#[ maybe the other muse is in a toxic or abusive relationship? idk ]
derschwarzeengel · 5 months
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"I don't say this all that often, but good gods do you need to get another boyfriend. For once, I genuinely do not mean me."
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marsmulti · 11 months
Going over the common ships for my muses and how I feel about them personally. Note: things can typically change with an individual portrayal, but these are my impressions from canon and how they relate to my portrayal. They are in random order...
Zutara: I hate it. Sure, Zuko is easy and will be with just about anyone who likes him, but I just find this ship grosses me out in a way I can't articulate well. It feels disrespectful to Katara's feelings for Aang and I really like them.
Zuko/Mei: it was stupid when it happened and I'm glad they broke up.
Zuko/Jet: OTP
Zuko/Sokka: maybe maybe maybe
Zutoph: she seems young compared to him? Regardless of actual age, I don't really see it.
My fav ship for Zuko is a random crossover ship I write with my wife and it's with Elsa from "Frozen."
S*ssr*n: big no.
S*ssinu: wtf no. Block me.
Sesskik: fucking no. Block me. Sesskag is the same level of ick.
Sesskagu: viable, but Kagura deserves better.
Sessomaru/Naraku: maybe maybe maybe.
My favorite ship for Sessomaru is no ship. Maybe a queer platonic partnership with SOMEBODY. A crossover or OC could work, but please keep in mind he is not interested in sex.
Anidala: his queen, his BAE. OTP, even if they're so toxic I don't care I love them.
Obikin: get the fuck out. NOTP. Let them be complicated and platonic. I HC they are ridiculously intimate, but with zero sex or sexual energy. They shower together in a single stall and shave each other, but they don't see each other sexually and I will not write anything simple with them I refuse.
Anisoka: NO.
Vader/Sidious: now if you want a fucked up master apprentice ship, this is the one. Maximum bad vibes.
Anakin could have any kind of random romance with most people, so I won't list them all out individually. But Aayla comes to mind as someone he could have been close to and possibly had an experimental phase with. /Shrug.
Inukag: I have mixed feelings about what we see in canon, but overall, I like them. Idk if I would wanna write this ship or not, it greatly depends on the Kagome.
Inukik: basically the same feeling as Inukag.
Inuyasha/Koga: top tier possibilities.
Inumir: maybe maybe maybe.
Inuyasha is also someone who could end up with just about anyone. I personally hate the whole soulmates crap, as it ends up feeling cheap and lazy and lacking in autonomy.
Zelink: OTP
Link/Ganon: it could work in the right circumstances.
Link/Zelda/Ganon: OT3
Link/Mipha: sorry but no... They have no chemistry and Mipha has no character... I'll still give it a maybe though because individual portrayals may change my mind.
Link/Sidon: It just doesn't feel fair to Sidon. Link will break his heart.
It's very difficult to ship with Link. He hardly ever lets people in. You need to build up so much trust and communication with him and build up to it for maybe years or through different lifetimes idk. He also isn't interested in sex, so there is no seducing him. You have to win his heart.
Vashwood: OTP OTP!!!
Vashmeryl: GTFO. platonic love only. I viscerally hate this ship and no amount of canon divergence is gonna change how I feel.
Plantcest: NO GTFO. I don't have an issue with Knives taking advantage of Vash, but that's what it is. Vash could NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS be happy, comfortable, or satisfied with this and I hate to see abuse played as romance. Abuse as abuse, I have no issues with.
Vash/Frank Marlo: tbh that one episode in the 98 Trigun awakened this ship and I really like it a lot.
Vash is not easy to actually get close to, even though he is horny all the time and wants to have relationships more than anything, his fear keeps him away. He will come onto anyone relentlessly and then back out at the last minute.
Livio is aroace and only into platonic vibes.
Wolfwood is his best friend. He loves him.
Vash is someone he cares about, but can't really hang around easily.
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kinncman · 4 years
once again, you can obviously spin any of this in any way (platonic, romantic, familial) etc, and not all of these are the exact plots of the movies they are referencing so pls don’t @ me i am but a lowly translator of ideas.
click here for part one.
content warnings for: drugs, food, hospital, light implications to a toxic former relationship
THE LAKE HOUSE // basically, the lake house except nobody is a ghost and everyone is from the same year <3 muse a is an architect who has been living in The House they built. for reasons utp, they are forced to sell it. muse b is the buyer. muse a can’t let go of the house so even though the title has been transferred to muse b, they keep making excuses to visit The House.
LIGHT SLEEPER // muse a is a former drug addict whose job is delivering drugs to high-profile clients. muse b is their ex and also a former drug addict, with whom their relationship fell out bc of the drug abuse. they coincidentally meet again in a hospital when muse a visits a regular client of their boss who OD’d and muse b’s mother is in for chemo/other intense procedures. muse a and muse b reconnect. they both confess that they are now clean and sober. muse b doesn’t believe muse a since muse a admits that they still work for their old boss, but muse a insists that they haven’t used in years. muse b, on the other hand, is a successful business person who’s really cleaned up their act and is nothing like the person muse a knew before (i.e. a Mess TM). despite the feelings that they hold towards muse b, muse a knows that they should keep their distance since they are the reason that muse b started using in the first place and they wouldn’t want to throw any progress away. HOWEVER, fate seems to keep bringing them together in the most inconvenient places and when they least expect it the most; they allow themselves to indulge in old habits (sex, not drugs) even tho they know they’re totally bad for each other. just when they’re starting to become regular fixtures in each other’s lives again, muse b disappears for weeks on end. as it turns out, they were the one who was never clean and sober to begin with.
PHANTOM THREAD // muse a is a highly-renowned fashion designer / artist / photographer who meets muse b and decides that they want them to be their muse (after already having had a string of former muses). being invisible all their life, muse b accepts this new role— however, to muse a’s dismay, they are nothing like any muse they’ve had before in that instead of having their muse wrapped around their finger, muse b has them wrapped around theirs. great for exploring shifting power dynamics!
GRAY MATTERS // (originally a familial and queer relationship but hey whatever floats your boat) muse a and muse b are siblings (or best friends could work, too). muse a gets engaged to muse c and muse b is their maid-of-honor / best man. because muse c and muse b are the two most important people in muse a’s lives, muse a makes them spend the week before the wedding together bUT OOPS muse b realizes that they have feelings for muse c and they share a drunken kiss which muse c instantly forgets about in the morning??? which is #awkward because 1) MUSE C IS MUSE A’S SPOUSE-TO-BE and 2) MUSE B NEVER REALIZED THAT THEY’RE NOT STRAIGHT. so now they’re trying to deal with coming to terms with this newfound attraction that never thought they could have with the same sex on top of trying to decide whether or not to remind muse c of what they did that one night (since they seem to have zERO recollection) and come clean to their sibling / best friend.
LONG SHOT // muse a works for muse b, who is a very powerful exec / influential artist / whatever. muse a is very much infatuated by muse b, who thinks that they are way out of muse a’s league. muse a reveals that muse b used to come over to muse a’s house to babysit them (because lbr, even tho the the age gap might not be that much, a 14 yr-old will be paid to watch over a 10 yr old). what happens from there?
VELVET BUZZSAW // muse a and muse b are rival art curators / music producers who claim that they are the ones who have rightfully ‘discovered’ muse c. muse a and muse b then go through great lengths to try and win muse c to sign over to them. muse c has no plans of defecting to either sides but decide to string them along for the perks (and for the attention). great for exploring a kooky triad of frenemies or a polyship.
PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE // muse a is a painter / filmmaker / photographer who is tasked with relaunching muse b’s career. muse a thinks that muse b is a brat. muse b thinks that muse a is full of themself. 
I’M HUNGRY, I’M COLD // you might wanna try and watch it here first, it’s v short! muse a and muse b are best friends who’ve been on the lam for a long time (for reasons utp) and are now broke bc they blew up all their funds on life’s little pleasures. maybe they start conning people? maybe they try to get a dozen dead-end jobs at once that they suck at so they keep going back to square one? either way, they must decide whether or not they should finally face the music and go home. or maybe they just need to find the means (and a reason) to stay in their current town, and fast. 
BABETTE’S FEAST // muse a is formerly the head chef of a michelin-star awarded restaurant who is now working as something else. muse b had one unforgettable (for sentimental purposes, reasons utp) meal in said restaurant which, unbeknownst to them, was cooked by muse a. the two meet in the current setting, several years later, and become friends / lovers / etc, with muse b sparking muse a’s interest in cooking once again. muse a cooks The Meal™️ for muse b, not knowing what it means to them, and muse b finally recognizes who muse a is as they are flooded by memories of that night they first tasted the dish.
CIGARETTES & COFFEE // muse a and muse b are newlyweds who are in town for their honeymoon. however, things go awry on day 1 when muse a blows it all on some stupid, petty thing (in the original, they blew it on a game of craps in a casino when they’ve neVER played craps before and muse b is fuckin LIVID it’s just hilarious and sad) and their relationship is immediately put to the test when they have to figure out how to scrape money to get home (but also maybe kind of fall in love with the place??? and decide to start their family there??? idk) 
SUCCESSION (this is a tv show but this particular dynamic is just too damn good not to include) with a little bit of THE PANIC IN  NEEDLE PARK // muse a and muse b come from rivaling families (for whatever business, but they gotta be high profile). they meet while theyre trying to be lowkey doing ~~normal people stuff and instantly click despite their families’ tumultuous history, but have to keep their relationship (platonic or otherwise) away from the public eye to avoid raising suspicion from the critics. they think they can help each other’s recoveries by being in each other’s company but all they do is enable each other, further destroying not only their lives, but their families’ reputations as well. 
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campkeeper-archive · 4 years
// Ok I have to write out my unadulterated loathing for Daniel here. Absolutely nothing spurred this except wandering shower thoughts. I’m not targeting anybody or anybody’s opinion, this is just the ravings of a woman who occasionally remembers how much she despises a character and needs to get it out. Do NOT take this as a personal attack on ships or your favorite character, I’m just. I’m angy and I have opinions that no one should take to heart or feel like they have to feel the same way. This is NOT a critique on his character or anything, consider this a rant that’s an optional read!
God. DAMN I hate Daniel. Don’t get me wrong, he’s an interesting villain who you can do a lot of fun things with. I like that his evil villainy has a healthy balance of idiocy, and I respect when he’s written well. I like to SEE him written well. But lordy, if I ever made a self-insert blog, no Daniel is safe from my ire.
Look man. Look. He’s charming. He’s clever. He’s a handsome fella. He uses all of this in his gain because above everything, he’s insidious. He sneaks in past your defenses and just when you think he might be an alright guy, he bites ya.
