#[but logging on to 2 messages and one ask and then checking my askbox and seeing this took me the fuck out]
collectibles-menu · 4 months
Classpect assigned to this blog: Rogue of Life
[-5d10 homestuck damage]
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damiemontclair · 3 years
How to join the Shenanigans Jangobi server
Ok, I've been meaning to do this for a while and it has just become necessary, time to take this out of my drafts and put it out there...
About the server: We’re a jangobi focused server (though we do have other sw ship channels) for writers, artists, readers and a wide variety of lurkers. We’re open to all age groups, nsfw content is locked behind an adult role, and triggering content (sfw and nsfw) behind a variety of content specific roles. We have weekly Jangobi prompts to get everyone chatting and exchanging ideas, a small group of bots for writing, project tracking, and other purposes.
We are generally open to new people joining the server, but we do not want to have open, unlimited invites flying around out there. All mods are able to hand out invites, but I think I’m mostly the one doing that, so, here’s how it usually works.
If you have a tumblr:
Step 1: DM me (please, if you have an account, use DMs, it’s way easier than asks!).
Step 2: I’m going to ask you for your ao3 to try and check that you’re not a troll, as we’ve had issues and we’d like to avoid a repeat if possible (Alternatively, if you don’t have an ao3 I’ll take a scroll down your blog or something.) Feel free to provide this info in your original message already so we can skip that step and get straight to the invite!
Step 3: I’ll send you an invite thats valid for 1 use within 24h of it being issued. Please make sure to check your messages regularly after asking for an invite, so that it doesn’t expire before you get to use it!
Please understand that we do not give out invites in public anymore and have no plans to resume doing so.
Alternatives if you do not have tumblr:
Come into my askbox and give me
1. your ao3 username
2. A way to contact you:
2a) a social media of your choice that has DMs (I can do twitter or instagram. No facebook)
2b) your discord handle (please allow messages/friend requests from people you do not share a server with)
2c) a fandom email address
Please understand that going via other social media or email might take a little while longer because I don’t spend a lot of time there and while I have accounts I am not generally logged into them and quite frankly I don’t know my usernames/passwords for half of them.
The same as above also applies here: if you ask for an invite, please make sure to check the provided contact regularly.
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valkblue · 4 years
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Being a Behavior technician requires a certain amount of dedication to the job — the rigorous type, bordeline rigid. That’s what is expected to be at peak efficiency regarding analysis protocols and diagnostics for host service and calibration.
For that, Vivian thinks she might be the worst tech in her department.
— masterlist, AO3
Chapter 2 on 12
Chapter wordcount: 3,340 Rating: General Warning: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ same as usual: swearing and technobabble!
Author’s notes: Bad behavior tech, bad!! 
Have a good time reading, and my askbox/messages are always open! 💙
— Chapter 2
There were some days, like this one, during which Vivian and her team were called back in the night; a group of guests went all trigger happy and their mess had to be cleaned up somewhere between the Abernathy Ranch and Las Mudas. And since the narratives and hosts had to be back in rotation asap, the techs’ nighttime was reduced without thinking twice.
Maybe it didn’t look like it, but this job was really taxing sometimes.
That being said, shortly after 6AM, Vivian went back to her room for a few extra and well deserved minutes of sleep before resuming her diagnostics routine. An hour and a big mug of coffee with cereals later, Vivian was back in the elevator which took her down to the Behavior department level.
In the soft lighted glass room, a host was sitting on a wheeled stool. The light brightened when Vivian entered.
"Sorry to have kept you waiting," she said on a hushed voice as if she wanted no-one but the offline host to hear her while letting the glass panel shut down slowly behind her. "I had a rough night. Looks like you did too…"
Ironically, he hadn’t been part of this night’s massacre. No, all those involved were already back in rotation for quite some time. Her first subject of the day, however, had only been victim of his own storyline, needing only a quick check-up and Vivian’s all clear before being back on his loop.
She sat on the stool in front of the host, doing her best to ignore his nudity, and unfolded her tablet on her knees; she had to navigate through several indexes before connecting to his signal for a couple update history checkups.
"Bring yourself back online, please," she ordered, without raising her voice.
The command only seemed to take him out of his thoughts.
"Can you hear me?"
"I hear you alright."
"Off character, for now, please."
Vivian loved to talk to them in character… but, for her diagnostics, she had to ask them to reduce their emotional affect — which was more a guarantee of efficiency than an actual need, though.
