I probably just ruined the night for him.’ She shook her head quickly, “It’s nothing. I’m sorry. Please forget I mentioned it.” ‘He hasn’t harmed me before, but I also haven’t spent much time in his presence. Will he punish me for bringing up something uncomfortable?’ 
Their eyes met, only for the song to come to an end and the room to applaud the band. The same butler from before reappeared to hand the couple new glasses. Then, the pair was busy introducing themselves to anyone and everyone who approached, making their way around the room. Sakura stayed by Sasuke’s side, speaking only when spoken to and quietly sipping her drink. 
‘If I do well for the rest of the night, maybe he won’t be as angry.’ 
An hour passed, and then two, and then Sasuke suddenly gasped, snapping the pinkette out of her daze. She looked up to see his jaw flexing, a flash of red crossing his eyes as he lowered them so the group of people surrounding them wouldn’t notice. 
‘He’s changing! I have to get him out of here before someone notices!’ Swallowing her fear, Sakura slid her hand from the crook of his elbow to his hand, where she interlaced their fingers, “Lord Sasuke, can we take a short break? I need a breath of fresh air.” 
His eyes widened, black again for the moment before he nodded. They bowed to the few paying attention and excused themselves from the large room. Halfway toward the exit, Sasuke stumbled, a hiss passing his lips as his fingers tightened between hers. Sakura slowed, glancing around at the staring lords and ladies. 
She whispered, “If you lean on me, they’ll only think its because of the champagne.” 
The prince glared straight ahead but smoothly wrapped an arm around her shoulders. 
‘He’s so warm,’ she thought, shyly wrapping her own arm around his waist to help support some of his weight while he suffered the pain of Akuma’s taking over. 
Once out of the ballroom and down the hallway a bit, the prince gasped in pain, allowing some of it to show since they were alone, “I should’ve paid closer attention to the time.” 
He nearly doubled over, but Sakura stumbled to help him remain upright. Her eyes landed on a nearby door, and she guided him toward it in a hurry, glancing behind them to ensure no one was watching, “Let’s go in here until the shift has passed.” 
To her disdain, it was only a small broom closet, but it’d have to do. Sakura helped Sasuke lean against the back wall, holding one of his hands to show support while keeping the other on his waist in the event that he began to fall so she could try to help. 
He panted, a thin sheen of sweat appearing on his skin in the darkness. When he spoke, his voice was raspy and weak, “How is it that crowds can intimidate you, yet you’re able to help me with something like this as though it’s natural?” 
She shook her head, wincing in empathy when a small sound passed his lips, “I couldn’t just stand by and watch you suffer,” she unconsciously lifted her hand from his waist to push his hair from his face as it’d begun to fall from it’s styled position, “Besides, it’s not your fault you were cursed. You shouldn’t have to go through this alone.” 
Sasuke absently leaned into her touch, his eyes half-lidded. 
Sakura gasped when his free hand gently met her lower back to pull her against him. A bright blush met her face, “...My Lord?” 
The man’s mouth opened, but no words came out. Then, it was as though the breath in his body disappeared. What was once black became a glowing red, and the hold he had around her became firmer. Akuma’s familiar tone met her ears; the prince’s once gentle expression morphing into something confident and devilish, “How pathetic. The prince must rely on the help of something like you to maintain appearances. I could laugh.” 
Her blush paled, “Akuma. You’re awake.” 
His glowing gaze looked over her, his lips turning up into a grin, “You look…” 
‘Oh, no. Please don’t talk about my outfit.’ 
“You look like you want to be devoured, Sacrifice. Is tonight the night you offer me your innocence?” 
“It’s too soon for you to kill me. I’m sure Lord Sasuke doesn’t consider me someone he holds dear,” Sakura, as always, didn’t understand most of what the demon said, “When the time comes, I don’t mind if you’re the one to do it. Please be patient.” 
Akuma chuckled, “I have many things to teach, and you have many things to learn.” 
He studied the nervous woman’s face for a moment before she couldn’t stand it any longer and tried to pull away, “We should return to the party before people notice and begin looking for us.” 
“Not so fast, Pet.” 
She froze in her struggle against his hold, “Huh?” 
The demon lowered his voice, leaning in to brush the tip of his nose against the petrified woman’s, “You’re forgetting to show respect to your master.” 