Idk if I’ve ever talked about it here, or really anywhere, but when I first made this blog, I put a wide birth between me and Daniel blogs. I know, when making a David blog, how can you NOT interact with at least one Daniel in the rpc? This was kind of what made me hesitate to make a blog to begin with, because I absolutely DID NOT want to interact with a Daniel, but I toughed it out because I love David more than I hate Daniel I guess. But this was my train of thought when it came to interacting with Daniels at the beginning:
1. I didn’t want to potentially humor the thought that I would possibly ship with them. The ship has been on my “does not ship” list from the beginning, but I didn’t wanna risk the chance of them ignoring it. I just can’t get into it. I can’t see Daniel as anything other than--I’ll say it again because it works--insidious. And with David being so vulnerable and easy to trust, I can see from friggin MARS how toxic that relationship that would be. And I know, some folks are chill with that in fiction, and I can sometimes get on-board with an enemies-to-lovers trope, and sometimes people use aus to make it less abusive, but I just. I can’t with them, yo. Maybe it’s because I’m writing David, and I feel protective over this silly man who's kind of a comfort character to me. Even redemption aus feel kinda skeevy to me because, from a surface level without deeper context, it reads to me like he was made a good guy for healthier shipping purposes (which I know isn’t always the case, but when it is, I don’t buy into it, and that’s ok because it clearly wasn’t made for me).
2. Second reason why I avoided interacting with Daniel blogs: I want to trust the mod before I gave their Daniel a chance. Don’t ship our boys? Ok I’ll have a look, and if I like you and how you’re writing the guy, I’ll follow because I respect you and your portrayal, but ain’t nothing’s gonna keep me from wanting to choke him out every time I see that smug look. If I feel comfortable with a mod, and I feel like they care about my comfort more than a silly roleplay, then I’m more drawn to giving them and their Daniel a chance because I know they won’t try to push anything on me I don’t agree with. 
And I know you might be thinking “Okay, yes, we know he’s a horrible person, but why does he infuriate you so much Laamb? He’s a fictional character who shouldn’t be taken seriously and doesn’t deserve your burning rage. Plus, you’ve interacted with trickster characters before and you seemed fine with it”
BECAUSE!!! BECAUSE!!!!!!!!!!
Idk man. I guess because when I’m writing someone like David who’s a character close to my heart, to toy with him, his trust, his emotions, it feels like to a certain degree I’m being toyed with as well. So, like a dog that smells danger, I bare my teeth before it gets too close. I don’t LIKE that I do that, because there’s a lot of potential between David and Daniel that would genuinely be fun to play, and usually I can separate myself from my muse, but something about playing into a manipulative character’s fingers gives me, like, this visceral feeling of rage that if left in an empty room with him it’d set the whole dang place ablaze.
If you’re a Daniel fan, or a Danvid fan, I’m not saying this to offend or spread hate. In fact, more power to ya for tolerating him! But for me?
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tartareus · 4 years
Do you condone/ship incest? I was reading your rules and got confused about your sentence where you said if people are uncomfortable with fictional consensual incest this isn’t the blog for you. Except Incest is incest regardless of if it’s fiction
hi there, friend, how do you do?
while i'm not particularly fond of anons (nex time you'd like to discuss something regarding my rules and/or character portrayal, i strongly encourage you to do so via ims - i don't bite, and if our points of view don't quite match? that's alright, i promise i'll leave you in peace :) ) for various reasons, i'm so glad you've read my rules (that probably makes you one of the few who follow me - at least i presume you do, idk - who has done so, so thank you so much!), i cannot stress enough how important they are to me. if i happen to follow you, rest assured that i have read yours (unless, ofc, i couldn't find one in your blog - in any case, if i happen to accidentally break one of yours, just hmu or gimme a nudge).
considering that you've asked more than one question, i'll answer to you in separate sections - needless to say that while i break it down your questions, the answer might become a little longer than usual (again, i'm sorry). i'll keep this tagged, in case any of my followers don't feel like reading about this. without further ado, let’s dive in.´
“do you condone/ship incest?”
short answer? nope. but that is not a black or white question i’m afraid. no, i – nox, the human behind this blog of fictional characters – personally do not condone incest , never have and never will, and  don’t ship it. i do, however, ship consanguinamory on rare occasions, and when i do happen to write it i never do it in a good light.
for those who are not familiar with the term, here’s a little bit of info about it x && x. in short, the key difference between them is: incest is usually linked abuse (a fictional example that can be used, taking in consideration one of my very own muses, in this case is margot verger – who was sadly abused by her brother in the hannibal books) while consanguinamory (the lannisters, for example, or even the sharpe siblings from crimson peak are examples of consanguineous relationships) is the consensual romantic and/or sexual relationship between members of the same family who are of consenting age.
[ personally, i find both of them gross as fuuck irl but when it comes to fictional works i may get over this first disgust and ponder more on that && take in consideration the characters arch, plot, thoughts and the whole world they are set in. ]
i suppose the turning point here is the consent. i never, never, condone any sort of abuse – not in fiction and neither in real life – and while it’s a subject that bothers me to no end in real life, when it comes to fiction i am less inclined to project into them. i may write dark and toxic relationships, but i obviously do not condone them. that’s the point here – people on this hellsite usually mix the two together (condoning something and shipping/writing it, that is) when in fact they shouldn’t even be in the same box to begin with.
let’s say you write a fictional serial killer – norman bates, tate langdon, hannibal lecter, catherine tramell (that chick from basic instinct), patrick bateman, mrs lovett and sweeney todd, kai anderson, bellatrix, grindelwald and voldemort (the list of plausible examples could go on forever…) – here and ship with them; does it mean that you, the writer, condone every single action and choice your muse does? if writing something purely fictional equals to condoning it in real life, well… the world is even more fucked up than i first thought.
you see, in this little exercise in imagination, you could’ve easily picked a good guy or gal to write, the hero; the goody two shoes. why didn’t you? well, it’s complicated to pin point why some are drawn to darker works of fiction and characters while others are not, i suppose each individual has their own reasons && i can only speak for myself when i say that i am drawn to these sort of fictional works because they the safest way to explore dark topics that pertain to human society. on my side, it’s nothing but raw curiosity.
there’s also the issue of how different cultures see these relationships. in case you haven’t noticed, i am not from the states but actually from brazil. especially in the rural area, it’s not uncommon for second cousins to date or even marry (ew, i know, pretty gross). that’s something that is luckily falling out of practice, but you can easily find it, more so in the poor rural areas that are really far from the cities.
you may have noticed that most of the sources for the terms come from a blog that advocates real life consanguinamory – but make no mistake, i don’t support it. these were the only places i’ve found as sources in a quick look online. i don’t support it irl, but whatever consenting adults are doing amongst themselves is no concern of mine – i have no say on the matter and all in all, i don’t give a damn. i just don’t like it. everything i’ve discussed here is related to fiction, consent and is only ever related to people of consenting age.
“i was reading your rules and got confused about your sentence where you said if people are uncomfortable with fictional consensual incest this isn’t the blog for you. except incest is incest regardless of if it’s fiction”
to be honest with you, anon, i couldn’t possibly see how you’ve got confused with this. i thought i was pretty clear with that, but perhaps not. sorry, my english is not perfect. however, with the risk of sounding like a meme, i said what i said. if you personally feel uncomfortable or even triggered with fictional consensual incest otherwise known as consanguinamory, maybe my blog isn’t for you. not because i – as the mun –  condone it, but because i might mention it or even allude to it when i write certain characters. again, consent is the main thing here – you won’t ever see me writing that awful part of margot’s past, but i might mention it on some threads as it is part of her trauma but i will write jaime’s feelings regarding cersei and joanna’s love for tywin – and that should not be overlooked.
“except incest is incest regardless of if it’s fiction” 
so far so good, am i to assume that you also believe that “murder is murder, regardless of if it is fiction or not”? should we call the police on, idk, george rr martin for killing....hell knows how many characters...at this point i’m sure not even he knows. leaving my petty comment aside (it’s the arthritis, i’m always annoyed when in pain), i see where you’re coming from; fair enough.  but you missed a big point here – consensual. i do not write abuse, even to the muses who – in the canon source material – have done so    ( like jaime lannister himself – who’s in a consanguinamorous [therefore, falling under the category of fictional consensual incest] relationship with cersei – who abused his sister next to their son’s dead body [ yeah, jaime apologists, i’m out to get y’all...jokes aside, i do not acknowledge people claiming that cersei manipulated him into going to bed with her, while they are both shitty and toxic as fuck people, their relationship is mutually messed up – gag if you must but jaime lannister is far from innocent angel ] )     in the past. i. don’t. write. it. but i do write jaime’s feelings for cersei because they are canon and are also a big part of the character he became.
all of that, of course, has to do with my own position on the “war” between the people who believe fiction has a great power and influence over reality vs the ones who do not believe in that. personally, i find it hard to believe that fiction is a brainwashing tool rewiring people’s brains  - i find the idea itself ludicrous, the ones who strongly stand for that aren’t that different from flat-earthers and people who believe in reverse racism tbh – but i do acknowledge the influence media has on society. its not nearly enough to turn someone to the “dark side” alone by itself – those who claim that videogames, for example, made them violent most likely already had something different and perhaps wrong with them before the games triggered something. i don’t believe that media creates things on people, but brings buried things (fears, feelings, emotions, hopes) back to the surface. it’s all about the stimulus.
if you wanna be scared, watch an horror movie; if you wanna be happy, a comedy video.  wanna feel warm inside and live unrealistic romantic expectations vicariously through fictional characters? read a 50.000 words slow burn fluffy happy fanfic of your otp at 3 am even though you gotta wake up early in the following morning....
point is, they are not creating things, they are bringing forth responses from you that were already there in your brain (everybody has laughed before and felt fear, it’s part of human development). and how you react to certain content is entirely to you and your past. say, if you drowned as a kid on the sea - and had trauma from that - the idea of watching titanic is not so fun, is it?
it’s not my place to decide what you should do, that is entirely your own choice to make, just be aware that, as i’ve stated before countless times, i may write dark topics that may or may not be triggering to some.  i do so because it is my blog, and i don’t react so harshly to this content (in fact, i love horror, thriller and dark fictional stuff – meanwhile i dread the thought of rom coms, hell knows why??) for i am lucky to be able to separate fiction from reality. basically, whilst writing a villain, i myself do not become one in real life – that part remains in fiction only and doesn’t affect me.
that is not a constant, sure. i don’t just write dark shady stuff – there’s plenty of fluffy shit on my blog, but i like to warn people beforehand to make sure we are all on the same page. it’s for your own comfort, i suppose, because i may not understand certain points of view on fiction but i will always defend your right to be comfortable and safe.
so yes, if you aren’t feeling well at that notion, please unfollow and block me if you must – i never wish to cause any discomfort to anyone – however, before you do so (that is, if you do so) i beg you to just send me an im warning me beforehand, please? that way i can block you – and your other blogs as well – so the chances of me running into you again and causing you discomfort will be minimal. that way we’ll both be on own respective lanes and happy about it. i mass follow very often and don’t usually know which blogs belong to whom (uh, did that make sense? my latina ass is not used to using whom in a sentence....), i may follow another blog (or the revamped blog) of someone who has blocked me and never even realise it – that’s not me following you around and stalking like a total creep, that’s probably me not even remembering who you are. again, sorry – i don’t mean for this to come off rude or anything but???? its the truth? you know the drill, big following list, big followers list (well, big for me tbh, i cannot remember the name or alias of 600 people for the life of me, excuse me if my memory doesn’t serve me right), hard to keep track. there will be no witch hunts, at least on my part, because i deem them to be childish and way too dramatic for my taste. if you’d like to speak in private, adult to adult, i’m always game – i dread vague posting, i personally see it as a pathetic and weak trait. 
