#[anyway ahem. i see...asks OWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sentofight · 6 months
ooc. hello, miss me? *in m.oriarty voice* at this point i will not force this cucumber that is called my brain to work on replies if it does not want. lets a go~
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victoria1676 · 2 years
If only you knew the amount of fun i had making this:
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Ive been having so much fun drawing xinyan from the imposter au with the few details you discribe her with along with a little imagination for her design if you don't mind but i would also like to make a note that i was using a body sketch i found so sorry if it doesn't look like my art style i was just trying to make the body and style match i was going for match so ya that's that lol but also i believe i didn't get her tone right since i just got a pic of her full design and used her color palette to draw this so sorry if she looks to light I'm willing to redraw it since the pic of her that i used had bright lighting and ya that's a few things i wanted to say about the drawing and I hope you don't mind the little headcannons i made, tho I'm really more interested in how you veiw xinyan since she had a bit of time to show up but didn't really do much but warn aether with the letter and just dipped out and went of somewhere so I'm really excited for what you have in store for her and the rest once you finish the next chapter lol so I'll be waiting while drawing the few characters design for the future lol but feel free to state how you personally feel about this drawing since in enjoy any feed back or small stuff you'd would like to add anyway see ya lol.
(I'm slowly working on fishel since she's pretty difficult so send help)
-Anon Crow ✌️🙂
Heyo sorry i didnt see this yestersay i was busy trying to get Kazuha and finally got him! Plus a new sword for Kaeya that is now my second 5 star weapon XD Bless my friend who wished on my account 😭😭😭 The fact i also had a dream of actually getting Kazuha after thinking i couldnt get him and the DREAM WAS REAL YASSS!
Ahem- Back to the ask you sent with a fanart and can I say Im still half alseep since i just woke up but damn i didnt expect you drew Xinyan and she looks pretty cool! OwO
I did say in my story around Prologue 2 that Xinyan had her hair down since i feel like she wouldnt stick to her usual hairstyle after what happened which you guys can read it here in prologue 2 XD but i also mentioned Xinyan got her entire arm off including her elbow OwO
Still though im impressed with your design on her and she really looks amazing! You did amazing Anon Crow!! UwU tbh all i can say is positive words and if you want to redraw it you can since it is your drawing after all OwO i can understand as a fellow artists we arent satisfied what we draw so over all i am okay with your drawing but its your opinion if you want to re-draw or not XD
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derpygirl-draws · 3 years
Hi! I love your irksona, he's such anxious baby. I just have some questions, what are your pronouns? Do you accept fanart of Ace? And who's your favorite character in Invader Zim?
Tyty yes he do be anxious bby UwU a slightly deadly anxious bby OwO
my pronouns are she/her ty for asking
*ahem* anyways
honestly, its really hard for me to pick between Dib, Zim, Gaz, and Gir. I love all of them so much. Overall imma say it’s between Dib and Gir lmao.
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felinalain · 6 years
Adventures in CubeVania
Come one! Come all! Come listen to the tale of this (rather clumsy) vampire hunter! For context: I’m part of a facebook Castlevania group, and one of the people on it posted a picture of their Minecraft Castlevania map on it. It was beautiful, and we asked if it was playable anywhere. After some discussion with the map-maker, they allowed me to come test the map (it’s still WIP)
So here’s how my little adventure went! (warning, very long post after the cut) (also, I only has one death screenshot, so I’ll re-use it, but I died a lot of different ways >.>)
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Alright let’s do this! The goal is to get to the master chamber! First time in, arriving in a small but nice little protected village! I pick up some carrots, and I get going!
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First time seeing the castle, and it is gorgeous... and like, super impressive too! QwQ Had to swim quite a bit to reach the bridge XD
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Found the main bridge! ^.^
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Got to say though, at night this place is even more beautiful than ever! OwO
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Darn it the drawbridge is up! Guess Dracula only lower it for the noble Belmonts. I’mma need another way in... -3-
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The Underground Gardens of course! After nosing around, I managed to slip in using the waterway! Now to find my way in this beautiful but deadly vegetation! (you will notice me getting lost often... Like, very often)
After narrowly escaping getting eaten by zombies, I finally reached...
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Silent Hill town? Uh... That’s weird, that sound familiar... (easter egg + 1 bonus!) Heh, whatever! Let’s explore! Oooooh armour! I needed that!
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. . .
I... fell down a hole -.-
And there no floating vampire jesus there... >.> Guess I’mma follow that sign with the arrow on it...
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Uh, an arena heh? Nobody’s in it though, lucky me. I wouldn’t want to be made to fight minotaurs or whatnot.
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... Damnit. Well that’s fine! I’m not giving up that easily! Back to the village this time I’m storing on bread!
I’ll skip you the path already taken, but in short, running back to, then through the gardens and this time taking a left instead of a right, and bam!
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The main courtyard! Ahah! Progress! I can even see the chamber! (night version too because beautiful <3)
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Dracula here I come! Through the main door! I ain’t afraid!
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This is is my shader glitching, but honestly when I got down the stairs I thought it was a starfield and I was completely mindeffed trying to understand how Drac’ had a lake of star under the main hall...
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After my brilliant defeat of the gorgon (no I didn’t die a dozen times exploring around... what are you even saying >.> ahem) I found my way into the living quarters! And whoa, Drac’ is living in luxury... damned rich vampire lord...
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Emerging back on the rampart... sooo so close to the goal!!!! I can taste victory!
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. . . I hate skeletons.
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Hello darkness my old friend....~~
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Just keep going, don’t look down... ah crap I looked...
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To the big bells as loud as the thunder To the little bells soft as a psalm~~ What do you mean wrong music? ... oh...
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The view through those windows... <3<3
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Death’s lair IS rather impressive, got to give it that... I still hate skeletons though.
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IT WAS A TRAP!!!!!! (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ Two spiders, a couple zombies and two skeletons -.-
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Ahem, and this conclude my adventure so far. It was honestly amazingly fun, and I barely did maybe 10% of the map? And that’s being very very generous. I’m going to keep exploring (I’m also serving as a guinea pig, for the map maker to know what’s broken or missing, it’s fun XD) but I dunno if I’ll post more like this... we’ll see.
Anyway, thanks everyone and have a nice day!
Bonus round of the beautiful:
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Bonus playtesting: (taken by the map maker, that’s me on the bridge... Run he said XD)
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disneydreamlights · 7 years
It just hit me that the MoM in the MMO AU is an awful lot like Grings Kodai from the Zoroark Pokemon movie. I mean, both of them seek to know the future, both end up torturing a child in some way, both of them are villains with good publicity, and both are complete and utter sociopaths who feel no remorse for their crimes. I mean, the MoM PROBABLY has a higher body count and Kodai probably wouldn't mutilate himself for power, but I didn't say they were identical, now did I?
I mean I don’t remember who Kodai was but tbh I could see the MoM being crazy enough to do shit like that so...
Okay so, I know that the MMO AU is mostly based on making Strelitzia as miserable as possible while still giving her a happy ending, but I can't help but feel sorry for Luxu. I mean, he has to watch his friends turn on and murder each other, the nicest of said friends accuses him of being responsible, he out lives his wife and later children when he ascends to the Unchained State, and, unlike Strelitzia, doesn't get a happy ending. What do I mean by that? He'd die, permanently, in KH5.
Give Luxu a happy ending plz. He deserves one too. ;w;
So, one tweak I'd make to show WHY the MoM would be so worried about Ava is that, in the Case of Ava scene, she'd tell him, to his face, that she doesn't think dividing the Keyblade Wielders into Unions is a good idea when he foresaw a WAR between those Unions. I repeat, she'd have the guts to tell the MoM that she thinks he's wrong, TO HIS FACE. The MoM would, with feigned calmness, try to pass it off as a necessary evil and distract her with her assigned role.
The MoM would comment on Ava's boldness, and even question why she hadn't brought up her grievances before. The reason would be that Ava didn't want to get decapitated by Invi for "blasphemy" or "heresy" or whatever Invi would accuse Ava of. Speaking of Invi, she would EVENTUALLY notice that, despite alliances being forbidden, she had technically been in one with Ira. She'd pretty much snap at this point, with what little sanity she had left melting away at the idea she might've failed the MoM. 
Once the bell that signals the Keyblade War chimes, however, Invi would get snapped out of her berserk state by a realization. THIS is what the MoM wanted. At which point we see what Invi acts like when she is completely sane. And let me say this, if Lauriam is at his scariest when he's driven himself completely insane, Invi is at her scariest when her mind is clear. If the Keyblade War was voice acted, she'd be eerily calm in her pre and post boss dialogue, and at ease when she dies.
So, Invi in the MMO AU would probably count as an ambiguously evil character, with whether or not she counts as a villain depending on who you ask. I don't personally think of her as a villainous character, but that's mostly because of my head canons regarding how the MoM indoctrinated the Foretellers. The only Foretellers I believe to be truly evil is Aced, primarily because he's a manipulative Social Darwinist with a self-serving morality and a violent streak the size of Texas.
