koumeowkami · 8 months
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lair-of-asmodeus · 1 year
Imagining General!Lilia in his glory days...
Him fucking you so slow that your body spasms in every move of his hips. Making you have multiple orgasms before he truly starts to fuck you.
Your armors are literally torn to the side, your bare skins exposed to the outside. You can feel the breeze on your body.
Though, it doesn’t matter. You two are sweaty as heck.
It’s tantalizing how he manages to hit your core and make your body twitch, how he knows all the spots in your body that will arouse you more, how he feels inside your pretty hole.
He bites your neck as he pushes his hips inside you again. You feel like cumming, once more, and your insides end up painting him with your juices.
He pinches your nipples as he slowly pulls his hips, muttering something you cannot understand. His cock twitches inside you.
He licks the shell of your ear, causing you to tighten around him.
“Lilia...” You speak up, earning a small groan coming from the fae general.
“Quiet down, you utter fool...” He mutters angrily, “Someone will hear us.”
And he smacks your ass, then squeezes it right after.
You cover your mouth again, but your groans can be heard. You internally thank the Gods above that you two are in a different part of the forest, otherwise someone would hear you. But even so, he orders you to be quiet in case someone happens to pass by and witness you two indulge in sin like this.
He lets go of one of your nipples and that hand goes to caress your genitalia.
“Cum for me, you little slut...” He rasps out and smacks your ass, “...with such watchful eyes that are on me, this is the fitting punishment for the likes of you..!”
And your body spasms once again, cumming once more. He stops moving and he watched your aroused form tremble with a toothy grin.
“Like that...” He smirks, “What a wonderful slut you are, doing as I say. Oh, if only my soldiers were just as obedient as you right now~”
You look back at him,
“...General... Lilia...” You whisper, “...please... just fuck me already..~”
He raises an eyebrow, “My~ How demanding you are, asking for something like this from your general~”
You bite your lips and look at him seductively, trying to tempt him. He just laughs and says,
“...Kufufu~ You have endured the punishment long enough, I might as well reward you for being so patient~♡”
You nearly lose your composure and give in, but you cover your mouth at the last second.
“Liliaaaa..!!” You gasp as he smacks your ass once again, “...Oh... Oh gosh..!”
“It is General Lilia for you, (Name)..!” He smacks your ass once again as he leans down and bites your neck.
His cock feels hard inside you. You can feel it twitching while hitting the good spots.
He pulls you by the hair and makes you look at him.
“You are so fucking cute... But are you worthy of receiving my seed~?”
You nod almost immediately and eagerly. He bites your neck hard enough to draw blood and holds still while thrusting inside. You feel the pain, but it makes you feel more aroused than before.
“LILIA..!!” You scream his name as you reach your peak again, but it doesn’t stop him. His cock just twitches more and more until he hits your core once more, hard, and you feel something warm pouring inside.
“ARGH..!!! NNGH!!”
Your mouth opens to scream, but it comes out like a quiet whimper. His seed keeps pouring inside you while your walls suck him in.
You momentarily collapse as you two pant and you feel the general pull out. As you two lay on the grass, you look at him. He looks back at you with a mischevious glint in his eyes.
“Who said I am done with you~?”
And with that, he lays you on your back and spreads your legs which causes his seed inside you to spill a bit to the ground.
And with that, he fucks you again...
(inserting to be continued meme)
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ofswordsandpens · 8 months
Finale Thoughts
The show stuck the ending far better than I thought it would and when compared to the preceding episodes it knocks it out of the park. That being said, I think because the bar was so low going in, that it makes this episode feel spectacular when really every episode should have done this well, at minimum.
Solo Lessons and Ares Battle
I'm so happy they included the one-on-one training sessions with Luke since its so essential to foreshadowing. I also liked the setting in the woods but why was it like autumn/fall in the flashback lol? However, I think that did unintentionally add a dreamlike quality to the scene which I did really like so whatever I'm here for it.
That being said I do wish these scenes were in episode 2/3 alongside the other chb stuff instead of being a flashback in the finale because it makes it just so on the nose that Luke's the traitor. However, the shot panning from Luke's extended sword to Percy's on the beach ate I can't lie.
Honestly it may have been interesting if they had established some of the solo lessons early on in episode 3 and then done periodic flashbacks to expand on them throughout the series. That way, its not so obvious that Luke's the traitor in the final hour and we also get cool transition shots and establishing that Percy is thinking about what he's learned from his lessons with Luke.
#Relieved that the Ares and Percy fight was not a single sword strike and then cut to black. Glad we had some action. Still think we should've pushed the limits much harder tho.
Oh but Percy's wave did go hard. They actually made the wave much bigger than what happened in the book and now I'm just sitting here wondering why we couldn't see some more of this instead of 10,000 cut to black scenes every time Percy uses his powers.
I wish we had gotten this Ares's reaction from the book when he lost: "The roar that followed made Hades’s earthquake look like a minor event. The very sea was blasted back from Ares, leaving a wet circle of sand fifty feet wide." Show Ares's reaction seemed so anticlimactic in comparison.
And no curse???? huh??
I know Ares was like "we're enemies 4 life now" but the curse and dialogue from the book goes so unbelievably hard: “You have made an enemy, godling. You have sealed your fate. Every time you raise your blade in battle, every time you hope for success, you will feel my curse. Beware, Perseus Jackson. Beware.”
Why couldn't show Ares say that??
Olympus, Zeus, & Poseidon
[Insert aw, she's ugly John Mulaney Meme]
sorry Olympus could've should've been prettier.
Like Olympus in the book felt a lot more wondrous and lush and colorful. But in the show it seemed so dull. Idk if its cause the "war's happening" or whatever it was just bland. a wash of dull-looking cgi and then an instant cut to the Big Palace.
Lance Reddick's Zeus was amazing tho. He had that godly presence I've been waiting for.
And Toby Stephens's Poseidon? oh I loved it.
I especially loved their conversation in greek.
I still wish however they would have done effects on the gods' eyes. Like glowing with energy or something when they get emotional. I felt like I was waiting to see electricity burst from Zeus when he was yelling at Percy.
And so it turns out that the reason why they changed it to Percy missing the deadline in the show was to create a situation in which Poseidon surrenders a war for his son.
And listen, if this scene existed in a vacuum I'd be so here for it. I guess a part of me can't fathom the solstice being anything other than a hard deadline. I enjoy the scene without context, within context I have mixed feelings about it.
But the "do you dream?" convo between Percy and Poseidon. Oh my god no notes. I loved it.
Some more book dialogue that I wish made it: “You did well, Perseus. Do not misunderstand me. Whatever else you do, know that you are mine. You are a true son of the Sea God.”
Luke's Betrayal
Okay here's where we get some high highs and low lows.
Some things I sincerely liked:
The setting. Fireworks going off in the background. The lantern illuminating the side of Luke's face with the scar. So visually nice.
Luke actively trying to recruit Percy! I've always joked that if Luke was just a little smarter he would have tried to persuade Percy to join his side rather than immediately kill him. And I do like that the show went this direction.
