#[[ * Up down strange charm top bottom * ( headcanons ) ]]
sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
both is good!
both is great 👍
Alright let's get into it! For anyone wondering what this ask is about, see this post for context! And I'm going to be citing a lot of fanart for this post so make sure to go reblog the fanarts I link please. The artists deserve it, and I'll be tagging them all at the bottom!
We all know and love Mark. Honestly not much to say here! The classic lucky flannel, FNAF playing, sex toy cooking king!! Goofy the majority of the time but knows when to get serious with people and set boundaries (which is pogchamp to the max)
Dark is a silent and cunning man. He speaks his thoughts in riddles more often than not, so good luck trying to decipher them.
When around people he likes however (especially in more ways than one) he's more open and suave. Charming dare I say.
But don't forget he could snap your neck with a flick of his finger honey
Around a s/o or not he will still be the same hyperactive murderous Anti we've all come to know and love. (Well, at least know...)
Will pull a knife on anyone and everyone if felt the need too. And to repeat myself from a couple posts ago, I feel like he would cackle more than laugh. It just feels in character to me for some reason.
This man. This man <3
Call me biased but I love him. Wilford has just the right amount of murderous himbo energy as all people should.
Much like Dark and Anti however, I beg of you not to be fooled by his charms. Someone who can dismiss worm holes and create them like it's nothing should not just be written off as a pretty face.
Golden retriever energy. He'd probably cross his arms and deny it if I said that, but he's not here is he :)
Point being, Yancy is like a big teddy bear. A teddy beat with a gun stuffed inside of it, but a teddy bear nonetheless. Kind boy. I would headcanons he's a mama's boy too, if it weren't for the, uhm, unfortunate passing away of his mom under strange circumstances eheh...
Engineer Mark is the light of my life. The reason I get up in the morning. The reason I-
Well you get it. Man's is a bag of sunshine topped with sprinkles on top and more. Not only does he look adorable trying to eat his cookie, but he also is one of the most dedicated and caring people you'll meet
Rat bastard (/reluctantly affectionate)
I would give Actor a hug if I ever met him in real life and then bitch slap him so hard when he woke up his "luxury" clothes would be out of style
He's rude, he's mean, he's snooty, but Actor can be nice sometimes. Belive it or not heh
Now THIS is a mama's boy. Illinois gives off the vibes of someone who knows how to make really good campfire food, especially stew and/or soup.
Always there for a back rub or a quick game of rock paper scissors while hiking through mountains to get to an ancient temple. Always be prepared is the motto he lives by too heh
[Artists featured in this post. Please go check them out and reblog all their work! And if any of you want me to take down your art used in this post let me know immediately]
@bhavanti (Mark) || @the-bois-jim-and-jim (Dark) || @outoftheendgamenow (Wilford) || @antis-gauge (Anti) || @qlitchd (Yancy) || @artist-in-space (Engineer Mark) || @cldiiart (Actor) || @m-0-thmann (Illinois)
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uglypastels · 4 years
To the Beat // drummer!Tom 2/2
(a/n) and, as promised, here’s part 2! again big thanks to @duskholland and @captainpeggy40 <333 but a quick reminder, that i don’t often write smut, i don’t really know shit about writing smut so i actually had no business doing it... but i did it. so enjoy :) just, if its bad, don’t come for me
word count: 9117 words of filth tbh
warning: SMUT, i don’t even know what to specify. just.. 18+ okay but also, some fluff and humor cause i live by that
Please reblog if you liked it so more people can see it <3 and if you want to see more of this au, send an ask or dm <3
Read part 1 here <---> extra headcanons here
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“It looks good on you,” he commented when you met at the door. 
“Thanks,” there was the heat up your cheeks again. “And thank you for everything else, I had a really great night.” you were about to take the hat off to give it back, but he stopped you.
“It doesn’t have to end here, darling.” He said softly. For a second, it felt like your heart had stopped altogether. How you hoped he would say that, and then he did. 
“What do you want to do?” 
“I live a block away. We can- I don’t really know what we can do, to be honest.” He admitted, making both of you laugh. 
“Your place sounds good,” and you stepped aside for him to lead the way. Tom opened the door but almost stopped when he saw it was raining. And it was raining hard. It had escalated from the moment you had looked out the window. Then you realised he didn’t have a jacket and was only wearing that tank top. 
“I would offer you my jacket,” you said, “but I don’t think you would fit it… and I don’t have one.” You came to realise like the genius you were.
“I guess we’ll have to run for it, then.” He held out his hand. You didn’t even hesitate and grabbed it. Clutching on to the shirt and CD, you ran alongside Tom, across the street and then following it to the next right. It wasn’t really a run, but definitely a trot. The rain poured down on you, quickly soaking through all your clothes. By the time you had reached the door of his apartment building, your hair was sticking to your face, and you both looked like drenched cats. Tom grabbed his keys and unlocked the door as quickly as possible, letting you go first. 
You leaned against the wall and let your breathing calm down. He did the same against the door. There was a second of silence before you started laughing. What was so funny? Neither of you knew. It just felt nice and like the right thing to do after running through the rain like idiots. Oh, so that’s what was so funny.
“Right, this way,” he pointed up the stairs. “I would suggest the elevator, but it hasn’t worked in like five years, I think.” 
“Stairs are fine,” you said, already walking up. 
“Wait until the fourth floor. Cause I’m not carrying you.” He joked, and you giggled, putting away the thought of him holding you in his arms and carrying you up the stairs into his home… and kissing you… throwing you onto the bed… FOCUS! 
“Woah!” you almost missed a step, but luckily Tom caught you just in time. 
“You okay there?” 
“Yeah, just a bit slippery,” you tried to excuse your clumsiness, hoping that the fact that you were soaked from top to bottom would help. It did. Still laughing at you though, Tom helped you up and from then on you walked side by side. All the way up to the sixth floor. As exhausted as you were, you tried to play it off cool. 
“Here we are.” He tapped on the door with his whole palm, and for a second you thought someone would open, but then he pulled out his keys again. A moment later you were walking into the flat. You couldn’t see much in the dark, but Tom quickly turned on the lights. It was a nice looking place—big living room with an attached kitchen. On one side there were two doors, which you assumed were his bedroom and bathroom. It was clean, but here and there some items were misplaced or left behind, making known that there was indeed a person living here. 
On the wall closest to the entrance, you noticed pictures hanging. Most were of Tom and his friends and family. One stood out to you. It was an adorable little dog, smiling at the camera. When you looked over to the living room again, you noticed a red dog bed next to the couch with a bunch of squeaky toys. 
“You have a dog?” you asked, already excited to see a puppy. 
“Yeah, she’s called Tessa, but she’s staying with my parents and other brothers for the weekend since I would be out of the house for most of the time.” 
“Ah yeah, that makes sense-” you had been looking around, not paying too much attention to Tom himself in all honesty. But then you had turned around and froze. There was Tom. Shirtless. He looked at you, slightly concerned and confused as to why you looked like that. You just had no idea what to respond with. There he was… six-pack and- and everything, in all its glory. His arms were still shining from the rain. Was this actually real? 
You hadn’t noticed it before, but without the shirt, you saw how he had been wearing a necklace. A thin silver chain with some sort of charm on it that from a distance looked like a coin. He had been in the middle of fixing it when you turned around. So, there was that flexed arm to add to the things that broke your mind momentarily. 
Tom stared at you, looked down at himself, then back at you. He was about to look behind himself, probably to check if there was something wrong, but then realised. 
“Oh..OH. Shit.”
You were still speechless. 
“See, I did not think this through. I was just gonna change my shirt.” He showed you the wet piece of cloth that was once his loose tank top. “Do you want something to wear? I don’t want you to catch a cold.” Now that you mentioned it, you were starting to shiver. 
Your throat dry, you tried to mutter out, “uhh, yes. Thank you.” He nodded, walked past you and disappeared into the room you suspected to be the bedroom. He was gone for a bit, but when he came back, he was already changed. You had to hide your disappointment that he had put on a shirt, but the grey sweatpants made up for it in a way. Fuck. 
“Here,” he handed you some clothes. “It’s probably not the best outfit, but it should keep you warm.” 
“Thank you.” you grabbed the clothes from him. “Can I change in there?” 
“Yeah, yeah, go ahead.” He got out of the way, but you only took a step before he repeated something. “Do you want anything to drink?” 
“Uhm, sure. Tea?” 
“Coming right up.” and he went off to the kitchen to set the kettle. You walked, uninterrupted, to the other room. It was, like assumed, the bedroom with not much there except for a closet and a large bed. It did look really comfortable though. And made up. You wished your bedroom looked this clean. 
You took off your wet clothes, which was quite the challenge since it all stuck to your skin and your jeans wouldn’t budge from their place. The clothes Tom had provided were some shorts that seemed like he used for training or whatever exercise he did and a sweater. You had wanted to wear your new Winter Solstice t-shirt but, of course, that had soaked through as well. So, you put on the sweater and knew immediately that that was the better choice. It was soft and warm. Plus, the idea of wearing his clothes was also touching to the heart. 
You walked out of the room as Tom was pouring the boiling water into two mugs. He looked over at you with a smile.
“How do you take it?” He was opening the fridge, ready to take out the milk. 
“Honey and lemon, but it’s fine if you don’t have that.” you quickly added. 
“Please, you’re talking to the tea expert here.” He took out a bottle of lemon juice, the same out you always buy you noticed, and a jar of honey from the cupboard. As he did that, you looked around some more in the room. The large leather couch was definitely the centre point of the room, with the large tv in front of it, accompanied by a PlayStation. There was a bookcase filled with… well, books, but also CD’s, records and different little things between them. You looked around, hoping to find a drum set somewhere, but there was none. Which made sense. You didn’t expect the neighbours to be too fond of drumming as a pastime hobby. 
“We practice at Harrison’s place. He soundproofed his place.” Tom explained, seeing how you were looking around cluelessly. He handed you your cup as you both sat down on the couch. Fearing for your tongue, you carefully took the first sip, but it was surprisingly pleasant. He must have poured in some cold water to cool it down, just the right amount too. As soon as the tea got into your system, you felt the warmth go through your entire body. It was absolutely fantastic.
Still, you had to admit, it was a strange situation. Never would you have imagined to go to a concert and then, later on, go out for a late-night meal with the drummer, and now to be drinking tea on his couch. 
“You don’t do this often, do you?” You quizzed. Tom looked up from his mug. 
“Do what?” 
“This. Take a girl out to eat, bring her home, undress in front of her… make her tea.” you elaborated on your question. 
“The tea making, yeah, that’s new.” He sipped his tea with a slurp. 
“Well, I’m glad to be the first then.” You knew he had meant it jokingly, so why not just go along with it? 
You drank your tea together in silence. It all had this strange domestic feeling that was very nice, but by far not what you thought would be doing with Tom that night. But eventually, the tea had been drunk. You were sitting on opposite ends of the sofa. At one point you had put your legs on top of his. You could see that he was thinking about something. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” you asked. He had been staring at the coffee table, mumbling the Flintstones theme song to himself and tapping his fingers along to the melody on your leg. You had clearly pulled him out of a trance. 
“Do you wanna dance?” 
“Sorry, I was just thinking, we can sit here the whole night until we fall asleep, or we can put on some music and dance. Just a suggestion.” He was full of surprises, this guy. 
“Yeah, sure.” You got up and pulled him by the hands to follow you. “Sounds fun. Pick a song” You thought he would just get out his phone and get a Bluetooth speaker, but boy were you wrong. He moved over to the bookcase with his music collection. You tried to look over his shoulder at what record he had picked, but he pulled it out of the sleeve quickly and put it under the needle of the record player. 
As the needle scratched between songs, he walked back to you. The music that he picked was slow, and it felt perfect for the moment as he took your hand in his and let the other softly touch your side. You weren’t the most excellent dancer but knew enough that you had to put your free arm on his shoulder. 
The two of you moved around the room slowly, to the beat of the song. You put your head on his chest and could hear his heart beating along, well a bit faster. You could see his necklace poking out from underneath his shirt, so you let go of his shoulder to pull it out. 
“It’s nice,” you smiled, a bit dazed, playing with the charm between your fingers. You could hear him chuckle a thank you. 
The song was new to you. It was a simple melody, the singing was soft and intimate. As you spun around in Tom’s arms, it felt like the words were speaking to you directly. What was it again? You couldn’t remember exactly. Feeling him so close next to you, everything else was just a blur. Just like when he sang- 
“Wait, is this you?” you looked up at him. He just smiled. 
“Oh my god, it is!” Way to ruin the moment, but the song had already ended, and it was the only one on that side of the small record. “You guys have records?”
“We got ourselves an EP copy each,” he explained, scratching the back of his head. “I hoped you would like it.” 
“I- I do.” 
You looked into his eyes, trying- hoping- to see what he was thinking. They were flickering golden brown in the soft and warm light of the room. Then you saw it. That one sign you were looking for. It was just a fracture of a second. If you had blinked, you were sure you would have missed it. But you did see it. You saw how his eyes quivered down to your lips and back up to meet your eyes again. 
He held your hand in his, the other was on your waist. He pulled you in closer—your chest against his. You could feel how shaky his breath was against your cheek. You lost your battle with self-control as you dared to glance down at his lips. They looked so soft. So inviting. 
And you took that invitation gladly. Pressing your lips against his. He stumbled back a step, not expecting the push. He let go of your hand so he could hold you firmly against his chest. In the meantime, your hands wandered off to his hair. It was still wet from the rain, making it easier for you to comb through it. The kiss itself intensified with each lasting second. 
A sound escaped you as he grabbed onto your leg, just to drag you off to the couch. He sat, giving you easy access to sit on his lap. You sat down with great pleasure. 
If the air wasn’t such a necessity in life, it would have been likely you would have never pulled away, but alas. You parted your lips just enough to stop your lungs from burning. Tom took that moment to brush off a strand of hair behind your ear. A classic little move but you fell for it immediately. The feeling of his fingers against your skin. It felt sinful. It was only your cheek. Just thinking about his touch all over your body gave you that rush to kiss him again. 
As he kept on holding your waist with one hand, the other made its way to your thigh, squeezing it gently. That little gesture made you jump up. Unplanned, was the friction between your and his hips. You couldn’t hear it, but you felt him hold back the moan. 
“Fuck, don’t hold it in,” as frustrating it was to pull away, it had to be said. “Please,” you panted. 
“Whatever you want, baby.” He leaned in to kiss you again, but this time he went lower down to your jawline. You held on to the back of his head and shoulder for support as he kissed and nipped at your skin, moving down to your neck. 
Your body was starting to feel hotter and hotter. The once so comfortable sweater was just an inconvenient restriction at this point. And Tom felt that too. To your disappointment, his hands left your body to tug at the hem of the sweater. Before taking it off, however, he looked you in the eyes. 
“You sure about this?” 
“Yes,” you breathed out. 
“But, if you ever wanna stop, just tell me, okay?” 
“Yes.” How he managed to form full sentences, that was a mystery. You put your arms up, letting Tom take off the sweater. He threw it over the edge of the couch. Not a second later, your lips were together once again. Even though it only had been a minute, two max, it felt like an eternity that you had to get through to touch him again. 
His fingers moved slowly over your body. Every inch he moved, followed with a burning sensation as if he was on fire. Burning you gradually, in the best way possible. One thing just felt off. So, you tugged at his shirt. 
“I’m not doing all the work, babe,” he said with a grin. You rolled your eyes at his comment, but it wasn’t as if you really minded undressing him. You grabbed the shirt and slowly pulled it up to his chest. One by one, his muscles showed themselves, and you had to control the urges that started building up in the pit of your stomach. You pulled the shirt. Tom already had his arms up, ready to get the fabric off. If only he knew about your plan that started forming in your head.
The hem of the shirt just touched his lip when you put it in his mouth. He was about to spit it out, but you stopped him. 
“Just wait, okay.” He kissed his cheek sweetly, making him roll his eyes at you. As slowly as possible, you slid off his lap. He wanted to make a grab at your hips, but you pushed his hands off… with difficulty, cause fuck, if it didn’t feel right to have him touch you. 
The only way to let him leave you alone was intertwining your fingers, and letting your hands fall to his sides. He saw how you planted your feet on the ground so to make it easier for the both of you he spread his legs. It was a golden sight. With a big smile on your face, you leaned in, kissing his chest. It immediately received the reaction you hoped for. With the fabric in his mouth, Tom groaned softly, but still very audibly in the quiet room. When you looked up, you saw him tugging at the shirt as he tried to pull his head up, tensing his jaw. He could have just spit it out if he really wanted it gone… but he didn’t. 
Thought it safe, you let go of his hands. They stayed in place next to his thighs. You moved closer to him to continue the feather-light kisses along his smooth skin. With each touch, his chest heaved in deep and heavy inhaled. You kept going. Kiss after kiss, moving lower and lower. You couldn’t help it but lick down that line of his abs, across that gorgeous tummy of his. And it was good too, rewarded with a beautiful growl from Tom. You could have said it was the best thing you had heard that night, but you had listened to a lot of good things that night… and who knew what was still to come. 
You left one last kiss below his belly button, exactly to meet the elastic band of his underwear. A part of you wanted to snap it, but that felt a bit too cruel considering you almost made him swallow his shirt. You looked up again. It was a magnificent sight, Tom holding that hemline in his mouth, gritting his teeth as his chest moved up and down, needing and hoping for a release. He looked down at you too, and his eyes were black with lust. You could see him clenching his fists. 
That was a sign of continuing. Unlike before, you quickly started to unbutton his trousers. You were too focused on your little task to look at Tom, but you saw him roll his head on the backrest of the couch. You unzipped the pants and pulled them down with a few tugs. 
You almost felt bad seeing how hard he got in those few moments. Almost. Just a little bit more teasing wouldn’t hurt, right? Tom had other ideas. He pulled out the shirt from his mouth, tugged it off in one swift move, and threw it behind him. He glared down at you. “I swear if you don’t suck me off right now-”
“Or what?” you challenged him. This clearly took him aback, but only for a second. Then, this twinkle in his eye appeared, telling you that there was not a saint thought in his mind at that moment. He leaned over, only an inch away from your face. His words were like a high, each one giving you precisely the right rush of adrenaline you needed. 
“Suck my cock, Princess, or I’ll just have to fuck that pretty mouth myself.” 
And you were gonna let him, but a more significant part of you didn’t want to give up that easily. So, for now, you let out a soft whimper and nodded. Tom kissed you softly on the lips before sitting back up straight. He looked like a king on a fucking throne, with that proud and smug grin. It was giving you the greatest pleasure to ruin that little moment of his. 
You palmed him through his boxers, moving your hand up and down, then leaned in yourself to kiss it, still through the fabric. Tom hissed out a moan, and right then, you knew you were golden. One more little kiss and you reached out for the border of his underwear. You were about to pull it down- 
And then you got up. 
“What the fuck-”
“I’m gonna get some water, I think.” And just like that you hopped over to the little kitchen and grabbed yourself a glass. As you were pouring yourself the water, you could hear him shuffling his feet out of his trousers. You could hear him walk up behind you. As you were about to touch the brim of the glass against your lips, you felt him push against your back. His hard-on was more than evident. He moved his fingers into your hips as he whispered into your ear, making your body shake from anticipation. 
“So, you wanna play games, huh?” His tone was nothing but filthy. “You could have just said so, I mean I got Monopoly somewhere in the closet.” His left hand drifted off, moving up your side. You were still holding that damn glass of water, body frozen. 
“Or I could turn on the PlayStation, whatever you want darling.” He kissed you just below the ear. His hand was sliding across the valley between your breast, tracing up to your neck. 
“Hmm, tell me, what do you want?” 
“I- I-” you couldn’t think straight. With him talking like that and his soft touch, it was too much. 
“Speak up, baby.” 
“I want...Aah!! What the fuck!” Suddenly his touch was gone, and you felt something ice-cold cover your torso. You had still been holding up that glass of water, and when Tom got close enough, he tipped it over with his finger, letting all the cold content spill out on you. Goosebumps formed all over your body, and you shrieked out in pure shock. 
“Oops,” he giggled and pecked you on the cheek. Before you could say another word, he was walking away, in the direction of his bedroom. Not looking around, he held up his hand. 
“Counting to four and then you better be here, without those ugly shorts.” 
“They’re yours,” you said as he opened the door, still shivering from the cold water. He opened the door and was gonna close it but then quickly said-
“So? I have horrible taste. Take ‘em off, darling,” and he closed it. You could hear him count from the other side. 
You quickly pushed off the, indeed, not great looking shorts. 
You started walking up to the bedroom. The butterflies in your stomach had left the cage and were going crazy. 
Almost at the door. 
You opened it. There stood Tom. He didn’t even hide the way he was checking you out. In only a bra and panties, there was little you could hide behind, but you tried to fight the insecurities. 
“Fuck, you’re perfect.” He said before striding your way. Grabbing on to you, he kissed you passionately. You felt his hand in your hair, so you mimicked it. For the rest, you had no idea what was going on since you had closed your eyes. You let all the other senses speak for themself—his soft but harsh touch; the way you could still smell the rain on him—the sweet taste of honey and tea on his lips. You could hear the little grunts and whimpers escape the both of you as he slammed you against the door with a thud. 
Then he grabbed your leg, signally for you to jump. You did without hesitation. Arms around his neck, fingers tangled into the hair at the nape of his neck. You kissed him feverishly. The fact that he was holding you up with only one hand hadn’t even caught up to you. The hand that was leaning against the door next to your face was not even registered by your addled brain yet. 
Feeling the need for air again, you pulled away. Your foreheads were leaning against each other as you both inhaled deeply. 
“What happened to fucking my mouth, Tommy?” You quipped. Tom was staring down, looking at how your chest heaved deeply with every breath. 
“Would take too long,” he said, now looking up into your eyes. “I thought it would be better to just straight up start with your sweet little cunt.” He growled into your ear. Before you could say anything in response, he kissed you again. 
His words were still spinning around in your head as he pushed the two of you away from the wall and carried you across the room to the bed. You could feel his erection against you, hard as a fucking rock. Why did you pull away from him on the couch? 
He put his knee on the mattress before letting you drop. It made you think back to just a few hours ago, how you had fallen down on to your own bed, contemplating whether or not to go to some dumb concert… now look at you. 
Your head touched the soft bedding, but your legs were still around Tom’s middle. He grabbed your legs and spread them just the right way so he could lean closer to you. 
“You look so fucking hot, right now.” He groaned as his teeth grazed your neck, making you arch your back. He pinned you back down on the bed. 
“Seeing you in that crowd, you know how hard it was for me to concentrate?” At this point, he had your arms above your head, holding them tightly. He kissed your jawline and moved up to your ear, tugging at your earlobe just that little bit, enough to make you quiver. You didn’t realise he actually wanted an answer until you felt the harsh sting of him slapping your thigh. Just enough to send that spark up to where you needed him the most. 
“Fuck,” you moaned, “No, Tommy, I didn’t.” 
“Hmm, thought so. But I saw you staring at me. Checking me out, huh? I had to really control myself to not just grab you and fuck you out there, right on my drumset.” His free hand, the one that wasn’t holding back your arms, was getting closer to your pussy. Your entire body was pulsing and shaking, needing for him to do something. Anything. 
“Just imagine that, Princess,” he was whispering into your ear again, “you bouncing on my dick, in front of all of those people.” 
“Fuuck,” you had never been much into exhibitionism, but hearing him speak like that, everything sounded good. 
Suddenly you felt his fingers move over your underwear. It was just for a moment, him passing through from one thigh to the other, but it was enough to have you moan out his name in need. 
“Tsk, behave, darling,” he kissed your forehead. So sweetly, it almost seemed as if he wasn’t about to fuck the complete hell out of you. “You’re gonna behave for me, right?” 
“Yes. Just please- please do something.” You pleaded, which gave great pleasure to Tom. 
“Good to know we got that little attitude from earlier sorted out, huh? I really didn’t want to punish you.” He didn’t? So what the hell was this torture? Of course, it all felt amazing, but if he would cross his fingers one more time next to your clit, you might actually explode. 
“Now, I think I’m going to finger your little pussy, okay Princess,” He asked with that sweet tone. You could feel his fingertips move across the fabric of your panties. “Yeah, I think you’d like that huh, look how fucking soaked you are.” With his thumb he pressed over your clit, moving down through the slit. You moaned out, finally feeling some kind of relief from him. 
He kissed your neck as he finally moved your underwear to the side. 
“You’re so pretty and needy, you know that?” he said, smiling. You nodded your head, biting your lip in anticipation of what he was gonna do next. You had your eyes closed and opened them for a moment. Tom was right above you. He sent you an air kiss for extra measure. You tried to focus on his eyes instead of the sensation you felt every time one of his fingers was getting closer to push into you. Still, whimpers escaped you. Which he enjoyed immensely. 
Then he finally did it. Two fingers, deep inside, stretching your walls. You moaned out in pure relief, ecstatic to finally feel something inside you. Tom let you adjust for a second until he started to move slowly in and out, making momentum. Not that he forgot about your clit. Oh no, he rubbed it until you were seeing stars in front of you, 
“I’m going to let go of you, alright?” You were ready to nod at his question, but he added more on to it. “But since you do like playing games so much-” here it comes, you knew it, “let’s make it a bit of a game. I’ll let go of you, and then you got, let’s say, three seconds to pick a new place for them. And then you better stick with it too, cause I don’t want to see you move until you come, understood?” 
“Yes, Tommy.” you gasped more so than said. 
“Good.” He kissed you but quickly started to move down. You knew what was going to happen, you had been waiting for it. But he was still holding on to you. Right as his mouth had passed your stomach, he let go of your wrists. Without thinking about it, you planted your fingers in his hair. 
“Hmm, good choice, darling.” He mumbled against the skin of your hip. You brushed your fingers through his hair, not sure what else to do while waiting for him to- 
Then, he pushed your panties aside completely. You felt his tongue, and it made you roll your eyes to the back of your head. He held on to your leg with one arm, the fingers of the other were still moving in and out of you. You held on to his hair, holding on for dear life. For a second that thought of possibly hurting him flashed through your mind, but then that melodic groan went through him, and the vibrations of his voice passed through your body like an electric shock. 
He kept moving his tongue in a way that made you sure he was trying to spell something out, possibly his own name, but you simply couldn’t make anything of it. You could barely concentrate on your own breathing, let alone words. 
Tom pulled you closer to him, deeper, making you moan like you never had before. Now, you had your fair share of experience, but he was… extraordinary. He took his time, made sure to give every minuscule part of you the attention it needed. Almost as if he wanted to hit every single nerve and cell individually. You weren’t even sure if he did it for your pleasure or because of his own. 
Did it matter? 
From the way how you could feel the knot in your stomach tighten, clearly not. 
“To-tom.” you gasped out. You were close. So close. But he didn’t need your words to know that. But it wasn’t enough for him. So, instead of going deeper, harder, faster, he sucked at your clit one last time before licking his way over to your thigh. You could have screamed in agony. 
“Tom!” you did. 
You wanted to let go of him and get up. Pull him up to you, maybe get on top even. But you remembered his words. I don’t want to see you move until you come. As much as you wanted to know what would happen if you broke that little rule, you also wanted to listen.
And so, you let out your frustration through digging your nails into his hair, but it had the exact opposite effect on Tom that you hoped for. Any time you would pull, even the tiniest bit, he would grab your thigh even harder, pulling himself to you. And he just kept on toying with you. Playing with your clit until that familiar knot was tying itself up in you, only to pull away and suck another perfect little hickey on your thighs. You had lost count how many times he had already marked you. On top of that, every time his lips would pull away, so would his fingers. Pull out just enough, only leaving his fingertips in you, to get you on that next edge of frustration, to make you beg for more.