"There’s been modifications in your attributes last month," she stated as she was discovering the changes. "Several characteristics got… Who the fuck did that?!"
Vivian had an answer to that already, as she was going through the log; someone from Narrative — that she would brand as asshole — had been pretty heavy handed on self-preservation and aggression, and on top of that they also nerfed curiosity, patience and courage!
There was pitiful justifications from the tech about an adjustment request from their sector after some of the host's alleged wanderings, blamed on his curiosity. But all this was more about making him keener to answer provocation while still being enough of a challenge for his opponents — hosts and guests alike. Vivian didn’t like what kind of freedom Narrative techs were taking with the hosts’ attributes, carefully calibrated by her co-workers and others before them; it wasn’t as simple as changing percentages on the fly in any way they saw fit!
It was a delicate and very important step for any host's cognition, for them to even function at all, as much as for the continuity of their fucking narratives!
Vivian took a deep breath and the time to check the quality of the host’s interactions since the modifications but the results only ended up fuelling her rage. So, she commanded:
"Archive this configuration and open the previous one. Confirmed?"
Vivian smiled, satisfied. On her tablet, the attribute matrix seemed now way more familiar than the last.
"We’ll leave 1.5% more in self-preservation… since they thought it best to give you a few more to endure their bullshit," she grumbled. "And then… 0.5 in aggression for them not to come back to lay it on thick! 6.5 will be more than enough. No need to go all the way up to 10!"
Vivian confirmed her modifications before looking back at the host.
"What d'you think?" she asked, without really expecting any answer from him. “No imbalance or discomfort?”
Modifications could sometimes cause hiccups in the hosts’ cognitions, close to an uneasy feeling. There were other ways to know but Vivian preferred to talk rather than relying only on the screen readings.
"No, I’m fine."
And from what Vivian could read now, he wasn’t lying. Although, browsing his history, she noticed a worrying peak of stress at the time of his "death". It would seem like a normal thing from anyone's standpoint but from which of a host and their technician's, however…
"Your last interaction recorded a peculiar rise in your stress level. What caused this?"
"A… thought."
His mumblings were recognised as improvisations by the tablet. Despite her surprise, Vivian said nothing of it.
"What thought?" she encouraged him instead.
"My family. I’m supposed to be responsible for… my wife, and my daughter."
Vivian noticed the normal occurrences of his cognition in the scrolling of his code.
"But… I can’t help it, I’m out of place, there."
He was getting out of beaten path a little with this comment.
"How are your relations with them?"
He kept a few seconds of silence before adding:
"My daughter, I think something’s wrong with her."
"Between you and her?" she asked, for clarity’s sake.
"Analysis: what prompted this observation?"
He looked hesitant. On the tablet, still no conflict.
"Her interactions are limited," he then said. 
Vivian hesitated too; should she report this observation? Perhaps it was relevant for a potential issue somewhere else…
"It must be my fault."
The tablet, however, reported a new improvisation in that answer.
"Your fault?! Why?"
"I… I should enjoy being home."
According to the datas scrolling up, that was a scripted answer from his guilt library but despite that, what took Vivian aback was the tears running down his cheeks. On the screen — distress, confusion. That wasn't the affect class linked to it. But she didn’t suppress his emotional response…
Instead, she glanced carefully through the glass panels around them; her closest colleagues were two cubicles away, doing the same thing as her. Well, maybe not exactly; once positive that no-one would catch her, Vivian leaned forward a little to put her hand on her subject’s cheek, wiping the tears off with a gentle brush of her thumb.
She could have calmed him down with a simple word, or even with a tap on the right button on her tablet but… what would be the point? Vivian didn’t want to, not with him. And to be honest, as much as she was sincerely touched by the faithfulness of his emotion, it was also convenient for her that he would bring such a topic up.
"Children have a short memory but a quick mind…"
Victor Hugo said that first. And Vivian was quoting him today with something else than Philosophy in mind; she had just use a voice command — her voice command. A simple little script she sneaked into the host’ complex code architecture. More or less mixed with the rest of it, encrypted and virtually unnoticeable without knowing what to look for, it gave the recipient host the ability to keep in their memory, in a hidden and compressed partition, all the events happening between the activation and deactivation of said command. Conversations, feelings, impressions… Everything was there. And everything would remain, even after each reset.
The host couldn’t access it at will without hearing the command, and for what Vivian had noticed so far, it didn’t interfere with his narrative, alter his attitude, cause any glitch nor any pain.
