#[ ic :: drabble ]
#19 - Weal
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"St---that eno--That's enough old man!"
The little Xaela growled and squirmed in the older man's arms, but his protests were for naught. If anything, it only made the Elder's snickering grow into a fit of laughter, the large hands rubbing over his charge's face until both bruises and healthy skin alike were covered in gooey, green layer of ointment.
"Never enough! This is your punishment! Retribution for picking a fight with someone twice your size!"
Elder Kroin's voice boomed behind his laughter, the youth's face finally firmly cupped between the two calloused, goo-covered hands. All the glee was suddenly cut from the sharp, scaled features, leaving only a stern stare behind.
"Love. Why would you do something so stupid, hm?"
Luvshan grimaced from the nickname, but didn't retort, his pride shrinking under the authority.
"…He…he said my parents were weak."
"Ooh! And what if they were?"
That pride soon returned, a scalding glare shot towards the older Xaela.
"They were not weak!"
"But what if they were?"
"They were not!"
"How do you know?"
"I just do! Y' know nothin'! Stupid old man!"
The quick retorts roused a snort from the elder, his mask of seriousness quickly breaking apart. Instead he rolled his eyes with a deep, theatrical sigh, practically pushing the child free from his grasp.
"Ahh! Youths!"
He exclaimed, his palm landing onto Luvshan's head instead, smearing the shade of green onto his bright orange locks for good measure.
"One…does not need to be strong…to be strong!"
He could only beam a grin at the fellow Xaela's dumbfounded expression, free hand shot forwards with a energetic thumbs-up.
"Old man wisdom, free of charge! You will get it one day."
((Elder Kroin belongs to @eggplant-xaela !))
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One time when I was little, I mean real fucking little, my mom was having over these important guests from Albion. Some fucking bigwigs, who cares about the specifics. The point is, normally my mom, she never stepped foot in the kitchen. She hired people to handle that shit. But she didn't trust anyone else to handle this one recipe. Family specialty on her side or something. Devil's Food Cake.
Now, I was so excited. My mom? Never baked me a cake in my life, not even for my birthday. I was psyched out of my tiny little fucking mind. I tried watching her bake it in the kitchen, but the maid, (don't remember her name, they changed out every six months), she'd always shoo me away, tell me not to bother Ms. Hedgehog. When that thing came out of the oven, MAN, I had never smelled anything so good in my entire life. I'd had, yknow, chocolate bars and stuff, but this was a whole 'nother world man.
I was trying to get in that kitchen while it was cooling, no dice. Same thing when she was icing it, the maid or a server would always run interception. Fucking pricks. But they couldn't keep that up forever. Eventually they had to switch to focusing on the guests, boozin' 'em up real nice and all that. So they're convinced I'm upstairs in my room, and of course I do what any fucking kid would do in that situation. I sneak down and I try and grab a slice. I get this big kitchen knife and I carve out a hunk of cake. Just completely sloppy, like some psycho chopping up a body. So I got my slice and I dig in and holy shit. Greatest thing I had ever tasted up to that point. Probably one of the top things I've ever tasted, though of course being a kid and all, your brain's all stupid, might've just been a regular fucking cake. But god damn I can taste it just thinking about it. And then I'm about to have that second bite when my mom walks in. Ol' Bernie, she looks at my stupid little chocolate smeared face, she looks at that butchered cake, she flips the fuck out. Starts laying into me. Says I'm a monster, a savage little animal. Even asks why my dad ever said they should have a kid. She gets so pissed she tells the maid to lock me in my room for the night. Man I fucking bawled my eyes out over that. Don't think my mom talked to me again for... weeks? Definitely a month. Or two. You know, actually, thinking back on it. I'm not sure I can remember anything she ever said to me before that.
Good cake, though.
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One Evening in Calcutta, Summer 1726...
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“... Uncle Joshua, I have something I’ve been meaning to ask of you.”
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“Oho? What’s on your mind, Little Bran? You can always ask me anything.”
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“Cripes, you haven’t called me that since before the Old Man died. ... anyway, actually, it’s about him. The Old Man, I mean - about my father. There is something I’ve realized I’ve never quite known about him, something that the more I try to think about, the less I actually can imagine a satisfactory assumption.”
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“Really now? And what would that be, then?”
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“.... The Eye. .... The legends say variously that it can grant the wishes of any who possess it. Or give them the power to make whatever they wish for come true. .... so what was it? What was HIS wish?”
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“.... Hehe. You surprise me sometimes, Little Bran. I never would have expected you to muse on the motives of others. You’ve grown up a lot since we parted ways. ... anyway. My brother’s wish, the reason he spent a decade searching for that damned thing which cost him his life...”