For the record, there would be anger in Aced's voice in his last words, desperation in Gula's, and regret in Ira's and Ava's. Invi would be the only Foreteller to die at peace with everything that's happened. And no, none of the Foretellers would ever come back after the Keyblade War. The closest we'd see would be the Dream Constructs in the Unchained State, until the Player Dreams of the Keyblade War, at which point even they would vanish for fear of waking those memories a second time
So I don’t know if I can actually approve of my precious bear son being truly evil (more pushed to a bring without any other way) because I love him and he deserves better but anyways.
Invi being cold and collected only because she’s carrying out exactly what the MoM decided he wanted terrifies me slightly.
Vanitas would be terrified of Aqua. She was able to shatter the proto X-blade mostly on her own, survived in the Realm of Darkness for over a decade, and hates him almost as much as she hates Xehanort. And it would take Aqua a while to forgive him too. I think it would be a combination of seeing him being a good brother to Strelitzia and realizing that she shouldn't exactly be proud of the fact that a boy she adopted regularly has nightmares about her. Perhaps she could teach him how to swim?
Yo I read a Vaniqua fic with that scene recently of Aqua teaching Vani how to swim.
*ahem* Ignoring that trash side of me I never talk about, I’d love to see Aqua and Vanitas interracting in a way that was cute like that. owo
So, pre-redemption arc Vanitas would kinda be a death seeker, feeling that he has to atone for fleeing the first Keyblade War by dying in the second. The fact that doing so would wipe out what Vanitas sees as a cruel and twisted world is just the icing on the cake to him. Deep down though, death scares him. The fear that makes you run would manifest as Prize Pods. The fear that motivates you to fight forms the basis of the Vanitas Remnant. And speaking of fear, Vanitas would still fear water.
At the end of the epilogue DLC, Vanitas would get a piece of Ven's light, and Ven a piece of Vanitas' darkness. This would allow their hearts to heal separately, putting an end to the Unversed and allowing Ven to regain his memories. This would have the downside of bringing back his hydrophobia. Ven would just conquered his fear of water before BBS, while Vanitas would still fear water in KH3. Then again, when you are nearly drowned at the age of 7...
...Stop you’re gonna make me wanna protect Vanitas too I’m already sympathetic enough to him that I can ship him with Aqua don’t make me want to hug him more he’s like the opposite of a cinnamon roll. ;w;
So, due to Terra's Heartless growing into a second Ansem and Xemnas norting himself, the restored Terranort's personalities would have actually switched, so that Ansem is attached to Terra's heart where as Xemnas is attached to Xehanort's. As such, when Xehanort is purged from Terra's heart, Xemnas' personality will cease to be, and when Ansem makes the mistake of summoning Terra's Keyblade and putting his mind in contact with the Lingering Will, his personality would cease to be, healing Terra
...Damn that’d be an interesting way to have Terra restore himself to being Terra.
So, Vanitas' return would be suitably terrifying, as the Vanitas Remnant basically rips Vanitas' darkness out of Sora's heart, and absorbs it, allowing Vanitas to regenerate around the Remnant.
That’s terrifying but you’re right that’s suitably terrifying for Vanitas.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
a loose adaption of the dark era light novel between me and @soul-dwelling
shout out to nkhrchy for translating the novel! [[seriously, go read the original.]]
and now, onto the gaiden [[warning; you _will_ cry]]
*step step step* -a man is walking through an alleyway. it was something he did on most nights at this time. soon, he arrives to his destination; bar lupin- ???: .... *entering and walking down the stairs until he spots someone* -a solemn tune plays on the jukebox- Dazai: *seated at the counter, playing with a glass in his hand* ???: in your usual spot I see, dazai. Dazai: *looks up--and smiles* "Odasaku!" odasaku: *smiles and nods, taking a seat next to him* just the usual please. bartender: *nods and gets to it* odasaku: *looks at dazai* so what are you doing? Dazai: *stares into his glass at himself* "...Reflecting." odasaku: on what exactly? Dazai: "...Success can be harder than failure, yes?" odasaku: sounds about right, yeah. Dazai: "So...if suicide is harder to achieve...then failing at attempted suicide would be easier! Yes?" odasaku: ....I suppose that makes sense. Dazai: "Then let's test it! Bartender, a glass of your finest laundry detergent, please!" bartender: sorry, you're fresh outta luck there, kid. cat: *stretching and sitting on one of the seats* Dazai: D: "What a failure!" odasaku: so, how did your mission go? Dazai: "Failure! An utter failure at that!" odasaku: oh? how so? Dazai: "We got info that some idiots were planning to steal illegal goods--stealing our livelihood! I was lying in wait, wondering which brave soldiers would be there. If we had succeeded, I could have died beautifully! Alas, it was just a dozen or so punks. So disappointing! The only cool thing they had was the bazooka...I didn't even get to die. -3-“ odasaku:... *sighs* any idea who these guys were? Dazai: "Don't know. We caught a few of them for interrogation. They'll be spilling soon!” odasaku: .....I see you got injured again, dazai. Dazai: "Huh. Indeed..." odasaku: how's your leg? Dazai: "...I fell into a ditch." odasaku: and your hand? Dazai: "Fell off a mountain." odasaku: and your head? Dazai: "Tofu." odasaku: *sweatdrop* I have no words. Dazai: "You know the saying, 'hit your head on the corner of tofu, you'll die'?" odasaku: not until now, no. Dazai: "Well, it is. So, I made the tofu really hard to kill me--but all it did was cut me." odasaku:...did you throw it out after that? Dazai: "Nah, I ate it." odasaku: oh. how was it? Dazai: "...That was the worst part. It was...delicious." -3- odasaku: hmm. that's pretty impressive. ???: I'm amazed you aren't laughing at him, odasaku. -a young man in glasses enters- ???: honestly, you spoil him too much. Dazai: :D "Ango!" odasaku: long time no see. ango: well, I was just on a trip from Tokyo. I'm beat. *putting his bag on the chair aside him.* bartender, the usual please. Dazai: "Oh! Was it a fun trip?" *tapping on an empty can* ango: well about as fun as a business trip can be, I suppose. Dazai: "Great way to kill time, too! So, what was the job?" ango: well, the usual things. and when I got back, I heard we got some top-notch cargo from Europe. but when I went to investigate, it was mostly just garbage and the like. odasaku: ah. ango: but there was a nice antique watch. it's a fake, but still nice looking. Dazai: "...When did the exchange end?" ango: 8 pm. then I got over as quick as I could. do as much work as you are paid to, that way I won’t lose my mind. Dazai: "...When did the Famous Mafia Expert Ango Sakaguchi get so soft?" ango: says the youngest mafia executive in history. so, what did you want to talk about? odasaku: nothing much. ango: ah...and you, dazai? Dazai: "..." *taps his glass with his nail* "Yeah. Not much." odasaku: how about you, ango? ango: not really. Dazai: "...Hey...We've been drinking together like this for a long time. But I never hear Odasaku complain about work..." ango: yeah, considering how different it is from our line of work... odasaku: it's nothing all that special. kind of dull to be honest. Dazai; *pouts* "Oh, come on! I bet you got the most interesting job! Spill. What'd you do this week?" odasaku: ....hmmm... well, I did investigate a series of thefts in one of the mafia's malls. turned out it was a bunch of grade schoolers. also had to take care of a small bomb threat. Dazai: "...Will you switch jobs with me?!" odasaku: *small chuckle* sorry, but I don't think that's possible. Dazai: D: "Then I'll go to the boss and demand I take care of the next bomb threat!" ango: hmm.. cat: *streeeetch* Dazai: "...Can I come with you next time?" ango: please don't, he's only going to make things more difficult. odasaku: if you're asking because you're bored, maybe try finding a hobby? something other than attempting suicide? Dazai: "I don't like things that make me sweat." ango: *sighs* so exhausted.. odasaku: maybe you're overworked? ango: *sigh* well, maybe I should call it a night. Dazai: "D'aw, leaving already?" ango: *nods* you know, having drinks here, kind of makes you forget you're a criminal. *paying his tab* odasaku: ...didn't even have time to drop off your luggage? ango: it's not much. just a set of spare clothes, an umbrella, and a camera for work. Dazai: *shiny eyes* "Photo time!" odasaku: any special occasion? Dazai: "Ango returning? Successfully handling that bomb threat? Oh, screw it--we don't need a reason but to commemorate the three of us here, today!" ango: *sigh* if you insist. *taking the camera out* Dazai: "Make it a handsome photo!" odasaku: what's with the sudden urge for photo ops? Dazai: *shrugs* "Time is short, so might as well get a photo now