#[HC - Grian ep. 4]
aofikofi · 8 months
suddenly realizing my past 4 fandoms in a row got me binging insane amounts.......
hc/life series - grians s6 and s7, 187 episodes total
tma - 200 eps podcast
dcmk - 1115 chs manga + 26 movies (how the fuck????)
orv - 180 chs manhwa + 551 chs novel
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enderteegs · 2 years
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#it’s only been 3 days and i’ve gotten extremely sick with the flu i’ve bombed a job interview for a promotion and have cried way too much
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bdubs just said that if you put him in a blender he thinks it would sound like a banana (specifically with the peel still on) being blended
154 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
i’m watching season 5 for the first time and this clip had me losing it so i thought i’d share (link to the ep)
232 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
hey (with the intention of turning you into a 3rd life/last life/double life smp enjoyer)
1,359 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
i cant get over the absolute anguish in grian’s NOOOOOOOOO when he realizes scar is his soulmate like you can just hear it in his voice
1,389 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Wilbur reacting to xisuma’s hermitgang verse on his ylyl stream
5,102 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
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eloquentornot · 2 years
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#hermitcraft speculation - 24 posts
#pixlriffs is so cool - 22 posts
#grian hc9 lore - 21 posts
#hermitcraft season 9 hype! - 21 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#a baby zombie piglin spawned from my nether portal in the overworld once and i wanted to keep it but it wasn't the type to pick up items and
My Top Posts in 2022:
Joel, 100 hours ep 4: “Right, well, here's the thing, audience, I've got a plea to make.” Argues for Grian's death to be blamed on Jimmy and offers to sacrifice Jimmy in order to give Grian a life.
(Directly addresses the Watchers and offers a sacrifice for transferring a life.)
120 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
It was all just fun and games. All just business as usual. Silly Scar, stealing Grian's helmet, flying off... Only, and it all happened so fast, in Grian's mind it plays back in slow motion and he wishes he'd done something no matter how much he knows logically that there was no time to have done anything. He flew after Scar, laughing, and saw the wings on his back snap, while he was still far too high above the ravine. He dove towards him, but it was too late, his reflexes too slow. Scar hadn't even noticed, he thought he was in a controlled dive, he was still laughing, he turned to pull up and only then realised what had happened, the look of shock only on his face for a split second before he hit the ground but Grian could never forget it.
"SCAR NO!!!!!" he screamed, again. Like so many times before. It didn't matter how many times they were brought back together, it always ended this way, and it always hurt. He knew the Watchers had only given him a second chance because it had made things more interesting. He knew he was too proud to beg for long enough that they'd even consider giving Scar back.
Joel was close to being able to leave, too. Soon, Grian would be all alone, unless he kept bringing on more friends to sacrifice. Was it worth it? How was any of this worth anything? He just wanted to forget it all, stop caring so much. Maybe that would be his reward. Maybe once he reached one hundred hours, there would be nothing left to care about, nothing left to lose.
Why had he given Scar his helmet? Why had he taken yet another one of Scar's lives, only this time there was no way to repay it? Why? Why did he care so much, in such a cruel world? Joel didn't seem to care. He was laughing at how stupid Scar had been, searching for good loot in the items scattered about.
Grian picked up the netherite helmet, and reluctantly brought it back to his head. How could he go on, like this?
"Oh Grian, don't be sad. I had fun! It was all worth it, I promise. Oh, I wish I could tell you how much... wait... Grian?"
Grian's mind froze, and his heart hammered. Shock, fear, hope, grief, confusion, swirling together as he suddenly yet gradually realised-
"Grian, can you hear me?" Scar asked. From what sounded like a direction incomprehensible yet simple.
Grian whipped the helmet off his head, and the sensation of presence lessened. He squinted, tilted the helmet into the shadows, and could just barely make out a ghostly, familiar face...
"Scar?" he squeaked, as Joel looked over in growing confusion. "Joel, did you hear him too?"
"I... no, stop being crazy, Grian!" he flew away, possibly in denial.