“I honestly don’t know. Well, no. I know what he told me. What we told each other, when we agreed to search for the Eye to begin with. That we’d be richer than rich, more secure than all the Kings of Europe combined! Ours and our kin would want for nothing for the rest of time. But... looking back, I know that wasn’t really why I wanted to find the Eye. It’s what I told myself, but deep down, it wasn’t the whole truth. So I can’t imagine that being Mortimer’s true wish either.”
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“Mmmm. .... so then what was it? What was it you really wished for if not the fame and fortune of it all?”
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“.... Honestly, I don’t think I even had one. I just wanted to do it, because Mort wanted to do it. That’s just how we did things. Whatever one wanted, the other supported wholly. It’s why we joined the Navy. It’s why we left the damn Navy. It’s why we became privateers. It’s why we adopted you. You handed me that Eye now, right here, and there’s only one thing I can really think of wishing for on it these days.”
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“.... and? What? What is it?”
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“.... to have him back. Even just for a day. Even just to catch up on things. I’d love for nothing more than to share my current contentedness with my brother. Not a day’s gone by since we lost him that I don’t miss his glum, gloomy glowering. Ha ha ha....”
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glyphcxre · 2 years
A letter to a bitter person,
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Not gonna lie--- you probably wont ever read this. If you end up actually finding it congratulations i guess you did it.
 I didn’t really plan on saying anything but considering the multiverse is falling apart and its the end of the world, i didn’t want to leave any feelings unsaid. 
To anyone in my life past or present. Y’know just in case.
  I just wanted to take the time to say i see the shit u talk. I see everything you say about me/ towards me.
       You seem to have this idea that I somehow never cared about you? Or secretly hated you or something when we were friends. I just want to say for the record: I mourned our friendship for months. I was genuinely hurt and confused when i lost what I thought was my best friend. 
 && maybe I shouldn’t say that because it will send you into an ego trip where you think you’re the hottest shit to walk the earth; 
  cus ‘ ohhh i got c.c. I hurt them! They care about me after all i win! ’. 
     I never said I didn’t but hold that thought homie, let me finish.
The person i was mourning wasn’t you. It was the person I built you up in my mind to be. The friend i wanted to believe you were.  && The fact is you weren’t a good friend to me the last year i knew you.
 A good friend doesn’t ghost spending time with you constantly. 
They don’t make jokes when you’re having a ptsd induced panic attack. 
A good friend doesn’t take every opportunity to talk shit and name call after the fact either. 
 Not to mention good friends dont try to steal their best friend’s girlfriend and destroy a relationship of 4 years.
Remember when you said you respected our friendship more than to take bee from me that you’d back off because you valued my happiness?
           No? Weird. Cus I sure as hell do.
----( You didn’t by the way. Me and Bee are happy together && doing just fine. Putting a wig on ur gf and having her cosplay crapplebee isnt going to change that or suddenly make me believe i lost my girlfriend lmao. )
              But hey. 
 Keep trying to convince me that I somehow lost the love of my life. Its funny. Embarrassing for you, but funny.
(Side note maybe u should treat your amity like a person instead of your side piece. Just a suggestion. Making her cosplay another girl youd prefer to date. Really bro? Cmon. )
(Blushy if ur reading this i hope u wake up soon.)
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All of this to say.---- Losing you? wasn’t a loss at all.
 Not by the time it happened at least.
Maybe it would be have been when our friendship was younger and you had some respect for yourself and anyone else. 
The person that was my friend is gone though and all thats left is this bitter, selfish and small person who feels like she has to tear others down to prove something.  But maybe you’ve always been that small person and you just played us to try and get my girl.
 Who knows. I probably never will know the truth. 
--Cause even if you ever find this-you might read it but you wont take the time to comprehend it.  Or understand it. Youll take it as me being a ‘ bad or fake’  friend, and you’ll shout from the rooftops how you’re so superior.
Because at the end of the day, our friendship wasn’t what mattered. My words fell on deaf ears cause lets be real, what you cared about was what you could get out of it. You weren’t there to grow with me, you stifled me. 
& Frankly— I outgrew you.
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&& I’m better without you. Im better for it. I met more luzes because of it. I have closer bonds with everyone now. I see Eda and King more. I see willow and Gus more.
I have a true friend group now.
  Lynx, Asra, Sunny, Hunter, Lucky, Bee. I wouldn’t trade them for the world. They picked me up at my darkest and showed me what friendship without stipulation and toxicity looked like. I have more people behind me now than I ever have 
I no longer feel like I have to work my life around your expectations. && my life feels like its finally moving forward even with all the turmoil in the multiverse i know the people behind me really got me. 
So in a way. I guess I should thank you. 
So, Thank you;
Thank you for showing me the kind of person you really are- because at the end of the day, It let me start living again.
