#[Arc Two - Toxic Tides - Post-Canon]
funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
Reverie in Flames
Riley's Notes: Sometimes you wake up one day, and everything's okay when the last time it felt like time was this slow, it wasn't.
It was quite a sight. There wasn't really anything like it. It took Hai'Er's breath away to see the stars, to really get to see them and not have them obscured in any way. The mountain's peak was truly a good vantage point, away from all of the horrendous light pollution that hid the true extent of the stars from view.
He really didn't have any words for it, and his boyfriend could tell. MK just smiled and watched Red Son stare at the sky, at that beautiful band of light and color that seemed to be wrapping around the world. The way Red Son seemed completely enamored with the night sky stole MK's heart all over again. It was that sense of awe that he thought he'd never see from him.
“…is it… supposed to look like this?“ The fire Demon asked quietly, completely and utterly taken by the sight of the stars above the mountain range. If he could just get a telescope - no, he could build one later, with enough research into their construction.
MK chuckled and reached out, resting his hand on Red Son's shoulder. ”This is what it looks like without all the city lights messing it up, awesome, isn't it?“
”Awesome is an understatement…“ Red Son spoke softly, eyes still transfixed on the magnificent array of soft color that illuminated the sky above. It was easy to feel small, knowing how huge those bright, burning orbs of gases were up there.
A soft, drawn-out chirp escaped from the stone monkey at Hai'Er's side, and the fire Demon chuckled in response to it, a fairly gruff sound that would have sounded mocking not even ten years prior. Red Son couldn't help but purr as he took in the stars above. The way some of the lights clustered together really reminded him of his new home, new friends, and maybe even new family.
~ ~ ~
Hai'Er sat up with a start, stifling a gasp of amazement. That dream had been so vivid, so beautiful, and already, he found himself longing for it. It took him scarcely a split second to realize he was sharing a bed with someone, and turned to discover it was none other than MK, his partner.
Maybe it hadn't been a dream at all; it had been a memory. MK was still resting, partially curled up, but not as tightly as usual. It felt like a good sign, one that showed the stone monkey was starting to open up further and fully trust those he held close. It was always a process, really.
The heat from Red Son's body as his heart rate rose caused Qi Xiaotian to stir, and as the stone monkey sat up and stretched, Hai'Er allowed himself to smile, then reached out to gently hold the other's hand.
It drew a wonderful expression on his lover's face; a soft smile coupled with color flooding his cheeks. "Is there something you wanna share, Red?"
The fire Demon shook his head, then rested on of his hands on MK's cheek. His gentle expression was stolen away by anxiety, but at least they'd been together long enough to read each other. The stone monkey already knew.
"I know you wanna kiss me, Red. C'mere, Carmine."
With those words, Red's shoulders fell, and it was there in the calm and quiet of their home a few blocks down from Pigsy's noodle shop that the guarded Demon allowed his guard to slip. His brow softened at the thought that Xiaotian had placed into his mind.
Hai'Er's mind slowed from the cool humidity that clung to MK's skin, reminding him of the peak of a mountain filled with greenery. The scent eased the flames that burned eternally in his heart, making it that much easier for the fire Demon to relax.
It felt like it lasted forever, and yet couldn't last long enough. Red Son's scent soothed MK's mind; it was a pleasant mixture of wood smoke and cinnamon that rarely got old. As quickly as it was gone, the stone monkey missed it... though he knew that it was probably time to get up now.
They both had to work, after all.
As the two got dressed - MK in his usual jacket and jeans, and Red Son in his favorite turtle-necked tank top and red jacket (as well as jeans), they couldn't help but glance back at each other, remembering every moment like this that they'd ever shared... and eagerly awaiting the next.
It felt like the echoes of fallen stars staining the night sky, star showers that happened too often to miss.
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natsubeatsrock · 3 years
Lower Your Expectations for Nalu
I'm going to start this post off more generously than I normally would. I don't have any real reason to. I just kind of want to reach some of the Nalu fans with this section. (Nalu fans probably shouldn’t want to read the rest.)
Generally speaking, it's better to lower your expectations for a ship becoming canon. That way, you are pleasantly surprised to see how it will happen. Sometimes a relationship should have more subtle canonization than a bombastic showing. If Mashima plans to make Nalu canon, we should be patient to see how it happens. It’s not impossible for Nalu to have some impressive showy way it becomes canon. However, it’s worth letting Mashima do his thing and let the chips fall as they may.
Alright, the kids are gone. Let's do this for real.
I've been running this blog for just over six years. You'd think that, at this point, it would be hard for me to be surprised by this fandom. I've seen all kinds of things happen, and that should be the case. I joined during a rather tenuous time where fandoms were more willing to go at it.
As it stands, the Nalu fandom is the gift that keeps on giving. Whenever I feel as though I can't think of anything else to say about this ship, something happens, and I'm brought back to writing about it. You'd think it would be me talking about how the ship functions in canon. However, fans seem willing to bend over backward to sing Nalu's praises.
I'd respect it if it weren't Nalu we're talking about. This might be one of the most overrated ships in anime. I'll never understand how most people who watch this series even passively wanted these two to become a couple. All the couples Mashima's written over the years, and this is the one he'll be judged for? (Also, maybe Gruvia, but we talked about that already.)
Still, I do have to give this some fandom credit. Mashima has taken nearly every possible opportunity to feasibly advance this ship since the Grand Magic Games ended (arguably even before that) and passed on doing much with it. On some occasions, it feels as though Mashima is directly mocking the idea that Nalu could possibly become canon. And yet, fans believe that Nalu will become canon at any moment because he draws a Twitter pic of them once every three months or so. (Yes, I did edit this sentence since Nalu Day. What of it?) 
Recently, I got an ask comparing the Nalu fandom to the MAGA crowd. I'm not personally vindictive enough against Trump or his supporters to affirm that comparison. Though, I can't act as if I haven't been thinking of an analogy to describe Nalu fans. I think a better comparison might be fans of the Dallas Cowboys. 
Cowboys fans seem to believe that their team can win the Super Bowl any season. That's not an inherently problematic perspective to take. You should hope that your team will do well. However, this often manifests itself in confidence that ignores the faults within individual Cowboys teams and the strength of their opponents. Not to mention, this ignores the objective fact that the Cowboys haven't done well in the playoffs for 25 years.
I don't think it's wrong for fans to believe that their ship will become canon. I don't know too many fans who wish their ship doesn't become canon. However, I always worry about the fans who believe their ship happening is an inevitability. Especially when things seem to be pointing away from the possibility of it happening. This is usually a recipe for toxic fandoms.
But, let me humor the idea for a moment.
What if Mashima really plans to make Nalu happen in the end?
As I'm writing this post,  we're currently in the middle of the fight between the third Dragon God. We're getting close to the real conclusion of that battle. But after that, there are two big arcs until the series truly ends. Three if they decide to have one last battle against the quest-giving dragon.
If Mashima's going to make Nalu canon, how would that work now?
There's the "realization" route. This is the one I probably see the most. Natsu and Lucy could come to the clear realization that they have come to love each other throughout the series. Of course, you'd have to imagine that whatever would bring this on is more powerful than thinking the other has died. 
Twice, throughout the series. 
On top of several other crazy things to happen to them over 600 chapters of material spanning a decade and a half. Yet, I'm supposed to believe that some random new moment will change the tide for Nalu.
The other way to do it is to have a confession. Either Natsu or Lucy decides to share with the other the fact that they are in love. Their feelings are reciprocated, and you can figure out the rest.
Depending on who you ask, we've almost gotten this a few times. Lucy's had a few opportunities to talk about her relationship with Natsu and has been fairly nice about it. A few times it's hinted that there might be more to their friendship but nothing concrete. I've even seen it hinted that Natsu was going to confess in chapter 545.
But, that's just it. We've only gotten hints at the possibility that there's more. If Natsu and Lucy actually like each other romantically, why not make it clearer earlier?
"It's because he's being subtle about their shared romantic feelings."
Yeah, I have reason to doubt that.
Jellal and Erza have feelings for each other implied throughout Fairy Tail. Sure there's explicit stuff like their meeting before the Grand Magic Games started. But there's been plenty of subtle stuff surrounding their relationship. People make hints at their potential romantic relationship all the time in canon, even as recent as the last arc.
