#I joke I joke jfjfjf
condorclaw · 2 years
The Entity's stolen the wheel off of Grian's house? Well at least Grian now has an excuse for the future when people ask why his builds are missing their backs: Entity activity
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loveisraymint · 4 years
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I spent too long on this for it to be a joke but not long enough for it to be good jfjfjf this is your fault
Incredible!! I look absolutely fantastic in this Fan Art!! I love how strong and intimidating my tusks are!!!
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capfalcon · 4 years
ahhh it was the fact that we were talking about billie eilish but also our conversation about stanning which is just so gen z yk
yes ur right
i thought it was gonna be the "and that's why my entire family hates me" joke
jfjfjf but yeah tbh one of the main reasons i love my best friend and YOU so much is bc u both remind me that im like NOT a 35 year old and that im allowed to talk about cute boys and girls and that im allowed to like bubblegum pop and have silly moments and that im like. allowed to still be a Kid even though i am an Adult anyway u get what i mean
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discoabc · 6 years
Ch 22 Deleted Scene: Ninja Info Cards
A/N: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbjXmBmHAdk ur welcome ; )
ANYWAY I didn’t use this scene because it was waaay too canon compliant and also would’ve probably had to have the rookie nine’s reaction to Sakura which I’m still hanging onto. Cuts off suddenly bc I realized I didn’t want to use the scene but I still think it’s pretty good. 
Crowded was a word. A very good word, describing what it was like when lots of people were in one place.
It did not describe how packed room 301 was.
A lot of people had turned at the sound of the doors opening, Naruto flinching at how many stares had suddenly latched onto him. But Sasuke simply glowered back, unpeturbed by the attention. The tension felt thick, choking, and I wanted nothing else than to turn on my heel and walk out.
That is until a familiar girl came flying out of nowhere towards Sasuke.
Sasuke’s hands shot out of his pockets, starting to move into a defensive stance, but his ‘attacker’ was not, in fact, hostile and, after realizing this, he clearly didn’t know what to do. So he allowed the purple blur to crash into him, stumbling backwards.
“Sasuke-kun! It’s been far too long, I missed you~!” Ino lathered on the sickly sweet tone as she caught Sasuke in a tight hug, the Uchiha barely able to keep his balance. He shot a look over at me that was something in between confusion, horror and a begrudging request for help.
No, fuck that.
“And there she goes.” Another familiar voice sounded as Sasuke’s eyes narrowed into a glare at my obvious refusal to free him from Ino’s clutches, the Uchiha having to instead attempt to slowly pry the girl off of him but to little avail. I turned to see Shikamaru and Chōji approaching, the former shooting a look of mild exasperation at Ino’s antics but clearly not wishing to get involved either.
“Oh, it’s you guys!” Any kind of apprehension Naruto could’ve been feeling melted away fast and he grinned over at the two members of team ten.
Shikamaru raised an eyebrow. “Huh, you actually got nominated for this dumb exam too?” It was said in a tone of slight disbelief. Naruto had been dead last in class after all so it was no wonder his nomination for the chūnin exams was surprising.
The blonde caught the insinuation and scowled. “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?!” He might’ve shown a falter in his confidence to team seven yesterday but there was no way in hell he was going to be anything but self-assured in front of anyone else.
“Geez, relax a bit will ya?” Shikamaru rolled his eyes, stuffing his hands into his pockets. His gaze briefly flicked to me and on reflex, I shifted my stare away only to see team eight approaching too.
“Look’s like we all made it,” Kiba smirked, shooting Sasuke a challenging look that the Uchiha was more than happy to return. “The nine rookies all here together, huh?”
We were quickly becoming more and more of a focal point for everyone else. Standing right by the exit and talking loudly amongst ourselves was a sure fire way to get everyone’s attention. But I couldn’t exactly break away from the group now without my team. Everyone in the room was in threes and being on your own was like asking for the whole room to stare-
It was for that exact reason my eyes found Kabuto almost instantaneously.