Tener la vida que te mereces amiga
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artisankiller · 28 days
Jhin had been in the industry for quite sometime, body adorned in the finest jewels and fashion as early as he could recall... however, even now, as he looks at himself in the mirror, he finds himself to be undesirable. timid and shy, and painfully inept at communicating and expressing his emotions. The ex-idol hates himself for never relishing the spotlight until it was all too late. He simply stares at them, fan or not, and sighs inwardly with a huff.
"Yes, I'm named Khada Jhin, of the actor of the same name... but no, I am not his son... not since he went missing, could you please just call me Jhinyu, the name my nanny called me?" He seems rather irritated, despite how he tries to angrily slurp his slushee, and chokes the red flavoring up instead onto his cashmere sweater. "Sorry, I get too worked up, and I know that's not good for publicity- but no one ever cares until it's too late, wouldn't you agree?" He doesn't bother cleaning the red liquid off- it is soaked into the threads already, anyway.
Wait. Did he just info dump again? His colleagues and fellow idols told him never to do that, and yet... He sighs.
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umbradevore · 2 years
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“Faith is a conviction that can be weaponized. Fanatics are ideal for a faith, for what better way to ensure false faith’s are put to the sword than with a army of believers?”
There was no one being spoken to as the words are made. Simply a memoir of various beliefs and thoughts. As one as old as he had to keep thoughts contained when spoken out loud, less time were to cause one to forget the moments of personal wisdom.
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suiana · 3 days
yandere! ice skater and first time skater reader. gang this is so gangsta!!! imagine going onto the skating rink for the first time and falling constantly like a little kid 😂😂😂 u even have a helmet and one of those seals 😂😂😂 meanwhile yandere! ice skater (who's also your longtime admirer) is literally an olympic skater that makes doing jumps and axels look easy.
"oh dear, shall i help you?"
the ice skater gracefully glides over to you as you fall onto your ass for the fifth time since you fell onto your ass. you came in ten minutes ago.
he meticulously adjusts your position, teaching you the basics while holding onto your hand as he encourages you.
"well done, you're doing great, sweetheart. yes, just like that..."
by the end of your little lesson with him, you could hold yourself up for at least ten minutes!!!! wowzers!!! you thank him gratefully before trying to skate off...
only to realize that he was still holding onto your hand.
"where do you think you're going? i never said our lesson was over, did i?"
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Ice Hockey James Potter x fem!reader
Summary: You wait for your boyfriend after his game — In the same universe as Suburban Legends
Genre: Fluff <3
Warnings: muggle au, college au, swearing
You stand in the lobby of the rink, your arms are crossed across your chest and you're cursing yourself for only wearing his jersey instead of something warmer. Still, you smile. How can you mind when you can remember how happy James looked when saw you in the stands?
You pace around, waiting another few minutes until you start to become impatient. All his teammates have left the rink, which is something you know because you've counted each of their high-fives.
You have only been dating James Potter for a month now, but his teammates act like they've already taken you in as one of their own. 
"I didn't think you'd wait for me this long." you hear him. His voice is a little hoarse and he's rotating his shoulder around as he grimaces.
"Is your arm okay?" you ask, standing up and meeting him in the middle of the lobby. He was shoved pretty hard into the plexiglass and you look up at him, concerned. 
His lips curl into a little smirk, "Worried about me, Y/l/n?" He whispers and leans in close.
"As your girlfriend, I feel like if I wasn't worried then we'd have a problem," you chuckle and roll your eyes at his insistence to continue calling you by your last name. He says it's a habit but you're convinced he just likes to see you flustered.
"Come on I'm starving," you take his hand and try to lead him towards the door. 
"Shit," James groans, "I forgot my gloves in the locker room," 
You drop his hand and turn around, crossing your arms. "Are you seriously making me wait for you longer than I already have?" 
He shakes his head with a smile, "No. You're coming with me this time." It's his turn to take your hand and he practically pulls you to the locker rooms. 
"Jamie, slow down," you say.
Suddenly, you're pressed against the wall of the empty hallway as James's arms cage around your head. His hockey bag had fallen onto the ground and he leans his head downwards so that you can look into his eyes. His eyes shine and he's giving you the most obvious, "I wanna to kiss you," pout. 
"What are you doing?" you feign coy behind a laugh as he slides his hands down to the side of your head and cups your cheeks in his hands. He's so close it's incredibly intoxicating.
"Kissing you?"
You smile, nodding, and he leans down to kiss along your neck. His hips press into mine and you think I've finally lost all sensibility. "You drive me insane — you and my fucking jersey," he whispers as his kisses move upwards and his knuckles skim the fabric of his jersey near your breasts.
"You're the one who wanted me have it."