“My apologies, Akuma,” Sakura began pulling again, to no avail, “I’ll bow to you if you release me.” 
The hand holding hers disappeared to swiftly run up her back and get tangled in her curly hair. 
She gasped when he tugged so she’d lift her chin. His voice was low as he searched her face, “You pressing your forehead to the floor is no longer sufficient.” Sakura opened her mouth to ask what he wanted, but he cut her off. “Watching that coward miss opportunities left and right today has left me aggravated and unsatisfied.” 
The hand on the woman’s back lowered to squeeze her bottom, making her squeak in surprise. “And watching you look at him like he’s God’s greatest gift to Earth is just as irritating.” 
“Akuma, what are you-” “Kiss me.” 
‘What did he just say?’ 
“K-Kiss you?!”
He glared, the red in his eyes flaring up with his impatience, “Even an uneducated child knows what a kiss is. Do it, or I’ll go into that ballroom and use this body to ruin the prince’s reputation with those filthy humans.” 
Sakura didn’t dare call his bluff, remembering how carelessly he’d murdered Butler Yamamoto. Tears welled up as she searched his face, “Just one, right?” 
Akuma grinned affirmatively. 
Trembling from head to toe, the pinkette nervously cupped his cheek, eyes searching his carefully as she rose to her tiptoes. He watched her every move until she squeezed her eyes closed and kissed his cheek, a humiliated and scared heat flooding her face, chest, and stomach. 
When she pulled away moments later, Akuma’s amused expression was gone. Instead, he seemed bewildered. 
Before she could say anything, he whispered, his breath tickling her face since they’d yet to part, “This once, I’ll let that suffice as we’re needed elsewhere, but the next time you’re in my arms like this, I won’t allow you to escape so easily.” 
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Hatake clan au:
Hatake and Uzumaki hair is the bane of Sasuke’s emo wardrobe
He tries switching to white clothes like the Hyuga
The Hyuga are confused at first until one day they see Sasuke glaring at their clan head (he has resting bitch face and zoned out) and they go oh shit
They are 100% convinced Sasuke is trying to get them all killed by Itachi via claiming them as family.
Hinata and Neji know this and start dragging Sasuke in areas with a lot of Hyuga where they start talking about shit that makes Sasuke zone out
More than a few people suddenly become religious
Hinata was actually the first person to do it surprisingly enough (after many many assurances that that is in fact just his face and he doesn’t hate her) and it’s mostly by accident. They are helping each other train in the Hyuga compound because Hiashi clearly isn’t going to train her and their eyes are close enough to genetic cousins that they can kinda use the same tactics to strengthen them. Hiashi finds them and is lecturing Hinata about something or another when he slowly trails off looking more and more pale. Hinata can’t figure out why until she looks at Sasuke’s absolutely pissed face and realizes.
(Sasuke is more than willing to shoot Murder eyes at Hiashi. Hinata is… probably the closest thing to a friend he’s had since… ever really. She’s not loud or obsessed with him like his teammates and he understands what it’s like to be compared to a sibling he can never match up to.)
Neji comes later, after Hinata and Sasuke use the same tactic on him and asks if he can use Sasuke’s powers for more evil to fuck with the main line. The fact that Sasuke never gives murder eyes to the branch family is VERY CLEAR.
(I’d say this is a “no rogue Sasuke au” because I just really love the idea of him and Hinata being lowkey chaotic introvert besties.)
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to be enough.
my love @uchiharomance, now that we are about to approach the end, it is your turn! <3 <3 I love your baby haruka so so so much and I will never tire of writing her with Itachi in any form I can because they are so sweet. This is sappy, I know, but maybe it will make you go "aww" a little.
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Ikigai Au
Uchiha Itachi x OC
2001 words
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The day before her wedding, Haruka still needs some assurances from the one she loves
The kimono was almost too white to look good on her, Haruka thought, as she draped it over her body to look at it one last time. There had been many last times to look at it over the last few hours, as if she couldn’t believe that she was going to wear this in just a few hours in reality and not just her imagination. Haruka wasn’t sure if pure white was for her, even with the violets of the Nohara clan woven into the material, mostly because it stood for innocence, and she did not feel innocent, at least not pure white innocent.
She just decided to take one last extended look, trying to imagine how it would feel on her skin, how the fabric would fall around her legs, when a soft voice was calling for her from the outside. “Haruka.” 
