#the night calls my name ( Open starter. )
derschwarzeengel · 4 months
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"Ich bin kein Engel. Ich will nichts beschönigen. Wenn du mein König bist, bin ich die Königin."
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 4 months
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Pairing : Dad!Bangchan x F!Reader TW : Chans daughter is not readers child ; Chans ex wife and daughter are shit starters ; drama of course ; angsty ; honestly, poor Chan ; fluffy ending though ; slightly suggestive at the end as well ; Word Count : 6.5k Request : Anonny : Please write an angsty / fluffy fic about Dad!chan who, after years of not dating, finally decides to get back into dating & when he finally finds someone he doesn't tell reader he has a teenage daughter because he doesn't know how reader would feel about it but when reader finds out they're really upset and avoid him and his daughter reaches out to reader and convinces reader to talk to Chan and make up because she hates seeing her dad upset. A/N : This request is so cute and I'm so happy I get to write it. Of course, it will be super drama because I love when it happens, and with Chans recent bbl messages we know this man loves this kind of shit, so... This is for Chan and Chan stans and we love Chan!
“I got a call from your teacher today, Ella.” Chan said as his daughter walked through the front door. “They said your grades haven’t been the best lately, that you haven’t been focusing in class. Is something wrong? Do you have something going on?” He didn’t want to be the kind of father that always got on his child when their grades were below average, but he also didn’t want his daughter to flunk out. He wanted to see her be successful and happy in life, that’s all he ever wanted. 
“I’ve just been going through some stuff, dad.” Ella mumbled as she kicked her shoes into the corner near the front door and dropped her bags onto the floor. “Mom said she’s been trying to get in touch with you lately. I guess she saw that you’ve been posting about going out on your facebook.” She pulled out the chair across the table from Chan. “Why don’t I get to meet your new girlfriend?” 
Chan rolled his eyes, finally looking up from his phone to look at his daughter. “You’re changing the subject. What I do in my spare time isn’t important. Your grades are. So tell me, what kind of stuff have you been going through that’s been keeping you from being able to focus. Maybe I can help.” 
She huffed loudly, the attitude that he was warned would come along with a teenage daughter was in full force now. “It’s not even important anyway… Don’t you have a date to go on tonight? That’s all you ever talk about anymore. It’s like you don’t even care that mom left…” It was finally making sense to him, but it hurt that she felt that way. He had been kind enough to keep his ex wife’s dirty secrets just that, a secret, so that Ellas view of her mother wouldn’t be warped. He was trying to do the right thing, but it was becoming harder and harder. 
“I do care that your mother left… I was hurt by it for a long time, El. It’s been 8 years, and I think that it’s time that I’ve finally moved on because she isn’t coming back. Your mother has gotten remarried, divorced, and married again in those 8 years and I haven’t been with anyone until just a few months ago. I don’t think you’re being very fair right now.” He tried to explain, but he could tell, he could just see it in her face that she wasn’t ready to hear about it. “And, just so you know, I don’t have a date to go on tonight. I was planning on being here to help you with your homework and studying so that I don’t get another call like I had today.” 
“Had a late night in the studio, huh?” You said as you walked up behind Chan, your arms draping over his shoulders as he sat in front of his computer in his office. You could tell he was tired, he could barely sit up straight and his eyes wouldn’t stay open for longer than a few seconds. “It’s okay to take a break, bubs. It’s 3racha, not ChrisRacha.” 
He snickered at the little name, finally swiveling his chair around to face you and pulling you down onto his lap. “You sound like everyone else. I don’t like taking breaks, it gives me too much time to think about the time that I’m wasting.” He explained, his voice was groggy and not even laced, but completely filled with exhaustion. “I’ll be fine once I go over your place tonight, we can cuddle up and watch a movie.” He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, his hot breath against your skin sending a wave of goosebumps all over. 
“They’re repainting all of the apartments, I can’t even go into my own house right now. I’ve been staying with my parents.” You reminded him, although you were sure you had texted him about it and told him about it in the days leading up to the renovation. “We can go over to your place. We’ve been dating for 4 months now and you haven’t even invited me over.” 
There was a reason for that, a reason that you didn’t know of, but he felt it was just better if you didn’t find out. The last thing he wanted was for you to run off because he had a daughter, not just any daughter though, a teenage daughter who was still hung up on the divorce of her parents. She wasn’t the easiest to get along with, and although Chan had tried to butter her up to the prospect of one day meeting you, she didn’t take too kindly to the fact that he was dating again. “My place is a mess…” He lied, trying to muffle his words in the fabric of your shirt so you wouldn’t pick up on it. “We can go to a hotel if you’d like.” 
“That seems sleezy…” You mumbled, and he felt awful, he truly did. It felt like he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He absolutely loves his daughter with every ounce of his heart, his entire being, he loved being her father. He loved you too though, you had been the light at the end of a very long, very dark tunnel. He didn’t want to have to choose between the two of you, it just didn’t seem fair. “I guess we’ll just wait for my apartment to be ready…” He could feel you trying to pull away, he could tell that you were upset, he didn’t want you to leave like that, so he tightened his arms around you, holding you close to him. 
“You’re not sleezy! I’m sorry I even recommended that, you’re better than that.” He quickly tried to get himself out of the hole that he had dug, it felt like he was clawing his way to the top, and everytime he got halfway out, he’d slip and he’d fall right back to the bottom. “I’ll clean my place, I just want it to be perfect for when you come over. Okay? You deserve the best.” 
The tension slowly left your body, he felt you soften up against him, and for a moment, it felt like he could breathe again. “Okay… Fine. I’ll wait… I just really miss sleeping next to you.” You whispered, and those words made his stomach feel warm and fuzzy. He missed sleeping next to you too. “I have to get back to work though… I’ll see you later. Try taking a break though, take a nap or something, that’s what the couch is for.” You pressed a kiss to his cheek before getting up, his arms reluctantly loosening around you until you were free to go. “Seriously, get some sleep.” 
“Where are you going?” Ella asked from the couch, watching Chan storm to the front door and yank his coat off the hook. “Did you and your girlfriend get into a little fight? Do you have to go kiss and make up now?” The mocking tone in her voice would usually only slightly irritate him, but he was already beyond irritated at the reason he had to leave in the first place. 
“No, it’s your damn mother.” He snapped, pulling his shoes on before grabbing his keys. “I don’t know how long she’ll hold me up, there’s food in the freezer, or you can grab my wallet out of my bag and order yourself something. Try to do some studying while I’m gone, please?” And without another word he was out the front door, slamming it behind him. 
What Chan didn’t know was that he had left his wallet at work on his studio desk, and you had gone into his studio before leaving to see if he was there but only found his wallet. He must have left the building without saying anything to you, and you wondered if maybe he was sick or something had happened back at his place. You were doing the right thing, at least that’s what you felt you were doing. You were just going to take his wallet home to him and check up on him. You didn’t mind that his house might be a little dirty, you completely understood that he was busy, you didn’t expect his house to be immaculate. 
You weren’t sure why you were so nervous to stand in front of his front door, but a chill ran through your body and you had to take a few breaths before even lifting your hand to knock. Once you did, you took a step back, listening to the locks being undone before the door opened. It wasn’t who you expected to see, it wasn’t Chan, it was a girl, she looked younger, at least 15 or 16. “Oh, I’m sorry. I must have read the address wrong.” You quickly apologized, bowing your head to the girl before turning away. 
“Who are you looking for?” The girl asked, and what you weren’t aware of was that she had seen Chans wallet in your hand, she knew that you had come to the right address, she was just playing a game that you didn’t know about. You quickly said his name, and she let out a soft hum. “He’s out right now. It’s date night for him and my mom.” You felt your stomach sink, deeper and deeper until it couldn’t go any further. “Is that his wallet? Thank you so much for bringing it, I’m sure he’ll be happy to know that you brought it back. Hopefully he’ll answer his phone so he can pick it up and pay the bill, you know?” 
You nodded slowly, the bile from your stomach rising into your throat. “Y-Yeah… Of course… H-Here you go.” You stammered, your hand shaking as you handed the wallet over to the girl. You knew she wasn’t lying, she looked so much like Chan it was uncanny. Why hadn’t he told you? What was he even doing with you? He had a wife, or at least a girlfriend or fiancee… He had a child… But he was going around with you? It was beginning to add up though… Why he always wanted to go over your house. Why he’d rather go to a hotel than to bring you to his own place. You felt absolutely sick. 
“Have a good night!” The girl chimed cheerfully as you made your way back to your car, the light from inside the house that had illuminated the front yard faded until you were covered in darkness. You were devastated, you were heartbroken… You had never felt more humiliated in your life and all you wanted to do was go crawl underneath a rock and hide there. 
The meeting with his ex wife the night before had stressed Chan out beyond belief. He couldn’t believe that after 8 years she wanted to fight for custody of Ella now. Her reasoning behind it would have been laughable if they hadn’t been so damn ridiculous. By the time he had gotten home though, Ella was already in bed and he was so tired from dealing with his ex that he had gone right to bed as well. By morning, Ella had already left for school, so he’d have to wait until he got off work and she got home from school to even talk to her about what her mother had said. 
Now, he was only looking forward to seeing you. You were the only person at this point who could calm him down and bring him some semblance of peace, at least for the short amount of time that he got to be with you. “Hey, lovely.” He called to you when he caught you walking down the hall. Usually you’d smile and wave, you’d even run over to him sometimes if the hall was empty. This time you just shook your head before lowering it and walking right by him. 
It was a shock to say the least, and his mind immediately jumped to the worst, although he couldn’t be 100% sure of what had happened that would cause you to be acting like this. Was it because of the hotel comment the day before? Was it because he wouldn’t let you come over to his house? It couldn’t be that though, he had talked to you about it. It had to be something more, but he couldn’t figure it out. You looked absolutely pissed, like you didn’t want anything to do with him. 
“Y/N!” He called out your name now, jogging down the hall to catch up with you, but you didn’t even look up at him, and you sure as hell didn’t slow down. In fact, it seemed like you sped up, like you were trying to get away from him. “Hey… What… What’s wrong? What happened? Are you okay?” He lowered his voice but quickened his steps to keep up with you, trying to duck down just enough to get a view of your face, but every time he got close enough you’d look away. 
“I don’t want to talk to you, I don’t want to see you. Whatever it was that you made me think we had, it’s over. I’d like it if you left me alone now.” You stated flatly, your arms tightening around the multitude of folders that you clutched to your chest. “I’m changing groups, I won’t be one of your staff anymore as well, so please, don’t bother me anymore.” 
Something had happened, and it wasn’t something that could easily be fixed like Chan thought. It was worse, way worse. You had basically fired yourself from being his group's staff because of whatever happened. “Hold on!” His fingers wrapped around your upper arm, stopping you from going any further. “So you’re just… Breaking up with me? You’re not even going to tell me why!?” His voice cracked as it rose in pitch, his chest rising and falling heavily as the panic fully set in. “I fucking love you, Y/N… You can’t just do this to me and not tell me why.” 
When you finally looked up, he could see your eyes were glistening, your bottom lashes bedazzled with twinkling tears that clung onto them. You were just as upset as he was. “Stop pretending, Christopher!” You croaked out, sniffling loudly once the words left your chapped lips. “I refuse to be the rebound chick that you think you can run to when your marriage is on the rocks. I won’t be strung along by you, not anymore.” You took a few deep, shaky breaths to compose yourself before you pulled your arm free of Chans hold. “Now, if you don’t mind… I have another group to meet. I have work to do. I do believe that you have some work to do as well.” You bowed your head to him before turning and walking away, leaving him more confused than he was before. 
His marriage… It had fallen apart years ago when he had come home to find his wife in bed with another man while his daughter was fast asleep in the room across the hall. It had been disgusting, heartbreaking, it would have been his downfall if not for his daughter and the moral, mental, and emotional support of the guys. He wasn’t sure why it was being brought up, he didn’t even know how you had found out, but that same feeling of devastation that he had felt 8 years ago was flooding him once again. 
The guys… They were the only ones who would be able to talk to you, they were the only ones who knew about the secret past that Chan was trying so hard to hide from you. Would they do something like that though? Would they hurt him like that? “Yo! What’s up?” Changbin said as he came up behind Chan, his arm draping over his shoulder. “You’re… crying? What happened?” The cheerful tone was immediately dropped, and even though Changbin was younger, he was in full protection mode. 
“Y/N… She… She broke up with me…. She knows about Sana…” He gasped out the words, each of them getting caught in his throat, it felt like he was choking. “Somebody told her… Someone… They had to have told her! Who!?” He was shouting now, his sadness turning to anger in a matter of seconds. The look of confusion of Changbins face was enough for Chan to know that he had no idea what Chan was talking about, and that in itself proved his innocence. That left 6 more guys to question. 
“Y-You know that none of us would do that to you… Why would we do that? You were happy!” Changbin quickly defended the others as well, seeing in Chans eyes that he was on the warpath and he wasn’t going to stop until he found out who had told you. “I… I do know she went to the studio last night after you left… She… She said something about your wallet but… Maybe she went to your house to drop it off and… and…-” 
“Ella…” Chan muttered out the name, a loud groan leaving him as his head fell back. “I have to go… Will you be okay? Can you run practice for me?” Now he was in a hurry, a hurry to get home, to talk to you… He had so many things he had to do, he didn’t even know where to begin. Changbin nodded his head, patting Chans shoulder before taking a step back. Truthfully, Chan didn’t know what the hell he was going to do… But he knew he had to do something. He wasn’t going to lose you… He couldn’t. 
“Sit. Now.” Chan said, not even giving his daughter time to fully come through the door before the words left his mouth. He had been sitting at the table, thinking over and over about how he’d go about bringing it up to her, but now that she was finally home, all of his thoughts had gone out the window and all he could feel was irritation. She rolled her eyes, dropping off her bag and kicking her shoes off like she did every day, heading in the direction of her bedroom. “Did you not hear me? I want to talk to you.” 
“About what?” She snapped, whipping around to face him. “About the lady that showed up on our front porch last night?” Chans eyes widened, he didn’t even have to drag it out of her, she wasn’t a liar… and for that, he was proud, he had at least taught her one good thing. “Did she dump you? Well good… You don’t deserve to be happy. Not after what you did to mom…” After… what he did…? He was stunned into silence, his head cocked to the side as he tried to think about what he could have possibly done to make him the bad guy in all of this. “She told me all about it, don’t try to act like you’re so innocent.” 
Those weren’t Ellas words, those were her mothers words and she was speaking them for her. “I tried so hard to protect your mother for some reason… So that you wouldn’t think badly of her… And this is what she does.” He mumbled, running his hand through his hair and sighing heavily. “Can you please sit? I really need to talk to you…” He stretched his legs under the table, pushing out the chair across from him and motioning to it with his head. He could see the reluctance, but she finally made her way over, dropping down into the chair, but not without an eye roll and a look of disgust. “I didn’t want to tell you the truth… I didn’t want you to see your mother as anything less than what she is… But I wasn’t the one who did anything. Your mother is the reason we’re divorced…” 
“You’re a liar… She said that you’d lie…” Ella mumbled, her arms crossing over her chest as she glared at her father. “Just like you lied to that lady. She didn’t even know I existed! You kept me a secret from her… Why? Are you embarrassed of me? Are you ashamed of me?” The sulky teenage attitude subsided, and he could see that she wasn’t just angry, she was upset. He never meant for it to be like this, he didn’t even think that something like this would happen. It’s not like he planned on keeping his daughter hidden forever… He just didn’t want to spring it all on you at the beginning of the relationship. 
“No! God, no… El… You are an amazing daughter, you’re smart and you’re funny… You’re the most wonderful thing I’ve ever created. I’m so proud of you…” He whispered, and he could see the tears beginning to form in her eyes. He should have told her these things a long time ago, maybe she wouldn’t be acting out, but it was too late, and now all he could do was try to fix things piece by piece. “I didn’t want to bring someone into your life unless I knew that it was serious… It’s one thing for me to be hurt… But I didn’t want you to potentially get close to her just for her to leave and hurt you too.” He swallowed thickly, taking a deep breath to prepare himself before continuing. “I divorced your mother… Because she cheated on me, Ella. Do you really think I would have gotten custody of you if it were the other way around? The man she married… That’s… That’s the guy… And they’re already divorced… And she’s already married again. She’s been married twice since the divorce, and I… I haven’t been with anyone until a couple months ago. Do you think that would be the case if I was the one who had screwed up?” He could see the gears turning in her mind as she thought about everything that he was saying, and he could see that it was all adding up. “Your mother wanted to meet up with me yesterday because she’s trying to get custody of you…” 
Ellas eyes widened and her head shook fast. “No… I don’t… I don’t want to leave. I don’t want to live with her, dad.” The words were rushed out, full fledged panic written across her features. “Don’t let her take me… I want to stay with you… I’m sorry… I’m sorry I told the lady that you were having date night with mom. I’m sorry that I ruined it… I’m sorry… Please don’t let her take me.” She was crying now, absolutely bawling, and it broke his heart to see his daughter so upset. 
He jumped out of his chair, running around to her side of the table and pulling her up into his arms. Right now, she wasn’t just a teenager with a bit of an attitude problem… She was his little girl, and he was going to protect her and he was going to keep her safe. He was going to fix everything, no matter what it took. “She’s not going to get you, she won’t win. You’re staying here with me… I promise.” 
“Have you gotten a hold of her?” Ella asked, dropping down onto the couch beside her father. It had been weeks since the last time he had spoken to you, but he had seen you in the halls at the building every single day. No matter how many times he tried to stop you and explain everything, you’d just keep walking like you didn’t know him at all. Ella could see that it was breaking him, and she knew that it was her fault. “I’m really sorry, dad…” She mumbled. 
Your picture was still his lockscreen, and every time a notification would pop up on his phone he would jump up, a single second of excitement and wishful thinking, only to be let down once he realized it was someone, anyone but you. “It’s okay… I’m gonna try to get some work done. Let me know when you get hungry, I’ll make us some dinner, yeah?” And she nodded slowly, waiting for Chan to get up and go into his little office before running to the front door and pulling on her shoes. If he wasn’t able to fix it, maybe she could. 
The walk to the building wasn’t too far, and she knew that, for the most part, whenever her father went into his office it was so he could cry in private. That usually lasted a couple hours, and she was sure that she wouldn’t need too much time. 
Everyone in the building knew her, they had heard so much about Chans daughter that she was looked at as an idol herself. They all welcomed her warmly, but she was on a mission. “Hi! Would you happen to know where an Y/L/N Y/N is? My dad sent me to make sure she got something.” She came up with it quickly, and no one seemed to question it either. They gave her the information just as fast and sent her on her way… It was far too easy… She’d have to talk to her dad about that. 
The ride up the elevator gave her enough time to think about what she would say, or at least a little bit of what she’d say. Truth be told, she was nervous. She wanted things to go well for her fathers sake, but she knew that the trouble she had caused and what she did could have irreversible damage. 
When the doors slid open, it was like fate had brought her here at this exact moment, because you were standing right outside the doors. “Oh… Uhm… I-I remember you…” You murmured, bowing your head to her before taking a step back. “I think you’re on the wrong floor though… Your father is a couple floors down.” 
Ella shook her head, stepping out of the elevator, trying to look like she wasn’t a nervous wreck standing in front of you. “I’m here to talk to you.” She said, her head held high just to exemplify the false feeling of confidence that she was trying to give off. “Are you busy?” 
“I’m very sorry if me being with your father created any problems. I’m not with him anymore though… And, with all due respect… I’m just trying to move on.” 
“That’s the problem though!” Ella blurted out as you moved past her and stepped into the elevator, turning around quickly on her heel to face you, her hand pressed against the elevator door to keep it from closing. “Him and my mother aren’t together… They haven’t been together for 8 years. I… I was upset because… I didn’t understand what happened… I didn’t know why my parents weren’t together and… My mom lied and… And I’m sorry. My dad really loves you… And he wanted me to meet you… And he’s been crying every night because I ruined your relationship because I lied just like my mom and I’m… I’m really sorry, ma’am…” 
She was once again crying, and you didn’t really know what to do, but it felt wrong to just stand there and watch her cry, so you hesitantly stepped out of the elevator and gave her the most awkward one armed hug. “It’s… It’s okay…” You murmured, and much to your surprise, she turned her body completely toward you and wrapped her arms around you. Whether there was a maternal bone in your body at all before this moment or not, you immediately felt the urge to comfort her, to make sure she was okay, to wipe her tears and tell her that everything would be fine. “Hey… Hey, let’s go to my office. We can get a drink and some tissues and then… I’ll take you home. Is that okay?” 
Ella nodded slowly, her face scrunched up and her bottom lip pushed out. She really did look like her father. “Will you talk to him?” She asked weakly, and as much as you hated him… Now that you knew the truth… It felt like the right thing to do, so you hummed in agreement to her question, leading her down the hall to your little office and pushing the door open for her. “Y-You know… You’re still his main picture on his phone. He’s waiting for you to text him or call him or something… He misses you so much.” 
You were sure that she didn’t mean to tell you so much, and you were very sure that Chan would be incredibly embarrassed if he found out that his daughter was telling you so much. “I’ll talk to him, I promise… Pinky promise.” You held out your hand, your pinky extended to her, and she quickly latched her finger around yours, a bittersweet smile tugging at her lips. 
“You are really pretty… He wasn’t lying… And you’re really nice too. I would be really mad at me if I were you…” She lowered her head, her entire body slouching forward as she sat in the chair across your desk. “Why aren’t you mad at me?” Her voice was below a whisper, her question genuine, and you didn’t really know how to answer it. 
“Well…” You began, your fingers drumming against your lap as you leaned back in your chair. “I don’t blame you for what you did… You’re a child and… And your parents divorced. I’m sure that any child would be upset if they found out either of their parents was dating someone else, especially if the kid doesn’t understand why their parents divorced in the first place. You were protected from the truth… But it made you do something that you regret. It’s still not your fault though, it’s no one's fault.” You reached across your desk, your hand faced up for her, and she slowly placed her hand in yours, the smile from earlier returning to her face, but this time it was just a little bigger and it reached her eyes. “Let’s go see your dad, yeah?” 
Chan had at some point cried himself to sleep while sitting in front of his computer, but the sound of a soft knock on the door had him jolting awake. “Dad?” Ellas voice came between the small crack in the door as she peeked inside, and he quickly wiped the sleep from his eyes as he got up from his chair, almost bringing his entire laptop with him since he forgot to take the headphones off. “I ordered dinner for us… It’s here.” She said between little giggles at the way he stumbled. It was nice to hear her laugh, he hadn’t heard it in a bit, not from anyone in the house. He wondered what had changed. 
“You didn’t have to do that, I would have cooked for us…” He said somberly, but he knew that she was doing it as a favor for him. He was a wreck, it was visibly noticeable that he hadn’t had more than a few hours of sleep in the past two weeks, he had bags under his eyes and his hair was a mess. He was a shell of the man that he once was when he had you, but he knew he had to get better, he wasn’t sure how he would do that, but it wasn’t fair to Ella to constantly be like this, it would only make her feel more guilty. “I’ll be right out… Thank you.” He said when she hovered in the doorway, and he watched her walk away. There was a bounce in her step, she hadn’t been this peppy in a while. He was genuinely curious and now he was rushing out of the little studio room so that he’d be able to sit down and talk to her, maybe he could find out what was going on. 
“I hope you don’t mind, I brought a friend over.” She said from the kitchen. He was adamant that he had never heard her bring up a friend, especially not one that would come over and visit. Was it a boy? She never mentioned liking anyone at school… Was she too scared to talk to him about those kinds of things? He made a mental note to sit down and talk to her about it one day this week. “Are you coming?” She called out and he hummed in agreement, trudging out of the little room with his head hung just a little. 
This wasn’t the first impression that he wanted one of his daughter's friends to have of him as her father. He wanted to look more respectable for the sake of Ellas reputation. It seemed like he didn’t really have a choice though, she was rushing him to come out, and he didn’t want to keep her and whoever she had over waiting. “I apologize, I wasn’t really told that you’d be coming over.” Chan began as he walked down the hall, and he completely froze when he saw just who his daughter had brought over. 
“I don’t think anyone really knew I was coming over.” You said lightly, the warmest smile spreading across your face as you looked at him. He couldn’t say anything, he couldn’t find words, all he could manage to do was open his mouth and croak out sounds as salty tears pricked his eyes. “Is it… okay… that I’m here?” You asked when the silence lasted longer than you thought it would, and he nodded his head fervently, wiping his eyes with the sleeves of his hoodie. 
“It’s… It’s more than okay… I just… I don’t know why… I don’t mind it though.” He rambled, looking between you and Ella who was currently setting the table for three people instead of the usual two. “You’re… staying for dinner?” He questioned, and you gave him that adorable, heart stopping smile that had stopped him in the halls of the building all of those months ago, the smile that had pushed him over the edge and made him fall for you in the beginning. 
“Yes she is.” Ella spoke up, clapping her hands together to get both of your attention. “Do you want me to eat in my room… So the two of you can talk? I’m sure you have a lot to talk about… I can leave you alone if you’d like.” But you shook your head, walking over to the table and playfully ruffling her hair before opening the takeout bag and pulling out the contents. 
“I’d like it a whole lot if you stayed and ate with us… But if you want to eat in your room… If your dad says it’s okay… Then you can.” You sounded so… sweet, the way a mother would talk to her own daughter, and the craziest part was that Ella smiled at you before taking a seat at the table, she actually listened to you… There was no attitude that came alone with it. “Are you just going to stand there and look at the food, or are you going to join us in eating it?” You asked, bringing Chan out of his own thoughts and back into the room. 