"Yeah, to wear around your dorm—not during my games," he says and his hands climb up the wall again as you look up at him, "If your plan is to distract me when I'm supposed to be paying attention to the game, you should know it's working more than it should…"
You grin and stare at him with wide eyes. You make sure to chew on your lower lip so that you're doing exactly what you know turns him on. "Seems like a misunderstood then," you say, "Still, I didn't think you would have a problem with everyone knowing I'm yours, James." 
Something snaps inside him and that's when he kisses you. 
It's raw and rough, but the way his strong arms wrap around you waist to pull you closer is gentle and you melt into his arms. Wantonly, you run your hand through his hair. The dark brown locks are slightly messy from being under his helmet and when James feels me pull on them, his breath jumps in his throat,
"Everyone already knows you're mine." He whispers and then continues to kiss you.
You pull him even closer and with his good arm, he wraps one of my legs around his hip. You're both so engrossed in our activity you, unfortunately, don't hear footsteps until, James's coach clears his throat,
James stops kissing you and carefully lowers your leg onto the ground. He hides you behind him as you turn around, his cheeks crimson from embarrassment, as you attempt to calm your internal panic. 
"Hey," James says, weirdly casual.
"Rink is closing, Potter. Go home." His coach says and you peek at him from behind James's shoulder. He sees me and sighs, "You too, Y/n."
"Will do, sir." James says. Quickly, he lifts his bag back onto his shoulder and holds your hand. You mumble a small, "sorry" as you walk by his coach but you don't think he hears you considering you can't even bear to look at him. 
Once you're back in the lobby, you bury your head in your hands, "I'm so embarrassed," you groan. James laughs and rubs your shoulders.
You look up at him and frown, "This really isn't funny."  
"Coach doesn't care. I promise." James reassures you.
"Why? Is this not the first time he's caught you kissing someone here?" you ask, sounding more jealous than intended.
James's expression softens and, holding your hips, he pulls you close enough to kiss your forehead, "How many times to I have to promise you I'm not, and have never been, a player?" 
You nod, smiling guiltily, "Yeah, I know. I shouldn't have asked that, I'm sorry."
"Water under the bridge, Y/l/n," James jokes and kisses your temple. He swings his arm around your shoulder, "I remember someone said they were hungry, shall we eat now?" 
"Wait, what about your gloves?"
James grins wolfishly. "Oh, those are in my bag, I just wanted to make out with you."
tags: @mischievousmoony, @sayitlikethecheese, @longlivedelusion, @fangirl-swagg (pretending like i didn't just forget this until now!!)
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pxrifiedmxniac · 2 years
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During the late night by herself, Ryuko merely sat in her office in complete silence and isolation. Lily all tucked in her bed asleep while the hybrid let all of her thoughts and emotions sink in. She was tired, exhausted from all that had been going on around her. It all wore on her after a while and it was time she took some time away to let it all sink in. Maybe she should just get ready for bed.
After washing her face in the cool water, Ryuko stood in front of the bathroom mirror as she took a few deep, calming breaths. Right now, she felt as refreshed as she could be. Sure, there were still some thoughts lingering in her head, but it was better than before, right?
But then, she heard that voice...
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“Why do you care so much about these... inferior beings?” 
“You know exactly why. I don’t need to reiterate it to you, especially since you’ve met them yourself.” Ryuko groaned, rolling her eyes as she had a feeling what Junketsu was going to talk about.
“When was the last time any of them have done anything for you? You give. You care. You provide. And what does it land you? Nothing. Leaving you high and dry with not even so much as a single word of gratitude.”
“And yet you drink my blood. You take something that provides me with life to satiate your hunger.” The hybrid retaliated, showing annoyance towards the kamui that was clad on her.
“Say what you will about what I do. At least I show you my appreciation in a way. You give me your blood, I give you strength; power beyond what any mere being can possibly imagine. That’s more than what they can say.” 
“No... no you’ve seen some show their appreciation. You’ve seen them in person.” She knew it too. She knew those who showed her gratitude - friends, even loved ones. She knew they at least gave her some respect and appreciation. However, Junketsu continued.
“Humans, the divine, the infernal, the undead, all the same. Weak-minded, feeble, selfish, greedy. Merely food for something larger than what they can possibly comprehend.”
“I’m not going to have this conversation, Junketsu.” Now Ryuko wanted this conversation over. Not just because the kamui was getting annoying, but... was Junketsu actually getting to her? Was Junketsu providing some sort of point? No, the kamui had to be wrong, correct?
“They focus on their own petty squabbles. Hmm... maybe they don’t deserve what they’ve been given. Maybe they don’t deserve this planet.”
“Junketsu, no!” Ryuko shouted, facing the mirror before she would bear witness to the sight of herself in the reflection. What she saw wasn’t herself though. She only a face similar to herself, bearing a grin full of sharp, needle-like teeth; the whites of her eyes now as black as a void with multicolored irises.