Grian turned back to the helmet in his hands. "Scar, how are you doing this?"
"Well, Grian, I'll be honest with you, I have no idea. But you said something earlier about that moustache bringing you back to life, right?"
"Wha- But- That wasn't..." Grian gasped as he realised that Scar's face was starting to fade again, so he put the helmet on immediately. "Scar? Are you still there?"
Silence. Grian's heart began to sink once more.
"Scar? Scar!"
Silence, for a few seconds more, then-
"Gah! Don't do that to me!" Grian complained, but Scar's laughter was so contagious, so antithetical to all the loneliness Grian feared, that he couldn't help but laugh along. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad...
"Okay but seriously, I'm not sure how much longer I can stay here. I can feel this sort of slipping, fading... it doesn't matter, I just have to tell you something, while I still can."
"What is it?"
"I... I can't hear your thoughts, but I could feel what you were feeling, and... Grian. Promise me you won't even think about giving up, okay?"
"...Okay, Scar." Tears finally filled Grian's eyes. "I'll be okay, I promise."
The two of them sat there quietly, as the sun set. Grian's heart still ached, knowing that Scar might disappear at any moment. But it got easier to accept, as time passed. Scar didn't even need to say anything, just to be there to comfort his best friend.
But he knew he didn't have long. And Grian probably wouldn't want to actually say goodbye. So he thought of something else, something that could distract Grian while also giving Scar one last happy memory of this world...
"Hey, Grian... I just thought of how we could prank Joel..."
Grian listened, and grinned. He stood up, stretched his wings, and soared away under the stars. He knew he wouldn't be able to hear Scar's voice by the morning. But he was almost ready for that, now. He would keep his promise.
129 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
Important update for those of us speculating about Landscaping Your Mind!
Chapter 1 was not improvised during MCC!
Roughly 3 hours and 18 minutes into Scar’s VOD for MCC, Scar asked if he could post chapter 1 on Twitter, and Grian said he could after it was revealed. Then, Scar gives a “sneak preview” and starts reciting a slightly different version of chapter 1. At this point, Grian suddenly has the idea to “just put that at the end of (his) video” and says he’ll re-render the video with a black screen and chapter 1. Scar offers to record “a better one” saying that he “overdid that one” and tried to be more realistic with the other ones. Grian then says “people are going to be like, ‘what is this?? what is this?’” and Scar continues reciting parts of chapter 1, but a bit different. Then the conversation moves on.
I think this shows that chapter 1 was already recorded before MCC, and that perhaps originally it wasn’t going to be part of the episode. Perhaps they intended it to be, but while editing the advert they realised it didn’t fit in. During MCC, Grian had the idea to add it to the end of his video, so perhaps it wasn’t necessarily planned to be part of the story...
But here’s the thing about making stories up as you go along. You can decide later if something was relevant or not, if it wasn’t originally planned to be. The fact is that the black screen at the end with that part of the audiobook is part of the video now. And with how Scar would have posted it to Twitter if Grian hadn’t had the idea to put it in at the end, (the spooky rift ending probably already filmed too by that point) we likely would have been able to hear and react to it either way.
Grian knows how his fans react. He knew we would be interested by the weirdness of the advert, just as he knew we would like his whole weirdness theme this season. Ultimately it’s too early to tell whether or not the advert is relevant to the story of the season as a whole, but I certainly don’t think it’s impossible that it is, and in a season as weird as what Grian’s going for, it’s only natural to investigate and speculate about anything that stands out as much as that advert did.
175 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
"Where do you come from?"
It's an innocent question, when most people ask it, but there's something about the archaeologist that gives False pause.
"Far away, you wouldn't have heard of it," she answers, the same as always. She can tell she isn't the only one here with secrets in their past, and people usually don't inquire any further after that.
"Try me," he says with a slight smile, possibly amused, possibly intrigued?
Now she's unsure. He seems kind enough, but how long would that last if he knew she didn't belong in this world?
"Where are you from?" she retorts suddenly. "I mean... sorry, that came out a bit sharp, haha..."