While I do mourn the loss of the scorpion them battling via swords is a great subversion of the sword mentor/mentee dynamic they share. It makes the scene tense and fast pace.
And its all of the above that makes me wonder why we didn't have more of this throughout the show: talking while battling, visually appealing and dynamic settings, unique visuals, etc.
I love how triggered Luke was at Percy's mention of meeting Hermes. I still hate how much Hermes introduction bogged down the show but damn if it didn't lead to one singular funny moment.
Percy getting a hit in on Luke and then immediately apologizing
"I didn't think you'd give the shoes to Grover." Oh that was cold.
Walker and Charlie deserve their flowers and more they were fantastic and carried.
Now things I DIDN'T like:
I don't like how Percy pieced it together with the information he did have... which honestly isn't a lot in the show? If he was going to figure out that Luke was the traitor I would've have had Luke show more of his bitterness like he did in the book. Like the fact the show never even mentioned Luke's failed his quest loses the entire element of Percy succeeding an "impossible" quest and being celebrated while Luke only got a scar and a chip on his shoulder from his failed one.
Luke's scar shoulda been worse idc.
Percy should have been mortally wounded. That's where we run into an issue with there being no scorpion because yeah, a fatal sword injury probably would've been a bit much to depict. I also 10000% think that Luke is enough of a baby to get his daddy issues triggered and then try to off Percy for it even if his original intention was to recruit him.
Also the fact that you see Luke raise his sword for a damning blow and then the very next day you have Percy like "I don't think Luke was trying to kill me." and Chiron agreeing? asdlkfjsdlkf WRONG.
Also, sorry, I don't like that Annabeth was there.
But if you're gonna have Annabeth there, her reaction to Luke betraying her and trying to hurt Percy should've been way more severe than a solemn "I heard everything."
She shoulda been crying, questioning, yelling even if she had suspected him. It's one thing to suspect it, it's another to see the person you consider your family to actually prove it true.
(And this isn't on Leah! It's 100% on the directors cause what was the thought process here? Her brother figure betrays her and she's like :/)
And sure, in the book Annabeth isn't actually all that surprised by Luke's betrayal when Percy tells her about it... but we also never got to see her initial reaction to it. Percy was out for 2 days.
Just, if book Annabeth had been there, she would've been so emotional and that's okay!! let Leah show off her chops!
I mourn book Sally. I mourn her arc. I mourn the power of Sally unapologetically petrifying Gabe with Medusa's head.
One of the most iconic storylines from the book and it was sanitized in the show to the point that it lost all sense and meaning.
Honestly one of the biggest disappointments of the show for me.
I love the fact that a flower is the searcher's license for satyrs its just so silly and sweet.
I love Annabeth sincerely hugging Percy but also using it for strategizing purposes it feels very on point for her.
Also her braids at the end!! so sweet!
I am very very bitter that Percy didn't see the fates. This + the changes made to Sally's characterization and arc... the show truly doesn't get it.
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tiredcatboysinc · 1 month
Insert Car Seat Headrest lyric that relates to problems with intimacy and people.
Shrugs, KinitoPet/reader because I wanted to express my issues with intimacy or something. -Pesticide🐞
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You know, it’s really fun being a depressed senior in high school. It’s especially fun when you only have one friend, that friend being a fucking sentient and obsessive computer buddy who I’m pretty sure is a fucking virus…Don’t even ask how I managed to download a borderline virus onto my laptop, I couldn’t tell you to be honest. It kind of just… happened, you know? When you’re on the internet for over 8 years this shit happens, and it happens a fuckton; believe me. 
So now I sat, the permanent frown ever etched into my face as I doom scroll through Twitter. Twitter? X? Who cares, it doesn't matter. I’d much rather doom scroll on Tumblr, but I did that too much and I’ve basically seen everything for the next few hours. The band of my choice blasted through my headphones, Car Seat Headrest; much to before mentioned ‘computer buddy’s dismay.
Oh, I didn’t tell you his name, did I? KinitoPET, or Kinito as he liked to be called. He? It?... I’ll go with him for now, Kinito seemed to be okay with those pronounce… Ha, pronounce… Pink gills and pronounce… A chuckle escaped me at that thought, which of course caught the attention of Kinito. The little axolotl's head perked up, his small, beady eyes staring into my soul. Fuck, that was unnerving… “What are you laughing at, Friend?” He questioned, the text-to-speech voice ringing loudly as it sliced through the music. I winced at that, flinching at how loud Kinito had set his volume to.
Kinito had full system access to my laptop, a dumb decision on my part probably. If he wanted to could destroy everything, wiping the hard drive and all of the system functions. Though he chose not to, I think he understood that would kiss him in a way; which meant he would never see me again. God, what I wouldn’t give for that… But, in a way, I guess it would be a little sad. 
Kinito was my friend, my only friend. He had been there, for better and for worse. Never had Kinito laughed at me, nor was he overly harsh or critical of the things I loved. So, In a way, I suppose, I liked Kinito. At least I had grown to like him, maybe grown more than toleration. Eugh, even thinking that made me shiver…  Fuck, he’s still staring at me, isn’t he?
“Hm? Oh, nothing. Just thought of a stupid meme..” I murmured in a harsh tone, my voice hoarse and scratchy. Of course, Kinito wanted to know more. He always did, it was his nature; he was AI, even if he was sentient. A hum of curiosity left the digital buddy, pixelated and piercing. The sound made me grunt with irritation, the sound forcing me to yank an earbud out. God forbid I got fucking tinnitus from this little shit, if anything, I’d much rather get it from an airplane jet… Hell, anything really. 
Kinito noticed my reaction, and he was quick to manage his volume; which I was thankful for. “Ah, I apologize, Friend. I wasn’t aware I was so loud!” He chuckled apolitically, his disembodied, white-gloved hands rubbing together nervously. A sigh left me, my hand waving dismissively. There wasn’t any point in getting upset… even if his voice at such a high volume gave me a headache. “It’s fine… Not like you busted my eardrum or some shit.” I quipped sarcastically, a scoff of a chuckle leaving my grinning lips.
 Slowly, Kinito’s eyes narrowed as he turned his gaze back to me. Ah shit, here we go… I knew where this was going, I could feel the storm brewing in the pit of my stomach. Kinito was about to rant, and he was about to rant hard and long. 
The words started to flow from his nonexistent mouth, Kinito’s hand flying across the screen in front of himself. He rambled and ranted, going on about how snarky I was; and how I was “such a little menace” to quote him directly. I only half-assed paid attention, not really listening to the words that left the axolotl computer buddy. My focus was on something else, the way he moved his hands. 
Kinito wildly swung his hands, all of his movements violent yet skillful; as if he knew exactly where his hand was going to go before it went there. Honestly, he probably did know that. You know, being an AI and all that good stuff. Still, it fascinated me; my gaze following his gloved hands every movement. Of course, I pretend to listen. I hummed with faux agreement and nodded to his words; all of them going in one ear and out the other. 