“In the end, all beings exist to carry on cycle of the Life Fibers.”
Out of instinct, the hybrid swiftly slammed her fist into the mirror before her; the sound of the shattering glass echoing throughout her home. Just from one punch, Ryuko was already shaking; a cold sweat coming from her as her breathing stuttered. For a few, long minutes; Ryuko only stood in front of the sink shaking as her eyes began to well up with tears. Said tears would drop to the tiled floor beneath her, coupled with droplets of blood that dripped from the wounds on her hand where the mirror’s glass had been embedded.
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aphroditelovesu · 3 months
[🖤] - ''I don't want to force you to be mine, but I will if I have to.’’ + 💔] - ‘’You can't leave me. You will not leave me.’’ For Rhaenyra Drabble after her wife (reader) who while normally happy in their marriage starts to get tired and starts talking back to her after Rhaenyra basically imprisons the reader because she was paranoid about reader cheating on her?
[🖤] - ''I don't want to force you to be mine, but I will if I have to.’’
[💔] - ‘’You can't leave me. You will not leave me.’’
❝ 🐉 — lady l: this ended up becoming more than a drabble but I got carried away... I hope you like it, anon, and forgive me for any mistakes! Good reading! ❤️
❝tw: accusation of betrayal, mention of death, mourning, imprisonment and angst.
❝🐉pairing: yandere!rhaenyra targaryen x female!reader.
❝word count: 1,143.
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You felt like a damn prisoner and maybe you really were.
Rhaenyra has become increasingly unstable and possessive over you and she has practically imprisoned you in her room, with only a few servants having access to you.
The reason for all this? She thought you were cheating on her, which was completely ridiculous. You weren't cheating on her and it never crossed your mind to do so.
You valued your life and loved Rhaenyra too much to even think about having a lover. You love her, don't you? You were sure you did it but after she locked you in, you weren't so sure anymore.
''I don't want to force you to be mine, but I will if have to.'' Her words still echoed in your mind and you only realized their weight when she finally lost her head after you spoke against her. The memories of that night were painful and you could still feel Rhaenyra's touch on your skin like fire.
Trapped in that golden cage, you stared at the richly decorated walls of her room, feeling increasingly suffocated. It was a luxury that became a prison, and every exquisite detail now seemed a cruel reminder of her situation.
The days passed slowly, with the routine of servants coming and going, bringing meals and clean clothes. They never exchanged more than a few words with you, and their expressions were always neutral. You wondered if they knew about your suspicions or if they simply followed orders blindly without question.
Rhaenyra visited you often, but your conversations were tense. You could see the paranoia in her eyes, a dark shadow that seemed to grow with each encounter. She asked questions, sometimes calmly and sometimes desperately, trying to get a confession out of you that wasn't there. Each denial from you seemed to fuel even more suspicion in her.
During these visits, you tried to calm her fears, reaffirming your love and fidelity, but your words seemed to lose strength with each repetition. Uncertainty grew inside you, not only about your feelings for her, but also about the future of this relationship that previously seemed so solid.
There were moments of silence, where you just looked at each other, lost in your own thoughts. At those times, you wondered what had happened to the woman you loved, the one who was strong, confident and fair. Now, she was a shadow of her former self, consumed by an irrational fear that was destroying her and you along with it.
You knew that Lucerys' death and the start of the war had affected her even more and you understood. You really did and you couldn't blame you for that. Although you didn't have children of your own, you loved hers as if they were your own and you were also grieving the loss of Luke but nothing justified Rhaenyra's accusations and her actions towards you. You knew it all came from her fear of losing you but that didn't make it any less painful.
The loss of Lucerys was a devastating blow to everyone. Rhaenyra has never been the same since that day. You clearly remembered the moment the news arrived. Her scream of pain still echoed in your mind, and you had felt a deep sadness as you watched the woman you loved fall apart. You tried to be as supportive as possible, to be by her side in every moment of pain, but it was as if an invisible barrier had risen between you.
Rhaenyra had become increasingly vigilant and suspicious. At first, you thought it was just grief manifesting itself in unexpected ways, but as time passed, her obsession grew. She began to question every one of your actions, every word spoken and even the moments of silence. At first, you responded with patience, believing that she would eventually get over it. However, her accusations became more frequent and fierce, culminating in your forced imprisonment.
You tried to justify her behavior to yourself. The coming war, the loss of her son, the constant pressure of claiming the throne and keeping the family together... It was all a crushing burden. And yet, in your most lucid moments, you knew you didn't deserve to be treated this way. Your love and loyalty were never in question. Rhaenyra's fear of losing someone else close to her was understandable, but it could not be a reason to imprison.