as long as you’re civil, so am i.
either way, do whatever makes you feel comfortable and safe on your blog – your  mental health is far more important (to me, and hopefully to you as well) than a hobby, than tumblr, rp or whatever fictional stuff someone’s writing or reading; you are responsible for your own online experience, and i am responsible for mine. that’s an empowering thing that should be reminded more often.
i truly hope i’ve managed to answer whatever doubts or questions you had in mind, if not my ims are always open and so is my discord. once again, thank you for reading my rules and stay safe!
edit; my dumb ass forgot to drop my disco handle, since i change often. it currently is   DOCTOR BITCHCRAFT !!! | 𝒏𝒐𝒙#1398
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northvmbria · 5 years
going back to the 1x1s tags bc im trash. hi. under read more are things i really want to rp. plots are very messy explained but everything can be brainstormed with the partner and im so excited about these!! all of these can be mumus or 1x1. tumblr or discord. like and i’ll mssg u
tomorrow when the war began inspo plot (i havent read all the books YET just the 3 firsts, but we can start in the first book and go from there): kids that go on a trip and when they come back war has started, they’re families are taken away captive, so this kids start to revel to help their country win war: burn bridges, get together with other groups that are trying to fight, prison maybe eTC ETC PLEASE
something similar as this above, ive currently re reading eve atm and i really want to write some revel group type of plot. maybe they’re in a dictatorship, family on a high position and the kids are sending code messages in the newspaper trying to give hope to the revolution, helping them passing info and all that jazz --- another variation could be some dissaster has happen to the world, military took over (as they would) and the muse is trying to fuck them up trying to get everyone captive out and messing it up
im really into action kinda plots so anything spies related would be fun
also cop/suspect themes are the death of me something killing eve inspired. that interaction of cat and rat, maybe they know each other identities, maybe they dont.. so much to explore and brainstorm together
royalty shit too like give me two ppl getting together to unite their countries.. speaking of which i always wanted to portray is the king, the slave and the prince where the king has this slave and abuses them and the prince falls for her and fights to his parent about it and the slave can even handle all the kindness of the prince, doesnt want to be touch but her heart is his askldga swear to god i’ll marry whoever gives me this lol. also ladies-in-waiting plot!!! where we see these women trying to find their way around court, with the princess, with dudes and with each other maybe also
something more rom and regular lmao is i really want to play this college girl who is starting her internship somewhere and starts to have a rommance with her coworker, hes slightly older than her and the politics of the company is no personal relationship soo they start to hid it and play around the office when no one is watching. idk why this had me thinking of christian grey, something like that lmao without all the toxicness & bdsm
i’d also always wanted to write harry potter themes but i dont have all the knowledge in the universe BUT please bare with me in the process. it would be so much fun.
about me, i play male and female characters. no triggers thankfully. ship whatever. open to branstorm anything of the above or anything u throw at me, dont be afraid. no banned fcs.
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bradfordarchive · 5 years
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clicks my fingers to no humanly discernible rhythm as i strut bk onto the dash w chara number two!! (it’s me nai bk again bt this time wearing a stick on moustache). bradley’s pinterest is HERE n u kno the drill mre abt her under the cut n like this fr those Sweet Sweet plots!!
MARGARET QUALLEY / CIS-FEMALE — don’t look now, but is that bradley milligan i see? the 23 year old psychology student is in their junior year and she is a rochester alum. i hear they can be brave, resilient, destructive and ruthless, so maybe keep that in mind. i bet she will make a name for themselves living in off campus. ( nai. 23. gmt. she/her. )
aesthetics: singeing a hole in your fishnets with the cherry of a menthol, spitting a pistachio behind the bar just to hear it ping off the nozzle top bottles, lemon in a fresh cut, a war torn poppy standing alone in an empty field, poking bruises, stomping over flowerbeds when there’s a path right next to it, dangling over ledges just to feel your chest jolt, a snarling rottweiler that should be muzzled, limp feet poking out behind a door, ‘I PROMISE I DON’T BITE’ scrawled on a name tag, slapping a bald head in front of you at the cinema like it’s a bongo, not owning a single jacket that isn’t stolen, driving a stolen car in the wrong lane against the traffic, blowing coke in someone’s face after asking “hey, does this smell funny to you?”, hair more feral than a wolf cub and eyes smudgier than a coal mine.  
father runs a gang n strip club in queens called ‘no angels’ tht fronts an affluent drug trade, primarily coke. his name is tony milligan n his gang is p infamous around there fr being jst like…. completely cutthroat n awful. they were nicknamed ‘tony’s rottweilers’ by locals bc he bsically has all of these trained dogs on leash at his command n they’re still a growing organisation tday
he’s pretty much the worst human being alive n bradley hs like….. a lot of issues with herself as a result of years of toxicity n abuse
in terms of more family bkground info her mum’s name was alyssa n she vanished when bradley was 12. jst like…. into thin air. nothing. no note. zilch. gan! n when bradley asked her dad abt it his response was essentially “guess she didn’t love us enough to stay”. as bradley’s got older tho n become (without intention) more involved in the business side of things, it’s become pretty clear there was far more to the story.
they had a horrible marriage n tony ws quite violent at the best of times, which didn’t help the fact tht alyssa ws struggling a lot w severe depression n rly just… not in the mindset to b dealing w anything else on top of tht, even where motherhood ws concerned. bradley p much… would look after her a lot n they’d both b scared of her dad n it was just a whole mess.
anyway im rambling bt basically tony (bradley’s dad) gt wind of alyssa sleeping w men tht worked fr him n he just… got rid. bradley’s kind of worked out over the yrs tht her mum didn’t jst leave on her own accord n tht something must hav happened to her bt she’s too scared of her dad to ever directly accuse him
when her mum went all of her dad’s cruelty pretty mch got channelled straight onto her. it ws diluted between two before bt as u can probably imagine her upbringing was jst…. a steep downhill decline frm tht point onwards
she learnt ways 2 deal w the incurring trauma bt they weren’t healthy ones at all! bsically jst. will do or take anything fr the distraction. chases a thrill like it’s the only way to remind her she’s alive. has absolutely no regard fr her own wellbeing n sometimes gets other ppl in trouble too bc she’s so insatiably reckless
she hd….2 separate stints of psychiatric hospitalisation n she never tlks abt it. like ever. acknowledging she’s been vulnerable is her worst nightmare n bc of the way her dad raised her she always thinks any sign of struggling within herself is weakness. truly does…. not kno how to properly emotion
CUT TO!!!! huntington beach. she’s currently living in a spacious loft above a rly busy bar tht i picture like. p close to campus so a lot of students prob frequent it?? she loves it bc she can sit on the window sill smoking n argue w ppl tht walk past drunk. jst randomly callin out like. nice chest hair Loser. i feel like she hasn’t even paid fr wifi she jst uses the bar’s free one n like. goes in there expecting free drinks all the time?? is jst like erm? i live here? let me drink? this is my house? aka she’s. a lot.
her dad’s opening up a new strip club (also called no angels bc he’s trying to lowkey make it like a chain) n he’s only allowed her to make the move bc she’s overseeing it kind of???? as well as a few guys tht worked fr him back in queens. one in particular called billy hs made the move n he’s a menace so. three cheers fr anarchy!
the kind of sour cherry only certain people have a taste for
once drank a bottle of whiskey, insisted she could still do a cartwheel and accidentally kicked an old man’s front tooth out in the process. proceeded 2 collapse into a flower bed and laugh so much abt it that she cried
barely takes anything seriously 50% of the time and is angry the other 50%
if she was a coffee she’d be black with five grains of sugar that you couldn’t taste until the last sip
high functioning alcoholic. if u ever see her w a coffee cup u jst kno tht one sniff will confirm high alcohol percentage. honestly idk hw she does it her liver must b yellin
loyal to a point of fault. if she cares abt u and u murder a man in cold blood she’ll brawl anyone that says ur guilty
honestly wld probably fight a person over anything. sometimes she’ll jst be having a bad day n she’ll burst n take it out on whoever says the wrong thing. a minefield!
has the worst luck in romance…. ever. the majority of her past bfs hav been absolute beasts n as a result she kind of has the ‘romance is dead n love is a lie’ mentality
speakin of which i feel like she’s bi bt wldnt have dated a girl or anythin. like guys r probably…. her preference just bc historically theyv treated her worse n she hs a very self destructive personality like that. sexy!
dresses like courtney love, 2014 sky ferreira and a character from this is england had a baby. mostly wears stolen clothes from strangers and jackets that swamp her. hair is p much always a wild mess n she usually hd kind of smudgy/smoky makeup bcos apparently she’s allergic to combs and generally looking presentable… relatable content
she’s v sarcastic. sometimes blunt. kind of has a habit of…. assessing a person n she’s quite perceptive bc she’s been trained to b by the way she always has to monitor her dad’s expression fr the slightest emotion change. she’s quite confident n can p much mke a conversation out of whatever. sort of independent too like she hs a bunch of friends bt she doesn’t care abt going out places alone if she’s in a certain mood n jst wants…… to get into chaos. she’s probably kind of known around campus bt itd b a 50/50 balance between bein known as intimidating n bein known as that one girl tht always gets into anarchy
likes: fishnets, stealing cars, throwing watermelons off rooftops and whiskey
dislikes: amy schumer, honesty, yellow tulips and going home
someone tht got a job at the new strip club her dad opened up in town?? either as a dancer or bartender or whtever. just a forewarning it’s probably gna b a pretty..... seedy and Not That Pleasant environment bc it’s like. a crime hotspot inevitably bc it’s a gang hangout so. ur chara wld truly be in fr a rollercoaster ride to say the least
she deals coke fr her dad’s gang bt it’s more like. a hobby than a steady source of income tht she Needs bc she just likes the thrill of the fact tht encounters in tht line of work can turn sour tbh. a Thrill Seeker! mayb she deals to ur muse??
anyone….. she’s brawled in the past like. she’s literally a menace i cnt express this enough. wil jst randomly throw a drink in someone’s face fr no reason bc she’s bored. she’s probably pissed off 1000 diff ppl in 1000 diff ways. the possibilities r endless n i jst think tht’s a sexy prospect!
fwbs perhaps??? exes??? (probably ws a tumultuous relationship wtever…. ur muse is like like bradley is. a handful)
mayb someone tht she met at an aa meeting when she hd to go fr a court mandated thing one time after bein arrested fr public indecency. i feel like there’s probably a rly expensive statue somewhere thts fancily Sculpted n she like. did a flying kick n kicked the dick of it off n gt arrested fr it
ppl she……. Goes Wild Goes Crazy w. truly jst the most self destructive person alive so anyone w a similar mindset wld b a hellish bt fun combination
on the contrary a gd influence cld b nice perhaps? like someone tht genuinely cares abt her n she jst doesn’t kno hw to compute it
um. honestly the world’s our oyster. hmu n we cn brainstorm if none of tht catches ur eye!