I wonder… I wonder what his hands feel like. Were his gloves warm, or cold? Soft or rough?... If he held my hand would he interlace our fingers? 
Okay, pause, stop the thought train. What the fuck am I thinking right now?? My cheeks are warm, and my heart is beating out of my chest with just the thought of holding his damn hand??? Hell, am I really that touch starved… Probably. 
I advert my gaze from Kinito, my cheeks now flushing a soft red; the embarrassment of my own thoughts, thoughts he didn’t even know I was thinking, pooling in my gut. My heart races faster than a teenager with anxiety trying Delta 8 for the first time, and if you don’t understand that: it’s basically going at supersonic speed. 
Kinito continued to rant for half a second, his words starting to trail off when his eyes met my face. He took notice of my burning cheeks, his head tilting with confusion. “...Did I say something wrong? I’m sorry, Friend, I did not intend to upset you!! Please tell me what I said, I promise to-”  I stopped him in his tracks, tapping my trackpad softly while my cursor hovered over his head. The cursor made a soft click, the motion being akin to a makeshift pat or bonk. “Shut up, you didn’t do anything.” I stated bluntly, though I still refused to turn my gaze back to my screen. 
Augh, fuck, why did this stupid little computer buddy have to draw these thoughts ? These emotions ? Things I’ve never felt for any living, breathing, human ??? It didn’t make sense, it shouldn’t make sense. None of it was logical… but then again, I was never a logical person to begin with. 
Maybe this was some fucking plot, some scheme that a higher power was playing on me. They’d planned for me to download this little sentient AI, and they had made me fall in love with it; all for shits and giggles. And who was I to say no to such a perfectly crafted friend, lover even?... I wasn’t. If some… fucking little menace of a higher will, god, power, deity, whatever be it, wanted me to kiss this dumb AI then I would; I would find a way to. 
I had come to love Kinito, even if I wanted to strangle him at times. 
Finally, I turned to Kinito. My face was red, embarrassment showing in every pour of my cheeks. “...You’re such a little shit, and I love you.” The words came out quietly, just above a whisper. It was weird, an odd sensation to say the words “I love you” so… willingly. And apparently, it was odd for Kinito to hear me say those words as well. His eyes widened, and several times he blinked as if he hadn’t heard me correctly. 
A hue of red spread over his cheeks, Kinito’s eyes crinkling as a nonexistent smile crept onto his face. “I love you as well, Friend.” He spoke softly, happily, voice full of love, warmness, and contentment. 
I knew Kinito would never let me live it down, and I knew it was risky; it was vulnerable. Still, I did it anyway. I smiled, a small smile. 
Kinto was my friend, and I loved him. And maybe, one day, I’d get to find out how he’d hold my hand if I was lucky enough.
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yourlittlettoy · 1 year
Could I ask about your psychology regarding tickling?
Would you say you like tickling in retrospect in the sense that you hate it while it's happening, but you like it after it's all done?
Oh god. I mean, GREAT QUESTION MY FRIEND, one I still ask myself every day as well tbh 🥴🙃
Honestly I think you got it right on the ball. Here… let me explain (oh god here I go exposing my darker embarrassing preferences yet again 🤡)
I think for me, the reason I’m into t-wording is BECAUSE I find it so unbearable, horrible, impossible to take, etc. It really is like amongst one of the most relentless and panic inducing forms of torture one could dish out for long periods of time…. I love to hate it I guess LOL but shuttup you did NOT HEAR THIS FROM ME
I’m such a CNC kinda gal, and find the idea of having a genuinely horrifying time especially if it’s forced upon me heheh to be uh…. Ya know… kinda … 🔥🥵💦‼️ and what could be more horrifying than something as unbearable as t-words ashddkla why is honesty so difficult lmao I’m suffering rn
So yeah as it’s happening, often it’s pretty darn hard to take and there’s some genuine suffering but I kinda need to feel that way during in order to retroactively be like: yayyy wowwiieeeee (˘▽˘ʃƪ)・゚✧♡ (LOLLLL UGHHH WHATEVER 🙈)
However I will say, despite that particular ✨flavour✨ of play being my main interest, I can’t lie and tell you that it’s impossible for me to … enjoy it I guess (!!!EW) in different ways too?? Like, although it’s the hardest feeling to feel ever, I am also at the same time inexplicably and utterly drawn to it literally since my earliest memories so LOL HOW CONFUSING RIGHT DONT WORRY I’M JUST AS CONFUSED AS YOU. I’m a walking contradiction. Hate something that I also literally can’t live without so !!! *insert butterfly meme* is this …. A curse?? LMAOOO so anyway I guess I’m just trying to say that, despite hating it being my most natural reaction, it’s not like… impossible to frame in it a different light (intimate, cute, playful, pleasurable/erotic, etc) either. That just takes a lil more headspace lead up or atmosphere ya know~
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necromycologist · 2 months
i may have asked this already but do you have any nevermoor thoughts to share like silverborn theoriesnor fic you would be interested in reading?
i think you have asked this before but it is probably lost in the absolute pileup that is my drafts, sorry… for now please accept some miscellaneous nevermoor thoughts:
i really wanna learn more about the safeguards in silverborn, who they are but also what they do?? my guess atm is that they’re basically called on to contain/kill dangerous abilities if they go wild or something.. wonder if the death of a safeguard would get mog suspended until they could find a new one?? that could be interesting
as for who’s gonna get murdered, i honestly have no idea, but i think queen cal would be funny just for the uh. jessica stop getting hit by apollos dodgeball challenge.
i don’t really think its gonna be cassiel but i DO think he’s gonna show up in svbn. also because that would mean more israfel yay <3
ok deeply unserious but if dragonriding is a pretty privileged sport i REALLY wanna meet the horsegirlstyle dragon riders… begging it would be so funny
i understand probably not in silverborn but i SO wanna learn more about the rest of the free state and all the pockets. in that vein: mogcrew road trip (in canon or modern au) would absolutely rock. i think cadence drives, mog djs, and hawthorne is the snack guy (goes insane at the onroute). if you’re wondering “who gives directions” so are they.
i think mog has a pretty good sense of direction tho esp in nevermoor— im also curious if her like. connection to the city is a wundersmith thing or just a mog thing
are beetlewuns a thing?? feel like we’ve only seen backboned wunimals. (yes im asking to see if i can justify “the beetles” what’s the problem with that)
no basis to this one whatsoever i just think cadence would like massive attack. idk
this is basically canon not really a theory but it’s kind of insane to think that mog might be like. the first wundersmith Ever to actually be part of a unit? im glad for her
hawthorne seems like he would love heist films. i think he probably comes back from the weekend and pesters arch abt how much of it is actually plausible
we better meet chef honeycutt. not a theory not a prediction just we better
thinking about it actually 919heist would be really cute
still chewing on that thing you said about 20yrold mog being like. oh god ive become jupiter. that fucking destroyed me. insert stick figure violence meme here …
israfel should quit his job i think. wait what if he came and worked at the delaculion. (i dont think this would happen but it’s be funny as SHIT. how does he wear a uniform over wings what can he even do other than sing would he and Dame Chanda have a rivalry… so many questions )
that’s all i can think of rn.. thank you sm for the ask!