Itachi’s voice could be so warm and adoring, especially when he was calling for her. Haruka scrambled to get her kimono back into the wardrobe and pulled it shut, before opening the door to him. His hair was open and hanging damp around his shoulders, as if he had just come out of the bath, but he was wearing a full outfit.
“Hey”, she said with a smile and stepped to the side so he could step in. “Ready to leave?” They had decided to spent this last night apart from each other just because of stupid old traditions and as such Itachi was going to leave to stay with Sasuke and Sakura at the new town area of the village as opposed to their own outskirts house, which was situated in the old town. The sun was already about to be setting, so they surely were waiting for him. As far as Haruka knew, they had invited him to eat dinner with them.
“I don’t think there is much to get ready for,” Itachi said and leaned against the wardrobe, his hand finding hers seamlessly. “It is just a night.”
She sighed. “Yes, just one night.” It was just one, nothing too major, but it was the first night they spent apart since Itachi had lost his eyesight all these years ago in the war. He was still a genius of course, so he didn’t really need his eyes in daily life. Chakra helped him move around and almost see people in his vicinity, but Haruka could not help but worry each time about him anyway. She was so used to being his eyes that even one night seemed way too long.
Plus, she generally didn’t like being parted from him. There had been a few awful weeks in her life in which she thought she’d never see him again. When he had decided to sacrifice himself for the greater good, his brother’s future and Haruka had sat utterly helpless at home, trapped like a fly under a glass. Seeing, but not able to help. Nothing in her life had felt this bad and nothing in her life should ever feel that bad again. So even that one night felt like a big leap.
Lost in these thoughts, Haruka played with one of his hair strands, when he suddenly asked: “Are you nervous?”
She almost instantly replied with a hearted “No!”, but then she thought about it more clearly. Yes, sure, she was a little nervous. Nobody would have faulted her if she was since she was entering a big clan that was well known and traditional. So traditional in fact that Itachi, who by all accounts would be the clan head, went out of his way to ask the other living Uchiha (his brother and the hokage’s wife) for permission to bring a person into the family. Of course only for the traditions sake. Neither of them really had any objections.
But that was not what Haruka was a little worried about. It was this commitment for the entire lifetime. She knew she could never love anyone else besides Itachi, because she had loved him ever since she’d followed him through a group of people during the nine tails attack and had risked her own banishment by chasing and healing him, but how was it with him? Haruka was nothing special, in fact, many people around her were much more remarkable. She was just a healer and she had never thought she was a great beauty.
“A little”, she admitted. “Not because I am not secure in my feelings, there are other things on my mind.” He pressed her hand and turned his head so that he faced her. He had once told her that he could feel her like a chakra swirl that was warmer and brighter than any other. That she shone like a hearth in a cold home to him, a point to always get drawn to and go back to.
He hummed. “Other things, dear?” Haruka made a sound of affirmation. Sometimes she still nodded or shook her head when she was around him and then she had to scold herself for it. Itachi could not see, he could feel, he could imagine pictures from what he felt, but he could not see.
“I don’t know.. What if you grow tired of me?” She said it with a shaking voice, feeling a little foolish about it. She knew it made her sound childish, especially after the great lengths Itachi had jumped through to get their wedding under way. There had been people, older people, in the village that had been against a newly founded Uchiha clan, but Lord Sixth had silenced them quickly. In Haruka’s opinion they all deserved to be exiled just like Itachi was, but that would never happen as she knew as much.
Itachi chuckled. “Why would I grow tired of you?” He led her hand to his lips to kiss it. “Such a thing could never happen.”
Haruka squirmed a little. He was out of her league of course she’d known that, no matter how many times he had complimented her. “There are many out there that would love to be with you,” she said finally, “I’m just one of many. I have nothing specific to offer you and still…”
“Still I love you”, he finished the sentence for her. It did not matter that he had told her this countless times since they’d met, she still got shivers each time he did. Still, in this moment her fighting spirit sprung into action and she opened her mouth to continue her argument when he pulled on her arm to wrap her up close.
“Haruka”; he said again in this soft way only he could say her name, “Nobody is like you. Nobody can offer me the love and feeling of safety that you offer me. You might think that you don’t stand out at all, and maybe you don’t stand out to the world, but to me you are the first flower of spring, the first sunshine of summer, the first rain of autumn and the first snow of winter. You are the most beautiful painting that I could ever let my eyes wander over and your presence is a warmth I haven’t known since I left the safety of my home as a teenager. In a million different worlds and scenarios and universes I would always find you and I would always be in love with you.”