while we can?" odasaku: ....right. cat: *mreeeow* bartender: alright, say 'fuzzy pickles'! -snap- -the next morning- odasaku: *making coffee* *Phone ring* odasaku: hmm? *picks up* oda speaking. ???: "Sakunosuka Oda. The leader seeks you." odasaku: !! r-right. -upon arriving, odasaku nods to a young woman at the desk. mori's personal secretary, shizuka kanei- shizuka: good morning mr oda. mr mori will see you know. odasaku:... Mori: "Wear this dress! Please!" odasaku: *trying not to gag* shizuka: *knocks* mr mori? oda is here. Mori: "Ah, good! Now, take off your clothes." odasaku: *SLAM* ....... elise: *still clothed, thank god* shizuka: o.o; um....mr mori sir? oda is here. Mori: owo;;;;;;;; elise: thank you for saving me from rintarou's dirty minded weirdness! hey shizu! you wear this dress! shizuka: eh? elise: yeah! you're about the same size as me more or less! odasaku:.... *aHEM* anyway, you said you wanted to speak with me, sir? Mori: "..." *his stare is more serious before he walks to his desk--and presses a button* shizuka: *nods and exits with elise* odasaku: ... -the room is dark, save for certain lamps- Mori: "...Has anyone told you to 'ridicule others more'?" odasaku:...I may have heard the term once before Mori: "And that is why, you saw nothing. Understood?" odasaku: I'm repressing it as we speak. (thinking: if he comes anywhere near the kids, formalities be damned, I'm going to tear him a new one) Mori: "Dazai once told me, “Odasaku is a man who says what he means. He said you were hard to get to know, but once you do, you get along great. I think I understand...“ odasaku: .... what exactly did you want, sir? Mori: *removes a cigar from his desk* "I want you to find someone." odasaku: ?? who exactly? Mori: "Ango Sakaguchi." odasaku: *eyes widen* Mori: "Hmm. Hardly as calm as I had hoped." odasaku: (thinking: but...I saw him last night...how can he just...) Mori: "We lost contact with him last night. No signs he returned home. Not clear whether he disappeared of his own accord or was abducted." odasaku:... i'll do my best to find him, sir. Mori: *picks up a quill* "Given your ability to handle such difficult cases, I have faith in you." odasaku:...right. Mori: "Shizuka, please give him the paper." shizuka: of course, mr mori. *she hands odasaku something* odasaku: ?.... !! this is... Mori: "The Silver Oracle. This document gives you authority, even over executives." odasaku: ....I don't make it a hobby to boss around my superiors. Mori: "Really? 'Youngest Executive in History' does have a commanding ring to it..." odasaku: .... shizuka: if it were me, i'd use it to put that bastard ace in check. odasaku: tempting as that is, my statement still stands. Mori: "Hmm...As you were. I look forward to good news." odasaku: *nods and turns to exit* Mori: "Nice models." odasaku: ?? *looks at his guns* oh...thanks. I think. Mori: "Yet you never use them?" odasaku: no I don't, sir. Mori: "Why?" odasaku: are you asking as my superior? Mori: "Personal curiosity." odasaku: then in that case, allow me to personally not answer. Mori: "..." *crosses his arms, smiles* "Then you are dismissed. I look forward to good news." odasaku: *nods and exits* shizuka:....are you certain this will work, mr mori? Mori: "You doubt me?" shizuka: n-no! of course not sir! Mori: "Good. Because doubt is not helpful without having anticipated solutions. So believe me: I know what I"m doing." shizuka: of course, sir. your brilliance knows no bounds! Mori: *smiles* "Thank you. Now, proceed." shizuka: ^///^ of course, sir. -at the docks- hirotsu: go investigate if the deceased had any relatives. leave the explaining to me. -a few bodies are in body bags- Dazai: "Good morning!" hirotsu: *nods* dazai. naoya: *raising a hand up* yo. *playing her handheld and smirks* Dazai: "Oh! Come on!" *taps buttons* naoya: *grins and passes him in game* nyohoho~ =u= Dazai: "Darn sharp bend!" *trying to turn* hirotsu: -_-; mr dazai. we apologize for asking you to come all the way out here. the victims were the security guards of our weapons storage, as for details- Dazai: "Uh-huh. Oh, really. (Jump, damn it!) How were they killed?" hirotsu: All three took 10 to 20 shots of 9mm bullets and died on the spot. The firearms in the store were stolen. Specifically, we lost 40 automatic pistols, 8 shotguns, 2 sniper rifles, 80 hand grenades, and 18 kilograms of explosives. The electronic lock at the entrance were opened with the right passwords. As for how the information was leaked, we’re still investiga- Dazai: "Here, take this. I'll take a look." hirotsu: urk- O-O;; Dazai: "Use the speed boost. Now, where's the body?" hirotsu: they're over there...what button do I press? naoya: its this one here. hirotsu: I see. thank you. naoya: no prob. -the three bodies just lay there, motionless, of course- Dazai: *examining a corpse* "The bullets went through the body..." naoya: no shit, Sherlock! Dazai: "But it was done close-up...That's one good shot." hirotsu:..... TT_TT *he lost* please forgive me. naoya:....*pap pap* Dazai: *glare* hirotsu: if I try again, maybe I could- Dazai: "Get rid of subordinates who are causing problems because of drugs." hirotsu: ?! oh heavens, my subordinates don't touch such things. naoya: and no, the xanex incident doesn't count! Dazai: "Except that gun you're holding is not yours." hirotsu: .... Dazai: "You wouldn't be so irresponsible to carry a gun like that, and you don't have a habit of having one anyway." hirotsu: *says nothing* Dazai: "The white powder and blood stains on the handle, heavy eyebags under your eyes. You took their weapon." hirotsu: that's- Dazai: "Take. Care of this." hirotsu: *his face is grim*....I understand... naoya: ..... Dazai: "...Kidding!" hirotsu: O_O naoya:.....*glare* Dazai: "I know you got this handled! I leave it to you to handle this as you see fit while I keep it away from Fearless Leader." *pat pat* naoya: *fist clench* the hell is his problem?! ...tch- 'youngest mafia executive'...more like an entitled brat! hirotsu: ....one can only pray he mellows out. Dazai: "So, footage of the attacker?" hirotsu: *nods to one man in a suit, who presents 5 photographs* -the photographs reveal several people dressed in rags. to those unaware, they look like vagabonds- Dazai: "Damn. Trained soldiers. Neat." naoya: soliders? these guys? Dazai: "The diamond formation of their walking was the first hint. The gun on his waist is the next." hirotsu: oh? Dazai: "Dude's packing a Grey Spectre--old European pistol model." naoya: wasn't there an old cartoon show by that name? Dazai: " 'Grey Ghost'?" naoya: yeah! that's the one! hirotsun~ you know what I mean, right? hirotsu: wait, 'hirotsun'? what kind of name is that? naoya: yeah, it's way too cute for an old coot like you. hirotsu: -_-; Dazai: *pacing* "Leaked info? Stole weapons? For selling? No...They could sell anything...So..." naoya: ..... hirotsu:.... Dazai: "...I'm thirsty." hirotsu: -_-; steve, get dazai a drink. Dazai: "Coffee. Milk. Subzero." steve: right away sir. Dazai: "Don't just put the ice in! And make it decaf. Two sugars!" steve: of course sir. Dazai: "Oh, and Hirotsu? They somehow entered the correct security code." hirotsu: ?!! Dazai: "So, who gave them that code?" -silence- Dazai: "Hmph. A battlefield will be right here." hirotsu: just what kind of enemy are we dealing with? Dazai: "The kind that poison themselves rather than be interrogated." hirotsu:....you don't mean- Dazai: "We got a name. Mimic." -ding- odasaku: *examining the room* -he opens one drawer...HOW SCANDELOUS! it's ango's sock drawer- odasaku: nope. *closing it*.....*examines a footstool* *nothing* odasaku:....*looks up at the vent* ...hm? *It's dark inside the vent* odasaku: *standing on the footstool and pulling the plastic grill off* *It's dark...will have to reach in...* odasaku: *reaching in....pulling out a safe* huh? {BANG BANG} odasaku: !!! *drops to the ground, still holding the safe *there's a mirror* odasaku: *looks at the roof of the building opposite...there are two figures that vanish* shit... -he runs out of the room and heads down the stairs- odasaku: (thinking: if I didn't have an ability, I would have died then and there...) *There are many paths this sniper may have taken* odasaku: *calling dazai on speed dial* Dazai: "So rare to get a phone call from you! To what do I owe the pleasure? Oh! Maybe you have a joke--" odasaku: yeah. knock knock. Dazai: "Who's there?" odasaku: I literally just got shot at by a sniper. Dazai: !!!!! odasaku: in ango's apartment, at the sunrise hotel. to escape you'd have to either pass the kokuryu shrine or the port district unloading bay- Dazai: "And I have to cut off their escape route..." odasaku: well, I was given the silver oracle earlier today so- Dazai: "Don't. I'll have troops sealing the roads. I'll be right there. Don't pursue too closely, Odasaku." odasaku: thanks. -he keeps running until reaching a back alley- *Grabbed* odasaku: ?! ???: *has a blade in his left hand* odasaku: *dodging, shoots at his foot* ???: *stops* "!!!" odasaku: ...?? -BANG- ???: *reaches for him--or something else...