According to her analysis, it was only perceived as a distant memory, one of those leaving an undescribable feeling or a sense of déjà-vu…
Despite the severity of her infraction, Vivian was quite proud of her small "innovation". And she had chosen this one, host ID# MG73368928764, to receive her creation among all the percentage of the park’s population her team had in charge. She had chosen him because of his responsiveness in analysis, because he hadn’t been in any big narrative for at least ten years, because she had already noticed a few oddities in his code, because there was something soft in his eyes, a little extra something…
And quite frankly? Because he was the one who inspired her to create this command, based on an idea that has been on her mind. Because she wrote it for him.
Ever since she arrived in the Behavior department, Vivian had done quite a lot of analysis, calibrations, and had many occasions to talk with plenty of hosts, in character mode or not. And the guys from the Narrative department had done such a good job in writing all these characters, their lexical bases, just like her colleagues from Behavior, in encoding and calibrating all that work into each host put in their care!
Or at least, that’s how Vivian was seeing things back then.
But this particular host caught her eye more than any other; she had quickly noticed how much he was calling upon his improvisation engine compared to others and the feeling of having an actual conversation with a well aware person was sometimes so baffling that, against all common sense, Vivian furthered it. Not to mention the frustration she felt that he could never really recall anything else than what his logs allowed him to, after each diagnostic. But since the installation of her script, the inference frequency in his dialog chains increased. And he was calling upon it with even more fluency.
To the point that their sessions became a real pleasure for Vivian!
It was selfish, she realised that… but she wanted him to keep something from it so badly, something from her, just like she could think back on their conversations with emotion. Those past ones were lost for him but, now, he could remember all those that followed the installation of her script.
Vivian smiled when he focused on her.
"Hello, Lawrence."
He looked hesitant for a second, like a man still not fully awake yet. No alert or conflict from his inference engine on her tablet.
At his answer, Vivian smiled to him again, and so did Lawrence, even if he kept something a bit shy, uncertain, numbed. In that intermediate state, it wasn’t like coming back to the warmth, the liveliness and the responsiveness of the character mode but it wouldn’t be as cold as the analysis mode could be. Even though he was reverting to his usual demeanor.
Vivian didn’t program that; this semblance of a balance had set itself around the integration of the script in the depths of the core-code. But she liked the result.
"How are you, today?"
His drawl was back when he answered:
"Well enough, I’d say. Like after a real good sleep…"
Vivian grinned, amused.
"And you, how are you?"
The spontaneity of Lawrence’s question took her by surprise.
"Well… um, I’m glad I can talk with you a bit," she finally answered. "Do you remember our last encounter?"
"21 days and 11 hours ago."
This time, the answer was delivered almost without accent; the question had triggered an analysis type of answer.
"And do you remember what our talks were about?"
He would have to query in his archived and encrypted memories to be able to answer this question. If he had it "right", then it would mean that everything was in order.
"Yeah, I told you about my folks, my… my drives. And that project you worked on for some time. It was a secret."
"It still is, Lawrence," she reminded him softly.
"I can keep a secret."
That wasn’t something he needed to convince her of! And she was less wary about him than about any other technician snooping in his code like the guys from Narrative did between two of her maintenance sessions. She gritted her teeth, frustrated and annoyed, by the limits of her authority on the modifications decided in high places, and on whom…
It was her fault, really; she shouldn’t have grew attached to a host like she did to Lawrence, but now things were the way they were, and it wasn’t possible for her to purge her memories and rewrite her affections as easily as a few lines of code. She was only human, after all!
Vivian brushed her boiling emotions off with a brief sigh before fully focusing back on Lawrence, asking him:
"Did this script cause you any issue since our last encounter?"
He still looked slightly numbed as he answered:
"I… I don’t understand…"
"No interference with your core-code?" she rephrased.
"No. None."
Not to brag, but she suspected that much. The only persisting worries she had were the saturation of his memory, provided that could actually be possible. Normally, the hosts’ memory was wiped between each rotation; then, there was no telling what could really happen if a unit gathered too much data. Vivian might as well be ending up editing her script to overwrite the oldest logs… She hesitated, biting her lower lip then tried a new question:
"No saturation?"
She gazed at him for a long minute before looking down on her tablet and stating, more to herself than to him:
"Maybe… maybe you’d rather be rid of all those… memories."
She held back the word "useless".
"No, not at all!"
Vivian frowned but a shy smile appeared on her lips.