I feel like I say this a lot when talking about Jerza. But really think about the arcs they're together in. There's Tower of Heaven, Nirvana, the Grand Magic Games, Tartarus, Alvarez Empire, and Aldoron. Their relationship is brought up or hinted at in Fantasia, Tenrou Island, Avatar, and Mercuphobia. While that looks like a large amount of material, Jerza doesn't take up much space in any of these arcs. Outside of the Grand Magic Games, Nirvana, and Alvarez, these are small moments between the two of them at best. Sometimes it's even less than that. And yet, the ship makes sense to the vast majority of the fandom.
But that might be an unfair comparison. Jellal and Erza have a history dating before the series started. 
Let's use a ship that involves characters that met after Natsu and Lucy. Gray and Juvia. (Wait, these guys again?)
The big thing with this ship has been how Gray feels about Juvia. We've known how Juvia feels about Gray literally since they met. However, we've seen Gray slowly change his views on Juvia. We didn't just jump from enemies to lovers. There was a subtle shift as the series went on.
Do you really think that Mashima couldn't do better with Natsu and Lucy? His main duo? The series is only possible because the two meet each other. But I'm supposed to believe that Mashima didn't want to make a Nalu romance seem more explicit?
If you were to ask me, the most likely route for Nalu now is a much less sexy option. If Nalu were to happen, it won't happen in a grand showing of affection. It will just... happen. We'll likely skip to some random point in time after they beat all the dragons and see them as a couple. Maybe we'll se an Earthland Nasha.
This isn't something anime/manga fans aren't used to. I know everyone likely thinks of a different series that has done this over the years. People will rag on series like Naruto and Bleach for doing this. For what it's worth, I do like both of those series and their endgame ships. 
That said, I have two problems with this option. 
First, Nalu doesn't have the kind of setup that those other ships have. You're not getting characters openly confessing before a fight. You're not getting two characters flustered over the prospect of feelings suggested to each other. Heck, you're not getting a "Silver Ray" situation.
"What about those times when Lucy was asked if she likes Natsu?"
Again, Lucy's not openly agonizing over that as part of their relationship. If this was something we were supposed to seriously consider as an option for her, we'd know.
Even then, this would only show that it's one-sided. Natsu hasn't had any similar moments where he considers liking Lucy. Anyone bringing up the waterfall scene is speculating at best. Do you really expect me to believe that Mashima will change that this far into the series?
But this doesn't even get into the second problem. Is this how you'd want Nalu to become canon? 
I've said this before, but Nalu has been expected to become canon for close to a decade. That almost feels like an exaggeration. But one of the big chapters I usually point to for Mashima potentially making Nalu more overt is Lucy Fire. That chapter turned ten years old this past March.
Nalu fans have been inventing all kinds of scenarios and situations about how Mashima will make their favorite ship happen. Wouldn't it be disappointing for fans to see that this ship would happen without any of the pomp and circumstance you'd expect a ship like this to get?
I know plenty of people who were disappointed when their favorite ship just became canon without a lot of lead-up. I didn't love getting to the end of Bleach without knowing more about how Ichigo and Orihime got together. Yes, I know the novels exist, but I (literally) paid to read the manga. I'd like to have seen it happen in the manga. (This could be about Naruto, but I only own The Last.)
This is why I believe Nalu fans should lower their expectations. Do you know the fantasy fans have for Nalu happening? Natsu and Lucy finally being hit with the overwhelming realization they love each other? A tearful confession of their feelings for each other capped with a kiss? All of their friends cheering them on, knowing they should have been a couple a long time ago? Maybe even a glimpse at their wedding and their future kid?
Congratulations, that was Rave Master's main couple. Don't expect the same thing for Nalu. If Nalu will happen, it will look much more disappointing than what fans believe it will look like.
At this point, I'm even not sure that Nalu will happen. Mashima has made every version of Nalu look more romantic except the original. I can't apologize for my skepticism on its prospects. Even actual Nalu fans are worried about if it will happen. I will enjoy seeing more of this salt in the future.
Now, there's one question you might be asking of me. How will I react to Nalu happening?
I don't have some back-pocket post prepared in case Nalu does happen. Heck, I thought of making one but ended up writing this post instead. 
However, I have been wrong about future events of Fairy Tail in the past. If I'm wrong and Mashima does make Nalu canon, then I'll talk about it. I highly doubt it will make me like the series less. It certainly won't affect anything I'm doing with the rewrite, given my rules for changes. Consider that I've been able to talk about Gruvia negatively at this point in the series. I'll absolutely continue to talk smack about Nalu if it ends up canon. 
That said, I have reason to believe that I'm right about the direction Nalu will take. And if I'm right, don't expect my tone on Nalu to stay the same. At the very least, I can promise a third Nalu edition of "My Incredibly Unpopular Thoughts" if Nalu doesn’t happen. I haven't done one in years and I can't think of a better way to celebrate the ship dying once and for all.
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featherquillpen · 7 years
Canon Polyamory Recs
For this month’s Polyshipping Day, I thought I might rec some canons that have canon polyships. I don’t just mean strong subtext, or things that could be interpreted as poly, but actual explicit nonmonogamous relationships. I love non-canon polyships as much as the next person but I thought some folks might like to try out some canon ones!
The Magicians on SyFy
This has the best polyamory rep I’ve seen on television, period. The Magicians is a show about students at magic grad school. It started out with minor characters, showing us one student’s parents in a triad relationship with another magician. Then it brought polyamory into the foreground with a main character, Eliot, who is a king in an alternate reality where it is custom for royals to have both a husband and a wife. The show’s exploration of Eliot’s complicated emotional life is an absolute delight to watch.
The Broken Earth Trilogy by N.K. Jemisin
This is one of the best fantasy book series of all time, in my opinion. It’s an epic set in a secondary world where a brutally oppressed class of geomancers are the only buffer against a tectonically active planet hostile to life. One of these geomancers, Syenite, and her friend and mentor Alabaster, enter into a long-term V relationship with a charming pirate named Innon (who is the hinge of the V.) I love the books’ loving, tender depiction of the metamour relationship between Syenite and Alabaster, who are so important to each other, and united by their love for the same man.
The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
Rosemary, a human woman from Mars, and Sissix, a female lizard alien called an Aandrisk, end up in a committed open relationship by the end of the book. Aandrisks as a species are non-monogamous by default, and an important part of their relationship is Rosemary accepting that Sissix does not love her any less because she goes off to join Aandrisk orgies sometimes. Their romance is very sweet.
The Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold
The Vorkosigan Saga is an epic space opera centered on Barrayar, a planet that was cut off from the galaxy and regressed technologically, and was recently reintegrated into the galactic fold. It begins with a dramatic romance between Aral, a Barrayaran, and Cordelia, who basically comes from Space California. In the latest installment of the series, Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen, we learn that Aral and Cordelia were secretly in a committed V relationship (with Aral as the hinge) with Oliver Jole, Aral’s secretary. I liked how this newest book explores the metamour relationship between Cordelia and Oliver.
Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand by Samuel Delany
This book is centered around an epic romance between two men from different planets and radically different backgrounds. Korga is an ex-slave who went through hell to get where he is in life, while Marq is wealthy, respectable, and surrounded by a family that loves him. They end up in a committed open relationship. There is a scene where they go to a public bathhouse together and fuck a dragon. I don’t know what else you want from a book, honestly.
The Books of the Raksura by Martha Wells
These books explore a culture of dragon-people who live in colonies much like social insects. The worldbuilding is very interesting. In this culture, polyamory is normalized, and the main character is in a committed relationship with the queen of his dragon-hive, and later on a lower-ranked man of his hive as well.
The Red Threads of Fortune by J.Y. Yang
Set in a fantastical historical China, this book is centered on Sanao Mokoya, a magician on the run from her mother’s tyrannical regime. She is in an open marriage with a monk named Thennjay, and over the course of the book she falls in love with a mysterious naga-rider, who goes only by Rider, who she isn’t sure she can trust. Mokoya and Thennjay have a difficult marriage, but for reasons that have nothing to do with Mokoya’s lover. This book and its companion novel The Black Tides of Heaven are great new releases.
