sexysilverstrider · 2 years
Is piofiore 1926 a sequel to the other one? Looks angsty btw 🫶
yep! it takes a few years later after the 1st game and yes. i am screaming
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glassandmetalwings · 2 years
💬 ayakoi!
Send me a 💬 and I'll talk about one of my ocs/oc concepts.
Okay! Well, I'm still playing around with her design, but let's go with Chiyo!
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(picrew here)
(Night book spoilers and mentions of death and torture below)
So...the Youjin project.
A whole lot of humans and ayakashi suffered and died as a result. While their souls could linger to become wraiths...what if they turned into something else instead? Or someone?
Chiyo was actually inspired by the character Butterfly from Phantom Tales of the Night. She's an ayakashi made of choukeshin-souls of the deceased. She is literally thousands of little soul butterflies that have come together and taken on a collective consciousness. Technically, she could take on any number of physical appearances, but they seem to have settled on looking like a little girl. She wears a military uniform as a reminder of her creation.
Naturally, she doesn't like the military very much.
For the most part, she plays reconnaissance for the Senkitai, as she can send individual souls out in the form of butterflies to be her eyes and ears. It does, however, take away from her body, so sometimes she's not entirely...put together.
Physically, she's not very strong, but she has the unique ability of not really being able to die. Most physical hits will cause her to dissolve into a swarm of butterflies, and while things like fire may destroy a few of her souls, there's plenty more available to be part of her body. If she loses too many, she can't maintain a humanoid form, but given time (and usually access to meat-did you know butterflies will eat carcasses?) she can rebuild.
Personality-wise...she shifts a lot. Again, she's a combined being, made of multitudes of humans and ayakashi, all with their own unique perspectives and experiences. For the most part they try to be optimistic, but conflicting emotions between souls isn't uncommon, and sometimes she finds herself feeling emotional and not knowing why, or because of which soul. But she's really trying to do the most with this second chance.
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cryoculus · 4 years
i lov u kai
:glomps you: ilyt
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ka-za-ri · 4 years
redhotchampion replied to your post “@redhotchampion replied to your photoset “*makes an OC* *immediately...”
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kalosstarters · 7 years
redhotchampion replied to your post “Things to keep in mind when writing Alan!”
thank you thank you thank you SO MUCH!! i was writing him and i was screaming how would he react to this, or this, and then i come across this helpful guide! :')
Ahh I’m glad to hear I’ve helped someone with that post! Alain is truly an interesting character to write but I think the main thing to remember is that under that stoic mask he’s actually a person who feels intensely.. And he’s been manipulated& emotionally abused and that’s why he’s acting the way he is.
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pokemagines · 7 years
cheren, morty, green, elesa, and riley + a foreign crush
redhotchampion asked: “i shall,,,, send you a non-villain ask,,, four of YOUR fave gym leaders + riley headcanons crushing on a foreign s/o”
a/n: i can feel my writers block.... creeping up on me Go Away lack of motivation be gone thot!!!
and yes,,,, thanks for the non-villain ask papa bless u
once they tell him that they’re from another region, he’d make sure to study up on that country. he’d want to know their customs and regional differences, so in turn he’d know more about them.
if they still lived in another region, and they just came to unova to visit, he’d invite them to come watch him teach, so they could spend more time together. he liked to make every moment count!
when they are away, he’d send them lots of letters. sometimes, he’ll even send them little souvenirs that he’d think they’d like.    + he thinks letters are better than simply facetiming them, since they can keep the letters and reread them. he’s a sap.
he doesn’t have many friends, so when he falls for someone who’s from another country he’s like “....just my luck”. 
though, it does give him incentive to study up on the haunted places of that country. he’d love to visit them and go to those places when he has time.    + if he doesn’t have time to go there, he’d want to facetime them while they’re exploring the haunted place so he can see around it.
when they’re away, he’d try to keep in contact with them, but he’d forget a lot of the time. whether it be just forgetting to hit ‘send’ on a message to not having the motivation to write a letter, he often needs reminding of these things. (thankfully, his ghost pokemon help him out a lot).
he’d tease them about how kanto is much better than wherever they’re from, especially since he’s in kanto, why would they even want to live in another region?
whenever they do come to town, they’re always welcome to stay with him, since him and red share a place and red is never home, they can stay in red’s room. 
he’d make sure to take them sightseeing, and loudly exclaim how great everything is in kanto (green doesn’t know the definition of the word subtle). 
when they are away, though, green will call and text them as much as he can. he loves talking, especially with his crush, and he’d always be asking them to come back. (boy is secretly Very Lonely someone help him).
it’s not unusual for her to be around people from other regions seeing her popularity. she loves talking about fashion differences between regions.
since she’s pretty well off, if they couldn’t afford transportation to unova to see her as much as they’d like, she’d pay for them to come over. close friends (and crushes) are hard to come by with her (most people in her circle are merely acquaintances), so she holds on tightly to them. 
when they’re gone, she’d try to call them as often as possible, but she is a very busy woman. she does have time to text so she’d shoot them little messages whenever she could. 
OR, she’d have her agent send them flowers, just to let them know that she’s thinking about them!
he doesn’t mind if they’re from another region. in fact, he loves talking with them about differences between sinnoh and where they’re from. 
he loves when they come to visit him on iron island. riley doesn’t get visitors (and ones that come multiple times at that) very often but whenever they come, he gets super excited and can’t wait to show them all the newest happenings on the island.
when they’re away, he often forgets to call because service on the island is very spotty. when he does go inland, though, he makes sure to call. he makes up for lack of communication by sending them flowers/stones/etc. through the mail.