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glorybcrn · 5 years
hihi everybody !! i’m kelly ( eighteen , she/her , mst ) and uh h ... i haven’t been in the roleplaying game for a hot minute but i’m really excited to be here n get back into it ! this is my garbage son gabriel who is technically an old muse ?? ngl i’ve dragged this poor binch to hell n back so if this intro kinda funky ... that why ....... also i may or may not be running on 3 hrs of sleep jfifjnck
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◟ * ◊ ─ jason bateman + cismale + he/him » * believe it or not gabriel dombrova is working for the lothario family. they are forty seven years of age and are known to usually spend their time around city hall. the mayor, who has been a part of the alliance for sixteen years, has been living in victoria for forty seven years. the people closest to them describe the bisexual + capricorn to be driven and astute as well as reserved and unforgiving » 
— born and raised in victoria, despite not being a founding family, gabriel’s family still had relatively deep roots within the city; it was said that his great grandfather had moved here from massachusetts looking for the american dream. the patriarchal dombrova came from humble beginnings, building the family business ( a local inn ) from the ground up and over the decades it only got bigger and bigger until it had turned into the respectable hotel that it is known as today and now has multiple locations across the state of florida. naturally, his father inherited this business and his mother, on the other hand, is your typical southern belle, moved here from a small town in texas. she was a corporate lawyer ( it’s how she met gabriel’s father ) but since becoming a mother she really has had no interests in any other occupation other than trophy wife and socialite.
— to say that gabriel’s parents were old school would be putting it lightly. basically, both of his parents were deeply religious republicans and were very aware of their image as a family. they were harsh parents, extremely controlling when it came to their children’s lives but at the same time were also really emotionally absent. to this day they still believe that it was all in the name of tough love but obviously it was just emotional abuse. his father was especially hard on gabriel, he was a strong believer in physical discipline and thought gabriel to be too “soft”. he was always berating him, punishing him for petty offences, and pretty much just fostering your typical environment of toxic masculinity. though he never laid a hand on gabriel’s sister as she was what he called, “a lady” and his “pride and joy.”
— but gabriel was a good kid, he was obedient aside from stupid mistakes that kids are bound to make. he was your typical golden boy, a jack of all trades of sorts. not exceptionally good at one thing, but averagely good at a multitude of things. he was a quick learner and dedicated, anything he took a crack at, he eventually excelled in. throughout high school, he mostly kept to himself, choosing to focus on his education and after graduating valedictorian, he went to harvard where he earned his business degree. the plan was to come back to victoria, work for his father, and make his way up until he was ready to inherit the business himself.
— but while away at university, he met abigail. it was your typical whirlwind of a first love where it felt like it was just the two of you against the world. with her, gabriel experienced a sense of normalcy and sincere, unconditional love. for someone who severely lacked both up until then, maybe it wasn’t so crazy that the two decided to marry as soon as they graduated. together, they moved back to victoria to start their lives. to an outsider, gabriel’s life had seemingly always been perfect, envy-worthy. with a renowned and respected family, a successful business, the perfect wife, and now, a baby on the way too, it’s no wonder he’d been chosen by the lothario’s to be their candidate as mayor.
— his connection with the alliance started out small; the hotel business had been in a rough spot for a couple of years and out of nowhere, they seemed to have just come in at the right time, saving the day. he could be on their payroll all for the price of a few, teensy favours. favours such as his hotel being used as refuge for some of their men, a place of business when needed, and gabriel refusing to be a failure, especially in his father’s eyes, easily succumbed to their offer. 
— of course, gabriel’s family has no idea about the real root of his sudden interest in politics, much less how the family business has managed to be so successful still despite his now even busier schedule. and as a result, his relationship with his wife and children have deteriorated over the years. it began as a defense mechanism, intentionally distancing himself from his loved ones as a way to protect them. and while his children maybe the one last soft spot gabriel has left, his sudden absence as a father has definitely put a strain on his relationship with them. however his relationship with his wife seemed to suffer even more, things between the two of them are definitely not how they once used to be. they’re cold to one another and see each other more so as strangers rather than husband and wife. unfortunately, a divorce doesn’t exactly fit into the white picket-fence image gabriel had so carefully curated over the years. 
— after decades of playing different facades, gabriel’s definitely lost a sense of his true self, or maybe it’s just fully gone. he used to be this really compassionate and benevolent person who always prioritized family over anything. it’s why ( at least this is what he tells himself ) he initially risked getting into business with the alliance in the first place, but now, he really only pretends to be those things to get the people to like him. he can be incredibly charming when he wants to be but it’s all just so .. hollow ? if that makes sense. like, nowadays there’s rarely an ounce of honesty or sincerity in him. he’s just so consumed with being a part of the alliance, it’s all he really knows at this point.
— extremely driven and cunning, if there’s something gabriel wants, he’ll get it. even as a child, he was an over achiever and so he’s known to always come through when it’s requested of him. he’s not exactly evil .. ? but he is loyal to the lotharios. i think there’s a small part of him that hates them, hates himself, and hates what he’s doing but idk he kinda just tells that it to shut up lmao. having had to learn it as a child, he’s very good at compartmentalizing which is probably why he can play all these different roles so well without going insane dnkjds
— really reserved, tries ( and succeeds ) to put out this strait-laced and conservative image. has the ability to remain calm in any sort of situation and twist things to his advantage. like honestly ?? gabriel is probably a pr manager’s wet dream .. he just comes across as this very charming and kind man, he’s the type of politician that’ll say hi to your baby and sign its head idk
but ugh idk it’s hard to explain gabriel’s personality since he’s such an emotional mess, i would just end up rambling about the same thing over and over again if i tried to keep going so i’m gonna .. stop right now.
— personal assistant ?? someone incredibly organized and competent. this plot can range from really basic like .. yeah book my doctor’s appointment thnx to someone he’s actually pretty close to ? maybe he doesn’t even realize it, idk. like we can literally do wtvr w this, so !
— other members of the alliance, could be just someone he’s acquainted with or knows well and works pretty close with.
— if you have any muses involved with politics or managing ? his campaign manager or just anyone who worked on his campaign. like w the personal assistant we can .. go basic or brazy w this.
— love interests ? doesn’t have to be ~romantic~ per se .. but idk like affairs ig ?? cause .. gabe’s not perfect, rip. but he is careful so it wldn’t be like .. smth messy or if it was he’d prob make certain measurements after. idk what that means exactly dnjsnsdjk just tryna not get caught uk … or even something as small as flirtationships !
ok these all suck bc gabe is….. emotionally dead inside cnjdsnksnjd but ! obv tht can change per circumstance n whatever so pls .. feel free to mssg me whenever if u have any ideas !!
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brvdleysaved · 5 years
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ok first off b4 i say anythin else dnt...... judge bradley’s blog rn i dnt get my laptop bk until wednesday so i am? stranded in a photoshopless land. it’s very tragic. anyway. and scene! je suis... nai oh me..... bk again w probably my fav muse of all time so let us! leap right in! p.s. her pinterest is here
CIS FEMALE — ever hear people say BRADLEY MILLIGAN looks a lot like MARGARET QUALLEY? I think SHE is about 24, so it doesn’t really work. The PSYCHOLOGY major is a SENIOR that is from QUEENS, NY. They can be +ADVENTUROUS, but they can also be -ABRASIVE. I think BRADLEY might be SHEEP. They are living in OFF CAMPUS BUT AFFILIATED WITH BALTA. ( nai. 22. gmt. she/her. )
the kind of sour cherry only certain people have a taste for
once drank a bottle of spiced rum, insisted she could still do a cartwheel and accidentally kicked an old man’s front tooth out in the process. proceeded 2 collapse into a flower bed and laugh so much abt it that she cried
barely takes anything seriously 50% of the time and is angry the other 50%
if she was a coffee she’d be black with five grains of sugar that you couldn’t taste until the last sip
father runs a gang n strip club in queens called ‘no angels’ tht fronts an affluent drug trade, primarily coke. his name is tony milligan n his gang is p infamous around there fr being jst like…. completely cutthroat n awful. they were nicknamed ‘tony’s rottweilers’ by locals bc he bsically has all of these trained dogs on leash at his command n they’re still a growing organisation tday
he’s pretty much the worst human being alive n bradley hs like….. a lot of issues with herself as a result of years of toxicity n abuse
in terms of more family bkground info her mum’s name was alyssa n she vanished when bradley was 12. jst like…. into thin air. nothing. no note. zilch. gan! n when bradley asked her dad abt it his response was essentially “guess she didn’t love us enough to stay”. as bradley’s got older tho n become (without intention) more involved in the business side of things, it’s become pretty clear there was far more to the story. they had a horrible marriage n tony ws quite violent at the best of times, which didn’t help the fact tht alyssa ws struggling a lot w severe depression n rly just… not in the mindset to b dealing w anything else on top of tht, even where motherhood ws concerned. bradley p much… would look after her a lot n they’d both b scared of her dad n it was just a whole mess. anyway im rambling bt basically tony (bradley’s dad) gt wind of alyssa sleeping w men tht worked fr him n he just… got rid. bradley’s kind of worked out over the yrs tht her mum didn’t jst leave on her own accord n tht something must hav happened to her bt she’s too scared of her dad to ever directly accuse him
when her mum went all of her dad’s cruelty pretty mch got channelled straight onto her. it ws diluted between two before bt as u can probably imagine her upbringing was jst…. a steep downhill decline frm tht point onwards
she learnt ways 2 deal w the incurring trauma bt they weren’t healthy ones at all! bsically jst. will do or take anything fr the distraction. chases a thrill like it’s the only way to remind her she’s alive. has absolutely no regard fr her own wellbeing n sometimes gets other ppl in trouble too bc she’s so insatiably reckless
high functioning alcoholic. if u ever see her w a coffee cup u jst kno tht one sniff will confirm high alcohol percentage. honestly idk hw she does it her liver must b yellin
she hd….2 separate stints of psychiatric hospitalisation n she never tlks abt it. like ever. acknowledging she’s been vulnerable is her worst nightmare n bc of the way her dad raised her she always thinks any sign of struggling within herself is weakness. truly does…. not kno how to properly emotion
honestly. im probably missing a million things bc i kind of feel like a microwaved shrimp as i write this bt. basically her life is jst the worst a true… abomination! bc im evil like tht sometimes
loyal to a point of fault. if she cares abt u and u murder a man in cold blood she’ll brawl anyone that says ur guilty
honestly wld probably fight a person over anything. sometimes she’ll jst be having a bad day n she’ll burst n take it out on whoever says the wrong thing. a minefield!
