#[★To The Moon!★] ; open starters
fivc-applcs · 5 months
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mechanicalideas · 2 years
Once Again
TFP Soundwave x reader
Warnings — Yandere, kidnapping, mentioned death, implied mental health issues
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It was your loneliness that damed you. You had no friends or family in the small town of Jasper. Your day to day life began to dull into nothing more than a routine on autopilot. Get up, go to work, come home, sleep, then repeat. It took you awhile to become aware of the exhaustion that came simply by living. You needed someone to talk to before it got out of hand.
You had heard of this new chatting app, it randomly matched you with another user and set you free to talk. It was a Friday night when you opened the app for the first time, your room was dark with the only light filtering through your window sent by the moon. You couldn’t sleep that night and decided to roll your dice with the app. The first person you got had no icon, going by the user S0un5W4v3_1965. They didn’t say anything at first and you sighed as you realized you would have to be the first to speak up.
“hey.” You texted. It took awhile to get a reply back.
“Hello.” Short and sweet.
“How was your day?” It was the best starter you could think of at the moment.
“Good, although busy. You?” They returned.
The two of you went back and forth, brining up random but common topics. What do you work as? Where are you from? Etc. Although, his answers seemed strange and distant. While you knew that he probably didn’t want to give out too much information to a random person on a chat app his answer were either to general or attempted to avoid a direct answer. Eventually, you called it a night as it was getting to late and you were getting tired.
That night you went to bed feeling just a tad bit happier.
It had been a few weeks now, you and your chat buddy had made it a routine. Every night just before bed the two of your chatted. At this point you were excited to talk to him and perhaps he was too. Your conversations became more personal and friendly, while he still remained a formal tone on his end, it wasn’t as tight as when you first started talking. Well…texting really, you tried to set up a call with him but he avoided it. Often saying he was about to go to work or was in public, you thought it was weird after the first few times but didn’t press it further after that.
You excitedly plopped down onto your bed and grabbed your phone. Thumbs flying across your screen as you typed.
“Hey. You there?” You asked.
“Yes, I’m here.” He said.
Just like your routine you began to talk. You had been talking for a good 10 to 15 minutes before you decided to ask a question.
“Hey, do you have any family with you?” You quizzed.
“I had 2 boys.” You eyes widened as you sat up in minor shock. You imagined this guy to be in is 20s or something, but this was new information and you were eating it up—wait, had?
“Oh neat! What are their names?”
“Rumble and Frenzy.” You raised a brow, you assumed these were nicknames. They had to be.
“They are no longer with me.” He said. Your hand covered your mouth. Your face soften, unsure of what so say. You typed and deleted a few messages before replying.
“I’m sorry for your loss. I shouldn’t have asked.” You Responded.
“No, it’s alright. What about you?”
You hesitated but answered. “I don’t have anyone in my life right now. No friends or family.”
You pressed your phone to your chest, looking down somberly. It was a moment before your phone buzzed again.
“You have me.” It was sweet, but it made you feel much better.
You smiled. “Yeah, I guess I do.”
It had been months now, instead of just at night it was now at any time you had free. Lunch breaks, weekend afternoons, any time. You had began to become seriously attached to this faceless profile and so did he. When you thought about, you almost felt foolish. You didn’t know what he looked like, what his voices sounded like, or even his real name! But you were quick to brush it off.
By the time you settled in bed, your chat partner had already sent you a message. Odd, you thought, you were always the first to send a message to start a chat.
“Hey, are you there?” The message read.
“Yeah. What’s up?” You retorted. Almost as soon as you it send the message was read and a reply was given.
“I need to confess something.” Confess? You furrowed your eyes brows and began to type but he beat you to it.
“I love you Y/N.” You sickly chill went down your spine. You feel a wave of nausea crash over you and a sea foam of anxiety stuck to your skin. You had never considered him a love interest, only as a friend. Months of bonding were seemingly undone in a second.
The worst part? You never gave him your name.
You tossed your phone back onto the bedside table and laid down, back towards your phone. You took deep and shaky breaths as your phone began to buzz, increasing in frequency over time until your phone ran out of battery. You curled up on your side, mind racing and hazy. The sleep you got was barely worth anything, your anxiety souring it.
In the morning you plugged your phone back in. When it came on you saw the little red bubble with 99+ on the corner of the app. You didn’t dare open it, instead, you deleted the app.