“Yeah… Yeah, I’m coming…” Chan whispered, walking into the dining room and taking his usual seat, but the aura at the table was a lot different now. It’s like the whole room had gotten 10 times brighter, and no matter which way he looked he was met with a warm smile. He had so many questions, but he knew that he had all the time in the world to ask them, and regardless of the answer… He knew that things would be better now, all of the pieces were falling back into place, and the picture was more beautiful than he had ever imagined it to be. 
~6 Months Later~
“You’re gonna absolutely crush this test, I know you will.” You stood at the stove, preparing breakfast as Ella sat at the table, her face buried in her text book to get as much last minute studying in before she had to go to school. “No matter what, I want you to remember that your dad and I are so proud of you and how hard you work. Okay? We love you.” Ella hummed softly, not even looking up from her book, but you could see that she was smiling, and that was enough of a response for you to know that she had heard you, that she was listening. You carefully placed her plate down beside her, lightly tapping the table to get her attention. “Please eat. Okay?” 
Chan ran out of the bedroom, his eyes barely even opened, his shirt wrinkled and twisted and his hair sticking up in all different directions. “Did she leave yet?!” He asked rather loudly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and blinking a few times before focusing in on his daughter who was looking up at him, her shoulders shaking with silent laughter. “Don’t laugh, it’s not funny. I wanted to give you a hug before you left.” He pouted, and she quickly got up out of her chair, rushing over to Chan and wrapping her arms around him. “You’ll do great. I-” 
“No more speeches! You guys are going to make me cry!” Ella dramatically whined, pulling away from Chan and running back to the table to pack her things into her bag and then shoveling as much food into her mouth as she could before going to the front door. “Love you! I’ll see you later!” She mumbled with her mouth full of food, and before the two of you could say it back she was out the door. 
Once the door was shut, Chan walked over to you, his arms wrapping around your from behind as he rested his chin against your shoulder. “Hey…” He murmured, pressing a kiss to your cheek that was dampened by tears that you hadn’t even realized had begun to fall. “What’s wrong, lovey?” He cooed, gently turning you around to face him, his head cocked to the side. 
“I don’t know… I just… I’ve only been here for six months and… We’ve gotten so close and… She’ll be going off to college soon if that’s what she wants to do… But… I’m gonna miss her and the house is gonna be so empty and…” You pouted up at Chan who couldn’t help but find it adorable the way you were right now. It was the most heartwarming thing, to know that you loved his daughter so much already that you were crying at the thought of her leaving. 
“Well… We have the house to ourselves for a couple of hours… We could watch a movie or something to take your mind off of being sad… Or… We could go have some fun… Surprise Ella with a brother or a sister when she comes home from college…” Your eyes widened at the suggestion, but your feet were already moving in the direction of the bedroom, that all too familiar tingly feeling building in your stomach. “We can watch a movie when we’re done… If you’re not too tired.” 
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never have I played any nights at Freddy fazbears
pls explain the whole plot and all lore to me as if I were small and slightly stupid
oh great timing i literally JUST explained this to my asoue discord
this is a VERY simple summary, but things to keep in mind while reading:
very very VERY little of this is directly spelled out for us. the creator, scott cawthon, LOVES to confuse people on purpose and the vast majority of the lore is gleaned from hidden minigames, secret cutscenes, and easter eggs. this makes things very confusing and controversial within the fanbase, so im gonna try to explain where there are differing opinions
really, there's two main stories: the first main story was completed with FNAF6 and Ultimate Custom Night, the story going on rn is the second and it is still ongoing. as such, a lot of the lore is still a mystery to all of us.
For clarity's sake, I will divide this between: THE AFTON STORY, the one the movie's gonna tell a part of, and THE GLITCH STORY, which the games are going through
dont worry i will make it fun to go through so it doesnt feel like school
ok lets go
First, let's get a visual chart in here. don't worry it's just for show
Tumblr media
These are the important families we will be talking about; the Emily family, with father Henry and daughter Charlie, and the Afton Family, with father William, two sons (Michael and a boy who is still unnamed, he might get named on friday? We call him Crying Child "CC") and a daughter, Elizabeth. Don't worry about the mothers they're not important
Okay so here's the thing: of these four children, all but Michael die VERY early on in the timeline
The problem is we do NOT know THE ORDER each of them died. There's a lot of arguments on all sides but I personally think the order is sad boi->charlie->baby so imma present it in that order. But keep in mind that we don't actually know because of the confusing way the lore is dropped.
okay so for starters.
purple guy is william afton and he and this guy vcalled henry start opening a restaurant chain starring freddy fazbear
in the original location they've got two animatronic suits, fredbear and spring bonnie. the other location has freddy, bonnie, foxy, chica
the og location suits are ~special~ tho, bc henry and william are crazy inventor dudes. these suits are called "springlock suits". they function as full animatronics but you can wind all the wires and gears and endoskeleton and shit back and step into the costume yourself. only problem is the safety is jackshit and if you like. cry or sweat or breathe wrong the springlocks will fail and the metal will come crashing back and crush u to death. u should have enough time to get to the back room so u dont bleed out in front of the customers tho. springlock suits are important remember those
michael is in his early teens and has just learned how to be a shit to his siblings and is trying out this hot new bullying thing. he's picking a lot on CC because CC is terrified of the freddy animatronics. it is said that he "saw something" that scared him, it could be anything as benign as "saw someone go into the suit and got freaked out" to something as serious as "saw one of those aforementioned springlock failures and person bleeding out." could also be charlie or elizabeth's death if those happen earlier in the timeline. again we dont know bc cawthon likes to confuse us
CC is not scared of the freddy characters tho, he has all the plushies and calls them his friends. he's just scared of the animtronics. unfortunately his dad works there so he has to be there like 90% of the time so he's having a wonderful time. hence the moniker "crying child". bc he cries all the time
anyway at his birthday party, michael decides it would be really funny to shove CC up into the animatronic's mouth for kicks. this goes about as well as you'd expect cause the mouth closes and fuckin. crushes his head
kid goes into a coma for a while but eventually flatlines. while he's in the coma we hear michael tearfully apologizing, and his fredbear plush talks to him (presumed to be william) saying he will "put him back together"
anyway that was fun. so next up charlie emily gets FUCKING MURDERED
for some reason charlie gets locked outside the pizzeria. william's driving by and decides to stab her bc why not
honestly most of us believe that this occured after CC just bc it gives william motivation to be pissy at his business partner and kill his kid abt it, but also a book that released a month ago implies that william might have been nightmare gassing his kids for shits and giggles so. who knows. dont worry about that btw its not relevant rn
anyway the thing is willie and henry had an animatronic designed to protect the children called the puppet. the puppet sees charlie outside and goes out to help her but it's raining so it fries up the puppet's circuits and it crashes on top of her dead body. cheery!
except this is where it gets wild bc charlie proceeds to like. possess the puppet
possession is really complicated in this universe but basically there's no real way to communicate openly with people and the possesser might not even be aware of who or where they are or anything really but. yeah the lil girl def possesses the puppet
its after this that william starts killing kids for funsies. a lot of us presume that he saw the puppet getting possessed and was like "holy shit a way to bring crying kid back" but again he might've just decided this was fun
anyway he lures five kids into the Secret Freddy's Backroom That Is Not On The Maps by wearing the spring bonnie costume. after killing them he shoves them into the other animatronic suits (freddy, bonnie, chica, foxy, fredbear "golden freddy") and yeah they start gettin possessed
the fifth missing kid was stuffed in fredbear and here's where it gets veeery theoretical cause we dont have straight confirmation of this but just some theories. it's VERY likely that crying child was also haunting fredbear at this point, and shoving another kid in there got two kids haunting the same bitch and it causes fredbear (golden freddy) to be really fucking weird and glitchy and eldritch or w/e. anyway you dont have to worry about that rn cause golden freddy doesnt show up much they're too busy ascending or smth
now this is where the lore gets confusing-- the first game claims that after the last two were lured, someone was caught on camera, arrested and charged. however we know for a fact willie-boi wasnt caught so either 1) this got retconned when cawthon decided to actually make lore, 2) he wasnt convicted and somehow still kept a hold on the fazbear empire during this, or 3) a lot of us theorize that henry was framed for the crimes and thats why he disappears from the timeline until the sixth game. cause yeah he disappears from the timeline until the sixth game. personally i believe the third it makes a lot of sense but yeah willie-boi stops killing at about five kids
anyway will is going full scientist with all these animatronics and he's like. ripping parts off them and putting them on other animatronics to see what happens. we THINK. again this is really vague but this is just kinda the most logical explanation here.
anyway this is what happens in fnaf2 and what it does is like. split the souls and shit. and he's like "oh this is sick" except this makes all the suits act erratic as hell and very angry towards adults (theyre cool with kids tho) and eventually one of them causes the infamous Bite of 87. we're not entirely sure what it was but one of the animatronics bit off the frontal lobe of someone in 1987. this caused this location to get shut down and willie boi just puts the pieces back on the og animatronics and is like "well shit what do we do now boys"
FNAF5: Sister Location
anyway so this is where we think elizabeth dies in the timeline. william makes these things called the "funtime animatronics"-- we know they are made after a fnaf location shuts down, though it's not specified which. these animatronics are built SPECIFICALLY to kidnap children. ballora is built as a distraction for parents, the other two are built to only move when not seen, and then Circus Baby™ has an arm that can grab kids and drag thtem into her until willie lets em out. she is programmed to only do this when a child is alone in the room so william tells elizabeth "do not go see baby when you are alone in the room"
so elizabeth is like 6 and she goes to see baby when she is alone in the room and baby grabs her but the arm is fucked up and the kid dies p badly
funtime's location is then immediately closed due to "gas leaks" and william rents out the funtimes for parties. at the same time he starts shoving some haunted parts into the funtime animatronics to see what happens. we THINK.
important location here btw is the "scooping room." it's actually very good horror but basically it's a bitch that is supposed to rip the endoskeletons out of the suit whenever theyre malfunctioning. super smart idea that will cause no nightmares going forwards.
anyway the animatronics all kinda know that william killed them so after a while (a few years??? who knows) they start trying to kill him and he's like "hmm. i cannot go into this bunker anymore. let me send michael, my last surviving kid who i hate." this is where michael, now an adult, re-enters the timeline.
mikey boy is told by his dad that he can bring his baby sis back to life if he goes down into this bunker and does some shit. michael is like "oh sweet" bc honestly he probably still feels guilty about literally killing his bro and so he goes down to the bunker.
the animatronics eventually tell him "go into the scooping room it'll be totes mcgotes" and when he gets there he finds out that the animatronics have killed all the other employees, scooped themselves, and fused their endoskeletons into one conglomerate called ennard
ennard is like "yeah we cant escape here cause they just bring us back so we're gonna use you as a skinsuit k thnx" and they scoop him and use him as a skinsuit
it's really good horror i promise
BUT this turned out to be a bad plan because Humans Decay so after like a week ennard gets puked up by the MikeSuit and escapes into the sewers.
here, meanwhile, is where mike pulls a reverse uno card and possesses his own decaying corpse
he then calls up his dad and is like "hey dad :) elizabeth's fine now :) BUT :) they fucking killed me :) because they thought i was you :) you sure sent me down here to die huh :) anyway :) im gonna come find you :) you have a ten minute head start start running :)"
actor really fucking sold that monologue too ngl
so he's like. PISSSSSSED and rightfully so he is walking around in his own corpse. so he goes to find his dad
this is about when peepaw willie goes back to the original fnaf location (we THINK) and is like "ok im just gonna take apart all the animatronics and do something with these"
only when he destroys the suits the missing kids' ghosts show up and spook him. so this guy who's been studying ghosts is like "oh fuckshit there's ghosts here" and tries to hide in the spring bonnie suit. only he laughs and this causes the springlocks to malfunction and FUCKING VIOLENTLY KILL HIM. get springlocked idiot
except then HE possesses the spring bonnie suit and this is springtrap. but also he's in a super secret back room while this happens so he is trapped there for a while
so ennard, michael and william are fuckin around for a couple years. at some point ennard decides that elizabeth is kinda a freak actually and kicks her out of the hivemind so she just rebuilds herself a circus baby suit and keeps wanderin around so now we got four bitches doing who knows what
eventually it's been 30 years since the last freddy's closed and someone opens up a haunted house parody of it. mike goes to work there as a security guard* and guess what they found springtrap and bring him to the attraction thinking he's just an animatronic. after five nights of fucking with him mike sets the place on fire to try and finally kill his dad fr. it does not work
*note that this isnt confirmed to be michael but we kinda. all know it's probably him. it really seems to be him
anyway then michael finds out that an actual fazbear's is opening and needs an owner so he goes and becomes owner of the restaraunt. while some guy on a cassette tape is giving him tutorial instructions he sets up the place and also collects several animatronics. these are:
scraptrap (peepaw post-fire and really pissed)
scrapbaby (elizabeth now thinking that maybe if she kills things her dad will pay attention to her)
molten freddy (remains of ennard still not entirely sure what's going on)
lefty (a bear solely built to capture the puppet, who was still fuckin around the fnaf2 location i guess. anyway now the puppet is here thats important)
so after our five nights scrapbaby comes on the speaker system and is like "omg dad if we kill people will you love me. we're gonna kill soooo many people it's my passion actually" and that's when the cassette tutorial guy interrupts her
and he just goes "yeah. you're not doing that"
anyway he's like "hi guys. you remember me??? henry??? from 30 years ago?? i owned half this business? you killed my daughter and stuffed her soul in a puppet? lmao yeah i literally lured you all here and you came like the fucking idiots you are. im setting the place on fire, we're all gonna die and go to heaven. except for YOU, WILL. you are not going there. lmao bye" and he sets the place on fire and they all burn. it's more epic when he says it tbh
now henry mentions that he had an escape route ready for the building owner but he figured out the owner was michael and was like "i feel like you wanna stay and burn with us" and michael's like "fuck yeah"
you might think that wraps up the story nicely but OH NO THERE'S MORE
Ultimate Custom Night
see, the next game is ultimate custom night where you can choose which animatronics hunt you and their level of difficulty. it is through hidden messages and shit that we find out that ucn is, canonically, william being tortured in hell. which is sick af
anyway the tormentor is a spirit labelled "the vengeful spirit" in the files, and "the one you should not have killed" by the animatronics. we sometimes hear either a light voice behind the other animatronic lines (could be either a woman with a light voice, a little girl, or a little boy), and the pic that sometimes shows up as a hallucination is a distorted photo of scott cawthon's son. we know for a FACT this spirit is someone from the fnaf6 fire cause they reference the fire more than once while poking willie with a stick. it's probably not elizabeth cause she was just tryin to get her dad's attention. it's not charlie/puppet bc one of her lines is like "ffs just stay out of my way for ONCE." we also know for a fact it's not henry cause they were like "henry sure tried to release us huh. not happening im not letting you go that easily bitch haha" so that narrows it down to michael and the missing kids
now here's the thing.
the vaaaaast majority of the fandom is convinced that the vengeful spirit is cassidy, the missing child that was stuffed inside golden freddy with cc. this is because golden freddy is in a looot of ultimate custom night and if you beat the hardest mode you just get a quick cutscene of him glitching and then everything fades to black
however. i have seen legiterally no convincing evidence that this is the case. all we know about cassidy is she is the golden freddy missing kid and was talking to cc through the logbook. and we BARELY know this. in the alternate universe book she first showed up in (the silver eyes) she wasn't even the golden freddy kid. people point out a similar situation to her and cc in fazbear frights where one of the kids was tormenting william (stitchwraith) but that's literally a whole separate universe and completely separate characters with separate backstories and personalities
there's a sprite in security breach who fights glitchtrap (explained below) who was named in the files as "cassidy" so ppl point to that but 1) they changed that name after people made a deal out of it, 2) that could mean literally anything, 3) the protag of the next game was named "cassie" and her story kinda paralleled the sprite's first game so uuhhhh anyway
honestly i think it's WAY more likely the vengeful spirit is mr michael "i'm going to come find you and set you on fire twice" afton, using his childhood likeness to fuck with his dad. this is strengthened by one of the easter egg cutscenes in ucn, where the vengeful spirit talks to a benevolent spirit who tells them to "leave the demon to his demons. there is nothing for you here." the audio in the background is someone distortedly screaming "HENRY" and "MICHAEL"
one of the animatronic lines also says "is this a prison for you or for me? perhaps both" implying that the vengeful spirit feels like they belong in hell, which would fit with mike's "i killed my brother" self-loathing. the golden freddy glitch could very easily be his mental anguish as well as william's, with the optional cutscene telling us that while michael is self-harming by torturing his dad in hell, he has the ability to move on and find peace if he can forgive himself. honestly i really like that open ending there
another point towards "vengeful mike" theory is that we play as him for most of the games (definitely 5 and 6, most likely 1 and 3, some theorize 4) and so him being the vengeful spirit is way more emotionally impactful than "random kid #5"
however every time i bring this up to the fnaf fandom they get really really pissy at me because y'all love ur angry lil girl cassidy headcanons and honestly that is completely fair i also love angry lil girls. im just saying this bc we're going over whats canon rn and i firmly believe in vengeful mike (thank @birdsareblooming for that) but yknow. cassidy is also fun as hell
i wrote a whole essay on this btw these are just the cliffnotes. do you guys wanna see the essay
anyway that's where the afton story ends but OHHH NO MR CAWTHON CANNOT STOP
if you just want a quick catchup before the movie you can stop here but anyway. let's talk mimicry
the games coming out recently are kinda a sequel-story and bc theyre still coming out we are still very confused about what the fuck is canon and what is not so this one will be a lot more guessing. i digress let's talk about
Help Wanted
so back on earth, it's the 2020s-2030s. turns out the fazbear company is still functional and they're like "well shit guys what the FUCK do we do about all of That"
so they decide they need a brand cleansing and what they do is they secretly hire an "indie game developer" to make the fnaf games in-universe, to make light of the tragedies and make people take them less seriously. they pretend to have beef with this indie dev but eventually put all of his games into a VR game as a show of "good faith." somehow this actually does work in revitalizing the brand image
also sidenote but the books imply that the indie dev was kidnapped and gaslit into making the games but thats not important
now see there's a glitch in the game and the beta-tester jeremy mentions it and then gets increasingly withdrawn and obsessive. because it turns out there is a Bitch in here
now. the identity of the Bitch is uh. controversial in the fandom rn. i will say for clarity that i am in Party Two and will probably be biased towards that but here's the thing. the Bitch is either:
a digital upload of william afton's soul (somehow escaping hell)
Help Wanted Interlude: The Mimic
see, the other books (silver eyes, fazbear frights) are set in a parallel universe-ish to the books, similar rules and worldbuilding but cawthon can fuck around all he wants with no consequences. there were charliebots and springtrap mpreg at one point it was nuts. but the thing is right now they're kinda trying to tell us that the current series, tales from the pizzaplex, is game-canon. god only knows if they'll stick to that so some people think the books are in the game's universe, others think they're parallels to the games and not 1-1 exact much like the others
but anyway they give us crucial lore on The Mimic so here we go
some guy named edwin (some think he's a parallel to henry or william, but rn we're just gonna assume he's canon) is a single dad to a toddler. however he's working for fazbear making all these animatronics and he's sooo busy and needs something to distract the toddler so he creates a fucked up nightmare animatronic called The Mimic, whose programming is extremely basic: "copy whatever you see being done"
the toddler actually loves the fucked up nightmare animatronic and teaches him to play patty-cake and carry around stuffed animals or w/e. anyway then the toddler runs out into the street and gets hit by a car
edwin is still grieving and the mimic comes up carrying the toddler's stuffed animal and still copying him and when the mimic that edwin programmed to copy things is still copying things edwin snaps and just beats the fuck out of it bc he needs a grief outlet. he then abandons the thing but however the mimic has just learned Violence
some employees come by to see where edwin's animatronics are and the mimic just starts killing all of them bc. well. it's supposed to copy things. it will copy things
there's a BIG GAP here in what happens to it next but it disappears for the next 30 years. however it is heavily, HEAVILY implied that it witnessed at least one of the missing children incidents
fazbear actually has a Lot of mimic endoskeletons but bc they start copying violent shit they shut them all down. however they all run on the same program, "mimic1" and fazbear keeps that tech around cause you know it could be helpful
Back to Help Wanted
now here is where the "we only THINK this is canon we dont knkow yet" comes in
back to the vr game, they are just shoving random old pieces of code in there to speefd up the process of making the game cause capitalism doesnt like long development times. this puts the mimic1 program into the program and it immediately sees All Of Afton's Crimes In 4K. it decides "oh yeah i can mimic this but i should probably get a physical body in order to do that"
so beta tester jeremy sees the mimic program, which takes the form of Spring Bonnie Suit. this is Glitchtrap
now keep in mind that some people do still believe that all this aint happenin and the spring bonnie glitch is just william. again i personally believe the mimic cause it makes more sense than "william escaped hell somehow" but w/e
anyway, glitchtrap is fuckin around. it tries to possess beta tester jeremy and in order to stop it, jeremy does the sensible thing and cuts his own face off
so glitchtrap is like "hmm. that didn't work out" and decides to go for the more subtle approach. the next beta tester, currently unnamed, starts recording tapes inside the game to send to the next beta tester so they dont fuck with glitchtrap. glitchtrap however seals itself inside the tapes so that when the beta testers try to delete it, it'll instead be inside the tapes and cant be removed lmao. it then "mimics" tape girl's voice and adds a last tape saying "let him possess you its ok i promise"
it also mimics her intro of "hello can you hear me" in the one time it speaks so. mimic
anyway the next beta tester is this gal named vanessa and she gets possessed like suuuper quickly and glitchtrap is like "oh fucking FINALLY"
Security Breach Therapy Tapes
vanessa's acting weird at work so company requires her to go to therapy, however she has the same therapist as Another Patient. this patient will be named later however right now we're calling them Patient 46. they do not talk but have the same therapist as Vanessa and is creepy about it. anyway whenever a therapist prods too much into either Vanessa or P46's life, or discovers them fucking with fazbear tech, the therapist mysteriously goes missing and shows up later dead and mangled by machinery
they go through like five of these bitches at least, but it's clear P46 is another bitch possessed by glitchtrap but they're like more possessed than vanessa is so glitchtrap likes them better
Security Breach
fazbear opens a giant 80s-style mall with a ton of attractions like disneyland or w/e and call it the Mega Pizzaplex. There's state-of-the-art animatronics in here that are basically sentient ai. they might be possessed but we're not actually sure rn they might just be advanced robots
they start with "glamrock" freddy, bonnie and chica, along with roxy wolf instead of foxy. we're not sure why rn. anyway at some point something suspicious happens and bonnie is found mangled and he's replaced with montgomery gator, a c-list animatronic they had to run the golf course. he doesnt seem to take the spotlight well and has started breaking things but its probably fine
anyway they eventually realize they can automate the staff and stop paying human beings and they jump on that cause they love cutting costs. they've got staffbots everywhere except for ONE person- vanessa, who is hired as the security guard. we find a note saying that her interviewer found her too inexperienced for the position, but someone "very" high up in the company pushed her into the role. this is implied to be glitchtrap taking over the systems
so vanessa and P46 are shoving glitchtrap into the systems because, well, guess what? the pizzaplex is built on top of the fnaf6 location. the one where henry set them all on fire, and they're trying to do some sort of shit with the burnt remains of springtrap. if you believe in william!glitchtrap he's trying to get his body back; if you believe in mimic!glitchtrap he's trying to fuse himself to afton's corpse in order to gain a corporeal form. it also helps that there is The OG Mimic Endoskeleton in this area (its explained in the books im not going into it) but it's pretty fuckin damaged so they gotta spend some time fixing it before fusing it with peepaw's corpse
but the night they're supposed to do that, something goes wrong: a child is loose in the pizzaplex
glamrock freddy had a malfunction onstage, and when he wakes up in his room, there is a child hiding in his stomach compartment (used for oversized piñatas and cakes). this child is named gregory and he looks suspiciously like the crying child and we dont have an explanation for that but no, matpat, he's not a robot, it's probably just symbolism
anyway gregory actually has like very little memory of what's going on and barely remembers his own name but he says that vanessa the security guard is trying to fuckin kill him so he needs to get tf out of the pizzaplex. freddy's like "well you're shit out of luck cause the doors close and seal until 6am but that's fine we can make it til then" and gregory's like "fucking JOY"
long story short gregory has to run around the pizzaplex while every animatronic but freddy is trying to kill him. freddy is not trying to kill him bc his malfunction caused him to enter Safe Mode and it turns out that Safe Mode is safe from the glitchtrap virus. everyone else, however, gets glitchtrapped and is trying to kill this kid
you dont find out why until like laaaate in the game and even THEN you're confused until one of the goosebumps-knockoff short stories confirms a thing, and that thing is:
gregory is patient 46
oh shit
turns out gregory was possessed by glitchtrap for FUCK knows how long and was used as its body for like the entire time. and when he eventually wakes up un-possessed (no idea how that happened) he has no memory of whats going on at ALL and is understandably fucking terrified. doesnt remember being possessed or killing ppl or anything he just wakes up and runs. glam freddy likely malfunctioned cause glitchtrap was like "oh my god go GET that stupid kid" and glam freddy was like "but???? protecc????" and entered safe mode
so gregory eventually fuckin DEMOLISHES all the other animatronics and uses their parts to upgrade freddy. freddy is like "hey where'd you get these parts" and gregory's like "uhhhhhhhhh dont worry about it" "hey where are my friends" "DONT WORRY ABOUT IT"
while this is happening, a possessed vanessa is in a bunny suit calling herself vanny and also trying to kill him. this is just as confusing to us as it is to you
anyway there are six endings to security breach. according to the most recent game, there is a chance that two of them are canon. WE DO NOT KNOW which of the two is canon. these are the endings:
Princess Quest Ending: greg and freddy try to confront vanny and she gets freddy ripped apart by staffbots. gregory then finds an arcade game in her room and plays and beats it which sets her soul free (presumably he knew how to do this cause he's remembering bits and pieces of being possessed??? idk). anyway once the game is beat she is unpossessed and takes gregory and freddy's decapitated head out of the pizzaplex
Burntrap Ending: gregory and freddy avoid vanny and go to the fnaf6 basement where freddy starts acting all fucked up and then thtey find the Springtrap corpse, now Burntrap (fused with the mimic? glitchtrap? yknow). it tries to kill them so you have to Boss Fight everything and then set him on fire again. THEN a tangled mess of animatronic wires with a funtime freddy head (remains of ennard???) shows up and drags him off. again, just as confusing for us as it is for you. freddy and gregory escape. no idea where vanessa is
ONE of these is canon. we do not know which. this is making the fanbase super chill and normal /lying
Evidence for Princess Quest: in ruin, we see a headless glamrock freddy in the exact same area he is in pq. we also have no sign of vanny trying to help glitchtrap. you can collect gregory's fanart of his own game and pq is the only one he didn't draw. princess quest arcade game has sword sticking out of it
Evidence against Princess Quest: aforementioned headless freddy is labelled a prototype on his foot and we know for a fact that our freddy does not have that stamp. he also has a gift inside his stomach when freddy gave his stomach gift to gregory already (and it was a diff color). the pq arcade game has sword sticking out of it BUT that could symbolize the princess being skewered, and surrounding the game is art of the escaped glitchbunny
Evidence for Burntrap: labelled as "true ending" in the files, only ending to be FULLY animated instead of switching to comic form and also only one with boss fight, the tangled animatronic mess is definitely canon (we see it, gregory draws it so he saw it too which means he went in the basement where it was), while vanny isn't seen her grafitti is everywhere and appears to be recent
Evidence against Burntrap: the "true ending" label, like cassidy, could mean literally fucking anything. also if vanessa is still under his control why the fuck doesnt she help him where is she
so yeah we're having fun figuring THAT out
Ruin (the end so far thank god)
the most recent game we got, then, was the dlc for the above game, this dlc is called ruin. a few months after this, a lil girl named cassie wanders into the ruins of the pizzaplex cause her best friend gregory told her to meet him there. when she gets there she finds a walkie-talkie and he's like "girl im trapped under the pizzaplex you need to shut down the security and come get me" and she's like "sounds great"
she finds vanny's mask and puts it on and enters an AR world where a glitched bunny is trying to kill her (this one isnt glitchtrap actually) and a friendly little AR bear is telling her to keep going she's doing a great job (this one IS glitchtrap probably)
anyway it turns out her backstory is her dad worked for the pizzaplex and she had a birthday party there with her Favorite Character Roxy and literally none of her friends showed up. she was sad about it until gregory showed up and became her friend. then gregory went missing and she was sad
anyway the last security node is favorite character Roxy and roxy recognizes her and is nice to her and its very sad
cassie eventually goes down to the fnaf6 basement and is like "ok gregory i opened the door are you okay" and PSYCH, IT'S NOT GREGORY
the mimic immediately tries to kill her bc it likes violence but roxy shows up to save her. the real gregory calls her on the walkie-talkie and is like "bITCH GET OUT OF THERE" and she's like "IM TRYING" and gregory's "friend" (whose pronouns are very specifically blurred out, so it could be either freddy or vanessa) uses the building maps to help her to an elevator. however when she gets in the elevator gregory's like "yeahhhhh sorry we cant let you be followed :(" and drops the elevator, trapping her there
it's like a 99% chance this last bit was not gregory but it was the mimic, seeing as gregory is not even in the pizzaplex and the mimic lost cassie right next to the elevator fuse box that it could easily rip out. so you know
anyway we end with either roxy finding cassie or the mimic using roxy's voice finding her so this kid's fucked lmao
also other questions about if mimic is burntrap is that we see the mimic p naked in this game and not in a fun corpse skinsuit so where did bunny go??? however i will also mention that there is a secret ending that shows us that the FUCKING SCOOPER is here so. personally i think that answers that question. get scooped idiot
oh also if you noticed "hey 'cassie' sounds a lot like 'cassidy,' the golden freddy kid who was sharing a body with the crying child, who has a similar design to gregory," congrats! we've noticed that too! we have no fucking idea what it means! :D
and thaaaaat's five nights at freddy's
that didnt take too long did it
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satorubi · 1 year
#2 : SLUT CERTIFIED ! — eren yaeger
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꒱ ➛ CHAPTER SYNOPSIS : the first taste of sluttry.
