#[[ or well he freaked himself out but nvm those details ]]
countlessrealities · 5 months
@holoharbinger gets a thing 'cause I've been too mean to Vox since we started to interact lately, so here's a...well, not mean thing?
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In hindsight, choosing "cleaning day" as the chance to allow his self-appointed rival to visit the Hotel hadn't been Alastor's greatest idea. It had seemed perfect in the moment, because it meant that everyone else was out and about, and wouldn't come back for several hours, including Vaggie. Thus, she would have never known about that little meeting of theirs.
However, on the other hand, there was one tiny detail he had failed to consider. Namely the fact that Niffty would be roaming the building in a frenzy, uncaring of anything or anyone who might find themselves in her path.
In his defence, Alastor had thought that, with how big the building was, it would have been extremely unlikely for them to bump into the hyperactive maid. Why would she be in their same wing, when there were so many other spaces in dire need of a clean up?
As they say, famous last words.
They had barely turned a corner, casually strolling towards Alastor's room for yet another promised drink, when Niffty appeared at the other end of the corridor, moving faster than a rabid hurricane.
The Radio Demon, used to the little maid's antics after years of dealing with her, smoothly stepped aside, moving close to the wall to avoid her rush, but his companion wasn't so prompt in his reaction.
Niffty literally swept Vox off his feet with her broom, knocking him forward...and straight into Alastor.
The Radio Demon acted instinctively, without thinking, and caught the body falling into his own, fingers gripping at the other Overlord's shoulders. While that surely helped doing some damage control, he wasn't fast enough to prevent his forehead to slam his forehead against the TV Demon's screen.
Alastor's own back hit the wall, but he didn't even notice, too busy freezing as his mind registered the position they had ended up in.
Vox's hands had scrambled to find a handhold, grabbing the closest they could find...which had happened the Radio Demon himself. Those blue claws had wrapped around his waist, just about his hips, their pressure far too heavy to be ignored, even with the shield of the cloth that separated his skin from them. Their chests were brushing, a hair away from being pressed up against each other and he was almost sure that one of his antlers had gotten tangled up with the other's antenna.
And yet, that wasn't even the worst part.
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Red eyes went painfully wide, grin stretched across his face and frozen in both shock and paralysing uneasiness. He could hear the light hiss of Vox's fans, feel the little sparks of electricity biting at his skin where their heads touched. His own breath was washing over the other Overlord's screen, perhaps a little quicker than it should have been.
Their mouths weren't touching, thankfully, but they might have if one of them had inched just a little closer or changed the angle of their faces.
Alastor's stomach lurched, a sick bitterness rushing up to his throat, filling the back of his mouth. Not only had his personal space been brutally violated, but he was being touched against his will in too many spots for his mind to process it.
It was too much. Too much all together.
And yet, very deep down, in the darkest recesses of his brain, there was the faintest whisper saying that, maybe, it wasn't too unbearable.
Vox was steady, solid, warm. He was everything the shadows Alastor usually dwelled in weren't. The way their electromagnetic waves mixed together made up an oddly melodious cacophony and his static weaved through the other's electricity astonishingly seamlessly.
It repulsed him. It made him ill in his guts.
It fascinated him. It made him ravenous.
Abruptly, the Radio Demon melted away into the shadows, causing his companion's face to hit the wall behind him, and he materialised again several steps away.
A hysterical laughter erupted from his throat, loud and straind and high-pitched as he moved even more backwards.
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"Oh my! I just remembered. There's an exceedingly urgent business that demands my attention! So very sorry, my dear, but we must cut your visit short. You can find your way back on your own, can't you?"
He didn't wait for an answer, shadows already climbing along his legs, to whisk him away.
"Until next time, old pal!"
And you can bet that he would make sure that the "next time" would not happen any time soon.