“Tom, pleeease,” you begged. Tears were already forming in your eyes. It didn’t help that he would take that stupid necklace of his and put it against your burning skin. The cold metal of the charm always managed to come up against a new mark that Tom had left behind. 
“Tell me what you want, darling,” he said, kissing your sensitive skin between the words. You had to take all the power left in you to form the semi-coherent sentence. 
“I want- want to come. Please, Tom.” Your head was spinning, body flushed and hot, sweat and tears mixing at your temples. 
“You only had to say so.” His voice was the opposite of yours, composed and relaxed. You felt his smirk against you as he left one last kiss on you. The finally- 
The easiest way to describe it was that he had gone wild. Animalistic. He devoured you as if he was a starving man, and you the last meal on earth. Then there were his fingers, moving at a rapid pace, but still so steady. You could feel it nearing. So fucking close. You couldn’t hold it in any longer. Your legs were shaking, and all your other muscles were practically rigid from how tense you were. You needed to let go now. Feel that release at last. 
At last, yes. With a scream, you felt it all relax. Your body came undone in a wave of pleasure. You were melting into the bed, Tom being the only thing keeping you somewhat conscious of your surroundings. 
You tried to concentrate on the feeling of his lips, licking one final line over your clit. It shook you to your core. You whimpered, not being able to take much more. Your body went limp, you let go of his hair. 
“Shhh,” he was moving up. Kissing your body, snaking his way back up to look into your eyes. The cold touch of the necklace followed behind. You opened your eyes, but everything was blurry. After blinking a few times, you could finally see him, drenched in your juices, with the biggest grin on his face. 
He parted his lips just the tiniest bit, and you followed him blindly. You felt his fingers on your lips and without thinking, put them in your mouth. The taste of yourself, together with the feeling of his fingers tasted like the best damn thing ever. 
“That’s right,” he kissed your tear-stained cheek, “you’re my good girl, aren’t you?”
You nodded, closing your eyes. It was all too much, you had to cut off one of your senses before it was too late.
“I wish you could see how beautiful you looked right now. So fucked out- and I haven’t even had my good fun with you yet.” 
You wanted to protest, but it was too difficult to speak. Besides, your fingers felt too good in your mouth to let them go for some pathetic little words. It wasn’t worth it. 
But like all good things in life, it had to end. He pulled his fingers out of your mouth. Having no control left over your body, you let a whine escape you at the loss of touch. 
“Christ, you’re needy,” he said before kissing you deeply, but shortly before he finished his statement. “I love it.” His hands were roaming your body. He held up your leg just so he could get in the position to squeeze your ass. 
“Hold on to me, baby,” he murmured between another kiss. You did your best, still feeling no energy in your limbs. You crossed your arms behind his neck, feeding on the kiss for the strength to move. He held you as he pulled the both of you up to sit on the bed. And he kept holding on to you when he thrust his right hand to your back, to the strap of your bra. He moved his fingers around, looking for the clasp. Even in your dazed state, it made you laugh a little. 
“It’s upfront,” you mumbled, kissing the corner of his mouth. He moved away to look at you, confused. You pointed down at the front of your bra. 
“So you’re telling me,” he flicked it open, letting your breast basically spill out in front of him, “I could have had this view this whole time? Fuck!” He pulled the straps down your shoulders to take it off.
“Sorry?” you said, not sure if you really needed to apologise. 
“No, don’t be.” He threw the bra to the floor. Almost on the spot where you had changed. It really wasn’t that long ago, but it felt like it. Had you thought of this happening when you put on his sweater? Maybe? In a sense. It was an option. But nothing would have prepared you for this. 
How could you have even thought about sitting on his lap, your legs around his waist, your arms on his shoulders, as he held you? Because of this, this wasn’t just some simple fuck. You hoped it wasn’t, at least. The way you held each other and how there was nothing but the passion between you- or was it possible that it didn’t mean that much to him? 
Still, that orgasm he gave you was the best you have had in a long time. So if it was only for the night, then let it be. You could still get a good time out of it, and you would not let your mind ruin this. 
Luckily for you too, Tom’s kisses made you shut off your thoughts reasonably quickly. It wouldn’t even matter if the world had been ending. 
But kissing could only get you so far. And he clearly had the same thought. Panting, his hot breath hitting your neck, he asked you. 
“Are you ready for this, babe?” You nodded. “I need to hear it, please.”
“Yes. Just fuck me already.” 
“Perfect.” with a peck on the cheek, he let go of you and let you slip off his lap. He got off the bed. You sat on your knees, hands next to your legs, looking at him in anticipation. It was insane how he had managed to eat you out while his cock was rock hard. You could see the outline of it through his underwear, leaving nothing, but really nothing, to the imagination. 
You watched him do a little jiggle, making you laugh, before taking the band off his boxer shorts and pulling it down. To say your mouth started to water, would sound ridiculous, but you weren’t so far from that state. He wasn’t too long, or too thick, you didn’t expect it to be anyway, but it looked just right to send you over into another dimension. There was that one vein going along his shaft that you couldn’t get enough of. Unconsciously, you were moving over to the edge of the bed. Just seeing him completely naked in front of you, send your mind into a frenzy. It was a magnificent view. 
What couldn’t go unnoticed was how red the tip had gone, from pure arousal and frustration that he needed to relieve. How badly you wanted to help him. You moved closer to the bed end, he took a step closer to you. He had his hand on his cock but didn’t move a muscle. If he did, you thought, he might have exploded right there in the spot. And what would be the fun in that? 
“Fuck,” he groaned, standing in front of you. “You look so fucking perfect on your knees.” 
You didn’t say anything, just smiled. The energy was coming back into your body, slowly, and you could feel getting that independence back that Tom had so rudely taken away from you. So, without saying anything, you took him in your hand and started to move up and down, not breaking eye contact, well, until Tom’s head rolled back. You couldn’t blame him. 
You kept on stroking him, steadily, leaving kisses every few seconds on his tip. The pre-cum started leaking almost instantaneously, which you gladly used to spread all over his tip, making it much easier to move your hand around. Your kisses in the meantime got sloppier each time, longer. Until you were basically just kitten licking that vein that was taunting you before. 
The sounds that were coming from Tom were adding to the whole experience in the best way. His moans and grunts were sending you to the edge, so far that you couldn’t help but let your free hand wander down and rub your clit. And it didn’t go unnoticed by Tom. 
“Even when sucking my dick, you need more, huh?” He asked as he looked down, right when you had finally put the tip in your mouth, twirling your tongue around it. The fact that you tried to look up into his eyes all innocent like should have sent him flying from laughter, but instead, he put his hand on your head and softly started to stroke your hair. 
“Thought so,” he grunted. His hand stayed in your hair as you let your jaw slack and you made your way down his shaft, all the way till you could feel him touch the back of your throat. His grip got tighter, he didn’t move anything, but you just felt him grab your hair in his fist. Just enough to tell you to move without hurting you. He would have probably said it in words, but when you looked up, you saw how twisted his face was in pure delight. 
You started to move in a paced way, but eventually, it felt too slow for Tom. That hand in your hair came to final use as he began to guide your movement. Letting you practically choke on him every time he moved up with the tempo. You felt the tears coming again as the drool fell from your mouth. You were an absolute mess, but it didn’t bother you one bit. 
He kept going, fucking your mouth just like he had promised on the couch earlier. 
“You know,” he said between pants, “As much as I’d love to cum in your mouth-” he hissed in pleasure when he hit the back of your throat again. “I swear the things you do to me, darling.” 
He let go of you and pulled out. You gasped for air, finally having a free passage of air to come through to your lungs. Tom wiped some of the drool from your mouth before leaning in to kiss you. He closed you in by placing his arm next to you and slowly let you fall on your back again. 
“Jesus,” he panted after the kiss. He looked at your mouth before gazing into your eyes again. You couldn’t imagine that it looked great, with your makeup completely smudged, but he smiled. “Would it be crazy to say that I love you right now?” 
“I’ve heard crazier,” you said back, also out of breath. 
“Oh yeah?” 
You just shrugged. He let out an airy laugh that you could feel against your face. You closed your eyes, just for a second, to enjoy the moment. This small speck of time in the universe, where it was only you and him, where nothing else mattered. Just two strangers having a great time. Would there be more after this? Who was to say? It didn’t matter. Not to you, at least. 
The little moment was ruined when you heard him curse. Suddenly the weight of the bed shifted, as he moved from hovering on top of you. You opened your eyes. 
“What’s wrong?” 
He was already on the side of the bed, leaning out to reach the drawer of the bedside table. 
“Condom,” he muttered out, still trying to reach it. Not that he could just move up a bit and slide the thing open with ease. He liked feeling you underneath him. And you did too. 
Finally, he managed to open the drawer and had to move up a bit to reach into it. You could hear his patting on the wood, but there was no sound of packaging. 
“Fuck, wait a second.” He got up with a small jump and ran off, leaving you basically naked and alone on the bed. You sat and finally took off your panties. It was no surprise that they were completely soaked. You threw them on the ground next to your bra. 
The drawer was still open, and you bit your lip at the thought of looking inside it. You could tell a lot by a person’s bedside table. And it was already open… just a peek wouldn’t hurt? Right? 
You moved closer to the table and leaned in to look. There was not much inside-just a charger, a book (but it was too dark in the room to read the small print of the title), a glasses case and a small notebook and pen. On the notebook, you saw scratched “WS”. Winter Solstice? Was it possibly lyrics? You didn’t go as far as going into that. 
As you had been looking, you could hear him rummaging through stuff in the room next door, the bathroom. 
Having seen everything there was to see in the drawer, you decided to just lie down on the bed, looking for a comfortable position, but also something that Tom would enjoy seeing when he walked into the room. Right then, the door opened, and Tom walked in. His one hand over his crotch and the other holding a box of condoms. 
“Sorry, I couldn’t find them at first, turned out they were- fuck.” He was looking at the box and hadn’t seen you lying there immediately. When he finally did, he almost dropped the condoms, only catching them with his other hand at the last second.
“You think you can get on your knees for me, darling?”
“I can try,” you shrugged, already turning around. You could hear him curse to himself as he saw you sit there. Then the ripping off the wrapper. He was taking his time for sure, which you didn’t really mind. You just weren’t really sure if your arms would be able to hold yourself up. You could already feel them shaking. 
“I really fucked you up, didn’t I, love?” You felt his cold hand on your ass, squeezing and kneading gently. 
“Yeah, I guess so-Ah,” you moaned as he slapped the spot he had been so gentle with just a second before. At that touch, your left arm gave in, and you lost balance, falling with your face into the blanket. The nicely made up bed now only smelled of sweat and sex and you really weren’t mad at it. 
“Fuck, c’mere,” he groaned, pulling you in by your waist, so your back was against his chest. You yelped out at the sudden movement and looked over your shoulder to look at his face. He was looking down at your chest. Hard nipples begging for attention from his hands and then they finally got it. As he kissed your shoulder, he started to play carefully pull at them, making sure your reaction was nothing but good. He got what he looked for when your hand reached out for his while you moaned. 
Then there was that cock of his, between your legs at this point, teasing you. Tom let go of your chest, allowing you to replace it with your own hand. You tried to ignore the tickling sensation as his fingers danced over your naked body, moving down to your legs. He grabbed his shaft and, for worst or best, slapped your pussy with it. 
“Tommm,” you whined, just needing to feel him inside you. 
“Alright, sorry. I just couldn’t help myself.” He kissed your neck as he finally slid into you. Those two feelings together made you roll your eyes so far back you thought you had gone blind for a moment. He spread your walls and filled you up perfectly, like the strangest fucking puzzle. You reached up to grab his hair again. There was just something about it, how it was so messy and you were the cause of it, that turned you on. And by the way, he smiled as you tugged at it, you could tell he loved it as well.
Tom kept on pounding into you at this perfect rhythm, to no surprise. You wouldn’t have expected anything less from a drummer. He was rough, deep, hitting every spot he needed to at just the right time.  And with every thrust, you felt yourself getting closer. Already so sensitive from the previous orgasm and the way he had utterly destroyed your mouth, there was really not much you needed to get there again. 
But it didn’t mean that he put in any less effort. Tom took each and every thrust with the precision you deserved. He kissed every inch of your skin available to his lips. 
It didn’t take long for you to come undone again. The moans coming from your mouth were all he needed to get there too. The way he groaned into your ear as he came could have sent you going for another round, but your legs were shaking like crazy. If it wasn’t for the way he held you, you would have most definitely fallen. 
His hand fell to your stomach, holding you tightly. Out of reflex, you reached out for it, intertwining your fingers. He pulled out of you. The sudden emptiness in you was the final straw for your legs to give up, your knees spread, making you slide down past Tom’s body a little. Heavy breathing from both of you filled the room—his chest against your back. Your heart beats mixing together into one. 
He held you close to him until you could somewhat control your breathing. He sat down and carefully put you down so you could lay down on the bed. You watched as he took off the condom and threw it into the small bin in the corner of the room. He grabbed his underwear and put it on quickly. 
“Let’s get you something to wear, shall we,” he smiled at the sight of you lying in his bed, exhausted, naked, with the most sheepish smile on your face. You nodded, expecting him to grab the sweater from the living room, but instead, he opened the closet and took a shirt that was folded on the top shelf. He sat down on the bed and helped you sit up as you got the shirt over your head. 
You noticed it was another Winter Solstice shirt, but it had a different design on it. It didn’t have that scratchy writing on it. Instead, the letters flowed smoothly into each other in an intricate cursive pattern. Underneath it, there was a sketch of a crescent moon. 
“It’s a design we think about using if we do any other shows,” he explained before you could ask. “The other one was cheaper so we could get more.” 
“I do hope you’ll play more shows,” you admitted as you lay down on the pillow. You thought he would join you, but instead, he got up. Clearly, he saw the panic in your face because he quickly explained: “I’m just gonna get you some water.” 
“No, stay,” it came out a bit more whiny than you intended it to, “I’m fine.” 
“You sure?” He raised an eyebrow but still sat down next to you. You patted the other pillow motioning for him to join you in the horizontal position, which he eventually did with pleasure. You scooted over to be closer. By doing so, though, the shirt moved up, only just covering your breast. 
Tom put his hand on your side, tapping mindlessly, you focused on it, trying to figure out a pattern, but nothing came to mind. You put your arm under your head for some more support, and you looked at him while his eyes were on your body. He seemed to be deep in thought again, just like back on the couch before you started dancing. His tapping transformed into his fingers moving around over your skin in small shapes. 
“You know,” he said, still drawing little pictures on your side, “I’d really hate for this to just be a one-night thing.” He looked up into your eyes. 
“As long as you make me some more tea again, we’re good.” you leaned in to kiss him through each other's soft laughs. Of course, it wouldn’t be a one-time thing. You didn’t want it to be. You were completely hooked on him. Ever since you had seen him sitting at that bar. To think it was only a few hours ago.
> Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed > please reblog and leave a comment or ask with your thoughts. i love reading them >masterlist and link to taglist in bio
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edith-moonshadow · 3 years
We need pregnant steve soooooo; Rosemary's Baby AU. Love satanic cult leader billy, love that adventure for him.
Spoilers For Rosemary’s Baby (1968)
Warnings: Alpha Beta Omega Dynmaics, Alpha Billy, Omega Steve, Top Billy, Bottom Steve, Dubious Consent, Manipulation, Possessive Behaviour, Biting, Anal Sex Billy as a charismatic satanic cult leader, sign me up, I love Rosemary’s baby so much from the creepy opening lullaby to Rosemary rocking her demon spawn at the end, it’s a great film.
So I’m assuming that Billy isn’t going to be Guy in this scenario because personally I headcanon Billy as possessive so to me he’d never let anyone else have Steve even if it benefitted him. Although of course if you wanted to follow the film more closely you could of course do that.
So are we going Alpha Beta Omega, so Steve is an Omega who’s married to a Beta, for my purposes I’m going to make him married to a woman who works as an actress but so far has only gotten commercials but dreams of being on the New York stage or part of the New York film scene. They move to the apartment (I’m imagining that Steve’s parents helped them with the down payment which Steve’s wife resents because she wants to be independent) and Steve is going to look after the house, that’s what he feels more comfortable doing.
They plan on having children but will technically have to outsource that but they’ve already made plans (Steve’s partner could be Alpha of course but I imagine he’d be bonded to them then.) So they get settled in and their next-door neighbours the Castevets (Side note I love Ruth Gordon so much especially as Minnie in this film she’s amazing) they’re old and a little eccentric at first they laugh about them but when they’re invited to dinner they go. Steve has a horrible night where he feels out of place whereas his wife is completely captivated by Roman’s stories and they spent most of the night secreted away in a corner talking in hushed tones.
So Billy in this story would be the Castevet’s charming, handsome Alpha “nephew” who comes to stay with them for a while and of course takes a shine to Steve, could have Steve flustered by his appearance either finding him attractive or aggressive. Then Steve’s wife starts pushing about having children and Steve is delighted he’s always wanted children. So for the purposes of this story if the wife is a Beta I’m gonna say that you can go to an expensive clinic and they supply you with everything you need to get an Omega pregnant, so sperm and a way to insert it plus a container that keeps it good for twenty-four hours.
So they prepare for their big night, Minnie leaves in some chocolate mousse she made which Steve only eats part of out of politeness because it tastes funny and it plays out like the film only in the dream it’s Billy that Steve sleeps with (although his eyes could still be strange as I’m imagining that he’s channelling the devil or is the devil in human form.) Also, I can’t help but think of Billy being a little into the exhibitionism of that particular scene like he wants Steve as his Omega and he’s getting to claim him in front of everyone including Steve’s actual partner, I imagine Billy would relish that a little.
Once Steve is pregnant you could have him feeling inexplicably drawn to Billy who’s so charming and attractive especially when Steve’s wife starts becoming more in demand as an actress. I can see Billy being very touchy-feely with Steve like constantly touching his stomach, maybe scenting him and it’s very inappropriate but Steve can’t help but enjoy it on some level, he feels a little abandoned by his wife and Billy is paying him all this attention like he’s special. I see Steve falling a little under Billy’s spell maybe they start an affair which makes Steve feel guilty but he can’t stay away from Billy.
So I can see Steve’s guilt and his difficult pregnancy making him feel a little insane and he thinks that the older Castevets are after his baby for a demonic ritual, I think Steve would still be Catholic in this story to have that juxtaposition. He wouldn’t suspect Billy (or he could if you want a paranoid Steve trying to escape Billy but being unable to) but I don’t think he’d tell him either unless he became desperate and needed to talk to someone because he felt so isolated and Billy is the only person he really has especially when Hutch is killed.
So Steve tries to escape but Billy is never going to let him get away and in the end, all is revealed, I don’t think Billy would leave Steve out I think once the baby is born he would include him and entice him over to the dark side where they could be a bonded pair who raised their child together, Steve is torn especially because Billy lied to him but he loves his son too much to leave.
Or you could go a little more horror moviesque kind of like a psychological thriller mixed with body horror and have the same opening premise: Steve and his wife move into the apartment, his wife is driven and Steve prefers to look after the house. They meet the Castevets who in this scenario are more interested in Steve’s wife (she comes from a big family but is currently on birth control until her career is more established.)
Billy turns up to assess the situation but he’s not interested in Steve’s wife, he wants Steve (for the ritual this is possible but more complicated.) Steve meets Billy and finds him less than desirable, thinks he’s an asshole but Billy is laser-focused on Steve, teasing him all night and making him flustered, he asks completely inappropriate questions to Steve’s wife about how Steve is in bed, what kind of things does he like and Steve can’t believe when she answers.
All of a sudden Steve’s wife wants to have children and he’s surprised but overjoyed but on the night he feels a little funny and he passes out where he has a strange dream where he’s in a room full of people who are chanting and Billy is naked on top of him. Billy in the dream keeps growling possessive things in Steve’s ear as he draws symbols over his naked body and then he starts getting him ready for Billy’s cock, Steve’s never been with a man but he’s thought about it before and he gets incredibly turned on especially when Billy bites down on his skin a little too hard, the way he can manhandle him so easily and the rough slightly desperate way that he kisses him.
The dream is so vivid, it hurts when Billy first pushes in but eventually, Steve is feeling more pleasure than he ever has and he makes eye contact with Billy, his normally bright blue eyes have changed and suddenly everything feels too real but Billy just distracts him with his tongue and teeth.
Steve wakes up the next day to find his body covered in marks and his wife just tells him that she didn’t want to miss the opportunity, Steve is angry and confused because his body hurts in ways it hasn’t previously and although he likes it when his wife bites him a little the marks on his body are bigger and deeper than she normally leaves. He puts it out of his mind but then he starts to get sick but when he goes to the doctor they can’t figure it out.
When Steve sees Billy he feels a little flustered because of his dream and it doesn’t help that Billy is a little more familiar now, he has no problem touching Steve and invading his personal space and he wants to be repulsed but he can’t help being drawn in by Billy’s charm.
So in this story, it isn’t typical for men to get pregnant so for Steve, it’s a nightmare where his body is changing and he doesn’t understand what’s happening to him. Maybe when the truth is revealed he’s hidden away in the Castevet’s apartment with Billy, just the two of them, while Steve gets bigger with Billy’s baby and slowly falls for him even though he fights it every step of the way.
Steve is both fascinated and terrified by what’s happening to him. What is Billy? How did he make this happen? What changes will Steve’s body go through?
Or you could even do a story where we spend more time with Billy so he meets Steve and his wife, the Castevets bring Billy in and introduce him to the couple but Steve is the driven one who wants to make it as an actor so Billy entices him in by telling him that they’re going to use his wife in a ritual, she’ll have the second coming of Satan but she won’t be harmed in anyway and afterwards they’ll have the life they want. 
At first Steve isn’t too sure about this but he’s invited back the Castevets apartment to discuss it further and he goes, Billy tells him all about what the ritual entails and exactly what Steve will get out of it. Billy is a little intense and asks him lots of questions but in the end Steve thinks this is a perfect opportunity to get what he wants so on the night that he and his wife have set aside to try for a baby he eats his mousse thinking everything is fine only to wake up in the ritual to a Billy smirking down at him.
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Word Count: 2.6k
Pairing: Strange! Fem! Reader x Danny Rand
A/N: based on the headcanons I posted awhile ago. also it has a shifty ending but you know how it be
Warnings: gets a little heated but nothing over pg-13, I swear. On god. Also Doctor Strange tries to give them “The Talk”
“Careful with that!” Danny yelped as you nearly hit him with the books. You had been working on perfecting a new list of spells Mordo had given you, and you were having a particular hard time with this telekinesis spell.
“Sorry.” You giggled as he walked farther back behind you. Some other sorcerers were working in the library, and would glance at the two of you every time you made any noise. So it was pretty often since both of you would laugh every time you messed up a spell.
“Y/N, focus.” Danny reminded over your shoulder.
“You know, telling me to focus just distracts me from focusing.” You mumbled as you tried to regain control over the heavy books you were levitating.
“Steady your hands.” He added.
“Danny!” You turned to snap at him for distracting you, instead making you completely loose focus.
You loose control of the books, and they fly across the room. You wince as the heavy books knock a whole shelf over, and it starts a domino effect. Danny watched with his jaw dropped as the shelves all tumble over, books scattering across the floor as they fell out. It stops with one last crash against the far wall.
Every single sorcerer and sorceress turned to glare at you, annoyance evident. You feel their stares but don’t look them in the eye, since they can all be really scary and intimidating when they needed to be.
“Sorry.” You smile nervously. That only seemed to make them glare harder, if that was even possible, at you.
“I think we should leave.” Danny whispered to you.
“I think so too.” You nod, and followed him out of the room. You two rushed outside, nearly knocking Wong clean over. Seriously, what was wrong with you today?
“What are you two up to now?” Wong asked, smoothing his robes out.
“Sorry, Wong.” You grin, grabbing Danny’s hand and sprinting away.
“You are in so much trouble!” Danny laughed as you both ran, scared to be caught by Wong once he figured out you had ruined half of his library.
“Don’t remind me!” You say as you two reach a temple, where your father was talking to Wiccan, a magic user your age who would visit once in awhile.
“Ms. Strange, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Wiccan greeted you. “Hello, Iron Fist.”
“Hey Wiccan.” You greet quickly.
“Y/N, what did you do?” Your father raised a suspicious eyebrow at you.
“What? Nothing.” You say, though it was obvious you had done something from your tone of voice.
“STRANGE!” You hear Wong scream from the library, which was only a few buildings down.
“Gotta go!” You shout, taking off down the street.
“Wait for me!” Danny scrambled after you.
You looked behind you and saw Wong racing after you, which was funny enough on its own, but you also saw your father shaking his head in disappointment, which was even funnier.
You and Danny ducked behind a building once you momentarily lost sight of Wong. You both stifled your laughs as he ran by, and he turned to say something.
He stopped when he realized how close he was to you, your bodies pressed against each other in the small alleyway. You stared into his emerald green eyes, admiring the sparkle of mischief that was so rare to see in the honorable warrior.
You both realize you’ve been staring at each other and look away, clearing your throat awkwardly. You poke your head out of the alleyway, not seeing Wong anywhere.
“Uh, coast is clear.” You tell Danny.
“Can’t you just use a sling ring and take us somewhere...where Wong isn’t after our heads?” He asks.
“Oh shit you’re right.” You dug into your pocket, sliding the ring onto your finger. You point and think of his room in K’un Lun. The portal opens, just as you hear a yell behind you.
“Run!” Danny yells, jumping through the portal as Wong charges at the both of you.
“Sorry Wong!” You shout again before following, and closing the portal just before Wong can get to you.
You pant, out of breath. You make eye contact with Danny, and you both burst into laughter. You fall onto his bed as he sits down like a normal person.
“You are in so much trouble when you get back.” He chuckles as you continue to die laughing.
“It’s not like I meant to knock over half of the library.” You giggle as you sit up. “Did you see my dads face? And Wong running? It was totally worth it.”
“Okay...I guess it was pretty hysterical.” He nods after awhile. “Still, he’s going to kill you.”
“Eh. He’ll probably just make me clean it up. I could just steal the Time Stone and fix it.” You shrug.
“Doesn’t your dad never let it out of his sight?”
“Please, he takes it off when he sleeps.” You scoff. “Besides, even then it’s not that hard of work.”
“If you say so.” He smiles.
You both catch yourself in a silence again, staring into each other’s eyes.
You’ve been best friends forever, ever since you and your father first visited K’un Lun back when some inter dimensional demon was threatening your existence again. He had been kind, polite, charming, and practically making you swoon over his stunning smile. The first time you hung out was at the K’un Lun library, and he taught you some meditation techniques to strengthen your focus while you were casting spells. Eventually one of you was hardly seen without the other. Whether it was studying, eating, drinking tea, working, or training, you would always do it together.
He’s been your best friend for almost 3 years now, was it a crime to develop feelings for him? You didn’t think so. And how could you not, he was an amazing person, and it didn’t help that he was really hot. Especially now, as you both couldn’t take your eyes off the other.
“Um...Y/N?” He says, just above a whisper. “May I, uh...may I kiss you?”
Your eyes widened, stunned that he asked you that. Sure, you’ve been flirting back and forth for the past couple weeks, but you didn’t think it was because he actually liked you.