Your day to day routine was no longer lined with excitement but a buzz of nervousness. The entire day you remained freaked out. How did he get your name? Was he serious? Even if he wasn’t why would he go out of his way to find your first name to play a joke on you?
Your steps were shaky as you walked through into your home, practically collapsing on your couch. It was dusk, orange and dark blue hues decorated the sky. You leaned forward, elbows on your knees and face in your hands.
You jumped out of your skin when a heavy thud! Shook the front your. You stared at it in shock, frozen in fear.
It sounded like a bodybuilder was throwing his entire weight on your door. The wood began to give in and splinter. You scrambled off the couch but your mind was racing far to fast for you to properly make a move. Soon, the door gave in your screamed and shield your face from the flying chunks of wood. You slowly open your eyes to stare in horror a purple and place metallic tentacle slithering into your living room. You turned, attempting to run only for you to be pulled back, the tentacle wrapping around you waist. It pulled you out of your house and into the air, you flailed and struggled.
You couldn’t believe what you saw next, standing next to your house, with several tentacles protruding from its back. It was a giant robot. Most black and purple in color, with a black screen for a face. You were frozen in horror, you tried to scream but nothing came out.
Suddenly, the black screen that made up its face showed a smiley face. Then a heart.
“Designation: Soundwave. Mission: You”
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sxilor-1010 · 6 months
Yule Log
Words: 1074
Getting caught up in work, it’s easy to forget to have time for yourself, especially during the holidays. She’s heard a lot of concerns and reminders from her coworkers, and all of them went by her head saying she’s “relaxed a bit.”
It was her day off, and she had been fighting off the urge to work through celebrating Christmas. Or, in her case, Yule. Now, she wouldn’t say she was a witch. She liked magic, but magic in a world full of technology isn’t known too much.
Why do magic when you have many robots already doing stuff for you? Well for starters, they don’t know how to make a proper Yule log. Which is exactly what Emilyn is doing to celebrate her day off.
Sure she had to go some shopping for some of the things needed, but a little shopping never hurt her. Her table was dawned in bright red plaid, courtesy of Djenne and its amazing fabrics, with a fresh wooden log and other things.
Emilyn hummed to herself, holding a knife as she approached the table. With the log in her hands, she began to carefully carve holes big enough for the candles to fit. The wood emanated a nice scent, and she couldn’t help but close her eyes to admire it all. Her mouth moved on its own, just mumbling a song she remembered hearing while scrolling through YouTube earlier.
“God rest ye merry, pagan folk,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember that the Sun returns
Upon this Solstice day.
The growing dark is ending now
And Spring is on its way.
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy,
Comfort and joy!
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy…”
Before Emilyn could continue singing, the distant noises of an aerial jet had caught the wind in her ears. Her hands stopped carving and she opened her eyes, looking towards a nearby window to see a familiar face smirk at her. “I didn’t think you’d stop by today, Starscream.” Emilyn approached the window, opening it to look at his face.
“My plans haven’t been the greatest this year, and I’m tired. What better way to relax than to accompany my little moon~?” He said slyly, Emilyn blushing just a bit as he moved a digit to caress her cheek. “You’re lucky I’m in a good mood to handle your flirts. Might as well come in.” Starscream smirked, drawing back his digit and walking to her door. Emilyn closed her window and opened the door, the Decepticon now mass displaced.
It wouldn’t be long before Starscream took notice of Emilyn’s little project, and he walked over with curiosity. “What are you making here?” Emilyn turned, smiling just a little bit before taking a seat back down. “It’s a yule log, just something to celebrate for this year…” Her words slightly drifted when turning to face Starscream, confusion glinted slightly in his crimson optics. “Oh, right… You’re probably not aware of Yule or Christmas, huh?”
“No, I’m not. Perhaps you can give me some insight later…” The Decepticon spoke, grabbing a chair of his own to sit next to Emilyn. She chuckled, keeping that as a mental note in the back of her mind. “Alright well, you can watch what I’m doing if you want. Up to you.” With that, Emilyn got back to carving, and Starscream watched intently, curiosity soon drifting towards the other items around her. There were a few candles, greenery branches of pine and cedar, not to mention dried fruits and pinecones.
“Quite the inventory of primitive materials, but what does one do with all of this?” Starscream spoke, plucking a pine branch in between his fingers to get a feel. Emilyn turned towards him, grabbing that branch and placing it back into the nearby pile. “You decorate this log, and supposedly it brings good luck and warmth to those who light the candles. It also wards off bad energy from harming you.” Ah, superstitious stuff. He should’ve guessed. “Peh, superstitious and magical nonsense. Humans are weird.”