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violet-t-9 · 3 years
Check in on my (not very realistic) wish list for episode 139
1. Nobody dies in the potential battle against Lucien/the Somnovem? I will be fine with temporary unconciousness but please nobody actually dies? Will they even fight? What was going on with the cliffhanger? I have so many questions!
Hey nobody died! Nobody even went unconscious. Can't believe we have a part 2 to this epic boss fight. This showdown is awesome! At least we know what will happen next episode.
2. The group uses their new eye powers for something (group telepathy will be hilarious, especially accidental) or just in general goof off with their new eyes.
NVM we are doing the boss fight right now
3. Beau or Caleb discover more new eye functions that we have not seen before (antimagic cone anyone? Does the eye location have any meaning? Lucien’s was also on the chest right?)
NVM we are doing the boss fight right now. If the locations mean anything, so far it's not revealed.
4. We get to see more of the party members’ new powers/abilities since they levelled up and got a long rest! Let’s gooo.
MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH thanks Cad. It's a new power we haven't seen before! Caleb knows gravity fissure now, apparently! Fjord and Veth also considered using new abilities before the break. Jester used contagion on Lucien! It was a nice try.
5. They get some sort of contact with/update from the material plane (i.e. their family, Yussa, or anybody else I guess just not Trent please), it’s been a while I wonder what’s going on over there. Has Jester’s parent trap succeeded fully yet? Has the assembly been investigated yet? Has Yussa figured out what the Nein did with his emergency exit gift? How are Yeza and Luc doing in the crime bar? Is the Dynasty looking into Essek? So many possibilities.
NVM we are doing the boss fight right now
6. The M9 succeed in stopping the city from going to the material plane and find a way to potentially destroy it by the end of the episode.
It appears that them plane shifting the crest away actually does ensure that the city cannot return to the material plane, that's great news! Also, I assume destroying Lucien would be a good first step to destroying the city.
7. Beau and Yasha continue to fight like the power couple they are and to indulge in PDA in the flesh horror city (because why not). Bonus: we find out Yasha’s plans for Beau’s red cape/the cape is used by Beau in the episode.
The discussion between Beau, Yasha and Veth LMAO. Oh NO Yasha is fighting Beau again - that natural 1 though! The miss! Another natural 1! The power of love!!!! Yasha also used the battle cry to protect Beau!
8. Fjord and Jester continue to be domestic and supportive of each other in these trying times because they are great. Bonus: more Sprinkle/Artagan mentions or interactions.
Jester and Fjord starting strong with the dirty/natural 20's! Also "I'd rather you wear it" "Fjord, it's so expensive!" They are so cute. Ayy Sprinkle/Artagan both got fed the Heroes' Feast! The excitement over the ring finally working lol. "Imma cast it at 4th level" lol Jester really tried her best to remove his slow and it worked!
9. Obligatory wish for Essek’s fancy dunamancy or magical items (Bonus: STILL hoping to see more high-damage AOE offensive spells that Essek has never cast because of the party placement, dark star anybody?).
The trapped haste spell MmmMm. GRAVITY FISSURE YAY hot spell flavour is hot. THANK YOU for that dispel magic on Yasha Essek you are the best. Nice magic missile but he is out in the open oh nO he is charmed oh no is he going to dark star the party?? Wheww thank you Caleb for the dispel, at fifth level too! He was so going to dark star Lucien if Cad was not pulled.
10. Obligatory wish for Caleb’s polymorph spell on himself or a party member. Actually, let’s expand to any party member’s polymorph! Give me those sweet polymorph interactions.
NVM we are doing the boss fight right now
11. The party tries to reach Lucien by mentioning Molly and Lucien actually having a physical reaction to their words.
Wow that was a physical reaction alright, definitely to Jester and Caleb's mention of Molly's name. Jester's song also had an effect. Everybody is trying yay! Well, it was worth a try. BEAU'S bonus action Gustuv talk made him lose a legendary action WOW. Fjord's, Caleb's attempt also succeeded. In round 2, Beau removed 1 legendary action, followed by Jester
12. Obligatory wish for Essek’s room in the tower (it will stay until it happens).
NVM we are doing the boss fight right now
13. Obligatory wish for Cad being a MVP in and out of combat because he always is.
CAD what a good pep talk I love you. Path to the grave and also the reaction war caster blight, very nice.