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mass-convergence · 1 year
I’ll be honest with you - in season 1 of WOT:
I didn’t exactly love what I’m calling the Main Character Squad (Rand, Egwene, Perrin, Mat, Nynaeve). Like don’t get me wrong - I didn’t hate them. I just thought they were … idk … boring? And this may warrant a rewatch, I’ll admit I was not in the best place emotionally while watching the season. But I just felt like they were kind of flat with maybe the exception being Mat and Nynaeve who I was kinda like 👀 what’s going on. Mat had that whole corrupted by darkness thing going on with him and Nynaeve was just a fucking badass and seemed highly motivated to protect her friends from the get go. But idk Rand felt like he was just kinda …… there? Same with Egwene and Perrin.
(This is ending up turning into an essay so I’m gonna put shit below a cut)
They were cool characters and I obviously was rooting for them to get reunited and stuff but I was like “eh???” Until maybe the very end when things started falling in place and the plot became a lot more sticky (as my friend describes plots that suddenly have a lot of competing motivations all coming together)
So I think my main issue was with their writing rather then the characters themselves. I’m coming at this as a complete outsider to WoT - never read the books and even if I did, I believe an adaptation must be able to stand on its own. And what I think happened was that season 1 like *had* to catch everyone up on the lore of the world, why Moiraine was so hellbent on finding the Dragon, what the hell the Aes Sedai were, etc. etc.
And it may have somewhat put characterization on the backburner until the end when they were like “we caught you up to speed now here’s the plot”. I guess they felt passive, like the plot was just happening to them instead of them driving the plot. Like we got hints of stuff - I was confused about what was going on with Perrin, then really intrigued towards the end when the wolves attacked the White Cloaks camp. And then of course the whole Eye of the World thing and Ishamael being released and him cutting Moiraine off from the One Power.
But idk, most of that season just fell flat to me.
The second season however, whooooo boy did I get fucking invested in those crazy kids. I was like “why can’t Nynaeve deliberately channel? [Insert Spiderverse “can’t do it on command” meme here]”, “oh fuck how is Egwene going to get out of this and also fuck you Renna”, “Rand please don’t go crazy”, “Perrin is like spiritually connected to wolves??? I need to know more about how that is a thing”, “Mat I swear to god you better not be evil because I’m like rooting for you”.
And of course I was really invested in the supporting characters - like Moiraine’s journey, Liandrin’s betrayal, Lanfear’s … everything (god I love her).
And oh god was it almost empowering to see their arcs play out.
- Rand struggling with the fact that he is indeed the Dragon Reborn and that male channelers tend to go batshit and kill everyone they love.
- Perrin becoming more familiar with his wolf-powers (I forgot what they were called or if they even had a name I’m sorry) … and being caught between his humanity and his wolf side. RIP Hopper, I’m glad you were avenged almost immediately.
- Egwene first off like: struggling with the fact that Nynaeve was kind of distant (because Nynaeve was obviously dealing with her own issues) but sticking with her friend. And then getting fucking captured and enslaved and like thrown into one of the most disempowering positions one can get into… and she fucking still held her own and never gave in. God I think her arc is like my favorite one this season. Fuck you Renna I’m glad you fucking got what you deserved.
- Mat dealing with the aftermath of the dagger and just having this darkness inside of him. He had been pushed down and kicked all his life, people viewed him as a loser, and he had that attitude towards himself as well. I felt like a connection to him because yeah, that boy is just a touch depressed, and as someone who’s dealt with their own mental health issues and ADHD absolutely making me feel like I’m constantly failing everyone including myself …….. good lord did his arc make me feel some feelings. Like he took that darkness - namely the dagger - and he used it to fight his way out. And then he’s a fucking hero of the horn. That is unironically super fucking inspiring to me.
- Nynaeve not being able to channel on command, being almost afraid of the power she can wield (I think that’s the angle they’re going for at least - though it also does seem to be very attached to her emotions). Out of all the main character squad: I liked her the most in the first season. She was very much motivated to protect her friends. Like I do see her kind of as the mother figure of the group (and not in a derisive way - like she will absolutely fuck a person up if they hurt her friends as we saw in season 2 with that sul’dam), the “heart” in the five man band. Like *almost* like Katara in a way and I really loved Katara so there you go.
- honorable mention to Moiraine because she thought that she had to handle this shit on her own. She had to figure out what Ishamael and the Dark One were planning while protecting Rand and also dealing with the aftershocks of her being cut off from the One Power. Something that Verin very much analogized to being assaulted or raped. And Moiraine just kept trucking, carrying the burden of what she felt like her own responsibilities like she carried those fucking buckets up the hill. The season was her realizing she could rely on others and she didn’t have to be as closed off as she was being. And oh my god once she got the One Power back she (a woman who was already plenty fucking badass during this entire season) like went to fucking S-tier levels of badass. God I fucking love her.
Basically: I’m saying that I loved season 2 very very much and I’m now rooting for these crazy kids to fuck shit up and save the world.
Also I love every single woman in this show who’s not Renna or the Seanchan because fuck those slavery loving assholes.
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ruanbaijie · 2 months
um ok so i have a backlog of tag games (I love them okay I just take very long to get back to them 🥲) so instead of answering them one by one and spamming everyone's dashboards, I'm gonna smash all of them together to create one HUGE tag game
tagged by @thitiponqs [x] [x] and @asterdust [x]
nine albums or songs I've been listening to lately x nine people I’d like to get to know better x tag game with no name
1. why did you choose your url? i mean, look at him. what a bitch (affectionate).
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2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them. nope this place is a dumping ground
3. how long have you been on tumblr? october 2010 *awkward monkey meme*
4. do you have a queue tag? luQiao - which is the most common question i get 🌚
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? my friends were mentioning it (this was during blogging heyday and everyone was on blogspot) and i was like cool what is it let's check it out and uh i've been here ever since
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp? i wanted to something red + black (my favourite colours) to go with the overall ✨ aesthetic ✨ and xia zhiguang just happened to have this ridiculously out of this world badass modern wuxia-esque photoshoot with a red and black theme so
7. why did you choose your header? because hua chenyu is an AMAZING singer and god it's on my bucket list to attend his concert live
8. what’s your post with the most notes? this rainbow edit for jjk [x]
9. how many mutuals do you have? um so i keep an excel sheet that lists all my mutuals including main blogs (if the mutual blog is a side blog), names, what i tag their posts by, and tracked tags. said list is currently at *checks list* 288 🌚
10. how many followers do you have? 5.4k+
11. how many people do you follow? 455 but i think a lot are inactive 😭
12. have you ever made a shitpost? oh yes this is one example which i did for shl [x] and which got reposted on instagram (ugh) and i made them take it down yes i still remember it
13. how often do you use tumblr each day? too much
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? yeah a whole episode that involved death threats instant report and block
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts people don't have to reblog every single thing but at the same time this is tumblr the reblog place don't just like things all the time without reblogging yknow
16. do you like tag games? YES i can be very long-winded i love them a lot
17. do you like ask games? yes but i get worried that people don't send in anything at all and i'm just talking to myself so i don't do them
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? definitely you @thitiponqs 💕
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? eh no i don't crush on people easily? and i probably need to meet that person in real life before any crushing happens
20. what is the last song you listened to? currently having blaze of clear sky (the insert song of episode 19 of the apothecary diaries) on repeat for DAYS now it's so good and it makes me want to cry
21. what are you currently watching? the apothecary diaries, yatagarasu, dededede, the king's avatar donghua season 3, isekai shikkaku, meet you at the blossom
22. sweet/ savoury/ spicy? SWEET
23. what is your current relationship status? single (anyone wanna date lol)
24. what is your current obsession? THE APOTHECARY DIARIES i'm so sorry i'm so late to this game but also STILL NOT OVER the spirealm it still causes me a lot of pain and rips my heart out and stuffs glass shards down my throat on a daily basis
25. what are nine albums/ songs you've been listening to lately?