That was enough to have Emilyn frown at Starscream, who laughed and smirked. “Well, not nonsense to you, my dear.” She rolled her eyes, grabbing the nearby hot glue gun and the pine branch he was fiddling with earlier. “Does magic not exist as a concept to you guys?” She turned to face Starscream, who placed a couple of digits on his chin in thought. “Not as much as you’d like to think. It exists in concept, but it was never said to be shown.” Huh, so it did exist in some way at least.
“That makes sense, given you and the Autobots are from a planet of metal, right?” Starscream nodded, albeit frowned a bit at the mention of the Autobots. “Magic can’t exist in a place that has metal, or iron. One of the two.” Emilyn spoke, Starscream watching carefully with curious optics as she glued the various nature pieces she had gathered onto the log. “I like to believe that even within today’s times, there’s still magic in this world. Hell, there might be pixies and fairies dancing outside my house right now and I wouldn’t even know it.”
Starscream looked in quiet awe seeing the once naked log now adorned in pine branches and dried fruits, not to mention the interesting scent it gave off. It surely was something magical, but it felt like something was also missing. Luckily, Emilyn was just about to get to that when grabbing ahold of the long candles. “Alright, I’m gonna need your help on this one. You’re gonna hold these perfectly still while I add glue onto the bottom.” The Decepticon looked in confusion but grabbed one of the candles nonetheless. It felt waxy amongst his digits, but it was a nice shade of red. He watched as Emilyn took the glue gun, adding a nice warm dollop to the bottom.
“What do you do once you’re done with this… ‘yule log’?” He asked curiously, Emilyn moving the glue gun away to glue the sides of the holes she carved out earlier. “Well, you just kinda leave it somewhere nice to burn until the end of Christmas. There’s not much else to it.” He nods, Emilyn taking the candle and placing it on the far right. “Only two more and then we’re done.”
“Maybe after we’re finished, I can explain Yule to you.” Hearing that, Starscream smirked lightly and chuckled.
He’d appreciate that very much.
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Welcome to astrcthesiai. Please call me Mage, Star, or Miwa. 30+ Rper. Previously unkiindncss, ravensirens, etc.
𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬: Website ★ Thread Tracker ★ Interest Tracker ★ Some Notes ★ How to Navigate ★
𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐬: OC and Canon muses are from Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, One Piece, Fairy Tail, Final Fantasy XIV, Final Fantasy XVI, Tower of God, Banana Fish (on request), Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Trigun Stampede, Obey Me!, fandomless, and more.
𝐓𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬: Venat (FFXIV), Clive (FFXVI), Jill (FFXVI), and Chronica (Trigun).
This will mean I will be selective with asks and open starters until I am better acquainted with these characters.
𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐞-𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 in 2019. 𝐑𝐞-𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 in 2023.
A consolidated 𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢-𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞 for my own sanity. I am 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 with who I follow and roleplay with. If we are 𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐬 please ask me for my 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐝.
October 15-31--Semi-Hiatus-- Mostly Research/Autumn Cleaning
𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬: Original Characters include the Ravenqueen Pirates and their many verses, Higanbana (fandomless), Sabrina (Fairy Tail), Fuyu (Fairy Tail), and Sarina (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!).
Canon Characters include Chrome Dokuro (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!), Nico Robin and Nefertari Vivi (One Piece), Eiji and Sing (Banana Fish), Michiru/Sailor Neptune and Rei/Sailor Mars (Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon), Roberto de Niro (Trigun Stampede), Aquarius and Juvia (Fairy Tail), and Hythlodaeus (Final Fantasy XIV).
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅ — @the-grim-heaper asked: — ⚅
⚅ — SOOTHE : for one muse to calm the other during a panic attack. — ⚅
Scenarios Starters
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
Though they were far less often than they used to be, on occasion nightmares would still haunt Hanekoma in his sleep. He had woken up and he wasn't sure what time it was but it was still dark outside and he didn't really feel like he'd woken up at all. His hallway felt stretched, and his breath did not come easy. Pieces of his body ached in ways he didn't know they even could, like rot had found its way deep in his soul.