* odasaku: *tosses the safe to the side and pulls his guns out* Dazai: "Odasaku! Get down!" odasaku: !!! *ducks* -RATATATATATATATA- Dazai: *small pant* "What am I supposed to do with you, Odasaku?" odasaku: heh, how the tables have turned. normally I'm asking _you_ that, dazai.....are they dead? Dazai: "Yeah...They'd have poisoned themselves anyway..." odasaku:..... Dazai: "That's not what you meant, is it? It'd been hard for you not to kill them." odasaku:....you have a point. Dazai: "...Sorry. You're in a bad mood. I shouldn't be influencing you." odasaku: it's fine. you did just save my ass just now... Dazai: "It's that motto of yours that keeps you as errand boy: 'Never kill.' With your great abilities--" odasaku: yeah, I've heard it before...but right now, these guys should be our main focus. Dazai: "...Meaning the attack in Ango's residence?" -odasaku explains what happened- Dazai: "...Check their guns for model numbers." odasaku: *examining* ....huh... Dazai: "Huh what?" odasaku: *points to their holsters* Dazai: *looks at the model of the pistol--and his eyes widen* odasaku: what's wrong? Dazai: "I know them..." odasaku: you do? Dazai: "Mimic..." odasaku: first I've ever heard of them...who exactly are they? Dazai: "A bunch of outsiders, gunning for the Mafia." odasaku: .... (thinking: death city, despite being a 'city of second chances', is a place full of all kind of sick fucks...killers....monsters...cultists...) Dazai: "I better check Ango's apartment..." odasaku: well, I did find this...*picks up the safe* seems they really wanted it...not sure how to get it open though... Dazai: *takes the safe--and shakes it* odasaku: h-hey now- Dazai: "Something definitely in there. Need garbage." odasaku: ?? Mafioso: I got a paper clip. Dazai: "Gimme gimme!" Mafioso: um. ok sir. *hands it to him* Dazai: *inserts the paperclip into the keyhole and--* "Opened!" odasaku: huh, way to MacGyver it. Dazai: "Mc-Who-y?" odasaku: ...*sweatdrop* n-nevermind. what's inside? Dazai: *opens* "..." odasaku:....a pistol? Dazai: "...That emblem." odasaku: ?? *examines the pistol* Dazai: "...Why did Ango have this?" odasaku: not sure....maybe he swiped it off one of them?....*sighs* we aren't exactly 'detectives'. and we don't have other info available to us......it's getting late. Dazai: *stare* odasaku:...dazai? thanks again. i'll let you know if something comes up. *turns to leave* Dazai: "Odasaku. You remember what Ango said last night? About a deal?" odasaku: I think so. Dazai: "He likely was lying." odasaku: what? Dazai: "His umbrella was wet. But he didn't need it." odasaku: ... Dazai: "He would have driven to the deal, without needing to use the umbrella for how long for it to get so wet. And his clothes were dry." odasaku: ..... maybe he had a change of clothes on him? Dazai: "No change in the suitcase, and no space." odasaku: .... Dazai: "And why put an antique next to a wet umbrella?" odasaku: you mean the watch? Dazai: "Yes. What if that watch wasn't something Ango acquired? What if that watch was something he owned all along?” odasaku: … Dazai: “He met in rain to block vision and so any audio surveillance would not pick up whatever conversation he had." odasaku: it could have been a top-secret meeting... Dazai: "Then why didn't he say, 'I can't tell'?" odasaku: ...... -someone is getting up- odasaku: !!!! dazai! Dazai: "!!!" Mimic soldier: "Don't...move..." Dazai: "...Tch. Such resilience." odasaku: *reaching for his gun* Dazai: "So...Mimic, huh?" Soldier: "..." Dazai: "Silent type? I mean, how can you mimic if your silent? I guess I should be impressed: no one has pointed a gun at me like this before." *Dazai takes a step forward* odasaku: dazai no! *reaches for him* Dazai: "Aim for the heart or the head. Actually, go for the head. My colleague won't give you more than one shot." odasaku: DAZAI!! Dazai: "Please...Do it. I want to wake up. Please." -BANG- Dazai: *leans back...* -RATATATATATATATATA- Dazai: *steps back, still leaning* "Disappointing..." odasaku: *sigh*... !! your ear... Dazai: "..." *taps his hand* "...Oh. Huh. Pretty realistic acting, though, right?" odasaku:.... Dazai: "I had noticed he was left-handed, yet he held the gun with his right hand, so he would only get one shot--giving everyone else time while I delayed him. Logical, yes?" odasaku:......makes sense. Dazai: *smiles...his eyes look wet* odasaku:....*pats his shoulder* get some rest tonight, dazai. Dazai: "O-Okay..." *sniff* odasaku:...... -a few days later- -at the diner- odasaku: .... Boss: "Constipated?" odasaku: hmm? nah. wouldn't be eating curry if I wasn't, haha. Boss: "How is the curry?" odasaku: *smiles* same as usual. -he takes a sip of his coffee- odasaku: how're the kids doing? Boss: "Same. Glad there aren't more of them, or they'd be holding up banks." *hands him a plate of fries* "Go up there, say hi, give them some food." odasaku: can do. *heading upstairs* hey kids. how's it going? sakura: *brushing the hair of her Barbie doll* shinji: *reading a book* *A shadow approaches* odasaku: !! sakura: *grabs his leg* goddim! odasaku: !! *falls back* *A softball is coming* odasaku: *dodge* yuu: ack! -more antics later- odasaku: kousuke, do you surrender? Kousuke: QWQ "I give up!" katsumi: -_-; sakura: hehe ^^ odasaku: oh, I brought lunch for you, kiddos. yu: yay! shinji: thanks uncle oda! *from downstairs* ????: "Spicy!" odasaku: oh, hey dazai Dazai: "Milk!" odasaku: cup of milk for my friend please. Dazai: *sip sip* "...How are the kids?" odasaku: same as usual. *smiles* those kids could give me a run for my money, let me tell you. Dazai: "Heh. Maybe I should recruit those Dragon's Head kids..." odasaku: ... Dazai: "You raising five orphans? you're the weirdest person I know in the Mafia." odasaku: *pulls out an envelope with money inside* this is for the kid's living expenses, boss. Boss: "!!! That's a lot of cash--about all you make, right? I can chip in..." odasaku: it's fine. you giving these kids a roof over their heads is enough. *small smile* Boss: "...Well, the meal's on me!" odasaku: thanks. so dazai, what brings you this way? Dazai: "That thing." odasaku:....boss, mind giving us a few minutes? Boss: "Just let me know if a customer comes in..." *takes off his apron, exits* odasaku: so, what's the report? Dazai: "They're outsiders. Not from around here." odasaku: yeah, I could tell by the guy's accent...French, I think? Dazai: *nods* "Not sure why they came here. I hypothesize they needed money." odasaku: but isn't Europe a stronghold of gifteds? Dazai: "Why go to Europe, when you can claim Port Mafia territory?" odasaku: ...but why come to death city of all places? Dazai: "They were chased out of Europe by the Order of the Clock Tower." odasaku: order of the clocktower? I think I've heard of them in passing... Dazai: "Point for Odasaku! And I bet someone smuggled them in..." odasaku: hmmm...does the boss already know this? Dazai: "Yeah. And I'm now battle strategist and frontline commander to deal with Mimic...Don't underestimate these folks, Mimic and Clock Tower. We'll get more info on whatever organization-wide attack they want." odasaku: wouldn't the city government have gotten someone to deal with this? like the DWMA? Dazai: "The Port Mafia is a criminal organization. Maybe they want us and Mimic to kill each other off." odasaku:....and what about ango? Dazai: "..." *sips his milk* "...The weapons storage code was leaked through Ango." odasaku:...... Dazai: "To avoid internal conflict, the Mafia gives out individual codes. And--" odasaku: when they raided the storage unite, they used ango's code, right?....you think it might be a set up? Dazai: "Possibly. But I can't determine a motive." odasaku: ..... Dazai: "...HA ha Ha hA!" odasaku: *startled* Dazai: "I had thought it was a criminal organization that Ango ran to--but they wouldn't be convinced by some crying, begging guy! And Ango wouldn't be an easy adversary! So exciting!" odasaku: dazai. *grabs his hand* Dazai: "...I should leave." odasaku: dazai...is something bothering you- -ring ring- Dazai: "...Sorry." *takes the phone, answers* "It's me." odasaku:.... Dazai: "...Understood." *looks at Odasaku* "The mouse has fallen into the trap." -later- Clerk: "Here's the stack room." odasaku: thanks...be careful, alright? Clerk: *smiles* "Not much worth an attack--not valuable." odasaku:...nice ambiance. maybe I could get transferred here. Clerk: "Tch. Youngsters find it too boring to last more than three days." odasaku: *dry chuckle* ah....well, thank you sir. *looking through records* *The name 'Ango' leaps out* odasaku: ... *examining the file* {ango: could you not come any closer? it stinks.} {Dazai: >_< "I want to cut off my nose."} {ango: just put the items on the table, step away and please don't speak unless I ask you something} {Dazai: "??? So, you're new? May I use your washroom? To clean off this stench--"} {ango: what did I just tell you? -_.-; } {Dazai: D: } {ango: *taking notes of the items*} {odasaku: what are you doing?} {ango: one, don't talk, two, I'm taking records.} {odasaku: ah.} {Dazai: "REPORT YOUR NAME!"} {odasaku: !!} {ango:... *adjusts glasses* it's Ango Sakaguchi, sir.} {Dazai: "..." *snort laugh*} {ango: w-what's so funny?!} {Dazai: "You're interesting, but that won't impress the boss."