“Sorry, sorry. Forget I said anything.” He looked away. “Sorry, I didn’t-“
You grab his face and crash your lips onto his. He’s stiff at first, but quickly melts into the kiss. You tangle your fingers in his sandy blonde hair as his arms wrap around your waist, your chests pressed against the others. You’re holding onto each other as if the other would disappear if you let go. Your kisses become more heated and passionate with each one, pent up feelings for each other over the years pouring out.
When you do finally pull apart to catch your breaths, you’re still holding each other and press your foreheads together. You breathe in the familiar scent of incense and green tea, trying to savor and soak in the moment.
“You know I’ve liked you ever since we met?” He whispers after a few seconds.
“You know I have too?” You smile as you pull away slightly, just enough to fully see his face, most likely chiseled by the gods themselves.
“I apologize if it is too soon to say this but...I love you, Y/N Strange.” He smiles sheepishly, a light blush spreading across his face.
“And I love you too, Daniel Rand.” You beam, overjoyed that he did indeed feel the same way you did. You just felt stupid that it took you two dorks 3 years to finally realize it.
He leans in and kisses you again, holding you close as he lays you down so he’s on top of you. You grab his hands and intertwine your fingers as you feel his tongue swipe across your bottom lip, and you part your lips to deepen the kiss.
“Ha! I knew you-! Oh.” Someone shouts as the door slams open.
You recognize the voice and shove Danny off of you, both of you whipping around to see a very stunned Wong in the doorway.
“Hey there, Wong.” You scratch the back of your neck as Danny quickly climbs off of you and catapults himself to the other side of the room. Both of your faces and necks turn bright crimson red the longer Wong stares.
“Well, um...I guess I owe Mordo and Scarlet Witch $25.” He finally states. 

“What?” You raise an eyebrow.
“We have a bet going.” He shrugs, before crossing his arms and his usual poker face returns. “So sorry to interrupt your little make out session, but I have 30 bookshelves knocked over and the books are all over the place.”
“Wong, I swear it was an accident.” You spit out. “I promise I’ll help clean it up.”
“Oh no, I wouldn’t ask you to help with something that time consuming.” He says, dripping with sarcasm. “You’re cleaning it up by yourself.”
“Yes sir.” You sigh.
“Now, I expect it to be properly organized by tomorrow afternoon. Let’s go.” He motions for you to follow him.
You groan as you get up, dreading the hours of arranging the shelves you’d have to do. You slip the sling ring into Danny’s hand as you pass and whisper, “My room tonight.”
“Wong, have you seen Y/N anywhere?” Doctor Strange walked into the now neat and tidy Kamar Taj library that you had spent hours working on about a week ago. He had been looking for you, wanting to help you practice perfecting the telekinesis spell, which obviously didn’t go well the first time.
“I believe her and Daniel are tending to the Garden of P’an-T’ao.” Wong waved off the question, deeply concentrated on trying to win a Twitter roast against this talking raccoon. And this talking raccoon was quite brutal, to Wong’s surprise.
“Is it just me or have they been hanging out way more often lately?” He asks his friend.
“They always hang out.” Wong mumbled.
“Well yes, but they’re basically joint at the hip now.” Doctor Strange paced. “There’s something going on between them, I can feel it.”
Wong stayed silent, trying to think of ways to divert the doctors attention elsewhere. He had another bet going with Mordo and Scarlet Witch, Wiccan and Magik had joined in on this one, so he wanted the grand prize of $80. Now they were betting on how long it would take the Sorcerer Supreme, one of the smartest men on earth, to figure out that his daughter was now dating the Iron Fist, and Wong had bet the longest amount of time.
“They’re just gardening.” He shrugs once more.
“I suppose. But every day?”
“They’re probably just enjoying the last few weeks of summer left.” Wong quickly adds. Thank god you had complained about having to do homework again soon, or he wouldn’t have thought of that.
“...you’re probably right.” Strange nods finally.
“Oh, curse you, rodent!” Wong throws his phone down after reading the latest, and particularly nasty Tweet the raccoon had just posted.
“What on earth are you doing?” Strange picked up the phone and his eyes widen. “Oh wow. That’s clever.”
“Load of help you are.” Wong scoffed, still offended by the insults.
“Ha! This ones even funnier!”
You were definitely not gardening. First, because gardening was one of the worst things ever. Second, because you would much rather be spending time with your boyfriend. You cringed at yourself when you felt giddy just saying that, but you were in fact now dating Danny Rand.
You weren’t necessarily hiding it, but it was quite amusing that your father hadn’t yet cracked the case. He was a smart guy, but was apparently clueless about your personal life. Human interactions weren’t always his strong suit, to be fair.
You and Danny were just peacefully reading in your room, since you still needed to do more research for Mordo’s “tutoring” (which was really just him watching you make mistakes over and over until you learned how to fix them yourself), and Danny was always reading. You two were just nerds that way. So when your father burst into the room, neither of you were thoroughly impressed. I mean, it’s only taken 2 weeks for him to figure it out.
“You two are dating?!” He screeches at the both of you.
“Really?” You say sarcastically as you turn to your boyfriend. “Danny, why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve put my book down.”
“Now is not the time for your clever little jokes, young lady.” Your father snaps, offended when Danny snickers. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Gee, maybe it was because you’d react irrationally. My mistake, I should’ve known you’d be totally cool with it.” You say dryly.
“Plus, we weren’t exactly hiding it.” Danny added.
“Shut it, blondie.”
“Dad, don’t be rude.” You cross your arms.
“Well, now that I know you’re dating, I think we need to have a little discussion.” He clears his throat awkwardly.
“Oh God...” You groan, already knowing what’s coming.
“You’re too young to have sex, but if you’re going to do it-“
“Do it safely, responsibly and consensually.” You and Danny recite, already hearing this a million times from Wong and Mordo when they found out you were dating.
“...right.” Your dad narrowed his eyes at you. “So don’t forget to-“
“Use protection.” You both say,
“...um, yes. And make sure-“
“We both consent with an enthusiastic yes.”
Your dad stares at the both of you, apparently you had already heard this speech. He was your dad, he hadn’t given it to you before. He would have to have a little chat with the other sorcerers. But he sensed that you two weren’t taking him seriously, despite how maturely you were taking it.
“I’m just saying, you know how many girls your age I’ve seen giving birth at the hospital?”
“Dad, you were a surgeon, not an obstetrician.” You blink at him. “Besides, I don’t want children, I’ve mentioned this. That’s more than enough reason for me to uh...not do it.”
“Well then. This was a lovely chat. Carry on with your...reading.” He slowly exits your room, leaving the door open. Not that it really mattered, he stepped through a portal to the Kamar Taj library, leaving you two alone in the Sanctum.
Doctor Strange turned to Wong, hand on his hip and an eyebrow raised. Wong stared at him, freezing mid-bite of his food.
“So when were you going to alert me that my daughter was dating Daniel?” He taps his foot in annoyance.
“What? You weren’t supposed to find out till November!” Wong threw down his food. “Curse Wanda.”
“Anyways.” Strange shook his head as he joined his friend at the table. “I gave them a little chat. I think I really got through to them. We’re on a new found level of respect.”
“Now is not the time for your clever little jokes young lady.” Danny mocks your dad, and you double over in laughter.
“Can you believe him?” You wheeze. “Oh man, that made my year.”
“So are we ever going to tell him that we’re waiting till marriage?” He asks as he follows you through the Sanctum, on your guys’ way to the library.
“Nah.” You giggle as you intertwine your fingers. “I’ll let him stress.”
“You’re an evil daughter.” He chuckled.
“Hey, that’s what he gets for sitting and watching me put every single book away when I knocked them over.” You shrug, placing a kiss on his jaw.
“You’re the one who knocked them over with your clumsy ass.” He laughs as you open the door to the library.
“I am not clumsy!” You shout, slamming the door open. Turns out you slammed the door so hard, and your father rearranged the shelf placement, because the door knocked over a case of books. Then another, and another, and another...
“No you’re right, you’re graceful and elegant.”
“Run?” You wince as the last shelf makes a loud BOOM as it collides with the marble flooring.
“Run.” He simply nods.
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candythemew · 4 years
OkLach headcanons?
Now you’re speaking my language! (Oh! And if anyone wants to ask me about headcanons about them with their skekling please send your asks my way! This is just gonna be main canon HC’s)
𝔚𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔢𝔩𝔰𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔟𝔲𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔟𝔢𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤?
✰ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵✰︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ✰
     First off, when the Skeksis were young still finding the specific role, niche, and place that they fit into as they asserted their authority over Thra, SkekOk and SkekLach absolutely HATED each other.     SkekLach saw SkekOk as a pathetic weakling who used his silver tongue and quick wit to charm the gelfling and other skeksis to do his bidding, and to buy into his way of thinking. Convincing people to do things they wouldn’t do normally through flattery and shallow promises. She didn’t like his pompous attitude and held more respect for the beings of Thra who put their thoughts into action like her. Ones who thought tactically, but weren’t afraid to take risks. She didn’t see what anyone saw in him. All she saw was just another one of the Emperor’s lapdogs. Spitting lies and weaving tall tales to uplift himself above the rest.
     SkekOk however saw her as a brutish barbarian! Her avarice knowing no bounds as she raged and pillaged all those who stood in her way. Nothing befitting of a Lord of the Crystal. The gelfling worshiped her like a goddess, no doubt like they did the rest of his peers. But he saw the fear in their eyes. If the skeksis were going to rule properly, they must first create a level of relationship and trust between their subjects. Not fear. Although he himself was prone to flights of fancy, he found her ambitions foolish at best, and dangerously compromising to the empire at worst. Be it her insistence on the thrill of a good raid, or trying her hand at taming one of the most fearsome of beasts of Thra; The Arduff. He couldn’t stand it. Her amazonian demeanor made The Scroll-Keeper see her as nothing more than a ruthless brute. But at the same time, there was a tad bit of jealousy there. As many of his peers saw her as incredibly desirable and beautiful. As well as incredibly wealthy… Some had even attempted at winning her hand; only to be quickly shot down and berated by her. If he was being completely honest, he craved the attention that she received. She was always center of attention. At the time, she was the Emperor’s favorite. This jealousy led him to talk poorly of her behind her back. He stayed far from her as he spread rumors about The Collector in hopes to ruin her reputation.      Although ironically over time, as they were forced to work with each other and face various trials with one another they developed a mutual trust after proving themselves to one another. And even saving each other’s lives a few times! If either of them were to be told at this point that they were going to eventually fall for each other, they would have laughed straight in your face! What a foolish thought? Why would I love them?! ✰ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵✰︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ✰
Their relationship went in an order similar to this:
Hatred ➺ Reluctant Respect ➺ Acquaintances ➺ Friends ➺ Mutual feelings ➺ Lovers ➺ Mates. ✰ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵✰︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ✰
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔩𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰:
     SkekOk tries to give SkekLach little reasons to keep her chin up. He reminds her to take care of herself and gives her little bits of advice to improve her life. Sometimes he’ll ask for her help for small tasks so she has something to do since she dosn’t have the same motivation she used to before her illness took over most aspects of her life.
     SkekLach is the reason why SkekOk isn’t a dog person. One word. ARDUFF!     SkekLach will intentionally follow SkekOk around his library and mess with his things if she feels like he hasn’t given her enough attention.
    SkekOk suffers from narcolepsy, So SkekLach is there for him to make sure he arrives to meetings on time, or carry him to another room if she finds him asleep somewhere.
     Insulting each other is a regular occurrence between them. Although neither of them have any ill intent towards each other when they do it. It’s like a game to them! Light hearted banter that calls back to their youth before they fell in love. Hence why SkekLach isn’t hurt when SkekOk says she was “NEVER BEAUTIFUL!” and then affirms is with a “Nevaaah~” if you pay attention to the scene, SkekLach can be seen laughing alongside him, even though she’s the butt of the joke. They’re both genuinely having fun bickering.     I also personally like to HC that most Skeksis find simple gestures of affection peculiar and strange. Like everything in a skeksis’s life, gestures of affection are showy and grandiose. But OkLach’s more subtle and slow approach confuses their peers.      They can make each other laugh very easily. They know how the other ticks. One of the things that made skekOk fall in love with hre was SkekLach’s ability to make him genuinely laugh his lungs out! His teasing can also cause a similar reaction. SkekOk’s laughs arranging from childish giggling, to incoherent teary eyed laughter!      Although not as strong as she used to be, the other skeksis are still wary of SkekLach due to her past reputation. Also because she’s not afraid to give you a disease if you REALLY tick her off. She acts as sort of a bodygaurd or wall for SkekOk when he shoots his mouth off or gets in trouble. Nobody’s going to get him except through her! ✰ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵✰︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ✰
𝔓𝔥𝔶𝔰𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔩 𝓐𝔣𝔣𝔢𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫:
     Intertwining tails is a very very intimate thing in Skeksis culture. It shows that you genuinely care for your friend/partner and that you enjoy their presence. For a human it would be kind of like a really good hug. But sadly, SkekLach lost a part of her tail long ago. So doing this is near impossible for them to do unless they’re sitting right next to each other or laying down beside one another in bed. Instead, they have adapted to holding hands like the Gelfling do. Be it for comfort, taking a walk together, or just to feel close. Heck! They do it so frequently that sometimes they don’t even realize they’re doing it! It’s become somewhat of an involuntary habit for them.       When they sleep together, they like to cuddle. SkekLach is the big spoon. Sleeping is hard for her, (I personally HC that she has insomnia) but she sleeps better if she has something to hold on to. Thankfully SkekOk likes being held so this arrangement is perfect. It’s just comforting for both of them.
     They don’t “Kiss” often. I think you can imagine why. Pustules leak and it’s NASTY
     The Scroll-Keeper sometimes has the habit of resting his head on top of The Collector’s when he’s tired.      Neither of them have much hair to preen anymore, but sometimes when they’re alone, in their more intimate moments; skekLach will take off her cowl for skekOk to preen her mane. Her hair has a coarse texture. It’s color mostly grey with small streaks of a faded black. Salt and pepper if you will. It’s a small bit of beauty she still retains even in her disgusting, decrepit state. However, it’s only for his eyes as she’s very self-conscious. ✰ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵✰︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ✰
𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖌𝖊~♪ ♫ ♩
     SkekOk and SkekLach are mates. And they have been a mated pair now for the past 400 years. If the Skeksis care to have any sort of marriage/mating ritual, they have done it. You bet your bottom dollar that it was extravagant! A true fairy tale... They can only see each other as life partners and want to make sure that everyone else knows it. Especially SkekLach. Who is known to be dreadfully greedy of her most valuable possessions...
     Much like how many birds mate for life, Skeksis do too. Although being a rather (for lack of a better word) promiscuous race, this is rare. If two develop a strong enough bond, they’ll stick together in an attempt to feel whole. Only sticking with said mate for the rest of their lifetime. However long that may be. Their much more steadfast and patient Mystic counterparts also share this trait.  (By “their” I just mean the race as a whole. Nobody specific.)    Ok and Lach have their own chambers made for themselves. But they also have a shared bedroom that they occasionally sleep in together from time to time.
    SkekOk is a hopeless romantic, and SkekLach couldn’t care less when it comes to flowery poetry. But she admires his passion to his interests. Something she lost desire for in her own life. The Scroll-Keeper will occasionally write her poetry and love letters expressing his feelings to her. Sometimes, in return, she will write him something back. Although riddled with intentional grammar mistakes and poor spelling. Sending him into a flustered angry mess as he corrects her. Only to find something even worse written down as he continues. He’ll read these aloud for all to hear. SkekLach likes to see the reactions he’ll have to her writing. What can she say? He makes her laugh.  ✰ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵✰︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ✰
𝓢𝔞𝔡 ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔲𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔠𝔲𝔱: ︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵✰︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
     SkekLach’s death hit SkekOk harder than anyone will ever know. She was a part of him. She was his closest friend, and the love of his life. His mental health suffered immensely from her loss, and he was never truly able to grieve her properly and move on. Instead, over time he developed an unhealthy coping mechanism of talking to himself for hours on end. He pretended that she never left his side.  “No gelfling trick could have ever gotten the best of me!” She would boast...      Eventually he started to hear her voice in whispers... He could swear he could hear her voice from just beyond the hall... Down the corner in her chambers! Only to find an empty room devoid of anything but dusty old trinkets and bittersweet memories. Other times he would hear the distinct metal clang of her blades against her opponent’s weapons as he would wander the now garthim-filled training rooms. He could hear a younger, much more determined tone! Calculated and precise. Once again to wander in and find nothing but empty training grounds chock full of the dark arthropodan soldiers. But it was the nights that were the hardest. On cold starless nights, laying alone in his decadent yet lonely chambers, he would lie alone for hours on end, eyes closed as he tryed to let the soothing grasp of sleep claim him... In the uttermost difficult moments as he drifted off to sleep, He could swear that he could feel her arms wrapped around his scrawny frame. Tails intertwined as she softly whispered a tired “I love you.” Gently leaning her head on his shoulder, The Scroll-Keeper let out a sigh of relief as he fell sound asleep in the arms of his lover... Only to be greeted with an empty bed as he rose once again the next morning. Truly cementing the fact of how alone and incomplete he truly is. He only wishes for these delusions to stop and yet... He can’t bear to let her go... ✰ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵✰︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ✰       Sometimes these hallucinations can get so bad that he’ll fall into manic babbling fits where the voices of not only her, but all sorts of beings from his past will haunt him. After these spasms, he returns to his work or simply passes out due to exhaustion. He apologizes for his random outbursts should someone he cares about see him in this state. If he even remembers they were there at all. ✰ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵✰︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ✰
     Remember when I said that skeksis mate for life? Well that grief an animal or human might face hits just as hard to a stone-hearted, cold blooded skeksis as it would to any man. That sorrow that SkekOk faced upon SkekLach’s sudden death caused him immeasurable psychological and emotional damage. As the Skeksis are naturally selfish beings. Besides the support he would receive from his lifelong friend SkekEkt the Ornamentalist, not many were there to comfort him. If The Scroll-Keeper were able to relive one last day with The Collector, even for just a moment. He would do it in a heartbeat. Savoring every second like it was his last day on Thra. ✰ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵✰︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ✰
     Although she doesn’t admit it to anyone else, disguising her distaste of herself under a veil of irony and self deprecation, SkekLach has issues with loving herself. She constantly reminisces over “The glory days.” The skeksis are a dying race and she knows it. They can’t fool her. And on that topic, she’s the worst of them on that regard. Due to her hideous appearance and the immense emotional and physical pain she endures everyday, sometimes she wonders if SkekOk even loves her at all. Is he only staying with her because he has to? Out of obligation, or does he just pity her? Does he wish she were like the skeksis she was all those centuries ago? She struggles with this fear more than she’d like to admit.
     SkekLach feels extremely insecure about the fact that she can’t intertwine her tail with SkekOk’s due to her traumatic injury that left her with only half of her tail remaining. SkekOk, having a much longer flexible tail will often try to wrap it around her waist if they’re sitting right next to each other. The feeling is bittersweet, but much appreciated. ✰ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵✰︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ✰      In the main timeline, SkekOk and SkekLach did attempt at having a baby. But since the skeksis are completely infertile in that universe, they yielded no results. They keep a small handmade doll in their shared bedchambers of what could’ve been the skekling that they had wanted so badly. Its not much, but it helped them cope and move on. ✰ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵✰︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧- - - - -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ✰  
𝔗𝔥𝔞𝔫𝓀 𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔣𝔬𝔯 ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔦𝔫𝔤! - ℭ𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔶𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔐𝔢𝔴
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acavatica · 4 years
i-wakeupstrange said:
i’m not including this in my review of the elevator fic because it was becoming its own huge, ridiculous tangent, but in short: it’s now my headcanon that Marco is into anime (OF COURSE why didn’t I realize sooner) and in a roundabout way that’s Peter’s doing. (he’s a little old for NGE but, I think, about the right age to have gotten real into, say, Robotech. and decide to show his son these shows. because he’s a Cool Dad. or tried to be before... you know.)
Peter told himself that he was watching cartoons because of the baby, but also all the baby books he’d tried to force Eva to read had said that babies have about a foot of vision and see colors like a dog. Then he told himself that he was watching cartoons because the bright colors and laser sounds kept him awake. At least that wasn’t a complete lie. 
The full truth was that he thought Robotech was cool. It was serialized, which was more than he could say for any American TV shows. It wasn’t as if Peter could read Dune with a baby in his arms no matter how much he wanted to, even if he’d missed the last two books and another was coming out later that year. And it wasn’t as if Peter could read Dune anyway since he was off Ritalin again, but that was neither here nor there. TV shows would catch up to book series eventually.
The fact that it had a story he could follow was just a bonus. The real draw of Robotech was that it aired in marathons in the middle of the night. That was a lot less likely to wake up his ten-week-old than changing his Doctor Who tapes every four episodes. Plus, he’d had to pay someone on USENET to ship the tapes all the way from Brighton. If he wore them out, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to find the guy ripping VHS tapes on net.tv.drwho again.
Eva’s alarm went off, muffled by the bedroom door. Peter closed his eyes and let his head fall back against the couch cushion. 5:30 already. He’d been letting her get most of the sleep to reimburse her for the whole pregnancy thing, but now that she was going back to work, he wouldn’t even have a choice.
He listened to her shuffle around the kitchen. He heard every step of her putting on a pot of coffee. Eva never did anything quietly, but it hadn’t taken him long to get used to it. After all, there was nothing more comforting than knowing his ever-so-slightly evil partner would at least never be able to sneak up on him. 
He opened his eyes to catch her shaking out her still-rumpled hair and stretching out the crick in her back. He heard that too, from all the way across the room. Another thing Peter was repaying her for. She saw him watching and closed the distance between them. Eva draped her elbows over the back of the couch and touched her cheek to Peter’s head. Peter took a deep breath, and he smelled her shampoo and the coffee and their new baby. 
Putting his PhD on hold was worth it.
Eva cocked her head to the side, rolling her chin over Peter’s forehead. “Wow, look at her hair. Japan really has progressive ideas about the meaning of ‘spiral curls.’” She walked around to the front of the couch, plopped down, and held out her arms. “Hand him over.”
Marco started whining almost immediately. 
“I’m surprised you know it’s Japanimation.”
Eva rolled her eyes. “We had Japanese cartoons in Mexico. And actually, the acting was way better than this.”
“Yeah, but were there giant fighting robots?”
“I dunno, this shit is for nerds.” Marco was still fussing in her arms, but she was looking down at him like she understood where he was coming from. “You’re gonna make our kid a nerd, aren’t you?”
Peter smiled. “I don’t know what you expected when you decided to have a baby with me.”
“Feh, yeah, ‘decided.’” Eva stretched her leg out and gave Peter’s knee a good nudge.
She pulled her leg back, crossed her ankles, and cradled Marco with her whole body. All three of them fell quiet, and Minmay sang Marco back to sleep.
Marco was born whining, and after four years, he still only stopped when he was asleep.
“Why do I have to do daycare?”
“You asked to watch Voltron. It’s the fifth time we’ve watched Voltron. Please watch Voltron.”
Marco bobbed his head back and forth as he quoted the onscreen conversation between Queen Merla and King Zarkon: “The chamber is full of quarks. ⁠— Quirks? ⁠— No, quarks. You see, everything is made of atoms, and all atoms are made of quarks. ⁠— Hm, nice, but how does it work? ⁠— Well, there are six kinds of quarks: up, down, top, bottom, strange. And my favorite kind, charmed.”
“Well. At least we can be sure you’re my kid. And Eva’s. And of why I like this show.”
“If you like it, don’t complain.”
Peter ran his hand over his hair and tried to ignore how thin it was getting. “Definitely Eva’s kid…” 
Marco rolled over closer to Peter and looked up at him pleadingly. “Whyyy do I have to do daycare?”
“Because,” Peter said reluctantly. “I finally finished school, and it was really hard, but I got a cool job out of it.”
Marco’s eyes basically tripled in size, and he poked out his lower lip. Definitely, 100% for sure, Eva’s kid. “But I’ll miss you.”
Peter sighed. “I’ll miss you too. But you’re starting school in the fall anyway, so think of it like practice.”
Marco crossed his arms and turned his eyes back to the TV. He stayed quiet for maybe a minute, long enough for the pilots to form Voltron. Without taking his eyes off the TV, he said, “What if they don’t know how to microwave Spaghetti-Os?”
“If there’s any lesson you have to learn, it’s that sometimes you have to settle for Spaghetti-Os that aren’t made by Chef Boyardee Champion of the World, Your Dad.”
“Spaghetti-Os aren’t even Chef Boyardee,” Marco mumbled.
Peter reached his leg over and nudged Marco’s knee with his foot. “Don’t you want to be brave like Lance?”
Marco pushed Peter’s foot away, crossed his arms again, and sank into the couch. “No. I wanna be diablo-lolical like Prince Lotor.”
“Well, Prince Lotor doesn’t even need his dad.”
Marco glanced over at Peter, and Peter grinned. Marco sank even further into the couch until his feet almost touched the floor.
The bluish glow of the TV cast long shadows across the room. There wasn’t much contrast because it was a pretty dark movie, but Marco was still illuminated against the dull, colorless room. The volume was only one notch above mute, but he was sitting on his knees, so close to the TV that he could almost make out every word. It’s not like the sound would have bothered his dad, even if he turned it all the way up. Marco kept it low so he could still hear Peter breathing, and even acknowledging that feeling ate away his insides.
It had been a whole year, and for a while Marco had tried not to think about how he was the only thing keeping his dad alive, in more ways than one. It got harder the longer Peter didn’t get better. Marco didn’t even have cable to distract himself from his messed up life. He just had the same old VHS tapes, and they’d had to donate a bunch of them to Goodwill when they’d moved. 
The box was still there, still packed and next to the TV, labeled in Marco’s sloppy kid handwriting. Peter hadn’t helped with the move⁠—it had mostly been Jake’s family and his mom’s relatives he’d never met and would probably never see again. Marco could still see his hands pulling the tapes off the shelves, sorting them, reading the labels in Peter’s sloppy grownup handwriting, and not being able to bear to throw away the memories of sitting between his mom and dad with popcorn in his lap, even if he might never be able to watch those tapes again.
There were only a few tapes scattered around the plastic milk crate the TV sat on. The rest were still in the box. Marco had gone through them dozens of times, and he was still limited to the few tapes he didn’t associate with a time when he had a family. 
He’d never watched Ghost in the Shell with his dad. That was probably a good thing, because there was a lot of nudity, and that was always awkward. There was also some gore, which Peter knew gave Marco nightmares, even if he pretended not to be scared. Marco had played the movie in front of Peter dozens of times anyway, but his eyes didn’t track it, and he didn’t tell Marco that he should turn it off, he was too young to see all these nipples.
Marco turned around, blinded from sitting so close to the TV. He didn’t need to see his dad. He knew he was curled in on himself, his face buried in the place where the back of the couch met the seat and the arm. There was no way to know if he was asleep or awake, and Marco wasn’t even sure those words had meaning in Peter’s life anymore.
“Hey Dad,” Marco said, his voice creaky, either from disuse, disgust, or some other kind of emotion. “What do you think about the whole brains jacking into the internet thing? Realistic? It seems like the kind of thing you’d have worked on.”  Marco listened to Peter’s breathing. It never changed. Marco could say anything. “You know. When you worked.”
Marco turned away, back to the TV. He pressed Stop, and the tape clicked off, flooding the room with light so bright and blue, it hurt his eyes. He pressed rewind and the whir of the tape drowned out Peter’s breathing. It was crazy, but as the VCR started to grind to the end of the tape, Marco was suddenly, irrationally, completely sure that when the tape stopped rolling, the room would be totally silent. His body flashed hot and then cold and his pulse pounded painfully in his temples.