Edits: 21 June 2019
First of all, I want to rescind or at the very least qualify my rec of The Magicians; after I made this post, the show got deep into some toxic Bury Your Gays bullshit, and I can’t in good conscience fully recommend it anymore.
I also want to add some new recs.
Sense8 on Netflix
Definitely now the best polyamorous rep on television. It has not one, but two, canon polyamorous triads. Both of them are extremely sweet and good. 
Friends at the Table: Seasons of Hieron (podcast)
Friends at the Table is an actual play podcast where each season they tell a beautiful story by playing indie tabletop RPGs. One of their story arcs, Seasons of Hieron (consisting of Autumn in Hieron, Marielda, Winter in Hieron, and Spring in Hieron) now has an absolutely beautiful slow burn polyamorous V relationship between three women. 
Strange Grace by Tessa Gratton
A new YA fantasy book, set in a fairytale village on the edge of a deep, dark, terrifying forest, to which they regularly sacrifice boys to maintain their prosperity and harmony with the land. The daughter of the village witch gets into a polyamorous triad with two boys as they discover the forest’s dark secrets.
The Machineries of Empire by Yoon Ha Lee
I should be upfront that much of the polyamory in this series is not remotely happy or healthy, but deeply twisted, including incest and dubious consent. But whether it’s the two bloodthirsty gay immortals who share beautiful helpless young men over the centuries, or the boss general lady who just loves her wives a lot, polyamory is ubiquitous and deeply normalized in the fictional space fantasy society of the Machineries of Empire series. 
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
Movie Night
Nezha sat on the couch while the movie rolled on, almost unable to hear it over the droning sound of the ceiling fan. Frankly, he didn't care too much, either. The film was old and held historical inaccuracies so severe that he couldn't bring himself to give even a fraction of a flying fuck.
But it was the sound of a whip cracking to spur forth the horses that pierced the veil. MK and Mei turned to Nezha, confused as to why he'd suddenly sat up so straight. The way the Deity clenched the couch cushions at his sides so tightly that they expected him tear them rose alarm bells in both of their heads, and the two friends processed them in dramatically different ways.
Maybe the sights and sounds drew his interest, but that panicked bead of sweat on his face couldnt have been good, nor were the way his breaths were so shallow and fast. They were uneven, as if he couldnt breathe at all, and was struggling for air.
MK didn't know much of Nezha's story, and felt it rude to pry. However, if the situation brought this much stress to his friend, he wasn't going to sit idly by. MK reached for the TV remote and pressed pause while Nezha got himself together. The Dragon and the Stone Monkey could only wait, biding their time.
He could almost feel the whip against his skin all over again, those harsh, metallic edges to the segmented metal more than enough to break his skin. His dazed expression didn't do the appalling memories he was left with any justice. Nezha could have sworn he felt his own ichor rolling down his back from the force of the celestial chain whips that had been used to punish him, thoroughly inspired by the same punishments some militaries used.
Some sick part of him missed the harsh metal against his skin, while the rest of his being simply froze, zoning off as the static overwhelmed his senses. It was like his skin was on fire, yet he felt no pain. It was like his eardrums had burst, and yet they didn't bleed.
MK finally took a leap of faith, setting his hand on Nezha's shoulder in an attempt to get his attention. In an instant, the ancient Deity had MK subdued with his armillary sash, wrapped up tightly on the floor. Mei stopped before she could unsheathe her sword, examining the Lotus Deity briefly.
Those panicked breaths had to be indicative of fear.
“Yang Nezha." Mei stated flatly, calling the ancient Deity by his current, legal name. It seemed to snap him out of whatever it was, and he staggered back as mist filled his vivid pink eyes.
"I... I'm sorry, Xiaotian. I do not understand what-" Nezha stopped as MK and Mei both rushed to hug him. The pressure was familiar, something that tore at his heartstrings despite his best efforts to keep himself composed.
Mei reached up to wipe the Deity's tears, then squeezed his cheeks, prompting a noise of protest. "Why didn't you tell us this movie would upset you, dumb-dumb?! I would have changed it to something else! We've all been through enough, especially you." Mei let go and stepped back, rubbing her arm while Nezha processed the entire sequence of events, and the fact that MK was still clinging to him.
When the tremors died down and Nezha's mind calmed, he took a moment to get his bearings. Right, right... he was still in MK's apartment, not on a blood-soaked battlefield he'd been forced to stain further.
"...yeah. I think we should watch something else. For all of our sakes."
"So, what do you want to watch, big guy?" Mei replied, remote in her hand.
Nezha smiled weakly.
This was home, alright.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
A Quiet Calamity
Tag List: @skellebonez,
Riley's Notes: Knock knock bitch, it's angst o'clock. Nezha has to go talk to Ao Guang because he feels obligated to. He is NOT received the way he expected because this AU is supposed to have themes of trauma and recovery. Also, CW for referenced suicide as per Nezha's myth. Also note I am working on something else at the moment and this blog isn't high on my priorities right now.
He'd always known this would be the hardest part.
As Nezha made his way through the underwater, yet watertight city, he could feel a sinking sense of dread, a sense of fear that made his skin crawl... and that made the venom in his veins burn far worse than the restraints that had been used to subdue him. The Deity flinched as he caught glances of the distant descendants of the still-living children of Ao Guang, innumerable Dragons who each paused to look at him.
He could feel them staring, feel their judgement, feel their hatred for taking one of their ancestors from them. Nezha sighed, crossing his arms as he allowed the Fire-Tipped Spear to be taken by the Huan-Tian Ling Sash. The armillary sash clasped the spear firmly, wrapping itself around the blade in a blatant reminder of the blood that still couldn't be washed off, despite its invisibility.
Each step began to feel heavier, like someone was dragging him down, trying to stop him from going further. Still, he persisted, even though he could feel the fear of his younger self as he struggled to slow him down, even enough to stop.
The only thing he had to fear was fear itself.
Nezha walked up the steps to the grand East Sea palace, even though each piece of cut material felt sticky, like his feet would be glued to them. Still, he marched on, until he was close enough to knock on the front gates of such an enormous building.
The deity hesitated, but soon enough, two knocks on the palace doors reach his ears, and now all he could do was wait.
The East Sea Dragon King opened the doors. His eyes widened for a moment, then narrowed, brow furrowing. This man had some nerve to be here, at his palace, after all of the blood on his hands and on his spear. One of the Dragon's sons had met his fate to this man long ago, but the Dragon's wrath faltered as he saw the tired bags under the Deity's eyes, and the way he carried himself. He behaved as if he was under duress, and as if he had been forced here.
He had no will of his own.
"What did they do to you...?" Ao Guang's voice brought Nezha pause. The Deity's eyes widened as the electricity in his veins died down, and with it, his tremors. Well. If there was any kindness, any love, to be found in this terrifying place, he wasn't letting that lie.
Nezha sighed. "Only the ones that love me would believe the answers I have for that question, and I can count them on one hand. Hong Hai'Er, Bai Xian, His Highness Erlang Shen, and Lady Lian Lanhua. Although Sun Wukong and Chang'E might be applicable, which would make six."
The East Sea Dragon King released a heavy breath.
"I will not press you for an answer you are unwilling to give... but you underestimate how many cartoonishly evil acts I have heard of, witnessed, and done..."
Nezha couldn't help but restrain a chuckle. Cartoonish evil? He'd been privy to that, privy to the worst of it. He'd been a victim of it. Sure, Ao Guang had his reasons, but nothing justified it. Nothing ever would.
"Like forcing a child to-" The Deity stopped and pulled away, the icy claws of dread sinking into his heart.
"...I... I should take my leave-"
Ao Guang grabbed his wrist.
When the shorter immortal turned to him, he realized that Ao Guang's brow had furrowed, expression and thoughts muddled.
"...No. This needs to be addressed.
I didn't have the right."
With those words, it felt like the world was closing in on him. Nezha could feel the stares, feel the judgement from across the city. His lungs felt like they were filling with fluid, filling with his own blood... just like that day. His vision swam as the steps shifted beneath his feet, all while the Dragon King remained steady on them.