} {ango: what do you mean by that?} {Dazai: "He won't be interested in your evaluations."} {ango: are you glancing at my notes?} {Dazai: "Nope! Not when your face betrays you."} {ango: .....} {Dazai: "These people will hardly last loong, will die, will be just lost money and possessions. Care for me to glance at one of your passages?"} {ango:.... During the executive raid that happened by the waste disposal site last night, there were four casualties. Specifically, Umeki Kouto, Saegusa Shoukichi, Ishige Miroku, and Utagawa Kazuma — Umeki was originally a military policeman who was framed. Shouldering the crime of killing their colleagues, he was taken off the force and joined the mafia. He was skilled at commanding and leading this small group. Both of his parents are deceased, and he has a much younger brother, but they do not keep in contact. Umeki didn’t really kill his colleagues, but no one will ever know that now. –The next is Saesuga. He inherited his mafioso father’s mantle, joining the mafia from a young age. Skilled at settling disputes, it’s said that shops in the turf have excellent things to say of him. His dream was once to become an executive. –Next is Ishige. She was born in a brothel, raising her ill parents. Although her vision was not good, she had sensitive hearing, and was able to hear the enemy’s attack one step ahead of others. The fact that our side didn’t completely perish in this attack can largely be credited to her. The last, Utagawa, was originally a hitman from an enemy organization. After the organization collapsed, he joined to fight under the mafia’s banner. He had a wife and a child, but his family members were completely unaware of the fact that he was a killer and a mafioso. Neither will they know from this day forth.} {odasaku:.....} {ango: I've been gathering these reports in my free time. there are at least 84 records like this now...} {Dazai: *pats Ango's back* "Check out this guy, Odasaku! What an interesting mafioso, to be wasting such talent!"} {ango: please do not touch me. -_.-; } {Dazai: "Let's look at these reports, Odasaku!"} {odasaku: i'll buy them as priced.} {ango: this isn't a yard sale! you are disrupting my work! and it smells horrible in here!} {Dazai: "Like tsukudani? Hmm...That'd go well with sake..."} {ango: what does that have to do with anything?!} {odasaku: he seems stressed...} {Dazai: "You know what helps with stress?"} {ango: what are you two planning?} {Dazai: "Alcohol."} {ango: o_.o; n-n-now hold on a moment-} {Dazai: "Hug him! Then our smell will overpower him so he can't keep working!"} {ango: don't you dare! this is my best suit!} {Dazai: "Hugs!"} elliotthezubat {odasaku: you take the left, I take the right?} {Dazai: "Ango sandwich!"} {ango: don't you dare! i'll call security! NOOOOOOOOO!} {Dazai: "Ha ha!"} odasaku: (thinking: we actually went out for drinks after that....) -…- Dazai: *walking downstairs* mimic soldier: ..... Mafioso: ... Dazai: "...Explain." Mafioso: we brought these guys in from our casino after they got knocked out from the sleeping gas. we intended to interrogate them. we even took out the cyanide pills in their mouths... Dazai: "I know. I had instructed you to do so. What then happened?" mafioso: well, one of their guys woke up earlier than we though...before we could cuff her, she grabbed one of our guns and shot her comrades, she tried to attack us but akut- Dazai: *holds up a hand* "Say no more. I'm just happy he did such a good job!" *looks around* -Akutagawa is right nearby- Akutagawa: "..." *stares* mafiosos: *backing up to give them room* Dazai: If you didn’t have your ability, it would have been impossible to defeat such a strong opponent in one strike. You’re worthy of being my subordinate. Luckily, because of you, all three of the enemy soldiers we caught are now dead. Those soldiers were caught after painstakingly laying down traps. Our leads have been cut short now. If there could have been one survivor, we could interrogate them for all sorts of precious information: the enemy’s base, the enemy’s motive, their next target, their commander’s name and origin, as well as the commander’s ability. What a great job indeed! Akutagawa: "You don't need reports. On my own, I can rip apart such trash all by mys--" Dazai: *punch* mafioso: !! mafioso 2: *saying nothing* Dazai: *smiles* "You must have thought I wanted to hear excuses. Sorry for the misunderstanding." Akutagawa: “Tch-“ mafioso: .... Dazai: "You. Lend me your gun." mafioso: *handing him the gun* Dazai: *removes the bullets, loads three in, loads back the magazine--and aims at Akutagawa* Akutagawa: "..." Dazai: "Akutagawa, my friend is a man who raises orphans. If it were him who found you and your sister, he would not have given up on your starving self. He would have taught you. That is the right way. ... but it wasn’t him who found you, it was me. A man who does this to his good for nothing subordinates." -BANG- rashomon: *snarls* Akutagawa: "..." Dazai: "..." *smiles* "See? I told you that ability of yours isn't just for tearing people up. It's also for defense." Akutagawa: "...I failed so many times before...to use it for defense--" Dazai: "And now you succeeded--great job!" Akutagawa: *hard stare* Dazai: "Next time you screw up, I'll hit you twice, fire five shots. Understood?" Akutagawa: "..." Dazai: "So, today's discipline lesson stops here. Everyone, back to work." mafioso: mr dazai, sir? do you want us to investigate the corpses? Dazai: "Of course." mafioso: *she nods* understood, sir. Dazai: "Be thorough on all bits of them. Otherwise, Odasaku will solve this on his own." mafioso: who? mafioso 2: Sakunosuke Oda, right? red hair? stubble? Dazai: "...Yes." mafioso 3: doesn't seem like the kind fo guy to be friends with an executive... Dazai: "...Wha?" -silence- Dazai: "...Idiots! Listen up! Don't provoke Odasaku. If he gets angry, the five in this room will be dead before they can pull out their guns." mafiosos: !!!!........ Akutagawa: "..." Dazai: "Odasaku is scarier than any mafioso when he's serious. Not even Akutagawa could handle him, not with a hundred years--" Akutagawa: "Bullshit. Impossible. Do you take me for a f--" Dazai: *claps his hands* "Time to work! Let's hurry to settle this fight!" -elsewhere- odasaku:..... *Ring ring* odasaku: *picks up* odasaku speaking. Dazai: "Sorry to bother you, so I'll be direct: got a lead. Rush over to this location, now." odasaku: right Dazai: "The perennial broad-leaf on the soldier's shoe is just the clue we needed!" odasaku: *nods* -and so- odasaku: *walking up the stairs* -someone is tied to a chair in the center of the room- ango: s-stay back! this is the enemy base, why are you here? odasaku: *undoing the rope* saving you, that's what. ango: ... odasaku: mimic knows you're a spy, don't they? ango: !!! odasaku: everyone thinks you’re a spy for mimic, but really you're a mafia spy who _infiltrated_ mimic. they had a sniper at your room to keep someone from finding your gun. but why not use that firepower to take out the boss instead? simple. you lied and told them 'you don't know where the leader is.' because what you can and cant say is decided by the boss. ango:....you need to leave! they planted a time bomb upstairs to burn this whole building to a crisp, with me in it! odasaku: *undoes the ropes* there, come on. how much time do we have? ango: how should I know?! odasaku: *helping him up and running with him* -beep beep beep- odasaku: ....*picks him up princess style and jumps out the window* ango: !!! -BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM- odasaku: *cough* ango! you alright? ango:...*small blush* y-yes...im fine... odasaku: how much does mori know? ango: just about everything. he is the only one who knows I infiltrated mimic...b-beside you that is. odasaku: .... ango:...I-in any case, I should report this as soon as possible.....mimic's leader is a dangerous man. he wants to wipe out the mafia. his soldiers are more than willing to die for him...some of them already have. odasaku: what's his name? ango: andre gide. a highly gifted ability user. you cant go up against him.....you're the one who found the gun in the safe, right? odasaku: yeah. ango: it's an emblem. a way to prove you are part of mimic. it took me a whole year to earn it. odasaku:.... ango: conflict is unavoidable now. no one is safe. mimic would even go head to head with the guard dogs of hell. if we don't handle this soon the whole city- *winces as his forehead is bleeding* odasaku: just who are these people? ango: soldiers...remnants of a previous war- -a small ball rolls across- odasaku: ??? -he picks it up- odasaku:..... !!!!! ang- ango:...*staring at several figures...special ops*....*stares at odasaku*.... ango: odasaku:... sorry for troubling you... odasaku: ngh... ango: report everything I told you. the info on mimic is all true.....goodbye. *turns and follows the special ops, tears streaming* odasaku: *collapses* -morning- {odasaku: *reading*} ???: "Is it really that interesting?" {odasaku: hmm? oh. yeah.} {???: "Strange kid. There are so many stories more interesting in this world than what's in that novel."} {odasaku: ....to each their own, I guess.