has the worst luck in romance…. ever. the majority of her past bfs hav been absolute beasts n as a result she kind of has the ‘romance is dead n love is a lie’ mentality
speakin of which i feel like she’s bi bt wldnt have dated a girl or anythin. like guys r probably…. her preference just bc historically theyv treated her worse n she hs a very self destructive personality like that. sexy!
dresses like courtney love, 2014 sky ferreira and a character from this is england had a baby. mostly wears stolen clothes from strangers and jackets that swamp her. hair is p much always a wild mess n she usually hd kind of smudgy/smoky makeup bcos apparently she’s allergic to combs and generally looking presentable… relatable content
personality wise she’s v sarcastic. sometimes blunt. kind of has a habit of…. assessing a person n she’s quite perceptive bc she’s been trained to b by the way she always has to monitor her dad’s expression fr the slightest emotion change. she’s quite confident n can p much mke a conversation out of whatever. sort of independent too like she hs a bunch of friends bt she doesn’t care abt going out places alone if she’s in a certain mood n jst wants…… to get into chaos. she’s probably kind of known around campus/town bt itd b a 50/50 balance between bein known as intimidating n bein known as that one girl tht always gets into anarchy
likes: fishnets, stealing cars, water guns and whiskey
dislikes: amy schumer, honesty, yellow tulips and going home
in terms of Plots
hm. mayb someone tht knows her frm home/queens??? like tht frequents no angels (her dad’s strip club) or picks up frm there or smthn
i feel like she probably deals coke bt its like. Select Dealing. like she doesn’t need....2 do it fr income or anythin she jst. gets bored n is like cool may as well mke some money n possibly get robbed ig! anythin fr the thrill! 
anyone..... shes brawled in the past like. she’s literally a menace i cnt express this enough. wil jst randomly throw a drink in someone’s face fr no reason bc she’s bored. she’s probably pissed off 1000 diff ppl in 1000 diff ways. the possibilities r endless n i jst think tht’s a sexy prospect!
fwbs perhaps??? exes??? (probably ws a tumultuous relationship wtever.... ur muse is like like bradley is. a handful)
mayb someone tht she met at an aa meeting when she hd to go fr a court mandated thing one time after bein arrested fr public indecency. i feel like there’s probably a rly expensive statue somewhere thts fancily Sculpted n she like. did a flying kick n kicked the dick of it off n gt arrested fr it
ppl she....... Goes Wild Goes Crazy w. truly jst the most self destructive person alive so anyone w a similar mindset wld b a hellish bt fun combination
on the contrary a gd influence cld b nice perhaps? like someone tht genuinely cares abt her n she jst doesn’t kno hw to compute it
um. honestly the world’s our oyster. hmu n we cn brainstorm if none of tht catches ur eye!
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avjinhyuk · 5 years
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          hello  ,  everyone  !  it’s  so  exciting  to  be  here  as  i’ve  been  craving  a  muse  like  this  for  quite  some  time  ;  i’m  ally  ,  currently  i’m  nineteen  ,  &  i  use  she  /  her  pronouns  .  jinhyuk  is  my  big  baby  boy  even  though  he’s  definitely  not  a  baby  boy  &  will  want  to  kill  u  at  some  point  !  but  ,  despite  that  ,  i  hope  ur  open  to  plotting  with  him  &  getting  to  know  past  the  layers  (  because  onions  have  layers  &  jinhyuk  is  totally  an  onion  )  !  anyways  ,  if  u  would  like  to  plot  ,  just  hit  the  little  heart  button  &  i’ll  come  to  u  or  ur  welcome  to  come  to  me  !  my  discord  is  always  welcomed  to  be  asked  for  as  well  !
check  out  his  full  background  here  ,  his  stats  here  ,  &  TRIGGER WARNING  for  abuse  ,  torture  ,  &  suicide  .
background  (  condensed  )  .
grew  up  in  a  pretty  shitty  home  .  
at  first  ,  things  were  okay  despite  his  father  being  a  military  man  and  the  strict  rules  set  upon  jinhyuk  .  
his  mother  was  a  sweet  woman  ,  a  mutant  just  like  he  was  .  she  cared  for  jinhyuk  more  than  she  had  ever  cared  for  her  own  life  .  
she  had  always  wanted  jinhyuk  to  know  how  to  use  his  abilities  ,  while  she  wasn’t  a  pyrokinetic  ,  she  taught  him  control  and  taught  him  to  not  be  afraid  of  using  his  powers  ,  that  they  were  a  gift  to  be  used  .
his  father  didn’t  want  him  to  use  his  powers  .  wanted  him  to  be  “  normal  ”  even  if  mutants  were  normal  .
things  weren’t  horrible  while  he  was  growing  ,  he  was  a  lively  kid  .  always  wanting  to  be  running  ,  to  be  moving  .  he  was  energetic  and  had  too  many  friends  ,  more  than  he  could  ever  count  on  his  fingers  .  he  was  sociable  and  sweet  .
then  his  baby  brother  was  born  when  he  was  eight  years  old  .  due  to  complications  ,  his  mother  passed  away  during  childbirth  and  that  was  when  hell  began  .
after  his  mother  passed  ,  the  whole  family  grieved  .  his  father  was  very  much  so  more  distant  than  ever  before  .  eight  year  old  jinhyuk  tried  to  pay  no  mind  to  it  .
it  wasn’t  until  he’d  found  piles  of  empty  alcohol  bottles  and  an  enraged  man  towering  over  him  ,  that  he  knew  nothing  would  be  the  same  .
his  job  was  to  take  care  of  his  brother  .  to  keep  him  out  of  harms  way  .
jinhyuk  took  the  brunt  of  the  abuse  ,  never  wanting  to  see  his  father  lay  a  hand  on  his  brother  .  even  though  he  did  .
his  father  blamed  them  .  mainly  his  baby  brother  .  made  their  lives  living  hell  .  told  them  he  wished  they  never  had  them  ,  wish  they’d  never  been  dirty  mutants  .
he’d  torture  them  .  as  stated  before  ,  jinhyuk  took  most  of  it  .  
the  sweet  and  loving  boy  that  fought  back  and  begged  and  cried  began  to  disappear  as  he  kept  himself  steeled  .
steeling  was  easier  ,  helped  him  block  it  out  mentally  .  helped  him  stop  the  flare  of  his  abilities  which  only  angered  his  father  more  .
his  father’s  favorite  form  of  torture  for  jinhyuk  was  waterboarding  him  and  as  a  pyrokinetic  ...  that  was  a  horrible  mix  .  
jinhyuk  as  he  grew  ,  hoped  that  he  could  get  him  and  his  brother  out  .  but  luck  wasn’t  on  his  side  .
at  the  small  age  of  six  ,  jinhyuk’s  brother  brought  his  own  power  on  himself  .  the  touch  of  death  killed  him  ...  suicide  .
that  tore  jinhyuk  in  half  .  his  dormant  abilities  erupted  ,  sending  his  home  into  flames  ,  incinerating  his  father  and  really  ,  he  couldn’t  have  cared  less  .
it’s  where  the  faint  burns  and  scars  come  from  across  his  torso  and  arms  because  what  he  erupted  in  was  blue  flame  and  blue  flame  injures  him  unlike  red  to  yellow  flame  .
after  that  ,  he  fled  .  lived  on  the  streets  ,  tried  to  survive  day  by  day  .  only  hardening  more  and  more  after  the  things  he’d  seen  .
he  didn’t  want  to  be  the  old  him  .  didn’t  want  to  be  weak  .  so  he  killed  that  part  of  himself  ,  put  her  away  ,  locked  her  up  .
age  fifteen  ,  he  was  invited  to  the  academy  ,  they  saw  great  potential  in  him  despite  his  unpredictable  abilities  he  doesn’t  use  often  enough  .
been  here  since  then  ,  working  with  his  abilities  again  ,  trying  to  contain  them  .  definitely  struggles  .
apart  of  the  sick  six  because  he’s  literally  a  horrible  person  ,  at  least  he  portrays  himself  that  way  .
personality .
he’s  not  nice  .  that’s  just  that  .  he’s  rude  and  cruel  and  wants  to  inflict  harm  onto  others  .  he’s  not  apart  of  the  sick  six  for  nothing  !
keeps  his  walls  up  .  doesn’t  let  anyone  past  them  .  doesn’t  want  anyone  past  them  .  is  too  scared  to  let  anyone  see  the  kind-hearted  ,  loving  boy  he  once  was  .
thinks  kindness  makes  you  weak  .  thinks  love  makes  you  weak  .  he’s  got  nothing  to  love  any  longer  ,  hasn’t  for  years  ,  so  there’s  no  point  in  trying  any  more  .
quite  the  pessimist  .
likes  to  mess  with  people  a  lot  .  pulls  little  pranks  ,  sets  shit  on  fire  ,  just  pokes  fun  at  others  .
ruthless  .  has  some  anger  issues  he  needs  to  sort  out  because  emotions  affect  his  abilities  .
oddly  ,  he’s  very  relaxed  ?  like  kick  your  feet  up  on  the  table  ,  blunt  words  ,  absolutely  unbothered  when  you  try  to  get  his  attention  because  he  will  just  ignore  you  if  he  doesn’t  care  .  most  of  the  time  he  doesn’t  .
when  he  likes  you  ,  he  can  be  very  protective  .
deep  down  ,  he  really  does  have  a  good  heart  .  he’s  just  so  hardened  and  scared  that  he’d  rather  be  evil  than  be  good  .
can  be  very  charming  ,  a  bit  of  a  flirt  ,  likes  to  smirk  a  lot  ,  wink  a  lot  .
idk  ,  started  writing  this  last  night  and  now  my  brain  isn’t  producing  words  ...  he’s  just  a  dick  with  daddy  issues  and  abandonment  and  intimacy  issues  ,  classic  !
wanted plots .
someone  make  him  feel  something  please  ...  i’m  literally  begging  .  give  him  someone  to  dote  on  like  he  would  have  his  little  brother  ...  give  him  someone  to  love  ,  to  live  for  .
an  ex  ,  either  he  ruined  the  relationship  because  he’s  just  horrible  or  they  did  or  it  was  just  mutual  .  maybe  they  did  really  love  each  other  ,  just  circumstances  changed  ,  can  be  toxic  ,  can  be  longing  ,  can  be  absolutely  whatever.
anything  that  gets  this  boy  away  from  his  emotions  that’s  a  wonderful  trait  of  his  !  uses  hookups  and  flings  to  get  them  out  ,  since  he’s  so  desperate  to  hold  back  them  back  .
perhaps  an  older  sibling  figure  !  someone  who  keeps  him  in  line  and  supports  him  like  no  one  has  since  his  mother’s  passing  .
a  rival  ,  an  enemy  ,  people  who  he  can’t  fucking  stand  and  would  literally  like  to  obliterate  from  this  planet  .
someone  who’s  close  enough  to  him  to  know  everything  ,  a  best  friend  ,  someone  he  trusts  and  cares  for  despite  sometimes  not  showing  it  .
really  ...  anything  ...  i  am  down  ...