Ao Guang caught the ancient Deity when his legs gave way beneath him. Some part of him just wished it would all stop, wished it would wait for him. But nothing and no one would wait for him...
He needed to rest.
~ ~ ~
Ao Guang carried the tiny Deity through the halls, arms firmly yet gently clasped around him. Where a 6'2 Deity had once stood and walked alongside him, a frightened, 4'6 child was now in his arms, trying so hard to trust one of the people who'd hurt him the most.
As the East Sea Dragon King sat down in his chambers, he let Nezha rest on his lap, running his claws through the little boy's hair. It was hard for him to miss the tremors from him that resulted from every touch, no matter how light, and it made Ao Guang's heart feel like it was made of lead.
"...do you promise...? Promise not to be a scary dragon...?"
Ao Guang retracted his claws, carefully adjusting to scratch behind Nezha's ears. Six hundred years ago, he wouldn't have known how important such a small gesture would be, but he'd come to appreciate a man he hadn't even liked before as a dear friend. It was only natural at this point.
Nezha released soft purrs, breaching the relative quiet of the room. For once, the scales felt familiar, soothing, and he couldn't help it. The tension in his body melted away entirely, as if he hadn't felt like he was choking on the steps mere hours before. As his heart slowed and his eyelids grew heavy, he finally felt the magics in his veins balance themselves. Finally, the volatility was quelled for a time, and Gods, had he missed this.
Ao Guang didn't move him, even after the little Deity fell asleep there.
Footnotes: FW!Nezha sometimes regresses as a trauma response and defense mechanism. It's the only way he can fully block out his traumatic memories for lengths of time. This is how I chose to integrate both his child and adult forms into this AU, as both depictions are important.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
Tag List: @skellebonez, @caxycreations
Riley's Notes: The title is a song reference to an Ultrakill OST. Catch it if you can. PS, I kinda struggled to write this one. Summary: Yang Jian leaves his palace for the first time in a long time in a desperate attempt to stop the Snake Zodiac from wreaking havoc in her search to find Nezha.
He had to find her before she could snap.
Yang Jian dashed through the streets at such speeds that it was as if he had never been there. No one even had time to register his presence, or any trace of it, until after he had passed them. Every movement was fitting of his godhood, yet the purpose that clung to his heel flew in the face of the monster he'd used to be.
The notion was one of few that took the edge of that guilt off.
The ancient Deity skidded to a halt as he caught the sight of vivid teal around him. That couldn't have been a good sign, he thought to himself, and he quickly pursued the figure, taking care not to be seen. The closer he got, the colder his blood grew.
Bai Xian hissed, wrath and determination clawing at every fiber of his being. They weren't making any progress yet. They hadn't found a damn clue as to what had happened to their lotus, why he wasn't home yet. As the serpent staggered, leaning against a street lamp, she couldn't help but stare into the pavement, wondering what it would feel like to paint the concrete with the ichor or those damn pricks on their high horses... those damn fools who thought they were above accountability.
As Xian rose to her feet, the Deity pursuing them inadvertently locked eyes with the serpent as she turned to him. The air that clung to the Viper Lord was completely different than what Yang Jian was used to. He'd been afraid of this.
Bai Xian's circlet manifested around his disheveled hair, and the robes the serpent wore were quickly stained with powerful elemental magics, turning them from black to a deep blue. The elemental markings that befit the Zodiac of the Snake covered the fabric that he wore, staining it with the colors of the forces of Nature themselves.
Even so, Yang Jian had to try.
"Please, Bai Xian, my dear, come home with me. We can talk about this over tea, but your haste, and your craving for violence, will not do us any favors. I miss him, as well. Have you forgotten that he is my son?"
The serpent turned to face him, her mascara having dripped down her face and dried there. The sight of the serpent's redone winged eyeliner combined with the mascara tears and eye bags made Jian's heart freeze.
There weren't a lot of reasons why they let this happen.
"You of all beings should know it is unwise at best to get in my way. I must find him." The serpent dug his claws into his cheeks; any harder and he would have drawn his blood. "Every moment away from him is torture. I am decaying in his absence, I rot without his embrace. I feel my own mind slipping away from me without him here. I must find him, and you will not stop me."
Jian's eyes widened. He could almost hear the church organs playing now as the Viper Lord gathered their power, more than prepared for a confrontation. He refused to draw his spear, unwilling to wield it against someone he held so dear.
And yet.
"Xian, please, you must see reason. There is nothing for you here, he will come home in due time. There are no forces conspiring against us, for who would have such nerve? There is no one in this world who has that kind of audacity anymore."
The Viper Lord stared Yang Jian dead in the eyes, summoning twin cursed blades that the Gods had prayed to never witness again. "You should not even try to underestimate the horrific deeds your kind is capable of, Yang Jian. The atrocities that Celestial Animals and Demons alike have suffered at the Divine's hands are innumerable and unforgivable, and for that... for that..."
Jian watched as icy claws dug into his heart. The pavement beneath his feet seemed to cling to them, all while his heart beat faster to an unheard rhythm.
"I will bathe the land in the blood of its false idols."
Footnotes: The fight was intense, and on a scale I'd compare to the s3 special finale. Yang Jian was eventually able to subdue Xian, as shown in The Great Devourer drop, and spent the next several months wearing himself thin in order to repair the damage to the city.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
"Hey, you've reached Yang Nezha. I'm sorry I can't come to the phone right now, and if your name is Bai Xian, have patience. I'll be home soon."
Nezha's pre-recorded message played through Bai Xian's phone for the fourth time that hour, and the serpent nearly dropped her phone. He knew his partner would come home one day, but when, he didn't know. The snake could still almost feel the Deity's hands on their hips, and the desire for it to be real once more made their head swim.
When was the last time they'd spoken? She didn't remember. All they knew... was that their mind was starting to crack at the very foundations in the absence of the man they held so close. His presence equalized their temperatures. Xian's heterothermia left them cold at night and in the morning, while Nezha's internal flame was hard to satiate.
The absence of that tore at the seams of Bai Xian's sanity.
There was nothing in this world that could result in the kind of grief, in the kind of isolation that made the Viper Lord a puppet to her own emotions, to her own insanity, to her darkest desires and wishes. The snake could feel his pupils contracting with every passing second, sharpening into horrible slits as the hue of her scales shifted from navy blue to indigo in a matter of seconds.
Bai Xian crushed the ceramic mug in her other hand, then set her phone down. As he raised his hands to his veil, he swallowed harshly, closing his eyes in the calm and the quiet of the palace lounge. As the garment hit the floor, Xian's teal hair fell down over her shoulders, long and wavy, reminiscent of her favorite monster.
It felt fitting, how Xian had been deemed a monster in the wake of someone else's wrongs against them. It was fitting how now, Xian took the role of the Devourer, of a beast that would stain the sea red and gold with the blood of the Dragons and Gods alike who had ruined her, and who had started everything.
The ones who had broken her darling.
And now, the ones who refused to let them see him again. Xian took in a deep breath, conflicted. Nezha wouldn't want this. He'd get onto them for this, he'd scold the serpent for this. But he wasn't here now. He couldn't stop them.
~ Memory ~
Nezha walked in the front door to the Yang palace, sighing heavily. He was immediately beseeched by the greedy, urgent touches of the serpent that adored him so dearly. As she set her hands on his waist, he simply sighed, relaxing. What harm would they do, after all?
"Sshah... I missed you, darling lotus." Xian's purrs were almost intoxicating to hear, even more so the way they wrapped their tail around Nezha's, ever so gently. They were always mindful of what he was willing to do, how far he could go. Nezha smiled gently, wrapping his arms around the shorter immortal's shoulders. He was always here when he needed him.
"...I missed you, too, Xian." The way his voice was softer than velvet against the serpent's ears, that gentle, quiet intimacy... it was something they'd sorely missed. The ancient Deity set his head on the Viper Lord's shoulder, resting there while she admired his figure. He was strong, yet lean and lithe.
But he wasn't just a pretty face. Xian flicked her tongue out as the Deity pulled back to look at her, then set his hand on the serpent's cheek. They leaned into the touch, savoring how gentle and reserved he could be at times like this.