"'Cause memories are priceless," he answered. "The good ones just like the bad… That’s what makes one remember where they’re from, and who their folks are. It’s what shape one’s life…"
And she followed the improvisation notifications on his dialog chain, but the irony in all this also made her feel somewhat bitter.
"Do… do you know where you are, now?" she asked.
"Ain’t so sure," he answered, holding her gaze, frowning. "Feels… like a dream I already had…"
That wasn’t far from the truth, indeed.
"And it’s gonna be time to wake up, now."
Unfortunately, Vivian didn’t have all the time she’d love to give him. She tapped on her tablet, biting her lower lip; all of his levels were green, nothing to report — he had her all clear.
"Are we gonna see each other again soon?"
The question made her raise her head, almost stunned; Vivian wasn’t on the interface where she could follow his dialog chain anymore but didn’t need it to recognise improvisation.
"You… you’d want that? I mean…"
She cleared her throat, mouthing a silent word, before rephrasing:
"Would you like that?"
That answer pleased Vivian, anyway; she felt herself blush and stumbled upon her words until something coherent came to her mind.
"Well then, I… I’ll do my best. I promise."
Lawrence nodded, apparently satisfied, and Vivian held his gaze while taking a short breath.
"They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night."
This time, it was Edgar Allan Poe’s prose Vivian had chosen to end her script, and stop the recording of his memories. None of what would happen after hearing those words would remain in Lawrence’s memory, unless she or another technician botched the wipe before sending him back in his narrative loop.
Vivian stayed with him until the cleanup was complete then disconnected the signal after putting him offline; she was already late for her next session but didn’t hurry all that much to tuck her tablet and get up. It was pissing her off to let him there, like that…
She let out a brief sigh then, after a look at her watch, she finally but reluctantly left the room.
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The day didn’t only seem too long to Vivian; around 10PM, it had really started to drag on and it was about time to leave her be. Especially if some other guests were planning to unload their barrels during what little time she had left to sleep!
At least, Damon Dyers kept things cool on his side. Margaret had managed to get footages of his arrival in Sweetwater and his first steps in one of the easiest narratives, according to her, but she didn’t seem disappointed when offering them to take a look at those videos she had already viewed a good dozen times since on her tablet. She had been very chatty about his clothing, narratives, adventure companions, and even taking friendly bets on what he would do next…
"Everybody’s gonna be hyped like crazy outside when his review’s gonna hit the park website!" laughed Thawal, finishing what would be his last coffee cup for today.
Charles snorted.
"As if Delos needed more of that…"
Margaret nodded in approval, all the more when Luke added:
"No joke, that’s better than any of those stupid casting headshots! It’s the best career boost he could hope for, right now!"
"Not to burst it for you but, nobody is gonna see this outside," commented Vivian. "It was hard enough for Marge to get them in-house, so I can’t even imagine getting them out!"
To what Luke shrugged.
"Do you really believe that?! There’s nothing a few bucks under the table can’t buy, and footages instead of a crappy picture in Sweetwater is no big deal, I’m sure! It’s not like it’s IP or some shit…"
Margaret scoffed.
"I didn’t pay, not even fucked anybody to get them,” she muttered, openly cynical, as if her thoughts were escaping between her gritted teeth. “I’m trash but I didn’t stooped that low yet."
With Charles laughing like a braying donkey in the background, Luke corrected:
"That’s not what I meant, Marge! But yeah, thanks to prove my point all the same…Even Marge managed to put her hands on it, without shaking down her pockets or her ass, so imagine what you can get if you’re ready to drop some cash!"
Luke’s rhetoric seemed to get the point across as it was followed by a moment of silence around the table, and the tablet in its center, on which the patched-up hour of video feeds was still going.
"Anyhow, it makes nice memories to bring back home…"
Vivian pulled her attention away from the screen to stare at the focused — mesmerised — face of Thawal. He was right, it would make nice memories…
She bit her lower lip and turned back towards the tablet; suddenly, Dyers wasn’t the center of attention anymore, not even a guest who came to show off in the park — there was nothing else than people, hosts or guests it didn’t matter, listening to a more charismatic man than the others carrying a tune next to a player piano for the pleasure of his audience. And far from being corny or just lame, the scene even had something charming.
"And you said he’s going to Pariah, after that?"
Charles’ voice cut Vivian’s thoughts short.
