#[You hear laughter]
raineedayss · 15 days
when the new upload has the streamer acting terrified for his life and speaking in a hushed whisper only to immediately manically scream insults at the Thing that was chasing them once they realize that, for now, they’re safe and also has them slowly getting more and more irritated and fearful and very clearly insane from getting torn apart again and again but yet not being allowed to die only escaping with his body not his soul>>
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purinclover · 9 months
you can just have a billion different designs for the same self insert btw. they dont tell you this but nobody can stop you from doing that
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petitesmafia · 7 months
if you think about it Albatross is actually scary as hell,,,imagine being on the battlefield fighting for your life and you hear a mf LAUGHING
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canisalbus · 4 months
have you heard the acoustic version of be by hozier? i was just listening to it and thinking about your dogs and it completely destroyed me. maybe i'm just in my feels but it sounds so tender contrasted to the original version. they're like two halves of a whole; soft and tender—loud and intense. i haven't been able to listen to hozier the same after you mentioned that you imagine vasco's voice sounds similar to his, and that his music reminds you of them. sorry for rambling your boys make my brain do a happy dance and my friends are growing tired of hearing all about it lol
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solargeist · 4 months
Scar having a wheelchair that functions like an ATV and sometimes Grian hitches a ride on it with him
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electrosweaters-arts · 5 months
Sigh....sigh... when I actually design book! Poole and Hyde and draw Poole cradling Hyde's dead body in his arms like mary holding jesus begging for his son's forgiveness in not being able to save him it's gonna be OVER for you hoes :/
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beyondthesea1958 · 1 year
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saintbleeding · 1 year
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[ID: Digital art in the style of engraving illustration. On the right, there is a lighthouse behind a small cottage, with trees beside them. In front of the cottage there is an outcropping of pointed boulders, descending to a beach. On the far left, there is a figure standing on the outcropping, one arm extended. The light from the lighthouse’s beam reflects on the clouds and the back of the figure, who seems unaffected by the pelting rain. The windows of the buildings glow orange as though there is someone home. End ID.]
oooh u wanna go read my victorian au ooooooh u wanna go read it so bad
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 10 months
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someone help them
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kazoologist · 25 days
congratulations to Mme. Pascale Leclerc, who has surely just experienced both the funniest and most unhinged weekend a mother could ever have. Dear fucking christ, I hope your middlest son brought you a bottle of champagne for yourself, ma'am.
#kazoo noises#charles leclerc#cl16#monaco gp 2024#zoomies posting#sports posting#like man. where to begin. one of your racecar children is back in town for the weekend. he has yet to have a truly good work#weekend it seems in town. now this year. we're feeling ourselves a bit. we're feeling optimistic even. and then ur son becomes talk of town#because he keeps doing fucking bits on twitter about adopting his coworker who is friends with your youngest son. this goes on long enough#for actual reporters to comment on it. no one is willing to blink first so by friday night we've yes-anded ourselves to a grandson#(congratulations mme leclerc)#things go well. and then at qualifying they go DAMN WELL#BETTER THAN EVER REALLY! but man. im superstitious. i dont trust shit until its over and the dust has cleared#(the adoption jokes have continued by the way) and MEANWHILE everyone is eyeing that starting grid. were humming. we're making vague hand#gestures when commenting. we're all thinking. Maybe? (the streets can hear u tho. keep it down)#race starts. lap one CHAOS. so many fucking crashes. i'd faint if i had a child even in karting honestly.#(every parent in this sport deserves a prescription for laudanum)#but he's not in it. hes at the front. and he. well. he just Stays There. Through It All. and the laps tick down. until the race is run. and#there he is. your middlest son. cross the line and into the books. first place. home town. what curse indeed. thats your boy!!!!!!!! THERE!#they play the radio of him winning and the audio is peaked because he screams out so loudly. you can hear the water in the laughter.#later theres gonna be videos and photos taken of him pushing his boss into the harbor and diving right in after the man. those photos are#gonna be fucking studied in photography classes one day. and STILL! everyone involved with that goofy joke about him adopting his coworker#(who. despite all the silliness of the race stayed second place and got a podium) is still carrying the bit like a baton relay. Do you have#him over for family dinner? might as well add a plate i guess! people are joking about your youngest son having two nephews? a dog born#maybe a month ago and a man born about... what twenty three years and about a month ago? fuck it! family dinner#sorry this bit got away from me but as someone who loves my homecity and my mom so much it might actually be like.#a visible growth inside my body if they do an autopsy on me at time of death or like. my love will eat me alive. sometimes the charratives#gets to me#anyway cheers mme leclerc i hope you party so fucking hard this week
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The Perfect Evil Smile Doesn't Exi-
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enderspawn · 2 years
this single among us clip makes me feel more fear than any horror movie could
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crabsnpersimmons · 3 months
I have a question.
What would your CLIP AU voice be like?
probably the voice of your Sun and Moon hairdresser AU is exactly like that of the original daycare attendant sun and moon.
but what about Clip? it's a thin and lovely voice?, or calm and gentle like in the original Eclipse?