When Rhaenyra came to visit you, you decided you had had enough. You needed to make her see reason.
She entered the room, as always, with an expression full of distrust and pain. Her eyes, once so full of life, were now opaque, marked by sadness and fear. She approached you, her steps heavy and her gaze fixed on your eyes, as if she was looking for some confirmation of her fears. And when she noticed something in your gaze, perhaps the determination to get out of this situation, her face became furious and you could see her lips trembling.
''Rhaenyra, I never wanted to leave you. I never wanted to hurt you.'' You said, desperation evident in every word.
You took a deep breath, feeling the pain of the situation that was becoming increasingly untenable. Rhaenyra was mired in her own insecurities, and you knew you needed to break that cycle of fear and distrust. ''Rhaenyra, I love you. You need trust me. We are losing something precious in all of this.''
She remained silent, her eyes fixed on yours, as if she was trying to find something in your gaze that could ease her pain. There was a heavy silence, full of unspoken emotions, promises and fears.
You continued, your voice firmer, trying to reach the woman you loved. ''I'm not cheating on you. I will not leave you. We need to find a way to get through this together, before we completely destroy ourselves.''
The minutes passed, and the silence between you was deafening. Rhaenyra seemed to be fighting her own demons, insecurity and fear intertwining in her mind. You knew it was a crucial moment, an opportunity to salvage what was left of your relationship.
Finally, her voice breaking, she whispered, ''You can't leave me. You will not leave me.''
Your heart sank at her words. Rhaenyra was in shambles, and you knew you needed to act carefully, with love and patience. In a calm, low voice, you spoke, ''I am here, Rhaenyra. Let's find a way out of this together. I promise.''
There was a small spark of hope in her eyes, a spark that maybe, just maybe, could be the basis for rebuilding what had been lost. You approached her, reaching out your hand, trying to reach that piece of hope that still shined amidst the darkness.
Perhaps you could bring reason back to Rhaenyra.
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eddiesghxst · 1 year
hello! here is something short about eddie being a dumbass <3
18+ — minors dni
like on some real shit, eddie is clumsy. and it’s embarrassing because the first time he has a pretty girl in his bed, looking at him with these brain melting fuck me eyes, he somehow ends up nearly giving her a fucking concussion.
it was really just a series of miscalculated movements. you’re on top of eddie, engrossed in a heavy make out that is sure to be leading somewhere further considering the way eddie’s pressing up against your core has you dizzy with lust. and eddie needs more, he needs to feel and touch and kiss and lick every inch of you. he needs to fuck you.
so he wraps one arm around your back to hug you closer before he shifts to flip you over. and it would’ve been a seamless process if eddie had been mindful of the hard ass fucking wall that serves as a headboard to his bed. long story short, the back of your head hits the wall…hard— hard enough for you to whimper out an ouch and have eddie pulling away with a gasp. he’s quickly scrambling to hold your head as he spews out apologies, “shit, shit, shit. fuck, are you okay? i’m so fucking sorry—“
he stops rambling when you press a hand to his chest, your other hand still holding the back of your now aching head. you stare at him for a moment and he just knows he’s fucked it all up because there’s no way you still like him after he’d nearly just sent your head through a literal wall.
but then you laugh. you fucking laugh, and eddie is looking at you like he’s seen a god damn ghost. “you’re laughing… why are you laughing?” he asks with a nervous laughter. and it only makes you laugh harder.
“i’m okay, eddie, i promise,” you manage to say between laughter. “but jesus christ, man. when i said i like it rough i didn’t mean toss me through a god damn wall—“ and now eddie is laughing and peppering fluttery kisses all over your face as you giggle.
he kisses you one last time before he pulls away and narrows his eyes at you, “y’sure you’re okay? i didn’t rattle anything in there too bad did i? how many fingers am i holding up?” he holds up two fingers in front of your face and you hum as you pretend to think. “um…three?” eddie’s face falls, “wait are you serious?”
you can’t hide the smile that creeps onto your face and has eddie deflating in relief before saying, “you’re sick, you know that?” and you snort before pain shoots through your head that has you wincing between laughter, a hand shooting up to hold your head, “don’t make me laugh too hard, asshole, it still hurts.” eddie winces and makes a face, “yeahh, i definitely rattled some shit in there.”
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#11 - Once Bitten, Twice Shy
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When - oh when, would his heart finally learn?
How many times did it have to hope, only to end up disappointed?
How many times did it have to pine, yearn, and break, before it would give up trying?
How many times would it take before it would finally grow tired and numb?
Apparently one more.
One more time.
One more season of yearning.
One more disappointment.
One more heartbreak.
Perhaps this time - this time, his heart would finally learn its lesson.
Perhaps this time he would be finally free.
All he had to do was to wait for the inevitable.