The tape clicked off. Marco held his breath.
Peter breathed in. Out. In. Out.
Marco pressed play, turned the volume up a few more notches, and got to his feet. As he passed, he shoved his dad’s leg with his foot. He stood over him, waiting like he expected some kind of reaction. The TV lit up his motionless body in green, gray, white. The cyborg pulled the cables out of her neck and stood.
“If only someone would ghost hack you.”
Marco went into his bedroom⁠—the only bedroom⁠—and slammed the door.  
Marco’s back was flat against the dirt floor of the scoop, his head resting on his folded arms. His right leg was draped over Ax’s back and he’d slowly tangled his left leg up in Ax’s tail. Ax didn’t like that, and he knew Ax didn’t like it, and that’s why he’d taken it slow. He’d started by sticking his leg under Ax’s tail. He’d waited a couple weeks, and then he’d surreptitiously make a loop over the course of an hour. Now, after like a month of acclimating him, Ax’s tail was wrapped around Marco’s leg like a boa constrictor, and maybe Ax didn’t even notice.
He definitely noticed. Marco had just pulled off an incredible feat of exposure therapy. Ax just wasn’t allergic to how annoying Marco was anymore. Too bad the allergy was familial, and it was harder to wallow a hawk into submission.
<You’re not even watching,> Tobias complained.
Marco lolled his head to the side and pointed his eyes at the TV. “Why are you making me read TV, Tobias? The point of TV is to not have to read.”
<Subtitles are more authentic,> Tobias said, his voice dripping with condescension.
“But what about Ax? Poor Ax can’t read at all.”
<I can read,> Ax said, his voice a mixture of defensive and arrogant. <And even if I couldn’t, my translator chip has no trouble processing Japanese.> Snobbiness ran in their family too. 
“I’m just saying, I’d be able to pay more attention if I could understand the words and look at the pictures at the same time. You know, how it’s intended to be consumed?”
<It’s intended to be consumed in Japanese.> 
Marco rolled his eyes and sighed. It was the obnoxious kind of sigh, the voiced kind that’s practically a groan. “It’s just robots, dude, it’s not that serious.”
<Neon Genesis Evangelion is art, Marco,> Tobias said, ratcheting the pretension up to eleven. <It’s an exploration of how humanity would develop, given exposure to advanced alien technology in the face of an oncoming alien threat. And the only thing protecting humanity from annihilation is some teenagers with special powers. It’s like, relatable.> 
“Wow,” Marco said sarcastically. “Never seen anything like that before.” That was basically the plot of Robotech mixed with Voltron, but boring.
<I mean, you must have never seen anime before, or you’d know how terrible the English dubs are.>
Marco sat up on his elbows and narrowed his eyes. Ax tightened his tail ever so slightly around Marco’s leg, like he was trying to hold him back. Marco pulled his leg free. “That’s pretty funny, since how could you even have watched so much subbed anime when no one cared enough about you to buy you decent clothes or new shoes or Clearasil? Let alone to go out of their way to buy you anime, subtitled specifically, the way it’s intended, of course.”
Tobias stared at him. Ax stared at him. Hell, Shinji Ikari stared at him.
Marco couldn’t take even a minute of it. “Say something.”
<I just wanted to share something I like with you.> 
Tobias opened his wings, fluttered to the edge of the scoop entrance, and flew away.
Ax was still looking at him with all four eyes. Marco squirmed, but he pressed his lips into a line and didn’t break eye contact.
<That was too far,> Ax said finally, his voice more gentle than Marco deserved. <Why did you react so forcefully?>
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Marco leaned around Ax, grabbed the remote, and changed the audio to English. “Let’s just watch this dumb robot show.”
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merrickals · 7 years
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Merrick’s voiceclaim is R.iley M.cDonough!
Samples:      speaking: x | x | x***      singing: x | x | x 
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Oh! I had no idea asks were open. On the header it says closed. I hope you don't mind if I spam you questions and asks lol. I mean, I'll do it in moderation of course! For this one, I'd like to know what your house, patronus and factor like favourite character/s is! And may I also known your hcs for the school aged BB characters' houses? Thank ya! Muah!
I should really fix that; anytime the askbox isn’t closed, asks are open! Gonna see if I can change up my header so it’s less confusing :)
Also, anytime it’s open, you can ALWAYS spam me with asks!!! :D
I hope I’m understanding the question right here! SO, I think my house would definitely be Hufflepuff! The quiz I took says my Patronus would be a swan! And does this mean my favorite Harry Potter character? Because that would absolutely be Snape!
And here’s some headcanons for ya, I can’t believe these got so long!!
I didn’t do all the school age characters because I felt that’d be a LOT for one post, so I ended up doing Cheslock, Ciel, Clayton, Edward, Joanne, Lizzie, and Soma! Feel free to request more if you wanna see others, once the askbox is open again!
This was really fun and thought-provoking, it took me a while to get done but I loved it! I was really into Harry Potter as a kid so revisiting the world in a new perspective was so great!!
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Gryffindor for sure! Although he’s undeniably bold, and can certainly be brave, Cheslock tends to be an example of the other side of the Gryffindor coin; he’s reckless and impulsive, and often pulls pranks on other houses. ― And sometimes on the people he doesn’t like in his own house.
He’s a half-blood, with his genes being split, unusually, about 50/50. His father is a high-ranking individual with a perfectly pureblood lineage, and his mother is a muggle with no wizard heritage whatsoever.
While he’s generally good at heart, there are many other Gryffindors who can’t stand him because he’s forever costing the house five points here, ten points there… he’s also brilliant at bending the rules, toeing the line between an upstanding student and a rebellious troublemaker.
He doesn’t really excel in any of his core classes, but he gets good enough grades that he’s never flunked out of any of them. When he gets into second year, he joins the Quidditch team as a beater, and as soon as he’s able to add it in, his extracurricular of choice is, of course, music. He still loves the violin more than anything.
Legend has it he once got transfigured something on a teacher’s desk (it could have been a pen, it could have been an apple, could have been a wand, whatever suits the story better) into a flask of whiskey. Without getting caught!
Slytherin, natch, if only because he’s very shrewd and, if necessary, will do anything he needs to. Though his personality isn’t popular with a lot of the other students, even in his own house, everyone acknowledges that he’s actually a very good leader.
He’s definitely a pureblood, or at least he has so little muggle blood in his heritage that most people consider him so. Both of his parents were wizards, but there is some muggle blood a few generations back on his father’s side.
Curiously, he doesn’t care much about social standing or competitions or the like. That said, he still manages to earn Slytherin a lot of house points just by doing the things he’s good at and scoring exceptional marks on tests.
In his first year especially, he struggles with flying quite a bit, and he never really grows to be that skilled on a broom despite doing well enough to pass the class. What he lacks there, he makes up for in charms, and later, the study of ancient runes. He often needs a tutor in his other classes in the first year or two; in his later years, though, he becomes a tutor to younger students, especially for charm spells.
His housemates will vouch for the fact that he seems to get an awful lot of mail from his household back home. Some of it is letters. A lot of it is just candy… which he doesn’t even share!!
This boy is a Ravenclaw through and through! He places a high value on intelligence and is here to learn as much as possible. The Sorting Hat seemed to mull over for a while whether he ought to go in Ravenclaw or Slytherin. He’s surprisingly popular with his housemates, probably for his great intellect and his cool, focused demeanor.
He’s a half-blood, though with more wizard heritage than muggle. His mother is a near-pureblood, with most of her ancestors being pureblood wizards, and his father is a half-blood, with most of his parents also being half-bloods.
A good percentage of Ravenclaw’s points come from him. He performs well on exams, is an excellent tutor to the first- and second-years, and, though he can certainly be sadistic, typically doesn’t act on it or do anything that might cost them points.
He starts out being one of the best students in potions ― and in his later years, graduates to being among the top three in alchemy. As he matures in his classes, he also elects to take magical theory, which goes on to eventually be his chosen area of study during his wizarding career.
There was a year wherein he dated every single one of Prefect Lawrence Bluewer’s sisters in succession. Depending on who you hear the story from, Lawrence either is still pissed, or gave Clayton his blessing. Either way, awkward.
Absolutely Gryffindor, as if there was ever any doubt! He was sorted in record time, and he’s the other side of Cheslock’s coin ― a gentleman who always does the right thing, who aims to serve, a courageous young man with the heart of a lion. (That said, however, he and Cheslock are very much close friends, so he often gets swept up in his housemate’s nonsense.)
He’s very close to being considered a pureblood, if most don’t already think of him that way. His mother is a pureblood, and his father is a half-blood who’s more wizard than muggle.
Is constantly trying to make up points that getting involved in Cheslock’s aforementioned shenanigans has cost Gryffindor. At the very least, Edward usually manages to break even, so it’s as if said tomfoolery never happened. Ah, he gets sick of it, but he keeps letting himself get dragged along!
He’s an absolute wiz at flying, (pun very much intended), and starting in his second year, he eventually becomes Gryffindor’s star chaser in Quidditch. He could well make a living doing that in professional leagues. Instead, he also focuses on academia; excelling in charms and defense against the dark arts. Reportedly he’s one of the very, very few who also enjoys the lectures on the history of magic.
The younger students say they’ve seen it for themselves that his wand is outfitted with a sort of false bottom that hides a plain knife. They all wonder why that kind of wand would have chosen a fellow like Edward, or indeed why it exists in the first place!
He’s a Hufflepuff, and proud to be! Similarly to Edward, it didn’t take very long at all for him to be sorted. He’s on the shy side, especially for his first few years, but once he starts coming out of his shell, he makes a lot of friends… even in other houses! He still feels most comfortable around other Hufflepuffs, though. They just get him!
One of the handful of rare students who’s a full pureblood with very little, if any, discernible muggle blood in his heritage. Both of his parents are purebloods, which seems to surprise people, because despite his gentility, Joanne seems to struggle with the more intensive magical concepts.
He’s not all that concerned with points, because he’s pretty much just interested in his coursework. However, like Ciel, he tends to earn house points for Hufflepuff anyway simply due to the fact that he tests well, he’s always there to help someone if they need it, and he follows the rules.
It, er… takes him a while to get the hang of flying during his first year, and even then, he tends to stay off a broom if he can help it. His favorite of his core classes is herbology, and during later years, he absolutely blossoms when he starts studying the care of magical creatures. He’s just got such a soft spot for taking care of things. He’s also fond of arithmancy, which boggles people’s minds ― they think a difficult class like that would stress him out!
Whenever he can’t sleep, he often hangs out with the Friar. The two of them (along with possibly another Hufflepuff ghost or two) will just sit in one of the common rooms while Joanne reads, and sometimes the Friar will stay even after Joanne falls asleep in a chair.
Nobody better have anything bad to say about Hufflepuffs where she can hear it!! Unlike her brother, the Sorting Hat took a little bit with her, waffling between whether she would be a better fit for Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. Her undying loyalty, sweetness, and strength eventually got the choice made. Other houses might think them strange, but Lizzie is a very bubbly young lady and has made wonderful friends with nearly all her housemates!
Her similarities with Edward lie in their heritage. Most people think of her as just one step down from a full pureblood.
Although she doesn’t take competition too terribly seriously, she still wants to earn as many points as she can for her house. She’s very like Joanne in that she earns points by being very kind to everyone and helping where she can, and putting as much effort into her exams as possible.
Don’t let her petite stature and sweetness fool you ― she is a beast of a seeker once she works her way up there! Quidditch is just her hobby, though, as she much prefers charms and is shockingly very adept at potions. She also takes apparition lessons in her sixth year, and dabbles for a short time in divination. She also at least considers joining Joanne in the care of magical creatures, even if she might not end up doing it.
The fact that she’s dating Ciel, a Slytherin who is seemingly her opposite, is just incomprehensible to most people. There are those who say he must have slipped her a love potion or done some other spell on her. These rumors, however, are untrue. She simply adores Ciel, and that is all there is to it.
Many of his classmates are stumped as to why a prince was sorted into Hufflepuff! Then… they meet him, and it all makes sense. He’s made of sunshine and is astonishingly devoted to anyone he decides is his friend. And, well, he sort of attaches himself like that to everybody. Strange, everybody thinks? Maybe… but these are his people!!
He’s a half-blood, with a bit more wizard blood than muggle. His father is actually not pureblood; instead, his father is a muggle whose parents were both half-bloods, and it’s Soma’s mother who is a near-pureblood, a witch whose parents are a half-blood and a pureblood.
He’s rather unconcerned with the house points, preferring to concentrate on everything he can learn in his classes. There’s so much he doesn’t know! He often costs Hufflepuff points with some oblivious behavior, as well as his exam scores not being the best, but he also often earns just as many points with kind behavior toward other students.
He enjoys his astronomy class in particular, and seems to do very well in herbology even though it’s not his favorite. He joins Edward in being thoroughly fascinated by the history of magic. He also loves transfiguration, consistently getting the highest marks in that class. It might surprise everyone that he takes muggle studies as an elective ― that interests him too, okay! In later years he’ll probably need a lot of counseling to figure out what he wants to focus his attention on.
His friend and protector Agni literally kind of followed him to school because their bond is so strong. Agni’s a half-blood who works in the kitchen at Hogwarts, and lives on the grounds, so whenever Soma needs him, he’s there. Soma loves this! All his friends in one place!
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I would love another Giorno yandere post! If you can do love bits and making out then that would be awesome! Maybe a childhood friend who moved away and meets him again when he is a Don? I also love the way you write and I am excited to read what you come up with for any request you get and write for. Have a great day!
Ooh Pbftfbt Thank You and - I just saw this, Don’t mind me haha…It’s a definite  done deal so let’s start this thing! Oh and don’t mind the formatting guess this is a scenario thing, kind of devolved from headcanons into a little story on accident.
Yandere! Don! Giorno Giovanna /childhood friend (Scenario/a few started headcanons) 
-Giorno would likely be very obsessive if you had anything to do with his awful childhood
- His charisma would come off very strongly in a sweet sickly way
-If you’re in Naples you’re likely staying there if he’s there
 Little hope was left for the young Giorno Giovanna. A neglectful mother who spent her free time partying, and an abusive father at home. Bullying from neighborhood kids, it was a hellish scenario for a young boy. Safe to say these events made him think very lowly of himself.
He was slightly surprised when someone didn’t act that way. You. Another neighbor didn’t swing at him in discontent, nor sneer in mockery. No, you were eager for a friendship. Was he not scum to you? He didn’t quite understand at first.
  You didn’t seem to mind that he didn’t talk much, rather you’d try your best and ask about things nearby. You’d point out you liked the color of the ocean, a specific species of flower that a person had been growing, or a peculiarly shaped rock you found messing around on the sidewalk. It seemed something fit for someone younger but he found himself to enjoy it oddly enough.
  Much so it became something that made his heart flutter with happiness. Each and every time he was kicked to the ground, beaten by his father, or bullied he’d think of those moments you’d play with him, or give him a little trinket.
  Though normalcy seemed short lived after those precious weeks.
 He found your mother one day looking around for you frantically. He offered to help since he was around you the most. Yet when he and your mother did find you it…was horrific. The passion in your mother’s eyes as she screamed and came to grab your frail and battered form off the ground. Your hair had been cut by scissors, blood was sleeping down several places on your body.
 Her profuse cursing was drowned out by his rapidly beating heart. Why would someone do this? Innocent. You were innocent. Did they not care? He was the scum they were supposed to beat. What was he supposed to do about it?
After that he didn’t see you, only your mother going in and out of your home  with other people, until even her presence was gone. She must’ve moved you out of the house after the hospital trip.  
 He’d continually look at the small item you gave him after that. Obsessing over it and how you were harmed.
  Giorno even tried to inquire about you after he saved that Mafia affiliated man’s life. You had already left Naples to a rural town in Northern Italy by that point.
 As disheartened as he was he could wait…he’d see you again eventually.
After events that lead to Giorno to Passione and eventually becoming Don of said organization after* (Giorno is aged up to 18 from here on out btw)
 By some sheer amount of ungodly luck Giorno spots you at a restaurant in Naples. He reassures himself that it’s you over and over in his head.
He’d casually introduce himself to your table out of the blue. You would be spontaneously surprised at his presence and the change of his hair color.
  You two would catch up on details of your lives (naturally he wouldn’t let on about him being the Don of the mafia).
 Just about everything that leaves your lips is internalized into his memory. Even your plans when you were intending to leave Naples.
 Giorno would end up paying for your meal and anything extra you wanted. He’d definitely insist on this.
  His heart irrationally races after you leave, finally knowing you were safe and sound. He could finally keep track of you after all this time.
Speaking of he’d find your hotel and mode of transportation that you used quickly.
 Although he’d be very busy with running a Mafia, every spare second he had would be spending time with you. The hotel room you were in would be spontaneously upgraded to the nicest suite in the hotel. 
  Anytime you need refereshers on directions (or just flat out short cuts to avoid crowds) He’ll be eager to guide you. 
   It doesn’t seem all that harmful at first but you’d definitely notice his presence more often than usual the longer you stay in Naples. 
  “Oh Giorno I didn’t see you there…” 
  He’ll give a lovely smile that absolutely exudes charisma, much so chills go down your spine. It was almost creepy how charming he became. 
   “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to frighten you y/n” 
 You could just barely pass that off as him knowing the city real well and you both just bumped into each other. But your mind ate up at you otherwise. 
  Then there was a couple days where you could totally relax simply sightseeing, a few museum visits and such. Though you would end up with a nice treat in between that people seemed to eagerly offer you. 
   On the night before you’d supposedly leave, Giorno ends up inviting you to dinner. Anything you preferred. It was a mere distraction as he was getting anxious at the thought of you leaving again. He could show you much more if you just stayed a little longer.
  He could make you happy, just as the city of Naples had.
 When you return to your hotel room you’d go straight to the shower and change your clothes for bed. By the time your usual routine was over, you were sleeping soundly.
   Without you noticing your belongings, mainly your purse and phone would be turned into animals just small enough to get under the crack of the bottom of the door.
    He’d take any physical passes for the train you had, anything scheduled out of Naples would be canceled. Of course he couldn’t have you abruptly leaving either…so he’d have to keep your phone on his person. Speaking of phones he already made sure the one in the room with you was hidden away from your grasp as well, while you were out earlier in the day.
   Waking up you’d be horribly distraught over finding your phone. At first you wanted to call down at the desk but there wasn’t a phone in the room. Even though you were sure there had been one before. 
   You would be too late for the train that recently left twenty minutes ago. On top of that your passes were missing anyway. 
     By the time you were done searching the room you were panicked if you had been pickpocketed by somebody. Eventually you would bump into Giorno who happened to be very receptive to helping you. 
    He’d suggest looking up in your room one last time before going to the police. 
    About five minutes into searching again the blond claims he found it. You ask where and he responds it was simply tangled up in the blankets as he holds it up casually. Eagerly you asked for it back but he didn’t hand it back to you.
  “Giorno. I need my phone back please” 
 He would merely hold the device towards himself refusing to. You would advance towards him and attempted to grab the phone out of his hand. Only to feel something furry moving in your hand before quickly dropping it.
A mouse.
 “W-where’s my p-phone Giorno?”
 He told you wouldn’t need it right now and you insisted why.
 “There’s no reason for you to leave so soon” 
 You’d be both confused and horrified at what he was saying.
 His grip returns to clutch your dominant hand that once held the mouse. The instinct to tell you to run would be screaming loudly but you just couldn’t. Something told you that he would figure out you’d try and run. 
  Abruptly he’d take your hand that was currently in his own and gently kiss the top of yours. You became even more nervous as you instinctively put your other hand out on his chest to keep him at bay.
  His free hand of course would end up taking ahold of that one you were trying to push with as well.
“I-I…” was all you were able to stutter out 
  It would be the only partial thing you’d end up saying. His face would end up near the crook of your neck. His warm lips would gently fall onto the surface of your skin. Again, and again. All until your lips were almost touching. 
 He’d pause for a moment and directly look at you as you would jerk your head back freaked out.
  ““I only wanted to see what interests you had…just everything about you made me fascinated and well I don’t want to see you hurt by anyone else”
  By some strange manner your head ended up closer to his and eventually his hold on your mouth was too strong to slip out of.
  He’d let you get a breath in here and there since you weren’t used to it. Any moment you tried to fight you’d end up in a deeper kiss. All between your tongue being played with his and yours being danced around, to simple small butterfly kisses. 
  Your arms were at their sides with his hands still gripping yours, lightheaded-ness followed suit. In a short few minutes he had left you breathless.
 The utter yearning in his eyes was a bit frightening.
  “Let me do this for you,hmm?”
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cryoculus · 5 years
i'm back fool may i request headcanon or scenarios for the hq captains (or honestly whoever u wanna add) finding out their fem crush does hardcore parkour as a hobby. At school she wears the cute uniform but after ???? It's bad bitch time. Adidas sweats, the tank top for guys (under armour idk what's it called).
HHHHHere it is 
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He doesn’t believe it at first when Tendou tells him about it. You were practically Shiratorizawa’s resident goody-two-shoes and because you were his classmate, he knew you to a certain extent. There was simply no way you’d be a closet parkour artist.
Tendou always insisted that Ushijima would come along with him sometime after school so he could show him, but he was simply in denial™ and thought Tendou was being obtuse. 
He eventually caved though.
Ushijima didn’t really know where to look when Tendou said, “Here we are,” after bringing him smack in the middle of a busy Sendai intersection. But then he saw it. 
A couple of teenagers were jumping buildings like it was nobody’s business – and to his utter disbelief, you were there. There was no trace of the adorable classmate whose charm was unparalleled. 
Tendou had to drag him by the arm so they wouldn’t lose track of your group, which was difficult because this six foot bag of meat was probably twice his weight. 
Your session ended at a nearby park, doing backflips from memorial statues. Ushijima thought that was a little disrespectful, but he couldn’t put a thought into it because he was gaping at you. 
“Tendou-kun, you said you wouldn’t tell!” you whined, hitting the middle blocker in the chest. 
“What can I say, Wakatoshi-kun has to know about his crush’s secret identity right?”
“Tendou,” Ushijima cautioned. How could he just rat him out right there?
 But you were blushing at Tendou’s proclamation. Your outfit may suggest otherwise, but you were definitely the girl who had put him under your charms.
“Ushijima-kun, you won’t tell, right?”
He nodded. He wouldn’t want anyone else getting to know you this way, anyway. 
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Outside volleyball, Oikawa was known to be Seijoh’s local playboy. Though he only had one girlfriend, he did have many notable conquests because of his flirtatious nature.
But he seemed to be having trouble trying to woo a certain first year student.
“I heard she was an exhibitionist,” supplied Hanamaki when he asked his friends what they knew about you. 
“What kind of exhibitionist though?” Iwaizumi asked. 
Matsukawa snickered. “Maybe she’s a gravure model.”
Oikawa punched Mattsun on the shoulder. “Don’t besmirch (Name)-chan in that kind of light! She’s practically a saint.”
You were at the top of your class, the year-level representative, and volunteered for charity. And you were only a first year. 
“I dunno, Oikawa,” Makki sighed. “She seems a little too good, don’tcha think? I bet she’s got some weird secret she doesn’t want everyone to know.”
That actually made sense. So, he tried offering to walk you home that day to try and smooth talk some answers out of you, but you politely declined, to his chagrin. 
“Sorry, Oikawa-senpai, I’m meeting some friends at the park today,” you explained.
Any normal person would just suck it up and accept it right? 
Oikawa was not a normal person.
So, he went to the park that afternoon after school to see what was so important that you denied a walk home from the Oikawa Tooru. But the sight that beheld him nearly made his jaw drop.
You and a couple of older looking boys were climbing up the walls of an abandoned building with the swiftness of felines. Once you reached the top, you all hopped off the roof and landed gracefully on the cobblestone path. 
You saw Oikawa hiding behind a lamp post though. He gaped when you approached him with a cheery smile.
“Still like me, senpai?”
He threw his arms around you.
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I personally headcanon Daichi as someone who has some experience with parkour ‘cause of those  t h i g h s.
Anyway, he has a huge crush on Kiyoko’s cousin, who’s also a third year in Karasuno. Where Kiyoko was the graceful character, you were a bit more of a girl who was the actual definition of “kawaii-desu~ xD”
And not in a cringey way.
You were so ridiculously adorable, a lot of boys from Karasuno swooned over the sight of you.
But one day, Asahi managed to get him into parkour again. 
“Asahi, you know how my stunts were a bunch of failures back then, right?”
Asahi laughed. “We were first years. Surely with all this training, our bodies have better coordination.”
So they contacted the guys they used to do parkour with back then and to their surprise, they began recruiting girls as well.
When the two of them arrived at the meeting place on top of a corporate building in the main district, Daichi nearly choked when he saw you in the small crowd, talking to one of the members. 
But before he could tell Asahi about it, the guy overseeing the whole thing pulled them to the side and gave a quick briefing.
“Oh, and for saftey purposes, you’ll be getting a guide,” he smiled before calling out to someone, “(Name), come here would you?”
Asahi shot Daichi a knowing look and, the next thing they knew, you were their temporary coach. But you didn’t really provide them with any useful information besides:
“Don’t weigh me down.”
When the practice exhibition went underway, Asahi was performing fine but Daichi had to put his back into catching up with the rest of the group. His eyes were glued on you, who jumped each and every obstacle with unparalleled grace. Was that really Karasuno’s sweetheart?
 Right before the beam exercises, he decided to chat you up and asked how long you’ve been doing parkour.
“None of your business,” you deadpanned.
As you walked away, Asahi nudged him. 
“You’ve got it bad, don’t you?”
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Kuroo had pretty high standards, if he did say so himself.
He wasn’t easily enamored by a pretty face unlike a certain brunet setter from Miyagi. But of course, he was still human and could still fall prey to that inevitable force called feelings.
It started when this shy girl transferred into Nekoma at the beginning of his third year. You were his seatmate and he’s convinced that, if you were assigned a different place to sit, he would’ve never interacted with you unless needed.
But since you were given the pleasure to be seated close to his glory, Kuroo decided to befriend you. 
You were ridiculously timid and Kuroo was perfectly fine with that, since his own best friend shared the same personality trait. He knew how to handle you without making you feel like he’s overstepping his boundaries.
Whenever he didn’t have practice, he offered to walk you home ‘platonically’ since you lived in the same neighborhood as him and Kenma. But strangely, whenever they dropped you off at home, he’d see you sneaking out of your house to go out. 
He thought that maybe you just had somewhere else to be and was too shy to decline his offer to walk you home.
“She’s hiding something,” Kenma flatly concluded.
Amused, Kuroo questioned, “What makes you say so?”
He rolled his eyes. “You’re the one who kept telling me she’s basically me. I’m sure I’ll notice when I’m hiding something.”
So, when Kuroo walked you home the next time without Kenma, since he didn’t want to involve himself in Operation: Find Out What (Name) Does in Her Free Time, he tailed you at an inconspicuous distance. 
But then, you had travelled all the way to an abandoned warehouse in the outskirts of the city. Were you involved in some criminal activity? Concerned, he decided to step inside.
Someone nearly kicked him in the head from propelling yourself on top of an unused cargo carrier. 
“Sorry!” you apologized profusely, helping him back onto his feet. Your entire face was flushed crimson at Kuroo’s presence.
“What are you doing here?” he inquired.
“I-I-I uh do p-parkour as a hobby,” you stammered, fidgeting with the hem of your tank top. “Keeps m-my blood circulating.”
“Keeps your blood circulating?” he echoed with a smile. It reminded him of the words he’d tell the team before a volleyball match.