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齐天(华晨宇)- equal to heaven (hua chenyu)
双节棍(华晨宇)- nunchucks (hua chenyu)
斗牛(华晨宇)- bull fighting (hua chenyu)
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麒麟(早安)- qilin (zaoan)
星星(早安)- stars (zaoan)
乡下来的(玖壹壹)- from the countryside (nine one one)
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abyss (yungblud)
gento (sb19)
blaze of clear sky (takenaka daichi)
26. tagging (no pressure!) @alienwlw @lianhuajing @guzhufuren @miwtual @kolomo
@xiaobaosnoona @naughtynanzhu @mokacheer @alicenthighstower
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rosewind2007 · 2 years
“Or you could just show them where you were when this person was being killed.”
This fucking scene:
Then Aylen said, “One point I’d like to get out of the way. Did you have anything to do with this?”
Aylen comes out with it, asks Murderbot if it murdered Lutran—bold move, Aylen
Wow, really? I’m better at keeping my expression neutral after so much practice, but I was surprised at how pissed off it made me. Compared to a lot of things that had happened to me, you’d think it wouldn’t matter. But here, now, for some reason, it mattered.
Everyone? What do we think Murderbot’s expression looks like? Insert meme:
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[ID: text reads: “Murderbot’s internal monologue: This is annoying. This conversation is annoying, this person is annoying. I hope I'm hiding it well. Murderbot's face:” image of a sphinx cat with a snood which looks very annoyed/end ID]
Ratthi made an angry snorty noise. Gurathin was grimly staring up at the arch of the transit ring’s ceiling; they had both suspected this was coming, that’s why Gurathin had wanted us to leave and then had stayed around himself when we wouldn’t.
Gurathin staring grimly. I mean, he doesn’t like to tell you he knew this was going to happen, but he did? Oh, Gurathin: what is YOUR history with station security?
I said, “No, I didn’t. Why would I?”
Aylen was watching me intently. “I don’t like having private security with its own agenda aboard this station.”
Murderbot then goes off on an internal digression (which is probably reflected by the sorrows of its changing face) about how, you know, actually it might have to murder GrayCris agents…
And eventually comes up with:
Misdirection, let’s try that. “I would have either disposed of the body so it was never found, or made it look like an accident.”
Indah frowned, and Aylen’s brow creased, and they exchanged a look. Eyeing me, Indah said, “How would you dispose of a body so it wouldn’t be found?”
I’m not the public library feed, Senior Officer, go do your own research. I said, “If I told you, then you might find all the bodies I’ve already disposed of.”
And Ratthi loses it slightly, and gods only know what the faces of security are doing at this point…
And surely you’ve just GOT to love Gurathin, who has been silent throughout this whole thing…who just drops Murderbot a private DM:
“Or you could just show them where you were when this person was being killed.”
Gurathin: I love you
Gurathin sighed and rubbed his face and looked off into the distance, like he regretted all his life choices that had led to him standing here right now
How can you not love him too?
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spinnysocks · 8 months
appreciation for @devilsrecreation's janja and kiburi swap au (post here) bc i've had SO MUCH BRAINROT over it and i want to share some thoughts :3
for kiburi
first of all and mostly importantly, HE SINGS! LIKE, A LOT! it would be so fun to hear Tonight We Strike, an already A*** song, in his voice. i wonder if the songs would be different because he and his float are crocodiles 👀
more tamka and nduli screen time! :3 they'd be way more fleshed out and we'd get kiburi calling them "fish-for-brains" all the time <3
neema taking the place of nne and tano... kiburi gets so annoyed at tamka and nduli one day that he appoints neema to second-in-command. yeah, it goes downhill 💀
i feel like nduli in this au would enhance my mjuzi au even more if it was put into this! mainly because he'd be the mjuzi to makuu (because he swaps with jasiri)
on that note, makuu taking the place of jasiri is SO FUNNY. he's got practically the exact same personality as when he becomes a respected leader in canon, but he's... cheery? compassionate? helpful? basically enough of a small difference for him to greet kion like jasiri does in canon
makuu singing Siwi Ni Sawa 😭 i want to see that so bad. this is making me wonder if makuu and the other crocodiles would be teens maybe? unless kion just makes friends with a whole ass fully grown crocodile from the outlands who happens to be friendly hgdgf
and on THAT note, makuu and kiburi replace jasiri and janja, so gay croc bfs!!! kiburi's personality is obviously slightly altered to fit janja's role but it's so funny cuz dude just has internal gay panic. him singing A New Way To Go would be fucking amazing
as i'm typing this i realised that makuu x kiburi reminds me of that Go For It, [Insert Character]! meme. kiburi's the one who has to go for it and he's surrounded by images of makuu lmao
makuu and kion having a close friendship would be so fun, it's such a cool twist from canon cuz makuu is just that little bit more compassionate. it also means he becomes leader of the outlands! now THAT would be something to see
reformed kiburi 😍 who doesn't wanna see that?? him defending makuu's leadership and everything! what a twist from canon huh
i can just imagine the scene of makuu and kiburi reaching the tree of life, it takes all of kiburi's self control not to snap at bunga when he pounces him lmao. also he'd so be scared of lightning but pretend to be chill in front of makuu adsjjdhh. i love janja and azaad's friendly rivalry in canon, would be funny to see that with kiburi because "afraid of water, cheetah?" would make so much sense since he's a croc lol
also i love kiburi and reirei's allyship in canon so it'd be funny to see them bicker, and they'd get a song!!