Nezha pulled his hand away, then set his forehead against the Viper Lord's. That intimacy without any heat to it, without anything beyond the connection between their hearts, it made both of their hearts sing. The trust they shared, the bond everlasting between them, it wouldn't be dying anytime soon.
~ Present ~
Whatever the hell they had, Xian loved it, Xian loved Nezha. His absence chipped away at their sanity, and as the serpent opened the grand double doors to the palace garden, a dreary air settled over the greenery.
All while Xian's facade slipped.
"If this is the will of the Gods... I will bleed them dry."
With those words, the serpent disappeared into the world beyond the palace gates.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
Stitches / Landslide
Tag List: @skellebonez, @caxycreations
Riley's Notes: I'm back on my bullshit with Syntax being an emotional wreck and Huntsman and/or Sydney being there to ground him. Their bond is everything to me as is Nezha and Yang Jian's.
Syntax winced as he put a little too much weight on his bad leg, then stopped to sit down. The spider couldn't help but sigh as he recalled when his cousin had stitched up the grievous wound. He swore softly, rolling his pants leg up so he could see the still-healing wound beneath it, which was still accosting him. That would be one hell of a gnarly scar when all was said and done.
The sound of uneven, unsteady footsteps stopped the spider's heart as if the sound had killed him. The spider coated his claws in caustic venom, determined to survive whatever came next. There was no way in Hell he was going to let Stella-
It wasn't Stella.
He breathed a deep sigh of relief as the owner of those unsteady feet came into view. The black haired spider that had entered his lair had less of a distant glaze in his eyes than what Syntax was used to seeing. The younger spider tilted his head, raising an eyebrow as he did so.
"What brings you-" The tech spider stopped. He had to; Sydney had crossed the room in a heartbeat, staring at Syntax with an unblinking gaze. He couldn't tell for sure if the larger spider was lucid, and his racing heart didn't intend to do him any favors.
It was then that Syntax saw Huntsman. He nearly leapt out of his own skin at the sight of his cousin. One moment he wasn't there; the next, he was. It was freaky how quickly and effectively Huntsman could move, a stark contrast to how jittery and uneven Sydney's movements could be.
Pierre couldn't help but tense up as he returned his attention to the funnel web spider in front of him. Reality felt like tar as the tech spider felt the funnel web spider wrap his claws and arms around him in a hug, a gesture of love, of support. One sorely needed by Pierre.
Huntsman only smiled, releasing a soft huff as he watched Sydney give the comfort he could to the younger spider, and for once, Syntax wasn't shaking in the slightest. As he wrapped his metal claws around Sydney in return, the four eyed spider blinked, then smiled, almost as if a vestige of the gentle, yet chaotic person he'd used to be was still there.
Maybe Nezha was still in there.
Pierre relaxed, gripping onto the other spider, listening to the soft, reassuring purrs that emanated from him. Part of him was still there.
Part of the beautiful person that Lian loved to talk about.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
Soul of Silver, Heart of Tarnished Gold
Tag List: @caxycreations, @skellebonez
Nezha pushed open the gates to the garden of Erlang Shen's palace, the weight of his past clinging to his heels with every step he took beyond the threshold.
He could still hear their voices ringing in his ears, tripling the intensity of the migraine he was being forced to endure. It was all he could do to keep his eyes open in the harsh, unforgiving sunlight that always followed with His Highness's contentment.
For all of the ungodly things he had been forced to go through that day, at least it wasn't going to ruin Yang Jian's mood. Nezha knew the old dog was too optimistic for even this to shake him up too much.
The oddly soothing silence of the garden drowned out the scathing words in his head quickly and efficiently, thought not so much so as Yang Jian's reassurances. The thought of the retired general's hands behind his ears gave the weary Celestial the courage to press onward, searing sunlight be damned.
At last, he could sense the sudden change in material as his boots came into contact with the marble steps to the palace itself. A sigh of relief escaped the Deity, and without even thinking, he knocked on the gold-edged double doors.
The same person he'd hoped to see was the same one who opened the door for him. Nezha's strength finally caved, and he staggered into Yang Jian's arms, too tired to notice his guardian's concern.
The Illustrious Sage frowned. What could have worn his son out this severely? It wasn't as if he was inclined to any particularly exhausting activities. If any of the other Deities had attempted to coerce him, he decided, there would be Diyu to pay, but that could wait. Now, he had to take care of his beloved son.
"Oh, Nezha, my boy." The older Deity cooed, his voice pleasantly quiet. It was a sound the shorter Celestial had missed deeply. Yang Jian set his hands on his son's shoulders, gently working out the tension that had settled in his muscles over the course of the day.
"Before you even ask..." Nezha started, then shivered as he relaxed in the storm Deity's arms. "...yeah. I had a rough day. I'm not making dinner tonight; too tired."
Yang Jian ran his hand through Nezha's silky black hair, which was a bit of a mess from rushing through hallways so much. Gods, if Nezha couldn't survive without air in his lungs, they'd let him rest, but alas. Perhaps being a Deity was as much a curse as it was a blessing.
The storm Deity sighed. How could the others feel it was alright to overwork an already sick Deity? It was beyond him, and it would have made his blood boil had he not had something, or rather someone, more important than any grudge ever could be in his arms.
Sensing Nezha's knees were about to buckle, he picked up the shorter Deity, taking him inside to rest. Yang Jian made sure to scratch behind the other's pointed ears, drawing heart-melting purrs out of the one in his arms. A smile overcame the old dog as he nuzzled his son gently, further reminding him that he was loved.
Nezha muttered something in Mandarin under his breath, and the words made Yang Jian's heart skip a beat. If Nezha was really comfortable enough to admit it, he'd done his job right. He'd taken much better care of the younger Celestial than he'd initially thought.
Yang Jian's own purrs filled living room, joining Nezha's.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
Wood smoke and Ashes
Riley's Notes: Kinda long one. Here's something from early in arc two that explains largely why Iron Fan and DBK don't show up much, in this AU. Based a bit loosely off of my own interactions with my mother, but let me tell you, she was already making plans with what she'd do with my room before I'd even moved out yet. It felt like I never existed.
Red Son opened the door of his workshop with a quick entry of a passcode to the keypad near the door. A chill ran down his spine at the prospect of the conversation that he was about to start, but it needed to be said. He had to tell them, this had to be discussed. There was no getting out of it if he wanted a better life for himself.
He had to leave.
The fire Demon came into the living room with his nails tightly digging into his upper arms. Any tighter and onlookers would have said he was going to draw blood.
It was a terrifying thought, the idea of having to leave this fortress behind, but it was one he knew would give him more freedom than his lawlessness and his power ever would. Sure, he could do whatever he wanted in the city without consequences because he was such a powerful fire Demon, but when he was in his own home, it was like he didn't matter.
He hissed, wiping a tear from his eyes as he remembered a day he might wind up bringing up in the conversation he was about to start. This wasn't going to be easy, he knew that better than anyone else.
How did you leave someone you love behind?
“Mother…? Father…?” His voice cracked with the unease that had sunk its icy claws into his heart. He was usually so bright and filled with fiery passion, but now, in the presence of his parents, it was thoroughly stifled.
How the Hell did you tell your own family you wanted to leave, after everything they'd been through? The idea of broaching the topic twisted Hai'Er's stomach into horrible, painful knots that he'd almost forgotten. He had almost missed this pain. Perhaps this was what it meant to feel alive.
Princess Iron Fan turned to her son, raising an eyebrow though her expression didn't change from a deadpan otherwise. The entire sequence opened up a bottomless void in the fire Demon's gut.
He hated it.
“I, er… there is something we need to discuss. It is… of utmost importance and I dread broaching it now, in such an informal environment…” Those words brought Iron Fan to her feet, and she approached Red Son with an intimidating, almost towering presence that instilled fear into the one of her children who'd stayed with her, her favorite child…
Hai'Er flinched, unable to hide the chill that went down his spine from her cold gaze, filled with more frost and more unfeeling nothingness than that of the Lady Bone Demon… or so the redhead might say.
“Red Son, my dear, you know you can talk to us about whatever you need to. This is our home, although it doubled as a wartime fortress.” Iron Fan glanced at her husband, who had turned to watch the scene from his seat. He was still distracted by Chang'E's cooking show, however.