˚◞♡ who ?? : eren yaeger x black fem! reader
˚◞♡ word count : girl…don’t even ask i lost track </3
˚◞♡ chapter warnings : minors DO NOT interact, mentions of female anatomy, fem! reader using she/her pronouns, somewhat bimbo reader ??? mentions of major asshole connie, mentions of player! connie ꒱ i’m sorry ꒱ , use of profanity, oral penetration, body worship, loss of virginity, mentions of reader crying, pet names such as [ mama, baby, angel, love, pretty girl ] detailed, slow-paced smut, a little bit of a cliffhanger bc i LIVE for drama. ˚◞♡ author’s note : we back we back we backkkk !!! hello and welcome to the second chapter :) BUT FIRSTTT !!!! THANK YOU FOR THE POSITIVITY YOUVE GIVEN ME FOR THIS SERIES I LUV U ALL <33 i know i’ve been very absent and i know y’all have been WAITING. i am actually so sorry, but my mental health was calling my name :/ BUT WE ARE DOING BETTER !!! last but not least, excuse any errors, you guys r the best and i hope u enjoy 🤍 reblogs and interactions are always loved and earns u a smooch
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eren stayed over that night. not out of fear of waking you, or to avoid alarming you with the sound of your door creaking open, but because he felt pitiful of himself. if he’d left, you’d know something was wrong. he’d rather be petty and silent than obvious and pissy. besides, if he would’ve left, he wouldn’t have been able to wake up to the smell of fresh eggs, grits, and french toast with a simple side of fruits to top it all off.
eren makes his way out of your guest bedroom, nose following the mouth watering scent of food that polluted the air in your home, “goodmorning, rennie,” he hears you announce, still stirring at a pot sitting on your kitchen stove. his eyes wander, looking at the two plates resting on the kitchen island, as well as the two seats that wait for you both to obtain them.
“someone’s grumpy,” you say, watching him untie the bun in his hair and shake it out as if he were a wet dog, “i made some breakfast…if you’re hungry. you don’t have to eat it..but, um..”
“do you have sugar?”
“for the grits.”
you awkwardly laugh, a bit put off by his straightforward demeanor, but choosing not to look into it too much. after all, it was 6AM — a sunday too. you didn’t blame him for lacking a bit of a pep in his step.
“o-oh yeah. um, it’s in the pantry, at the top on the left.” eren’s mood was hard for you to abstruse. you couldn’t tell whether he was angry, sleepy, or just being plain old moody, but deep down you’d hoped it was anything other than the first.
“i thought you hated sugar on grits. last time i gave them to you, you said you would never eat my food again,” you jokingly refer, but he only shrugs like before.
“people change.”
you build the courage to start somewhat of a conversation. this was weird. it was like a stranger was just walking around your house. you could usually hear eren making noise before you in the mornings when he chose to stay the night ; showering early, blasting his playlist as loud as he can to wake you, having more of the zoomies than your hyper cat — but now, he just seemed so .. quiet. eerily quiet.
“so, what do you have planned for today?”
he shrugs, “don’t know.”
the answer was simple, but it seemed to have given you more of a worry than a relief, “well, it’s gonna’ be nice out today. i also saw a strawberry field i wanna’ see. ooh! okay so, we can get lunch, go pick the strawberries, and maybe get icecream afte –“
“i have some rules to add.”
rules? oh, rules. the rules you abruptly created out of fear after he’d made you cum with just the simple movement of his fingers, “okay, uh, great. what’d you wanna’ add?” you wait for him to answer, watching him practically inhale the food off of his plate that you’d just placed down only a few minutes ago.
“for starters, we aren’t a couple, so we aren’t doing couple shit,” he begins, and you immediately want him to retract that sentence. you didn’t know why hearing that gave you an intense pain in your heart, but you hated the feeling, “like holdin’ hands, goin’ on dates, etc.”
“but we – we always hold hands, ren.”
“yeah, but you’re with connie. i don’t think that’s appropriate now, do you?”
oh. using your own words against you. how mature of you, eren.
“no, no. you’re right. i um.. i guess i didn’t think about that one.” you couldn’t look at him. you were almost embarrassed to. not only had you been the reasoning for this tension, but you were the one who was behind the master plan. you were the one who asked him to do this. you were the one who blatantly said it was strictly educational.
you were the one who promised yourself you wouldn’t take it further than it needed to go.
eren was just playing the part.
“i’m gonna’ hold off on the nicknames outside of the bedroom too. don’t wanna’ make you uncomfortable so i should leave all that to your boyfriend, don’t you think?” your tongue runs across your lips, unsure exactly what to say. you had no reason to be upset, especially if you were trying to pursue a relationship with connie.
“heard me?” he asks, shoving the last bit of his food into his mouth.
“you’re being a dick.” his ears raise like a hound, a bit taken back by the authoritarian tone of your voice. eren sits and watches you begin to toss the used pots and pans in the sink, not bothering to wash them — which was nothing like you. you’re turned around, back facing him with your hands left to pick at your fingernails.
“how so?”
“you know, eren, i actually think you should get going. i have a lot of errands that i need to get done before our next session so..” eren clears his throat and doesn’t say much else. your words left a bad taste in your mouth and his — you feeling bad and him feeling worse. it wasn’t that you wanted him to leave. if anything, you wanted him to spend the whole day with you, but knowing that the simple physical tendencies were no longer present in your friendship would drive you crazy. you found comfort in one another — whether it was a touch of a hand or a pat on the back, there was nothing else in the world that could bring you the clarity your platonic love resinated.
but that was gone now.
“when you wanna’ start the next —“
“i’ll come over tonight after my last class. that way we can finish this and i’ll be out of your hair soon enough, like you want.” your demure smile said everything you needed to. eren could read you like a book. he’d obviously agitated you with his petty choice of words, but it didn’t make sense of why. you were the one who wanted rules to begin with, and as of right now, eren could already feel a lump beginning to swell in his throat, “alright then. just hit me when you need me,” he forces out, getting up to grab his things.
you don’t reply, you only watch him leave.
“love you.”
your silence was enough to make him head to the door quicker. he waits a moment by the exit, out of your sight, but sticking around to hear you say it back.
but you don’t.
in fact, you don’t say a single word, at least not until he leaves and is already inches away from your home, unable to hear the slight sorrow in your voice as you wipe away a small tear, “love you too, fuckin’ asshole ..”
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after eren’s departure, the house was more silent than it was when he was here. yeah, you technically kicked him out, but if you knew the heartache you’d get from it, you easily would’ve chosen the silently petty route just like he did. you were left to contemplate bout what you could’ve said and done differently, what you could’ve accomplished if you’d just been more patient with him. but then again — eren was cold to you this morning. he seemed to have let his emotions get in the pathway, causing him too to make choices he wouldn’t usually make.
and that’s why you felt the need to see connie. the connie who was the root of of the argument that ruined your monring, the connie who you’d grown so fond of. he was also the same the connie who had showed up to your home rather later than expected though. when you texted him a few hours prior to your class ending, he’d said he could be at your doorstep in ten, but ten turned to twenty, and twenty turned into an hour.
and soon, that hour became three.
you assumed he’d probably gotten caught up at work again ; one of the main enemies in your relationship besides eren. his boss seemed to always be holding him back longer, regardless if his shift was scheduled to end hours prior. it made no sense, but like he always said, ‘more money i make, the more i get to treat you like the princess you are’ — but anyway, you couldn’t exactly hate him for it.
how else would he be able to buy you those cute little pandora charms and pretty mini skirts?
you’re drifted from your thoughts as a notification illuminates your screen and you happily skip toward the front entrance of your home without even having to check to see who it is. connie — standing tall at your doorstep with a pretty bouquet of roses resting in his arm. the diamonds in his studded earrings gleaming in your gaze. his hair was buzzed a bit lower than it was the last time you saw him — now dyed with hearted patterns all around.
he looked good, as always.
“hi, pretty girl,” he greets you cheerfully as if he hadn’t just showed up almost three and a half hours late. you sit there with your arms folded, giving him that same glare you always do when he did these things.
“i know i’m late, baby. i’m sorry! y’know how it is. i just got caught up —“
“at work.” he gives you a sad smile, pinching your cheek and puckering his lips for you to give him a kiss. of course you give in, allowing his lips to press against yours in a quick peck ; which eventually leads to him backing you into through your door and shutting it behind him. his lips felt different — swollen almost, like he’d been kissing someone prior.
“new lipgloss, huh? i like the taste.”
before it could get too heated, your manicured hands find their way to his chest, stopping him before he could move any further, “heyhey, not so fast mr. ‘m still kinda mad at you y’know,” you say, running a finger down his shirt all the way to the hem.
connie kisses his teeth, rolling his eyes a bit, “here the fuck we go again,” he walks away before you can even begin to voice the remainder of your frustration.
“don’t be like that. you’re the one who can’t seem to say no to your manager. you don’t have to work overtime every fucking time she asks, y’know.”
here we go again indeed. he’d only gotten here no less than ten minutes ago, and you both could already find yourselves wanting to be apart, “i have bills to pay. working overtime isn’t gonna’ kill anybody.”
“well it’s killing me! i barely see you anymore, con,” your lips form a frown, connie shaking his head in response.
“and what, that’s all my fault? you’re always at school, or studying, or playin’ footsies with eren every weekend. i should be the one doing all the scolding.”
your eyes widen, tears threatening to spill from them as you swallow deeply, “get out.”
damn, yn. second man you’ve kicked out today in a row. look at you doing god’s work.
“i said get out. i don’t wanna’ see you.” you don’t even dare to look his way, too angered and confused to do so. connie doesn’t even try to put up a fight. he immediately starts to grab his keys, almost as if he were waiting for those words to leave your mouth.
“y’know what, cool. talk to me when you’re done with your little tantrum. i don’t have the patience for this shit today.” those last few words spit fire straight into your chest. his words hurt, but seeing him walk out of that door and slamming it behind him without a care in the world hurt worse. the only thing playing in your mind was the painful scene over and over again. the tears that you had managed to suppress earlier had begun to resurface, your vision becoming blurry and the lump in your throat swelling harder than it ever has.
connie had never spoken to you like that before — the lack of giving a fuck very present in his tone of voice. you felt horrible, and confused, and almost regretful about letting him into your home to begin with. this wasn’t the man who was treating to dinner on a rooftop after your hard day all those months ago, neither was this the man who gifted you not one, but two promise rings for your birthday, or the man who you couldn’t stop bragging to your mother about.
this was someone else.
there was a tear in your heart, and fighting this alone would only cut it further. it’s funny, it’s like even when you’re angry at eren you can’t help but to think of him. you can’t help but to vision how badly he would’ve beat connie’s tail if he heard the same words you did.
so, you decide to shamefully push your pride to the side, heading to eren’s earlier than expected — and of course, when you arrive at his doorstep with watery eyes and a puffy nose, his disgruntled expression softens within seconds. you didn’t have to say much, or anything at all really. the faint sounds of sniffles coming from you were explanatory enough. no matter what had happened this morning, or what might’ve been said and done — he was still your best friend. at the end of the day, seeing you smile was the only thing that really kept him going in this life. right or wrong, argument or not, he was there, and he always would be.
anytime, any place.
“you wanna’ tell me what, happened? hm,” his soft voice rumbles, a hand burying your face into the warmth of his chest as you let the tears fall and stain eren’s t-shirt, “it was him wasn’t it?”
the two of you hadn’t yet moved inside. you still stand in the middle of your doorway, rocking from side to side as you let eren ramble on with his theories, “hm? what’d he do to you?”
you cut him off, shaking your head from side to side as you wipe your face, “c-connie and i .. w-we had an argument .. “ you hiccup, incapable of even getting the words out. he knew that. that’s why he continues to comfort you, even with the rush of hearing the devil’s name leave your lips and the amount of anger surfacing to the shore in his mind, your waterworks are the most important right now.
but trust, if he could leave and beat connie’s ass to a pulp he would, but to abandon you in this state would be criminal.
“what’s been goin’ on?”
“it’s a long story.”
“i got all night, love.”
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eren was right. he did in fact have all night, and you’d taken that opportunity to tell him everything — connie’s lack of attention, his inability to care, the amount of stupidity you’ve felt for the last few weeks ; he listens closely to every detail, only responding with minimal to no noise as connie clouds his consciousness. eren couldn’t fathom how someone as sweet, kind, and genuine as you could be put through such pain like this. all you’ve ever done is give and give and give, and knowing an insensitive bastard could fuck all of that up for you made his blood boil.
“i just don’t get it, y’know. i-i mean he was so sweet to me when i met him. always wanting to be around me, making the effort to see me — i just don’t know w-what changed,” you express, fingers swiping away the tears that stained your puffy cheeks and swollen doe eyes.
he expresses his concern with just a simple huff, chewing on his bottom lip as he waits for you to finish your sentence. eren knew the answer. it was as easy as two plus two, but explaining it to someone as attached to connie as you would be almost impossible to persuade you to believe the truth — which was that he was just no good for you. eren wished — no, he dreamt you didn’t see his constructive criticism as jealousy, but then again, it was easy to portray it that way.
“he’s always been this way, yn — inconsiderate. he’s just gotten better at keeping it hidden longer.”
eren was expecting some sort of defense to come out of your mouth, but you don’t give it to him. instead, you obtain the somber expression of gloom casting over your usual sunny skied face.
as much as he wanted to tell you the blatant truth, eren quickly remembered that the power of words were truly bigger than man, “look, y’know how i feel about the guy, but if you really truly want my advice — from a friend’s perspective, i say you start lookin’ out for you. i know you like him n’ all, but you gotta’ start caring about your well being more. he’s putting you through hell right now and he doesn’t even have the decency to check on you.”
you nod because, well, it was true. eren was completely in the right. it was always about connie and moving on his time, but in reality, a relationship can’t ever even begin to work when both parties aren’t putting forth the effort. like the famous truth, ‘if he wanted to, he would’ but that was the thing with connie. there was no sense of want in this relationship unless it was coming from you. it was a hard pill to swallow, but these past five months with him had been purely carried by your energy and your energy alone.
if anything, it was a miracle he’d been around this long.
“i just don’t understand what i did wrong ..”
his blood boils all over again, a sheer amount of red on his flushed ears as eren can already feel himself becoming angry for the second time tonight. wrong? what you did wrong? how dare he — how dare he make you think so poorly about yourself? was connie insane — seriously, eren had to genuinely think. a woman having to second guess herself in general was horrid, but you? the woman he’s carefully watched sprout into a vivid, forever blooming flower since the small age of 9? the same woman who deserved the world in the palm of her hands?
nah, no way.
“don’t piss me off. for real, don’t.”
“m’ not trying to .. just think maybe i —“
“you really wanna’ sit in front of me and speak ill on yourself like you aren’t one of the most beautiful women i’ve ever laid my eyes on? and m’ not even talkin’ just physically — fuck that. m’ talkin’ spiritually, mentally — you don’t even realize your worth, mama.”
you let out a mix of a laugh and a scoff, “you really think that about me?” eren dramatically throws his head back, and places his hand on his chest, causing you to smile for the first time in a few hours.
“think? you serious? i know what i’m saying. he’d be a fuckin’ imbecile to lose you.” you don’t dare to stop his tangent, especially after hearing what’s to come out of his mouth next, “you’re sweet, you’re intelligent, charismatic, and prettier than you’ll ever begin to know. you’re ...” he stops himself, picking at the black polish on his fingernails, “perfect.”
you both look at one another, both of your eyes meeting at the same point as your breathing patterns become unsteady, the thickness of the air starting to become rather suffocating. eren’s words were delivered with such ease, and it wasn’t even in his usual, corny smooth talking manner. you could tell how much he’d regretted letting that sentence exit his brain though. his head was held downward, a scene of his chest rising and falling as the regret began to evolve into worry.
“you’re so sweet to me. ‘like you have a crush on me or somethin’.” your joke flies right over your head, because well, you knew damn well that would be one of the craziest things reality could throw at you. eren on the other hand, only lets out a forced laugh, playfully shoving your arm.
“mmch. whatever, mutherfucker.”
once your laugh diles down, there’s a comfortable silence in the room before you clear your throat and address the elephant in the room — the elephant that's been sitting quietly in the corner but had been aggressively knocking at the door in your mind over and over again for the last ten hours.
he turns to you again, those pretty eyes finding their focus in yours, “hm?”
“i’m sorry about this morning .. i should’nt have y’know .. kicked you out.”
“nah, it’s nothin.’ i know we just gotta’ get used to this whole thing. i should’ve just respected your rul —“
“but i kissed you back last night,” you interject, “i just…reacted badly, and i- i didn’t know how to respond to that. we’ve never been ...”
“that close before.” you’re eyes meet his once he finishes your sentence for you. eren’s were low, but still pleading as if he was waiting for the next few words that were scheduled to leave your mouth any moment now. yours were reddened — probably from the enormous amount of tears you’d shed throughout the time of connie’s departure, but also from the fact that you hadn’t blinked in a few seconds, not wanting to miss a single second of the sight of him in front of you.
“i’m still curious, y’know … i haven’t been the best student, but i’m still willing to learn some more.”
“i’ll do whatever you want me to do. just say the word.” his mouth was held open long enough to catch flies, and his steady breaths were morphing into a soft hyperventilation. you don’t say a word. neither does he. you both just send each other that look — the same look that was shared when he was on his knees devouring you not too long ago.
you take usage in his words, “i … i want you to kiss me, eren.” you’re scared to move. not only because of the amount of anxiety running through your body right now, but from eren’s physical reaction. he looked like he’d seen a ghost.
“but last night you said –“
“i know what i said.”
he tilts his head, eyes not leaving your lips as the rush of kissing them begins to come back to him. he missed it. he missed it so much, and god, what he would give to feel them again, “lemme’ hear you again.”
“i-i want you to kiss me,” you repeat, and you take notice of the look on his face. his eyebrows were furrowed, nose almost as close to yours as it was the night before, “please kiss me, eren.”
“again,” he instructs, and you do. you keep repeating those words until his nose is brushing against yours, along with your foreheads pressed against one another’s — both too scared to find yourselves as desperate for each other as you were last night. eren hears your whispers, the sound of your sweet voice begging him to kiss you making his heart feel all the more swollen.
“can i?”
instead of answering his question with a sentence, you answer it with the thing you’d been wishing to do for the past twenty four hours — you kiss him, and you kiss him gently. your lips felt like dainty feathers tickling his own as your hands found their way to either side of his face. eren doesn’t question you, because he too was feeling the sparks flying over his head just like the first time. he still had his arms resting on the back of the couch, not yet touching you in fear of crossing the line — although, there were about to be many lines crossed tonight, that was only one many that he needed to be worrying about.
you want to feel him, you want him to feel you, and you start to whimper when you notice him pull away for a split second, but you go quiet when he pulls you into his lap by your waist. you fit so perfectly in his grasp, his hands firmly gripping your love handles while you try your best not to hunch your body against his.
but that was becoming impossible.
his cock was right underneath you, hard and clothed — his deep denim jeans poking at your ass as you sit. you hadn’t yet resumed kissing, but this was far more enjoyable. eren’s hands rest on your thighs and the moment he feels you drag your clothed cunt along his lap, he groans — loudly, too.
the shorts you had on were thin enough for eren to feel your folds rubbing on him, and your missing underwear underneath didn’t do him any justice. he was trying hard – so fucking hard not to completely forget that he needed to take his time with you. there was only one thing stopping eren from pulling his dick out and fucking up into you like his life depended on it, and that was the fact that you were new to all of this.
the same realizations from before boggle his mind again, “please tell me what you want from me, yn. you’re drivin’ me fuckin’ crazy right now.” ashamed, eren shuts his eyes at the sound of his own desperation, yet you were equally as desperate as he was. both of you were fighting the urge from tearing one another apart – your reasoning being the fear of feeling those butterflies tumble around in your tummy again. it was wrong. you weren’t supposed to get those around him. he was just eren – your longtime, bittersweet, lovable bestfriend. you shouldn’t have wanted him in this way.
but you did, and you still do. and there was nothing in sight that could change that.
“i want you inside me..”
that’s when you felt a thump underneath you. you lightly gasp, surprised at the feeling but also aroused. something kicks inside of you, and you kiss him — yet again. eren almost immediately gives in this time, refusing to feed into his hesitation as previous. the kiss is messy and the motion is quick, but your hips – oh those hips, were moving slowly.