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stvrlcts-blog1 · 5 years
hi friends !! my name is cas ( she / her ) & i live in cst !! i’m sooo sorry that i’m late to the party...i am usually a VERY active member, which i will be next week starting tuesday !! until then, i’d love to hc, plot, and chat until i can actually go on. i won’t have computer access again until i come back home. read below about my bby !! 
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∿° la’s favorite singer has made his appearance at the party. it’s insane how similar he looks to thomas doherty. according to celebslam, ezra daly has been given a reputation of being volatile , but also vibrant. the twenty three year old has been living in the city of dreams for all their life, i wonder how much longer they’ll last. ** jesse rutherford vc 
ezra daly was born and raised in socal all his life. he grew up in a suburb outside of los angeles. as a kid, he grew up fairly normal except for the fact that he had a fairly absent father. his parents got divorced when he was 12. 
TW: ALCOHOL ABUSE & DEATH: after that, ezra for the most part lived with his mom & his father resorted to drinking to reconcile the loss of his family. when ezra turned sixteen, his dad passed. ezra never really recovered from the loss, due to never reconciling old wounds with his father. 
during high school, he started messing around on soundcloud ( and yes, i am somewhat loosely following the nbhd story line as for album relases --- SUE ME OK !! ) with a few of his friends. after they received some attention, at 18 the band released their first album called #00000 & #FFFFF or black & white. ** im still working on the band name...like just might steal nbhd or do some saint, or maybe the district. idk. 
once he graduated high school, he was signed to a record label with the rest of his members. since then, ezra has been climbing the charts & even ventured to create his own solo work !! his band & solo shit has the same level of popularity in the alt world as the nbhd & jesse’s own stuff. 
ezra is EXTREMELY volatile & susceptible to mood swings. he’s somewhat of a minefield, and can’t control his temper once someone or something sets him off. 
on the opposite spectrum, he is extremely melancholic & appears hopeless when left to his own devices for too long. that being said, he loves parties with people. 
TW: DRUG MENTION, DRUG ABUSE, ALCOHOL ABUSE: he has an ADDICTIVE personality. literally cannot control himself. self medicates. extreme stoner. jaded to the max about drugs / alcohol. 
that being said, he’s fiercely loyal. he loves the people that are close to him. would literally do anything for them. sometimes gets taken advantage by people that know he’ll drop everything for them. 
extremely prideful, envious, lustful. hollywood has changed him in the last FIVE YEARS. not easily trustworthy of newcomers, but ultimately tries to see the good in others. 
has an eclectic style, very niche on twitter & instagram. has a kind of strange mix of followers and fans. 
wanted connections.
POTENTIAL BANDMATES (0/3): people that grew up with ezra in high school, we can work out the actual connections once we establish the timeline. but i would LOVE having his bandmates actually be muses he interacts with instead of npc. 
TOXIC EX (1/1): birdie and ezra started dating a few years ago. they’ve been pretty much on and off ever since then. tabloids are unsure of their actual relationship status, but it’s fairly messy. 
THE SQUAD (1/?): i picture this group to be fairly good friends now that they’ve established themselves in cali as the young rich and famous. i imagine they’re all fairly close. we love the bros !!
FWB GONE WRONG (1/1): hannah and ezra have been hooking up casually for quite some time, and ezra is starting to feel things he really doesn’t want to. some lines have been crossed, and now he doesn’t know how to act. 
RIVALS/ENEMIES/DISLIKED (1/?): it’s not hard to get on ezra’s bad side. he’s fairly disagreeable and easily bothered. i imagine he gets on people’s bad sides often and vice versa. 
OTHER POSSIBLE PLOTS: good/bad influence, neighbors, collabs, frenemies, etc. 
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teddyadelberg · 5 years
[ giancarlo commare, twenty-one, cis-male, he/him ] ━ hey, I just saw [ sebastian 'bash' monroe ] walking down the streets of crownsville. they’ve lived in town for [ twenty-one years ], and you can catch them around town working as a [ student ]. I hear they’re known to be [ passionate & talented ] and [ reckless & impulsive ]. if asked, they would say their aesthetic would be [ fingers that grace the keys of a piano, bruised knuckles, reckless antics ]
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TW: Abuse
FINALLY POSTING an intro for my dude. I’m gonna try to get one up for Hadley later but LIKE THIS IF YOU’D LIKE TO PLOT and I’ll message you.
For as long as he could remember, it’s unfortunately always been him and his father. His mom died while giving birth to Bash and his Dad has never ever forgiven him for it. 
His father is abusive though he hides it well because…he’s the town’s most critically acclaimed lawyer. Both physically, emotionally and verbally. Since he’s been dealing with it his entire life, he’s sort of accepted it as something that he deserves so he doesn’t really fight it. After all, if it weren’t for him his mother would still be alive. And his father isn’t hurting anyone other than him so Bash has never…really seen the problem. A complete victim’s mindset.
So due to this he thinks he’s a worthless piece of shit that won’t amount to anything and who doesn’t deserve love or happiness. As his father constantly reminds him, he’s just a burden on the world and all around him, feeding to the country’s overpopulation. He was the biggest mistake of his Dad’s life.
Even though Sebastian is a MAN now, a whole 21 years, he hasn’t gravitated away from his Dad. Again, he thinks he deserves it and he believes he needs his father. He has convinced him that he wouldn’t survive a minute in the world without him. Bash is just…delusional and as much as he hates his Dad, he grossly respects and values his opinion. After all he doesn’t know better and doesn’t know anything more.
His father shielded him from a normal childhood too. He was homeschooled and had very few school friends. It wasn’t until college where he was suddenly thrust into the social scene and let’s just say he hasn’t…adjusted well.
On the frequent occasions where his father beats him to where it’s visible, Bash will usually go to a bar and elicit a fight to get more flesh wounds apparent so that he has an alibi. So basically everyone in Crownsville just thinks he’s a drunken troublemaker who gets into a shit ton of fights. Which like…isn’t wrong. He is drunk or high 99% of the time and he’s getting into fights.
BUT IDK maybe people in town definitely suspect and he’s not as good at hiding it as he thinks...
At least when he gets hit, he feels something. Whereas he’s gotten so good at numbing and shoving down any sort of feelings. Shout out to liquor!
He’s always loved music, it’s his sole happy place and when his fingers are gracing that of a piano it’s like…he’s transported away from the bullshit. As lame as it sounds, he feels like his piano is his only and last connection to his Mom. She used to play and when he plays, he feels like he’s playing for her and to her like…spiritually. He can feel her when he’s writing, composing and playing. She gives him the music and he puts it to paper.
Also gay af.
ALSO DO NOT CALL HIM SEBASTIAN. it’s a massive fucking trigger for him! it’s what his dad always calls him before he’s about to beat the shit out of him. i mean you can but he won’t react great.
He’s a sarcastic asshole who tries to act all tough but who is severely craving human intimacy and companionship. When people start to get close and he starts to trust them, he panics, literal panic attacks that cause him to just snap and do everything he can to push that person FAR away and out of his life. He’s really smart but he doesn’t think so which means he doesn’t apply himself. Doesn’t really trust anyone. Will party and sometimes when he’s really high he’ll like…relax and cut loose and be real with people but then the next day he’ll deny it ever happened.
In simple terms: FWB, Exes that he probably cheated on or pushed away, Someone that maybe knows his Dad is a creep and is protective, offers him a safe haven, Hook ups, Friends, Study buddies, party buddies, smoking buddies, reckless shithead buddies etc.
[ current | fwb ] muse a and muse b met through mutual friends and quickly hit it off as friends. offhandedly one day, muse a mentioned something one day that muse b quickly turned sexual. they locked eyes and the next minute they were in a room, locked away, undressing each other. after exiting the room, the two agreed that it would never happen again…until a few days later, when it did. they keep saying they won’t come back for more.
[ current | just do it already ] muse a and muse b have been in love with each other for like, ever. neither of them are willing to admit it though, even to themselves. their friends are constantly joking about it and they both wave it off – but when one isn’t looking, anyone could see the adoration in the other’s face with ease.
[ past | dating ] muse a and muse b were the kind of people that immediately rejected each other, going to other people instead. then muse a found themselves in a room with their ex and pulled muse b aside to ask them to fake being their significant other for the night. over the next few hours, their fake date became a real one and soon things progressed into a relationship.
[ previous | friends…i guess? ] muse a and muse b were friends prior to their spontaneous hook-up and their world turned upside down. dazed, they decided to start dating that moment and to their credit, tried to make it work for a few weeks. muse a finally ( and nervously ) let out that they weren’t feeling it. to their relief, muse b admitted they were feeling the same. they decided to stay friends, but now have the added “i’ve seen you naked” awkwardness.
[ previous/current | on again, off again ] muse a and muse b love each other, but their relationship is toxic so they are constantly on and off. they always get along as friends, but the second they became lovers something always changes. they care a lot about each other, but something always goes awry.
[ your choice | hook up ] muse a recently broke up with their significant other, and in their post-breakup state got some revenge by hooking up with their ex’s best friend, muse b. neither expected the night to be so…memorable. your choice on what they do about it.
[ positive | two way street ] muse a and muse b frequent the same coffee shop and often made casual hellos to each other until the coffee shop raised their prices. muse a went to order their usual drink and lifted their eyes in surprise at the new price, hand helplessly prepared to hand over exact change. muse b quickly swooped in and saved the day, buying both of their coffees. next time they were both in the shop, muse a paid for muse b’s drink. they flip who pays each time as some sort of game now, but they’ve only had minor conversation as one or the other always seems to be in a rush.
[ positive | friends ] when muse a moved in, they didn’t expect to see muse b climbing up/standing on the fire escape right outside their living room window. they went to confront muse b and scared them, making both fear for the life of muse b for a moment. apologetic, muse a invited muse b in and the two connected almost immediately. ( muse b may or may not have explained their presence on the fire escape during this conversation // reason could have been that they knew who lived in muse a’s apartment before but didn’t know that they moved )
[ current | platonic or romantic ] *tw: alcohol. muse a and muse b met at a bar. throughout the night, muse b got more and more inebriated. being the good ( or bad ) samaritan they are, muse a decides to take muse b back to their house before they end up on the floor. when they arrive at muse a’s building/house, muse b ( loudly ) asks muse a how the heck ! muse a knew where they lived. turns out – they live a mere few floors/doors/houses away from each other.
[ current | platonic ] muse a is an extrovert – so much so that when muse b started moving in, they didn’t even wait for the moving truck to pull away before introducing themselves. in fact, muse a even started helping unload the truck without being asked. ( BONUS: muse b was super grateful for the help and their relationship is great // muse b is Grumpy™ and was annoyed that muse a started helping without asking and their relationship is tense. )
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heals-on-wheels · 6 years
✔ I'm sure we've talked a LOT about this stuff in DMs but,, ! 👀
A quick and easy plotting guide Send me ✔ and I will bold my preferences for your muse!