It was then that Red Son snapped. Boiling emotions tipping over, the heat of his workshop, and of the core of the volcano, erupting from within him.
“No, I can't talk to you, and no, this isn't our home. It's your home.” The fire Demon stepped back after saying those words, sweat rolling down his cheeks. The fear that set in afterwards couldn't be overstated, but despite it, Iron Fan didn't raise her voice.
“Why do you say that?” She tilted her head as she spoke those words, and it wasn't long before the Demon Bull King loomed at her side, expression serious. He didn't even need to prompt Red Son before the words came gushing out.
“This- this isn't my home. It doesn't… it doesn't feel like home.” He took a few moments to gather himself, steeling his nerves. Yes, right, he was the current wielder of the True Samadhi Fire, he didn't have anything to fear from them.
”You weren't there when I broke my arm in a training accident. I had to find ways to express myself without the use of my dominant arm for months. Sleeping wasn't easy, either, since I'm most inclined to sleep curled up on my right side, but I didn't expect you to be aware of that.“ His harsh tone drew a growl from his father, but he didn't stop. ”You two are always busy planning to take over the city, planning to take what was once rightfully ours. I'm not so sure if that city is ours to take anymore…”
He stopped, swallowing the vitriol that had threatened to overcome him… and for once, he made a choice. One he hadn't made in his own home for a long time.
The fire Demon allowed his expression to fall, showing the centuries of hurt he'd endured in the past. The instability, the lack of support, it was all hitting him harder now more than ever.
”…I can't stay here. This isn't a slight against you, but I can't stay here. You're not there when I need you, and I hate to say it, but the damn noodle boy and his friends always are. Someone he knows, if not him, will ask the unpleasant questions you two just… don't.“ He swallowed, then raised his expression to face his parents.
The Demon Bull King had turned his head away, no longer able to keep looking at his son. He knew he'd failed him, but he didn't know how severely until now. It was a mighty blow against his ego, one he might not recover from easily.
“I understand, son. If we can't give you what you need, I'll help you move out. Don't be afraid to use some of the yuan we've gained over the years to find yourself somewhere stable.”
Red Son smiled weakly, and for once, couldn't help the way his heart swelled, feeling warm and full for the first time in a long time. He wiped the tears from his eyes, nodding gently as he approached his mother.
Iron Fan moved almost too fast for comfort, wrapping her son up in her arms. The day had finally come, eh? She wasn't surprised, but it still hurt. She ran her fingers through her son's hair, appreciating the silky texture that was only there when Red Son took care of it.
“…I'm sorry, dear. This is… all of our faults, isn't it?” Although Iron Fan's voice cracked, her expression was reserved, restrained. She didn't want anyone to see her cry just yet.
“…I think so. Yours for not being there, mine for not communicating. Time will tell if this is… salvageable. If it's any consolation, I have hope that it is.” He smiled weakly as he clung to his mother. DBK picked them both up, holding them close to himself. He was going to miss his son deeply, but maybe it was better this way.
Sometimes, hope was all you had.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
The Fangs of the Great Devourer
Riley's Notes: Bai Xian has an obsessive attachment to Nezha. Separation can make her violent. He loses his mind and it forces the hands of others to restrain him.
Yang Jian braced himself for the scathing words that he knew would come from one of his beloved housekeepers. It had scarcely been a year since Nezha's disappearance, and the ancient serpent was already a danger to herself and everyone around her. As Yang Jian approached the cave where the serpent had resigned himself, he couldn't help the tension in his body.
The vicious teal eyes that peered through the darkness only served as a warning and a threat delivered without a single spoken word. Erlang shivered, and fought the urge to reach for the Tri-Tipped Spear he had strapped to his back. Such a powerful artifact was perpetually charged with energy, especially now, and the lightning arcs on it only emphasized it.
"Bai Xian. Calm yourself, I do not need any more blood on my hands, especially not yours. Do not force my hand. Nezha will return to us, in due time. Patience-"
"And what do you know of patience, pray tell, o' storm warrior of the bloodstained mountain?"
The way Bai Xian's voice tore through his mind like the same lightning he'd used to punish Sun Wukong so long ago felt painfully familiar. The serpent had some nerve to remind him of such a mistake, one he still regretted to this day.
Erlang turned around with a maelstrom at his heel, and stopped right in front of the barrier that kept their combined animosity at bay. The electric sparks that arced across his armor would have had any Deity shaking in their boots. This was Erlang Shen, after all, and one of his recent titles was the Arbiter of Justice. He wasn't just an illustrious sage, but a warrior Deity and a master tactician.
And he made that known to everyone who crossed him.
“It is not your place to judge me for my mistakes, Bai Xian, and it is not your place to rub venom in the wounds that they've left behind.” The tone of voice he'd taken on was one rarely heard by the outside world. He was sick and tired of having to use it, of having to bring his spear to bear.
Yet, he wielded the Tri-Tipped Spear with a sense of vengeance clawing at his heart, one he hadn't felt since his family had been torn apart for the first time, when he was very young. The blood he had shed in his grief and fury was unforgivable, and here he was… ready to do it again.
History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.
Yang Jian paused, shivering as he realized the mistake he was about to make. The old dog strapped his spear to his back, then released a shaky breath, all while the Indigo Death simply stared at him, a smug sense of triumph plastered on the serpent's face.
Before the serpent could attempt to take their frustrations out on the ancient storm Deity, Erlang Shen raised his hand, casting a restraint spell that anchored the serpent to the floor of the cave with golden chains. The Indigo Death released the screech of a specter, one with unfinished business in the world of the living.
“You cannot keep me here forever, 'Your Highness'. If this world wants to take my darling from me, then I will burn in it the same cleansing pyre that my darling must suffer bearing. You know that it's only a matter of time until I escape.“
Yang Jian knew damn well. He recalled when he had been summoned to help tend to the East Sea Dragon King, who had been poisoned by one of the servants that he had employed. That was a long year, alright, especially since the only evidence that servant had ever been there were deep, indigo scales sprinkled throughout the places Bai Xian had frequented leading up to the incident.
”I know. I also have faith that my son will return, in due time. You cannot claim to love him if you do not trust that he will come back to us as soon as he can, no matter how long that takes. Patience is a virtue you are lacking in, Viper Lord, and I thought snakes were ambush predators.“
Bai Xian released a horrible hiss, filling the cave that would become his prison with the sounds of hatred, of wrath, anger, and longing.
”Nezha will come home… he always does.“
Bai Xian fell deathly still, for even Yang Jian himself no longer sounded certain.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
Dark Matter
Red Son stopped as the time on his phone shifted from 11:59 to 12:00. A sigh escaped from the fire demon despite the familiar flow of unnatural Diyu magic that swirled around him, the herald of a friend's arrival.
"Have you found Nezha yet, Dai Xie?" The fire Demon asked the shadow Demon. He didn't have to look to know that the mayor was behind him.
The shadow Demon's tail nested itself in front of him, lying on the pavement almost dejectedly, the sharp edge unaffected by the asphalt. The former right-hand man of the Lady Bone Demon shook his head, then pinched the bridge of his forehead, sighing.
"No. I found something worse, sir. A husk of your dear friend... He saw me, and didn't recognize me as... one of the men who would take care of him when he needed it the most. I... sincerely apologize, my liege."
Red Son could hear the bow, and the forced smile on his face. The fire Demon clenched his teeth as a pit rose in his stomach, followed by almost palpable nausea. He wanted to know... but something told him he'd regret knowing.
"...alright. Mark the location on our digital map of the city and its surroundings, I'll investigate when I can." Red Son wiped sweat off of his face. He couldn't fathom what had happened to the Deity he'd come to appreciate so deeply. He didn't need to know yet. He knew that whatever Nezha was enduring, he'd make it through. He was a tough, stubborn bastard, after all... but his curiosity still got the better of him.
"...what... what happened to him?" Red Son's voice cracked, coming dangerously close to breaking as he turned around to finally look at his legal expert. The way his brow was furrowed, and the way he pinched his lip between his fangs, it gave away the desperation that had burrowed itself into his heart. It ate away at his guard, and at his rationale like maggots into an old carcass.