"Yeah," answered Margaret. "He got there yesterday, I think…"
Margaret searched her video directory and selected one that spreaded across the entire screen; they could see Dyers and his two friends, lead by Teddy, on the trail of the narrative they had picked — a bounty hunt, if Vivian understood everything.
"It’s so fucking epic, Marge!" bursted Thawal, leaning over the tablet as if he wanted to dive in it. "Looks like another remake of the Magnificent Seven…"
"Except they’re only four," Charles snarked.
Thawal and Margaret glared at him, which made him laugh even more.
"I know, right?" Marge then admitted. 
She turned towards Vivian, beaming with happiness. She smiled back but her mind was already elsewhere; somewhere around Las Mudas, she wasn’t quite sure yet…
On the screen, Dyers was continuing his adventure, like larping or a life size fanfiction. Now that Vivian was thinking about it, it had been a while since her last vacation… 
She could maybe use her special employee discount, and do so to hold her promise?
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seigyokus · 6 years
Producer Letter #14
Same old 80% translation, 20% paraphrase mix as usual. Hit the jump to read more!
To everyone supporting Idolish Seven,
This marks the first producer letter of 2018! We have just finished releasing Part 3 in the game, and episode 15 marks the end of our regular airing schedule for the TV anime. (TL Note: no fear, the anime's not over yet! more on this later)
The Idolish Seven Exhibit has been open for about half a year following our second anniversary, and the exhibit closed yesterday. We are very happy that we were able to tour various cities with everyone's help, and we thank everyone for your support!
There is currently an event going on at VR ZONE called "PRISM NIGHT", hi-resolution versions of our music* are available at SONY, and our idols will be acting as the advertising representatives for JR Tokai Tours's "OFF/Journey Campaign!" 
We are happy that our talents are getting so much work, and we truly feel as if we've taken a step towards the future we envision for our project.
PRISM NIGHT  SONY Hi-res Audio  JR Tokai Tours 
*TL Note: not sure if this encompasses the entire i7 discography but a side note, "hi-res audio" refers to .flac files aka God Tier Lossless A+++ Sound Quality, whereas most tracks available for digital download are in mp3 or m4a format, which are great but not fully lossless! I actually can't watch the video rn because I'm a fool and forgot my earbuds but I believe that is what's going on!
Today, we'd like to talk about the following topics...
【The Project as a Whole】
◆ Part 3
Thank you for walking alongside our idols all the way from April 27th, 2017 through Chapter 20! 
We've received continuous support ever since we started releasing Part 3, and we are truly happy we were able to deliver all of Part 3 to everyone without fail.
Part 3 is a turning point within the work, as we've stated in previous producer letters, and the characters have undergone various changes as they confronted hardships and advanced forward within the story.
It took a long time to deliver all of Part 3, and we'd like to thank you for your patience from the bottom of our hearts. Although it took a long time, we've gleaned equal amounts of confidence and were able to present a lot of stories and carefully craft the songs as a result.
We hope to continue crafting this project with the utmost care, and we thank you for your continued support.
◆ The Anime
Looking back, we spent about a year working on the anime script with TROYCA. As for the anime series composition, the last episode of the anime’s regular broadcast aired yesterday with episode 15. 
The image of Director Bessho declaring, "Let's do a good job on episode 15*, and make episodes 16 and 17 one episode!" still firmly remains in my memory. While I cannot go into great detail as some of you may not have watched episode 15 yet, we firmly believe that viewers will be able to enjoy episodes 16+17 precisely because of everything that has happened thus far and because of everything that we have built up through episode 15.
We hope you keep watching until the end!
Episode 16・17 will be broadcast during the following dates and times (JST):
TOKYO MX 2018/5/19 Saturday, 19:30~ KBS Kyoto 2018/5/22 Tuesday, 23:00~ Sun TV 2018/5/22 Tuesday, late night 1:30~ TV Aichi 2018/5/20 Sunday, scheduled for late night broadcast TV Hokkaido 2018/5/19 Saturday, scheduled for late night broadcast TVQ Kyushu Broadcast 2018/5/20 Sunday, late night 3:35~ BS11 2018/5/24 Thursday, late night 1:30~
※ In the case that any changes are made to the broadcasting schedule, please check the TV anime's official site or the official Twitter for the anime.
Volumes 1 and 2 of the Blu-ray/DVD are currently on sale as well!
◆ 1st LIVE 『Road To Infinity」
We announced this concert back in January of this year, and holding this concert is one of our many dreams regarding this project.