14. I NEED MORE RP PLEASE like last week’s high intensity combat was fun but I miss one-on-one conversations give them to me thank you. Longer conversations are even better.
NVM we are doing the boss fight right now, however there was a lot of Molly RP involved.
15. Everybody being super freaked out/creeped out by the terrible flesh city thanks to Matt’s wonderfully detailed and awesome descriptions.
The damaged state of the city, how it leans towards Lucien's cocoon thing and Lucien's transformation... OH NO the stalks not the tentacle stalks.
16.  At least one of the party members get mind-influenced/charmed by some effect during the combat (well at least Caleb’s got mind blank and Veth got intellect fortress, but I would be surprised if there was no mind shenanigans).
Well, I knew it would happen. Gaudius, the eye of longing/love that did not affect Beau DID charm Yasha with a failed wis save and Yasha attacked Beau, again. However thanks to Essek it didn't last long!
17. Somebody check in a bit on Essek’s mental state because he is clearly not entirely desensitized as seen from last episode. At least he got a full rest so physically he is fine (just squishy, like wizards are).
Hey Essek got to open up a little bit before their final fight, so that was great.
18. Caleb uses more fire or his customized spells or just any cool spells in general I guess because what’s sexier than wizards NOTHING I’m still hyped from last week.
Gravity fissure already?? Sweet max damage, despite the save! Caleb you can literally just copy any spell you see cast can't you, high int wizard I love you. Also the use of that potion and the scroll were pretty smart too.
19. We learn more about Lucien’s motives and what he is actually trying to do, or more about the Somnovem’s different? motives because I was very confused last episode. Lucien wants to “parent” the Somnovem by bombing them with 10 intuit charges, like okay are you sure you are not trying to kill them? Then again, if that doesn’t severely damage the Somnovem I don’t know what will.
Well we now know that Lucien has all the Somnovem power inside himself now and is still very much wanting to bring back the city - at least he can't right now because of the threshold crest they got rid of last session. This clarifies a lot. I guess the "parenting" was to weaken the Somnovem for him to absorb them all into himself?
20. Obligatory wish for everyone to remain relatively happy and alive by the end of the episode except Lucien, and the episode ends on a terrifying cliffhanger as always.
I mean, should have known that Lucien cannot be killed in 1 session. Otherwise though, what an episode! What a session! Absolutely amazing.
ESSEK IS MAKING A JOKE LMAO I can't with this man, he is also giving everybody spells/gifts, cute - I guess wizards all have the save love language.
CALEB IS ABOVE 100 HP thank you Jester for that 17 roll from Heroes' Feast! I knew you'd do it. The feast was so crucial in their combat too, what a queen. Caleb always be covering his friends in his anti-aberration cone, and burning Lucien's legendary reactions. Great moves.
Veth are you... horny for Lucien??? LMAO
OH NO Gaudius on Essek this is the alternative Essek bossfight timeline OH NO but at the same time YES the angst- oh nvm Caleb thanks lol.
Extra - combat notes for my record:
Saves minus # eyes
Elatis - Excitement, pulling the target 120 ft towards Lucien + eye.
Ira - Rage, fireball effect AOE damage.
Fastidan - Disgust (wilting dull green) necrotic damage
Luctus - Grief (Dex save), slow spell effect.
Timorei - fear effect, but negated by Heroes' feast immunity.
Culpasi - guilt (Con save) disadvantage on saving throws +...