“you have no clue what you do to me.”
you nip at his lips again, “show me. what do i do, eren?” you keep winding your hips as you continue to taunt him with your lust filled eyes. your back arches and your globes poke out just a bit, the middle of your shorts pushing against your clit, “i can feel you. you’re so hard.. i-is all of that from me?”
that last line most definitely was your confidence talking, and although those jitters were still present, the power of your body taking over you.
“hold on to me.”
eren abruptly starts to rise up, and with you in his arms, he carries you down the corridor to his bedroom, which is on the right. as soon as you proceed in, you notice the distinct smell of his musk and a tiny candle burning in the corner of his bookshelf. your back touches his black, satin sheets as he lays you on the bed, making you shudder due to their chilly temperature.
eren continues to place small kisses all over your legs. you hadn’t yet seen his face since he laid you down, given how eager he was for his lips to be on your skin again, he was practically swimming in your aura, “you are so beautiful …” he mumbles, kissing your calf and up to your ankle. eren then gathers both of your legs, pulling you forward enough to where your ass was hanging halfway off of the mattress as your upper half lays prettily before him.
there he is, on his knees for you yet again.
“i can’t believe it get to touch you like this,” you close your eyes feeling his lips press against the pudge just above your pussy, too easily flustered to even dare look at him, “in all of your glory … bare just for me to see.” his lashes bat in a daze, a breathy laugh leaving his lips when he sees your hips squirm under his contact. you were so worked up, such an easy button to push — but time, time is what this would take.
“e-eren, you’re teasing …”
“am i? or are you too nervous to tell me what you want so much that you’re willin’ to sit there and let me frustrate you like this?” his pixelated eyes hold a menacing glare with yours, but you’re too busy trying to fix your gaze upon anything other than him. the way he was taunting you during your first time was sickening, stimulatingly sickening.
“i want you …”
“what was that?”
“ ‘want you eren, fuck! just do something already!”
eren releases a chuckle and pats your thigh twice, “that’s my girl.” after he says this he wastes no more time diving in. eren starts off with a wife tongue lick to your cunt, beginning at your ass, then slowly licking his way up to your clit before wrapping both lips around the swollen area. he had yet to tie his hair back, so to your advantage, your hands run through his coffee locks. you pull and scratch, making him grumble against you with pleasure.
you hate to admit that you missed the glee you got from feeling him lick you. but something so wrong felt so fucking right. it didn’t help that eren was practically a god when it came to eating pussy. he was treating you as if you weren’t still new to the feeling, but you loved it. you craved it. you needed it.
“t-that feels so fuckin’ g-good, ren- ohh!” your hips move in sync with his mouth, rubbing your cunt against his face as he follows your path, “waitwait – oh fuck!” you’re losing it, and you’re starting to lose your patience along with that sanity. he was slurping, kissing, licking and penetrating your pussy with his tongue and he had no remorse while doing so.
“awe, baby, you’re so wet … all that from me?” he mocks your previous words with a smirk, and that’s when eren slips a finger in without warning, and to be honest, there was no need to. if anything, you needed to be warning him for the messy orgasm you were tiptoeing around, “you get so tight when i use my hands, don’t you? so cute .. think you’re bout’ to cum for me already.”
“yesss! yes, i wan’ cum. i wanna’ cu-f-fuck,” his fingers tickle your gummy walls along with the impact from the tip of his tongue flicking against your clit — creating the perfect combination for nothing but pure bliss, “don’t make me beg for it, angel. just let go for me. give me all of it ..” his encouragement was doing its damn thing — the knot in your belly starting to untie itself on eren’s behalf. your body begins to convulse, jolting around and twisting all the which of ways he hoped it would.
“b-baby .. eren … i’m fucking c-cummingugh – oh!” eren quickly intertwined his hand in yours as you squeeze his knuckles for support through your life changing orgasm. you were too busy making the flesh on his hand turn pale from how hard you were holding on to notice the pet name that casually came out of you.
“yeah .. yeah, let it go just like that ...”
as he says this, you start to panic when you feel the certain pressure of your bladder being full. his finger is still working your hole, not pulling away for anything or anyone — not even you. eren sees your small hands trying to pry his own away, but he simply stops you by restraining the same hand pushing him, “r-ren, i don’t- i don’t know what’s — please, oh my ..” you babble.
“i know, baby. i know.” he holds eye contact with you, feeling your walls begin to tighten around his fingers yet again. that’s when he moves faster, jabbing his finger in and smoothly adding another to completely rupture you. his hand was cramping, but he could take that on any day if it meant he’d be able to see you fall apart, “you’re there. you’re right there, you feel that?”
eren’s question not only earns a loud whine from you, but it finishes you off completely. so much so that you couldn’t even pronounce a single word. the only thing you could begin to make out was his name, and even then, it was just hoarse whines and sappy gibberish. you don’t see it, but he does. he sees it all — the spurts of your cum covering his hand, the way your chest rose and fell with each unsteady breath, your eyes looking into the back of your skull with your lips parted softly — you were fucking breathtaking.
“good fuckin’ girl,” eren huffs, dragging his fingers from out of your walls. as soon as he does, he gently pets your pussy, soothing the sore area with his hand as he uses the weight of one elbow to lean over and place kisses onto your temple. your body is still coming down from its peak, and your vision was still foggy — but you still needed him. you still craved his touch like you had a sweet tooth.
“you okay? didn’t hurt you did i?”
“n-no. more, ren, i just wan’ more …” your pleading eyes search for his lips, and once you find them, you inch closer by default. eren seals it for you, pressing his plumped ones onto your own. you feel the same fingers that were inside you creep up to your chin, then lips — trails of your wet essence lingering on your skin, “are you sure, yn?”
you bite your lower lip and nod slowly, running your hand up and down his bare chest, “ ‘m sure .. please — i wanna’ feel you.” there’s one more peck shared before he gets up. rising to his 6’4 frame, hovering over your resting body as his hands scramble to remove his belt. one loop after another, your heart rate induces, seeing the v-line that threatened to spill from his pants as he finally reaches the buttons on those suffocating jeans and you’re forced to finally take in his physique while you wait.
you knew eren was built. he always had been, but ever since he’d taken on the job as a mechanic, you could see him gradually grow stronger over time. all of that heavy lifting and damn near bending over backwards to fix outdated and damaged vehicles good as new was a tough job, but he made it look so easy. it wasn’t until now that you could actually get a good look at him. he’d abandoned that coltish, leaned look back in highschool, now carrying the weight of broad shoulders and a barrel chested front. you couldn’t help but to stare, especially with him having abs sharp enough to be a blade.
“stop eye-fuckin’ me. you’re making me nervous,” eren shyly grins as he continues to strip off his clothes. what you weren't anticipating was the sizable cock that was about to emerge from his black hannes boxers in a matter of seconds. you watch as eren’s thumbs gently pull the cloth of the waistband over the broad girth that sits inside of his underwear. when he’s finally freed, you can hear him lightly hiss, and his dick practically springs out like a door hinge against a wall. it was thick, inches galore, and hard as fuck by the looks of it. your eyes follow the blueish greenish veins petruding from the base of him all the way up to the rosey, strained tip. it looked so soft at the touch, so pent up, so … edible.
you watch as he moves over to his nightstand, snagging one of the condoms from it and ripping it open with his teeth. as soon as you see him lower his hands to his cock, you stop him, “can- can i put it on?” he pauses his movements, a bit taken back by your question but not exactly opposed to it — the thought of your soft hands coming into contact with his dick was a vision he’d give anything to see.
“yes-yeah, go for it,” he nods, handing it off, stepping closer into your vicinity to make it easier for you, “do you know how to put it o – aw .. f-fuck waitwaitwait -“ eren didn’t need to finish his sentence, because once your cold fingers wrapped around his base he was in heaven. your grasp was so light, but the feeling of your hand on him felt so heavy. it was taking everything he had not to cum from the act of your touch alone.
you, on the other hand, were in awe, taking the rubber in one hand, holding his frustrated dick in the other while you ease the material around his shape. eren let’s go of a small groan, throwing his head back as his belly pokes forward and back in at the pace of his breathing.
you were amazed.
“oh my god ..”
so amazed that you didn’t mean to say that aloud, “what? what’s wrong?”
“nothing .. you’re just … big.”
he shyly, and nervously laughs, “what, don’t think it’ll fit?” if you were speaking by just the looks of it — no, it didn’t look like it’d fit. you were a virgin for crying out loud, that thing looked like a fucking weapon.
“hmm, m’ a brave girl i’ll be fine. i promise. i would tell you if i wasn’t,” you ease. eren nods, looking down at you as you blink your pretty falsies up at him with a smile on your face, “now hurry before i dry out.”
he shakes his head and laughs at your attempt at humoring the mood, but that laugh fades once you spread your legs for him again. eren looks down at you, looking at your sprawled out figure in awe. you still had your shirt on. no bra, so simple to see your hardened nipples through your baby pink tee. you looked so pretty, so needy, and so ready to take him like this wasn’t your first time around.
“i know you’re excited, but please, yn, tell me if i’m making you uncomfortable or if m’ hurtin you. i don’t care if it’s the smallest touch, please. tell. me.”
“yn, for real. if you aren’t comfortable, punch me or pinch me or someth —“ ”
the amount of concern in his tone humors you, giggling a bit as you say, “i know, eren. i said okay,” he gives you his eyes once more before beginning to climb on top of you, your thigh being skimmed by the tip of his cock as he places both of his arms on either side of your head. he’s so close now. not on his knees, or beside you, or somewhere in front of you — no, he was right here. face to face so much so that his shaky breaths trickle your nose as he tries his best to keep his breathing steady.
eren balances back on his knees as he grabs ahold of his cock, tugging at it a little so that precum coats his tip and fingers as lubricant. you were already wet, but he needed to make this somewhat easy — he had to, for your sake and his. hurting you just wasn’t something he had on his agenda. so he takes the extra mile to make sure — a glob of saliva falling from his mouth and onto his condom covered base as he strokes it.
“f-fuck …” he moans, swallowing as his thumb runs over the pumping vein just before his tip, and once he’s done prepping himself, he sits his cock directly onto your belly — the tip of it stopping just at your shimmery-pierced bellybutton. he shakes his head from side to side, gassed at the knowledge of knowing how deep he’d be inside of you, “ima’ slide it in, okay?”
you nod at his words, and when you do, you wrap your arms around his neck, “deep breaths. take deep breaths for me.” you hear him, and you do what he tells you, inhaling and exhaling as you feel eren’s cock sit right at your folds, “i’ll give you just the tip for right now, okay ..” a whine gets caught in your throat as he rubs himself in between them, your wetness making a pretty sound that fills his ears with lust. he even taps it on the surface a little bit, a small ‘pat pat’ — testing the waters, seeing just how arroused you’d gotten from him and only him.
“m’ gonna take care of you, i promise.”
“you always do, ren.”
he kisses your temple, then your cheek and nose, “you ready?”
your chest rises and falls with one last deep breath, your head falling back onto the pillow behind you, “ready.”
eren hears your consent and it slowly begins — the first attempt at easing himself past that first barrier with as much care as he could. your body flinches and you whince, and almost immediately eren starts to remove himself from your entrance, but you stop him, “ ‘m okay, ren, ‘m okay. just feels so ..”
“yeah .. d-different,” he looks at you for approval again and you give it to him, your eyes dropping down to look in between your legs as you see that you still have so much more to go. this was just the tip, and even then, it still wasn’t all the way in. how difficult would it be to take the full thing? no matter how soft his strokes were or how painless he could try and make the process be, eren was huge — and with a curve too. you’d be lucky if you got out of this without a limp tomorrow morning.
“we can take it slow, okay? don’t strain yourself, just take me slow … ” when his palm touches the side of your face, his thumb brushing your bottom lip, you almost immediately feel a tiny bit of relief. you nod and you sense him once more, his tip piercing your skin and leaving a sting in its wake. it was a painful stretch, no doubt about it. out of every account you've heard of losing your virginity, you can infer that after this point, everything really just depended on that individual person. you’d heard mixed opinions, and you’d always assumed the worst. but honestly, in this moment, you could only come to the conclusion that it all depended on the sensual nature of you and your partner’s relationship.
yes, you were in pain, but you were so drawn to eren that you wanted to push through it. “a-aah- oh my— fuck!” your eyes are shut so tightly that you start to see white spots in the inside of your eyelids. you feel eren’s hand reach down to your clit, trying to steer the uncomfortable stretch away from you by rubbing small, kind circles repeatedly as you huff and let out strangled whines.
“you okay? you wan’ me to stop?”
you shake your head, “nonono — just .. h-hurts ren.” he feels your nails clawing at his forearms. you, on the other hand, not even realizing your fingers were leaving deep crescent marks on his flesh. he didn’t mind it though, not at all. in fact —
“bite me. scratch me — do whatever you need to do, baby ..” eren’s forehead was already beginning to perspire as he spoke, and his hips were carefully advancing to slowly deliver you every inch — although, he was rather heartbroken to witness your reactions, “i just need you to feel good.” your pain was almost too much for him, almost enough to make him want to call this whole thing off, but on your word, he continues. he continues to watch your every move as your eyes sit on the verge of watering whilst his cock softly splits you in half. you heed his advise, lifting your neck a little for you to bite down on his shoulder and leave marks in your wake.
he continues to guide himself in while his palm rests on the back of your head, pulling you in closer into his neck as he whispers into your ear, “just a little more to go, my love. you’re almost – shit – there.”
“r-ren … nnn – f-fuck!”
“i know, sweet girl. i know.”
he kisses you to divert your attention away while the stray tears on your face fall to your lips, the tang of salt hitting both of your taste buds. you push through the pain and let him give you a little bit more. before you bottle up your next set of cries — he’s fully in, and when he is, you can see the small bulge in your belly from his cock when you look down. eren patiently allows himself to sit deeply in your warmth, letting your whimpers simmer down as you become more and more used to the full feeling in your tummy, “there you go. nice n’ slow, let it sink in just l-like that …” your mouth is held open, and the only sounds that can be heard from you were small gasps of relief from finally getting the hard part over with.
“well would you look at that? you did it, s-see?” he shudders, mainly speaking to you, but also patting himself on the back for not cumming within the first ten seconds of being inside you.
“i-i did, didn’t i?” your hand hovers over the spot on your stomach, rubbing the area where you feel him most. he watches you closely, he too, stunned from reality hitting him right in the chest like a wrecking ball, “s-shit, eren … ‘s so deep.”
eren jeager was inside you.
and eren jaeger was about to fuck the shit out of you.
“does everything feel okay? didn’t hurt you too much did i?” you shake your head, taking in a deep breath as you close your eyes, “you still with me, yn?”
“yesyes, ‘m here.” eren takes this as an opportunity to wipe your tears with his thumbs, sending a quick kiss to your lips while smiling. you’d gotten through the hard part, and now? now it was time for the highly anticipated fun, “y-you can start moving now …” eren hears your voice softly say. he gives you that look you knew rather well — that look of ‘are you sure’ knowing damn well you were more sure than you’ve ever been about anything before. you gladly give it to him, cheekily grinning a bit as you nod your head up and down.
eren gradually sits up on his knees, palming the backs of your thighs softly as he peers down at your figure under him, still snugged comfortably inside of you. he was plainly freaking out and, to put it mildly, astonished. when his eyes met yours, that’s when the air felt heavier than it already was, along with the same feeling of fluttering butterflies in his tummy dancing along to the beat of his racing heart.
he begins to move in the direction and pace you want, slowly pulling his cock in and out of you, scared of hurting you still even after hearing you repeat ‘im okay’ to him over and over again. you attentively observe his furrowed eyebrows and bitten lip, and the sight causes your walls to swell and pulse. the ache that had almost felt intolerable a few minutes ago had begun to eventually subside, leaving you simply with a tickling sensation now.
“god .. yn - fuck..” he pants, steadily swinging his pelvis straight into the back of your thighs as his balls slap lightly against your ass, “pussy’s s-so tight, mama ..” he wasn’t lying at all. in fact, you were squeezing him so tightly that he had to use enough force to pull himself out of you. he hisses, feeling the wind get knocked out of his chest by just looking at how well you were doing. he was so proud of you, filled with so much elation while being inside of you that it almost felt like a dream he would’ve never thought would come to life.
“ ‘ssss .. it feels — eren … please —”
“feels like what, hm? tell me all about it ..” the tone of eren’s voice is soft enough to soothe you some more, but deep enough to bring you to unintentionally clench around him. your warm walls smothering his cock, and your eyes watching him move in and out of you as your chest heaves.
“feel s’ full,” you babble and he hissed out a laugh. that’s when you spread your legs wider, feeling comfortable enough to get into the hang of it. although you were new to this, you found yourself suddenly wanting more.
“mhm, pussy’s eatin’ my fuckin’ dick up, isn’t she? you feel so goddamn good …” eren keeps his steady pace, delivering deep, slow, strokes to your cunt before sitting up to lightly massage your calves and feet. he keeps eye contact with you, and even though yours refuse to keep their focus on his, he doesn’t stop. he doesn’t stop losing himself in both you and your battered pussy, squeaking with every dirty line leaving his lips. your arms reach out to wrap themselves around his neck, and he easily picks up on your gesture — now hovering directly on top of you, balancing himself on one forearm while his opposite hand grips at the headboard above you — minimizing the weight of his body on yours.
“sh-shit — ouuu, eren!”
for a moment, there’s only silence in the room. besides your minimal breathing and eren’s small groans that he failed to suppress were the only sounds that could be heard through an echo. both of you bask in one another’s presence while you let the tranquility of the moment steer you of to sea. “h-harder, ren .. please, harder,” you lightly tap his shoulder with your fingers to gather his attention, eyes batting rapidly as you try to keep consciousness from the amount of pleasure you were feeling.
“harder? baby, you look like you can barely keep your eyes open,” he laughs attentively, looking down at the droplets of sweat beginning to fall down the sides of your face. yeah, he was right, you could barely open your eyes, but you had enough strength to flutter them and give him an annoyed, yet needy, glance.
a soft sigh escapes his lips and that’s when he seizes your request, pushing his cock further into you — as deep as it could go and then right back out again, a suckle being left behind. you whine — no, you scream, “oouh - fuck, eren, just like t-that,” almost loud enough to send a concerned expression to eren’s face, but when you claw at his biceps he soon realizes it was a scream of pure ecstasy.
“ah, shit. yeahyeahyeah, talk to me, baby. you’re takin’ it so fucking good ..” his tone is taunting and well past just casual dirty talk. he was digging deep, verbally and physically, saying shit just to bring a reaction out of you — curious of what he could say and do to make you squirm and sniffle around him, “greedy lil’ pussy. takin’ me in so easily on her first run — you’re bein’ so good to me, princess.”
“ren — oh my god … r-right there, right there, right there — shit, eren!” his words had gone right over your head. too lost in the the way he dips his hips deep into your core to even dare to speak anything more than a string of moans. your lips form a pout, and your eyes roll to the back of your head when you suddenly feel eren’s tip poking right at your g-spot — which, he proudly didn’t take very long to discover. you didn’t know it yet, but the constant pressure against your womb would be building up soon — creating a rather diabolical sensation for both your mind and body all in one.
“where? right here?” the question is followed by a strong, but still conscious thrust. slow, yet powerful. steady, but mighty — eren now driving himself into you right where you wanted him, “awe, baby, did i find your spot? like when my dick kisses you right here, don’t you?” you can’t speak, nor can you begin to fathom why on earth eren was making you feel so lightheaded. disregarding the pleasure and the present circumstances, you felt alive. you felt like you couldn’t get this amount of euphoria from anything or anyone.
it wasn’t just the movement of his hips, or the nasty serenading words leaving his mouth, or even those angelic eyes that held an untold story — no no, it was the amount of emotion he brought you. the amount of love he’s shown you. the way he held you with such grace and tenderness like you were easy to shatter. it was all too surreal. the feeling, the gestures, the warmth — everything .. he was everything.
“faster! faster, please eren — nnnn y- you’re so deep ..” you clench around him, your pussy sucking him in more and more as he continues to drive you into shambles. your eyes travel down, focusing on the way he had to pull in and out of you with more force than needed simply because of how hard you were squeezing him. with each passing thrust, you could see his tip poking at your tummy over and over, forming a bulge right below your belly button.
“aah, shhhit, gonna’ make me fuckin’ cum, b-baby.” he nervously snickers, trying to hold on as much as a could, and god was it hard. eren could almost find himself becoming overwhelmed. there were too many things to focus on — between your expressions, lustrous eyes, and small grunts — he could cum right then as he spoke.
“o-oh, so close .. c-close, m’ so close rennie .. please let m-me cum with you ..”
you have a siren voice, one of command and alluring undertones like you were singing a symphony to pull anyone into a trance — and that’s exactly what you did. you words had much power, and eren suddenly feels a knot untying in his belly, the same knot as you. you both huff and puff, whispering small praises to one another like you’ve been in love for ages now.
your hands reach the sides of his face, carefully pulling him in closer for a kiss. you feel him meet you half way, closing the space between you both by kissing you like you were an an antidote he so desperately needed. he tugs on your bottom lip softly, closing his eyes and melting into you as he tries his hardest to bring you both to the finish line.
“c’mon, baby, c’mon. cum with me — cum all over this dick,” eren unconsciously fastens his hips, sending strong, and now sloppy, thrusts to you. you feel him deep, deep in your stomach. so much that you feel the urge to push against his toned tummy due to the overwhelming power he had over your body, “nah, don’t run. t-take it just how you were. i know you wanna’ let it go ..”
“eren .. i’m cumming, baby … i’m cumming — oh god …” your eyes slam shut and your swollen clit is caught by eren’s thumb as he rubs circles over the agitated flesh. the wet squelching sound of your cunt was almost loud enough to drown out your moans as you find yourself shakily wetting up eren’s dick, “renrenren, wai — unngh!” your legs stutter closed and he opens them right back up, only this time, grabbing onto your hips and fucking you at an angle to carry you all the way to the end.
you push your head back deep into the plushed pillow underneath your neck, bawling your fists as the commotion in your stomach is finally fulfilled. there are tears in your eyes, followed by desire and pleasure — not to mention the creamy noise of your pussy sucking in eren’s dick with no problem, “y-yyes .. yesyesyes — erennn!”
he’s quiet — or rather focused, concentrating on your trembling figure while feeling his own orgasm begin to pool over rapidly, “fuckin’ christ,” he groans hoarsely, his hips bucking as he’s cumming deep into the condom that would soon threaten to burst from the amount of essence he would let go. eren’s body nearly smothers your own as he loses his balance, hugging you close as he finishes. he buries his head in the crevice between your neck and shoulder, drool pooping from his mouth and onto your skin as he tries his best not to go limp.
his thrusts are slow to none, body shaking from the overstimulation. you press your chest against his, your nipples still stoned from earlier while you embrace him through his climax. you’re breathing hard, and so is he — lost in one another’s eyes as a million thoughts begin to crowd around you both. eren studies your ancy hips that still wiggled for more as he kisses your collarbone, down your chest and all around your stomach. he’s still inside of you, snugged deep along your walls with his tip puckering against your cervix. you felt sore, yet still so needy even after cumming all over both his dick, and his fresh sheets beneath you.
“jesus .. yn that was —“
“so fucking good.”
eren nods, his wet lips placing kisses on both of your cheeks while his calloused hands cradle your head, “yes, so fuckin’ good — you were .. so fuckin’ good,” he holds you close as he pulls himself out, grunting into your ear as your pussy still clenches down onto him without much effort. once he’s out, woe and behold, he slides off his messy condom and tosses it into the trash can near you both. before you knew it, eren was heading straight toward the bathroom, with you in his arms — bridal style. he carries you straight to the tub, ushering you to sit on the toilet and pee right before deciding to run a mixture of warm and semi cool temperatured water.
“i know how i can be .. was i too rough? y’know .. besides the beginning?” there’s a puppy dog look in his eyes when he asks this. your eyes trace the small tattoos on his fingers, those same fingers grazing the flesh on your inner thighs as eren wipes away the made you’d both made with a hot cloth first. he looked so sleepy — and how couldn’t he be given the amount of effort he’d put into making you feel the best that you possibly could. he cared so much, almost too much — so gentle and patient, light with every touch and phrase.
“don’t think too much, you were everything i could ever ask for ..”
scooping you up again, he places you in the bath that’d been calling your name since he made you finish the first time tonight. he shrugs and shakes his head as a smile creeps up on his lips, “psh, you’re just talkin’ ..”
“nono, seriously. thank you for being so sweet about .. all of this,” eren attentively pays close attention to your words, his hands now caressing your legs and french-tip painted toes as he sits next to the tub, watching your lips move to the speed of your words — slow and endearing. he studies the moister of them, wishing to take them into his mouth yet again, “you’ve been so kind to me — and patient, i feel like i-i can’t thank you enough with words.”
he sits for a moment, letting you get used the to the water, but obviously taken aback by your words. he was already trying to detach himself from the emotions he could feel bubbling in his chest the minute he pulled out, but you were just making it so fucking hard. you were in his house, in his bathtub, and would soon be wearing his clothes to sleep for the night — and all eren could think about was how he’d give up anything to make this a regular occurrence. he liked taking care of you. he liked being around you. he liked feeling you and letting you feel every inch of him — but most importantly, and probably most controversially, he liked you.
eren liked you, a lot.
but to say that sentence aloud would be a nightmare. professing his feelings in the heat of a moment like this could lead him right back to where you both were earlier this morning ; awkward, angry, confused — it was too much. if keeping silent meant keeping the peace, then that’s exactly what he’d do.