He grinned. “Can you teach me some of your moves?” 
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He always prattled endlessly about his newfound crush to Akaashi when he met you in the cafeteria one day. 
“She accidentally poured piping hot coffee on my uniform, but she was so cute, Akaashi!”
“Bokuto-san, could you please focus on the game? The opponent is at a match point.” 
Since he had the attention span of a goldfish, Bokuto would always find his thoughts drifting back to you, someone he barely even saw in the halls of Fukurodani.
Eventually, he got “deprived” of your beauty and decided to hunt you down, asking various friends of his if they knew who you were. 
“Ah, (Surname) from Class 1? She rarely comes to school.”
“I heard she was a delinquent.”
“No, her dad’s part of the yakuza!”
“Someone told me she was a spy deployed at our school.”
“I think I saw her on a porn movie once.”
In short, no one really knew your true identity and you didn’t make a lot of friends. The information more or less put Bokuto in a dejected mode like no other, which irked Akaashi very much when his performance dwindled during their practice matches.
So, for the sake of the revival of his captain’s volleyball prowess, Akaashi took it upon himself to do his own investigation regarding a certain (Surname) (Name). When he finally got intel on where you were usually seen, he gave Bokuto the address. 
“Really Akaashi? You’re really going to let me see her?” Crocodile tears ran down his cheeks. 
“Please, before I change my mind.”
Bokuto did as instructed and headed out to Akihabara Park. He looked around, eyes carefully scanning the area for a familiar face, but then his attention got snagged by a couple of people doing parkour stunts near the multi-level parking lot.
You were scaling the building without any protective gear whatsoever. Your feet disengaged fluidly with each jump you made to reach the bottom. The finishing move was a flawless backflip that Bokuto thought would go awry, but you landed on your feet without fail. One of your companions pat your shoulder for a job well done and you grinned. 
But then you locked eyes with Bokuto. 
“What’re you doing here?” you asked when you jogged up to him.
“I think I’m in love with you,” he admitted in a trance.
You blinked, attempting to let his spur-of-the-moment confession sink in. “What?”
“I’m. In. Love. With. You.”
An unattractive snort escaped you. “I’m sorry. Bokuto, was it? I only date guys who can keep up with me.”
With that, you went back to your little parkrour group for your next set of stunts, but that’s until Bokuto ran to catch up to you.
“I won’t disappoint you!” 
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tf2canons · 6 years
If you haven't already been asked: Any headcanons for Soldier, Pyro, Engie, Medic and Spy's parents? Or their family in general
While we have almost no clues about Spy’s past, I personallyimagine that he grew up very poor and was either an orphan or had very absentparents. Spy has the disposition of someone who has been a self-sufficientloner his entire life. He has never trusted or relied on anyone else. And itwould make sense for him to have developed his skills from an early age bysneaking around alleyways to stay safe and stealing from the rich just to feedhimself. He’d tell everyone who would listen that he was going to make it outand become rich one day, and he would spend every waking moment fighting tomake that a reality. Clawing his way up from the bottom would give him thatconfident, egotistical, almost narcissistic disposition that he has; hehas earned everything through hard work and skill with thehelp of no one. And when he had money he would over-indulge to make up for allthe time he had nothing.
It’s been hinted a lot that Medic’s parents were alsodoctors. In the Two Cities update where they added his hometown of Rottenburgas a map in the game, the update said that the town had a tradition of “chasingthe next in the resident lineage of mad doctors out of town with torches andpitchforks whenever they swapped out too many super-charged baboon hearts.”So at least one of his parents was a doctor. It would make sense if Medic grewup in that kind of environment, being taught from a young age all the wondersof the human body but never being taught medical ethics. I can definitely seehim as a little kid helping hold open a rib cage while his father doesexperiments on unsuspecting townspeople. On his official bio, it states thatMedic lacks “any sort of verifiable formal training in medicine.” If hewas homeschooled in medicine by his parents since birth, that would bewhy he doesn’t have that verifiable formal training. I also personallyheadcanon that Medic’s family is Jewish. (Warning for mentions ofantisemitism and the Holocaust after this point.) While thereisn’t any solid canonical evidence to support it that I’m aware of, it wouldadd a lot of depth to his character. It could also mean there was antisemitisminvolved with his family being chased out of town. While we don’t know Medic’sreal age, it seems most likely he was either a child or a teenager while Hitlerwas in power. Maybe even a young adult (and its worth mentioning that Valve has stated he was not a Nazi). After being chased out of town, Iimagine he and his family fled Germany altogether until the regime was defeated, or they did not go back at all. Alternatively, Medic could have fled Germanyalone after his family was taken by the Nazis, spending the rest of his time before getting involved in the Gravel Wars as a back-alley surgeon with half-baked medical training, living on as the only surviving member of his family and moving from place to place to avoid arrest. Alternatively x2, he could have fled to an allied nation and joined the army as a field surgeon, the desperate need for doctors and Medic’s own strange charm convincing them to overlook his lack of official training. There’s a lot of possibilities about what could have happened to him before he joined Team Fortress, and I’ve spent a good deal of time thinking about it. 
Pyro is another character we have next to no clues to theirbackstory, but I do have my own personal theory that I like. In the comicsafter the team is disbanded, Pyro goes on to become a CEO of an engineeringcompany. After thinking a while about how the fuck they could havegotten that job, I started considering that they inherited it. Heads ofmajor companies using their position to give their children powerful positionsas well isn’t uncommon, and if Pyro had powerful parents it would explain whyno one was saying anything about them wearing a gas mask to work. Nepotism is amagical thing. On top of that, super busy, rich, asshole parents aren’t knownto produce the most stable children. While Pyro’s hallucinations are probablydue to a psychotic disorder or even potentially brain damage, their fixation onchildish things makes me think they didn’t have a great childhood. It’s likelytheir parents were too busy with their work to pay them attention, leaving themfeeling abandoned and unloved, or they were abusive, or both. Children insituations like that often feel very grown up because they have to learn totake care of themselves far earlier than they should, but once they actuallygrow up into adults they feel much younger than they are because they never gotthe chance to emotionally mature the way children in healthy households get todo. You’re faced with not only the normal stress of becoming an adult, but youalso have to deal with the trauma. Pyro is (consciously or not) clinging to thecomforts of childhood to make up for all the time they missed as a kid becauseof their bad situation. If they never got to enjoy cute, childish things as akid, why not do it as an adult?
I won’t lie, I don’t have as great a theory about Soldier’s family.I do think, though, it would make sense if his father or another close family memberto have been in the military while he was growing up. It would be the root of hisstrong interest in America and the military and explain why he felt so stronglyabout them. I also think this family member might have died whileserving in the military when Soldier was still young. Trying to justify and explainaway the death, he started telling himself that they died fighting for Americabecause fighting for America is the only thing that really matters. He’d geteven more obsessive over it than he already was, throwing himself into thespecial interest to cope with the loss. I doubt that he remembers his family asan adult, however, so no longer remembers what originally caused him to be sopassionate about it, instead just being left with an obsession and a feeling hewas missing something.
While it hasn’t been officially stated, I believe it is very likely that Engineer’s father was the Engineer from the Team Fortress Classic team, Fred. We already know his grandfather was the one who build the life sustaining machines for the Mann brothers and the Administrator, so his family has had these ties for a long time. Plus, we see a younger Fred in the Catch Up Comic (below on the left) and personally I think he looks a lot like older Engineer does. On top of that, he looks exactly like the guy with younger Dell in that one photograph we saw in the Engineer update, shown on the right. Since Engineer is with the Administrator during the entire expanse of the comic, we’ve never seen him interact with Fred or any of the Classic team members for that matter. He might not even be aware that they were hired by Gray Mann to hunt down the Red team. While I imagine that his relationship with his father wasn’t bad when he was growing up as a child, I think they may have gotten more distant as Dell started branching out with his own inventions and started working on his 11 PhD’s. 
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nardaviel · 7 years
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Part 4 / ?, now with pets and vampire stalkers.
Once again this is a long and image-heavy post, but at least this time some of the images are of a cute Sim kitten. I finally bought all the updates for Sims 4 so goodbye to all my spending money for this month, but now I can play it again.
I was super excited about getting Kinatsuen a cat, but I wanted them to have the exact cat I picture when I imagine them having a cat so I couldn't adopt any of the stray kitties or any of the ones on the computer. So I just made her as a kitten in Create A Sim from the Manage Households option, since there was no other way to do it... but we can say, for story purposes, that they went out and adopted her.
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Their new gallery portrait. En looks like he's about to pass out. She's too cute for him to handle.
I also changed Atsushi's aspiration to Master Chef and Kinshirou's to Soulmate, because I felt bad having En make progress on his aspiration while they were stuck longing for a family. (Also they weren't getting all the useful satisfaction points you get for doing aspiration things.) Once they've finished these aspirations, I'll give them the original ones back.
I start playing the household and
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this is what I find. Don’t abandon Hou-chan like this, she’s just a kitten ;-;
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She’s so adorable, though. She is an affectionate, clever, and friendly kitty!
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Atsushi admires her cuteness. This seems like a place for a Lion King joke, but I don’t want to detract from the cute.
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It's late so they all go to sleep. Hou-chan follows Atsushi into the room to sleep near him even though she has her own bed al;sdkf I'm just... really charmed... I love her...
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She's so needy... wow. My other Sims' pets aren't like this at all. The affectionate trait is powerful. (But it's cute!)
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Kinshirou fixed a broken sink, and now he's rummaging through the discarded bits for useful parts. I took this screenshot just because it's such a strange sight.
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He’s pissed off that he had to do something so disgusting. Poor baby.
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There’s a big market for Kinshirou’s thoughts on etiquette.
I wish I'd bothered to come up with custom names for the other two books now because it's funny to see things like this but oh well, I guess. He was still learning! His titles weren't very good yet.
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This painting perturbs me. Hou-chan is the only saving grace of this screenshot.
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Fuck. I hate chance cards. H a t e. ...All my legacy Sims and my City Living girl would set up in the street (if they were in the painter career), because they're all that type. But I think En just wants to give up... An excuse not to work, what could be better...
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En's laziness worked out for the best this time. It's a shame about the money, though. They're a bit broke.
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Before work, Atsushi makes a bunch of quick salads so his boyfriends don’t have to cook. (That is to say, I’m working on his new aspiration.)
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Kinshirou and En have a date scheduled, but En comes home tense from work (even though he earned his salary, despite what that chance card result said). So he goes to join Kinshirou in meditating the tension away before they leave.
Sadly, Kinshirou gets bored, and the TV bores him even more because the action channel just isn’t cultured enough for him. You can’t make this stuff up, I swear... And by the time he’s over it, En is asleep. So their date is postponed. There are no screenshots because I was hoping they'd get it together and I wouldn't have to go into so much detail lol
But Atsushi gets promoted! So the night isn't a total waste. He's a mixologist now.
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Yes, darling, we’re all very proud.
I don't know why he doesn't have glasses in his work outfit, by the way. I didn't design it.
His hours are even worse than before, from 6pm to 2am. But he gets three days off now instead of just two, which is a relief.
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Meanwhile, Hou-chan loves her little toy bird so much that she wants to take it with her everywhere, even if that means she has to glitch and walk around stuck in it.
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Atsushi, savior of kittens.
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Atsushi wants to play with her with the wand, since that seems safer, but she wants to use the litter box. So he follows her into the bathroom... Let her have some privacy, Atsushi...
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Meanwhile, En paints a masterpiece-quality painting! Aside from being necessary for his aspiration, that's just really cool!! I'm proud. Not sure whether to keep it because it's pretty or sell it because it'll sell for a lot...
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Nothing really to say here. This is where the camera ended up when I exited screenshot mode, and I thought it looked pretty so I took another screenshot.
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I put it in Atsushi’s bedroom because his bedroom is a bit bare. It can live with the Enatsu painting.
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Gross, Hou-chan.
Okay, well, En is off to work, but Kinshirou and Atsushi can go on a date, at least. They decide on a nice, classy dinner date at a restaurant I built for them. It’s as boringly built as everything else I’ve done before now (I’ve learned how to build cooler things but it came too late for some of the buildings in their save...) which is why I didn’t take a screenshot but it looks okayish on the inside, I suppose.
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LMAO... I forgot I gave him that suit... oh my god... he looks so proud. Atsushi is politely keeping his thoughts to himself.
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They're shown to the one semi-private table in the establishment. Probably because Kinshirou is from a good family, even if they themselves don’t have much money.
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Gosh, they’re cute.
(I am really, really sorry for those little lightbulbs and plus signs and sparkles. They signify that a lot trait is having an effect on a skill that a Sim is building. They’re incredibly annoying in screenshots, but there’s no way to turn them off. It eventually occurred to me to get a mod for it, but only after the end of this post...)
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It takes their food some time to arrive, but at least it gets there, which is more than I can say of the last time I tried to go on a restaurant date in TS4. They don’t mind. It gives them lots of time to talk! Something about Kinshirou’s drink puts him in a flirty mood...
En comes home from work while they’re out. He got a promotion, so he’s in that bizarre outfit again. Luckily, I don't have to see it except in his little portrait at the bottom left.
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To put the finishing touch on an incredible date, they kiss passionately on the top floor of the restaurant.
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Kinshirou makes this face when Atsushi first grabs him, but he gets into it.
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Looks like I spoke too soon.
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Kinshirou got sick on his date, and now he's itchy. Hm.
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Their reward for such a good date! It’s just decor, not actually drinkable. If all goes well, they'll have these littered around the house eventually.
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Kinatsuen receive an evening visitor, a friend of Atsushi’s in another save where I recreated demon AU but emphatically not his friend in this one. Fortunately, they're smart! They know not to invite a vampire into the house.
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Less fortunately, Kinshirou is outside expanding Atsushi's garden. Maybe, he thinks, if he stays off to the side of the house, his dazzling gold suit won't catch Vlad's eye.
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But the medicine has made him energized, and he needs to get all that energy out somehow. Kin-chan, sweetheart, not in your nice suit... although maybe ruining that suit would be for the best.
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En and Hou-chan just became friends! She must have been giving him advice on his painting. ...Also I forgot to change him out of his promotion clothes.
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Now that the vampire has left, Kinshirou is free to return to his kitten.
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She is honestly unbelievably cute.
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Atsushi comes home from work, exhausted and reeking from a night behind the bar, only to find that he can't even sleep in his own bed. His boyfriends missed him so much, they went to sleep there themselves.
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En's bedroom may be messy, and he may not ever put the condoms and lube away, but it's closer than Kinshirou's.
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Must have been a rough night. En still thinks he looks hot, though. Sometimes having a slob for a boyfriend is a plus.
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Enatsu and Hou-chan morning domesticity. En is addicted to painting, I swear. Mixologists and bars aren’t as bad as En and his easel.
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His second masterpiece is even prettier than his first. They're both impressionist paintings so I suppose Sim En is an impressionist painter. That suits him, I think. Unfortunately, painting a masterpiece means he'll go to work in a confident mood when he'd be better off inspired, but you can't have everything.
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Again... Why is it always En who gets in trouble at work...
My headcanon is actually that En wouldn't judge, but, since that's not an option here, he would want to talk about his passion. En is always ready to share his thoughts.
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THAT'S RIGHT. Although it's a bit sad because I still think En would defend her, if anything.
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Atsushi needs to improve his mixology for work. Instead of making yet another drink for himself or wastefully practicing and then throwing out the results, he makes a pet drink for Hou-chan. :D
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The window for Kinshirou to sell his books to a publisher. A screenplay about the magical boys’ revenge will definitely fly off the shelves, I agree.
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No story value, just cute.
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With Atsushi at work, En and Kinshirou decide to check out a community lot (not as a date). I actually made it for Atsushi, but... he'll get here someday. Basically, one of the expansions introduced all these food stalls and a bunch of recipes (honestly like 20+ in total) that you can learn how to cook only after tasting them. But it's hard to track them all down in the places the game initially put them because they rotate, so I just made a foot stall lot.
Unfortunately you can only have so many stall vendors on a lot at a time, so it'll always look like half of them are closed... But I'm still proud of it? I think it's a cute lot with nice Kinatsuen colors, and it'll help Atsushi to have this one place to go to. I'm proud of all the lots I built for them, actually, even if they’re often not very interesting-looking.
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The moment they arrive, Kinshirou goes straight to the Japanese food stall without the least bit of prompting from me. En chooses some spicy Vietnamese food, but by the time he gets to the table, Kinshirou is already halfway done with his dango. I want En to get used to spicy food ASAP because it's out of character for him not to be able to tolerate it. It wasn’t until I started watching them eat that I remembered Sims also have to learn how to use chopsticks... En, I don’t think that’s now they work.
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Getting used to spicy food.
En: Kinshirou, help! Help me, it hurts! My mouth is on fire!! Kinshirou: Ahh, that was so good... such delicate, mild flavors... :’D
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En is grumpy because he wants a vacation, even though they literally got back from one like a week ago. I think this is one of my all-time favorite screenshots just because it's the opposite of what would be IC for them.
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Luckily, I put some bubble blowers on this lot, so he can relax a little. Don't make that face at me, En. This is for your own good.
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...En put in the flirty flavor that makes you angry if you choke, and Kinshirou choked on his very first blow. I guess it's not such a surprise, though. The bubble blowers are basically just game stand-ins for drugs, and Kinshirou would be the absolute worst person to get high with.
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Kinshirou: Ow ow ow ow ow! That hurts! En: Yeah, how's it feel, asshole?
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En: Wait, shit, ow! Kinshirou: You deserve no better for taunting me.
Kinshirou’s face is adorably pinched and angry here. But En is angry now, too, so they go home and go to sleep, after losing some friendship points. That didn’t quite go according to plan. Tomorrow night will be better.
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A Hou-chan’s-eye view. Kinshirou was in the middle of eating breakfast, but she was too cute to resist.
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En took some pictures of Hou-chan and put them up on Simstagram (lol) and !!! I've never had a pet get so many followers immediately like this. Everyone loves Hou-chan.
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I shouldn't have complained about En always getting in trouble. Now it's happening to Atsushi too.
Atsushi is annoyed that his coworker would steal and put him in this position, but he would rather just keep quiet to avoid a confrontation. Maybe someone else will handle it...
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Still better than causing a scene.
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They're finally out on a date! Making identical pleased expressions. Kinshirou's taken En out to a museum because he's a cutie deep down and he knows En will like it. I didn't build this one orz I meant to make them a museum but I turned it into an arts center instead. En will enjoy that more, but he needs to look at things in a museum right now for his aspiration, so...
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Their animations continue to be creepily in sync as they admire the artwork.
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It looks for all the world like Kinshirou's just made a dirty joke about the painting they're looking at, but...
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...this isn’t the sort of work that would make Kinshirou think naughty thoughts. It would take even En several seconds to make an innuendo out of this.
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But then Kinshirou autonomously offers En a public massage... Maybe he's just in a mood.
They spend the rest of the date in that room, mostly on that couch, sitting and talking. So there’s not much to say about it. But it’s awfully cute.
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Sadly. they have to go home early, because En has to work the next morning. He would rather just quit his job, but Kinshirou won't let him.
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He doesn't want to let on to En, which is why he's walking behind him, but he’s ready for the date to end. He’s exhausted.
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The collection grows.
(I know one is more forward on the bar than the other. It's not my fault. I don't understand the rationale behind slot placement in TS4.)
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Guys! Guys! stop eating! Pay attention to Hou-chan! She's just a little kitten and she's lonely!
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Kinshirou is writing my fanfiction for me so that I don't have to. Although I suppose that means he's writing about an alternate world where he and his boyfriends live in a fantasy setting with some dude named Arima, and this Arima guy gets romantically involved with them all.
(I don't actually intend to have a sequel to Veil named Kidosen. I just wanted him to write a sequel and that's the title that came to mind.)
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Their house, the most boring-looking house in the world, but now with two boring stories! I promise, when they move onto a bigger lot, I’ll do better.
The triad decided to spend some of their hard-earned money on a home addition. Their bedrooms are on the second story now and they have a bathroom with an actual bath in it (this was half the purpose of the remodeling; it’s a tragedy for them not to have a bath). Atsushi's kitchen is slightly nicer as well, with a better fridge and some aesthetic improvements. But the household now has exactly §301 to its name. No interior screenshots because the only really new thing is the bathroom and it's not exciting enough to be worth a screenshot. The bedrooms are almost exactly the same and the upstairs landing is completely empty because they ran out of money. The most interesting things here are the sad, neglected plants...
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Atsushi, savior of plants (as well as kittens). He still needs to work on his herbalism. He’ll get to that at some point.
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This is the problem with the goddamn bar. You tell a Sim to start mixing drinks and suddenly it's all they want to do. As soon as he stops needing to level mixology for his career, that thing is getting sold.
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Even Atsushi himself dreams of a day when he can rid himself of the bar. He is trapped.
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At least Hou-chan is proud of him. Or maybe she just wants another one of those pet drinks.
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Atsushi suffers from a moment of self-doubt. Is he doing the right thing, encouraging Hou-chan to drink? She's only a kitten...
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But she looks so happy.
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Yeah. He made the right choice.
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...no story value, just cute.
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She reached 250 Simstagram followers with this very stylish pose. Her charms are irresistible!
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But her love is reserved for Kinatsuen, and for this toy. She can’t stand to be parted from it.
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Not only does Atsushi barely even know his name, but he's also already married?? Nah, dude, if you want to cheat don't drag Atsushi into it.
Atsushi: Eheheh... *nervously ignores phone*
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Atsushi doesn't have work for a couple of days, so he has time to relax and chat with Kinshirou while Hou-chan communes with her ball and takes a nap.
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Atsushi: (Okay, time to try that pickup line I read...) So, Kin-chan... what underwear are you wearing? Kinshirou: Atchan. Please, spare us both.
Meanwhile, that lady who makes weird art bothers En at work again, and he comes out on top again. Maybe she should give up. Luckily for her, he should get promoted today.
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Atsushi is sick. :C He's trying to meet his death with brave stoicism and honestly judging from how he looks I don't blame him for thinking the worst.
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But all he has to do is take some medicine! All better. Time to go find Kinshirou and celebrate his return to good health, if Kinshirou has forgiven him for that pickup line.
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Why is he making that face in the middle of WooHoo... Dare I even ask... Kinshirou, I would have thought you'd be more experienced by now...
Then again, Atsushi is completely satisfied afterwards. So maybe he liked it.
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I feel like I go on about how cute Atsushi's Sim is but honestly they're all adorable. Also, this screenshot made me realize they just WooHooed with a window wide open looking down onto their street.
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Like... he doesn't even go to work in those clothes. I don't get it.
But as you can see he got promoted! He's now an Imaginative Imagist, whatever that means. The painter career doesn't have the most informative job titles.
He honestly doesn't even want to be in the official painter career. He can't wait to get given a super nice easel so he can work from home like Kinshirou, who, by the way, is making the most money by far out of the three of them right now. I suppose that's fitting.
...He and Atsushi wanted to have a date tomorrow, but now that he's been promoted, he has to work. :\ Atsushi's due for a promotion too, so I guess they’ll see in a couple of days what his new schedule is like.
On the other hand, En gets off work an hour earlier now, and Atsushi still doesn't work at all tomorrow, so maybe they can have their date anyway. They were just planning to hang out at home anyway, in true Enatsu fashion.
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It was at this point that the My First Pet stuff pack was released, and, well, long story short, they have a hedgehog now. Guess what its name is?
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Don't do it, Kinshirou. Don't fall for it again...
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But he goes to find Atsushi afterwards, just so that Atsushi knows he still cherishes his friendship more than he does a hedgehog.
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Hou-chan has something to say, loudly enough that Kinshirou is startled.
Kinshirou: What's wrong, Hou-chan? What is it? Hm? Hou-chan: *sad meowing ;-;*
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She needs attention, it turns out. Kinshirou is happy to oblige her whenever she wants. Unfortunately, En is lost in his art and barely even noticed her meowing.
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Atsushi has made his first foray into gourmet cooking! He's pleased with the results, but he wishes his boyfriends were here to enjoy it with him.
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Better late than never. Look how happy he is! It's like in episode 11 when he's feeding the defense club his curry.
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I didn't quite manage to get a screenshot of Lilith at the door, but why do vampires keep knocking on the front door after dark?? It's scary. Maybe the boys just smell delicious or something? At least there hasn't been a vampire break-in, I suppose.
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Hou-chan is suspicious of Zundar...
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...and WISELY SO what the fuck??? What did they do to Zundar? What does this mean???? I have literally no idea. It popped up just as I left the home lot, so if he did something to trigger it, I'll never know...
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While En is at work (orz), Atsushi is taking a trip to the newly-opened Arima Community Garden. They need some people to help do some preliminary work like planting before anything can be harvested.
(This is my way of explaining away gameplay limitations in terms of storyline. I made this lot so that Atsushi didn't have to run around the world finding things to plant, and also so that I had a place to put my modded insect spawners. You need insects for herbalism, but I didn't want to fill their home lot with bugs. But you have to have your Sims plant things on community lots, even if you put the seeds there with a cheat.)
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While Atsushi works on the garden, Kinshirou learns chess from a very red individual named Kengo Fujita who's a member of what is essentially a chess club. Maybe they'll become friends! Atsushi wants to hold a dinner party soon to show off his cooking, so the three of them need friends, or at least people who'll accept an invitation.
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Atsushi is working hard, but it’s a big task.
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Eventually, Kinshirou resigns himself to getting dirt stains on his clothes and steps in to help.
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Gardening boyfriends! Kinshirou looks like he's ready to stab himself with that spade. The light has changed and the shadows are longer. They’ve been here for a while. En is home by now, hopefully having a nice nap.
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It’s late by the time they’re done. For dinner, they have hamburgers from a plate some stranger left on the table. That’s not what I would do myself, in their place, but they both survive it.
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A solid day’s work! But it’s past midnight now and they just want to go home. Don’t judge me for the terrain paint, I did my best.
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En is a sweetheart and waited up for them. In the background, Hou-chan remains vigilant.
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That painting right there is a masterpiece worth almost two thousand Simoleons. En has an amazing talent.
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These are, hands down, the best screenshots in the post.
At work, Atsushi once again refused to report that the cash in the register was low, and it once again got taken out of everyone's tips. Whoever did it the first time must have learned that they could get away with it.
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Wtf he's back
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They know they're being hunted.
Kinshirou: Perhaps he'll go away if we pretend that we didn't hear the bell. If he has no hope of getting inside... we need to act as though we think we're alone. En: Sure. But how do we do that?
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En: Oh, I get it... I like the way you think.
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Vladislaus: *watching through the door* They're completely oblivious to my presence. Amazing.
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En: We might as well make it convincing, right? Right? Kinshirou: Is this something that interests you, then? Being watched? En: What if it is? Vladislaus: I can't believe they haven't noticed me. Their front door even has windows.
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En: What are you into, then? Boyfriends should talk about stuff like this, right? Kinshirou: Oh, well... there are a few things, I suppose... Vladislaus: This is absurd.
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En: Mm. Actually, why don't you tell me later? Kinshirou: Wh— oh... Vladislaus: *peers through the door, trying to get a better view*
Vlad is a pervert. Wow. I never knew. No wonder he and demon AU Atsushi are friends.
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It worked!
Kinshirou: Oh, thank goodness. Maybe we should invest in some garlic braids. En: We can talk about it later.
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This is such a sweet screenshot. Kinshirou can already tell that En is planning some sort of mischief, but he's so relieved that the vampire left before Atsushi got back that he's just amused and indulgent.