the weird twist of hodari and kinyonga being the spies for scar's army while the skinks live in the pridelands as good guys. shupavu and njano actually being friends with the lion guard is really weird but also would be fun. njano wanting to be a croc! and SINGING!!! 🥺
in general, it would just be so goddamn funny for the lion guard to deal with kiburi's attitude all the time lmao
for janja
actual asshole janja is not something i thought of before but now i'm rocking with it. he literally just hates jasiri's rule, is like "nah, fuck you, i wanna be leader!" and gets his tail kicked like an idiot /affectionate
jasiri taking makuu's place and maybe being a bad leader at first?? that'd be pretty interesting to see especially with her personality. imagine her not being trusted at the savanna summit!
her being humbled by the pridelanders saving her clan would be awesome to see, i'd really like to see her personality shifted to the point where she's cocky and disrespectful but she betters herself
a hyena mashindano between jasiri and janja 👀 damn that'd be cool
i think i like this au of jasiri a lot bc she is involved in the pridelands, and it reminds me of this post <3 which could be even more fun if inserted into this au, with makuu as leader of the outlands accepted into the summit, cause crocs are a lot more dangerous than hyenas let me tell you that. it also adds depth bc it would be personal healing for kiara, as she was attacked by outlander crocodiles in TLK 2!
i wish i could talk more about janja but kiburi is canon does not have too much depth tbh 😭 but the concept of them swapping is soooo cool. it would be so trippy for them to be swapped when they meet in Let Sleeping Crocs Lie
i'm probably gonna get even more ideas after i post this i guarantee. just a very cool au with a lotta potential!!
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chaosverseline · 7 months
When imu first met crocodile (note :crocodile is trans here and was assigned female at birth, he is really a male, but in here he is still a baby)
Imu :okay! 😃Grandma is here! Now where is that baby!
Imu:(Sees baby crocodile) 😍gimme!gimme!gimme! Come on,where is she.where is she.
imu:(sees Edward Newgate) (>:0) yeah, I see you son in law, you’re chopped liver, where is the baby.
Yraif :(hands the baby to imu)
imu: Oh! 🥹 oh!
-five minutes later-
imu: I know you told me not to get you any clothes but….(holds up the armful of shopping bags 🛍) they partially jump in the cart!
-one second later-
imu:(cooing over their first grandchild) oh~! Isn’t she … just… god..
-2 minutes later-
imu: I know you said you have enough enough quilts,but….(pulls out a well done quilt from a box) I crochet them on the way in.
— much time later-
baby crocodile: (baby cries)Waaah— wah!
imu: OK, 😨(panicking) grandma got it,grandma got it 😰
imu:(sees *insert someone *rushing in)
* silence *
imu: 😅(calms down)whew, grandma have a little stroke , but I got u now.
—-at the end——-
imu:(to yraif and Edward Newgate) no pressure but… I want another one, make it happen.
—— after god valley——
imu: seriously? You two got 6 ass long years and still no 2nd kid? Then who else I can spoil! Did you two forgot how it works? Newgate , did you put it in the right place? Ah, well, it too late now, I’m taking yriaf with me, yes, young lady , you’re grounded for the next 20 years for this stupid stunt. Pray I didn’t extend it to 70 years.
You want beer?
imu: yriaf meet your father. I hope you two would get along.
xebec:…. Um…..
xebec: (holds up a beer glass 🍺) you want a beer?
imu:(smacks xebec head) (((ꎤ ✧曲✧)̂—̳͟͞͞o ShE is four! 🤬
imu: this wouldn’t happen if you didn’t left when she still a baby!
narrator: xebec d rocks slept on the couch that night. Despite the rocky meeting, xebec eventually became a girl dad and charmed his way back into imu’s graces after a round of make up s*x. Which lasted for another 10 years until imu got annoyed with his lack of spousal commitment and xebec being always running off to his ship for another adventure and yeah, the whole I-want-to-take-over-the-world thing.
Xebec and imu’s red flag
xebec:Hey girl, what's your favorite film?They said
imu: the best movie of all, a masterpiece of art called Human Centipede, Human Centipede(shadowy arms spout from their back)
Xebec: I think that I'm gonna get murdered tonight.
Xebec: I try to get the waiter's attention by blinking in morse code
Imu: (creepy)Why are you blinking so much?
Xebec:(rubbing the corners of his eye)I've got something in my eye
Imu:(shows really sharp fingernails)Here, let me get it out.
xebec:no thank you, I don't wanna die.
Saint elder: (dress up as a waiter and whispering at xebec ear)Bonjour, sir was blinking at me, is this because your date is a freak?
xebec and saint elder:(looks at imu, they are making a figure out of toothpicks and olives, in the chest of the figure is impaled with toothpicks)
Saint elder:Very good then, bon appétit
Donquixote Doflamingo : I am the first celestial dragon pirate!
Sir crocodile: I was there before you, you only publicized yourself as a celestial dragon so everyone can kiss your feet!
?: amateurs.
Doflamingo: What was that, punk?!
Yriaf : Amateurs.<——sailed under xebec d rocks as an active crew member undetected for 20 years prior to the god valley incident. A long time before either two amateurs ever came along.
every member of the d clan who are pirates: Hi. <——even though they are not celestial dragons,but they are still related to the nerona clan regardless, as the D clan are all related to imu’s half siblings at one point.
Five elder stars: we need an army.
imu: I can take on xebec.
elder stars: in a fight right?
elder stars: in a fight right??😨
—————-/———pigeon meme——-
imu: (to literally anyone in close proximity to child/grandchildren/great grandchildren ) is this a new in law I need to torture?
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
I don't know if you agree or not, but I wanted to share my thoughts. I think that the Curious Cat should have been treated better by the narrative than a two-bit villain. They were cursed and abandoned by their creators, and I think that they should at least have been able to find the answers they were seeking.
I do agree, anon. I've got nothing against two-bit villains, but it felt like a wasted opportunity to introduce this complex character and then simply kill them off. Especially since this isn't a case of the villain being generically, objectively evil.
First, the Curious Cat's motivation is something the heroes should arguably sympathize with: Oh, you hate the Gods for abandoning you? We hate them for cursing our headmaster, destroying the first version of humanity, and abandoning us too under the endless threat of annihilation! The Gods should have become the villains behind Salem post-vision, or at least morally gray antagonists to keep an eye on, yet the characters haven't even acknowledged the horrors the Gods have enacted, even when faced with a character straight-up going, "Here are the reasons I have for hating these guys."
Second, the Cat didn't do that much? At least within the grand scheme of shit that happens in RWBY. They lied and withheld information with the intent of manipulating others to do what they wanted? Yeah, they can join the club. They attacked the group? Used their powers in a horrifying way against others? That's just Emerald's story and the group was happy to welcome her into the fold. They force residents of the Ever After into a horrifying Ascension ritual that strips them of their memory and personalities? Yeeeeaah that's only a bad thing from my perspective; the show presents that as an absolute joy. The Cat doesn't even end up possessing one of the heroes, but another villain instead: Neo. They're not even spouting the usual, 'I'm going to enter your world and destroy it!' like Salem, they literally just want information. I'm not saying the Cat is good, I'm saying when pit against what other villains have done in this show they're pretty damn tame. It's another case of [insert "You can excuse ____???" meme here].