Dai Xie forced a smile for Red Son's sake as he raised his head to make eye contact. The words he was going to say next would be devastating... but Red Son couldn't say he hadn't warned him with how cryptic and vague he'd been before.
"Stella got him."
Red Son's vision swam as everything in his line of sight became hazy and clouded. The Demon fell to his hands and knees as the pit in his stomach turned into a bottomless void, and the nausea reached a fever pitch. The mere thought that Nezha now had eight limbs and four eyes made the fire Demon's insides churn as if possessed, as if they needed to be ejected from his body to avoid sepsis.
The mayor shook his head, then kneeled down, setting his hand on Red Son's shoulder before he entwined his tail around his boss's, gladly offering the comfort.
"Breathe, sir. Breathe." Dai Xie pulled the fire Demon into his arms, holding him in a firm, familiar grip. Red Son could almost hear Nezha's voice, telling him everything would be okay... that they'd be home soon, reassuring him with that gentle, loving smile that only a real friend could deliver.
Hai'Er hiccuped as liquid rolled down his cheeks, staining the mayor's upper sleeve with the transparent liquid. Dai Xie hardly moved in any form of protest from this.
Red Son only tightened his grip.
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funnel-webbed-au · 11 months
Shadowbone Cache
Riley's Notes: I don't know if anyone was wondering what happened to the Mayor in this AU, but here's your answer. Also, I used Behind the Name for his name and I adore it. PS: The title is a reference to a specific card in a card fighting game, and kudos if you know what that game is.
Dai Xie finally allowed his black tail to emerge from his body, long and whip-like, with a savagely pointed end. It curled around him, almost protectively as the characters on it, normally hidden began to glow softly.
His unnaturally wide smile was nowhere to be found.
Although the Bone Demon was finally gone, her influences on his mind were difficult to overstate. Everything in his head that he'd once been so afraid of, she normalized it. It made him feel like he didn't have anything to fear from himself, but he knew that these thoughts weren't normal. He had to be sick, in some way.
No matter. A sick smile spread across his face as he raised the edge of his tail to his throat, standing up on shaky knees. Just as his tail began to draw blood, he paused.
Maybe there was something left for him after all. Maybe things could change for the better, for him, at least, in the Bone Demon's absence... but it wasn't like he was going to make any friends after everything she'd encouraged him to do. Their world was so much unlike the one that he'd been preparing for, one where his mind would be cleansed of the nightmarish images that plagued him seemingly at random.
The arrowhead of his tail fell to the floor below him, and it was at that moment that one of his business partners chose to open the door. Red Son's eyes widened as he saw the true form of his advisor on the legal side of things, the man who helped with the paperwork.
The Mayor immediately rose to his feet and saluted, sweat rolling down his face as he flickered in and out of his true form, between a form that could pass as human... and that of a rare Demon with shale gray skin and simple, yet eerie curved horns. It gave him the appearance of a deal-brokering Demon, which, if he was one... would explain a lot of the fine print in the contracts Red Son had signed.
"So this is what you are..." Red Son narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms. He knew something had been up with his advisor, but now, he had it proven to him. The strange, earthy scent that emanated from the shadow Demon reminded the fire Demon of an abandoned cave in a tropical rainforest.
Dai Xie struggled to adjust his tie, forcing a smile despite the blood oozing from his neck. He tilted his head as he spoke. "It would only be fair for you to cauterize this, no? Such searing pain is only a just punishment for..." His smile vanished, giving way to something a little more sane as Red Son reached out to pat his shoulder.
"No. I wouldn't wish that kind of pain on my worst enemy, but if you don't have the same healing capabilities I do, that cut might will need treatment." Red Son clapped his hands twice, then muttered something in Mandarin as the previous sound drew the attention of one of the innumerable spider robots that wandered around the building. The eight legged machine scuttled off while Red Son was left to comfort the head of his legal team.
Red Son gestured for the other Demon to sit down at the meeting table, then took the bandages from the robot when it returned with them. As he used them to wrap up the cut on his advisor's neck, he watched him with a certain sense of sympathy due to all of the shaking that wracked Dai Xie's body.
Red Son spoke with relative caution, as he wouldn't wish this kind of stress on anyone. It had a few too many signs that reminded him of panic attacks, if what he'd overheard from Syntax's psychology ramblings was accurate.
"So. Xie, what's on your mind?" The informal tenor he'd taken sliced through the tension in the air with great ease.
Dai Xie chuckled, a forced, anxiety-inducing sound, if Hai'Er was being honest, but the way his entire expression fell into a cold, lifeless stare drove it home. "You don't want to know that."
Red Son forced the anxiety down. He'd made a promise he intended to keep, and he wasn't going to let this knock him down. After all, there was less danger here now anyway, what, with all three of the Pyres lit.
The shadow Demon across from him paused as the lines in his eyes, which served the same purpose as a heart monitor's, flatlined for a few tense moments. Red Son didn't move, and when Dai Xie's heart resumed beating as it normally did, the shadow Demon breathed a sigh of relief more obvious than Red Son's.
"I, er, apologize deeply, sir." Dai Xie's hand rose to his collar, until Red Son grabbed his wrist, giving him a stern glare. The lawyer's heart rate spiked as he forced a smile, holding his hands up as if there was a weapon pointed at him. Red Son sighed and sat down next to his advisor.
"...I just need to know what you're going to need for your office. The mere idea of a hostile work environment drives me crazy." Those words had Dai Xie flatlining again for a few moments, his head almost limp on his shoulder. It was eerie, but Red Son had seen it just enough that it didn't unsettle him as much as the first ten times he'd seen it happen.
Dai Xie shook himself off. "I, er... would greatly appreciate softer lights for my office, but I didn't know if I was allowed to install them since they'd be on my dime. I'm most comfortable in the dark, where... where I can't be seen."
Red Son had figured that the dark dweller hid himself so much for a reason. He had resigned himself to communicating with his team from his office, which he usually kept locked, with the lights off save for his computer monitor and a standard nightlight plugged into a wall outlet. The fire Demon wasn't surprised that he wanted less light, as standard nightlights could still be too bright for a photosensitive Demon.
"Alright, I'll see what I can do, and if you find what you're looking for, don't be afraid to bring it into the office. The worst you'll get is a few weird looks from some of the staff."
"...alright. I don't want to be stared at... but it's a small price to pay for a bit more comfort in my office." As Xie's shoulders fell, Red Son couldn't help but relax shortly afterwards, glad that his trusted advisor could find at least a little bit of respite in such trying times.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
Tag List: @skellebonez
Riley's Notes: Here's Sydney and Syntax's dynamic shortly after Sydney was turned.
Syntax sighed as he approached the outermost lair, one that protected an access point to the rest of the spider den. It was where, arguably, the most dangerous of them resided. The tech spider swallowed harshly as he used one of the grabbers inside his tech claws to wield a flashlight, casting it around slowly to avoid blinding Sydney.
"Sydney, Esmeralda made dinner, your favorite; steamed noodles." A chill ran down Syntax's spine as he heard the larger spider scurrying around on the ceiling webs, weaving his way between the stalactites. If any of those sharp rocks fell on the tech spider, he knew it could kill him... then again, maybe it should.
He flinched from that thought, knowing damn well it was going to be one of those nights, where he was fighting against his own mind, against a single thought that grew into more distressing thoughts, like weeds. Those thoughts brought with them the overwhelming urge to reorganize his lab... or do their work for them. It was all he could do to restrain himself from digging his nails into his flesh.
Sydney lowered himself to the floor a few meters in front of the inventor, cocking his head at an unnerving, yet natural 45 degree angle. The funnel web spider's four ungodly eyes and pale, hazelnut colored skin reminded the other spider of the potent toxins that flowed through both of their bodies. Syntax couldn't help but shiver.
The 6'3 webspinner examined Syntax for a few seconds, causing the younger spider to extend his claws, making absolutely sure that Sydney could see all of them. He knew the danger he'd be in if he couldn't recognize him as an arachnid.
The trill that escaped the larger spider brought great reprieve to Syntax's unsteady mind, and the tech spider handed the bowl of noodles to him before he sat down. He glanced around the area, and it hit him that Sydney had to be uncomfortable in that cave. He didn't have an actual bed to sleep in just yet, but it wasn't like Syntax could do anything about that...