“hey hey, i don’t need ‘thank you’s’, yn. just doin’ you a favor remember? if anything i should be thankful you trusted me enough .. y’know, with all this. i know it might not have been your ideal first time but …”
it’s quiet now, but you smile, “it was perfect, eren. it was nothing less than perfect.”
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the clock reads 1AM and you’ve fallen asleep in eren’s arms yet again for the second night in a row, snuggled into his chest as the sound of his beating heart soothes you like a soothing lullaby. he listens to the sound of your light snores while inhaling the mouth watering scent of the vanilla body wash he’d used on you, dozing off a bit as he grows excitedly anxious from the thought of you being the first person he would be seeing in the morning.
there you were ; laying on his bed, under his sheets, in his arms. you were freshly bathed, courtesy to eren splashing you with water and bubbles during the two hour long bath he’d given you — most of that time spent talking about any and everything with one another rather than cleaning you up, but he didn’t mind it one bit.
there was moment where he thought he could really get used to this — feeling your body fall into in his warmth so effortlessly while whispering sweet melodies into your ear. he felt like there was nothing on planet earth that could ruin this moment.
well, that was until his phone rattled against his nightstand, buzzing with three rounds of texts and two missed calls from no other than the villain himself — connie.
connie fucking springer.
the first text could be traced back to when you’d first arrived at eren’s doorstep.
bald man 9:52PM
yo i gotta talk to you about some shit.
the second, you were too busy moaning out in pleasure for eren to even think about reaching for his damn phone.
bald man 11:01PM
are u alive? i know i fucked up at poker but damn bro
bald man 1:15AM
i know ur awake fucker. come outside your place im already parked. hurry up before i have to walk my ass up there and drag you out my damn self.
eren’s eyes flicker to the time on his phone, at the text, then back at you again, the time reading 1:20AM.
bald man 1:20AM
i know she’s in there. i saw her car parked a few spots over open your fuckin door.
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964 notes · View notes
ohisms · 1 year
↪     𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄 , 𝑰'𝑴 𝑨 𝑭𝑬𝑾 - ᶰᵒ ᶠᵃᵐᶤˡʸ ˒ ᵗᵒᵒ . 𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝑎𝑚 𝑖 ?    (  a  series  of  sentence  starters  from  season  1  of  “ orphan black ” .   adjust  phrasing  as  necessary . will be updated !  )
i wanna see [ name ] .
well , that's not fair , is it ?!
oh my god , you look like crap .
i didn't miss your birthday , did i ?
something really weird just happened at the train station .
what the hell is wrong with you ?
listen to me , [ name ] , i'm only gonna ask you this once .
oh , i'm fine by the way , thank you .
get in the car .
when you don't give a damn , i get pissed .
you'd better be ready . are you ready ?
you're sure as hell overdressed . what , were you out all night or something ?
this shit is as hard as it gets . but you've gotta stop making it worse .
i panicked , what do you want me to say ?
i'm kidding . where's your wit gone ?
you don't have to babysit me , dipshit .
i know this thing's got you all twisted up , but try to forgive yourself .
[ name ] , open the goddamn door !
yeah , the last thing i am is special .
[ name ] , where have you been ?
where have i been ? uh .. long story .
oh , jesus , are you alright ?
you have a few words , [ name ] ? anything you want to express ?
plead your mercy & your pity .
love is imperfection itself .
say it . go ahead , say it's my fault .
who the hell are you ?
of course not . you think we'd let that happen ?
i'm at home , you've got it all wrong .
you know what ? don't . i'm going to ignore that .
i'm worried you're losing the plot again .
sorry , i've got ... i've got a lot of work to do .
i mean , what am i supposed to do ?
you don't have to take this on .
i can't keep waking up every night , checking your breathing , worried you're mixing your meds , booze ... god knows what else .
i knew it was too good to be true .
why would you help such a stupid plan ?
i'm not going to play [ name ] in the middle .
i'm not dirty , i just freaked out .
if there is another version of this story ...
walk me through it again . so i know you won't crack under questioning .
you're making me nervous .
finally ! where have you been ?
who am i speaking to ?
how did you find me ?
idiot . do you even know who you're talking to ?
i don't care who you are .
nope , that is not my responsibility .
go , & wait for a call .
what i'm trying to do is move on .
we have known each other for awhile now , [ name ] .
i nailed it , man . every detail .
come on , [ name ] , give me a little love here !
you know , my skin just breaks out every time i leave downtown .
whoa , hey , [ name ] - you always do this to me !
i don't do backup , i don't even know what backup is !
i got stuck , i was running from my own shit .
i'm not giving you shit 'til you give me some answers .
don't ! do not shoot me , please !
seriously , it's life or death .
am i going insane ?
1K notes · View notes
katelynnwrites · 3 months
Wondering If I Dodged A Bullet (Or Just Lost The Love Of My Life) | Laura Freigang
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warnings: angst and my round and round in circles writing
word count: 2897
summary: laura leaves penn state for frankfurt, another way to put it would be that you and your girlfriend break up because she leaves penn state for frankfurt
a/n: i struggled so hard to complete this and it ended up being far from my best work but it is what it is 🙃
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You are eighteen years old when your world changes forever.
It happens in the form of a blonde striker named Laura.
Her eyes captivate you the second you meet them. They’re the same colour as the ocean on a stormy day and possess the same ever shifting qualities.
She’s all confidence on the pitch and yet oh so shy when off it.
When your college coach introduces you to her, you know it is inevitable that you fall for her.
You have all your lucky stars to thank that she falls for you too.
It is one month into your relationship with Laura that you learn she loves back scratches.
You discover it entirely by accident, having mindlessly run your fingers across her shirt covered back while she was studying.
The happy sigh she let out had been a soft one but you’d picked up on it immediately.
It’s still early in your relationship but Laura has always been open about her body to you so it’s only with mild hesitation that you tentatively slide your hand up under her shirt, to gently scratch your nails on her bare skin.
The German girl groans immediately. It’s a sound of contentment and you adore the way she melts onto your bed.
She’d come over to study and you suspect, to complain about her upcoming psychology test.
Your girlfriend is awfully smart, being more than capable of keeping up her grades while still being a regular starter for your football team
You suppose that attaining a sports scholarship to study in Penn State should have given you an idea of just how driven she can be.
Laura’s a year older and thus, a year ahead of you. She has way more course material than you and her compromise for making sure she is able to finish her work and still spend time with you, is doing her work in your room. Often with her head in your lap.
You giggle at her protests the moment you stop giving her back scratches.
‘Schatz please don’t stop.’ She begs.
Her ocean coloured eyes have this beseeching look in them, the one that you are never able to refuse.
‘Wouldn’t dream of it.’ You laugh, resuming your previous actions, much to the blonde’s delight.
One hundred and twenty one days into dating Laura, you learn that there is nothing she wouldn’t do for you.
Your girlfriend is a big all or nothing individual, that particular characteristic drawing you to her in the first place.
The German forward gives everything she has on the pitch, absolutely one hundred percent of herself regardless of the minute or the opponent.
It just didn’t occur to you that she would bring that into your relationship.
From using the little stove in the dormitory kitchen to make your favourite breakfast on game days, to carrying your bag for you after trainings, Laura is simply committed to you.
You don’t know how else to put it.
She is just an anything for my person kind of girl.
You’re beyond grateful to be her person.
The striker is stepping up her game now, video calling you from her hotel room in Germany, just so she can wish you good morning.
There is a significant time difference between Pennsylvania and Frankfurt but your girlfriend makes it work.
The blonde sets an alarm to wake up in the middle of the night, just to call you for a few minutes right when she knows you will be getting up for your classes.
‘Good morning schatz.’ She whispers, taking in the early morning sun that is lighting up your room when you pick up her call.
‘I’d say good morning too but I think wishing you goodnight makes more sense.’ You tease.
Your girlfriend giggles, ‘I’ll take anything you want to wish me. I just wanted to hear the sound of your voice.’
You’re glad for the poor lighting because Laura’s words make your cheeks turn a bright red.
‘Lau? You did not have to wake up just to say good morning to me. Rest is important for you.’
‘I know. But I wanted to.’ She says softly, adoration filling her voice.
‘Lau?’ You ask again, staring hard at your phone screen to make her out in her hotel room.
It is dark but you manage to, the weak glow of her own phone screen helping you do so.
She is tucked into her sheets, messy blonde hair strewn all over her pillow as she giggles, ‘Yes schatz?’
‘I miss you.’
‘I miss you too.’ She breathes, a small smile playing on her lips.
Every time Germany has a training camp for their youth teams, Laura flies back to her home country to participate.
Each time, you miss her more.
Her absence is sorely felt and you’ve taken to dropping her off and picking her up at the airport just so you don’t have to miss her any longer than you have to.
‘I’ll see you at the airport in two days?’
‘Count on it.’ You promise and you blow each other a kiss before hanging up.
Six months into your relationship with the German player is when you find out that she has a penchant for stealing your clothes.
You have been wondering where certain items of your clothing have disappeared to and unbeknown to you, Laura has been hiding them away in her room.
Hoarding might actually be a more accurate term.
Despite how clingy you can be to your girlfriend and she to you, you don’t spend every night together.
When you do, it’s nearly always in your room because your bed is slightly bigger than hers.
It is a sore point with the blonde and she often jokingly complains that it is unfair of Penn State to give their star forward such a small bed.
Today is one of the few times you are in her room and the first time you are alone in it.
Laura’s late in meeting you and you know your girlfriend well enough to be sure that it’s because she has got a bunch of questions for her lecturer.
So you had used the spare key she had given you when you were just friends, before you’d even started dating, to let yourself into her room because standing outside it alone had been too awkward. You know she won’t mind anyway.
Tired from the day’s early morning practice, you flop down on her bed and dump your bag down at the side of it.
You absentmindedly shift her pillow to get more comfortable, only to find something beside it.
As you stare at the piece of clothing, you realise that it’s one of your missing shirts.
Lying back down, you find another of your missing shirts tucked under the other side of her pillow.
You are very confused now, beginning to wonder if you have been forgetful enough to leave not just one but two of your shirts behind, the last time you stayed over in her dorm room.
But if you were, then why hasn’t the blonde returned the shirts to you? Or said anything?
Thankfully, you hear Laura’s key in the door so you don’t have to worry about it for long.
‘Hey schatz.’ She greets cheerfully, flinging her bag onto the floor carelessly and sprawling herself on top of you.
‘Lau!’ You exclaim and she laughs.
Her hands cup your face gently and she presses a brief kiss onto your lips.
‘Hi.’ You giggle, after readily reciprocating her affectionate gesture.
‘Hi.’ She breathes.
Your girlfriend buries her face into the side of your neck, leaving more intimate kisses there.
You groan at the touch of her lips on your skin. It gives you butterflies inside but you can’t let it distract you now.
She makes a questioning noise but doesn’t slow.
‘Why have you got my shirts in your bed? Did I leave them here?’
The German girl freezes.
‘Lau?’ You prompt, reaching out to hold her hand reassuringly.
Her cheeks are rapidly turning a bright pink and she stammers, ‘I-I didn’t mean for you to find out about that…you’re going to think I’m so silly.’
You plant a little kiss on her forehead and gently tease, ‘I already think you’re silly, in the best of ways.’
Laura smiles and then shyly admits, ‘You didn’t leave them here. I kinda stole them from you because I love sleeping with your familiar smell. You always smell so good and something about it just calms me down.’
You stare at her in stunned silence.
Long enough that Laura begins to look uncertain.
Then you blurt out, ‘I love you.’
Your girlfriend lets out a small gasp, her pretty eyes shining as she whispers, ‘I love you too.’
It’s the first ‘I love you’ for the both of you and you cannot put into words how much it means.
Laura seems to be thinking along the same lines because she traces your cheekbone lightly, the action filled with adoration.
‘I love you. I love you. I love you.’ She murmurs, in between peppering your face with kisses.
‘Love you too Laura. So much, even if you do keep stealing my shirts.’
The blonde smiles and confesses, ‘Can’t help it. I bring a bunch with me to every national camp too.’
Before meeting the German girl, you didn’t know it was possible to feel this strongly for anyone.
But as it is with Laura, you discover so many firsts.
You hope that you discover many lasts too because you want what you have with her to be forever.
Fervently, you hope that Laura Freigang is the girl you have your last first kiss with.
Forty five weeks of dating Laura and you decide that she is the love of your life.
Maybe it’s the good morning and good night kisses, or the way she so obviously cherishes every moment she has with you. It could even be the way she smiles.
The corners of her lips tip upwards and her eyes light up each and every time she does so.
Your girlfriend’s brother says that Laura’s smile is different when it is directed at you. He claims that it is special and you are inclined to agree.
Laura herself is special to you. Boundlessly so.
She has a new found habit of sliding her hand up and under your shirt whenever you fall asleep together.
The blonde striker craves skin to skin contact with you, loves the peace it gives her.
After your girlfriend admits why she keeps your shirts beside her pillow, you offer her a better solution.
Instead of your shirts, she can have you.
Laura takes you up on that immediately and her assigned dorm room practically becomes a storage room for her belongings.
She is always in your room because she spends every night there now.
It’s one of her favourite things to curl up beside you and rhythmically match her breaths to yours.
You are warm and oh so real, unlike the often cold material of your shirts.
The German girl can be possessive and it shows in how she holds you close, even as she sleeps.
Laura presses you into her, her palm resting flat on your back and you love it.
It has you feeling safe and wanted, two things that your girlfriend has never failed to make you feel.
You know that you are right, she is the love of your life.
Three hundred and sixty five days of being Laura’s and Laura being yours is when she gives you a necklace for your anniversary.
It is a simple piece of jewellery, a small heart shaped locket hanging on a delicate silver chain.
‘Do you like it?’ She anxiously asks, fidgeting with the rings on her fingers.
Admiring the gift, you breathe, ‘I love it.’
Gently, you kiss her to convey just how grateful you are. The blonde smiles into the kiss, her hands cupping your face instinctively.
When you pull away, you softly speak, ‘Thank you schatz. Will you help me put it on please?’
The striker grins brightly, ‘Of course.’
She makes quick work of clasping it around your neck as you hold your hair up.
Glancing at the mirror, you play with the locket and Laura prompts, ‘Open it.’
You feel a tiny latch you hadn’t noticed earlier just as she says so.
The locket opens when you press down on it and you gasp as you see the photo of your girlfriend sharing a kiss with you in it.
You pull Laura into a different kiss, deepening it to show her just how much you love her present.
‘Love you. Love you. Love you.’ You murmur, in between the kisses you keep pressing onto her lips.
Laura lets out a pleased sigh, intertwining her fingers with yours and promising, ‘I love you too.’
You squeeze her hand in yours but can’t take your eyes off the locket.
‘Schatz, this is really beautiful.’
Your girlfriend cheekily but honestly admits, ‘Like you.’
Then she laughs at the blush that rapidly appears on your cheeks, affectionately brushing her lips across your forehead.
Laura’s locket never leaves its place, around your neck.
Not even when you are nineteen and the blonde, twenty, the two of you unsure where your relationship is going.
The striker has got an offer from 1. FFC Frankfurt and she knows that taking it will be the best move for her career. You know it too.
It is just your fear of what happens now that makes you anxious.
You love your girlfriend, adore her so. She’s only been yours for slightly more than a year but she is the love of your life. You don’t know what you would do without her.
Your day starts with Laura’s good morning kisses, you eat breakfast together, walk each other to classes when able to, study together, go for training sessions with one another and share goodnight kisses when it is time to sleep.
For a lack of a better way to put it, you do not remember how to live your life without her. You don’t you if you can and that may be codependent of you but it is the truth.
From the way the blonde is fidgeting with her rings, you know the feeling is mutual.
‘I-I don’t want to leave you.’ She quietly admits.
‘I know.’
‘I love you.’
‘I know. And I love you too but you have to do this schatz.’
Laura’s voice is pained when she echoes your earlier words, ‘I know.’
Touching your necklace carefully, you begin to unlatch it.
The German girl inhales sharply.
Her ocean coloured eyes are welling with tears when she covers your hands with hers.
‘Keep it. I gave it to you. It’s yours. Please, it’s meant for you.’
‘But Lau-’
Her words are fierce as she insists, ‘No! We’re not over, you and I.’
Your smile is wistful and cautious when you look up at her.
‘Laura you don’t know that. You don’t know if any club will want to take me, let alone one in Germany. The chances of me ending up in Frankfurt with you are slim if at all possible.’
The forward’s frown intensifies, ‘Don’t say that. You don’t know that.’
As much as you want it not to be, your tone is one of resignation, ‘Schatz…’
Your dorm room feels stifling in a way it never has before and even though Laura is sitting right beside you, on your bed, she feels so far away that she might as well already be in Frankfurt.
The blonde is staring at you speechlessly and you take her hand in yours.
Holding her hand is familiar and an intimate gesture…one that you know you will not have for much longer.
‘I love you. No matter how much time passes, part of me is always going to love you. But you need to stop thinking about me. About us…and move on. You are going to do so good with Frankfurt. You are brilliant Lau, please show them exactly how talented you are.’
Your words are barely audible but you mean it. You have never meant anything more. It’s with your whole heart, your breaking heart, that you tell them to the German girl.
Laura’s tears are spilling down her cheeks and she is shaking slightly when you break your heart for good with the next two sentences out of your mouth.
‘I’m your biggest fan. That’s never going to change, it will just have to be from a distance now.’
Maybe it was stupid of you to let the love of your life go. But you needed to, needed to learn how to live on your own and let her be a star, halfway around the world.
In a way, you dodge a bullet too because as painful as it is, you learn. Without the striker leaving, you never would have learnt.
And for Laura who has been looking sad in all the nicest places and wanting to call your name until you come back home, it pays off.
Because some years later, as crazy as it is, you are in a German cab and telling the driver where the blonde’s place is.
You’re on your way back home to her, with her locket still around your neck.
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German Translation:
schatz - sweetheart
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toomuchracket · 5 months
you would cook, i'd do the nappies (birthday party!matty x reader smut)
honeymoon. babymaking. need i say more? enjoy <3
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“shit, shit, matty, i'm close, m'so fucking close - oh, fuck!”
your husband groans happily into your core, hands latched onto the sides of your shaking thighs, dragging you back and forth over his face to catch the last of your orgasm. you release your grip on his hair, softly carding your fingers through it as the aftershocks subside, and release your thighs’ grip around his head; matty quietly says “nooooooo” when you climb off him and lie back down, and laughs when you roll your eyes.
for a couple of minutes, the two of you do nothing but peacefully lie side by side and catch your breath, listening to the ocean and the call of seabirds outside. once he's regained his, matty rolls over and rests his head on your bare chest, kissing the soft skin between your tits before he speaks. “morning, wifey.”
“hi, my love,” you pout your lips, and matty meets them with his own immediately. the tang of your own arousal on his lips makes you beam. “thank you for the lovely start to the day.”
“i should be thanking you, darling,” matty kisses you again. “letting me pull you onto my face when you were still half-asleep and all.”
you smile bashfully. “like it when you wake me up like that, baby. you know,” you can feel your cheeks burning. “you could wake me up by, like, actually fucking me, too, if you want.”
matty tilts his head to look at you properly. “really?”
you nod. “i think starting my day full of you would be the ideal way to do so.”
“christ,” matty buries his face into your chest - when he reappears, his pretty face is stretched into a shit-eating grin. “yeah, you're just desperate to be full of me, aren't you? i remember what you said last night, sweetheart.”
“oh my god,” you cover your face in your hands.
“ah! don't you hide from me, mrs healy,” matty pulls your hands from your face and takes them in his own, smiling; his love for you is evident in those beautiful eyes of his, and his excitement to finally be married to you is even more evident in the way he says your shared name. “it was hot as fuck, you telling me you want me to get you pregnant. i want it too, darling - starting a family with you has been a dream of mine for a long time, you know.”
“yeah,” matty kisses your nose. “a kid that's half you and half me, the best writer and the best frontman in the world? they'd be messianic levels of cool. and good-looking.”
you cackle, stroking his cheek with the side of your finger. “you're an idiot, you know that, yeah?”
“but i'm your idiot.”
“too fucking right, baby,” you beckon matty up to you with your index finger, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and connecting your lips to his. he kisses you back eagerly, whining into your mouth when you bite his lower lip and soothe it with your tongue - his hips begin to grind down into yours as the kiss deepens, want for you clear as the september morning itself. smiling against matty's lips, you reach for his left hand and the cool metal band on his ring finger. “you're mine, and i'm yours. forever.”
“fucking love the thought of that,” matty moans into your open mouth. “fucking love you.”
“i love you,” you whisper, moving your hips up to meet his. “and i want you. please?”
“shit,” comes the gasping reply - much to your irritation, though, matty’s hips slow to a stop. “i wish we could, baby. but we've got a brunch booking to get to.”
you whine. “but you've already eaten!”
matty laughs. “but you haven't! and you need to, darling - can't have my wife not being properly nourished, can i?”
“ugh, fine,” you frown; it drops from your face, though, as you look at your husband's rock-hard dick and an idea pops into your head. “can i have a starter now, though? promise i'll be quick.”
he smirks in response, shifting to lie back against the pillows with his hands behind his head. “by all means, sweet girl.”
humming happily, you lean your head back to rest on matty's chest, turning it to look up at him lovingly. “god, you really do have very talented hands.”
“well, i try,” matty pecks your lips, moving said hands from between your thighs so he can wrap his arms around your waist. the warm water of the bath sloshes further over your body as he does. “can't keep them off you, to be honest, sweetheart.”
“good. i don't want you to,” you sit up slightly, moving onto your knees to face your husband, beaming when he moans softly at the sight of your bubble-covered chest. his hands find your hips and pull you close to him - you both laugh at the way your knees slide on the slippery bottom of the bathtub, laughs that fade into a contented silence as you look into each other’s eyes. you rest your arms on his shoulders. “i love you.”
“i love you, my perfect girl,” matty presses his lips to your forehead, then to your own. “shall we get ready for bed now?”
“you're tired?” you giggle, tracing little patterns into your husband's shoulders. “s'pose it has been a long day.”
“no, i just want to take you to bed.”
“then take me,” you smile. matty opens his mouth to say something, but you beat him to it. “yes, that was a deliberate double entendre. who do you think i am?”
matty drops his head and nuzzles it into the crook of your neck; he drags his tongue up it, kissing over your jaw and cheek so he can whisper in your ear. “you’re my wife.”
the combination of matty's words and sultry tone send shivers careening across your body. has anything ever been so erotic? you doubt it.
“fuck,” you whine, hands clutching at the nape of matty's neck and at his side. “yeah, let's go to bed, baby.”
“whatever you want, wifey,” matty kisses you sweetly a final time, releasing his hold on your hips. “stand up for me, please, darling.”
you oblige, using him as leverage to move off your knees and blushing when he looks up at you and says “yeah, i like this view” - matty only laughs and pulls himself up to stand, leaning in to kiss you quickly before stepping out of the tub. he holds his hands out, and you gratefully take them as you step out too. the next little while is spent drying off, which really equates to you and your husband pressed up against each other while wrapped in a single plush towel, tenderly rubbing the other's skin and languidly making out. you've been desperate for matty to fuck you since he woke you up this morning, and these acts of intimacy - of pure love, actually - have you aching for him.
still, though, you prolong going to bed with him; once the two of you are suitably dry, you detach yourself from matty. “you go ahead through, baby, i need a second.”
matty's eyes fill with concern. “you alright, darling?”
“yeah, i'm fine,” you nod, smiling. “can feel a spot developing on my chin - just need to look and see if i packed spot gel or not, so i can put it on before i get… preoccupied.”
he giggles. “the realism of domesticity and married life. amazing. i'll meet you out there, sweetheart.”
“see you in a second, lover.”
a final wink, and matty leaves you alone in the bathroom, closing the door behind him. as soon as it clicks, you crouch and reach to the very back of the cupboard where you've stashed your skincare and makeup bags, not stopping until your fingertips make contact with a smooth cardboard box. carefully, you lift it over the bags, catching your spot gel with your middle finger and lifting it out too - you might have fibbed to matty about the main reason you stayed back in the bathroom, but you weren't kidding about the spot on your chin - and laying everything in your hands on the countertop.
after quickly applying the spot treatment and washing your hands, you lift the lid off the box and pull back the layers of tissue paper inside, revealing the most delicate piece of lingerie you think you've ever seen. it's new and custom-made for you, ivory-coloured and beautiful; the thong and babydoll dress are mostly silk, with ribbons for shoulder straps and a soft chiffon skirt-thing that does absolutely nothing to protect your modesty. you love it dearly, and you have a sneaking suspicion that matty will too. 
he's also going to some effort for tonight, it seems - while you slip into the lingerie, you hear him connect his phone to the sound system in your villa and shuffle through his intimacy playlist, and it makes you smile. when he finally settles on otis redding's these arms of mine (a favourite for slow dancing in the kitchen at home, and also for subsequently having sex on the table), you take a deep breath, pull the claw clip from your hair, and step into the bedroom.
matty doesn't look at you right away, sat at the end of the bed tapping at his phone (likely queuing more songs of this ilk to soundtrack the romantic evening you have ahead of you). but you don't mind, not in the slightest; it just means you get to look at him undisturbed, freshly-tanned skin almost glowing in the dim light of the bedroom and curls made wilder by the steam from the bath. his wedding ring catches the light as he reaches to put his phone on the bedside table, and the sight of it sends a flush of lust right through you.
he's so beautiful. and he's yours.