Miramus - (wis save)
Vigilan - the eye that moves/emanates the anti-magic cone
Gaudius - (wis save) charm effect
WHAT A FIGHT! I can't wait for part 2 and hopefully that's Lucien's final form. I did not think that the Molly influence will have such a profound effect, but I sure am glad it did! Everyone was so amazing in this combat, I love it all.
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lexicals · 4 years
Spoilers under the cut, fair warning the first bit is completely incoherent
They're a family......... they're a fucking family and they have stream nights and bicker and love each other.........
Juno is such a buzzkill all the time fhsgdjfj I love him SO much
Pls be okay ;;
I'm holding out hope that the "keeping landmines in his laundry" joke wasn't actually a joke and maybe the beeping was...... a landmine...... or something....... IDK I JUST WANT TO BELIEVE SHE'S OKAY 😭😭😭
Legit can't tell if he made a mistake or if he was actually?? Trying to kill jet?? My preferred theory would be that he's freaking out at the fact that he's going to betray the family soon OR that he's actually made the decision not to, and it was a genuine fuckup, but I just don't know any more pete my son wyd ;;
Obligatory "rita redacted I love you So much"
"Then I'll have a REALLY good view ;3" RITA THAT'S CREEPY...... ILY THOUGH
He just,, runs up to the weapon,, and gives it a hug,, and starts singing at it,, JET,,
No nvm that's dumb this is a sci fi show they wouldn't have a car absorb dead people
I love that ruby is sassing jet now..... eyeliner and posters of sad boys though fjdgjfks
The stuff that buddy was saying about them all having grown but she can't tell w nureyev is so,,, aaaaaa
"Juno, who stands taller than he did in the cerberus province" 🥺
If this was a radio show I would have made a "what the fuck is going on with peter nureyev" jingle by now
"Don't look at me like that, juno - not you" I'm gonna DIE
I'm actually gonna scream I can't take this 😭😭😭
Okay seriously though who is gonna be narrating the next ep after THAT?? Cause either the format is gonna have to change or they're gonna have to have a last minute twist to save buddy's life I don't KNOW god I'm so stressed. Two weeks is not gonna go by fast enough ;;
Okay some more thoughts now that I have Calmed Down:
Very interesting to me that jet actually sided with nureyev over vespa. I know he stated his reasons but I would really not have expected that and I wonder how nureyev feels about it
Buddy's relationship with jet?? Really good?? Love them?? Like obvs I don't think she made a good decision in not confiding with vespa about her heart but I'm really glad she has such a solid friendship and support system with jet
I really don't think nureyev fucked up on purpose....... idk maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part but firstly, he respects jet and I don't think he'd go as far as to try to kill him, and secondly..... idk I feel like there were smoother ways of doing it even if he was?? He could have swapped out the plans for an actually wrong set, or hidden them better, or so many other things that also wouldn't have involved putting himself in danger mid-heist, idk the alternative just doesn't sit right with me. But we'll see ig
I think what would be really interesting for me is if this kicked up nureyev's fear of losing his touch again bc he genuinely fucked up and brought that all to a head with vespa right there as well, I'd really like to see that whole situation pop off....... I think this one rly is wishful thinking on my end but idk I wanna see those two work out their issues lol
This is only half a joke
Okay some MORE thoughts now that I have slept on it
I fully think nureyev is gonna have some kind of breakdown next episode. I think that man is gonna snap like a twig. He's clearly not sleeping, clearly on edge over more than just the heist (his debts, probably), he sounded absolutely, genuinely stunned at the reveal that he'd been looking at the schematics upside down, he almost got jet killed, and given how this episode ended vespa is absolutely not going to stop laying into him any time soon, and it's gonna be even worse when buddy's task for her comes out. Add to that his preexisting anxieties about losing his touch, the way he says to juno "Don't look at me like that, not you", because juno is his main tether to the crew and the one person who he can believe trusts him no matter what, doubting him, and I really do think he's gonna break....