} {???: "Hey, kid? Where's the last volume of that book?"} {odasaku:...I haven't been able to find it. I've tried second hand shops, yard sales, online...i cant find it anywhere...} {???: "Tch. That last volume is terrible anyway! Need a good vat of brain bleach after reading that garbage. Just read the first and second volumes."} {odasaku: but there's so much unanswered...I couldn't be able to stop thinking about it...} {???: "So write it yourself."} {odasaku: ?? me? a writer?} {???: "Sure. Writing is about people--how they live and die. You know that already."} {odasaku: ....} -beep. beep. beep.- odasaku: nngh...huh? Dazai: "Oh, you're awake! How you feeling?" odasaku: well, it feels like the worst hangover a human being could have....did you find ango? Dazai: *stands, frozen* odasaku: .....I take that as a no then...? Dazai: "Two categories: Mimic's attack, and Ango's secret movements." odasaku: so then there's a 3rd party involved? Dazai: *nods* "Mafia, Mimic, Ango's Black Ops. But we have to focus on Mimic, given the attacks they've done while you were bedridden." odasaku: attacks? Dazai: "Six stores, bombed. Increasing damage by the minute." odasaku:...*thinking of the curry shop...wince* Dazai: "The smaller shops have been lined at the back. Mimic is prioritizing other attacks." odasaku: .... Dazai: "But they disappear without a trace--Spectres." odasaku: ...fitting, I suppose. Dazai: "They want to raze all we got. It's crazy. We can send Akutagawa to lead the assault--but...we don't know these enemies' abilities." odasaku: 'akutagawa'. he's your subordinate, isn't he? I hear he's really strong, and even he isn't enough? Dazai: "More like a sword without a scabbard. Needs someone to teach him." odasaku: *nods* Dazai: "Really powerful, really destructive, really stubborn..." odasaku:...do you know where he is? Dazai: "Attacked." odasaku: ?! where? Dazai: "Art museum." odasaku: thanks. *gets up and heads that way* -at the museum- Mafioso: just who are you guys? Gide: "Mimic. We are spectres." Mafioso: *screams and shoots* Mafioso 2: *noticing someone enter* !! Akutagawa! Akutagawa: *already summons Rashamon* "I suggest you leave." Gide: "..." *smiles* Akutagawa: "...Won't surrender? Fine. But I'm not satisfied..." *launches an attack, wrapping around Gide's limbs* "Name. Now." Gide: "Andre Gide. I am here to fight you." Akutagawa: "...And that would be a great honor. But that is not why you are here. Why let you fight...when I can slice off your head now?" Gide: "...Because that is not as your teacher commanded." *PUNCH* Akutagawa: "I know you are an ability user." *takes Gide's pistol, aims at his head* "And no matter how much trash I put out, he still is not impressed...will not acknowledge me. So I have to get you to show your ability and defeat you." Gide: "...That black coat. Outstanding ability. Limitless possibilities. Still...insufficient." Akutagawa: "!!!" Gide: "Release your soul from its sins...or else you are hardly worth a battle." Akutagawa: "..." *he summons Rashomon and launches it at Gide's head, slicing a bit of his hair--before a shot is fired at him* "!!!" Gide: *smirks* Akutagawa: *retracts Rashomon to block the bullet--leaving Gide's hand free* Gide: *pulls another pistol from his uniform, firing at a Mafioso* Mafioso: *screams as he falls* Akutagawa: "!!!" Gide: *fires a shot--at Akutagawa's arm* Akutagawa: "AH!" -BANG- Akutagawa: *clutches his arm, retreating, trying to bandage himself with Rashomon* "How can he do this..." Gide: *guns in both hands* "You cannot stop me, when I already know what you will do." Akutagawa: "...You can read movements?" Gide: "Mimic. Spectres. The undead unfavored by God." Akutagawa: "...Why?" Gide: *clutches Akutagawa, slamming him against the wall, shoves the gun into Akutagawa's face* "No motive. Just to extinguish the ghosts from ourselves. We turn to you. Any last requests?" Akutagawa: "...Kill me. I am sorry I have failed to be your worthy opponent." Gilde: "..." *nods* "Goodbye." -BANG- odasaku:... *reaching for gide's gun* Gide: "?! Mafia reinforcements?!" odasaku: bingo. *picks up Akutagawa* ok, party's over. time to go home. Akutagawa: "No! Put me down!" odasaku: *absconding with him to a secure area on the premises* you able to escape on your own? Akutagawa: "Hmph. Who are you?!" odasaku: sakunosuke oda, but you can call me odasaku if you want. I'm a friend of dazai's here to get you out of hell's cauldron. Akutagawa: "..." *applying pressure to his wound, wincing* odasaku: easy now......!!! *dodge* Akutagawa: "Dazai...said...I could not...defeat you..." odasaku: ....did he now?...listen, I can tell you're upset with me, but now isn't the time to be fighting amongst ourselves. Akutagawa: *Rashomon blast* odasaku: *DODGE* *sighs* sorry to have to do this to you but...*kicks him in the wounded area* Akutagawa: "..." *dead eyes* "Why won't Dazai look at me...?" odasaku:...*reaches out to pat his head* Akutagawa: "!!!" odasaku:....!!! *turns to see someone there* ... Gide: “I had a feeling… that I would meet that ability user in this city.” odasaku: ...I take it you're with mimic? Gide: "I am Andre Gide, seeking the person to free us ghosts..." odasaku: really. I can recommend a good funeral home. maybe get you a discount. there's tons of places like that in death city, you know. Gide: "I appreciate the suggestion--but I've found it." *fires his gun, aimed at Odasaku's head* odasaku: !!! *dodge* Gide: *still standing, gun raised* odasaku: ......?! w-what...? Gide: "I too am confused, as we share something: the ability to see the future." odasaku: ?! the same ability? Gide: "Which means, no one can see your death...except me. Likewise for you and my death. You are the only person who can stop this war." *smiles* odasaku:....*taking aim* Gide: "Just like that. Only that bullet can stop this war, Mafioso. And killing the brain behind the enemy organization will give you all that you wish." odasaku:....*sighs and puts the gun down* sorry to disappoint, but I'm only here to save my comrade. in all honesty, I haven't killed anyone in a few years now... Gide: "?! ...You aren't...a Mafioso?" odasaku: ...depends on who you ask. Gide: *glare* "This is a battlefield--and we are on it. That means we fight! Otherwise, I will attack you! Chip away and weaken our souls, fight with all our strength! In a battle, just one bullet is more than enough." odasaku: everyone has their reasons for fighting. but I have no interest. To me, what’s important is how you want to live on or what forces you to fight. If those reasons die, they will be lost forever. Gide: "..." *aims* "There isn't a life more important than death." *pulls the trigger* odasaku: *dodging slightly, his cheek getting grazed in the process and shoots at the floor by their feet* Gide: "...Why?! Why do you refuse to kill?!" odasaku: ...I have a plan set out. one day, when I leave the mafia, I want to find a nice home with an ocean view, sit down at the table and write. Someone once told me, ‘Writing novels is about writing people.’…To take someone’s life is to be unable to write people’s lives, so I won’t kill people ever again. Gide: "...That's your answer?" odasaku: yes. Gide: "..." *turns, shoots at Akutagawa* odasaku: !! *jumps in front of him* urk-....I don't know what happened to you to make you think like this, but you can give thought of how you want to die. it doesn't have to be this way... Gide: "...We are already dead. Soulless bodies, puppeteered by ghosts. You are like any ability user, an empty shell waiting for bodies to be burnt by war." odasaku:...... Gide: "...You will learn what this all means." *puts away his gun, nods* odasaku:... -a few days later, odasaku is walking to the shop. with two bags filled with food, clothes, toys, etc- odasaku:.... {Gide: "I will teach you...make you understand..."} odasaku: ..... {thinking: there was so much pain in his eyes...almost like dazai in a way....what could have happened to him and these people?} ..... *sigh* {thinking: is killing him really the only way?} *he enters the room* ?!?! *empty...tables overturned, a hole in the wall, marks along the floor...crayons flattened on the floor* odasaku: *his stomach drops* *he drops everything and runs* kousuke?! katsumi?! yu?! shinji?! sakura?! where are you?! -there is a bus parked in the lot- kousuke: UNCLE ODA! HEL- *he is pulled back behind the curtain* odasaku: !!! *running after them* Mimic Soldier: *running, tosses the kid to someone in a bus* odasaku: *running* *his heart is pounding and his head is throbbing* -of all the times to forget your gun- *The bus crosses under the bridge towards the highway* odasaku: *getting into his car and driving after them* Mimic Driver: "...We got a follower." mimic soldier: ....<I know.> sakura: *crying* katsumi: it's ok sakura! uncle oda will save the day! Driver: "..." *turns the vehicle around--towards Odasaku* odasaku: !!! Driver: *driving towards Odasaku* "..." odasaku: !!!! -BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM- odasaku: *wince*....*opens his eyes*.... !!!!!!!!!! *staring at the wreck in front of him.....he steps out of his car and steps forward....then collapses to his knees* ah.... -the bus is in flames...there is no way anyone could have survived that...