“hi, darling,” matty starts as he sets the phone down, still not looking at you. “d'you find the- fuck me.”
you giggle as your husband looks at you and your outfit for the first time - half because of his swift change in conversation, half because the way he's looking at you is so overwhelming. 
those eyes of his are filled with nothing short of wonder. it's like you've entranced him, actually. matty makes no attempt to move, or speak, or even blink until you've wandered over to stand in front of him; only when you softly cup his jaw does he move - to smile - and speak. “i am, without a doubt, the luckiest fucker on the planet. look at you, sweetheart.”
“you like my outfit, then?”
“like?!” matty scoffs. he brings his hands to your hips, sighing happily when you card your fingers through his hair. “it's beautiful. and it's so sexy. you look like fuckin, i don't know, aphrodite or something.”
you chuckle, leaning down to kiss his head. “thanks, baby,” you straighten up, and matty's gaze doesn't leave your chest for a second as you do. “oi, healy, my eyes are up here.”
he goes bright red - god, you love that you still have the ability to fluster him - and grins. “sorry, healy - fuck, i love saying that to you - but they were right there! what else was i meant to do? you know i'm obsessed with them.”
“well, do you want to see them now?” you say, hands moving to the ribbons on your shoulders.
matty laughs. “you're eager tonight, wanting to take your pretty outfit off as soon as you put it on.”
“mmm,” you kiss him, pulling back just as his tongue starts to swipe at your lower lip. “just been thinking about having sex with you all day. m'needy.”
“believe me, i know - two orgasms already today, and you want more?” matty tuts, but he can't keep the smile from his face. “don't worry, gorgeous, you'll get them. gonna give you everything you want, my love.”
you don't specify exactly what you mean, but matty nods slowly in understanding anyway, a small smile on his pretty face. without breaking eye contact, he lifts the skirt of your dress up and kisses your bare stomach. “gonna put a baby in there tonight, sweetheart.”
“promise?” you say, shakily, breathily, legs on the verge of giving way from the plentiful desire striking between them.
“promise,” matty nods, still pressing gentle kisses to your belly. his hands move to the backs of your knees, tugging you forward to straddle him. “but i think we should do it again tomorrow, just to make sure. and the day after that, and so on, etc etc. you'll be flying home pregnant, i'll make sure of that, sweetheart.”
“hope that won't be too much of an effort for you,” you tease, giggling when he blows a raspberry into your neck - it turns to a full-on cackle when matty leans back and rolls you both over, caging your body into the mattress and continuing to blow raspberries into the bits of your exposed skin that he knows are ticklish.
“nah, it's a treat when you've got a wife as beautiful as i have,” your husband pulls himself up slightly to look in your eyes. there's nothing but love in his gaze, and you know yours is the same. “can i tell you a secret?”
“ooh, yeah.”
matty kisses you deeply, a proper head-spinner of a kiss, before murmuring against your lips. “i love making you cum.”
“that has got to be the worst-kept secret of all time.”
“well, let me tell you another one, then.”
another kiss, less gentle than the last; matty takes your lip between his teeth, dragging it to release as slowly as honey dripping from a spoon. “i really want to make you cum now.”
“again, obvious,” you pant out, body tingling with want. “can feel how hard you are, baby.”
matty laughs breathily, rolling his hips into yours almost as slowly as he released your lip. “and i can feel how wet you are. maybe we should take that pretty underwear off before you ruin it, yeah?”
“and then you'll ruin me?”
“of course, darling,” matty giggles, kissing your nose. “will you shuffle back and get comfy on those pillows, please?”
you nod. “d'you want me to take off my dress first, or…?”
your husband thinks for a second. “may i?”
“of course,” you smile. “just pull the end of the bows on my shoulders, and…”
“obsessed with that. you're like a little gift i get to unwrap,” matty beams. “well, you're already a gift. but you know what i mean. anyway,” he giggles excitedly as he undoes the straps of your lingerie, then moans softly when it falls down enough to reveal your chest. “fuck, you're so hot.”
“back at you, gorgeous,” you wink. “now - please get me naked and get inside me, baby.”
“as you wish, my love. what is it they say, again?” matty’s brow furrows in thought as he carefully pulls your dress and thong down - tapping your hip so you can raise it and he can slide them off - and lays them at the bottom of the bed. “happy wife, happy life?”
“yeah, think so.”
“well, mrs healy,” matty grins, leaning down to make out with you again and wrap your legs around him. “i'm about to make us both really bloody happy.”
you moan when he slides the head of his dick through your folds, gathering the abundant wetness. “sounds good- oh.”
“christ,” matty hisses as he slowly pushes into you, your body rearranging to welcome him home. he smiles down at you once he's bottomed out. “feel fucking perfect, as always.”
“shhhhh,” you giggle, hiding your face in his neck. “you know i can't take compliments. but,” you smirk. “i can take you.”
matty laughs, throwing his head back before kissing yours. “yeah?”
“well, in that case,” your husband pulls his hips back, almost fully leaving you, before thrusting quickly back in. you sigh happily at the feeling, and matty smiles. “feel good, my love?”
“perfect,” you breathe out, dopamine clouding your brain more and more with each precise thrust of matty's hips. a particularly pointed one has you keening. “oh, do that again, please.”
“this?” matty repeats the movement, over and over, groaning when you cry out and clench around him. “fuck, sweetheart, m'gonna cum if you keep doing that.”
he smiles. “no, not yet, it isn't. wanna get my sweet girl off again first before i fill her up.”
there's another gush to your core. matty notices, of course, and laughs slightly deliriously. still fucking you borderline-animalistic, he leans down to take one of your nipples in his mouth, dragging his tongue up your chest and neck so he can talk directly in your ear. “you like me talking about that, darling? how i'm gonna pump you full of me, get you all sticky and dripping, with a baby in your belly? my baby? our baby?”
every muscle in your body is taut with pleasure; your throat is so constricted that you can barely speak, but you manage a whimper. “please. want…”
your brain is too cloudy to finish the rest of the sentence. somewhere in its recesses, you worry that matty will give in to his slight sadistic streak and make you finish it, but luckily, today, he understands. of course, that might be because he's just as fucked out as you are - he certainly looks it, eyes black and heavy, jaw slack, a sheen of sweat glistening on his pretty face. he's gorgeous, though, and he smiles shyly when you tell him as much. “i love you, my girl. gonna make you cum soon, yeah?”
you nod enthusiastically, softly reaching up to caress his face with your left hand. matty turns his head slightly, still fucking you, and kisses your rings, those pretty signifiers of the two of you belonging together and to each other; you smile as he does. “love you.”
“you're so fucking cute,” matty kisses you passionately. his leaning forward lets him thrust deeper inside you, and he moans into your mouth when you suddenly jolt and clench like a vice around him. “that the spot?”
“in that case, then…” matty leans even further forward, quickly detaching your legs from his waist and resting his elbows beside your head. incongruous with the feral way he's driving his hips into your own and hitting that spot inside you, your husband tenderly brushes your hair from your face and smiles. “feeling good, darling?”
“so good,” you lift your head to kiss him, teeth sinking into his bottom lip in reaction to a particular thrust sending shockwaves through your nervous system. “m'getting close, baby.”
“good girl.”
shit. your eyes roll back in ecstasy at the phrase, and you cling to matty in a wordless plea for him not to stop. wordless, because your jaw is shaking too uncontrollably from the electric pleasure in every nerve ending on your body for you to talk. he knows, though.
and he knows exactly how to blow the fuse. “taking me so fucking well, sweetheart. will you cum for me?” matty coos, fucking you impossibly faster and deeper, dragging whines from your lips. “need to feel you, darling, need you to cum on my dick like a good girl and make me cum, make me fill you up with our baby. you'll do that for me, won't you? cum for me, so i can get you pregnant?”
you will. and you do, so quickly after the words leave his mouth that it would be embarrassing if you weren't so in love; your entire body tenses, so hard your muscles will surely ache tomorrow, and then releases. your limbs quiver, flailing wildly against the mattress, and your chest heaves as you cry out your husband's name. he cries out yours in reply, before crashing his lips onto yours, still erratically fucking into you even as you feel him spurt hot cum deep in your cunt.
matty all but falls on top of you once he's finished, your sweaty, satisfied bodies breathing heavily in rhythm. neither of you make any attempts to move for a while, aside from you gently stroking the back of his head and him pressing soft kisses to your collarbone - neither of you dare, lest you let any cum spill out of you instead of doing what it's designed for. you like being like this with matty, anyway, as physically and emotionally connected to him as possible, and you know he loves it too.
he's the first to move, though, lifting his head to kiss you softly before sitting back up onto his knees as best he can without slipping out of you. “i love you.”
“i love you too,” you smile sleepily, stretching your arms with a yawn. “loved that. i think babymaking is my new favourite kind of sex.”
your husband laughs. “same, definitely,” he smiles, manoeuvring your legs so they're at a 90° angle to the rest of your body. “can i stretch your legs back a little bit, sweetheart? think it'll be the best way to pull out but still keep my cum in you.”
you nod, pulling your legs back enough so your backside lifts off the bed, while matty sucks air in through his teeth and pulls out. he grins. “that actually worked! god, i am so smart. right, let me just run and clean myself up
“ok, baby,” you smile as he speeds to the ensuite, sliding your hands under your backside to keep it up. giggling, you push it up and rest on your elbows in a sort-of shoulder stand. “feel like this is also quite smart, actually.”
matty peers around the doorframe and cackles. “you are literally doing gymnastics to keep my cum inside you, you weirdo.”
“your weirdo,” you tease, as matty comes over and carefully wipes the wetness from your entrance. he flops on the bed beside you, kissing your cheek. “but what can i say? i just really want to have your baby.”
matty rolls onto his side, stroking your cheek. “i want that too, darling,” he murmurs softly. “i really hope it happens soon.”
“i think it will,” you kiss him sweetly, then smirk. “if it's a boy, are we still naming him after you?”
“oh, fuck off.”
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findafight · 1 year
Kinda want to write a one-sided ronance post S4 au (within a fix it obvs) where the older teens start actually hanging out and Stobin (eventually + Vickie)confuse literally everyone. They greet each other with cheek kisses, call each other babe (or "Stevie Baby". Listen. Robin calls him bud or buddy or bub or bubba or babe and it's like why so many B's?? Argyle is vibing with it though and joins the bud train) and one time at two in the morning had a coordinated ramble about the names of the cats they will eventually get. (Sassafras, moonshine, and Garborator)
Nancy and Steve haven't really talked about anything, other than Steve saying "hey. I'm sorry if whatever I said weirded you out. I was definitely a bit delirious and Robin and Eddie AND Dustin were all making comments about winning you back or whatever which is stupid, you made it clear where you stood with me. Which wasn't with me. That's fine. and like. Okay yeah when we were together I'd daydream about you being beside me in the motorhome but thats-- it was a daydream. I was sort of thinking I was gonna die and. I wanted to share a little dream that made me happy. And then got everything confused in my head and made it weird and I'm sorry. what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry for being weird and making things uncomfortable. I'm over you. I loved you then, and you were my first real love, and maybe if things were different I could love you like that again but. But neither of us want that or the same things out of life. And we'd crash and burn again. Plus you and Jonathan are together which is a non-starter. Cannot believe I forgot that when it was happening. Jesus. So. Yeah. Sorry for being not a great friend and hitting on you in the Upside Down." And Nancy had nodded and told him not to worry about it. He had been sort of bleeding out and planning on going back into the upside down. They could both be normal about it.
Sometimes Nancy and Robin try to have "girl time" at Nancy's suggestion because they're the only girls in the older group (sometimes. But Robin is not going to let that slip out) but it's awkward without a buffer. Robin is too nervous and rambles and Nancy is too annoyed by it. But they do get on well in group settings, and Steve and Argyle are actually the keenest to smooth over any awkwardness.
Robin laughs more with the group, and grins at Steve and smirks at Eddie and has a sharp tongue Nancy can admire. She's more comfortable with Steve around, insisting he sit beside her or on the ground in front of her so she can play with his hair. (And Nancy is shocked the first time she sees it, because Steve was notoriously protective of his "best feature", but she'd asked and he'd hummed quietly as she takes her fingers through his hair and put tiny, lopsided braids in it.) It's nice to see Robin less jumpy, and wonders what it would take to see more of the side of her Nancy only sees when Steve's around. She just wants to get closer to Robin. Wants a friend.
And somehow, beyond Nancy's notice, Steve and Robin's friend Vickie slowly joins the group. She wasn't involved at all in the spring, but has been hanging around Family Video and a movie night or two often enough that when she settles more permanently in the group it isn't a very big surprise. Eddie and Argyle welcome her in with open arms, Jonathan is only his normal amount of weary of new people, and obviously Robin and Steve are excited for their friends to be friends.
But it just doesn't sit right with Nancy. She can't pinpoint why, it just doesn't. When she sees Robin and Vickie giggling together, or having some back and forth banter that seems to feed into both of them smiling, or Steve throwing his arm over her shoulder, or Vickie leaning into Robin's space as they talk. She always sits beside Robin, Steve on the other, with Eddie beside him. It's usually a tight fit for whatever couch they're on, but the four seem happy as clams to not have any personal space. Once Argyle decided to lay across all their laps, and they just...let him. Finangled themselves so everyone was mostly comfortable.
Nancy figures she is uncomfortable with it because she hasn't ever had a close friend since Barb, and was possibly hoping she could be close to Robin along those lines. So seeing her so close with the others and mildly uncomfortable around her hurt, and seeing her and Steve incorporate someone unversed in the Upside Down into their little trauma club also hurt. Because what did Vickie have that Nancy didn't? That made Steve and Robin and now Eddie stick to her like glue? That made them want her there when she didn't know anything about what they'd been through and could probably never understand?
What made Vickie Summers so special that she's taken what should have been Nancy's place beside her friends? Because that's what really bothered her. It wasn't that Vickie didn't know, it's that Nancy felt she took her place. That Nancy wanted to be where Vickie was, and she didn't know how to ask for it. Asking, trying to talk about how Steve and Robin had bonded so well after Starcourt while she ignored them and then how they bonded with and absorbed Eddie halfway into their bizarre dynamic after vecna, would feel too much like begging or admitting that she isn't quite sure how to make friends.
Nancy is jealous. Jealous that she isn't friends like Vickie and Eddie and Steve and Robin are. That she isn't the one making Robin smile and giggle so cutely. So. She tries harder. Tries to be the friend that Robin and Eddie and even Steve deserve. She tries not to be annoyed by Robin rambling (it really isn't that bad, just. Not relevant. She likes heading Robin's voice, but thinks she could really work on having a filter.), or the way Steve always asks clarifying questions when he should really have known better, or Eddie talking half in different character voices. She thinks it's getting better, her relationship with them. But, still, Vickie is always there, glued to Robin's side almost as much as Steve is, and that always annoys Nancy. Niggles at her brain, that she doesn't deserve to be there because she didn't know what Robin had lived through and fought. Nancy did.
Eventually, Nancy figures out that she wants more from Robin. Doesn't want to be a friend she smiles at occasionally, wants to be the reason she smiles all the time. And that's terrifying. Because Nancy had never considered liking girls, never thought liking girls was a thing she could do. It was something other women did, not Nancy. She liked boys and always had, but. But maybe she always liked girls...too. maybe it wasn't something she that was one or the other. Being different in a town like Hawkins puts a target on your back, being queer in a town like Hawkins even moreso.
She's leaving Hawkins in the fall. But she thinks she wants someone to come home to. She wants Robin to come home to. Robin and Steve seem to be okay with it, from what she can glean of some veiled comments they've made that she's only caught now she's looking for them. They've made some remarks around the kids that make it seem like they'd be safe to come to, no matter what. And sometimes, some of the comments Robin makes about actresses seem a little...well. admiring.
They probably, hopefully, wouldn't hate her for this. And now Nancy and Robin have a friendship, she thinks she can. It's early July, and Nancy is going to ask Robin out.
She gets her alone, bites her lip, and asks Robin in no uncertain terms to go out on a date with her. Robin stares, mouth agape.
"oh," she says.
Nancy smiles, a little. "Yeah. So. What do you say?"
Robin blinks, and takes a shuddering breath. "Oh my god. I. Nancy I'm really flattered but I'm no-i dont- uhg. I'm dating someone." she groans, rubbing her hands over her face.
And oh. Nancy read the situation wrong "oh. Steve. It's fine! You don't like girls, thats--thats totally fine! Id just, um. That is,-"
Robin waves her hands. "No, no! I'm not dating Steve! You clocked me correctly. Definitely gay! Don't worry about that! Hah."
Something in Nancy twists. "Oh?"
"yeah. Yep. Not only am I a lesbian in a small town, I'm a lesbian in a small town that somehow also has a girlfriend." Robin says the word dreamily. Like she still can't believe it. Nancy's brain fills with static. She was too late. Too caught up with how she missed so many chances in the past, that she missed her chance now.
But Robin keeps talking. "And, like. Even if I didn't, I don't think it would have worked between us anyways. Too different, y'know?"
Robin gestures with her hands between them. "Well, like. I like being your friend. But, I mean, I wouldn't date you?"
"why not?"
Blinking, Robin tilts her head. "Because of Steve?"
Something bubbles hot in Nancy. "What the fuck does Steve have to do with wether or not we would date?"
"Nancy. Steve's my best friend." As though that explains anything.
"yes? And?"
Robin looks uncomfortable, shifting sideways. "listen, Nancy. You're a good friend. And I've just rejected you. Maybe we should just. Ah. Leave this? I'm really sorry. I'll give you some space, just find me when you're ready?"
"no. What do you mean that we couldn't date because Steve is your best friend? Why would that have any effect on how you date?"
"it doesn't! Not really! Just. Nancy, you broke his heart. His soft, squishy heart! You kinda sorta cheated on him-details very unclear-and then just. Moved on. Pretended like nothing happened. I couldn't do that to Steve. Dating a friend's ex is a bad move. Dating an ex that broke a friend's heart is just cruel." She sighs. Looks sad. As though she isn't the one rejecting Nancy and tearing her apart for how a relationship ended almost two years ago. What did that matter, now? "You're my friend, Nancy. I like you! But even if Steve has moved on, forgiven and forgotten, and if things were a bit different given his full support for us dating if that's what I wanted, I think I'll always remember how he-- how much it hurt him."
"I'm. Nancy I'm really sorry. I know how scary it is to put yourself out there, especially like this. It's not fair. I'm just sorry. But. It was true. Steve's the most important person to me. I couldn't ever hurt him. Not like that. Not even if he said he was fine with it."
Nancy stands and walks away. She doesn't cry until she locks her bedroom door.
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nangel · 4 days
Paparazzi, prologue
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✍︎ word count | 2038 words
✈︎ missing out on parts? | series
Madeleine -spoken madlen- Daniela Sinclair was the IT girl, the it girl. at least everyone called her an it girl. Everyone either wanted to be her or with her. Everyone knew her and everyone would recognise her. Nobody would ever mess with her.
It was about 7 a.m and the sun was shining through the window of mine and my best friend Olga’s bedroom.
“You’re up already?” my mom asked grinning. “Yeah…” i said already sitting on the bed since I was already up. “I’m surprised you’re already up…usually you are such a…late riser” my mom said sitting to me on the bed. “Yeah…I had a bad headache in the middle of the night probably from night-out with Maureen and Annabelle” i said running my hand through my chocolate brown hair to move it to the side. “Yeah you guys were kinda tipsy” she said grinning. “Yeah we fucked up” i said laughing a little. “A good way to celebrate your last day here” she said laughing. “Oh had to remind me on that huh?” i asked and my mom laughed. “By the way your suitcase is in the bathroom…just in case you look for it” she said grinning while walking to the door. “Yeah I’m gonna pack later” i said rubbing my eyes and my mom nodded. “Good, I’ll bring you breakfast” my mom, Lorelai said grinning from ear to ear with me giving her a nod before standing up walking to the balcony door to open it and let some fresh air get in.
My mom’s name was Lorelai, Lorelai Fischer, before she married my dad Oliver Sinclair. I always liked to compare my mom to Lorelai Gilmore because they had the same name and my mom is basically living, laughing and loving her and she raised me quite the same way, sometimes it even surprises me that she didn’t give me the name-Rory-. My mom went to fashion school when she was younger and studied fashion, she also worked a little bit as a model which was quite a bonus for me. Today she is still doing fashion and clothes and is quite successful with her boutique. My dad has his own business and in working for his own company but mostly at home tho he sometimes is in his office. Me for my part…I always dreamed of becoming a model one day but that dream never really became reality UNTIL I saw this….
“Mom…I have everything” i said annoyed. “I think you forgot your headphones you know those big ones” she said handing me my totebag. “Mom! I put them into the suitcase” i said annoyed. “Yeah misses Sinclair…we’re gonna take good care of her as always” Ashley promised smirking. “Oh I hope so” she said laughing. “Mama we need to go” i said a little rushed. “Alright girls…call me when you’re in Berlin” my mom said smiling as I hugged her a last time before me and Annabelle went to our flight.
I was glad that we finally were back in our apartment and the first thing I did was taking a nap cause I had a huge headache.
“Fuck” i cursed as I ran up the stairs to get as fast as possible into university. Olga, Annabelle and Maureen running right behind us. “We’re gonna be so fucking late” i said as we ran up those stairs
It was our first year well…it’s going to an end, we are right on the end of May. For starters - we were running late because we all slept way too long so we had a hard time catching psychology class. In the end we made it into class without any complications.
“Hey Dani…” someone whispered while I took notes of Miss Diaz tutoring, I looked over just to see Christopher looking over at me leaning right over his desk which was in the same row. “What?” i asked with a smile. “You’ve got a pen?” he asked grinning which made me shake my head before I gave him a pen. “There you go” i said throwing it over to him. “You’re the best” he said smirking. “I know, Ares” i said playfully.
Why ares? Because he looked almost exactly like Ares out of the movie never have I ever and I liked to remind him of that.
After class we were sitting outside talking to our friends. University was way better than high school and all that shit, people were smarter, mostly more mature and there was less fakeness and drama, well…there was a lot of drama but I didn’t really care. I was fucking popular, well me and my best friend’s were, we were the upper-east-side of Berlin or the Plastics as Ares liked to call us because Mean Girls was my favourite movie since I was six years old. Which brings me back to Ares. Ares was a typical playboy and had with that name a lot of girls, for the record A LOT girls but me and him are friends since we started University Besides all the other people I got along with -seniors, sophomores and freshmen- there were only four people I dearly trusted.
“What the fuck” i whispered as I held a letter in my hand, why it was special to the 10 other letters and magazines? Because it was sent from my model agency. “Holy shit” i whispered as I immediately walked up to the seventh floor, the last one where me and Olga lived. I immediately ripped it open and read through it. I couldn’t believe my eyes, i had sent some portfolios to fashion companies all around the world cause I wanted to go international. It was an offer to walk and work for Chanel, besides that it was my favourite brand it was a letter about how they liked my portfolio and that they want to work with me, at the end of the letter stood written a little surprise, my star by Carolin, my manager. Of course I immediately gave her a call where she told me that she had the contract in her office and I should come by at time to sign it so I could immediately get into it. Tho it was my dream there were some consequences I had to face for example I needed to be ready to travel around and be available all time practically and work in other towns for longer, also there were things about my health and body depending the job.
I called Maureen and Annabelle while sitting in the subway They were happy for me and everything and wanted me to sign those papers immediately which made me happy too but on the other side kinda sad too. I decided to put it to the side for a moment to walk into the grocery store to get the groceries. “You want to cook what? Tarte Tatin? Are you insane?” i asked Olga over the phone. “Whatever…I’ll get it, have fun” i said throwing my phone into my tote bag grabbing two different types of dessert apples thinking about which one I should get.
“I’d take those…they are way better for Tarte Tatin” a deep voice with an french accent said to me. “Huh?” i asked surprised turning to him. “The apples…I couldn’t help but hear the conversation and I know Tarte Tatin and I also saw you so I thought you maybe needed some help” he said with a friendly but still deep voice. “Oh right…well thank you…I was struggling a little” i said chuckling a little. “No problem…it’s a good dish by the way” he said smiling while I grabbed six of those apples. “Yeah right…I like it too but I stopped cooking it” i said smiling. “I’m sorry for overhearing the conversation” he said with a smile that made me shaky my head with a chuckle. “Oh don’t worry…it’s fine” i said smiling at him. He looked at me for some seconds before shaking his head and speaking up. “I’m Charles by the way” he said holding out his hand which made me chuckle. “I’m Madeleine, nice to meet you” i said smiling, shaking his hand. “Nice to meet you too” he said as we let go again. “I need to go now but thanks for your help” i said with a charming smile. “You’re welcome” he shouted back with me walking to the cash register.
“Kinda sweet actually” Mauren said smiling while we sat in a bar. “I don’t know…he was just…being nice, that’s all” i said casually. “He was flirting” she said. “No he wasn’t, niceness is not flirting” i said smiling. “Why didn’t you ask for his number?” she asked smirking. “Oh god, Riri…stop it, he’s just a stranger” i said laughing. “Oh god…you’re so boring” she said as we drank our drinks.