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My dad drank. A lot. Now I can tell what you're about to ask next: oH, sCoUrGe DiD hE hIt Ya?
No, you fucking dumbass. He wouldn't even have the balls if he wanted to. Besides, that would have required acknowledging I was there.
He'd just get plastered on his lonesome. Usually he passed out, but sometimes he'd rant and I'd get to hear it. Sometimes about his job, sometimes about his marriage. Only time he ever talked about me outside of cocktail parties.
Apparently they had me for career reasons. Made him seem like a proper family man to the overlanders instead of some jumped-up forest animal.
Heh. That sure bit him in the ass.
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lexirosewrites · 3 months
not to purposely remix one of my own fics just because sapphic steddie is on the brain ain’t gonna stop me though
but i know gorgeous goddess of a competitive figure skater stevie and her girlfriend, drowned rat hockey team captain eddie, would fuck nasty in the locker room shower
stevie would also show up to all her girlfriend’s games wearing a team jersey with eddie’s name and number on the back because that’s her girl and she’s so proud of her!!
& eddie supports stevie with huge bouquets of flowers at her competitions, cheering the loudest in the stands (alongside wayne of course)
they’re in love!!!
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castieltrash1 · 1 month
Can I request Jon Snow x Lady!Reader. Arranged marriage that becomes real love?
this is so sweet ty for the req :')
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jon snow x afab!reader; arranged marriage, slow burn, vague mentions of sex, mutual pining-ish i think
when you’re finally brought to the godswood, gaze averted and flecks of snow glinting between strands of hair, jon finds himself relieved. he’d known his duties from a young age so when the time to wed arrived -- a wife already chosen on his behalf -- he didn’t fight it. he tried not to imagine your appearance, but it proved difficult, and many late nights at winterfell were spent concocting an image of you in his head. not nearly as beautiful or rich as robb’s future wife, surely, but you’d be worthy of a stark bastard at least… right?
it’s odd. you’re different, but somehow more beautiful. jon can’t really explain it and he doesn’t try, not wanting to offend you. the first night is painfully awkward regardless, and he’s relieved when you both agree to take it slow for now. everything happens eventually, of course, but your patience pays off. jon considers himself lucky -- he could’ve been stuck with anyone for the rest of his life, but he had you; you, with your kind words and pretty face, practically handed to him on a silver platter. he kept waiting for you to act monstrous, assuming your beauty had to be compounded by something, anything, but it’s not. your marriage isn’t perfect, but jon enjoys figuring things out with you by his side. he likes being a united front with someone. he likes the warmth you leave on the other half of the bed, sheets smelling like the oil from your baths. he enjoys keeping you happy, noticeably fulfilled when he’s seen as a good husband and dutiful partner.
the more you go through together, the deeper jon’s feelings grow. he knows it’s happening, despite his initial attempts to ignore it. you have a lifetime together ahead of you - there’s no need for him to rush things. but the affection gnaws at him, and he can’t deny himself any longer. he loves you. by the old gods and the new, he really, truly, loves you. he hadn’t expected it, thinking any romantic dedication to you would take years to build -- if it ever even came to fruition -- but now it’s here and he almost isn’t sure what to do.
it’s been on the tip of his tongue all day. he’d nearly said it in bed the night before, limbs tangled in sheets as he stared down at you, but the words were caught in his throat. now, every time he speaks to you, the declaration begs for release, desperate for you to know the depth of his feelings. three more opportunities arise before midday, but he lasts until after dinner, when he finds you overlooking the courtyard below and feels his heart skip a beat. you turn to face him and, somehow, his gentle expression tells you everything.
“i love you.”
+ after he says it for the first time, it takes him a while to work up the courage again, even if you happily return the sentiment. it felt like a reward and he doesn’t want to spoil it. the words aren’t careless to him and he wants them to mean something, not be taken for granted. soon enough, you’ll hear it five times a day, gruffly murmured in every free moment alone. and, despite its newfound frequency, it only seems to be more genuine each time.
game of thrones weekend (reqs open!)
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2018-01-20 · 9 months
hiii i heard you wanted some requests 👀 and I'm super glad you're back !! I missed you a lot lot <3
My head has been so full of post-dinner date Gojo ideas. The domesticity of getting unready with him and cuddling in bed right afterward. It's just so simple but so cute. oh oh and doing nighttime skincare with him :( having him sit down and rubbing in the different creams into his skin and the way he would lead into your hands. ahhh he has me so weak (_ _)
Feel free to use any of these ideas to write or take inspo from if you want! Gojo is such a cutie :3
Anyways, have a lovely day, and remember to take care of yourself!!