It has been in planning for two years now, and it is thanks to the anime production committee that we are able to have our idols take such a grand stage. Not just that, we are truly overjoyed that we have the opportunity to have all three groups (IDOLiSH7, TRIGGER, Re:vale) perform live together.
We have one more important announcement to make regarding the concert!
People who have cleared a certain requiremnet in-game will be given the opportunity to enter the lottery for concert tickets. We will be revealing more details on this soon.
The campaign start time, requirements, and specific website for this campaign can be found via "In-game Announcements" and we plan on releasing this soon. Please remember to log into your game, and we hope you look forward to it!
◆ Fan Thanksgiiving Event* *TL Note: kanshasai for anyone used to the romaji form
We started holding these events back in 2017, and this time we'll be holding Volume 3 of "Kimi to Motto ×2 Ai wo Kataranai to!"
Additionally, we will be holding live viewing sessions for Vol. 3, and we hope to have tons of fans enjoying the event in real-time!
Live Viewing Ticket Reservation Time Period April 7th, Saturday, 12:00 (JST) - April 22nd, Sunday, 23:59 (JST)
More details can be found here at the official site!
◆ Music
How is everyone enjoying the songs from the anime?
We've included tons of surprises so all fans, both new and old, can enjoy the anime!
We would be delighted if people became more interested in the world of Idolish Seven because of the songs that adorn the franchise!
Additionally, the BGM for each scene from the TV anime will be included in the OST, "SOUND OF RAiNBOW" (on sale April 25th, 2018)!  
There are two comprehensive CDs filled with songs, so we hope you purchase it!
Furthermore, "Nanatsuiro REALiZE" by IDOLiSH7, the last unlockable song from Part 3 of the game story, will be on sale on June 20th, 2018.
We have also started on the "12 SONGS GIFT" series of birthday songs for each idol, and we thank everyone for the high praise it has received. 
We hope everyone continues to enjoy this series as we show more sides to each idol, and we will be doing our best to ensure this.
◆ Music Videos
The full version of the music video MAPPA produced for us has been released, and we hope everyone watches it!
Additionally, TRIGGER's newest music video, "DIAMOND FUSION," will also be released soon.
We hope to continue to create more videos for everyone's enjoyment, so please look forward to it.
"Nanatsuiro REALiZE" marks the 7th installment in the Idolish Seven Music Video Animation Project. We hope to deliver more to everyone and try a different format from YouTube, so we hope everyone looks forward to it!
◆ Comicalization & Novelization
We will soon be finishing up the comicalization of "Banri Ikkuu!" 
"Senko Fuma" and "Hyakusai Mukyuu" will also be released for a limited time only on Hakusensha Novels, and we also intend on comicalizing these parts as well.
We thank you for your continued support!
【About the Game】
We hope everyone is enjoying the game alongside the anime!
We have tons of new songs, events, and scouts prepared. The anime's finale will be airing soon, and we hope everyone will enjoy it!
【Future Game Adjustments & Additions】
◆ Events
As we mentioned in the previous Producer Letter, we are focusing up on making the game easier to understand. For example, clearing up which items are necessary for helping your idols grow and where to get them, what the requirements are for moving an idol to the Waiting Room, etc. 
As we approach the two and a half year mark, we hope to make game functions and each type of event easier to understand, and improve upon each.
With regards to this topic, we will be giving more details through each subsequent update, in-game announcements, and the official twitter rather than here in this letter.
◆ Questions, Comments, or Concerns about the Game In the case that you would like to express your opinion to the staff, please contact us through the official site.
Thank you for reading all the way through this letter! 
I'm sure some of you may be thinking, "You didn't answer my question!!" 
But in response to that, there's one thing we'd like to promise you: 
We guarantee that we will deliver only the best to you!
Last but not least, we would like to thank all of our hardworking staff, and we hope to continue working with everyone.
Let's all watch the anime! And let's all play Ainana!
TL Notes/comments:
I, too, would like to thank everyone for reading this far too! I am a day later than I would’ve liked for putting this out, so thank you for guys your patience.
As for other translation stuff, 9.5 will be posted later today and Chapter 10 is currently in the works! Now that Part 3 is over, I can finally catch up without fear of the next part dropping! Woohoo!!!!
As always, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, do not hesitate to drop me an ask! I don’t check tumblr chat messages as often, so if you’d like to bring something to my immediate attention, the best avenue to do that is via askbox!
Once more, thank you for reading!
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