Haruka didn’t know what to say. Her mouth hung half open and tears burned in the sides of her eyes. “Itachi…. I-”
“And tomorrow I will promise you to stay by your side, to repay at least a little of how much you have given me with every moment you’ve stayed by my side when you could have left, every action you took to keep a dead man alive, to cure and save me. Even if I didn’t already love you all encompassing back then, I would have loved you afterwards as my personal hero, my saviour. So it is not you who is not good enough for me, on the contrary, I am not good enough for you.”
By now she was no longer able to hold the tears back, they freely rolled down her cheek. Itachi must have noticed somehow, as his hands let go of hers and framed her face to wipe it. “I sincerely hope those are tears of happiness,” he said with a slight smile.
“Of course” Haruka sniffed, “I love you.”  He put his head forward so that their foreheads could touch. “I can’t wait to show you exactly how much I love you from tomorrow on forward.” 
He laughed, this carefree laugh he had only adopted once he was pardoned and freed of what had been haunting him when he was still considered a criminal. “That sounds like you mean something more dirty than you actually mean.”
“I mean that stuff too,” Haruka replied without missing a beat. “I will show you how much I love you in many ways.” They leaned in for a kiss almost automatically. It was light and sweet and for a moment Haruka remembered that first kiss in the cave so many years ago when they thought their first kiss would also stay their last kiss.
She drew back, a little dizzy and now giddy and excited. The nerves had left when his lips had touched hers, now she could look forward to the next day. After all, the ceremony was a big deal and all the village’s eyes would be on both of them. It was good to know that Itachi really loved her, she would probably need a few more assurances in the future, but so did he sometimes. They’d love each other so much that eventually they’d stop asking for it.
“Anyway”, Haruka said to gather herself again. “You said you’d always love me, in any universe, but that's just objectively not true.” She poked Itachi in the chest.
He lifted his head: “Oh?”
“Yes because in one of these universes Shisui is alive and you are happily married with 10 kids or so that are way too talented for your own good.” Haruka grabbed Itachi’s hand as she so often did when they spoke about Shisui, whose death always weighed heavy on Itachi’s mind. “And I would just support both of you from afar and look after the health of your children.”
There was his carefree laughter again, the sound that made her heart sing louder than anything else. “Wrong again,” Itachi laughed, “If Shisui were still alive I would still love you, both of you, and we three would have 10 children together that would be too talented for our own good.”
“Do you think he would have liked me?” Haruka had asked that question many times before, but she wanted to hear it out of his mouth again. “Of course,” Itachi said, just like he always did, “He would have loved you because I love you.”
They remained like this for just a little while longer, their hands holding each other, when Haruka suddenly remembered what he had come into their bedroom for. “What time is it? Shouldn’t you get going to Sakura-chan and Sasuke-san?”
Itachi let go of her and took a step back. “Right,” he said and shook his hair out. “They’ll be expecting me for dinner. Sakura has insisted I eat with them and leave you to go see your family for the evening.”
“And it is right of you to accept that invitation.” She actually looked forward to seeing the small family of Nohara’s that she still belonged to, at least for one more night, in the evening.
He turned and used his right hand to navigate back to the door: “Well I guess I will get going then and leave you to pull your wedding kimono out again so you can look at it.”
Embarrassment creeped up her neck. “How did you know I did that?”
“I know you so well my love, eyes or not.”
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kyuusou · 1 year
HC - Clothes vs Clothes
In the illusionary world Itachi created, Izumi didn’t like to wear tight clothes and make-up. Her wardrobe consisted of loose fitting clothes. She had one favourite piece of clothing, a long flowy dress Itachi loved on her. It was an off white dress she would wear in combination with a straw hat with ribbon and a chin strap. It looked so cute on her while the summer breeze would play with her long dark hair. And while Izumi still loves the attire, she refuses to wear anything Itachi approved of in the illusionary world. Short hair, make-up and tight fitting clothes was what she wears in reality, something she can only assume Itachi wouldn’t like. It gives her a peace of mind.
