#[;open starter...? maybe...?idk]
ineed-to-sleep · 11 months
I wanted to say, bc I saw someone mention Geralt as an example of a predetermined character in an rpg that works, that yeah, I fully agree it can work! But in Geralt's case, for example, he's a well established character who's fully written before you start the game. He has his own traits, his flaws and shortcomings, history, relationships, etc. He's just as well written as any other character in the story, and the only things you have power over are his choices and a bit of his fighting style(sometimes his hair as well), but everything is made to fit with who this character is as established before the game even starts. Think of the origin characters in Baldur's Gate 3, it's the same thing- they're not customizable, they're established before you even start, and the only control you have is over their journey. None of these are ever meant to be a blank slate, and they're written as such.
With this Phyre character it's like they're trying so so hard to tread the line between "this is a character that stands on their own" and "this is a blank slate you can fully customize". What you end up with is a very "meh" sort of character, who's not one or the other, without enough wiggle room to make your own story however you want and not enough to get attached to them as they are. We get attached to Geralt bc he's a fully written character in the game, you just control his actions. The problem with Phyre is that they're neither a fully written character nor fully yours to write.
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angelsdvsts · 1 year
open to m/f/nb !
muse: adelia rojas, mid-twenties
plot: adelia is a medium & has been trying to get your muses' deceased s/o to cross-over, except during the journey our muses ends up falling for one another
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"their spirit still isn't crossing over.. are you sure there's not anymore unfinished business here?" inquires leaves her lips as eyes fell upon the set in front of her.
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themosthatedbeingg · 5 months
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—There is currently a Dragon wrapped around the Throne in the palace , the flames behind said throne are roaring ablaze illuminating it from behind — said dragon is half sitting half coiled around Throne of Hell and seems — bored and a bit peckish.
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soulsmashers · 5 months
open  to:  m/f/nb muse:  austin  chambers.  capricorn.  serial  killer  who  just  murdered  someone  for  your  muse
          “okay,  so  i  killed  the  ol'  fucker…  big  woop.”  the  words  are  said  carelessly,  his  right  cheek  bloody  and  quickly  bruising  as  the  man  definitely  put  up  a  fight.  “i  ain’t  got  no  regrets  –  i  did  it  for  you.”  the  thick  southern  accent  doesn’t  seem  to  be  softening  the  blow,  but  it  is  what  it  is.
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derschwarzeengel · 5 months
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"I don't say this all that often, but good gods do you need to get another boyfriend. For once, I genuinely do not mean me."
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chaoscrawls · 9 months
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A hand curls around their victim's face, pressing their palm roughly against much softer lips. Talons press lightly against delicate flesh, threatening to sink in deep if they dared move. "Shhhh..." The creature begins. "Not so loud. You wouldn't want them to see us, would you?"
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sentofight · 3 months
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"Do you wanna build a snowmaaaaaaaaaaa~n?"
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— open starter
muse : matilda mattie tan ( 28+, bi, smokejumper ) verse: fandomless open to any mutual gif credit
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"you know, i'm gonna be honest with you, this isn't gonna work between us." they'd had a good run, and a good thing going, but mattie wasn't going to try and make something work through email. the fire tower had shitty cell service and she liked her alone time there. she shouldn't have started something while she was in town anyway. "i'm not long distance material and i think you knew that when we met."
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zoomingupthathilla · 10 months
"Go away.."
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fcxglove · 1 month
open to: m / w / nb
muse: haeun baek. twenty seven. heiress.
plot: based on this
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" i really thought you'd be happy for me. "
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scinglives · 1 year
like for a random starter from all muses !!
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whileurmine · 3 months
i don't have it in my rules but like,,, i dont have bc i think its common sense,,, pls dont god mod my muses, dont say they invited ur muse somewhere or they made ur muse do something or they forced ur muse into doing something. specially not without checking with me first. like its one thing for in our thread we both say they are going to a place or eating a food or doing an activity and u write them Getting there or Finishing or Starting next activity. its a whole nother thing for you to say my muse led urs somewhere or my muse decided to end it early or my muse forced urs into without checking with me first. like its my muse ,, u dont ,, u dont know if they would. maybe next they would drop to the floor and break dance. u dont know. if u wanna write that into the reply just send me a quick message saying 'hey would santi/frank/james/whoever do x?' or 'can i move the thread to x place' like its that simple.