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mari-strider · 7 years
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Tagged by @irljimmy to make a mood board outta my pics Im taggin @adelita-sanchez @redhotchampion @xgemfirex @theworstpitcher-remade @a1tairac15
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1clickpar · 6 years
Each day Pakistan 2019-02-04 14:34:12
Each day Pakistan 2019-02-04 14:34:12
Mohammad Sami will lead the Defending Champions Islamabad United 🦁in #HBLPSL 2019! He’s the 2nd highest wicket-taker in @thePSLt20 historical past and has additionally led his home aspect in a number of T20 tournaments.
Good Luck #Kaptaan 👍#SherKiDhaar #RedHotChampions #UnitedWeWin pic.twitter.com/vFOtJG13G2
— Islamabad United (@IsbUnited) February 4, 2019
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khouj-blog1 · 6 years
سمیع اسلام آباد یونائیٹڈ کے کپتان مقرر
New Post has been published on https://khouj.com/pakistan/104517/
سمیع اسلام آباد یونائیٹڈ کے کپتان مقرر
پاکستان سپر لیگ (پی ایس ایل) کی فرنچائز اسلام آباد یونائیٹڈ نے 2019 کے ایونٹ کے لیے ٹیسٹ کرکٹر محمد سمیع کو کپتان مقرر کردیا۔
سماجی رابطے کی ویب سائٹ پر اسلام آباد یونائیٹڈ کی جانب سے ٹیم کے مالک علی نقوی نے بتایا کہ محمد سمیع کو ٹیم انتظامیہ اور کوچنگ اسٹاف کی مشاورت کے ساتھ پی ایس ایل 2019 کا کپتان مقرر کیا جارہا ہے۔ مطابق
علی نقوی کا کہنا تھا کہ محمد سمیع نہ صرف اسلام آباد یونائیٹڈ کے لیے ایک میچ ون�� ہے بلکہ وہ پی ایس ایل کے بھی ایک اہم کھلاڑی ہیں۔
انہوں نے مزید کہا کہ ہمیں پی ایس ایل کے دوران محمد سمیع کو کپتان مقرر کرنے پر خوشی ہے جبکہ امید ہے کہ وہ ہر سال کی طرح اس سال بھی بہترین پرفارمنس دے کر ٹیم کو کامیاب بنائیں گے۔
The moment you all have been waiting for. Here is @AliNaqvi808 with the captaincy announcement!#UnitedWeWin #DimaghSe pic.twitter.com/0OrE6AVmMe
— Islamabad United (@IsbUnited) February 4, 2019
واضح رہے کہ اسلام آباد یونائیٹڈ کے مستقل کپتان مصباح الحق تھے جن کی کپتانی میں ��یم نے افتتاحی ٹورنامنٹ اپنے نام کیا تھا، تاہم دوسرے میں ٹیم فائنل کی دوڑ سے ہی باہر ہوگئی تھی۔
تیسرے ایڈیشن کے ابتدائی 2 میچوں میں اسلام آباد یونائیٹڈ کی کپتانی رومان رئیس نے کی تاہم اس کے بعد پھر مصباح الحق نے کی تاہم ان کے ان فٹ ہونے کے بعد کپتانی جے پی ڈومینی نے کی جنہوں نے ٹیم کو ایونٹ کا فائنل جتوایا۔
Mohammad Sami will lead the Defending Champions Islamabad United 🦁in #HBLPSL 2019! He is the 2nd highest wicket-taker in @thePSLt20 history and has also led his domestic side in several T20 tournaments. Good Luck #Kaptaan 👍#SherKiDhaar #RedHotChampions #UnitedWeWin pic.twitter.com/vFOtJG13G2
— Islamabad United (@IsbUnited) February 4, 2019
خیال رہے کہ محمد سمیع کو اسلام آباد یونائیٹڈ نے پی ایس ایل کے افتتاحی ٹورنامنٹ میں اپنی ٹیم کا حصہ بنایا تھا جس کے بعد سے لے کر اب تک وہ اسی ٹیم کا حصہ ہیں۔
محمد سمیع اب تک پی ایس ایل میں 27 میچز کھیل کر 37 وکٹیں لے کر اب تک اس ٹونامنٹ کے دوسرے کامیاب باؤلر ہیں۔
پی ایس ایل میں سب سے زیادہ وکٹیں لینے کا ریکارڈ پشاور زلمی کے وہاب ریاض کے پاس ہے جو 32 میچوں میں 48 وکٹیں حاصل کر چکے ہیں۔
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delvalentine · 7 years
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sexysilverstrider · 2 years
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sexysilverstrider · 2 years
me and @redhotchampion confusing the fuck out of each other
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sexysilverstrider · 3 years
If volo were to get a seasonal skin which would it be 🔥 I’d think Halloween with spiritomb and he goes around saying BOO to morty and morty is like 🙂
if anything morty will be haha nice one i like the nice touch you did with your friend behind you the spookiness looks convincing! and volo turns around but theres no one there
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sexysilverstrider · 3 years
HAPPY BORTH literally the only presents I can give u are pkmn you need for the Pokédex fjafjsjs good luck on future pulls in masters and may you get a silver / volo alt
RED AWWWWWW ngl thats the best present ever ill hold on to it until they force me to do it to meet bastard again 👁👄👁
and YES!!!! i will die my throat dry but best wish ever........thanm u
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sexysilverstrider · 2 years
I opened that football link and got the ugliest chill through my EARS WHAT WAS THAT
lmao theres sound???
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sexysilverstrider · 2 years
the what
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