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mixelation · 1 year
i was going to make an itadei post about how once they start cohabitating, itachi's fashion becomes like 200% better because deidara starts picking his clothes. but actually i think deidara would refuse to directly assert that type of control over itachi (because, you see, that would obviously make him a hypocrite and itachi is an adult who can make his own horrible choices, not that deidara CARES) so what actually happens is that instead of just making mean comments about itachi's ugly shirts like he was before, cohabitation means deidara now has free access to actively destroy the ugliest shirts
it's just an increase in the strength of natural selection alreday acting on itachi's wardrobe. "only the fittest survive" played straight by itachi standing in front of his wardrobe carefully calculating which ensemble is most likely to get him laid based on a complex analysis of deidara's previous disparaging comments
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mukeshseo · 17 days
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Itachi Breaks Reanimation Jutsu T-Shirt
Itachi Breaks Reanimation Jutsu T-Shirt
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delirious-donna · 2 years
You're Wearing That? [Naruto Shippuden]
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an: thanks to @smelllikeme for this awesome thirsty idea. It was definitely enough to warrant a full-blown headcanons posts rather than a quick thirst so here we are!
prompt: they see you at a party wearing 'that' dress... what now?
feat: Kakashi, Shikamaru, Itachi & Naruto
warnings: none really, suggestive at best but sadly no NSFW this time around
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The night was young, and your confidence was high. Encouraged to pull ‘that dress’ from the depths of your wardrobe by the giggling duo of girlfriends, you smoothed a hand over the hem that barely covered half your thighs.
Midnight black, tight in all the right places and emphasising your breasts with a practically illegal view of your cleavage—this baby was making you tingle all over.
Your fingers curled around the bright red solo cup, swirling the contents of the sweet, but deceptively potent liquor. The party was rowdy, energy buzzing and the air was thick with the charge of electricity.
Awareness tingled down your spine and forced goosebumps to break out along your arms. You tried to look around coyly, not wishing to look obvious in your eagerness to locate whoever’s stare was caressing you from afar.
Your eyes snapped to the side, caught by the sudden flash of movement and your breath caught in your throat. Saliva, warm and runny pooled in your mouth as you stared down your admirer, the one person you had hoped to run into this night…
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The silver-haired man hadn't noticed your presence upon your arrival, much to his chagrin. Instead, he had found himself watching over his friends as they consumed far more alcohol than was sensible.
There was no point trying to stop them, he knew never to stand in the way of Obito when he was in the mood to drink himself into oblivion. He could only observe by the wayside, shaking his head at every attempt made to get him to do shots or chug a fucking beer, he wasn't an idiot and certainly wasn't a teenager anymore.
When the inevitable happened, the wilful Uchiha wrapped around some girl he had never seen before and sucking the damn soul out of her mouth, it seemed he was off the hook on his babysitting duties.
That was when he saw you. The girl he had been flirting with on and off for months, but never seeming to get anywhere.
He couldn't help but ogle you; Kakashi felt guilt tugging from deep in his chest but his eyes refused to budge. The black dress you were wearing was, at best, a scrap of fabric.
Your chest highlighted by the tight curve of the bust, and thin straps resting on your shoulders. He wondered if you were even wearing a bra, maybe a strapless one? His gaze lowered over your soft stomach and hips and he audibly groaned when he noticed how little of your thighs were covered.
You stiffened.
His steel grey hairs snapped to your face, eyes locking instantly and the way you bit your lip made every part of him tighten in anticipation.
It wasn't long before he was standing opposite you in the crowded kitchen, you only had eyes for each other and the noise surrounding you couldn't penetrate the bubble of your flirtations.
Kakashi was sweet, complimentary and everything you had come to expect of him. The banter was natural, it made such thunderous waves roll in your belly with each small smile he sent your way. Thighs pressed together and he definitely noticed.
Of course, you accepted his offer to move somewhere more... quiet.
A hand pressed against your lower back, strong and sure as warm breath caressed your ear. This touch was pure gentleman, but his words definitely were not.
"I do hope you wore this dress for me?"
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He noticed you immediately. Eyes staring over Kiba’s shoulder as you walked with you little gaggle of friends.
His mouth ran dry, sight fixed upon your plump rump as it moved along with your hips. It was barely hidden by the slip of a dress you wore, and he was conflicted.