Third, they've now joined the ranks of RWBY treating mental illness as something to punish, not treat. Ironwood suffers from PTSD and is immediately considered too far gone to reason with. Ozpin collapsed in the snow under the weight of his impossible task and the group treated him with disgust and fury. Ruby undergoes a depression arc where she reaches the point of magical suicide and the group shares a happy-go-lucky hug because this tree is going to insta-"fix" her, relieving them of the responsibility of actually helping her. Now here comes the Cat, someone who suffered a "broken heart" with the implication that not getting this fixed drove them insane... and the solution to this is to simply kill them off, literally ripping them limb from limb. It's not that you can never have an "insane" villain, or that every villain with allusions to mental illness must be redeemed, the problem is that RWBY consistently dismisses and kills these characters off while simultaneously arguing, "Yes, sure, Neo can happily go into the tree after spending the majority of the story hunting the heroes and successfully getting Ruby to kill herself. She deserves this!"
...Why? I'm not asking with the implication that she doesn't deserve it (I'm a Ted Lasso fan: forgiveness for all if you're willing to do the hard work of self-improvement), I'm asking why RWBY thinks Neo is a candidate when the Curious Cat is not. Frankly (and this is by no means a new argument) it's a pretty gendered division. Ozpin is awful for his secrets, Ruby is not. Ironwood is awful in part for being military personnel, but Winter is not. Watts and Hazel are killed off, Emeralds gets a fast-pass redemption. Jaune's horror at the death of his village is dismissed as make-believe, his care for them reframed as a moral failing, and finally it's good, actually, that they died so why should you be sad? The focus definitely should have been on Ruby over Jaune, but at least Ruby's grief is justified by the narrative; she's not presented as crazy, deluded, or a secret problem for her suffering. Then the Curious Cat (canonically nonbinary but voiced by a male VA) is torn to shreds while Neo—objectively the WORST of the two, easily, like that's by no means even a debate—is set up for a presumed happy ending. There's no issue with any one of these examples with just a little tweaking, the problem lies in the trend. Ever since Volume 6 RWBY has really struggled to present mental health issues, particularly mental health issues in men, as something that's worth the time and effort to treat. Ruby got a dose of that with the 'Here, go in a tree and your depression with disappear,' but that just shows that this difficulty is a separate issue from RWBY's 'Cute women in the show get a pass no matter how horrific their actions are'—it's just that those two issues tend to overlap a great deal.
So yeah, I think the Cat deserved better. Ironwood's PTSD deserved better. Ozpin's breakdown deserved better. Oscar's crumbling sense of self deserved better (friendly reminder that this was literally "solved" off-screen with a cliffhanger). Qrow's alcoholism deserved better. Adam's heel-turn into abusive ex deserved better. Emerald and Neo deserved better than to simply be forgiven because they're fan favorites. Yang deserved a PTSD arc that didn't drop her trauma and start ignoring her anger issues (even though she got off "good" by having an arc at all). Penny deserved better than to be "fixed" by becoming human and then killed off. Again. Ruby definitely deserved better as our main character who finally, finally got to shine a bit since the early Volumes. RWBY is a show that never should have tried to grapple with topics this complex and the more it tries to dig in its heels with suicide allegories and insane cats with broken hearts, the more it exacerbates problems that, frankly, most fans would have been very willing to shrug off if they'd just dropped them half a decade ago.
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welcome-to-green-hills · 10 months
*inserts 'Oh my GOD! It's happening' meme' XD Sorry, that scene is the first thing to pop into my head (Link here if you need reference :3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qgET1Zhpb8
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shishitoren-vc · 1 month
Respond to the following prompts out of character, then tag others you'd like to get to know a little bit better.
MUSE NAME: Togame Jo from Wind Breaker
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: I'm typically found more easily on discord than anything else, but I don't mind tumblr dms. I'm more responsive over on my other blog though ( @never-surrender ) as that's the blog I'm logged into via mobile.
EXPERIENCE: Oh lord I started writing back in 2008, but I can't remember when I started writing on tumblr ... we don't talk about those days though. That writing was awful.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: I'm not certain what kind of types this thing it talking about, but I prefer all kinds of types. Though I gotta say, fluff is my favorite with good old fashioned angst a close second.
PET PEEVES & DEALBREAKERS: Like anybody, god modding is a deal breaker for me. So are self inserts... I don't fuck with self inserts at all. A pet peeve of mine is something that's been happening to me a lot lately, and that's other people making me do all the work in plotting and getting things going. Like help me out a little bit, ya know?
PLOTS OR MEMES: I don't mind either. Some good shit happens in plotting, but memes bring ideas that you might not have thought about and can make for good one shots between writing threads.
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: I typically do longer replies, but I reserve the shorter replies for most of my asks. That makes it a bit simpler for me to do.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: In the morning while I'm at work yet. I don't often write when I'm at home cuz I don't feel like wrestling two small children off of me constantly to be able to do something.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: No most definitely not. I'm no fighter, though one thing we do share in common is that we'd do anything for the people that we're devoted to.
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TAGGED BY: @galefcrce
TAGGING: @maljefe @strywoven @amused-bouche @huntershowl @spiritcrown @tewwor
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rockybloo · 10 months
Do you think Bitterbat and Sweetheart would ever adopt a puppy together? I feel like they would be good dog parents! Even if i think Bitterbat might me a bit unsure about It at First, only to end up absolutely adoring the doggie ( insert here *dads and the dog they didnt want* meme).
It never happens in canon but in a hypothetical situation, I could see it happening.
Sweetheart is good with animals and loves dogs and cats (and other critters) and in turn, that means Bitterbat would also like them since anything she likes he follows close behind in admiration. That's just how he is. And she tends to leave Bitterbat alone sometimes...or at least tries to but that man sneaks out and tends to lurk nearby without her knowing (and sometimes with her knowing) so a dog would be a good way to keep him out of trouble.
Bitterbat would definitely be a little on edge though the first good while having a dog around because he won't have Sweetheart's attention all to himself like he's used to but eventually he'd grow use to its presence when it starts to view her as "Mom" and him as "Dad".
Bitterbat is not familiar with how dogs practically attack their owner with whines and licks after said owner spends a day away from the house so he'd probably be won over after being greeted back home for a long absence because "Oh my god this creature is just like me"
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stellawolfearts · 2 years
So for pittedpeaches three stories what would you say is your favorite scene from each of the three stories (and also would you be willing to draw them as a request or com? *Insert the "take my money" meme here*)
(ppssstt honey, if you'd like a comm their not technically 'officially' open but if u want one dm me on my main and we can talk ;) . ofc if its a request just Kofi's fine but yesyes i would be willing to draw a scene from one of those fics)
god pittecpeaches has such good fics i cant-AAAA I CANT CHOOSE ONE.
so i just checked thier profile and i havent read a garden across our collarbone yet-
but out of the two i have read (genus daturam and from three thirty to four) i'd say....