He was moving towards us slowly, expression the perfect image of mild exasperation. Everything twisted inside me, less from fear at his presence and more in despair at what him approaching us actually meant. I’d been hoping in miserable vain that because Sasuke didn’t have his sharingan Orochimaru wouldn’t be interested in him yet. But the snake wanted a Uchiha and a Uchiha he was going to get, even if he had to wait a little while to get the famed dōjutsu. Kabuto going out of his way to interact with us heavily indicated Orochimaru had latched his eyes onto my teammate.
Damn it. Damn it.
Stay calm.
I turned out to not be the only one to notice the boy’s approach. Shino had twisted around a little, expression as unreadable as ever but clearly tensing up. Shikamaru’s eyes darted between both me and the Aburame, obviously seeing both of our reactions and tilting his head to see what we’d seen too. Sasuke was next and he set his jaw, gaze flicking briefly to me in question as to whether I knew who the guy was.
“You newbies should settle down a little. This isn’t some school trip y’know.”
All of my ex-classmates stopped talking. Ino’s arms retracted from around Sasuke’s shoulders, gaze suspicious, but it was Kiba who bit first, eyes narrowing. “Who the hell are you?” He demanded to know, joking, amused tone from earlier having vanished abruptly.
Kabuto hadn’t exactly won points by patronising us. Then again, he had every reason to think of us as children compared to him. I might not have been absolutely terrified of the boy because I knew he wasn’t going to outright attack me and his power level paled when compared to Orochimaru, but he wasn’t a pushover by any stretch of the word. He could kill us all without even breaking a sweat.
“I’m Kabuto,” he introduced himself, placing his hand on his hip and offering a rather condescending smile. “But I think you should worry less about who I am, more about how much attention you’re all drawing to yourselves. Honestly, it’s painfully obvious this is your first time at the exams.”
“Maybe we just don’t shy away from a little attention.” It was Ino’s turn to bite back, gaze darting around the room however and taking in the fact a lot of people were staring at us. “What’s it to you, anyway?”
Kabuto put his hands up in a display of surrender. “Just trying to give a bit of friendly advice to the rookies. Sorry, I didn’t mean to come off like I was criticising you.”
That was a bold-faced lie if I’d ever heard one. Even Naruto seemed to have caught on Kabuto wasn’t exactly presenting himself as our greatest ally, eyes darting to me in a similar questioning gesture to Sasuke’s earlier. What was Kabuto’s game here? If he was trying to integrate himself with us then he was doing a pretty awful job at it. Was he just trying to make himself a familiar face? This was certainly a way to get us to remember him if nothing else.
“Look, how about I make it up to you. I’ve been in a lot of these exams and have acquired a lot of information over the years. I can spare to show you guys some of my ninja-info cards if you want.”
I couldn’t believe the name was supposed to be anything but purposefully childish. There was a specific image Kabuto was attempting to present to us of himself and he was succeeding magnificently at it. Through the utter distrust and terror that squirmed underneath the surface, I was in morbid awe of his ability to do this.
Watching as he demonstrated how to reveal the information, Kabuto then shot us another smile, this time with a smug edge to it. “So, have anything you want to find out? I have information on participants too - of course, you lot included.”
Something dropped in the pit of my stomach at the thought. How much did Kabuto know about me personally? How had he managed to acquire it? No, there was no point thinking about that. This was Kabuto. All thinking about it would do was set off a chain of growing terror and now really wasn’t the time to acquire a deafening fear of him.
“Then show me what you have on my team.”
I snapped my gaze to Sasuke, surprise bubbling up inside me at the request. It was a good choice.
A/N: It’s been a while since I wrote this but I think the reasoning behind why this was a good choice was so that team 7 would know ‘everything’ Kabuto knew about them and therefore Kabuto wouldn’t have the upper hand on them anymore if they had to face off in any way. It would also confirm the validity of Kabuto’s findings since if his stats on them were right then presumably his other info cards would be accurate too. And to top it all off, Sasuke’s kinda telling Kabuto straight to his face that he doesn’t trust him one bit in a way that would probably piss someone off jfjfjf
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uchihasavior · 7 years
send me a ship and I’ll tell you…
IDK Konan survives her fight and meets Sasuke on his travels, now I have to pretend to take this ship seriously jfjfjf. 
who is more likely to hurt the other?
[[ Neither. Konan’s not an emotionally frail woman by any degree, and Sasuke’s blunt comments and manner of speaking wouldn’t upset her or make her insecure.]]
who is emotionally stronger?