"No no, it's fine," he smiles, "I travel a lot, not really any one place I call home, these days... As for where I was born, well I suppose that doesn't really matter, anymore." He pauses, considering something for a moment. "Is it the same for you?"
"I'm not sure what you mean by that?" she replies after a moment. There was something about the way he asked, as if there's something impossible and secret he desperately wishes to have in common with someone else. She doesn't want to give him false hope, she knows how it feels to be alone in something like that. But surely he couldn't also be from another world? Should she tell him the truth, just in case it's somehow something he could help with?
But he isn't ready to reveal his own secret yet either, it seems.
"Never mind," he says with yet another smile. "It was nice meeting you!"
And just like that he's gone, wings spread and rocket fired.
FalseSymmetry. The name sounded normal enough, but there was something... out of place, about her. Pix knew he had been a bit too forward about it, but he couldn't help feeling curious. He loved studying ancient mysteries, uncovering hidden memories and solving great puzzles. And he often had a keen sense for where something or someone belonged. Sometimes it was as if the stories he discovered were his own, though they were far too old for that to be true... But for once, there was something truly fresh about this mystery. A brand new puzzle piece that didn't look anything like the board so far, that indicated a broader scope than he had ever anticipated... That was just the feeling he got, anyway.
But there was also... an apprehension. Deep down in his gut, a feeling that there shouldn't be anything so clearly out of place, not here, not now. A fool or a coward might try to ignore or bury the feeling, but he was neither; he dug deep, investigated and probed this instinctive fear, and found it empty. Deeper still, there was his constant comfort, a foundation of the knowledge that there was always a bigger picture, his part and all others would always fit in somewhere. He may not remember where he came from, he may not know where he was going, but he knew he was part of a greater whole, that whatever he did, he was playing his part to perfection.
And so he boldly faced the fear of the unknown, taking on adventures that many would shy away from, choosing to spend his life revealing as much of the world's secrets as he could to those around him. And if he happened to discover any of his own forgotten secrets along the way, that would be fine.
So what was it, about False? Why did she seem so different, when to all appearances she was about as normal as all the other rulers? She'd seemed genuinely confused at his admittedly rather vague question, but even there her hesitation seemed almost to imply that she was intentionally hiding something... Perhaps that explained his baseless concern. He felt suspicious of her, a newcomer who seemed to be either the most guarded or the least concerned about her own past; that emotion of suspicion combined with his mysterious sense that she was an outsider in a way he couldn't understand... Fear of the unknown, plain and simple.
But she was no ancient ruin or forgotten library. Uncovering the secrets of a still-living person was a far more complex engagement, and in most cases was regarded as extremely rude. He would have to wait, for her to decide when to reveal the truth, if she ever would. Until then, Pix decided, he would look out for her. It was likely he was the only one who had noticed there was anything strange about her, and even more likely that if any of the others did, they might be less subtle about it. He would protect her from prying eyes if he could, and watch out for any signs that her past might be coming for her. If she started acting even more guarded, or reacted oddly to unexplained events, things like that. He would ask no questions, unless it was clear there was danger that she needed help with. It was the same conclusion he had come to about a few of the others already. He was an archaeologist, not a detective. The secrets of the past were his to unveil, the secrets of the present were theirs to keep.
He would not interfere directly.
(Inspired by @redwinterroses idea of Pixlriffs being immortal but not really remembering most of it, I had an idea for what if he could sort of but not quite sense that False was from another world, at first this was going to be a sort of comedy of misunderstandings where Pix has a bit more memory of the fact that he isn't normal and both of them assume the other is just like them, but as I was writing Pix's part it turned into this instead.)