I'm also gonna argue that that messy room is feeling very lived in, isn't it? That's not the room of a man who is planning on cutting his ties and running any time soon. That's the room of a man who's settled - everything unpacked, stacks of books and personal items, idk this could just be me but I feel like this might be a pretty solid indicator that nureyev might have decided to abandon trying to pay his debts in order to stay with the crew...... and if not it's a very fun detail which I love lol
Buddy has been delaying the mission for a year. The last we heard from nureyev, he was telling his creditors that he would have the promised items for them before the year was out. I really doubt that he has enough good will with these people for another extension. Seems like nureyev must be very very close to running out of time here, if he hasn't done so already
I'm still convinced sasha is gonna make an appearance this season!! I know it!! And we also know that dark matters most likely heard rita talking about the curemother prime so like the likelihood of dark matters interrupting the heist/waiting for them with the curemother?? Quite high!! And if that's when we get the juno pov oh boy
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ahahahahaderp · 7 years
HataJitsu & KamiMiyo Toku Headcanons ✩꒳✩
( ̄ω ̄)that no one asked for but I can’t stop thinking about it okkkk 💦💦💦💦
can you taste my undying thirst and bias for kamimiyo because I am shameless ( ̄ω ̄;)  no actually, I’m Mimi 
Aaaaaand tokusatsu or 特撮 for those who don’t know are J-dramas and/or films that use lots of special effects ^o^ Godzilla, Garo, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Ultraman etc. are just some examples~! 
I just think that Kaminaga and Hatano would like really be into tokusatsu series and would debate which ones are better, best suits, fight scenes, etc etc and Miyoshi and Jitsui would just be forced to put up with their embarrassing boyfriends... but low-key enjoying it too wwwwwwww 
and yes, Kaminaga and Hatano would totally do the poses when they go to exhibitions and fanboy so hard at the great details!! (honestly, same tho >w<)
Also thanks @dollofdeath​ for indulging me (*´ω`)o  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Jitsui openly likes Toku too (to a certain degree)  and will watch it with Hatano kinda often
It's cute because Hatano gets all excited and Jitsui is just LOL, finding him sooo cute and precious
Hatano naturally hates being teased and called a kid, but Jitsui can’t help but tease him more for being such an adorable fanboy  (*ノωノ)キャー like okk Hatano, ILY but you ARE a kid sometimes and it’s so freaking cute
Not to mention how pure some of these shows are omfg and the fact that some of the catch phrases are so cheesy and Hatano enjoys them so much and get so into it, makes Jitsui wanna bully protect him more 
Because the real hero isn’t the next rider or super sentai, but the stupid boyfriend beside him(˶′◡‵˶)
Though, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows with these heroes and Jitsui does find himself honestly liking the intriguing plot lines that can surprisingly be deep and insightful 
Jitsui looks forward to Hatano’s reactions but really, it’s vice-versa because a lot of the time Hatano’s already seen these episodes but he just wants Jitsui to enjoy it too 
But then they just keep sneaking glances at each other’s reaction instead of watching wwww
Plus Hatano gets really hyped during the fight scenes and is just always in awe and Jitsui’s starting to wonder like ohhh is this why Hatano took all these martial arts classes  (つ∀<●)゚💦 💦 💦
Hatano sometimes thinks that he could totally be one of the suit actors if not for his height and kinda gets really down about it but Jitsui would just be like “I don’t suppose I’d need special effects to draw fear into people when it’s all natural, so why would you need special effects to suit up and be my hero?” (>////////////<) 
Hatano passed out from a fever that night and Jitsui couldn’t take Hatano being everyone’s hero when he should just be his (✿´ ꒳ ` )
But when they do watch the new episodes together, as much as Jitsui does admit to liking it, they don’t hold a candle to Hatano’s reactions at the suits and everything