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Oh, no... with all the vampire scariness and relieved WooHoo, they forgot to refill Hou-chan's food bowl...
(Don’t worry, Kinshirou came downstairs and did it. I just forgot to take a screenshot.)
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Atsushi is a line cook now! Look at his fancy clothes! He must wear contacts at work. (That's my excuse for why he doesn't have glasses in his work outfits, and I'm sticking to it...)
His work days haven't changed, although he starts and leaves work four hours earlier now, so he won't be getting home at 2am anymore. He and En won't have a day off in common for a few more days, assuming En doesn't get promoted again in the meantime and get another schedule change. But they'll get their date. They’re determined, and so am I. If all else fails, Atsushi can take a vacation day and En can call in fake sick, and they can hang out with Kinshirou all disapproving in the background.
With the day's salary and his promotion bonus, they're able to expand their house again!
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A boring deck to go with their boring house.This is the real reason for making a second story. More than the bath, I wanted to have room for a deck so that they could have a hot tub. :D They now have a grand total of §10 so it's a good thing they have lots of leftover food.
When will they move into a new, less ugly house? When will En get to quit his job? Will En and Atsushi ever get to go on a date? Will there ever come a day when I don’t end one of these posts with a question about En and Atsushi? What in God’s name did that notification about Zundar mean? I don’t know the answer to any of these questions, but we can find out together next time.
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fouxtte-blog · 7 years
okay so i don't want to copy each symbol in but -- i'm just going to say all of the headcanons in that last meme you reblogged because i want to know alllllllllll the things please.
(( @tuppencetrinkets — headcanon meme ))
thank u so much!! gonna be a long post, so dropping it under a readmore!
—– Send ❂ for a like headcanon.
as i’m certain shows with the blog coloring, fayne really likes pastel colors. pinks, blues, and greens in particular. she also likes neon green, but only sometimes… and only on certain things like curtains or bedspreads. 
—– Send ✄ for a favorite movie of my muse’s. 
wall-e. the space dancing scene gets her every time. 
—– Send ✚ for one of my muse’s prized possessions.
pointe shoes. her first pair. in ballet. getting your very first pair of pointe shoes means that you’ve reached a higher level of skill, so its really an important event. and even though she has to buy new ones fairly often, now, fayne still brings her first pair with her to each performance, tucked away in her bag like a good luck charm. 
—– Send ✿ for a happy memory.
any time she spent with aunt cynthia. but, one particular memorable sleepover was when her aunt allowed her to watch Jurassic Park. fayne, of course, did not sleep at all that night, fearing raptors coming charging into her room or a t-rex breaking through her window  ( perhaps showing it to an, already prone to nightmares, 10 year old wasn’t her aunt’s best idea, after all. )  and her parents had a fit the next day when they found out. but, it was an amazing, thrilling night that fayne remembers fondly. 
—– Send ♡ for a friendship headcanon.
fayne never truly had any friends growing up. she was privately tutored for any actual schoolwork, and the rest of the time was spent training. there were a few occasions when she would attend a ballet class with other children her age. she got along fairly well with most of them and they’d have fun dancing together… but, then she was always whisked off to another studio, another instructor. eventually, she gave up trying to make friends altogether. 
—– Send ♬ for a childhood headcanon.
fayne was never really allowed much in the way of an actual childhood. the only times she was ever really treated as a child, and not a pupil, was during her time with aunt cynthia. those are the only times she can recall playing on playgrounds, or watching cartoons, or eating more sweets than she needed. or anything childlike in general. 
—– Send ☼ for a dream headcanon.
fayne tends not to remember her dreams unless they’re very strange…. such as arm wrestling a grizzly bear in space, for instance. her subconscious can be very bizarre when it chooses. 
—– Send ♧ for a cooking headcanon.
fayne is actually a decent cook, although she doesn’t do it very often. normally, she won’t have time and simply orders room service or take-out. 
—– Send ❧ for a food headcanon.
she really loves spicy foods. the spicier the better. in fact, if it doesn’t have five peppers beside its name on a menu, she might consider it a little on the bland side. 
—– Send ★ for a talent headcanon.
puzzle solving. originally she picked it up as a way to occupy her time during the long trips between performances / instructors, but she’s gotten quite good at it. she can solve word puzzles, number puzzles, picture puzzles, etc. in very short time. 
—– Send ❀ for a crush my muse has had.
she doesn’t really have crushes, per se. she has infatuations and lusts. to her, crushes are reserved for something more innocent, long-term, like a high-school sweetheart. what she has are quick, over in a moment, not usually built on anything other than physical attraction. 
—– Send △ for a sex headcanon.
she varies between top and bottom, depending on the day. sometimes she loves taking control and, other times, she’s just content to lie back and enjoy the moment. 
—– Send ➷ for a sports headcanon.
fayne did try competitive swimming at one point, when she was very young, but her parents were both very quick to shut that down because  “ that’s not what we’re training you to do “ . 
—– Send ♤ for a ‘dislike’ headcanon.
she’s actually grown to dislike sweet foods over the past few years. partly because they are a painful reminder of the times she spent with her aunt, and also because she feels sugary foods are childish. she’ll still enjoy a cupcake or ice cream cone from time to time, but for the most part, fayne will turn them away if offered. 
—– Send ♆ for something my muse hates.
her parents… HATE may be a bit of a strong word, but she definitely harbors a strong animosity toward them both. pushing her into a career she didn’t want, denying her a childhood, not allowing her to attend her aunt’s funeral… and these are merely a handful of reasons. if she never got to see her parents again, fayne would not be sad. 
—– Send ⊗ for a phobia headcanon.
lifelike inanimate objects. dolls, mannequins. at one theater she performed at, they were storing a realistic puppet for an upcoming show in her changing room. fayne absolutely REFUSED to be in there unless it was first temporarily removed, or one of her fellow ballerinas sat in the room with her. this fear has grown worse the older she’s become. 
—– Send ☾ for a sleep headcanon.
fayne does, surprisingly, have a very well obeyed sleep schedule. she’s in bed no later than 10 pm  ( on nights when she’s not spending time in a bar or in another’s company, that is )  and always awake by 8 am. 
—– Send ✜ for a fear headcanon.
failure. its been so ingrained in her that she must always be perfect, that the fear of falling below those expectations puts tremendous strain on her nerves. failure means punishment. a fall or slip means rebuke. not achieving a prize in a competition ensures absolute silence and disappointment from her parents until she manages to win another. she cannot fail. she cannot “let” herself fail. she’s terrified of the possibility. 
—– Send ☠ for a death headcanon.
fayne has no belief in an afterlife of any kind. while she does enjoy the thought of ghosts and spirits, she does not think they’re truly possible. and she certainly has no hope in any sort of deity. 
—– Send ◊ for a headcanon of the mun’s choice.
her favorite method of affection is affirmation. tell her she’s doing a good job. encourage her. praise her. especially during sex. the things it does to her, oh boy.  but even outside of the bedroom, the poor girl needs a little reassurance sometimes, considering she’s so paralyzingly scared of failure. a little boost to let her know she’s doing okay does wonders for her mood / self-esteem. 
1 note · View note
taradreschner-blog · 7 years
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tara dreschner + headcanons
1. Tara is judgmental. They can’t help it or at least have never tried. They quickly come up with an idea of what someone is and rarely change their mind, instead choosing to believe the role that they’ve cast everybody in. Their assumptions are often deeply cynical in nature; they look for the worst in people before ever finding the good. There are people Tara will never be friends with because of what they’ve seen in them.
2. They’ve only begun recently making friends besides the two they’ve always had. It was easy in high school to stay forever in each other’s company, to barely acknowledge anyone outside their band of musketeers. But with Denna gone Tara had no choice but to expand their horizons and, reluctantly, they did. Despite themselves they’ve actually enjoyed spending time with Gen and Leo, but it feels like a strange sort of betrayal. Not even to Denna, who doesn’t seem to mind with how busy she is with her fascinating new life, but to Tara. They aren’t used to talking to people who don’t know them in and out, who don’t instinctively know how to translate their rolling eyes and monotone into affection.
3. Most people think Tara is rude. They don’t blame them, mainly because they kind of are. They communicate primarily through blunt comments and long-suffering sighs, actual enthusiasm hidden behind a layer of armor. It’s a defense mechanism, albeit a horrible and often negative one.
4. As a child Tara had always been too much. Too bossy, too serious and sullen and prone to acts of mild melodrama like calling daycare teachers fascist ogres or “borrowing” every book in their family library one by one until their room became a fortress of bound leather and paper. They were terminally weird, the kind of kid that made adults chuckle and peers cringe. Their mother called it precociousness. Most people called it being a pain in the ass. They were, Tara thinks, both right.
5. Tara doesn’t have a father. Or, rather, they do and it doesn’t matter. Lea Dreschner, heiress to a family legacy of railway barons and stock market kings, had known a man once upon a time as a rich girl with nothing to do. Things ended, as relationships so often do, and she found that she was pregnant. She describes Tara as a happy accident, the thing that helped her decide what she wanted out of life. These days Lea works as a motivational speaker talking about finding your inner light and living as a summer breeze, listing sentimental declarations on life and love that Tara can’t bring themselves to believe. Lea is everything her child is not; optimistic, enthusiastic, extroverted and often naive. It’s easy to see that she was sheltered in a way that Tara never could have been. Lea sees life as a fairytale and, almost as a result, Tara sees it as all too real.
6. This is not to say that Tara dislikes their mother. They love her. Lea Dreschner was for a time the only one who stood by her child, who insisted that there was nothing wrong with a child that was a little serious and uptight and prone to lecturing about injustice. It was Lea, when Tara came out at fourteen, who made buttons and threw a party for two with streamers and cake frosted with pronouns. She’s silly and Tara needs a little bit of silliness just as her mother needs someone to bring her down to earth.
7. It was natural, when Lea began making friends in the neighborhood, that Tara would tag along. Spending time with Denna and Preston was always refreshing, kids of the same age who always seemed to understand that their lack of expression didn’t mean a lack of enthusiasm.
8. Tara hates their family home. It’s a McMansion monstrosity, all beige and spiraling staircases and tacky granite floors, that Lea had bought when she’d decided to settle down. Their childhood bedroom has been altered greatly over the years; walls are covered in posters of everything from 1930’s public health warnings to bands they haven’t listened to in years, polaroids and dried herbs hanging above their bed, colorful rugs scattered across the floor, and a shade over their light that tints the whole room green.
9. In Preston’s Dnd campaign, which Tara pretends to still not know all the rules to, Tara plays a wood elf bard named Madge (They insisted they couldn’t think of a more creative name). They insisted Preston let them create a spell and now “Wonderwall” is their go-to move. The rest of the time they do everything they can to avoid a fight, leading Madge to make many options that lean worryingly evil.
10. A word that could be used to describe Tara is particular. Another is exacting. Perhaps the most accurate would be control freak.
11. Tara looks way cooler than they actually are. They care about clothes and style in a very particular way and their mother has always indulged their whims. Many people say that Tara presents more feminine, but Tara thinks that’s kind of bullshit. Their hair may be grown out long, but it’s more 70s shag than anything else. A lot of their clothes lean retro- bell bottoms and crop tops and big ugly jackets with big clunky boots to top it all off. And if sometimes they wear a bitchin’ dress, well, that’s no one’s business but their own.
12. In their sophomore year of high school, Tara began selling their old clothes and their mother’s vintage online for petty cash. Years later their shop Despoena has achieved an impressive amount of popularity and has expanded into an online vintage store, as well as selling a couple indie clothing, makeup and skincare brands. Tara does not make clothing themselves, but they have a good eye for curating a specific image. The store’s official instagram has far more followers than their personal one, which is how they like it. No one except Denna and Preston even know they run the store, though others might know of it.
13. They know they’re hardly charming enough to be the face of the enterprise, so they keep it purposefully anonymous. The store’s official blog and social media is amiable in a way that Tara is incapable of being, seeming authentic and soft while still professional.
14. Tara recently found out that the amazing designs they’d seen around town are by Naia and they will walk over broken glass to get her stuff in their store. They just don’t know how to ask her.
15. It’s too silly and unsure for Tara to admit wanting it, but in moments where they’re truly honest about their goals they want to expand Despoena into something even bigger. They’ve started taking business classes, but they’re too nervous to talk about it with anyone besides Preston (Not Denna. It’s petty, but they like keeping something from her like how they know she’s keeping something from them). It feels ridiculous for someone as practical as them to be dreaming so big.
16. Imagine Despoena as a cross between Nasty Gal and Goop. There’s a focus on a natural minimalism with quirky touches. Down below I’ll link to some of the clothes and stuff I think would be on there. If I could do literally anything in photoshop I would make a logo, but I’m actually garbage sooo… sorry.
17. Tara was raised on health food and their deep dark shame is that they basically hoard circus peanuts. They’ve been vegetarian basically since birth in addition to being kosher and circus peanuts are neither. They taste like toxic bananas and are orange for some reason and they always have a bag hidden under their bed.
18. Tara and Heath would actually probably get along if Tara were able to talk to Heath without immediately hating them. If anything they could bond over starting a business anonymously or being ridiculously protective of Denna. This isn’t even a headcanon this is just something I realized while writing this.
19. Tara is more cold than angry. If they’re mad at you, you might not even know until a month later.
20. They don’t really look pretty. Or attractive or whatever, despite having the bone structure of an angel. And they don’t want to be attractive. When it comes to their personal look, Tara revels in the strange and interesting. They’re far more likely to wear a sweatshirt patterned with cockroaches than one of the simple and fun dresses you’d find on Despoena. It’s not that Tara dislikes that style- they love it, it’s why their store is the way it is. But for themselves they can only accept it in diluted doses; a simple blouse only feels right when combined with the most trashed thrift store jeans that they have and ostentatious costume jewelry. It’s with the combination of the staid and the bizarre that Tara can feel like themselves, rather than picking a side to stick to.
21. All of Tara’s favorite movies are campy B horror. They love the cartoonish performances and technicolor gore. Preston and Denna have, in their time, been forced to watch many. Tara has most of them memorized line-for-line. They often lament that their wardrobe could use more neon pink-orange bloodstains ala Suspiria.
22. Tara is guarded, but deeply protective of anyone they consider a friend. If someone hurts someone that they care about, they will hate that person for the rest of time. It’s a passion that they don’t have in regards to defending themselves. Tara doesn’t care about people who might have been cruel to them once upon a time, but anyone who ever pushed Denna or Preston on the playground better watch out.
23. Tara was raised Jewish, but doesn’t practice heavily. They still identify as culturally Jewish, go to the synagogue on Yom Kippur, and do their best to keep kosher, mainly out of habit. Since they’re vegetarian, it mainly means feeling weird about cheese made with animal rennet. One time they tried bacon out of curiosity and honestly? Not worth it.
24 At 6’1, they’ve always been one of the tallest people they know. Whenever they interact with someone taller they get grumpy. It’s not something they’re self-conscious about; rather, they see it as something that helps define them.
25. Tara does, in fact, know things about video and tabletop games. They just have horrible twitch reflexes and a bad habit of getting sidetracked on quests no one thought of making, like trying to break down the government of a fantasy world and replace it with a functioning democracy instead of doing fun things and killing dragons.
26. Sometimes Tara appears on Preston’s channel, often to fail horribly at Overwatch (they main Zarya because she’s cute, but have no idea how to play her). Their main appearances are on a very rarely updated series where Tara plays Grand Theft Auto with Preston and tries to accomplish a very specific task that isn’t actually in the game (i.e: buying a pizza, working out at the gym).
27. Part of the reason Tara likes to focus on other people is because it means they don’t have to think about their own problems and mistakes. It’s easier to help a friend than to help yourself.
28. Tara’s romantic history is… complicated. They’ve never been in an official relationship, just flings that occasionally seemed like they might be more. Sometimes when they’re too depressed for their own good they wonder if they’re incapable of anything more, if that’s the cost of seeing the complicated parts of people first.
29. I have a half-formed wisp of an idea that might be really stupid, but I think in high school Tara had a crush on one of Denna’s significant others and nothing happened but they still feel really guilty and gross about it.
30. Tara would rather be miserable than possibly hurt one of their friends.
31. For all of middle school and the first two years of high school, Tara had braces and (occasionally) headgear. It was horrible and part of the reason why they rarely smile or show their teeth.
32. Halloween is Tara’s favorite holiday. They would always give their candy to Preston and Denna as a kid, because their favorite part was going all out with costumes and decorations. Their costumes have only gotten more elaborate over the years and they rope friends into joining them. In the vague future where everything’s cool and they’ve accepted Denna and Heath’s relationship, they finally get to accomplish their dream of going as the cast of Scooby Doo with Pluto as Scooby.
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full name: Lily Marie Evans, although her mother was incredibly keen on naming her Lily Kathleen, which her father wasn’t particularly happy about (as he’d had a neighbour called Kathleen growing up, who wasn’t a very nice woman). After a lot of arguing, they settled on Marie, as it was sweet and simple like their oldest daughter’s name: Petunia Jane.
nationality: British.
birthplace: Lily was born in St. Mary’s Hospital, in Manchester, after a 13 hour labor. Unlike most children, who are born before they reach full-term, Lily was born two weeks after her mother’s due date and was actually supposed to have been delivered at home, like her sister had been. Unfortunately, Violet Evans’ midwife was away when the woman went into labor and the safest alternative was to go to the hospital.
resides: Currently, the Evans family lives in Cokeworth, something that Lily absolutely despises because of what happened last year. Knowing that Severus is within walking distance of her is something that makes the ginger uncomfortable, mostly because she can’t bring herself to speak to him anymore, even if she misses the Slytherin more than she’ll ever admit. They resided in Manchester until Lily turned five, after which they moved because of Violet’s job as a primary school teacher.
wand: 10¼” Willow, Phoenix Tail Feather, Swishy, Good for Charms.
“Willow is an uncommon wand wood with healing power, and I have noted that the ideal owner for a willow wand often has some (usually unwarranted) insecurity, however well they may try and hide it. While many confident customers insist on trying a willow wand (attracted by their handsome appearance and well-founded reputation for enabling advanced, non-verbal magic) my willow wands have consistently selected those of greatest potential, rather than those who feel they have little to learn”.
That, to me makes complete sense and I love that Lily’s canon wand wood fits with some of the headcanons I have for her. I absolutely adore the idea that she was this hurricane of a girl but, deep down, it would be illogical to assume that she has no insecurities because here she is, a teenager who has worked her butt off so she could be the best witch she could be, and people around her judge her abilities because of who her parents are. The boy who was supposed to be her best friend insulted her in the worst way possible. So, of course, Lily will have insecurities, and major ones at that, but heaven forbid she voices her concerns — in her mind, Lily needs to set the example and show everyone that she has earned her place in the Wizarding World.
"This is the rarest core type. Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike."
I hope my choice for core doesn’t sound a bit cliché but, again, it fits what I believe to be my Lily beautifully. A girl with a strong personality, the ginger has a tendency to do whatever she very well pleases and generally dislikes it when people don’t do what she expects them to, so how ironic would it be that her wand was just like her? This wasn’t what I’d first envisioned for Lily’s wand core but now I can’t shake off the image of this little ginger trying to transfigure a goblet and her wand not quite seeing eye-to-eye with her, marking the beginning of a very amusing love/hate relationship between miss Evans and her wand.
socioeconomic status: Middle-Class. There were times, however, when life wasn’t all that easy for the Evans’ and that has greatly affected Lily’s views on money and how to properly spend it — Violet worked as a teacher, Harry as a struggling writer and when you have two little girls to feed, money was tight. Having witnessed her parents’ worries, Lily now believes that only the essential should be bought and while she does allow herself to go a little crazy on occasion (birthdays, both hers and her friends’ and Christmas), she most definitely is the type of girl to count her knuts.
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owl results: Charms: O Defence Against the Dark Arts: O Herbology: E Potions: O Transfiguration: E Muggle Studies: O Care of Magical Creatures: E current classes: Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Transfiguration.
student functions: Charms Club, Prefect, Slug Club.
familiars: When she first visited Diagon Alley, Lily fell in love with an ugly little toad that she very loudly exclaimed was adorable; a frail, ill-looking being, but one she adored regardless. For weeks, the ginger carried the toad, named Rosie, everywhere but a few days before boarding the Hogwarts Express for the first time, Lily got into an argument with Petunia and the poor pet jumped out of the second-floor window (where the bedrooms were located) out of fear of the loud childish squeals on the Evans girls.
Needless to say, it didn’t survive its improvised trip and Lily was absolutely devastated. Seeing their little girl so sad, Harry and Violet offered to buy her something else come next school year. And that’s the story of how Lily Evans owns a moody cat named Lovely, a mix between a Ragdoll and a Somali, whose fur is a strange shade (that some could compare to vomit), eyes are an adorable blue, and who has a terrible tendency to bite anyone whose hair isn’t ginger. Since the animal is half-blind and can’t smell properly, Lily’s bright red hair is the only thing it uses to tell its owner apart.
        P E R S O N A L I T Y
Footsteps echoed on the stone floor as she paced back and forth, the silence of the bathroom disturbed only by her movements and her occasional huffs; green eyes glaring at the Willow wand in her hand as if it were an enemy rather than a mere piece of wood. It was the end of her fifth year and Lily Evans had yet to produce a corporeal Patronus. To most, that would have been perfectly fine; they’d get it eventually and, ultimately, there was no point in rushing to master what many deemed a complex charm — in time, they’d get there. To the Gryffindor prefect, however, failure wasn’t an option and she was going to do it. Tonight. There was no doubt about it, she wasn’t simply going to let herself be behind the other people in her year: she was a brilliant, talented witch and there was no reason for her to not be as successful as her classmates.
Of course, hiding out in the prefect bathroom after curfew wasn’t exactly the classiest of options, nor was it the one that made her more comfortable (what would people think if they saw her in the hallways after dark?), but she was desperate. Grumbling to herself, teeth grazing gently over her bottom lip, Lily took the deepest of breaths, so deep that she felt dizzy, and lifted her wand. The tricky bit, she pondered as she gathered the courage to go ahead and cast the charm, was finding a suitable memory.
Life was filled with meaningless seconds, little bits of time that meant nothing, and they often made one forget about the moments that truly counted, the ones that were blissfully perfect. And even though she knew (of thought she knew) herself, Lily had no idea when she’d been her happiest.
Then, thinking back on times before potions, owls and magic, it struck her like lightning; almost forcing the young woman to close her eyes and watch as a scene unravelled behind her eyelids, leaving a taste of sweetness on her tongue and a warmth she’d forgotten she enjoyed inside her chest. Petunia.
Little toddler legs wobbled as she climbed onto a taller bed, gripping bedsheets to pull herself up; red locks of long hair falling over her eyes. A giggle pushed past Lily’s lips while the ginger prepared herself, leaning in to grip her slumbering sister’s shoulders and, fully aware that the older girl wouldn’t be pleased, shake her awake. It was the first hours of morning of December 24th 1964 and, as always, that meant that the Evans girls had an adventure planned: finding the Christmas presents their parents usually wrapped the evening before. Three year old Lily, all chubby arms and gleeful smiles, jumped slowly on her sister’s bed; being pushed down by Petunia whom wanted nothing but a few more minutes of peace, skillfully pinning the electric girl down and pulling her closer to her, forcing the youngest girl to lie her head on the pillow.
Still giggling, Lily turned to bury her face on Petunia’s blonde curls; voice barely a whisper as tiny fingers poked her sister’s stomach, hoping that the tickles would allow her to squirm away and tiptoe her way downstairs. With a loud laugh, the blonde shifted, beginning to tickle Lily and before they knew it, both girls were laughing at the top of their lungs, ignoring the creaking door and the head of auburn hair that peaked in, Violet too grinning at her daughters.
The traditional adventure was forgotten, but it didn’t matter because sleep soon took over the small bedroom; moonlight shining in through the window and casting a silver glow over the pale faces of the two little flowers who slept soundly, curled up in each other’s arms.
"Expectro Patronum!" Her voice was firm, her hand didn’t shake; something inside the young witch was strong, stronger than before, it didn’t matter that the memory left a weight in her chest that she couldn’t ignore — it was what she needed to force the light from the tip of her wand, a doe forming amongst silver smoke, tall and proud. Who would have known that happiness, to Lily, was times she couldn’t get back and a sister that she would always love? But the philosophical discussion that she knew she’d have later, after she went back to her dormitory and everyone slept around her, was quickly cast aside.
The doe had stopped before her, looking at the witch as if she stared in a mirror; something in the silvery animal’s body urged Lily forward, hand stretched out so she could stroke what she had produced. Yet, as pale skin moved to touch what was nothing but light, the doe vanished, leaving nothing but a dark bathroom and an amazed girl who wasn’t sure what to think.
Does are animals of grace and innocence; sweet and poised with big brown eyes that make one wish to approach them and yet it takes time for such an animal to allow you to move towards them. Lily, while she has the heart of a lioness and the fierceness of a mother bear protecting its cubs, is someone whose Patronus would surely be a nearly perfect portrayal of the person holding the wand. With a vague distrust of most individuals — one that comes only from being hurt over and over again by those who she held closest - and a knack for finding herself superior to everyone else, even if subconsciously, the redhead is so much like the female deer that her steps often mimic that light gracefulness that only does possess.
All she could do was mentally curse herself, hand wrapped tightly around her wand as she prepared herself for what was to come. Damn her need to be an example, her eagerness to learn, her desire to see new things first hand! Sure, it wasn’t a problem most of the time but here she stood, weak-kneed and trying not to shake, about to come face-to-face (could she even call it that?) with a bloody boggart, having volunteered to go first. Honestly, Lily wasn’t afraid of the shape it would take as she was sure it’d be a giant butterfly or crashing waves – she could deal with that – but what if it were something else? These things were magic and magic wasn’t always predictable; she didn’t know what the outcome would be, had no way of properly controlling it. That thought alone forced Lily to take a deep breath, lips grazing her bottom lip compulsively as her free hand moved up to brush an irritating lock of red hair away from her face. She had to be concentrated, had to be sure of herself. Lily Evans wasn’t about to just embarrass herself in front of her friends and classmates. Not at all.
When the professor asked her if she was ready, all the witch could do was nod, trying to keep panic away from her pale face, clutching her wand tighter, arm already stretched out to immediately cast the charm that would end this experience, one she was ready to end before it’d even begun. The boggart, trapped inside a trunk, was released and suddenly all breath was drawn from her lungs and Lily couldn’t think, couldn’t move, couldn’t do anything but stare at the shocking image that transformed before her. There stood herself, a perfect copy of herself, or at least something keen to it. This Lily’s eyes were sad yet cold, her body was thin – dangerously so – and around her was nothing unusual. Still, the witch understood what it meant – this Lily wasn’t surrounded by her friends, the look in emerald-green eyes was one of pure and utter loneliness. Boggart Lily had no one. She was alone. And being so had broken something inside her, for she no longer laughed. There was nothing inside her, she was hollow. That was the scariest thing the redhead had ever seen in her sixteen years of life.
But oh, she wasn’t about to just let this image defeat her! Because she wasn’t this strange version of herself, no. She had people who loved her, she loved people, they were always there for her and she was always there for them – this wasn’t real and it would never, ever happen. Lily wouldn’t let it become a reality.