185 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hey guys, welcome back! To Hermitcraaaft season nine, the nueve! *laughter* Awww yeah! So, today - we're doing a thing. It's a thing, you'll see - don't you worry about it! *F5* I see you, worrying about it, just stop, okay? Stop. *walks into wall* Ooh! Hello~ *laughter, exits F5* Anyway, I just need to place some more of this, right chere *struggles to place block* I said, right, heaw! *takes damage* asdfghjkl guy! Rude! *shoots a distant skeleton* Sorry, sorry, where were we? Right, the thing! *sudden timelapse*
674 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
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cynamon-real · 2 years
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condorclaw · 3 years
Why did nobody tell me Beef referred Grian as "the man, the myth, the legend, the Grian" when he saw him standing AFK outside of the entity shop. I love that
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riacte · 3 years
*SLAMS FISTS DOWN* I only watched like 4 POVs of the new HC eps and my brain has absorbed maybe 50% of that content but here’s some Hermitcraft speculation:
(from the pov of Hermatrix canon)
Multiple hermits have confirmed that S8, as we know it, has ended.
Grian’s ep shows Boatem in space. Rendoc show them aboard the Hermit space ship that has a name that I don’t have the brains to recall now. Hermitcraft 9 seems to have a theme already— space.
But all of those unfinished projects??? Where will they go?? I’m so shocked that I can hardly grieve. It’s such a short season??? This feels so much more sudden than any season ending—
— But maybe that’s the point. Moon big was unfair. The virus (via Rendoc Matrix lore) was unfair. They fucking Last Lifed the series maybe— it was a tragedy from the beginning. All those builds were never “real”. You can’t finish what was never “real”. They were incomplete from the beginning.
But maybe they’ll just stay in space for a while till they update to 1.18?? And they’ll come back and see their S8 builds? That seems unlikely because 1) multiple hermits have literally made it like S8 is Done and Gone complete with film credits 2) they commissioned a cool ass animation of their world being destroyed. They went through so much effort to show the apocalypse.
Either way, Space Hermitcraft 9 seems likely. Whether Rendoc will have reigns over the lore, we don’t know. They’re involving the other hermits now. Things are Going On.
I’m scared. And also very excited.
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stargazersroom · 2 years
List of all visits to Infinity Room
Quick disclamer: this list may not be comprehensive. That means it may (and probably will) be edited in the future. If I missed something, please let me know. As of now I won't be actively searching for missed rooms unless you can provide at least some info about them.
I found 4 infinity rooms on HC S6 and 1 infinity room on HC S9. I call them as "First Architech Meeting Room" (FAMR), "Tango Room" (TR), "Flag Room" (FR), "Second Architech Meeting Room" (SAMR), "Secret Fools Room" (SFR). FAMR consists of two horizontally linked rooms, second one has bubblevator exit. SAMR consists of two vertically linked rooms, second one has floor made out of slime. SFR consists of several linked rooms (coridors aren't white).
Technical details:
For the timeline I'll use the earliest upload date in dd.mm format.
I do have notes of armor and tool stats (enchants, durability, damage, armor), as well as player's exp, but I won't include them in this list, otherwise it'll become unreadable. If we learn that some of those stats do matter, I'll add the info I have.
Unless stated otherwise, players have full health and hunger bars in the room most of the time.
"Full armor" is an armor set w/ elytra but no chestplate.
"Cool"/"good" trident is a weapon trident, "bad" is a riptide one - as classified by Mumbo. In the beginning of S6 Mumbo had a bad trident, while Grian had a good one. They chatted about it after the first Architects meeting
Grian building half of the FAMR, 7.10 He actually went into the room after building half of it to explain the interior. Below is inventory from that time. If you want to scrape some info from the building part - it's ep 17.
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2. Grian fixed jingled maps and finished building FAMR, 16.10 He has at least two diamond pickaxes, 52 rockets, stack of cobble, diamond sword, diamond shovel, throwable trident and a Gold Rabbit head. Has full armor. 3. Grian went into FAMR and waited for Mumbo, then he held a meeting with him, 16.10 Grian cleared first row of items and it looked like he had empty inventory. From Mumbo's episode I conclude that Grian most likely has absolutely everything he had when he got in the room to actually start a meeting. That is: at least two diamond pickaxes, 37 rockets, one diamond, diamond sword, diamond showel, throwable trident and 62 steaks. Probably has a diamond axe and 17 sea lanterns (seen in the same ep when Grian cheched out Eye of Sauron). Has full armor. Mumbo: Screenshot from before Mumbo went inside infinity room. So on the moment of getting stuck Mumbo actually had 32 rockets and 4 golden carrots. Everything else should be the same. One of the shulker boxes has two empty item slots.