Could he?
Before the lightbulb above his head could even dull, Syntax reached out to tap Sydney's shoulder, interrupting him from his meal. It drew a half-hearted hiss from the larger spider, one not entirely hostile, but still annoyed.
"...you need a bed. An actual bed. I could build one for you if you'd like, and use my machines to make what I can't sew myself. What do you think, friend?"
That word had no meaning whatsoever to the larger spider, and his eyes glazed over after hearing it. There were a few tense moments where Syntax wasn't sure if he was about to be attacked, but Sydney blinked the glaze out of his eyes, then turned and nodded. It'd be nice to have an actual bed to curl up in rather than his suspended silk hammock. The threads were eroded by his own caustic venom a little too easily, and he hoped that he'd be able to enchant his actual bed better than he could his silk strands.
Mac breathed a sigh of relief while Sydney finished his noodles, then raised a curious eyebrow as the older spider zoned off again. Whatever went on in that mind of his, he was curious to learn, but it was a shame that the spider's words were so broken. He wished he could speak in return, but alas... it wasn't meant to be, was it?
Syntax opened his phone up, then added to a list of things he wanted to do for the newest addition to the spider clan. He had to build him a bed. Huntsman could help with that, thankfully, and whatever their combined skills couldn't pull off, Syntax could outsource to machinery. The spider sighed contentedly, allowing a smile to come over his face. The expression confused Sydney.
Mac only chuckled. "I promise, I'll do what I can for you. When I first got here, it... wasn't pretty. I got pushed around a lot. I don't want you to have to go through that."
To the technician's surprise, Sydney reeled him into a hug, wrapping the claws on his back around the shorter spider. He made sure to dig them in just enough to reassure the man in his grasp, and Syntax couldn't help but cling to him in return.
Maybe Sydney wasn't entirely there, but who he used to be was still alive, in some way. Maybe he'd remember who he used to be, and maybe he'd catch up with the people who loved him.
Pierre promised himself he'd repay the other spider's support with his own. It was the least he could do, after all.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
Take a Moment to Breathe
Tag List: @skellebonez
Riley's Notes: Hehe. I learned how to write panic attacks, flashbacks, and dissociation a little too well. Can you tell the venom, and his inner war with it, is severely fucking him up.
Since when was Nezha's room so... dark? So eerie? He couldn't remember, and as the ancient war Deity pulled his legs against his chest, the images flashed through his mind... and partially through his eyes. He flinched, hissing under his breath, even as venom dripped from his now curved fangs.
He pressed his back flat against the wall, fear clawing at his heart. That was Li Jing standing before him. So he really had come for him, hadn't he? Oddly, the older Deity said nothing and Nezha had to remind himself that he'd never be allowed here, and the enchantments on the palace wouldn't allow him to open a portal.
Nezha blinked, and the man he'd come to hold such a dreadful, all-consuming fear of was gone. Of course his mind and eyes were playing tricks on him; the venom was dangerously close to breaking the blood-brain barrier, and when that happened, well...
Nezha just hoped no one would have to see it.
He knew that seeing the venom's immediate aftereffects would tear his family's heart asunder. They'd all been through enough, and although they were healing, it was a slow and painful process as recovering from anything was. Nezha burst into a coughing fit with those thoughts in mind, and for once, the golden ichor he coughed up had lost its celestial glow. The subtle tint of green to it made the Deity's heart stop.
Breath, Nezha. Just breathe. He could already imagine his beloved mentor's words in his ears, imagine the careful scratches he would dole out with all absence of shame, all absence of care for judgement. The thought of being petted once more brought him some degree of comfort...
But it would never be enough.
The visages cleared for a moment, and Nezha realized that he wasn't in his room.
He was in a cave, at the funeral service of his own mind.
Where was he?
When was he?
Sydney felt the claws on his back, then glanced around as his four eyes finally came back into focus. He didn't know if that had been a true memory, or a hallucination. Gods, he really needed to get his next injection of his medicine.
Maybe it would help.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
Mirrored Minds
Onyx's note! Be prepared for angst, bitches. Riley's Notes: Here comes the them! We are alive!!!
It was hard to breathe. Hard to think, hard to remember... and hard to see. The tears clouding his eyes were completely uncharacteristic of him, but they still plagued him on nights like that one. Evenings where the memories were too vivid to be ignored. He couldn't help but wonder where the subject of his heartache was at that moment, his brief periods of complete lucidity just filled with even more suffering. Perhaps even enough so to make it that he wanted to remember rather than live in the present. He was suffering, and it was at his own hands.
Punch after punch, blow after blow. Saying that the monkey was angry was a complete and utter overstatement. If he could just get his hands on that damn, entitled Deity, he'd never have to feel that angry ever again, finally able to seek freedom. If only it were that simple, eh? Unfortunately, it wasn't, so he simply kept taking his ire out on the punching bag that he didn't feel quite as guilty about mauling. Yeah, he had a heart (even if it was small, shrivelled and locked away) and he did feel inclined to use it occasionally, with exceptions.
If you asked Erlang, it wasn't really his fault. He shouldn't have felt as guilty about it as he did. Yet... he still sobbed, cried and ached like he was experiencing that fateful day several millennia later. It hadn't been a choice... he hadn't had a say in the matter, was just following orders, but still got the blame as if he had decided to kill all of those innocents. If only Wukong knew... he had stalled, stuttered and hesitated for as long as he was physically able to in the hopes that someone could be saved. He was wrong.
Shi Hou was not known for his anger. His blatant disrespect for superiority maybe, but not his rage. He was usually... playful. Kind, perhaps not, but certainly wise and loyal. Those were basically his only redeeming qualities... but they still weren't any excuse to do what Erlang Shen had done to him! Anyway. He wasn't usually so violent and volatile, and only one man was stupid enough to invoke those feelings in him. That man was the same person who burned his home down, killed his family and broke the bonds that they had both thought would last forever.
What had he done? Why had he done it? Well, those questions were easy to answer, albeit somewhat loaded. He had ruined one of his best relationships, severed one of his most important bonds, and he had done it because his uncle had ordered him to. How foolish could one man be? He had trusted that the judgement of someone who was a stranger would be the right one, because of class, because of status, and that trust had been misplaced. Not even by just a little. It had been so sorely misplaced that it had fallen off of a cliff and burned with the majority of the happiness he had at the time.
He hated that man. Could he even call that imbecile a man? No, he was an otherworldly being who acted high above his station and ruined everything... yeah, that felt better. Sounded better. Made more sense. If it fueled his rage… well, that was just an added bonus, wasn’t it? Sun Wukong had needed a reason to release years of built up frustration and hurt, and the reminder that Yang Jian still wanted him was enough to finally break the chains that had been keeping his heart under lock and key. He was due a rage session… and an apology.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry!"
Too bad his apology fell on deaf ears. Or, at least, the ears that needed to hear it were deaf. The vague voice of another person rang in his ears and, although he couldn’t make out what they were saying, it was enough to draw him away from the horrific memories. A moment of focus pulled him completely back to the present, and he could finally make out what his beloved daughter was saying. “Ba… Ba! Kiki and I are here. It’s okay. You’re okay. There’s no need to cry any more.” Oh, nothing was more comforting than his family.
“Yes, yes, Lanhua and I are still here… brother. You are not alone in your sorrows.” It took him a moment to register the soft words that were quiet enough to be a whisper, but when he did it was inevitable that he reach up to wipe his own tears. They were right. He was loved and cherished; perhaps he’d one day feel as whole as he knew he could be. Yes, he had lost a lot, but he did not know where life was meant to take him, or that people outside the palace cared as well. 
The time was drawing near. The Lion could feel it. The infinitely loud whisper of want and love, amplified by the fact that there were two Celestials calling out to him. Soon enough, he’d be able to act. The solution was in his hands, and not even the emperor knew how desperate he was to provide it. His patience was not for nothing, however, because he knew that if he made his moves too soon he’d reopen wounds that weren’t yet healed. So he waited. Nothing would force his hand, not even thousands of lonely years. He couldn’t let it.
He would fix it all. For them... and then he'd say thank you. Nezha deserved that much, at least. His job was nigh thankless. Perhaps Azure could change that.
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