[[ I’d...wager Konan? Specifically because Sasuke has outbursts to specific things. I’ve seen Konan have less overall, but to be fair we see relatively little compared to Sasuke. ]]
who is physically stronger?
[[ Sasuke.]]
who is more likely to break a bone?
[[ I still dont ever get this question. Break each other’s bones? Break someone else’s bones? Break their own bone?? I’d just say neither for all.]]
who knows best what to say to upset the other?
[[Neither of them really know each other’s backstory, nor do I think they’d specifically try to upset each other. ]]
who is most likely to apologize first after an argument?
[[ Probably Konan, but out of politeness. Sasuke would follow suit. ]]
who treats who’s wounds more often?
[[Neither are healers aaaaa. Sasuke does tend to get hurt more in his fights tho. ]]
who is in constant need of comfort?
[[On a “shinobi are generally touch starved” level I’d say both just to be fair. But they’re not really seeking. ]]
who gets more jealous?
[[Neither. Sasuke’s not a possessive person by nature and I’ve never seen that trait in Konan either. ]]
who’s most likely to walk out on the other?
[[If things went south I’d say both?]]
who will propose?
[[Neither. Pls don’t do this to Sasuke. ]]
who has the most difficult parents?
[[In the crazy wild situation they could meet each other’s parents, I don’t think either pair of parents would really object to the relationship. ]]
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public?
[[...Konan? She’s only got one hand to choose from tho. ]]
who comes up for the other all the time?
[[ Given Sasuke can travel he has the free reign to “come up for her” (ngl this wording is weird, too) ]]
who hogs the blankets?
[[I’d say neither.]]
who gets more sad?
[[They probably get equally sad now and then. Over different things. ]]
who is better at cheering the other up?
[[I dont expect either of them to know how to cheer people up LOL. He’d probably find her origami curiously calming as opposed to something to cheer someone up. ]]
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?
[[Neither. ]]
who is more streetwise?
[[Konan, as she grew up a homeless orphan. ]]
who is more wise?
[[ That’s subjective... Both, and for different subjects. ]]
who’s the shyest?
[[ Neither. They’re not huge PDA people anyways. ]]
who boasts about the other more?
[[Neither. ]]
who sits on who’s lap?
[[ I dont think they’d sit on each other’s laps at all. ]]
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hereliesromeo · 7 years
Um Noah Fence @ me but why are u like this
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cngkyns · 6 years
for the pride month q's, how abt all of em? : o
oooo okay!! let’s do this
🌈 - what’s your orientation and gender? bi & genderfluid! (but i go by she/her!)
🌹- what would be your ideal date?i’d be fine going anywhere & doing anything as long as i can vibe w my date! anything is fun when you’re w the right ppl :o
💘- what personality traits are attractive to you? charisma, honesty & responsibility! also it’d be nice if the person is easygoing or goofy
💋- what do you find physically attractive? smiles jfjfjf ppl who smile a lot are my weakness
🐻- what is your favourite animal? bears!!!
💭- when did you realise you were lgbt? last july-ish
💌- what makes your heart melt?seeing others do small acts of kindness ❣️ it reminds me that there’s always a little bit of good in us
🎤- do you have a favourite lgbt song? honey by kehlani lol i love her + it was my first lgbt song!
🍀- what’s your fav thing abt being lgbt? making lgbt jokes w our queer friends KSJDJFJ not a day goes by without someone saying “oh it’s straight…unlike me”
also the fact that most of us are welcome & supportive of each other! gotta help each other through tough times, yanno?
🌠- advice for young lgbt people? i’m still young & relatively new to the lgbt community tbh, but i say to take your time in discovering yourself– don’t rush it! deciding on your identity is p hard, but it becomes easier if you have supportive friends/family members to help you through it. remember that you’re not alone; there’s others you can reach out to!
☁️- where do you see yourself in 5 years? graduating university, living in a studio apartment w a pet cat/bird, holding down a job and starting off an adult life as a young & independent woman djfjjf
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condorclaw · 3 years
I came back to the jackbox after dinner and apparently Phil fucking killed everybody in cold blood
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