It was after uni on a Friday and we were all laying outdoor pool and tanning. The guy Olga was out last night was trying to impress her which annoyed her. “God he’s so annoying” she said annoyed. “Why did you even bring him with you?” maureen asked clearly annoyed. “After last night when I wanted to go home he just wrapped hus arm around me and asked what we are going to do tomorrow and I actually wanted to leave, just leave but he didn’t let me so I gave up and told him about today and he asked me if he could come with us” Olga explained. “And you couldn’t have said no sorry I’m with my girls today or by the way I don’t want you to be in my life from now on?” Maureen asked and I laughed. “Nooo” Olga said frustrated. “I don’t know how long I can take this” Maureen groaned. “Oh god…it’s so stupid” i said and laughed. “Right” Olga said annoyed turning her head to the side. “Let’s just put him to the side for some hours” Maureen said and I just smirked. From afar we saw Annabelle walk up to us in more than just a happy mood. “What happened to her?” i asked immediately into the round and Maureen shrugged her shoulder while Olga was narrowing her eyes. “Girls. Girls. Girls!” Annabelle shouted excited. “What?” we asked monotonous. “I got the hottest shit for us” she said sitting down on the grass next to my towel as I sat up. “Sorry but I don’t get it” i said confused. “I bought us tickets for the formula one race in hold on tight…Monaco!” she said extremely excited and happy. “No way” Olga said sitting up taking off her sunglasses. “Holy shit” Maureen shouted excited. “Oh my god…how did you get those?” i asked her smiling. “I ordered the last four and since we all kinda are into formula one…or the drivers I thought what a great thing if we four would go there. So…are you coming with me” she asked smirking excited. “I’d love to” I said smiling. I can’t believe this…it’s gonna be great” Maureen said excited. “Yeah I can’t wait to see the drivers” Olga said smirking. “Really guys?” she asked excited. “Yeah” I said and she hugged us. “It’s gonna be so great” she said grinning from ear to ear. “I’m kinda really looking forward to see everything of f1 and those things it’s all over tiktok” i said excited. “I’m looking forward to get to know the drivers” Olga said smirking and we laughed. “Those are great new, Belle…I’m sooo excited” Maureen said grinning. “It’s gonna be the hottest shit” Annabelle said smirking and we felt terribly excited.
I wasn’t really into cars or races neither Formula one but my friends were into it especially Annabelle and Maureen so Olga and I got really bombed with their content and now that we are having this chance I’m pretty excited to see all of that and to have a lot of fun with my girls, I just know it’s gonna be a great time.
“Let’s fucking do this, girls” i said excited.
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Next part
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derschwarzeengel · 2 months
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"I don't say this all that often, but good gods do you need to get another boyfriend. For once, I genuinely do not mean me."
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May I humbly request “why didn't you kill me when you had the chance?” from the enemies/rivals to lovers prompts with Christopher Pike please? 💕
Send me a rivals (to lovers?) sentence starter!
Of course my dear! I hope you're having a lovely day!
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You have your orders, and are told within earshot of their cell: if the prisoners try to escape again, shoot them on sight.
You don't now if it's pure luck or a coincidence that you're on patrol that night, or that you round the corner just in time to see their leader five steps out of the cell that they're being kept in.
"Get back!" You hiss, raising your phaser and advancing toward him swiftly, "Go!"
The man backs up, hands raised in a show of surrender. You grasp the gate that they've managed to open, closing it hurriedly and covering the code on the pad as you relock it. You shoot a murderous gaze at the five inside, jaw tight. Your heart leaps into your throat as you hear your commander call your name, and you turn around just as they approach you. Your back goes ram-rod straight, chin up as he comes closer.
"Lieutenant! What's going on here?"
"Nothing, sir," You insist. "Just checking that everything is secure."
"Is it?"
"Yes, sir."
He casts a gaze over your shoulder, brows drawing down as he looks them over. You fight to keep from fidgeting, your stomach churning with nerves. Does he know that you're lying? Were they seen on the security feeds?
But he finally nods slowly, drawing away with a murmur to keep up the good work. You nod, mumble, "Sir," And hold your position until he's out of sight. You let your breath drain from you slowly, your body releasing just a little bit of the tension before you look over your shoulder, locking eyes with the man that had been trying to escape.
"Do not do that again. It won't always be me coming around that corner," It feels like a stupid thing to say even as you say it, but the man gives a small nod, and goes so far as to take another step back from the door. You glance around to the others, finding them watching you warily. You just give a small shake of your head before you leave, lingering around the corner and listening for any click of a lock for the rest of your shift.
They're not like the other off-worlders. From what you can tell, they didn't sneak onto the facility to try and steal your tech—but you still don't know how they got past the planetary defense systems in the first place, or why. They fought well, but they'd been no match for your squadron once you'd been deployed to their location.
The five of them—two women, two men, and one Vulcan—can't be kept together. It's your commander's decision to split them up. You're not sure how effective it'll be, though you suppose its worth a chance until you can get answers out of them. You think that you may escape any more association with the situation, but your commander insists that you move their leader to his new high-security cell—and puts you in charge of his watch.
You grit your teeth and agree, certain that you have no choice but to obey. Your commander is not a kind man; he rewards loyalty with punishing work, and insubordination with death.
You force your expression to passive indifference as you approach their cell, fingers twitching over the handcuffs strapped to your belt.
"You," You nod to him, drawing the attention of all. "Get up."
It takes him a moment, but he rises slowly.
"Come here," You add, punching in the code for the door and listening to the snick as it unlocks.
"What is this?" He asks.
"You're coming with me."
"Where are you taking him?" A woman is up in seconds, just a step behind. You still your hand on the door, letting your gaze flit to her.
"Another cell."
"They don't trust you together." You probably shouldn't tell them that, but it's obvious enough.
"Why only take him?" The Vulcan pipes up.
"He's the first. He won't be the last." You look between all of them. "I'm going to open the door. If any of you rush me, I'll have to raise the alarm. If you try to escape, I can't be held responsible for what they do to you. I can promise that whatever they choose will be brutal." You meet the man's eye again. "I'm going to open this. I want you to step out and hold your hands forward."
"...I understand," The man says.
"Chris," The woman warns lowly.
"Captain, I would advise against this," Another woman begins to rise, then freezes when she sees your hand twitch toward your phaser.
"Stand down, La'an. That's an order." His gaze stays steady on yours, hands raising, palms open and fingers spread as you open the door just enough for him to inch out. You shut it quickly, punching the code with one hand and draw your cuffs off of your belt. He holds still, and despite your movements, you feel his eyes steady on your face. You turn to the others, eyes skating across their faces again before you reach up, gently nudging the man's shoulder and guiding him to leave ahead of you. You learned a long time ago not to let a prisoner follow you, or have the opportunity to easily grab your phaser.
He goes, slowing only for a second to shoot a wink at his compatriots over his shoulder—it's a reassurance that isn't meant for you, but makes your chest flutter nonetheless.
"Left here," You order, and he does as you say.
"What's your name?" He asks, and before he can twist all the way to look at you for an answer, you snap, "Face forward."
He does so, keeping an even pace down the corridor.
"I'm Christopher," He adds.
"You're not going to tell me your name?"
"You don't need it."
"I might."
"Trust me, you don't. Make a right."
He does. You can see him turning his head a bit this way and that, no doubt trying to memorize markers, security cameras, things that may help him find his way back to that first cell.
"You're a lieutenant?" He asks. You bite the inside of your cheek, fighting back an irritated groan. Is he going to talk the whole time?
"That's what your commander said," He adds. "How long have you been working here?"
You still refuse to respond.
"Must be a while. You seem pretty familiar with the layout."
This man must be plenty comfortable making conversation with himself—
You pull up short as he stops, taking a wary step back as he turns to face you. The two of you stand in testy silence for a few tense moments. You wait for him to spring toward you, past you, away from you. You try to think of every possibility, but he hits you with something that you could never have anticipated:
"I'm not going to hurt you."
Your eyes narrow slightly.
"...Are you going to hurt me?" He adds.
"Please turn back around."
He tips his head to the side a touch, and when he takes a step forward, you take a step back.
"I'm not going to ask you again," You raise your voice a little, trying to instill fear in him, and a sense of authority in yourself. His lips twitch with a small, almost taunting smile as he takes one more step. He freezes, watching your hand raise to rest on your phaser. He nods a little, finally turning to face away from you.
"...Left or right?" He asks. You nearly can't hear it over the roaring of blood in your ears. You actually have to think about it before you say: "Right."
He lets you nudge him into the cell, lock him up, and then steps forward when you open the latch.
"Give me your hands," You wave him closer. "I'll take the cuffs off."
He takes his time coming closer, and you have to fight a shiver off as his blue eyes seem to spear into you.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Do you do anything else?" You grumble, raising your hands to unlock the mechanism. He chuckles softly as the cuffs fall away, and grasps your wrists once the cuffs are off. You suck in gasp in, eyes widening slightly. He isn't pulling or doing anything threatening—just holding.
"...Why didn't you kill me when you had the chance?" He asks.
"You had orders to shoot us on sight. You let me live the other day—and you could've killed me in the hall just now."
You shake him off, yanking your hand back. He's still watching you with a warmth that's unfamiliar to you, and disarming.
"Maybe I just want to know how you all snuck onto the planet," You fib. "Can't find that out if you're dead."
He nods a touch, his gentle hum almost condescending. You raise your hand to shove the latch shut, but he catches it with his hand before you can, lowering his voice,
"When we get out of here—and we will get out of here," His lips curl into a mischievous smile, "I'll remember."
"Remember what?"
"Your kindness."
He lets go of the latch, and you slam it shut, locking it hurriedly. Finally out of his sight, you let you sigh out a panicked breath, tugging your armor back from your neck a touch to cool your rapidly heating neck and face.
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maximotts · 2 years
𝙻𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝙾𝚗𝚎; 𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 :: 𝙲.𝚘.𝚆.𝙼.
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a/n: alright, here we go! I think I've mentioned it already, but most of these chapters are written and in my drafts so knocks on wood the schedule should stay as planned. I hope you all enjoy this series as much as I do and big special thanks to @furys-eyepatch for sending me the idea for Kinktober uh... obviously it got Quite Long
✎— priest's daughter!Wanda x college student!reader
✎— confessions AU; it's only been a few weeks, but Wanda won't get out of your head. With how small your campus was, you thought sure you were bound to run into her; until you realize she's the one person never on the invite list
✎— warnings: this is an 18+ series, minors DNI; this first chapter is pretty tame tbh, but we've got name calling, mentions of Wanda being an innocent little bean, allusions to bullying, and Brock Rumlow being a jerk
✎— words: 2.5k
series masterlist. || main masterlist.
That semester, you shared three classes, but your Folklore and Terror class was where you’d first seen her and just for that, it was your favorite. Three times a week you’d walk into the small lecture hall, barely on time, and Wanda Maximoff would already be settled at her chosen spot with her notebook open, books stacked neatly, pen and highlighters ready to be picked up as soon as your professors opened their mouths. She was like that for every class no matter what; from day one it was clear Wanda enrolled in college to learn, not socialize. 
Upon first glance, she’d single handedly convinced you she was the standard: focused, task-oriented, and studious. And just as quickly, you’d found Wanda was the exception instead of the rule. The rest of your classmates were exponentially more relaxed, talking to one another about anything from their massive workload to the current flatmate drama between dormitories. It was a tight-knit campus, most of the students having gone to school together since kindergarten and grown up in the tiny isolated town of Westview about an hour away. 
You’d expected to turn into a loner for a while, especially with transferring here in your third year, but new people were exciting front page news to young adults who’d seen the same faces for two decades and soon enough, invitations for study sessions over coffee, bonfires, and late night parties with weed brownies came pouring in. Everyone was surprisingly welcoming and you were grateful for the introductions, the companionship, all of it.. but wherever you went, Wanda was absent.
Eternally polite and quiet Wanda was nowhere to be found outside of class, and it only piqued your curiosity further.
After some casual prodding, you found out Wanda also grew up in Westview, but she was only a topic as an excuse for a few particularly annoyed girls to roll their eyes and sneer. Smart as she was, Wanda wasn’t ever invited to study groups, not that she asked either, no, she didn’t speak a word to anyone besides instructors and a few select people you recognized from your transfer orientation— the only kids that didn’t know her from town. 
A handful of times you’d caught her staring your way, but as soon as she noticed you looking back, she whipped around or turned her eyes back to her notes. For the first few weeks, you tried to pretend her avoidance didn’t bother you, but seeing her chat with other students made you wonder why she wouldn’t do the same with you. Sure you hadn’t approached her yourself, but honestly, you hadn’t worked up a good enough excuse to past “hey you’re pretty cute, please talk to me” and it just sounded too weird in your head to say aloud. 
Unfortunately, before you’d gotten a chance to think of a better conversation starter, Wanda started walking to your desk after class and your brain went into panic mode not only wondering what to say, but also what she could possibly want after seemingly avoiding you since the semester started. It was fine, everything was fine, she didn’t look mad at all, maybe… nervous?
You were moments away from speaking up as she made her way over… only to stop dead in her tracks when Brock Rumlow slung his arm over your shoulder. Just as soon as he began running his mouth about the next soccer game, Wanda spun around and made a beeline for her chair as if she hadn’t acknowledged you at all. While he ranted on and on, you tried to quell the disappointment, but it tugged the corners of your mouth down into a frown anyways. Not that the loud athlete noticed. “Shut up for a second… What do you know about Wanda?”
He only scoffed, both of you turning your attention to where the shy brunette now hurriedly packed her stuff into her red messenger bag. With all of her notebooks and pretty stationary, you wondered if her bag ever felt heavy… and if she’d let you carry it to class for her some time. “That religious little daddy’s girl? Stay away from her.” 
The strong reaction shouldn’t have caught you off guard, not when anyone who talked about her did so with the same distasteful tone, but it never failed to feel kind of… harsh. You didn’t need to grow up with a group of people to know how easy it can be to target one person and exaggerate every aspect of them until they grew to be a much bigger monster than they ever were in the first place. 
“She seems sweet though… Is she really that bad?” It was hard to believe anyone could dislike her that much when she was all oversized knit sweaters and gentle enough smiles to make you melt from across an entire lecture hall.
“Hey! Put those heart eyes away!” Brock poked your hip until you looked at him instead, ignoring your annoyed huff, “What’d I just say? She’s a total narc who goes running to her father as soon as she hears anything. I’m assuming you’ve never been to Westview?” You shook your head; the drive to your new school didn’t take you past the town and you’d been too busy with classes to explore yet. “Right, well Wanda’s dad runs the church, the one all our parents go to; whenever he got wind of something going down, all of us got a speech at home. Bit of a shame, she’s kinda cute, but can’t tell that bitch anything unless you want it blown to shit-” 
You might not have been friends with Wanda yet, but that didn’t mean you’d let someone, especially anyone as sleazy as Brock, demean her so boldly. It was in that sentence you discovered Wanda most likely kept her distance because of your new friend group. If so many people treated her how he did, you couldn’t blame her for staying away.
A hard elbow to the stomach left him choking on his own words, killing two birds with one stone to both shut him up and force him to let you go; you never liked how touchy he was anyways. “We’re all years into college now. She can’t still be like that.” 
“I’m not gonna chance it,” he shrugged, slinging his bag over his shoulder as if you hadn’t just knocked the wind out of him, “She goes home a lot more than anyone else, heard Mr. Maximoff picks her up too even though he pays for her apartment here. Something about her needing her own space to stay focused without ‘distractions’... weirdos, don’t know how her brother turned out normal. Trust me, the most you’ll get with her is maybe a walk through the courtyard.” 
A walk didn’t sound too bad right about now, particularly far away from this eye-opening, but awful little chat. “Well her dad doesn’t know me or my parents…” Maybe one day, hopefully, if you played your cards right, he would. 
Clumsily grabbing your stuff, you rushed out the door Wanda crossed through just a few seconds prior, looking around and finding her rushing down the stone path. “Wanda!” She had to have heard you, stopping briefly before continuing on, walking purposefully away even as you yelled out her name again. “Wait up a sec!”
It was a quick sprint to catch up with her, speeding a little ahead to jump ahead, forcing her to stop so as not to collide with you. “Wanda.. Hey!”
“Hi,” Even after weeks of lectures, you’d never seen her this close and already Brock was wrong; Wanda wasn’t just kinda cute, she was beautiful. Green eyes regarded you cautiously, narrowed ever so slightly. Her stiff posture showed she was already on guard, so different from the easy way you’d seen her open up to anyone else and you couldn’t lie, it stung a bit. You didn’t want her to be so worried; maybe the people you sat with didn’t like her, but you’d never said a mean word and even if you tried, you couldn’t think of one to say.
You could barely think of a coherent sentence to offer her.
“Hi… sorry for yelling,” You were a little out of breath, weighed down by your bag and still groggy from your professor’s boring lecture. For a second, you were scared Wanda would simply side step you and keep walking, taking advantage of your fatigue to avoid you entirely, but her expression softened, turning almost apologetic for her hostility. She even had a cute pout. “Didn’t you hear me calling you?”
Faint laughter sounded out behind you and the classroom was a ways away now, but Wanda’s eyes darted over her shoulder, catching Brock and a few of his various pals now on the grass, waving your way. You would’ve shouted at them to quit it, but you heard Wanda’s sigh and chose to ignore the ruckus for now, not wanting to accidentally egg them on further. “I hear a lot of things. Doesn’t mean I should pay attention to them.”
“Right…” Shit. She must’ve caught bits of your conversation, Brock wasn’t exactly a subtle guy. Wanda was gone by the time you cut him off; given how openly disliked she was, it couldn’t have been the first time she’d overheard herself being talked about. No wonder she practically ran out of the room. “Sorry about that.”
You felt for her in a sense, could empathize with being ostracized from your peers. Typically, going away to college fixed that, but Wanda was still stuck with the same group of people. Not that you wanted to talk to her out of guilt, not even close; the first thoughts you’d had about Wanda were far more lustful than pitying. All you wanted was one chance to get to know her for yourself. “Can I walk you to your next class?”
Wanda didn’t even try to hide her shock and you tried to pretend her reaction didn’t scare you that your other classmate was right about the courtyard walk. “That was my only class today.” 
“Mine too,” In truth, you had two long classes filling your afternoon; missing them just once wouldn’t hurt. Besides, you’d still be learning, replacing Wanda Maximoff for Governmental Statistics and World Literature. “Have lunch with me then?”
You could see her working through the proposition in her head, gauging your persistence against your seemingly genuine smile. She’d wanted to talk to you just as long as you had her, but there were…obstacles. Not only the crowd that drew you in, but also the beginnings of what she was just recently coming to terms with as a crush. Initially Wanda brushed it off as you being brand new, but when she caught herself making excuses to look your way and thinking about you while she grocery shopped, she knew her feelings wouldn’t pass by so easily. 
As much as she knew her inexperience combined with her bottom tier social status meant she had about zero chance with someone like you who she’d seen flirting with more than one girl already in your short time here, Wanda couldn’t get herself over it— over you. 
And Wanda wanted to have faith in you, to trust this wasn’t some awful prank you got roped into after you and her constant tormentors somehow sussed out her growing feelings and decided to poke at her new weakness for a laugh, it wouldn’t be the first time she’d fallen into that trap. 
The first experience was traumatizing enough, Wanda would rather not have to relive it as an adult. If the words religious little daddy’s girl weren’t still ringing in her head, she wouldn’t have thought twice. “You want to have lunch with me?” 
“Well I’d ask you out to dinner, but it’s only 1pm.” Not to mention, you’d been helpless thinking of some introduction that wasn’t clearly leading her on. Your usual smooth pickups felt too forward for a girl like Wanda, given what you knew about her; she’d take a lot of work to get to where you got with some people in just a few minutes and you really, really didn’t want to mess this up. 
Wanda’s cheeks blossomed pink at your cheeky comment and you were glad to have caught even a glimpse of it before she could hide her face behind her notebook. At least you could bank on her not being too extremely prudish, that gave you some wiggle room. “To make up for that asshole back there, please? We can get whatever you want, I’ll even pay.”
The terms sounded like a date, a lunch date, but it was all the same to Wanda who’d never successfully been on a date as well as to her fluttering heart. You learned right then Wanda was beautiful when annoyed, but positively gorgeous when she smiled at you. There were a million and one ways she could’ve responded, from disgust to polite rejection to even an overly gushy yes, but Wanda had to at least try to reply with a fraction of your ease. “I didn’t say no the first time.” 
“Well then, take us to your lunch spot of choice, sweetheart.” You stepped aside to let her go ahead, just missing Wanda’s cheeks darken to a tomato red from the sudden nickname, following close behind as your date led the way to her mystery destination. 
“There’s not much around here, you probably know where you’re going…” She was right, all walkable campus things were familiar to you now, but you could care less. 
“Shh, let me have this surprise-” Your phone buzzed in your pocket and unlocking it revealed an obnoxious text from Brock filled with kissy faces and laughing emojis. By the end of the day, it’d surely get around that you decided to hang out with their Public Enemy No.1, but you’d choose watching Wanda’s pretty pleated skirt bouncing ever so slightly as she walked with her adorable cautious glances, making sure you were actually still behind her, over the smell of sports sweat and hefty doses of Axe body spray any time. “I think you’re taking me the prettier route there anyways.”
Wanda’s mouth fell open when she realized your gaze wasn’t on the sidewalk or the leaves, but her, bashful yet again as she whipped back around. With less self-restraint you would’ve pulled her in for a hug, maybe nuzzled into her hair if you thought she’d accept that out here in the open. But girls like Wanda were a special kind, requiring time and coaxing and just the right words. 
You were willing to give her all of that and more. If no one else wanted her, you’d sure as hell take her before some other idiot could.
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prxnce-of-chxos · 8 months
Striker was just cleaning up after finishing up a hit in a somewhat open area at night, putting his weapons away and getting his supplies packed up on Bombproof when his tail let out a rattle and a hiss as a familiar sound lightly filled the air, he knew the hum of a blessed weapon well enough by now, and the increasing volume made him snarl a little, whipping around, pulling out a gun and a flashlight and turning it on in the direction of the sound, the light not reaching whoever was there but it gave the signal he was aware "Mind explaining why your sneaking behind my back in the dark, whoever ya are? With a blessed weapon no less..." Striker called out, mumbling the last part a little.
(Hey, hope this is an okay starter, just trying my best with what I know bout your guy XP)
"...easy there, cowboy." He chuckles slightly, trying to be both flirty and friendly. "...I'm just investigating. Maybe taking a bit of food for myself." He's as calm as can be, nodding as he looks to the Cowboy, before picking up some food, a few drinks and putting them into some sort of backpack. "....Say. What is your name?" he's turning again, sword on his back as it still hums with the blessing of the high above.
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hoonichi · 2 years
rule nr. 4 | enhypen jay
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pairing: fwb!jay x fem!reader
genre: smut, angst
words: 3.6k
warnings: mdni, friends with benefits, explicit smut, heeseung is mentioned, blowjob, eating out, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it lads), riding, a few time skips, lmk if i missed anything else !
summary: once you get into a complicated relationship with jay, you decide on becoming friends with benefits instead. and with such a predicament, comes a list of rules. rules which you both decide on, that don’t seem too hard to break yet for a night of envy and lust, rule number four is exactly what ends it all.
a/n: i might write a part two for this if people are interested? also ik ive been kind of dead,, but i just have so many stupid shit to do at uni that it makes me want to jump out the window lol, but for now! here! a spicy jay one shot bc I’m in the mood
likes, comments & reblogs are always really appreciated !! <3
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“okay, so three rules?” you glance up at jay who’s sitting in front of you, flipping through his economy book. maybe it’s not the best thing to do this in the university’s library but you can’t find the perfect timing to talk about your questionable sex life anytime soon.
you look down at your notebook, where three rules you’ve just decided upon are written in a blank ink. rule number one - sleeping with other people is allowed. rule number two - only call each other when you want to hook up. rule number three - no lovey dovey shit. you still chuckle at how jay decided to phrase the last one.
jay lightly taps his pen against the side of his head, he looks deep in thought, “i have one more,” he finally says and your eyes meet.
“rule number four - no kissing. if we kiss, it’s over”
your head rests against the cold glass of the bus window. you mindlessly gaze out of the window, eyes tracking the quickly passing environment as you immerse yourself into your own world which is accompanied by the rhythm coming from your earphones. you look down when a buzz alerts your hands, a notification coming from your phone.
there’s a message from a group chat with the name of ‘y/n & friends’ that is the first thing you see on the screen. the name of the group chat was born purely out of sarcastic jokes and it still makes you laugh every time you see it.
party at my house in a few hours, don’t miss out! - heeseung says. you unlock your phone and type in a quick reply that you will be there. you had no plans for today anyways. well apart from contacting jay, but this was even better. if heeseung was the host, your fuck buddy will also definitely be there.
you grab your belongings and step out from your seat. the timing of heeseung’s invitation was great. he lives a few streets away from your house and since the bus was already heading towards that direction, you figured you would just go there right now. nothing would hurt for you to hang out with heeseung just before his party started.
heeseung stands shirtless in the door way with a toothbrush hanging from the side of his mouth and wet hair, indicating that he must have just left the shower, “early as always,” he mutters and turns around, leaving the door open for you to go inside. he doesn’t question your sudden appearance at his house. he never does.
you take off your shoes and plop down on the couch first thing. you spark a light conversation with heeseung, which is just both of you screaming answers from different sides of the house.
when heeseung is all dressed up, he joins you in the living room, “starter?” he asks, tilting a can of beer in his hand towards your direction. you nod and take it with a smile, “people should be piling in in about an hour, wanna watch something?”