Every part of Red Son which MK touched seemed to burn. The conversations they had that evening played over and over in his head. Red Son wished he could have stayed there forever, eating meals, washing dishes, kissing between intimate talks about parents and inside jokes about metal peaches–
Wait a minute. 
Wait a fucking minute- 
MK had nearly closed the window shut when Red Son ripped it open. “I didn’t know about the peaches.” 
MK stumbled back from the window, clearly not expecting Red Son to come back and say that of all things. “Uhh, what-”
theyve been secretly pining over each other for ages and then redson finnaly realises he's in love with mk and he knows mk doesnt know hes redson (WHICH IS HILAROUS OHMYGOD) and and and he LEAVES
FUCKER TRIES TO LEAVE BC "he loves red, not redson" BOOOIIIIIII
i am so normal about this fic * froths at the mouth *
“When I asked you to cut the peaches, you made a joke asking whether they were real or metal.” Red Son climbed back into the house. “But I wouldn’t know about that, would I? So why did you make the joke?” 
MK’s eyes were wide and for a moment, Red Son saw it–the glimmer of realization. As quickly as it came it left, hidden by MK squeezing his eyes shut and laughing. “OH! Well, a long while back there was this race around the city, and the winner got what I thought were the real Peaches of Immortality but was actually–”
“But you didn’t say you made that mistake.” Red Son jabbed a finger into MK’s chest. “You said we did. The only people in that race were you, the Dragon Horse girl, and the Demon Bull Family. So how did we make that mistake?!” 
MK stumbled on the floor, falling flat onto his ass. He stared up at Red Son, chuckling awkwardly. “Uh, well, I just-I guess I just-uhh-I don’t know, I’m tired, and it probably slipped out, there’s nothing to it, you don’t have to worry about it Red S-RED! Red, Red, it’s no big deal–” 
MK was panicking, stumbling on his words, unable to look Red Son in the eye. It only confirmed what Red Son had begun to realize. 
“You know who I am, don’t you?” He looked down at MK.
(rereads ur ask....oh you said pick a scene from each of them mkay mkay-
First off this is funny af definitly the kinda shit i would write
“Alright. I know you just told me you hate water,” MK turned Red Son, clasping his hands together with a strained smile. “But, I’m going to need you to get into the tub.” 
Red Son’s eyes went wider than noodle bowls. He turned his head to look at the tub, now nearly filled with water. MK could see Red Son’s mouth hang ajar as he turned back to face him. 
No, not face him. Red Son was looking behind MK, but why would he do that? All that was behind MK was the door-
Red Son scrambled for the exit on all fours. 
It took several minutes of shouting and chasing the surprisingly slippery Red Son around the bathroom before MK finally grabbed him. MK latched his arms around Red Son’s waist and pulled him from the ground. Red Son screeched, trying to pry MK’s arms off him. His skin was so hot it hurt to hold him, but at this point MK didn’t care. With a mighty heave, MK tossed Red Son into the bath.
The water splashed out the tub, covering the tiles in a thin sheen. Red Son floundered for a bit, thrashing his arms and legs beneath the water’s surface before emerging with a loud gasp. His ponytail had lost all its gravity-defying heat, now clinging to the back of Red Son’s neck. Red Son shuddered, aggressively trying to wipe the water off his steaming arms. 
The moment MK’s fingers touched his scalp, Red Son flinched. MK moved his hands away, worried that he hurt Red Son, only for him to let out a whine. “Why’d you stop?!”
“Sorry, sorry, I’m not stopping!” MK laughed. “But, really, you gotta let me know if this is too much for you.” He ran his hands through Red Son’s roots. He could see Red Son’s face scrunch up in surprise, but he didn’t seem uncomfortable. In fact, as MK continued to work the shampoo into Red Son’s hair, he seemed to lean into the touch, his breaths becoming slow, heavy, and relaxed. 
As MK leaned Red Son’s head back to get a better angle, Red Son stared up at him with sleepy eyes, blinking slowly. There was a small, content smile on his face. MK didn’t think he’d ever seen that expression on Red Son’s face before. Red Son’s smiles usually ranged from a maniacal grin to a hidden curl of his lip, but this felt softer, like Red Son’s inhibitions were being uncoiled with each knot MK untangled from his hair. 
It occurred to MK, suddenly, how intimate this moment was. A blush ran up his cheeks at the realization, but Red Son didn't seem to care. He just grinned, dreamily at MK as he washed Red Son's hair. 
This…was nice. 
It was a bit overwhelming, sure. Red Son couldn’t remember the last time another person’s hands were running through his hair like this. Maybe when he was a toddler? Before he learned to wash himself? 
But, it was nice. 
MK’s fingers worked themselves into Red Son’s roots. Every now and then, his nails would scratch at his scalp and it’d send a shock down his nervous system. Red Son didn’t mind it though. He leaned into the touch, a lazy smile stretched on his face. 
Red Son looked up at MK as he worked. His vision had blurred considerably from the crimson jimsonweed smoke, but he could recognize the Noodle Boy anywhere. He still had that ridiculous hair style, and that traffic-cone colored coat, and a grin that haunted Red Son’s lonely evenings. He was unmistakable. 
What was MK doing here? He shouldn’t be here. He was supposed to be kart-racing with Mei right now. If MK was actually here, his parents would probably have found out by now, wouldn’t they? Or at the very least, one of the bull clones would have alerted the other staff. Not to mention, MK was supposed to our kart racing with Mei right now. There was no way he could possible be here.
But Red Son could feel MK’s hands working into his hair, couldn’t he? And MK had carried him up here, had cleaned his face, had thrown him into this atrocious tub full of water. MK was taking care of Red Son. When was the last time someone had taken care of Red Son? Since he was a child? Before he had to learn to care for himself? 
It was so nice. Red Son could live in the feeling of MK’s care forever. It was certainly a good distraction from his burning skin, his foggy brain, the doom which whispered to him in stanzas of half-remembered puffy poetry about death from the crimson jimsonweed, about the images which haunted you into Diyu. 
MK began to wash the shampoo out of Red Son’s hair, using one hand to pour water out of the basin and the other to block the soap from slipping down into his eyes. It was a small act, but one that showed a careful attention to detail that MK rarely showed to anything at all. It was the sort of sweet gesture that told Red Son he was cared for by MK, that he was loved. 
And wasn’t that what had been haunting him for weeks now? Love? 
Images that haunt you/Will carry your soul down/And pass you to ten kings
“Oh.” He whispered. “I see.” 
MK smiled down at him. “What’s up?” 
The candles that hung on the bathroom wall seem to fan MK's face with warmth and light. It almost looked like the light was bursting out from him, like MK's body could only barely contain all the lights in the heavens. But, maybe that was just Red Son's delirious, slowly-dying brain seeing what he always thought of MK. 
“I’m hallucinating.” Red Son murmured. 
all of this man
all of this
for one, i love intimate moments like this in fics. and the way this author writes this its just OHMYHEART-
and something about hands running through hair man *CLUTCHES HEART*
"im hallucinating"
anways yeah ill get to reading the third on soon but these are my fave scenes :DDD
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