- odasaku: ah....*tears falling, eyes wide*...ah... *he doesn't say anything....he is only able to scream* -the next day, on the roof of a hotel- shizuka: ... ango: .... Mori: "Such a long time...Thanks for accepting my invitation." ango: ... shizuka: *looks at mori* sir. the matter at hand? ango:...*ahem* Thank you for coming out here today. Let me repeat once again, this is an unofficial meeting. Recording or photography by persons other than those involved will be regarded as betrayal and the meeting will be suspended immediately. Mori: "...Elise desires I buy ice cream when I return. Are there any good shops?" Taneda: "Ha ha! Good question...I should bring some back to Internal Affairs. I'm sure if I tossed in your head, they'd be pleased." Mori: *smiles* "Getting your favor...That is something. Your work must be tiring, Chief." Taneda: "Not at all! The stress I feel must be far less than those rats hiding in sewers, not sure when they will be exterminated..." Mori: "HA HA HA!" Taneda: "HA HA HA!" Mori and Taneda: "HA HA HA HA--" ango *sweating* shizuka: u-um... m-mr mori? sir? Mori: "Hmm? Oh, yes. Ango, proceed." ango: *adjusts glasses* thank you, miss kanei. mr mori. mr taneda has two requests for you. first off, that you do not harm me. second, to dispose of mimic, who have been causing trouble in death city as of late. Mori: "Oh, Ango...I have always appreciated your work. I have no interest in hurting you." *smiles* ango: t-thank you, sir. Mori: "I am so pleased, I could give you a bouquet and a hug! Shizuka, hug him for me." shizuka: .... *awkward hug...small deadpan stare at ango* in all honesty sir, I would rather be hugging you instead, mr mori. ango: *SCREAMS INTERNALLY* (thinking: DO NOT WANT) Mori: ^^ "I know~ Now, onto Point #2: I can't promise we can help. Mimic is terrifying and thoroughly keeps our behinds aflame. I would rather run away crying--" Taneda: "..." *looks at Ango* ango: *ahem* mr taneda, the port mafia has one request of you. Mori: "Oh?" ango: *looks at taneda and nods* Taneda: "..." *removes a black envelope and passes it to Shizuka* shizuka: here you go, mr mori. *smiles* -at the diner- odasaku:... *arming himself* ..... *his eyes are lifeless...drained....*...... *he enters the kid's room* ........ *he lights a cigarette*....*glancing at the top bunk*...good night, kousuke..... *he glances at a baseball bat and glove* good night, katsumi..... *he glances at a Gameboy advance, with fire red inserted into it* good night, yu.... *he glances at the bookshelf* good night, shinji..... *he glances at a teddy bear* good night, sakura...... odasaku:.....*exits* -there is rain falling- odasaku:.... *takes out a dollar and plays a song on the jukebox as he leaves* Dazai: "Odasaku!" odasaku: *stops and looks up*... Dazai: "...I know what you're thinking. Stop. If you--" odasaku: even if I do that, it wont bring them back. Dazai: "...We know Mimic has 20 left. Base in the west. They--" odasaku: I already know their location...got an invite.... *hands him the map* Dazai: "...Concentrating their forces. If we gather all forces, we may still not defeat them." odasaku: there's no need. Dazai: "Odasaku. The leader was likely at a secret meeting, with the Special Ability Department. Ango was the mediator. I can't learn more, but it had to do with Mimic. I can feel it--" odasaku: it's not important to me now. Dazai: "...Permission to speak freely?" odasaku: ....no one's stopping you... Dazai: "Don't go. Hope for something else, because it will happen. I just...Why? Why did you join the Mafia?" odasaku:....*looks at him, eyes still dull* Dazai: "...Please." odasaku: ......I could ask you the same thing, dazai. Dazai: "...Hope. Hope something would happen, to make me understand humans...Find something to make me...have a reason to live." odasaku:....I wanted to become a writer. even if it was a mission, I believed if I killed someone, I would lose that qualification. odd logic, I know...but it's how I felt....but that chapter of my life has closed now... -with that, he begins to walk away- Dazai: "Odasaku!" odasaku: *he doesn't reply....* Dazai: "..." -odasaku walks along a street, until he bumps into someone- ???: ACK! hey! watch it, scruffball! odasaku:...sorry. man: *grumbles as he picks his stuff up* odasaku:...you a detective? man: why yes indeedy~ you better remember this face as the face of the world's greatest detective, ranpo edoga- odasaku: sorry. I got to go. ranpo: *pouts* Oi, oi, you’re really stupid to pass up the opportunity to talk to me, a famous detective! Once you see my ability, you won’t be able to not take me seriously! If you doubt me, I’ll show you one of my hands. Let me think, the reason you’re in a hurry to leave is-.... *he freezes* hey buddy... I'm gonna tell you something. where you're going. don't. if you go, you're gonna die. odasaku:....I know. -in an empty building- Gide: "...Hello." -silence- Gide: "...I have had quite the day." -...- Gide: "Trying to...get through it all, you know." -....- Gide: "...I just want an end. I want a reunion." {-amongst the cloud of dust, gun shots can be heard all over-} {Colette: damn. there's no end to these guys... *reloading her musket*} {Gide: "Agreed..." *fires another shot*} {Colette: !!!! *stabs an enemy in the neck* close one...} {Gide: "Heh...Always watching out..."} {-ROOOOAR-} {Colette: ?!?! *exits the shack to investigate* ?!... *she spots it, and freezes* wha...what the....} {Gide: "?!!! Colette! Get back!"} {-before her is a large entity...bearing a horrific appearance. she is frozen in fear, unable to move-} {entity:... *ROARS*} {-Colette and the entity stare each other down...before it snatches her up....tearing her to shreds-} {Gide: *frozen...then shaking* *screaming*} -gunshots are heard downstairs- Gide: *snaps awake* "!!!" -more gunshots- Gide: "..." *small smile, as he takes up a weapon* -...- Gide: "I will come to you soon, my love." -silence- -in the mafia HQ- shizuka: i'm so proud of you, sir! Mori: "For any reason in particular?" shizuka: your plan worked brilliantly... *she smiles* Mori: *smiles* "Thank you. I do appreciate that…" shizuka: ^^; Mori: "Now, how will you show your appreciation~?" shizuka: .///. um... w-well...I..uh.... *blushing* Mori: *leans closer* shizuka: *closing her eyes, still blushing* Mori: *closes his eyes* Dazai: "Ahem." shizuka: !!! m-mr dazai! w-we weren't expecting you! Mori: "Yes. Unexpected." *sighs, smiles* "How about some tea? Shizuka, acquire the fancy cakes--" shizuka: understood, sir. *goes to get them* Dazai: "...You know why I'm here." Mori: "Yes. Urgent business? Whatever it is, you know I will approve it." *smiles* "I trust you." Dazai: "...You agree we should storm Mimic to save Odasaku?" Mori: "A good start. But why?" Dazai: "Odasaku went on his own. This is an emergency. I have members ready to offer assistance but not enough forces. Without their aid, such a valuable ability user like Odasaku will die." shizuka:...*looks at mori* Mori: "But he is a junior member. While important, why mobilize executive to the frontline as support?" Dazai: "..." Mori: "..." shizuka: *waiting on dazai's response* Mori: "I do not hear an answer." Dazai: "..." Mori: "I am afraid of something, Dazai. I think Oda does not wish for assistance." Dazai: "..." Mori: "Shizuka, the envelope, please." shizuka: *nods and hands it to him* Mori: *sets it in front of Dazai* "As leader of the Mafia, I am a slave to all here. Therefore, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one." Dazai: "..." *glances the envelope--and tenses...he grows pale* "This is...what it is all about." Mori: "..." shizuka: ... Dazai: "...Thank you, sir." *stands, turns to leave* Mori: "And where are you going?" Dazai: "To find Odasaku." -gun clicks- Dazai: "!!!" *looks* -a few bodyguard have their guns aimed at him- -at the old building- odasaku: .... ???: "Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies--" odasaku: *raising his guns* it produces many seeds. Gide: *smiles* "John 12:24. Thank you for coming." -BANG- Gide: *shifts his head, dodging* "I admit, it was unforgivable. But it produced results." *walks* odasaku:.... -BANG- Gide: *dodges again, smiles* "I recognize that look on your face. The look of someone who has descended down our path...Welcome, brother." *Removes his guns, aims--* odasaku: .... -BANG BANG BANG RATATATATA- odasaku: *shooting* -in mori's office- Mori: "Is the tea ready?" shizuka: soon, sir. Mori: "Then we have time. Have a seat, D--" Dazai: "Odasaku is--" Mori: "Sit." Dazai: "..." *looking at the guns pointed at him...sits* shizuka: ... Dazai: "I have thought...Mafia. Mimic. Black Ops. Who manipulates these three? Ango was a member of the Special Ability Department. I thought they were the ones pulling the strings, letting the Mafia and Mimic kill each other." *stares at Mori* "But I was wrong." shizuka: .... Dazai: "...You, sir, pulled in the Special Ability Department to the negotiation table. Ango was the pawn. You sent Ango to spy on mimic because you knew he was a spy for the Special Ability Department." shizuka: ... Mori: "...Hm." Dazai: "This gestalt changes all of this. Ango passes