He stumbled into his kitchen and started trying to make coffee for himself. He stared down at his hands feeling utterly detached from them, like it wasn't his body, and studied how they shook. Some old man tremoring as he tried to scoop coffee grounds into a basket. Not his finest coffee, but he didn't need it to be. He just needed something hot in his system.
The banging on the door shocked his system so much that he ended up dropping the canister of coffee and spilling grounds all over the floor. He cursed in a voice that felt distant but went to the door anyway, eyes full to the brim with tears. He wouldn't let them fall, though. He couldn't.
Hanekoma took over a minute at the door trying to get the lock open, but his shaking hands couldn't quite work the mechanism. Or his eyes couldn't see it correctly. Or his brain couldn't work it out. Or maybe it was a little of all of these things, and he couldn't think or breathe or speak. And his frustration built up in him and his tears threatened to fall and he almost, almost slammed his hand against the door, but no. No. There was someone on the other side and they probably needed help and he didn't want to worry them.
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When Hanekoma finally opened the door, he gazed at Minamimoto with a face pale as the moon and eyes glistening with tears. He opened his mouth to speak but he couldn't quite get his words to form. His tongue felt foreign, his body shaken. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, but no sound came out. He was powerless, lost in this fear and panic that was gripping him like a vice. He couldn't even find breath to ask for help.
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sangdelune-archive1 · 2 years
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✴ * :  ・゚ ★   Starter for @cosmicstardreamer​ ( semi - plotted )
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╰  ☾  ☆ * : ・   ⁞    —     ˗ˏˋ         HE HAD FINALLY FOUND HAPPINESS. After so many years, he had finally found happiness. From his very birth, life had always been cruel to him. HIS MOTHER was always so scary; screaming and yelling as she would beat him until his pale skin turned all sorts of ugly shades of black and blue. The people at her work were always TERRIBLE to him too; hurting him just as badly or if not, FAR worse. When he was promised the pain would stop, he was snatched away into the world of a MADMAN; hellbent on using him and so many other children towards his nefarious goals. And every day he spend in that laboratory, his body and his mind were pushed to the BRINK with those awful experiments. Day and night, his screams would echo though those bloodstained halls as he BEGGED and CRIED for them to just stop and let him rest. But they never did. The pain NEVER ended. 
                   Until FATHER saved him and his brother. 
                  Father was so KIND and so GENTLE to him. The way they smiled, the way they held him in their arms, the way they would sing them lullabies as they tucked him and his brother into bed. Father DOTED upon him and his brother so. All three of them lead such a wonderful life, traveling across the land and seeing all sorts of things he never thought he would. And he was perfectly satisfied just BEING with his Father and Brother. He would be happy if that life lasted FOREVER. 
                  But then … he fell ILL. His head ached and burned and yet he couldn't quell his own chills. The simple act of walking grew more and more difficult until he just couldn't anymore. His own body dragged him closer and closer to death's door by the minute. There had been ONE WAY to save him; by turning into the Kin of the Blue Moon. He accepted that fate … 
                  So why did everything hurt SO MUCH MORE ?
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                  It's so cold. Everything was SO COLD. There was some warmth.. yet somehow, that warmth wasn't comforting at all. That warmth was wet and sticky and red; just like the BLOOD that so often caked his skin and clothing during the experiments. But there was so much more blood and so much more pain than ANY of those atrocities committed upon his body. Why was it so cold ? Why did everything hurt ? Why couldn't he feel his left arm ? 
                  WAS HE GOING TO DIE ?
                  To keep those bright blue eyes open was an unbearable BURDEN. But the concept of death was just so TERRIFYING, he didn't want to let his eyes close. He didn’t want to die and be alone all over again. Kin of the Blue Moon or not though, he was still just an ordinary human. And the human body had its LIMITS. 
                  The last thing he saw was a blur of PURPLE before everything went black.
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✧・゚ 𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐
I’ve decided to put together a tiny collection of threads / plots / dynamics I would love to write. So, if anything catches your interest don’t hesitate to hit me up for a little bit of plotting. Alternatively, you’re always welcome to tag me in a starter, but that happens once in a blue moon so until then -- thanks for reading at all :3
★ A ride or die best friend for Saffron. Both of them aimlessly strolling through the streets at night, trashing bottles, shoplifting, youth having no idea what to do with themselves and being stuck in a haunting smalltown-melancholia that tastes like cigarettes and tears.