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pairing. gojo satoru × gn!reader
content. bunch of fluff + comfort, reader has smaller hands than gojo (in case that bothers anyone!!) & sits on his lap, sappy reader + gojo!! read slowly for maximum enjoyment <3
sticky-note. nonnie u are so goated for this idea, i think this might be my fav gojo fic so far 😭 I MISSED U MORE!! hope u have a wonderful day and thank u for sending this in 🫶
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satoru thinks your hands are pretty.
they’re smaller than his—of course they are. he can’t think of a single person who has bigger hands than him. he enjoys it, though. your touch is stimulating in a way; fingertips completely gentle as you rub the latest lotion that you bought onto his face.
“can’t keep your hands off of me, huh?” he leans back and grins, but you can’t even be annoyed by his teasing. there's a shine in his eyes that you haven’t seen a very long time—and you are more than happy to see it now.
“mhm,” you hum, softly kneading his cheeks like you would with a baby. his blindfold is off and his demeanor seems so relaxed, his face basking into your soothing touch. it’s hard to hold back your own smile. “you just have that type of charming effect, y’know?”
“you’re being awfully nice today,” he remarks suspiciously, peeking an eye open to look closely at you. you pinch his cheek in return. “what’s the occasion baby?”
you roll your eyes, pulling back your hand for a moment to scoop up a bit more lotion. you swipe it lightly onto his forehead. “what? i can’t give you attention? can’t i spoil my boyfriend for once?”
the tips of his ears redden at your words, making you giggle at the rare but pleasant sight. “....i mean, you can, but—”
“shh,” you shush him. he closes his mouth instantly. “no more talking! this is the most important part because i have to smooth out all the wrinkles in your forehead.”
he lets out a big gasp, being playfully offended—narrowing his eyes with an indignant look. the smile you didn't even know you were sporting grows wider at how cute he is. you wouldn't say it that out loud though, of course.
it is so beautifully quiet and peaceful. you can’t think of the last time you spent time with satoru like this: seated on the living room floor of his apartment as you slap your whole skincare routine onto his face. his back is against the couch with his legs sprawled out, but not too sprawled out so you are more than comfortable on his lap. it’s nighttime so the curtains are draped over the window, but you love the warm, dim lighting of his living room. gojo satoru is gorgeous, but is especially pretty in this lighting; with his head comfortably tilted back and eyes closed, but not forcefully or harshly shut as if he’s in pain.
for the longest time, you've been used to seeing satoru in pain. not in a physical way—but in an emotional and mental way that tugs at your heart strings just seeing him in that state. you know the burden that comes with being the strongest: there will always be a significant power divide between you and the people you love, which will never not be difficult for the other party to ignore. it also doesn’t help that he is so happy-go-lucky all the time, despite the jujutsu sorcerer duties that keeps piling rocks onto his shoulders.
but now in this moment, he is all yours. he isn’t the strongest, nor is he Gojo Satoru. he is just yours—just the lover boy who melts into your open arms whenever given the chance. just a boy who had to give up being a boy so he could be a man for others to look up to him. just someone you would want to depend on you, the same way you lovingly depend on him.
“i love you,” you suddenly whisper, in the midst of just simply applying lotion onto his skin. your slow, comforting movements make him want to fall asleep, but your words make him wide awake.
“out of the blue?” his head shoots up, eyes wide and visible despite being behind his messy bangs. he sits up and stares at you, the same glimmer back in his eyes. “i mean, i’m not complaining—”
you interrupt with a huff, “i say it everyday, jerk.” you place your hands on his chest to wipe away any of the lotion moisture left on your palms. he doesn’t bat a single eye. “what do you mean ‘out of the blue’?”
“i know, but...”
your jaw drops a bit. you actually cannot believe your eyes as satoru tilts his head a bit to the side, shyly averting his eyes as you see a tint of scarlet on his cheeks. “it just feels so intimate right now, so...”
good lord. you want to baby him so bad. you want to shrink him and keep him in your pocket and always protect him wherever you go.
“you’re too cute for my well-being,” you breathe, going back on your earlier words. “you know i always mean it when i say i love you, ‘toru.”
“stop,” he whines. he raises an arm to cover his face, eyes still unable to look at yours. “don’t compliment me. i don’t think i’ll be able to handle it right now.”
you can’t help but laugh, squeaking in surprise when satoru pokes at your sides with a little pout. you want to tease him, you think. you might as well with a smile permanently on your face now.
these are the type of moments you crave: moments when satoru tears down his walls and lets himself act like he’s a little boy all over again in front of you. it’s not like he necessarily had walls up with you in the first place, but being a jujutsu sorcerer has always meant protecting and guarding yourself at all times no matter the cost.
but now, you have him. and he has you in his arms, the one that sneak around your waist and warmly wrap around you to keep you close to his chest. it's cuddly but protective, both of your laughs drowning out any other background sounds.
and you are more than willing to protect him yourself.
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