insider information on Mimic. He gave it to the Special Ability Department as well. Mimic wants only war. The Department would see that threat to themselves and the government. So they fan flames for a war between Mimic and the Mafia. They instructed Ango to engage in combat...according to your plan." Mori: "..." *smiles* shizuka: ... Mori: "You over-estimate me. After all, the government is not so easy to manipulate." Dazai: *taps the black envelope* "When we live in fear of provoking the government, and with how dangerous it would be to exterminate Mimic, that has a high price--and that is the deal you made to get this certificate." Mori: *smiles wider* Dazai: *points to Shizuka* "Open it." shizuka: *glares at dazai...but does so* Dazai: "Read it." Mori: *smirks* shizuka: ...'This certificate is an agreement to carry out business as an ability user corporation.' Dazai: "Legitimacy. To get the government off our backs." -in the old building, gunshots ring out- Gide: *aims again* -BANG BANG- odasaku:...... Gide: *grabs Odasaku's elbow* -bang bang bang- odasaku: ... Gide: *aims again, pulls the trigger--* -mafiosos burst in, along with mimic soldiers. a storm of bullets rings out- odasaku: .... Gide: *entangles his arms in Odasaku's--to aim at the opponents behind him* odasaku: .... Gide: *small pant* "How is it, Sakunosuke?" odasaku:....why do you seek the heat of battle this much? Gide: "Why did you stop killing?" odasaku: well....I wanted to become a writer. Gide: "...That should be possible for you." odasaku:...perhaps. in some other world....I spoke to someone. That person gave me a novel, the last volume of the novel I’d been searching for. Before I read it, he even told me that it was a terrible book... Gide: "And how was the ending?" odasaku: ... the ending?....it was wonderful. -in mori's office- shizuka:.. Dazai: "Two years ago, you ordered Ango to Europe to cover information on Mimic. And it was your work to bring Mimic here, to oppose the government--" Mori: *holds up a hand* "I do not dispute. But I ask: what is wrong with what I have done?" Dazai: "..." Mori: "Look at the results. The Mafia is now recognized by the government, despite our illegal actions. Sakunosuke is exterminating those thugs. Why are you angry?" Dazai: "..." shizuka:... Dazai: "I just...I can't accept this. The one who informed Mimic where Odasaku raised orphans...was you. No one else knew. You killed...children. All to motivate Odasaku." Mori: "..." *nods* shizuka:.... he had his reasons. Dazai: "..." *stares at Shizuka* "Because he's so logical, yes? That's why, isn't it?" shizuka:...yes. Dazai: "...He just said that, for the sake of the Mafia, he would sacrifice the one." *stands and turns* "When will he sacrifice you?" shizuka: whatever it is he decides. no matter what action he takes, I will stay by mr mori's side, through and through. Mori: *smiles* Dazai: "..." *walks to the door* -...- odasaku: there was one line in that book that stuck with me. '“Humans live to save themselves. They will understand this before they die' -I remember the name of that man now...Souseki Natsume...the same author as that book- Gide: "..." *nods* "Would you believe I was once a hero?" odasaku: oh? Gide: "I thought, as a soldier, I was to die for my home. I did as ordered...and did not know my mission was planned to come after the peace talks concluded...making my actions a war crime." odasaku: ... Gide: "To escape...to survive...we donned our enemies' outfits, armed ourselves with their weapons...the Grey Spectres." odasaku: ... Gide: "War criminals, posed as our dead enemies...Many killed themselves. But some refused. If fighting is all you know, then you fight. Just need new battlefields..." odasaku:...hence the name 'mimic'. Gide: *smiles* "You're learning." odasaku:....you said something earlier...about 'making me understand the pain of loss'....you lost someone as well...didn't you...? Gide: "...Yes." odasaku: ...and what was this person like? Gide: "...Noble. Resourceful. Damn good with a musket." odasaku: ....and what happened to them? Gide: "What happens to us all." odasaku:....*closes his eyes* that's rough, buddy. Gide: "Indeed." odasaku: wasn't there some other way? Gide: "The realities of war. And the realities of death. Death itself haunts me...but will not give me peace." odasaku: oh.... perhaps....in some other world....the two of us could have been friends. Gide: "...You are writing that story." odasaku: ....I do have one regret in this moment. I wasn't able to say goodbye to my friend. In this world, there’s a man who has always considered me as a ‘normal friend’. He had grown tired with this world. Gide: "Like me, another who seeks death?" odasaku:....I don't think so. At the beginning, I thought you and Dazai were very similar, unable to see the value of your life, hoping for death, hence jumping into a world of violence and fighting. But that’s not the case. That guy is just a child who’s too smart. Just a crying child who’s been left alone in the darkness, a world of nothingness far emptier than the world we can see... Gide: "..." odasaku:...this person you lost...who were they? what was their name? Gide: "..Her name was Colette." odasaku:...*smiles* I see... I'm sure she'll be happy to see you again. Gide: "..." odasaku:....*taking a breath* -BANG BANG- Gide: “…even your last shot…was perfect…” -the two collapse- ???: "Odasaku!" odasaku: ..... Dazai: "Odasaku!" *rushes to him* odasaku:.... Dazai: *spots the wound...it is fatal* "Idiot...You're an idiot!" odasaku: yeah....I guess I am... Dazai: "Following this man to death...Idiot..." odasaku:...*smiles* hey...dazai....I want to tell you something. Dazai: "Shh...No. We're saving you--" odasaku: *grasps him by the side of his face, holding onto his hair* listen. You once said that “If you immerse yourself in a world of violence and blood, perhaps you would be able to find a reason to live on.” … Dazai: "...Yes. But that sort of thing now--" odasaku: you wont find it. You should know this yourself. No matter whether you’re on the side of killing people or saving people, there will never be anything that can surpass your mind. There is no place in this world that can fill your loneliness. You will linger in the darkness forever. Dazai: "..." *holds Odasaku's hand* "...What should I do?" odasaku: ...be on the side that saves people. if both are the same, then be a good person. save those who are weak, protect those who are orphaned. good and evil have no real meaning to you, but doing that would be better. Dazai: "H-How can you know this?" odasaku: I know better than anyone else....*smiles* because i'm your friend, osamu. Dazai: "..." *nods* "I-I understand. I will do that." odasaku: 'Humans live to save themselves. They will understand this before they die.’...huh...how true.... -odasaku closes his eyes...never to open them again- Dazai: …… -time passes on…- ???: "Just a few hours until landing." ango: yes, yes, I know. ???: "...Photos of the next target?" ango: no no...personal photos.... *staring out the window* ???: "..." -underground- mimic soldier: URK- Mimic #2: *trying to escape* *SLASH SLASH* mimic 3: *laying dead* Akutagawa: "...Useless. This will not make him acknowledge me." mimic 4: *screams and shoots* Akutagawa: *impales...and brings #4 to him* "...Will he ever acknowledge me?" -morning, at a grave- Dazai: "..." *holds white flowers* "...The photo...I'll leave it here." *sets it at the epitaph* "...I wanted you to try that hard tofu” *closes his eyes*"...Odasaku..." -...- shizuka: mr mori. dazai hasn't responded in two weeks. i'll schedule a five-executive meeting to determine a replacement...I-if needed. Mori: *examining a paper: 'Silver Oracle'* "Leave it unoccupied." shizuka: ...r-right. and what do we tell mr nakahara? Mori: *folds the paper into an airplane* "Tell him he's short." shizuka:....understood. -in a certain restaurant- cat: zzzz Taneda: *sips a glass* "..." ???: To think, the leading figure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs drinks alone in such a cheap bar… What incomparable loneliness, Chief Taneda. Taneda: "...And you are--" Dazai: "Pouring you a drink." Taneda: "...Your face is well known to us." Dazai: "Makes for a great job app." Taneda: "..." Dazai: owo Taneda: "You want to work for the gov--" Dazai: "Nope. Too many rules. And, you know, I actually want to _help_ people." Taneda: "...You have a red ledger. To clean it, need at least two years." Dazai: "And where could I work?" Taneda: "...I have one place in mind." cat: *mreeeow* Dazai: "..." *holds hand near the cat* cat: =u= Dazai: *pet pet* Taneda: "...It's an ability users organization, called--" --- Colette: .... Gide: "Wh-Where--" Colette: ?!! *she turns* andre? Gide: "...Colette?" colette:.... *she hugs him tightly* I missed you...you know... Gide: *shocked...but hugs her* colette: *smiling, tears falling* Gide: "I...I can't believe it..." colette: just like old times, huh? Gide: "..." *shakes his head* "No..." *holds her hand* "This is...better." colette: *smiles* yeah...I could get used to this... Gide: "..." *holds her* colette: *small kiss* Gide: *returns the kiss*
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