Jitsui enjoys Hatano’s stupid smile and overblown excitement the most because Hatano seems low-key troubled sometimes and doesn’t say much because he’s unsure really of why he’s feeling dubious, but when he watches toku, he like forgets all that so secretly, Jitsui loves his addiction so much
And Hatano somehow got Jitsui to start drawing toku art and is just MY BOYFRIEND IS SO AMAZING, HE SCARES ME (wait..he always does)
Random but I think Jitsui would probably enjoy KR Amazons the most and would lol during horror films and Hatano is just......I'm glad he likes me...I think. ( ̄ω ̄;)
Of course, Kaminaga has to drag (and beg and whine for) Miyo to actually consider watching Toku shows and once they start watching, it’s normal for them to marathon shows and de-stress with each other since Miyo wants to see what’s gotten Kaminaga so excited lately and because he’s so cuteeee   (*´∀`*)えへへ
Miyo thinks that the shows aren’t half bad and is at the very least intrigued by the whole idea of it, and also because Kaminaga is so pure and adorable for watching these kind of bubbly shows, it’s almost funny? Even when they’re not always bubbly and kinda deep. He just likes seeing Kaminaga be really happy  *:・(*/////∇/////*)・:*:・ 
Plus, the chance to tease Kaminaga will never not be amazing wwwww
but Miyo low-key thinking omg the detail on these suits are so amazing and the choreograph is just so grea---I mean...it's passable, naturally. That's why it has a following and all and what no, Kaminaga...I’m just taking this photo for ref ok...?  💦 💦 💦
and yes of course they go to Kamen Rider the Diner and Miyoshi just...why am I here...like sure, Miyo’s a foodie and all but novelty food almost always tastes the same. 
Though, that’s where Kaminaga comes in and says something about how the details they put into creating these silly aesthetics for the food based on quirks from the show makes it really fun to eat! Not to mention that a lot of those times were when he was watching toku with Miyo and that makes all the difference---it’s definitely not as enjoyable if he’s not with Miyo because somehow Miyo makes Toku even better and he just treasures Toku more because of that and I’m cry (´;ω;`)
and god, Kaminaga can you not stare at Miyo like tht because he’s trying to eat here without swooning  (*/∇\*)
Miyo’s just.......I am not getting flustered over some below average novelty food because of you (≧ヘ≦ ) he totally is though wwwwww
and it makes it even worse because Kaminaga’s charms always has that effect on Miyo and Miyo is just...stop taking pictures and eat your weeb food
But also LOL Kaminaga is such a dumb dork and getting excited over the cafe merch or interior and how it reminds him of this and that scene and Miyoshi just can’t help but wanna treasure this stupid pure sunshine even more >w<
Ohhh and and and Kaminaga totally fanboying about toku with these total strangers and Miyo just totally can’t stand it and just cosplays as Kaminaga’s fave to get his attention
though kaminaga is totally flustered at this, he won’t hug Miyo and barely even kiss him because the details of his suit are so amazing and Miyoshi’s just I hate that you’re so cute (˶′◡‵˶) but seriously, look at me b*tch 
Though, what if instead Miyo was like a closet tokusatsu fan because he thinks liking something so childish totally contrasts with his ummm supposedly "cool" image but then again he's dating Kaminaga lololol and he finds the heroes pretty cool lolololl idk (I;m same miyoshi saaaaame)  (∩゚∀`∩)キャ―!!!!
Kaminaga finding out and at first like LOLOLOLOLOL I can't believe I've known you for this long and you managed to keep it from me; that is so cute (and super happy that he’s the only one who knows about Miyo’s addiction) TwT
Kaminaga's not an avid fan but he does enjoy it time to time from the stuff he's seen and finds it pretty cool and Miyo totally getting excited talking about toku and Kaminaga's like dying because that is freaking cuteeeee 
Miyo secretly collects the figures LOL and keeps them hidden even away from Kaminaga ( ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ )
Also okkk so when Jitsui goes to a doujin event to sell his manga or doujins perhaps, of course, the others come to support him! 