Shikamaru had thought to play the long game with you, the weeks of flirting had been fun and he wanted you to be putty in his hands when he finally made a move, but you were changing the rules. He didn’t like that.
There wasn’t a way in hell that he could let you wander around this party unaccompanied. You were the perfect little present for someone willing enough to take their chance.
He watched you for a moment longer, noticing how you scanned the room. Shika was impressed that you had picked up on being watched, although he doubted it was only him casting their gaze towards you.
You froze as he sauntered towards you, a lazy smile painted on his lips, but his eyes - oh, his eyes told a different story. They were intensely dark, almost black starless nights that made you shudder.
The cool night kissed your bare skin. Shikamaru cocked his head, smoke puffed from his lips as embers flickered from his lit cigarette. One finger trailed down your hand and it only made your goosebumps worse.
“I’m not surprised you’re cold princess, you’re practically naked.”
You felt so small under his scrutiny, felt as if the tight fitting black dress was being stripped from your body by his sinful stare. He shrugged out his jacket and placed it over your shoulders.
His hands lingered, sliding down the thin straps as he watched your reaction. Clearly, he liked what he saw and he was right to, desire and tension swarmed your belly. When his fingers traced your cleavage, you were biting your lip to stop from moaning.
“C’mon princess. I know what would be much more fun than this party.”
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It was amusing, very much so, to watch you search for him. Itachi knew you felt the weight of his gaze, your head shifting subtly from side to side like a cute little baby deer.
He liked your attire, perhaps it was a little more revealing than he was used to seeing you in, but he could get used to it.
You weren’t his yet, but he would change that soon enough. His smirk grew, barely perceptible to most but it was there for those that knew him well. Weeks of flirting and learning all about you, tonight was the night and he was pleased you had dressed to impress.
There wasn’t a hint of jealousy, he had no worry that someone else would snare your attention, why would it? He sensed the pitter-patter of your heart each time he engaged you in conversation, and the blush to coat your cheeks was very obvious.
Itachi chuckled silently, you had finally spotted him. He watched the way your teeth sunk into your lower lips, long black lashes fluttering and you took a forward step before hesitating.
He rolled his neck against the wall he was leaning upon before crooking his finger to beckon you over. He admired the languid sway of your hips encased in the tight black dress, how your chest heaved and pressed the mound of your breasts to almost spilling over.
Your feet twisted, nerves taking over in the face of Itachi’s cool expression. His midnight hair fell into his eyes as he regarded you until he finally stretched out a hand. It ghosted over your hip, his dark eyes fixing you with a glance that asked permission to take that finally leap. You answered it by stepping closer, your arms lifting to wrap around his neck.
“Shall we get out of here? I’d love to admire this dress, more... intimately.”
Itachi made butterflies erupt in your belly, he set fire to veins and emptied your head of all thoughts but him.
There was no way you were going to say no.
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It took the sunshine boy an age to cotton on to your presence. He had been preoccupied with his friends and the silly drinking games they wanted to play.
Naruto was buzzed at best, but the haze of liquor dissipated as his sky blue eyes fixed upon your frame, taking in the way you leaned against the counter and the skimpy dress you had dared to wear here.
His mouth ran dry, the back of his hand wiping across his parched lips at the swell of your breasts and the movement as you inhaled and exhaled.
The moment you stiffened, head turning to find him staring so openly at your figure, he was moving. Striding for you with a sense of determination that was not quite normal when it came to his desires, perhaps the alcohol had made him brave.
"Hey," he drawled, coming to stand directly in front of you and you blushed a brilliant pink at how blunt he seemed.
You gave a small wave in reply, and he smiled all the wider. He could sense your anticipation on his tongue, it tasted sweet and spicy all mixed together.
Weeks of only friendly conversation were no longer enough. Naruto had never figured out how to make the leap to more suggestive flirtation, his nerves always getting the better of him, but now, he was positively radiating confidence.
"This," he ran a finger over the thin strap of your dress, "looks amazing on you." You were burning up from where his skin met yours, stopping at the top of your breast to run back up again.
His eyes blazed with temptation, and you couldn't help but let his large muscular frame come to rest against your lower torso, nestled against your thighs.
"I had hoped you would like it," you whispered, forcing his head closer so he could hear your breathy voice.
A thumb traced your jaw, tilting your face until you were eye to eye.
"That so? Such a thoughtful and pretty girl..."
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