It took all her strength but, after what felt like an eternity, the Gryffindor managed to yell the ‘‘Riddikulus’ charm – voice wavering but wrapped in a sort of ferocity she didn’t know she had in her – watching the boggart transform into a clown version of the Prefect; a silly, amusing sight that managed to draw the softest of chuckles from swelling lips. Someone else, she wasn’t sure whom, took her place and Lily found herself sweating, hands shaking, vision blurry. Suddenly, everything made sense but she couldn’t bring herself to think about it, wishing only to ignore all that had happened. Lily Evans wasn’t alone and she wasn’t weak. She would never become what the boggart had showed her.
And yet the question rose in the back of her mind, nagging and cruel, almost mocking the witch as she asked the professor if she could be excused to use the restroom. What if?
Lily has never feared death as she has always known that pain in all of its many forms is only forced upon the living and she has never feared the departure of others — not truly — because she knows, in her heart, that they would be better off, in a twisted way. What she has always been scared off deep down, one of her biggest shames, is being alone. And that is her Boggart — herself, all alone.
It wasn’t always that, not at all, but after losing some of the people who were supposed to love her and never leave her? After her sister turned her back on her just because she was different? She’s felt loneliness, and it’s not something she wants in her future. It’s unthinkable to the ginger, mostly unknown and uncharted territory. The thought of having to live a life where there is no comfort, no one to lean on, no one to rely on… it terrifies Lily, petrifies her. The fact that she believes it to be a childish fear doesn’t help either, makes her embarrassed for how can someone like her, a good witch and a good person, be so deeply timorous of something that shouldn’t matter.
Lime ▬ for all the times she smelt it in her nan’s home → Johanne Evans passed away years ago but never has her granddaughter been able to erase the light smell of lime that was characteristic to her tiny cottage; a sweet home for a sweet woman who, having been a pediatric nurse for over forty years, had a knack for making children laugh. Always there for her girls no matter what, never once did she judge Lily when she spoke horribly of what James had done by the lake, or when she moaned about cheating during her Transfiguration O.W.L — she never stopped the redhead from complaining about her parents or crying over Petunia. Having been gone for about three years now, Lily can’t seem to shake off the grief and the longing for that very same shoulder she shed tears over so many times. And yet, even after losing her “rock”, her Amortentia is proof that Lily has and will always love the woman who placed her in her mother’s arms.
Basil ▬ for childhood summers spent with hands in dirt → It was never a coincidence that Violet Evans chose to name her daughters Petunia and Lily, she too having been named by her mother, Rose, who in turned was named by her own mother, Poppy. It’s not really known exactly where the tradition started but it always instilled a love for all things botanic in the Morrison family women - a love that was passed onto a certain green-eyed ginger. When she was young and carefree, Lily loved going outside with her mummy and help her take care of the little herb garden on their backyard — the smell of basil, her mum’s favourite, always remaining one she always recalled with a feeling of fondness and melancholy.
Bergamot Orange ▬ for a love that cannot die → Lily always thought of herself as the lesser of the two Evans girls; her big sister was pretty and graceful, quiet and poised while she looked like a joke - all red and green - and, in all honesty, had the posture of an ape. Even as years went by and they grew apart, Petunia out of scorn and the ginger out of sheer acceptance of unfortunate events she could not change, never once did Lily forget how a hug from one of the people she loved most in the whole of existence felt like - warm and loving and with a light smell of bergamot orange, Petunia’s favourite shampoo. To this day, the smell brings tears to her eyes but she cannot make herself not love it as it is branded deeply into her mind.
Pumpkin Juice ▬ for a place she calls her home → Nothing screams Hogwarts to the sixth year like the sweet smell of pumpkin juice, a beverage she took some warming up to, no doubt about it, but that is now one of her favourites. It triggers memories in her mind: laughter and happiness, growing up and learning how to be a better person, becoming the best witch she could be; those moments were lived with a pumpkin juice cup in her hand. During the summer, when she’s stuck at home, trying (and often failing) to not perform even the tiniest of spells, all the girl has to do is find herself a jug of the familiar drink and suddenly she’s back at Hogwarts, where she feels the happiest.
what is your greatest ambition? ”My greatest ambition? You’re asking like that’s the easiest question in the world… Honestly, I don’t know. I mean, I do know, but it’s just a tad bit embarrassing, really, a fantasy more than anything. I think… my greatest ambition is to change the world. Hey, don’t laugh! I told you it wasn’t the brightest answer. With the War beginning to grow? I want to be a part of making a difference, of creating a better tomorrow for children like me. Why should we be judged just because of our blood?
Yeah, I want to be the girl who’s going to chance this, the one to end it. But that’s obviously not going to happen, so I think I’m going to settle for the easiest answer I can give you. My greatest ambition? Not failing Transfiguration. Granted, that was my New Year’s resolution… but I think it still stands. It’s a wonder Professor McGonagall even let me be in her class this year, said that I could be great at it if I applied myself. Wouldn’t want to prove her wrong, even if I don’t really see why transfiguring a rat into a goblet will help me in the future.”
where do you feel most comfortable? “I don’t know, really. I think I could say home but at home there’s Tuney and Severus and no magic… I guess I have to be a walking, talking, teenage witch cliché and say Hogwarts. Because while I love mum and dad, there’s always something missing during the holidays, and I don’t just mean my friends. I’m used to changing staircases and owls and spells and… home is ordinary. Boring, really.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of my heritage and I think being muggleborn gives you enough perspective to see the bigger picture in life, but living without magic? I don’t think I could anymore. God, even spending a whole summer without it is torture. So, Hogwarts is where I feel most comfortable these days. I just… don’t know how things will be this year, because of Sev. I mean, Snape. Because of Snape.”
personality description: Those who truly know Lily can tell you that there are many layers to the redhead; some good, some bad and some that one simply gets used to after a while. People who know the witch to a shallower extent are not aware of how complex the girl can be; they see simply a kind, fair young woman who is extremely invested in her education and cannot stand for injustice. In reality, Lily is as intelligent as she is stubborn, as fair as she is curious and as determined as she is hot-tempered,  a temper that matches her fiery hair and passionate views on life. To miss Evans, a bird chirping outside her bedroom window or a sunny day after weeks of rain is not something to be taken lightly; she sees immense beauty in things that most overlook, the tiniest thing can cause her to burst into sincere laughter.
Usually a cheery, electric girl, it does not take much to send her into a fit of rage either and, when she does get upset you might as well run, hide and wait for her to calm down. Her personality is one of extremes, something that she absolutely detests about herself; she loves completely, hates passionately, trusts blindly and, when she gets hurt, the girl suffers like no other — her world seems to crash and crumble, leaving behind but broken promises and shattered dreams. While Lily often overlooks the sad side of life, she sometimes just stops her hectic routine to think about anything and everything; her past, her present, her future and what she feels about those around her. Often do those thoughts bring tears to her emerald eyes, a few melancholic laughs cutting through the thick silence that she submerges herself in — nothing but her own mind to trouble her.
Ultimately, the witch isn’t the easiest person to get along with but, once you do, you’ll be surprised at how loyal she becomes; standing next to those she loves regardless of what she’s told or whom opposes the connection: for years, she dealt with the people closest to her questioning her connection to Severus and she never, not even once, wavered. Why would she? Unless you give her a reason to, Lily will believe in those she loves until the end because, in her opinion, people are made of choices and that’s the only thing you care truly judge: she never cared about Severus’ home life or the house he was sorted into, that didn’t affect how she saw him. She never found it fair to judge a book by its cover and that is exactly what the redhead is: fair. Perhaps one of the reasons that she adores being a Prefect so much is that, between rolling at her eyes at young couples snogging after curfew and catching the Marauders doing something wrong (as usual), she can make a change, even if a small one. For the past years, Lily has tried to ignore the war but now, and especially since she’s sure Severus is bound to join Voldemort’s side, there’s no denying that it’s real and that it’ll just keep getting worse until someone stops it. She might be a mere sixth year, she might not count for much but she’s a muggleborn who was made Prefect, one of the best witches in her year, and if anyone can set the example and try to change something, anything really, that’s her.
Truthfully, to say that the Prefect is a simple little thing would be one of the biggest mistakes of one’s life for the girl is not simple nor little — a strong, independent, defiant woman who is slowly learning not to allow others to walk over her and how to impose the respect that she, with her ego and a feeling selfishness often stirring inside her chest, believes she deserves.  Because no matter what Lily might have said about others (as she usually did, and occasionally still does, about Sirius Black and James Potter) she was always more like them than she thought; her ego might just be larger that James’ and her temper as bad as Sirius’. There’s no denying that another reason she enjoys being a Prefect so much is that she actually got it — there were plenty of students to choose from, some even with magical families and lineages that went back hundreds of years, but instead she was chosen: she, Lily Evans, whose parents are muggles. Not a drop of magical blood in her and, through her own merit only, she was granted such an honour. Ultimately, it was a matter of pride, something of which she has a great deal.
Lily’s quick temper often causes the redhead to make unjustified claims about someone or something, jumping to conclusions without listening to said person’s point of view or explanation and, most specially, believing that she is the one who’s right — for she believes herself to be quite the role model when it comes to most subjects. That does not, however, cause her to follow her own advice because she rarely does so; she might tell you what she thinks you should do, might lecture you for hours about what’s right (not really understanding that “what’s right” is often subjective), but when it’s time to make decisions? She’ll flail and fret as if it were the end of the world, often forgetting that she’s given people advice on to get out of an identical situation. So, slightly hypocritical and unaware of her pretentiousness, Lily does not truly know just how many flaws she has — flaws which, in all honesty — are not enough to erase all the other wonderful traits she possesses.
As far as canon is concerned, we know very little about Lily and, most specifically, who she was as a person. We’re told that she’s kind, talented and brave, that she yelled at James Potter after ‘Snape’s Worst Nightmare’, and that (at least to me) only shows that she had quite the temper. The thing is, characters are more than a couple of traits in a book and I’ve always tried to really develop Lily as a person — she’s this great person, sure, but she’s also a hormonal teenager who, let’s be honest, wasn’t a saint. She laughed and cried and lied and cheated and was, as we all are, a mixture of the good and the bad of the human race.
        H I S T O R Y
Violet Anne Evans (née Morrison) ▬ 39, born on August 4th 1937. Currently a primary school teacher. A petite redhead with a flair for the dramatic, it’s not hard to see where Lily gets her personality or her looks, for mother and daughter are extremely alike. While they quite enjoy each other’s company, things aren’t exactly the easiest in the Evans household, as similar personalities and stubborn heads often lead to arguments and words better left unsaid but that’s okay. When they need to, mother and daughter can be closer than anything, gossiping about their neighbours (even if Lily denies every doing such a thing) or simply watching the telly, cuddled up with a nice mug of tea. Still, Violet always held a soft spot in her heart for her first born, something that has always made Lily jealous.
Harry William Evans ▬ 38, born on December 19th 1937. Having always been a dreamer, it wasn’t hard for the blonde man to decide that what he wanted to do in life was write. Novels, poems, cake recipes, grocery lists written in rhyme, it never really mattered what he wrote, only that he was doing so. A man of words and other worlds, it wasn’t unusual that he was the exact opposite from his stressed wife: Harry is relaxed and laid back, always with a smile spread on his lips and a horrible joke ready to cheer up even the saddest of souls. Still, his gentle demeanor made him a brilliant father and a wonderful husband, a man ready to jump to his feet at any second to pull the women he loves so dearly apart (which has happened often in the last few years).  When things go south, Harry steps in; it’s always been like that. Unlike his wife, however, Mr. Evans connects better with his youngest child and it’s because of that that, when she needs to, Lily is the first to turn to her dad.
Petunia Jane Evans ▬ 17, born on June 7th 1958. Currently still a student and working a part-time job as an assistant at Grunnings, a drill firm. As stubborn as her mother and sister, and also just as opinionated, Petunia was never an easy girl to deal with; she was always the sort of person to hold petty grudges and question anything and everything. Through the years, the older girl has tried to make herself as different from her sister as possible — Petunia didn’t need magic powers and pointy hats to be amazing, she had her brains and her skills, that was enough. Still, when combined  with her jealously and aggressiveness towards Lily (not that the ginger is innocent, because she’s just as bitter towards her older sister), it all adds up to the two not getting along in the slightest, ever. There’s love between them, there’s no doubt about it, and they care deeply about each other but being as proud as they are, it’s unlikely that the dynamic between the two will change anytime soon.
Johanne Leena Evans (née Harper) ▬ 76, (January 13th, 1900 – July 4th 1976).  Having worked for most of her life as a pediatric nurse, Lily’s grandmother knew just how to raise children, always loved by every single one of them, her red-haired granddaughter especially. Lily had a passion for the elderly woman, so much like her in so many ways and yet so calm, so experienced, so beautiful – most girls see their mothers as role-models but, for the little witch, Johanne was her biggest one. They got along beautifully, shared secrets and stories, swore to never tell each other’s secrets to anyone else; Lily relied on her nan, trusted her more than she trusted anyone else in the whole wide world. The small house the older woman lived in was heaven, the tiny kitchen where she learn to cook a cloud of happiness and love – everything about Johanne screamed peace, passion, a safe haven like no other. Having died only a few months ago, often does the ginger forget that she’s gone; sometimes starting a letter with the words ‘Dear gran,’ or stopping to think, “I have to tell nan about this”. It pains Lily greatly to not have that shoulder to cry on anymore but she’s learnt to live with the pain, often ignoring the facts and pretending that come the summer of 1977 they’ll meet again.
Remus Lupin ▬ 16, born on Marth 10th 1960. Her fellow Prefect and close friend, Remus is one of Lily’s biggest confidants at Hogwarts: a calm, extremely nice guys, Lily finds him to be amongst the best people to walk aged stone floors. In reality, they’ve been friends ever since first year when Lily, chubby legged and short with a head of extremely curly hair, sat next to the thin, weak-looking boy and they had a very nice conversation about Potions. After that, and while one couldn’t consider them exactly inseparable, they only grew closer and closer – they got along beautifully, their friendship was easy and precious to Lily, who hadn’t been the most sociable of girls back home. On New Year’s eve of their fourth year, when Lily told her parents that she wasn’t a baby anymore and could very well stay at school during the holidays, they found themselves at midnight with no one to kiss and, red-cheeked and embarrassed, the witch pressed a chaste kiss of the boy’s lips (who soon grew red too). He was her first kiss and she was his and, to Lily, that means quite a lot. They moved past it, of course, and it didn’t change a single thing in their friendship but Lily holds that moment, as well as Remus, very close to her heart.
James Potter ▬ 16, born on March 27th 1960. She’ll never forget the first time she properly met James Potter, having been late to Potions and, rushing down the suddenly changing staircase, tripped over her own feet – falling down the last steps, books and quills flying everywhere. The black-haired boy had been late too and helped her up, all hands in his pockets and unruly hair, smiling at her in a way she wasn’t particularly fond of. Still, he was sweet enough and Lily found herself wanting to be her friend – that was, of course, until he hexed her during dinner, after which she poured her glass of pumpkin juice over his head (not knowing that he was allergic, at the time). After that, their relationship was a mixture of sarcastic remarks (hers) and self-centered replies (his), often resulting in Lily wanting to throw herself off of the Astronomy Tower. She never hated him, God no, but she was utterly annoyed at how he was so bloody good at everything – from class, to flying, to the way he looked, James Potter was an example and that made Lily’s skin itch, wanting to be the best at absolutely everything. When he asked her out, a couple of times to Hogsmeade over their fifth year, she figured he was messing with her which only made her even more of a passive-aggressive little thing; full of bitterness and rage. It wasn’t the boy’s fault, never having done anything wrong but she couldn’t quite help it. After what happened last year, however, her yelling at him during the “accident” by the lake, Lily feels ashamed. She should never have done that (even if the bloody prick deserved it) and if she wasn’t so proud, she would probably apologize. The best she could do was, having sat on an empty train compartment, allowing him to sit with her on the ride to Hogwarts. For the first time in six years, the pair actually shared a nice conversation – they talked about his family, her family, what they did during the summer; about anything and everything, like proper friends. While they aren’t that just yet, Lily was left with the impression that maybe, James Potter isn’t half as bad as she’d imagined him to be. Not bad at all.
Severus Snape ▬ 16, born on January 9th 1960. Lily’s oldest and closest friend for what felt like forever, Severus Snape was everything to the redhaired girl. Always gentle and enthusiastic towards her, it was him who told her about the Wizarding World, him to told her about magic and the future she could one day have – the ginger had always been a dreamer but after she met Severus, she learnt that maybe fantasies weren’t so bad, that maybe wishes upon stars actually came true and grown-ups had just lost hope. Together they played all day and together they walked into the Great Hall, both secretly hoping that they’d be sorted into the same House. That wasn’t the case and even though it wasn’t easy being friends with a Slytherin, preconceptions and hypocrisy (or so she thought) making those around her dislike her best friend. Lily often told them off, sticking by Sev’s side as she knew he stuck by hers – sure, it wasn’t easy, but they were friends and nothing would ever change that. That was, of course, until the Dark Arts spoke louder and the boy began to slip from Lily’s grasp. She didn’t realize it soon enough, didn’t pay enough attention to what was going on around her, refused to see the truth in her friend’s actions. When reality hit her like a slap on a sunny afternoon, the word ‘mudblood’ slipping from his lips, it was too late. Suddenly, the people who’d warned her were right and Lily did the only thing she could do: she severed ties with the aspiring Death Eater, turned her back on him like she’d promised to never do so. Now that she doesn’t have him by his side, Lily feels lost – the summer, while pleasant and fun, wasn’t what she’d expected for she truly missed Severus and their conversations; he was one of the people she held closest to her heart and, just as Petunia had done, he’d closed the door between them. Sure, she’d turned the key but this wasn’t her fault. It would never be her fault. All she can do now is turn to the people who are still by her side, Molly, Dorcas and Marlene – her sisters, her friends, her everything now that she’s alone. She’s still very much unsure of what her life will be like from now on but, and even if she feels as if she’ll never recover from the blow to her heart, Lily is sure she’ll find her way, with a little help from her friends.
I was going to write about Molly, Marlene and Dorcas as well, because after reading the bios I thought Lily would have most likely gotten along with them but since I haven’t spoken to the players (or potential players) I wasn’t too comfortable writing something in the app that might not be a reality if I get accepted. I hope that’s alright, but I didn’t find it very respectful for the people who applied for them and chose to leave it like this, touching only a few of the people I felt like I had to write about.
do you have any regrets? “Doesn’t everyone? I never understood the whole ‘I have no regrets’ thing people usually say when asked this. I do have regrets, maybe not a lot and none very serious but yes, I have them. Would I go back and change things if I could… I don’t know. Probably.
I regret not trying harder when it came to Tuney and her dislike for me and all things magical, because I think that maybe if I’d included her more in this fun, new chapter of my life, she wouldn’t have been so bitter. I don’t think we’d ever really get along but I’d like to at least have tried, instead of just ignoring the issues until they slapped me full-force on the face, like I did. It’s hard to see that other people aren’t happy when you’re over the moon, y’know? And it kills me that I just… didn’t bother as much as I should’ve. Petunia’s my sister and I just don’t think things should be like this, that’s not how life should go. And I regret the way things are.
Can’t not regret what happened with Severus, can I? Merlin, I just… when did he get like that? Maybe if I’d paid more attention to him, if I’d driven him away from the people he was getting involved with, maybe he would have understood what he was getting himself into. The ‘what if’ is the hardest part, I think. And that’s the bit I wish I could change, because even if it hurts me (and it does) I don’t regret cutting him from my life. Severus made his choice, one that I don’t agree with, and I know I’m doing the right thing.”
what is your fondest memory? “My fondest memory… Well, that’s difficult. I mean, I’m sixteen, which means I have sixteen years of nice memories I want to remember forever and tell my grandkids about when I’m old so choosing one isn’t the easiest thing in the world. You have a knack for asking tricky questions, has anyone ever told you that before? Merlin. I guess… there was this one time years ago, around Christmas. My sister and I used to have this tradition where we snuck downstairs after our parents were sleeping to see if they’d left any present unwrapped and, when we couldn’t find them, we’d search through the whole house. The first one to find something won and got to pick one of the other’s gifts for herself. It was stupid, really, but we were young and there wasn’t all that much to do. God, I was so small that Tuney had to grip my hand when we went down the stairs. It took us ages to get to the final step, let me tell you, and I think we might have woken mum and dad up about five times, though they never came to ruin our fun.
That night I crawled into bed with Tuney to wake her up and she just started tickling me like crazy, I couldn’t even breathe! She loved doing that, reckon she had a passion for seeing me squirming and begging for mercy, ‘cause she tickled me on a daily basis and I hated it. I don’t really remember much after she started bloody torturing me, but I do know we fell asleep eventually. I… I think about it when things get hard. I don’t know why, but it just makes me proper happy – those were good times, y’know? I was small, she was small… everything was easy and carefree and we had nothing to do but play all day. Guess I miss that. And her. But… life’s life and we can’t cling onto the past, yeah? That isn’t healthy. But yes, that’s my fondest memory. Maybe one day I’ll find one to replace it.”
character’s story: Born in the beginning of 1960, Lily was welcomed into an average muggle family. The girl grew up alongside her big sister, Petunia, her role-model and best friend, for the girls were truly inseparable — always walking hand-in-hand and laughing at jokes that Violet, a primary school teacher, and Harry, a writer, were not allowed to understand.There was never a flower without the other, they were merely an extension of the other, the year of difference they had from each other meant nothing. Petunia and Lily were two of a kind and they loved it.
Enrolled at the school where her mother worked, Lily’s life was a bed of roses — no worries or too much responsibility weighing the child down except for what she was going to play the following morning; a few worksheets worth of homework being the only thing that turned sunny days slightly grey. It was not until Lily was nine years old that she learnt that, perhaps, her life was not as average as it appeared. Ever since she could remember, she had done things that most children couldn’t but she hadn’t paid much attention to it — she couldn’t do a handstand like a girl in her grade, so why should she worry that other little girls did not know how to change the colour of flower petals? A dreamer, she never once questioned her abilities, often being too distracted to even bother to notice them: she’d always been different and being so didn’t scare her – Lily was who she was and as long as she wasn’t deprived of her free afternoons, what was the problem is she could float right off her swing? It didn’t matter. Until one day, as she was playing alone, changing a flower’s appearance, Lily met a black-haired boy named Severus who told her that she was a witch; that the things she could do were not simply skills — they were magic.
As any other little girl, she was ecstatic. Magic. She had always believed in fairies and spells, in the tales her gran had told her about before she merrily drifted off to sleep, but being a witch had not once been something the redhead had considered and yet it made sense. Severus fascinated her, taught her about a world she would someday be a part of, became a shoulder she could lean on and a friend she adored – Petunia was pushed into the background, somewhat forgotten amongst afternoons of listening to the Snape boy talk about spells, charms and potions, of castles and villages filled with wizards. It wasn’t her intention, Lily never wanted to push her sister away, and when Tuney began to grow cold and cruel, bitter even, the ginger didn’t understand nor accept her actions. A stubborn person by nature, Lily too began to treat her sister as she was treated and all Hell broke loose in the Evans household. Suddenly there was yelling and hair-pulling when once there had been laughter and hugging. The girls’ parents didn’t understand. But like many things before, they weren’t meant to.
The red-haired girl received her Hogwarts acceptance letter mere months before her twelfth birthday and she was as excited to learn more about magic as she was to leave home — wanting to get away from Tuney and her unjustified hatred. In her young mind, Lily couldn’t possibly understand why her sister had so quickly grown to despise her and, stubborn as usual, she couldn’t bring herself to even ask why. So, come September 1st, the young miss Evans was sorted into the house of one Godric Gryffindor and she soon forgot all about how great Severus said that Slytherin was.
In Gryffindor, the girl felt at home; like she belonged but even though she made plenty of good friends, never once did she ignore Sev in front of them — he knew her like no one else did. She was always loyal to the core, never wavering, never giving up, even when Severus began getting involved with people she knew were no good, even when his “friends” whispered ‘mudblood’ as she walked by, it didn’t matter because it wasn’t Sev – sure, she would have loved it if he hadn’t joined those aspiring Death Eaters, but she ignored the truth. It was unthinkable for her best friend to be one of them, to want to join Voldemort in his fight for blood purity. It was hard for Lily not to see the best in everyone. And that was her mistake.
Fifth year proved to be a big one for the ginger. She was made Prefect, something that made her as proud as anyone can be – she, a muggleborn, was granted such an honour, one she’d secretly wished for but never really voice out loud. A person fond of fairness and justice, nothing made Lily happier than to be able to do what she believes is right: those who deserved to be punished, the people who insulted her under their breaths when she walked by and tormented first years, mere babies compared to their abusers, were soon given what they deserved; the people who helped the poor, scared children and respected the rules were rewarded, even if only with a warm smile and a nice conversation. Order was always something the witch found most important and now she could make sure it was a constant in the halls of Hogwarts. Of course, she too enjoyed the power that came with it, the feeling that she was important, that she mattered. Insults have a way of sticking with you and while she ignored them, feeling as if she was a valuable asset to the Wizarding World. The world was bright and Lily was over the moon.
Everything changed, however, when called Lily a “mudblood”; showing the redhead just how much he’d changed since they were nine years old, how lost his soul had become. There was no point in forgiving him, no matter how much she wanted to do so, for she knew deep in her heart that he was hopeless – that afternoon, Severus Snape showed her his true colours and Lily? She didn’t like them, not by a long shot. Their friendship ended that day, and her annoyance at the Marauders (a feeling she’d had since stepping into the castle, some five years prior, though never really acted on) grew even more. In the back of her mind, and though she no longer speaks to him, Lily still subconsciously believes that it was because of James and Sirius that she couldn’t save Severus and pull him away from dark magic. It’s a ridiculous thought and one that she regrets for while they are many things, the boys share her views but, as most things in life, it’s hard to admit a mistake. Too proud to admit that she shouldn’t have exploded on James Potter’s face the way she did, Lily can’t help but feel a tad bit guilty. Just a tad bit, of course.
Having had all summer to mule over what happened, the ginger is now determined to stay away from her former friend, though she is still unsure as to how she’ll be able to do that — a person who despises change, it’s difficult for Lily to shake off her want to speak to Severus. But every time she thinks of doing so, she reminds herself that the Slytherin is dedicated to a cause whose purpose is denying people like her their right to having a life in the Wizarding World and forgiveness washes away from her mind. It pains her to leave a friend behind, feeling almost as if she betrayed him and the promises they’d made but, alas, there is no way she can ignore just how deeply Sev has gotten himself into the Dark Arts – he’s chosen his way, she’s chosen hers. There is no point in thinking about what could have been.
This year isn’t going to be easy, not at all, but as long as she stays true to herself (something she too is still trying to figure out), she knows she’ll make it. Now, if only Transfiguration was as easy as making life-changing decisions, she’d be good to go. Lily has yet to understand just how on earth she managed to get an E on her O.W.L, managed to really surprise herself, and she isn’t just going to let Professor McGonagall down – she’s a prefect, she’s smart and by God, she’s going to master all the spells she finds utterly pointless (why would anyone want to transfigure goblets and rats?) if it’s the last thing she does.
        O P T I O N A L  I N F O R M A T I O N
CHOCOLATE ▬ At the age of five, Lily would have been more than happy to life off of peas and chocolate cookies. In fact, all things chocolate made the girl squeal in delight; never having been one to ask for dolls or games, if anyone were to give the girl some chocolate, she would have been ecstatic, thanking whomever gave it to her as they quickly became her favourite person. It wasn’t long, however, before she began to have problems breathing, air not filling her lungs properly and driving the child into full-blown panic attacks, the hospital becoming somewhat of a second home for a month. Soon, the answer was given and Lily wasn’t all that pleased. Her asthma attacks were actually an allergic reaction and, after a lot of testing, the doctors proudly told Mrs. and Mr. Evans that their youngest daughter couldn’t eat chocolate.