“sure,” you nod and heeseung turns on the tv. he settles on some random movie and you sit in silence, occasionally pointing out the weird plot and making jokes about it.
you’re already done with your drink when the doorbell rings and heeseung turns off the tv and puts on a speaker instead. loud music erupts in the room and that’s when you know peace was never an option (lmao). just as heeseung said, random people, yet most of whom you have seen at university, are entering the house and in no time you’re surrounded by countless of bodies. what once was just you sitting alone in the living room, is now filled with people. it doesn’t even help that heeseung’s house is massive too.
once heeseung opens up the door to his kitchen, it doesn’t take long for everyone to get drunk. you went there too and were up mostly surprised by how many different kinds of liquor heeseung has bought. but then again, it’s heeseung, the biggest party animal you’ve ever met.
few hours into the party and you have seen jay, your main target, just once before he got lost into the crowd. the second time you see him, he’s got some girl on his lap, quite literally sucking each other’s faces off. it makes you feel weird but you have to remind yourself of the rules because they’re there for a reason, right?
choosing to ignore the evident envy flowing in your system, you go and hatch yourself another drink. even so you’re certain you will end up with jay by the end of the night anyways.
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your certainty never fails you. once you and jay lock eyes from across the room, you are abruptly pulled into one of heeseung’s awfully small bathrooms with only a sink and a toilet.
jay doesn’t even have to say anything before you’re pushing him down to sit on the lid and fall down on your knees in need, hands immediately going to fumble with the zipper of his jeans.
“fuck, i missed your pretty little mouth,” jay seethes through his teeth, head falling to gaze down at your frame. the way you kneel down before him, makes you look small and cute, more reasons that make jay want to ruin you faster.
your hands work quickly on releasing his already semi hard cock and you bask in satisfaction from making him this hard without even doing much apart from some hurried groping on the way to the bathroom, “don’t make me wait too long, baby,” jay sighs, hand resting on your head, brushing away the hair that falls down on your face.
as if i’d make you wait, you think before leaning in to lick a strand of wetness from the base of his cock right to the very tip. jay sucks in a harsh breath, gaze burning holes in your body. you slowly wrap your lips around his tip, instinctively wrapping your hand around the base since you already know you won’t be able to reach that deep with your mouth. that’s, of course, if jay doesn’t decide on fucking your mouth, which happens.. quite frequently if you had to say so.
you let yourself go deeper until his dick hits the back of your throat, making you gag. you eagerly bop your head to what you can take, your hand working on what you can’t in return. deep groans coming from jay encourage you to fasten your pace and you almost choke on a mix of your own saliva and jay’s pre-cum.
jay puts in the work too, his fingers harshly tug on your hair from time to time, guiding his cock against the warm and slippery walls of your mouth. you hollow your cheeks around his cock, slurping it like a lollipop which makes jay throws his head back in pleasure. the position you’re in and jay’s low moans are already making you pool your panties. you’re so wet and it’s so uncomfortable not having any friction against your pussy. nevertheless you focus all of your attention on getting jay off especially when his hips buck rather harshly and you know he’s close. you can’t wait to gulp down everything that jay gives you.
that’s exactly when jay becomes aggressive, he grabs a fistful of your hair, pushing you down until his cock fully disappears in your wet cavern. tears appear in your eyes but you let jay do what he wants. you always do.
jay continues to fuck your mouth with no mercy, hitting the back of your throat with each thrust until he reaches his climax. you can feel spurts of cum paint the back of your throat and you have to gulp everything in the midst of still having his cock in your mouth, in fear of choking too hard. this sends jay into ecstasy and he rolls his hips, letting you milk out every last drop.
“fuck,” he swears, breath hasty and out of tune. you back away after some time, jay’s cock slipping out with ease, “open your mouth” he demands, wrapping a hand around his cock. you open your mouth obediently, loving the way jay uses you for his own pleasure. you roll out your tongue for jay to give himself a few more pumps and release a few more drops of cum on your tongue. you savor the taste but not for long before you place your hands on his knees for support to lift yourself up from the ground. just when you’re about to let jay taste you himself, the door of the bathroom is shoved to the side, hitting the wall with a loud bump. a very drunk heeseung appears in your sight.
“no fucking way y’all fucked in my bathroom,” he slurs, watching you quickly pull down your skirt and climb off jay, whereas jay goes to zip up his jeans.
“we didn’t.. yet,” jay shrugs but then smirks at you. you’re red to the face, reality setting in when heeseung still doesn’t leave.
“get the fuck out, i need to piss,” heeseung shuffles his way into the bathroom, pushing both of you out and slamming the door with the same loud bang as before.
that’s when you’re reminded by the uncomfortable feeling in between your thighs, some of your wetness running down the sides of your legs. it’s horrible.
but for obvious reasons, you refuse to fuck jay in heeseung’s house.
“jay m-my house,” you grab the side of his jacket and pull him closer to whisper in his ear, “let’s go to my house.. please” your voice is laced with neediness. you’ve never felt so horny in your life and jay can tell when he’s pulling you out of heeseung’s property and into the darkness of the streets, only to realize he actually doesn’t know the way. so you take initiative by pulling him across various alleyways and short-cuts towards your apartment. however, jay just has to push you against the cold wall of one the alleyways to buck his hips into yours instead.
“can you feel how hard you got me again?,” he would whisper in your ear, the outline of his cock rubbing against the side of your naked thigh which got you whining and writhing against his hold, “you’re so hot y/n, i would fuck you here but it’s probably unsanitary,” he laughs before you’re pushing him off yourself and continue to drag this horny motherfucker towards your house. you’re almost there.
it’s short lived though because jay can’t seem to keep his hands away from you. this time he slips his hand under your skirt, palming your ass and brushing his fingers against your heat. you would fuck him right here on the streets but just like jay said, it’s not safe. like at all.
“jay,” with a frown you have to slap his hands away and struggle free, quickening your pace in hopes of jay falling behind. he doesn’t, jay catches up to you just as fast, hands attaching to your body like glue once again. this time you let him, already walking towards the front porch of your house.
you struggle with the keys, especially when jay stands right behind you, his very obviously painful bulge straining right in between your ass cheeks. you move your hips against him just to stir him up even more, revenging him for what he did to you on your way here. jay groans, pushing you against the door while you reach to unlock it.
as soon as the door opens, jay is quick to push you inside. unlike not knowing the directions from heeseung’s place to yours, jay knows the inside of your house like the back of his hand. even while being remotely tipsy he drags you upstairs and into your bedroom before you’re being thrown down on your bed.
jay crawls on top of you, disregarding his jacket on his way. it gets thrown somewhere on the floor. his mouth latches down on your neck, teeth bruising up your skin, leaving numerous of hickeys which will only become memory fragments of this night once jay is done with you. you moan out, fingers interlocking with the soft strands of his hair, pulling and tugging when jay’s teeth come across quite ticklish parts of your neck.
“jay, please,” you whimper once jay moves down your chest, fingers hooking under your shirt and pulling the fragment over your head. your bra shortly comes off too.
you’re annoyed by how slow he’s going through this after almost taking you in the streets. your chest heaves with rushed breaths, still not over by how fast you have gotten home nor by how needy you feel either, “i know you want me just as much as i want you right now so-“
jay hums into your chest but doesn’t look like he’s taking your words into consideration when he harshly bites down on one of your breasts. with a squeal you immediately shut up, drawing your lower lip in between your teeth, harshly biting down.
“fuck you jay,” you manage out, a frown evident on your face.
he chuckles, “soon.”
jay abandons your chest just like that, his mouth now leaving wet traces down your tummy, “i will fuck you so good.. so good that you will scream my name,” he mouths against your skin, the vibrations sending shivers down your spine.
you lift your hips up, helping jay with removing your skirt. he slips it off with ease. you whine again. you want him. no, you need him.
“please jay.. please please,” you beg for the man to do something.
the man has the nerve to chuckle, “patience, baby. i will make you feel so good,” jay moves down your body slowly, hands grazing down the sides of your hips until he stops in front of your heat. he’s so close you can almost feel his breath on your panties which makes you shiver in anticipation.
another kind of shivers run down your spine when jay suddenly is pushing your panties to the side, your hot cunt now meeting with a cold whiff of air. and another one when jay dives down, without giving you any alerts, hot tongue of his meeting with your wetness. he licks at your lower lips and softly bites down on your clit, all while maintaining eye contact. you squirm and gasp. your hands find their way into his hair, rather harshly tugging at his soft strands of hair. a sign of how much you yearn for him.
jay proceeds to fuck you with his tongue until he’s replacing it with his fingers. one. two. now the letter being replaced with three and you’re choking on your own spit.
“you’re so wet, y/n. my fingers go in with ease,” jay mumbles, mouth still busy working on your clit. it’s bruising and it hurts but the pleasure of his fingers pumping in and out of you is overruling the pain, “fuck, i can’t take it anymore,” jay announces and just as soon he’s pulling away. both his mouth and fingers now leaving an empty feeling.
jay pulls his body away from you, quickly fumbling with his jeans but not before taking out a condom from the back pocket. you lick your lips as jay pulls down his underwear, his cock springing out, hard and sturdy, and slapping against his stomach.
in the midst of a cloudy mind, a stupid thought is born. there’s no man in the whole world you would spread your legs so quickly for if it wasn’t jay.
unlike him.
that one thought does something to you, jealousy overtakes and hits you like a truck. a slap of reality that jay isn’t yours to begin with. you bite down on your bottom lip and while jay is focused on putting on the condom, you catch him by surprise.
reaching for his shoulders, you push him down on the bed, flipping both of you. the man hits his back on the bed frame rather harshly, the condom flying off somewhere in the room. jay’s eyes grow wide as you straddle him, hands automatically grabbing at your hips.
“wha-“ jay starts but you’re already sinking down on him, “y/n- the condom-“ he stops you before you can go down fully. you roll your eyes.
“i am on birth control, don’t worry,” you quickly say, swaying jay’s hands away and finishing off the act. you sigh in content, finally feeling full, stuffed raw and it’s something you’ve never experienced before. jay is still taken aback by your sudden change of positions but he loves it either way. as long as he can have you, it doesn’t matter.
you move up slowly before flopping back down. jay sucks in a harsh breath, head dipping down in the crook of your neck. his lips lightly graze over your naked skin before he’s sinking his teeth into your flesh, marking as if you were his. it keeps you going and that same stupid feeling is coming back. if only you were his. heart begins to ache but you brush it away by moving your hips faster, harder, until you’re both out of breath.
“that girl you kissed,” you say, placing your hands on jay’s chest and pushing him away from your neck, “at the party..,” jay stares at you, the new expression on his face giving you doubts, “…i am better than her, right?” you grit through your teeth, “i can make you feel way better, right jay?”
you ask but you don’t expect an answer and you tear up. you’re not sure if it’s from the pleasure you’re feeling or something else and you would rather not overanalyze it anymore. jay sinks his nails into your ass as he thrusts his hips into you harshly.
“say it jay- say i am b-better,” you cry out when jay thrusts in deeper. his eyes are fixated on yours but he has that unfazed look on his face and you wish to brush it away. his cock hits the deepest parts of your insides and you moan out loud when he hits the spot. now it gets repetitious, jay repeatedly thrusting into that one spot which gets your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
the silence from jay, apart from his deep grunts and groans, begins to suffocate you. you need him in a way you’ve never needed anything, anyone before.
before you know it, you are kissing jay. there’s evident hesitance before jay is pulling you closer by wrapping his hand around your waist. his lips are soft and plump against your own, just like you’ve spent countless of nights imagining what it would be like to kiss him. the kiss is short lived though as you’re pulling away, out of breath and in ecstasy.
“jay i’ll.. i will-“ you struggle with your words when the familiar feeling begins to build up in the pit of your stomach. jay seems to understand. nevertheless, he’s had you in this position so many times already.
jay hums, gripping your waist and pulling you off of him, only for his dick to slip out before he’s slamming his hips back into you again, “cum. cum for me,” he says, burying his head back into your neck. you can feel he’s close too by how his dick keeps ramming into you.
his words or rather him allowing you to do so, send you over the edge. you scream out his name, throwing your head back, body shaking non stop, pussy clenching so hard that jay cums soon after you and you get startled by the new feeling of his cum spilling inside you. you’ve forgotten he’s been fucking you raw.
both of you sit in silence, rushed breaths gradually getting calmer. when jay pulls out, you can feel his cum dripping out of you and down the sides of your legs. holy shit.
jay doesn’t leave immediately but the atmosphere is different. as always, he gives you proper after care, cleaning you up with a warm towel and you’re glad that you won’t have to wake up with his cum all dried up on your skin.
jay lays you down on the bed and tucks you in. you can barely hold your eyes open as you look at him. there’s something in his gaze that you can’t exactly put your finger on what he’s thinking. for some reason you know something’s wrong. nevertheless, he lays down beside you, caressing your hair and soothing you to sleep.
in the midst of the night, jay places a soft kiss on your forehead and leaves.
you don’t hear from jay the next day nor a week after he left your house. and as much as you tried to believe that he was busy, it was constantly eating at you that it must have been because you kissed him.
you didn’t mean to. you were so in the moment, you lost yourself. but now you kind of understand why jay was so adamant about this fourth rule. it changed things.
on a thursday night, two weeks after hooking up with jay, you are cuddled up on your bed, a blanket thrown on your head, completely submerging you whole into the soft material, when your phone dings. your heart jumps when you see jay’s name light up the screen but it drops just as fast as it got excited once you read the following words,
“you broke the fourth rule. it’s over”
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wendigonamecaller · 2 months
Can't Forget To Love You.
Desc: Azure, Alastor’s darling wife, died tragically and suddenly one night from tuberculosis. Ever since then, Alastor had become ruthless in his killings. Finally, he meets his end and hopes the pain from losing his bird would end, only for it to hurt tenfold when he wakes up in Hell with Azure nowhere to be found. Almost a century later, his thoughts are once again captivated by her essence just as an Angel falls and decides to help Charlie out with her dream.
TW: cannon type violence, death, angst, Azure is a fallen angel, Azure is secretly unhinged, emotional Alastor, Alastor in denial, Azure doesn’t realize Alastor was her Alastor at first, Azure falls because she defends her husband against Adam and Sera. Eventual smut, cursing, both Alastor and Azure try to beat around the bush, Alastor tries to protect her by pushing her away.
Chapter TW: Drinking, self esteem issues if you squint, Mimzy is a little shit, Mimzy knows exactly who Azure is, Mimzy is actually kinda nice.
TAGLIST: @redfoxwritesstuff
Chapter 2: She Only Smiles Like That When She's Drinkin'.
Azure wasn’t sure how she ended up in this dilemma, one moment she was arguing with two of the highest angels in Heaven, the next she was being thrown into the pits of Hell. She tried to use her wings to break her fall, only for them to somehow no longer be able to sustain her weight.
She landed gracelessly in front of a pub, or what she thought was one at least. The ex-angel looked up to see the sign on the establishment, a wave of nostalgia slapping her right across the face. ‘Mimzy’s’ was plastered on the sign, and the smell of Azure’s favorite whiskey was thick in the air as she opened the door.
She walked through the threshold and came face to face with something extremely new to her; demons in every corner, crowding the bar, taking up booths and tables, jazz playing loudly through speakers that added extra bass that Azure could feel vibrating her entire being, some on the dancefloor, and a few making out in a few corners.
A wolfish sinner passed her with what looked to be an imp of sorts, money poking out of his pockets. She quickly swiped it as she brushed past the sinner, only receiving a growl and glare from the sinner before he disappeared into the crowd. Azure brushed her darkening hair out of her face as she approached the bar, settling on a stool away from the rowdy group of demons that seemed to be having a drinking contest and her eyes brushed along the different bottles of alcohol lining the shelves. 
A short demoness wearing a pink flapper dress and bright blonde hair approached, giving Azure a welcoming, prideful grin.
“Ain’t ever seen ya ‘round here before, ya must be new. What can I getcha sweetie?” She asked, pulling out a glass.
“How much for a peach whiskey?” The ex-angel asked, folding her now useless wings behind her to keep them out of the way of other sinners.
“How much ya got sweetness?” The blond asked, pulling out a bottle of Azure’s favorite drink.
The now black haired female pulled out the money she’d swiped, showcasing at least $300. The ears on top of her head furrowed, knowing things would likely be a lot more expensive in Hell than in Heaven.
The blonde noticed this, and though that was more than enough money she decided to cut the poor sinner a break. “Tell ya what, tell me about yourself and you can have the whole damn bottle if ya want.” She offered, and Azure’s eyes lit up.
“Wait- really?” She asked, and the woman nodded. 
As the blonde poured some peach whiskey into the glass with some ice, Azure dived right in, happy to be lucky enough to find some hospitality. “Well, for starters my name is Azure, but I go by Azi.” She couldn’t remember when she started going by Azi, all she really remembered was her husband was insistent on calling her by the blasted nickname and eventually she just embraced it.
The woman smiled. “Sounds like someone I used to know, I’m Mimzy doll.” She introduced and Azure gave her a smile.
“Sounds like someone I used to know as well.” 
“How come you’re in this slopfest?” Mimzy asked, picking up a dirty glass to clean it. 
“Honestly I’m not sure. I’ve been dead since 1926.” Azure answered.
“And you’re just now wakin’ up in Hell? Dollface there’s a gap there.” Mimzy chuckled.
“Well, I know what got me here, I’m just not sure why.” Azure’s brows furrowed, and her right ear twitched. 
“Elaborate?” Mimzy asked, pausing and leaning against the counter as she paid attention to the hind. 
“I was in Heaven.” Azure whispered, not wanting any strangers to pick up on their conversation. Mimzy’s eyes widened.
“What did ya do to get the boot?” She asked as Azure finished off her first glass of whiskey.
“Argued with two of the higher angels.” She said sheepishly. 
She went to grab the glass of her second whiskey, only to notice her hand was nearly pitch black and had bright red claws that were long and sharp, extending from her second knuckle until an inch or two past her natural nail-bed. 
“Holy shit, you’re a firecracker aren’t ya?” Mimzy laughed and Azure smiled sheepishly.
“I guess that’s what my husband loved about me when we were alive.”
Azure stared into the mirror in the apartment Mimzy had graciously offered for her to stay in as long as she worked to earn her keep. Her features had changed a lot since her initial fall only hours earlier. Her wings were now a blood red and some of her down feathers were a darker red, the tips of her longer feathers turning a dark purple. Her skin was a pale gray color, fading to black on her hands and legs near her ankles and her hooves had turned to a brownish black color.
Her hair was gray by the roots, and faded to black the closer it got to the ends. Her ears had done the same, white at the base but fading to black at the tips, and cute white antlers poked out of her hair. She growled, a prey in life and death. 
Her now white eyes turned black for a second before her ears and antlers were hidden, a simple spell she used in Heaven to hide her animal traits that now included a wolf’s tail. Mimzy had said she’d find someone to help with her amnesia while she slept tonight, so Azure tried to put her racing thoughts to rest as she changed into a flimsy white nightgown that Mimzy had provided and sank under the covers of the bed in the bedroom of the apartment.
The next morning she awoke to Mimzy knocking on the apartment door, and quickly threw the door open. “G’morning doll, time to get you ready we’re leavin’ in a few minutes.” Mimzy threw the curtains open and turned on a few lights before setting an outfit on Azure’s bed.
“Where are we going?” The hind asked, tossing her nightgown off and folding it on the bed. 
Mimzy turned away respectfully while Azure changed, picking at her claws. “A friend of a friend has a place centered around redemption, thought maybe you’d be more suited to work there.” Azure tilted her head in confusion.
“Sinners can be redeemed?” She asked, and the blonde shrugged.
“Hell if I know, I just figured maybe some of the activities would help with that noggin of yours dollface.” Mimzy says as she goes behind the hind and ties the back of the shirt she wore together.
That brought both of the females to a hill near the outskirts of the Morningstar district, staring up at a large hotel. “Wow.” Azure commented, brushing her fringe out of her face.
“You ain’t seen nothin’ yet dollface.” Mimzy chuckled, and then led the black-haired hind up to the doors.
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mechanicalideas · 2 years
Once Again
TFP Soundwave x reader
Warnings — Yandere, kidnapping, mentioned death, implied mental health issues
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It was your loneliness that damed you. You had no friends or family in the small town of Jasper. Your day to day life began to dull into nothing more than a routine on autopilot. Get up, go to work, come home, sleep, then repeat. It took you awhile to become aware of the exhaustion that came simply by living. You needed someone to talk to before it got out of hand.
You had heard of this new chatting app, it randomly matched you with another user and set you free to talk. It was a Friday night when you opened the app for the first time, your room was dark with the only light filtering through your window sent by the moon. You couldn’t sleep that night and decided to roll your dice with the app. The first person you got had no icon, going by the user S0un5W4v3_1965. They didn’t say anything at first and you sighed as you realized you would have to be the first to speak up.
“hey.” You texted. It took awhile to get a reply back.
“Hello.” Short and sweet.
“How was your day?” It was the best starter you could think of at the moment.
“Good, although busy. You?” They returned.
The two of you went back and forth, brining up random but common topics. What do you work as? Where are you from? Etc. Although, his answers seemed strange and distant. While you knew that he probably didn’t want to give out too much information to a random person on a chat app his answer were either to general or attempted to avoid a direct answer. Eventually, you called it a night as it was getting to late and you were getting tired.
That night you went to bed feeling just a tad bit happier.
It had been a few weeks now, you and your chat buddy had made it a routine. Every night just before bed the two of your chatted. At this point you were excited to talk to him and perhaps he was too. Your conversations became more personal and friendly, while he still remained a formal tone on his end, it wasn’t as tight as when you first started talking. Well…texting really, you tried to set up a call with him but he avoided it. Often saying he was about to go to work or was in public, you thought it was weird after the first few times but didn’t press it further after that.
You excitedly plopped down onto your bed and grabbed your phone. Thumbs flying across your screen as you typed.
“Hey. You there?” You asked.
“Yes, I’m here.” He said.
Just like your routine you began to talk. You had been talking for a good 10 to 15 minutes before you decided to ask a question.
“Hey, do you have any family with you?” You quizzed.
“I had 2 boys.” You eyes widened as you sat up in minor shock. You imagined this guy to be in is 20s or something, but this was new information and you were eating it up—wait, had?
“Oh neat! What are their names?”
“Rumble and Frenzy.” You raised a brow, you assumed these were nicknames. They had to be.
“They are no longer with me.” He said. Your hand covered your mouth. Your face soften, unsure of what so say. You typed and deleted a few messages before replying.
“I’m sorry for your loss. I shouldn’t have asked.” You Responded.
“No, it’s alright. What about you?”
You hesitated but answered. “I don’t have anyone in my life right now. No friends or family.”
You pressed your phone to your chest, looking down somberly. It was a moment before your phone buzzed again.
“You have me.” It was sweet, but it made you feel much better.
You smiled. “Yeah, I guess I do.”
It had been months now, instead of just at night it was now at any time you had free. Lunch breaks, weekend afternoons, any time. You had began to become seriously attached to this faceless profile and so did he. When you thought about, you almost felt foolish. You didn’t know what he looked like, what his voices sounded like, or even his real name! But you were quick to brush it off.
By the time you settled in bed, your chat partner had already sent you a message. Odd, you thought, you were always the first to send a message to start a chat.
“Hey, are you there?” The message read.
“Yeah. What’s up?” You retorted. Almost as soon as you it send the message was read and a reply was given.
“I need to confess something.” Confess? You furrowed your eyes brows and began to type but he beat you to it.
“I love you Y/N.” You sickly chill went down your spine. You feel a wave of nausea crash over you and a sea foam of anxiety stuck to your skin. You had never considered him a love interest, only as a friend. Months of bonding were seemingly undone in a second.
The worst part? You never gave him your name.
You tossed your phone back onto the bedside table and laid down, back towards your phone. You took deep and shaky breaths as your phone began to buzz, increasing in frequency over time until your phone ran out of battery. You curled up on your side, mind racing and hazy. The sleep you got was barely worth anything, your anxiety souring it.
In the morning you plugged your phone back in. When it came on you saw the little red bubble with 99+ on the corner of the app. You didn’t dare open it, instead, you deleted the app.
Your day to day routine was no longer lined with excitement but a buzz of nervousness. The entire day you remained freaked out. How did he get your name? Was he serious? Even if he wasn’t why would he go out of his way to find your first name to play a joke on you?
Your steps were shaky as you walked through into your home, practically collapsing on your couch. It was dusk, orange and dark blue hues decorated the sky. You leaned forward, elbows on your knees and face in your hands.
You jumped out of your skin when a heavy thud! Shook the front your. You stared at it in shock, frozen in fear.
It sounded like a bodybuilder was throwing his entire weight on your door. The wood began to give in and splinter. You scrambled off the couch but your mind was racing far to fast for you to properly make a move. Soon, the door gave in your screamed and shield your face from the flying chunks of wood. You slowly open your eyes to stare in horror a purple and place metallic tentacle slithering into your living room. You turned, attempting to run only for you to be pulled back, the tentacle wrapping around you waist. It pulled you out of your house and into the air, you flailed and struggled.
You couldn’t believe what you saw next, standing next to your house, with several tentacles protruding from its back. It was a giant robot. Most black and purple in color, with a black screen for a face. You were frozen in horror, you tried to scream but nothing came out.
Suddenly, the black screen that made up its face showed a smiley face. Then a heart.
“Designation: Soundwave. Mission: You”
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