My muse(s): Knock Out
Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other | Fluff AU | Pain AU | Role reversal AU | Rich/Poor AU | Plague AU | Fox & The Hound AU | Bodyguard AU | Childhood Romance AU | Secretly Pining AU | Diplomatic AU | Dark Magic AU | Disowned AU | On the Run AU (hmm never thought about this!!) | Hate to Love AU | Love to Hate AU | Unwilling Partnership AU |
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship | Depends on AU | Depends on age
Possible relationships: Friends | Classmate | Co-worker | Roommate | Squire | Family, real or adopted | Dating or blind date | Married | Friends with benefits | Unrequited love | Lending a hand (I’M FUNNY ALKDFHAESDFJ) | Teacher - student | Rivals | Allies | Partner-in-crime | Enemies | Protector - guarded | Business partners | Spy - infiltrated | Manipulator - manipulated | Star-crossed (ko is enamoured ok??) | First meeting | Villain with a conscience | Misunderstood good person | Misunderstood bad person | Prison buddies | The fearful and the brave | Abandoned | Rescued & Rescuer | Political Marriage | Arranged Marriage | Eloping Lovers | Involved in Manhunt | Bodyguard | Clueless parent | Bad influence | Bickering duo | I’m-not-scared-of-you-but-should-be | You’d Never Hurt Me | Oh no, you hurt me | Betrayed/Betrayer | Abusive partnership | Reluctant alliance | Huge softie & ferocious small | Huge ferocious & ferocious small | Huge ferocious & small softie | Brawler & Mage | Older sibling relationship | I can talk trash about them but if you do I WILL END YOU | Magically bound together | Making the best of a bad situation | Reunited after many years | Constantly testing boundaries | No mutual respect | Mutual fear & distrust | Mutual curiosity | Guarded and withdrawn | Let me show you I’m not so bad | Craving forgiveness | Look past our history | Forbidden friendship | IT HAPPENED ONE TIME, LET IT DROP | Gaslighting | I’ll threaten you to get my way | I’ll bribe you to get my way | I’ll pull puppy-dog eyes to get my way | Rich & Poor | High-born & low-born | Fox & The Hound | Red Riding Hood & The Wolf | You only see the parts of me I let you see | Emotionally crippled | Unhealthy & Toxic | Tentative and desperate | Craving closeness | Craving Validation | Craving praise | Disapproving & Aloof | Cold & Distant | Loud & Irresponsible | Impulsive | Oversharing | Over-trusting | I’ve been nice to you for a very long time, but I’ll still be mean if I have to | I want to help you and don’t know how | I’m close to you but hardly know you | You’re using me | I’m stuck with you | Drinking buddies (maybe? idk) | Mocking other people (TOGETHER!!) | Mocking each other| Hysterical laughter at stupid things (dark humor lmao) | Inappropriate jokes | The swearer and the innocent | Explosive arguments | Other  (U KNOW ME BBY IM GOOD WITH IT ALLL)
I’m in the mood for: betrayal | secrets & lies | parent/child | adoptive family | forbidden friendship | forbidden romance | war | breaking & rebuilding | corruption | love triangles (IM FUNNY OK IM TELLIN YA) | politics | death | fights | fear | warmth | bonding | character development | challenging ideals | fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc (ayyy friend we doooo ;) but i love talking to u about our weirdos!!) | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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mercwiththemouth · 6 years
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    Wow, had to hit me with a hard question right off the bat, huh? Well -- considering I base my portrayal of Wade off of Joe Kelly’s publications, I’d have to say Wade x Siryn. I know, I know. They didn’t actually date, ( though they had a fling but that’s not part of my Wade’s canon ) however, Wade had a huge thing for her, and seeing him switch from a rough, brutal merc, to a puddle of goo whenever she was around really melted my heart. However I’m torn on the thought of them actually dating. Siryn is too good for him. That’s a definite fact - and as much as I’d love for the two of them to become a thing, it’s better if they don’t. Wade’s abusive tendencies would come into play, and Siryn deserves better than that.
My other otp is Wade x Cable which is totally canon in the comics. Even if it was a don’t ask don’t tell sorta thing.
✧ WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING ?   Every aspect of it. Because as much as a couple may be goo-goo for one another, they will hit a rough patch. Maybe not in the beginning, but as time goes on they will have their differences and will have to work through certain struggles. I want to write all of that. I want to write ships that are realistic.
  Wade is especially difficult to be in a ship with - as I noted above. He can be abusive, problematic, selfish... need I go on? So either way, there’s really no choice in the matter for me, lol. 
Oh, man. Well as Saige mentioned earlier, Wade has a gross tendency to go after younger and older women alike. Honestly I’d say 10-20 year age gap would make me uncomfortable. And anything beyond that is just solid hell no territory. Sorry Wade. There won’t be any cradle robbing on this blog, bud. 
    Extremely. And the only sound reasoning I have is because of the toxicity of Wade’s relationships. He doesn’t even treat his friends with a notable amount of respect. So that throws the notion of him treating a romantic relationship differently. I will only write a ship with someone who understands that Wade isn’t a good person ( despite his best efforts ), and that he has quirks which will upset both of sides of the arguments. Wade is also highly untrustworthy of people, and when someone stabs him in the back - no matter to what extreme, if it hurts and bothers him, then good luck getting his trust back. 
   Also, my Wade for the most part is demisexual. Meaning he won’t have one night stands with anyone. It’s actually impossible to describe Wade’s sexuality, but - the sexual desire and attraction isn’t exactly there until he establishes some kinda bond with them beforehand.  
✧ WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH ?    @deathdealxr​ ! Wade adores Selene - even if they’ve hit a rough patch in our thread. He gets so mushy around her and it’s the cutest thing, honestly. She’s extremely kind to him, understands him better than most, and also has the whole badass vibe to go along with it. 
   @blackfiire​ , Oh jeez. Wade and Blackfire? Their dynamic so far is interesting. They definitely got something going on, but I’m not quite sure to what extreme yet. Wade typically goes after the good girls, so I don’t know what happened here. But one thing is for sure - I’m extremely excited to see where it goes! 
✧ DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU ?     I’d prefer if you’d come to me if you’d like to ship, yes! I have a hard time gauging who wants to ship romantically, and who doesn’t. 
✧ HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP ?:   I mean, I’m not a fanatic about it, but I do enjoy writing out the dynamics of romantic relationships. I guess I’d say not too often, especially since the build up to ships takes an ungodly amount of time and effort with most of my muses. And Wade is definitely no exception.
  Less than obsessed. But I do enjoy them quite a bit!
Yep. On this blog, anyway. With my OC’s its... different, and I prefer single ship.
✧ WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE SHIP(S) IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM ? ....Can I skip this one, please? I don’t keep up with the current comics, lmao. 
✧ FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU ?: SEND ME AN IM, PUNCH ME IN THE FACE, SEND ME A PICTURE OF A CAT WEARING A HAT! Just get my attention, and even if I don’t see things going in a romantic direction, there’s still plenty of other dynamics we can discuss!
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ardenttheories · 7 years
idk if you're willing to answer this but what do the individual classes represent especially when trying to determine your class?
I’m not too sure what you mean by represent but I’m assuming it’s something like this; in a literal context of our world instead of the super powers of the SBURB world - so if I’m wrong, please let me know!
Your class is the way your aspect manifests, and how you use it. So when trying to determine your class, you really need to go through and understand how you personally act, and how this would affect your use of your aspect. 
Here’s a starting point:
Witch: to rebel, to manipulate aspect to their will
You’re likely someone who actively rebels against your aspect - the rules and regulations of it, the usual limitations - to force it to become something utterly your own. Think Jade shrinking down the planets; if she’d done that under the normal laws of physics, I’m pretty sure she’d have made a black hole. Instead, everything remains the same, just smaller. As someone who actively loved science, she goes against her own laws of physics to instead allow her and her friends to progress into the alpha session. To be a Witch is to know how something works, and essentially to screw with it to your own ends.
Heir: to inherit, to seek out aspect
You’re likely someone who can obtain your aspect easily, and would to most people seem a literal embodiment of it. Think John, a bit flighty and free, with no active concerns in the world, who works as much of a free spirit as one could expect. Nothing concerns him pre-game; he is, essentially, free of all worries. To be an Heir is to actively seek out as much of your aspect as possible. 
Mage: to understand, to take action with knowledge of, to suffer from aspect
While it may seem more like a seer, a Mage actively suffers from their aspect - think Sollux suffering from the voices of the Doomed, or Meulin suffering in her relationships. Mages tend to have an innate understanding of their classpect, and use this understanding in order to take action - again, think Sollux using Doom to even create SBURB to begin with. In a more literal context, Mages likely suffer from but are really good at their aspect; so a Mage of Heart like Meulin might suffer a lot in their own relationships, but be absolutely brilliant at ensuring others get it right.
Seer: to learn/find/observe, to advise with aspect
Seers, on the other hand, pour themselves over their aspect, gain knowledge and understanding of it, and advise people with it. Think Rose guiding her session with her visions, or the Signless attempting to change trolls’ minds with his visions of Beforus. They’re likely people to be more bookish but fantastic at advice. 
Prince: to destroy, to destroy with aspect, to ghost the opposing aspect
Princes are a bit confusing, but don’t worry. Princes, in destroying their aspect, sometimes work a bit like their opposing aspect - so a Prince of Rage might seem like a player of Hope at first glance - but you can usually tell a Prince of an aspect from their opposite by destructiveness alone. It’s very obvious, very plain; a Prince of Heart like Dirk, for instance, may frequently ruin relationships, and a Prince of Breath may actively destroy the freedom of others. Undiscovered, they are more likely to be toxic players - but when aware of their actions, become incredibly useful (for instance, a Prince of Heart may be good at destroying toxic relationships between friends). If you’re a Prince, you can usually tell it from the level of destruction you have in your life. 
Bard: to destroy through the effect of, to allow the destruction of aspect
A bit like a Prince, but subtle. Bards are more laid back, more relaxed, until the time to destroy their aspect strikes - at which point they’re likely not even the one who does it. Think Gamzee using Terezi’s rage to trick her into killing Vriska. Bards are usually harder to spot, but I suppose you can think of them as that kid in movies who starts a fight by saying “Janet said x about your mum!” They don’t get actively involved as a Prince would (a Prince would have said “your mum is x” to Janet instead), but typically cause the issue that arises.
Maid: to create through/with aspect
Maids create their aspect - which makes it pretty obvious to see one when put into the context of an aspect. A Maid of Time would make Time, so in literal terms, is more likely to suddenly have time for every issue on hand. A Maid of Breath is more likely to make freedom, so may be a healthy and freeing person within your life (perhaps someone who helps you find a website or game or book that becomes your little hideaway from life). If someone seems to just make something out of nothing, regardless of how difficult that may be, then chances are they’re a Maid.