★ Give my little ghostboy Davey puppy love. No matter if it’s one-sided or mutual. I love High School threads in general with him while he’s still alive, making friends and such. But also, I have never had a darker thread with him although I really need to write that side of him more often -- I would love if he could haunt someone else, maybe something like being the “invisible friend type”. Corrupting a peer with his negative energy and they slowly grow on each other in the process. Could also be an adult who used to know him during school or even bullied him and is coming back to their old hometown, having to deal with his ghost now.
★ I crave a thread with Benji and that child he never knew he had with one of his former girlfriends. Like, imagine the possibilities! Small kid, moody teen... could be so intersting. I have so little family tropes, this would be so nice.
★ FOUND FAMILY. Penelope would adopt any wayward kids to teach them cool hunter stuff. Benji would finally open his heart up again to care for others who need his help and who also help him in return to get better with all of his shit going on. And My angsty teens Casper and Saffron would love to get adopted, too.
★ Joe would be so down for a thread inspired by Angels Of Death // Satsuriku No Tenshi. Two muses stuck in a predicament, a bad place, making a deadly pact in order to get what they want - to keep it more vague and open to possibilities, but don’t get me wrong. Him having a deadly pact with someone else who wants to die and with him being the only one who’s allowed to take them out in return for their help would be perfect, too! Who wants to be the Rachel to his Zach ??
★ Honestly, I would die to write a thread with Emry in his earlier teen years when he’s still on the road with his dad / parents and gets attached to someone at school. I would love to explore that part of his life bc it’s such an important one that formed him into the guy he is today. I would love to have some heartbreak over him having to leave again, teenage shenanigans, him running away to come back to see his friends or a love interest bc he hates moving around and misses them so fucking much. Fun, angst, gimme all of it.
★ Felix is so competitive and needs a proper rival. Or boyfriend. Or BOTH xD
★ Anything dystopian. A thread inspired by THERE IS from Box Car Racer would be amazing. Maybe two penpals who grew super close over the years, but then catastrophe strikes. They don’t have anything left but each other and manage to find the other in all of that madness. But I love all kinds of dystopian storylines.
★ Speaking of dystopian storylines, how about two muses go batshit crazy and terrorize people during the apocalypse ?? They’re nightmares everyone is afraid of :D
★ I mean... I’m never declining a Bonnie & Clyde thread for BROTPs and couples. Or just super duper idiot criminals who are forced to work with each other and it works out surprisingly well bc they are more lucky than having actual the brains to pull it off xD
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atypicalacademic · 4 years
the fool, the moon, the sun, and the ace of pentacles for my girl nurlan?
0. The Fool - when you first created your character, what did you originally envision for them?
Oof, she was from a different story altogether, for starters. When I first created her, for that other story, she was much younger- and she desperately wanted to be seen, because she thinks she should be seen, and it felt like nobody was seeing her at all.
But I think she was always meant to be largely as she is now in this universe- an actress, dealing, or well, not dealing with a huge amount of repressed grief and pain, with a strong dislike for showing vulnerability, and an ego the size of Jupiter, learning to let people in closer, to admit to her pain and fear, and to allow herself to rest. 
XVIII. The Moon - what is the most significant secret your character has discovered?
Plot-wise, it’s that Aida didn’t die at the Lazaret, but in the Palace Dungeons, after all manners of vivisection horrors that Valdemar had inflicted on her, and Julian found Nurlan there, when he was supposedly fleeing from the Palace guards, and stopped to make sure she was okay, and was caught.
Personality wise, it’s that she’s really, quite desperately lonely. 
XIX. The Sun - what was the most significant “truth” your character has had to reveal?
Aside from JULIAN DIDNT KILL COUNT LUCIO, it’s “I’m scared, I don’t feel like I can go on like this any longer, because I’m actually not moving forward, I’m just spiralling. And the smoking is a problem. ”
★ Ace of Pentacles - how has your character grown since their conception?
She has a brother now, and he’s dating Nafizah Satrinava, so that’s a big one. Nurlan’s relationship with her own temper is closely related to her relationship with Sanzhar- she was a lot angrier when I first made her, and now she never yells. In he beginning, she was a lot more resigned too, to the idea that Time Does Things and We Must Move On. It’s still there to an extent, but now it’s more like, Time Can’t Get The Better Of Me.
Nurlan’s found her footing a lot more- she’s opening up, she’s talking, she’s even found love when she thought she never would again, she’s found friends she could trust, (looks at Reyja ;) ) and I’m very proud of her. 
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