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4. Grian build TR for How To Kill A Tango contest, 2.11 Screenshot below is from before he placed any item frames and maps.
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He placed 41 item frames and maps, then returned to his base to get the last map for the room. Screenshot as he returned to the unfinished room below. He placed one map and room was complete.
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5. Tango was dropped inside TR, 6.11 He had nothing on him. 6. Grian built half of the FR and tested the room with Stress, 2.02 I haven't written down anything from the time when Grian finished half of the room, but it's ep 47 for those who are curious. Below is inventory from testing the room with Stress. In the room he had one less potato.
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Stress went with empty inventory right after Grian entered the room and died in the first second. 7. Grian finished building FR and then made a test run for flag defending system, 2.02 Below is inventory as Grian finished the room.
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He went with empty inventory during actual test. 8. False captured the Flag in FR, 3.02 She went with empty inventory. 9. Second Architech meeting held in FAMR, 13.02 Mumbo didn't have a piece of paper, otherwise screenshots are correct.
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10. Third Architech meeting in FAMR, 10.03 Grian below. Most likely had full armor in his inventory.
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Iskall had elytra equipped. Most likely had rest of the armor in his inventory. Got item frame and one white map in the room.
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11. Forth Architech meeting in FAMR, 15.03 Grian and Mumbo didn't have any piece of armor equipped, Iskall had elytra equipped. Probably all of them had their armor in inventories. Below is Iskall, Grian, Mumbo in this exact order:
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12. Totally legit Architech meeting in FAMR, 24.03 Iskall below:
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13. One and only meeting under Sahara, 30.04 Grian and Iskall dropped in the upper room first, then Mumbo followed. Iskall, Mumbo, Grian in this exact order below:
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Iskall fell in the lower room, then Mumbo was pushed there by Grian. After that Grian hopped down and fell to his death. Grian joined Mumbo and Iskall after that in the lower room and got some of his stuff back. Screenshots of Iskall with Grian's stuff, Mumbo with Grian's stuff and Grian's inventory after getting some of his belongings back below:
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Mumbo and Iskall flew out of the lower room into the upper one, Grian got stuck for a bit, broke one item frame and map, but soon followed. In the upper room Grian recieved from Mumbo 13 golden carrots and ate one immediately to restore health and saturation. After that he dropped Iskall down, but Iskall flew out of the corridor before he reached lower room. 14. Secret Fools inside SFR, 1.04 Below is when Grian only started making the room (before echo) + one of two shulker boxes that were placed in the room.
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Below is Grian's inventory when he was finishing the room (after echo)
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During the prank: Grian had 1 red dye, 1 blue dye, 48 bread at the end of third question, 4 item frames, 4 maps. Also has diamond boots on him. Impulse went with empty inventory. Both of them missed 1,5 hunches of hunger and 5 hp by the time they got stuck in the room.
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boycritter · 3 years
whats your favourite plot? like the civil war or mycelium resistance? your favourite base in any seasons youve watched (like if youve watched 5,6,7, youd say one from each)? and also what hermit did you first watch and when (can be their non hc content)? what hermit do you mostly watch now? sorry for all the questions haha
mycelium resistance or sewer cats for sure
so far ive only watched s7 (im currently 4 eps into tangos s6 tho!!) but my favorite base has got to be toon towers, scarX, or the strait of joebraltar
i dont really remember but probably grian in like,, 2017/2018? a bit after his build school series
and now i mostly watch tango, etho, and joe!! :D
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condorclaw · 3 years
The Entity's stolen the wheel off of Grian's house? Well at least Grian now has an excuse for the future when people ask why his builds are missing their backs: Entity activity
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