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gldnhrt · 6 months
LOCATION: anywhere that makes sense but maybe museum MUSE: julian cortez | intro STATUS: open | @unveilstarters
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he looked up at wall. he knew he would not be able to jump that. he was short, but he thought he was able to jump over, maybe? but then he doubted it. " why are we trying to sneak in again? " he said as he looked over at the other. " i think this is a bad idea. i'm a damn nurse, i can lose my job, please, " he sighed. " let's get out of here, go get some food, call it a night. like–– what's in there that is making you want to break in... "
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byanyan · 3 months
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ㅤseated alone at a table with a cup of coffee that has yet to be touched, byan's gaze is unfocused, staring off into the distance without really seeing anything. they look rather unlike themeself today — their face is bare, their hair down, and they're lacking in their usual excess of accessories. it's hard, keeping up appearances when you simply haven't got the energy. even their clothes are more simplistic than usual: a large and comfortable hoodie — bright pink, as most everything they own is — and the first pair of pants they'd lain eyes on this morning.
in truth, they're almost surprised that they even managed to will themself out of bed this morning. —glad for it, of course, because they'd hate to feel more pathetic and powerless than they already do, but surprised nonetheless. the weight of the world, of everything, has been crushing as of late, and really... the only reason they've managed to overcome it today is so they can get their hands on something to help numb themself to it all. (they've run out. used everything in excess and spent the last handful of nights too drunk or high to do anything, least of all think.)
it's almost their birthday. the thought earns a wry quirk at the corner of their mouth and a humourless breath is pushed through their nose. maybe that's why they want to stay so perpetually fucked up. the anniversary of the day they were brought into a world that never wanted them. a day full of reminders of past disappointments and how much nothing they're worth. joy.
expression souring, a hand swipes for the backpack which rests at their feet and begins a hurried search for their last remaining joint. gotta turn the brain off again. gotta dull the throbbing ache that's buried somewhere deep inside their chest. gotta do something since they can't just rip it all out.
maybe it's not the smartest thing, to light up in such a public space, but that certainly doesn't stop them from raising a lighter to the end of the joint once they find it. at least it's only something as mild as weed this time, right?
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bitchfiits · 3 months
open to ⟼ m/w/nb.
plot ⟼ bianca and y/m(s) are playing a game of truth of dare at a party/camp/etc. it's her turn and the power is in their hands. she's been vicious to them in the past (rejected them/humiliated them) and maybe they're finally ready to seek a little revenge.
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bianca had been having too much fun with this — asking invasive questions when someone thought they'd taken the 'easy' way out with a truth, delivering calculated acts to people she'd coerced into picking dare. bullied them into picking it would've been a more appropriate term. the game was called truth or dare after all — had she not cut in and practically taken over it would've felt like a middle school game. 'who was your first kiss?' 'mix every liquid and drink it' 'biggest lie you've ever told?' boring. it was supposed to be fun. so why not have it? but what was fun to her might not've been to others. maybe that would soon change. after all, her fate now rested in their hands. “dare.” an arrogant smile settled on her face, “because unlike some people, i’m not a pussy.”
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exquisitexagony · 4 months
@gollldrush sent “you okay?” to find my muse sitting alone on a roof at night
Sami glanced up from where he was sitting, startling slightly at Leo's sudden approach since he hadn't heard her coming initially. A soft smile, trying to hide the fact that she'd spooked him. He didn't want her to feel bad. He was just feeling a little jumpy, a little sensitive.
"Huh? Uh...Oh, yeah..." he hummed quietly before turning away again to look up at the stars. He chews idly at his lip, wishing he had a joint right about now--or, even better, a drop or two of acid. Anything to clear his head.
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"I think so." Another gentle smile flashed in her direction. "You?"
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