This pained the girl a great deal but there was nothing she could do, for the heavenly sweet disappeared from her household and, in time, she had to learn to live with the prohibition. When she went to school, things changed drastically and in her carefree mind, a few experiments couldn’t possibly do any harm, eating chocolate behind her parents’ back any chance she got. Like most allergies, it lessened as the years went by, and even though she has yet to cut it from her life, when she eats too much of it the ginger has to deal with another attack, something she can handle perfectly but is extremely uncomfortable.
This is one of the few truly irresponsible acts that Lily allows herself and even though she knows she should keep herself away from cake and hot cocoa, cookies and chocolate frogs, it seems to be most impossible. These days, Lily eats it only when she’s very happy or downright upset, saving the risk for special occasions and trying to not make eating it a routine.
SEAFOOD ▬ Something about food that tastes and smells like the sea has always made Lily feel doubtful, her fear of water not helping in the slightest which is why she was already eight years old when, after a lot of convincing, she finally tasted seafood for the first time. A favourite in the Evans household, it was only a matter of time before Violet placed a plate of shrimp in front of her youngest daughter and waited patiently for her to at least try it. That would soon prove to be a mistake, as everything happened surprisingly quickly after Lily forced herself to take the first bite.
Lightheadedness and a pain in her chest were the first symptoms and she can’t quite say she remembers the rest as, when the swelling began, the redhead was already passed out cold and being driven as quickly as possible to the nearest hospital; a panicking mother, shaking father and crying sister (even if Petunia would never admit it today) in tow. It was a matter of luck and impeccable timing that saved Lily’s life; the anaphylactic shock she suffered was severe and most children with asthma who experienced it often died before anything could be done. The recovery was quick and painless, not remembering what happened making it much easier for the child to embrace the idea that she could have lost her life over a small bite of shrimp, but that doesn’t mean that she wasn’t affected.
To this day, any mentions of seafood make the witch sick and, unlike chocolate, she hasn’t dared touch a bit since; not wanting to risk something that would most likely lead her to the grave.
GRASS ▬ Quite possibly what she deems as the stupidest allergy one could be faced with, Lily was (as she so ironically calls it) blessed with an allergy to grass. Normal, everyday, fluffy green grass. It went unnoticed for years, as kids run around all day and are always bound to be bitten by bugs or spiders; little rashes were never a concern for her parents or Lily. Sure, sometimes after playing all day her legs got incredibly itchy but why would a young girl question that? If she said something, her mum could keep her from rolling around outside and so, with a stubbornness most characteristic, the redhead kept her mouth shut, suffering in silence in fear of the consequences.
That was, of course, until Violet noticed the rash that had taken over Lily’s legs; quickly dragging the whole family to the hospital and very dramatically proclaiming that she didn’t want her baby to lose her legs. As expected, that wasn’t the case for some medicine would fix the problem but the diagnosis was out there: Lily Evans was allergic to grass. Grass! Still, it proved to be an easier problem than chocolate, as years of habit taught the girl how to play and fall and live without ever having bare skin touching the grass. It still is an inconvenient from time to time but Lily has come to terms with the fact that she doesn’t have much choice in the matter, having only to obey what her body demands.
illnesses: Apart from her more serious allergic reactions, Lily has never been one to get ill: she had the chickenpox when she was six and usually has the flu once a year, around December, but other than that she’s quite the healthy girl.
DRINKING ▬ Never having been one to drink, last summer Lily did some experimenting and has come to the conclusion that if she did drink on a regular basis, she’d probably die at a very, very young age. After what happened with Severus, the witch decided that she’d hang out with the kids back home, finally making more than a couple of friends on her street, accompanying them to parties and gatherings that, as is customary in teenage encounters, were well stocked up on every muggle drink in the book. Some bottles were nicked at the gas station, others stolen from old cabinets that their parents thought safe, or even bought by the eldest of the group – the point is, Lily finally learnt that she enjoyed alcohol and yet couldn’t handle it at all. If she gets distracted, which she normally did, the girl will sip glass after glass without even realizing it but the thing is, her body has no problems with Firewhiskey or muggle drinks like Vodka; she’ll keep drinking and drinking after all others have collapsed. When it comes to traditionally lighter drinks, however, like beer or wine, it only takes a few small glasses for the redhead to claim the floor as her bed, knowing full well she’ll wake up with a terrible headache.
So, to keep things safe, Lily would rather not drink, especially not while at Hogwarts (even if yes, she’ll allow herself a glass or two when the Marauders throw a party), for she is a Prefect and she shouldn’t be doing things that are unsuitable for anyone in her position. Mostly, she simply doesn’t want to make a complete idiot out of herself in front of her whole house like some girls do, preferring sobriety over being inebriated any day.
SMOKING ▬ Lily’s “wild” summer didn’t only make her start enjoying the occasional drink. Most of her newfound friends had been smoking for years, always surrounded by a cloud of smoke anywhere they went; cigarettes dangling off lips and being passed around as if it were nothing. Soon, she too had a fag stuck between her lips and before she could realize it, she had fallen into a routine, lighting cigarette after cigarette as conversations progressed well into the night, sometimes into the first hours of sunshine. It was a habit she took on quickly and has no intention of quitting: it helps her calm down when she’s nervous, she likes the tarry taste it leaves on her lips and something about the grey smoke against a darkened sky makes her smile, the patterns beautiful and haunting. She does know, however, that she can’t do it at Hogwarts which is why (and she does feel quite guilty about it) the witch has been saving packs since July, hiding them in the bottom of her trunk along with a silver lighter she nicked from her dad.
The plan is to find places to smoke her fags in peace and quiet without being caught and while she knows that’s not going to be easy in the slightest, Lily Evans is a woman with a vice and, stubborn as she is, she won’t just quit because society tells her that nice girls should do so – it she ever decides to leave cigarettes behind, it’ll be her own choice, not something imposed to her by a male-dominated society.
BUTTERFLIES ▬ While she considers it one of the stupidest fears a girl could ever have, Lily is afraid of butterflies. When she was young, her sister trapped one in a jar and the ginger was ecstatic – its wings were beautiful, their patterns colourful and cheery – before running to tell mummy that the insect was the prettiest thing she’d ever seen in her four year old life. That was, of course, until the poor thing died and Tuney found it hilarious to lay in on her sister’s forehead; upon waking up, Lily sat up to find a dead butterfly falling onto her lap, and her screams could be heard three houses down. Some might call it a trauma, others mere idiocy but that doesn’t change the fact that if one of those disgusting beasts (as she kindly refers to “them”) comes anywhere near her, Lily – sweet, caring Lily – won’t hesitate to hit it. Repeatedly. Until it dies.
Not to mention that their faces, with those huge eyes and that strange nose thing, make her skin crawl – she has long stopped noticing the amazing designs on their wings, for now that face is the first thing that comes to mind. That little prank is one of the few things Lily knows she won’t forgive Petunia about and when they get into one of their fights, hot-headed and spewing nonsense, the redhead will most likely mention it bitterly.
WATER ▬ Everyone has some fears that they can’t explain and Lily’s fear of water is just that – inexplicable, something her subconscious never accepted and still doesn’t. When her father told six year old Lily that it was time she learnt to swim, the little ginger wasn’t opposed to the idea: it seemed fun enough and, if daddy was there, completely safe. But the night before their big family trip to her grandmother’s pool, Lily had a nightmare she would never forget, one that’s grown to be recurring over the years. The first time, beach was full of people – families, children laughing – and the girl would take a few steps into the ocean, would feel the sand beneath her feet and the cold water hit her toes; hear the waves crashing. Then, a wave would knock her down and before she knew it, the girl was submerged, struggling to get back on her feet but never quite being able to do so. People would stare down at her, ignore her, pretend she wasn’t there drowning. It faded to black, slowly, and Lily woke up breathless and blue-lipped.
After that, the witch would panic at any mentions of the sea, learning to ignore the way her legs begin to shake when she thinks back on her dream over the years but never truly bringing herself to overcome her dread – the nightmare returns every once in a while and the scenery has always changed, though its ending remains the same. Sometimes it’s daytime, others night, on occasion the beach is empty and cold and others warm and bursting with people. No matter what, it’s terrifying, and Lily is sure it must mean something. What exactly? She has no idea.
LIP BITING ▬ It’s rare that one finds Lily Evans thinking without having her bottom lip safely tucked between her lips, tongue running over sensitive skin, often nibbling on her own flesh, deep in thought. It’s a habit she doesn’t quite know when she picked up, but it soon became yet another part of her – it’s a comfort mechanism, like the stuffed animal she stopped totting around years ago, something she uses to soothe herself. When she’s hurt or upset, one is bound to find her teeth grazing her lips, having drawn blood only a few times in her sixteen years of life. Somehow, she can’t keep herself from doing it, her subconscious ordering her to do so before she can stop her body.
It’s not a very scandalous habit, mind you, and often are the times that the redhead ponders on it, thinking that it might maybe make her look mysterious and overall sexy – not that it matters, of course, for she was always the chubby ginger with incredibly curly hair and being attractive was never really an option. And while she isn’t vain, not in the slightest, there’s always that little voice in the back of her head that whispers in her ear every time she finds herself biting her lip – you look good. More often than not, she merely ignores it.
SITTING ▬ For years, Lily hasn’t been able to sit like a lady, with her legs properly down and ankles crossed. Violet always tried to teach their girls to act as a woman should, but only Petunia picked up certain habits for Lily hates the feeling of sitting on a tough wooden chair as one normally would. Instead, she traps a leg beneath the other or pulls them both up, crossing them behind her desk. It was always far more comfortable to sit like that and while her mum nags her when Lily finally goes back home, there’s not fixing something that (according to the redhead) is perfectly fine – why would the way she sits be anyone’s concern apart from her own? There’s no reason for one to be uncomfortable just to fit in with all the other posh women; it makes no sense to her sixteen year old mind.
Even if she’s just relaxing on an armchair or a couch, the witch will pull her legs onto the fabric, shifting them slightly to the side and crossing her feet; a bundle of arms and legs curled up into a ball, a book often resting on her knees. The last thing on her mind is what people might think of her odd position and, if anyone were to comment on it (which they don’t because why would a Prefect’s sitting habits be motive of loud whispers?), she would have loudly proclaimed that it was none of their business.
NAILS ▬ When she doesn’t find herself with her lips between her teeth, it’s because her fingers have replaced it, as Lily has the terrible habit of biting her nails and the skin around them. She adores painting them and having feminine hands but stress and boredom often leads to the witch looking down to find cracked varnish and chipped nails, something that the ginger finds particularly irritating. Still, she can’t really help herself for she feels a need to keep her hands busy – when they aren’t in her mouth, Lily often taps her fingers against tables or gently scratches her thumb with her ring finger, all signs that she is beyond bored.
As most of Lily’s habits, this is a good indicator of what her mood is like that day: she bites her lip when she’s upset or day-dreaming, bites her nails when she’s stressed and scratches her thumb when she’s complete and utterly bored (a habit she surely picked up during History Of Magic, a subject she was never particularly fond of, even though she first found it fascinating). Still, and like everything else, she isn’t harming anyone and when her friends tell her to put her hands down, she’ll merely roll her eyes at them, sticking her tongue out playfully and continuing about her day.
EYE ROLLING ▬ Usually a friendly person, some might feel uncomfortable at Lily’s habit of constantly rolling her eyes at anything and everything. She doesn’t really mean to do so but sometimes her subconscious speaks louder, forcing the girl to show that she honestly doesn’t care about what someone is saying – listening out of politeness or (most of the times) because she knows she might hear some gossip. She doesn’t go around telling people someone else’s secrets, mind you, but she won’t deny that she likes listening to the occasional rumour, whispering to her friends as they try to figure out if it is as true as it’s claimed to be.
When something isn’t of particular interest, however, of when it simply annoys her, Lily will most definitely roll her green eyes at you; a raised eyebrow often following before she goes back to pretending she actually gives a damn. This happens mostly with strangers, people she’s only met once or twice, because when it comes to her friends, they could very well be speaking of the weather or apples and she’d be concentrated on their words, as she nurturer by nature who mothers everyone around her without even realizing it.
COOKING / BAKING ▬ Every child has their chores and, unfortunately, Lily was never fond of those she was assigned with. Be it dusting or doing the dishes, it all sounded horrible to the girl who always tried to trade with Petunia – why did she have to be stuck with such boring tasks? She’s much rather clean the floor or fold clothes, something other than the bloody dishes. That was, of course, until she went to spend a few weeks with her maternal grandmother and the elderly lady introduced her to cooking. After that, there was no going back. Something about being in the kitchen warms Lily’s heart; she spent years learning how to make anything and everything, soon pushing her mum away and trying to cook dinner alone (which ended in a few accidents, such as a couple of bad cuts or a flaming frying pan). It was just for fun at first but as time went by, there was no denying that Lily had a knack for metaphorically flying around the kitchen, wooden spoon in one hand and an ingredient in the other.
More than a hobby, cooking turned into something that she finds therapeutic; the one thing that keeps her busy enough when the rest of the world crumbles around her. Last year, after she parted ways with Severus, the redhead decided that simply making lunch and dinner was enough, taking her first steps into baking – for days, it was all she did, batches and batches of cookies on the counters until she managed to make the perfect ones; cakes of various kinds left on tables. She quickly learnt that there was nothing better to cure a broken heart than a full oven, nothing that smelt more of home and comfort than a freshly baked scone. Slowly but surely, Lily has found one of the greatest passions in her life and, if all goes well, she would love to own a restaurant one day. Or maybe a bakery. Or both! She isn’t sure yet.
GARDENING ▬ Gardening was never Lily’s greatest talent but from a young age, she could be found alongside her mother and sister, trying to help mummy in any way she could, often doing more harm than good. Still, Violet Evans taught their girls everything that had been passed down to her by her own mother, who’d learnt from her mother, and so on – working with flowers, helping them grow into their beauty, was always a Morrison women tradition and marriage didn’t change that. Lily grew up seeing her mother with her hands in the dirt and, to this day, plants remind her of home – something about gardening makes her feel warm inside and it is what she do finds herself doing when she’s at home, calm and relaxed, often before she’s spent any large amount of time with Petunia.
In all honesty, most of what the witch tries to grow on her own withers and dies but that doesn’t keep her from trying; a persistent being who doesn’t take no for an answer, Lily will persevere. Still, more than doing her own gardening, the redhead still always prefers to help her mum when she’s at home as it is a way of her feeling better – she has never felt guilty about being at Hogwarts but she can’t shake off the feeling that she hasn’t been there for Violet, hasn’t been a good daughter, like Petunia. So, this also works as her way of trying to make up for time lost; not much, she knows, but it’s one of the few things Lily can do with her mum without them ending up yelling at each other.
PHOTOGRAPHY ▬ An emotional person who cherishes even the smallest of memories, it wasn’t surprising that Lily found photography to be one of her favourite things to do, even if she isn’t particularly good at it. Be it the sun rise or the sunset, a friend or a bird, the clouds or a rainy field, the witch will use her new Polaroid camera to take a picture; often blurry images that are far too bright or far too dark but still make the redhead feel proud, for she will never forget that moment, even after she’s old and her memory fails her. She finds it that even the most common of pictures can be breathtaking if one sees the hidden beauty in it, knows that it might tell a story we aren’t aware of, or inspire artists and poets.
While baking and gardening hold emotional value to the Gryffindor, photography is just something she enjoys doing – simple, fun, carefree; it doesn’t remind her of years lost or heartbreak past, doesn’t make her feel melancholic in the slightest, which is why the witch tots that camera everywhere; constantly taking pictures of anything, everything and everyone. Over the years, she’s put together a rather heavy scrapbook that she will show her friends come Seventh Year, a goodbye present she hopes they’ll treasure as much as she does.
FLYING ▬ For years, when she was a little girl, Lily used to pretend she could fly like the birds above; she’d stretch out her arms and try her hardest, sometimes hovering a little over the ground, yes, but never floating away, free and beautiful. She soon came to terms with the fact that she’d never grow a pair of wings and fly away but, when Severus began to tell her about the fairytale-like Wizarding World, a spark of hope shun in the horizon as witches had broomsticks. And broomsticks could fly. It was a childish dream, of course, riding a broom across the open air but Lily never stopped thinking about it.
When the first years took their first flying lesson, however, the redhead froze, suddenly afraid that she’d fall or embarrass herself – most of the students knew all about this or at least a little, while the only mean of transportation she was familiar with was her bike or dad’s car. The notion of climbing onto that damned broomstick seemed preposterous and so she pretended she couldn’t even raise it off the ground, not even trying to do so. Somewhere along the years, however, Lily found ways to borrow a broomstick here and there, slowly teaching herself to fly without having anyone there to laugh at her. As expected, it became one of her favourite things to do and while she isn’t anywhere as good as anyone on the Quidditch teams, she does finds herself to be quite decent.
sleeping habits: Lily’s sleeping habits change quite regularly over the years, for different circumstances and different places affect the girl in many ways and sleep (especially sleeping patterns) is definitely the part of her that is most influenced by that. When she’s at home during the holidays, she can’t help but curl herself into a ball, clutching her pillow and sleeping with her head on the hard mattress, needing to hold something for comfort. When she was a child, she had a stuffed bunny she absolutely adored and couldn’t fall asleep without, always hugging him so he wouldn’t be afraid of the dark like she (even if she never spoke of it out loud, not wanting to sound like a baby) was. Old habits are hard to break, her childhood bedroom always reminding her of Pig, her pillow a substitute for the toy that was lost in the summer of 1968.
When she’s at Hogwarts, however, she prefers to sleep on her stomach, a leg pulled up over the bed covers and an arm safety under her head; resting on it rather than on the fluffy pillow she’s gotten used to over the years. Something about sharing a room with a handful of other girls comforts Lily which is why, even when everyone else is already sound asleep, she has no problem walking around and grumbling over whatever happened that day, not afraid of the shadows and what hides in them. Truthfully, Lily has overgrown her fear of the dark but it she still finds it eerie, preferring to stay in a place where there’s light and she can see her surroundings perfectly. That’s also why the witch can’t sleep without a window wide open, allowing moonlight to shine into the bedroom – she needs to be able to see where she is and what’s happening around her, or sleep takes hours to settle in. She’s practically soundless while sleeping, but there isn’t a night where Lily doesn’t wake up with drool on her arm and the covers on the floor, having tossed and turned around enough to sometimes even wake up with her feet on her pillow.
As far as sleeping patterns are concerned, that’s where things change. When she’s happy and at peace with herself and others, Lily has no problem merrily drifting off; succumbing to exhaustion the second she lays down, sometimes even feeling the need to take a nap during the day. When she’s stressed, however, and no matter how hard she tries, the redhead will take hours to fall asleep, sometimes staying up until dawn and spending the remainder of the week yawning into her pumpkin juice, thoughts and concerns swimming in her mind, haunting her and leaving her to try and find solutions to her problems, solutions that rarely make sense. It is, all in all, something she now sees as routine – during her O.W.Ls, the witch spent days on end without sleep, what happened with Severus pushing her off the edge as pulling all-nighter after all-nighter didn’t quite help her already fiery temper.  Long story short, when she isn’t at the top of her game, Lily stops sleeping. When Lily stops sleeping, she gets rather jumpy. When she gets jumpy, she yells. And after she yells at someone, she gets even more stressed, not being able to sleep for the following night and thus creating a vicious cycle she should know better than to get herself into.
Still, the summer months spent away from school and Severus helped the witch calm down and re-evaluate her life, so much so that she has started dreaming again, something she stopped doing towards the end of her fifth year at Hogwarts. Now, nights are peaceful and quiet, and she can only hope they stay the same for the rest of the school year, for she is actually quite ashamed at how she blew up in Potter’s face and would rather that experience didn’t have any repeats.
eating habits: If you ask her, Lily will surely tell you that she has the eating habits of any girl her age but, in reality, she eats as much as any sixteen year old boy. A lover of all sorts of food, from grilled fish to a nice, big steak, the redhead isn’t exactly picky, which is why she spent the last seven years of her life being considered a chubby little thing – short in height, any weight she put on was immediately noticeable and even if she didn’t really care about it, there was no denying that she ate enough for two, something she stopped doing over the summer. Running around with newfound friends and stopping only to grab a sandwich or an apple, as well as having grown some inches (only three, but that’s more than enough for Lily), caused the girl to lose quite a bit of weight, something she hasn’t really stopped to notice yet. One thing’s for sure, her appetite has gone down tremendously, but that doesn’t stop her from stuffing her face every now and then.
Peas remain Lily’s favourite thing in the whole wide world; those little green balls fascinated her when she was younger and the fixation stuck, for be them in rice, in pasta or just boiled in a bowl, the ginger will devour them, having developed the habit of force feeding them to her friends when they wrinkle her nose at her. Another food she’s very fond of is tuna pasta, something that she eats when she doesn’t feel too good, like some girls who eat ice-cream or chocolate. A nice, warm plate of pasta does it for her, the best comfort food anyone could ever have thought about. Food, for Lily, is more than just food – it’s art, it’s life, it’s something to be appreciated and cherished, not just eaten as an obligation.
Still, some traditions must be kept and while she loves a full dish, it’s rare that Lily mixes her food – she eats it all in order, one picked when she finishes serving. It might touch, that’s absolutely fine, but she can’t really eat meat, rice and salad in one bite: they must be eaten separately. A slow eater who stops to chat every five seconds, Lily’s plate might be half-empty after an hour, but her drink will be left untouched – that, as everything else, has an order – until she’s properly finished.
how do they behave under pressure? To say that Lily does well under pressure is an understatement, as the girl functions like a well oiled machine – sure, she might hold off on sleep for a few days (until she passes out on her bed fully clothed) but for the most part, the redhead will surely be running around, getting everything she needs done and on time; everything else but the task at hand forgotten, pushed to the back of her mind until she can go back to relaxing. This doesn’t mean that Lily enjoys pressure, Merlin no, but at least she knows that if she has to be faced with it, she won’t crash and burn like so many of her classmates – getting essays done? Easy. Studying for her O.W.Ls? Sure, no problem. But when it comes to pressure within her family circle? That’s when things get trickier, for while school isn’t all that hard for Lily, when it comes to the social dynamic in her family she is often unsure of what to say or how to act, looking like a fish out of water.
Perhaps it was the years she has spent at Hogwarts, maybe the new culture she now finds herself submerged in or the difference between the people she deals with on a daily basis and the people who share her blood, but one thing is certain: when it comes to holidays, family dinners or even small situations, like meeting Petunia’s brand new boyfriend, Lily is clueless. She’ll feel awkward, with her curly red hair and nails tapping on wooden tables, not knowing what to say or do – a word out of place and she could let it slip that she’s a witch. So, all in all, the girl is amazing under pressure, unless it comes from her family. Then, she might just spend hours eating, not speaking as she fears her comments might embarrass those around her.
how do they express their emotions? While the Evans were a warm family, affection was never shown through touching; words, kind gestures and her parents’ constant fussing over both her and Petunia were what showed Lily she wasn’t alone and that she was loved. That, however, wasn’t satisfying for the girl who was always snuggled up against her mum or constantly hugging her dad. From a very young age, Lily proved to be an extremely tactile individual and that only grew with age: when she loves and trusts someone, the ginger touches them. Any sort of physical contact comes naturally to her, be it a gentle nudge with her hip or a kiss on the cheek, holding hands with her friends or crawling into bed with them, Lily can’t help herself – to her, one must show people that they were loved and, in a time where people just aren’t kind enough, a soft touch seems comforting. Perhaps she was just born to mother everyone, wanting the people around her to be at their best, but she just can’t help but touch the people she cares about.
Still, Lily is a person of extremes and while she can be the gentlest of girls at times, when she’s angry she is definitely not someone you would want as an enemy. The witch’s temper is as fiery as her hair, and once she gets upset you might as well run, hide and wait for her to calm down. It takes quite a while for someone to get Lily completely furious, very few ever driving her to the breaking point, but when she does, things will fly, cities will burn, empires will crumble and you will hear cats hissing for hours like in comedy TV shows. Those closest to her aren’t safe from being hit on the back of the head or slapped across the arm, for her being tactile goes both ways and she is most definitely not afraid to hit people when they deserve it. After all, she’s not that strong… ish.
Ultimately, Lily tries to show her love to those she cares about in any way she can, be it by listening to them when they need someone, giving them advice even if it’s harsh and cold, hugging them when they need a shoulder and hitting them when they’re behaving like idiots – love, she has come to realize, comes in many ways and if one must be cruel in order to guide someone in the right direction then so be it. Lily isn’t afraid of calling things by their proper names; if people dislike her for that, so be it. At least she knows she’s doing the right thing and helping the people she holds closest to her heart, even if they don’t notice it straight away. Of course, most of this is the redhead believing that she knows better than most but that has never stopped her from doing what she believes she should do. And, at the end of the day, that’s all that matters.
        O U T  O F  C H A R A C T E R
name: Oswin age: 18 timezone: GMT contact information: You can find me on greeneyedwriting, my personal Tumblr blog where I’m on at least once a day, on Skype as deathatwinterquay and/or on KIK as somebodysaylily. pronouns: She / Her
Hello, there! I didn’t know where to add this so I’ll just mention it here. While Eleanor is absolutely beautiful, I can’t really say she’s my vision of Lily and that makes me a little uncomfortable, which is why I wish to request a change to Jenna Thiam, a French actress you can find here [ x , x , x ]. She, along with Karen Gillan, are two faceclaims I particularly enjoy for Lily and Jenna, with her curly dark red hair, is exactly what I envisioned while writing the app. Thank you so much!
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merrickals · 7 years
Shipping Info!
Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. 
REPOST. Don’t reblog.
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE? Merrick x Explosions
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?  Following the “1/2 the older one’s age + 7″ rule for dating, Merrick can date people in the age range of 15.5 and 27 (see, look, I made a graph!)
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That said, though, since he’s underage, I’d prefer to keep things a little closer than 27 on that upper bound -.-;;  Let’s say... 19-20 at the absolute oldest for now.  And NO smut stuff.  At all.  Sorry, let’s keep it legal - for both Merrick and me.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING? Yeah, pretty selective.  The muses have to have good chemistry!  And not JUST in the lab-- //shot
But seriously, the way they get on is very, very important, and I’m pretty damn picky.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NSFW?  Pretty much anything past kissing for me.  And uh, ngl, even writing that makes me a little uncomfortable.  I’m chill with reading it, but uh, if you want our characters to smooch, you’re going to have to write that bit.  Sorry, I’m an awkward potato.  Going beyond kissing is off-limits as of now.
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU? Yes, please.  Preferably during a thread after the muses have already interacted a little so I have some idea on if it’ll work out or not.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?  Not terribly often, tbh.  Merrick has never been in a ship, and I think the last time I had a ship was... at least a year ago, and off the top of my head, nothing comes to mind o-o;;  It’s not that I dislike shipping, I’m just pretty terrible at writing romance.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?  Merrick is fandomless, but I ship I’ve been shipping hard (in a fandom that’s kind of relevant to him because space???) is K.lance from VLD :0
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?    Step 1: Interact    Step 2: ??? (let chemistry happen + then ask ooc)    Step 3: Profit
Tagged by: @aestasetbruma Tagging: @tiivadvabadust, @sunshowxr, @vulpeculiar, and anyone else who wants to do it! (seriously, tag me in “tagged by” and I’ll even edit this if you want!)
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