Or Is the voice different?
good question! and a tricky one, because i don't have any exact references to pull from and i don't know how much will translate, but i will try to explain the best i can
First: in the hairdresser AU, Sun and Moon actually sound a little different from canon! It's been a long time since their time at their PizzaPlex and they've undergone a lot of change, and that shows in their voices. So they used to sound like their canon voices, but they've changed over time.
Sun's voice is gentler than his canonical voice and it doesn't fluctuate as much (switching from excitable, to sarcastic, to threatening). Overtime, Sun has learned to keep his tone even and approachable. The best way to describe Sun is that he is even-tempered and calm. He rarely gets over-emotional, but Moon and Clip have a way of getting to him, since they know each other the closest. He only ever slips into his old voice and vocal habits (like repeating words) around Moon and Clip, usually in the form of sarcasm to balance their silliness (like his comments in this post). i like to describe Sun's voice as his customer-service voice, light and cheery enough to be appropriate for the situation.
Moon's voice is still a little raspy, but unlike his canon voice, it's less guttural and his pitch doesn't fluctuate as much. He also speaks in full sentences haha. The notable thing about Moon's voice is that it lacks the playful gremlin quality we all love about canon Moon. His tone isn't as playful and he doesn't giggle as much as he used to. Perhaps he'll have a short friendly chuckle when talking to a customer, but it's not gremlin level laughter. i think the closest voice reference i can think of is Corey Wilder's voice dub for Moon. still a little raspy without being too guttural, and more eloquent and charming in his delivery. Overall his tone is kinda dry, but when he begins to open up (like in this post), his voice takes a softer tone, closer to canon.
and finally Clip! In a way, his voice is probably the closest to canon Sun and Moon's. His voice fluctuates a lot jumping around from canon Sun's lofty theatrics to canon Moon's menacing glee. He's dramatic, he's silly, he cackles, he giggles, he rambles, he growls, he makes animal noises, he's all over the place! And there is no rhyme or reason to it, it's just fun for Clip. No matter the time of day, Clip is here to play play play! However, there are rare moments when his voice sounds like canon Eclipse from the Ruin DLC. It's that sweet and gentle tone, but there is a staticky quality in his voice, crackling like someone who hasn't spoken in a while.
i hope that made sense!
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prxdk · 10 months
Integra: Fuck you, you arrogant vampire!
Alucard: Get over here and fuck me yourself, coward!
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jamiesgotchu · 3 months
Why is it that in SO MANY horror games, the jumpscares are..... targeted
my fellow phasmophobia gamers know the death animation, and uhhhhh,,
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how we feelin tkl community
not to mention moon's jumpscare from security breach:
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betryl · 9 months
It's been said a lot of times before but I'll say it again because it's true: the country house section is one of the best, if not THE best section of the book.
It's weird to say considering how "useless" it is in terms of plot (there's the Bacchanal happening in the background but of course we know nothing about it yet), and there are many parts that are way more interesting in which actual things happen. Plus, it is quite long, so a lot of pages of basically nothing.
And yet in retrospect, that's the part that stuck with me the most in the end, and it still is one of the first things that come to mind when I think back on TSH.
It was just that vivid. Maybe it's because I've experienced something similar myself so I could sympathize with how Richard was feeling too. I just remember I was totally immersed in it the first time I read it. I really felt like I was there. And even if it did last longer than I expected and I wanted to go on with the story already, I didn't feel bored.
Apart from simply ✨the atmosphere✨ and ✨the aesthetic✨ being on point, I think the main reason for this is that it really fed the illusion, and it made you FEEL like Richard. We knew from the very first page (lines!) that this book was probably not going to be a joyful one. But while they were in that country house, everything seemed fine. Richard was finally making his way into the group, they were starting to be more open towards him, they were all having a great time together, we got to see their little stupid shenanigans which made us know all of them better and me inevitably attached to all of them (Bunny throwing Henry and Francis in the water will never not be funny to be) and they even started daydreaming about the possibility of living together in that house without anything changing in the future.
It was clear even while I was reading it that all those things would have never become true, and that the illusion would have shattered soon. But still a little part of me kept on believing that maybe that could last, because the way it was narrated by Richard was... weirdly hopeful, which isn't something I can say about any other part of the book I believe. It was hopeful, and yet there was that unsettling sense of dread creeping through the lines, because you KNEW the murder was coming soon and everything would end. But just like Richard, I just... didn't care in the moment.
The country house section to me was somehow a snippet into what could have been if they never murdered Bunny- or even before, if they never had the Bacchanal at all. Could things have gone wrong at some point still, for whatever other reason? Probably yes. Maybe they weren't meant to last anyways, maybe they weren't even friends in the first place, everyone has their own thoughts about this. But it's sweet to think about. Now knowing the whole story and how terrible the situation actually got makes those pages even more painful. Those really were their happiest times.
Also I could talk about Camilla cutting her foot too but that's maybe another post for another day before this becomes way too long lol.
Also also the cherry on top for me was definitely that last couple of lines which got to me HARD and make my heart ache still:
There was a ragged burst of laughter; faint, but clear, it floated back across the evening air. That laughter haunts me still.
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