Naturally Hatano is there and lol probably buys manga and doujins, artbooks, merch (I feel like he'd be into manga and stuff a lot, but not crazy but does enjoy it) 
Miyoshi comes too, of course, but can't find Kaminaga anywhere is just ...sort of lonely but you know, he's here to support Jitsui and make fun of Hatano and w o w that is some intense cosplay right there huhhh is that his fave rider in a get up that looks almost identical to the exact same suit made for the show and omg his belt is so unreal and every detail makes him feel like this is some crazy dream because this cosplayer is practically oozing this unrivaled charisma and charm ≧(´▽`)≦
and it’s probably his unhindered narcissism, but he can’t help but feel that this cosplayer is looking at him (though, low-key freaking out because oh no, can all toku fans tell who other toku fans are because he is sooo sCREWED)
miyo's like almost sweating but gosh there's so many ppl and thank you god if you're out there because Miyoshi always has his favourite handkerchief to look extra pristine and wipe away non-existent sweat, of course (Gods don’t sweat) (ノ*゜▽゜*)
and ugh where are you Kaminaga because Kaminaga needs to see this too 
and and Miyo wants to... scold him as well for being this late and not answering all his messages
Secretly, however, Miyo won’t mind if Kaminaga makes fun of him but naturally Kaminaga won't...much because Kaminaga thinks Miyo low-key fanboying is just as cute as affectionate drunk miyo ೭੧(❛▿❛✿)੭೨
The people are still crowding around this amazing cosplayer but now that Miyo’s kinda close, he can totally sneak a pic while no one's looking at him because oh god no one can find out (even if Kaminaga did yikes, but it’s ok because it’s Kaminaga) 
For once, he feels nearly unworthy to be near this cosplayer that is somehow a person and why isn't Kaminaga answering his phone
Nvm Kaminaga finally picked up and---huhhhhh why does the cosplayer have Kaminaga's phone and is...w-waving? at him no less?
Once the helmet comes off, Miyo can barely even register that it’s Kaminaga and is totally blushing because it’s so freaking hot (actually, Miyo, there’s quite a bit of AC buuut) and Kaminaga is so freaking hot and no, he doesn’t mean just because of the material of the cosplay
Finally when Miyo gets close enough, he’s too flustered to say much and Kaminaga’s just adoring the cuteness exuding Miyo right now 
for the first time, Miyoshi’s really feeling insanely shy right now and he’s known Kaminaga for practically forever and Miyo even has the gall to timidly ask if he can touch his suit because it’s so amazing
Of course, Kaminaga isn’t so foolish as to not tease Miyo at this when Miyo softly grazes the suit and is still in complete awe at the precision and detail because yes, Kaminaga has always been amazingly skilled and Miyo is so so lucky to have this man as his boyfriend  。(〃ω〃)゚.+:。♪
Miyo doesn’t even realize how shy he’s become and is just cautiously raising his phone and is starts murmuring almost
 “So...is it ok if we take a selfie together.........” like he’s now Kaminaga’s fanboy and Kaminaga is so startled and is also blushing frantically (because of the “heat” righttt boyyyys 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀)
but Kaminaga’s just kisses him instead and is just “A kiss is a much more meaningful memorabilia, isn’t it?” and even winks for added measure and gosh, Miyo knows his little handkerchief can’t save him now from looking like a total tomato (because oh yes, the heat is oh so vindictive of him)
“If it’s only for me, I suppose it is.”
THE END wooo fuwa fuwa fluffssssss 
Welp...that was way longer than I intended (((0へ0)💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦 cries I kinda wanna write that as a fanfic but idkkkk heehee I just think the whole cliche scenario works for them and is totally adorable TwT If anyone actually read this til the end, thank you for putting up with my eternally thirsty Kamimiyo rambles  (〃 ω 〃) and have a very lovely day and evening because you deserve both, even if you can only have one or the other ( ̄ω ̄)
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