Knight: to manipulate, to make use of, to hide aspect
Knights tend to hide their aspect behind facades of who they wish they could be. A big pointer to you being a Knight would be if there is a part of you that you keep tightly hidden, a part that you cover with what you would assume others consider to be normal. Dave using irony and a coolkid persona to hide his abuse, Latula using a gamergirl persona to hide her insecurities, and Karkat just straight up hiding his bloodcolour behind grey are all examples of Knights hiding. However, Knights are adept at understanding the rules of their aspect and finding ways to bend them without breaking them - so a Knight of Heart may not be able to make relationships out of nothing like a Witch, but they would be able to forge stronger relationships between people who already work well together. They are, in essence, problem solvers who wish to help people (usually to a self-sacrificial level) but struggle to show their true selves.
Page: to grow through, to lead others with, to lead others to use aspect
Pages seem weak at first, and usually throw up a barrier of defencelessness so that others will work for them - take Jake actively acknowledging that Jane wants to ask him out, but in their conversation managing to make himself seem clueless enough that she spins herself in circles and eventually says that she doesn’t like him, the response he wanted as it meant he wouldn’t have to deal with the struggle of both Jane and Dirk liking him - but through time can usually become natural leaders of their aspect. Using Jake’s classpect, a Page of Hope might be the sort of person to lead you to begin believing in yourself, and a Page of Breath like Tavros would either lead you directly to freedom, or lead you to find your own freedom. A big sign of you being a Page, thus, would be if you frequently put on a face (usually of cluelessness) so that you don’t have to face situations you think will be hard.
Thief: to steal aspect (for own benefit)
Thieves are pretty obvious as a class. They are more likely to be selfish people, or at least people who focus more of their time on themselves. They steal from others for their own personal gain, with usually negative connotations; a Thief of Breath, for instance, may “steal” another person’s freedom by blaming them for something they didn’t do, thus forcing them to suffer the consequences instead while getting off scot-free. To figure out if you’re a Thief, consider if you appear or put up a front of being self-centered (much like Vriska and Meenah), and whether your actions have given you frequent benefits and others frequent downfalls. 
Rogue: to steal aspect (for others’ benefit)
The same as a Thief, but with the purpose to help others. A rogue is more likely to be selfless, putting as much as possible into helping others as they can. They steal to ensure that someone else can improve in whatever their aspect may be. When questioning being a Rogue, consider if what you take from others is beneficial; does the person who gains the aspect gain something from it, or does the person who loses the aspect suffer less because of it? Do you do these things selflessly? Rogues tend to be a “out of the good of their own heart” sort of class, like Roxy and Nepeta. 
Sylph: to heal/fix, to heal others with aspect
And another pretty simple one. I won’t go over this one in depth, but Sylphs tend to be motherly figures, or figures who present themselves as helpful upfront. In fixing their aspect, or in healing others with their aspect, they tend to flip between seeming focused on themselves and on others; think Kanaya and Aranea, one who is overly focused on the actions of others, and one who is overly focused on the sharing of knowledge to the point of paying you for it. Sylphs fix things, as completely as they can, and so to question being a Sylph you ultimately need to ask yourself if you’re a fixing sort of person.
Muse: to become, to inspire through aspect
Lord: to become, to control aspect
Now these two I know less on, so I won’t really go over them, but from what we can see in canon? Lords are typically more domineering, assertive; they control their aspect no matter what, and they control it well. This usually contains negative connotations, and revolves entirely around how self-centred the Lord is. They look out for themselves, for the continued presence of their power, and little else. Muses, on the other hand, are inspirational figures; they are kindly, sweet, more submissive in personality, but also perhaps a force to be reckoned with through the sheer ability of their class. To inspire is a powerful tool, and can be used to utterly create or utterly destroy most thing. It’s more obvious, but if you find you’re an inspirational person and tend to be more passive as a person as a whole, then maybe you’re a Muse. 
When trying to determine your class, you essentially need to look at the base simplistic description and question what each class would correlate to within your personality. Classpects base themselves entirely around you as a person; are you an overtly rebellious person, or perhaps someone who grasps the idea of an aspect smoothly? Do you consider yourself someone who destroys an aspect, or someone who fixes it more often than not? 
If you’ve already found your aspect, it’s significantly easier. Trying to understand a class without it’s aspect is like trying to understand one piece of a puzzle without looking at the other pieces; it will never truly reflect who you are, because to destroy Heart is not the same as to destroy Mind, so looking at just the Prince class alone will never tell you everything you need to know. You may even find that the above descriptions don’t entirely encompass everything a classpect may bring; maybe a Lord is typically as I explained, but a specific Lord of [Aspect] is completely different! It’s always good to start off with your class by trying to find a few that fit, then combining them with your aspect to see which class still makes sense to who you are. Don’t mash a class and an aspect together because they seem to fit individually if, when together, they sound like someone completely different. 
In general, though, these simple ideas are enough to go on. If you can look at one of these and think to yourself “do I hide parts of myself? Am I a natural leader? Do I rebel against anything to a degree that it defines me?” then you’re already halfway there. 
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she-toadmask · 4 years
(This is me talking about personal stuff with fanfiction and relationships jumping off the last post because that isn’t the place to share my thoughts and experiences the post is just caution and information and this is me just musing on personal shit)
(Except it turned into yet another post of me just talking about my life and myself at length because I don’t do that enough in person so this turns into where I scream into the void about things)
(I go a lot of places, so just... treat this as ‘creator chose not to use archive warnings’ I don’t get explicit or anything I just really don’t feel like tagging this vent post so just be warned if you go below the cut I may reference or briefly discuss topics that may be triggering.)
Fanfiction has almost definitely shaped my view on relationships but also thinking about it probably also because my parents never fight??? Like occasionally they disagree on something but I have never seen them fight or have a heated argument. My parents are my ideal for a relationship because it’s just them being people like maybe some of it is fueled by them having similar jobs and both working from home and how none of us are typically “functional” (my dad is the only one to have a consistent sleep schedule, my brother is the only one who doesn’t take medication for depression or similar, we all get along and on just fine but none of us are typical humans and it’s fine because we all get along and stuff) and like maybe it’s just because the two dating relationships I had were both kind of just me being really excited to have someone who’s into the same stuff as me and wanting to be physically affectionate because I like cuddles and holding hands (but not spooning at random) but they were both just nice relationships like occasionally things would be weird (because I did not realize my asexuality or know asexuality was a thing in the first one) because we had different affection stuff (though that was probably only on my end because asexuality and other stuff) or I got carried away or was just kind of petty about other stuff. I can think of maybe four friends who I had had any kind of fight with. My long-time best friend, mostly because in middle school we were less smart than we are now and being a middle schooler meant getting worked up over weird things and getting mad for random reasons, but we never really had a serious argument that lasted super long, any long period of not communicating was just because it was hard to hang out because parent work schedules and not having the power of car ourselves and also depression takes your energy away; my friend from theater when neither of us were emotionally stable and I felt like I was responsible for them feeling happy and okay and I think I freaked them out and it was really bad and we ended up drifting apart, I really hope they’re okay they definitely had some stuff going on; a friend I met in ninth grade who randomly texted me during the summer that she didn’t want to be friends anymore, not really an argument just her suddenly bluntly saying that really fucking hurt and I had to not cry because I was doing theater and I had makeup on and didn’t bring more and it just sucked; and a different friend who I met back up with in high school who said that asexuality didn’t make you LGBTQ+ and I got really upset about it and she was like ‘I hope our difference of opinion doesn’t mean we can’t be friends’ and like I kind of still hung around her sometimes because her friends were also people I liked but I didn’t really like her as much anymore because I am asexual and that not being inherently LGBTQ+ is not something I want to hear from someone I like spending time with. I really have like zero basis for what is and isn’t a healthy relationship in terms of arguing and shit. There is this one Sanders Sides fic I’m reading (high school AU) and it has Roman as Patton’s boyfriend initially and he is unintentionally making him feel bad about his self-image and kind of is a dick through a good amount of the story and it’s Logicality and Logan and Patton do have a serious fight (before they’re dating they still aren’t really there yet) and it’s a while before they make up (it is started by an outside event though which is not how real life works but it’s a fic it’s drama when the reunion happens because one is in bad cirucmstances) wow this got really off-track really fast
I totally see fanfiction influencing how you think about things though. Honestly I think that goes for most internet stuff though, like honestly my view on sex has fluctuated wildly depending on what I know about it and my view on myself and my sexuality or lack thereof. In sixth grade I just thought it was this weird forbidden cool thing in certain fanfics and fan stuff and like I knew it was real but it was never something I thought about doing. Eventually I was like ‘this is weird but it’s still something I think about’ and then I discovered asexuality and was like ‘asexual people do not like sex therefore I do not like sex and think it is gross’ and was super uncomfortable with suggestive stuff for a while (still think songs about sex are dumb) and then I was reminded by the internet again that not all asexuals hate sex or are disgusted by it and now I’m like...not like ‘fuck yeah sex rocks’ but I accept it and am no longer really uncomfortable if I suddenly start thinking about sex. But like my initial view and previous views on sex still influence how I think, like my semi-intrusive thoughts about sex and being horny are almost always rape or turn into rape or dubious consent and I think it’s kind of because the times I was knowing about using sex as a plot device (SIGNIFICANTLY BEFORE I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN ABOUT THOSE THINGS MIND YOU) it was almost always rape, very rarely was there proper consent if it was discussed. Probably because MIDDLE SCHOOL AND WATTPAD AND CHILDREN but hey, shit happens. I would also like to shout out, in relation to my thoughts on sex, my first boyfriend/ex-boyfriend who sent me really fucking weird messages over the Google messenger, like him being horny when he thought about me, asking if I masturbated, and asking for a pic of me with my shirt off (he said not necessarily bra off but that is not better, fortunately I was not comfortable with that so nobody has nudes of underage me). We were like eleven. He also liked to suck my fingers and hair because they tasted good??? In that stupid ‘not like other girls’ joke post I made he’s the guy I referenced, my mom has said (I told her some of the things he said) that if my parents had known, it would have been my dad threatening him instead of some random guy on the internet. I really wish I had punched him in the face, lmao. Maybe also the reason my sex thoughts are usually rape-related is because I never wanted it myself and just was like ‘well I don’t want sex so it would only happen because not want it’ and my brain just never really let go???? Idk it’s weird
Fanfiction glorifying abuse is definitely an issue. Everyone hates the 50 shades was twilight fanfic stuff but like...it’s an example of the abuse issue at least, we can use it for that if not that bullshit.
Because tonight I just feel like venting about random life shit apparently, my parents are trying to figure out where my brother wants to go to high school, someone on a discord call my brother was in said fuck like four times in the brief time I was scooping ice cream for myself, and also apparently our cats are smart enough not to try to eat the plants we have that are toxic but not smart enough to realize that the other plants they randomly eat make them spit up.
And I’m hyped for Halloween because I’m hanging out with my friend for the afternoon and evening and we are going to do some Pokemon Sword and Shield stuff and watch CATS (2019) [hopefully followed by listening to the London soundtrack because fuck yeah I love me some Cats original London cast recording] followed by Sonic the Hedgehog (2020). Gonna be a fun afternoon and night.
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